The nursery business in Europe: trends and prospects
The “most beautiful” gardens in Italy? Here they are
The most complete guide to italian nurseries
Lineaverde International
The international version of the leading magazine in Italy for floral and ornamental horticulture
Version internationale de la revue de floriculture et d’arboriculture ornementale leader en Italie
January 2014
Internationale Version von der führenden Zeitschrift in Italien auf dem Gebiet der Zierpflanzenzucht
La qualità non ha bisogno di parole
La qualité n'a pas besoin de mots
Quality speaks for itself! A visit to our nurseries is strongly recommended !
Qualität spricht für sich selbst! Wir würden uns sehr auf Ihren Besuch freuen! Stand 6E11
Romiti Vivai s.s. Via Ronciona, 16/A 51100 Chiazzano - Pistoia - Italy Tel. +39 0573 532031 - Fax. +39 0573 532351 -
Market The nursery business in Europe: trends and prospects ......................................... PAG. 8
Gardens The “most beautiful” gardens in Italy? Here they are ............................................ PAG. 14
Facts and figures Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo: a young and dynamic consortium ...... PAG. 22
LINEAVERDE NEWS ................................................................................................. PAG. 30
Landscape architecture Landscapes and archaeology ...................................................................................... PAG. 38
Events Landscaping and sustainability for the third millennium .......................................... PAG. 44
Techniques The importance of pot selection in ornamental plant growing ................................. PAG. 51
A GUIDE TO ITALIAN NURSERIES ..................................................................... PAG. 54
Editor-in-chief: Massimo Casolaro ( Executive editor: Renato Ferretti (
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Giulia Arrigoni, Giorgio Badiali, Adriana Colombo, Francesco Ferrini,
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Pag. 3 • Lineaverde International January 2014
Vannucci Piante applies the code of ethics to daily procedures with the highest environmental certifications.
Via Vecchia Pratese 238 - 51100 Pistoia (Italy) Tel. +39 0573 79701 Fax +39 0573 735975
Discover Pistoia Nursery Park on
75 2013 75째 ANNIVERSARIO
Lineaverde is Italy’s leading horticultural magazine. For nearly 30 years it has provided a useful source of information for those working in the sector. It publishes articles on: growing techniques, arboriculture, botany, running horticultural businesses, landscape gardening, ecology; moreover it provides technical, commerical and statistical facts and figures. Lineaverde International is the international copy of the magazine found in English, French and German. Its formation began with the idea of promoting Italian horticulture abroad. It is sent twice a year, in September and January, to the main European growers. It is found to be the quickest and most efficent way to inform the world about horticulture in Italy, it being one of the richest producers in Europe (23 percent of European horticultural production ) for volume, quality and variety. Italy is the most commercially interesting horticultural producer in Europe in particular for its wealth of variety. Cut flowers, house, garden and public park plants make up the vast assortment available and this is enriched by Italy’s own exotic production of ornamental citrus in terracotta pots, olives of every shape and kind and the most unusual Mediterranean species.
Lineaverde est la revue de floriculture et arboriculture leader en Italie. Depuis bientôt 30 ans elle est un instrument de travail précieux pour tous les opérateurs du secteur. Elle traite des arguments suivants: les techniques de culture, l’arboriculture, la phytopathologie, la gestion d’une pépinière, le paysagisme, l’écologie; elle divulgue en outre des informations techniques, sur les marchandises, ainsi que les statistiques intéressant le secteur. Lineaverde International, qui est la version internationale (en anglais, en français et en allemand) de Lineaverde, a été conçu afin d’assurer la promotion des pépinières italiennes à l’étranger. Elle est expédiée deux fois par an (en septembre et en janvier) à des opérateurs européens triés sur le volet. Cette publication est la façon la plus rapide et efficace d’approfondir la connaissance de la production italienne, l’une des plus riches d’Europe quant au volume (23% de la production floricole et arboricole européenne), à la qualité et à l’assortiment. L’Italie est certainement, dans le secteur des fleurs et des plantes, le pays le plus hétérogène et le plus intéressant du point de vue commercial, en raison de son assortiment, qui va des fleurs coupées aux plantes d’appartement, pour jardins et pour grands parcs (enrichi par quelques productions particulières comme les agrumes ornementaux en pots de terre cuite, les oliviers de toutes les formes et variétés et les plantes méditerranéennes les plus curieuses). Pag. 6 • Lineaverde International January 2014
Lineaverde ist die führende Zeitschrift in Italien auf dem Gärtnereisektor. Seit fast 30 Jahren ist sie ein nützliches Arbeitsmittel für all diejenigen, die auf diesem Gebiet tätig sind. Die Veröffentlichung behandelt Themen wie: Anbautechniken, Baumschulen, Pflanzenkrankheiten, Management des Gärtnereibetriebs, Landschaftsbau, Ökologie und berichtet außerdem von technische Daten, Waren und Statistiken des Bereichs. Lineaverde International ist die internationale Version (auf Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch) von Lineaverde und dient als Mittel zur Förderung der italienischen Pflanzenzucht im Ausland. Sie wird zwei Mal im Jahr (im September und im Januar) an ein ausgewähltes europäisches Fachpublikum verschickt. Die Veröffentlichung ist die schnellste und wirksamste Methode, um die Kenntnis der italienischen Erzeugerrealität – ein der reichsten in Europa bezogen auf das Volumen (23% der europäischen Pflanzenzuchtproduktion), Qualität und Sortiment – zu vertiefen. Dies gilt besonders für das Sortiment der Erzeugnisse, die von Schnittblumen zu Zimmerpflanzen gehen, von Gartenpflanzen hin zu Pflanzen für große Parks (angereichert mit einigen Besonderheiten der Produktion wie Zier-Zitrusfrüchte in Terrakotta-Kübeln, Olivenbäume in allen Varietäten und Formen und den ausgefallene Mittelmeerpflanzen), wo Italien bezogen auf die Pflanzenzucht das heterogenste und kommerziell gesehen interessanteste Land ist.
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SINCE 1909
We have been cultivating plants with passion and commitment for over 100 years, we are quality conscious and always looking for new varieties and new cultivations techniques. We have over eighty ectars of crops where we produce quality plants for every need, providing a wide range of extraordinary plants, avalaible for immediate delivery. We work with landscape architects from Zee ho^k ^nkhi^% pah \Zg Û g] hnk jnZebmr plants in our nursery and to who we can give advice on plant usage.
SINCE 1909
via Bonellina, 49 - 51100 Pistoia - Italy - tel 0039 0573 380051 - fax 0039 0573 382361 -
The nursery business in Europe: trends and prospects T
The European plant and flower nursery business is in the midst of a process of transformation characterized by the growth of new international production species for cut flowers and potted plants. The new agronomic and crop protection problems that have to be tackled by growers cannot be underestimated.
he year 2013 was hit by rather unfavourable climatic conditions for production nurseries: in fact wintery conditions that prevailed until late spring and abundant rainfall reduced the timeframe of the market for live plants. Except for Paysalia Lyon, the autumn fairs confirmed the serious
Courtesy Vivai Stanghini
Le secteur des pépinières en Europe subit actuellement un processus de transformation caractérisé par la croissance de nouvelles sociétés de production internationales, spécialement pour les fleurs coupées et les plantes en pots. Il ne faut pas sous-évaluer également les nouveaux problèmes agronomiques et phytosanitaires auxquels les producteurs doivent continuellement faire face.
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Die europäische Blumen- und Pflanzenzucht befindet sich inmitten eines Wandels, der sich durch die Vermehrung neuer Produktionsbetriebe insbesondere für Schnittblumen und Topfpflanzen auf internationaler Ebene auszeichnet. Nicht zu unterschätzen sind auch die neuen Problematiken in den Bereichen Agronomie und Pflanzenschutz, mit denen sich die Produzenten ständig auseinandersetzen müssen.
Worldwide trade relations
difficulties facing the sector due in part to the general economic malaise and the fall in spending in the private sector coupled with almost zero public expenditure and indeed, reduced investments in Italy as a whole. The European plant and flower nursery industry is still in the midst of a process of transformation characterized by the growth of new production companies, the increasing supply of products – above all the most popular ones – and growing international competition especially for cut flowers and potted plants. Last but not least, the new agronomic and crop protection problems that growers have to tackle constantly. Flower and plant production is divided into different types destined for different markets: cut flowers and ornamental foliage, potted plants for interiors, balcony plants, outdoor plants, bulb cultivation and nursery plants, all sectors that have no single set of production procedures. In a context such as this considerable investments are required, particularly in Italy and the rest of
Europe, to expand the range and offer a high quality product in order to maintain a competitive edge at least at the top end of the market. We cannot expect to compete on the price front with countries whose costs are significantly lower than those in Europe due to different regulations and less stringent quality control standards for products and for safeguarding the environment – decisive action will be needed at EU level dealing with international organizations. According to official statistics in the world around 1.3 million hectares of land are destined for plant and flower production divided as follows: flowers and potted plants (530,000 hectares), nursery plants (over 700,000 hectares) and bulbs (70,000 hectares). The production of flowers and potted plants, nursery plants and bulbs reaches almost 38 billion euros in value and involves approximately 170,000 businesses. In Europe and the United States, the production of flowers and plants is of great economic and social importance, involving approximately 31% of global production
of flowers and ornamental plants and 62% of world’s nursery production. Since the beginning of this century, however, there has been a downward trend in both in the amount of land cultivated and the value of production in the European Union. In 2012 (see diagram 1) the value of flower production was estimated by the European Commission at 21 billion euros, with a decrease at constant prices by 0.4% compared to 2011. The main producer countries are the Netherlands with 30% (=), Italy with 14% (-0.4%), France 12% (=), Germany 12% (-5%), Spain 11% (=), UK 6% (+4%) and Belgium 5% (-2%). Plant and flower production represents over 5% of the EU's agricultural production from 27 member states, Italy is second only to the Netherlands in terms of value: the production of plants at basic prices in 2012 is estimated at about 2.7 billion euros, equal to 7% of Italy’s entire national agricultural production. In terms of land areas we are dealing with a fluctuating trend, which
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has now stabilized at 200,000 hectares, of which 40% is in the Netherlands which with a +3% have reversed a downward trend that began in 2008 mainly due to increases in land dedicated to nursery production, while in Germany, Spain there have been have some reduction. Poland has instead returned to 2009 levels; a clear sign that the figures of 25,000 hectares recorded in 2011 were the result of an error in data. Growth in Italy remained stationary while France saw an increase of 6%. As far as the number of businesses is concerned, there has been a general reduction in cut flower and
potted plant activities (totalling about 60,000), a clear sign of the restructuring process currently underway, high energy costs and an increasingly competitive environment, while the number of generic nursery businesses has gone up (totalling about 55,000). As for EU trade flows in 2012 imports reached 1.58 billion Euros (see diagram 2), a drop of 4% in volume on 2011, but an increase in value of 1.6%. Forecasts for 2013 predict a fall of 5.5% in volume and -3.4 % in value as if in this last year in-house production had increased consistently to meet growing export demand. In fact, exports in
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2012 (see diagram 3) increased by 15.4% in volume and 10.3% in value reaching a 1.9 billion euros, and forecasts for 2013 predict a + 6.6% in volume and an increase of 6.1% in value. These figures confirm the ongoing decline in domestic consumption, a trend which has become structural and should make us think. In fact, the constant and progressive decrease in consumer spending in Europe in 2013 amounted to 37 euros per capita – highlighting a clear difference between the older EU member countries, where per capita expenditure is 44 euros, and the newcomers with 10 euros, an indication that there are great opportunities for growth in consumption if the incomes in new member countries increased. With regard to Italy we see a decrease which has been accentuated as a result of the global recession. In fact, the average per capita expenditure of Italians for the purchase of ornamental products, has gone from 70 euros spent the early 1990s to the 43 euros spent in 2013. This is also due to the pressure exerted on the consumer by other consumer goods, which have re-oriented spending to other sectors. It is therefore necessary to take action with tax incentives and the standardisation and possibly the reduction of the VAT on flowers and plants and then identify strategies that will encourage expenditure at a public level on flowers and plants. This latter aspect is also vital to improving the quality of life in urban areas and also increasing tourism. The trading system of European flowers and ornamental plants revolves around the Netherlands, which plays a central role in both non-EU and intra-EU trade. Thanks to the growth of exports of potted plants and ornamental plants since 2002, the trade balance shows a
Online all unseren katalog // Online all our catalog
Von 1953 bis heute hat sich "Zelari Piante" durch seinen unerschütterlichen willen ausgezeichnet zu wachsen und seine unternehmerischen fähigkeiten eindeutig bewiesen. ausschlaggebend für die spitzenstellung im internationalen markt war die synergie mit den anderen gesellschaften der gruppe Zelari. From 1953 to date Zelari Piante has distinguished itself by the genuine desire to grow and is doing so demonstrate its entrepreneurial abilities. The operative synergy between the other companies of the Zelari Group has established a leading role within the city of Pistoia which is in its own right considered to be "the green capital”.
Via Pratese, 527 - 51030 Chiazzano (PT) ITALY - Tel. +39 0573 44511 - Fax +39 0573 445190 -
surplus which has even doubled in the last year with a progressive reduction of the trade deficit related to cut flowers and ornamental foliage (see diagram 4). It is clear that in coming years we will see overall changes in conditions and in the competitive relationships between the various European countries and between Europe and other parts of the world (graph 1), which will result in an increased capacity for research and innovation in order to maintain the EUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exceptional productive power and pivotal role on the world scene. Everything will be done within the legal framework and the European Union is introducing a series of regulations geared to re-
ciprocal trade agreements and the sustainability of production processes. There is in fact an increase in mutual agreements and free trade agreements with many countries at international level and crop protection and treatment regulations to prevent new pathogens being imported from other countries are now being finalized. Studies are also being undertaken into procedures and standards for the control of the spread of alien species that can alter the ecological balance, while at the same time working to enhancing the biodiversity of the various European territories. Everyone is aware that it is becoming essential for every country to have its own research
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facilities and to reproduce species typical of the area that may have ornamental value. This coupled with the ability to ensure the health and safety of plants and flowers will be key in determining the competitive ability of both European and the rest of the world. At the same time we need political institutions to play a greater and more incisive role to ensure that our plant and flower exports are not hindered as is happening more and more frequently, especially for live plants, with our main importers (Russia and Turkey). The outlook for the European nursery industry can be summarized in a slow expansion of total consumption and hopefully in also per capita spending and an increase in exports and imports probably also outside the EU. It will make international competition clearer and more binding on standard products and European producers will inevitably move towards higher technological and agronomic solutions as well as moving towards products that comply with the regulations and satisfy the demand from more well-informed private and public consumers. In order to achieve this, it will be necessary an increasing ability to develop innovative and ornamental products specific to the various territories and ecologically suitable to meeting the challenges of climate changes and the global spread of pests. It will take a modern system of doing business in the nursery sector that will have to keep the channels of communication with the public open. Flower and plant nursery businesses cannot be separated from the public interest, nor can they be subordinate to it; European nurseries must work together with the system and institutions to fully express their productive potential and their competitiveness. â&#x2013;
The “most beautiful” gardens in Italy? Here they are
Il Ninfeo.
Hier sind die Sieger des 11. Wettbewerbs, der die schönsten italienischen Grünanlagen prämiert. Dieses Jahr wurden zum ersten Mal zwei Sieger prämiert: Der Parco Giardino Sigurtà in Valeggio sul Mincio (Verona) in der Kategorie Parkanlagen und private Gartenanlagen und der Garten der Villa Medicea von Castello (Firenze) in der Kategorie Park- und öffentliche Grünanlagen.
Les vainqueurs de la XIème édition du concours qui récompense les beautés vertes italiennes. Pour la première fois cette année on en compte deux: Le Parc Jardin Sigurtà à Valeggio sul Mincio (Vérone) pour la catégorie parcs et jardins privés, et le Jardin de la Villa Médicéenne de Castello (Florence) pour la catégorie parcs et jardins publics.
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The winners of the 11th contest “Il Parco Più Bello d’Italia” dedicated to the most beautiful parks and gardens in Italy have been selected. This year, for the first time, there are two winners: the Parco Giardino Sigurtà in Valeggio sul Mincio (near Verona) in the parks and private gardens category, and the Gardens of Villa Medicea di Castello (near Florence) in the parks and public gardens category.
taly is home to beauty not only in the allure of its cities and in its artistic and architectural heritage, but also in its landscapes, and in particular the beautiful parks and gardens that adorn the Bel Paese with fragrant and colourful corners of heaven. The job of selecting two was truly arduous, but that is exactly what the scientific committee for the prize "Il Parco Più Bello d’Italia" now in its eleventh year, set itself. Each year ten finalists are selected (starting this year, there are two winners, the first for the category of parks and private gardens, and the second for parks and public gardens) from among more than 1,000 candidates entered at The judges have been successful in the difficult task of finding two parks as winners of the 2013 Award, two extraordinary places where nature, history and art meet to create landscapes rich with emotion and appeal: the garden at Villa Medicea di Castello (Florence) is the Most Beautiful Park in Italy 2013 in the category of public parks; while the Parco Giardino Sigurtà in Valeggio sul Mincio (Verona) is the most Beautiful Park in Italy 2013 in the private park category.
Winners of previous years 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Gardens at Villa Barbarigo in Valsanzibio (near Padua) Gardens of La Mortella in Ischia (near Naples) Gardens of the Castel Trauttmansdorff in Meran (near Bozen) Villa d’Este in Tivoli (near Rome) Isola Bella in Stresa (near Verbania) Villa Pisani in Strà (near Venice) Reggia di Caserta (near Caserta) Racconigi Castle park (near Cuneo) Villa Lante Gardens in Bagnaia (near Viterbo) Vittoriale degli Italiani in Gardone Riviera (near Brescia)
The Gardens of the Villa Medicea di Castello The gardens at the Villa Medicea di Castello are located in the hilly Castello area in Florence, very near to other famous Medici villas of Petraia. The villa is famous more than anything for its magnificent gardens which, along with Boboli are among the most beautiful in Tuscany. Today, the villa, also called Villa Reale (Royal Villa), L’Olmo (The Elm) or Il Vivaio (The Nursery), is home to
»» Pag. 15 • Lineaverde International January 2014
the Crusca Academy and the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (Italian Vocabulary Project), while the garden, accessible through the large gate to the left of the villa, is in fact a museum, open daily and free to the public, managed by the state department for Florence museums. The Villa was purchased in the late XV Century by Lorenzo and Giovanni Pier Francesco dei Medici, who expanded it and improved it with the addition of works of art. When Giovanni di Pierfrancesco died, it was inherited by Giovanni delle Bande Nere who resided there with his wife, Maria Salviati, and their son Cosimo. In around 1540, Duke Cosimo commissioned Niccolò Tribolo to design the gardens, considered by Vasari to be one of the “richest gardens in Europe”. The villa is accessed by a treelined avenue perpendicular to via Sestese, which ends at a large, semi-circular, green courtyard, defined by a low enclosure wall. The gardens are the best-preserved example of Italian-style garden according to the canons and descriptions of Leon Battista Alberti. Located towards the rear façade on three shaded terraces enclosed within the high perimeter walls, the garden was designed around a central axis.
Judges and selection criteria The scientific Committee assessed the following criteria for selecting the winners: botanical and historical-artistic interest, state of preservation, management and maintenance aspects, accessibility, services, public relations and tourism promotion. The judges were seven expert academics and sector professionals: Vincenzo Cazzato (president, University of Salento, for many years coordinator of the Ministerial Committee for the study and conservation of historical gardens), Alberta Campitelli (Head of the Ufficio Ville e Parchi Storici della Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali del Comune di Roma), Marcello Fagiolo (President of the national committee for the study and preservation of historical gardens), Ines Romitti (landscape architect AIAPP - IFLA), Rossella Sleiter (journalist, for many years worked with “Linea Verde”, in charge of the feature dedicated to gardens in “Il Venerdì di Repubblica”), Luigi Zangheri (former President of the International Scientific Committee for cultural landscapes ICOMOS-IFLA, head of the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze), Margherita Azzi Visentini (Polytechnic of Milan).
The first terrace, which can be considered an outdoor extension of the villa, is characterised by a design of approximately 16 square beds at the centre of which is the beautiful fountain, designed by Tribolo, bearing the statue of Hercules and Antaeus by Batolomeo Ammannati (today the fountain has been replaced by a copy, for preservation purposes). Originally, the fountain was surrounded by a wood of laurel and myrtle, as shown in the background of Giusto Utens, a work dating to the early seventeenth century, going on display
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in the near future, together with another 13 paintings of the Medici villas in the vicinity of the Petraia Museum. Two lemon groves mark the edges of the second terrace known as the "citrus garden". In winter, hundreds of rare citrus plants grown from special grafts are kept in the lemon groves. The splendid Animal Grotto is located in this area, accessed by a gate flanked by a pair of Tuscan columns. The grotto, lined entirely by multicoloured mosaics, calcareous stones, pebbles and shells on the
Una foglia non è sempre una foglia... una foglia è un orizzonte verde per le nostre esplorazioni... è libertà di sentirsi sereni dopo una giornata stressante... è un alito di purezza da avvicinare... è un segno del tempo che muta con le stagioni... è protezione dai rumori... è complemento indispensabile alla privacy della casa... è un aquilone che vola lontano, ovunque possa alzarsi la nostra fantasia... è un modo colorato per dirvi che da noi le foglie sono tante... foglie grandi o piccole, verdi o multicolori, in vaso o a pieno campo, comunque latifoglie! TECNOVIVAI, ai vertici qualitativi e produttivi delle latifoglie, con una superficie a vivaio di oltre 100 ettari per una produzione di 20.000 alberi in contenitore e oltre 150.000 a pieno campo, esportati in tutta Europa.
TECNOVIVAI s.s. di Zecchina Felice e Pieremilio Soc. Agr. sede legale Via Bizzolano, 6 46013 Canneto sull’Oglio (Mantova) Italy sede amministrativa Via ex S.S. 343 - Km 46 46013 Canneto sull’Oglio (Mantova) Italy Tel. ++39 0376 724137 Fax ++39 0376 725574
back wall and in the two side niches vasche of marble topped by groups of animals in various stone materials, has a very suggestive, multicoloured, decorative appearance. A complex water system fed by a series of wells located under the ground and up to the ceiling entertains the visitor with astonishing water patterns that will be restored once a renovation project undertaken by the current Soprintendenza is completed. The original project is thought to be the work of Tribolo, but it was probably completed by Vasari. Then we get to the third terrace where, on an island in the centre of a large nursery, is a large bronze statue of Bartolomeo Ammannati, carved between 1563 and 1565, and called “Appennino” or “Gennaio”, alluding to the origin of the River Arno, the main river of Tuscany, or the horoscope of Cosimo I, who in the meantime had become the first Gran Duke and the owner of this
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extraordinary complex. A small secret garden to the side of the large central area is reminiscent of the fenced structure of medieval gardens, and in this area, at the end of the seventeenth century, the “stufa dei mugherini” greenhouse was installed, designed to house a delicate collection of jasmine, a favourite of the grand duke Cosimo III who died in 1723. In the nineteenth century, the Lorena, successors to the Medici, wanted to extend the Italian-style garden to include a large English-style park, extending as far as the adjacent Villa Petraia. The property then passed to the royal house of Savoy, and from them to the Italian State. Info:
Parco Giardino Sigurtà Perhaps not everyone knows that there is a temple of nature near Garda Lake which, for more than three decades, has attracted hun-
dreds of thousands of visitors. It is the Sigurtà gardens, six hundred thousand square metres of grassy lawns, natural enchantment and features rich with charm and history. Just 25 km away from Verona and from Mantua, visitors find themselves in a Garden of Eden. The Sigurtà park is one of the most highly esteemed gardens in the world, welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors of all ages from March to November each year. Whether it is for a relaxing afternoon with the family or on a quest to discover its attractions, the Sigurtà park is the ideal destination for nature lovers: 600,000 square metres hosting floral and botanical varieties, panoramas that take the breath away, glimpses of what has come before. The Sigurtà park grew up around a historic park (whose origins date far back to 1617) and a modern garden: this is why it has the special name of "Parco Giardino": Parco, or park, indicates
woods of standard trees; Giardino, or garden, on the other hand, denotes an area defined by beds where flowers and ornamental plants are grown. Curiously, this extraordinary green gem came about because of a gig. In 1941, in fact, Dr Carlo Sigurtà was on his way to the railway station of Desenzano del Garda (near Brescia), but the wartime petrol shortage took him to Valeggio sul Mincio, a place famous for gig construction. Mr Sigurtà, however, ended up with more than just a stagecoach—he bought a large farm and, thanks to a centuries long right to water from the River Mincio, he was able year after year to give life to this one-of-a-kind natural treasure. And one Sunday in March 1978, on the 19th of this first month of spring to be precise, the park was opened for the first time to the public and it soon became, as it is today, a favourite destination for famous botanists as well as for nature lovers. The five great flowerings are well
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worth a visit: in chronological order, the seasons for tulips, irises, roses, water-lilies and asters come one after another. In the months of March and April "Tulipanomania" is spectacular with the flowering of a million brightly coloured tulips, more than 150 early and late varieties. This is one appointment not to be missed for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts. Worth noting also are the labyrinth, home to 1500 yews, along a path extending over 2500 sq metres, and the Scaligero castle of Valeggio against the backdrop of a kilometre-long avenue with 30,000 flowering roses and a large grassy carpet, the biggest lawn in the park, a soft green mantle where the grass is cut on alternating days, and where visitors can enjoy the "luxury" of walking in bare feet. The Fioriti (flowering) lakes are located in the centre of the lawn, adorned by floral varieties, Metasequoias and a romantic tree, the weeping willow. Info: ■
Availability of potted plants
Careful selection of materials for transplanting.
Use of stakes for planned growth and pruning
Automatic irrigation systems
TARGET : Q UALITY A passion for things green and the knowledge that we must provide a service which is in line with demand are the elements which explain the growth of our company. More than 100 hectares of nursery, where these systems can be
seen: growing young plants, transplanting, potted trees, and a wide range of essentials. Always on the look-out for quality and professionalism, in the last ten years we have developed greatly both in Italy and overseas.
Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo: a young and dynamic consortium Great participation at the two days of the "Vai per Vivai" event, with about 60 sector professionals including agronomists, landscapers, public administration technicians and journalists visited 11 nurseries in the provinces of Como, Monza-Brianza and Lecco in northern Lombardy. Groß war die Teilnahme an der zweitägigen Veranstaltung „Vai per Vivai“: ca. 60 Branchenteilnehmer – darunter Landwirtschaftsexperten, Landschaftsgestalter, Fachexperten aus dem Bereich der Stadt- und Gemeindeverwaltung sowie Journalisten besuchten 11 Blumen- und Pflanzenzuchtbetriebe der Provinzen Como, Monza-Brianza und Como – trotz des ungnädigen Wetters. The Vivai Radice nursery. Die Radice Baumschulen. Les pépinières Radice.
Une grande participation à l’exposition de deux jours « Vai per Vivai » : 60 opérateurs environ entre agronomes, paysagistes, techniciens de l’administration publique et journalistes ont visité 11 pépinières dans les provinces de Côme, Monza-Brianza et Lecco. Malgré un temps peu clément.
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he first "Vai per Vivai" openhouse event organised by the consortium Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo (plant and flower nursery district of high Lombardy), formed in 2011 as a company consortium, were held on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th April. It was an occasion not to be missed, providing a comprehensive look at an important and diversified segment of the Italian plant and flower nursery sector that is perhaps not very well known. Despite the bad weather that delivered an unwelcome backdrop to the two days of "Vai per Vivai", participation was notably successful. In fact it attracted a large crowd of industry professionals - about 60 agronomists, landscapers, public administration technicians and journalists who visited the 11 plant and flower nurseries in the province of Como, Monza-Brianza and Lecco with a highly intense and particularly wet programme on the first day. The programme illustrated how much enthusiasm and dynamism exists at these companies that have deep-rooted traditions, who have evolved alongside the economy and whi-
Andrea Pironi, president of Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo. Andrea Pironi, Vorsitzender des Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo. Andrea Pironi, président du Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo.
ch today have a renewed enterprising spirit to remain competitive and ahead of the field in the various segments of the plant and flower nursery sector. A visit to the F.lli Cappellini nursery in Carimate (near Como) feels like a true discovery. The company was set up at the end of the 19th century to produce and sell mulberry trees (typical in this area, for silk worm farms) and is now headed by the fourth generation who handle the dual activity of plant nursery and growing and maintaining plants. The company, and this is where we get to the discovery, specialises in growing trees with environmentally friendly cultivation techniques that minimise the use of external factors. The company starts the plants in its greenhouses in Brianza, after which time it transfers them to a ten-acre farm in Pistoia, where
growing conditions are better, before returning them to the nurseries in Como where they are planted in the ground after their second transplanting process. Production is concentrated essentially on deciduous trees, although it has been extended to include large topiary trees over the past 10 years. Different cultivars not commonly available commercially are also tested, and it grows a number of collections of magnolia, malus and prunus among others, and varieties that are difficult to find elsewhere. Afterwards, under a heavy rain, we visited another historic nursery, the Vivai Radice in Mariano Comense (near Como). The company founded in 1860 specialises in conifers, broad-leved trees, shrubs and bushes rootballs of different species and varieties, including large size ones.
The company has premises of over 12 hectares and uses no herbicides or chemical composts. Periodically, the plants are renovated to facilitate the transplanting process and promote the plants taking root in their final home, almost always directly in one of the company's own garden designs and installations. In Carugo, in a splendid scenario in the Como countryside, we visited the Vivai Nespoli nurseries with a vast production of outdoor plants, from plants for groundcover to ones over 10 metres tall, on 12 hectares cultivated essentially in open ground. The company was founded approximately 90 years ago by the grandfather of the current owner, Luca Nespoli. The Vivai Nord nursery opened in 1988 in Lurago d'Erba on the initiative of three partners (Vitto-
Pag. 23 • Lineaverde International January 2014
Pot plants at the Vivai Nord nursery. Kübelkultivierung bei der Baumschule Vivai Nord. Culture en pots dans les Pépinières Nord.
Maple nursery greenhouse at Vivai Gilardelli. Ahornzucht im Treibhaus in der Baumschule Gilardelli. Serre avec les érables chez Gilardelli.
rio Consonni, Guido Invernizzi and Alberto Sartori), each having their own family business. The association is geared to concentrating supply, while each founder remains independent with their own production specialisation. The main activity is the production of potted plants, divided as follows between the three companies: one grows young plants, another produces small potted plants (11, 14, 16), and the third grows briars and herbaceous perennials. The central nursery Vivai Nord, on the
other hand, focuses its efforts on the cultivation of large size container plants (from 3 litres and up). In total, each year this company delivers a million plants, from shrubs, herbaceous perennials, trees, acidophilus, fruit trees etc, produced in an area of 50 hectares, 12 of which are located at the main premises in Lurago d'Erba. Also in the area of Erba, we visited 15 hectares of turf grass belonging to Tagliabue Luca Alfredo, one of the largest companies in Italy in this sector. The pro-
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duction season for turf goes from April to September (1 harvest a year, but if market demand so warrants, the production cycle can be extended to 9 months). The seeds and all maintenance products used are supplied by Agri-Consult in Varese, another member of the Distretto Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo. It uses a mixture of Festuca arundinacea (80%) and Poa pratensis (20%). Compared to the old varieties, F. arundinacea contained in the mixture has a thinner blade and a turf-like quality, meaning it can produce underground roots that let the lawn link together to create a turf that does not break up. Another characteristic of the strong and thick root apparatus stems from careful water and nutrition management with organic-based products. Archiverde in Eupilio on Lake Pusiano also merits mention, specialising in the design and creation of public and private green spaces, but also landscapes, and the plant and flower nursery production is entirely dedicated to gardens. Floricoltura Mondelli in Montorfano, on the outskirts of Como, specialises in the production and sale, exclusively wholesale, of green and flowering plants for interiors and exteriors, and plant compositions, in a very extensive range of species and varieties; overall it produces approximately 5 million plants a year, mainly seasonal ones (geraniums primarily, Impatiens Nuova Guinea, violas and so on). The company is located in an area of
Orchard plants ready for shipping at Floricoltura Pironi. Speditionsbereite Gartenpflanzen bei Floricoltura Pironi. Plantes de potager prêtes pour l’expédition chez Floriculture Pironi.
Maple grafts at Vivai Gilardelli. Ahornveredelung bei Gilardelli. Greffe des érables chez Gilardelli.
115,000 square metres separated into two units: the main premises at Montorfano with 30,000 sq m of greenhouses and the sales centre and Albese con Cassano branch with 85,000 sq m of growing area, including greenhouses and open field cultivation. All the greenhouses have removable tables for easy handling in the warehouses where the machinery for processing and potting the plants is located. The mobile work benches were designed for automated management of irrigation and fertilization, managed by a central, computerised unit that also regulates automatic opening and closing of the zenith windows, insulation and the heating system. Excess water is collected and recycled. Saturday, with a less threatening sky that became more serene throughout the day, we visited the Vivai Gilardelli nursery in Agrate Brianza (near Monza). At the beginning of the year, the company was mourning Giordano Gilardelli, who along with his brother Nello headed the company, founded by their great grandparents in the second half of the 19th century, and who together ran the business. The company grows Japanese Maples using a new grafting system devised by the late Giordano, that led to the production, still ongoing, of many examples exported worldwide. Gilardelli nursery has a total of 70 hectares of land (distributed in a number of sections around the main site on Viale delle Industrie in Agrate Brianza, in addition to its Pistoia nursery). It has a collection of 160 cultivars of Acer palmatum, forty of which are currently being produced. Each year the company starts and grows approximately 100,000 maples, of
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which the "Fire Glow” variety, selected by Giordano Gilardelli, stands out, a beautiful bright red colour with a growth habitat that tends to be shorter than other A. palmatum. Not far away, we met Massimo Pironi, owner of Stile Verde, a company that cultivates and sells ornamental plants for gardeners and landscape companies in the metropolitan areas of Milan and Monza, paying particular attention to the strength of the plants it produces, and which are acclimated before they are sold. Shrub roses, roses for groundcover and hydrangeas make up the main production by the company which has 4.5 hectares of land. In Rovagnate, near Lecco, we met Pietro Sala, owner of the company by the same name, a true personality with a great spirit who bought the company that developed a nursery specialising in the production of Buxus semprevirens and other evergreens with particular shapes and sizes. After we returned to Minoprio, to the most famous professional gardening school in Italy, also part of the District, we met with another fifteen or so producers or service companies that are such an important part of the District's rich production panorama, which also includes technical production methods, consultation and specialist communications, software development, landscapes and garden centres. How better to conclude our day with a visit to Floricoltura Pironi founded by Valter (former director of the Minoprio school and one of the most acclaimed experts in the sector) 40 years ago in Vertemate con Minoprio, today run by his children Andrea and Raffaella. They grow or-
> FACTS AND FIGURES < Ornamental olive tree at Stile Verde. Zierolivenbaum bei StileVerde. Olivier ornemental chez StileVerde.
chard plants for residential use in addition to ornamental green and flowering plants (violas, primulas, cyclamens, roses, begonias, Impatiens Nuova Guinea, herbs and so on) on their two hectares of property - 7,000 sq m of which are indoor and feature advanced automation. In total, it produces between 3.5 and 4 million plants
a year, mainly for orchards (70%), in addition to an impressive variety of cultivars (as many as 400, of which 130 varieties of violas alone). Production is done primarily in packs (80% of the total), personalised with the company's graphics. Andrea is one of the promoters and president of the Distretto
Box plants at the Sala nursery. Buchsbaumzucht bei Sala. Culture de buis chez Sala.
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Florovivaistico Alto Lombardo whom we thank for having enabled us to discover such an articulate, diversified reality that confirms how important specialisation on the one hand, and research into details and into innovation in the tracks of traditions on the other, feature in modern, advanced companies. â&#x2013;
A multipurpose, three colours curb
The colours white, brown and black Led lighting
Flowerbeds and alleyways
Led lighting
Lineaverde News JANUARY 2014
In Padua (Italy) the first ever university botanical garden get an upgrade Erweiterung des Botanischen Gartens von Padua, dem ersten Botanischen Garten einer Universität weltweit Le jardin botanique de Padoue , le premier jardin botanique universitaire au monde, a été agrandi
A new way of learning about and doing botanical research was opened to the public on 14th October when the University of Padua’s Rector Giuseppe Zaccaria presented the new enlargement of the University’s botanical garden thereby combining entertainment and innovation with knowledge. The University of Padua’s botanical garden, the first ever in the world, opened in 1545 with the aim of cultivating and studying plants and medicines and for centuries it has remained a model for other botanical gardens all across Europe. Today the 15 thousand square meter site of the garden has a new addition called “Il Giardino della Biodiversità” (the garden of biodiversity). The expansion is a geographical itinerary among plants in the five continents and through the biomes on the planet, namely those which bring together large portions of the biosphere ecosystems characterized by the same environmental conditions. The new extension aims to attract new visitors by giving its audience an experience that combines botany with a high degree of technology, while there is undoubtedly a wider audience for the garden – a destination for visitors looking for an urban space full of exhibition venues, entertainment and information. The extension is currently being prepared and is schedule for completion by the summer of 2014. ■
Increase in applications for the protection of new varieties Quercus caroppoi: a new plant discovered in Salento Quercus Caroppoi: die Entdeckung eines einzigartigen botanischen Exemplars im Salent
Quercus caroppoi : la découverte d’un unicum botanique du Salento
The Associazione Officine Culturali of Carpignano Salentino (near Lecce, Italy) with the assistance of the department of biological and environmental sciences and technologies of the University of Salento, presented the conference: “The elegant oak (Quercus caroppoi) from discovery to protection – the importance of the protection of biodiversity, the enhancement and promotion of the environment and the identity of a territory” on 19th July 2013 in the presence of its discoverer naturalist and independent researcher, Oreste Caroppo. The news relates to the discovery of an intermediate form between the Kermes oak and the Turkey oak, so that the species is listed as Quercus x caroppoi because “many of its characteristics appeared to be intermediate between the two oaks indicated”. This is certainly of interest and the meeting was held to share this new knowledge and emphasise the importance of biodiversity: its preservation and enhancement, also as a promotional tool to encourage a more detailed studies into the identity of an area. Moreover, the Apulia territory is well known for its contribution to biodiversity in terms of European species of the genus Quercus which are present in almost all of it. ■ Info:
The Community Plant Variety Die Anfragen zum Schutz neuer Arten nehmen ständig zu Office (CPVO) that manages the Plant Breeder's Rights (PBR) system for New Les demandes pour la protection des nouvelles variétés sont en hausse Varieties of Plants in the 28 European Union countries, is experiencing a significant increase in requests for protection. The central office in Hyeres, France, reports that 1,749 applications were submitted during the first six months of 2013, an increase of 19% compared to the same period of 2012. Of these 810 requests, the majority concern ornamental plants, followed by 491 applications for agricultural crops, 337 for vegetables and 111 varieties of fruit. Applications for ornamental plants increased by 16 % (112 requests). ■
From Acer to Zelkowa, all graft plants. Full collection of Wisteria.
Via della Chiesina, 40 – 51100 Santomato (Pistoia) Tel/Fax: 0573-47 97 69 Mail: - Pag. 31 • Lineaverde International Januray 2014
Lineaverde News Tuscany, the initial results of the San-Soil project Toskana, die ersten Resultate des Projekts San-Soil La Toscane, les premiers résultats du projet San-Soil
The San-Soil project, carried out under Measure 124 of RDP 2007-2013 Cooperation for development of new products, processes and technologies in the agriculture and food sector and in the forestry, Integrated industry package, stage 1-2011 - nursery industry, provides guidelines for reducing the use of peat and chemical fertilizer in ornamental plant nurseries, through the use of a fertilizer (compost) obtained by recycling waste products from olive oil mills. This innovative product is made on-site (at the mill), mixing the mill waste with suitable hygroscopic additives available in the area (wool, waste, straw). At the same time it offers a solution to the olive oil producers an economically viable management of the oil mill waste, which now becomes a by-product to be exploited rather than waste to be disposed of. In the first year of activity, the effectiveness of the methodology of static composting achieved was estimated both in terms of the time needed for aerobic substrates to mature in terms of use of company resources, and the compatibility of compost made from oil mill wastes in the production of potting soil cultivation, the optimal response of plant development in some of the ideas tested, the possibility of reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, the supply of nutrients obtained from the compost, and the reduction of pesticide treatments as a result of the anti-pathogen action of the cropping soil tested. For more information: tel +39 075-5014540, Vivaio Sandro Bruschi Pistoia : tel +39 0573-946400 ■
Flowers and plants: the EU publishes market data 2012. Italian production down slightly The figures concerning the production and import-export of flowers and plants for 2012 have been published on the European Commission website at the following link: Italy once again confirmed its position as the second largest continental producer with a stable share of 14.4% (-0.4 % compared to 2011), behind the Netherlands (29.7%), and ahead of Germany (11.7%), France (11.5%), Spain (10.9%) and the UK (5.5%). The sharp drop in German production (5%) means they came close to being surpassed by the French. Overall, the European production of flowers and ornamental plants in 2012 appears to have decreased slightly compared to 2011, but it is still by far the worldwide leader with a market share of around 43%. ■
Blumen und Pflanzen: die EU veröffentlicht die Branchendaten von 2012. Die italienische Produktion leicht gesunken
Fleurs et plantes : la UE publie les données du marché 2012. La production italienne est en légère baisse
Pag. 32 • Lineaverde International Januray 2014
Isola Bella totally renovated for the upcoming tourist season The aristocratic Borromeo family has decided to proceed with a full restoration of the Isola Bella, on Lake Maggiore, following serious damage caused by the tornado that hit the area on August 25th. The first stage was the restoration of the facades of the Palace and the great vaults that lay under the garden. In November restoration started on the famous Baroque Grottos which make the lake-side salon of the princes’ residence so unique. The first works will involve furnishings so that the area can be open to visitors until the island closes for the season (from November 4th, 2013 to 21st March 2014). It has now been decided that work on the restoration of artefacts in and around the garden (towers, walls, statues balustrades, etc.) will begin shortly. In other words everything that is a combination of marble, stone figures and other ornaments that have made Isola Bella famous around the world. The intervention, will, of course, be carried out and financed by the family under the supervision of the Superintendence for fine arts. They will continue throughout the autumn and winter and will be finished when the island re-opens to visitors on March 22nd, 2014. ■
Isola Bella vollständig restauriert für die nächste Saison L’Isola Bella entièrement restaurée pour la prochaine saison touristique
Lineaverde News Die Lombardei beginnt die Bestandsaufnahme des Waldbestands im Stadtgebiet und in den Vororten
Lombardy starts the census of its urban and periurban woodland
Lombardy will be the first region in Italy and one of the first in Europe to set up an inventory and register of urban and periurban woods. Thanks to the work of the project EMoNFUr Life + 10 Env/It/399 an instrument will be created to allow La Lombardie commence le land development planners, environmental engineers and forestry and local govrecensement de ses forêts ernment officials, as well as ordinary citizens, researchers and scholars to know urbaines et périurbaines the quantity, distribution, location and characteristics – plant age, species, state of health, interventions carried out in time, etc. – in every woodland close to cities and urban neighbourhoods in Lombardy. The inventory of woodland and urban and periurban undeveloped land surveying will be completed and made public in January 2014 when all data have been collected and produced including reports, maps and analysis sheets related to the census of each wood. Everything will be published and available on the website of the Lombardy Region and, the regional agency for services to agriculture and forestry (ERSAF). The land registry will also be available in WebGis (Geographic Information System published on the web), an interface specifically designed for the home user. The first data collected relating to the province of Milan is beginning to provide an interesting picture of where to start in the field of urban woodland and what its connections are with the city. It emerges from the survey that 121 local authorities in the province of Milan, which is to say 90% of the total are in an urban and periurban area and the total forest area covers 7,845 hectares of land with an index of forest area equal to 5.76 % of the territory. ■
Limited production but great quality
I am a craftsman of the plant, in my workshop you will find Prunus Lusitanica and Laurocerasus, ilex Nellie stevens, Photinia, all high trunk plants in 3 L containers. Production limitée de grande qualité
Je suis un artisan des plantes, dans mon atelier tu trouveras Prunus Lusitanica et Laurocerasus, Ilex Nellie Stevens, Photinia, toutes plantes de haut fût dans conteneurs de 3 L. Begrenzte Produktion aber große Qualität
Ich bin ein Handwerker der Pflanzen, in meiner Werkstatt finden Sie Prunus Lusitanica und Laurocerasus, Ilex Nellie Stevens, Photinia, alle hochstämmige Pflanzen in 3 L Container. Francesco Giuntoli Via fiorentina 484, 51100 Pistoia. 0039 3406337387 instagram: af220
Pag. 34 • Lineaverde International Januray 2014
Greenwolf project, from wool to fertilizer Old and waste wool, destined to be Projekt disposed of, may get a new lease of Greenwolf, life and become fertilizer for gardens, von der Wolle orchards and flowers. This is the goal zum Düger of Greenwolf, the European research Projet project coordinated by CNR’s Institute Greenwolf, for macromolecules (ISMAC) of Biella, de la laine à with the assistance of the Turin l’engrais Polytechnic. The initiative is funded by the European Commission under its Life Programme initiative and aims to develop and test an innovative system of “green” hydrolysis capable of transforming wool – obtained from old clothing or by shearing sheep destined for the food industry – into organic soil fertilizer for agricultural use. The idea is to use a clean production process with superheated water to obtain hydrolysed wool, a natural fertilizer that increases the carbon content and the water retention capacity of the soil without resorting to synthetic compounds. In addition to the benefits in terms of environmental sustainability, the idea has interesting consequences from the economic point of view. According to European legislation, the socalled “greasy wool” - raw unwashed, obtained after shearing – is considered a special waste product involving considerable disposal costs. ■
Pistoia nurseries go increasingly "green" Ornamental plants on the Pistoia plains: the conformity with MPSABC, ISO-14001 stanLes pépinières (entrepridards (or without any ses horticoles) de Pistoia certificate) allows no toujours plus « vertes » more than 30% of land to be used for production in pots (potted plants); with EMAS III, however, you can get up to 65%. MPS, ISO, EMAS are the codes used for identifying the systems of rules for certifying the sustainable credentials of all sorts of companies, including nurseries. Reduced consumption of water, energy, pesticides and fertilizers are objectives common to all three systems, however there are many other similarities. Mario Carlesi, president of Coldiretti Pistoia pointed out that: “Unfortunately, the urban development plan for the city of Pistoia favours only EMAS III. We have asked for the three certification systems to become equal, thereby allowing ISO-14001 and MPS-ABC certified companies to be allowed to allocate up to 65% of production to in-pot cultivation. With this objective in mind we have submitted a formal request to the City of Pistoia.” The request was made during a nursery and environmental certification meeting held in Pistoia and attended by the councillor for agriculture of the Province of Pistoia, Mauro Mari, and Theo De Groot, general manager of the MPS foundation. "The MPS system – said Theo De Groot – also provides for consultation with local authorities when setting parameters for the evaluation of each company. The presence of a system of rules such as those MPS also represents, however, a level of control for territorial authorities.” Pistoia is the major hub of ornamental plants in Europe, maintaining that position despite the recession thanks to ongoing innovation, which today means 'greener' plants and production processes: water savings and reduced use of plant protection products and energy. Ensuring healthy territorial development, employment and financial benefits for the entire province. A quarter of the land area of the Pistoia nursery district is already certified or is in the process of obtaining “green” certification to MPS- ABC standards. “By accepting our request – says Vincenzo Tropiano, director of Coldiretti Pistoia – the Municipality of Pistoia will encourage further green credentials for our ornamental plants.” ■
Die Baumschulen von Pistoia - immer grüner
WEEKLY DELIVERIES TO EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST & ASIA Via Casella di Santomato, 2/A - 51100 Pistoia - Italy Tel. +39.0573.479981/478014 - Fax +39.0573.479014 Skype: covilifranco Contact: Gina W. Covili (Mobile/viber: +39.329.8122268) -
Lineaverde News Giorgio Tesi Group chosen as an example of family-owned business excellence in Italy Unicredit has presented the results of its study on the performance of family-owned companies at Bocconi University and chose the Giorgio Tesi Group as a model defining it as “A company that has succeeded in combining family continuity with innovation”. The report was part of the a conference organized by UniCredit on family-owned companies in Italy along with Luigi Bocconi University and AIdAF in the magnificent setting of the new Cantine Antinori cellars in Bargino. In the presence of a hundred entrepreneurs of medium and large companies from various sectors and representatives from the worlds of finance and further education, three family-owned companies were chosen as examples of excellence: Marchesi Antinori, Baraclit and the Giorgio Tesi Group were presented to Osservatorio sulle Aziende Familiari Italiane (observatory on Italian family-owned companies) by the AldAF Giorgio Tesi Group wurde als Alberto Falck chair of family business strategy at the Luigi Bocconi University and hervorragender italienischer the Chamber of Commerce of Milan. Representing the Pistoia-based nursery was Familienbetrieb prämiert general manager Marco Cappellini while the Marchesi Antinori cellars was represented by Marchioness Albiera Antinori with Franco Bernardini appearing on beGiorgio Tesi Group choisi half of Baraclit. The Giorgio Tesi Group exports to 50 countries and is a leading comme l’entreprise familiale European producer of ornamental plants reflecting its size and acreage and envid’excellence en Italie ronmental certifications and quality. The Group recently acquired Class A certification in MPS, and is the only company of its kind to have EMAS certification at European level. This certificate is of great importance because it certifies the virtues of the company in terms of quality and environmental friendliness. The results presented in the AUB observatory show that family-owned companies, despite having to deal with an economic crisis and increased international competition during the last decade have been able to respond better and have performed better than other types of companies, while continuing to create wealth and provide employment (+1.8% in 2010). Between 2007 and 2011 family-owned companies recorded, an average growth of around 3.3% (+12.5% between 2009 and 2010) and have a better record in terms of jobs (+4, 5 % in the period 2007-2010). ■
The VII European Biennial of Palms in San Remo VII. Europäische Palmenausstellung in Sanremo VIIème Biennale Européenne des Palmiers à Sanremo
Mediterranean palm growing, with its extraordinary heritage of culture, tradition and biodiversity represented by hundreds of different varieties of palm trees, was the star of Dies Palmarum 2013 – the VII European Biennial of Palms. The meeting was held on 5th, 6th and 7th December at Villa Ormond in San Remo. In the conference room of Villa Ormond in San Remo, experts from Algeria, France, Great Britain, Italy, Libya, Morocco, Niger, Peru, Spain and Tunisia met to address several issues in the socio-economic scenario of the main palm groves of the Mediterranean; exhibition of machinery and equipment for the mechanized harvesting of dates, tillage and irrigation and a particular attention to the safe management of the work on palm tree oases as well as personal protective equipment for operators who work there. As with previous editions, the Dies Palmarum 2013, offered an extraordinary opportunity to take stock of a number of projects of international importance. For the biomechanics world there was an update of the activities carried out under the Euro-Mediterranean project 3 +3 MOCAF on the modelling of the date palm. In addition the foliage and floral aspects the first results on the dynamics of growth and expansion of the root system were presented. Much
Pag. 36 • Lineaverde International Januray 2014
Environment: 12 cities are applying to the European Green Capital Award2016, Reggio Emilia going to bat for Italy Umwelt: 12 Städte kandidieren für den Preis der grünsten europäischen Hauptstadt 2016, für Italien kandidiert Reggio Emilia
Environnement : 12 villes posent leur candidature pour le prix Capitale verte européenne 2016, pour l’Italie c’est Reggio Emilia
The deadline for the submission of applications for the European Green Capital Award 2016 is coming close. There are 12 cities in the running located in 11 different countries: Dabrowa Gornicza (Poland), Essen (Germany), Larissa (Greece), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Nijmegen (Netherlands), Oslo (Norway), Reggio Emilia (Italy), Santander (Spain), Tours (France), Umea (Sweden), Zaragoza (Spain) and Pitesti (Romania). The European Green Capital Award is intended for that city judged to be leading the charge towards environmentally friendly solutions in the field of urban management. These are places that aim to set higher standards in the field of sustainable urban development, paying attention to the wishes of their citizens and proposing innovative solutions to environmental challenges. This year for the first time European cities with at least 100,000 inhabitants were able to participate in the competition for the 2016 title, whereas previously only centres with at least 200,000 inhabitants were allowed to take part. A group of international experts will carry out a technical evaluation of the applications on the basis of 12 indicators: climate change as well as mitigation and adaptation to climate change, local transport, urban green areas and sustainable land use, nature and biodiversity; quality of ambient air and of the acoustic environment, production and waste management, water management, waste water treatment, eco-innovation and sustainable employment, energy efficiency and integrated environmental management. ■
emphasis was placed on genetics, a subject of great interest currently. Genetic and sexual diversity of palms, the molecular characterization of natural populations, the development of a key genetic identification of varieties through molecular markers and the genetic origin of the palms of western Liguria were just some of the contributions. The final day was devoted to palms as cultural heritage and biodiversity, with the presentation of studies on geology and the paleobotany of palms of European origin, the distribution and cultivation of the date palm, botanical collections and the acclimatization of new species. The Dies Palmarum 2013 - VII European Biennial of Palms, was organized by the Municipality of Sanremo in collaboration with the Centre for studies and research for palms (CSRP), with the sponsorship of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI), the contribution of the Consorzio Cooperativa Sociale “Il Cammino”, Cooperativa Demetra and the participation of the Municipality of Bordighera. ■
Pag. 37 • Lineaverde International Januray 2014
Landscapes and archaeology The annual meeting of AIAPP, held in June in Naples, was devoted to the relationship between the landscape and archaeological sites. Despite this being a niche topic many experts from different sectors took part in the event. Die Beziehung zwischen Landschaft und archäologischen Stätten war das Argument des jährlichen Kongresses des Italienischen Verbandes für Landschaftsarchitektur – AIAPP, der am 7. Juni in Neapel stattgefunden hat. Ein Bereichs übergreifendes Thema, an dessen Diskussion sich viele Experten verschiedener Fachgebiete beteiligt haben.
Le rapport entre le paysage et les sites archéologiques a fait l’objet du Congrès annuel de l’AIAPP qui a eu lieu à Naples le 7 juin. Un thème qui a attiré la participation de nombreux experts de différents secteurs.
andscapes and Archaeology was the topic chosen this year by AIAPP for its annual conference, which was held in Naples on 7-9 June. The event was attended many experts from different sectors. In fact, although it might seem like a niche topic, it is actually one of great interest to both scholars and professionals, and attracted as many as 47 speakers. An exhibition on the same subject was also staged to coincide with the event. The conference was held in the magnificent Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in the heart of Naples. Among those formally
The Landscapes and Archaeology conference. (photo: Francesco Semmola) Kongress „Landschaft und Archäologie“. (Foto Francesco Semmola) Congrès des Paysages et archéologies. (photo Francesco Semmola)
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AIAPP board: Meli (treasurer), Zorzi (member), Cembalo (secretary), Monti (president), Pirola (vice-president), Sessarego (IFLA-EFLA delegate), Capitani (member). Ratsausschuss des AIAPP: Meli (Schatzmeister), Zorzi (Ratsmitglied), Cembalo (Sekretär), Monti (Vorstandsvorsitzender), Pirola (2. Vorsitzender), Sessarego (Obmännin IFLA-EFLA), Capitani (Ratsmitglied). Conseil Présidence AIAPP : Meli (trésorier), Zorzi (conseiller), Cembalo (Secrétaire), Monti (Président), Pirola (vice-président), Sessarego (déléguée IFLA-EFLA), Capitani (conseiller).
opening the proceedings were city councillor Luigi De Falco (head of urban planning), who stressed that the problem of preservation of historical wealth and landscapes cannot be “to protect or not to protect” but must, rather, be one of defining rules for their transformation. The first session was chaired by Tessa Matteini, who is a leading lecturer on the Masters degree course in landscape architecture at the University of Florence, and president of the Tuscany section of AIAPP. Her authoritative introduction summed up brilliantly the content of the meeting, as she touched on the full range of problems covered, from “complex landscape systems” to “archaeological landscape management”, “infrastructures and connections” and “temporal diversity”. With regard to this latter issue, Matteini commented: "Isa Belli Barsali’s expression: "gardens are not for peeling", used in the restoration sector in allusion to the ethical and documen-
tary value of all the layers present in a historical garden [...], is not applicable to the archaeological field: an archaeological site is, by definition, something that must be 'peeled' in order to allow, in line with current scientific methodology, the identification, reading and interpretation of the different layers of which it is composed. This is why, in many cases, its subsequent landscaping can (must?) assume responsibility for conveying, as well, the layers that no longer exist, or do not yet exist (in the sense that they lie at a level below that of the ground on which the visitors are walking)." The first speaker was Guido Ferrara. The fact that he had the honour of opening the proceedings was a fitting tribute to a personage who, for decades, has been a point of reference in landscape architecture in Italy and who has given a great deal to our association. Ferrara began by recalling how 14 years ago, in Naples, AIAPP and the FEDAP drew up the “Naples
Landscape Charter”, a remarkable scientific work which anticipated the topics dealt with at the Rome Conference on the Landscape, an event that was promoted by Melandri, then culture minister, and led eventually to the European Landscape Convention and the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code. Ferrara dealt with a topic closely linked to his professional work in the municipality of Ascea. His talk, fascinatingly entitled “Parmenides, where are you?”, underlined how this geographical area, full of historical memory and archaeological finds, has yet to exploit all its potential resources. The aim of Ferrara’s project, drawn up with his wife Giuliana Campioni, is to set out his vision of a simple and sustainable landscaping solution able to cope with a large volume of tourists (up to 300,000 people a year) in a manner that enhances a priceless heritage while avoiding invasive operations. “To give greater visibility
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Pikionis paths, the Acropolis, Athens (photo: Giorgio Galetti). Fußgängerweg zur Akropolis von Athen von Dimitris Pikionis (Foto Giorgio Galetti). Athènes l’Acropole pavage de Pikionis (photo Giorgio Galetti).
The Pink Door in Velia (Ascea Marina). Die Porta Rosa von Velia (Ascea Marina). La Porte Rose de Velia (Ascea Marina).
Ascea – The ancient city of Elea Velia Castelletto. Ascea – Antike Stadt von Elea Velia Castelletto. Ascea – Ancienne Ville d’Elea Velia Castelletto.
to concealed archaeology – Ferrara remarked – the city walls need to be made more evident, yet without recourse to false and unrealistic reconstructions. Fortunately, the walls, as in many Magna Graecia cities, are partly built on natural ridges, which means that their visibility is guaranteed, except that no one is able to realise this fact. Other architectural features are arranged in perfect alignment with olive groves, while some stretches are completely concealed by vegetation.” Another important contribution
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was that of Margherita Vanore, a specialist in this sector, who talked about project quality, pointing out how a trend towards standardisation in the landscaping of archaeological sites has had the effect of making them rather mundane; accordingly, she appealed to designers to show more originality and sensitivity. At the same time, however, she warned against solutions so extreme that they border on the ridiculous, such as the idea of placing a transparent veil over the Sphinx in Egypt. Francesca Mazzino spoke about the innovative power of ruins over the centuries. Running through the course of history, she cited countless examples of innovative contributions bringing us right up to the present day and the industrial archaeology of Peter Latz’s Landschaftpark. Franco Panzini talked about the proposed “archaeological restoration of the Jewish cemetery in Pesaro”, previously covered ex-
Ninfa gardens (Latina): the vegetation is carefully controlled to ensure visibility of the ruins and respect for the plant life (before the first clearance of the vegetation, 2001, afterwards, 2002, after the restoration work, 2006 and 2007). Der botanische Garten von Ninfa (Latina): das Beschneiden der Vegetation ist auf ein harmonisches Gleichgewicht zwischen Sichtbarkeit der Ruinengemäuer und Wertschätzung der biologischen Masse ausgerichtet (vor dem Zuschneiden, 2001, danach, 2002, nach den Renovierungsmaßnahmen, 2006 und 2007). Les Jardins de Ninfa (Latina) : le contrôle de la végétation pour équilibrer la visibilité de la ruine et le respect du composant biologique (avant le nettoyage de la végétation, 2001, après, 2002, après la restauration, 2006 et 2007).
tensively in this magazine (October 2002), while Maria Cristina Tullio presented the promenade of the Aqua Alexandrina aqueduct in Rome, which was also mentioned in the pages of this publication several years ago (October 2009). The “restoration of the walls of Ninfa as the boundary between garden and landscape” was the topic chosen by Ilaria Rossi Doria, who provided a concrete example of a very interesting situation, which architects often seek to tackle through subtle solutions, as in this case. “The walls are cov-
ered in naturally growing vegetation. Roots and plants often become one with the masonry and the presence of vegetation is, indeed, one of the main factors responsible for the deterioration of a building” explained Rossi Doria. “Moreover, it can, in part, conceal structures of great historical and architectural interest. On the other hand, the rather special scenic (often structural) symbiosis between ruins and nature may also be seen as the perfect representation of the hand of time. It can, in fact, be argued that natural vegetation, an element adding the “patina of
time”, has an important role to play in landscaping. Indeed, given the results of the project she described, there can be no questioning the value of this solution. It is clear, even from these brief snatches of just some of the presentations, that this was a conference of particular scientific scope and value and we are sorry not to have been able, in these few lines, to mention other colleagues. Indeed, we apologise for not referring to several exceptional contributions that we enjoyed and appreciated, but we will likely be able to consult them once again in the conference proceedings that will undoubtedly be published on line, providing extremely useful documentation, given the originality of the topic. The day after the conference, AIAPP held its annual meeting, a moment of earnest activism and a sign that the generational change – started under the presidency of Paolo Villa – is con-
The ruins of Villa Pausilypon. Die Reste der Villa von Pausilypon. Les restes de la Villa de Pausilypon.
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> LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE < The archaeological panorama in the Selinunte park. Renovation by Porcinai Minissi Arena (photo: Tessa Matteini). Das archäologische Belvedere im Park von Selinunte. Entwurf von Porcinai, Minissi und Arena (Foto Tessa Matteini). Le belvédère archéologique dans le parc de Selinunte. Aménagement de Porcinai Minissi Arena (photo de Tessa Matteini).
tinuing with the same enthusiasm and organisational capacity under his successor Anna Letizia. On Sunday, 9 June, moving out of the realm of theory into that of “practice”, we were delighted to have the opportunity to visit Pausilypon, a beautiful imperial villa and, by boat, the Gaiola Underwater Park , both sites of striking beauty, which stir up profound emotions in anyone who loves history, architecture, archaeology, nature and scenery. It was an unforgettable experience,
for which we have two people, in particular, to thank: AIAPP secretary Fabrizio Cembalo and his extremely efficient assistant Rosanna Annunziata, who went to a lot of trouble to organise the whole day. For me, one of the organisa-
Posillipo, the Gaiola underwater park, a protected marine area. Posillipo, das Naturschutzgebiet Meerespark Gaiola. Posillipo, Le Parc submergé de Gaiola aire marine protégée.
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tion’s longest standing members, it is wonderful to know that AIAPP is in the hands of a new generation of young landscape architects, who are clearly motivated, sensitive, capable and competent! ■
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Landscaping and sustainability for the third millennium T The third edition of Vestire il Paesaggio was held from 26th to 28th June in Pistoia, Italy, a city that is the unrivalled star in a meeting between producers, landscapers, architects and industry insiders, who took the opportunity to discuss themes such as environmental sustainability and the design of spaces in terms of innovation and quality.
he fabulous, yet intimate atmosphere of the Convent of Giaccherino, in Pistoia hosted the third edition of Vestire il Paesaggio (Dressing the Landscape). This year’s theme was the production of Pistoia’s nursery district meets and its relation with ornamental landscape architects, designers and builders of green landscapes for the third millennium, as well as sustainable greenery. The event, which was organized over three days – two of which dedicated to the conference, and a visit to the local nurseries – was sponsored and organized by the Province of Pistoia and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia, with a contribution
from the Tuscan Regional Authority, the Chamber of Commerce of Pistoia, Vetrina Toscana, Pistoia Futura, and the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestries and the municipalities of Pistoia, Montale, Montecatini, Quarrata, Uzzano and Pieve a Nievole. The event also benefitted from a partnership between the Associazione Vivaisti Pistoiesi (the association of Pistoia nurseries), the Distretto Vi-
In Pistoia, unbestrittener Haupttreffpunkt von Pflanzenzüchtern und Gartenbautechnikern, Landschaftsgestaltern und Architekten sowie anderen Fachexperten, fand vom 26. bis zum 28. Juni zum dritten Mal „Vestire il Paesaggio“ (wörtlich “Die Landschaft bekleiden”) statt, wo sich die Teilnehmer im gegenseitigen Austausch mit den Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Umwelt, sowie mit Raumplanung unter Einbeziehung der Aspekte Innovation und Qualität auseinandersetzten.
Du 26 au 28 juin a eu lieu la troisième édition de « Vestire il Paesaggio » (Habiller le Paysage) à Pistoia, la ville protagoniste indiscuté de la rencontre entre les producteurs du vert, les paysagistes, les architectes et les experts du secteur qui ont discuté sur les thèmes de la durabilité environnementale et de la conception des espaces dans une optique d’innovation et de qualité.
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Entrance to the Convent of Giaccherino which welcomed participants to the international conference. Der einzigartige Eingang des Klosters von Giaccherino, wo die internationale Tagung stattfand. Une entrée véritablement unique au Couvent de Giaccherino qui a accueilli les participants du Congrès International.
vaistico Ornamentale Pistoiese (Pistoia ornamental nursery district) and the collaboration of Associazione Nazionale Direttori e Tecnici Pubblici (Italy’s national association of public park managers and technicians) and Associazione Italiana di Architettura del Paesaggio (Italy’s national association of landscape architects). Wednesday, June 26th saw the first session of the international conference officially opened with a welcoming speech by Renato Ferretti, director of the strategic planning service of the Province of Pistoia and project manager for Vestire il Paesaggio – heart and soul of the event – followed by greetings from the various authorities: the president of the Province, Federica Fratoni, the president of the Fondazione Cas-
The Angelo Tosi prize, sponsored by the Associazione Nazionale Direttori e Tecnici Pubblici and the Municipality of Coniolo, went to Franco Clamer this year. Der von der ital. Vereinigung des Leitenden und Technischen Personals öffentlicher Grünanlagen und von der Gemeinde Coniolo geförderte Angelo Tosi-Preis, wurde diese Jahr an Franco Clamer verliehen. Le Prix Angelo Tosi, organisé par l’Association Italienne des Directeurs et des Techniques du Vert Public et de la Mairie de Coniolo, a été remis cette année à Franco Clamer.
sa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia, Ivano Paci, the mayor of Pistoia, Samuel Bertinelli, the general manager of the Tuscan Regional Authority, Stefano Barzagli, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Stefano Morandi, the president of Distretto Vivaistico Ornamentale Pistoiese, Vannino Vannucci and in closing from the director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Alberto Manzo. Each day was divided into four sessions and addressed several key points such as the quality of plants and environmental sustainability. The issues were outlined by both the political authorities and representatives of the university. The various speakers made it clear that Pistoia remains the undisputed capital of quality nursery production and that the landscape is playing and increasingly important role and at the same time mirrors the stages of development and the choices of man. It was then discussed the theme of
The welcome address by Renato Ferretti, director of the strategic planning service of the Province of Pistoia and project manager for Vestire il Paesaggio. Die Begrüßung durch Renato Ferretti, Leiter des Bereichs Planungsstrategie der Provinz Pistoia und Projektverantwortlicher von „Vestire il Paesaggio“. Le salut de bienvenue de Renato Ferretti, directeur de la Zone de Planification Stratégique de la Province de Pistoia et responsable du projet Vestire il Paesaggio. (Habiller le Paysage)
A view of a crowded first day of the conference. Ein voller Saal am ersten Tag des Kongresses. La salle remplie de personnes lors de la première journée du congrès.
the place of science and technology in green cities where, reminding the audience that the landscape has a dignity of its own, the various speakers, all with handson experience of how to manage
The figures of Vestire il Paesaggio 2013 • 600 participants at the conference and round table discussion between industry insiders and others • Approximately 30 speakers on the first day • 50 journalists from Italy and abroad representing the traditional and trade press • 20 nurseries visited by almost 200 participants • 300 people registered on the website • 5300 visits to the website • 3200 friends on Facebook • about 60 followers on Twitter • 2,000 accesses to the live stream with an average 20 minute-stay including about 200 accessing the site from the United States
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this assets, took the floor to underline how important it is, especially in these times of economic crisis with the added threat of new pathogens that affect our plants, for us to look at new management strategies and new sustainable solutions. Focus then passed to a detailed analysis of the new urban and suburban landscapes and there were many examples of projects which showed that the common denominator is the quest for a model ecosystem management of green spaces in the construction of new settlement areas. The beautiful setting of the Convent of Giaccherino was further enhanced, in its cloisters and its rooms, with thirteen separate exhibitions including eight made exclusively for this third edition, while four were already present at the previous edition, and one was set up by AIAAP. The titles of the exhibits were: “Once upon a time; landscape narratives: photographic experiences across the territory of Pistoia”; “The frame of production; weren’t you made to be looked at”; “International Floralies and Accent@: the success of the city of plants in Europe”; “From a green space for the disadvantaged to a garden of well-being for all. A multipurpose garden project”; “Linnaeus as green ambassador”; “The seasons of landscape in Monferrato”; “The Ombrone river by Pistoia: the backbone of the re-
Thirteen exhibitions enriched the rooms of the Convent of Giaccherino. 13 Ausstellungen begleiteten die Veranstaltung in den Sälen des Klosters von Giaccherino.
covery of the relationship with the landscape”; “Landscapes and archaeology - by AIAPP Nazionale”; “Landscapes designed by women for wellness and health purposes”; “The landscape and tourism for the development of the area”; “Plants, seeds and approaches to art: a nursery catalogue from other times”; “Green roads and monumental trees”; “A journey through the history of nursery: unforgettable memories” and “A review of Vestire il Paesaggio”. The exhibitions offered a look at the origins of the nursery business through catalogues, postcards and photographic material made available by Roberto Righetti and some companies operating in the sector, a reading of the various aspects related to the archaeology of the landscape, well-being and tourism, an
13 expositions ont enrichi les salles du Couvent de Giaccherino.
overview of promotional activities for floriculture in the Province, and finally an analysis of the changes in the landscape, comparing historical images of scenic views with the current reality. Wednesday ended with an
evening at Palazzo de Rossi and the presentation of the Angelo Tosi prize, sponsored by Associazione Nazionale Direttori e Tecnici Pubblici and the Municipality of Coniolo (near Alessandria), home
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Those taking part in the nursery tour show their interest (the Innocenti & Mangoni nursery). Mit großem Interesse besuchten die Teilnehmer den Baumschulbetrieb Innocenti & Mangoni. Des participants très attentifs au cours de la visite aux pépinières (pépinière Innocenti & Mangoni).
Some moments during the visit to a nursery (the Niccolai Elio nursery). Momente während des Besuchs der Baumschule Niccolai Elio. Certains moments de la visite aux pépinières (pépinière Niccolai Elio).
Roundtable discussion taking place during the inauguration of the Pistoia Nursery Park. Runder Tisch bei der Eröffnung des „Pistoia Nursery Park“. La table ronde durant l’inauguration du « Pistoia Nursery Park ».
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of the Coniolo Fiori floricultural contest, held in honour of the legendary head gardener at Casale Monferrato. Against a background of warm and joyful applause, particularly from those of us working in the journalism industry who have the good fortune to know him well, the prestigious award was given to Guido Franco Clamer, one of Italy’s leading floriculture experts and creator and owner of the Guido Franco Clamer organisation, responsible for the marketing and promotion of products for nurseries and founder of the Pentagono Editrice publishing house which circulates, among other things, the monthly technical magazine “Clamer Informa”. Guido Clamer has always been ahead of his times and to this day no other organisation can boast similar sales. Clamer remains as enthusiastic and dedicated today was he was 30 years ago and uses the same energy and expertise to help everyone involved in the industry. Thursday, June 27th was dedicated to visiting local nurseries to see up close the processes that give rise to one Pistoia’s most important economic sectors with benefits that reach beyond the city walls. The visits featured some “special guests”: Giuseppe Castiglione, undersecretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Hon. Luca Sani, chairman of the Parliament’s Commission for Agriculture. Five routes were available to visit the 20 nurseries taking part in the initiative – all from the nursery district – including in alphabetical order: Bruschi Sandro, Capecchi Enio e F., Carlesi Vivai, Gabellini Piante, Giacomelli Giacomo, Giorgio Tesi Group, Gorini Piante, Innocenti & Mangoni, Magazini Maurizio, Mati Piante, Nanni Franco, Niccolai Elio,
Pistoia Nursery Park is the first nursery park in Europe and is part botanical garden and partly a collection of specimen plants.
Niccolai Fabio, Niccolai Elio, Righetti Piante, Romiti & Giusti, Romiti Vivai, Rose Barni, Signori Maurizio, Tesi Franco e Stefano e Tesi Ubaldo. Many of the compliments received referred to the quality of the greenery and plants and the wide selection of new varieties on offer. Even the foreign press, which wandered freely along the five routes found the production very interesting with the quality and professionalism of our nurseries being judged as outstanding. The day ended at La Vergine (near Pistoia) with the inauguration of the Pistoia Nursery Park, by Vannucci Piante, the first nursery park in Europe is somewhere between a botanical garden and a collection of plant specimens combining art, creativity, design and light in a very futuristic design. The park is spread over 10 hectares and host large plant specimens with more than a thousand examples bedded in some of the most beautiful landscaping currently in existence and all perfectly matched for variety, species, colour and height. The Pistoia Nursery Park is in constant flux depending on the changing seasons, plants that are “just visiting” before moving on to a more permanent home in botanical gardens around the world or initiatives like the one set up by architect Mario Cucinella. “I Guzzini” is a project that experiments with eco-sustainable lighting creating a totally unique and never before seen image of a landscape by night. The light show not only offers us an original take on the beauty of nature, but the project itself is setting standards and showing the way forward at the same time. The Pistoia Nursery Park was inaugurated with a round table of exceptional quality that not only dis-
Der Pistoia Nursery Park ist der erste Baumschulpark Europas, eine Kombination zwischen einem botanischen Garten und einer Sammlung von Pflanzenexemplaren. Le Pistoia Nursery Park est la première pépinière du Parc en Europe à mi-chemin entre un jardin botanique et une collection de plantes exemplaires.
cussed “green” issues but also poetry, art and solidarity. Among the guests attending (as well, obviously as “landlord” Vannino Vannucci) were Francesco Ferrini (University of Florence) Claudio Parmiggiani (artist), Ugo Pagliai (actor), Giacomo Lorenzini (University of Pisa), Alessandro Benedetti (Fondazione Meyer Firenze), Giancarlo Antognoni (ex-footballer), Serena Porcari (Dynamo Camp), Paolo Peyrone (architect), Roberto Poli (professor), Clemente Mimun
(journalist), Roberto Carifi (poet), Paolo Guzzini (businessman) and Giuliano Gori (art collector). Friday, June 28th the festival ended with a round table preceded by two extra special moments: the first devoted to the works of Pietro Porcinai and the problems related to the preservation of his works in landscaping, while the second was reserved for the presentation of the book “Vestire il Paesaggio – il libro”.
A moment from the third day’s round table. Eine Aufnahme der Diskussionsrunde am dritten Tag. Un moment de la table ronde de la troisième journée.
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Presentation of the book “Vestire il Paesaggio – il libro” with Gianfranco Venturi, regional councillor for the Tuscan Regional Authority, and Federica Fratoni, president of the Province of Pistoia and the sister of Silvia Innocenti Caramelli to whom this book is dedicated. Die Buchpräsentation von „Vestire il paesaggio – il libro“ mit Gianfranco Venturi, Ratsmitglied der Region Toskana, Federica Fratoni, Landrätin der Provinz Pistoia, die Schwester von Silvia Innocenti Caramell, der das Buch gewidmet ist. Présentation de “Vestire il paesaggio – il libro” (Habiller le Paysage – Le Livre) avec Gianfranco Venturi, conseiller régional de la Région Toscane, Federica Fratoni, présidente de la Province, la sœur de Silvia Innocenti Caramelli à laquelle le livre est dédié.
This was a moment that moved everyone: not only because this work – done entirely by the strategic planning staff of Vestire il Paesaggio, with a contribution by the Tuscan Regional Authority – was dedicated to Silvia Innocenti Caramelli, who died two years ago and was involved from the beginning in the organization of the first edition, but also because the book brings to mind the various moments of past editions as well. This project transfers onto paper the excellent work carried out in terms of international debate on the issue
of environmental design. The book begins with an introduction of the nursery industry in Tuscany and then continues with an anecdote on the launch of Vestire il Paesaggio. Next came the session devoted to a number of initiatives, events and exhibitions that always accompany the event not only in Italy but also abroad. The theme of the round table was “The demand for plants for sustainable landscapes and the response from ornamental nurseries”, as usual a question and answer session between produc-
Group photo of the team of Vestire il Paesaggio. Gruppenfoto des Teams von Vestire il Paesaggio. Photo de groupe du team de Vestire il Paesaggio.
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ers, landscapers and experts together to the intervention of representatives of the European press. The day ended in the afternoon with visits to excellent local examples of art and landscaping in the area: the Collezione Gori Fattoria di Celle – environmental art, Villa La Magia (Quarrata), Protected area of Querciola, the Botanical garden and forest of Abetone, the Giardino Garzoni and the Pinocchio park (Collodi), the Olive trees collection for landscaping (Pescia), The Emodialisi garden and the Ceppo hospital grounds and garden and the Casa museo Fondazione Iorio Vivarelli. Last but not least this third edition also placed special emphasis on communications via web (, where you can find information about the various speakers and their contribution to the event as well as further info about previous editions and shared contacts via social media: Twitter, Facebook and Youtube channel for video, ending with a live stream on which was followed by 2,000 people, including about 200 from the USA. ■
The importance of pot selection in ornamental plant growing In nursery growing, the choice of pot size is based on an analysis of various agronomic, botanical and growing factors. We take a look at the most important ones. ots, as we all know, have revolutionised the nursery world. However, they are not entirely trouble-free, which is why horticulturalists, researchers and enterprises need to go on working together in order to overcome the many problems that growing in pots still presents. These include maintaining adequate amounts of water during the day and during the vegetative season, water conservation and reduction of water loss, avoiding extreme temperatures at root level in above-ground pots, preventing plants from falling in the wind, eliminating circular propagation of roots, and ensuring control of pathogens in irrigation water. It is particularly important that the sides of pots have certain characteristics and properties: it is necessary to consider their porosity, permeability, colour, opacity, degradability and also how readily they might be penetrated by the roots.
The porosity and permeability, in particular, are key considerations for terracotta pots and pots made from organic and natural materials, while the colour is normally a more important criterion in the case of plastic pots, which, if produced in orange or a terracotta-like colour, can look very similar to the terracotta va-
riety; different colours can also be used to denote different product lines for marketing purposes. Another aspect needing careful consideration is the size of nursery pots, which must be decided on the basis of an analysis of various factors: the degree of growth, the growing phase,
Die Auswahl der Containergröße für die Verwendung im Baumschulbereich basiert auf der Analyse verschiedener Faktoren von agronomischem, botanischem und zuchtbedingtem Charakter. Hier die wichtigsten.
Le choix de la mesure des récipients à utiliser pour la culture dans le secteur pépinière se base sur l’analyse de différents facteurs de nature ergonomique, botanique et culturelle. Voyons quels sont les plus importants.
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The right size
the type of root system and the length of the cultivation period. The growth capacity of the plant to be cultivated influences the choice of pot size. Indeed, species with a low growth capacity can be cultivated in smaller pots than those having a higher growth capacity. Given the great many plant species cultivated in the field of nursery growing, this is an extremely variable factor that, moreover, is also influenced by environmental conditions and by growing techniques. For this reason, the appropriate pot diameter for the plant to be cultivated is not something that can be established by trial and error in the nursery.
Pot and root system The type of root system is a factor that is not given adequate consideration, mainly because nursery growing in pots is tending, increasingly, to become standardised and automated, with the result that the same type of pot – which is often “casual” – ends up being used for different plant species, irrespective of the type of roots. In the case of nursery growing in pots using seedlings obtained using self-rooting techniques, the distribution of the root system will be similar in most species, which eliminates the problem of having to use pots of different shapes. Conversely, different-sized pots are needed
for the seedlings of certain groups of species having very superficial roots or taproots. In the first case, wide, shallow pots should be used; instead, species with taproots need pots that are deeper than they are wide. Another factor to take into consideration when choosing the right pot size is the length of the growing period, as plants that take longer to reach the shape and minimum size they have to have before they can be sold generally need larger pots than those that take less time to reach commercial maturity.
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The trend recently has been to opt for pots that are as small as possible and, through rational growth planning, to avoid keeping plants in pots in the nursery for more than one growing cycle. This trend is justified by several factors: smaller pots entail savings (they are less expensive and need less substratum); a plant in a smaller pot is lighter and easier to handle and transport; as regards the agronomic aspects, a smaller pot will result in a more contained root system, which makes planting easier and reduces fertiliser consumption per plant. In nursery growing, the choice of pot size is based on an analysis of various agronomic, botanical and growing factors. The growth capacity of the plant to be cultivated influences the choice of pot size. Indeed, species with a low growth capacity can be cultivated in smaller pots than those having a higher growth capacity. This factor, however, being extremely variable, given the great many plant species involved in nursery growing, and also being influenced by environmental conditions (substrate, climate etc.) and by growing techniques, influences the choice of pot diameter. The type of root system is a factor that is not always given adequate consideration, mainly because nursery growing in pots is tending, increasingly, to become
Pots containing a cubic metre of substratum
The pots most widely used in nursery growing The polyethylene pots used in ornamental plant nurseries generally come in the following sizes: • diameter 15 cm, height 15 cm, capacity 1.9 litres • diameter 18 cm, height 18 cm, capacity 3.4 litres • diameter 18 cm, height 24 cm, capacity 9.6 litres • diameter 20 cm, height 20 cm, capacity 5.2 litres • diameter 30 cm, height 30 cm, capacity 18 litres
Pot diameter (cm)
Number of filled pots
Pot sides designed to reduce the problem of spiraling roots. Containerwände, die die Spiralisierung der Wurzeln vermeiden. Parois de pots pour réduire la spiralisation des racines.
standardised and automated, with the result that the same type of pot – which is often “casual” – ends up being used for different plant species, irrespective of the type of roots. In the case of nursery growing in pots using seedlings obtained using self-rooting propagation techniques, the distribution of the root system will be similar in most species, which eliminates the problem of having to use pots of different shapes. Conversely, different-sized pots are needed for the seedlings of certain groups of species having very superficial roots or taproots. In the first case, wide, shallow pots should be used; instead, species with taproots need pots that are deeper than they are wide. The choice of pot size is also determined by the time needed for the plant to reach commercial maturity, as plants that take
longer to reach the shape and minimum size they have to have before they can be sold generally need larger pots than those that take less time to develop sufficiently. The recent trend has been, through rational growth planning, to avoid keeping plants in pots in the nursery for more than one growing cycle. Instead, for the cultivation of batches of plants of the same species and same size, there is a tendency to prefer pots that are as small as possible. There are several reasons justifying this choice: 1) a smaller container is less expensive and needs less substratum; 2) a plant in a smaller pot is lighter and easier to handle and transport; 3) a smaller pot will result in a more contained root system, which makes planting easier; 4) fertiliser consumption per plant is therefore reduced. ■
Pot designed to improve rooting, especially of saplings.
Container für eine bessere Verwurzelung insbesondere für Baumpflanzungen. Pot qui améliore l’enracinement , surtout pour les arbres.
Pag. 53 • Lineaverde International January 2014
A guide to Italian horticulture represents 5% of the entire national agricultural production, and contributes to the amount of 23% to European horticultural production, thus constituting a significant and specialised sector, and one that is still characterised by positive economic trends.
Verbania Novara
Lecco Como Bergamo Milano
Brescia Padova
Cremona Mantova
Savona Imperia
Lucca Pistoia
This map reports all the provinces of the nurseries listed in the following pages. The provinces with the highest concentration of nurseries are written in bold.
Firenze Pisa Siena
The economic, territorial and even social aspects of this Gosseto industry, however, are not always recognised or analysed. These characterise the various areas of production, which, although highly diversified amongst themselves, yet contribute to creating a national scenario that the "legendary Dutch" might well envy us.
Ascoli Piceno
Chieti Roma Latina
Indeed, due to its vast assortment of products – ranging from cut flowers to indoor plants, garden plants and large park plants (including a number of specialities such as ornamental citrus trees in terracotta pots, a wide variety of olive trees and the most unusual Mediterranean plants) – Italy is certainly the most heterogeneous and commercially interesting country as regards horticulture. Italian horticultural firms are concentrated in well-defined production territories, a phenomenon known as "leopard spot" localisation. Historically, Liguria, Tuscany, Campania, Puglia and Sicily have always been the main Italian flower areas, while Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany and Sicily have chiefly constituted the main – and less concentrated – potted plant areas. Furthermore, not only Tuscany enjoys important outdoor ornamental plant production, but also Lombardy, Veneto, Marche, Lazio and Sicily. This book contains a well studied guide to the leading Italian horticultural firms, specifying, in each case, general information and the main production specialisations.
Pag. 54 • Lineaverde International January 2014
Bari Napoli Potenza
an nurseries Der Gartenbau umfasst in Italien (wertbezogen) 5 % der gesamten nationalen landwirtschaftlichen Produktion, trägt mit einem Anteil von 23 % zu den Gartenbauerzeugnissen Europas bei und stellt so einen bedeutenden, ursprünglichen und immer noch von positiven wirtschaftlichen Dynamiken charakterisierten Sektor dar.
En Italie, la floriculture représente (en valeur) 5% de toute la production agricole et elle contribue à hauteur de 23% à la formation de la production de la floriculture européenne ; elle représente donc un secteur significatif, original et caractérisé par des mouvements économiques positifs.
Nicht immer jedoch wird diese Realität in ihren wirtschaftlichen, territorialen und auch sozialen Aspekten erkannt und untersucht, die verschiedenen Produktionsbereiche kennzeichnen, welche, wenn auch stark diversifiziert, zur Schaffung eines nationalen Unikats beitragen, das bei den “mythischen Holländern“ Neid erwecken könnte.
Malheureusement cette réalité n'est pas toujours connue et examinée dans le cadre de ses aspects économiques, territoriaux et même sociaux qui caractérisent chaque zone de production qui, bien que nettement diversifiées, contribuent à la création d'un unicum national pouvant être digne d'envie pour les "fameux hollandais" .
Italien ist in der Tat aufgrund seines Produktsortiments, das von Schnittblumen bis Zimmerpflanzen, Gartenpflanzen und Pflanzen für große Parks reicht (die durch einige Produktionseigenheiten wie Zitrusfrüchte als Zierpflanzen in Terrakottatöpfen, Olivenbäume aller Sorten und Formen und die einzigartigsten Pflanzen des Mittelmeerraums bereichert werden), unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Gartenbaus sicherlich das heterogenste und kommerziell interessanteste Land. In Italien sind die Unternehmen territorial auf klar abgegrenzte Produktionsbereiche konzentriert, die so genannte “gefleckte” Verteilung. Zur Erinnerung: die wichtigsten Blumengegenden befinden sich in Ligurien, der Toskana, Kampanien, Apulien und Sizilien, während die für Topfpflanzen hauptsächlich im Piemont, der Lombardei, Venetien, Ligurien, der Toskana und Sizilien angesiedelt sind. Für die Zierpflanzen für den Außenbereich sind außer denen in der Toskana die Produktionen der Lombardei, Venetiens, der Marken, des Latiums und Siziliens von Bedeutung. Auf den Seiten im Anschluss stellen wir einen von einigen der wichtigsten italienischen Baumschulen erstellten Leitfaden zur Verfügung, wobei für jede von diesen außer den Unternehmensdaten auch die wichtigsten Produktspezialisierungen angegeben werden.
Grâce à l'assortiment de la production qui va des fleurs coupées aux plantes de maisons, de jardins et d'immenses parcs (enrichi par des spécialités telles que les agrumes ornementaux dans des pots en terre cuite, les oliviers en tous genres et les plus étranges plantes méditerranéennes), dans ce secteur l'Italie est certainement le pays le plus hétérogène et commercialement le plus intéressant. En Italie les entreprises sont territorialement concentrées dans des zones de production parfaitement définies suivant l'emplacement "en taches de léopard". Nous rappelons que les zones des principales pépinières se trouvent en Ligurie, Toscane, Campagne, dans les Pouilles et en Sicile. Les plantes en pots, qui sont moins concentrées, se trouvent principalement au Piémont, en Lombardie, Vénétie, Ligurie, Toscane et Sicile. Les plantes ornementales d'extérieur se trouvent en Toscane et en Lombardie, Vénétie, Sicile, dans les Marques et dans le Latium. Aux pages suivantes nous vous présentons un guide sur certaines des plus importantes pépinières italiennes ; nous indiquons, pour chacune d'elles, leurs fiches d'état civil et leurs principales spécialisations.
Pag. 55 • Lineaverde International January 2014
IMPORTANT Each entry comprises the following information: • Name of the horticultural firm • Province of location • Telephone number without the international dialling code (please prefix these numbers with +39 when calling from outside Italy) • Website, where this exists • Specialisation Note: By “specialisation” we mean the production types that characterise the firm or for which it is best known. The description provided does not exclude the existence of plant groups not mentioned in the guidebook.
Inside back cover
WICHTIG Jede Angabe zu den Gartenbau-Unternehmen setzt sich wie folgt zusammen: • Name des GartenbauUnternehmens • Provinz des Unternehmenssitzes • Telefonnummer ohne internationale Vorwahl (außerhalb von Italien muss +39 vorgewählt werden) • Internetpräsenz, wenn vorhanden. • Spezialisierung Hinweis: Wir haben versucht, unter dem Begriff “Spezialisierung” die Produktionsarten zusammenzufassen, die das Unternehmen kennzeichnen oder für die es am bekanntesten ist. Daher schließt die von uns gelieferte Beschreibung nicht aus, dass sich auf den Preislisten des Unternehmens nicht erwähnte Pflanzengruppen befinden.
ALPIFLORA - Como - Ph. 031/951131 - Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants, Flowering and annual plants ALTIFLOR - Latina - Ph. 0773/562066 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Flowering, green and annual plants ANTOLOGIA - Milano - Ph. 039/6080518 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial ARIENTI AZIENDA AGRICOLA - Mantova - Ph. 0376-723007 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees ARCANGELI GINO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380418 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial
AZIENDA BONATO Montagnana (PD) Ph 347-2552152 Aromatic plants, Rosemary and Garden Sage
BALDI ALFIO & FIGLIO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573380254 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BALDACCI PRIMO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-934279 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BANO LORENZO - Padova - Ph. 049/5566776 Deciduous trees and shrubs BASSIFLOR - Como - Ph. 031-747717 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees BELLINI VIVAI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-544397 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BIAGINI VIVAI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380228 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants BONETTI VIVAI - Cremona - Ph. 0375-380208 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees BRAMBILLA VIVAI - Lecco - Ph. 039-508340 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BREDA VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70677 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
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BRESCHI FRANCO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380157 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art
Page 19
BRUSCHI SANDRO VIVAI Pistoia - Ph. 0573-946400 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art
Page 45
CARLESI VIVAI Pistoia - Ph. 0573 545236 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art CATTANEO - Como - Ph. 031-771295 - Cuttings, Young plants, Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees
IMPORTANT Chaque nom d'entreprises de floriculture comprend : • Le nom de l'entreprise • La province d'appartenance • Le numéro de téléphone sans le préfixe international (placez +39 devant le numéro si vous appelez hors de l'Italie) • Le site Internet (s'il existe). • La spécialisation Nota: sous le terme "spécialisation" nous avons essayé de résumer les différents types de production qui caractérisent l'entreprise ou pour lesquels elle est connue. Notre description n'exclue donc pas le fait que sur le prix courant des entreprises vous pouvez trouver des groupes de plantes qui ne sont pas indiqués.
CHIANESE F.LLI - Napoli - Ph. 081-7023081 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants VIVAI DEL CIRCEO - Latina - Ph. 0773-534031 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAPITANIO VIVAI - Bari - Ph. 080801720 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAPORALPLANT - Bari - Ph. 0883.614711 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAROBBI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380488 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial COMPAGNIA DEL LAGO - Verbania - Ph. 0323/586905 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants CONSORZIO FLOROVIVAISTI COMASCHI - Como - Ph. 031/269713 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial CONSORZIO PROD. VIVAISTI CANNETESI - Mantova Ph. 0376-70558 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
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Page 1
COPLANT - Mantova Ph. 0376-723885 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees
Page 35
COVILI FRANCO - Pistoia Ph. 0573-479981
Deciduos trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbling and perennial, Topiary art
CRESPI BONSAI - Milano - Ph. 0331-491850 - Bonsai CUBEDA VIVAI - Catania - Ph. 095/7891947 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CURTOLO VIVAI - Treviso - Ph. 0422 300818 - Ornamental plants, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Magnolia and Quercus DAINESE DOMENICO - Padova - Ph. 049-640174 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial D'ANDREIS VIVAI PIANTE - Udine - Ph. 0431-59348 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Conifers DEGLI INNOCENTI GUIDO AZ. AGRICOLA - Firenze Ph. 055-2374547 - Climbing and perennial, Flowering and annual plants DELLA VALLE & C. - Savona - Ph. 0182-548522 Flowering and annual plants DELL'UCCELLINA AZIENDA AGRICOLA - Grosseto Ph. 0564-407007 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants W
EL ROSER - Treviso - Ph. 0423-839376 - Roses, Climbing and perennial FIORITALIA - Rovigo - Ph. 0425-475055 Roses, Climbing and perennial, Flowering and annual plants FLOR COOP - Novara - Ph. 0322-589755 - Acidophil plants, Flowering, green and annual plants FLORICOLTURA SCALDASOLE - Como - Ph. 031-61803 - Buxus pruning as balls and as hedges FLORMERCATI COOP - Brescia - Ph. 030-9981381 - Climbing and perennial, Flowering, green and annual plants
Pag. 58 â&#x20AC;˘ Lineaverde International January 2014
Page 30
FRANCHI COSTANTINO BONSAI Pistoia - Ph. 0572-429262 Fruit and olive trees, Bonsai
GILARDELLI F.LLI - Milano - Ph. 039-653216 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial
Back cover
GIORGIO TESI VIVAI Pistoia - Ph. 0573/530051 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art
Page 34
GIUNTOLI FRANCESCO Pistoia - Ph. 3406337387 Horticulture, flowering and annual plants
GLIONNA VIVAI - Potenza - Ph. 0972-82043 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Mediterranean plants GUAGNO IVANO VIVAI - Padova - Ph. 049-9300635 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees HORTUS AZ. AGRICOLA - Forlì - Ph. 0543-741389 Young plants
IDEAVERDE - Perugia Ph.075.388569 Specialist in the production of Italian Cypress trees and mediterranean species IMPERATORE VIVAI - Caserta - Ph. 0823/871350 Young plants, Mediterranean plants, Conifers, Evergreen shrubs and trees INNOCENTI & MANGONI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-530364 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees JELITTO - Schwarmstedt (Germania) - Ph. 0049 50 71/98 29-0 - Perennial seed
Pag. 59 • Lineaverde International January 2014
LAMBO - Cremona - Ph. 0375/311038 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants LAZZERI - Bolzano - Ph. 0473-246600 - Roses, Flowering and annual plants LEADERPLANT - Acquanegra sul Chiese (MN) - Ph. 0376 727112 fax 0376 790168 - mail: - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers LORENZETTO - Savona - Ph. 0182-20158 - Flowering and annual plants L'ORTOFRUTTICOLA SOC. COOP - Savona - Ph. 0182-50374 - Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants LOTTO S.S. FLORICOLTURA - Verbania - Ph. 0323-571259 Acidophil plants LUPPI ENZO & FIGLI AZIENDA FLORICOLA - Verbania Ph. 0323-496312 - - Acidophil plants MAGNI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380065 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art MARGHERITI VIVAI - Siena - Ph. 0578-227686 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees
Page 7
MATI PIANTE - Pistoia Ph. 0573-380051 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees
MATTEINI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-544993 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art MAURI ALESSANDRO AZ. AGRICOLA - Milano - Ph. 039-650447 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees MB PLANT - Savona - Ph +39 0182 586026 - Import - Export MERISTEMA AZ.AGRICOLA - Pisa - Ph. 0587-725168 - Young plants MERLOFLOR - Savona - Ph. 0182-20257 - Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants MONDELLI - Como - Ph. 031-200296 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial Pag. 60 â&#x20AC;˘ Lineaverde International January 2014
MONTIVIVAI - Lucca - Ph. 0583-998115-6 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees NICCOLAI MARINO & FIGLIO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380468 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial
NINO SANREMO - Imperia - Ph. 0184-502266 - Roses
Page 13
NIPPON TREE Milano - Ph. 3494052291 Japanese Garden-Bonsais (niwaki)
OASI VIVAI PIANTE DI PRIMIO LUIGI Chieti - Ph. 0871-398006 Young plants, Cuttings, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees OTTONI STEFANO VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-79197 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees PACINI & BALDI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380260 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees PATRUCCO SERGIO AZ. FLOROVIVAISTICA - Imperia Ph. 0183-429540 - Roses, Flowering and annual plants
PEVERELLI VIVAI - Como - Ph. 031-880320 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial
Inside front cover
PIANTE FARO - Catania Ph. 095-964900 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees PIANTE SANTORI AZ. AGRICOLA - Ascoli Piceno - Ph. 0735-633395 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants PIROVANO - Como - Ph. 031-3350154 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial PISTOIA PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-935307 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art
Pag. 61 â&#x20AC;˘ Lineaverde International January 2014
PLANTA - Bolzano - Ph. 0472-830000 Flowering and annual plants POLI F.LLI VIVAI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380490 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial PORCELLATO - Treviso - Ph. 0423-485421 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial RADICE AZ. ORTICOLA FLOROVIVAISTICA - Como - Ph. 031-745332 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees RATTI - Verbania - Ph. 0323-59337 Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants, Flowering and annual plants RIGHETTI RAFFAELE S.S. - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/544073 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants ROMANO RIGHETTI PIANTE e C. Pistoia - Ph. 0573-545171 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees R.O.M.E. PLANT - Roma - Ph. 06-52272546 - Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees, Flowering and annual plants
Page 2
ROMITI VIVAI - Chiazzano (PT) - Ph. 0573-532031 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees ROSE BARNI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380464 - - Roses
Page 21
ROSSI LUCIO - Mantova Ph. 0376-723007 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
SABBIONERA VIVAI - Brescia - Ph. 030-660993 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial SALDINI VIVAI S.S. - Milano - Ph. 02-3542441 - Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants SANTONI - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-4910 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial
Pag. 62 â&#x20AC;˘ Lineaverde International January 2014
SCARPELLINI - Bergamo - Ph. 035-517111 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial SIMA PLANT GRUP S.L. - Padova - Ph. 049-5793664 Deciduous trees and shrubs
Page 17
Front cover
TECNOVIVAI S.S. DI ZECCHINA - Mantova Ph. 0376-70377 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
TESI UBALDO & FIGLI Pistoia - Ph. 0573/532318 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art
TINTORI OSCAR AZ. AGRICOLA - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-429191 - Citrus trees TORSANLORENZO VIVAI MARGHERITI - Roma - Ph. 06-91019105 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees TOSCOFLORA - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-447011 - Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants UMBRAFLOR - Perugia - Ph. 0742.315007 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers
VAN DEN BORRE - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees
Pages 4-5
VANNUCCI PIANTE AZ. AGR. Pistoia - Ph. 0573-735483 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art
VERIFLOR - Mantova - Ph. 0375 380249 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
Pag. 63 â&#x20AC;˘ Lineaverde International January 2014
Page 31
VIGNOLI FRANCESCO Santomato (PT) Ph. 0573-479769 Young plants, Wisteria
VIVAI ASSOCIATI - Padova - Ph.049 644955 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
VIVAI NORD DI A.G. SARTORI & C. - Como - Ph. 031-699749 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants
Page 27
VIVAIO DEI MOLINI Brescia - Ph. 030/9130132 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Fruit and olive trees
ZECCHINA MASSIMILIANO AZ. AGR. - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70318 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
Page 11
ZELARI PIANTE EXPORT S.S Pistoia - Ph. 0573-934077 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art
ZILIANI ANDREA VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70421 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees
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