Lineaverde International gennaio 2016

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Plants and flowers in 2015: results and trends in Italy and in Europe

ENA, the European Nursery Stock Association, meeting

Technicalbotanical information sheets

Lineaverde International

The international version of the leading magazine in Italy for floral and ornamental horticulture

Version internationale de la revue de floriculture et d’arboriculture ornementale leader en Italie

Internationale Version von der fĂźhrenden Zeitschrift in Italien auf dem Gebiet der Zierpflanzenzucht

Moving Forest, the landscape of Expo Milan 2015 January 2016 2015

Exclu sive to Piante Faro




This is the variety of Chamaerops which grows on the slopes of Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe. It’s a palm with a compact habit, almost dwarf, its leaves are of an intense green with silver reflections, and it is tolerant to -10°C. It is ideal to decorate small gardens, as a pot palm on terraces or simply to add a touch of the Mediterranean and the exotic to your outdoor spaces.

Small, very decorative palm. Ideal for small gardens or pots Maximum size: 3m height, 3m wide.

Exposition: in full sun Hardy to -10°C

| Š

The registered name Chamaerops ‘Compacta’Ž is exclusively registered to Piante Faro. Any use or reproduction of the same for any purpose or means is expressly and totally forbidden and will be prosecuted according to the law.

Strada Provinciale 117 n° 26 95014 Carruba di Giarre Catania, ITALY tel +39 095 7780511 fax +39 095 7780599

Thinking Green, Growing Green


Nursery Management Master starting february 2016 5 MONTHS _ February to June 2016 _ Euro 2.500,00 The Master in Nursery Management is designed for everybody who wants to acquire or enhance specific skills in varius fields: from Marketing to Accounting, from Communication to Lean Production, going up to Human Resources, applied to the world of nursery, nature and environment. Program: 21 days of class and Project work + 4 months of Internship Language: Italian and English Target: International Requirements: High School Diploma Age of participants: 18-30 Selection: Curriculum and Interview Maximum attendants: 10

PISTOIA NURSERY CAMPUS_ Via Bonellina,116 -118 _ 51100 Pistoia _ Italy Tel. +39 0573 382212



Lineaverde is Italy’s leading horticultural magazine. For nearly 30 years it has provided a useful source of information for those working in the sector. It publishes articles on: growing techniques, arboriculture, botany, running horticultural businesses, landscape gardening, ecology; moreover it provides technical, commerical and statistical facts and figures. Lineaverde International is the international copy of the magazine found in English, French and German. Its formation began with the idea of promoting Italian horticulture abroad. It is sent twice a year, in September and January, to the main European growers. It is found to be the quickest and most efficent way to inform the world about horticulture in Italy, it being one of the richest producers in Europe (23 percent of European horticultural production ) for volume, quality and variety. Italy is the most commercially interesting horticultural producer in Europe in particular for its wealth of variety. Cut flowers, house, garden and public park plants make up the vast assortment available and this is enriched by Italy’s own exotic production of ornamental citrus in terracotta pots, olives of every shape and kind and the most unusual Mediterranean species.

Lineaverde est la revue de floriculture et arboriculture leader en Italie. Depuis bientôt 30 ans elle est un instrument de travail précieux pour tous les opérateurs du secteur. Elle traite des arguments suivants: les techniques de culture, l’arboriculture, la phytopathologie, la gestion d’une pépinière, le paysagisme, l’écologie; elle divulgue en outre des informations techniques, sur les marchandises, ainsi que les statistiques intéressant le secteur. Lineaverde International, qui est la version internationale (en anglais, en français et en allemand) de Lineaverde, a été conçu afin d’assurer la promotion des pépinières italiennes à l’étranger. Elle est expédiée deux fois par an (en septembre et en janvier) à des opérateurs européens triés sur le volet. Cette publication est la façon la plus rapide et efficace d’approfondir la connaissance de la production italienne, l’une des plus riches d’Europe quant au volume (23% de la production floricole et arboricole européenne), à la qualité et à l’assortiment. L’Italie est certainement, dans le secteur des fleurs et des plantes, le pays le plus hétérogène et le plus intéressant du point de vue commercial, en raison de son assortiment, qui va des fleurs coupées aux plantes d’appartement, pour jardins et pour grands parcs (enrichi par quelques productions particulières comme les agrumes ornementaux en pots de terre cuite, les oliviers de toutes les formes et variétés et les plantes méditerranéennes les plus curieuses). Pag. 4 • Lineaverde International January 2016

Lineaverde ist die führende Zeitschrift in Italien auf dem Gärtnereisektor. Seit fast 30 Jahren ist sie ein nützliches Arbeitsmittel für all diejenigen, die auf diesem Gebiet tätig sind. Die Veröffentlichung behandelt Themen wie: Anbautechniken, Baumschulen, Pflanzenkrankheiten, Management des Gärtnereibetriebs, Landschaftsbau, Ökologie und berichtet außerdem von technische Daten, Waren und Statistiken des Bereichs. Lineaverde International ist die internationale Version (auf Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch) von Lineaverde und dient als Mittel zur Förderung der italienischen Pflanzenzucht im Ausland. Sie wird zwei Mal im Jahr (im September und im Januar) an ein ausgewähltes europäisches Fachpublikum verschickt. Die Veröffentlichung ist die schnellste und wirksamste Methode, um die Kenntnis der italienischen Erzeugerrealität – ein der reichsten in Europa bezogen auf das Volumen (23% der europäischen Pflanzenzuchtproduktion), Qualität und Sortiment – zu vertiefen. Dies gilt besonders für das Sortiment der Erzeugnisse, die von Schnittblumen zu Zimmerpflanzen gehen, von Gartenpflanzen hin zu Pflanzen für große Parks (angereichert mit einigen Besonderheiten der Produktion wie Zier-Zitrusfrüchte in Terrakotta-Kübeln, Olivenbäume in allen Varietäten und Formen und den ausgefallene Mittelmeerpflanzen), wo Italien bezogen auf die Pflanzenzucht das heterogenste und kommerziell gesehen interessanteste Land ist.




Facts and figures Plants and flowers in 2015: results and trends in Italy and in Europe .................. PAG. 8

Expo Milano 2015 Moving Forest, the landscape of Expo ....................................................................... PAG. 12

Associations ENA, the European Nursery Stock Association, meeting ....................................... PAG. 20

LINEAVERDE NEWS ................................................................................................. PAG. 23

Technical-botanical information sheets .......................................................... PAG. 36 Davidia involucrata ‘Sonoma’ ................................................................................... PAG. 37 Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’ .................................................................................... PAG. 38 Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’................................................................................ PAG. 39 Heptacodium miconioides ........................................................................................ PAG. 40 ‘Pseudocydonia sinensis’ ........................................................................................... PAG. 41 Koelreuteria paniculata .............................................................................................. PAG. 42 Ginkgo biloba ‘Pyramidalis Feronia’ ......................................................................... PAG. 43

A GUIDE TO ITALIAN NURSERIES ..................................................................... PAG. 44


Editor-in-chief: Massimo Casolaro ( Executive editor: Renato Ferretti (

is published by EPE Edizioni srl Advertising Via Spezia, 33 - 20142 Milan - Italy

EPE Edizioni - Via Spezia, 33 - 20142 Milano

Ph. +39 02

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Fax +39 02

Advertising Manager: Maurizio Casolaro (

E-Mail for subscriptions or information: E-Mail for enquiries and correspondence to the editorial office:


Giulia Arrigoni, Giorgio Badiali, Adriana Colombo, Francesco Ferrini,


Biagio Guccione, Marco Natali, Claudia Perolari, Stefano Sogni

Pag. 5 • Lineaverde International January 2016

La Giorgio Tesi Group è un’azienda vivaistica leader in Europa per produzione di piante ornamentali, dimensioni e superficie coltivata. Oltre alla sede di Pistoia, capitale europea dei vivai, il gruppo Giorgio Tesi Group possiede altre 4 filiali situate a Grosseto, Orbetello (Gr), Piadena (Cr), San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). La Giorgio Tesi Group ha ampliato la propria offerta di rose con nuovi brevetti ottenuti da costitutori e ibridatori di livello internazionale quali: Georges DELBARD, DAVID AUSTIN ENGLISH ROSES, KORDES e ROSEN TANTAU, che si aggiungono al partner storico Rose BARNI. Le piante di rose sono offerte in forme tradizionali (vaso, radice nuda, arbusto, rampicante) in contenitore, oppure assemblate in forme e strutture: gazebo, colonna, spalliere, piramidi, ombrelli e campane. Per qualsiasi informazione contattarci a

The Giorgio Tesi Group is a European company leader for nursery production of ornamental plants, size, and cultivated area. Besides its headquarters in Pistoia, the European plant nursery capital, the Giorgio Tesi Group has 4 other branches located in Grosseto, Orbetello (Gr), Piadena (Cr), and San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). The Giorgio Tesi Group has expanded its offering of newly patented roses from such international breeders and hybridizers as Georges DELBARD, DAVID AUSTIN ENGLISH ROSES, KORDES, MEILLAND and ROSEN TANTAU, in addition to historical partner Rose BARNI . Rose plants are offered in traditional forms (potted, bare root, bush, and climbing), in containers or formed into shapes and structures like gazebos, columns, espaliers, pyramids, umbrellas, and bells. For any information please contact us at

Let’s meet at IPM 26 - 29/01/2016 Essen - Germany




Plants and flowers in 2015: results and trends in Italy and in Europe 2 2015 was a difficult year for Italian plants and flowers. Despite initial signs of recovery, and a return of orders from abroad, some long-standing companies went out of business.

015 was the year when the world's economic crisis was felt the hardest by the nursery and ornamental plant industry. Some companies who had pioneered the industry's history in Italy and Europe began the process of shutting their doors, unimaginable just months ago. Official data indicates that finan-

2015, une année difficile pour la floriculture italienne: malgré les premiers signes de reprise et le retour des commandes de l'étranger, certaines entreprises établies dans le secteur ont fait faillite.

2015, ein schwieriges Jahr für die italienische Blumenzucht: Trotz ersten Anzeichen einer Erholung und die Rückkehr der Bestellungen aus dem Ausland, einige etablierte Unternehmen der Branche in Konkurs gegangen.

Pag. 8 • Lineaverde International January 2016

cial difficulties will increase, and the lack of liquidity is affecting the entire production pipeline, including companies who provide manufactured products and services. In short, the economic-financial difficulties are being felt. These are the most visible repercussions, but let us see what official data has to say for the first

half year 2015 and the forecasts for the entire year. Plants and flowers in the first half year of 2015 recorded growth, compared to last year, in the value of exports (+5.8%) as well as imports (+6.3%). In terms of volume, on the other hand, imports saw a significant downturn compared to the first half year of 2014 of more than 20%; exports, on the other hand, held steady. Overall the balance of value improved by just 3%. In detail, the imported plant, tree and shrub sector posted two opposing trends: it was positive for trees and shrubs, which increased in value by 11.3%, and negative for domestically grown plants. In the first half year 2014, in fact, domestic plants recorded a surplus

of 6 million euro, a trend which reversed in the first half year of 2015 (-2.6 billion euro). Also for overseas plants, the trend indicated a gradual erosion of the Italian market share, estimated to be falling at 4% a year. Italy's purchases of plants from within the EU increased in value by 6-7%, both for indoor and outdoor plants, despite the number falling sharply, therefore more valuable types of plants were bought compared to the array imported in the first half year 2014. This confirms the hypothesis that the future of nurseries in a country with a mature economy lies in products of greater value and with recognizable and certified quality content, and not in price competition.

In Italy the sales of plants, trees and shrubs sold in Italy in the summer months has expanded, particularly over the past decade, to August and September-October. The potted plant sector compared to nursery products recorded a modest increase, which differed between the regions. During the summer, the species in most demand were flowering perennials for public and private outdoor decor, especially in areas popular with tourists. The production of plants, trees and shrubs for the autumn market, characterised by perennial plants such as chrysanthemums, cyclamens, heather and so on, popular especially nearer the festivities in November, and later also for Christmas, were influenced by summer weather conditions, which this year meant a particularly hot and long stretch. The chrysanthemum market, like last year, appeared to be characterised by an excess in supply in October, with ample volumes of unsold stock which then become scarce in November, while demand for indoor plants, especially for the entire assortment of green plants, was very limited. Some producers also faced new agronomic and phytosanitary problems which were another limiting factor, especially for exports, and the use of a green passport for a growing number of species appeared to be the only solution put forward by the European Union to limit the effect on the free circulation of goods. On this note, some episodes occurred where trucks were blocked at the Turkish border carrying nursery products ordered by Turkish customers who have


Pag. 9 • Lineaverde International January 2016


Main EXPORTING countries – First half 2015 Vs first half 2014 Countries

Plants, Trees and Shrubs Value (000 €) Var. 15/14 Countries



The Netherlands


-5,8% Total -12,9% The Netherlands

Vol. (tons)

Var. 15/14







2,5% Italy





-3,7% Germany





4,0% Spain



Denmark 162.635 -3,7% Belgium 71.122 Source: Ismea data processing from the Gta data, September 2015 data extraction


Main IMPORTING countries – First half 2015 Vs first half 2014 Countries Total

Plants, Trees and Shrubs Value (000 €) Var. 15/14 Countries 2.031.210

Vol. (tons) 882.516


-13,5% Germany




-2,9% France




12,9% United Kingdom



The Netherlands


-18,1% Sweden





6,4% Italy





France United Kingdom

-5,1% Total

Var. 15/14

Source: Ismea data processing from the Gta data, September 2015 data extraction


Pag. 10 • Lineaverde International January 2016

been doing business with Italy for many years, who were not able to prevent the plants from being rejected despite a memorandum of intent being signed for an agreement between Italy and Turkey, previously discussed at G20 (8 May 2015) which was meant to be an integral part of the concluding statements of the Heads of States and Government on 16 November 2015 at Antalya. The blockage of a number of shipments, even if they were occasional, lead to the loss of significant amounts of money by Italian nurseries, and others gave up on selling to the only country in Europe where demand is rising. For the nursery sector, analysis of market trends is once again unsatisfactory, and the sector is once again highly influenced by a general lack of interest in nursery products. Specifically, we are referring especially to the documented absence of public orders, and in some cases competition from products from some new companies which are steadily becoming specialists in the cultivation of nursery plants, trees and shrubs. In conclusion, production capacity in Italy like in Europe has consolidated but if demand is not stimulated, falling prices are inevitable, and as a consequence company profits will fall. It is clear that, as AREFLH (the Assembly of the European Regions producing Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Plants) has requested on a number of occasions, a European policy is needed to support investments in public green spaces to improve the quality of life in urban and rural areas, but also to restore prospects of certainty to the important sector of agriculture. ■

Availability of potted plants

Careful selection of materials for transplanting.

Use of stakes for planned growth and pruning

Automatic irrigation systems

TARGET : Q UALITY A passion for things green and the knowledge that we must provide a service which is in line with demand are the elements which explain the growth of our company. More than 100 hectares of nursery, where these systems can be

seen: growing young plants, transplanting, potted trees, and a wide range of essentials. Always on the look-out for quality and professionalism, in the last ten years we have developed greatly both in Italy and overseas.

Tree of Life. Arbre de Vie. Baum des Lebens.

Moving Forest, the landscape of Expo Benedetto Selleri outlines to Lineaverde the design criteria that inspired the landscape project for Expo Milano 2015. Benedetto Selleri illustre pour Lineaverde les critères conceptuels qui ont inspiré l’aménagement d’Expo Milan 2015. Benedetto Selleri illustriert für Lineaverde die Projektkriterien, die das Landschaftsprojekt für die Expo 2015 in Mailand inspiriert haben.


xpo Milano 2015 - as presented in the masterplan devised by Stefano Boeri, Jaques Herzog, Ricky Burdett, Joan Busquets and William McDonough, and the subsequent preliminary project by Piano Expo – is an exhibition city within a ring – a reproduction of a Roman 'castrum' as the primary archetype of urban generation – a urban centre, international terminal, within an area encompassed by a chaotic and fragmentary border, between the urban heart and the hinterland of Milan. In this context, the importance of the land-

Pag. 12 • Lineaverde International January 2016

scape project, its fundamental role for formal, urban and relational upgrade of the areas of the exhibition site and for the definition of new relations with the surroundings becomes clear. The Expo landscapes reinterpret elements of a spontaneous rural and urban landscape, and are configured at the same time to be areas for socialising, leisure and gathering. But the Expo landscapes first and foremost tell a tale, through a didactic-exhibition journey, developed along the guiding thread of the relationship

between man and nature, following the exhibition's theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. They narrate the uses and transformations man has made on nature and how nature reacts to the action of man: the passage from spontaneous nature to an anthropic model for the purpose of food, and therefore agriculture, deriving from this a meeting point between function, landscape modelling and garden art, then transferring production techniques into cultural action. The relationship between man and nature expressed differently in the seven sub-themes of the exhibition site: from the primitive nature of the green belt forest, to nature regenerated/purified by phytopurification tanks, the recalling of elements of agricultural landscape in lines, Mediterranean hills, expression of Mediterranean landscape between nature and modelling by

One of the 25 small piazzas. Une des 25 petites places. Einer der 25 kleineren Plätze.

The Mediterranean Hill overlooking the Slow Food piazza. La Colline Méditerranéenne qui donne sur la place Slow Food.


Der mediterrane Hügel „Collina Mediterranea“ mit Blick auf den Slow Food Platz. One of the phytopurification tanks. Une des vasques de phyto-épuration. Benedetto Selleri is an author with PAN associates (, for which he is the founding member, for the landscaping project at Expo Milano 2015.

Eines der Pflanzenkläranlagenbecken.

Benedetto Selleri est l’auteur avec PAN associati (, dont il est l’associé fondateur, de l’aménagement du site d’exposition d’Expo Milan 2015. Benedetto Selleri ist gemeinsam mit PAN associati ( der Autor des Landschaftsprojektes für das Ausstellungsgelände der Expo 2015 in Mailand, er ist ferner eines der Gründungsmitglieder der interdisziplinären Gruppe PAN associati.

Pag. 13 • Lineaverde International January 2016

man, to the Hortus (a project developed in collaboration with architect Franco Zagari) as an allusion to the agricultural origin of the art of gardening, to more urban, welcoming and formal landscapes of piazzas. The Expo landscapes are also highly relevant in terms of achieving ecological-environmental sustainability for the exhibition city and its surroundings. The phytopurification tanks are an example of this aim, comprising actual water gardens that purify and return runoff rainwater from the exhibition site into the environment, but especially the forest around the canal surrounding the exhibition island, a barrier-ecosystem (in harmony with the surrounding natural areas) to combat polluting dust, and for acoustic and visual relief. This forest of rigorously au-

tochthonous species, mirrored in the spontaneous lowland woods, also has highly significant relevance in establishing the urban footprint at the site: it is not a barrier so much as a principle of a new relationship between the Expo area and nearby areas that have experienced decay, a first step and at the same time a model for urban upgrading between the chaotic hinterland of Milan responding, with a return to primitive nature, to the negative context developed by man, recovering the relationship between city and nature that has become lost in the metropolitan space. I would now like to underline some innovative aspects that have helped bring this design and implementation process to fruition, in the hope that they can constitute a useful reference for the future.

The decision - made by Expo - for the early selection of plants, more than two years prior to works being started at the exhibition site, was fundamental and innovative for public projects of this scale, both because it permitted the selection of quality material, and also because it was from the start a definitive commitment to completing the works. Cultivation contracts are based around a fundamental element of the landscaping project, the need to choose each tree specimen in advance. It is a long and complex task, but one that is vital to achieve the high quality standard that is present at Expo today. The 12,000 trees, along with 85,000 shrubs, and aquatic and herbaceous plants, defined the project's extraordinary strength from the start.


The Children's Park. Le Children Park. Der Children Park.

Pag. 14 • Lineaverde International January 2016

Giambò Piante is an important reality in the Sicilian Nursery Sector. It grew around a compact family team that reached third generation succeeded in joining his entrepreneurial capacity to enthusiasm and love for plants. He adapted the managerial policy to the demands of the market and obtained this way an improvement of his product selection year by year. The choice to concentrate all his energy on the production of ornamental citrus plants was a success ad enabled the nursery to export his products Europe wide. This also thanks to achievement of the MPS-GAP certificate (an environmental program for ornamental cultivation) which is characterized by the respect of ethic and security norms for workers and labour security, constantly investing in production technologies with a low environmental impact.

The “Corporate Mission” is the constant staff training and the continuous investment in production technologies with low environmental impact. The nursery covers ca. 130 acres and is situated in the Northern coast of Sicily. With a staff of 30 workers and specialized technicians, the citrus plants are cultivated in pots out of soil employing a computerized irrigation/fertilization system which provides the perfect dose of fertilizer according to the climatic conditions in real time. The quality in citrus plants means: get off on the right foot and on the right seed. The “Giambò Piante” company is distinguished by a wide variety of “cultivar” of oranges, lemon, kumquat, calamondin and many other specific plants. Some of our special varieties are Citrus Histrix, Latifolia, Auratifolia, Pursha, Limequat, Australasica, Kucle.

Giambò Piante di Vito Giambò - Via Nazionale km. 57+0,70 C.da Bazia - 98054 Furnari (ME) - Italy Ph./fax +39 0941 802051 - -

One of the Hortus (gardens with pergolas and seating). Un des Hortus (jardins munis de pergolas et de sièges).

The small piazza of grapes. La petite Place de la vigne. Einer der Hortus Anlagen (Gärten mit Pergola und Sitzgelegenheiten).

The decision to cultivate the plants in air-pots was also fundamental. Their herringboned surface is closed to the inside and perforated to the outside, to boost the quality of the plant's root systems and ensure a better reaction to stress

Der kleinere Weinrebenplatz.

from transplanting, as well as delivering notable planting flexibility, a particularly important feature for a job of such notable complexity. Another element, in my opinion characteristic for the Expo landscapes, was the decision to use

One of the gardens with line of plants connecting the Expo halls. Un des jardins en couloirs qui relient les pavillons. Einer der Reihengärten, die die Pavillons verbinden.

Pag. 16 • Lineaverde International January 2016

trees with natural growth habit: polycormic, branched from the bottom, with irregular shapes. In fact, I believe that use of species that grow spontaneously in manmade environments can and must


be greatly developed in contemporary landscapes. These are plants of extraordinary intrinsic beauty strikingly close to nature and mark a path of sustainability. This is what we need in our cities where nature is scarce, difficult to comprehend and therefore to live. The Expo project also demonstrates the possibility of obtaining, where it is needed, the ready effect. And the “Moving Forest”, namely the great community of 12,000 splendid and majestic trees planted on the exhibition island over the course of just a few months, I believe is proof. ■ Some of the canals running through the exhibition area. Quelques-uns des canaux qui baignent la zone d’exposition. Einige der Kanäle, die das Ausstellungsgelände mit Wasser durchziehen.

Pag. 18 • Lineaverde International January 2016


ENA, the European Nursery Stock Association, meeting The European NurseryStock Association (ENA) held its summer General Assembly meeting in Helsingborg, from June 16th - 18th.


he Swedish organization LRF Horticulture (LRF Trädgård) hosted the meeting that was attended by delegates from 15 different countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom). The meeting had a great focus on Plant Health with discussions driven by Mr Marc Van Hulle, chairman of the ENA EU Legislation Working Group. The General Assembly widely deliberated

The European NurseryStock Association (ENA) held its summer General Assembly meeting in Helsingborg, from June 16th - 18th.

about Xylella fastidiosa. Delegates at ENA expressed their concerns about this disease and also stated their confidence that the European nurseries are acting properly, in accordance with the regulations and at the highest level of plant health. The General Assembly confirmed ENA is strongly in favor of the robust measures adopted by the European Commission to prevent the spread of this disease in Europe but, at the same time, is against any additional measures implemented by EU Member States preventing the

The European NurseryStock Association (ENA) held its summer General Assembly meeting in Helsingborg, from June 16th - 18th.

Pag. 20 • Lineaverde International January 2016

free circulation of goods within the EU. It was also agreed to ask the European Commission for significant high funding that will allow 1) rapid reaction against the first detections, including compensation for owners if eradication measures must be taken and 2) start or enhance R&D projects to prevent and fight against Xylella and other quarantine pests and diseases. The General Assembly debated about the effects of the EU Regulation on the Invasive Alien Species on plants produced and

marketed by European nurseries. It was stated that the Regulation does not provide for any exceptions for varieties obtained with the purpose of creating sterile and non-invasive forms. The Regulation refers without exception to species as lower rank taxa, while there are many noninvasive varieties and cultivation forms on the market; for example, sterile varieties not producing seeds. It was agreed to offer the ENA specialists support to the European Commission’s committees

on Invasive Alien Species. Leon Smet, chairman of the ENA International Plant Names List Working Group, updated the delegates about changing names and adding new species and varieties to the list. It was decided to finish the names compilation work by the end of summer to have time during autumn to review it, with the aim of publishing the new International Plant Names List in early 2016. ( All ENA delegates shared information about the trends on plant

production and internal and export markets of nurseries in each country, summarized in a table that ENA President Mr Tim Edwards proposed to update twice a year. The summer meeting finished visiting Splendor Plant (, one of Sweden’s largest nurseries, and Tönnersjö Nursery (, one of Sweden’s largest tree producers, guided by Patrick Svensson, the Swedish nurseryman and VicePresident of ENA. ■

Pag. 21 • Lineaverde International January 2016


Lineaverde News JANUARY 2016

Entente Florale Europe: Meran is the winner Italy continues to raise awareness and promote plants and flowers after two Italian candidates landed first place at the Entente Entente Florale Europe : le Florale Europe 2015 contest. vainqueur est Meran, Italie Meran (Bolzano) and La Magdeleine (Aosta), the cities of Europe most decorated with flowers, were awarded the gold and bronze medals respectively on Friday 18 September in Bristol in Great Britain. Each year villages (with fewer than 4,000 inhabitants) and cities (with over 4,000 inhabitants) are visited and evaluated by a jury of experts from the member 11 countries of the Association Européene pour le Fleurissement et le Paysage (AEFP). For Italy, participation is coordinated by the Italian Plant and Flower Nursery Association, AsProFlor (Associazione Produttori Florovivaisti Italiani), official member of the AEFP, which organises the Comuni Fioriti contest. Since the first edition in 2006, it has built on the successes of six gold medals won over a decade of competitions: Limone Piemonte (Cuneo) in 2007, Cervia (Ravenna) in 2008, Pré Saint Didier (Aosta) in 2009, Grado (Gorizia) in 2011, Etroubles (Aosta) in 2013 and Merano (Bolzano) in 2015. ■

Entente Florale Europe: Merano gewinnt

Pistoia Nursery Campus: new project for the Vannucci nursery Pistoia Nursery Campus: ein neues Projekt der Baumschule Vannucci Pistoia Nursery Campus : le nouveau projet de la pépinière Vannucci

1st October 2015 marked the official inauguration of the Pistoia Nursery Campus, the first horticultural park in Europe dedicated to an educational project. The Pistoia-based campus is acclaimed as being an innovative environment where nursery professionals and people at the start of a promising career can expand their expertise through a holistic teaching method. In addition to individual exercises, students take part in group work and sharing for exhaustive collaborative learning. The first training courses began on January 2, while masters programs begin in 2016. ■

Pag. 23 • Lineaverde International Januray 2016

Lineaverde News Xylella: requests for additional export documents from nurseries even in unaffected areas

The Italian Minister of Agriculture has announced that operators from a number of EU member countries are asking for official statements for Xylella fastidiosa which are non-compliant with current phytosanitary regulations, without which they will not purchase Italian plants. In particular, the purchase is refused if the plants are not accompanied by a statement certifying they were produced exclusively in the seller's nursery, in addition to the inXylella : demande de documents tra-EU phytosanitary notification document certifying that the plants prosupplémentaires pour l’exportation duced in non-demarcated areas are free from Xylella fastidiosa. These remême aux pépiniéristes des zones quirements are not compliant with current European phytosanitary regulaindemnes tions on Xylella fastidiosa, pursuant to which phytosanitary measures are not required for the sale of plant products produced in areas outside the demarcated areas. As is well known, the Commission's Decision 2015/789 adopted phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and diffusion in the European Union of Xylella fastidiosa. In particular it made it mandatory to conduct annual surveys to detect the eventual presence of Xylella fastidiosa in Member States, as well as introducing specific measures for the movement of specified plants within the EU. Based on the Ministerial Decree of 19 June 2015, which assimilated the abovementioned Decision 2015/789, a specific Baumschulen seit 1887 permanent monitoring plan was organised across the nation for the purpose of verifying the presence of Xylella fastidiosa. In the month of September, more than 10,000 visual inspections and 8,246 laboratory analyses were recorded, carried out across all regions of Italy with the exclusion of the delimited area. The results of this survey (all returning negative results) highlighted how the entire territory of Italy is free from Xylella fastidiosa, and that its DURCH KÖNIGLICHEN ERLASS HOFLIEFERANT presence is confined only to the area of Salento, in Apulia. ■

Xylella: auch von Baumschulen nicht betroffener Gegenden werden für den Export zusätzliche Unterlagen verlangt

Breites und hochwertiges Sortiment von Baumschul- und Grartenpflanzen

Zuidwijk 28 2771 CC Boskoop Tel. (0031) 0172-212009

Pag. 24 • Lineaverde International Januray 2016

There are 3,000 billion trees on earth The global distribution of trees on the earth is a fundamental question for understanding the biosphere, and in this sense the results of a census that appeared in Nature were surprising. A team of researchers coordinated by the department of environmental studies at Yale, in the United States, conducted an in-depth study using data that did not come exclusively from satellite images. And this is the great novelty: the map of the extent of forests on a global scale was updated and improved thanks to data provided by counts made in 50 countries. Thanks to the combination of data from satellites, forest databases and research in the field verified on the ground, it was discovered that for every inhabitant of the world, there are as many as 422 trees, for a total of more than 3.04 thousand billion trees on the earth. And this was not all that emerged. It was also found that the greatest concentration of trees, with approximately 1.39 thousand billion trees, is located in the tropical and subtropical forests, followed by 740 billion in boreal regions and 610 billion in temperate zones. The data does not reveal a fully positive situation: the effects of man on the lungs of the earth since the beginning of civilization are ruinous. More than 15 billion trees are cut down every year, amounting to an estimated loss of 46% of global vegetation. ■

Auf der Erde gibt es 3.000 Milliarden Bäume On compte 3.000 milliards d’arbres sur la Terre

Nippon Tree is a specialized nursery that supplies wholesalers with macro-bonsais for the Japanese or modern garden. In our Nursery are avaible hundreds of garden macrobonsais, living sculptures of wonderful beauty. More than 1,000 unique centenarian speciem or commercial plants in different shapes and measures.



we have a new address

Nursery Via per Monguzzo, 46d - 22040 Anzano del Parco (COMO - Italy) Tel: +39 349 4052291 - Fax:+39 031 2280469 -

Head Office Via G. da Cermenate, 18 22072 Cermenate, (Como - Italy)

Lineaverde News ENA statement on the health of Italian plants Here follows an important statement from the ENA (European Nurserystock Association) regarding Xylella fastidiosa. ENA supports the strong measures the European Commission adopted to prevent the import of infected plants into European countries and would Déclaration de l’ENA like to recommend that countries outside the European Union also adopt sur la santé des them. At the same time, the ENA opposes any additional measures applied plantes italiennes by member states that prevent free circulation of goods in the EU without solid scientific proof. The ENA is also following the spread of other infestations and diseases in different countries with great apprehension: polyphagous Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora chinensis on many species of ornamental plants, disease from the fungus Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (Chalara fraxinea) that affects Fraxinus, the new disease from the fungus Phytophthora lateralis del Chamaecyparis, the threat from the Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis, the bacteria Erwinia amylovora appearing in new nations and regions of Europe, and the disease from the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica on Castanea sativa. As the spread of diseases that need to be quarantined represents a great risk and danger both for the environment as well as for agriculture in all European countries, the ENA is asking the European Union for significant funding to provide for: 1 - ready reaction at the first signs of identification, and compensation for home owners who participate in the eradication; 2 - the launch or enhancement of research and development projects to prevent and combat the abovementioned infestations and diseases. We are convinced that European horticulturalists are working with high phytosanitary standards and in line with regulations, however we would like to note that there are always fewer phytopharmaceuticals available on the market and this deprives plant nurseries of the tools they need to fight harmful organisms or their carriers. We accept that it is vital to increase controls to guarantee plant health, however we are asking the European Union authorities to root out and to streamline the approval process in European countries for phytopharmaceuticals authorised for growing non-edible plants, for use, for example, by nurseries. Live plants are considered the greatest vehicle of propagation of infestations and diseases, but, at the same time, the products available to combat them are very scarce. While it is not opposed to importing plants from third countries, the ENA deems that the arrival of large quantities of plants for commercial purposes notably increases the risk of spreading serious infestations and diseases. The European Commission must ensure that all member states come into line with phytosanitary standards. In fact, if just a single member state is not rigorous in applying import controls, that country will naturally become the place that could introduce harmful organisms. To prevent unfair competition from third countries and guarantee reciprocal commercial relations, an inverse strategy of community phytosanitary policy must be adopted, harmonizing and improving import controls. To minimise risks, European plant importers also need to be involved in the process. We believe that nurseries in European areas hit by Xylella fastidiosa have the greatest interest in combating it. Italy is addressing the problem and is free from the disease except in the delimited area, where EU approved measures are already being applied. To defeat this disease, ENA believes it is absolutely vital to eradicate infected plants without delay and increase economic contributions from all the authorities involved. The disease is now isolated in the delimited area, therefore horticulturalists in the rest of the European Union should not be alarmed, but simply aware of the existence of this disease and continue to work with elevated phytosanitary control standards. Lastly, ENA asks European politicians on all levels to not use infestations and diseases for political bargaining, but to create policies that prevent the propagation of infestations and diseases, and commit to helping those who are affected. ■

ENA Erklärung zur Gesundheit italienischer Pflanzen

Pag. 26 • Lineaverde International Januray 2016

Myplant & Garden (24-26 february, Milan): project, landscape and green building

Myplant & Garden (24.-26. Februar, Mailand): Projekt, Landschaft und grünes Bauen

For the first time in Italy - which will be the capital of the landscape sector in 2016, the inMyplant & Garden ternational year of landscape - an exhibition will directly connect the protagonists of the ar(24-26 février, Milan) : projet, chitecture sector and of the building industry, flower and plant providers for projects and paysage et construction éco-compatible (green building) private and public, urban and extra-urban green areas. The project themes, connected with landscape and green building, and the concepts of requalification and promotion, completely involve both the building industry and the flower and plant sector. For this reason, Myplant & Garden will host a knowledge sharing area which will give birth to new synergies creating business and jobs, on one side, and wellness, on the other side. The central corridor leading visitors to the congress area will be transformed into a cycle path. Many topics about green building on small and big scale and light infrastructure will be discussed there. The protagonists (universities, project managers, planners, public administration…) of important green requalification projects will be invited to explain the benefits and the direct (project, works and maintenance) and indirect (tourism, accommodation facilities, systems and sub-systems) activities related to their projects. The 2016 edition of the international green fair will become a real, direct and immediate opportunity for project managers, companies, public administrations and institutions to connect, discuss and make business. Future green projects, exhibition stalls for companies, building materials, new technologies, urban requalification projects, big names in the landscape architecture sector, emerging project managers in the design and green architecture world, outdoor furniture are the tesserae of this green building mosaic. Cycle paths will be discussed at Myplant & Garden with projects and business opportunities. Also healing gardens will be introduced through many real experiences in the creation and use of therapeutic and educational gardens, green areas and spaces for private and public structures, from kindergartens to hospitals, from nursing homes to schools and museum-parks. The creative contest (which involved 59 subscribers in its first edition) goes in the same direction: it aims at the diffusion and qualification of project makers and professionals working in the garden sector, landscape design and conservation. ■

Hall 6.0 Booth 6A 24

More Value for Growers!

IDeL s.r.l. - Tel. +39 0573 83355 - Fax +39 0573 838346 - -

Lineaverde News Pordenone Fiere presents the 5th Gardens Festival Pordenone Fiere is pleased to announce that the 5th Annual Pordenone Fiere präsentiert Gardens Festival,will be held at the Fiera di Pordenone from 5th to das 5th Gardens Festival 13th March 2016. This will take place during the 37th edition of Ortogiardino, the most important exhibition dedicated to gardening Pordenone Fiere présente le 5ème Festival des Jardins and floriculture in North East Italy. This is a selection at National level with the aim of emphasizing competition and the best ideas and achievements in the field of small gardens. All of the gardens will be on display in the next edition of Ortogiardino. This event combines (in 30,000 square meters of exhibition centre), large displays of gardens in commercial stands related to the theme of gardening and horticulture. This is a winning format that has marked the success of Ortogiardino, an event that annually attracts more than 65,000 visitors from all over the Northeast and from Slovenia and Croatia (12%). With this initiative, Pordenone Fiere wish to turn this into a showcase for the best achievements in the urban green home. This becomes an unmissable event for managers of public parks and private citizens looking for ideas to renew the own garden. Nurseries, ‘green minded’ architects and designers participate in the selection by sending their designs in for consideration. The participation form is now on-line on this website, social network or can be requested via email to ■

GaLaBau 2016: successfully into the next round From 14 to 17 September 2016, the exhibition centre Nuremberg will once again be dominated by the colour green. Then GaLaBau 2016 : GaLaBau, International avec succès dans Trade Fair for Urban Green le prochain round and Open Spaces, will already be opening its doors for the 22nd time. Once again international exhibitors are presenting the complete range covering the planning, construction and maintenance of gardens, parks and green spaces. And now, already at this stage, there is fantastic news: the number of currently registered companies is much higher compared to the same period two years ago. Here the increased publicity for the fair in the other European countries is also playing an important role. In 2016, around 1,400 exhibitors as well as over 67,000 trade visitors are expected. The European gardening, horticulture and landscaping industry is doing well. According to the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), in Europe there are currently approximately 89,600 horticulture/landscape gardening companies. In the past few years this number has risen by 20%. In total, around 395,000 people are employed in the green industry and generate annual turnover of around 30 billion Euro. At GaLaBau around 50 percent of the exhibitors are presenting construction and maintenance machinery, while around 30% are showing construction materials and about 20% covering special segments such as playground equipment, city/street furniture or golf course construction and maintenance. ■

GaLaBau 2016: erfolgreich in die nächste Runde

Lineaverde News Greenspacesexpo, in February 2016 a new fair dedicated to horticulture and landscaping The first Greenspacesexpo – Build Gardens, Urban Green, and Landscapes, the new trade show organised by Veronafiere dedicated to horticulture and landscaping with the aim of establishing the high quality of Italian products in the plant industry, will be held alongside the 112th Fieragricola, a key trade show for the primary sector, scheduled for Verona from Wednesday 3rd to Greenspacesexpo, en Saturday 6th February 2016. The trade fair will represent different horticulfévrier 2016 une nouvelle ture, landscaping and gardening areas, including professional applications, foire dédiée aux pépinières urban furnishing and lighting, professional and hobby equipment, eco-suset au paysagisme tainable mobility, outdoor products and components, products and components for personal protection, plant growing products, decorative gardening products, services, institutions, publications, computer technology, structures and components for cultivation, environmental protection, ornamental greenery, and plants for sports, public and private locations. Plant production, industry operators and academics, but also greenery directors from the Public Administration will be invited to participate. Greenspacesexpo is located in hall 3 of Veronafiere and is organised by the trade show body in collaboration with the company Lambo headed by Maurizio Lapponi, past President of the European Nursery Association (ENA). ■

Greenspacesexpo, im Februar 2016 eine neue Messe für Baumschulen und den Landschaftsbau

Results of the French project "Save Buxus" PRODUCTION OF YOUNG ORNAMENTAL PLANTS

From Acer to Zelkowa, all graft plants. Full collection of Wisteria.

Via della Chiesina, 40 – 51100 Santomato (Pistoia) Tel/Fax: 0573-47 97 69 Mail: -

Pag. 30 • Lineaverde International Januray 2016

Preliminary results have been published of the Save Buxus project, pioneered by the French institutions Astredhor, Inra and Plante & Cité, to increase the efficacy of the fight against parasites and pathogens that are affecting boxwoods. The project was launched in 2014 and will continue until 2017. It involves an intense monitoring undertaking that will result in understanding the vital cycle of the box tree moth, and therefore identify a way to effectively eradicate it with limited use of phytopharmaceuticals, given the primarily urban environment. All the results recorded so far and the methods used, in French language, are available at and ■

Ergebnisses des französischen Projektes „Retten wir den Buchsbaum“ Résultats du projet Save Buxus

From England to Sicily: the Radicepura Garden Festival in 2017

! S U T I S VI

26 - 29 JANUARY


Inspired by the more famous Chelsea Fringe, the alternative fesDe l’Angleterre à la Sicile : le tival devised by Radicepura Garden Festival de 2017 the director of the Garden Museum Christopher Woodward, a businessman from Catania, Mario Faro, came up with a Mediterranean version set to be launched in 2017: the Radicepura Garden Festival. Efforts this year will be aimed at constructing a festival of plant and landscape culture in the Mediterranean, an area renowned globally for excellence and its uniqueness. These factors will be the true protagonists of the event held within the macro container of the Radicepura Garden Festival, which not only gathers and displays a Mediterranean garden show, but also becomes a hub uniting citizens, tourists, enthusiasts and the curious. An attraction where people can share experiences, passions and interests ranging from gardening, exterior architecture, nature and culture tout court. At the same time the Radicepura Garden Festival, and in particular the new gardens at the botanical park under construction, will become a place where the beauty of nature and the need for a sustainable path forward for the city is celebrated. ■

Von England bis Sizilien: das Radicepura Garden Festival 2017

IPM Essen 2016 This year Flora Toscana will be sharing it’s stand on the IPM Essen together with Helix Australia( stand n. 6F.19_Hall 6) an Australian company specialised in the breeding, marketing and licensing of new and improved Waxflowers varieties (Chamelaucium) and with whom Flora Toscana has started a collaboration. Together with the Waxflower range which includes varieties such as My Sweet Sixteen and Dancing Queen, Flora Toscana will be presenting its collection of Proteaceae and Camellias in pot plants.

Flora Toscana Soc. Agr. Coop. Via di Montecarlo, 81 51017 Pescia (PT) - ITALY Tel. +39 0572 44731 - Fax +39 0572 447372 C.F. 80002850479 - P.I. 00956640478 - FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL:

Lineaverde News Zephyr: zero impact technology to respond to the challenge of zero hunger in the world Zephyr was officially revealed to the public on 21 October 2015, at the Palazzo della Regione Lombardia in Milan. Fourteen international and four university partners took part in the Zephyr research project to develop a growing chamber for forestry plants in a controlled and sustainable environment (zero impact), particularly suited for species in danger of extinction and for those with a high commercial value, such as medicinal and nutraceutical plants. The germination of a forest plant seed requires very specific conditions. Providing such conditions helps to preserve biodiversity, as plants produced from cuttings are essentially clones. The new system includes ten files of trays that continually rotate beneath three rows of LED lamps, a robotic arm fitted with stereocamera and wireless micro-sensors that keep the plants under control, and monitor them remotely. The plants are cultivated in individual pots containing the optimal quantity of substrate and, instead of the 10 lamps required by similar systems, it uses only 3 lamps powered by solar panels and with light spectrums specially designed for different species, according to protocols for specific growth. The system therefore produces high quality forestry plants, with stronger roots to promote a greater rate of survival when they are transplanted to forest environments. The system requires much less water, soil, energy and space, in addition to not needing fertilizer. ■

Zephyr: eine nachhaltige Technologie als Antwort auf die Herausforderung des weltweiten Hungers

Zephyr : technologie impact zéro pour répondre au défi faim zéro dans le monde

Hortivation by IPM Essen: new marketing concepts for the green sector The world's leading fair IPM Essen has developed a new concept which is unique in the market: Hortivation. The innovative trade fair format will show how horticulture can profit from societal trends such as communication, fashion and lifestyle and can implement them in all-encompassing solutions for the point of sale. Hortivation will go to the starting line for the first time at Messe Kalkar 13 Hortivation by IPM Essen : to 15 June 2016 - in the immediate vicinity of the producing horticultural buside nouveaux concepts de marketing pour le secteur vert nesses. Star chefs, fashion designers and modern urban gardeners are trailblazers when it is a question of establishing trends. Hortivation will look beyond the boundaries of the green sector and will rethink sales promotion. Hortivation will supply garden centres, retail businesses, discount retailers, DIY stores, the retail food trade and producing horticulture with fresh ideas and selling concepts extending across different ranges for the point of sale. In various adventure worlds, creative minds will impart new fields of action outside the sector to the specialised and system trade in order to market green products closer to the desires of the consumers in the future. The exhibitors will include, in particular, not only producers of finished goods such as flowering pot plants, green plants, vegetables, nursery plants, bushes and shrubs, palm trees and cut flowers, the wholesale flower trade, plant breeders and manufacturers of horticultural technology and garden equipment such as outdoor furniture, grills, devices and tools but also service providers for shop construction and IT solutions. ■

Hortivation by IPM Essen: neue Marketingkonzepte für die grüne Branche

Pag. 32 • Lineaverde International Januray 2016

Orticolario: international competition for “creative spaces” Orticolario is freshly promoting the International Competition for the building of themed gardens and art-landscape installations in the grounds of Villa Erba in Cernobbio, where the exhibition is to be Orticolario : une compétition held. Selection to take part in the compeinternationale pour des tition at the eighth Orticolario exhibition is « espaces de création » open to all those who, at the discretion of the jury, can design and build themed spaces within the event. The common thread running through Orticolario 2016 will be the sixth sense, leading to dialogue between man and nature, discovering new languages and a greater awareness of what the plant world is and what it represents. The flower of the year will be the Anemone. Registration for the competition is free and submissions should be in writing no later than 31 January 2016 to The purpose of the initiative is to find innovative design ideas, techniques and materials that accord with the theme, the aesthetic goals and the quality standards of the event. The projects must be designs for original spaces, for gardens that can be lived in and enjoyed, that spaces that will provide suitable places for private meditation and will fit in with the context of the grounds of Villa Erba and its chosen area, and thus fully in harmony with the existing landscape or the 'Genius loci'. The competition, with the details and the rules for taking part, can be seen at Orticolario’ s web site, from this link: ■

Orticolario: internationaler Wettbewerb für „kreative Flächen“

Lineaverde News In March, the camellias of Lucca in Capannori En mars les Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia (Les Anciens Camélias de Lucques) à Capannori

In the weekends of 5-6, 12-13, 19-20 March 2016, the XXVII Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia show will be held in the towns of Sant'Andrea and Pieve di Compito. Each year the event attracts the participation of more than 6,000 visitors from all over the world. Dedicated to the world of camellias and its top product, tea, the event is international in nature. In addition to the Japanese delegation and associations, European exhibitors are also taking part, including members of a German delegation who will show heirloom camellias from the Pillnitz Castle in Dresda. A ticket costs 6 euro, and the show will be open from 10 am to 6 pm. For more information and to book tickets, call the Compitese cultural centre: Tel: 0583/977188 - Cell: 366/2796749 - Email: ■

Im März ‘Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia’ in Capannori

VivaiFiori the new quality label for Italian plants and flowers Within the framework of the activities promoted by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali for improving the quality of the Italian products, a concrete action has been taken on the Italian territory: the aim is to ensure the identification of Italian productions on the global market VivaiFiori : la nouvelle to encourage their sales and promotion. The project, financed by the étiquette de qualité pour les Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, has established a fleurs et les plantes italiennes certification of the Italian plants and flowers to fulfil high requirements in the areas of environmental and of social aspect, and moreover to ensure the greatest market opportunities. In 2011 a survey has been carried out throughout several visits in a sample of farms of the Italian regions involved in order to verify the status quo and the adoption level of the traceability, environmental and social sustainability requirements for a definitive drawing up of the VivaiFiori Standard. Now the Label, the Standard and the relative Codes have been registered. The VivaiFiori Label is owned by the VivaiFiori Committee, composed by the most important nursery association in Italy. The audit of the VivaiFiori Standard Requirements compliance is carried out by an Inspection and Certification Body that ensures independence, neutrality and then the believableness of the VivaiFiori process itself. Today farms from Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia, Veneto, Toscana, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Sicilia are certified and sell VivaiFiori products. The products labelled VivaiFiori ensure to consumer: - the "made in Italy" and the origin. The product traceability is ensured from the consumer to the Italian farm. The origin and cultivation methods of a product remain traceable, a guarantee that the consumer expects and greatly values. - The environmental sustainability. The growers comply with the requirements on: the natural resources management (water, energy,...), waste management, propagation material, soil and substrate management, fertilizer use, harvesting and post-harvest treatments. - The social sustainability. The producers comply with the National Labour Contract and with the National Safety Law in work places, in order to ensure the best working conditions. ■

VivaiFiori das neue Qualitätslabel für italienische Pflanzen und Blumen

Pag. 34 • Lineaverde International Januray 2016


Via Bonellina, 57 - 51100 PISTOIA (ITALY) - Tel. 0039/ 0573.98311 - 15 linee r.a. Fax 0039/0573.983140 - -


Lineaverde International


Technical-botanical information sheets FICHES TECHNIQUES ET BOTANIQUES DE LINEAVERDE

dr. agr. Renato Ferretti e dr. agr. Silvia Vigé

Introductory remarks These technical-botanical information sheets are born of a desire to create an instrument able to link our horticulturalists’ commercial offers with the design and planning needs of those who create green solutions, from landscape architects to agronomists, and from gardeners to construction companies. The information sheets are therefore intended to be a source of inspiration for the design and creation of green areas featuring the widest possible range of species, chosen both for their aesthetic and their agronomic characteristics. There is, of course, no shortage of books on plants, and in recent times excellent descriptions of plants can also be found in nursery trade catalogues, but the present publication is intended to stand out by offering the most up-to-date de-






scriptions of the new varieties present on the market and of other extremely interesting varieties that tend to be little used because they are not well known. We have therefore gathered together a wealth of information, ranging from descriptions of the plants, where we highlight their botanical and agronomic characteristics, to criteria for making choices, such as sizes, behaviour and use. This has allowed us to highlight other aspects – resistance to pollution, allergenic aspects, nursery procedures and different types of cultivation. The production of these information sheets depends on the ongoing collaboration of our horticulturalists, whom we wish to thank in advance for their time.


1. Davidia involucrata ‘Sonoma’ 2. Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’ 3. Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’ 4. Heptacodium miconioides 5. ‘Pseudocydonia sinensis’ 6. Koelreuteria paniculata 7. Ginkgo biloba ‘Pyramidalis Feronia’




Lineaverde International

Davidia involucrata ‘Sonoma’ Botanical characteristic

Caratteristiche agronomiche

boTanical name: Davidia involucrata 'Sonoma'

soil: fertile

Family: Davidiacee

siTe: full sun

croWn: expanded

harDines: yes

FloWering Time: april-may

air PolluTion Tolerance: no

FloWering colour: creamy white

limesTone resisTance: no

leaves colour: green leaves PersisTance: deciduos auTumn colour: no FruiTs: like bown plum

Dimensions and habit maximum heighT: over 10 meters habiT: large measure: container diametre from 18 to 28cm PlanTing DisTances or PlanTs/mq: isolated

colD Tolerance: yes WaTerlogging Tolerance:no salT Tolerance: no allergenic PlanT: no

Use ParK: appropriate garDens: appropriate heDges anD borDers: inappropriate grounDcovers: inappropriate inDusTrial areas: appropriate

groWTh-Time: fast

riverbanKs anD WeTlanDs: inappropriate

habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: big bush

sounDProoF screens: inappropriate

marKeTing: root ball and container

marine coasTal areas: inappropriate in PoT PlanT anD Terraces: inappropriate agriculTural heDges anD lanDscaPe use: inappropriate ToPiary arT: inappropriate

vivai Piante vignoli s.s.a Via della Chiesina, 40 Pistoia tel. 0573 479769



Lineaverde International

Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’ Botanical characteristic

Dimensions and habit

boTanical name: Albizia julibrissin ‘Ombrella’

maximum heighT: 8-10 meters

Family: Leguminosae croWn: oval FloWering Time: from july to september FloWering colour: red leaves colour: deep green leaves PersisTance: deciduos auTumn colour: green-yellow

habiT: spreading measure: circumference of stem from 6/8cm to 25/30cm PlanTing DisTances or PlanTs/mq: 4-6metri su fila groWTh-Time: medium habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: a cespuglio/ a mezzo fusto/alto fusto marKeTing: root ball and container

FruiTs: legume

Use Agronomic characteristics

ParK: appropriate garDens: appropriate

soil: struttura leggera, ph neutral

heDges anD borDers: inappropriate

siTe: full sun

grounDcovers: inappropriate

harDiness: yes

inDusTrial areas: appropriate

air PolluTion Tolerance: yes

riverbanKs anD WeTlanDs: inappropriate

limesTone resisTance: yes WaTerlogging Tolerance: no colD Tolerance: yes sea salT Tolerance: yes allergenic PlanT: no

sounDProoF screens: inappropriate marine coasTal areas: inappropriate in PoT PlanT anD Terraces: inappropriate agriculTural heDges anD lanDscaPe use: inappropriate ToPiary arT: inappropriate

romiti vivai s.s. di Pietro & Figli Via Ronciona 16/a Pistoia Tel: 0573 532031

Pag. 38 • Lineaverde International January 2016



Lineaverde International

Protea cynaroides ‘Little Prince’ Botanical characteristic


boTanical name:: Protea cynaroides

garDens: appropriate

‘Little Prince’®

heDges anD borDers: appropriate

Family: Proteaceae

grounDcovers: inappropriate

FloWering Time: all year especially on spring

inDusTrial areas: inappropriate

FloWering colour: deep pink

riverbanKs anD WeTlanDs: inappropriate

leaves colour: bright green

sounDProoF screens: inappropriate

leaves PersisTance: evergreen

marine coasTal areas: appropriate

auTumn colour: no

agriculTural heDges anD lanDscaPe use: appropriate

FruiTs: no

ToPiary arT: inappropriate

ParK: appropriate

verTical green: inappropriate

Agronomic characteristics soil: friable soil ph acid-neutral siTe: full sun harDiness: yes air PolluTion Tolerance: no

Flora Toscana via Caravaggio, 21 Pescia (PT) Tel. 0572 446811

limesTone resisTance: no WaTerlogging Tolerance: no colD Tolerance: no sea salT Tolerance: no allergenic PlanT: no

Dimensions and habit maximum heighT: 2 meters habiT: erected bush measure: 0,8-1,2 meters oPTimum DisTance oF The comPosTing PlanT: 1 meter groWTh-Time: medium PlanTing DisTances or PlanTs/mq: 1x1,5 m habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: bush marKeTing: container

Pag. 39 • Lineaverde International January 2016



Lineaverde International

Heptacodium miconioides Botanical characteristic

Agronomic characteristics

boTanical name: Heptacodium

siTe: full sun or partial shade

soil: fertil soil


harDiness: yes

Family: Caprifogliaceae

air PolluTion Tolerance: yes

croWn: rotunda

limesTone resisTance: no

FloWering Time: july-september

colD Tolerance: yes/no

FloWering colour: white

WaTerlogging Tolerance: no

leaves colour: dark green upper, underside light green leaves PersisTance: deciduos auTumn colour: no FruiTs: small red purple

salT Tolerance: no vannucci piante Via Della Dogaia Quarrata (loc. Piuvica) tel. 057379701

allergenic PlanT: no

Dimensions and habit maximum heighT: 5-6 meters circumFerence: 2,5 meters Forma anD habiT: bush, erected measure: 1,5-2 meters oPTimum DisTance oF The comPosTing PlanT: 4-6 meters groWTh-Time: slow habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: bush in container, tree in pot o clod marKeTing: root ball, clod, container

Use ParK: appropriate garDens: appropriate heDges anD borDers: inappropriate grounDcovers: inappropriate inDusTrial areas: appropriate riverbanKs anD WeTlanDs: inappropriate sounDProoF screens: inappropriate marine coasTal areas: inappropriate in PoT PlanT anD Terraces: appropriate like bush agriculTural heDges anD lanDscaPe use: inappropriate ToPiary arT: inappropriate verTical green: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

‘Pseudocydonia sinensis’ Botanical characteristic

Agronomic characteristics

boTanical name: Pseudocydonia

soil: all kinds


siTe: full sun or partial shade

Family: Rosaceae

harDiness: no

croWn: expanded

air PolluTion Tolerance: no

FloWering Time: spring

limesTone resisTance: no

FloWering colour: light pink

WaTerlogging Tolerance: no

leaves colour: deep green, length 8 m,

colD Tolerance: yes

wialth 6 m, coriaceous leaves PersisTance: deciduos auTumn colour: soft red or yellow FruiTs: very large, yellow gold, good for jams and jellies

vannucci piante Via della Dogaia Quarrata (Loc. Piuvica) Tel. 057379701

salT Tolerance: no allergenic PlanT: no

Dimensions and habit maximum heighT: 8 meters habiT: expanded measure: circumference from 18/20 to 25/30cm groWTh-Time: medium habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: medium and higt stem marKeTing: root ball and container

Use ParK: appropriate garDens: appropriate heDges anD borDers: inappropriate grounDcovers: inappropriate inDusTrial areas: inappropriate riverbanKs anD WeTlanDs: inappropriate sounDProoF screens: inappropriate marine coasTal areas: inappropriate in PoT PlanT anD Terraces: inappropriate agriculTural heDges anD lanDscaPe use: inappropriate ToPiary arT: inappropriate Pag. 41 • Lineaverde Mar/Apr 2015



Lineaverde International

Koelreuteria paniculata Botanical characteristic

Agronomic characteristics

boTanical name : Koelreuteria

soil: all kinds


siTe: full sun

Family: Sapindaceae

harDiness: yes

FloWering Time: midsummer

air PolluTion Tolerance: yes

FloWering colour: yellow

limesTone resisTance: yes

leaves colour: dark green leaves PersisTance: deciduos auTumn colour: yellow FruiTs: color giallo bruno che contengono semi neri

colD Tolerance: yes Zambelli vivai di sergio Zambelli Via Castello, 23 Piadena (CR) tel. 0375 980353

WaTerlogging Tolerance: no salT Tolerance: yes allergenic PlanT: no

Dimensions and habit maximum heighT: 8-12 meters habiT: expanded measure: circumference stem 25/30 groWTh-Time: slow habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: bush o tree marKeTing: root ball, rete or container

Use ParK: appropriate garDens: appropriate heDges anD borDers: inappropriate grounDcovers : inappropriate inDusTrial areas: appropriate riverbanKs anD WeTlanDs: inappropriate sounDProoF screens: inappropriate marine coasTal areas: appropriate in PoT PlanT anD Terraces: inappropriate agriculTural heDges anD lanDscaPe use: inappropriate ToPiary arT: inappropriate



Lineaverde International

Ginkgo biloba ‘Pyramidalis Feronia’ Botanical characteristic boTanical name: Ginkgo biloba ‘Pyramidalis Feronia’ Family: Ginkgoaceae croWn: fastigate leaves colour: light green

argini Fluviali e Zone umiDe: inappropriate sounDProoF screens: appropriate marine coasTal areas: inappropriate inDusTrial areas: appropriate ToPiary arT: inappropriate

leaves PersisTance: deciduos auTumn colour: deep yellow

Agronomic characteristics soil: all kinds siTe: full sun harDiness: yes air PolluTion Tolerance: yes limesTone resisTance: yes WaTerlogging Tolerance: in depends on type of soil colD Tolerance: yes

Visto da: giorgio Tesi group Via di Badia 14, Pistoia tel +39 0573 530051

salT Tolerance: no allergenic PlanT: no

Dimensions and habit maximum heighT: 15 m at 45/50 age habiT: conical measure: from 1 to 3 meters groWTh-Time: medium habiT ProPoseD by nurseries: a cono marKeTing: root ball and container

Use ParK: appropriate garDens: appropriate heDges anD borDers: inappropriate grounDcovers: inappropriate in PoT PlanT anD Terraces: appropriate for young plants siePi agrarie e uso PaesaggisTico: appropriate

Pag. 43 • Lineaverde International January 2016


A guide to


ALPIFLORA - Como - Ph. 031/951131 - Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants, Flowering and annual plants

BRAMBILLA VIVAI - Lecco - Ph. 039-508340 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial

ALTIFLOR - Latina - Ph. 0773/562066 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Flowering, green and annual plants

BREDA VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70677 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

ANTOLOGIA - Milano - Ph. 039/6080518 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial ARIENTI AZIENDA AGRICOLA - Mantova Ph. 0376-723007 - - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees ARCANGELI GINO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380418 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial AZIENDA BONATO - Montagnana (PD) Ph 347-2552152 - Aromatic plants, Rosemary and Garden Sage BALDI ALFIO & FIGLIO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573380254 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BALDACCI PRIMO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-934279 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BANO LORENZO - Padova - Ph. 049/5566776 Deciduous trees and shrubs BASSIFLOR - Como - Ph. 031-747717 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees BELLINI VIVAI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-544397 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial BIAGINI VIVAI PIANTE - Pistoia Ph. 0573/380228 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants BONETTI VIVAI - Cremona - Ph. 0375-380208 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

Pag. 44 • Lineaverde International January 2016

BRESCHI FRANCO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380157 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art BRUSCHI SANDRO VIVAI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-946400 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art


CARLESI VIVAI Pistoia - Ph. 0573 545236 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art

CATTANEO - Como - Ph. 031-771295 - Cuttings, Young plants, Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees CHIANESE F.LLI - Napoli - Ph. 081-7023081 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants VIVAI DEL CIRCEO - Latina - Ph. 0773-534031 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAPITANIO VIVAI - Bari - Ph. 080801720 Evergreen shrubs and trees, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAPORALPLANT - Bari - Ph. 0883.614711 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees CAROBBI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573/380488 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial

nurseries COMPAGNIA DEL LAGO - Verbania Ph. 0323/586905 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants

DEGLI INNOCENTI GUIDO AZ. AGRICOLA Firenze - Ph. 055-2374547 - Climbing and perennial, Flowering and annual plants

CONSORZIO FLOROVIVAISTI COMASCHI Como Ph. 031/269713 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial

DELLA VALLE & C. - Savona - Ph. 0182-548522 Flowering and annual plants

CONSORZIO PROD. VIVAISTI CANNETESI Mantova - Ph. 0376-70558 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

COPLANT - Mantova - Ph. 0376-723885 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees COVILI FRANCO - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-479981 - Deciduos trees and shrubs,

Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbling and perennial, Topiary art CRESPI BONSAI - Milano - Ph. 0331-491850 - Bonsai

DELL'UCCELLINA AZIENDA AGRICOLA Grosseto - Ph. 0564-407007 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants EL ROSER - Treviso - Ph. 0423-839376 - Roses, Climbing and perennial FIORITALIA - Rovigo - Ph. 0425-475055 Roses, Climbing and perennial, Flowering and annual plants FLOR COOP - Novara - Ph. 0322-589755 - Acidophil plants, Flowering, green and annual plants


CUBEDA VIVAI - Catania - Ph. 095/7891947 - Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees

FLORATOSCANA - Pescia (PT) - Ph. 0572 44731 Cut flowers, mediterranean plants, Proteas in pots.

CURTOLO VIVAI - Treviso - Ph. 0422 300818 Ornamental plants, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Magnolia and Quercus

FLORICOLTURA SCALDASOLE - Como - Ph. 031-61803 - Buxus pruning as balls and as hedges

DAINESE DOMENICO - Padova - Ph. 049-640174 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial

FLORMERCATI COOP - Brescia - Ph. 030-9981381 - Climbing and perennial, Flowering, green and annual plants

D'ANDREIS VIVAI PIANTE - Udine Ph. 0431-59348 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Conifers


IMPORTANT. By “specialisation” we mean the production types that characterise the firm or for which it is best known. The description provided does not exclude the existence of plant groups not mentioned in the guidebook. IMPORTANT. Sous le terme "spécialisation" nous avons essayé de résumer les différents types de production qui caractérisent l'entreprise ou pour lesquels elle est connue. Notre description n'exclue donc pas le fait que sur le prix courant des entreprises vous pouvez trouver des groupes de plantes qui ne sont pas indiqués. WICHTIG. Hinweis: Wir haben versucht, unter dem Begriff “Spezialisierung” die Produktionsarten zusammenzufassen, die das Unternehmen kennzeichnen oder für die es am bekanntesten ist. Daher schließt die von uns gelieferte Beschreibung nicht aus, dass sich auf den Preislisten des Unternehmens nicht erwähnte Pflanzengruppen befinden.


FRANCHI COSTANTINO BONSAI Pistoia - Ph. 0572-429262 Fruit and olive trees, Bonsai

GIAMBO’ PIANTE DI VITO GIAMBO’ Furnari (ME) Ph. 0941 802051 Ornamental citrus plants

Pag. 45 • Lineaverde International January 2016

GILARDELLI F.LLI - Milano - Ph. 039-653216 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial


GIORGIO TESI VIVAI Pistoia Ph. 0573/530051 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art GIUNTOLI FRANCESCO Pistoia - Ph. 3406337387 Horticulture, flowering and annual plants GLIONNA VIVAI - Potenza - Ph. 0972-82043 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Mediterranean plants GUAGNO IVANO VIVAI - Padova - Ph. 049-9300635 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees HORTUS AZ. AGRICOLA - Forlì - Ph. 0543-741389 Young plants

IDEAVERDE - Perugia Ph.075.388569 Specialist in the production of Italian Cypress trees and mediterranean species IMPERATORE VIVAI - Caserta - Ph. 0823/871350 Young plants, Mediterranean plants, Conifers, Evergreen shrubs and trees INNOCENTI & MANGONI PIANTE Pistoia - Ph. 0573-530364 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees


ROLANDO INNOCENTI & FIGLI Pistoia - Ph. 0573-531222 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art.


KOSTPLANT - Inveruno (MI) - Ph. 0297285545 Japanese Garden-Bonsais

LAMBO - Cremona - Ph. 0375/311038 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants

Pag. 46 • Lineaverde International January 2016

LAZZERI - Bolzano - Ph. 0473-246600 - Roses, Flowering and annual plants LEADERPLANT - Acquanegra sul Chiese (MN) Ph. 0376 727112 - fax 0376 790168 mail: - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers LORENZETTO - Savona - Ph. 0182-20158 Flowering and annual plants L'ORTOFRUTTICOLA SOC. COOP - Savona Ph. 0182-50374 - Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants LOTTO S.S. FLORICOLTURA - Verbania Ph. 0323-571259 - Acidophil plants LUPPI ENZO & FIGLI AZIENDA FLORICOLA Verbania - Ph. 0323-496312 - Acidophil plants MAGNI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380065 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art MARGHERITI VIVAI - Siena - Ph. 0578-227686 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees


MATI PIANTE Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380051 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

MATTEINI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-544993 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art MAURI ALESSANDRO AZ. AGRICOLA - Milano Ph. 039-650447 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees MB PLANT - Savona - Ph +39 0182 586026 -Import - Export MERISTEMA AZ.AGRICOLA - Pisa Ph. 0587-725168 - Young plants MERLOFLOR - Savona - Ph. 0182-20257 Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants

MONDELLI - Como - Ph. 031-200296 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial MONTIVIVAI - Lucca - Ph. 0583-998115-6 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees NICCOLAI MARINO & FIGLIO - Pistoia Ph. 0573-380468 - - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial NINO SANREMO - Imperia - Ph. 0184-502266 - Roses


NIPPON TREE Anzano del Parco (CO) Ph. 349 4052291 Japanese Garden-Bonsais (niwaki)

OASI VIVAI PIANTE DI PRIMIO LUIGI - Chieti Ph. 0871-398006 - Young plants, Cuttings, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees OTTONI STEFANO VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-79197 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees PATRUCCO SERGIO AZ. FLOROVIVAISTICA Imperia - Ph. 0183-429540 - Roses, Flowering and annual plants PEVERELLI VIVAI - Como - Ph. 031-880320 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial


PIANTE FARO - Catania Ph. 095-964900 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees

PIANTE SANTORI AZ. AGRICOLA Ascoli Piceno - Ph. 0735-633395 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants

PISTOIA PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-935307 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial, Topiary art PLANTA - Bolzano - Ph. 0472-830000 Flowering and annual plants POLI F.LLI VIVAI PIANTE - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380490 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial PORCELLATO - Treviso - Ph. 0423-485421 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial RADICE AZ. ORTICOLA FLOROVIVAISTICA Como - Ph. 031-745332 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees RATTI - Verbania - Ph. 0323-59337 Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants, Flowering and annual plants RIGHETTI RAFFAELE S.S. - Pistoia Ph. 0573/544073 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Mediterranean plants ROMANO RIGHETTI PIANTE e C. Pistoia - Ph. 0573-545171 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees R.O.M.E. PLANT - Roma - Ph. 06-52272546 - Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees, Flowering and annual plants


ROMITI VIVAI Chiazzano (PT) Ph. 0573-532031 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees


ROSSI LUCIO - Mantova Ph. 0376-723007 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

ROSE BARNI - Pistoia - Ph. 0573-380464 - Roses

Pag. 47 • Lineaverde International January 2016

SABBIONERA VIVAI - Brescia - Ph. 030-660993 - Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial SALDINI VIVAI S.S. - Milano - Ph. 02-3542441 - Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants

VERIFLOR - Mantova - Ph. 0375 380249 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees


VIGNOLI FRANCESCO Santomato (PT) Ph. 0573-479769 Young plants, Wisteria

SANTONI - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-4910 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Conifers, Roses, Climbing and perennial SCARPELLINI - Bergamo - Ph. 035-517111 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Climbing and perennial SIMA PLANT GRUP S.L. - Padova - Ph. 049-5793664 Deciduous trees and shrubs TECNOVIVAI S.S. DI ZECCHINA - Mantova Ph. 0376-70377 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

VIVAI ASSOCIATI - Padova - Ph.049 644955 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees VIVAI NORD DI A.G. SARTORI & C. - Como Ph. 031-699749 - - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Climbing and perennial, Acidophil plants Pagina

TINTORI OSCAR AZ. AGRICOLA Pistoia - Ph. 0572-429191 - Citrus trees TORSANLORENZO VIVAI MARGHERITI Roma - Ph. 06-91019105 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Mediterranean plants, Fruit and olive trees TOSCOFLORA - Pistoia - Ph. 0572-447011 - Citrus trees, Mediterranean plants, Flowering and annual plants UMBRAFLOR - Perugia - Ph. 0742.315007 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers VAN DEN BORRE - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Evergreen and deciduous trees


VANNUCCI PIANTE AZ. AGR. Pistoia - Ph. 0573-735483 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Roses, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art

Pag. 48 • Lineaverde International January 2016

PAG. 17


VIVAIO DEI MOLINI Brescia - Ph. 030/9130132 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen and deciduous trees, Fruit and olive trees

ZECCHINA MASSIMILIANO AZ. AGR. Mantova - Ph. 0376-70318 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees

ZELARI PIANTE EXPORT S.S Pistoia - Ph. 0573934077 - Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Conifers, Mediterranean plants, Climbing and perennial, Fruit and olive trees, Topiary art ZILIANI ANDREA VIVAI - Mantova - Ph. 0376-70421 Deciduous trees and shrubs, Evergreen shrubs and trees, Evergreen and deciduous trees



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We have been cultivating plants with passion and commitment for over 100 years, we are quality conscious and always looking for new varieties and new cultivations techniques.

We have over eighty ectars of crops where we produce quality plants for every need, providing a wide range of extraordinary plants, avalaible for immediate delivery.

We work with landscape architects from Zee ho^k ^nkhi^% pah \Zg Û g] hnk jnZebmr plants in our nursery and to who we can give advice on plant usage.



SINCE 1909

via Bonellina, 49 - 51100 Pistoia - Italy - tel 0039 0573 380051 - fax 0039 0573 382361 -

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