2017年 10-11月第 40期 No. 40 October - November 2017
浪漫澳门 Romantic Macau 最佳婚礼场地 The best wedding venues
奇妙旅途 Magic trip 柬埔寨之美 The splendour of Cambodia
意式奢华 Italian luxury 法拉利辉煌七十载 Ferrari completes seven decades
Macau MOP 50 Hong Kong HKD 50 Mainland China RMB 50
刘家扬 编辑
8月 , 澳 门 遭 台 风 天 鸽 摧 残 。 这 个 一 直 灯 火 璀 璨 的亚洲拉斯维加斯,遭遇了前所未有的黑暗。天 鸽挟狂风骤雨袭击澳门,大部分城区水浸,导致 停水停电,造成10人死亡、240人受伤。澳门市民 对这个意想不到的灾难感到震惊和悲伤。面对各 部门的明显疏忽和乏善足陈的救援措施,市民可 感到绝望?幸运的是,澳门人仍然相信团结就是 力量,从他们自愿走出来清理街道,送水送食物 到独居老人和残疾人的家中便可以看出。 这个台风就像一面镜子,映照出所有企业和民众 的真面目,帮助我们清楚地看到谁和什么才对我 们有好处。 同时,作为国际旅游目的地,我们确实需要内 省。除了豪华度假村,是否我们什么都没有?这 是我们引以为豪的唯一“成就”吗?有趣的是,尽 管台风天鸽袭澳期间使现代建筑遭受巨大破 坏,但据文化局消息说,但澳门历史城区的二太 大十二个景址,包括许多旧建筑,基本上都没有 受损。这是否告诉我们,城市的内在灵魂和文 化积淀比表面的纸醉金迷强得多了? 我衷心希望,我们能用心吸取教训,继续创造我 们理想的城市。我们还需要向前看。因此,这期 的《澳门精华》希望以快乐主题的文章激励读者。 婚礼是夫妻双方最开心的大事之一,澳门亦不 缺婚礼场地。无论你想要一个豪华的室内婚宴还 是自然派的室外派对,你一定会在小城找到属于 自己的梦幻婚庆。虽然澳门受到西方文化的强 烈影响,但中国传统文化依然充满生机、传 承完好,今期我们采访了一位中式婚礼大师 “大妗姐”,跟随她共享中国传统婚礼的魅力。 澳门仍然是世界舞台关注的中心,这点无可否 认 。 激 动 人 心 的 格 兰 披 治 大 赛 车 在 11月 份 回 归,到时候引擎声将响彻澳门,本期杂志,车迷 可欣赏我们推介的经典赛车腕表。如果您想看到 更多的时计精品,豪华购物目的地DFS旗下T广场 首 个 Timepieces&Whiskeys精 品 店 开 幕 , 让 绅 士 们在选购时计时,可一站式选购优质陈年威士 忌 。 接 下 来 , 有 什 么 比 在 两 星 米 芝 莲 餐 厅 The Tasting Room品 尝 由 名 厨 设 计 的 全 新 餐 单 上 的 菜式更惬意?
In August, Macau was devastated by Typhoon Hato. The Asian Las Vegas - ever ablaze with lights - suffered unprecedented darkness. Hato lashed Macau with heavy winds and rain that flooded large parts of the city, knocked out power and water supplies, and killed 10 people, leaving 240 injured. People here are appalled and sorrowful about this unexpected disaster. Did the citizenry wallow in despair in the evident negligence of various departments and their lacklustre rescue attempts? Fortunately, people here still believe union is strength, which they expressed by voluntarily cleaning up the streets and delivering food and water to the homes of the elderly and disabled. This typhoon was like a mirror reflecting the authenticity of all of the enterprises and people of the territory, helping us see clearly who and what is good for us. At the same time, as an international tourism destination we do need to be introspective. Do we have nothing at all apart from our luxury resorts? Is this the only ‘achievement’ we are proud of? It is interesting to note that despite the huge damage inflicted upon modern buildings during Typhoon Hato that according to a Cultural Affairs Bureau report the 22 sites - including many old buildings - of the Historic Centre of Macao basically survived unscathed, although some suffered damage. Is this all telling us that the inherent soul and cultural deposits of the city are much stronger than its flashy fascade? I hope, with all my heart, we can engrave this lesson on our hearts and move on to create our ideal city. We still need to look forward. Thus, in this issue, Essential Macau wants to encourage its readers with happy-themed articles. A wedding is one of the happiest events for a couple, and Macau certainly has no shortage of wedding venues. No matter you want a luxurious indoor wedding banquet or a natural outdoor party, you’ll definitely find your own dream wedding celebration here. Although Macau is strongly influenced by Western culture, traditional Chinese culture is alive and well, and so we interview a Chinese wedding master in this issue who walks us through the charms of a traditional Chinese wedding. It is undeniable that Macau is still a centre of attention on the world stage. The exciting Grand Prix returns, all exhausts blazing, in November, and in this issue, motor fans can salivate over classic motor racing timepieces. If you want to see more timepieces, luxury shopping destination DFS launches its first ever Timepieces & Whiskies boutique at T Galleria enabling gentlemen to select their timepieces while choosing a great, aged whisky. Following which, what could be better than sampling a brand new menu designed by a famous chef in two Michelin-starred restaurant The Tasting Room!
传统 Tradition 传统中式婚礼依然大行其道
婚庆 Wedding 澳门最佳婚礼和婚庆场地
大厨 Chef 新濠天地法国餐厅御膳房新主厨Fabrice Vulin
新闻速递 News 酒店业新闻集锦
108 购物指南 Shopping 澳门奢侈购物精华指南
开幕 Opening 初探澳门永利皇宫全新沛纳海专门店
精品店 Boutique DFS旗下澳门T广场新濠天地店开幕,标志着首家 腕表及威士忌精品店登陆澳门
盛事 Event 在澳门政府总部开放日的一个特别参观之旅
名车 Car 法拉利70周年华诞
名表 Watches
名表 Watches 朗格Tourbograph Perpetual ‘Pour le Mérite’高复杂功能腕表
潮流 Trends 武士风格
时尚 Fashion 瓷娃娃
时尚坊 Bazaar 梦寐以求的爱物
美妆 Beauty 精华奢侈美妆品
美酒 Wine 名人酒酿
旅游 Travel 在高棉帝国的古老国土感受无限惊喜
The stage where we celebrate Macau's greatest achievements, Business Awards of Macau 2017. November 24, at Grand Lisboa Hotel, Grand Ballroom. For more information, please contact
info@awardsmacau.com + 853 2833 1258 www.awardsmacau.com
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创办人 Founding partners Bruce Hawker - bruce.h@essentialmacau.com Paulo A. Azevedo - pazevedo@essentialmacau.com 总监及出版人 Director and publisher Paulo A. Azevedo - pazevedo@essentialmacau.com 国际编辑 International editor Fernando Caetano - fcaetano@essentialmacau.com 编辑助理 Editorial Coordinator Cátia Matos - catia.matos@open-media.net 編輯 Editor Edwina Liu - edwina.liu@projectasiacorp.com 连衣裙 DRESS: TWIN-SET 腰带 BELT: UTERQÜE 凉鞋 SANDALS: 吉安维托·罗西 GIANVITO ROSSI
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特约撰稿人 Contributing writers Carlos Torres, Catarina Vasques Rito, César Brigante, Chad Merchant, Edwina Liu, Guilherme Marques, Luís Antunes 特约摄影师 Contributing photographers Pedro Ferreira 中文翻译及校对 Chinese language translator/proofreader PROMPT Editorial Services 翻译:韩珺,吴炜声 校译:黎庄琳,徐彩燕 澳门发行 Distribution in Macau Michael Rimando - mrimando@essentialmacau.com
《澳门精华》由Global Asia Media Ltd出版, Global Asia Media Ltd为 Essential Macau is published by Global Asia Media Ltd, a company owned by:
+853 2833 1258 合资企业
2017 8-9 39 No. 39 August - September 2017
No. 80 June / July 2017
BASTARDINHO The temporary end of a unique wine O fim provisório de um vinho especial
Summer mood The city's best swimming pools
PANTHÈRE DE CARTIER The rebirth of an icon O renascer de um clássico
REAL ESTATE LUXURY BOUTIQUE Quintela e Penalva celebrates 13 years 13 anos de Quintela e Penalva
Clube Militar de Macau Historical paradise
ESSENTIAL Luxury, style, business, people, property, places and more Luxo, estilo, moda, personalidades, imobiliário, negócios e muito mais!
Panthère de Cartier
June-July 2017 €4.00
Macau MOP 50 Hong Kong HKD 50
Returning to life
Mainland China RMB 50
Essential OPENING
沛纳海 专门店乔 迁至永 利澳 门 Officine Panerai boutique relocates to Wynn Macau
860 年,乔凡尼·沛纳海(Giovanni Panerai) 在佛罗伦萨的感恩桥创立了沛纳海 (Officine Panerai)。如今已是享誉世界的豪华 制表品牌沛纳海与海洋有着深厚的渊源并保 持非凡的热情,与意大利皇家海军的合作也 是理所当然,品牌的经典时计系列包括著名 的 Radiormir 系列和 Luminor 系列。 今 夏 ,沛 纳 海 澳 门 壹 号 广 场 专 门 店 乔 迁至澳门最闻名的豪华度假酒店永利 澳 门 。全 新 专 门 店 占 地 63 平 方 米 ,陈 列 着 品牌各款腕表系列。沛纳海永利皇宫专 门店由著名西班牙建筑师兼设计师 10 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Patricia Urquiola 设 计 , 演 绎 沛 纳 海 专 业 制表的美学和工艺,以隽永设计表达对 品 牌 的 尊 重 。她 为 专 门 店 甄 选 了 各 种 独 特 元素,如橡木、卡拉卡塔纹理大理石、青铜、 黄 铜 以 及 波 浪 形 透 明 玻 璃 ,让 人 自 然 联 想 到 海 洋 和 船 舶 的 世 界 ,铜 质 吊 灯 与 搭 配 木 纹细节装饰的销售柜台也是如此。此外,专 卖店墙上还设有一个极具品牌代表性的 表盘大壁钟。 顾客还可以在舒适私密空间里放松并 感 受 时 光 流 淌 ,钟 表 爱 好 者 也 能 在 此 享 受 一次无与伦比的时光体验。 쐽
uxury watchmaker Officine Panerai was founded by Giovanni Panerai in 1860 on Ponte alle Grazie in Florence. The brand’s enthusiasm for the sea makes it a natural partner for the Royal Navy, with their iconic timepiece collections famously featuring Radiormir and Luminor. This Summer, Officine Panerai relocated its Macau One Central boutique to Wynn Macau in the centre of the city. Now housed in one of the most famous luxury resorts in town, the new boutique occupies some 63 square metres, in
Essential OPENING
which collections of the brand are proudly displayed. The concept of the boutique - designed by Spanish architect and designer Patricia Urquiola - combines the brand’s iconic aesthetic with technical codes of the watch house, respecting the identity of the brand with a timeless design. She selected unique element such as oak (“calacatta luccicoso”), veined marble, burnished brass, bronze, and a special “reeded”
glass, undulating and transparent, a clear reference to the world of the sea and ships, as are the brass lights and sales counters with their wood details. Additionally, a large wall clock in the boutique is a large-scale version of Officine Panerai’s iconic watch dial. Clients can also relax in a separate luxurious, intimate space in which watch enthusiasts can enjoy an exclusive experience. 쐽
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 11
荷 兰 大师 重归故 里 Dutch masters go home 今年, 荷兰黄金时代绘画杰作 系列 回 归 荷 兰 并 于 首 都 阿 姆 斯特 丹 展 出 , 这 将是 2017 年 最引人注目展览 之一 。 若 您 有 机 会 在 未 来 几 个 月 前 往 荷 兰 , 则 万勿错 过这场绘画盛宴, 以及 与 大 师 作 品 近 距 离 接 触 的 珍 贵 机 会 A significant collection of works from the golden age of Dutch painting returns home for one of the most interesting exhibitions of 2017. For those visiting the Dutch capital in the coming months, it is not to be missed 文/by EDWINA LIU
2009 年开放以来,冬宫阿姆斯特丹分 馆(Hermitage Amsterdam)共举办了 15 次大规模展览,其中“来自冬宫的大师:沙皇 的珍宝( ” Dutch Masters from the Hermitage: Treasures of the Tsars)应该就是迄今为止最 重要、最有影响力的展览。 此次展览的展品将总馆俄罗斯圣 彼得堡冬宫博物馆最珍贵的收藏系 列之一——荷兰绘画大师作品带回 荷兰首都。展览共展出来自荷兰黄 金时代的绘画杰作共 1500 余件,是 荷 兰 国 外 收 藏 数 量 最 大 、最 有 影 响 力的荷兰绘画系列中的部分作品。 其中大部分作品是俄罗斯圣彼得堡冬 宫博物馆的永久藏品。此次是这些作品被 购买后,首次返回故里。 展 出 作 品 中 有 一 个 系 列 包 含 了 50 位 艺术家的 63 幅绘画作品,全都是荷兰 绘画大师的杰作。其中 37 幅作品创作 于 荷 兰 绘 画 最 卓 越 的 时 期 ,即 1650 年 至 1670 年 ,其 中 包 括 伦 勃 朗 的 6 件 杰 作 。 除了圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆全球最丰富的 伦勃朗藏品系列,以及伦勃朗这位公认的最 伟大荷兰画家之外;此次冬宫阿姆斯特丹分 馆的展览还展出了其他与伦勃朗齐名的荷兰 大师的作品,如弗兰斯·哈尔斯(Frans Hals) 和赫尔斯特(Bartholomeus van der Helst),以 及 其 他 名 声 略 小 、却 同 样 非 凡 的 画 家 的 作 品,如威廉·德罗斯特(Willem Drost)、埃林 加 (Pieter Janssens Elinga)、阿 尔 特 (Aert de Gelder)以及维特(Emanuel de Witte)。 쐽
f the 15 big exhibits that have taken place since the Hermitage Amsterdam opened in 2009, Dutch Masters from the Hermitage: Treasures of the Tsars is perhaps the most important exhibition to be held to date. The display brings one of the most precious collections belonging to the mother museum, the Hermitage St Petersburg, back to the Dutch capital. With more than 1,500 works from this golden period of Dutch painting, the pieces are part of one of the largest and most important collections outside of the Netherlands. The majority of these paintings are part of the permanent collection of the Russian museum, which returns to its country of origin for the first time since it was acquired. On display is a selection comprising 63 pictorial works created by a group of 50 artists, which includes all the great Dutch masters. Among these are 37 artworks works produced during the most extraordinary period, between 1650 and 1670, six of which are by Rembrandt. Besides the artist considered to be the greatest Dutch painter of all time and the fact that the Hermitage St Petersburg holds the most paintings in a single collection, the exhibit also features equally important names, such as Frans Hals and Bartholomeus van der Helst, and other lesser known but no less significant artists, such as Willem Drost, Pieter Janssens Elinga, Aert de Gelder and Emanuel de Witte. 쐽
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 13
Essential BOUTIQUE
Essential BOUTIQUE
卓越绅士俱乐部 Gentlemen’s club par excellence 随 着 DFS 旗下 澳 门 T 广场 新 濠天地 店 开 幕 , 首 家 腕 表及 威士 忌 精品店 也 正式登 陆澳 门 T Galleria by DFS, City of Dreams has opened the first ever Timepieces & Whiskies Boutique 文/by EDWINA LIU
起绅士生活,大家脑海里往往会浮现 出一位带着优质腕表,手握精品威士 忌的雅致人士。但尽管澳门布满奢侈品牌和 购物中心,但奇怪的是城中只有少数几个专 为男性设计的去处。 这个夏天,DFS 在新濠天地 2 楼男士时尚 区迎来旗下 T 广场开幕,带来了首家腕表及 威士忌精品店,为绅士们提供一个专属的休 闲空间。 由 DFS 才 华 横 溢 的 内 部 设 计 师 设 计 ,精 品店以工业风的图书馆式阁楼呈现。绅士们
earing a fine timepiece, drinking a glass of whisky; yes, it conjures up a picture of a gentleman’s life. But although Macau is a city dominated by luxury brands and shopping malls curiously only a handful of places are specifically designed for men. This Summer, T Galleria by DFS, City of Dreams opened the first ever Timepieces & Whiskies Boutique on the 2nd floor of the Men’s Fashion area, offering gentleman an exclusive relaxing space. 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 15
可以在酒吧里品尝懂酒之人挚爱的单一麦芽 威士忌,尽情放松,沉浸其中,而专业品酒 师 将 会 耐 心 地 介 绍 这 些 “生 命 之 水 ”的 不 同 特征。宾客们将会喜欢上这里超过 30 种威士 忌选择,包括麦卡伦、格兰杰、高原骑士和仅 于 DFS 发售的 Araid Rare Cask Reserve.
Designed by DFS’ talented in-house designers, the boutique is an industrial style loft library. Gentlemen can relax and indulge themselves by sampling a cult-favourite single malt at the bar, while a professional sommelier will patiently introduce the different characteristics of the
‘water of life’. Guests will love the 30-plus kinds of whisky here, including The Macallan, Glenmorangie, Highland Park and DFS exclusive Araid Rare Cask Reserve. The experience continues with selected watches collections, accrued by professional
Essential BOUTIQUE
这种尊贵体验更会在精选腕表系列 中 延 续 , 由 专 业 的 DFS 腕 表 买 家 团 队 从 世 界 各 地 精 心 挑 选 出 独 一 无 二 的 腕 表 。腕 表 展 品 会 定 期 更 新 ,现 在 店 里 既 有 常 驻 的 沙 夫 豪 森 、 IWC 万 国 表 和 真 力 时 等 经 典 名 牌 , 还 有 仅 于 T 广 场 独 家 发 售 的 NOMOS Glashütte 和 Romain Jerome 等 新 兴 品 牌 。 除 了 威 士 忌 和 腕 表 ,这 里 更 有 雪 茄 让 体 验 进 一步升华。 玩 一 局 桌 上 足 球 ,或 享 受 阅 读 时 光 ,让 品酒体验更臻完美——这个绅士俱乐部让 绅士们以独一无二的方式纵情放松。 쐽
buyer teams hunting one-of-a-kind watches from around the world. The displays are regularly replaced, with the boutique now offering timepieces from renowned stables IWC, Schaffausen and Zenih as well as Nomos Glashuette and Romain Jerome, which are exclusive to T Galleria. Apart from the whiskies and timepieces, cigars can also be found here. Completing their sipping experience by playing a game of foosball or reading a book, guests can enjoy a unique indulgence in this gentlemen’s club. 쐽
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 17
Essential EVENT
澳 门政 府 总部开放 日 Government Headquarters Open Day 一年 一度参观行政长官 办 公室的 机 会 即 将 到 来 。 与 《 澳 门 精 华 》 一起来看看 2017 年 澳 门 政 府 总 部 开 放 日 The annual opportunity to visit the Office of the Chief Executive is approaching. Check out the 2017 Government Headquarters Open Day with Essential Macau 文/by EDWINA LIU 摄影 /photos GOVERNMENT INFORMATION BUREAU
门政府总部是澳门政府最重要的办公 地点,同样也是澳门文化遗产的一部 分。正常情况下,政府总部戒备森严。只有在 一年一度的开放日,市民才有机会一窥其真 容。在政府总部开放日期间,公众可以从礼 宾楼右侧的摆华巷入口进场。安检过后,参 观者可以在现场工作人员的指引下,根据标 识的指示展开游览。 政府总部包括四座建筑物:由礼宾楼、政 府总部行政大楼前座和后座、毗邻的政府总 部辅助部门大楼及一座花园组成。整个政府 总部占地面积约 7700 平方米。
现在的澳门特别行政区政府行政大楼包 含行政长官办公室和一些高级政府官员的办
公室,是 1849 年由著名澳门土生葡人建筑师 阿 奎 诺 (Jose Tomas de Agostinho Aquino)为 Mello 家族设计打造的。 澳门著名建筑师馬若龍(Carlos Marreiros) 告 诉 我 们 , “这 是 Alexandrino de Mello 的 住 所,他也被称为‘佘加利子爵’,有趣的是,除 了从事一系列重要职责外,他还是一位建筑 师 。”澳 门 政 府 于 1881 年 购 入 这 幢 住 宅 , 作 为澳葡管治时期的澳门总督办公场所。在修 葺之后,它被唤作澳门总督府(澳督府),在 过 去 的 几 十 年 里 ,也 被 称 为 “Palácio da Praia Grande”(南湾府),因为它矗立在美丽的南湾 大马路上,面向水体,濒临海滨。馬若龍继 续说,“今天部分的前海滩被纳入南湾湖,原 来的海岸线仍然保留着原始的石堤,可以在 花园周围看到部分堤岸。”
overnment Headquarters is the most important office of the Macau Government; it also represents part of Macau’s heritage. Under normal circumstances, Government Headquarters is heavily guarded. Only on the annual Open Day can residents have the opportunity to peek inside. During Government Headquarters Open Day, the public can enter the premises from the right side of the Protocol Palace on Travessa do Paiva. After completing security checks, visitors may start the tour by following the signage and the instructions of on-site staff. The Headquarters comprise four buildings: the Protocol Palace, the front block and the rear block of the Government Headquarters Administrative Building, the adjoining Government Head Office Auxiliary Bureau Building, and a garden. The whole site occupies about 7,700 square metres.
THE HISTORY OF THE PROTOCOL PALACE The present “Macau SAR Government Building” that houses the Office of the Chief Executive and some high-ranking government officials, was built for the Mello Family in 1849, by famous Macanese architect José Tomás de Agostinho Aquino. “This residence of Alexandrino de Mello, also known as Barão de Cercal (Baron of Cercal) was curiously an architect as well, among other important duties that he was invested.” Told us Carlos Marreiros a renowned Macanese architect. Macau Government bought this residential building in 1881 to house the governor’s office during Portuguese Administration. After refurbishment works it became known as “Palácio do Governo” (Government Palace) and in the last decades as “Palácio da Praia Grande” (Great Beach 18 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Essential EVENT
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月| 19
Essential EVENT
馬 若 龍 介 绍 道 : “这 座 府 邸 是 一 栋 两 层 楼 的 建 筑 ,展 现 了 典 型 的 澳 门 新 古 典 建 筑 风格,表面上类似葡式建筑,而实际再仔细 一 看 你 会 发 现 ,建 筑 细 节 和 设 计 中 的 地 方 特 色 ,以 及 内 部 的 空 间 布 局 连 同 与 外 部 的 交 互 ,都 在 在 体 现 出 对 本 地 气 候 的 调 适 和 对地方风水传统的尊重。本地建筑技巧,本 地区的材料特色,甚至是传统施工方法都反 映于最终设计中。” “建 筑 顶 部 的 斜 屋 顶 ( 今 天 已 经 以 阳 台 取代)运用了典型的岭南派风格(中国南部的 混合建筑风格)和材料来建造,上覆广东风 格陶土瓦。屋顶的排水管,外观类似竹节形 状,里贴源自石湾的釉面瓷砖,这也是岭南 派风格在此建筑物上的另一种体现。” “在 建 筑 物 正 立 面 的 侧 翼 , 则 建 造 了 一 个 u 型 露 台 ,它 和 立 面 的 凹 陷 中 心 部 分 一 起,与原花园的中庭相辉映。侧翼柱廊的支 柱原本更粗大坚固,在 1930 年代被替换为今 20 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
palace) because it stood just in the beautiful Praia Grande Avenue facing the river and bordered by a beach line. “Today part of the former beach (Praia Grande) is incorporated in the Nam Wan Lake, and the original shore line is still kept by the original granite block walls that can be partially seen in the gardens around”, continues Carlos Marreiros. “This mansion is a Two-storeys building that showcases the Typical Macau Neo-classic Architecture, that apparently resembles Portuguese architecture building when in fact you will find, upon a closer look, local characteristics in construction detail and architectural design, as well as internal space organization and it’s interaction with the exterior, as a result of the adaptation to the local climate and the respect for local traditions of fengshui. The local man power, the materials characteristic of
the region and even traditional construction methods factor in the outlook of the final design” says Carlos Marreiros. “The pitched roof at the top of the building (today replaced by a terrace) were built using typical Leng Nam Pai style (hybrid architecture style coming from the South of China) construction methods and resources and covered by a layer of Canton style clay tile. The water drainage pipe coming from the roof that resembles a bamboo trunk in the outside and has glazed ceramic tile in the inside, originating from Sheck Wan, it’s also another example of the Leng Nam Pai style present in the building.” “The lateral wings in the main façade create an “u” shaped patio along with the recessed central section of the façade that matches the original gardened atrium. The columns in the
Essential EVENT
天可以看到的两条细长柱子。位于建筑中心 的门廊并非原设计。在正立面之后,在建筑 的内部布局上,使用了几个从最初设计中保 留下来的大小各异的天井。” “这 幢 建 筑 , 又 名 澳 督 府 , 曾 数 次 翻 新 , 其 中 三 次 分 别 是 在 1884 年 一 次 严 重 台 风 之 后 , 1980 年 代 早 期 , 以 及 澳 门 主 权 移 交 给 中华人民共和国之后进行。”
参 观 的 第 一 站 是 多 功 能 厅 。它 是 举 行 不 同活动的场所,例如记者招待会、新闻发布 会、论坛和官方签约仪式,也是政府与区内 外政要举行重要会议的场所。在同一楼层, 莲花厅是政府官员会客的大厅。天花板上装 饰 着 的 莲 花 图 案 ,是 澳 门 特 区 区 旗 和 区 徽 的设计元素。 然后沿着大理石楼梯走到楼上大厅。这是 行政长官会晤贵宾期间,让媒体代表等待的
地方。这个大厅的设计风格展示了澳门独特 的多文化融合,采用了在晚清或民国早期广 东省制造的红木家具,所有木制家具表面都 用 福 建 生 漆 刷 过 ,以 赋 予 光 泽 和 提 高 耐 用 性。在该厅内,一张有三个额外桌脚的柱脚 桌,看上去又俨然一个西式家具。桌子的边 缘装饰着西方流行的镂空卷草图案和在中 国象征着荣誉的鹿花纹。 在 楼 上 ,参 观 者 可 以 依 次 走 过 绿 厅 、黄 厅和蓝厅。这些大厅用于会见贵宾和来访代 表团、进行重大仪式等各种正式场合。 结束游览前,可以参观一下花园,它包括 了礼宾楼的后花园和侧花园。后花园铺满了 葡式碎石,在中央是一个饰以同心圆图案的 水池,而在侧花园里树立着爬满植物的栅栏, 把花园棚屋分隔开,保持着景观的连贯性。 为了丰富市民的体验,在开放日期间,在 政 府 总 部 还 为 参 观 者 举 办 特 别 展 览 、表 演 等精彩活动。 쐽
porticos of the wings had a more robust profile and were replaced in the thirties of the previous century for two columns of slender design that can be seen today. The loggia located in the center of the building does not match the original design. Behind the main façade, the internal disposition of the building uses several patios of different sizes kept from the original design” “This building, also known as OuTok Fu, was refurbished several times, three of them in 1884 after a severe typhoon, in the early years of 1980’s and after the Handover of the sovereignty of Macau to the People’s Republic of China.”
THE TOUR OF THE OPEN DAY The first stop of the tour is The Multipurpose Room. It is the venue for events of varying scale, such as press conferences, news briefings, forums and official signing ceremonies. It is also a venue for the government to hold important meetings with local and foreign dignitaries. On the same floor, the Lotus Room is the hall where official meetings with visiting guests are held. The ceiling is decorated with a lotus pattern, the design elements of the Macao SAR’s flag and emblem. Then walk up the marble staircase to the upper floor housing the Grand Hall. This is where media representatives wait while visiting guests and the Chief Executive are in meetings. The design shows the unique intercultural combination of Macau, with rosewood furniture made in Guangdong Province during the late Qing Dynasty or early Republican period. All the wooden furniture’s surfaces are treated with Fujian raw lacquer to enhance gloss and durability. In the same area, a single pedestal table with three extra feet, forming a Western-style structure, can be been. The edge of the table is decorated with popular Western hollow-carved curly grass and deer patterns, representing honour in China. On the upper floor, visitors can walk through the Green Hall, the Yellow Hall and the Blue Hall successively. These halls are used for meetings with distinguished guests and visiting delegations, major ceremonies and formal occasions. Top off the tour with a visit to the garden, which comprises the Protocol Palace Back Garden and the Protocol Palace Side Garden. The Back Garden is paved with Portuguese cobblestones and houses a concentric pattern pond in the centre, while in the Side Garden stands a climbing plant fence which separates the garden shed, and maintains the coherence of the landscape. To fulfil the experience, enjoy the exhibition, performances and other wonderful colourful events specially laid on for visitors during Open Day. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月| 21
Andrea Chenier
新锐 之力·瞩目光芒 第三十一届 澳门国际音乐节 Rising Stars - 31st Macao International Music Festival 从 今年九 月底 到十 月底 举行 的本 届音 乐 节 , 将 为 本 地 及 来 自 各 方 的 乐 迷 带 来丰富 多彩 的音 乐体 验, 让观 众 畅 享 长 达 一 个 月 的 音 乐 盛 宴 The Festival will enable music lovers from near and far to experience a wonderful potpourri of musical experiences from late September to the end of October
门国际音乐节至今成长逾三十年载, 已成为乐迷心目中的本澳一大代表性 盛事。由文化局主办的第三十一届澳门国际 音 乐 节 将 于 今 年 9 月 29 至 10 月 30 日 期 间 举 行 , 以 “新 锐 之 力 ·瞩 目 光 芒 ”为 题 , 锐 意 继往开来,重新起步。本届音乐节共十七套 节 目 ,当 中 既 有 耀 目 新 星 呈 献 的 得 意 之 作 , 有 对 经 典 的 重 新 演 绎 ,亦 有 国 际 著 名 乐 团 带 来 的 宏 篇 钜 制 ,当 然 也 少 不 了 本 地 制 作 , 务求为乐迷带来妙韵绕梁的艺文盛事。 为纪念翁贝托·佐丹奴(Umberto Giordano) 诞辰一百五十周年,开幕特意呈献其四幕歌 剧 名 作 《安 德 烈 ·谢 尼 尔 》,于 9 月 29 日 和 10 月 1 日上演两场。意大利作曲家佐丹奴的 钜作《安德烈·谢尼尔》以当时意大利歌剧 界重要的艺术风格潮流——“写实主义”风格 写 就 ,展 现 关 于 信 念 和 牺 牲 的 激 情 荡 漾 的 爱情故事,不容错过。 22 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Lukas Geniušas
fter growing for over three decades, Macao International Music Festival has become the city’s representative event in music lovers’ hearts. Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the 31st Macao International Music Festival - running from 29th September to 30th October under the theme of ‘Rising Stars’ - seeks to learn from the past whilst boldly marching into the future. Featuring works presented by dazzling young talents, the reinterpretation of classics, grand productions performed by internationally famous ensembles and orchestras – plus, of course, local productions. Some 17 programmes are slated for the Festival this year. In order to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Umberto Giordano, the Festival opens with Andrea Chénier - Opera in Four Acts by Umberto Giordano from 29th Sep-
Essential FESTIVAL
The Erhu Family, Chen Yimiao 新世代的出彩表演将成为本届音乐节的 重 头 戏 ,其 中 包 括 韩 国 的 新 生 代 室 内 乐 团 Novus 弦乐四重奏、俄罗斯青年钢琴家 Lukas Geniušas 的演奏会。 10 月 7–8 日 ,韩 国 Novus 弦 乐 四 重 奏 将 献演两场音乐会,演绎莫扎特、门德尔松、德 伏扎克、柴可夫斯基的经典杰作,以及拉威 尔、韦伯恩、布里顿的独特创作。Novus 弦乐 四重奏无疑是近年在国际乐坛最为人瞩目的 新 生 代 星 级 室 内 乐 团 。Novus 自 2007 年 成 立 起步以来,已在众多重大国际比赛上斩获无 数奖项,并频频亮相国际舞台,在卡内基音乐 厅、柏林爱乐室内乐音乐厅等音乐殿堂演出。 来 自 俄 罗 斯 的 年 轻 钢 琴 新 星 Lukas Geniušas 出 生 于 音 乐 世 家 ,五 岁 便 进 入 莫 斯 科的萧邦音乐学院预科班习琴,年纪轻轻已 斩获多项大奖,包括 2010 年第十六届萧邦国 际钢琴比赛第二名、2015 年以 25 岁之龄夺得 在莫斯科举行的第十五届柴可夫斯基国际 音 乐 比 赛 钢 琴 组 第 二 名 。10 月 27 日 ,Lukas Geniušas 将 为 本 届 音 乐 节 带 来 萧 邦 的 古 典 作 品:《十二首练习曲 作品 10》及《十二首练 习 曲 作 品 25》、拉 威 尔 的 《升 F 小 调 小 奏 鸣 曲 》以 及 普 罗 科 菲 耶 夫 的 《十 首 小 品 作 品 12》,尽展其多样风格和才华。 世界名团名作于本届亦不缺席。声名显赫 的 维 也 纳 爱 乐 乐 团 将 于 10 月 29 日 献 演 ,布 莱 梅 德 意 志 室 内 爱 乐 则 于 10 月 20 日登台, 妙漫乐音,让乐迷翘首以待。其他名人名团 如中国内地陈氏二胡家族、爵士好手 Jazzmeia Horn、清新电子音乐人 el fog、载誉归 来的西西里岛抒情合唱团、欢乐的南非合唱 团 Soweto Gospel Choir 及香港歌手苏永康等, 均将参与本届音乐节,大展才艺。 为了带给广大观众更多更美妙的音乐 体 验 ,将 于 音 乐 节 期 间 举 办 丰 富 多 彩 的 外 展 节 目 ,例 如 后 台 参 观 、 大 师 班 和 工 作 坊 , 以使音乐节更令人难忘并具有教育和启发 人心的意义。 쐽
tember to 1st October. A masterpiece by Italian composer Umberto Giordano, Andrea Chénier is a passionate love story of conviction and sacrifice penned in verismo style, or ‘realism’, the dominant artistic style of Italian operas of the time. The brilliant performances from the new era are the highlights of this Festival, including Korean string quartet Novus and pianist Lukas Geniušas. On 7th & 8th October, the South Korean string quartet will showcase a wonderful performance from the classics of Mozart, ˇ and Tchaikovsky, to the Mendelssohn, Dvorák unique masterpieces of Ravel, Webern and Britten. Novus no doubt is one of the most shining rising stars of the international music scene. Debuting in 2007, the quartet has been showered with awards in international competition. They also frequently appear at global venues, including Carnegie Hall and the Berliner Philharmoniker Chamber Music Hall. Born into a musician’s family, young Russian pianist Lukas Geniušas started his piano studies at the age of five in the preparatory department of Frédéric Chopin Music College in Moscow. He won Second Prize at the 16th International
William So & The Macao Chinese Orchestra
The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
Novus String Quartet
Frédéric Chopin Piano Competition in 2010 at the age of 20, and five years later took Second Prize at the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. On 27th October, he will showcase Frédéric Chopin’s classical works 12 Études, op. 10 and 12 Études, op. 25, as well as Maurice Ravel’s Sonatine in F-sharp Minor and Sergei Prokofiev’s 10 Pieces, op. 12. World renowned ensembles and orchestras will definitely not be absent from this year’s Festival, with music lovers already thrilled by the prospect of listening to the Vienna Philharmonic on 29th October and Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen on 20th October. An array of famous musicians will also participate in this Festival, including Chen’s erhu family, rising jazz star Jazzmeia Horn, fresh electronic musician el fog, the acclaimed Coro Lirico Siciliano, the joyous South African ensemble Soweto Gospel Choir and Hong Kong singer William So. To enhance the musical experience, a large selection of outreach programmes - such as backstage tours, master classes and workshops - will also take place during the Festival to add a memorable, educational and inspirational dimension. 쐽 The Vienna Philharmonic
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 23
Essential CAR
Essential CAR
史 上最 强 寡妇 制 造 者 The widow-maker is back 保 时捷 911GT2 RS 大 名鼎鼎 : 史 上最 快、 最 强、 技术 最 先进, 让 人艳 羡 不 已 The 911 GT2 RS has an enviable calling card: it is the fastest, most extreme and most technologically advanced 911 ever 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES
堂级的保时捷 911 拥有数不清的特别 版和车型,让同侪只能望其项背。可 幸的是,要辨别每一代保时捷的顶级车型也 轻而易举,那就是:GT2 RS。 其实 GT2 RS 的配置几乎大同小异:采用 涡轮发动机,取缔前轮上的传动轴,取缔全 驱功能,提高动力。然后按照以上特征调整 悬挂、刹车及底盘。
he iconic Porsche 911 has so many specialised versions and models that it is hard to keep up. Fortunately, it’s easy to identify which one is the most extreme member of the family in each generation: the GT2 RS. Essentially, the recipe for the GT2 RS is seemingly simple: taking the Turbo version, removing the transmission shaft from the
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 25
Essential CAR
说起来容易,做起来却并没有那么简单。 GT2 RS 是保时捷数不清的车型中最接近赛车 的公路跑车车型,其中注入了大量、细致彻 底的改造工作,拥有各种卓越性能,让所有 驾驶员都能全身心享受驾驶乐趣,并保证最 大程度的安全性。 GT2 RS 基于搭载了 3.8 升发动机、输出功 率达 580 马力的 911 Turbo S 打造,由 911 史上 最强的 6 缸发动机驱动,各方面动力都达到 极致,当之无愧为史上最强、最快的 911:功 率 700 马力、峰值扭矩 750 牛米、起步加速到 100 公里/小时仅用 2.8 秒,最高时速达 340 公 里/小时。 该 车 搭 载 了 两 个 强 大 的 涡 轮 增 压 器 ,保 时捷特别为散热器开发了全新的注水冷却 系 统 ,确 保 汽 车 即 使 连 续 处 在 高 峰 负 荷 的 情况下,如比赛时,也一直可以保持在输出 700 马 力 功 率 的 状 态 。7 速 PDK 双 离 合 变 速 箱同样是为赛场设计,较之以往更快,让车 手从发车到即时变速都占有绝对优势。钛合 金 排 气 管 专 为 该 款 车 型 打 造 ,减 轻 车 身 重 量达 7 公斤。 为了赋予 911 前所未有的性能,GT2 RS 在 底盘方面做了大幅改进,采用后轮转向和极 其 先 进 的 稳 定 控 制 系 统 ,能 够 识 别 汽 车 及 驾 驶 者 不 同 的 表 现 ,从 而 进 行 调 整 以 适 应 两者,营造出史无前例的卓越驾驶体验。 GT2 RS 的 车 身 也 是 特 别 打 造 ,涵 盖 几 项 采用了碳纤维的加固塑料元素,车顶由镁合 金制成,进一步降低了汽车重心。 车身内部,凹背座椅采用 Alcantara 材质, 碳纤维元素打造出更完善卓越的品质。保时 捷通讯管理系统含有一个叫作 Track Precision 的应用程序,可以将所有赛道上的单圈用时 发送给智能手机。GT2 RS 处处精益求精,追 求 极 致 完 美 ,让 人 梦 寐 以 求 ,绝 对 不 负 911 “寡妇制造者”继承者的称号。 쐽 26 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
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front wheels, taking away the all-wheel-drive and increasing the power. Then, adapt the suspension, brakes and chassis to these last two changes. In reality, it’s not that simple. The GT2 RS is the closest thing in the Porsche world to a racing car for the road, and that means extensive and exaustive work on behalf of the engineers so that all the performance available is accessible to any driver, and always with the utmost safety. The 6-cylinder boxer of the GT2 RS is one of the most impressive engines ever placed in a 911. Based on the Turbo S unit, with 3.8 litres and 580 horsepower, everything is taken to the extreme so that this becomes the most powerful and fastest 911 ever: 70 horsepower, 750 Nm,
2.8 seconds from 0-100km/h and a top speed of 340km/h. With two massive turbochargers, Porsche has developed a new water-injection cooling system for the radiator that ensures the 700cv are always available, even when the engine is running continuously at peak loads – i.e. on the track. Also conceived for the track, the sevenspeed PDK dual-clutch transmission is faster than ever, allowing explosive starts and instant gear changes. The exhaust system developed specifically for this model is made from titanium, making it 7kg lighter. In order to be able to offer unprecedented performances for a 911, the GT2 RS was heavily altered in terms of chassis, introducing rear-axle steering and an extremely advanced
stability-control system, which recognises the different behaviours of the car and the driver so that it can adapt better to both and create a driving dynamic without precedence. The specific bodywork of the GT2 RS contains several elements of plastic reinforced with carbon fibre, and the roof is made of magnesium to lower the centre of gravity even further. Inside, the competition bucket seats fit perfectly with the Alcantara trims, while the refinement is ensured by the carbon-fibre details. The Porsche Communication Management system comes with an app called Track Precision, which sends lap times on any circuit to the smartphone. With no compromises, the GT2 RS is a dream car and the worthy heir of the nickname ‘widow-maker’ in the 911 world. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 27
活 力 长驻 ,永 恒传 奇 法拉利 Fountain of youth 2017 年, 法拉 利迎 来 70 周 年华 诞。 70 年 间 , 品 牌 推 出 了 一系 列让 世人 梦寐 难 求 的 车 型 Ferrari celebrates seven decades of existence in 2017 with a car collection that keeps the whole world dreaming 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES 摄影 /photos FERRARI S.P.A 28 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
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论是汽车业还是其他行业,似乎再没 有 比 法 拉 利 更 强 大 、更 具 实 力 的 品 牌了。法拉利车标——以法拉利创始人故乡 蒙德纳城的代表颜色黄色为底色,配衬一匹 跃马——在全球各地,甚至落后得连沥青路 也没有的地方都闻名遐迩,家喻户晓。 法拉利粉(Ferraristi)对法拉利的感情决 不 仅 仅 是 喜 爱 和 钦 佩 ,而 是 近 乎 宗 教 式 的 崇 拜 。法 拉 利 正 正 彰 显 出 ,人 类 也 可 以 对 一 个 有 形 消 费 品 倾 注 无 限 的 “感 情 ”, 而 且 一辆汽车就标准着一个让人活出极限的美 丽、冒险世界。 法拉利 70 周年的故事要从恩佐·法拉利 离 开 阿 尔 法 罗 密 欧 (Alfa Romeo)车 队 ,决 定制造自己的赛车开始讲起。恩佐·法拉利 虽在赛车方面颇具天赋,但在同时代的车手 中 还 算 不 上 佼 佼 者 。他 本 可 以 成 为 歌 剧 演 员 ,但 显 然 汽 油 的 味 道 和 发 动 机 的 轰 鸣 对 他更有吸引力。 恩 佐 ·法 拉 利 热 爱 赛 车 比 赛 ,他 认 为 资 助赛事最好的方式就是销售汽车,正是这个 原因造就了法拉利如今的成功:世界上最大 的品牌,因为法拉利为竞赛和成功而生。 历 史 上 最 优 秀 的 车 手 都 曾 为 恩 佐 ·法 拉 利效力,包括阿斯卡里、诺沃拉里、范吉奥、 柯林斯、希尔、苏尔特斯、埃克斯、安德雷 蒂、劳达和维伦纽夫等,即使在他 1988 年去 世后,每个想成为赛车手的孩子都梦想有朝 一日驾驶法拉利出赛。当卢卡·迪·蒙特泽 莫罗(Luca di Montezemolo)在 1991 年接手了 公司和斯库德里亚车队后,法拉利的车手一 如往昔声明显赫:阿莱西、舒马赫、莱科宁、
ould there be a more powerful brand than Ferrari? Not just in the car world, but anywhere? Probably not. The Cavallino Rampante on the Giallo Modena background is recognisable the world over, even in places that have never even seen tarmacked roads. The devotion of the Ferraristi is something that surpasses mere admiration for the brand; it’s something closer to religious devotion. Ferrari is the demonstration that mankind is able to place the word ‘emotion’ on a tangible object, of how a car can be the embodiment of a world where life is to be lived to the max, ruled by beauty and adventure. The story that now celebrates its 70th anniversary began when Enzo Ferrari left the management of the Alfa Romeo racing team and decided to create his own cars. A talented driver, but not quite at the same level as the best of his time, Enzo Ferrari once considered becoming an opera singer, but the smell of petrol and the sound of the engines proved to be stronger. A lover of racing, Enzo Ferrari decided that the best way to finance competitions was to sell cars for the road, and it’s for that reason only that Ferrari, as we know it today, became the biggest brand in the world: because Ferrari was born to compete and to be victorious. The best pilots of all time drove for him – Ascari, Nuvolari, Fangio, Collins, Hill, Surtees, Ickx, Andretti, Lauda and Villeneuve –, and even after his death in 1988, the dream of every 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 29
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阿隆索、塞巴斯蒂安·维特尔。成为 F1 世界 冠军是一大成就,但成为驾驶法拉利的 F1 世 界冠军就更辉煌。 法拉利是唯一一个参加了全部世界锦标 赛的汽车制造商,也是拥有最多冠军的汽车 制造商:15 个车手冠军和 16 个制造商冠军。 在勒芒 24 小时耐力赛上,法拉利共摘得 9 次 总冠军,其中包括 1949 年路易吉·奇内提驾 驶法拉利 166MM Barchetta 22.5 小时后拿下品 牌的首个总冠军。奇内提后来成为法拉利的 美国官方进口商,是品牌历史上的举足轻重 的人物。他还是只驾驶法拉利参赛的最著名
child who wanted to be a racecar driver was to drive a Ferrari. When Luca di Montezemolo took the reins of the company and the Scuderia racing team in 1991, the list became no less impressive: Alesi, Schumacher, Raikkonen, Alonso and, of course, Sebastian Vettel today. Being a F1 World Champion is one thing; being a Ferrari champion is something different altogether. Ferrari is the only marque that took part in every world championship and the one that amassed the most titles: 15 drivers’ titles and 16 constructors’. At Le Mans, there were nine
general victories, including the first in 1949, when Luigi Chinetti took a 166MM Barchetta to first place after driving for 22.5 hours. Chinetti, who later became the official Ferrari importer in the USA and a pivotal figure in the history of the Italian brand, was also founder of the North American Racing Team, the most famous private team to flaunt the Cavallino symbol. Between 1960 and 1965, no other constructor took first place on the podium in La Sarthe, after Enzo Ferrari focused all his efforts on Formula 1.
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的私人车队——北美赛车队(North American Racing Team)——的创始人。在恩佐·法拉利 全身心投入到 F1 赛事后,1960 到 1965 年间, 萨尔特赛道(勒芒 24 小时赛道)上的冠军全 归法拉利。 为了赋予法拉利底盘和发动机更出众的 造 型 和 性 能 ,恩 佐 定 期 请 Battista Pininfarina 构 思 车 形 设 计 ,并 请 Sergio Scaglietti 根 据 设 计制造汽车。二人对法拉利功勋卓著,他们 共同设计了历史上最华美艳丽的汽车,如今, 只有那些美丽、稀有和身价非凡的艺术珍品 才能与之相媲美。 比 如 仅 制 造 了 39 辆 的 250 GTO,是 全 球 最昂贵的汽车,按现在的市场价值来推算, 售价可达 5,000 万欧元。其实,任何 1970 年前 有 赛 事 记 录 的 法 拉 利 都 超 过 100 万 欧 元 ,且 通常会超过 500 万欧元。 32 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
法拉利一直都是设计和工程领域的领军 品牌,过去几年间,法拉利连续推出了全球 最 卓 越 的 汽 车 : 1995 年 推 出 的 F355 美 丽 绝 伦 , 必 将 会 成 为 经 典 车 型 , 2009 年 推 出 的 458 Italia 带有与生俱来的经典气质。在恩佐· 法 拉 利 钟 情 的 V12 车 型 中 , 550 Maranello 是 当 代 车 界 偶 像 ,最 近 推 出 的 812 Superfast 一夜之间就在技术研发和性能方面领先同行 5 年 ,该 款 车 配 备 的 自 然 吸 气 发 动 机 转 速 为 9,000rpm,能输出高达 800 马力的功率。 当然,2014 年的 LaFerrari 是法拉利顶级车 型 家 族 的 最 新 成 员 , 其 他 车 型 还 包 括 288 GTO、F40、F50 和 Enzo。据说全球有 50 人拥 有以上全部 5 款车,说到原因,首先是他们 有足够的资金;其次,他们很清楚,无论其 他品牌如何努力,法拉利只有一个。生日快 乐,法拉利! 쐽
In order to dress the chassis and the engines, Enzo regularly chose Battista Pininfarina to imagine the shapes and Sergio Scaglietti to bring them to life. Ferrari owes a lot to these two men, because they are responsible for some of the most stunning cars in history, today comparable only to the most famous works of art in terms of beauty, rarity and value. With 39 units made, the 250 GTO, for example, is the most expensive car in the world – when one comes up for sale, that is – with a current market value of €50 million. In fact, any pre-1970 Ferrari with a racing record is always worth more than a million, often more than €5 million. Always and forever at the forefront of design and engineering, in the last few years, Ferrari
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has continued to launch the finest cars in the world: the stunning F355 from 1995 is a future classic, while the 2009 458 Italia was an instant classic. In the V12 segment, the preferred configuration of founder Enzo, the 550 Maranello is a modern icon, while overnight, the recently presented 812 Superfast shot half a decade ahead of the competition in terms of development and performance, with its 800hpp at
9,000rpm extracted from an atmospheric engine. And, of course, the 2014 LaFerrari is the latest member of the exclusive club that includes the 288 GTO, the F40, the F50 and the Enzo. It is said that there are 50 people in the world that have all five, firstly because they can, and secondly because they know that, however much the other brands try, there is only one Ferrari. Happy birthday. 쐽
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千 钧一 发 赛 车腕 表 Time to race 制 表业 和赛 车 界已有 着 几十年 的 紧 密联 系, 赛车 和 高 性能 的 汽车经 常 是腕表 的 直接 灵感 来源 The world of watchmaking and automobile racing has shared a strong connection for decades, with racing and high-performance cars often serving as a direct inspiration for watches 文/by EDWINA LIU
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人 总 是 很 难 抗 拒 速 度 的 诱 惑 。而 精 确 的 机 械 表 对 于 赛 车 不 可 或 缺 。这 就是为什么制表业和赛车界有着几十年的 紧密联系的原因,赛车和高性能的汽车经常 是腕表的直接灵感来源,包括 Rolex Daytona 劳力士宇宙计型迪通拿和 TAG Heuer Carrera 泰格豪雅卡莱拉这样的经典表款一一走过 历史舞台。 Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona 蚝 式 恒动宇宙计型迪通拿体现了一段着魔于速 度 和 赛 车 的 历 史 。归 功 于 它 的 可 靠 性 和 优 秀 性 能 , 这 款 “赛 车 ”腕 表 于 1963 年 由 劳 力 士打造,在赛车领域创下非凡记录。被称为 “迪 通 拿 ”, 这 款 殿 堂 级 腕 表 跻 身 世 界 最 著 名的计时表行列。为了给赛车手创造一个效 36 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
能 卓 著 的 计 时 表 ,腕 表 的 每 一 个 细 节 都 经 过精心构想。 由 于 在 浅 色 表 盘 搭 配 黑 色 表 针 ,或 黑 色 表 盘 上 搭 配 浅 色 表 针 的 鲜 明 颜 色 对 比 ,迪 通 拿 表 盘 上 的 计 时 盘 十 分 瞩 目 ,而 测 速 计 (使 用 计 时 秒 针 测 量 物 体 在 特 定 距 离 内 平 均速度的刻度)则从表盘移到外圈。十分可 靠的计时器和配有时速计刻度的外圈,可让 佩戴者/驾驶者随心所愿、完美地测速,最高 测速可达时速 400 公里或英里 。 最新版迪通拿展现出视觉和技术上的革 命性创新,向历史和 1965 年的表款致敬,同 样配备黑色表圈,但材质上改用了陶质。宇 宙计型迪通拿配备 4130 型恒动机芯,这是一 款自动上链机械计时机芯,完全由劳力士研
en always find it hard to resist the temptation of speed. And an accurate mechanical watch is an indispensable partner to car racing. That’s why the world of watchmaking and automobile racing has shared a strong connection for decades, with racing and highperformance cars often serving as a direct inspiration for watches, witness classic models like the Rolex Daytona and TAG Heuer Carrera. The Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona embodies a history marked by a passion for speed and motor sport. Created by Rolex in 1963, this ‘racing’ model has established an extraordinary track record in the world of motor sport thanks to its reliability and performance.
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Known simply as the ‘Daytona’, this iconic watch has risen to the ranks of the best known chronographs in the world. With the aim of creating a useful chronograph for racing drivers, every detail of the watch has been carefully thought out. The chronograph counters of the Daytona stand out clearly on the dial thanks to their strongly contrasting colourways of black on a light-coloured dial or a light colour on a black dial. The tachometric scale – enabling average speeds over a given distance to be measured using the chronograph seconds hand – was moved from the dial to the bezel. Its highly reliable chronograph and bezel with tachymetry scale allows drivers to perfectly measure average speeds of up to 400 kilometres or miles per hour, as the wearer chooses. The latest version of the Daytona showcases a visual and technical evolutionary nod to history and the 1965 model, also fitted with a black bezel insert, but in Plexiglas. The Cosmograph Daytona is equipped with calibre 4130, a selfwinding mechanical chronograph movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. The 4130 is a certified Swiss chronometer, a designation reserved for high-precision watches that have successfully passed Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute tests. The chronograph movement features a Parachrom hairspring, offering greater resistance to shocks and temperature variations. TAG Heuer enjoys pride of place in racers’ hearts, too, when it comes to timepieces, having been the royal partner of motor sports for a long time for such eminent events as the FIM Endurance World Championship, Motocross World Championship and Formula E Grand Prix. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of victory of the first win of legendary racing driver Ayrton Senna - considered by peers and fans alike to be one of the greatest drivers ever, with three world championship titles (1988, 1990 and 1991), 65 pole positions, and 41 Grand Prix victories - this year TAG Heuer has released three new limited edition watches in tribute to the legendary driver. Featuring the brand’s famous Heuer-01 proprietary movement, the Carrera Heuer-01 chronograph in black brushed steel with touches of red houses the skeleton dial and sapphire case back, allowing the precision engineering of the movement to be admired.
发制造。4130 机芯是经过认证的瑞士天文台 精密计时装置,此称号仅适用于已成功通过 瑞士官方精密时计测试中心测试的高精密腕 表 。计 时 机 芯 配 备 Parachrom 游 丝 ,能 更 好 地防震和承受温度变化 。 提起时计,TAG Heuer 泰格豪雅也同样在 赛车手心中享有重要地位,长期以来品牌都 是赛车赛事的尊贵合作伙伴,如 FIM 世界耐 力锦标赛、摩托车世界锦标赛和一级方程式 赛车等等知名赛事。为了庆祝传奇赛车手埃
尔 顿 ·塞 纳 首 捷 30 周 年 — — 他 被 同 行 和 粉 丝们认为是有史以来最伟大的赛车手之一, 有 着 三 次 世 界 冠 军 头 衔 (1988 年 ,1990 年 和 1991 年),赢得了 65 个杆位,以及 41 场国际 汽车大奖赛的胜利——今年豪雅表发布三 款 新 限 量 版 腕 表 向 该 传 奇 赛 车 手 致 敬 。配 备 豪 雅 著 名 的 Heuer-01 专 利 机 芯 , 卡 莱 拉 Heuer-01 计 时 码 表 采 用 黑 色 抛 光 精 钢 ,配 衬 红色计时指针,镂空表盘和蓝宝石表壳,让 人可一览无遗机芯的精准运作。 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 37
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1968 年 ,当 第 一 款 超 霸 表 被 推 出 时 ,瑞 士品牌欧米茄进军赛车的世界。今年,欧米 茄 推 出 了 全 新 Speedmaster Racing Master Chronometer 超 霸 系 列 赛 车 计 时 至 臻 天 文 台 表,系列包括两款全新腕表。第一款为精钢黑 色 表 盘 ,抛 光 陶 瓷 表 圈 ,配 以 Liquidmetal® 数 字 的 测 速 刻 度 。而 另 一 款 则 是 Sedna 18K 金表壳配蓝色表盘,搭配皮表带和陶瓷表圈 以及欧米茄 Ceragold 测速计刻度。 与其他赛车计时表类似,全新 Speedmaster Racing Master Chronometer 超 霸 系 列 赛 车 计 时 至臻天文台表有清晰的时间刻度。以上两个 表 款 都 采 用 了 具 有 赛 车 风 格 的 “交 替 ”刻 度 分钟圈,其英文名称的命名也缘由于此。精 钢表款的黑色皮表带内填充橙色橡胶材质, 表带呈现整齐的微孔,这种设计打造出完美 的运动风格,同时也利于佩戴者皮肤透气。 此两款超霸系列赛车计时至臻天文台表由 9900/9901 机 芯 驱 动 。 机 芯 获 瑞 士 联 邦 计 量 研究院核准,通过了瑞士制表业在精准度、 性能以及防磁性上的高认证标准 。 38 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Swiss brand Omega stepped in to the world of automobile racing in 1968, when the first Speedmaster was launched. This year, the brand unveils the new Speedmaster Racing Master Chronometer collection comprising two brand new models. The first model features stainless steel with a matt black dial plus a polished
ceramic bezel with brushed Liquidmetal tachymeter scale. The companion model is of 18K Sedna gold with a blue dial, leather strap and ceramic bezel with Ceragold tachymeter scale. Similar to other racing chronographs, the new Speedmaster Racing Master Chronometer has a clear time scale. Both models feature an ‘alternating’ minute-track in a racing style which gives the models their name. On the stainless steel model, the black leather strap contains a section of orange rubber through the middle. This perforated design provides the perfect sporty look and also has the benefit of aerating the wearer’s skin. The two Speedmaster Racing Master Chronometer models are driven by the calibre 9900/9901. The movement have reached the Swiss industry’s highest standard of precision, performance and magnetic resistance, as approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Meteorology.
Essential WATCHES
肖邦表在赛车运动方面同样有着悠久的 历史,肖邦表和著名的经典汽车拉力赛—— Mille Miglia 1000 英 里 拉 力 赛 — — 牵 手 合 作 的 故事始于 1988 年。肖邦表与经典赛车界的长 久结缘,源于肖邦联合总裁、热切的古董 车 车 手 卡 尔 -弗 雷 德 里 克 ·舍 费 尔 本 人 对古董车的痴迷。 今年,肖邦自豪地宣布推出新的 限量版 Mille Miglia 2017 Race Edition 赛 事 版 腕 表 。腕 表 读 数 十 分 清 晰 , 搭 载 COSC 天 文 台 认 证 的 高 精 密机芯,表壳直径 44 毫米,赏心 悦 目 ,保 证 100 米 防 水 ,配 衬 灵 感 由 赛 车 而 来 的 表 带 ,整 体 更 形 瞩目。Mille Miglia 2017 Race Edition 腕表搭配由瑞士官方精密时计测试 中心认证的高精度天文台表机芯。 机械自动上链计时机芯每小时振 动 28,800 次 ,具 备 小 时 、分 钟 、计 时 器、测速器刻度和日期功能,同时保证 48 小时的动力存储。 쐽
Chopard also has a long history in automobile racing, with the story of Chopard and the famous Mille Miglia classic car rally starting in
1988. This enduring union with the world of classic racing sprung from the personal passion of Karl-Friedrich Scheufele, Chopard’s Copresident and a keen collector’s car driver. This year, Chopard proudly announces the new Mille Miglia 2017 Race Edition, a limited edition featuring optimal legibility and COSC-certified precision in an imposing 44 mm case water-resistant to 100 metres, enhanced with racing inspired straps. The Mille Miglia 2017 Race Edition hums to the tune of a highprecision watch ‘engine’ chronometercertified by the Swiss Official Chronometer Certification Institute. Beating at the rate of 28,800 vibrations/hour, the mechanical self-winding chronograph movement powers hours, minutes, chronograph, tachymeter and date functions, while ensuring 48 hours of autonomy. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 39
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精准 ,如 天 体运 行 Celestial precision 《澳 门精华》专程飞往 拉 帕尔马 , 见 证 奢 侈 名 表 品 牌 朗 格 Pour le Mérite 系 列 的第五 款 腕 表 面 世 Essential Lisboa flew to La Palma for the launch of the fifth Pour le Mérite model from A. Lange & Söhne 文/by CARLOS TORRES
峭、冷峻,却有着惊人之美,这几个 形容词,只是展现了拉帕尔马的部分 美态——这是属于加那利群岛的一个小岛, 自 1983 年 起 便 是 联 合 国 教 科 文 组 织 世 界 生 物圈保护区。 浩渺大西洋上的这个火山岛地处非洲大 陆对开海域,形成岛屿的火山深入海洋几乎 4,000 米,而最高峰则高达海拔 2,426 米。作为
塔武连特山国家公园的一部分,这里是穆查 乔斯岩火山。与其独特的地理位置相媲美的 是 岛 屿 独 特 的 气 候 条 件 ,岛 上 云 层 只 会 在 2,000 米以下形成,因而让小岛跻身世界上空 气最清澈的三个天空观察点之一,集中着全 球某些最大型和最重要的天文望远镜。 白天,从穆查乔斯岩火山观测点似乎能看 到半个世界。自 1984 年起,共 15 个国际望远
teep, rough, but surprisingly beautiful are just some of the adjectives that can be used to describe La Palma, a small island belonging to the archipelago of the Canaries and recognised as a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve since 1983. The base of this volcanic Atlantic island, located off the African continent, sits at a depth 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 41
Essential WATCHES
Roque de los Muchachos
镜落成于此,就像复活节岛的摩艾石像一样 守望着远方的地平线。 到 了 夜 里 ,万 物 又 是 另 一 番 景 象 。云 层 下阳光消散,光线褪去,在法律保护而免受 光 污 染 侵 扰 的 天 空 下 ,见 证 千 百 万 年 来 让 人类惊叹不已的茫茫宇宙。 过 去 数 年 ,来 自 朗 格 的 时 计 一 直 在 向 无 比精准的天体运行致敬。机械时计制造本身 的 起 源 ,就 是 为 了 测 量 和 量 化 行 星 、 天 体 、 星云和遥远星系的运行活动,希望将天文现 象转化为具体数字,能够一窥“我们是谁、我 们要到哪里去”这个终极拷问的答案。 现在,拉帕尔马巨大的天文台已无需通过 机械时计来计算时间,有了地球同步卫星发 射 的 信 号 或 銫 -133 的 原 子 电 磁 波 震 动 ,其 精 准 度 已 超 越 了 人 类 的 理 解 — — 在 1.38 亿 年 的时间里,其时间未曾增减一秒。 然而,在朗格 Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite 的 表 盘 上 ,如 此 难 以 想 象 的 数 量 级 变 得 可 以 衡 量 ,以 及 更 容 易 理 解 。这 是 朗 格 第 五 款 能 够 以 严 格 著 称 的 “Pour le Mérite” (功 勋 勋 章 )命 名 的 时 计 。这 款 腕 表 搭 载 了 共有 684 个零件的复杂机芯(L133.1 型),其 中近三分之一负责控制万年历显示。 206 个 零 件 构 成 了 指 针 式 显 示 的 万 年 历 , 其 中 四 支 指 针 展 现 了 这 206 个 零 件 之 间 的 复 杂互动,分别可准确显示每周 7 天、有 31 天 的 7 个月、有 30 天的 4 个月,有 28 日或 29 日 42 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
of almost 4,000 metres, with its highest peak rising up 2,426 metres above sea level. The location, part of the Caldera de Taburiente National Park, is known as Roque de los Muchachos and, on par with its distinctive geographical location and its unique climate characteristics, which ensure that clouds form below 2,000 metres and originate one of the three cleanest skies in the world, is also the concentration point of some of the biggest and most important telescopes in the world. By day, the landscape that can be seen from the Roque de los Muchachos observation point seems to embrace half the world, a place where, since 1984, 15 international telescopes have stood like Moai statues in charge of guarding the horizon. By night, everything transforms. The sun dissolves beneath the clouds, the lights go out and above, in the skies protected by law from the harmful light pollution, onlookers can bear witness to the display that has dazzled mankind for tens of thousands of years. In the last few years, the timepieces from Lange & Söhne have expressed the watchmaking brand’s reverence to the precision dictated by the movement of the celestial bodies. The origins of mechanical watchmaking itself stem
from the need to measure and quantify the movement of the planets, stars, nebulas and faraway galaxies, in the hope that, by translating these astronomic phenomena into numbers, we can get a small glimpse of the mystery of who we are and where we are going. The need to measure time through mechanical watches in the immense observatories of La Palma has long been replaced by the signals emitted by geostationary satellites or by the frequency of the caesium-133 atom, with a precision that’s hard to comprehend as it doesn’t gain or lose more than a second over the course of 138 million years. This inconceivable order of magnitude becomes measurable and more easily understood, however, on the dial of an A. Lange & Söhne Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite. Only the fifth A. Lange & Söhne timepiece to incorporate the demanding “Pour le Mérite” stamp in its title, the model features a complicated movement with 684 components (calibre L133.1), almost a third of which is responsible for controlling the indications of the perpetual calendar. Four hands are the final link of the interaction between 206 components that differentiate the seven days of the week, the seven months
的一个月、每四年一次的平年/闰年周期。这 个让人感到有点混乱的闰年周期,自 1582 年 起在公历(格里高利历)中实施。 对 现 代 天 文 学 家 而 言 ,所 有 事 情 都 变 得 更简单、更准确。恒星时以天体在星空中出 现的位置计算时间,规定了地球自转的时间 为 23 小 时 56 分 4.0916 秒 。年 份 的 计 算 同 样 连续不断,地球围绕太阳公转一周的准确需 时为 365 日 6 小时 9 分钟 9.76 秒。 表盘上日期指针所处位置与月相指示重 叠。月球作为地球的卫星,与公历计算并无 直接联系,因为其公转时间每年都会少 11 天。月相在纯金打造的星空蓝圆盘上显示 着朔望月的进度,月亮是地球唯一一颗与太 阳日夜遥相呼应的天然卫星,而朔望月即以 月球的位置为依据。
由于地球围绕太阳公转的轨道为椭圆形, 新月(月亮处于太阳和地球之间时的月相) 为 29.18 日 至 29.93 日 。Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite 腕 表 的 基 准 为 两 个 数 字 之 间 的 平 均 值 , 即 29 日 12 小 时 44 分 2.8016 秒 。 机 械 表 无 法 永 远 保 证 如 此 精 准 度 ,但 朗 格 这款作品的精准度已长达 122.6 年,期后只会 有一日之差。 无错,对现代天文学家而言,所有事情都 变得更简单、更准确。对于控制拉帕尔马岛 上巨大的天文台的科学家而言,以星空为基 准的恒星月才是最重要的月份计算方式,即 恒定不变的 27 日 7 小时 43 分 11.5 秒。 但 除 了 普 通 的 小 时 和 分 钟 计 算 外 ,朗 格 Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite 还 考 虑 到 了人类用于衡量时间流逝的更小单位。根据
with 31 days, the four months with 30 days, one month with 28 or 29 days and a four-year cycle with 365 and 366 days – a relatively confusing alternation of cycles, imposed by the Gregorian calendar since 1582. For the modern astronomer, everything is simpler and more precise. Sidereal time, whose reference is the apparent position of the stars in the celestial sphere, dictates that Earth completes a rotation every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.0916 seconds. The year is equally constant, upon the completion of one orbit around the sun in exactly 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.76 seconds. The space occupied by the hand indicating the date on the dial is shared by an opening that 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 43
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国 际 单 位 制 的 定 义 , 秒 -以 古 巴 比 伦 人 于 2,300 多年前采用的六十进位制为基准。在这 款腕表中,位于表盘底部的计时码表窗口展 现着陀飞轮框架,框架转动的速度衡量着时 间的流逝。机芯的振荡系统振频可达每小时 21,600 次,即每分钟 360 次或每秒 6 次,如此 高的振频带来了分钟更替的流畅节奏,机芯 采用的芝麻链传动系统不断为其传送动力, 保障着丝毫不差的精准度。至于芝麻链传动 系 统 虽 由 636 个 零 件 组 成 ,却 被 视 为 机 芯 内 一个单一组件。 尽 管 如 此 ,天 文 学 家 还 是 更 喜 欢 以 铯 133 原 子 基 态 两 个 超 精 细 能 阶 间 跃 迁 对 应 辐 射 的 9,192,631,770 个 周 期 的 持 续 时 间 ,来 记录每一秒, 但通过使用复杂的双追针系统,包括一蓝 一金两支指针,以及表盘左边的 30 分钟计时 44 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
tracks the orbit of our planet’s satellite. The moon’s orbit around Earth has no direct relation to the Gregorian calendar, because it loses around 11 days per year in relation to the previous one. Its representation on the starry blue disc made of solid gold follows the progress of the synodic (lunar) month, which takes into consideration the relative position of our only natural satellite in relation to the sun. Due to our planet’s elliptical orbit around the sun, the new moon cycle (the phase in which the moon is between the sun and the Earth) varies between 29.18 and 29.93 days. The reference point for the Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite is the average between these two numbers, which is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8016 seconds. This precision
is impossible to guarantee ad aeternum by a mechanical watch, but in the case of this Lange, it is guaranteed for 122.6 years, during which time it will be just one day out. Once again, for the modern astronomer it’s all far simpler and more precise. For those who control the enormous La Palma observatories, what counts is the sidereal month: a constant measure with 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11.5 seconds, using the celestial sphere as a reference. But besides the usual hours and minutes, the Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite by A. Lange & Söhne also took into account the smaller scale with which we measure the passing of time. The second, as defined by the International System of Units, follows the
Essential WATCHES
码表,朗格 Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite 让该时间数量级变得更加清晰明白。朗格的 双追针计时码表能够连续计时,而且能够测 量 到 高 达 1/6 秒 的 差 异 ,就 算 对 现 代 天 文 学 家而言,这款腕表也绝对会是用于大致衡量 天体轨道赤经的好帮手(赤经即天文学里的 地球经度)。 尽管天文学家现已拥有极为精准的工具, 但朗格的作品却真正的打动人心,激发无限 想象——如天体运行般精准的不朽艺术品, 真正为我们人类匠心打造。 쐽
sexagesimal measurement system adopted by the Babylonians 2,300 years ago. A fraction of time in this watch is translated by the pace of the rotating tourbillion cage, positioned in an opening at the bottom of the dial. Inside, the oscillation beats at 21,600 vibrations per hour, 360 per minute or 6 per second, translated in a smooth rotation rhythm repeated every minute and whose precision is ensured by the constant transmission of force from the fusée-and-chain system (this latter one
comprising 636 components but which counts as a single element). Even so, to measure each second, the astronomer prefers to follow the 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation. But the A. Lange & Söhne Tourbograph Perpetual Pour le Mérite reduces that scale of time measurement even further, and it does so using a complex system of double chronograph (rattrapante) based on two concentric seconds hands – one blue and one gold – and a 30minute counter located on the left side of the dial. Able to measure consecutive times, as well as their differences up to a precision of 1/6 of a second, Lange’s split chronograph will certainly be a useful tool for the modern astronomer to approximately measure the right ascension of celestial orbits, the astronomic equivalent of terrestrial longitude. Despite the immense precision of the instruments available to the astronomers inside the observatory, it’s the Lange that captures your attention and imagination: a fabulous instrument with celestial precision, truly tailored for us mere mortals. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 45
Essential TRENDS
武 士精 神 Samurai mood 来 自 8 世纪 到 19 世 纪期间 的 日本 武 士 文化 继续 在 国际时 尚 舞台上 绽 放 光 芒, 以 体积和 层 次感来 重现盔 甲 般的外 观 The world of Japanese warriors, from between the 8th and 19th centuries, continues to feature on the international fashion scene, drawing on volumes and layering to create the appearance of armour 文/by CATARINA VASQUES RITO
上最著名的战士要数来自日 本 的 武 士 。他 们 在 8 世 纪 到 19 世纪期间为日本贵族工作,但武士阶 层从 12 世纪才开始显著发展。人们对武士 是既害怕又崇拜,这个阶层能对当权者产生 影响。武士是男性战士,而女武者就是女战 士 。和 服 和 裙 裤 无 疑 是 与 这 些 士 兵 有 关 的 着装,同时也是贯穿 20 世纪国际流行趋势 的重要组成部分。有时,比起原创剪裁之 美与触感以及其合身程度,精巧材质以及 很 多 时 候 手 绘 图 案 显 得 更 重 要 。这 些 材 质之精巧,以及与这些服饰制作技巧相 关的仪式之美,与武士所面对的武力与 死亡,显得对立而冲突。 目前流行的灵感混搭,意味着少量 融 入 各 种 元 素 即 为 时 尚 。事 实 证 明 , 现 在 的 时 装 系 列 灵 感 可 以 来 自 70 年 代和 80 年代的启发,还有些是 50 年 代和 70 年代,有些取材于 60 年代和 90 年代,还有一些以时尚史上不同时 期为创意。现在,武士风格也重新流行 起来,我们在 J.Crew、安格诺维奇、迪赛黑 46 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
he most famous warriors ever came from Japan. They worked for the Japanese aristocracy between the 8th and 19th centuries, despite having grown from the 12th century in particular. They were both feared and adored. They influenced power. The samurais were the warrior men and the Onna-Bugeisha were the warrior women (the female samurai warriors). Kimonos and skirt-pants were pieces undoubtedly associated to these soldiers and have been a big part of international fashion trends throughout the entire 20th century. The beauty and the touch of originality of the cut and how it fits are sometimes exceeded by the delicate materials and, in many cases, the hand-painted motifs on those same materials. The delicateness of the materials, of the ritual associated to the technique of putting on these pieces juxtapose with the violence of warriors, with death. The inspirational mish-mash of the current trends means that a bit of everything can be fashionable. Proof of that is the fact that there
Essential TRENDS
金、黛安·冯芙丝汀宝、三宅一生和山本耀 司等不同品牌都可以看到其踪影。 这种风格通常廓形更宽大,而且值得注意 的是,新一代设计师与知名大牌不同,他们 自然而然地更倾向于探索不同设计的潜力, 就以武士风格为例,他们可能会创造出同时 深 受 女 性 和 男 性 欢 迎 的 设 计 。关 于 不 同 性 别、其脆弱之处、其力量及其权利的争论,是 当今世界的重要话题,而服装在改变行为方 面则起着关键作用——时尚一直不断探索以 及教育消费者。武士风格提倡统一、雌雄同 体和性别模糊。日本武士灵感的另一个特点 是 可 与 不 同 风 格 结 合 ,从 经 典 优 雅 到 叛 逆 摇 滚 、从 哥 特 到 朋 克 、从 浪 漫 迷 人 到 BCBG (即时尚风格、优雅风情)、从艺术感到时髦 或美式学院风,武士元素都可以一一混搭。 这种风格的主要色调是黑色和白色,至于如 何运用更大胆的色彩以及当季色调,就完全 取决于每个人的创造力。武士裙裤应该选择 长款;穿短款时记得不要超过脚踝,因为这 种款式可能会让娇小的身材更显比例矮小。 武士风格通常廓形宽大,而且各种单品创意 无限,在穿著方式上也是各有趣味。 쐽
are coexisting collections entirely inspired by the ‘70s and ‘80s, others by the ‘50s and ‘70s, others by the ‘60s and ‘90s, and others still by a set of ideas from different periods in the history of fashion. As for the samurai style, it is back in vogue and can be seen in brands such as J.Crew, Aganovich, Diesel Black Gold, Diane von Furstenberg, Yssey Miyake and Yamamoto, among others. It is worth highlighting the fact that the new generation of designers has a natural propensity towards exploring different realities than the better-known brands, seeing as, in the case of the samurai style, it is possible to create clothing options that are very well-received by both women and men. The debate over the different genders, their fragilities, their strengths and their rights are the order of the day, and clothing
has a pivotal role in changing behaviours – fashion has always explored and educated the consumer. The samurai style promotes unity, androgyny and gender ambiguity. Another characteristic of the Japanese warrior inspiration is the possibility of matching it with different styles, from timeless to rocker, from gothic to punk, from romantic to BCBG (bon chic, bon genre), from arty to posh or preppy. The key shades are black and white, although venturing with colour and adjusting to the season’s shades depends on the creativity of each person. The samurai skirt-pants should be worn long; be careful when wearing shorter versions, cut off above the ankle, as they might not flatter shorter people. This style normally has more volume and plays on the different pieces and the body itself. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 49
外套 Jacket: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent 短裙 Skirt: MSGM 鞋 Shoes: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana 上衣 Top: 萨迪格&伏尔泰 Zadig & Voltaire
披肩 Stole: Rizal 连衣裙 Dress: 蔻依 Chloé 凉鞋 Sandals: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent
衬衫 Shirt: 赛琳 Céline 短裙、鞋 Skirt and shoes: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent 项链 Necklace: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana 网袜 Fishnets: Intimissimi
防水风衣 Trench-coat: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana 鞋 Shoes: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent 上衣、裤子、项链 Top, trousers
and necklace, all Uterqüe
大衣 Coat: Diogo Miranda 连衣裙 Dress: Uterqüe 项链 Necklace: Rosantica 鞋 Shoes: 华伦天奴 Valentino
上图 Top 小西装 Blazer: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana 鞋 Shoes: 菲拉格慕 Salvatore Ferragamo 文胸 Bra: Intimissimi 裤子 Trousers: Luís Carvalho 太阳镜 Sunglasses: Production 下图 Bottom 防水风衣 Trench-coat: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana 上衣、裤子、项链 Top, Trousers and Necklace, all Uterqüe
小西装 Blazer: 杜嘉班纳 Dolce & Gabbana 鞋 Shoes: 菲拉格慕 Salvatore Ferragamo 裤子 Trousers: Luís Carvalho 太阳镜 Sunglasses: Production
背心 Vest: Uterqüe 连衣裙 Dress: Diogo Miranda 腰带 Belt: 亚历山大·麦昆 Alexander McQueen 鞋 Shoes: 华伦天奴 Valentino
背心 Vest: Uterqüe 连衣裙 Dress: Diogo Miranda 腰带 Belt: 亚历山大·麦昆 Alexander McQueen
连衣裙 Dress: Twin-Set 腰带 Belt: Uterqüe 凉鞋 Sandals: 吉安维托·罗西 Gianvito Rossi
小西装、裤子 Blazer and trousers: 纪梵希 Givenchy 鞋 Shoes: 浪凡 Lanvin 耳环 Earrings: Uterqüe 项链 Necklace: Rosantica
Essential BAZAAR
艺术灵感 丰富图案与温暖色调是海伦· 范·贝尔可(Hellen Van Berkel) 最新围巾系列的主调。这位荷兰 织物设计师继续维系着与艺术世 界的联系,呈献出两个截然不同 的系列:Studio Hellen Van Berkel (海伦工作室)系列以世界各地博 物馆为灵感,而 Heart Made Prints (心之印花)系列则充满了海伦 亲手设计的美丽图案。结合传 统和现代工艺,这个围巾系列 的印花采用了凸版印刷,然后 再以手工勾画细节。
印花潮流 印花热潮再现 Twinset 秋冬系列。 放眼望去,我们见到一众聚宝盆 主题搭配万花筒或花朵效果在飘 逸的连衣裙超大针织衫上大放异 彩。阳刚的棋盘格图案和宽条纹 则是这个系列的另一特色。品牌 今年更涉足猫科动物的地盘,展 现各种豹纹主题和照相印花图 案。在今个秋冬以光亮皮质亮相 的 Céline Deux 包包则延续品牌热 卖款的光环,成为本季亮点。
温馨秋日 德国珠宝品牌 Camolli Tamara (塔玛拉·卡茉莉)为其 “温馨秋日”(Cozy Fall)系列选 择了棕色、灰色和焦糖色等温暖 色调。为了与秋冬季的风格保持 一致,塔玛拉·卡茉莉亦通过 翠绿橄榄石为珠宝点缀一抹绿 色,增添丝丝雅致风韵。该系列 包括了戒指、手镯、耳环和吊 坠,散发着极致的优雅经典气质。
Cozy Fall
Print trend Prints are back in the spotlight in the new autumn/winter collection from Twinset. Cornucopia motifs with kaleidoscopic or floral effects combine with floaty dresses and oversize knits. Masculine chequered patterns, as well as wide stripes, are further features of this collection. The feline world is another theme explored by the brand, reflected in motifs and photographic prints. The highlight is the Céline Deux bag, the house’s bestseller, which now appears in a new glossy leather version. www.andrecosta.pt www.twinset.com
Brown, grey and caramel are the shades chosen by Tamara Comolli for the Cozy Fall collection. In keeping with the trends for the coming season, the German jewellery brand adds the green from the precious Peridot stone to some of its pieces, giving them a touch of sophistication. Comprising rings, bracelets, earrings and pendants, this line excels in both its elegance and its timelessness. www.tamaracomolli.com
耀眼水晶 纪梵希全新眼镜系列用体积与形 状进行了夺目闪耀的强烈碰撞。 这个法国时装品牌的本季新款有 金属太阳眼镜搭配大胆印上图案 的镜片,此外还有运用了醋酸纤 维的方形款式搭配纤细的镜框, 以及圆形醋酸纤维眼镜搭配镜臂 上手工镶嵌的 68 颗施华洛世奇 长方形切割水晶。
Multi-faceted collection The play of contrasts between volumes and shapes stands out in the new eyewear collection from Givenchy. Metallic sunglasses with graphic lenses, square models in acetate with a fine front or round acetate glasses with a series of 68 Swarovski crystal baguettes applied to the arms by hand are some of the new arrivals from the French house. www.givenchy.com
Artistic inspiration Patterns and warm tones define the latest scarf collection from Hellen Van Berkel. The Dutch designer maintains a link to the artistic world, presenting two distinct lines: Studio Hellen Van Berkel, inspired by various museums around the world, and Heart Made Prints, with patterns designed by the Hellen herself. Made from a blend of traditional and modern techniques, the scarves are patterned using blockprinting, with some details done by hand. www.hellenvanberkel.nl
Essential BAZAAR
传统与现代 板岩质感 江诗丹顿 Traditionnelle 传袭系列 以清一色的玫瑰金表壳与岩石灰 表盘呈献六款全新作品。搭载品 牌自有的机械机芯,不同款式分 别有手动上链和自动上链可供选 择。但无论是何种上链方式,这 个系列的时计均有圆形阶梯式表 壳、纤细表圈和凹槽底盖;还有 轨道式分钟刻度圈,“batons de Genève”棒状时标和剑形指针。
迈巴赫作为奢华的象征,隆重推 出其秋冬眼镜系列,完美融合传 统与现代。该系列包含太阳眼 镜与光学眼镜,以精挑细选的 选材,再以顶级技艺手工打造, 而镜片就来自顶级镜片制造商 德国蔡司。 这个全新系列的设计冷静凝练 而经典隽永,其优雅气息尊贵独 特,无处不闪耀着这个德国品牌 的极致品质之光。
Tradition and modernity Maybach – Icons of Luxury presents its latest autumn/winter eyewear collection, defined by the combination of tradition and modernity. With carefully selected materials, handled manually following the best techniques, this line comprises sunglasses and optical glasses featuring the Zeiss lens, the leading brand in precision lenses. In this new collection, the pieces are sober and timeless but with a touch of exclusivity and elegance, qualities that are always present in the German brand’s pieces. www.maybach-luxury.com
Ardoise effect The Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle collection presents six new creations, all with rose gold case and slate grey dials. With an in-house mechanical movement, either manual or self-winding, depending on the model, these watches are defined by their round stepped case, slim bezel and fluted caseback, a railway-track minute circle, “bâtons de Genève” applied hour markers and Dauphine-type hands. www.vacheronconstantin.com
和风精髓 万宝龙推出“万宝龙向京都艺术致 敬系列限量款 55”,致敬日本文化 之魂。这个书写系列的灵感来自 成立于 1955 年的传奇和服老店千 总,以和服的经典图案打造设计。 限量 55 套的该系列钢笔包装盒子 以丝绸包裹,而其图案就由千总 匠人以京友禅技法手绘而成。
Japanese art Montblanc pays tribute to the city of Kyoto, the cultural heart of Japan, through its most recent launch, Montblanc Kyoto Artistry Limited Edition 55. Clearly inspired by the legendary Chiso Company, the kimono company of excellence founded in 1955, this writing instrument presents a design based on the pattern of the iconic Japanese piece of clothing. Limited to 55 units, the fountain pen is presented in a silk-encrusted box, hand-painted by Chiso artisans following the Kyo-Yuzen technique. www.montblanc.com
这个全球其中一个最知名的制帽 品牌最近迎来了 160 周年志庆。以 其悠久历史为荣,意国高端制帽 品牌继续倾力雕琢其“意大利制造” 所代表的品质、技术与优雅。其 窄檐款巴拿马草帽便是一个极佳 范例,这款优雅的帽子有着经 典的凹式帽顶,而帽檐则有棕 色和蓝色可选。
For sunny days It is one of the most famous hat brands in the world and has just celebrated the 160th anniversary of its founding. Doing justice to its long life history, Borsalino continues to invest in the ‘made in Italy’ quality, know-how and elegance. An example of that is the straw Panama Narrow Brim model, an elegant hat with the option of brown or blue trim and a concave crown. www.borsalino.com
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 69
Essential BEAUTY
暗色靓影 眼睛是心灵的窗户,眼妆决定了一个人的整体感觉。 因此,优质眼妆产品至关重要。专业彩妆品牌 Laura Mercier 自豪地宣布,品牌为招牌眼彩笔推出六款全 新哑光色调。独特的乳霜质地以及身备多种功能的 配方可以满足不同的妆容需求,帮助你涂抹、混合、 描绘、晕染和勾勒,轻松创造出无限可能的眼妆。 色彩浓郁并且可以轻松层叠的颜色更可提供高达 12 小时的防水、防皱保护。 还有一个温馨建议:为打造出经典烟熏眼妆,使用渐 变色彩,在眼线部分涂抹上最暗的颜色即可。或用更 简单的手法打造烟熏眼妆:在眼睑处涂更深的颜色, 并将较浅的颜色涂在眼皮的中央。
Go shady Window to the soul, eye make-up dictates a person’s overall feeling. Thus, a good eye make-up product is essential. Professional make-up brand Laura Mercier proudly announces the six new matte shades of their signature products stick eye-shadow. This creamy, multi-tasking formula helps you smudge, blend, line, fill and define, so it’s easy to create any look. The ntense, buildable colour sets for up to 12 hours of water-resistant, crease-resistant wear. There is also a tip from Laura; to create classic smoky eyes, apply colour in a gradient, with the darkest colour at the lash line. Or keep it simple with updated smoky eyes: apply a deeper colour in the creases and a lighter colour to the centre of the eyelids.
戏色 著名英国女歌手杰西展示了 Make Up For Ever 全新腮红 塑颜组合官方妆容,高密度 的颜色粒子光影粉可能可以 无限混合和搭配,打造出各 种各样的色彩组合。 胭脂塑颜组合提供 34 种颜 色用以提亮、修容和点缀双 颊,更带来专业化妆技巧! 只需三步,任何人都可以 像真正的专业人士一样来 改变自己的妆颜。首先, 你可通过光影粉提亮上颧骨 和鼻梁。接着,用最自然 的阴影粉来雕刻和完善面 部轮廓。最后,用你最喜 欢的腮红色彩来展现你的 独特个性。
Play with colours Famous British female singer Jessie showcases an official look for Make Up For Ever’s new collection Artist Face Colour highly pigmented face powders that may be endlessly mixed and matched to create a wide range of looks. Artist Face Colour powders come in 34 shades to highlight, sculpt, and blush, with professional make-up techniques now available to everyone! In just three steps, anyone can transform her look like a true professional. First, lighten your upper cheekbones and bridge of the nose by adding shimmering shades. Next, apply the most natural shades to sculpt and refine facial contours. Finally, complete the look with your favourite shade to showcase your unique personality. 70 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Essential BEAUTY
男性肌肤简单护理 谁说只有女性才要注意保养她们的肌肤?男性同样像女 性一样受皮肤问题困扰。考虑到各种男性皮肤类型,欧 舒丹已经为他们的特殊需求量身定做了独特配方。欧舒 丹实验室推出一系列产品为男性们保养出完美、充满活 力的皮肤。 日常护理从香櫞果全效面霜开始。简单在脸上涂抹面霜, 香櫞果精油和用于舒缓的葡萄籽油一起,加上活性成 分帮助保持皮肤一整天的全效滋养,并提升保护能力。 接着,香橼果清爽焕肤保湿啫喱的特殊配方,帮助肌 肤重新焕发活力,让肌肤感觉清新、明亮光洁。最后 用香橼果清爽活力眼部啫喱来完成您的护肤之旅,只 需以走珠贴着眼周皮肤轻轻按摩。就可以对浮肿 和黑眼圈说再见!
Simply for men’s skin Who said only women should take care of their skin? Men also suffer from the same skin problems as women. Considering all kinds of men’s skin type, L’Occitane has created special formulas tailored to their particular needs. L’Occitane Laboratories comprise a collection of products that provide perfect, energetic skin for men. The routine starts with Cade Complete Care Moisturizer. Simply apply the moisturizer to the face; the Cade essential oil with soothing grape seed oil and active ingredients help keep the skin feeling nourished and protected all day long. Next, the special formula of Cedrat Global Face Gel helps reenergise the skin to make it look fresh, bright and matte. Finish your skincare with Cedrat Energizing Eye Gel by simply gently massaging around the eyes with the roller ball. Goodbye puffiness and dark circles!
Shimmer at the party
没人会厌倦派对。在一个挤满了美女、迪斯科摇滚灯和激光秀的地方,从人群中脱颖而 出就是最重要的考虑因素。有了圣罗兰的 Night 54 俱乐部系列,你将永远走在时尚前端。 美丽而深邃的眼睛是完美妆容的关键。只需使用一个秋季限量版唇膏及眼影彩妆组合彩 盘就能满足你所有的妆容需求。这个彩盘中包含了一面加大镜子,可以直观地看到眼睛 和嘴唇,并且从唇彩到眼影,各种色彩一览无余。无论是夜店舞池的耀眼妆容,还是摇 滚明星的烟熏眼妆,丰富的眼影色彩让任何造型都有可能。对于完美的妆容来说,专业 的化妆刷是必不可少的,因此,彩盘搭配特殊设计的双头化妆刷。使用这支化妆刷, 所有类型和形状的眼线眼影都可以轻松描绘。引人注目的眼线会点亮整个妆容, 所以尝试一下秋季限量高定眼线液精准上妆,画出清晰深邃的眼部轮廓, 再加上从哑光到柔滑绸缎和闪亮效果,随心打造多种时尚妆容。 细节决定成败,圣罗兰莹亮纯魅唇膏和高定指甲油为你提供一系列前卫色 调,确保让你更加闪亮夺目。在离家前,更别忘了使用迷幻禁夜星钻亮粉 54 号色紫夜迷情来突出你想要出彩的地方,打造非凡醒目的妆容。
One should never tire of partying. In a place crowded with beautiful people, disco balls and laser shows, standing out from the crowd is always the most important consideration. With YSL The Night 54 collection you will never go out of style. Beautiful and deep eyes are always the key to perfect make-up. The Palette To Play With Couture Variation Lips & Eyes Collector Edition Palette meets all your make-up needs in one limited edition case. The palette contains an extra large mirror for a full view of the eyes and lips as well as an array of shades for both lips and eyes. The wide range of shades makes any look possible, from disco shimmer to rock star black-rimmed eyes. A professional brush is always necessary for perfect make-up, thus a double-ended brush comes with the palette. With this brush, all kinds of lining or shading are within easy reach. Eye-catching eyeliners light up overall make-up, so try Couture Eyeliner for a graphic, defined, liquid eyeliner look; it comes with a variety of stylish finishes, from matte to satin and shimmery. The devil’s in the detail so Rouge Volupte Shine lipstick and La Laque Couture nail polish provide an array of edgy shades that will make sure you shimmer even more. And before leaving home, don’t forget to highlight the places you want with Couture Hologram Powder #54 Lazer Violet.
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 71
Essential WINE
名人 酒酿 VIP wines 葡萄 酒的世界是迷人的 , 无怪乎 许 多 人 渴 望 酿 制 自 己 品 牌 的 美 酒 。 然而 ,当世界巨星成为 葡 萄酒背 后 的 搞 手 和 推 手 , 琼 浆 更 形 迷 人 The world of wine is a glamorous one, and it’s no wonder that many people aspire to make their own wine. However, it becomes even more glamorous when the people behind the wines are some of the world’s biggest stars 文/by LUIS ANTUNES
萄酒是一种古老而健康的饮料,人一 尝 过 便 迷 醉 不 已 。对 于 任 何 社 会 阶 层 ,葡 萄 酒 都 是 一 种 带 来 情 感 回 报 的 饮 料 , 绝对优于其他酒精饮品。对于一个享用葡萄 酒,而且喝的是葡萄佳酿的葡萄酒迷来说, 则更是如此。所饮用葡萄酒不一定非得是名 牌,也不一定要昂贵;通常认同感来自发掘仍 然便宜或少为人知的特别葡萄酒。但是,当 你有资源投资于葡萄酒的世界时,通常会面 对极大的引诱:自己的名字与自拥品牌、最 喜爱的葡萄酒产区或美丽、影响力大的酒庄 相提并论,这非常诱人吧?每一天,都有如 此背景的新葡萄酒推出市场。 其他领域的成功专业人士可以感受到葡 萄园地的吸引力,并建立了他们希望以各种 方式享受的葡萄酒项目——这种种方式包
括,紧邻葡萄园和酒庄生活,或亲身体验激 动人心的优质葡萄酒酿制和销售过程。但往 往事实是,从投资角度而言,最终结果并不 是最好的。人们常常开玩笑说,通过葡萄酒 发小财的最好方法是投入大量的财富 。 失败的主要原因很少与葡萄酒的质量有 关。如今,在任何酒区都有好的葡萄酒,其 售价为中甚至高价位。问题在于竞争。市场 上 有 成 千 上 万 的 优 质 葡 萄 酒 品 牌 ,在 每 个 价 格 幅 度 中 ,其 中 许 多 品 牌 都 已 是 根 基 稳 固,拥有固定客户群,很难说服消费者去试 新酒,享受之及继续回头购买。 酒 商 在 公 众 中 拥 有 知 名 度 ,这 可 以 带 来 一定程度的关注,让其品牌脱颖而出,吸引 并留着消费者。在葡萄酒界,一个备受注目 的 例 子 就 是 英 国 歌 手 克 里 夫 ·理 查 德 (Cliff
ine is an ancient and healthful drink, and fascinates all those who come into contact with it. Across all social classes, wine is a drink that offers an emotional reward that supersedes any other alcoholic beverage. This is true for a wine-lover who enjoys drinking and be seen drinking good wines. They don’t necessarily have to be prestigious or expensive; often the recognition comes from discovering exceptional wines that are still cheap or unknown. But when one has the means to invest in the world of wine, there’s often great temptation in associating one’s name to an own brand, a favourite region or a beautiful, high-impact wine estate. Every day, new wines that match this stereotype are launched onto the market.
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Richard)。 他 与 葡 萄 牙 南 部 的 阿 尔 加 维 (Algarve)产 区 一 直 保 有 密 切 联 系 ,推 出 了 Vida Nova(新生活)葡萄酒,并于短短一天 内便在消费者要求极高的伦敦市场上售罄。 阿尔加维并不是个以卓越葡萄酒品质而闻 名 的 产 区 。理 查 德 爵 士 的 第 一 批 葡 萄 酒 以 2000 年 收 获 的 葡 萄 酿 造 , 也 不 特 别 令 人 兴 奋 ,因 此 导 致 专 业 媒 体 刊 发 了 一 些 恶 搞 评 论。十五年以后,阿尔加维葡萄酒品质好,品 种丰富,销售价格显著高于葡国其他地区的 出 品 。 克 里 夫 ·理 查 德 爵 士 及 其 合 作 伙 伴 提供品类完整的优质葡萄酒系列。 另一位著名的酒商是法国老牌影星杰拉 尔·德帕迪约(Gérard Depardieu)1989 年,他 在法国西南部的卢瓦尔河谷获得法定产区标 准(AOC)称号的葡萄酿造区安茹(Anjou),收 购了一家古老的酒庄:提涅酒庄(Châteaude Tigné)。德帕迪约曾经声称每天喝 14 瓶葡萄 酒 ,为 自 己 塑 造 了 “令 人 瞩 目 ”的 影 星 形 象 。 但是,并不是其特大酒量——虽然其酒量也 算不凡——令提涅酒庄的存酒,包括红葡萄 酒、玫瑰酒和白葡萄酒一扫而空,其中许多 都标有德帕迪约本人的头像和亲笔签名。 如 果 将 美 国 大 导 演 弗 朗 西 斯 ·福 特 ·科 波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)定义为一位决心 凭名气而生产自己的葡萄酒的名导,这并不 公平。其意大利先祖一直与葡萄酒相关,科 波拉在 1975 年以从其卖座电影《教父》所得 利润买下酒庄 Niebaum Estate。最初,酒庄出 产的葡萄酒纯粹是由科波拉家族酿制和享 用,但在 1978 年,科波拉决定为项目投入更 多资金,因为他视葡萄酒为“一种艺术形式”。 今天,他的炉边酒庄(Inglenook Estate)拥有 600 多 公 顷 土 地 ,生 产 品 类 更 为 齐 全 的 葡 萄 酒,与他名下其他业务相辅相成,如精品酒店 和涉及葡萄酒和电影的娱乐活动。单单购买 Inglenook 品牌(一个具历史意义的加州葡萄 酒品牌)便花了科波拉超过一亿三千万美元。 据科波拉表示,他购入的不仅仅是庄园,还 74 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Successful professionals in other fields feel the draw of the land and set up wine projects that they hope to enjoy in various ways, whether it is living close to their vineyards and wineries, or experiencing the exciting world of making and distributing quality wines. Often the outcome isn’t the best in terms of investment. It is usually joked that the best way to make a small fortune in wine is to start with a large fortune. The main reasons behind failure rarely have anything to do with the quality of the wine. Nowadays there is good wine in any region and can be sold at a fair, or even high, price. The problem is the competition. There are thousands of brands of good wine, in every price bracket, many of which are well established, and it’s hard to convince consumers to try new wines, enjoy them and keep buying them. The fact that a producer is already known to the public can itself ensure a level of attention that allows them to stand out, that attracts and then keeps the consumer. A notable example in the world of wines was when British singer Cliff Richard, who has always had strong connections to the south of Portugal, in the Algarve, launched his Vida Nova wine and it sold out in a single day in the demanding London market. The Algarve wasn’t a region known for the great quality of its wines. The first wine, from the 2000 harvest, also wasn’t particularly exciting, having generated some facetious critics from the specialist press. A decade and a half later, Algarve wines are good and plentiful, and sold at a significantly higher price than in other regions of the country. Sir Cliff Richard and his partners offer a complete range of excellent quality wines. Another famous winemaker is Gérard Depardieu who, in 1989, acquired an old property, the Château de Tigné, in AOC Anjou
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In the historical wine region of Monticello, in Virginia, USA, where president Thomas Jefferson produced wine, are the Blenheim Vineyards, where wine has been made since 1730. In 1990, the singer Dave Matthews purchased the property, which today boasts four hectares of vines planted with Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Viognier and Petit Verdot. The annual production also includes grapes bought in the region and reaches 66,000 bottles. Meanwhile, Matthews joined forces with the New Zealand winemaker Sean McKenzie and created the Dreaming Tree brand, which makes wines in California. The then couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie rented Château Miraval, in Provence, France, in 2008, where a rosé called Pink Floyd was made, as well as whites, reds and rosés under the Miraval label. The property’s 600 hectares were purchased by the couple in 2012 for $60 million. Pitt and Jolie even got married in the château’s chapel in 2014. With the divorce in 2016, it remains unknown what will become of the château.
有 数 十 种 葡 萄 酒 ,包 括 传 统 的 加 州 品 种 葡 萄酒和葡萄混酿,例如用赤霞珠、梅洛、西 拉和仙粉黛酿造的红酒,以及以霞多丽和黑 皮诺葡萄酿造的白酒。 在美国弗吉尼亚州蒙蒂塞洛(Monticello) 的历史性葡萄酒产区(托马斯·杰斐逊总统 曾 在 此 地 酿 制 葡 萄 酒 ),有 个 布 伦 海 姆 酒 庄 (Blenheim Vineyards),自 1730 年 以 来 该 酒 庄 一直酿造葡萄酒。1990 年,美国歌手戴夫· 马 修 斯 (Dave Matthews)购 进 这 座 酒 庄 ,今 天其面积仅四公顷的葡萄园种植了霞多丽、 赤霞珠、梅洛、维欧尼(Viognier)和味儿多 (Petit Verdot)等葡萄品种。酒庄每年的产品 还包括以在该地区所购葡萄酿成的酒酿,年 产 量 达 到 66,000 瓶 。与 此 同 时 ,马 修 斯 还 与 新西兰酿酒师肖恩·麦肯齐(Sean McKenzie) 合作,创建了 Dreaming Tree(梦幻树)品牌, 在加州酿制葡萄酒。 当 时 还 是 一 对 的 明 星 情 侣 布 拉 德 ·皮 特 (Brad Pitt)和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie) 于 2008 年在法国普罗旺斯租下米拉瓦尔酒庄 (Château Miraval),那 里 出 产 叫 做 Pink Floyd 的 玫 瑰 红 酒 ,以 及 Miraval 米 拉 瓦 尔 品 牌 的 白葡萄酒、红葡萄酒、玫瑰红酒。2012 年,他 们 俩 以 六 千 万 美 元 买 下 庄 园 其 中 600 公 顷 。 皮 特 和 朱 莉 甚 至 于 2014 年 在 酒 庄 的 小 教 堂 成婚。然而随着两人在 2016 年离婚,酒庄的 未来走向成迷。 安德烈斯·伊涅斯塔(Andrés Iniesta)是巴 萨足球队和西班牙国家队球星。他的父亲何 塞·安东尼奥(José Antonio)用他儿子(当时 伊涅斯塔年仅 16 岁)的第一份合约的收益在 76 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
in the Loire Valley, in the southwest of France. Depardieu once claimed to drink 14 bottles of wine per day, contributing towards his “larger than life” film-star image. But it wasn’t that consumption – as extraordinary as it was – that ensured the disappearance of the stocks of Tigné, which includes reds, rosés and whites, many of which bear the face and signature of Depardieu himself. It would be unfair to classify Francis Ford Coppola as a VIP director who decided to produce his own wine through vanity. His Italian ancestors have always been connected to wine, and Francis bought the Niebaum Estate back in 1975 with the profits from his hit movie The Godfather. The wine was initially made by and for the family, but in 1978, Coppola decided to invest more in an activity that he considered “a form of art”. Today, his Inglenook property has more than 600 hectares and produces a more comprehensive range of wines, which complement his other businesses, such as boutique hotels and entertainment activities involving wine and cinema. The purchase of the Inglenook brand alone, a historical Californian wine, cost more than $130 million in 2011. According to Coppola, it wasn’t just the property he was buying, but also the dozens of wines that include the traditional California varietals and blends, such as the reds of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah and Zinfandel, and also the whites such as Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio.
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winery, and following the world football championship, they launched the first wines – Corazón Loco and Finca el Carril. Andrés’ fame helps to export 65% of production to almost 40 countries. Another Spaniard, Antonio Banderas, decided to join a wine production project in Ribera del Duero in 1999. With the investment of the famous actor, the project was renamed
Manchuela 购买了 300 公顷土地,并创建了伊 涅 斯 塔 (Bodega Iniesta)酒 庄 。最 开 始 他 种 了 10 公顷葡萄树。今天,酒庄拥有 400 公顷 的土地和 200 公顷的葡萄园,年产 120 万瓶。 他 们 使 用 Manchuela 的 原 产 地 名 称 ,种 植 的 葡萄包括 Macabeo、Bobal 和 Graciano 等当地 品种,以及霞多丽、味儿多和长相思等外国 品种。 2010 年,他们建立了一家酒厂,并在 世界足球锦标赛(“世界杯”)之后,推出了第 一批葡萄酒:Corazón Loco 和 Finca el Carril。伊 涅斯塔的国际知名度有助于将酒庄 65%的产 品出口到近 40 个国家。 另一位西班牙人、性格明星安东尼奥·班 德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)在 1999 年决定加入
Andrés Iniesta is a football player for Barcelona and the Spanish national team. His father, José Antonio, used the money from his son’s first contract (then aged 16) to buy 300 hectares of land in Manchuela and founded Bodega Iniesta. At the time he planted 10 hectares of vines. Today, the property boasts 400 hectares of land and 200 hectares of vineyard, producing 1.2 million bottles per year. They display the Manchuela denomination of origin and include local varieties such as Macabeo, Bobal and Graciano, and international grapes such as Chardonnay, Petit Verdot and Sauvignon Blanc. In 2010 they built a 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 77
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西班牙杜埃罗河岸(Ribera del Duero)的葡萄 酒生产项目。随着这位国际巨星的投资,该 项 目 更 名 为 安 塔 班 德 拉 斯 (Anta Banderas)。 项目现有二百二十公顷的葡萄园,在杜埃罗 河岸酿制红 酒,在 Rueda 产区酿制白酒。 北爱尔兰演员山姆·尼尔(Sam Neill)于 1993 年 创 建 名 为 Two Paddocks 的 酒 窖 。在 他 居住的新西兰中部奥塔哥(Central Otago)吉 布 斯 顿 (Gibbston)地 区 ,他 最 开 始 时 种 植 两 公 顷 黑 皮 诺 葡 萄 。葡 萄 的 第 一 次 收 成 在 78 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
1997 年,从一开始就显示出卓越的品质。随 着时间的推移,尼尔家族买下更多土地,种 植 了 更 多 的 葡 萄 树 。现 在 ,他 们 名 下 拥 有 好 几 款 黑 皮 诺 葡 萄 酒 ,其 他 是 用 雷 司 令 酿 造 ,雷 司 令 乃 来 自 新 西 兰 南 岛 三 大 山 谷 的 各种风土。 我们可以列出更多决定投资于土地和葡 萄酒的尊尚名人。但也许最不可能和最不为 公众所知的正正是来自葡萄酒世界的名人。 1986 年,世界上最有影响力的葡萄酒评论家
Anta Banderas. There are 230 hectares of vines producing red wines in Ribera del Duero and whites in Rueda. The Northern Irish actor Sam Neill launched his winery called Two Paddocks in 1993. In the region of Gibbston, Central Otago, New Zealand, where he is based, he began by planting two hectares of Pinot Noir. The first harvest was in 1997, and revealed excellent quality right from the start. Over time, the
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小罗伯特·帕克(Robert M. Parker Jr.)联同内 弟迈克尔·埃泽尔(Michael G. Etzel),在美国 西北部投资了一个占地 36 公顷的庄园,庄园 位于俄勒冈州扬希尔县北威拉米特山谷的丝 带岭(Ribbon Ridge) 。他们种植了黑皮诺,该 品种非常适应俄勒冈州的寒冷气候;所出产 葡萄酒被命名为 Beaux Frères( 法语意为“姻亲 兄弟”),身为酒评家的小罗伯特显然从来没 有 为 这 款 葡 萄 酒 评 分 ,也 从 未 在 其 出 版 物 《The Wine Advocate 红酒倡导家》品评过它。쐽
family purchased more land and planted more vines. Now they have several bottles of Pinot Noir and others of Riesling, from various terroirs from the three biggest valleys in the South Island. We could list several more VIPs who decided to invest in the land and in wine. But perhaps the most unlikely and the least publically known is precisely a VIP whose fame came precisely from the world of wine. The most influential wine critic in the world, Robert M. Parker Jr.
invested in a 36-hectare property in Ribbon Ridge, Northern Willamette Valley, Yamhill County, Oregon, in north-west America, in 1986 with his brother-in-law Michael G. Etzel. There they planted Pinot Noir, a varietal that is welladapted to the cold climate of Oregon. The wine is called Beaux Frères (the French expression for brother-in-laws) and was obviously never classified by Robert Parker, nor in his publication The Wine Advocate. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 79
探 索古 王 国 Kingdom Seekers 80 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
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到高 棉 帝国的古老国土一游 , 尽情游 历 柬 埔 寨 最 著 名 的 旅 游 胜 地 吴 哥 寺 庙 废墟 之 余,也可一道感受暹 粒 带来的 无 限 惊 喜 - 暹 粒 是 通 往 吴 哥 的 门 户 , 是个拥有许多让游客 喜 爱 的 夜 生 活 娱 乐 热 点 的 舒 适 小 城 Journey to the ancient land of the Khmer Empire and revel not only in the splendour of Cambodia’s most renowned tourist draw – the temple ruins of Angkor – but in the myriad delights of Siem Reap, a town which serves as both its gateway and its evening entertainer, giving visitors plenty to enjoy 文/by CHAD MERCHANT WITH ADDITIONAL TEXT BY DAVID BOWDEN 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 81
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们乘坐飞往暹粒的航班,抵达曾经是 东南亚最强大的帝国的心脏地带。在 早 于 工 业 革 命 超 过 600 年 的 国 力 巅 峰 期 ,高 棉统治者大兴土木建造寺庙,其规模在人类 历史上可谓前无古人,后无来者。事实上,在 高棉国势最鼎盛的时期,其辽阔的王城吴哥 是工业革命前世界上最大的都市中心。 毫无疑问,帝国有兴衰,它崛起,却也会 最终衰亡。高棉帝国终于在暹罗人的阿瑜陀 耶王朝(大城王朝)对吴哥城一系列围攻之后 灭亡:1431 年,高棉人因无法抵挡暹罗军队 的攻势而放弃了吴哥,把首都迁到金边。虽 然其后数百年中,吴哥最大最壮观的寺庙为 当地高棉人和少数欧洲旅客所知,但许多较 小的寺庙最终被掩埋在密集的丛林之下,直 到 19 世 纪 末 方 被 发 现 。在 20 世 纪 的 大 部 分 时间里,法国考古学家展开艰苦卓绝的修复 工程,清除覆盖寺庙遗址的杂草、树林,进 82 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
行修复和稳定地基的工作,并建造排水渠,以 保护寺庙免受进一步的水患破坏和侵蚀。这 一切都在 1970 年代,柬埔寨内战为红色高棉 政权的崛起铺平道路时戛然而止。在红色高 棉政权垮台后以及其后断断续续的内战之停 战期后,吴哥修复工程在 1993 年恢复。在此 之后,一个包括历史学家、民族学家、考古 学家和其他人士的真正国际团队加入法国人 进行的工程当中,其中日本、印度、德国、美 国等国以及联合国教科文组织和其他柬埔寨 国内外组织都作出了重要贡献。
今 天 ,暹 粒 市 是 通 往 高 棉 帝 国 前 国 土 的 门户。约有二十万人口的暹粒随着吴哥考古 公园的声誉日隆而蓬勃发展。吴哥考古公园 包括延绵无尽的无数寺庙废墟、风景如画的 护城河和亚热带阔叶林。近二十年来,旅游
he flight to Siem Reap had us touching down in the heart of what was once Southeast Asia’s most powerful empire. At the zenith of an age that predated the Industrial Revolution by over 600 years, the Khmer rulers were embarking on a spree of temple construction that remains unrivalled in human history. Indeed, during the height of Khmer power, the vast capital city of Angkor was the largest preindustrial urban centre in the world. As surely as empires rise, however, they also ultimately fall. The Khmer Empire ended following a series of Ayutthayan sieges on Angkor, which resulted in its being abandoned as indefensible in 1431, with the capital then moved to Phnom Penh. Though the largest and most magnificent temples of Angkor remained known to the local Khmer and a handful of
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业 在 这 里 爆 炸 性 高 速 发 展 ,一 度 推 动 了 当 地经济增长,却也影响到对这些吸引大批游 客的寺庙的持续保护和保育。1993 年,吴哥 的访客只有不到八千人次,今天,年度访客 人 数 超 过 200 万 人 次 。柬 埔 寨 政 府 力 图 避 免 大规模的商业旅游和大众市场旅游,并强调 “提供优质住宿和服务的重要性,以便在融入 丰 富 的 柬 埔 寨 文 化 的 同 时 ,使 柬 埔 寨 政 府 在经济上受益。”
European visitors over the following centuries, many of the lesser temples were eventually cloaked beneath dense jungle until late in the 19th century. For much of the 20th century, French archaeologists undertook a laborious restoration process, clearing the forest growth from the temple ruins, repairing and stabilising foundations, and creating drainage paths to protect the temples from further water damage
and erosion. This all came to a rather unceremonious end in 1970 with the Cambodian Civil War having paved the way for the rise of the Khmer Rouge regime. Angkor’s restoration work resumed in 1993 after the fall of the regime and subsequent cessation of combat in the period of intermittent civil war that followed. In the time since, the efforts of the French have been joined by a truly international consortium of historians,
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暹粒是一个迷人的小城,尤其是因为它相 对紧凑细小。我们进驻卓越不凡的蓬拜堂度 假別墅酒店,度假村位于市郊,延绵于达 8 英 亩的土地上,提供乡野风格的五星级豪华别 墅度假体验。与亚洲许多大城市相比,暹粒真 的没有太多的疯狂,但是无论这小城是如何 的相对乱哄哄,一旦你踏进蓬拜堂度假酒店 美丽的乡村风情世界——高棉语蓬拜堂的意 思 是 “绿 色 村 庄 ”——就 感 觉 好 像 远 离 城 市 的 一切烦嚣,尽管只需要打个十分钟的嘟嘟车 或骑十分钟自行车,您就可以回到市中心。蓬 拜堂度假酒店以及其他一些高档度假酒店, 如 在 市 中 心 的 独 特 高 雅 的 Amansara 度 假 村 , 它也许是暹粒体现政府对高品质住宿和服务 的渴望的理想表现。Amansara 是个欢庆和提 升暹粒这个文化遗产目的地的居停地,同时 对文遗目的地造成的环境压力是最小的。
当然,首要任务是安排吴哥寺庙废墟探索 之旅。我们雇了一辆一条龙服务的私人嘟嘟 车 (当 地 人 也 称 为 remork,该 叫 法 源 自 法 语 84 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
ethnologists, archaeologists, and others, including notable contributions from Japan, India, Germany, the United States, and more, along with UNESCO and other domestic and international organisations.
THE ADVENT OF TOURISM Today, the town of Siem Reap serves as the gateway to the former land of the Khmer Empire. The town of roughly 200,000 has flourished in lockstep with the growing popularity of Angkor Archaeological Park, the sprawling home to myriad temples and ruins, picturesque moats, and subtropical broadleaf forests. Tourism has exploded here in the last two decades, at once a boon to the local economy and a threat to the continued protection and preservation of the very temples which draw the masses. Less than 8,000 tourists visited Angkor in 1993; today, the annual numbers exceed two million. Authorities have sought to avoid large-scale commercial and mass-market tourism, and have so emphasised
“the importance of providing high-quality accommodations and services in order for the Cambodian government to benefit economically, while also incorporating the richness of Cambodian culture.” Siem Reap is a charming town in which to stay, not least because of its relatively compact size. We stayed at the remarkable Phum Baitang resort, located just outside of town on a sprawling eight-acre plot of land that offers a rustic, five-star luxury villa retreat experience. Siem Reap really doesn’t offer much madness compared to the many large cities of Asia, but whatever relative bedlam the city holds, once you’ve stepped onto the beautifully rural grounds of Phum Baitang – which means “green village” in Khmer – you feel as if you’re far away from it all, though a short ten-minute tuk-tuk or bicycle ride has you right back in the centre of town. Phum Baitang, along with a select handful of other upmarket resorts, such as the exclusive Amansara resort in the heart of town, perhaps
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的 remorque,即拖车),配有一名司机、一名 知识广博和活泼勤奋的导游,每一个停靠站 点都提供凉爽的毛巾、新鲜的椰子、冰水等 等。所有到访吴哥的游客必须从吴哥当局购 买寺庙通行证,而我们的导游帮助我们相对 轻松地完成了这一步骤。一天通行证是 20 美 元 ,三 天 是 40 美 元 ,一 周 (七 天 )是 60 美 元。持有三天通行证者,可以在一周内的任 意三天拜访;而持有一周通行证者,可于月 内 任 意 七 天 到 访 。每 位 访 客 须 在 现 场 拍 摄 、 打印一张照片,附于通行证上,并将根据需 要在访客访问任何寺庙时当地职员再对通行 证进行严谨的检查和打孔。 吴 哥 从 来 没 有 真 正 消 失 ,所 以 亦 不 是 像 有 时 候 的 传 说 一 样 ,说 它 是 被 殖 民 主 义 者 亨利·莫霍特(Henri Mahout)在 19 世纪“重新 发现”,但它绝对是暂时沉睡了。寺庙被丛林 占据,大多数建筑被石块、树根和矮树杂草 交错盘节的覆盖着。虽然吴哥窟在吴哥遗址 中 最 为 人 熟 知 ,但 塔 布 笼 寺 长 期 以 来 一 直 是最为摄影师钟爱的寺庙,因为在法国人于 19 世 纪 末 产 生 兴 趣 开 始 修 复 这 个 遗 址 时 起 , 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 85
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它基本上一直处于其自然原真状态。树木和 其他植被与寺庙建筑自由交错盘缠,坍塌的 坍塌,完全处于自然原真态势,为参观者带 来耐人寻味的,几乎是古怪的独特浪漫的丛 林寺庙经验。如果整个吴哥体现出高棉帝国 的天才匠心和宏浩伟力,那么塔布笼寺肯定 会让我们感叹丛林的鲜活的神奇力量。 观赏吴哥对于一个崭露头角的考古学家 也可是件费神费力的事。最著名的寺庙吴哥 窟只不过是吴哥考古公园的其中一个遗址, 它是一个受保护的大片空间,占地面积近 310 平 方 公 里 (即 惊 人 的 17.5 公 里 长 x 17.5 公 里 宽,所以别太指望徒步游览)。公园里(外) 有 超 过 1000 个 寺 庙 和 许 多 其 他 的 考 古 遗 址 , 可能还有其他未知的有待发掘重见天日。它 也是一个生活场所,当地人民在该地区及周 边忙碌着,种植作物。游客也可以参观其他 外围寺庙和景点,例如女王宮是建于十世纪 的 玫 瑰 粉 红 色 砂 岩 寺 庙 (其 他 寺 庙 以 黄 色 砂岩和红土建成),由于其美丽精致的雕刻, 多年来深受吴哥迷喜爱。
虽然蓬拜堂的设施和舒适程度当然是无 与伦比,但管理层强调,宾客最需要做的是体 验度假村所在地区的风情。于我们而言,我们 需要的是轻松易为的活动,因而发现在暹粒 及周边地区骑自行车是项非常愉快的活动。 86 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
represents Siem Reap’s ideal manifestation of the government’s desire for high-quality accommodations and services, a place to stay that celebrates and promotes the heritage destination while putting minimal pressure on it.
EXPERIENCING THE WONDERS OF ANGKOR The first order of business, of course, was arranging the temple visits. We hired a personal tuk-tuk (also locally called a remork, from the French remorque, or trailer), complete with a driver, a marvellously knowledgeable and engaging guide, cool towels at every stop, fresh coconuts, cold water, and more. All visitors must buy a temple pass from the Angkor authorities and our guide helped us complete this with relative ease. A one-day pass is $20, three days is $40, and seven days is $60. The three-day pass allows any three days in a week; the oneweek pass, any seven days in a month. Each visitor will have a photo taken for the pass, which is printed on the spot and will be fastidiously checked and punched as necessary at any temples visited. Angkor never really disappeared to be “rediscovered” by the colonialist Henri Mahout in the 19th century, as the tale sometimes goes, but it
certainly went into abeyance. Temples were reclaimed by the jungle, with most becoming a jigsaw puzzle of stones, roots, and undergrowth. Though Angkor Wat dominates the common knowledge of the site, Ta Phrom has long been the photographer’s temple of choice because it was basically left in its natural state when the French became interested in restoring the site in the late 19th century. Trees and other vegetation intermix freely with temple structures both collapsed and intact, forming an evocative and almost eerily atmospheric jungle temple experience. If Angkor as a whole bears testimony to the genius and might of the Khmer Empire, Ta Phrom certainly reminds us of the awesome living power of the jungle. Appreciating Angkor can be a mammoth exercise for budding archaeologists. The bestknown temple, Angkor Wat, is but one site in the Angkor Archaeological Park, a protected expanse which covers an area of nearly 310 sq km (that’s a whopping 17.5 km x 17.5 km, so don’t expect to do too much on foot). There are over 1,000 temples and numerous other archaeological sites in the park (and beyond), with possibly others yet to be unearthed. It is also a living site in which the local people go about growing crops in and around the area.
Essential TRAVEL
即使蓬拜堂紧邻暹粒市区,距离吴哥也只是 20 分钟的嘟嘟车程,探索度假村邻近的周边 地区时,我们几乎难以相信,自己离市区是 那么近:骑着自行车穿越风景如画的柬埔寨 乡村,触目皆是美丽宁静的景致,田园风光。 我们沿着泥路轻松地骑行,穿过无垠蓝天下 一望无际的稻田,稻田旁点缀着糖棕,远处 的荔枝山国家公园也展现眼前。 几天下来,在参观古迹一整天后,可以享 受一下每个亚洲度假胜地都提供的奢华服务 或有趣的娱乐活动——其中一些当然只是暹 粒独有。当中一个蓬拜堂度假村管理层向我 们热烈推荐的节目是法尔剧团(Phare,柬埔 寨 马 戏 团 ),但 这 个 名 称 完 全 没 有 传 达 出 节 目的实际内容。当我们很多人听到“马戏团” 这个词的时候,我们可能会想到嘉年华会和 马戏表演,但是这个表演完全是另一层次的。 姑且把它理解为柬埔寨的“太阳剧团”吧。我 们在猫途鹰上快速地浏览一下,便出现超过 5000 条 评 论 ,平 均 评 分 为 5 星 。看 到 这 样 的 广泛赞誉,我们决定去体验这个了不起的表 演,所以我们先在市区早早地享受了一个晚 餐 , 然 后 前 往 欣 赏 演 出 。 演 出 名 为 “影 响 ” (表演定期更新)。这是个令人赞叹的杰出表 演!由七位表演者组成的剧团才华横溢,活 力充沛,并有四位乐师在现场伴奏,为表演 提供传统配乐,整个演出糅合了精彩绝伦的 惊人力量、高超杂技和戏剧性叙事,令全场
Other outlying temples and sites can be visited, with the 10th-century rose-pink sandstone temple (others are constructed from yellow sandstone and laterite) of Banteay Srei being a perennial favourite of Angkor aficionados owing to its beautiful, elaborate carvings.
BEYOND ANGKOR: EXPLORING SIEM REAP Though the facilities and level of comfort at Phum Baitang are of course exemplary, the management there stressed that what we most needed to do was experience the location that the resort calls home. For us, we sought easily approachable activities, so found bicycling in and around Siem Reap to be incredibly enjoyable. Even though Phum Baitang is barely outside of Siem Reap, and a mere 20-minute tuk-tuk ride from Angkor, exploring the area immediately around the resort saw us pedalling through the scenic Cambodian countryside, a landscape so exquisitely serene and rural, we could scarcely believe we were still so close to town. We cycled easily along dirt roads through open rice fields dappled with sugar palms under a mammoth blue sky, with views stretching to the distant Phnom Kulen hills.
These days, after a day in the archaeological field, it’s now possible to be immersed in luxurious or entertaining distractions à la every other Asian resort destination – and some of course which are quite unique to Siem Reap. One such attraction, which was enthusiastically recommended to us by Phum Baitang’s management, is Phare: The Cambodian Circus, though this title doesn’t at all convey what’s actually offered. When many of us hear the word “circus,” we may think of carnivals and sideshows, but this performance is on an entirely different level. Think Cirque du Soleil in Cambodia. A quick browse on TripAdvisor revealed over 5,000 reviews and an average rating of five stars. With such universal praise, we figured we were in for a real treat, so we enjoyed an early dinner in town first and then proceeded to the show, this one called “Influence” (shows change regularly). And what a remarkable, astounding performance it was. An enormously talented and spirited troupe of seven performers, complemented by four musicians providing a live traditional soundtrack, transfixed and thrilled a sold-out crowd with feats of strength, acrobatics, and dramatic storytelling. Though the ticket prices, which range from $18 to $35, might be considered 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 87
steep by some, this is a first-rate show and well worth the price of admission. Visitors will be further pleased to know that no animals are used in any of Phare’s shows. And purchasing that ticket doesn’t merely support a commercial endeavour – not by a long shot. The talented artists involved are graduates of the performing arts school behind the circus, Phare Ponleu Selpak – which translates to “the brightness of the arts” – and hail from its Battambang campus, which is home to a school that provides free public education and vocational arts training to youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. The organisation was founded in 1994 by a group of nine young refugees who, as children, who had taken part in drawing workshops in the camp and had the idea to form a
观众深深震慑、着迷。虽然门票价格从 18 到 35 美元不等,可能算是价格不菲,但这是个 一流的节目,绝对值回票价。使观众更开心的 是,法尔剧团的任何演出都没有使用动物。 此外,买票看法尔剧团的演出并不仅仅是 支持一项商业化表演——长远而言并非这样。 参与表演的天才艺人是马戏团背后的演艺学 院 PharePonleuSelpak(意为“艺术的亮度”)马 德望校区的毕业生。该校区设有一所为来自 弱势社群的青年提供免费公共教育和职业艺 术培训的学校。该组织由九名年轻难民创办 于 1994 年,他们在童年时参加了在难民营举 办的绘画工作坊,因而产生了组建一个创意 协会来帮助其他儿童表达战争和种族灭绝带 来的创伤,在柬埔寨历史上这种恐怖很多人 都经历过,而且还是新近的事,历历在目,今 天几乎所有柬埔寨家庭都深受其害。这些表 演者中很多人都有历尽艰辛甚至备受折磨的 非常感人的个人故事,因而他们是以卓越才 华、长期的辛苦工作和训练成就一个排除万 难、取得胜利的传奇。来自门票销售的收入 再投资到上述组织、学校和社区,使表演之 夜成为一个有意义的夜晚,那深远意义远远 超 越 表 演 带 来 的 激 动 人 心 的 娱 乐 。《Lonely 88 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
creative association to help other children express the trauma of war and genocide, a horror widespread enough and fresh enough in Cambodian history that virtually no family today is untouched by it. Many of these performers have deeply moving personal stories of hardship and even abuse, making their immense talents and long periods of hard work and training a tale of triumph against all odds. Proceeds from ticket sales are reinvested into the organisation, the school, and its community, making this a meaningful night out far beyond the incredible entertainment that’s delivered. In the words of Lonely Planet, Phare: The Cambodian Circus is “so much more than a conventional circus, with an emphasis on performance art and a subtle yet striking social message behind each
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Planet 孤独星球》如此评论:法尔剧团-柬埔 寨马戏团“远远超越传统的马戏团,它强调表 演艺术,而且每个制作都传达一个微妙而又 令人赞叹的社会讯息……其表演是一种独特 的 娱 乐 形 式 , 到 访 暹 粒 者 万 勿 错 过 。”亲 身 看完表演后,我们非常认同这个评论。 虽然酒吧街是个夜生活热点,有许多的餐 厅、咖啡馆、流动摊档、水果小贩、丝绸和 纪念品商店,当然还少不了酒吧(大多数酒 吧售卖 50 美分一杯的啤酒),虽然很多暹粒 最好的餐馆都位于酒吧街以外,但位于酒吧 街 核 心 地 带 的 ilforno 也 是 家 非 常 棒 的 餐 厅 。 我们上猫途鹰搜索每晚的晚餐地点,也建议 读者朋友采用同样的方法,因为评级(和餐 厅)随着时间的推移会发生变化。而距离酒 吧街不远,索山路(Sok San Road)的一些较 小的路边食肆以低廉的价格提供非常正宗 的高棉美食。 拥 有 古 老 的 奇 迹 、友 善 的 人 民 以 及 一 系 列令人着迷的节目,柬埔寨当然是个值得探 索的国家,而暹粒则是探索柬埔寨的理想启 程地。我们彻头彻尾地享受在那里的时光, 当然,吴哥的奇迹,以及蓬拜堂度假村的宁 静氛围和优质服务对我们的愉快旅程至关重 要。参观寺庙、看马戏、享受美食、探索暹 粒及其周边的乡村,并且陶醉于这个无比友 善的国家的丰富文化——一个在经历了几十 年的战争和贫穷之后,还在努力寻找立足之 地 的 国 家 。柬 埔 寨 确 实 是 个 值 得 仔 细 研 究 与关注的旅游目的地。 쐽
production… a unique form of entertainment that should be considered unmissable when staying in Siem Reap.” After seeing the show ourselves, we couldn’t agree more. Though Pub Street is a nightly hot spot, with numerous restaurants, cafés, roving stalls, fruit vendors, silk and souvenir shops, and of course pubs (with most of them selling beer for 50¢ a mug), many of Siem Reap’s best eateries are located elsewhere, though il forno, in the heart of Pub Street, is excellent. We checked TripAdvisor for our nightly dinner options and recommend you do the same, as the ratings (and restaurants) tend to change over time. Not far from Pub Street, some of the smaller roadside eateries along Sok San Road serve up pretty authentic Khmer cuisine at low prices. With ancient wonders, friendly people, and a number of fascinating pursuits to enjoy, Cambodia is certainly a country well worth exploring and Siem Reap is an ideal place to start. We thoroughly enjoyed our time there, and of course the wonders of Angkor combined with the serenity and service of Phum Baitang played a considerable role in our stay. See the temples, see the circus, enjoy the food, explore the town and its surrounding countryside, and soak in the rich culture of a welcoming nation still struggling to find its footing after decades of war and poverty. Cambodia is a travel destination deserving of your time and attention. 쐽
几乎所有暹粒的商品和服务都是以美元计价。只有当找回的零钱不到 1 美元时,你才 会收到柬埔寨里尔零钱。本文中提到的所有价格均以美元计算。 大多数到柬埔寨的游客都需要签证,签证可以在入境时申请取得。您需要准备一张护 照相片大小的照片,30 天的签证费用是 30 美元。入境时申请签证的程序:填好申请表, 排队付款并交上护照和文件,然后到另一队列领回已贴有签证的护照,然后前往入境 柜台办理入境手续。您还需要填写入境/出境表格和报关单。一个常见的陷阱是值班 官员会以“1 美元”的价格向您兜售这些表格,但实际上入境处许多地点都会免费提供 这些表格,此外您乘坐航班的空乘人员也可能会免费派发。更方便快捷的方法是,从 网上获取申请表,申请表可以从 embassyofcambodia.org/visa_application.pdf.下载,或者 您可以提前在线获取您的签证(evisa.gov.kh),但这需要额外支付 7 美元的处理费。 相关网页链接: 蓬拜堂度假酒店: zannierhotels.com/phumbaitang/en Amansara 度假酒店: aman.com/resorts/amansara 法尔剧团-柬埔寨马戏团: pharecircus.org PharePonleuSelpak 演艺学院: phareps.org 吴哥: wikitravel.org/en/Angkor_Archaeological_Park ilforno 意大利餐厅: ilforno.restaurant/siem-reap
TRAVEL TIPS Virtually all goods and services in Siem Reap are priced in US dollars. Only when your change is less than $1 will you receive the Cambodian riel as change. All prices noted in this article are in US dollars. Most visitors to Cambodia will require a visa, which is available on entry. You’ll need a passport-sized photo, and the 30-day visa cost is $30. Fill out the application form, stand in one line to make payment and hand over your passport and documents, then proceed to the next line to pick up your passport with the visa, then proceed to the immigration counters. You will also need to fill out an entry/exit form and customs declaration. A common scam is for officials on duty to “sell” you these forms for $1, though they’re available at no charge throughout the arrival terminal and possibly from your airline’s cabin crew. To expedite matters, the application form is also available online and can be downloaded from embassyofcambodia.org/visa_application.pdf. Alternately, you can obtain your visa in advance online (evisa.gov.kh), but this incurs an additional $7 processing charge. HELPFUL LINKS Phum Baitang: zannierhotels.com/phumbaitang/en Amansara: aman.com/resorts/amansara Phare: The Cambodian Circus: pharecircus.org Phare Ponleu Selpak: phareps.org Angkor: wikitravel.org/en/Angkor_Archaeological_Park il forno Italian Restaurant: ilforno.restaurant/siem-reap
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 89
婚 礼统 筹 师 The wedding master 无 论时光 如何 变迁 ,传 统中 式婚 礼继 续 在 中 国 人 的 生 活 中 扮 演 着 重 要 角 色 。 中 式婚礼 统筹 师“ 大妗 姐”罗 勤芳 为 我 们 娓 娓 道 来 这 一 经 典 文 化 传 统 No matter how times change, the traditional Chinese wedding continues to play an important role in Chinese people’s lives. Chinese wedding master Lo Kan Fang explains this classic culture 文/by EDWINA LIU 90 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
师 是 一 个 规 划 师 ,确 保 新 人 的 婚 庆 大 喜 日 子顺顺利利。 “作 为 一 名 大 妗 姐 或 需 要 一 张 好 面 相 ,” 罗 女 士 说 。“中 国 人 认 为 脸 是 一 个 人 的 命 运 和 心 灵 的 体 现 ;因 此 人 们 想 找 一 个 脸 相 好 的 人 来 祝 福 婚 礼 。一 个 好 的 中 式 婚 礼 统 筹 师 应 展 现 出 正 直 的 品 格 ,因 为 婚 礼 中 会 有 许多贵重的礼物。而且中式婚礼统筹师有隨 機 應 變 的 能 力 ,以 解 决 婚 礼 上 [可 能 出 现 的 ] 所有问题。”
通常男女新人双方家庭会在结婚前二十 天到三个月前互赠彩礼。这是一种仪式,新 郎家人在大妗姐的陪同下带着礼物去新娘家 过大礼。“呈献彩礼是婚礼的第一步,过大礼 后 婚 礼 才 得 以 继 续 进 行 ,” 罗 女 士 说 。“这 是 一个显示新郎家里诚意的重要仪式。” 彩礼包括珍贵的首饰、八式海味、礼饼和 一对椰子。婚礼统筹师罗勤芳解释道:“这对 椰子被涂上金漆,寓意家宅富足或多子多福。 中文里椰子的发音与爷爷和儿子相似(意为 “有 爷 有 子 ”);这 就 是 为 什 么 我 们 需 以 椰 子 来 祝 福 新 家 庭 和 睦 、 长 寿 。”所 有 的 礼 物 都 要用偶数来准备。因为这会祝福新人夫妇成 双成对,永不分开。在接受礼物后,新娘家 人 要 回 一 半 的 礼 品 ,再 加 上 象 征 生 育 的 水 果,例如姜和石榴,回赠给新郎家。
这 是 新 娘 家 执 行 的 唯 一 仪 式 。新 娘 父 母 会去购买一个樟木拢,放上新娘子的四季衣 服。这一仪式祝愿新娘搬到新家后,全年都 有樟木拢,既实用,亦有意头。在过去,父 母必须买够 72 件衣服,但今天,为了满足新 一代的需求,父母用红包来代替。婚礼前十 到 二 十 天 就 会 送 嫁 妆 。新 娘 家 人 把 嫁 妆 送 到新郎家,然后由新郎送到新家。
ong Kong and Macau are strongly influenced by Western culture. That said, it does not affect the status of the traditional Chinese wedding in Chinese people’s hearts. In fact, an increasing number of Westerners are interested in this rather special wedding tradition. A traditional Chinese wedding comprises many procedures and details, and to finish the whole process may require at least one to three months. However, every step is designed to express the notion of love. “A traditional Chinese wedding is a love talk. Talking about the love between parents and children and talking about the love between the couple. Every single step is designed to bless the couple” says Chinese Wedding Master Lo Kan Fang. “Even if the city is moving on, love is needed all the time.” The traditional Chinese wedding features six steps: the presentation of betrothal gifts, the sending of the dowry, installation of a new bed, hairdressing ritual, tea ceremony and homecoming ritual. This particular Chinese wedding master is a female who helps couples tailormake a Chinese wedding that fully suits them and their families’ needs. A Chinese wedding master in essence is a planner, ensuring the big day runs smoothly. “Being a Chinese wedding master needs a good face,” says Lo. “Chinese people believe the face is the index of a person’s fate and heart; that’s why people want a person who looks good to bless the wedding. A good Chinese wedding master should exude integrity, because there will be many precious presents during the weddings. Last but not least, the Chinese wedding master must [have a capacity for pressure] - plus persuasiveness to solve all the problems [that may arise] during the wedding.”
澳深受西方文化影响,但这却从未动 摇传统中式婚礼在中国人心中的地 位。实际上,越来越多西方人对这个颇为特 别的婚礼传统也甚感兴趣。 一个传统中式婚礼包含许多仪式和细节, 要 完 成 整 个 流 程 起 码 需 要 一 到 三 个 月 。然 而,每一步的设计,都旨在传达爱意。“一个 传统的中式婚礼是一场爱的表达,表达家长 和子女之间的情意,以及爱侣之间的爱意。 每一步,都是为了给准新人送上祝福,”中式 婚 礼 统 筹 师 ( 俗 称 “ 大 妗 姐 ”) 罗 勤 芳 说 道 , “尽管城 市在 不 断 发 展, 人 们永 远 渴望 爱 。” 传统中式婚礼主要有六个步骤:过大礼、 送嫁妆、安床、上头、敬茶以及回门。 中 式 婚 礼 统 筹 师 通 常 是 一 位 女 性 ,她 为 新人们精心制定一场中式婚礼,来充分满足 他们及其家人的需求。本质上中式婚礼统筹 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 91
安装新床仪式要求新郎买一张新床,上面 盖上新娘买的新红床单。这是一个非常重要 的仪式,借此祝福新婚夫妇生活美满、早生 贵子。仪式在大妗姐挑选的一个吉日举行。在 当天,一对新人洒下一些甜蜜又丰产的婚庆 水果,像龙眼和红枣;然后邀请一两个孩子 在床上蹦蹦跳跳,保佑新婚夫妇早生贵子。
中 国 人 认 为 头 发 是 烦 恼 丝 ,所 以 如 果 新 娘和新郎在婚礼前解开头发,他们就会有一 段无忧无虑的婚姻。通常,婚礼前一天晚上 此仪式分别在新娘、新郎家中举行。另一种 解释说,在古代中国,人们认为发型象征着 一个人的地位。所以在结婚后(夫妇加起来) 有两条发辫是不合适的,家人会帮助新娘在 婚礼前改变发型。
这是中式传统婚礼最令人期待的一环。即 使一对新人或会取消其他步骤,但敬茶仪式 却 必 不 可 少 。该 仪 式 在 婚 礼 当 天 举 行 。在 大 妗 姐 择 定 的 良 辰 吉 日 当 天 ,新 郎 和 伴 郎 92 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
PRESENTATION OF BETROTHAL GIFTS Normally, two families present their betrothal gifts 20 days to three months before the wedding day. It is a ritual that the bridegroom’s family is accompanied by the Chinese wedding master to take the gifts to the bride’s home. “The presentation of betrothal gifts is the locomotive of a wedding, enabling the wedding to move on,” says Lo. “It is an important ritual that shows the sincerity of the bridegroom’s family.” Betrothal gifts include precious accessories, eight kinds of dry seafood products, wedding cookies and a pair of coconuts. “This pair coconuts is covered by gold paint, representing abundant wealth or many children in the family. The pronunciation of coconut in Chinese is similar to grandpa and son; that’s why we need them to wish the new family domestic peace and longevity,” said the wedding master. “All the presents should be prepared with even numbers. Because it will wish the couple is always a pairs.” After accepting the presents, the bride’s family should give back half the
presents - plus fertility fruit such as gingers and pomegranates - to the bridegroom’s family.
SENDING THE DOWRY This is the sole ritual performed by the bride’s family. The parents of the bride are expected to buy a camphor wood chest to place the clothes for the four seasons. This ritual wishes the bride has a camphor wood chest a year after moving to the new home. In the old days, parents had to buy 72 items of clothes but today, to meet the demands of the new generation, parents use red packets instead. Sending the dowry always occurs 10 to 20 days before the wedding day. The bride’s family should send the dowry to the bridegroom’s home, and then send to the new home by the bridegroom. INSTALLATION OF A NEW BED The installation of a new bed dictates that the bridegroom buys a new bed covered by a new red bed sheet bought by the bride. It is a very important ritual that wishes the couple a harmonious life and the early arrival of a baby.
It take place on a day selected by the master. During the day, the couple should throw sweet and fertility wedding fruit such as longan and red dates; then invite one or two children to jump on the bed to bless the couple with a baby very soon.
HAIRDRESSING RITUAL Chinese people believe that hair is worried silk, thus if the bride and bridegroom disentangle their hair before their wedding, they will have a carefree marriage. Normally, this ritual is held in their homes on the night before the wedding day. Another explanation says that in ancient China people considered that a hairstyle denoted the status of a person. As it was inappropriate to have two pigtails after getting married the family would help the bride change her hairstyle prior to the wedding. TEA CEREMONY This is the most anticipated part of a traditional Chinese wedding. Even if a couple dispenses with the rest of the steps the tea ceremony is mandatory. It occurs on the wedding day. During the wedding day selected by the master, the bridegroom and his best men would go to the bride’s home to take the bride to the bridegroom’s home. Nowadays, the bridegroom and groomsmen can only meet the bride if they pass the challenges concocted by the bridesmaid. When he meets the bride, they
should serve tea to the bride’s parents under the gaze of the Chinese wedding master. After that, the couple should step towards the bridegroom’s home. The Chinese wedding master will open a red umbrella to shade the couple. When they arrive home, the couple should salute the bridegroom’s parents. “Hong Kong and Macau are religious pluralisms; many Christians and Catholics reject burning incense to the ancestors. However, Chinese parents will be unhappy about this if they do not do this ritual on the big day,” saysLo Kan Fang. “The Chinese wedding master is the communicator here, convincing the parents to burn the incense on the couple’s behalf, while the couple just need to stand there to avoid conflicts.”
HOMECOMING RITUAL This is the last ritual of the Chinese wedding, in which the couple have to return to the bride’s home within three days of the wedding. The couple must bring a roasted pig, sugarcane and noodles with them. After cutting the roasted pig, the new son-in-law should serve tea to the bride’s parents. To complete the wedding rituals, the family sit down together to enjoy the feast. “The reason why Chinese weddings [have survived] over thousands of years is because they can evoke our love. Love is always important,” Lo concludes. 쐽
会去新娘家,把新娘接到新郎家。今天,新 郎和伴郎如果通过了伴娘设计的种种刁 难 和 挑 战 ,才 能 见 到 新 娘 。当 新 郎 见 到 新 娘 的 时 候 ,他 们 会 在 大 妗 姐 的 注 视 下 给 新 娘 父 母 敬 茶 。敬 茶 后 ,这 对 新 人 就 可 以 启 程去新郎家。 大 妗 姐 会 打 开 一 把 红 伞 给 新 人 遮 阳 。当 他们到家时,他们得向新郎父母行礼。“在香 港 和 澳 门 多 种 宗 教 并 存 ;许 多 基 督 徒 和 天 主 教 徒 拒 绝 向 祖 先 烧 香 。然 而 ,如 果 他 们 在 大 日 子 不 履 行 此 仪 式 ,中 国 父 母 会 不 高 兴 。”罗 勤 芳 说 , “中 式 婚 礼 统 筹 师 是 这 方 面的沟通者,说服父母代新人烧香,而一对 新人只需要站在那里,避免冲突。”
这 是 中 式 婚 礼 的 最 后 一 个 仪 式 ,在 新 婚 的三天内,一对新人需要回新娘家。他们须 带 备 一 只 烧 猪 、竹 蔗 和 面 条 。在 切 开 烧 猪 后,新女婿应给新娘父母敬茶。然后一家人 坐在一起享受宴席,为婚仪划上句号。 罗勤芳总结说:“中式婚礼传统之所以能 延 续 数 千 年 ,是 因 为 它 们 能 唤 起 我 们 的 爱 。 爱永远重要。” 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 93
Essential WEDDING
人 生 新篇 章 A new chapter in life 随 着旅游业 繁荣 发展 ,澳 门度 假村 也 提 供 各 种 婚 礼 场 地 和 婚 庆 服 务 , 从室 内到 室外 ,从 西 式 到 中 式 , 任 君 选 择 Thanks to the tourism boom, Macau resorts offer all kinds of wedding venues and services, from indoor to outdoor, from Western to Chinese... 文/by EDWINA LIU
Essential WEDDING
礼是两位新人庆祝爱情的仪式。这是 两个家庭的结合,也是两个个体的结 合。对新人来说,这可能是人生最重要的一 天 ,他 们 一 定 对 自 己 的 梦 幻 婚 礼 充 满 憧 憬 。 从小型私密的场地到大型活动空间,澳门提 供了丰富的婚礼场地选择。现在,您可以在 城中顶级场地举办最美好的婚礼。
看似无尽的可选婚礼场地,让人难以缩小 选择范围,去选出一个符合新人风格标准的 场景,但人们普遍认为,颜色可以揭示人的 性格,影响他们的心情。因此,澳门君悦酒 店为新人提供了一个机会,通过选择大喜之 日的配色方案来表达他们的独特个性。 让 高 雅 别 致 的 色 彩 、精 致 织 物 和 奢 华 细 节带来丰富启发,餐桌设计可以是高级定制 庆典的迷人灵感。酒店为订婚新人提供了五 个令人惊叹的配色方案选择:高雅碧蓝—柔 和又精致;奢华橙色—温暖丰富的橙色有趣 而喜庆;神秘紫银—妩媚迷人,银色更添时 尚别致;清新绿色—绿色色调,增添一丝清 新气息;还有瑰丽红色—代表着幸运而深刻 的浪漫和激情。 为 了 获 得 直 观 体 验 ,新 人 们 可 以 在 体 验 中心门口展示厅里一面令人印象深刻的 LED 墙 上 , 预 先 目 睹 一 场 特 别 的 婚 礼 演 示 , 犹如置身现场。 在 中 国 传 统 里 ,新 娘 父 母 习 惯 用 樟 木 箱 向 新 郎 家 人 送 去 嫁 妆 。为 了 尊 重 这 个 珍 贵 的 传 统 ,酒 店 精 心 设 计 透 明 樟 木 箱 以 展 示 不 同 色 系 及 图 案 的 桌 布 搭 配 。此 外 还 有 多 款 花 卉 布 置 和 浪 漫 烛 光 ,以 及 琳 琅 满 目 的 餐巾扣环巧妙地展示在优雅的珠宝盒中,邀 请新人挑选。
edding is all about two people celebrating their love. It is the union of two families as well as two individuals. It is probably the most important day for couples, who must dream about their fantasy wedding. From small, intimate venues to big event spaces, Macau offers a cornucopia of wonderful wedding venues. Today, you can make the best wedding happen at one of the best venues in the city.
TELL YOUR LOVE STORY WITH COLOUR With seemingly endless wedding venue options to choose from, it’s hard to narrow down the choices and select a spot that aligns with a couple’s style criteria but it is widely believed colours can reveal people’s character and affect their mood. Thus, Grand Hyatt Macau offers a chance for couples to express their unique personalities by choosing colour schemes for their big day. Be inspired by tastefully chic colours, refined textiles, and luxury details. The table tops are an enchanting inspiration for a totally couture celebration. The hotel offers betrothed couples the opportunity to choose from five stunning colour schemes: Turquoise - feminine and sophisticated; Glitter Orange - the warmth and richness of orange is fun and festive; Mysterious Purple & Silver - enchanting, glamorous, fashionable and chic with silver; Green Organza - shades of green to add a hint of freshness; and Magnificent Red - representing luck, deep romance and passion. For an intuitive experience, couples can witness a special wedding presentation on an impressive LED wall in the foyer of the showroom in advance at the Experience Centre. In Chinese culture, it is customary for the bride’s parents to present wedding gifts to the groom’s family in wooden camphor chests. To honour this cherished tradition, the hotel uses transparent camphor chests to display the range of available table linens in different styles and colours. A selection of floral centerpieces and candles are on display, and a wide range of napkin rings are artfully presented in elegant jewellery boxes, inviting couples to pick and choose. 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 95
Essential WEDDING
Essential WEDDING
对于大自然爱好者来说,鹭环海天度假酒 店是澳门真正独一无二的场地。从黑沙海滩 出发,美丽的园林草坪是一个完美的地方,最 适合在大自然的环绕下与家人朋友一起庆祝 这重大日子。选择西式婚礼的新人们可以享 受一场配有西式设计和鲜花装饰的私密户外 派对,让站在海边露台上起誓的场景,如同 童话故事里的美好景象。 对 于 喜 欢 室 内 宴 会 的 人 来 说 ,草 坪 上 的 花园帐篷可以让情侣们在一个俯瞰如画风景 的大厅里举办中式或西式宴会,当然喜宴肯 定 少 不 了 佳 肴 美 馔 。这 里 还 有 一 个 独 特 的 真 正 原 木 壁 炉 ,为 家 庭 聚 会 提 供 一 个 温 馨 暖心的场所。
NATURE’S BLESSINGS For nature lovers, Grand Coloane Resort is a truly unique venue in Macau. Set steps from Hac Sa Beach, the beautiful Garden Lawn is the perfect place to celebrate the big day with family and friends surrounded by nature. Couples opting for a Western wedding can enjoy an intimate outdoor party with romantic Western decorations and floral displays as they make their vows by a seaside scene right out of a storybook on the Sea Patio. For those who prefer an indoor banquet, the Garden Marquee on the lawn allows couples to host a Chinese or Western banquet in a grand hall overlooking picturesque scenery, featuring, of course, delicious food. There is also a unique Fire Place, with authentic log grate, to provide a warm, welcoming venue for family gatherings.
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 97
Essential WEDDING
无论您是要奢华流丽的婚礼和宴会厅,还 是想在富丽堂皇的场景拍摄出非一般的婚礼 现场照片,澳门银河综合度假城都可以提供 令人惊叹的丰富场地,为您最难忘的时刻增 添瑰丽光芒。 喜欢户外仪式的新人们可以选择澳门悦 榕庄的池畔小屋,在宁静的花园环绕下俯瞰 壮丽的城市天际线,庆祝大喜之日。 宴会在美妙的婚礼中扮演着重要角色;因 而澳门银河提供五个奢华的宴会场地供新人 选 择 : 澳 门 丽 思 卡 尔 顿 酒 店 、澳 门 悦 榕 庄 、 澳 门 JW 万 豪 酒 店 、澳 门 大 仓 酒 店 和 银 河 酒 店。无论您选择哪个场地,酒店都在无比美 妙的环境中为您奉上精致宴会或酒会,每一 个细节都尽善尽美。 为了确保能以惊人美感呈现您的每一个 愿望,喜宴专家将帮助您一步一步地创造您 的理想婚礼——从专业婚礼策划、到宴会菜 单、场地装饰再到花卉布置,婚礼的每一个 细节都会完美实现。 쐽
ULTIMATE WEDDING CELEBRATIONS Whether you’re in search of a luxurious wedding and banquet venue or extraordinarily opulent locale for one-of-a-kind wedding photos, Galaxy Macau offers a vast array of stunning settings to add splendid majesty to your most memorable moments. Couples who prefer an outdoor ceremony can choose the Cabana at Banyan Tree Macau to celebrate the big day surrounded by a tranquil garden and stunning birds-eye views of the city. The banquet plays an important role in a wonderful wedding; thus there are five luxury banquets for couples to choose from: The RitzCarlton Macau, Banyan Tree Macau, JW Marriott Hotel Macau, Hotel Okura Macau and Galaxy Hotel. No matter which venue you choose, the wedding feast or banquet will be served amidst incredible décor with the utmost attention paid to the smallest of details. To ensure your every wish is fulfilled in stunning style, expert staff will help you create your wedding step by step - from expert wedding planning to menu to venue décor to floral setup. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 99
新 而雅 New and sophisticated
Essential CHEF
新 濠天地米 其林 二星 餐厅 御膳 房再 出 新 招 , 携 新 任 总 厨 再 度瞩 目 登 场 , 更带 来全 新创 作 的 一 系 列 珍 馐 美 馔 Two-Michelin starred The Tasting Room in City of Dreams has upped the ante once again, reopening with new Head Chef Fabrice Vulin and an all-new menu of rare and exclusive delights 文/by EDWINA LIU
出生于法国西南部风景如画的上阿尔卑 斯 省 ,新 任 主 厨 Fabrice Vulin 从 小 就 尝 遍 当 地最新鲜的食材,而这些生活点滴,也在他心 中注入了追求顶级应季食材的热情,并延续 至 今 :“我 从 小 便 热 爱 烹 饪 ,”他 说 道 ,“我 注 定要成为一名厨师,并将一生以此为追求。” 早年在著名的巴黎雷诺厨艺学院师从传 奇 大 厨 Guy Krenzer 学 习 ,“跟 着 我 的 导 师 们 学习,让我学到了比学校教育大为丰富的知 识,”他坚 称 道,“ 我 热 爱学 习 :我当 学 徒 时 , 每学习一样新东西,对我而言都是挑战。我 认为最重要的事情是不断学习新事物。令我 受益匪浅的另一个收获,便是学到了如何与 个性各异的厨师合作。” 离 开 校 园 后 ,主 厨 Fabrice 来 到 The Royal Monceau、协 和 拉 法 叶 酒 店 和 Fouquet’s 等 知
名巴黎餐厅以及日内瓦历史悠久的帕克德 斯 欧 维 斯 酒 店 继 续 深 造 技 艺 。在 日 内 瓦 工 作 了 一 段 时 间 后 ,他 搬 回 巴 黎 并 成 为 了 丁 香 园 咖 啡 馆 的 行 政 总 厨 。这 是 他 烹 饪 生 涯 中首次担任行政总厨职位。之后,他前往米 其林三星餐厅安娜-索菲·皮克担任主厨,而 他 仅 仅 用 14 个 月 时 间 , 便 为 餐 厅 赢 得 米 其 林 二 星 评 级 ,这 个 阶 段 亦 成 为 了 他 职 业 生涯的关键。 “在 众 多 知 名 餐 厅 工 作 的 过 程 中 ,我 注 意 到不断进步是好厨师的一个重要特质。我担 任厨师已二十多年,但我仍严格要求自己。我 必需不断进步,每日都要比昨天更优秀。如 果我不断坚持进取,那我可以肯定,到最后 我将取得极佳成就。为了取得成功,我不断设 计新菜式,当我尝试其他厨师制作的菜肴时, 我同样会思考我能从中学到什么,”他说道。
EUROPEAN BEGINNINGS Born in south-eastern France’s picturesque Hautes-Alpes region, Chef Fabrice Vulin grew up eating the freshest local produce instilling in him a passion for high quality seasonal ingredients that continues to this day: “I have loved cooking since I was young,” he says. “I was determined to become a chef and strive for it during my whole life.” In his early years, he learned from legendary chef Guy Krenzer at famous culinary institute Lenôtre in Paris. “When I was working with my mentors, I learned much more than I learned from the school,” he insists. “I love learning; when I was an apprentice, every new thing I learned was a challenge to me. For me, the most important thing is to keep learning new things. 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 101
Essential CHEF
主 厨 Fabrice 的 工 作 经 历 硕 果 累 累 , 而 他 亦 从 中 总 结 出 自 己 的 独 特 观 点 :“判 断 一 间 餐 厅 是 好 是 坏 ,我 们 首 先 要 看 就 餐 人 数 (的多寡)。除此之外,一间餐厅取得成功不 但需要优秀的厨师和烹饪团队,服务团队、 餐厅服务和环境同样重要。唯有共同合作, 努力为宾客提供一流体验,我们才够资格享 受成功餐厅的荣誉。”
取 得 瞩 目 成 就 后 ,大 厨 Fabrice 对 新 体 验 的热爱驱使他离开欧洲并来到亚洲,于米其 林 二 星 的 香 港 四 季 酒 店 Caprice 餐 厅 担 任 行 政主厨达三年半之久,同时为其耀眼履历再 添 一 项 卓 著 声 誉 。“一 位 朋 友 引 荐 我 前 往 香 港 四 季 酒 店 ,而 我 认 为 换 个 环 境 是 件 好 事 。 我 在 香 港 任 职 的 餐 厅 世 界 闻 名 ,因 此 这 是 前来亚洲发展的理想机会。” 2017 年 5 月 ,大 厨 Fabrice 选 择 澳 门 作 为 下 一 个 目 的 地 ,展 示 他 源 源 不 绝 的 烹 饪 才 能。目前,他是米其林二星餐厅御膳房的行 政主厨,为澳门宾客呈献一份全新的珍 馐美馔餐单。 “我 喜 欢 香 港 、澳 门 和 新 加 坡 。这 三 个 城 市 的 环 境 和 设 施 能 满 足 我 的 要 求 ,” 他 说 道 。 “亚洲的法国餐厅并不多,而与香港相比, 澳门的法国餐厅就更少。因此,我希望让更 多 人 了 解 来 自 我 祖 国 的 菜 式 ,而 我 亦 希 望 挑 战 自 我 。至 于 御 膳 房 ,则 是 澳 门 最 佳 的 法国餐厅。” 大 厨 Fabrice 的 父 亲 是 一 位 滑 雪 教 练 和 军 事 三 项 铁 人 冠 军 ,而 他 则 继 承 了 父 亲 的 102 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
Another thing I learned was how to co-operate with various chefs with different personalities.” After leaving school, Chef Fabrice sharpened his craft at fêted Parisian dining destinations such as The Royal Monceau, Hôtel Concorde La Fayette and Fouquet’s, as well as the historic Hotel du Parc des Eaux Vives in Geneva. Having worked for a period in Geneva, he moved back to Paris to become Executive Chef of La Closerie des Lilas. It was the first Executive Chef position of his life. This was followed by a stint as Chef at Anne-Sophie Pic’s three-Michelin starred restaurant, a move that would prove pivotal to Chef Fabrice’s career, winning two Michelin stars for the restaurant in just 14 months. “After working in so many famous restaurants, I noticed that to keep improving is very important for a good chef. I have been a chef for over twenty years, but I’m still strict with myself. I have to be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today. If I keep doing this, I am sure I will have a great achievement in the end. To achieve success, I keep designing new dishes. When I taste the food cooked by other chefs I also think about what I can learn from them.” he said. Of his fruitful working experience, Chef Fabrice has particular views: “To judge whether a restaurant is good or not, the first thing in our mind must be the attendance. Apart from this, the success of a restaurant is not only depend-
ent upon the chef and the culinary team; the front of the house staff, service and environment are also important. Only if we work together and try our best to provide a wonderful experience for our guests are we worthy of being called a successful restaurant.”
BLOOMING IN ASIA With the world at his feet, Chef Fabrice’s love of new experiences then drove him to leave Europe for Asia to enhance his sparkling reputation over three and a half years as Chef de Cuisine of two-Michelin starred Caprice at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong. “A friend introduced me to Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, and I was thinking it good to change environment. The restaurant I worked for in Hong Kong is world famous, so it was a great opportunity to move.” In May 2017, Chef Fabrice chose Macau as his next location to demonstrate his endless capabilities. Currently, he works as Chef de Cuisine at two-Michelin starred The Tasting Room in City of Dreams and showcases an allnew menu of rare and exclusive delights for guests in Macau. “I love Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore. The environment and facilities of these three cities can meet my standards,” he said. “There are not many French restaurants in Asia, and compared to Hong Kong [there are] even less in Macau. So I want to promote my country’s
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Essential CHEF
团队精神,以及不断学习与精进的强烈欲望。 “据我所知,澳门有着越来越多度假村,宾客 亦有众多不同选择。城中的餐饮业亦变得越 来越国际化,但这里的餐厅却经常是开了又 关,关了又开,不但是度假村餐厅,独立餐 厅亦一样。因此,我需要专注于如何让我的 餐厅得以继续。要实现这个目标,我需要坚 持我的信念、标准以及对品质的追求。” 大厨 Fabrice 的 烹 饪 哲 学 由 两 部 分 组 成 , 第 一 点 就 是 让 宾 客 快 乐 。他 会 观 察 欧 洲 宾 客 的 不 同 偏 好 ,并 会 根 据 当 地 宾 客 的 口 味 调整菜谱。“( 不同地区)饮食文化以及人们 的口味差异很大。欧洲人口味偏咸和浓重, 但 这 里 人 们 口 味 更 清 淡 ,因 而 我 需 要 改 变 调味比例。” 御膳房的新菜式经常会在同一道菜中糅 合不同质感的食材,比如啫哩和香脆可口的 食 材 ,去 营 造 更 佳 口 感 。“我 一 直 喜 欢 用 不 104 | OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2017 | ESSENTIAL MACAU
同 方 式 去 展 现 同 一 种 食 物 ,为 宾 客 带 来 惊 喜。同时,不同质地能够展现更复杂及有趣 的 感 觉 。我 希 望 以 不 同 方 式 展 示 我 的 菜 品 ——和你在其他地方找到的并不一样。” Fabrice 烹 饪 哲 学 的 第 二 部 分 ,就 是 坚 持 选用顶级食材。“当我们讨论法国菜时,法国 食材是浮现于我们脑海的第一件事。你在这 里尝到的所有食物都来自法国。我一直强调 法国食材,是因为法国虽小,但我们有齐了 世上的所有最佳食材——顶级牛肉、顶级羊 肉和最好的蔬菜。在法国,每个人都专注于 种 植 和 生 产 他 们 的 作 物 和 食 物 ,这 种 传 统 代代相传。这个理念与日本文化相似;就算 要 承 受 极 高 的 生 产 损 耗 率 ,但 我 们 仍 希 望 维持产品的顶级质量。” 大 厨 Fabrice 与 供 应 商 关 系 极 佳 , 因 而 能为御膳房带来著名肉类切割大师 Alexandre Polmard 精心准备的牛肉等顶级食材。“这种
cuisine and I want to challenge myself. The Tasting Room is the best French restaurant in Macau.” Thanks to his father, a ski instructor and military triathlon champion, he inherited the ‘esprit de corps’ along with a ferocious desire to continually learn and improve qualities. “As far as I know, Macau has more and more resorts and there are a lot of different choices for guests. The catering industry of this city has become international. But the restaurants here frequently come and go. This situation not only applies to the restaurants in resorts but to independent restaurants. So I have to focus on the continuation of my restaurant. To achieve it I must insist on my beliefs, my standards and the quality.” Chef Fabrice’s cooking philosophy comprises two parts, the first of which is making
Essential CHEF
牛腰肉专门为我提供。环顾全球,只有米其 林三星厨师才能用上这种牛肉,而我是亚洲 唯一一个能用上这种食材的厨师。这种牛肉 的质地与风味之佳自不待言,我使用的这种 牛肉是 2004 年的顶级熟成牛肉,与我的菜式 完 美 搭 配 。我 无 需 用 复 杂 的 方 式 烹 饪 这 种 食材,简单的香煎就最完美。” 在 三 十 年 烹 饪 生 涯 中 ,大 厨 Fabrice 在 全 球各地收获了一系列瞩目的米其林星级荣 耀 ,而 他 将 继 续 挑 战 自 我 ,并 表 示 “我 的 下 一 个 目 标 是 摘 得 米 其 林 三 星 。这 亦 是 我 来 到这里的原因。”
此外,大厨 Fabrice 亦带来了他收藏的 100 多本米其林指南,为御膳房添上他的一丝个 人风格。他的米其林指南藏书包括了极为珍 贵的 1900 年全球第一版,在御膳房展示的这 些藏书将让宾客有机会亲眼一睹烹饪史上的 历 史 片 段 。“三 十 年 前 ,我 在 一 个 跳 蚤 市 场 买 下 了 第 一 本 米 其 林 指 南 。我 觉 得 米 其 林 指南对厨师而言十分有价值,因此我亦开始 收藏米其林丛书。现在很难找到(这些旧版) 了。时至今日,我的这些藏书价值已经和一 辆 保 时 捷 相 当 ,”说 道 这 里 ,大 厨 Fabrice 脸 上流露出一丝微笑。 쐽
his guests happy. He observes the different preferences of European guests and says he would adapt recipes to the palette of local guests. “The eating culture and people’s palette are very different. Europeans prefer a more salty and full flavour but people here go for blander [tastes]. So I have to change the seasoning proportion.” The new dishes in The tasting Room widely use different textures in the dish such as jelly and crunchies to enhance the palette. “I always use different ways to showcase one ingredient; it will surprise our guests. Meanwhile, different textures showcase a more complex and interesting feeling. I want to showcase my dish in a different way - not the same as dishes you can find in other places.” The second part of his philosophy is using the best quality produce to cook. “When talking about French cuisine, the French ingredient is the first thing in our mind. All the things you can taste here come from France. I keep emphasising the French ingredients because we are a small country but we have all kinds of food ingredients in the world - the best beef, the best lamb and vegetables. In France, everyone has been dedicated to producing their products for generations. The concept is similar to Japanese culture; we want to maintain the best quality of our products even if we need to abandon a huge amount of our products.” Chef Fabrice has a really good connection with suppliers, bringing exclusive produce to The Tasting Room like Alexandre Polmard beef. “The tenderloin of this beef is exclusively provided for me. Only three Michelin starred chefs in the world can use this part of the beef and I am the only one in Asia. The texture and flavour are very good. This beef I am using is 2004 vintage beef, which perfectly matches my cooking. I don’t need to cook it complicatedly. I only need to pan-fry it.” Following a 30-year career in a glittering array of Michelin-starred restaurants around the globe, Chef Fabrice continues to challenge himself, declaring: “My next goal is to earn Michelin three stars. It is the reason I came here.” As an added personal touch, Chef Fabrice will be bringing his personal collection of more than 100 Michelin Guides, including the very first edition from 1900, to display in The Tasting Room, giving guests the opportunity to view a vintage slice of culinary history. “I bought my first Michelin Guide thirty years ago in a flea market. I thought it was quite valuable for a chef so I started to collect it. It is hard to find one now. Now my collection is worth a Porsche,” the chef says with a smile. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 105
Essential NEWS
澳 门康 莱德 呈 献2017“ 粉红革 命 ”推 广活 动 澳 门 金 沙 城 中 心 康 莱 德 酒 店 今 年 将 再 度 于 10 月 份 期 间 推 出 2017“粉 红 革 命 ”活 动 的一系列体验及收藏品,以支持香港癌症基金会一年一度的“粉红革命”活动,旨在唤 醒公众对乳癌的关注及为筹集研究经费献出一分力。澳门康莱德酒店今年将担任活 动的红宝石赞助商,并承诺将是次粉红推广活动的部分收益捐赠给该基金会,包括售 卖独一无二的限量版粉红系列康莱德小熊及幸运鸭子所得之收入。 澳 门 康 莱 德 酒 店 宣 布 今 年 的 活 动 将 与 全 球 著 名 的 顶 级 钟 表 商 浪 琴 (Longines)合 作,浪琴将为 2017“粉红革命”活动慷慨捐出两枚经典尊贵腕表。宾客可选择于办理退 房 手 续 时 透 过 账 单 额 外 捐 赠 澳 门 币 10 元 、享 用 “粉 红 下 午 茶 套 餐 ”、体 验 “粉 红 水 疗 疗程”,又或选择购买康莱德独家订制的限量版粉红小熊及粉红幸运鸭子系列。酒店 屡 获 殊 荣 的 旗 舰 餐 厅 “朝 ”也 将 推 出 特 色 粉 红 菜 单 。澳 门 康 莱 德 将 把 2017“粉 红 革 命 ” 活动所得的部分收益捐赠给香港癌症基金会以及本地非牟利机构开心乐园协会。
PINK Inspired 2017 In support of Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s Pink Revolution - an annual campaign that raises awareness and funds for breast cancer research - Conrad Macao, Cotai Central will once again launch its ‘PINK Inspired 2017’ campaign with a series of PINK experiences and collectibles throughout October. Conrad Macao has pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the fund as a Ruby sponsor, including sales of its iconic bear and rubber duck – both of course, in limited edition pink. This year, the resort announces a partnership with luxury watchmaker Longines who generously donated two signature timepieces for the Pink Inspired 2017 Campaign. Guests can participate in PINK Inspired 2017 by making a MOP10 donation upon check-out, enjoying a PINK Inspired Afternoon Tea experience or PINK spa treatment or purchase of the hotel’s iconic bear or rubber duck in limited edition PINK design. Signature restaurant Dynasty 8 is also offering a special PINK menu. A portion of all proceeds from PINK Inspired 2017 experiences and merchandise will be donated to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund and local charity Associação de Feliz Paraíso.
鹭 环 海天度假酒店成为争绿 夺秒 赛 事 官方合作伙伴 鹭环海天度假酒店获指定为澳门首届 Green Race(争绿 夺秒)赛事耐力跑官方住宿合作伙伴。酒店坐落在风景如画 的自然环境中,洋溢着浓浓的悠闲放松情调,与 Green Race 主办方推广的健康、可持续生活方式不谋而合。 Green Race 活动系列是一项不断壮大的国际运动,以比 赛及休闲放松为主,已经成功在香港、新加坡、美国和加拿 大举行。Green Race 更在香港营运一个永久跑步俱乐部,并 组织企业团队建设活动日等。 Green Race 总 监 Martin Cai 和 Eti Rodriguez 表 示 :“鹭 环 海天度假酒店位置得天独厚,俯瞰中国南海又坐享葱葱郁 郁的自然美景,周边还有错综复杂的山路小径,因此成为 我 们 住 宿 合 作 伙 伴 的 不 二 之 选 ”,“Green Race 的 参 与 者 将 会在这里一流的休闲设施中感受真正的度假酒店体验,舒 适放松地为有益身心的休闲周末跑备战。”
Official partner for Green Race Grand Coloane Resort is pleased to be appointed official accommodation partner for the first ever Green Race sustainable running retreat in Macau. Exuding an authentic retreat experience within a picturesque natural environment, Grand Coloane Resort shares the same values as the Green Race organisers in promoting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for all. The Green Race event series is a growing international movement with races and retreats already successfully hosted across Hong Kong, Singapore, the US and Canada. It also hosts a permanent running club in Hong Kong and organizes corporate team building days. “Grand Coloane Resort’s stunning location nestling between the South China Sea and lush nature trails makes it the obvious choice as our preferred accommodation partner,” said Martin Cai and Eti Rodriguez, Director of Green Race. “Green Race participants will experience a true resort experience with first-class leisure facilities to fully prepare in comfort for a rewarding weekend retreat of running.”
Essential NEWS
美高 梅 推出“台风‘天鸽’受灾中 小 企援 助 计 划 ” 台 风 “天 鸽 ”带 着 狂 风 暴 雨 袭 击 澳 门 后 ,澳 门 大片地区严重水浸,断水断电,损毁严重。澳门 美 高 梅 最 近 推 出 一 项 “台 风 ’天 鸽 ’受 灾 中 小 企 援 助 计 划 ”,希 望 协 助 受 灾 的 本 地 中 小 企 业 尽 快 恢 复 正 常 营 运 。美 高 梅 认 识 到 其 中 小 企 供 应 商 的 业 务 受 风 灾 影 响 严 重 ,并 首 先 展 开 了 问 卷 调 查 , 了解及评估企业的受灾情况。 该调查访问了公司超过 220 家中小企供应商, 全 部 是 “小 微 企 ”、“青 年 创 业 ”和 “澳 门 制 造 ”三 个 范畴的企业,因为他们是最易受强台风影响的一 群。美高梅中小企业委员会举行了特别会议,审 核及分析调查结果,并制定了“台风’天鸽’受灾中 小 企 援 助 计 划 ”,旨 在 缓 解 受 灾 中 小 企 的 营 运 压 力,并提供持续性援助。计划包括加快付款程序 及 预 付 货 款 以 减 轻 现 金 流 压 力 、提 供 物 流 支 援 , 以及从轻微损失到严重受灾的补助等。
MGM launches SME relief programme Typhoon Hato lashed Macau with heavy winds and rain that flooded large parts of the city, knocked out power and water supplies and left serious damage. MGM recently announced it has initiated an SME Relief Programme to help local businesses affected by the typhoon get back on there feet and recover from the resulting damage. MGM recognised that its SME vendors have been adversely affected, and as a first step conducted a survey to help assess the impact upon their businesses. The survey covered over 220 of MGM’s SME vendors, all under the categories of micro SMEs, young entrepreneurs or Made-in-Macau as they were considered most susceptible to losses wrought by the super typhoon. MGM’s SME Committee then held a meeting to review the survey results and formulated the MGM SME Relief Programme, which seeks to provide continuous support and reduce the operating pressures on those affected. The initiative includes expedited payment processing and upfront payment to alleviate cash flow needs, logistics support and assistance with minor and major damage.
精 彩金沙澳 门时 装周 澳门金沙度假区将于 2017 年 10 月 19 至 24 日举办首个金沙澳门 时装周,展出四季名店、威尼斯人购物中心、巴黎人购物中心及金沙 广场内多个时尚奢华以及生活潮流品牌的服饰。 “金沙澳门时装周 2017”的重点活动将于 10 月 20 及 21 日举行,届 时,威尼斯人购物中心的大运河将化身成华丽时尚的 T 台,呈献多场 “水上天桥秀”;位于巴黎人购物中心的香榭丽舍大街亦将幻化成走秀 舞台,向观众展示来季最新的时尚服饰。 该 次 时 装 盛 会 亦 包 含 10 月 20 至 24 日 在 四 季 名 店 举 行 的 时 装 展览,向宾客展示全球顶级时尚品牌的顶尖时尚精萃。
Fabulous fashion events From 19–24 October, Sands Resorts Macao will launch its first Sands Macao Fashion Week across Shoppes at Four Seasons, Shoppes at Venetian, Shoppes at Parisian and Shoppes at Cotai Central. The key events of Sands Macao Fashion Week 2017 will be held on Oct. 20 and 21, when Shoppes at Venetian presents the Walk on Water fashion shows, a series of runway events that actually take place on The Venetian Macao’s Grand Canal itself, while The Parisian Macao’s Avenue des Champs Elysees will also be brought to life with live runway shows showcasing the latest looks for the coming season. The week’s prestigious programme will also see exhibitions taking place at Shoppes at Four Seasons from Oct. 20 to 24, revealing the absolute crème de la crème of fashion from the world’s premier fashion houses.
澳门精华 | 2017年 10月- 11月 | 107
奢华精髓 Essential luxuries “精华”指南,澳门顶级购物商场奢靡品牌一网打尽 The Essential guide to luxury brands at Macau’s leading shopping malls
威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
永利澳门名店街 Wynn Esplanade Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
四季‧名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons The Cotai Strip, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
Abiste Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Alfred Dunhill 艾尔弗 雷德·登喜路 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Agnes b. 阿尼亚斯贝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Aquascutum 雅格狮丹 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Armani Collezioni 阿玛尼黑标 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Audemars Piguet 爱彼表 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
永利澳门万利酒店 Esplanade at Encore Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
四季酒店DFS环球免税店 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons
新濠天地 The City of Dreams
The Cotai Strip, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau
金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel
澳门银河 Galaxy Macau Cotai, Macau
金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau
Bally 巴利 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Bang & Olufsen 奢 华视听品牌 B&O One Central 一号广场 Bottega Veneta 宝缇 嘉 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau
一号广场 One Central Avenida de Sagres and Avenida do Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Lot B of Block B of Zone B Nape, Macau
Breguet 宝 玑 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Brooks Brothers 布 克兄弟 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Burberry 巴宝莉 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Brioni 布莱奥尼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Bulgari 宝格丽 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Boucheron 宝诗龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Canali 康纳利 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Essential RETAIL
Carl F. Bucherer 宝齐莱 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Cartier 卡地亚 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店
Damiani 达米阿尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 David Yurman 大卫 ·雅曼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Céline 赛琳 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场
De Beers 戴比尔 斯 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店
Cerruti 1881 切瑞蒂 1881 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Diamond SA 南非钻石 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Chanel 香奈儿 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Diane Von Furstenberg 黛安·冯芙丝汀宝 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Chaumet 尚美 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Chloe 蔻依 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Christian Dior 克里斯汀·迪奥 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Chopard 萧邦 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Cigar Emporium 雪茄专门 店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 CK Calvin Klein 卡尔文·克莱 恩 One Central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Coach 蔻驰 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Cole Haan 歌涵 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
DKNY 唐娜·凯伦 纽约 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Dolce&Gabbana 杜嘉班纳 One Central 一号广场 Emporio Armani 安普里奥 ·阿玛尼 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Ermenegildo Zegna 杰尼亚 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Europe Watch Company 欧洲坊 One Central 一号广场
Franck Muller 法蘭穆勒 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Gieves & Hawkes 君 皇仕 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Giorgio Armani 乔治·阿玛尼 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Giuseppe Zanotti 朱塞佩· 萨诺第 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Givenchy 纪梵希 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Glashütte Original 格拉苏蒂 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 GoldVish S.A. Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Gucci 古琦 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Hermès 爱马仕 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Hublot 宇舶表 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地
Fabio Caviglia 法比奥 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场
Hugo Boss 胡戈· 波士 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Fendi 芬迪 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场
IWC 万国 表 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河
Ferrari 法拉利 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Jaeger-LeCoultre 积家 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Francesco Biasia Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
澳门精华 | 2017年 8月- 9月 | 109
Essential JEWELLERY Shanghai Tang 上海滩 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Samsonite Black Label 新秀丽黑标 One Central 一号广场 Shiatzy Chen 夏姿·陈 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 S.T. Dupont 法国都彭 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 St. John 圣约翰 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Smalto by Paris Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Jaquet Droz 雅克 ·德罗 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Miu Miu 缪缪 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Juicy Couture 橘滋 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
Montblanc 万 宝龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场
Kate Spade 凯特· 丝蓓 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Kenzo 高田 贤三 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Lancel 兰姿 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 La Perla Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Leonard 李奥 纳德 One Central 一号广场 Links of London Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Loro Piana 罗洛·皮雅纳 One Central 一号广场 Louis Vuitton 路易·威登 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Loewe 罗 威 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Luk Fook 六福珠宝 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Marc by Marc Jacobs 马克·雅 可布之马克 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Marni 玛尼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Max Mara 麦丝玛拉 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Maubossin 梦宝星 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Mikimoto 御木本珠宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Missoni 米索尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Officine Panerai 沛纳海 One Central 一号广场 Omega 欧米茄 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Macau Landmark 澳门置地广场酒店 Macau Square 澳门广场 Pal Zileri 伯爵莱利 One Central 一号广场 Piaget 伯爵 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河
Stefano Ricci 史蒂 芬劳·尼治 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Swarovski 施华洛世奇 水晶 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Tag Heuer 豪雅 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Thomas Sabo 汤武士世宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Tod’s 托 德斯 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Tonino Lamborghini 兰博基尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Prada 普拉达 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Tourneau 唐龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心
Rado 雷 达 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Tudor 帝舵表 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街
Ralph Lauren 拉夫·劳伦 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Vacheron Constatin 江诗丹顿 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店
Rich Jade 富御珠宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Richard Mille 瑞驰·迈 迪 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Rimowa 日 墨瓦 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Roberto Cavalli Class and Cesare Paciotti Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Roger Dubuis 罗杰杜 彼 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Rolex 劳力士 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Salvatore Ferragamo 萨尔瓦托 勒·菲拉格慕 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地
Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Versace 范思 哲 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Versace Collection 范思哲高级成衣 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Vertu 沃尔 图 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Vivienne Westwood 薇 薇恩·韦斯特伍德 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫圣罗兰 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Valentino 华伦天奴 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店
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