Annual Report 2021 - Fundação Estudar

Page 70

Message from the Board THE LAST TWO YEARS alone would be enough for us to reflect on how much the world has changed. Proof of this are the innumerous times that we heard the expression “new normal” or that we talked about the “pospandemic” expectations for our lives. Imagine, then, if we were to look at the transformations that have taken place since 1991. We would spend hours talking about everything that has changed in society, businesses, and governments over the past 30 years. Just to give a few examples, we can mention the advent of the internet as a fundamental element of our daily lives, the democratization of information, the creation of disruptive technologies that have altered the way we consume and that have revolutionized entire markets. In such different scenarios, it would be incoherent to think that our concept of Leadership would not need to also evolve to keep up with the trends of what happens around us. Leaders exist to generate transformations and to engage society in search for solutions to complex problems. This means that we need to be flexible when facing change. We must face this increasingly challenging present with the ambition to be contemporaries of our own time. There is no

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longer room to embrace a single perspective or worldview because the collective intelligence is greater than individual intelligence. As part of the whole, we need to update ourselves, redefine concepts, and learn in a continuous way. This is the only way we will ensure the relevance of the impact we generate. Therefore, the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Fundação Estudar is, above all, an invitation to share knowledge and to debate reality, focusing on key issues such as Health, Technology, Environment, and Democracy, thinking about the future we want to create. This is the only way to become Leaders of the future, those who will really make the changes that Brazil needs. So, those who are part of this network of people who are in constant evolution in the search for a more prosperous country, thank you very much!

FLORIAN BARTUNEK Fundação Estudar Board President

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