Everman High School Key Club December Newsletter

Page 1

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

Everman High School December 2015 Volume 1 Issue 9

In This Issue

Christmas Caroling Blitz

The opportunity to provide a little Christmas joy to children who cannot afford to get gifts is a blessing beyond belief. Not only does it make an underprivileged child very happy, it brings a sense of satisfaction to the person giving the gift. On December 11th, the Everman High School Key Club participated in the Beautiful Feet Ministries Christmas Caroling Blitz. The Christmas Caroling Blitz is an annual toy drive where participants donate toys and go on a hayride throughout inner city Fort Worth neighborhoods. Clubbers gave toys to young children, and I have to say, it was absolutely amazing. Seeing the smiles on those kids faces brought so much happiness to all of us and made us realize how fortunate we really are. Every single one of us left feeling thankful for what we have and full of happiness for the joy we were able to bring to the children and their families.

Christmas Caroling Blitz Page 1

January Calendar Page 2

Christmas Cards and FW Sister Cities Page 3

Old Fashioned Country Christmas Page 4

Letters from the Co-Editor and Historian Page 5

Contact Information Page 6

What’s Coming Up? 

1/28 - Officer Nominations

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

January 2016 Sun






































Board Meeting 24


26 Board





PB&J Outreach takes place every Tuesday & Thursday after school at Everman Methodist Church.

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

December Service Projects

Christmas Card Making Several months ago back in September, we made “Get Well” cards for Children’s Cancer Awareness Month. The cards were delivered to Cook Children’s Hospital in the hopes that it would brighten a sick child’s day. As Christmas approached, we decided to make a few more cards for the children that found themselves in the hospital during the holidays. Everman High School Key Club decided to do something to brighten the holidays for children at Cook’s. We spent some time after school eating snacks and listening to Christmas music as we made Christmas cards. The cards were colorful and joyous with positive messages. Our sponsor delivered the cards to the hospital, and we hope that they brought them just as much joy as the previous ones did.

Fort Worth Sister Cities

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

I think we can all think back to a time during our childhood when we believed in Santa Claus and looked forward to meeting him every year. At least most of us looked forward to it. I, for one, cried every time. Regardless of how one reacts to the big bearded man in the red suit, it’s safe to say that Santa pictures are a tradition for many families. Every year, Fort Worth Sister Cities hosts an event in Sundance Square during the Christmas season. Families can have their pictures taken with Santa Claus. On December 19th, the Everman High School Key Club volunteered at this event. Clubbers took pictures of endless children and families as Christmas approached.

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

A Word From ‌ Merlin Chavarria If you're looking for a club that best suits your interest in high school, Key Club is without a doubt the best club to join! Key Club is an amazing organization that offers you the opportunity to grow as a person and serve your community. I have been in Key Club for two years, and it has been the best decision I made as a high school student to date. Key Club has taught me the true value of love, caring, and appreciation of humankind.

We need more students to get involved in the leadership positions available in Key Club. January means that it is time to consider our leadership team for the future. As you begin to think about whether you want to run for office next year, ask yourself how much time you are willing to commit to the organization. Even though this is just our second school year as a club, the Charter Members have set the bar high as we move forward as an organization. Please join me in continuing to build the Everman High School Key Club as the primary service organization on our campus. The Board needs a few dedicated members and you may just be the person we need!

Rosa Martinez This is your historian , and I wanted to say thank you as another year of service is coming to a close. Now that 2015 has come to an end, we must continue to fuel the fire to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, this also means that I am halfway through my senior year of high school. This is my first year in Key Club, and it has made a difference in my life. After I graduate, I plan to continue giving back to my community. One act of kindness can make a difference. Beautiful Feet Ministries in Fort Worth made a difference in the lives of many families. We were able to give children in high poverty areas gifts for Christmas. We were able to put smiles on their faces by handing out toys. If I was not in Key Club, I would have not been able to participate in such an amazing event, and I can already tell you that I will miss all of these opportunities next school year. Cherish every moment you have with the club because come graduation, it will all come to an end.

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

Everman High School Key Club - #keyclubislife

Follow Us on Social Media! Facebook: @Everman HS Key Club

Instagram: @evermanhskeyclub_

Facts About Key Club Website: http://hskeyclub2015.wix.com/everman

When Key Club was first founded there were 11 charter members.

Elvis Presley was a Key Club member.

Key Club has over 250,000 members throughout the world.


Contact Information President: Johanna Rodriguez


Vice President: Karina Gutierrez ehskeyclubvp@gmail.com Secretary: Kalkidan Alemu


Treasurer: Juan Saavedra


Editor: Briana Vu


Historian: Rosa Martinez


LTG: Vanessa Castañeda


Advisor: Juan Castañeda


Reg. Advisor: D. Newsham


District Contact Information T - O Governor: Rachel Iselin


T - O Secretary: Lily Nguyen


T - O Treasurer: Emily Zhao


T - O Editor: Matthew Riley


T - O C. Liaison Megan Reynosa cl@tokeyclub.com

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