Everman High School Key Club September Newsletter

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Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

Everman High School September 2015 In This Issue

Childhood Cancer Awareness Every year, thousands of children are diagnosed with cancer. While many of them survive and go on to live healthy and happy lives, nearly 2,000 American children die each year from the disease. Over the years, the 5year survival rate has significantly increased. In 1970, the survival rate for most childhood cancers was only about 50%. Today the chances that a child will survive more than 5 years are nearly 80%, even higher for some forms of cancer! This is all thanks cancer research and treatment and the countless hours that are put into finding a cure. On Thursday, September 10th, the Everman High School Key Club spent an afternoon making cards for sick children. The following week, we had a fundraiser where we sold yellow ribbons, which signify childhood cancer awareness for 2 dollars. We were able to collect over $400. Both the money and the cards will be sent to Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, TX.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Page 1

October Calendar Page 2

Labor Day Social and Cowtown Classic Page 3

Letter from the President Page 4

Contact Information Page 5

What’s Coming Up? 

10/3—Fall Rally @ Six Flags Over Texas

10/8—Money for Big Kahuna Fundraiser Due

10/12—All Day Social @ Itz

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

October 2015 Sun










Hangin’ Out

Fall Rally @ Six Flags Over Texas

Happy Birthday Kevin! 4






8 Club Meeting




Hangin’ Out



Happy Birthday Leslie!

Big Kahuna Money Due!

Hangin’ Out


12 Social @ Itz 13 11am—11pm Board Happy BirthMeeting day Ivan! Hangin’ Out





22 Happy Birthday Mr. C!

Hangin’ Out 27


Club Meeting @ Library



Trick o’ Treat

Hangin’ Out 29


Hangin’ Out


Big Kahuna Delivery Date!

Hangin’ Out


YOF Grant Due




Hangin’ Out






Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

31 Happy Halloween!

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

Key Club Pledge

Labor Day Social Labor Day is a national holiday where many businesses and schools are closed and everyone is given a day off. It is celebrated the 1st Monday of September. What better way to celebrate this day of no work or school, than to have a social? On September 7, 2015, Everman High School’s Key Club attended a Labor Day social hosted by Burleson High School Key Club. The social was held at our advisor’, Mr. Castaneda’s home. Once everyone arrived, they spent the first hour making cards for cancer awareness. They then proceeded to watch movies. Mean Girls and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were the choices. While they watched, they enjoyed snacks and ice cream. Everyone had a great time laughing, talking, watching movies, and making cards.

Cowtown Classic Bike Ride The Cowtown Classic is an annual bike ride sponsored by the Fort Worth Kiwanis. Hundreds of riders and volunteers show up to participate in the ride that benefits the Eliminate Project. This project is meant to raise awareness and money for neonatal tetanus. The money raised goes towards vaccines in the hope that we can eliminate the disease one country at a time. On September 12, Everman High School Key Club took part in the event. One group of volunteers went to North Crowley High School and prepared food and refreshments for the bikers, while the other group went to a rest stop and handed them out as the bikers came by.

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Mission Statement

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

A Word From … Johanna Rodriguez Hello Key Club Family! It’s me, Johanna, your club president! I haven’t been able to make to the meetings lately due to being part of the tennis team, but I’ve heard about so many things that have been going on. I promise I will be back as soon as the tennis season is over. I would like to personally thank Karina Gutierrez, our vice president, for filling in for me. She is doing a marvelous job! I would also like to thank to all of the officers, grade level representatives., and our advisor, Mr. Castañeda for keeping our Key Club up and running. I am amazed how our club has grown so much from last year. We have nearly doubled in size and a lot of you guys have already paid dues in full! I really cannot wait to see how much our club has grown and to personally meet you. My goal was for the Everman High School Key Club to double in size and I think we are going to do just that! It might not seem like it, but it is really is a huge accomplishment. We could possibly be recognized for it at our district convention (DCON). Speaking of DCON, we have started our Bing Kahuna Fundraiser and the top sellers will get an expense paid trip to the convention. I’m looking forward to having more members representing EHS Key Club when we go this year. DCON is an amazing experience and I can’t wait for some of you to experience it. When I went last spring, it opened my eyes to how big Key Club really is. Remember that by joining, you guys ARE making a difference. While it might seem you are only benefitting your community, you are actually making a difference in the WORLD AS A WHOLE. Stay involved with the club and our service projects, and I guarantee you will begin to feel the love and importance of this club. I hope you all are looking forward to the 2015-2016 Key Club year. It’s going to be a hit, I’m sure of it!

Official Newsletter of Everman High School Key Club

Division 1 South

Volume 1, Issue 6

Editors: Briana Vu and Merlin Chavarria

Follow Us on Social Media! Facebook: @ Everman HS Key Club

Instagram: @evermanhskeyclub_

Facts About Key Club Website: http://ehskeyclub2015.wix.com/everman-hs-key-club 

Key Clubs exist on every continent except Antarctica.

The Key Club Motto is “ Caring - Our Way of Life”.

The first Key Club was created at Sacramento High School in 1925 .

Contact Information President: Johanna Rodriguez Vice-President: Karina Gutierrez

ehskeyclubpresident@gmail.com ehskeyclubvp@gmail.com

Secretary: Kalkidan Alemu


Treasurer: Juan Saavedra


Historian: Angie Anchondo


Webmaster: Olban Alvarenga


Editor: Briana Vu


Co-Editor: Merlin Chavarria


Advisor: Juan Castaneda


LTG: Vanessa Castaneda



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