Farmers UK Magazine March 2015

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HMRC urged to help cash strapped diary farmers

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Taxman urged to be lenient on cash-strapped dairy farmers HMRC has been urged to go easy on cash-strapped dairy farmers who may be hit with a hefty tax bill in June. Defra farm minister George Eustice said he had spoken to the tax agency to alert them of the crisis in the dairy sector. “HMRC have procedures in place where they can show some forbearance in sectors with cashflow problems,” said Mr Eustice at NFU Scotland’s AGM and conference in St Andrews last week. “Last year most dairy farmers had a good year. It’s a good thing, but it does mean that the have potentially a large tax bill coming up in June. “What concerns us is that dairy farmers will be asked for a significant up-front tax payment at a time that they can least afford it.” He said Defra would be encouraging HMRC to show lenience to farmers facing financial difficulty. On other measures to help the dairy sector, Mr Eustice said government was working to create new export opportunities for British dairy produce and pushing the European Commission to make “country of origin” labelling mandatory on all dairy products.


However, the union’s former milk committee chairman, Gary Mitchell, hit out and said more work needed to be done to sell British dairy produce in the home market.

highlight the plight of Scottish dairy farmers.

“It makes me sick to see that a product is made from both British and Irish milk – this is an absolute joke,” said Mr Mitchell.

This is based on four pints of milk being sold for a £1 and the farmer receiving 54.5p, based on an average milk price of 24p a litre. This is against farmers’ costs of 68.19p, based on 30p a litre.were the most likely crops to be grown in this country, alongside potatoes which require lower levels of pesticides. They are likely to take several years to gain approval from regulators.

“How can we not get the retailers to have either a British or Scottish shelf?” The dairy sector needed financial assistance in promoting British and Scottish dairy produce in the UK, added Mr Mitchell.

Our analysis suggests that the average dairy farmer needs to receive 4p more for every pint of milk sold to make ends meet.

Last month, the Press and Journal launched a campaign to

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£5 million worth of funding now open to boost innovation for farmers

First phase of new Countryside Productivity scheme set to boost innovation is now open to farmers. Thanks to £5 million worth of government funding, farmers can now access the best new technology to keep the UK farming industry at the forefront of innovation, Farming Minister George Eustice announced today. With the first phase of the new Countryside Productivity scheme now open, farmers, foresters and land managers across the country are being invited to apply for the grants. This includes small grants, worth up to £35,000 per

business, and also large grants worth £35,000 - £1million per business. This money can be used to invest in improved infrastructure and ground-breaking new technology, opening up opportunities for our farmers. Farming Minister Eustice said:


We want the UK farming industry to be the best in the world and this funding is an important boost for farms looking to invest for the future. This new funding will support farmers to buy new technology which will increase their productivity and help them to become more competitive and

profitable. From installing new efficient lighting to crop robotics, this new funding will ensure that the UK farming sector can become more productive and competitive than ever. Today farmers and researchers are also being encouraged to notify their interest for a separate set of grants which will be made available later this year under the European Innovation Partnership. This will enable exciting, dynamic ideas for new technology to be put into practice.

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Forecast decline in EU rapeseed

NEW FIGURES released by European farmers union CopaCogeca suggest that EU rapeseed production will fall by as much as 7% this year, compared to 2014, mainly as a result of the neonicotinoid seed treatment ban. Chairman of CC's oilseeds working party Arnaud Rousseau said: "The situation is very serious, with declines of up to 1 million tonnes in rapeseed production estimated in Germany. Some areas have been particularly badly hit, like in parts of the UK where producers lost 40% of their production.


"What makes it worse is that there are no alternative tools for crop protection for the spring varieties and crops are being destroyed by flea beetle attacks," he said. "Analysis of the total extent of the insect damage is also still not complete and no socio-economic impact assessment has yet been carried out. We therefore call on the EU Commission to do a socioeconomic impact assessment to look at the extent of the damage.

compared to last year, to reach 32.85 mt. The figures must however be treated with caution as there are still concerns about the potential yield as the Spring planting season has not yet started," said Mr Rousseau. "Oilseeds producers have also adapted their rotation system as much as they can in response to the new rules, which may explain the 1.7% increase in the area for sunflower sowings to 4.38 mha and in other protein crops."

"Overall, EU oilseeds production is expected to drop by 4.4% on average this year,

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Shoppers want supermarkets to stock British pork

A new survey has found the majority of shoppers want supermarkets to sell pork from British farms. Over 80 per cent say supermarkets should continue to stock high levels of British meat to maintain consumer confidence following the 2013 Horsegate scandal, according to YouGov research released today by the National Pig Association. Since August, when Russia imposed an embargo on European Union meat in retaliation for sanctions over Ukraine, there has been a glut of pork on the continent. But British shoppers are keen for supermarkets to stick to their postHorsegate commitments to stop importing not-so-easily-traced foreign pork, and to major on pork from British pig farms, says NPA.


The YouGov research found: • 81 per cent of shoppers who buy meat want supermarkets to continue stocking a high level of British meat to maintain consumer confidence • 65 per cent believe importing more European pork could increase risk of another Horsegate style scandal • Only 19 per cent want more cheaper European pork imports to keep down prices

NPA chairman Richard Longthorp, who farms in East Yorkshire said: “Consumers have always been loyal to British pig farmers, particularly

after Horsegate, but even we have been surprised by this significant vote of confidence in the quality of our pork, bacon, sausages and ham.” NPA chief executive Dr Zoe Davies said: “The quality NPA logo_160and taste of domestic pork and pork products is underpinned by the high welfare methods of British pig farms. This research shows shoppers are in no doubt that supermarket commitments to source more British meat have played an important role in restoring confidence in the meat on supermarket shelves.” NPA has particular praise for the British pork “hundred-percenters” as identified by the industry's most recent Porkwatch survey, namely Waitrose, M&S, Budgens, the Co-op, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, and hard discounters Aldi and Lidl.

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Long term economic plan for food & farming announced Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss sets out four key areas to help the food and farming industry grow. A long-term economic plan for food and farming that will ensure this thriving industry continues to grow and create jobs has been revealed by Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss. In a speech at the National Farmers Union conference today, the Environment Secretary identified four priorities, including improving the resilience of the industry in the face of volatile global markets, opening up new markets at home and abroad, and simplifying EU regulations to free up food producers to innovate and grow their businesses.

Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss said: “Britain’s food and farming industry is a powerhouse of our economy – contributing £100 bn each year and employing 1 in 8 people - and has huge potential to deliver further jobs and growth”. “Our long-term economic plan for food and farming will unlock the potential of this vital industry – by encouraging more talented entrepreneurs to pursue a career in food, removing unnecessary bureaucracy, protecting the industry from plant and animal diseases, and opening new markets for top quality British food both at home and overseas.”

The priorities in the long-term economic plan are: Enabling a productive and resilient industry Encouraging more skilled people into the industry by increasing apprenticeships, working across the food supply chain to improve skills, and with universities to offer new further education opportunities in food – such as the country’s first food engineering degree at Sheffield Hallam Enabling the industry to expand and add value to products, such as through the creation of Food Enterprise Zones to kick-start local food economies and join up farming, manufacturing, distribution and retail firms Helping farmers and food businesses deal with global market volatility, such as exploring the feasibility of a futures market for dairy products Slashing red tape – Defra is on course to cut guidance by 80% over the course of this parliament, and 34,000 farm inspections have been cut by combining visits and expanding schemes to reward exemplary farms with less frequent checks Opening up new markets at home and abroad Encouraging more top-quality regional foods to apply for Protected Food Name status. The UK currently has 62 but has a long way to go to match the 219 protected foods in France Buying more high quality British food in schools, hospitals and public sector canteens – creating up to £400 million in new business for local businesses

Pushing the EU Commission to make country of origin labelling mandatory for dairy products Opening up new export markets – the government has opened more than 600 new markets – and focussing on the most lucrative opportunities such as trade with China and the US Opening markets in the economies of the future – such as dairy markets in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa Making EU rules work for us We have told the EU Commission that decisions on pesticides must be proportionate and based on science to avoid holding back competitiveness of our arable farmers Encouraging Europe to embrace scientific advances such as GM – the EU recently agreed to permit greater national discretion on GM products Working with the Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan to simplify the Common Agricultural Policy. A list of practical proposals developed with the farming industry are being presented to the commission Making it as simple as possible for farmers to claim their CAP payments through the Rural Payments digital service Protecting this country from plant and animal disease Upholding our world-class system for protecting the country against animal disease. The number of frontline vets to protect farm businesses from animal diseases has been maintained Tackling bovine TB through our comprehensive strategy which aims to eradicate the disease by 2038

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Defra's ambitious science programme taken forward in £14.5 million joint venture with Capita and Newcastle University Capita and Newcastle University have been chosen to create a joint venture with Defra to help run Fera, the Food and Environment Research Agency as part of Defra’s ambitious science programme. The joint venture will unlock £14.5m of new investment. This is part of Defra’s ambitious science programme and recognition of the importance of cutting-edge research. The joint venture will expand the agency’s world-leading scientific capability and strengthen its role in food safety research. It will enable Fera to play an even greater role in helping to drive growth in our £100 billion agri-food industry. The venture includes the creation of a joint academic institute with Newcastle University aimed at advancing the understanding and application of science to practical agri-food problems. Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss said: “This exciting investment allows Fera to grow its science capability, ensuring the security and quality of our food supply chain and keeping our plants and environment healthy. “Fera’s continued ability to deliver cutting edge science will enhance its reputation and viability as an international centre of excellence that can compete abroad and attract further investment.” Defra will maintain a strategic share of 25% in Fera, allowing it to continue to benefit from the


agency’s scientific excellence, which plays a vital role in ensuring national plant health.

“This decision will ensure that Fera remains a modern and innovative centre of scientific excellence.”

Fera Chief Aldridge said:

The partnership with Newcastle University will further enhance Fera’s leading edge science. Fera will benefit from access to the University’s experimental farms for agriculture, horticulture and crop protection, as well as their research expertise in food quality, agri-tech and food safety.



“I look forward to working with Capita and Newcastle University which will strengthen Fera’s existing scientific quality and international reputation. Capita brings a wealth of commercial experience, along with the investment needed to safeguard the long term future of Fera and the ability to grow our business, both to government and new commercial customers.” Defra Chief Scientific Adviser Ian Boyd said: “Strong science is vital to the work that Defra carries out, ensuring that our food sector is world-leading, and protecting our country from animal and plant diseases.

A strong link between Fera and academia will see cutting-edge scientific research turned into practical commercial solutions, and will support the creation of a centre of excellence for UK agri-food research. It is intended that Capita will take over the operation of Fera from 1st April.

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Strong pound hits UK wheat prices

FEED wheat values have come under further pressure throughout the course of the last month as news and rumour struggles to compete with the fact that the UK is competing for trade in a hugely oversupplied market. Old crop feed wheat for spot collection is currently valued in the region of £115/T ex-farm, a decline of an estimated £25/T since the beginning of the year. The strength of the pound against the euro appears to be the grain markets biggest difficulty at the minute and is limiting our export opportunities; European wheat priced in euro’s is comparatively cheaper to UK wheat for foreign importers. Elsewhere, Russian wheat exports appear to be significantly slowing following the imposition of a 15 per

cent export tax on all grain exports at the beginning of February. In the first two weeks of February just 225,000/T of wheat was exported from Russia; they have been known to export as much as 1.15 million tonnes in a fortnightly period before. The on-going political tension here is also giving the market some cause for concern. While news reports would suggest that a ceasefire is now in place, other internet sources claim that this simply isn’t the case. Either way the situation is doing little to inspire the grain market at the minute. Meanwhile, the South American

harvests are now well underway and despite some initial weather concerns, maize corn yields for both Argentina and Brazil are on track for good production this year. Soy bean yields are also good and although we have seen some issues regarding the logistics of transporting such a large crop to the ports, the promise of a 95 million tonne crop remains and is capping the value of European OSR values. For those of you with OSR still left in the shed, £250/T exfarm for spot collection currently looks like a realistic offer. If you are looking to make a sale before the end of April, this should be considered as a selling opportunity given the imminent arrival of the South American crop into the market place.

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NatWest urges Gloucestershire dairy farmers to approach their bank for support if they face financial pressures Agricultural experts at NatWest are urging dairy farmers in Gloucestershire to approach their bank for support if they face financial pressures. The average milk price has fallen by 15 per cent over the past year, with favourable conditions in many parts of the world boosting supply at a time when demand has eased. With additional issues such as the ongoing Russian trade embargo, many dairy farmers are going through a challenging time. NatWest is engaging with customers in the sector to understand how they are reacting and how the bank can help. Its dedicated agricultural teams are also working closely with the National Farmers Union (NFU), milk buyers and other farmers’ organisations. NatWest has a long history of

working with the agricultural sector, with more than 200 dedicated agricultural managers based across the UK. While the current situation for dairy farmers is difficult, the bank is keen to emphasise there is light at the end of the tunnel. James Gayer, NatWest senior relationship manager specialising in agriculture in Gloucestershire, said: “Despite the current challenges, the longer term prospects of dairy still look good as demand is set to increase in the future. “We are, therefore, looking to support our customers through this trying period wherever we can until prices take an upturn. “We understand that our customers need some help in the short to medium term. “This might take the form of an overdraft extension, rescheduling of

loans or possibly a capital repayment holiday. “But we can’t do this alone and that’s why we’re urging any customer who thinks they might need support to come and talk to us. “Our door is open and we’ll look at each customer’s individual situation and work with them to arrive at the best solution for them.” Sian Davies, chief dairy adviser at the NFU, added: “Many of our members are experiencing tough times due to the current state of the dairy market. We’ve been discussing the situation with NatWest, who have been keeping us informed about the support they are offering. “We would also encourage dairy farmers to tackle any financial challenges as soon as possible, as there are ways in which they can be helped through this difficult period.”

Livestock Event 2015 to host four national beef shows Four beef breeds will be staging major national fixtures at Livestock Event, the UK’s largest event within the sector, to be held at The NEC, Birmingham on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 July. British Blue and Charolais societies have each confirmed they will be holding their national shows, Aberdeen Angus will be staging its junior national show and the South Devon Herd Book Society will be launching its inaugural performance championship. A total of 210 stall places will be available in the Livestock Hall. In addition, the British Charolais Cattle Society will be staging it Young Breeders’ Stock Judging Competition. Returning for the third year, British Charolais Cattle Society’s David Benson commented: “The NEC offers a first class facility in a prime location and the support to exhibitors from the stewards is second to none. 18

This event is well supported by farmers. In fact at last year’s event there were more farmers around the judging ring and came to talk to breeders in the lines afterwards than any of the summer shows.” Livestock Event director, Matt Knight said: “We are delighted to see the return of three breed societies who have each committed to holding their showcase fixtures at Livestock Event whilst we welcome for the first time the South Devon Herd Book Society. “We have taken into account the responses to the 2014 Livestock Event’s visitor survey in which one third of the respondees indicated they would like to see more livestock by expanding the beef section with one new breed as well as consolidating our existing exhibiting societies who continue to provide very positive feedback. The Livestock Hall which already forms the hub of the event, will provide an opportunity for each show to continue to raise its breed profile and build success.”

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Arable Farming P19-42

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Hybr rid barley barlley andd yyield Hybrid guar g anteee gget thu umbss up up guarantee thumbs Extra yield andd pplenty of straw weere behind the deccision of one Oxforddshire farmer to grow w hhybrid barley agaiin. And he is regisstering again for thee cashback yieldd gguarantee. wer Ed Allen was happy with his Oxfordshire barley grow gH HYVIDO® and the cashback yield experience of growing d guarantee last season. ause his own HYVIDO® crop yielded Not least, that was beca an impressive 10.3 t/ha, compared with 8.5 - 9.8 t/ha frrom Following this, he hass m more his conventional winterr barleys. b O® area, and will be registering fo than tripled his HYVIDO or the guarantee again for harvvest 2015. ord, 0h ha at DC and RJ Allen, Wallingfo Farming around 1,300 ape Oxfordshire, key crops include wheat, barley, oilseed ra and beans. Trying HYVIDO® for the e e first f time last season, he felt the o grow it. cashback yield guarante ee made it an easier decision to g ce sites He was also happy with th iindependently-audited referenc gning-up being used to determine e yields y for the guarantee. By sig ent next again, he has the potentitial for a £60 per hectare payme yyear for registered g crops ps.

“It was a new variety too us,” u explains Mr Allen. “We feelt the nsurance. guarantee gave us an in nta ran it was fair – with yieldss taken t “I think the way Syngen off reference fields. Att tthe end of the day, on our farm mw we saw the yield improvementt that t Syngenta said we would.. We W will sign up again.”

Registering gw was easy, he recalls, and he was keen on the agronomyy programme p – which is desig gned to help get the best from m the th crop.

Easy regis registration tration wasn’t Even though Mrr Allen A e a claim under eligible to make c the guarantee frrom the 2014 use of the extra harvest – becau DO® gave over yield that HYVID conventional va arieties on his ence fields refere allocated refer – he still feelss th the experience was beneficial.

“The hybridd got g away quickly and lookedd w well all year. And the amouunt of straw was unbelievable.. W We have pigs as well, so wee uuse the straw. “From a weedd ppoint of view, it was probabbly the cleanest crop on the faarm. Our number one weed iss black-grass, b but we couldn’tt ssee any. “W ’ve iincreaasedd our o area “We’ve this season,”” he h confirms.

Oxfo Ox fordshire re g growerr E Ed Allen A had 10.3 t/ t/h /ha fro frrom his HYVI VIDO O® last harve vest and is on-board rd tto registe ter for tthe cashback yield y guarrantee again n for fo f harve vest 2015

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UK organic market continues to grow

Figures released on Tuesday by the Organic produce bagsSoil Association show that the organic sector grew by 4% in 2014. This boost in organic sales translates to shoppers spending an extra £1.4 million a week on organic products. In light of the increased spending, the sector is now worth over £1.86 billion, despite a 1.9% drop in food prices and a 1.1% drop in sales of food and drink overall. Though the organic sector has returned to growth in recent years, it still pales in comparison to the organic markets of other large EU counties, including Germany’s which is worth around €6bn (£4.4bn). Back in Britain, dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables remained the most popular organic purchases in 2014 (dairy products accounted for 27 percent of all organic sales). Furthermore, online shopping and veg box schemes saw the largest amount of growth, with large independent retailers also performing well. Sales of organic eggs and poultry

were up 15.8% and 8.2% , while nonorganic sales dipped by 6.2% and 3.3% respectively. There were also sharp increases for a wide range of other products against a background of sliding non-organic sales including fresh fruit (up 6.4%), tea (up 13.7%), cereals (up 4.2%) and biscuits (up 7.2%). While sales of organic vegetables fell by 2%, but in a context in which non-organic sales plummeted at five times this rate. However, despite the continued demand from UK consumers, figures from Defra show the area of land under organic management decreased in 2014. In June 2014 the UK’s organic land area was reported to be 575,349 ha amounting to 3.3% of the total agricultural land area. 4% of this was in conversion and the rest fully organic. The area of inconversion land fell by 24% and fully organic land by 3.9% in 2013. Liz Bowles, head of farming at the Soil Association, said; “These are positive times for the organic sector and we have good reason to believe

current levels of market growth will be sustained in the long term". “We are seeing once again that rewards are there for those that stick with organic, make great products and sell them well. The UK organic market is expected to grow steadily again in 2015 and should break the £2 billion barrier in 2016. “The reduction in land in conversion reflects years of uncertainty over the outcome of CAP reform. But the prospect of more generous than expected CAP payments from January 2016 in England, Scotland and Wales – coupled with a second consecutive year of market growth now confirmed – should encourage an expansion of organic production. But there are challenges at both ends of the supply chain. Increasing supply to meet increasing consumer demand without sucking in exports is key, but I am confident this can be achieved so long as major retailers and manufacturers send the market signals needed to build the confidence of farmers and growers.”

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N.P. Davies Agricultural Contractors

NP Davies was established by Nigel Davies in 1981 providing a quality and competitive service to farmers and landowners. Based on the borders of Shropshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire we can easily travel to other counties when required. A range of agricultural services are offered including, Forage Harvesting, Baling, Cultivation, Drilling, Manure Slurry Digestate and Compost Spreading, Machinery Hire and Contract and Share Farming. Haylage, Hay, Silage, Straw and Maize are available for sale all through the year. Second hand machinery is also purchased and refurbished during winter months, and maintenance work is carried out for local farmers. This service along with fabrications are growing year on year. Ensuring crops are planted and harvested with precision during the few days contractors are on-farm is 26

vital. The importance of the short period on each farm to ensure good quality forage for livestock has been the driving force for Shropshirebased forage contractor Nigel Davies and his team. “Our aim has always been to complete the job to a very high standard whilst remaining competitive, rather than to be the cheapest operation”. A perfect operation is key to farmer’s profits, because a rushed job will mean forage quality suffers, resulting in a lower palatable feed. Mr Davies runs NP Davies Agricultural Contractors who are National Association Agricultural Contractors members with wife Julie and a dedicated team of full and regular part-time staff. Mrs Davies is largely responsible for keeping the company’s administration up to date as well as doing essential runs for consumables. Son Andrew, having studied Agricultural

Engineering at Harper Adams as well as undertaking contracting work in New Zealand and the US, now works for Agco. Daughter Samantha studied Land Management at Harper Adams, and is now working for Smiths Gore having recently achieved MRICS. Both still drive for the business. Muck spreading and ground preparations for spring crops start the years’ work load. “From April we drill maize with a precision drill capable of placing micro and bulk fertiliser with the seed. We gained a lot experience sowing sugar beet with a precision planter across the region for 20 years. Maize requires a good level seedbed, the seed depth and seed spacing in the rows are also critical. I started with a small acreage of maize against a much larger acreage of sugar beet which was a huge slice of our annual work, but the closure of the local beet factory in 2007 means maize has

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FARMERS UK ADVERTORIAL become the main crop”. This main focus on forage production means that Mr Davies has been able to make investments into this area to improve the service on offer. “Critical factors are chop length at harvest, dry matter, grain shatter and ensiling technique. I still actively drive with my staff and it is not uncommon to have a farm’s nutritionist, seed supplier or a machinery manufacturer on site looking at the quality of forage going off the field and into the clamp thanks to the good reputation we have gained”. N P Davies use high capacity triple mowers powered by high horse power reverse drive tractors. Grass can be turned by 10 rotor models depending on the dry matter required by the customer. Grass is raked with twin and quad rotor rakes depending on ground conditions and density of crop and by precision chopping, the grass can be compacted more efficiently creating a highly palatable feed. Wholecrop is a starch based, high dry matter and energy feed and can be fed to a range of animals. N P Davies use a direct cut header to forage all wholecrop, this is to ensure no contamination or loss of grain. A wholecrop processor is used with specialist wholecrop rollers which run at fine tolerances to make sure all grain is split. This is key to making a quality feed and cannot be compared to foraging without a crop processor. N P Davies specialises in maize foraging, key areas during the professional service include harvesting at the right dry matter, achieving a correct chop length, cracking the grain and last but not least consolidating the clamp. This is an area that NP Davies strive to

set themselves apart from the competition. Whether a tractor or loading shovel is used, or in some cases both depending on quantity of product going into the clamp the clamp dictates the speed of the forager. N P Davies prides itself on offering every customer the best possible precision chopped forage. By having better quality silage, additional feed and concentrates could be reduced. The silage made in just a few days could feed cows for a usual six month winter or more. For maximum profitability within this time cow intakes need to be improved and this would only be possible with highly palatable feed. The Kernal processor used in the forager for maize and wholecrop was imported especially to achieve a superior grain shatter. A range of different additives can be applied within the forage harvesting process if required.

Many of the Claverley-based business’ customers have increased their acreages in response to improvements in varieties, forage quality and the move to larger, if fewer, dairy herds. Mr Davies also supplies grass and maize direct to dairy and beef farmers in the area. Being involved with the Maize

Growers Association and seed suppliers I’ve followed the technical updates to ensure we are on top of the job. Claas harvesters are used extensively, with Mr Davies researching various technological advances to help improve forage quality. The characteristics of harvested maize for AD are different to that of a forage. Mr Davies has visited many AD plants in the UK and on the continent, I see the AD market being a big player. I can see maize and rye grass being used in arable rotations, growing these break crops looks appealing and is a good alternative. Also moving with the times is the company’s haylage business. Producing haylage for the equine market is rapidly replacing hay says Mr Davies says. Haylage has much lower dust and a higher nutrient value. That removes the need for

owners to soak fodder before feeding and cuts the need for additional hard feeds. About 120 acres is grown annually which is stored and then dispatched in loads varying from 20 bales taken by individual horse owners through to artic loads for large livery and working yards.

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We are very keen to develop the haylage market. For the grower it takes out much of the risk in waiting for that window in summer to cut, dry and bale hay. In between the main maize and haylage contracting periods the company undertakes a range of arable and grassland duties. Baling services are centred around two sizes of baler the 3x3 bale measuring 80x90cm at up to 8 foot long and the “quadrant” size bale measuring 120x70cm at up to 8 foot long. The balers can bale straw, haylage, hay, silage and miscanthus. Balers are equipped with moisture meters. N P Davies prides themselves on good quality bales. Also wrapping can be done as a part job or part of the baling operation, from 4 to 8 layers can be supplied and applied by our wrappers depending on the choice of the customer. All bales can also be stacked and transported to the customer requirements. Ploughing is the main primary cultivation carried out by N P Davies, 5 and 6 furrow ploughs are used and these can be set up depending on previous and next crop type. Subsoiling and discing can be

done together or separately, with or without a packer roller depending on the requirements. For germination a double set of discs can be used, for subsoiling eight legs can be used over a 4 metre section, or for a complete tilth 4 to 8 legs can be used, two sets of discs and a packer. For secondary cultivation a range of power harrows can be used, a 6 metre hydraulic folding power harrow does the bulk of the work, with the ability to call on a 3 and 4 metre power harrow also. Manure, slurry and digestate spreading is an area of the business that is growing, as farmers look to focus on their cattle. High specification machines are used to make sure that spreading of manure is accurate. For chicken manure spreader plates can be used to ensure an accurate spread. Compost can also be supplied and spread. Tractor hire is available with operator and fuel with 100-300hp tractors, also manure spreaders are available with or without tractor and operator with the option of spreader plates. A 360 degree excavator is available for hire with or without

operator, the 13 tonne machine is a multi purpose machine which can be used for a range of tasks from ditching to digging and general groundworks. This particular excavator can be supplied with a range of buckets. Road building and amenity services are also areas of the business seeing an expansion, road building has become more popular from farmers looking to improve cattle welfare, or install new tracks for better access or just improving old tracks. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated team of staff that include a number of local farmers’ sons who join us year-on-year for busy periods. That is important for customers as the drivers are the face of the company when going in and out of farms during forage harvesting and clamping. The fact we run a fleet of Fendts encourages drivers to continue working for us as they like the reliability and comfort. And from my point of view, Fendts are also economical and have very strong resale values. Mr Davies’ experience and investment in maize grain processing technology will enable customers to benefit. Other added value benefits for the customer include trailers running on low ground pressure tyres and high capacity and efficient machinery. Year-round demand for a quality product produced during a few days of intensive, efficient and accurate work by the NP Davies’ team will once again pay dividend.

Nigel Davies can be contacted on 07971 913 761 or visit the website or email: 28

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Agrii search for nation's rural champions The search for the nation’s local rural champions begins today at LAMMA with the launch of Agrii Rural Champions campaign Agrii’s Rural Community Champions campaign. Agrii is asking the farming community and the general public to nominate local community heroes as part of its nationwide campaign to identify and celebrate the people who make a real difference to the rural communities in which they live and work. Anyone who brings a benefit or improvement to the rural community in which they live is a potential Rural Community Champion and is eligible for nomination. The campaign is being run in conjunction with FCN, the charity supported by Agrii which provides guidance and support to farming families in times of crisis.


Mark Thomas, Agrii’s Marketing Manager said: “As a business that works in the countryside and serves the farming industry, we know that there is so much good work going on behind closed doors on top of the ‘day job’. We wanted to champion and celebrate this with a new Agrii Rural Champions campaign and competition.”

The competition will identify 20 local winners from all the nominations received across the UK. They will each win £50 for themselves or to put towards their local project. From these winners a panel of judges will shortlist three finalists, one from each Agrii region – North, East and West. The overall national winner will be chosen from the three finalists by Agrii customers and will win £1,000. The two runners up will each win £500. To nominate a potential rural community champion visit the competition page on the Agrii website where full terms and conditions can also be found. Entries for nominations close on Thursday 30th April 2015.

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Farmers reaping the benefits of the sun Ground Mount verses Roof Mount – The Popularity of the Solar Panel As the Feed In Tariff rolls into its fourth year of operation, the interest in Renewable Energy seems to only be gaining momentum. With Solar PV systems making up 87% of the total number of energy installations in the United Kingdom (OFGEM Dec 2013), it would appear that people are reaping the benefits of the power from the Sun. The South West is the largest producers of Solar Energy, producing 4.36 MW in 2013 alone (OFGEM Dec 2013). Of course, there are obvious reasons why the South West is the most ideal location to install a Solar PV System, or even a solar farm with the most access to sunlight in the UK, however, there is nothing to prevent any business from seizing the rewards of a renewable energy system. Many people are often concerned about whether their land gets enough sunlight to warrant a Solar PV system, however, the panels only require daylight and not sunlight to generate power.


A common myth surrounding Solar PV is that the land or roof of a property must face due south. However, current installations show that a 13% annual return is still possible with installations that face East/West. Another discussion which occurs when discussing Solar PV generation is whether a Roof Mounted PV system or Ground Mounted system is better. The truth is that there are benefits of both types of system and one is not necessarily better than the other. A Ground Mounted PV system enables a farm or business to make the use of spare land that cannot be used for other purposes, generating money it would not ordinarily produce. Farmers with small livestock such as sheep or chickens can still let the animals use the field as the height of the system will not interfere their grazing. Ground Mounted PV systems also enable large scale installations to take place which are capable of powering large businesses whilst making money by exporting unused electricity back to the grid. Additionally, there will always be room for expansion with a Ground Mounted system as a business develops or as profit is made. Bowler Energy have installed 2.3MW of Ground Mounted solar panels since the company started in 2011. When this figure

is compared the 3.2MW of Roof Mounted Solar fitted in the same time, it would appear that Roof Mounted is a slightly more popular option. This is likely to be a result of the company initially marketing roof mounted panels to fit on the top of existing chicken sheds on our freerange farms, from there we have developed out business to provide other types of renewable energy system. Another reason for the popularity of the Roof Mounted PV system is that it does not take up any extra land. Therefore businesses based on large scale industrial sites can benefit from a PV system which will still generate enough energy to power but not take up any additional space. The Roof Mounted PV system can often fall within ‘permitted development’ meaning that no planning permission would be required to install a system 50kW or below as long as there is a 1m spacing between the panel and the edge of the roof. Solar PV Systems are consistently going to be the most popular option of Renewable Energy because they are the most accessible. The Roof Mount verses Ground Mount decision will always remain down to the client’s personal preference and location. But one thing many people who have a Solar PV system can be sure of it that the return on investment and the reduction in energy bills is enough to encourage anyone to take the first steps towards a Solar PV system of their own.

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Ernest Fenton is an arable and sheep farmer in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. He also runs an ice rink for curling and, in March 2012, had a 50kW roof-mounted solar PV system installed by Bowler Energy on a new, purpose built barn. As you can imagine, maintaining an ice rink requires a massive amount of electricity. For Ernest the deciding factors in pursuing a solar installation were the income from the feed-in tariffs and the ability to moderate his electricity costs for the next twenty years. The idea behind the purpose built barn was so that a roof-mounted system could be installed at the optimum angle to gain maximum output – and the barn itself provides a useful storage area. This could not have been gained from a groundmounted array and it helped to make the project more viable. Before awarding the contract to Bowler Energy, Ernest did his research and contacted other solar PV installers, but he says that some of them were not very good at responding to the difficult questions that he asked, whereas Bowler Energy’s Eddie Chadfield was always at the end of the phone with answers to his questions. Ernest knew Bowler Energy were a longestablished company and the quotation was competitive, so it seemed a good choice to go with them. Planning permission was required for the installation which Bowler Energy dealt with as part of the package. The installation itself was very speedy – in fact Ernest recalls the installation team were working against the clock to get the system installed and commissioned before

the tariff reduction came into effect, which they did. All in all, the entire process from initial contact to completed and commissioned PV system took five months. Ernest has been very pleased with his new PV system. It has lowered his reliance on electricity consumption from the grid, which is quite significant considering the amount of electricity required to maintain the ice rink. Ernest used to only open the ice rink during the winter months but since the installation of the PV array he has been able to extend the opening season to include spring and autumn. Previously the cost of keeping the ice cool would have made this financially prohibitive but now that Ernest has less reliance on bought-in electricity, he can afford to use his own electricity produced by his solar panels to move his business forward. “Electricity consumption is heading in the right direction,” says Ernest. “The feed-in tariff income has helped to support the farm, which has been a godsend during these last few months. We would be in a very different position now if it wasn’t for that”. Ernest now has a full twelve months of production data available and can see that only one month out of twelve the panels performed under target – for the other eleven months the panels were either on or above target. Says Ernest “I have a friend on the south coast who has an installation the same size as mine on one of his dairy buildings. We compare output readings and every

month so far mine has beaten his by at least 10% and sometimes as much as 15%!” As part of the package Ernest opted to have a solar logger fitted, which is a device offered by Bowler Energy on all its PV installations to enable the client to monitor the output of their panels. The solar logger even alerts the client if output falls below a certain level. This can be particularly useful in the event of a malfunction which could otherwise go unnoticed until the next quarterly meter reading was due, by which time the financial loss would be considerable. Ernest is also very happy with the back-up support received from Bowler Energy. To illustrate this he talks about a phone call he had from Bowler Energy about twelve months after the PV system was installed. “I received a parcel at the farm containing three brand new inverters. Eddie explained that Bowler Energy had experienced some problems on arrays with these particular inverters fitted. The supplier admitted they had a faulty batch and Bowler Energy negotiated to have all inverters which could potentially be affected replaced at no cost to the client. This is forward thinking and I am pleased that Bowler Energy has provided me with this level of service as you don’t know there is a problem with an inverter until it is too late. Therefore they have taken the necessary steps to prevent this happening on my site.”

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Balancing the books on potato production

NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Adviser, Lee Abbey, responds to the latest Potato Council statement which talks of 'tensions in the potato supply chain follow two years of overproduction' Sometimes you just need to say it like it is, and the Potato Council’s latest statement couldn’t be any more to the point: “Great Britain can no longer utilise this level of production.” They point out that even though consumption fell around 8% in 2013, planted areas in 2014 barely changed. Couple that with better than usual growing conditions, resulting in a larger crop than the year before, it is little wonder prices have been so low. In the summer of 2014, when many people were starting to predict a large crop, the NFU highlighted to its members that quality would be absolutely key and that they should only deliver potatoes that would meet customer specifications in order to avoid rejections. On the whole, customers were not applying any flexibility within their product specifications, thereby causing the rejection of potatoes that in other years may have been


accepted. In most cases, the customers were not acting outside of the contract, but simply applying the terms to the letter. On occasion, however, growers suspected that some customers were not acting fairly and were rejecting crops that met specification. The NFU took a number of calls from members and provided legal advice from our dedicated team of advisers. Some cases were taken further and referred to our panel solicitors to build a case against the customer. The NFU horticulture and potatoes team also made a number of calls to potato buyers to ensure that growers were treated fairly. And we have been very busy talking to retailers about building longer term, sustainable relationships

directly with growers to ensure that growers get a fair return. This work will continue during 2015. Going forward, it is important for the industry to balance its books or else low prices could well continue. As PCL Chairman, Fiona Fell says, “Grow what you are being asked to grow by the market. Grow what you know you can sell.” It is equally important to understand the contract/ agreement you are getting into which is why we updated the NFU Potato Sellers Checklist last year, providing useful advice and guidance on what you should consider before entering an agreement with your customer. It includes some basic negotiation tips as well as advice on what you can do, as an NFU member, if you ever have a dispute. If you haven’t already downloaded a copy, we would recommend you do.

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Livestock Farming P43-74

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NBA kicks off plain English animal health campaign The National Beef Association (NBA) is to publish a series of four guides on protecting the Health of the Herd, kicking off with potential issues when animals are imported. These guides are the first in a campaign by the NBA Animal Health Committee, which was put together late last year to provide beef farmers with information about common health problems and their potential financial impacts on beef enterprises. Minimising risk is key, during the next three weeks the NBA will look at: • Movement of stock • Bio-security • Planning and prevention • What is coming next The NBA Animal Health Committee is made up of vets, farmers and breed societies from around the UK, and is chaired by NBA trustee Charlie Maclaren, a sustainable agriculture analyst from Dumfries. He said: “We are looking at the safeguards farmers should put in place when importing animals from abroad, and will be issuing easy to understand information via fact sheets and social media feeds to help farmers spot and tackle diseases. We the NBA are the first organisation to do this. “The campaign is in a user-friendly format to make it as simple as possible to highlight what farmers can do minimise risk and put protocols in place that they can tick off. “Over the next few weeks, as well


as providing up to date information on Johnes, we will go back to basics to cover some of the key things that farmers can do to limit diseases such as BVD, IVR, Lepto, and different strains of micro plasma from entering their farms.” The first fact sheet looks at the health risks associated with importing cattle from abroad and introducing new animals to the herd that have been bought from other farms. The majority of cattle imported to the UK – 95 per cent – are for dairy herds and as soon as they arrive in the UK, there is the risk of cross-contamination. Initially, it is important to talk to the vendor’s vets to find out the herd’s health history. If you are buying from Denmark, this is a simple system because the country uses electronic tagging and each animal’s tag contains its life history. However, bringing new stock into a herd, no matter how healthy, will always put pressure on the animals’ immune systems because there will always be new strains of a virus or diseases which will challenge. The same applies to the animals being

introduced because they will be more susceptible to infection due to the stress of the move, new diet and environment. In a case study in the North of England, a dairy farmer tackled the potential problem of taking on a second herd by keeping the two herds in separate sheds because merging the two would clearly have resulted in problems. This approach minimised any cross-contamination. Mr Maclaren said: “We cannot smell, see or touch the viruses when we combine herds from two different areas. “As we all know, disease can visit your farm at any time and will have arrived and established itself before you start to see any clinical or physical signs. What we need to do is to prevent, or if not possible, at least limit the ways in which diseases can enter.” For all livestock farmers, minimising risk is without a doubt one of the most important issues to consider. This first advisory fact sheet concentrates on stock movement and includes a simple to follow advisory protocol for importing cattle: The Do’s of Stock Movement • Always insist on a blood test from an authorised laboratory. • If you are importing, it is imperative that you know who you are buying from and ensure that you are using a reputable importer. • Check their references from other farmers and ensure that they will support you with the necessary paperwork and legislations

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• Do not use unscrupulous importers or those who do not have the necessary references • Take extra care when buying imported cattle from any auctions. Full traceability is vital. • Ensure that you know when the animals will be arriving, and to prevent any issues or problems at a later stage, have your vet on site on delivery of the animals. • Quarantine animals in a separate shed or field for minimum of 14 days with an optimum of 60 days if possible. • Check journey times - make sure animals are not lost! In Europe all lorries are fitted with GPS, this enables both the time in transit and journey times to be monitored.

Britain needs to follow suit. • If there are problems with transportation at any stage, ensure that the animals are held at an authorised staging post or lairage. • Do not be afraid to ask for your own extra assurances, these should include vaccinations for IBR, BVD and Lepto. These diseases are costly and can be eradicated. The DON'Ts of Stock Movement • Accept previously blood tested animal before delivery – complete your own blood testing with your own vet prior to delivery. • Accept delivery at a short notice – you need to plan to ensure that everything is in place for the delivery, e.g. vet, holdings. • Do not purchase cattle that “must be sold today” at a reduced

price. If they are being sold at a reduced price there will be a reason that they are reduced and it is not worth the risk. • Don’t rush into buying in stock without careful investigation and proper planning. If you do not get it right, getting rid of disease is far harder than prevention. Mr Maclaren said: “Plan well in advance with your vet and an importer you know and can trust, then put together a practical but manageable protocol to follow and stick to it like glue. “Do not take short cuts as it will cost you far more if and when it goes wrong.” In the next stage of the guide, the NBA will look at bio-security safeguards.

RED MEAT VITAL TO BALANCED DIET Meat from grass-fed cattle and sheep can have up to 10 times more long-chain omega-3 acids than meat from animals reared on non-pasture sources, a group of MPs has been told. Professor Robert Pickard, of Cardiff University and a member of the Meat Advisory Panel (MAP), said that it was vital that more emphasis was placed on the important role that fresh, lean red meat plays in a balanced diet and called on policymakers to focus on “what is natural and necessary” when giving advice on diets. Research has shown that long-chain omega-3 fatty acids support foetal development, as well as help to lower the risk of inflammatory conditions, depression and dementia in later life. Prof Pickard, speaking to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on beef and lamb in Westminster last week, said: “Red meat has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, easily absorbed by the body and readily available. Evolutionary science has shown us that eating a little bit of everything and not too much of any one thing is the best way for the body to stay healthy and absorb the nutrients that it needs.”

He added that red meat was the best source of iron and could become a more important source of longchain omega 3 than fish over the next 50 years, if marine pollution continues to increase. Further information on red meat’s role in the diet throughout life can be found on the Meat Advisory Panel website.

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Dismay at First Milk's A and B price for April Some First Milk members will be rightly shocked at the forecast milk price set for April under their new A and B pricing model. The co-operative announced today that that the April A price will be set at 20.87ppl for the manufacturing pool and 20.5ppl for the balancing pool. The range for the B price is 16ppl to 18ppl which will be fixed after the month-end. This B price will be paid on at least 20 per cent of a member’s total volume.

NFU dairy board chairman Rob Harrison

NFU dairy board chairman Rob Harrison said: “Late last month, First Milk announced they were bringing in their new A and B pricing model from April and today we’ve seen what this delivers. "Their members will be feeling continued frustration with First Milk with this announcement of shockingly low prices for both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ volumes. "Put simply, this is a price cut masquerading as a new pricing model. We have seen positive signals recently and this needs to feedback onto farm urgently." “The B price forecast of 1618ppl is extremely cautious – sitting at around the EU powder intervention price this is not manageable for farmers to deal with. If I was a First Milk member I’d be asking them how exactly the ‘B’ price will be substantiated at the end of the month.

"This model desperately needs more transparency in the calculations, as a cooperative, First Milk members need to understand why they are facing yet another price cut. “With other milk buyers also looking to implement these pricing models from April we would urge them to be honest and transparent with their suppliers as to how the A and B milk price is calculated." "Today’s positive GDT auction result comes at the back of five consecutive positive outcomes, and we’ve seen two upward price changes from Dutch co-operative Friesland Campina. The signals are there that the market is starting to stabilise and we want to see this confirmed in UK farmgate milk prices.”

FANTASTIC FOUR EARN FUTURES OPPORTUNITy WITH COGENT Four young cattle breeding enthusiasts from all over the UK have seen off the competition to become finalists in Cogent’s Futures Programme 2015. The Futures Programme offers participants an insight into the life of a Sire Analyst. As part of the competition, finalists Tom Hull from Lancashire, Andrew Patterson from Northern Ireland, Carys Jones from Monmouthshire and Scott McLean from Northern Ireland will visit a 50

range of dairy herds across the UK and match suitable sires to potential bull mothers. Their suggested matings will be presented to Cogent’s Genetics Committee, with the highest scoring candidate receiving an elite embryo package and the chance for their resulting bull to enter the Cogent stud under their own prefix. In addition, the overall winner and runner-up will be taken on an allinclusive trip to Holland to attend

the Tulip Sale and HHH show to gain an insight into the latest breeding strategies. Cogent’s Catherine Jackson said: “We were exceptionally pleased with this year’s standard of entries, making the choice for the final four a very tough decision. I am delighted to welcome Tom, Andrew, Carys and Scott to Cogent Futures 2015 and look forward to working with them.”

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New anti-inflammatory pour-on for cattle a world first It’s now easier for farmers to administer a proven nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to their cattle, thanks to the launch of an innovative new product that can be absorbed through the skin. New FINADYNE™ Transdermal from MSD Animal Health (known as Merck Animal Health in the United States and Canada) has been granted a transdermal licence for treating bovine respiratory disease, making it the world’s first non-parasiticide cattle product to become available as a pour-on. “Uniquely, FINADYNE™ Transdermal combines rapid efficacy with its novel, needle-free administration route. After applying to the skin it works fast – as quickly as two hours after treatment,” explains Dr. Martin Behr, technical manager at MSD Animal Health. “The availability of this innovative new product means cattle producers will no longer have to struggle with the difficulty of injecting cattle showing signs of pneumonia. In addition, use of a pour-on NSAID means no needle-site lesions that can reduce the value of a carcass or compromise hide quality.” Dr. Behr adds that the time taken by cattle producers to handle and treat animals should be much reduced by using a transdermal NSAID. Farmers will also make savings on syringes and needles. The new pour-on comes in pre-calibrated packaging and uses a bottle that’s designed for easy and accurate application along an animal’s back. FINADYNE™ Transdermal has received a POM-V classification. Further information is available from veterinary practices.the Tulip Sale and HHH show to gain an insight into the latest breeding strategies. Cogent’s Catherine Jackson said: “We were exceptionally pleased with this year’s standard of entries, making the choice for the final four a very tough decision. I am delighted to welcome Tom, Andrew, Carys and Scott to Cogent Futures 2015 and look forward to working with them.”

Low severity Avian Flu outbreak in Hampshire

Restrictions have now been lifted following an outbreak of Avian Flu on a Hampshire farm earlier this month. The lifting of the restrictions means that all poultry keeping farms within the 1 kilometre restriction zone around the infected premises are now allowed to move poultry and other animals without restriction. The low severity case of avian flu was confirmed in chickens at a farm in Hampshire on 2 February and robust action was taken to prevent any spread of the disease, which posed very low risk to human health. A 1 kilometre restriction zone was placed around the property. The restrictions have been lifted 21 days after the completion of an initial cleaning and disinfection of the premises, which is the earliest point allowed under EU rules to end the controls. Chief Vet Nigel Gibbens said: Protecting our country from animal disease is important for our economy, and our robust and thorough approach to tackling this outbreak quickly means we have been able to lift these restrictions at the earliest possible point allowed by EU law. This outbreak and the recent case in Yorkshire should serve as a reminder for the poultry industry of the importance of maintaining strict biosecurity to minimise the risk of infection, and I would urge keepers to remain vigilant for any signs of disease and report suspicions to their vet immediately. Tests confirmed the outbreak in Hampshire as a low severity H7N7 strain of the disease, a different and much less severe form than the H5N8 strain found at a Yorkshire duck farm in November 2014. All poultry on the premises were humanely culled and the affected farm was cleansed and disinfected to prevent the disease spreading.


Learn from the past to stop unintended consequences of environmental stewardship schemes The single-focus nature of environmental stewardship schemes means the traditional role of tenanted farms in upland areas is gradually being dismantled and the future for young sheep farmers jeopardised, says the National Sheep Association (NSA) and Tenant Farmers Association (TFA). Although not a new situation, the two organisations have detected an increasing momentum in the worrying trend of farmers approaching the end of short-term Farm Business Tenancy (FBT) who are being told they will not be renewed. Instead landlords are putting eligible ground into environmental stewardship schemes, which often exclude grazing livestock, especially sheep, with the remaining areas being offered on annual grazing agreements and houses and buildings let separately. Phil Stocker, NSA Chief Executive, says: “While this type of asset stripping exercise might be a sound business move for landowners, it leaves tenants approaching the end of their agreement with an uncertain future. Displaced tenants, faced with little option, are forced to disperse their flocks. Land that has been a single, often highly-regarded farm unit for many years is no more and


the infrastructure of upland farming becomes gradually dismantled. Our industry is crying out for young people, but it is very difficult to encourage them in when faced with this permanent breakup of so many productive livestock units.” TFA and NSA would like to see lessons learnt from the pressure environmental stewardship has put on the tenanted sector in recent years. George Dunn, TFA Chief Executive, says: “The Government needs to make a decision about whether it wants to support productive farms in the hands of hard-working tenant farmers, delivering both for food security and environmental management, or whether it wants to line the pockets of private land owners who are interested only in commercial gain and deliver little in return for the stewardship payments and generous tax breaks they receive. Both TFA and NSA believe that only truly active farmers should have access to payments to assist with producing environmental benefits on farmland.” NSA and TFA would also like to see a move away from the single focus of stewardship schemes of the recent past and greater acknowledgement of the importance of grazing by livestock to

support diversity of wildlife and plant species. In the future a better option would be multi-functional land management schemes that also consider social, structural and productivity elements, while discouraging landowners from prioritising direct access to the payments over good working relationships with tenants. Mr Stocker continues: “We acknowledge that the impact of environmental stewardship on the tenanted sector is an unintended consequence, but this is only acceptable if we learn from the dramatic affect they are having at a local level and create better schemes for the future. Environmental stewardship only measures environmental outcomes; we need a more holistic approach that considers the vital role of sheep farms in our rural landscape and local communities, as well as the ability of these businesses to produce food at the same time as encouraging wild plants and animals.” Mr Dunn echoes this: “An understanding of the consequences of past actions, whether intended or otherwise, must be considered when formulating future schemes.”

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Cogent’s WMS team gets a boost with New Evaluators Phil Arrell and Amy Hall-Brown have joined Cogent Breeding Ltd to expand the Wordwide Mating Service (WMS) in north and south west England respectively. WMS is an impartial mating programme which correctively mates each cow individually. It identifies strengths and weaknesses across all 17 linear traits to increase and improve the consistency of the herd. As WMS evaluators, Phil and Amy will work with producers to provide a first class service on farm. Regular evaluator visits coincide with calving patterns to add cow side linear scoring on every milking animal. Phil, a previous classifier for Holstein UK, will be covering the north of England. He lives in Shropshire with his wife and daughter and they own a few pedigree animals under the Thistlerose prefix. Speaking about his new role with Cogent, he said: “I have been involved in the dairy industry for most of my working life

with my passion always being genetics and breeding. “The opportunity to help breeders improve their herds through the Worldwide Mating Service is an exciting prospect and I feel that my previous experience will allow me to do this to the high standards that Cogent expects from its evaluators.” Amy, a former milk recorder for the Cattle Information Service, will be covering south west England. She owns a small herd of Aberdeen Angus as well as a flock of Wiltshire

sheep. Speaking about her new role as WMS evaluator, Amy said: “I am thrilled to be taking part in this exciting new challenge working with Cogent and I can’t wait to meet my customers and get to grips with the issues they face. I am really looking forward to learning new skills and meeting new people within the Cogent team." Rob Braithwaite, UK WMS manager said: “I am delighted to welcome Phil and Amy into the WMS team. The WMS mating programme is increasing in popularity throughout the UK because our evaluators understand the demands placed on today’s dairy producers and will help to develop the performance and profitability of their herds. “Phil and Amy’s knowledge and enthusiasm together with their technical expertise will be a valuable asset for Cogent and I know they are looking forward to meeting their customers and laying the foundations to build better herds.”

RABDF announces new partnership with Trehane Trust The Trehane Trust has appointed the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers to manage the secretariat for the organisation. The Trust was created to encourage research and education in to dairying including awarding annual travel scholarships to improve the

recipients’ knowledge and understanding of the industry and share their ideas with others within the sector and beyond. This new arrangement marks a new era in the Trust. Trehane Trust chairman, Prof Wynne Jones said: “We hope this partnership will strengthen the

Trust’s remit in supporting the development of those working in the dairy supply chain and enable further networking within the industry.” For further information on Trehane Scholarships please contact or 0845 458 2711.

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ABERDEEN ANGUS REARING CALVES ALMOST WEANED I have Aberdeen Angus Bull & Heifers Calves for sale for rearing. Out of proper British Freisian Cows not Holsteins. Bulls and Heifers available from £270 - £320. T: 07014 793676

HEREFORD CATTE FOR SALE £920 EACH 22 Mixed Hereford and Contiental Cows running with Hereford Bull outdoors. All weaned calving May onwards. Price: £ 920. For details please call 07976955382 or email /

HEREFORD BULL 18 FOR MONTHS SALE £1,750.00 Ideal to run PEDIGREE with a group of heifers REGISTERED Sire - Ervie Classic Lad B618 Dam - Adzor juliaHEREFORD BULLS Well grown21 butMONTHS not pushed,OLD readyVERY to go WELL to work.BRED Born out of a heifer, born easiliy, dam can be seen. READY FOR WORK TB test current- Good temperament SENSIBLY PRICED POA call now: 01948 710558

PROVEN WAGYU SEMEN £18 EACH We are now selling the only proven wagyu sire semen in the EU. We have 4 sires with limited stock. All Royalty pedigree's. Progeny tested in Japan, our 4 bulls of 15 where selected from 300.Contract to buy back calves optional under terms and conditions. For progeny test data please don't hesitate to contact us. T: 07515 874609

4 LIMOUSIN X FEMALE CALVES FOR SALE £340 1 born 25th Oct, 3 born 5th Nov Will make Great stocky cows as Bull was Limo x Ruby Red Devon Living outside, very well established on nuts and silage Come to bucket and call TB tested ready to go Collection Fordingbridge T: 07014 792351

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ANGUS X HEIFER X2 IN CALF £700 Angus x heifer 24mnths in calf to a Dexter bull. Would suit Smallholder. Nice quiet heifers. £700 smaller heifer. £800 larger heifer. £1450 for both together. call now: 07014 794723

ANGUS COWS/CALF PAIRS FOR SALE £800 EACH Hello, we have available Angus cows both pregnant, milking mothers and calves for sell. They are all very healthy and free from any disease. If you are interested in them, then email us for more details. T: 07911 333926

RED ANGUS COWS/CALVES FOR SALE FOR SALE £1000 Red Angus cows/calves for sale. They are all healthy. We have PEDIGREE REGISTERED calves, pregnant mothers and milkers available now for sale. HEREFORD contact us if interested in them. BULLS T: 07911 333926 21 MONTHS OLD VERY WELL BRED


HOLSTEIN COWS FOR SALE £850 holstein cows for sale. We have about 50 calves now both male and female. Also currently have pregnant cows and milkers for sale too. For more details, email us. T: 07911 333926

STOCKY HEREFORD HEIFERS FOR SALE 3 well built Hereford x heifers 18 mths old Named sire Come to the bucket, wormed, Tb tested Already bulling .. and would make great suckler cows Priced to sell as concentrating on Angus. Telephone 07014 791860


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NC CHEVIOT IN LAMB EWES £95 EACH 34 north country cheviot in lamb ewes for sale. Solid Quality honest ewes from high welsh hill farm. Wormed and fluked. In lamb to texel ram. Scanned at approx 130%. Flock ages. Due from 26th March. Will split. West sussex. call now: 07811 337756

SHETLAND SHEEP EWES AND LAMBS 4 SALE All registered with SSS. All have bloodlines from sheep recently imported directly from the Shetland Islands. Some of the ewes available were born in Shetland and they have made the long journey south where they have since passed inspection. Adults only for sale to make room for home bred lambs. Prices vary. Telephone: 01582 867181

IN LAMB EWES FOR FORSALE SALE£165 24 available,PEDIGREE all strong bodied sheep. REGISTERED 15 Mules and 8 Suffolk X. Mules in lamb to Suffolk Tup. Suffolk x HEREFORD ewes in lamb to texel tup. Mules ewesBULLS all carrying triplets Suffolks scanned at 165% Due lamb end of Jan beginning of 21 MONTHS OLDtoVERY WELL BRED Feb Top quality sheep. READY FOR WORK Contact John 07811337756


INLMB BLUE FACE LEISTERS CROSS WITH TEXEL six in lamb blue face leisters for sale, the are all in lamb to very well bread texel tup. There are five doubles and on single - call George on 07800952317

BLACK WELSH MOUNTAIN LAMBS - £80 South East, Waterlooville 3 Lambs born May 2014 for sale. £80 each. Buyer collects. Telephone: 02392 632800

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SWISS BLACK NOSE SHEEP FOR SALE £POA We have on offer a limited number of registered pregnant ewes scanned and ewe hoggs, entered in the SAC Maedi Visna a/c scheme. Delivery available. T: 07624 462973

TEESWATER X BEULAH 1/2 SHEAR EWES (4) Strong Hardy Theaves. Hep P+. Produce good butchers lambs priced at £110 each. T: 07958 647045 North West, Chester

JACOB SHEARLING FOR RAM SALE FOR SALE - £180 Reg.149687 PEDIGREE Tooma Flock. GoodREGISTERED conformation, temperament and breeding. Halter trained, easy to handle. Homebred in Cornwall. BULLS Recently used on HEREFORD 8 ewes. Now retaining ram lamb. Will deliver within 80 miles from Liskeard. 21 MONTHS OLD VERY WELL BRED T: 07796 170897


TOP QUALITY BELTEX X TEXEL AND BELTEX X CHAROLAIS SHEARLING RAMS Ideal for ewe lambs. Very well grown. Bred for carcase, shape and tight skins. Choice of 12. Please contact Paul Slater on 07775 661736 or 01625820431

250 TEXEL X, SUFOLK X MULES EWE LAMBS £75.00 I have 250 ewe lambs texel x, lleyn x, mule x sufolk. Very nice ewe lambs 30-45 kg £75 each deliver poss 01758712135, 07881550591 viewing welcome.


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LANDRACE WHITE BREEDING GILTS £190 Landrace White Gilts, all ACMC stock, been running with the boar. Genuine reason for sale. T: 01430 425862

BERKSHIRE PIGS FOR SALE Selection of weaners, stores and finished pigs always available for sale. Strong outdoor reared and electric fence trained. Tagged, wormed and EP vaccinated. Finished pigs are fantastic for Hog Roasts. Price from £45 T: 07792 617601

STUNNING PEDIGREE FOR SALE WELSH WEANERS £50 Quality Pedigree welsh weanersREGISTERED for sale, both boars and gilts. Sire PEDIGREE Flansham Ted , Dam Vinery Empress. BPA Birth registered and HEREFORD BULLS tattooed. Born 02/01/2015, ready beginning March, 21 MONTHS OLD VERY WELL BRED well handled by children. Excellent temperaments. READY FOR WORK T: 07014 793601


12 GLOSSY OLD SPOT WEANERS - £50 EACH Born 1st November 14, happy outdoor pigs. 6 gilts and 6 castrated boars. All have great markings and are consistent in size. Weaned off mother after 2 months old and have been wormed. Mother was A.I'ed. T: 07015 529492

PEDIGREE KUNE KUNE PIGLETS £75 EACH Pedigree kune kune piglets , we have 4 piglets for sale born on 11/10/14, black and white and tri colour from the Andrew and Sandpits Sally lines. All are birth notified with the British Kune Kune Pig Society, and will be pedigree registered before sale. T:

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BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES £250 EACH From working parents. Trial winners in family. Well socialised, farm bred, had first vaccinations. Parents can be seen. T: 07957 743247

PURE BRED HUNTAWAY PUPS FOR SALE From good working parents. Only 3 male pups left all big and strong and already showing keen interest in sheep at 4 months old. T: 01597 851124 / 07908 446633

WORKING SHEEPDOG FOR SALE PUPPIES - £300 ISDS Regd Puppies for sale- OneREGISTERED bitch and two dogs. Both parents PEDIGREE work on a farm with 2000 ewes and compete in trials. for more info, HEREFORD BULLS pictures and videos please go to. T: 07739 966208 21 MONTHS OLD VERY WELL BRED


KC REG. BORDER COLLIE MALE PUP - £550 Show Quality 10 week old KC Registered Long Coated Black & White Border Collie Male Pup for sale, bred on show lines, good pedigree. He has been hearing and eye tested at 6 weeks and is normal, vet checked and Micro-chipped. He is hereditary clear by parentage for CEA, TNS, CL. Both parents fully health tested and got up to date eye test,and goinioscopey normal & hip scored. T: 01953 883175

6 BORDER COLLIES FOR SALE - £200 3 females and 3 males, needing working or active homes. Vet checked, need their puppy jabs. Ready to leave home NOW. Can be seen with working Mum and Dad, puppies showing great potential already. T: 01452 700510


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PAIR OF DOUBLE BREASTED BRONZE TURKEYS Double Breasted Bronze Stag and Hen hatched out August 2014. Left over from the Christmas batch as was going to keep for breeding but have changed our minds. Stag friendly enough, hen the same. Based Near Ternhill, Market Drayton, Viewings welcome via appointment only - open 7 days a week. £50 T: 07014 790785

MUSCOVY DUCKS, FOUR MONTHS OLD Muscovy Ducks, Four months old Muscovy Ducks. Four pairs. Price per pair. £15.00, Edenbridge, 07799434047.

PURE BRED AYLESBURY FOR SALE DUCKS FOR SALE Pure bred Aylesbury ducks for sale, Trios of pure Aylesbury ducks for PEDIGREE REGISTERED sale 2014 hatched some ducks laying 2 duck 1 drake £20 for the BULLS trio about 6 trios HEREFORD available Dursley glos call for more info on 07508170548 £20.00, Dursley, 21 MONTHS OLD07508170548. VERY WELL BRED


KHAKI CAMBELL DUCKS & DRAKES FOR SALE khaki cambell ducks & drakes for sale in Martock point of lay ducks for sale £15 Each Telephone: 07014 792218

POLISH FRIZZLE ROOSTERS Polish and Pekin frizzle bantam roosters with beautiful markings. They are 4 mths old, friendly and in need of home. I hatched at home but unfortunately they were male, at present they share their home and garden with 4 hens and get on well. Reaching maturity and one is now using his voice well. T: 01241 879349

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02/08/2014 02/08/2014 02/08/2014 02/08/2014 02/08/2014 02/08/2014 02/08/2014 03/08/2014 03/08/2014 03/08/2014 03/08/2014 06/08/2014 06/08/2014 06/08/2014 06/08/2014 06/08/2014 07/08/2014 07/08/2014 08/08/2014 09/08/2014 09/08/2014 09/08/2014 09/08/2014 09/08/2014 10/08/2014 10/08/2014 12/08/2014 12/08/2014 13/08/2014 13/08/2014 13/08/2014 14/08/2014 14/08/2014 15/08/2014 16/08/2014 16/08/2014 17/08/2014 19/08/2014 20/08/2014 20/08/2014 21/08/2014 23/08/2014 23/08/2014 24/08/2014 25/08/2014 25/08/2014 25/08/2014 25/08/2014 25/08/2014 25/08/2014 27/08/2014 28/08/2014 28/08/2014 28/08/2014


Blakesley Show Cockermouth Show Oswestry & District Agricultural Show Garstang Show Brecon County Show Dumfries Agricultural Show Emley Show Gower Show Herefordshire Country Fair Sykehouse Show Wayland Show Arran Farmers' Society Annual Show Bakewell Show North Devon Show Nevern Show Cartmel Show Burwarton Show Honiton Agricultural Show Shrewsbury Flower Show Halifax Agricultural Show Chertsey Show Vaynor Show Chepstow Agricultural Show Cornwood Agricultural & Horticultural Show Ripley Show Fillongley Show Lunesdale Agricultural Show Anglesey County Show Ashover Show Vale of Glamorgan Show Camelford Show Grantown Show Okehampton Show Dunster Show Gosforth Show Ashbourne Show Mid Somerset Agricultural Show Pembrokeshire County Show Egton Horse & Agricultural Show Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show Denbigh & Flint Show Poynton Show Egham Royal Show Edenbridge & Oxted Agricultural Show Reeth Show Cattistock Countryside Show Aylsham Agricultural Show Epworth Show Berkeley Show Glendale Show Merioneth County Show Monmouthshire Show Bucks County Show Holsworthy Show

Northamptonshire Cumbria Shropshire Lancashire Powys Dumfries and Galloway West Yorkshire Swansea Herefordshire South Yorkshire Norfolk Isle of Arran Derbyshire Devon Pembrokeshire Cumbria Shropshire Devon Shropshire West Yorkshire SurreY Merthyr Tydfil Monmouthshire Devon West Yorkshire Warwickshire Cumbria Anglesey Derbyshire Vale of Glamorgan Cornwall Moray Devon Somerset Cumbria Derbyshire Somerset Pembrokeshire North Yorkshire Dorset Flintshire Cheshire Surrey Surrey North Yorkshire Somerset Norfolk South Yorkshire Gloucestershire Northumberland Gwynedd Herefordshire Buckinghamshire Cornwall

Central North West Federation Central North West Federation Wales Scotland Yorkshire Federation Wales Central Yorkshire Federation Anglia Scotland Central Devon and Cornwall Wales North West Federation Central Devon and Cornwall Central Yorkshire Federation South East Wales Wales Devon and Cornwall Yorkshire Federation Central North West Federation Wales Central Wales Devon and Cornwall Scotland Devon and Cornwall Wessex North West Federation Central Wessex Wales Yorkshire Federation Wessex Wales North West Federation South East South East Yorkshire Federation Wessex Anglia Yorkshire Federation Wessex Yorkshire Federation Wales Wales South East Devon and Cornwall

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Show/Event Name


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CountryTastic BASC Game & Country Fair South of England Spring Garden and Leisure Show North Somerset Show Malvern Spring Gardening Show- RHS Malvern Spring Festival Badminton Horse Trials South Suffolk Agricultural Show Balmoral Show Hadleigh Show Royal Welsh Spring Festival Woodhall Spa Country Show Essex Young Farmers' Country Show Devon County Show Shropshire County Show Fife Show Hertfordshire County Show Heathfield Show Sherborne Castle Country Fair Northumberland County Show

Worcestershire Derbyshire West Sussex Somerset Worcestershire Gloucestershire Suffolk County Antrim Suffolk Powys Lincolnshire Essex Devon Shropshire Fife Hertfordshire East Sussex Somerset Northumberland

Region Central South East Wessex Central Wessex Anglia Irish Anglia Wales North East South East Devon and Cornwall Central Scotland South East South East Wessex Yorkshire Federation

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Opportunities P75-80

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Find the perfect course to help you land your dream job Whether you’re just starting out in the land-based and environmental industries or looking to progress your career, you’ve come to the right place. Lantra Awards is one of the leading providers of training courses and qualifications in the UK. Over 50,000 learners every year choose Lantra Awards for our training courses. With over 40 years experience we are passionate about developing and delivering quality products and services. This means you can benefit from nationally recognised certification on successful completion of your training or qualification.

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To find your perfect course


Farm Property P81-90

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Bassingham Lincolnshire 487 acres Guide £3.1 million

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Penny Dart Savills Exeter 01392 455747

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Backridge House, Twitter Lane, Waddington, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 3LQ This beautiful Grade II Listed Georgian farmhouse has been lovingly renovated and upgraded to offer a high standard of fit and finish. Backridge House has the luxuries you would expect from a property of this stature such as Gymnasium, Treatment Room, Steam Room, Lutron Lighting, Sound Systems and the all-important 13 acres of quality grazing land. Extended into the adjoining barn to offer further accommodation and a rear garden room, there are currently 4 bedrooms but availability for 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, spa treatment room, gymnasium, 4 reception rooms, breakfast kitchen, utility, pantry and cellar. Externally are gardens, a raised patio, ample parking, double garage, purpose built dog kennel and store room. Also, a traditional stone sun room, wc, barbeque with concertina doors on to decking, for a tranquil, private entertaining area. Beyond, is a feature pond, further gardens and lawn. Set in 13 acres, 11 acres being grazing and 1 acre of woodland.


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BROWNRIGG FARM, NR WIGTON - £450,000.00 Farmhouse, various outbuildings, shop, granny flat - presently used for equestrian - previously dairy. Please see for more details and lots of photos. Contact: Brenda at

TOP O’TH HILL COTTAGE For Rent:£1595 pcm or For Sale: £645,000 Stunning detached farmhouse situated in an enviable position in the heart of Ashworth Valley in Norden, Rochdale with spectacular views of the rolling countryside. Internally, the property affords spacious family accommodation briefly comprising of entrance hall with ground level C.W., lounge, dining room/second reception, study, large dining kitchen and an elegant rear facing conservatory. The property has five bedrooms with two bathrooms (master en-suite). The property benefits from spring water, a septic tank and oil central heating. Externally, there is a 5 acre field which is available to rent or purchase under separate negotiation, which is ideal for grazing paddock and equestrian use. For further information please contact Lorraine Lawrenson on 01706 659666 or 07714 770015


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We can supply a wide range of steel frame buildings for beef, poultry dairy, sheep and pig farms, as well as storage for silage, feed and grain. We can design and manufacture a variety of agricultural structures, ranging from cubicle sheds to stable blocks and indoor arenas, all tailored to meet your specific requirements. Here are some of our special offers this month: 80ft x 60ft x 20ft – GRAIN STORE EXECUTION CLASS 2 WITH 3M LEVEL GRAIN LOADING KIT £33,450 + VAT + Delivery Complete Package. The kit includes all structural steelwork painted, galvanised zed purlins to roof and walls, plastisol wall cladding to finish 200mm below concrete panels including all flashings and anti-vermin closures. 3m High precast concrete panels, UPVC guttering, personnel door, 5m x 5m roller shutter door manual, all bolts (excluding foundation bolts) and cladding fixings. CATTLE SHED 100ft x 40ft x 14ft + 4ft6 OVERHANG TO EXECUTION CLASS 1 £15,670 + VAT + Delivery Complete Package All structural steel work to CE Markings. Treated timber roof purlins and side rails, Marley Eternit fibre cement roof. 6 x 1 treated Yorkshire boarding to 2 gable ends and 1 rear elevation. 2m high pre cast concrete panels to 2 gables and 1rear elevation, all bolts (excluding foundation bolts) and cladding fixings. Complete with plan Drawings

Call Tony on: 01530 249127 or Email: 90

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Tractors & Plant P91-128

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New mid-range McCormick X6 tractors offer a wide choice of new features Three models for 2015 – 111/121hp; 121/133hp and 130/140hp New FPT engine with SCR has boost power for pto and road travel New 40kph Eco and 50kph transmissions; more ‘eco’ pto speeds Choice of gear pump or higher flow on-demand hydraulic systems New suspension options for cab and front axle give a quality ride New mid-range tractors now arriving at McCormick dealers throughout the country have replaced two of the famous marque’s best-selling ranges with increased power and torque from new engines, and a broader range of features to give added performance, fuel economy and driver comfort. The three models in the McCormick X6 line-up come in ‘standard’ and higher-spec ‘LS’ versions, main differences being in the hydraulics, wheel equipment, transmission speeds and availability of suspension for the front axle and driver’s cab. “The new X6 Series covers applications previously met by the McCormick MC tractors and the top end of the McCormick X60 line, both of which were among our best-sellers,” says Ray Spinks, sales director and general manager at


McCormick distributor AgriArgo UK. “The X6 models are in many respects more advanced, with features not previously available and higher power and torque outputs delivering increased performance.” All three McCormick X6 Series tractors are powered by fourcylinder FPT engines with an SCR emissions management system widely regarded as one of the most efficient available. For the X6.420, this 4.5-litre engine delivers 111hp for draft work but 121hp when the Power Plus electronic engine management system automatically engages for ptodriven implements and road travel. The X6.430 starts with 121hp and gains another 12hp with this system, peaking at 133hp, while the X6.440 goes from 130hp for draft work to 140hp with Power Plus for pto and transport applications. “These new models combine the best features of the tractors they replace in a package with more features and options than before,” emphasises Paul Wade, McCormick product specialist. “In standard form, they will appeal to farmers wanting a relatively simple tractor with a smart, well-equipped cab and good manoeuvrability. The ‘LS’ version, with additional features like load sensing hydraulics

and suspension, will appeal to operators wanting more performance.” Base specification for all three McCormick X6 Series tractors includes items that often appear as options on other makes, such as a telescopic pick-up hitch, swivelling front mudguards, telescopic exterior mirrors and remote pto switches on the rear mudguards. Also standard are cab air conditioning, rear wash/wipe, a radio, roof beacon and Deluxe air driver’s seat. The front drive axle incorporates disc brakes to give true four-wheel braking performance. Standard transmission for the X6 tractors is a 36x12 40kph configuration. Creep gears are available for specialist applications and the two-speed pto (which can be operated from the mudguards to make hitching to implements easier), can be swapped for a fourspeed set-up that provides 540rpm and 1000rpm at either full power or more economical engine speeds. Three thumb-switch selected powershift steps provide clutch-free up and down-changes to quickly match working or travel speeds to the load on the tractor. A smooth power shuttle for fingertip direction changes can be fine-tuned to react gently or with more bite to suit different applications and operator preferences. At 66-litres/min – plus 38litres/min dedicated to steering – the base gear pump hydraulics

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system provides more oil flow than the previous tractors to handle more demanding implements. Two additional auxiliary spool valves are available to supplement the three supplied as standard, giving a full suite of float, motor drive and singleor double-acting characteristics. “The higher spec ‘LS’ versions of these tractors come with some significant additional equipment, including a flow compensating piston pump hydraulics system similar to that on the McCormick MC but with higher output – up to 110-litres/min.” notes Paul Wade. “One of the main attractions is that oil is pumped only when it’s needed – so there’s minimal power drain

when the hydraulics are not being used and less wear and tear in the hydraulics system generally.” The X6 ‘LS’ tractors also come with 38in rather than 34in rear tyres for increased traction and flotation, with the option of sophisticated independent axle suspension that allows the front wheels to move independently over rough or undulating ground. “This is the perfect complement to the optional cab suspension because it adds to the driver’s ride comfort in the field and on the road, as well as improving traction on a rough field surface,” says Paul Wade. “We’ve not had it on McCormick tractors of this size before – but on our bigger

machines, drivers say it’s the most effective suspension there is.” In addition to the two suspension options, buyers can also go for the new 50kph transmission. This can be used to shorten journey times or to run at 40kph with much lower engine revs, resulting in a quieter, more relaxed drive as well as a welcome reduction in fuel consumption. Add in the new four-post cabin with its anti-drop door hinges and soft-shut latches, upmarket steering column-mounted instrument display, and easy to handle controls, and it is clear that the new X6 Power Plus tractors represent a significant advance for the McCormick range.

Inside the light and airy new cab of the McCormick X6 Series tractors

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SRA Plant Sales & Hire

Extec C10+ 2008 7500 Hours • Magnet and Side Conveyor CAT Engine • Jaws 70% • £78,000

CAT TH63 Year 2000 7000 Hours • 13.5 metre Reach £8,000

Post Knocker Based on a Thwaites Dumper POA

ar St

y u B

L120C CaseVolvo 855 XL Tractor

JCB JS200 Case 855 XL Tractor Hydraulic Quick Hitch • Running Gear 50% £11111 £9,000

1997 • 12,OOO Hours £11111 £14,000

Iron Fairy Super 6 6 tonne lift • New Cables All up and together £5,750

Man 03 • 25 Tonne Per Metre Crane Cheese Wedge Body • Draw Bar Spec £POA

Daewoo DH130-3 1998 • Tracks 90% • Hydraulic Quick Hitch Genuine Honest Machine • £11.950

Choice of Others Available Hitachi ZX80 SBLC 2008 5100 Hours • Hydraulic Hitch • 3 Buckets Blade • Offset Boom • £21,950

JCB 3CX Contractor Plus. Year 2000. Smooth Ride • 40K • 90% Tyres Power-slide Arm • Full Spec £18,500

Yammar B15 2001 • 3000 Hours • 3 Buckets Priced to Clear at £4,750

Sanderson 623 1986 • Bucket, Muck Grab and Forks at £4,750

Verachtert VRG30 Demolition Selector Grab 2007 Good clean Grab to suit 22-30 tonne POA

Fintec 1107 2004 • Jaws 70% • New Main Belt 11,000 Hours • POA

SRA Plant Sales & Hire

Sumitomo SH60 1997 • Steel Tracks • Blade Quck Hitch 4 Buckets - £9,750

York 40ft Flat Trailer 1994 • Good Tyres • ROR Axles £POA

Isuzu Rodeo Roof Canopy Good Condition £400

52 Plate Volvo855 FL220 26ft Plant Body Case XL• Tractor Hydraulic Winch • Hydraulic Rear Ramp £11111 6x2 Rear-lift Axel • 400KMs • £9,000

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Bauer irrigation diesel pumps feature at LAMMA

A mobile irrigation pump set being exhibited by Bauer at the LAMMA show is one of a range of units performance-matched to the Rainstar and ProRain reel irrigators, and the linear and pivot irrigation systems produced by the company. There are six models in all, with a choice of Caprari or Rovatti pumps on all but the smallest model, and diesel engines from FPT Industrial or Deere Power Systems. Model numbers – from DP70 to the DP300 – give an indication of maximum water pumping performance in cubic metres per hour. “These simple, reliable pump sets are available from our dealers to provide an integrated system of irrigation for field vegetable, potato 96

and other crops,” notes Adrian Tindall, sales manager for the UK and Ireland. “They come with selfpriming pumps protected by auto shut-off to guard against damage, four adjustable stands for stability in work, and a lockable fuel cap and removable drawbar for security.” A fuel tank incorporated into the frame keeps things simple and, similarly, standard bodywork is limited to wire mesh screens all round beneath a metal roof to protect components from rain. Alternatively, a soundproof hood is available for units working in noisesensitive locations. Each of the units has Bauer’s Elcos 250 control unit, which provides a timer, flow switch connector and a locking engine start, plus shut-down

protection in the event of the engine overheating, low oil pressure, wayward pump pressure or interruption to the water flow. The FPT ‘NEF’ and Deere engine families were selected for their power and torque profile, good fuel economy and renowned reliability. FPT four-cylinder engines cover the 50-100hp models, with 6.7-litre sixcylinder versions providing 163hp and 175hp for the higher capacity pumps. Four-cylinder Deere engines of 48hp and 78hp provide an alternative for the first two pump sets in the range, thereafter switching to six-cylinder units of 120hp and 166hp.

advertise your business today call: 01926 816504 or visit:



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John Deere FarmSight at Precision Farming Leading the way in innovative precision farming technologies and dealer services, John Deere FarmSight now features Wireless Data Transfer (WDT) and Remote Display Access (RDA). Both of these new developments are being demonstrated alongside the web resource on the company’s stand at Precision Farming 2015. The Operations Centre in allows farmers and contractors to manage their land and their machinery fleet from a central location. After logging onto their own secure site, they are able to allocate their equipment to specific tasks, track the work progress of the machines and adjust work orders to match actual weather conditions. In addition to machine information, the Operations Centre provides field information, with both displayed on a map. With these enhancements, customers can view the documentation data coming from the John Deere GreenStar 2630 display in the vehicle cab. For example, users can then analyse and compare yields to decide which varieties should be planted next season, or they can print out reports for invoicing purposes. As a result the Operations Centre enables users to get a quick overview of ongoing operations to make sure the right equipment is in the right place at the right time, as well as to make sound business decisions based on accurate agronomic information. users can also securely share data with trusted third parties, such as

crop consultants, contractors and dealers, at any time and from any location. To support a seamless data flow between the GreenStar 2630 display and, as well as facilitate the documentation, John Deere has introduced the new Wireless Data Transfer (WDT) system. During the harvesting season, yield data can be sent wirelessly to the web portal and is

available as soon as the combine operator finishes the field. WDT also allows the user to transmit information to the GreenStar cab display and prepare the equipment for the next job. This includes set-up data or prescription maps for sprayers, spreaders and drills, for example. WDT is available to farmers and contractors who operate machines equipped with JDLink telematics, a GreenStar 2630 display including an ethernet cable and a suitable subscription. It can be activated in two ways: either automatically when the machine operator enters a new field, or when the driver activates the system to start the data flow. One important element of the concept is to allow all-makes connectivity. While JDLink Ultimate is for John Deere machines only, JDLink Select is available as a

universal solution to retrofit to nonDeere machines as well as used equipment. The award-winning Remote Display Access (RDA) is another integral part of the JDLink telematics fleet management system, which uses the machine’s integrated CAN-bus to view key performance data. RDA enables the dealer or farm manager to remotely view the GreenStar 2630 display and CommandCentre in the cab of a tractor, combine or forage harvester and, if necessary, advise the operator on how to optimise machine and implement settings. For example, JDLink reports and customer recommendations are available to analyse machine use, working hours and average engine load. This enables the dealer to suggest that the customer should keep an eye on idle machine time, consider increased use of guidance systems and eventually adopt a more fuel efficient driving habit. The dealer can also carry out targeted operator training, even with third parties involved. Likewise, offsite experts can remotely view the driver’s screen for real-time troubleshooting and operator advice in the field. According to John Deere, using RDA technology can reduce the operator assistance cost* by around 30 per cent, improve machine utilisation and performance, and lead to significant time and input savings. *Operator assistance cost includes initial and recurring machine system set-up, ongoing machine optimisation adjustments, troubleshooting etc.

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Suzuki ATV targets rural crime by fitting CESAR as standard

Suzuki GB has announced that its range of utility ATVs will now come fitted with CESAR – security electronic an system identification developed by leading security specialist, Datatag. Launching the initiative at LAMMA, the UK’s biggest agricultural show, Suzuki is leading the way in protecting its customers from ATV theft – one of the top three rural crimes – as the system is designed to act as both a deterrent against theft and as a powerful way to recover in the event of a theft. The CESAR system, the official security initiative of the Equipment Construction Association (CEA) and the Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA), is powered by technology from leading security specialists,


Datatag, and figures released by the police show an unmarked machine is four times more likely to be stolen. Using Datatag’s state of the art technologies identification including tamper evident warning transponders, RFiD labels, Datadots® and forensic DNA, an ATV’s true identity cannot be erased thus making it unattractive to potential thieves. class-leading Datatag’s technology, backed up by a 24/7 call centre, has been praised by the police for its success in reducing theft not only in agriculture but also cycle, motorcycle and power tool markets. George Cheeseman, Sales and Marketing Manager – Suzuki ATV and Marine, explains, “At Suzuki we take customer service seriously

and, just as we have in the Marine sector, we are proud to be the first brand to fit Datatag technology as standard to our range of ATVs in order to protect our customers – and what's more, the only ATV brand to offer this. Rural crime costs far more than just the cost of the equipment stolen and we are confident that this decision will have far-reaching benefits for owners of new Suzuki ATVs.” Chris Harrison, Sales Director of Datatag, adds, “Our technology within the CESAR system has proved itself time and time again in the construction and agriculture markets and this forward-thinking, proactive step by Suzuki will have a significant impact, reducing theft of their ATVs and thereby protecting their customers.”

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New JCB Diesel Generators provide reliable off-grid or back-up power for farming enterprises A more efficient range of diesel generators with a number of improved features has been launched into the farm equipment market by JCB Agriculture. The JCB ‘QS’ range of diesel engine powered generators with prime outputs from 20 to 220kVA can provide electrical power to grain stores and driers for seasonal use where no mains electricity is available, and to livestock buildings and horticultural facilities as back-up power in the event of mains supply failure. “A reliable power source is essential for the efficient running of all farm enterprises, and JCB generators are designed above all for reliability,” says Edward Roach, Product Marketing Manager, JCB Agriculture. “Whether providing power in locations where installing a mains supply is prohibitively expensive or where emergency backup power is essential – such as for pig and poultry housing – the new JCB ‘QS’ range has the solution.” Refinements introduced with the new range include three-stage fuel filtration to ensure the engines run reliably, and a one-piece roof structure to better guard against water ingress when the generator is located outdoors. Bigger slam-shut steel panel doors provide easier access for periodical checks and servicing. Alternators from leading specialist

manufacturer Mecc Alte and the use of other premium-quality components for key items such as circuit breakers and the control panel contribute to reliable long-term service. Using proven JCB engines for the new generators is another key attraction because of their record for reliability and fuel economy – and

their familiarity to JCB agricultural equipment dealers for optimum servicing and maintenance. The 20-45kVA models in the JCB ‘QS’ range are powered by the new JCB Diesel by Kohler engine, developed in partnership and powering JCB’s latest 408/409 rigid arm and 180/220 telescopic mini wheeled loaders. The compact canopy and small footprint of the generators in this power range minimises installation space and reduces transport costs. Four-cylinder JCB Dieselmax engines are used for the 60-140kVA versions, delivering fuel-efficient power generation that mirrors their track record in JCB Agri wheeled loaders, Loadall telescopic handlers

and TeleMaster telescopic loaders. The quiet running characteristics of this engine and an attenuated canopy result in lower noise levels – down to just 64dBA at 7m – than from competitor and previous JCB gensets, making them ideal for noisesensitive locations. Top-of-the range ‘QS’ generators with 160-220kVA prime outputs are powered by the new six-cylinder JCB Dieselmax 672 engine, which typically delivers a 7% fuel saving over previous JCB generators using a different power unit, and as much as 8% less than equivalent models from other manufacturers. Classleading electrical power outputs in an ergonomically-designed, narrow-width unit also characterise these competitive generators. Common features across the new JCB ‘QS’ range include heavy-duty tie-down points, lifting hooks and optional fork pockets; a fuel tank sized to match the engine that can be partially or fully removed to make cleaning out easier; and a canopy and base that is phosphate dipped then powder paint coated for maximum corrosion resistance. Options enabling users to meet particular needs include a 110% bunded base to contain fuel leaks or filling spillages; an engine block heater for reliable starting in very cold conditions; earth leakage protection; and a battery charger.

advertise your business today call: 01926 816504 or visit:


Suzuki Ozark 250 “takes multi-purpose to a whole new level” for eventing champion

All the hard work involved in becoming one of Britain’s brightest and best new equestrian talents is really paying off for 19-year-old Will Furlong, based at Ingrams Eventing in East Sussex. Will was crowned Under 21 National Champion at Houghton International Horse Trials in 2014, winning a 12-month loan of a Suzuki Ozark 250. Now he has been selected by The British Equestrian Federation as one of the athletes on the UK Sport National Lottery funded World Class Development Programme for eventing, giving him access to the best trainers in the sport for coaching and support. Winning the hardworking Ozark 250 last year could not have been better timed, according to Will, who looks after a large number of horses used for eventing and competition at his 30-acre full-time event yard. Will is also, along with his family, establishing a breeding programme with some of his winning mares to develop a string of event horses. We asked this highly successful competitor to tell us how he has been putting the ATV through its paces since his win:

What was the first thing you did when you won the Ozark 250? This is the best prize I’ve won to date! So although I was really excited about riding it, the first thing I did when the ATV arrived was to take a photo of it to show all my friends – it’s such a greatlooking machine! How does it help you with your work? We thought at first that it would just be useful for simple tasks, but it’s so versatile that since day one we’ve found that we use it for everything, from transporting hay to horses in the fields to towing fencing for new paddocks. And harrowing the arena is really easy and quick now as the ATV’s turning circle is so good – it takes multi-purpose to a whole new level! Have you had any previous experience of ATVs? We’ve had other makes of ATV before but the Suzuki Ozark is just a superb all-round package. It’s so comfortable to ride – the seating position feels really natural and the suspension gives it a really smooth ride.

What has surprised you most about it? I have been amazed at how light it feels and how easy the steering is, especially when you know the kind of power it has. What have been its most outstanding features? It’s so much more fuelefficient than any other ATV I’ve ridden – surprisingly so, considering the work we put it through. How has the ATV been most useful to you? It's superb for all the steep hills and woodland on our site and as everything gets wetter and muddier this winter, we’re relying on it more and more. We’re also looking forward to getting it out on the snow and having some fun! Will is now working towards the Young Rider trials series starting in March. If successful, he will be part of a 6-strong UK team competing in the Young Rider European Championships in Poland later this year. He will also compete at the Bramham Under 25 Championships in June. You can follow Will’s progress at

advertise your business today call: 01926 816504 or visit:



Advertise for FREE Farming Plant and Machinery

Ifor Williams LT85 FLATBED TRAILER 2014 £1,950.00 Excellent Twin Axle 5' Wide - 8' Length 2000kg Max Gross Weight - T: 01603 628251

BAILEY 18T BEETEAPER TRAILER (2014) £18,250.00 c/w sprung draw bar, arched full front window, rollover sheet, hyd door, grain chute. T: 07778 372606

ROLLAND 13T TRAILER (2000) £12,350.00 c/w sprung drawbar, rollover sheet, hyd door, grain chute 8 stud rocking beam axles. T: 07778 372606

Advertise your tractors and farming equipment for free visit: Fendt 724 Profi Plus 2012 £85,000.00 Fendt 724 Profi Plus 2012, 3600hrs, 50Km/h, Front linkage Full Suspension. Full Spec. T: 01245 322 733

Fordson Dexta 4WD tractor £12,500.00 Fordson Dexta, 4WD tractor, Good Condition Tel: 01763 849 540

Fendt 820, 2012, 2600hrs £30,000.00 Fendt 820, 2012, 2600hrs. Vario 50K, TMS, Cab & Front Suspension. Front linkage & PTO. T: 01452 760830

John Deere 2002 6920S £POA A/Q, 4 scvs, front linkage, 50k, TLS, HMS, Air brakes, For full details call Mark on: 07977 519612

John Deere 6210R Dec 2011 £72,000.00 1760hrs Autopower 50K, Command Arm, TLS and Cab susp, Auto Track ready. T: 07879 698807

Challenger MT855 - £69,500.00 Challenger MT855 2003, 7125hrs, 40Km/h, Rear Linkage, Extreme Ag Tracks, Track Frame Weight. T: 01245 322 733

2011(61plate) JCB FASTRAC 8310 VARIO £84,500.00 2700 hours fully serviced by JCB dealer T: 07773 780848 / 07969 309383 or 01772 321307

Massey Ferguson 2011 MF6480 Tractor £43,950.00 Transport Spec, Front Axle & Cab Suspension, Trailer Air Brakes. T: 07970 121101

TWAITES SWIVAL SKIP DUMPER 2003 £5,950.00 1550 Hours Road legal T: 01249 740377

Logic ATV Sweeper/Collector £1,250.00 + Vat Model MSC120 Honda engine, 1.2m wide. Ideal for leaf, grass or horse muck collection. T: 07979 903022

Wessex ATV Flail 1.2M 2012 £3,250.00 Specially ordered rear wheels instead of side wheels to make machine narrower for cutting: T: 07979 903022

McConnel Hedgecutter £8,500.00 PA 5600 1.2m multicut sliding head F10 Flails Switchbox control Tidy Good working order: T: 01743 289104

2012(12) JCB TM310s Agri £44,500.00 2400 hours, 40kph powershift transmission, smooth ride system, extra worklights front and back T: 07773 780848


Walkover Fieldmaster Sprayer 1.8m Boom £395 + Vat Twin pump, wheel driven. Suitable behind a garden tractor or ATV. £395 + VAT - T: 01582 606038

1998 R Land Rover Defender 300TDi - £6,500.00 137K miles, well looked after, very clean and not abused. 4 nearly new general grabber AT tyres. T: 07979 903022

Draw Bar trailer £4,850.00 Draw bar trailer 27' plus fold down extension, MOT until July 2015, 50mm eye, ABS - T: 07810 642929


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2014 Land Rover Discovery 3.0 SDV6 XS Commercial c/w full leather rear seat conversion, delivery miles, too many extras to list £42,500.00 - T: 07773 780848

Isuzu 3.0 4WD Commercial £3,500.00 Isuzu 3.0 4WD Commercial, 2004 (54), Tested April 2015, Good tyres all round. T: 01723 891882 / 07860 129448

Mercedes-Benz M Class 2.7TD ML270 Special Edition 5dr 4WD 7 SEATS ,Part Leather, electric seats. £7,000.00 - Phone: (01329) 846600

Advertise your tractors and farming equipment for free visit: Ford Ranger Twin Cab 4WD Pickup, 2006 - £4,800.00 Leather Interior, A/C, CD Player, Only 72,000 miles, Tested July 2015. - T: 01723 891882 or 07860 129448

Ifor Williams - GX106 PLANT TRAILER £2,100.00 Year: 2013 Very Tidy, Serial Number: 629395 c/w 4ft ramps, spare wheel & ring hitch T: 01603 628251

07 Dennison DM25 3 axle plant Trailer £16,250.00 outriggers tool box BPW axles rear tracking Aluminium ramps MOT Jan 16 - T: 07730 642100

BAILEY 11T MONO TRAILER £3,950.00 1992, 8 stud rocking beam axle, swinging taildoor with grain chute, Green, on 385/65 R22.5 - T: 07778 372606

Polaris Ranger 900 D, 2011 - £6,850.00 Polaris Ranger 900 D, 2011, complete with road kit, no cab. 1250 hours. Price £6850 plus vat. T: 01949 861615

Colllins 10 Ton Grain Trailer £3,500.00 1987 10 Ton 6 Stud Axle 12.5 Tyres Has Had New Floor Greedy Boards Supplied - T: 07957 804652

Kawasaki Mule 3010 Trans £5,950.00 Kawasaki Mule 3010 Trans 776 Hrs, Diesel, 4x4 Transmission, Road Registered T: 01844 278843

2013 Massey Ferguson 7618 Dyna-6 tractor £35,000.00 50 kph, air brakes, front suspension, cab suspension T: 07836 680004 or 07584 066866

Ifor Williams - GX106 PLANT TRAILER - £2,100.00 Year: 2013, Condition: Very Tidy, Serial Number: 629395 T: 01603 628251

LEBOULCH GOLD K150 2003 POA Monocoque trailer 15 tonnes on 550/60R22.5 Alliance, srpung draw bar, hyd tail gate - T: 01673 885200

New Nc 12 Ton Grain/Sillage Trailer £13,400.00 Door Sprung Drawbar Grain Shute Rear Flashing Beacon Galvanised Metal Mudguards T: 07957 804652


Graham Edwards Trailers £5,000.00 20 ft long electric winch very good condition as new with loading ramps T: 01759 388000

NEW WOLDS 25FT TILT-BED TRAILER 2013 - £6,950.00 12 TON, C/W 10 STUD COMMERCIAL AXLES ON 205/65/17.5 TYRES, MUDGUARDS - T: 07831 565473

M&G TANKERS COMMERCIAL DRAW BAR - £5,750.00 Draw bar trailer with turntable, Tri axle, Air suspension, 18,600Kg gross weight Carrys 15000 kg - 07860 385818

AW HYD Low Loading Trailer - £4,500.00 AW Low Loader HYD Lowering 6 Ton Carrying Capacity 18 FT - 07957 804652

Nene 04 Extendable combine trailer. £15,000.00 Wheelwells wind outside tracking axle SAF axles Nov 15 MOT - T: 07730 642100


Advertise for FREE Farming Plant and Machinery

Horsch Tiger MT4 c/w seeder 2011 - £29,750.00 One- 2011 Horsch Tiger MT4 Disc/tine cultivator c/w Stocks Wizard rape seeder. T: 07764 835562

TAWI 250 small bale wrapper £21,000 TAWI 250 small bale wrapper. 2012 Please call for more info: 07740482916

Dalbo front press £5,500 Dalbo front press. Levelflex. 4 meters. Hydraulic folding. 2012. c/w spare set of tines. T: 07872 057398

Advertise your tractors and farming equipment for free visit: Maschio 4m Power harrow drill Combination £POA 2008 Maschio 4m Power harrow/ Accord DL4m drill Combination. Good, tidy unit. T: 07764 835562

New Holland T6080 £POA 3750 hrs p/c 50k front & cab suspension air brakes front linkage, immaculate condition ... T: 07967 010184

Landrover Defender 110 7 seater £15,500.00 2012 Land Rover Defender 7 seater diesel, 12,000 miles since new. T: 07854 716996

Valtra T180 4WD Tractor, 2006 £30,000.00 Valtra T180 4WD Tractor, 2006, 50% Michelin Tyres All Round – 650 x 38 Rears, 540 x 28 Fronts. T: 07860 129448

John Deere 5075E Tractor £23000 Excellent Condition, 2013, Hours: 93, Horsepower: 75 Telephone: 01743 534069

John Deere 6630 Std Tractor £42,000.00 Condition: Very good, Year: 2012, Hours: 1474, Horsepower: 135, PowerQuad 40K T: 01743 534069

John Deere 6930 Premium Tractor £44,000.00 Condition: Very good, Year: 2010, Hours: 3252, Horsepower: 155, AutoQuad 50K T: 01743 534069

John Deere 6150r Tractor £70,500.00 Condition: Excellent, Year: 2014, Hours: 1865, Horsepower: 150, AutoPower 50K T: 01743 534069

Case Puma 180 £32,000.00 Condition: Very good, Year: 2011, Hours: 7695, Horsepower: 180, Powershift 50K T: 01743 534069

John Deere 7530 Tractor £39,500.00 Condition: Very good, Year: 2011, Hours: 6246, Horsepower: 180, AutoPowr 50K T: 01743 534069

John Deere 6930 Premium Tractor £56,500.00 Condition: Excellent, Year: 2011, Hours: 2319, Horsepower: 155, AutoQuad 50K T: 01743 534069

John Deere 6150R Tractor £65,000.00 Condition: Excellent, Year: 2014, Hours: 1271, Horsepower: 150, AutoQuad+ 50K T: 01743 534069

JCB Workmax 1000 £6995 excl VAT Condition: Very good, Year: 2012, Hours: 1157, Road legal, 50K, 4WD T: 01743 534069

Leyland 255 Tractor & Loader £2,495.00 100% original, complete with V5 & Handbook, Ready for immediate work T: 01832 586017

Hinomoto C142 Compact Tractor £2,595.00 Package Deals available, Nationwide delivery, In good condition, 17HP T: 01832 586017

Yanmar Ym1500 Compact Tractor £2,895.00 Package Deals available, Nationwide delivery, In good condition, 18HP - T: 01832 586017

Yanmar YM1500 Compact Tractor £6,385.00 with Loader & Bucket, Package Deals available, Nationwide delivery T: 01832 586017


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Ransomes 2250 Parkway Plus Mower £9,250.00 2010, 3278 hours, 36hp Kubota Engine, Diesel, 4wd, Hydrostatic Transmission - T: 01480 576083

JCB 531-70 £21,000.00 excl VAT Condition: Very good, Year: 2011, Hours: 74320, Horsepower: 130, Powershift T: 01743 534069

County Crawler £3,750.00 excl VAT, 1952 county crawler, bull dozer bray conversion, starts and drives well original condition T: 01743 534069

Advertise your tractors and farming equipment for free visit: Cleanacres Sprayer £2,500.00 Good, Mounted Sprayer, 800l tank size, 12m boom width, hyd folding, Hyd controls, Attachments T: 01743 534069

Hardi Commander Sprayer £24,000.00 Condition: Very good, Year: 2005, Trailed, 36m booms, 4,400 litre, 2 sets tyres T: 01743 534069

Hürlimann, Model: H6115 Elite £6,750.00 1998, Hours: 6000 h, Power: 115 hp, Type: 4 WD, air conditioning, Gear: semi-powershift T: 02866 381108

John Deere S690i Combine £115,000.00 excl VAT Condition: Excellent, Year: 2011, Hours: 900, 4wd, Chopper, 30K T: 01743 534069


Jcb 536-60 Agri Super 2011 - £22,500.00 JCB 536-60 AGRI SUPER YEAR 2011 4X4 4WS C/S COMPLETE WITH A/C CAB T: 01430 845003

JCB 3CX CONTRACTOR YEAR 2002 £21,999.00 VERY TIDY READY FOR WORK T: 01562 309022

JCB 530.70 AGRI SPEC £13,800.00 FARM SPECIAL TURBO YEAR 2002 4X4 4WS C/S A/C T: 01430 845003

Kuhn Axis 30.1 Fertiliser Spreader £3,950.00 2008, 3000 litre, 24m, hyd boarder spread limiter. Ex condition T: 01235 856101T:

Disc Harrow : Rabe / Rabewerk 28 - £850.00 1992, Number of discs: 28 discs, Width: 2,5 m, Condition: Good condition T: 02866 381108

Einbock 5 Meter Grass Harrow £1,695.00 5 meter working width, hydraulic folding, adj front levelling board, 6 rows of spring tines T: 01653 628614

Used 5m Chain Harrow £1,100.00 5m hydraulic folding chain harrows. Very tidy, as new. call now T: 01249 584076

Amazone 6 Metre Combi Drill £POA 2013, amatron plus control box, 700 hectares drilled, front mounted hopper T: 01205 875112

Horsch Sprinter St6 6m Drill £POA Year 2006, Extra Details, c/w seed harrow pre-em markers, blockage sensors. T: 01235 856101

Rs Agrimix 14 Diet Feeder £9,500.00 complete with front cross conveyor and extension. Year 2010, very tidy. T: 01249 584076

KW Root Chopper Feeder Bucket £3,950.00 ixer Bucket 2012, this is one of the best types of chopper buckets on the market T: 01952 739273

Mcconnel Pa550 Hedgecutter £6,500.00 Condition: Good, Switch box, 1.2m head, 3 point linkage T: 01743 534069


New Holland T5060 Tractor £22,500.00

New Holland TN75S Tractor £9,950.00

Valmet 6400 4WD Tractor £7,500.00

Case 855 XLETractor Valmet 8400 Tractor £11111 £9,950.00

Case 8554WD XL Tractor Zetor 9145 Tractor £11111 £6,750.00

Case 855773 XL Tractor Bobcat Turbo £11111 High Flow Skid Steer £8,500.00

Bobcat S185 Turbo High Flow Skid Steer £8,750.00

CAT 25 Fork Lift £8,250.00

Cat 407 Telehandler £25,000.00

CAT D5C Dozer £12,500.00

CAT TH62 Telehandle £10,500.00

CAT TH330 Telehandler £16,750.00

CAT TH407 Telehandler £24,000.00

CAT TH430 9m Telehandler £18,950.00

JCB 526-56 Agri Plus Telehandler £25,500.00 Tel: +44 (0)1747 855327

JCB 526-56 Agri Plus Telehandler £25,500.00

JCB 526-56 Agri Plus Telehandler £27,000.00

JCB 531-70 Telehandler £POA

855 XL Tractor JCBCase 540-170 Telehandler £11111 £42,500.00

855 XLPivot Tractor JCBCase TM310S Steer £11111 Telehandler £26,950.00

855 XL Tractor JCBCase TM310S Telehandler £11111 £35,000.00

John Deere 3400 Telehandler £12,500.00

Manitou 523 Turbo Telehandler £13,500.00

Manitou 628-120 Telehandler £20,500.00

Manitou 629 Turbo Telehandler £14,000.00

Manitou 730 Turbo Telehandler £15,950.00

Manitou 741-120 LSU Turbo Telehandler £25,000.00

Manitou 1235 Telehandler £POA

Manitou 1740 Telehandler £POA

Manitou MLT 735-120 LSU Turbo Telehandler £22,500.00


Matbro TS270 Telehandler £9,500.00

Matbro TS350 Telehandler £8,750.00

Merlo 38.12 Telehandler POA

Merlo 60-10£11111 Telehandler - POA

Case 855 XL Tractor

Case 855 XL Tractor Merlo P28.7 Telehandler £11111 £10,500.00

Case 855 XL Tractor Merlo P28.7 Telehandler £11111 £11,500.00

Merlo P28.7 Telehandler £11,750.00

Merlo P32.6L Plus Telehandler £24,750.00

Merlo P32.6L Plus Telehandler £24,950.00

New Holland L213 Skidsteer Loader £12,500.00

New Holland LM5060 Plus Telehandler £22.500.00

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MF 6485 Dyna 6 50KPH. Jan 2011 (60). Only 1810 hours. Full susp. 3 CCLS spools. 650/540 tyres. 2012 Q66 loader. 175/190HP. £46250

John Deere 6420S c/w Trima 480 Professional Loader June 2003 (03). 6450 hours. Powerquad+ 24/24 40KPH transmission. Air conditioning. £22450

MF 6480 Dyna 6 40KPH. Apr 2008 (08). 4011 hours. Cab susp. 3 CCLS spools. 600 tyres (60%). Very tidy. 2 owners. £27950

For full details and photos of all of the above plus many more see New Holland T5060. Mar 2011 (11). Only 1814 hours. Power shuttle. Dual Power. Air con. c/w Trima +3.0P loader. 106HP. 1 owner. Lovely tractor. £29750

New Holland T7030 P/C 40KPH. April 2010 (10). Only 2730 hours. Full susp. 4 man Spools. 180/215HP. 1 owner. Lovely order. £39750

Zetor Fortera 9641. Sept 2007 (57). Only 1070 hours. Air con. Good Tyres c/w Quicke Q30 loader. One owner. £18250

New Holland FR9050 4WD. March 2010 (10). Only 831 chopping hours. 1079 engine hours. 500HP. Never been used in Maize. In lovely order. £78500

Zetor Proxima power 95. Sept 2011 (61). Only 494 hours. Air con. Powershift/powershuttle. 3 Spools. One owner. Lovely. £21250

John Deere 6810. July 2001 (Y). Only 6052 hours. PQ 40KPH. Good tyres. Very tidy tractor. 2 owners from new (last since 2004). £18750

John Deere 5100R. July 2012 (12). Only 215 hours. Autoquad 16/16 40KPH. Air con. Air seat. Weights. Totally as new. £34250

John Deere 8520 Powershift. Aug 2005 (05). 7590 hours. ILS front susp. Good tyres. Full set of weights. 4 ECV. 290HP. One owner. £51000

Claas Arion 610C. Sept 2012 (62). Only 575 hours. Cab suspension. 600 tyres. c/w MX T10 loader. 130HP 6 cylinder. 1 Owner. £40750

Claas Arion 630CIS 40KPH. May 2008 (08). 3070 hours. Full suspension. Good tyres. Air con. One owner. 155HP 6 cylinder. £26950

Claas Arion 630CIS 40KPH. Mar 2011 (11). 3821 hours. Cab suspension. Front linkage. 650 tyres. 3 Spools. 155HP 6 cylinder. 1 owner. £31250

Pottinger Torro 4500L. 2012. Ex Demo machine. Only 16 hours use. New list circa £72k. Good saving @ £40750

Case CVX150 50KPH. Mar 2003 (03). 7775 hours. Full suspension. Front weights. 4 spools. 650 tyres. Good tidy tractor. £17750

Claas Quantum 3800P Forage wagon. 2009. Rear steer. Exceptionally clean. Farmer owned machine. £26000

Ford Transit Connect T220L. 2005 (05). 99000 miles. 1.8TD. Ply lined. New MOT. Our own van last 7 years. Very tidy. £2350 + VAT

Shelbourne Powermix Pro 22 feeder. 2012. 2 Speed gearbox. Elec controls. Elevating conveyor. Large blades. Magnets. New list circa £55k. Done very little. £26250

2013 AW 7TLL Hyd low load trailer c/w demountable livestock box c/w removable internal seating. Ideal for shoot etc. Rear steer. Unique bit of kit. £8000

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