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Have a glamorous summer


Berlin street fashion Girly trends

Square Deal, Sliema – Paola – Energy Complex, Valletta, Arkadia – Gozo


Level 1, The Plaza, Sliema Office: +356 2133 1192 Shop: +356 2134 4646 Email:

WELCOME You know what they say – be careful what you wish for. So when a few weeks back – when we were trembling under layers of cashmere and wool and going all Linus van Pelt on our blankets for warmth – we prayed for a bit of respite from the weather, little did we anticipate that summer would start this early. And like a cold knob of butter thrown in a hot pan, the weather has quickly melted, browning and sizzling up in seconds. But you know what? Summer is worth all the huffing and puffing because a little sweaty pain makes for the most beautiful of seasons.

around the edges and help you pamper yourself and tone up for summer. We also dress you up for those glamorous summer night happenings. We interview two women whose career choice was to be stay-at-home mums and we showcase Charles & Ron’s exciting new collection. Our budget queen Lara Boffa hits the print button with this season’s boldest trend while young designer Tammy Fenech tells us what inspires her creations. We also hit on the hottest parties, travel to Berlin to shoot the city’s exciting street fashion, and hang out with beatboxer Dana McKeon.


Read on and enjoy.

Photographer Kris Micallef w: Stylist Carina Camilleri Hair Pierre Camille Make-up Diandra Mattei using Givenchy Tel: 7982 8414

In this issue of FM, we wake you up from the winter slumber of pasty white flesh and that little bit of extra rounding

Model Andrea @

Editor Anthony P. Bernard Email:


Consulting Editor Stanley Borg Email:

9 Hot summer? Hot you

26 Mix, don’t match

Francesca Falzon gives her beauty tips on how to prepare for summer.

Lara Boffa hits the print button with this season’s boldest trend.

Design & Art Direction Porridge | Email:

13 To work or not to work:

51 In the ring

that is mummy’s question

Beatboxer Dana McKeon keeps the beat on music, fashion and shopping.

Is staying at home to look after the children a necessity, a luxury, or a career choice, asks Daniela Brockdorff as she meets two full-time mums.

16 Street Style Romina Farrugia finds another fashion brick in the Berlin wall.

46 Wild thang All things wild and wonderful come out to play this season.

23 Style stalker Kira Drury opens her wardrobe to summer.

33 On the eve It’s wham and here you go with the glam. FM looks its best for summer.

52 Hot stuff FM’s summer is accessories magic.

55 What I know about style

Printing Progress Press All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without written permission. Opinions expressed in FM are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. All reasonable care is taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but the editor and publishers cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in articles, advertising, photographs or illustrations. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome but cannot be returned without a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The editor is not responsible for material submitted for consideration.

It’s a life in full colour for Tammy Fenech.

56 Style snaps FM hits the local party scene to snap the hottest looks. It’s time to dress up.

58 The light fantastic For Therese Debono, it’s talent and light that make for great photography.

For any information regarding editorial, promotion or advertising contact Tel: 00 356 2131 8522 00 44 20 3286 6373 Email: FM is published by MADMEDIA International, Mezzanine West, Hadfield House, Library Street, Gibraltar and is distributed free with THE SUNDAY TIMES


HOT SUMMER? HOT YOU Francesca Falzon gives her beauty tips on how to prepare for summer.


ven though it’s as calm as a Maldives beach, summer still brings with it a wave of worry. Gaining a few pounds over the cold winter days – the result of spending your evenings tucked indoors drinking hot chocolate and nibbling on scrumptious cakes – is the stuff of pre-summer nightmares. To make matters worse, in the run up to summer, glossies propose spread after spread of gorgeous models showing off their sizzling, golden tan. This doesn’t really give us much hope of shaking off the ghostly appearance of our pale winter skin, does it? However, have faith. I will share with you a simple routine I normally follow and which will help you kick off your summer in style.

Figure conscious With the soaring temperatures, winter’s layers of clothing go down to a bare minimum. However, with this a horrible feeling of having lost shape creeps in. Indulging oneself in chocolates over stressful periods during winter creates a lips to hips situation. To improve on my physique, I don’t opt to starve myself but rather follow a healthier lifestyle. I normally start off with some exercise, including an hour a day on the treadmill followed by 30 sit-ups. When I feel that I am toning up and gaining a better shape, I reduce my exercise regime to half an hour a day. As soon as I feel that my body is back on track, I replace this boring type of exercise with more frequent trips to the beach. Swimming is generally more fun than huffing and puffing away on the treadmill. Moreover, you can also do it with your friends. I also avoid strict diet regimes or crash diets. How many of us started a miraculous diet, only to find that we can’t maintain it after a couple of days? I tend to opt for a balance between daily exercise and introducing healthier food in my diet. And I do treat myself whenever I feel I deserve it.

American icon Procter & Gamble’s Old Spice is the quintessential men’s grooming brand. With more than 70 years as an American icon, Old Spice is the authority on the male grooming experience and is the No 1 selling deodorant and body wash brand with guys of all ages in North America. Old Spice brings authenticity, performance and confidence to male grooming and offers a wide product portfolio, including body spray, shower gel and aftershave. For local trade enquiries, call VJ Salomone (Marketing) on 8007 2387. FM May 2012 - 9


Ten out of tan Getting a tan is one of my top priorities every summer. Living on such a sunny island like Malta is certainly a bonus. In fact, I can avoid the hassle of visiting a salon and forking out my money to use a tanning bed. Moreover, enjoying the view of the glistening horizon and feeling the breeze through my hair is a far better feeling than that of roasting in an oven. With this goal in mind, I still stock up on good sun protection and avoid going to the beach at noon or early afternoon.

Hand to foot When wearing sandals to the beach or stroll barefoot, I make sure my toenails are well trimmed and my feet clean. The same goes for my hands and fingernails. This not only keeps away fastidious nail infections but also helps me maintain my extremities nice and clean.

Swimwear As opposed to previous years, this summer I have opted for a strapless bikini. Apart from being one of the hottest trends this season, it helps me avoid the embarrassing white strap lines on my shoulders and back. Who would want to have a Google map over their torso when showing off a new strapless dress?

Back to my roots Since my hair is long and tends to frizz easily, I take good care of my locks especially in summer. I normally start off by giving my hair a good pampering, using a treatment that suits normal to oily hair. After washing my hair, I apply the treatment to my hair and roots, while avoiding my scalp – this helps me prevent getting oily hair in a day or two. Finally, I wrap my hair and tuck it in a shower cap for as long as possible before rinsing it. This makes my hair more manageable and delays the spurt of split ends.

My wardrobe I normally keep myself updated on the latest fashion trends by buying glossies, surfing the net for blogs and occasionally buying a few items online. I tend to wear more vivid colors in summer and this year pastels are certainly must haves. Summer is perfect for comfortable clothes – I keep a pair of denim shorts, a strappy top and pair of flip flops at hand to wear on daily errands. In the evening I choose a more stylish look and go for a loose crochet top, a powder blue skirt and a pair of summer brogues. However, when a party hits my agenda, I certainly go for a striking party dress and a pair of high heeled sandals. Follow us on Twitter


10 - FM May 2012

Take full advantage of the sunny days at the beach and lazy afternoons to their maximum as winter will come around before you can say “summer”.

More for men Following encouraging customer feedback, Peacocks menswear has been introduced in Paola. Just recently the collection was also included at the Valletta outlet. Peacocks menswear in Paola will complement the existing women’s range at the outlet situated in Main Street Shopping Complex. Peacocks menswear is now available in all Peacocks outlets in Malta, namely Valletta, Sliema, Paola and Gozo.



Republic Street




TO WORK OR NOT TO WORK: T H AT I S M U M M Y ’ S QUESTION Is staying at home to look after the children a necessity, a luxury, or a career choice, asks Daniela Brockdorff as she meets two full-time mums. Photos by Nick Scicluna.

“It is not in any way easier,” Debbie insists. “I wake up at around half five every morning and my day – Monday to Sunday – is packed with errands and chores.”

T he force is with her


ebbie Bunce and I settle comfortably in their welcoming living room while 10-year-old Casey eats a nicely prepared snack and eagerly waits to hear her mother speak. Debbie is a mother of two – 14-year-old Sadie, I learn, is still asleep but will soon have to wake up for her volleyball training. “I parted with a very fulfilling career,” Debbie tells me. Debbie worked with the police force 14 years ago but decided to give up her job once she found out that she was pregnant. “Even though I was very sure of my decision, it was not an easy step,” Debbie says. She goes on to share some of her work experiences with me, speaking about working at police stations and the police headquarters and about how she contributed to the Statistics Office, major elections, and much more. Recounting some of the more difficult experiences she went through, she tells me how she once had to arrest someone she knew and how she had once tried to make an elderly man’s dying moments as painless as possible after he was run over by a car and was lying in the street drenched in blood in the pouring rain, holding Debbie’s hands, telling her that he was dying. The man died a few hours later in hospital – the memory of it still brings tears to Debbie’s eyes. The few months of maternity leave were not going to be enough for Debbie – she had no one to take care of her child and she and her husband were not in favour of someone else raising their own children. So in 1997, Debbie started her career as a full-time mother.

Debbie always tries to finish the laundry, cleaning and cooking in the morning because as soon as the girls get home, a marathon of activities commence as taxi-mummy takes her children to piano lessons, volleyball training and other commitments. Debbie’s children know no moment of boredom. Debbie’s previous job had given her a lot of personal satisfaction but being a mother gives her no less. “I love trying to come up with an innovative school lunch every day, and what could be better than having your family gathered round the table in the evening, sharing problems and laughter, over a nicely-cooked meal?” Being a policewoman will always be an inseparable part of Debbie. “I took away something beautiful from my life only to make way for something as beautiful,” she tells me. “I sometimes wonder how my life would have been if I had somehow managed to raise my children and keep the career I loved so much, but I am certain I made the right choice and I have no regrets.” Debbie is very satisfied with what she has achieved. She got married at 23, has two beautiful young daughters, changed house twice and has visited many countries with her family. “I don’t have a profession anymore but I’m a domestic engineer and I’m offering so much for my family that I simply can’t regret it.”

I took away something beautiful from my life only to make way for something as beautiful.

FM May 2012 - 13

Interview Martha, however, wants her mother to stay at home. “I like the way our family is united and I would like it to stay this way,” she adds. Even though Roberta doesn’t have to squeeze all her chores in a few hours as working full-time would have entailed, she believes that being a mother can be as stressful as having a full-time job. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. “If the right job opportunity comes along when the girls are older, I will probably take it, but only if I have enough time for my children.”

Family time


s soon as I enter Roberta Felice’s home, I am keenly greeted by her two lovely daughters Maria, 10, and Martha, 9. Mother of two Roberta quit her job more than 11 years ago when she found out she was pregnant with her eldest daughter Maria. Roberta was supervisor receptionist with a local car company before she decided to dedicate herself full-time to the baby on the way. “It was a very interesting job,” she tells me, “and although it was very hectic, I enjoyed it thoroughly. It gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of people from diverse backgrounds and with various experiences.” Roberta is aware of the various advantages to having a career. “Of course, you earn money but you also learn a lot about life.” Four months after Maria was born, Roberta realised that she was pregnant with her second child, Martha. She knew that she was going to be far from the world of work for quite a while and, in fact, she has been far from it ever since. “Having chosen to be a full-time mum, I have more time for my family and home now. I am here when the children get back from school and we can finish the homework together and revise when exams are on the way.” Roberta goes on to tell me that not working in the mornings means she can run errands and get the cleaning and laundry out of the way before the kids are home. Her day starts early at around quarter to six in the morning, getting her daughters ready for school and going to church together, and ends in the evening with a family meal and quality family-time. Cuddling and playing with their kitten Mickey, the girls tell me that they are pleased their mother doesn’t work. “I wouldn’t mind if she works though, because I know she would enjoy it, but that would mean less time for the family,” Maria says.

14 - FM May 2012

If the right job opportunity comes along when the girls are older, I will probably take it, but only if I have enough time for my children. In the meantime, Roberta passes her free time doing crafts. As Maria and Martha gather around to show me samples of her work, Roberta tells me that she simply loves making jewellery, knitting and cross-stitch. “Children whose parents work are not worse off. Of course, you need to find the right balance between home and work. Raising children is all about being willing to make it work but I wanted my children to be settled and so I choose to be a stay-at-home mum,” Roberta concludes.

Adding taste since 1952 Over the past 60 years, Kinnie has evolved to become one of Malta’s leading and much loved brands. Launched in 1952 by Simonds Farsons Cisk, amid an influx of globally recognised brands, Kinnie from the start set out to be different. Its story is as unique as is its distinctive taste and flavour, and this year marks another important milestone in its heritage as Kinnie celebrates its 60th anniversary. To celebrate, Kinnie will be launching campaigns, promotions and events, all intended to keep on sharing, enjoying and celebrating together with the many loyal Kinnie consumers.

Street style

STREET STYLE Romina Farrugia finds another fashion brick in the Berlin wall.


Yuanyuan Liu Why are you in Berlin today? I’m on holiday and came to visit a friend. What do you like most about Berlin? The Berlin bear statues that you find in different points in the city. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? I totally love Tod’s SS/12 collection. Do you follow fashion or do you have your personal style? I do follow fashion. It makes me happy and positive. Actually I don’t have a fixed style since I like to change often according to my mood.

What do you like most about your hometown, Berlin? I love the fact that regardless what mood you are in, you always find something great to do. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? This season I’ve invested in accessories such as my Gucci scarf – it brightens up my outfits. If your house was burning down and you had the choice of saving one item from your wardrobe what would that be? I would definitely save the jewellery which my grandma gave me. Who is your favourite designer? I have many. To mention a few, I’d say Balmain, Michael Kors and Ksubi.

Anna Anke Why are you in Berlin today? I am on holiday and visiting my friend – today we are sightseeing. What do you like most about Berlin? I like the fact that it is multifaceted, has a rich history and that the people are cool and laid back. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? I love chino-trousers and boyfriend jeans because they are super comfy and look casual and effortlessly cool. If your house was burning down and you had the choice of saving one item from your wardrobe what would that be? I’d save my beige coloured Burberry coat, because it was so expensive.

Why are you in Berlin today? I’m on my way to see my parents who live in the countryside. What do you like most about Berlin? I love my small group of “rock ‘n’ roll” friends and places around here. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? My favourite fashion items are pretty much the same every year: baggy pants, t-shirts and my vintage leather jacket. I have my own style and don’t follow fashion religiously. If your house was burning down and you had the choice of saving one item from your wardrobe what would that be? My weekender leather bag which works more like an all rounder since I tend to carry it with me any time and almost every day.

Happy times Freelax is a new hotel membership. With 12 participating hotels, Freelax offers 24 nights on bed and breakfast for 50 per cent off for two adults (two nights from each hotel), 10 to 25 per cent discount for recurring visits, and discounts on hotel spa facilities, restaurants and more. Freelax members are also able to refer a friend using their membership number and they will receive €5 commission. For more information, visit,, e-mail or call on 7930 3061. 16 - FM May 2012


Anne Why are you in Berlin today? I wanted to do some sightseeing and combine it with some shopping. What do you like most about Berlin ? I like the fact that there are different cuisines from around the world. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? I love the colours – everywhere you look, people are wearing different coloured trousers. If your house was burning down and you had the choice of saving one item from your wardrobe what would that be? I would save a purple coat that I got this winter because it was a great deal and has an amazing fit.

Why are you in Berlin today? I am on holiday and was visiting the city. As you can see at this moment I’m posing with the remnants of the Berlin wall. What do you like most about Berlin ? I like the fact that there is a lot of art. And you have the opportunity to learn about many different artists and meet interesting people. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? I love the retro style prints and also the paisley silk dresses that are so fashionable right now. Do you follow fashion or do you have your personal style? I don’t follow fashion. I love simple clothes that have eye catching details.

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Why are you in Berlin today? I’m German and I love Berlin – even though I live some 300km away, I like to visit it often.

Why are you in Berlin today? I’m from New York and I’m doing a mini-tour of Europe. Berlin was on my list for some time, so here I am.

What is your favourite fashion item from this season? I love the lace. I tried a lace electric blue dress and I will probably get it. I also just got myself a cream, lace crochet waistcoat. How would you describe your style I like clothes that are comfortable but cool. Today I’m wearing what I like to call my ‘pyjama look’. Who is your favourite designer? I don’t buy designer clothes but I do love Mango, Bershka, Pimkie and Zara.

What do you like most about Berlin? The history and the rebirth of the city. What is your favourite fashion item from this season? Definitely the red gloves I’m wearing today. They’re so Madonna. Do you follow fashion or do you have your personal style? I like to team up the fashionable items of the season with my all time favourite accessories, hats and caps – I have loads.


Recapturing youth The fight against lines and wrinkles while maintaining skin firmness is crucial to preserving a youthful appearance. Olay Regenerist approaches anti-ageing cell by cell. Olay Regenerist 3 Point Treatment Cream and Olay Regenerist 3 Point Treatment Serum are designed to help visibly firm areas such as the eye area, jaw-line and neck, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and restore elasticity and suppleness. Available from leading pharmacies, perfumeries and supermarkets in Malta. For local trade enquiries call VJ Salomone (Marketing) on 8007 2387.

FM May 2012 - 17


Baby it’s hot and cold inside Charles & Ron unveil their Fall/Winter 2012/2013 collection. Photos by Ian Wright. Make-up by Justin Brincat. Hair by Alexander Carabott at Alexander’s Hairdressing


he Charles & Ron Fall/Winter 2012/2013 collection was unveiled during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Malta. The Sacra Infermeria Hall at the Mediterranean Conference Centre was the stunning historic setting for this highly anticipated show. For this collection, Charles & Ron drew inspiration from the contrast between their respective backgrounds. Ron was born and raised in the cold climate of the Netherlands while Charles was born and brought up in the hot Mediterranean climate of the Maltese Islands. This juxtaposition inspired the designers to design outfits that are sexy and hot but can also be covered up for those colder days. For their colour palette, the designers went for classic black, which is a C&R staple, and also the corresponding shades for hot and cold. The collection is all about opposites that work together in perfect harmony as soft fabrics like silk, lace and chiffon are mixed with leather and tailored structured coats cover soft and flowy dresses. The show was held in collaboration with Viventy Jewels by 202 Jewellery. During the show, C&R models wore exquisite pieces from the latest Viventy collection for which inspiration was drawn from the uniqueness of the Cote D’Azur – an iconic region of glamour, fashion and design.

FM May 2012 - 19

Fashion Justin Brincat

And the winners are

FM celebrates the winners of the Trussardi Jeans Malta Fashion Awards 2012. Photos by JJ Chircop.

Tonio Lombardi

Wella Trend Vision Awards Colour category: Steve Vella Young Talent category: Annalise Azzopardi Robert Galea

Valentina Rossi

Gino Bezzina

Shana Caruana

20 - FM May 2012

Female model: Shana Caruana Female photo model: Valentina Rossi Male model: Robert Galea Male photo model: Gino Bezzina Fashion photographer: Tonio Lombardi Makeup artist: Justin Brincat New designer: Muriel Thake

Hand & Nail Harmony Nail Technician Awards French acrylic sculpting: Noella Genovese Gel sculpting with nail art: Janelle Bundy Soak off gel manicure: Elysia Farrugia



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Kira Drury opens her wardrobe to summer.

I Heart Christian Louboutin

Trend alert mixing prints

Style Star - Zooey Deschanel

Cheap & Chic


Update your look without having to step out of the house or whipping out your credit card. This summer, clashing prints soars on the style radar. The art of mixing prints is a tricky trend, but if pulled off correctly will look super cool and seriously stylish.

If you’re in London between now and July 1, head down to the Design Museum, where iconic French shoe designer Christian Louboutin will be exhibiting 20 years of design and inspiration. From studded sneakers, to bejeweled pumps get ready for some serious shoe envy, I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon.


Singer, style icon and star of hit TV show, New Girl. As if all that wasn’t enough, this doe-eyed beauty has topped practically all the best-dressed lists too. We can see why, retro, quirky and laidback cool, she makes it look effortless. Zooey we salute you!

• Stay within the same colour family. • Wear smaller prints on the bottom and bolder prints on the top.


• Stripes are a great base, as they have a great ability to work with almost any other print.


• Mixing florals is a quirky and easy way to make this trend work. • Toss in some polka dots, stripes or even leopard prints - because they’re simple and graphic they mix well. • Keep accessories simple.


Go glamorous Situated in the heart of Valletta, Tango is a unique fashion boutique that offers a selection of high-end fashion from Paris. Glamour goes head to toe for formal affairs, cocktail parties, weddings and more with brands such as J’Adore, Birrin and Sagaie. The Tango staff is friendly and the wide selection of separates and suits are the height of cool as well as affordable. FM May 2012 - 23


Accessory heaven Nothing adds a style punch like a piece of statement jewellery. The right necklace or earring can bring your favourite little black dress back to life and feel brand spanking new again. Parfois have an amazing selection of on trend, lust-worthy pieces. Here’s my pick, race you down there!



01. Set of bangles, €14.90 02. Multi chain necklace, €29.90 03. White drop stone earrings, €14.90 04. Feather earrings, €6.90 05. Stone bracelet, €22.90

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24 - FM May 2012



Beauty buzz A couple off issues back I wrote about how big nail art is this season. Seen on Rihanna, Katy Perry, Blake Lively and Beyonce, to name just a few. Getting the look can be a tad difficult, not to mention fussy. Fret not, because I’ve discovered an amazing site, www. - they supply a whole range of amazing patterns on easy to use stickers. Say goodbye to pesky smudging, happy shopping!

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Trade Enquiries VJ Salomone (Marketing) tel: 8007 2387

Budget Queen

Mix, don’t match Lara Boffa hits the print button with this season’s boldest trend.


rint clash, a fancy word describing the mixing of multiple patterns in one outfit, is this season’s most budgetfriendly trend. Why? Well, unlike neon and pastel pieces, we are all bound to have accumulated a great variety of printed items over the years. I, for once, did not have to purchase a single item to give this trend a go. To make matters even more favourable for all recessionistas out there, there is no such thing as the ‘it-print’ this season. You name it, and it’s in, whether it’s stripes, polka dots, florals, Aztec, fruits, Baroque, avian and at least a dozen more animal prints. Identified by many fashion bloggers as this season’s fun trend, one cannot deny that it also lies on the daunting side of the scale as well. It can either go wrong or right. You must experiment with pieces, most times coming up with unexpected combinations, until you grasp the underlying technique of this bold trend. These are the tips I have picked up along my almost scientific experimentation with my patterned numbers. They should ensure that your print clash outfit is like pineapple on pizza: it should not work but it does somehow. In pattern-mixing, two is company and three is a crowd. I tend to stick to two patterns, because that is pretty daring already, and you don’t want to go overboard. The key to rocking statement trends is not to bite off more than you can chew. Find a common denominator. Even the most unlikely pair of items can co-exist if they have something in

26 - FM May 2012

common. Keep your eyes open for common colours or colour families. Think about hues that usually work well together, like black and red. You might also want to mix two items from the same pattern family – floral on floral is all the rage right now. One of my personal favourite tricks in pattern-mixing is weight variation. This seemingly esoteric notion is very simple in nature. Pick a bold printed top and opt for a more muted patterned piece for your bottoms. You can also apply the weight variation technique by choosing to pair two numbers that slightly differ in the pattern’s physical make-up. So a top with prominent polka dots looks great with a smaller polka dot skirt. Wide stripes work magic with narrow striped pieces.

In pattern-mixing, two is company and three is a crowd.

If there’s one thing I’m glad I learnt early on, it’s the fact that stripes are like the black of the printed world. Most times, whenever I feel like trying pattern-mixing, I start out by putting on my favourite striped top, like the Breton striped top in this outfit. If you are a print clash beginner, then start with some stripes and work your way from there.

A must in pattern clash is to add a block of colour. It acts as a sealer and ties the look, merging together the differences in your print mix combination. At the same time, a block of colour emphasises your patterns and makes sure they get the attention they deserve. If you’re feeling inspired, go for a neon or pastel colour to ace two trends in one outfit. Don’t forget your accessories. Why should pattern-mixing be restricted to clothing? Scarves, shoes, jewellery, hats… these are all worthy contestants in the pattern-blocking show. Fashion icon Olivia Palermo sported one of the most admired pattern-mixing combinations during London Fashion Week. Her animal print shoes and floral trousers outfit earned her a great deal of attention, the good kind.

The Budget Queen Lara Boffa is allergic to oranges. She’s also an interpreter, has always wanted a pet dog, can play the piano and is lost in six languages. She runs her own fashion blog at

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Trade Enquiries VJ Salomone (Marketing) tel: 8007 2387

• Start with your hands either side of your nose. • Move your hands up and along the sides of your nose using a firm upward sweep. • As you move up and reach the bridge of your nose, gently transfer the pressure to the heel of your hand until it reaches your forehead.


On the eve It’s wham and here you go with the glam. FM looks its best for summer.

Artigli, €59.90 Accessorize, €46.00

There’s no arguing about it – summer by day is hot. Not just temperature-wise, of course, but also in terms of your sizzling bikini, the ice-clinking, tongueclenching colourful cocktails, and the beautiful people doing beautiful things. But when the sun goes down, summer becomes even hotter – there are pool parties to splash to, elegant evenings under the stars and romantic happenings on the beach. And everyone is invited – all you need is some glam and you’re in. Isabel Marant

Haider Ackermann

No sleep Summer nights are long and keep us away from our sleep. So it’s a good thing that the pyjama trend is so hot this season. However, don’t think unmade beds – rather, it’s all about elegant pyjama pants in pastel colours, dressing-gown jackets, and silky pyjamas which offer a worthy alternative to traditional trouser suits. Match with heels for maximum effect.

Stella McCartney

Pretty paisley

Artigli, €64.90

The most classic of Indian heritage prints is back in the form of paisley-printed cotton dresses by day and billowing, elegant skirts by night. Paisley is one of the hottest trends this season, present on everything from accessories and evening wear to swimwear. It’s elegant, free spirited and slightly bohemian – just like you.

Full details Summer is a fun, whimsical season – and trends should reflect that. This summer, they do – materials like broderie anglaise and lace are intricate, adding delicate layers to your look. Rich materials also highlight the crafted detail – check out the catwalks by Valentino, Miu Miu and Louis Vuitton.

Accessorize, €46.00

FM May 2012 - 33


The Barometer

The white lady Summer and white go together like a party and cocktails. This season, the most innocent of colours is combined with precision-cut tailoring – Jil Sander, Stella McCartney and Diane Von Furstenberg all proposed cool and clinical creations. Yet white is also perfect for girly, playful pieces using broderie anglaise, lace and silk, as Giambattista Valli and Dolce & Gabbana’s catwalks showed.

Wear Christian Louboutin sneakers – walk this way.

Missoni goes Mexicana – we love it.

Jil Sander

Tear Pasty white skin – go on, enjoy the sun (responsibly). Spilling over your bikini in all directions – didn’t the New Year resolutions work? Family outings by the sea – the beach isn’t yours, you know.

Blog watch

The who, what, why, wear of the net And we say, thank you for the fashion. Perfect make-up. Stylish observations.

34 - FM May 2012

See the sea

As for materials, white is best showcased in linen and crisp cotton.

Monsoon, €54.00

Artigli, €89.90

This season, prints are big – from tribal and animal to geometric and floral, there’s a print for everyone. The most summery, of course, are underwater prints. Mary Katrantzou proposed a catwalk of cocktail dresses printed with tropical fish, while Versace went all the way with seahorses, starfish and scallop shells. Stella McCartney took the trend one step further and went for slip dresses in ultramarine and wavelike cuts. Karl Lagerfeld went all treasure-hunter on his creations and completed his outfits with conch-shell clutches and pearly accessories, while Givenchy’s catwalk accessorised with shark teeth medallions.

Emporio Gozo & Plaza, Sliema, €234.90


Chic and feminine peplums.

Monsoon, €150.00

Monsoon, €99.00 Artigli, €79.90



EST Brand: Scholl Colour: Brown, Tan, Coral Size: 35 - 41 Price: €67.00

Brand: Scholl Colour: Taupe, Off-white, Black Size: 36 - 42 Price: €59.00


Brand: Scholl Colour: Black, Cherry, White Size: 36 - 42 Price: €59.00



Brand: Gabor Colour: Fumo, Brown Size: 36 - 42 Price: €90.00

Brand: Scholl Colour: Taupe, Black Size: 36 - 41 Price: €82.00





Brand: Gabor Colour: Grey, White Size: 36 - 42 Price: €96.00

Brand: Gabor Colour: White, Dark Brown Size: 36 - 42 Price: €85.00

Brand: Gabor Colour: Dark Fumo Size: 36 - 42 Price: €96.00

Scholl and Gabor are available from all Scholl Foothealth Centres, Abela’s Health & Beauty Centre (Gozo), Suffolk (Valletta). Scholl is available from all leading pharmacies.


Brand: Gabor Colour: White, Cognac Size: 36 - 42 Price: €96.00

A dress for any occasion. 57/64, Old Bakery Street, Valletta T: 2123 0506 E:

Photography: Kris Micallef | / Styling: Carina Camilleri Make-up: Diandra Mattei using Givenchy | M: 7982 8414 / Hair: Pierre Camille Model: Andrea @

Monsoon dress, €265 / Mask by Enrique Tabone, POR / Carpisa bag, €29.90

Tango dress worn as skirt, €249.00 / Orsay t-shirt €17.95, scarf, €7.95 Parfois bangles (on left arm), €9.90 each / Peacocks bangles (on right arm), €7.00 each Mexx bag (on sofa), €49.95 / Giuseppe Zanotti sandals, stylist’s own

Orsay floral dress, €39.95

Monsoon blouse, €70 / Vintage sequinned collar, stylist’s own / Peacocks skirt, €16 / Peacocks tiaras, €7 each

Mexx top, €55 / Comme des Garcons bolero, stylist’s own / Tally Weijl leggings, €12.95

Peacocks bikini, €23.50 / Monsoon dress, €150.00 / Parfois jewellery from €22.90 Carpisa bag, €10.90 / Bata shoes, €35.00

Monsoon skirt, €108 / Accessorize bikini top, €24.90 / Parfois “ball” necklace, €12.90 each Parfois necklaces from €22.90 Peacocks bangles (on right arm), €7 each / Parfois bangles (on left arm), €9.90 each / Moschino wallet from Sophia, €110 Accesorize sunglasses, €21.50

Esprit skirt, €49.95, shirt, €69.95 / Parfois sunglasses, €22.90 / Feather boa, stylist’s own / Bata shoes, €35.00


WILD THANG All things wild and wonderful come out to play this season. Styling: Kira Drury, Photography: Nicky Scicluna

4. 1.



11. 6. 2 7.



13. 3.


14. 15.


01. Monsoon bird print blouse, €70.00 / 02. Esprit floral t-shirt, €19.95 / 03. Bata floral wedges, €49.90 04. Parfois snake print scarf, €24.90 / 05. Carpisa snake print purse, €19.90 / 06. Accessorize butterfly necklace, €13.90 07. Parfois zebra brooch, €7.90 / 08. Mango fish necklace, €17.95 / 09. Gabor flower tip shoes, €98.00 / 10. Pois diamante tee, €61.99 11. Peacocks feather bag, €17.50 / 12. Parfois doggy clutch, €27.90 / 13. Accessorize leopard print hair band, €4.90 14. Mexx owl belt, €39.95 / 15. Parfois leaf cuff, €9.90 / 16. Mango owl necklace, €17.95

46 - FM May 2012

PERFECT HEELS, IN JUST THREE DAYS! Scholl Cracked Heel stamps out the problem of dry rough

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Promo Find us on Facebook for special offers and updates on events.

Amber treasure


ollow the tinkle of ice on glass down the infamous Strait Street and you’ll stumble upon Malta’s amber treasure. Descend into the cellar of wonders that is whisky and bistro for a chance to sample enough different whiskies to make a Scotsman blush. From rare single malts to the comforting classics, snuggling up to enjoy a well-bodied blonde has never been so easy. You can also enjoy a refreshing cocktail and free nibbles in a setting where there’s as much history in the walls as there is behind the bar. After you’ve had a couple there’s no doubt you’ll be after a tasty meal or snack to accompany your scotch. There’s a great selection for you to choose from and whether it’s tasty starters, cold cut platters, fish dishes, rib-eye steaks, pastas or delicious desserts, there’s sure to be something that will keep you seduced for a little longer. So if you’re in the city looking for something different, choose Str.Eat Whisky & Bistro.

Weekly events Wednesdays Whisky & Women After the great success of last month’s Whisky & Women event, we’ll now be running this every Wednesday. Who says whisky is just for men? Every Wednesday special discounts on premium brand whiskeys for the ladies wanting to indulge their taste buds to some amber heaven.

Thursdays Moules Marinieres Night Chef Bastian’s moules marinieres are quickly becoming one of our signature dishes here at Str.Eat. Every Thursday, they are freshly flown in from Sicily so come down relax enjoy them with a chilled glass of Sancerre, a cold lager or for you die hards a sweet single malt which will all be on special offer when ordering the moules.

Fridays BOGOF Fridays What better way to start your weekend than with a Buy One Get One Free offer from Malta’s only whisky bar. Every Friday from 4pm till 8pm buy one get one free on all cocktails (which we guarantee are more than a cut above the rest) and selected single malts. For bookings call or text 9921 7228.

FM May 2012 - 49

Photo - Matthew Attard Navarro


In the ring “Despite being nervous about my debut, I enjoyed performing my original composition and went on to win the competition.


or Dana McKeon, 22, it all started with a bout of boredom. “Typically bored at my desk while studying for University exams, I’d sing to myself and tap beats with my fingers. Then I sustained a thumb injury while playing basketball, which made me turn to an alternative means of making beats with my mouth. I discovered that I could imitate the sound of drums by isolating and co-ordinating the movement of my lips, tongue, vocal chords and the muscles around my throat. Following this discovery, I went on to research vocal percussion online and came across the art of beatboxing. After a few weeks of practice, I got the knack of circular breathing and humming or singing while beatboxing. Now I can also beatbox and play the guitar and harmonica simultaneously.” Dana started playing the guitar when she was nine years old. She wrote a couple of songs back then but was too shy to exit the confines of her bedroom. Her interest in music started dwindling as she focused on sports and school.

“I instantly got hooked on performing and developed a passion for music. This inspired me to pack my bags and travel to London last summer to try my luck at performing there. After just four weeks, I had already performed at over 20 gigs, made some great contacts, got scouted a number of times and was offered a few deals. “It then became clear that music was what I wanted to do. I’ve since taken up a guidance and management deal with ANP Media, one of central London’s top media teams, and have also become the first female artist to sign a non-excusive contract with Beatbook, Europe’s top beatbox booking agency.” Dana also managed to meet Bruno Mars “I was on a University exchange in Stockholm in October 2010 and went to a Travie McCoy concert, where Bruno Mars was the support act. After the concert my friends dared me to show the artists my beatbox skills and in jest I put on a bit of an attitude and headed towards the backstage area. Surprisingly, the security guards at the door didn’t stop me so I just walked through and met the bands. I blended in with their groupies and hung out while they filmed me beatboxing, but they said that the main artists wouldn’t want to be disturbed after the show.

Dana’s MAY wardrobe “I always try to put together stage outfits which represent my music and my identity as an artist, while adapting them to the specific gig. Looking good and feeling comfortable in what I’m wearing automatically makes me feel good, which then comes across in my performance. I often also seek advice from friends and the media guidance team I work with,” says Dana.

Photo - Paris Arrowsmith

“However when I was in my second year at University, I got to know about a singer-songwriter showcase organised on campus and decided to write a proper song and go for it.

Photo - Paris Arrowsmith

Beatboxer Dana McKeon keeps the beat on music, fashion and shopping.

“Then on our way out of the venue we met Travie McCoy and spotted Bruno Mars making his way towards his tour bus. Somehow his bodyguard recognised me as the girl who was giving the bands a beatbox demo backstage and told Bruno Mars it would be worth his while to listen to my beatboxing. He really enjoyed my impromptu performance and we had a little jam in front of the crowd gathered outside the venue. He had a lot of lovely things to say about my voice and beatboxing.” Last March, Dana also participated at the World Beatbox Championships. “Meeting and jamming with so many talented people was amazing and a huge honour. I placed fifth in the competition, granting me the official ranking of the number five female vocal percussionist in the world. “Being the first person to take part in the championships on behalf of Malta, this event officially put our islands on the international beatbox map. While in Berlin, I was asked to do lots of interviews with press from all over the globe. The livestream broadcast of the event reached over 150,000 viewers. “My focus is to keep growing as an artist. I’ll be working with producers and releasing recordings and music videos of my original music in the coming weeks. Some great international shows are in the pipeline, as well as exciting collaborations and projects. I’ll also be organising beatbox workshops in Malta with the aim of uniting Maltese beatboxers and promoting the art of vocal percussion. I’m already in talks about the possibility of organising an official Maltese Beatbox Battle in the near future.”

FM May 2012 - 51


HOT STUFF FM’s summer is accessories magic.








11 07



01. Large flower necklace by Marni. €395 from / 02 Lime clutch by Accessorize. €34.00 03. Blue multicolour striped hat by Etro. €360 from / 04. Bag by Carpisa. €15.90 / 05. Apollo belt in python skin and platinum by Lara Bohinc. €760 from / 06. Bag by Carpisa. €29.90 / 07. Satchel by Carpisa. €19.90 08. Tote and bag by Carpisa. €29.90 and €12.90 / 09. Block colour bag by Accessorize. €49.90 / 10. Pouch by Carpisa. €10.90 11. Santorini ring by Accessorize. €19.90

52 - FM May 2012

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Style Wise

W H AT I K NOW A BOU T STYLE It’s a life in full colour for Tammy Fenech.

IN DESIGN Name: Tammy Fenech Age: 20 Doing: Studying Fashion and Innovation at Leeds College of Art. Worked with London based stylist Tamara Cincik

Tammy’s style counsel

When I was eight years old, I took part in a school charity fashion show. I remember feeling so excited and very much in my element. That was my first fashion experience, and it’s what started it all.

• Style is individual, trends change but ultimately it’s your style that makes clothes personal.

I have always been very interested in design in general – with my grandfather being an artist and designer, he helped my interest flourish further. As I grew older, I then became more interested in fashion and that’s when I decided that I wanted to learn how to design and make my own clothes.

• Good style is usually effortless. • Accessories are essential to make an outfit come together.

For me, the brighter a colour is, the better – I love wearing colours like green, orange or royal blue.

• Style is about knowing what suits you most and ultimately what you are comfortable in.

One thing I would never wear is real fur. Different and mostly new designers inspire me every season – however I always tend to be drawn towards Balmain, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel. Other designers who inspire me because of their use of bright colours are Manish Arora, Mary Katrantzou and Paul & Joe.

• Heels always make an outfit look better.

I’m currently designing according to assignment work, which has its constraints due to certain requirements – however, I always include vibrant colours and patterns in my designs, which I think represents my design aesthetic well. I also design and make my own jewellery on the side, which is currently being sold at WOW creative centre in Msida. I am very influenced by Eastern cultures. I like to investigate the history behind these vast cultures to help get a better understanding – this then leads me on to my whole design concepts. This season, I’m loving the high wasted leggings paired up with 1950s style crop tops, having just a bit of your midriff revealed – it’s a classy way of accentuating a woman’s figure. Dolce & Gabbana and Prada have embraced this trend. I also love the mix of pastel block colours where designers like Balmain, Carolina Herrera and Louis Vuitton are enhancing the spring feeling.

Best foot forward The Scholl collection is constantly evolving, supported by high impact creative instinct. The new collection reinterprets basic lines and essential styles with original shapes and materials – a complete range for an easy yet refined look. The Summer Scholl Footwear range is available from all Scholl Centres in Valletta, Sliema, Mosta and Fgura, Suffolk in Valletta, Abela’s Health & Beauty Centre in Rabat, Gozo and all leading pharmacies. For trade enquiries call Pharma-Cos Ltd on tel: 2144 1870.

FM May 2012 - 55



FM hits the local party scene to snap the hottest looks. It’s time to dress up. Words: Kira Drury. Photos: Nicky

These ladies step out in this spring’s coolest colour – coral.

This lovely lady pulls off this season’s trickiest trend – neon.

Loving these vintagelook frocks.

Cool retro printed tee from Asos.

Keeping it simple with a flash of flesh and basic black.

This bang-on-trend Aztec print dress looks amaze – loving the gold detail too.

Check out the statement necklace – bam!

Patent and colour-pop – drool.

Made in the middle of nowhere Fat Gold’s Summer 2012 collection is here, featuring new t-shirts, headwear and accessories. Fat Gold’s distinct style has matured and grown to establish themselves as a favourite on the local scene. With stockists in London and Belgium too, locally they are available at Riot (Baystreet), Riot (The Plaza), Rockabilly (Mosta) and online with free delivery worldwide at

56 - FM May 2012

Why hassle! We’ll deliver straight to your home, office or boat Call before 10 am for same day delivery • Min €35 spend

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Last word

The light fantastic

Behind the lens

For Therese Debono, it’s talent and light that make for great photography.

Profession: Draughtsman and photographer

Name: Therese Debono Age: 35

I am attracted to images rather than cameras. I spend hours following other photographers’ work on flickr and other sites for inspiration. The camera is my creative tool, yet I firmly believe that it’s not the camera that makes a good photographer but talent. The camera is the tool that helps a photographer express creativity. Light is also important – it’s the natural source which photographers need.

Model: Maxine Cali

After I got my first SLR, it spent a month in its box because I was so scared of it. I had so many images in my head, but somehow I relied on chance when it came to settings – that certainly wasn’t a good way to photograph. I knew that I had it in me to express myself through photography, yet I was scared of the camera. The course I did with Kevin Casha changed all that. I had a few eureka moments during that course which made Kevin laugh and me stand there in awe because suddenly I knew how to produce the images I wanted.

58 - FM May 2012

It’s an advantage to have an eye because artistically speaking one would not need extensive tutoring – however one can never get enough knowledge. Having great equipment and spending money on the latest gadgets is fine, but if artistically you are not there, the photos still won’t happen.

I think one is born with a talent and it’s up to the individual to recognise this and put this talent to good use. To develop further I recommend working with a mentor. Thanks to my mentor Joe Smith, I got more confident in photography but in a very cautious way. I move forward step by step and when in doubt I consult with my mentor whose experience is by far greater than mine.

Portraiture is one of my favourite genres. A portrait can tell a lot or nothing about a person – it’s all up to the chemistry between sitter and photographer. Which is why I need to know a sitter from beforehand – it can be a long chat or a short one, as long as it gets the real character out. If one is open to others, naturally people react positively to you and you get good results from a shoot. Through the sparkle of the eyes only, you can read a million things about that person. For portraits, I prefer a natural style as it has a certain feeling which cannot be captured in a styled photo. Still, I do appreciate styled photos – when I collaborate with www., I love the styles which Mandy, the stylist, prepares for us.

Model: Mandy Farrugia portraying Frida Kahlo

In summer 2007, when on my way to Gozo with my dear friend Eric, he gave me an extra camera he had with him. I could not stop snapping and found myself naturally being careful with the composition. He encouraged me and suddenly photography and I found each other.

Current projects: Selfportraiture and planning some jazz portraiture during the Malta Jazz Festival.

Model: Jana Grech

Back in the 1980s, I remember I was very keen on snapping away with my camera – I used to be full of enthusiasm when dropping off a film to be developed and then going to collect the photos.

When shooting a self-portrait, it’s difficult to play the roles of both photographer and subject, especially since I spent most of my teenage years and all of my twenties hiding from any photographer in sight. What has helped me start posing for photos is that I finally know what it takes to make everyone look good. I am not talking about retouching, but about posing and lighting which can make or break an image. For me, self-portraits started as an experiment to better understand the people who might pose for me, and it turned into a sort of therapy to make me more confident in front of a camera – it has turned into a personal journal. In everything that I do, I always strive to do better than the last time – in the case of photography I follow the same concept. See more of Therese Debono’s photos at

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