FM June '11 - Issue 154

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Summer Collection 20

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WELCOME We’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is that you’re reading this through the Sunday morning heat, your eyes trying to pick out the ink behind the haze. The good news is that while you’re reading this, we’re somewhere very far away, sitting in a patch of bright sun while sipping a frilly drink or three. Everybody deserves a break. Especially us who, with a very lean but mean team manage to publish three top quality magazines with great content and the best fashion shoots in Malta.

years – because, to be honest, given our size and limited resources, Malta shouldn’t even be here. And yet here we are, hardly visible on the map yet fiercely independent and proud, even though sometimes this pride gives us the false impression that we are the sun in a Copernican system. In this issue of FM, we celebrate father’s day by interviewing three daddy’s girls, track the rise of intolerance in Malta and see where personalities are going for their summer holidays. Of course, fashion is high on our agenda, with the season’s latest trends, model interviews, and coverage of the hottest fashion events in Malta and abroad. Read on and enjoy. COVER CREDITS Photographer Tonio Lombardi W:

It is this hard working vein that makes us Maltese patient yet so perseverant. Such resilience has helped us survive along the

Stylist Luke Engerer Hair Michelle Galea at Roots Hair Salon, San Gwann 2745 4164


9 You have no right to say that. Or do you?

Alison Bezzina protests against Malta’s growing intolerance.

13 In the name of the father

On father’s day, three girls tell Martina Vella why they will always be their daddy’s girl.

27 Wish you were where?

Louise Ellul, Katya Scicluna and Katrina Pavia share their holiday plans with Maria Michela Formosa.

48 All made up

It’s wham, glam, thank you ma’am as FM sparkles up the warm, summer nights.

62 What I bought this month

It’s beauty and the beach as Jana Grech gets her wardrobe ready for summer.

67 What I know about style

6 - FM / June 2011

Model: Jovana - InFashion Malta wearing Tommy Hilfiger dress and Accessorize cap Editor Anthony P. Bernard Email:

Joanna Butterworth is on her best model behaviour.

Consulting Editor Stanley Borg Email:

69 The horror, the horror

Design & Art Direction Porridge | Email:

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is the most outrageous outfit of them all, asks FM.

71 Beautiful strangers

Summer flings don’t need to be such a crazy little thing, says Anne Marie Spiteri.

74 Camera man

Clint Scerri Harkins has fashion in his sights.

Win a Remington My Mini Straightener There’s no need to let your hair get out of control when you are on the go. Make sure you arrive in perfect style with the My Mini Straightener from Remington. This ultracompact (15cm long), space saving, hair styling gadget can be discreetly carried in your handbag, for whenever you have an emergency or have to get ready while on the move. The My Mini Straightener is the ultimate travel accessory to guarantee you look great wherever you are. The range also includes My Mini Dryer and My Mini Crimper.

Make-up Nicola Powell M: 9986 5369

Printing Progress Press

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without written permission. Opinions expressed in FM are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. All reasonable care is taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but the editor and publishers cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in articles, advertising, photographs or illustrations. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome but cannot be returned without a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The editor is not responsible for material submitted for consideration.

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To win a My Mini Straightener, all you need to do is like Femme Magazine facebook page and post on our wall why you should win the My Mini Straightener. The best answer wins.

Tel: 00 356 2131 8522 00 44 20 3286 6808 Email: FM is published by MADMEDIA International, Mezzanine West, Hadfield House, Library Street, Gibraltar and is distributed free with THE SUNDAY TIMES


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ThE pOiNT, TigNE pOiNT - ViCTOriA, gOzO


I’ve never been to Malta before so I’m really excited to meet the people and visit places.

Mark Camilleri

You have no right to say that. Or do you? Alison Bezzina protests against Malta’s growing intolerance.


uring a recent radio programme, blogger and strategist Alex Grech said that, “While in Malta blogging is still in its infancy, in other countries some are claiming that it is already dead.” With over 200,000 Maltese on Facebook, self-publishing in Malta is certainly alive and kicking, but is the freedom to opine always a good thing? And is intolerance always bad? What if it’s a case of a racist, sexist or bigoted opinion? Shouldn’t we have zero tolerance for these? The right to freedom of expression brings with it a very scary revelation – the fact that some people have very high levels of intolerance towards arguments opposed to their own. It is one of those freedoms which quickly brings out the good, the bad and the ugly, in equal proportions. In principle, most of us would agree with Voltaire’s famous words, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” But how easy, or even possible, is it to adhere to this code of

conduct when you don’t agree with what is being said? In order to respect the true essence of freedom of expression and speech, everybody should respect everybody’s else’s right to say whatever they want, even if they don’t like it, don’t want to hear it, or publicly insults or humiliates them. It’s easy to respect and tolerate freedom of speech when we happen to agree with whoever is doing the expressing – it’s when we disagree that we get our panties tied in a knot and try to gag the speakers with their own socks. Mark Camilleri, editor of Ir-Realtà, is still awaiting the final judgement on the case of Li Tkisser Sewwi, a short story written by Alex Vella Gera, and which Camilleri published in the university journal, Ir-Realtà. The story which theoretically went against local obscenity laws, hit the headlines and spearheaded many online discussions for and against censorship. Camilleri is strong in his stand. He says that even if he is found guilty it won’t make a difference.

“If I ever stumble upon some other brilliant piece of literature which is deemed offensive by the police, the State or some high-brow writers who are more interested in sucking up to the Nationalist Party and the State rather than making academic criticism, I would publish it without any fear whatsoever. I do not regret one single thing except that Li Tkisser Sewwi should have been longer – that would have made it better.” According to artistic director and theatre producer Adrian Buckle, “Censorship laws should be scrapped, and should only be applied in extreme and exceptional cases. Where theatre is concerned, producers should simply classify their own work according to a given set of guidelines, and let the audience decide what to consume and what not to. The laws and the market will then regulate themselves.” One could argue that intolerance and censorship are murdering freedom of expression, and that the solution is to stop FM / June 2011 - 9


networks, but according to Alex, “The powers that be have yet to recognise this paradigm shift. They still haven’t realised that anyone who has a following of sorts, even mere members of civil society (as opposed to politicians) are increasingly, and quietly becoming more influential using the new tools.” Adrian Buckle anyone from saying anything offensive. However, Alex Grech who is currently reading for a PhD about the disruption of power systems through blogging, thinks that while we now have the ability to say anything we want – a freedom which we did not enjoy prior to the advent of online self-publishing – it doesn’t mean that in a civilised society we should be racist, sexist, or behave like bigots. “There are, and should be laws to regulate that,” adds Alex. “In the pre-internet days, you had to rely on a gatekeeper. Now, you don’t need anybody’s permission. In the old days, you may have had something very valid to say, but it would never have seen the light of day unless you had access to a printing press or an editor. Now, you can do it on your own, just by pressing ‘publish’ on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account.

While we now have the ability to say anything we want - a freedom which we did not enjoy prior to the advent of online self-publishing - it doesn’t mean that in a civilised society we should be racist, sexist, or behave like bigots.

Social media is increasingly becoming the back channel of our lives. It’s where civil society is going to, to raise its voice but it should be, and is, subject to the same rules as publishing through any other orthodox channel. Many people make the mistake of thinking that online they are immune to prosecution – this is not true. Conversely, there are still problems with regulation – sometimes even when there’s an embargo or a court order gagging the media, some things are still leaked on social media.” In the run up to the divorce referendum, we witnessed many cases of what could be classified as online harassment. With supporters of the two sides practically at each other’s throats, the gloves were off and bullying tactics abounded, even online. It is very likely that a lot of convincing happened on social 10 - FM / June 2011

Josanne Cassar, Deputy Editor and Features Editor with The Malta Independent, says that, “The divorce referendum was the first indication that freedom of expression is really not in the hands of the mainstream media any more. This was due not so much to the internet, but to Facebook in particular. While blogs, news portals and other sites were utilised, as they were in the 2008 elections, people have now realised their limitations. In many cases one’s comment is in the hands of a faceless moderator – and your comment may or may not be uploaded. “With Facebook, however, everyone’s opinion is equal in the sense that anyone can publish their comments on their wall. Anyone can set up a group or a page, and the potential of cross-referencing and linking with other sites has opened up the exposure to all new media. The speed with which something goes viral is breathtaking, as I witnessed first-hand with my tongue-in-cheek slogan which turned into the Moviment Tindahalx page. One minute my status was saying: ‘You take care of your soul, I’ll take care of mine’ (Moviment Tindahalx), and the next it was being shared and posted by hundreds. That one word ‘tindahalx’ (don’t interfere) caught people’s imagination and encapsulated the general feeling of exasperation at how the State and Church were meddling in people’s private lives.” “Having said that, there is still quite a high level of intolerance in Malta. This can be witnessed by certain insulting, aggressive comments which poured in during the online divorce debates. The challenge is to balance the right to speak your mind with the right not to attack each other personally. I think we still have a long way to go in learning how to criticise the argument rather than to viciously destroy the person making the argument.” Gabi Calleja Chairperson of the Malta Gay Rights Movement is of the opinion that, “Freedom of expression is a right that should be valued and protected in a democracy. However Josanne Cassar this right can and should be limited particularly when what is being expressed has the potential to cause harm or impinges on the rights of others.” Referring to Pastor Gordon-John Manche’s public claim about the success of gay conversions, Gabi argues that, “While we do not believe that what Manche claimed amounts to hate speech, his comments impinge on the freedom of expression of LGBT people to freely express their sexual identity. Gay conversion activities corrode this right by implying that LGBT people are not entitled to live their lives to the same extent that heterosexual persons are. Such beliefs also lead to an increased risk of self-harm and suicide among LGBT youth. For this reason we feel impelled to protest when such beliefs are expressed publicly.” Over 2000 years ago Aristotle stated that no one, no government, or authority can ever make its citizens morally virtuous, and that a basic understanding of human nature shows that it is simply impossible to have a society where everyone is nice to everyone else. I wonder, therefore, why are we still trying?

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Father’s day

In the name of the


On father’s day, three girls tell Martina Vella why they will always be their daddy’s girl.


here was a time when Father’s Day was all about hugs, kisses and piggyback rides at the swings. Helping dad unwrap his presents, then slumbering on his lap watching cartoons was the icing on the cake.

compensate for all the sacrifices he must have made, the headache we must have given him when we wanted that particular doll, or the stress he must have experienced during one of our hissy fits or teenage dramatic episodes.

Yet as we grow up and life changes, we realise that hugs and kisses are no longer enough on this special day. What do you give the man who has jumped through metaphorical hoops to make you happy? You can buy him a silk tie, gold cufflinks or even a Rolex – these will undoubtedly make him ecstatic. But is it really enough? Can something as trivial as a gift really

Dads deserve much more than that. So every year, when Father’s Day is just around the corner, I find myself running around the shops like a headless chicken trying to find something meaningful that says ‘Thanks for everything Dad, I know I don’t sit on your lap anymore or come to you when I’m stressed, but I love you with all my heart.’

Sometimes you see a father and daughter together and you think how close they are – years may pass, the woman could be in her twenties and married, but when she’s with her dad she’s that young girl again being spoilt and fussed over. She’s back to being a princess, a daddy’s girl. I’m not that girl. I don’t smother him with hugs and drown my dad in tears whenever I’m upset. But in his silences I find support, in his calmness I find comfort and though we’ve had to stumble over hurdles, there is a timeless, strong bond. Happy Father’s Day dad.

Fabienne Abela, 20 Seeing his little girl become a woman has been hard for him.

I have a great relationship with my dad. We’re both opinionated and short-tempered so petty arguments are bound to arise but they’re few and far in between. And when he’s in the mood for spoiling he really goes over the top. I’m sure my dad wants me to grow up and succeed in life but I know that seeing his little girl become a woman has been hard for him. Once I wanted to go to Gozo with my boyfriend and a bunch of friends but my dad didn’t want me to go. We had an argument the night before so I ended up going without telling him. I had felt really bad about it afterwards. I try to please my dad by working hard for the things that are important to him, but at the end of the day I know that he just wants me to be happy. What matters is that we love and respect each other. I honestly believe that my dad is one of the best dads in the world. He is hard working and would do anything to see me happy. Although he can be stubborn at times, I love my dad and just want to make him proud. FM / June 2011 - 13

Father’s day

Sophie Petrovic, 21 I have a very close relationship with my dad and we get on very well. We’re similar in every way. I look exactly like him and our personalities are identical. My mum always tells me, “Sophie, it’s scary how similar you and your dad are.” He has always provided for me and made sure I was happy. That said, he’s overprotective and still treats me like his little girl. However he is starting to get used to the fact that he cannot tell me how long my dress should be or what I should wear. Before he used to jokingly tell me that I couldn’t have a boyfriend till I’m 30. Now reality has kicked in and he knows I’m going to make my own choices. But I still look for his approval and respect his wishes. I like keeping my dad happy so I rarely do things which I know would upset him. And even when I do, I feel guilty because we get on really well together and I don’t want anything to change that.

There will never be anyone as perfect as my dad.

I don’t like keeping any secrets from my dad because he would be more upset if he found out without me telling him – still, I do believe some things are better left unsaid. There will never be anyone as perfect as my dad. No matter how old I am I’ll always be his little girl. We have a very special bond and I’m really grateful for that.

Katya Borg, 22 When I was younger, I was much closer to my dad than I am now – that would mean that now my father is accepting the fact that I’m growing up and want to live my life. However, I still feel he treats me like I’m his little girl, trying to protect me as much as possible. My dad never put me under lock and key as he always gave me enough freedom to do what I want. However I’m currently going through a situation where I’m going against his principles, so I feel really guilty, especially since I hate seeing my dad so worried about something which could have easily been avoided. Most of the time I try and do things which will please him but that’s not always possible. Nonetheless, although we have our arguments, my dad has instilled in me values and priorities which will guide me for the rest of my life.

The smart deodorant The new deodorant from Gillette offers more protection when you need it. Its patened betacyclodextrine protection technology responds to varying levels of body heat by providing more protection against perspiration. Available in two variants – Gillette Professional Power cream stick in Cool Wave and Arctic Ice and Gillette antiperspirant spray in four fragrances – Storm Force, Power Rush, Cool Wave and Arctic Ice. For local trade enquiries, call VJ Salomone (Marketing) on 8007 2387.

I wish all the dads a great Father’s Day but especially to my father as he was always there for support, love and courage whenever I needed it.

My dad has instilled in me values and priorities which will guide me for the rest of my life.

14 - FM / June 2011

The joyful evening awaits An opulent bouquet of orange flower and tuberose set against the cream sandalwood and vanilla in the base imbues Boss Orange Sunset with a soulful sensuality. With the purchase of Boss Orange Eau de Toilette 75ml or Boss Orange Sunset Eau de Toilette 75ml you receive a Boss clutch bag, body lotion (50ml) and shower gel (50ml). Trade Enquires VJ Salomone (Marketing) Tel: 8007 2387.

15 portomaso PTM 01 2138 7687






06 08


Take a walk on the wild side in ultra glam animal print. Photography - Tonio Lombardi, Stylist - Kira Drury


10 07


12 15

14 13 01. Tally Weijl dress, €25.95 / 02. Accessorize hat, €26.50 / 03. Mango owl print tee, €24.90 / 04. Morgan trousers, €56.00 / 05. French Connection shoes, €140.00 / 06. Tally Weijl bikini top, €9.95 / 07. Tally Weijl bikini briefs, €5.95 / 08. Tally Weijl shades, €4.95 / 09. Accessorize leopard bangle, €12.50 for set of two / 10. Accessorize leather bangle, €9.90 / 11. Orsay leopard print top, €17.95 / 12. Accessorize bag, €43.00 / 13. Carpisa purple pouch set, €10.90 / 14. Scholl red sandals, €47.00 / 15. Tally Weijl towel, €12.95 16 - FM / June 2011






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20 - FM / June 2011

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follow us on FM / June 2011 - 21


22 - FM / June 2011

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FM / June 2011 - 25

26 - FM / June 2011


WISH YOU WERE WHERE? Louise Ellul, Katya Scicluna and Katrina Pavia share their holiday plans with Maria Michela Formosa.


he scene is all too familiar – crowded airports, beaches covered in pasty white winter flesh and major cities packed with tourists. Summer is in and many are already planning to whoosh off to exotic or faraway places for a few days to enjoy a bout of well-deserved self-pampering and to discover new cultures or meet old favourites for a second date. Louise Ellul, Katya Scicluna and Katrina Pavia are eager to get their all play and no work, at least for a few days, and enjoy some peace and quiet abroad.

Louise Ellul This is one busy lady, with acting, TV presenting and university studies on her plate. “I haven’t made any travel plans yet, since I have other projects lined up for summer,” she says. “However, I don’t exclude the possibility of going off on a work experience abroad – even though that doesn’t strictly qualify as a holiday, it would still be a great opportunity to get to know another country’s culture. “Still, even if I don’t have any travel plans, I’m planning to make the most of summer – I deserve a break since I’ve been very busy working and studying. I will also be investing some time in the property which my boyfriend and I will be moving into once it’s ready.” For Louise, her dream destination is Australia. “I have relatives who live in Melbourne and would love to spend some quality time with them, especially since, even if we do communicate regularly, I’ve never actually met them in person.”

Katrina Pavia The 21-year old model has had the opportunity to visit a variety of countries, thanks to her modelling career. She tells me that she has been four times to Turkey, twice to China, Belgium, Venice, London, Sicily, Bulgaria and Northern Cyprus. So many countries at such a young age. “This summer, I would love to visit Thailand,” Katrina says. “I still have to deal with all the travelling arrangements though. “I have heard so many beautiful things about Thailand from fellow competitors in beauty pageants. I have thus been harbouring this wish for some time now. I would love to get a taste of their food, their culture and of course just have fun. I would also relish the chance to go scuba-diving and experience Thailand’s wildlife in person.”

FM / June 2011 - 27


Looking good Magazines give endless tips on applying the perfect make-up, but every woman knows the amount of time spent getting it right. Now, semi-permanent make-up allows you to get the essentials right by a trained professional. Permanent pigments are carefully applied to the skin, with results that last for years. The procedure is applied to the eyes, eyebrows and lips. Michelle has mastered this precision art form under the guidance of renowned UK trainer Andrew Stassi. Call Michelle on 2167 3382 / 9942 3731, or e-mail Visit the Pebbles Beauty Clinic Facebook page.

Katya Scicluna The Gozitan Zmeraldi presenter has made quite the breakthrough on our islands, not only for her stunning looks but also for her talents. Katya tells me that she travels a lot for work, but she does not really have a moment to spare to explore all the wonderful buildings, palaces, churches and monuments. “I have not planned anything yet, but if I find the time, I’ll certainly go abroad on holiday. Unfortunately, my financial and time allowances do not stretch too far, so I’ll have to stick to Europe and forget exotic places such as Brazil, Chile or Miami,” Katya says. “Our neighbour Italy has such magnificent landscapes and a rich culture and history. Add great food and superb wines, and you have a perfect holiday.

One pot wonder The Body Shop unveils new innovative Body Butter Duo, providing two levels of moisturisation in one convenient product – a first in the beauty industry. Body Butter Duo now makes your life easier. One product, two formulations, sharing the same fragrance. Apply the rich infusion on areas such as elbows, knees, and legs, and use the normal skin formula on the rest of your body, for up to 24-hours of moisturisation.

“My dream is to visit Brazil. I would love to experience the magical samba beat in Rio, which I have often read about. There are also the canoe excursions along the Amazon, the awesome sights of the Iguacu falls, as well as everyday living in one of the many towns which yesterday’s European migrants managed to develop from scratch with so much flair and success. “Travelling to exotic countries such as Thailand, Australia or Brazil would be great. Unfortunately, most people are too busy to take as much as two months off to experience such faraway places during winter, but summer is the perfect time to make your holiday dreams come true.”

Read on. Join our Femme Magazine page.

28 - FM / June 2011


Five labels, over 25 beautiful models and one gorgeous garden - host the fashion event of the season. Photography by Ben Camille.


t was a fashion event to remember as FCUK, Max Mara, Monsoon, Morgan and Tommy Hilfiger all came together, each with their own fashion show, for an afternoon of glamour and high tea at Palazzo Parisio gardens in Naxxar. The event, which was supported by Olay Regenerist creams, featured over 25 male and female models from who, under the direction of stylist Carina Camilleri, showed off this season’s best collections from the five labels. There was also a surprise for the guests as model Tiffany Pisani was especially flown in for the event. Models also wore Ice Watch and sunglasses from Solaris. The event was further supported by Deborah Milano make-up, Pierre Camille hairdressing and Olay Regenerist

skincare. Olay Regenerist 3 Point Treatment Cream and the Olay Regenerist 3 Point Treatment Serum are designed to help visibly firm areas such as the eye area, jaw-line and neck, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and restoring elasticity and suppleness. During the fashion show, a delicious high tea buffet was served, with an extensive menu that included a variety of finger sandwiches, savouries, cakes, teas and coffee. The event was completely sold out and there was even a waiting list of hopefuls wanting to attend the event. The lucky ones greatly enjoyed the experience and look forward to the event becoming a regular on Malta’s fashion calendar.

Solaris Solaris in Sliema and Valletta offers a range of sunglasses from over 70 world leading brands including Ray Ban, Prada, Gucci, Dior, Bvlgari, D&G, Emporio Armani and Chanel. Solaris is always at the cutting edge of fashion and you are sure to find the right sunglasses to fit your face as well as your taste.

FM / June 2011 - 31


FCUK The FCUK SS11 collection is all about pared back, contemporary style that captures chic Parisian fashion and the 1970s Riviera spirit with a mix of preppy British influences.

32 - FM / June 2011


Monsoon The Monsoon SS11 collection captures the romance and spirit of spring and summer. This season is overflowing and speaks of a new fashion flirtation with beautiful embroidery, sensual silhouettes and 1970s chic.

FM / June 2011 - 33

Promo Fashion

Max Mara The stunning Max Mara SS11 collection harnesses the company’s defining features of precise clean cuts, decisive lines and essential items, at the same time confirming its tradition for excellence and equilibrium.

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Tommy Hilfiger For SS11, Tommy Hilfiger returns to the roots of iconic preppy fashion, re-inventing this most American of styles with a forward-looking twist.

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Promo Fashion

Ice Watch Boasting bold and vibrant colours, Ice Watch has been a huge hit on the style scene. Young, trendy and fun, they can be dressed up or down and they will still make a fashion statement.

36 - FM / June 2011




05 03






12 11 10



14 15

Hippy-chic, with a rock’n’roll edge – find your inner bohemian in these festival essentials. Photography - Tonio Lombardi, Stylist - Kira Drury

19 17 16

18 20

01. Monsoon sequin waistcoat, €95.00 / 02. Orsay bow dress, €17.95 / 03. Accessorize hat, €27.90 / 04. Peacocks smokey eye make-up kit, €5.50 / 05. Peacocks wet wipes, €2.00 / 06. Accessorize fan, €3.90 / 07. Ecco clogs, €129.90 / 08. Morgan crochet top, €39.00 / 09. Peacocks compact mirror, €4.50 / 10. Mango beige playsuit, €29.90 / 11. Piazza Italia Minnie tee, €12.99 / 12. Peacocks fringe handbag, €19.50 / 13. Mango red necklace, €54.90 / 14. Mango denim jacket, €44.90 / 15. Peacocks floral hairband, €4.50 / 16. New Look brown boots, €34.99 / 17. Mango brown belt, €24.90 / 18. New Look print shorts, €24.99 / 19. Esprit blue shorts, €39.95 / 20. Accessorize floral shades, €21.50 38 - FM / June 2011

Fashion Photo by Simon Pruciak.

Adrian Mizzi and Dianne Taylor at Graduate Fashion Week Photo by Simon Pruciak.

Jacqueline Loekito Photos from UCA Rochester’s GFW show.

GRADUATING WITH FASHION HONOURS FM watches as young new talent goes on show at the Graduate Fashion Week.


raduate Fashion Week is a forum that showcases the very best graduate fashion design talent in the UK from some 50 universities Chairman of Malta Fashion Week and Malta Fashion Awards Adrian J. Mizzi was officially invited by one of Europe’s leading arts and design institutions, the University for the Creative Arts, to follow this fantastic annual event. Each June Graduate Fashion Week stages a static exhibition showcasing the work of some 50 universities across 52 courses, and approximately 21 university fashion shows at Earls Court 2 in London. The whole aim of Graduate Fashion Week is to promote and nurture the talents of today’s young, creative innovators, so that tomorrow’s creative industries can continue to play a major role in the economy of the UK and the rest of the world.

FM / June 2011 - 41

Promo Fashion

Graduate Fashion Week played host to a number of universities and colleges from all over the world, with each institution holding fashion shows to showcase the talent of their students. The staging changed for every fashion show according to the theme chosen by each University. Finalists were then chosen for the Final Gala Night where the final prize was ÂŁ20,000, enough for the lucky winner to start their own business. Last May, the Mercedes Benz Malta Fashion Week organised a great collaboration with this University, with seminars also held for some 30 Maltese photographers. Over the years Graduate Fashion Week has launched the careers of brilliant British designers such as Stella McCartney, Julien MacDonald, Antonio Baradi, Hussein Cha-layan, Christopher Bailey, Stuart Vevers and Owen Gaster. Maltese model Tiffany Pisani was also one of the models chosen to catwalk during this fantastic event.

Lyudmila Lane Gold Award finalist Lyudmila Lane’s collection, from UCA Rochester.

42 - FM / June 2011

Lauren Lynn Photos by Paul Harness.

44 - FM / June 2011


T he

scouting challenge FM and have teamed up to scout for the next FM model. If you think you have model looks and style, upload your photos on the Femme Magazine facebook page. The best photos will have the chance to be selected and photographed for the FM model page, be part of and participate in a fashion editorial on Malta’s leading fashion magazine, FM.

This month’s model Name: Emily-Jo Star sign: Virgo One thing you cannot live without? My iPod What is your ambition? To become a fashion designer What is your first thought when you wake up? Go back to sleep What are you doing at the moment? Studying art and design at MCAST What are you wearing? Vest, jeans, cardigan and sunglasses by Tommy Hilfiger Denim and shoes by Nine West. Emily-Jo

FM / June 2011 - 45



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SCHOLL AND GABOR ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE SCHOLL FOOTHEALTH CENTRES IN SLIEMA, VALLETTA, MOSTA, FGURA, SUFFOLK (VALLETTA) AND ABELA’S HEALTH AND BEAUTY CENTRE (VICTORIA - GOZO) - FM 2011 While 46 every effort/ June has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this brochure, prices may be subject to change and not all sizes and colours may be available


ALL MADE UP It’s wham, glam, thank you ma’am as FM sparkles up the warm, summer nights.


y day, it’s so hot that the only movement worth making is to reach out for our frilly, poolside drink. And we can’t even bother with clothes – our wardrobe direction is to wear anything which we can slip off and on in just one, simple movement. But when the evening comes, a slight breeze ruffles up our senses and a starry night of candlelit parties and chilled champagne beckons. It’s time to glam up.

Anna Sui

New Look, €6.99

The dazzling decade

Accessorize, €24

This season, 1970s trends are back in all their boho, sophisticated glamour. Dresses fall like a breeze and shimmer while high-waisted pants are combined with elegant blouses for a classy look. If you want to go for a more bohemian, yet still elegant look, crochet, fringes and patchwork trends are all the rage.

Esprit, €89.95

Esprit, €79.95 Esprit, €89.95

Marc Jacobs Esprit, €99.95

Accessorize, €39

New Look shoulder top €29.99, shorts €18.99, sunglasses €9.99

The essence of attraction Introducing MEXX Magnetic, the fresh, modern and sexy new fragrances for men and women. MEXX understands that true attraction is effortless – and you never know when it might appear. As a result, both the MEXX Magnetic Man and Woman fragrances are fresh and playful, only later revealing a captivating richness. Available from Baystreet Shopping Centre, St Julians, 248A, Republic Street, Valletta and 67, Constitution Street, Mosta. 29/10/2010




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Trim: 600x800mm Bleed: 5mm



48 - FM / June 2011

29.10.10 PRE John PRESS







Esprit, €89.95


Getting leggy with it Summer is all about showing off your tanned legs, whether in an obvious way or in a more subtle, yet no less sexy, manner. This season, skirts are either mini or maxi. Short pleated skirts are sassy and naughty, as are tail helms. Yet there is also the return of full, feminine skirts that used to be so hot in the 1970s. Maxi skirts help you make an entrance and leave so much to the imagination. Asymmetrical full skirts, like the ones showcased on Salvatore Ferragamo’s catwalk, add another element to your look.

Salvatore Ferragamo New Look, €8.99

Gianfranco Ferre Monsoon, €250

Stephane Rolland

Wearing the trousers This season, pants are mainly wide in cut – another ode to 1970s glamour. And they’re not just stylish – wide pants and high-waisted wide pants are also youthful and comfy. What more could you want.

Treat your feet

Maria Escote

New Look playsuit €54.99, sunglasses €9.99, boots €39.99


Massimo Rebecchi

50 - FM / June 2011

Scholl Callus and Hard Skin Reducing Cream gently reduces callus and hard skin in seven days. It contains a natural soothing ingredient, is non-greasy and is quickly absorbed. The cream is dermatologically tested, perfume free and hypoallergenic. This month, benefit from a buy 2 get 1 free offer. Available from leading pharmacies, Scholl Foothealth Centres and leading supermarkets. For trade enquiries contact Pharma-Cos Ltd on Tel: 2144 1870.

FM / June 2011 - 51


The Barometer The Barometer The Barometer The The Barometer Barometer

Roberto Cavalli

Accessorize, €59

New Look playsuit €34.99, hat €9.99, bag €12.99

Wear Summer’s show-stopping stripes.

Esprit, €49.95

Rihanna’s denim Prada bag – we want one.

Hang on

Alexa Chung – hair hero.

Rather than a full on look, this is a micro trend that complements other looks. Whether they’re dangling from a cord belt or hanging on to your handbag, tassels are exotic, glamorous and add a playful element to your look. It’s uncanny how such a little detail can change a whole outfit. Tassels also go well with decorative feather-trimmed skirts for that vintage Hollywood feel.

Sizzling summer evenings. Orsay €34.95


Kate Mara wearing, erm, what exactly? Dirty beaches. The litter bins are over there. Alberta Ferretti

Dolce & Gabbana


Sheer class Monsoon, €323

Glam is not only a question of cuts and patterns – it’s also about materials. For full skirts, sheer is the more elegant option, as it gives your outfit more flow. For added naughtiness, go for a lace blouse, either entirely made of lace or else with lace inserts – the hide-and-seek quality will focus all attention on you.

Hippy shake Channel the 1970s hippy feel this festival season with craft inspired macramé, fringing, feathers and beading. The influence is Middle Eastern, with warm neutrals and highlighted with shimmering metallics and pops of pinks and blues. Accessorize at Sliema, Valletta, Paola, The Duke, Gozo.

52 - FM / June 2011

Indian summer Experience Indian summer where and when you feel the need to escape from everyday life and dream of an exotic destination. Escada Taj Sunset is a juicy fragrance with tropical sensuality – fresh mango meets coco cream, sweet raspberry and nectarine. Get your free Escada beach bag with every purchase of Escada Taj Sunset eau de toilette 100ml. Trade Enquires VJ Salomone (Marketing) Tel: 8007 2387.

A football free summer Killer cucumbers – we’re off our salad

Blog watch The who, what, why, wear of the net Streets of style It’s not French, but it’s still classy Necessity is the mother of fashion invention

Express yourself! With so many home decorating items available on the market, it may be difficult to decide just what your favourite style is. At One Two One, we will help you focus on your likes and dislikes to ultimately achieve a home that expresses your own unique taste.

21st September Avenue, Naxxar Tel: 2142 2948/9 Qui-Si-Sana Seafront, Sliema Tel: 2132 3155/65

Curtain and upholstery fabriCs • duresta hand-made upholstery • home ornaments • GlassWare and tableWare • bed linen • WeddinG lists speCialist • in-house seWinG serviCe FM / June 2011 - 53

SOCIAL CLIMBER Photographer: Tonio Lombardi Stlylist - Luke Engerer Hair: Michelle Galea, T: 2745 4164 Make-up: Nicola Powell, M: 9986 5369 Model: Jovana - InFashion Malta

54 - FM / June 2011

Tommy Hilfiger trousers - €130.00 New Look top - €24.99 Piazza Italia shoes - €18.99 French Connection bangle - €24.00 Opposite Tommy Hilfiger dress - €220.00 Accessorize swimming cap - €39.00

FM / June 2011 - 55

Monsoon dress - €95.00 Mexx cardigan - €55.00 New Look shoes - €24.99

56 - FM / June 2011

Tally Weijl jeans - €22.95 New Look top - €22.99 Orsay scarf - €12.95 New Look sunglasses - €6.99 Tally Weijl shoes - €39.95

FM / June 2011 - 57

Esprit shorts - €39.95 Ralph Lauren top - €144.50 Orsay scarf - €9.95 New Look shoes - €24.99

58 - FM / June 2011

Piazza Italia jumpsuit - €29.99 Morgan belt - €18.00 Tally Weijl shoes - €39.95

FM / June 2011 - 59

New Look trousers - €12.99 Mango top - €9.90 Orsay scarf - €9.95 Slam bikini - €46.00 Gauda at Sliema shoes - €49.00

60 - FM / June 2011

Mango dress - €39.90 Moshulu shoes at King Shoe Shop - €94.90 Carpisa bag - €49.90 Accessorize ring - €5.50

FM / June 2011 - 61


What I bought this month

Photo by Nicky Scicluna

“I’ve always been interested in fashion, yet modelling was not something I ever thought I would do. Then, some two years ago, having just finished a performance on stage, I was approached to do a fashion spread for a magazine. From then on, my relationship with modelling grew stronger,” says Jana Grech who, at 21, is studying mechanical engineering at the University of Malta. “I still remember my first fashion shoot – I was quite stiff at first, but then I managed to relax and it all became so natural. I enjoyed every second of it and it gave life to all the mock dress ups we used to do as children during our sleepovers. Of course, since those days, my taste and wardrobe have changed.

Read on. Join our Femme Magazine page.

It’s beauty and the beach as Jana Grech gets her wardrobe ready for summer.

Photo by Nicky Scicluna

“When I was a girl, my wardrobe lacked any sense of colour – it was just an array of baggy trousers and tight black or white t-shirts. Nowadays my wardrobe has gained some colour, but pink remains a prohibited colour. On the other hand, my favourite items are patterned crop tops, plain high-waisted skirts and a black blazer which really dresses up an outfit, even when all I’m wearing is just jeans and a casual t-shirt.”

“I never plan my shopping trips, unless I need something really specific and I’m pressed for time. Otherwise, I think planning your shopping takes the fun out of it and reduces shopping to an errand. Shopping has to be spontaneous. And even if something is a bit pricey for me, I’ll usually still buy it, at the cost of sacrificing lunch with the girls or a night out.”

Jana loves clothes by Chloé – she finds them feminine with a lot of soft, nude tones. She also, of course, loves shopping. “I find shopping therapeutic,” she says. “Maybe not for the people shopping with me, as I’ve been told.

Jana’s June wardrobe

This month, Jana bought a clutch bag, ballerina shoes and sunglasses. “I love the beach, so this summer it will be an overdose of bikinis, maxi and floral dresses,” she says.

62 - FM / June 2011 Photo by Therese Debono

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Style wise Tonio Lombardi

Tonio Lombardi

Kris Micallef

What I know about style Joanna Butterworth is on her best model behaviour.

Kris Micallef

New Look in Gozo Following the success of the New Look flagship store at The Point in Malta, the brand has now opened its second store on the Maltese islands in Victoria, Gozo. The stunning new store houses the latest New Look summer 2011 womenswear, accessories, and footwear. New Look’s approach to fast fashion means that 15 per cent of the range changes each week, ensuring there is always something exciting in store.

I grew up with two older sisters and so I was always surrounded by loads of clothes and make-up. I remember they used to spend hours dressing up for the weekend. Then they would rush downstairs to show their look to mum. My mum was Miss Malta in her teens, and she was always the one I looked up to for modelling advice. My first modelling experience was when Marisa Grima approached me to do a shoot for a local magazine. It was my first time in front of a professional photographer and on the cover of a magazine. Soon after Carina Camilleri chose me for The Search – Ford Super Model of the World. I was the youngest of 15 models and it was a great experience. Thankfully, I was given a lot of opportunities after that. During a shoot, I like to be versatile and I do my best to look as confident as possible – that helps me be more creative. For my look, I do read glossies for inspiration, but most of the time I like to mix and match and create my own personal look.

Joanna’s style counsel Wear items that fit your body. And if you’re a tall girl, like I am, go for low heels as too much height will make you look awkward. Do change your style – fashion is constantly changing so you have to adapt. Wear clothes that reflect your feelings. You don’t need to overdress to look stylish. Feel confident – that will bring out the best in what you’re wearing. You don’t have to hammer your bank account to look good. There’s nothing wrong in hunting for a bargain and you can still look good without spending a fortune. Though I wouldn’t mind spending months of hard earned cash on a fab designer bag.

I always feel great wearing a turquoise baby doll, jeans, colourful tops and dresses. However, you would never see me wearing any animal prints. I don’t like to look like I’m wearing a zebra or a tiger. This season I’ll be wearing a lot of floral playsuits. Read on. Join our Femme Magazine page.

Kris Micallef FM / June 2011 - 67

The list


Read on. Join our Femme Magazine page.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is the most outrageous outfit of them all, asks FM.


Lady gaga

Marina Diamandis

Nicki Minaj

Paloma Faith

Katy Perry

True, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta may have changed the face and wardrobe of pop. And some of her alter ego’s costumes are gorgeous. But not this one. Looks like one of Ozzy Osbourne’s sofa cushions.

Beautiful girl and beautiful, thick-astreacle voice. But Marina Diamandis still has a long way to go before we can say she is making the right wardrobe moves. Dressing up like a pushchair is certainly not a right move.

She can blame all her wardrobe malfunctions on her various alter egos, including her twin sister Roman, her own godmother and healer Nicki Teresa. But we don’t.

Take some leftover Christmas wrapping in all its sparkling glory and stick a bit of unidentified roadkill to it and you get to look like the British singer and songwriter. But who would want to do that?

Russell Brand’s girlfriend has an ongoing spat with Lady Gaga, yet dress-wise, she is not bagging any points. Dressing up as a weird Wonder Woman for carnival is fine, but not on any other day.

Matthew McConaughey


Cee Lo Green

Kanye West

Benicio del Toro

Mickey Rourke

The big man with the big voice is usually one of the more stylishly dressed men on the red carpet. And we do love his quirky costumes. Yet Cee Lo Green does have his bad days, as this bejeweled track suit shows.

Used to be one of the best-dressed men in entertainment. Then he started taking himself too seriously and look what happened to his wardrobe. Dressing up like a slightly dazed and confused 1930s detective is never a good idea.

He may be one of the sexiest stars in Hollywood. And he did have a steamy lift encounter with Scarlett Johansson. But that doesn’t mean he can get away with a leather jacket-track pantscowboy boots combo.

We applauded the 9½ Weeks star’s welcome return. But we still cannot understand how, after decades in Hollywood, Mickey Rourke still hasn’t managed to find the right image consultant.

True, he might have been going to the gym or just getting the papers. And yes, we can see that he spends most of his time working out. Yet Matthew McConaughey still manages to look like Napoleon Dynamite on a bad day. FM / June 2011 - 69

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Beautiful strangers Summer flings don’t need to be such a crazy little thing, says Anne Marie Spiteri.

Feelings tend to be annoyingly unreasonable, so no amount of mental preparation will guarantee a friendly parting of ways at the end of summer.


esides being the cruel cause of wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer, sunlight has a more benign side to it. Exposure to sunlight modulates the release of hormones in our brains so that we are more likely to experience feelings of well being and happiness. It also banishes sleepiness and apathy, helping us to be more alert during the day, which in turn results in a better, more refreshing sleep at night. During summer, which is the natural partner of sunlight, the longer hours of daylight coupled with the pleasant weather ensure that people go out more while wearing much less. As if all this weren’t already the unattached socialite’s idea of heaven on earth, summer also brings a large delegation of foreigners to our shores. With all these ingredients mixed into one long, hot night, the legendary summer fling of Grease and Dirty Dancing fame is bound to happen to the best of us.

Armani Hotel

Urban dictionary defines this event as “something light and fun-filled with nothing to worry about at the end of summer”, which is great for people who want some attention and cuddles without all the discussion and compromise that goes into longterm relationships. It may also be a wonderful confidence booster for wretched folk at the rotten end of a bad break up. However, as with most things that provide instant gratification, summer flings are not without their risks. One such danger is that of ringing up a nasty STD, though this can be easily avoided by being careful and sensible. Another main snag which is harder to veer clear of is that of getting attached to a person who will happily forget all about you come September. Unfortunately, feelings tend to be annoyingly unreasonable, so no amount of mental preparation will guarantee a friendly parting of ways at the end of summer.

The lobby of the Armani Hotel

FM / June 2011 - 71


Excellence in a bottle The first of its kind in Malta, Cisk Excel contains only 3.75 grams carbohydrates per 25cl bottle – a significant reduction of 50 per cent compared to a regular beer. This makes Cisk Excel a smarter alternative for individuals leading an active lifestyle, but who still want to enjoy a great-tasting beer.

Still, there are precautions you can take to avoid a broken heart. One of these is to be honest about what you are after, both with yourself and your summer fling partner. Avoid making future plans which cannot be kept and do not introduce the person you’re seeing into your social circle, since this will make it harder to move on. In addition, avoid making your plans around your summer fling partner, and only meet up when you are free from other commitments. While at one time or other in their life a good number of people enjoy the occasional carefree summer fling, the overwhelming majority of human beings generally aspire to stable and rewarding long-term relationships. As a result, many people find themselves trying to take their summer fling beyond the beach parties and barbecues. Such a relationship, like all other relationships in their initial stages, is more likely to work out if some basic foundations are in place. These include the potential partner having similar values and ideas to your own, as well as possessing qualities which you feel are essential, while lacking characteristics which you absolutely loathe. In addition, the permanent location of the desired better

half should be taken into consideration. Distance, though not an insurmountable obstacle, makes it harder to develop fragile beginnings into a more concrete connection. To further complicate matters, the initial thrill that you could go without food and drink as long as you’re with your partner eventually and thankfully fade. As the relationship becomes more established, your perfect mate is likely to start sprouting flaws which you never even glimpsed before, and consequently, you may find yourself questioning the compatibility of the match. If a relationship survives its inevitable ups and downs, it gradually enters a phase where each person is aware of both the virtues and defects of their significant other, and has nonetheless made a conscious decision to commit. This does not mean that at this point all couples can comfortably settle onto the couch in matching pyjamas to watch their favourite TV show until death do them part. Relationships involve a large amount of work and constant communication and honesty are key. However, most times it may also be a good idea to refrain

from confronting your partner about little inconsequential things such as the infamous raised toilet seat. Issues that, on the other hand, must be discussed include needs and ambitions. While always taking into consideration your partner, it is also important to keep pursuing your own goals, since self-fulfilment cannot be exclusively drawn from a relationship, no matter how good it is. Even if you follow the most successful relationship guidebook to the letter, you might find yourself approaching your second summer together fearing that either you or your partner might fall for the allure of an attractive stranger. Although the chances of this happening strongly depend on each individual’s character and level of commitment, it turns out that there might not be all that much to worry about. Studies have shown that the feeling of love towards one’s partner helps to diminish attraction towards possible alternative partners while enhancing attraction towards the existing beloved. This consolidates commitment, helping the relationship to survive many more summers. It seems that that little thing called love might not be so crazy, after all.

Drive on With its sleek profile and athletic stance, the new Ford Focus, which just made its local debut, signals the rewarding driving experience that awaits customers when they take to the road. An extensive powertrain range delivers spirited performance and offers outstanding fuel economy and CO2 emissions. “The new Ford Focus demonstrates that the ONE Ford strategy is providing global consumers with great products that harness the best of Ford Motor Company,” said David Gasan, Managing Director at Gasan Enterprises Ltd.

72 - FM / June 2011


Features on technology and how constant developments are changing the way we work, play and communicate. High profile interviews with industry leaders, eco living issues, exciting previews, lifestyle and design expectations, stylish fashion shoot and adventurous travelogue. To participate call 2134 2155 or Advertising deadline: 24th June THE TOURISM ISSUE OUT NOW

Money Magazine

Last word

Camera man

Clint Scerri Harkins has fashion in his sights.

The man behind the lens Name: Clint Scerri Harkins Age: 29

My first camera was a Christmas present – I was just 10 years old and I took it everywhere with me. My parents used to get really angry as I used a lot of film rolls. I bought my first SLR some three and a half years ago. At first, I used to experiment with all sorts of subjects, but then I started focusing more on fashion and kids photography. The good feedback that I was getting from other photographers and the fact that people were contacting me for shoots, encouraged me to go professional. I’ve always liked fashion photography but what inspired me to pursue fashion photography was the local TV programme Venere, in which I had my work featured a couple of times this year. I’m also a keen collector of fashion magazines. Tonio Lombardi, Kris Micallef and Damian McGillicuddy inspire me a lot. 74 - FM / June 2011

If I had to choose between monochrome and colour photography, I would go for monochrome, as I find it has an extra polish of class to it. There is something in monochrome photography that makes you linger over it just that little bit longer. On a fashion shoot, the chemistry between stylists, models and photographer is very important. I always like to meet up with the team before the shoot just to get to know each other and obviously share ideas and plan the shoot. I always make it a point to make the models feel as relaxed as possible. Once they get into it, they let go and perform better. Sometimes I can be hard on them, but they shine brighter as a result. At the moment I’m doing shoots for make-up artists and hair stylists. My dream is to start shooting for a fashion magazine and have my work recognised internationally.

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