Incredible Goa July 2023

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Mahesh Pai Ranks 4th In All India And Ended The Year With A Double Tot Aituc Condemns Goa Government's Ban On Strikes In Pharmaceutical Industry

Fieo-GCCI Training Programme On Tools &techniques Of Marketing

Rotary Club Of Dona Paula Gets New President Rtn Ca Gaurav Kenkre

Bjp And Allies Nominate Sadanand Tanavade For Rajya Sabha

Dr. Pramod Sawant Awards Contracts

To Youth Through Apprenticeship Program

Rohan Khaunte Advocates 'digital Nomad Visa To Boost Homestays And Tech Tourism Workshop On Environmental Social And Governance Esg






Goa Files Complaint Against Uber For 'illegal' Operations

Goa Aims For 100% Renewable Electricity By 2050, Announces CM Sawant Indigo To Start Flight Between Mopa (north Goa) And Abu Dhabi

Celebrating A Sustainable Future Goa CM Inaugurates Technology &Cultural Showcase

Rotary Club Of Dona Paula Conducts Multi-disciplinary Health Camp


Important Gst Compliance Check Introduced On Gst Portal

Core Stability Fitness


The Best Properties Available in Goa for the Best Bargains - Check


GOA’S ONLYSOCIETYMAGAZINE JULY2023 INCREDIBLE - GOA JULY 2023 08 CONTENT incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa INTERVIEW
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Editor & Publisher

Rajesh Ghadge

Finance &Admin

Rajeshree Naik Ghadge


Creative Concepts Media

Sales & Marketing

Team Incredible Goa


Norbert D’Souza CAGaurav Kenkre

Kalyani Merawade

Aditi Malhotra Aakash Ghadge


Weddings are undeniably one of the most cherished moments in our lives, and thus, we were inspired to create a special wedding issue that we proudly present to you. When the idea of launching our wedding special edition arose, it faced scepticism from many, mainly due to it being off-season with fewer weddings taking place. However, at GPDM, we thrive on breaking conventions

a n d a r e c o n f i d e n t i n t h e effectiveness of our endeavours, and history has proven our success in every undertaking. The rationale behind releasing this special issue during the offseason is to capitalize on the i n c u b a t i o n p e r i o d w h e n individuals are meticulously planning their weddings well in advance. By having the wedding special edition readily available d u r i n g t h i s p h a s e , i t w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y p r o v e t o b e advantageous and beneficial for them.

Among these hidden gems are the finance and fitness sections, written by esteemed personalities in Goa The finance column, expertly penned by CA Gaurav Kenkre, provides readers with invaluable insights into GST filing, including tips on handling input credits and navigating the dos and don'ts of the GST portal Implementing these insights can lead to significant savings of both money and time, while also empowering readers to tackle even the most complex GST filings confidently.

Circulations Manager

Aakash Ghadge Team Incredible Goa


Cover Page Credits

Image by Studio RDP

Sejal Gupta

This being our inaugural attempt at producing a special edition, we acknowledge that there may have been certain aspects we missed due to various reasons. However, I want to assure you that we are committed to rectifying these shortcomings soon. Our primary focus will be on enhancing the c o n t e n t a n d d e l i v e r i n g information that surpasses expectations in the upcoming editions Your feedback and support are invaluable to us in this j o u r n e y o f c o n t i n u o u s improvement.

In the past, we might have inadvertently overlooked some crucial sections of the magazine that offer readers valuable information. This time, I want to emphasize and highlight some of these essential segments that can truly transform your life.

Meanwhile, in the fitness section, we have content contributed by none other than Norbert D'souza, the renowned owner of a chain of gyms in Goa. His expertise in the fitness realm offers readers an opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards achieving their dream fitness goals. With his guidance, readers can take concrete steps towards improving their physical health and overall well-being. These sections hold immense value and are geared towards enriching your life beyond the usual mainstream features like cover stories and interviews. We believe that by shining a spotlight on these lesser-known yet vital components, we can empower our readers with a diverse range of knowledge and insights that cater to various aspects of their lives.

We are excited to share that we have more in store for our readers! Our team is diligently working on adding new sections to the magazine, aiming to make it even more valuable and informative. These upcoming additions will cater to a broader range of interests and provide further insights into various aspects of life. Till next time happy reading…

Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.





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To err is human. Although we take due care while publishing the magazine to ensure it is free of any mistakes, any omissions or errors are entirely unintentional. In case you find any erroneous photographs, language, missing credits or anything else published incorrectly please feel free to bring it to our notice. We believe in publishing matters that catch our readers' attention and at the same time impart information. We hope all our readers appreciate the content and help us make this publication even better and useful. Editorial, Sales & Administrative Office GOAPRISM DIGITALMEDIA North Goa : 501, Suntek Kanaka Corporate Park, Patto - Panaji - Goa. 403001 South Goa : FIIRE Business Incubator Fatorda - Goa. 403602 Call: +91 89990 85172 / 96651 83739 Email:
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he has commenced the Financial year 2023-24 on a high note by already accomplishing the Top Of the Table (TOT) again. Mr. Pai's remarkable performance is a testament to his exceptional skills and unwavering commitment.

o u t l o o k , e x t r a o r d i n a r y accomplishments are within reach.

We are thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to Mr. Mahesh Pai for his outstanding achievement in securing the fourth highest position in India

and first in the state of Goa in the field of Financial planning for the year 2022-23. TOT is considered as the highest badge of honour in the field of Finance. Furthermore,

FIEO - GCCI Training Programme on Tools &Techniques of Marketing

FIEO in association with Goa Chamber of Commerce & Industry is st organising an important training programme on 21 July,'23 atGCCI at 10:00 am. The programme will broadly focus on the ways to increase exports from the Goa.

The participants are going to derive a never before opportunity by attending this programme, and they will get benefits of understanding key aspects of the exports trade directly from the top officials of the office of the DGFT, Directorate of Industries, India Post, ECGC and MSME.

Official from the DGFT will provide insights on new foreign trade policy 2023, wherein exporters can derive benefits meant for them.

Official from the Directorate of Industries will highlight about the benefits/schemes existing in the Government of Goa for exporters from Goa.

Official from the India Post will inform about the ease of doing ecommerce exports through competitive services of India Post.

Official from the ECGC will inform about the ways to manage payment risk in exports through an insurance.

MSME department official will provide insights on multiple schemes/benefits meant for MSME exporters.

Apart from the above, an expert speaker of the programme will educate on several important aspects of the exports trade, with an emphasis on e-commerce exports. Officials from the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) will be present to address any queries of the exporter/s.

Mr Pai has brought immense pride to our state, he exclusively deals with High Networth Individuals, NRI's, Industrialists, b u s i n e s s o w n e r s a n d professionals His relentless determination and optimistic attitude has propelled him towards success. His consistent delivery of high-quality work and commitment to maintaining exceptional standards has earned him the admiration from the entire finance fraternity. This serves as a reminder to everyone t h a t w i t h h a r d w o r k , perseverance, and the bright

He was recently felicitated at Park Regis in Arpora by Kamal Kumar (Zonal Manager Mumbai) and Neeta Menghani (Divisional Manager Incharge Goa) for his outstanding performance. We wholeheartedly wish Mr. Mahesh Pai continued success in his future endeavours and with his decisive and exceptional abilities, we are confident that he will continue to rise higher and achieve even greater milestones. We wish Mr. Mahesh Pai all the best as he continues his journey towards securing the no. 1 position in India. With his exceptional skills and unwavering dedication, there is no doubt that he has the potential to reach the pinnacle of success.

AITUC Condemns Goa Government's Ban on Strikes in Pharmaceutical Industry

The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) in Goa is vehemently opposing the recent Notification issued by the Goa Government on 16th June 2023, invoking the "Goa Essential Maintenance Act, 1988," which p r o h i b i t s s t r i k e s i n t h e pharmaceutical industry The AITUC views this move as an infringement on trade union and human rights and a severe blow to workers' interests.

According to the AITUC, the Notification is undemocratic, unconstitutional, and seemingly influenced by pharmaceutical companies. The ban poses a direct threat to workers' rights, hindering their ability to form trade unions, engage in collective bargaining, and enjoy the protection of labor laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act and Factories Act The situation is exacerbated by numerous pharmaceutical companies in Verna and other Industrial Estates v i o l a t i n g s t a t u t o r y l a b o r provisions with impunity. Workers who have attempted to f o r m u n i o n s f a c e h a r s h c o n s e q u e n c e s , i n c l u d i n g

harassment, victimization, false charges, and termination The A I T U C a s s e r t s t h a t s o m e pharmaceutical companies, with alleged support from government authorities, resort to transferring unionized workers to distant locations in a bid to dissolve the unions and maintain control. AITUC firmly upholds the right to form trade unions as guaranteed by Article 19(1)(a)(b) of the Indian Constitution, which ensures f r e e d o m o f s p e e c h a n d expression. The trade union demands an immediate repeal of the Notification to protect workers' rights. AITUC warns of sustained struggles alongside fraternal trade unions if the ban remains in force, and calls for united opposition and protests f r o m a l l w o r k e r s i n t h e pharmaceutical sector in Goa, regardless of union affiliations. T h e s i t u a t i o n h a s d r a w n significant attention, and the outcome holds implications for l a b o r p r a c t i c e s i n G o a ' s pharmaceutical industry The AITUC's unwavering stance aims to safeguard workers' democratic and fundamental rights and defend their interests in the face of perceived collusion between pharmaceutical companies and the government.

12 INCREDIBLE - GOA JULY 2023 GOABUZZ incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa


dimensions to the same to further expand the work of the club

New team of Rotary Club of Dona Paula was installed on 2nd of July 2023 by DRFC Past District Governor, Rtn Dr Vinaykumar Pai Raikar, in the presence of Assistant Governor Rrn Shephan Shaikh and GSR Rtn Yogish Kulkarni. Rtn CA Gaurav Kenkre and Rtn Azeema Kulkarni were installed as President and

Secretary respectively.

Rtn Ryan Prazeres, the outgoing President thanked all for their support during the year 2022-23 which happened to be the first year of the club The new P r e s i d e n t K e n k r e a s s u r e d everyone that he would carry forward the plans of the previous President and add further

The new President elaborated his plans for the coming year He specified that the club will continue their work in the Happy school, which has been adopted by the club. Further, the club will launch its Skill Up mission focusing on skilling students across Goa. The club will also support local NGOs and businesses, recognise important but neglected strata of our society via youth awards, vocational awards, nation builder awards, thus encouraging and motivating them.

The Rotary International theme for the year 2023-24 is creating hope through Mental well being, and in line with that, the Rotary Club of Dona Paula signed an exclusive Memorandum of

U n d e r s t a n d i n g w i t h t h e Psychiatric Society of Goa, under the Presidentship of Dr Ravindra Agrawal. The MoU outlines the broad scope of work under the name “Project ASHA” wherein focus will be on Mental health camps, Student mental Health, Learning disability tests and Activities around creating awareness

The other members of the new team at the club are: Atithi Dalvi, Dr Elaine Rodrigues, Dr Sajal Dhond, Ryan Prazers, Gaurav Pokle, Diyana Sayed, Felipe Alvares, Ratna Vuppalla, Arushi Agarwal, Viresh Vazirani, Sidhant Amonkar, Sheebani Sriram, Saurabh Dalvi, Jyoti Jain, Dr Pawan Rane, Dr Rohan Badave and Rasika Nair Palekar


the Rajya Sabha seat.

“I am thankful to BJP president JP Nadda, P r i m e M i n i s t e r Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP general s e c r e t a r y B L Santhosh, Goa Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant and my party for giving me this o p p o r t u n i t y , ” M r Tanavade said after filling the form.

the AAP would not participate in the election process, as they do not wish to waste the precious time of the Assembly. He added that the AAP would consider contesting the Rajya Sabha e l e c t i o n w h e n t h e y h a v e sufficient representation in the Goa Assembly.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) h a s n o m i n a t e d S a d a n a n d Tanavade as their candidate for the Rajya Sabha seat from Goa. Currently, the BJP and its allies hold 33 out of the 40 seats in the G o a A s s e m b l y , w h i l e t h e opposition Congress has three seats. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has two members, and the Goa Forward Party and Revolutionary Goans Party have one legislator each, making up the remaining seats.

S a d a n a n d S h e t Ta n a v a d e officially filed his nomination papers at the Goa Assembly complex. The Chief Minister of Goa, Pramod Sawant, along with other MLAs, were present during the filing process. Expressing gratitude, Tanavade thanked BJP President JP Nadda, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP General Secretary BL Santhosh, and the Goa Chief Minister for the opportunity to be nominated for

C l a i m i n g t h e presence of all BJP MLAs and supporting party members during t h e n o m i n a t i o n , Tanavade expressed his intention to request opposition MLAs to vote for him in the upcoming election. With the BJP and its allies holding a significant majority in the assembly, it remains to be seen how the opposition parties will respond. Meanwhile, the AAP's Goa p r e s i d e n t , A m i t P a l e k a r , announced that their party would not field a candidate for the Rajya Sabha poll due to their insufficient numbers. Palekar also stated that

Regarding the possibility of s u p p o r t i n g t h e C o n g r e s s candidate, Palekar mentioned that his party is awaiting the announcement of the Congress candidate for the election. The stance of the AAP in this matter remains uncertain until further details are revealed.

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On World Youth Skill Day, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant presided over a ceremony at Taleigao Community Hall, Taleigao, where he awarded apprenticeship contracts to unemployed youth who had successfully registered for the program The event,

organized by the Directorate of S k i l l D e v e l o p m e n t a n d Entrepreneurship, aimed to provide valuable skill-building opportunities to the youth of Goa. During the program, Chief Minister Sawant presented over 6,000 apprenticeship contracts in

v a r i o u s G o v e r n m e n t establishments and an additional 5,000 opportunities in the Private Sector. He emphasized that the apprenticeship certificate would hold value not only in private organizations but also when applying for any vacancy in the Government sector. With nearly 9,000 applicants for the apprenticeship scheme, these young individuals are now set to sign one-year contracts to engage in skill development and practical training The Chief Minister expressed his vision that the youth of Goa would take full advantage of the apprenticeship opportunities available in both the public and private sectors. By participating in these programs, young people can enhance their skill sets and knowledge, thereby increasing their chances of success in their chosen career

paths and personal lives.

The Department of Information a n d P u b l i c i t y s h a r e d t h e importance of this initiative, as it serves as a stepping stone for the youth to gain valuable experience and improve their employability. The Chief Minister's commitment to skill development showcases the government's dedication to empowering the youth and preparing them for a promising future.

In conclusion, the apprenticeship award ceremony on World Youth Skill Day marked a significant milestone for Goa's unemployed youth. With a strong focus on skill enhancement and practical learning, the event represented a valuable opportunity for the young workforce to carve a path towards success and prosperity in their chosen fields.


international tourists visiting Goa for prolonged periods. During these stays, these high-income technocrats would prefer staying in rural areas, engaging with local families, embracing their culture, and contributing to the local economy through increased spending power.

Goa's Tourism Minister, Rohan Khaunte, has called upon the Union government to introduce a special "digital nomad visa" for IT, tech, and gig workers seeking to work remotely from anywhere Khaunte believes that such a visa would significantly benefit Goa, p a r t i c u l a r l y b y b o o s t i n g homestays that aim to attract visitors on extended stays.

Highlighting the growing trend of digital nomads who seek to work from creative spaces away from

their offices and homes, Khaunte emphasized that post-Covid, tourists are drawn to Goa for its quality of life and vibrant creative atmosphere These digital nomads, often international travelers, opt for long stays, spanning three to nine months, a trend that many countries have begun to acknowledge by issuing specific visas catering to this group of workers.

By implementing a digital nomad visa, Khaunte envisions a rise in

The push for a digital nomad visa has garnered support globally, with approximately 46 countries already offering such visas, up from 13 initially. Khaunte intends to approach Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and request the pursuit of this visa category with the external affairs ministry. If successful, the digital nomad v i s a s c o u l d o p e n u p n e w opportunities for homestays, tech tourism, and positively impact the economy, especially in the hinterlands.

The move to introduce a digital nomad visa aligns with Goa's efforts to attract long-term visitors seeking a unique work-life balance in the state's inspiring environment. By catering to this emerging trend, Goa aims to tap into the potential of the digital

The Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industries, in collaboration with the International Institute of C S R a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y , conducted a workshop on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing on July 16th, 2023. The event aimed to raise awareness about ESG investment, which involves screening investments based on corporate policies to promote responsible practices The H o n o r a b l e M i n i s t e r f o r Environment, PWD & Law & Judiciary, Mr. Nilesh Cabral, emphasized the three pillars of ESG - Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance - and discussed measures to control plastic waste, including a forthcoming legislation for a "Deposit Refundable scheme "

The workshop also featured presentations on ESG integration in various industry sectors, providing an opportunity for Goan companies to tap into the international investment market. The occasion concluded with a certificate award ceremony for graduates of IICSR students studying CSR, sustainability, and ESG.

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Workshop on Environmental Social and Governance ESG

Saying 'I Do' in Goa, India's Ultimate Wedding Haven! Saying 'I Do' in Goa, India's Ultimate Wedding Haven!

A wedding is one of the most memorable events in our lives, occurring only once and with someone we deeply love. As such, it holds great significance, and we aspire to create enduring memories. The foremost consideration when planningaweddingischoosingtheperfectdestination,which depends on several factors. First and foremost is the budget, followed by accessibility, and last but certainly not least, meticulouswedding planning.This storyis allabout planning your wedding at one of the most sought-after wedding destinations in the country and that is none other than EnchantingGoa.

As highlighted earlier, the selection of a wedding destination primarily hinges on the couple's budget. While some auent individuals and celebrities opt for lavish weddings in exotic overseas locations, the majority prefer planning their weddings within their own country. Within the country, there are numerous enchanting locations that oer unforgettable destination weddings, but none can rival the charm of Goa, oftendubbedtheRomeoftheEast.

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Why Goa?

Goa stands out as the most sought-after wedding destination in the country, owing to several compelling factors, with its flourishing hospitality industry being the most crucial. When it comes to hospitality, Goa consistently excels and offers nothing less than a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your dream day. What could be more appealing than celebrating your special occasion in a location that provides the finest in hospitality?

In our country, the beach wedding is promoted on a very large scale as a dream wedding and Goa's customs, culture and hospitality give it an edge over the other rivals. Of course, there are other factors that make Goa your preferred wedding destination and in this first and foremost is Goa's pristine beaches that offer an enchanting backdrop for romantic wedding ceremonies with soft sands and clear blue waters It also provides the options of having a small intimate gathering to grand beachfront affairs, the coastal beauty of Goa sets the stage for unforgettable nuptials.

Another thing that comes into the picture is a wide array of wedding venues that fits into every budget including the most expensive l u x u r y r e s o r t s t o b u d g e t beachside hotels, heritage properties, and quaint beach shacks Whether you prefer a lavish ceremony or an intimate g a t h e r i n g , G o a p r o v i d e s numerous options to cater to every couple's tastes and budgets which makes it yet a preferred destination for your special day. There are many more things that make Goa your first choice and that includes a unique cultural blend of Goa that is mixed with a unique blend of Indian and Portuguese traditions that was left by the former Portuguese colony that ruled Goa for more than four centuries. Couples can incorporate this distinctive cultural fusion into their wedding ceremonies, creating a rich and memorable experience for themselves and their guests.

The Elements of Wedding Ceremony

Given that a wedding is one of the most significant events in someone's life, it naturally demands perfection and becomes a cherished memory. Although achieving absolute perfection is elusive, our focus in this article is to impart the best possible information to help make your day exceptionally special. In the next section, we will delve into the major elements of a wedding, which are indispensable in creating a truly unforgettable celebration. Let us begin with the most important of them all, the Wedding Planner.

Indeed, a wedding planner plays a pivotal role in making the entire planning process and event come to life. They are instrumental in providing the right solutions within the designated budget, ensuring the ideal location, and creating captivating decor, among other crucial elements The wedding planner holds the utmost importance in any wedding ceremony, as without their expertise and guidance, it would be nearly impossible to execute a truly perfect and s p e c i a l d a y T h e i r s k i l f u l coordination and attention to d e t a i l m a k e t h e m a n indispensable asset in crafting a memorable and flawless wedding celebration.

The Role of the wedding planner consists of Initial Consultation, Budget Management, Venue Selection, Vendor Coordination, Wedding Design and Theme, Guest Management, Wedding T i m e l i n e , C e r e m o n y a n d Reception Planning, Handling Logistics, On-Site Coordination, W e d d i n g D a y S u p p o r t , Emergency Plan, Troubleshooting and Post-Wedding Follow-Up. When discussing wedding p l a n n e r s , o n e n a m e t h a t immediately comes to mind is Shruti Tiwari Her unwavering determination and resilience have propelled her to the pinnacle of this industry. Despite e n c o u n t e r i n g n u m e r o u s challenges along the way, she persevered and ultimately established herself as Goa's Top Wedding Planner. Her remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to many, and her expertise in creating unforgettable weddings has made her a highly soughtafter professional in the field.

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A Wedding Planner



Goa, renowned for its seafood, sandy beaches, and captivating sunsets, stands as the ultimate coastal city for dream destination weddings. At the helm of this vibrant wedding industry is Shruti Tiwari, the founder of VLW Global.

Embodying Romance: Goa as the Top Wedding Destination

With a blend of old-world charm and contemporary allure, Goa sets the stage perfectly for new beginnings. The city witnesses a flurry of destination weddings during the cooler months from October to February. Moreover, with the monsoons, a new season of love and discounts emerges, making it a popular time for couples planning their weddings.

The essence of Goa lies in its cuisine, architecture, culture, and music. Couples can infuse the authentic Goan wedding vibe into their celebrations by featuring local favorites like Sorpotel, Cafrael, Sanna, Dinner rolls, and Goan Crème Caramel on their wedding menu. To add some magic to the festivities, hiring a Goan music band is a must.

Adding a Local Touch to Your Destination Wedding

While local vendors and exquisite decor can elevate your Goan wedding, managing everything alongside your nuptials can be overwhelming. That's where Shruti and her dedicated team at VLW Global step in.

For Shruti and her team, a wedding is not just an event; it's a labor of love. "Your dream wedding becomes our goal," she says, encapsulating the passion and dedication that drive VLW Global's every move.


Everlasting Trend: Intimate Weddings

Initially born out of necessity during lockdowns, intimate weddings have now become a lasting trend. They offer an opportunity to create cherished memories with loved ones in a dreamy setting.

"Intimate weddings are taking the front seat while largerthan-life weddings are taking a back seat in the postcovid era."

T h e b e a u t y o f intimate weddings lies in the personal touches and special moments that make the celebration truly unique With more time to focus on yourself and your p a r t n e r , e v e r y precious moment of t h i s o n c e - i n - alifetime occasion can be savoured.

O n e o f t h e k e y a d v a n t a g e s o f intimate weddings is

the freedom of customization and personalization. Infuse your personality and love story into every aspect of the celebration, from hand-written letters to dreamy destination settings, photo props that reflect your journey together, and customized food options, creating a truly dreamy affair.

The Budget Aspect

Intimate weddings are all about creating precious memories and enjoying your special day with your loved ones. These smaller yet grand celebrations allow couples to invest in experiences that truly matter. Pamper yourself and your guests with a beautiful experience without going overboard with your set budget.

The Journey to Wedding Planning Excellence

Since its establishment in 2016, VLW Global continues to grow and evolve with changing times and needs. From small intimate weddings to grand celebrations, coastal weddings to mountain-view ceremonies, they use their expertise to craft magical wedding experiences. With limitless imagination and extraordinary creativity, VLW Global transforms Goa's canvas into an enchanting tapestry of love. Every element, from culturally inspired décor paying homage to Goa's heritage to exquisite Konkan cuisine tantalizing taste buds, is thoughtfully curated to bring dreams to life.

Relationships - The Soul of VLW Global's Success

At the core of VLW Global's soaring success lies the art of building relationships. The bond between the team and the wedding party is one of trust and understanding. Every detail is meticulously catered to, and every moment is painted with care, culminating in an unforgettable celebration.

What's in Store?

Recently, VLW Global earned two prestigious awards at EMF Global 2023, held in Vietnam. While awards and accolades motivate the team to deliver their best w o r k , t h e r e a l r e w a r d l i e s i n turning dreams into reality for their beloved couples. Being a part of the wedding and event planning industry is as rewarding and challenging as it g e t s H o w e v e r , Shruti and her team are ready to take o n u p c o m i n g projects with hearts full of love, dreams, and excitement. At Incredible Goa, we raise a toast to love, dreams, and t h e t r o p i c a l paradise of Goa."


The Wedding Destination

The concept of destination weddings started catching up in India during the late 1990s and early 2 0 0 0 s B e f o r e t h i s p e r i o d , traditional weddings in India were typically held in the hometowns or cities of the bride and groom However, as people began to e m b r a c e n e w i d e a s a n d experiences, destination weddings gained popularity.

Thanks to its status as the country's top tourist destination, Goa quickly captured the attention of people from all over. In a remarkably short period, it emerged as one of the most sought-after wedding destinations in the nation. Presently, a significant number of extravagant weddings, commonly known as "big fat weddings," take place in this scenic state. Renowned celebrities, too, have chosen this top beach destination to exchange their marriage vows, adding to the allure and popularity of Goa as the ultimate wedding hotspot.



If you're dreaming of a wedding in Goa and seeking a cosy, eco-friendly destination with wooden cottages and a beachfront property that also fits your budget, look no further. Your search ends at The Stone Water Eco-Resorts, where all your desires come true. Nestled amidst nature's beauty, this charming resort offers a serene and sustainable environment, complete with wooden cottages that exude comfort and charm and Ms Nisha Karla Vaz, one of the owners of this delightful property, personally hosts you with a warm and beautiful smile, adding a personal touch to your wedding experience. Her dedication to making your day special and memorable shines through, making you feel w e l c o m e d a n d cherished.

According to Nisha, the Stone Water

E c o - R e s o r t s b e l o n g s t o t h e K a r m a G r o u p , specifically under the name of Karma W o o d h o u s e Estates, which was f o r m e d b y h e r parents Alongside Nisha, her three s i s t e r s ( N a d i a , Neena, and Nishika) are also co-owners in this property, collectively forming t h e p a r e n t

company called N Four Hospitality, which oversees the management of Stone Water EcoResorts. After completing her studies, Nisha moved to Goa and decided to pursue her passion in the Hospitality Industry. She started her own venture, a cocktail Lounge called LAVA, and enjoyed being a p a r t o f t h e hospitality business. Initially, when her parents acquired this property, they intended to live there after their retirement. However, Nisha had a different vision, she thought its too big for building the residence and transformed it into an Eco Resort and a sought-after wedding destination.

With Nisha's entrepreneurial spirit and dedication, the property has evolved into a serene and sustainable retreat, providing guests with a cosy and eco-friendly experience. Her efforts have created a magical setting for dream weddings, making the Stone Water Eco-Resorts a cherished and unforgettable choice for couples tying the knot in Goa. According to Nisha, the biggest unique selling point (USP) of her property, the Stone Water Eco Resort, is its ideal location. The resort is conveniently situated just 500 meters from the Goa International Airport, making it an excellent choice for weddings and events. Nisha understands that those planning destination weddings often have limited time, and being close to the airport saves valuable time and effort for the guests. This strategic location ensures easy accessibility for both the couple and their guests, adding to the convenience and appeal of choosing the Stone Water Eco Resort as a wedding destination.

The sprawling 20-acre property of The Stone Water Eco Resorts offers more than ten stunning locations to host weddings and corporate events. With options to accommodate anywhere from 100 to 1000 guests at a time, the resort is well-equipped to cater to events of various sizes and scales. Every year, they proudly host the grand New Year's Eve celebrations at this exquisite location.

For destination weddings, the numbers typically range between 100 to 250 guests, making it an intimate yet vibrant affair. These weddings span over three days, featuring around six to eight functions, creating an immersive and unforgettable experience for the couple and their guests.

Goa's liberal and inclusive atmosphere attracts couples from diverse cultural backgrounds, resulting in mixed-culture weddings taking place in the region. Nisha confidently stated that her resort is perfectly balanced and adept at handling such events, ensuring that each wedding is a seamless fusion of traditions and celebrations. With its extensive range of event venues and impeccable hospitality, The Stone Water Eco Resorts provides the perfect setting for couples to embark on their new journey of love amidst the magical charm of Goa. The menus are also customised to the need of customers at the same time keeping in mind the Goan flavours making the Stone Water a Home Away From Home kind of place.

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When asked about memorable weddings that took place at her resorts, Nisha proudly shared that they have hosted around 150 weddings to date, and each one holds significant importance. According to her, every wedding has its own beautiful story, and the team at the resort cherishes being a part of each couple's unique journey.

The wedding planning process typically starts almost a year in advance, allowing ample time to meticulously organize and execute every detail. Through this journey, she personally becomes deeply connected with the families, creating lasting bonds that extend beyond the wedding day This personal touch and long-lasting connection contribute to making each wedding a truly memorable and unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

With every wedding being an extraordinary tale in its own right, Nisha and her team take immense pride in being a part of these cherished moments, turning each celebration into a special and cherished memory for the couple and their loved ones.

Nisha takes great pride in providing a one-stop-shop solution for her clients when it comes to wedding arrangements. Recognizing that planning a wedding involves a multitude of tasks and requires

coordination with various vendors, her resort offers end-to-end solutions right from the moment the clients arrive in Goa.

From transportation to accommodation and banqueting needs, all essential services are seamlessly taken care of in-house, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for the wedding couple and their guests. Additionally, the resort collaborates with external vendors to provide event management and decoration services, ensuring that every aspect of the wedding is meticulously planned and executed to perfection.

Nisha emphasizes the pivotal role of wedding planners, considering them the backbone of the wedding industry. Her resort works closely with these experts, understanding the importance of their expertise and experience in curating extraordinary weddings. The resort's team collaborates in sync with the wedding planners to ensure that the couple's vision and preferences are fully realized, making their special day a truly unforgettable and stress-free affair. By providing comprehensive and top-notch services, Nisha and her team at The Stone Water Eco Resorts strive to make each wedding a seamless and magical experience, leaving couples and their guests with cherished memories to cherish for a lifetime.


When discussing wedding destinations, one name that stands out prominently is Planet Hollywood Beach Resorts, Goa. This resort has e a r n e d a r e m a r k a b l e reputation for hosting a substantial number of weddings in the state. Such is its popularity that bookings are secured up to two years in advance, a testament to its exceptional services and a p p e a l C o u p l e s a n d families alike find this resort an ideal setting to create unforgettable memories and celebrate their special day in style and grandeur.

Nestled amidst lush acres of land on Utorda Beach in south Goa, Planet Hollywood Beach Resort stands as one of the region's premier wedding destinations. It marks the first property of its kind outside of Las Vegas, and the first in India and Asia under this esteemed brand. The resort is proudly owned by the JMJ group, led by the renowned Sachin Joshi, who holds prominence in both the business and Bollywood spheres in India.

With a total of 200 rooms and multiple banquet spaces available, the resort can accommodate events of varying sizes, from a minimum capacity of 350 people to a maximum capacity of 1200 people. The resort is fully equipped with modern amenities, providing all the necessary facilities to ensure a successful and grand wedding.

In line with its commitment to excellence, Planet Hollywood Beach

Resort offers first-class services, ensuring that every event is a resounding success From a range of cuisines to try, empanelled decor vendors, and a w e l l - s t o c k e d b a r a n d restaurant to transportation services, valet parking, power backup, guest accommodation, and service staff, the resort takes care of every aspect to m a k e y o u r w e d d i n g a n unforgettable experience. With their expertise and dedication to guest satisfaction, Planet Hollywood Beach Resort sets the stage for a memorable and joyous celebration of love and union.



Nestled along the heritage centre route of Old Goa, The Fern Kadamba offers a truly unique and exceptional wedding experience, combining a warm ambience, an exotic location, and top-notch services. As an upscale five-star classified hotel, The Fern Kadamba provides an invigorating luxury experience, with a strong commitment to an ecosensitive future. To cater to couples planning their special day, the hotel has crafted a special wedding package that offers exceptional value for money.

The " one of a kind" wedding package presents a range of distinct venues for wedding celebrations, including a banquet hall or a poolside lawn, with a seating capacity for up to 100 persons. The package includes captivating entrance and hall decorations, as well as a stunning wedding cake accompanied by your favourite sparkling wine Rajeev Kumar, General Manager at The Fern Kadamba, emphasizes that the hotel


Are you dreaming of a beach wedding, surrounded by nature's tranquillity? If the answer is yes, then don't wait any longer. The Royal Orchard Beach Resort is the perfect venue for your dream wedding, and it can be pre-booked within your budget.

This hotel offers an idyllic setting for a beach wedding, as it is not overly crowded, ensuring a serene and intimate atmosphere. The spacious rooms provide the utmost comfort, and the beautiful sprawling lawns create a picturesque backdrop for your special day.

The Royal Orchard Beach Resort boasts both indoor halls and o u t d o o r l a w n s , c a t e r i n g t o y o u r p r e f e r e n c e s a n d ensuring the best wedding experience The indoor hall can accommodate up to 120 persons, while the outdoor lawn can host a larger gathering of 480 people at a time. With 73 rooms of various types and luxurious suites facing pools outside, the resort ensures your guests' convenience and enjoyment.

The availability of six expansive banquet spaces and lush green lawns make it an ideal destination for weddings. Moreover, the hotel's close proximity to several beaches, all within walking distance, adds to the allure of this remarkable wedding venue. Whether you envision a romantic beachfront ceremony or a delightful celebration amidst nature's splendour, the Royal Orchard Beach Resort promises to turn your dream wedding into a reality.

prioritizes safety and hygiene as utmost importance in all their properties.

Priced at Rs 2,35,000/-, the entire wedding package is a remarkable value, further enriched by a gala dinner featuring delectable dishes from various cuisines across the globe. Moreover, the package and its wide array of menu options can be easily customized according to your preferences. For more intimate celebrations, the hotel offers a wedding package for 50 persons at a price of Rs 1,75,000/-. Both packages also include an 18% GST to ensure transparency and ease of planning.

With its unique offerings, picturesque location, and dedicated team of professionals, The Fern Kadamba promises to create an unforgettable wedding experience for couples, turning their joyous occasions into cherished memories that will last a lifetime.


If you're looking for a picturesque location in Goa to organize a wedding ceremony or any similar special occasion, the Holiday Inn Resort Goa provides you with an excellent venue and huge enough event space. Holiday Inn Resort Goa is a unique blend of traditional Goan and contemporary architecture ideally located on the Mobor Beach in South Goa. You are sure to celebrate your occasion without missing the fun element and the adventure element during your stay at the hotel resort. Holiday Inn Resort Goa has many event spaces which can accommodate 1000 guests in total. They offer you with modern chic a m e n i t i e s

a n d h i g h -

c l a s s facilities so as to ensure that you and your guests have a great experience and also are happy in the comfort and l u x u r y offered by t h e h o t e l

r e s o r t

Holiday Inn Resort Goa

h a s a

management team and staff who attend all your needs and demands and make sure to fulfil all your expectations.

Holiday Inn Resort Goa provides you with the following services to take care of your wedding event and execute it successfully. Multi-event space, Basic lighting, electricity & power backup, Service staff, Guest accommodation, In-house catering only, Multi-cuisine platter, Empanelled decor vendors only, Full bar & restaurant.

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If you're seeking a dreamy destination to celebrate your special day, look no further than Azaya Beach Resort, the ultimate venue for your perfect wedding. Offering six breathtaking event venues, we provide a diverse range of options to cater to your unique preferences and guest list.

At Azaya Beach Resort, the Oasis Beachfront Lawn is a perfect blend of natural beauty and elegant charm, ensuring that your special day is nothing short of extraordinary. This exquisite venue comfortably accommodates up to 250 people, providing a stunning backdrop for your celebration.

Experience the enchanting ambience of Azaya Central Beach, tailor-made to host your grand celebration with a capacity of up to 600 guests The venue offers a mesmerizing realm for your wedding festivities.

Step into the opulent ambience of Palacio, another exquisite event venue at Azaya Beach Resort With its spacious layout, Palacio effortlessly accommodates up to 100 guests, making it an ideal choice for your grand wedding celebration. The Pool Deck, one of the finest wedding


Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, is not only a luxurious resort but also a delightful wedding destination that promises to make your special day truly magical and memorable. Nestled in the picturesque coastal town of Benaulim, Goa, this exquisite resort offers a perfect backdrop for your dream wedding. With its idyllic setting and modern amenities, Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, sets the stage for a romantic and enchanting celebration of love.

The resort provides a range of beautiful event venues to choose from, allowing you to customize your wedding to match your unique vision. Whether you desire an intimate beachfront ceremony or a grand celebration in an elegant banquet hall, Fairfield by Marriott has the perfect space to accommodate your needs. The experienced wedding planning team at F a i r f i e l d b y Marriott, Benaulim, is dedicated to b r i n g i n g y o u r dream wedding to life. From crafting p e r s o n a l i z e d m e n u s t o coordinating every detail, they ensure a seamless and s t r e s s - f r e e experience for you and your guests.

To a d d t o t h e experience, the resort offers wella p p o i n t e d accommodations

venues in South Goa, offers a spacious layout and captivating views. It can comfortably accommodate up to 1000 people, allowing you to invite all your loved ones to witness your special day amidst the enchanting beauty of South Goa.

With its picturesque setting, the Pool Lawn seamlessly blends natural beauty and e l e g a n t s o p h i s t i c a t i o n . I t c a n accommodate up to 80 guests, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a spacious and grand wedding celebration. For intimate gatherings, La Concha Alfresco, a breathtaking destination wedding venue in Goa, is designed to surpass your wildest wedding dreams, accommodating up to 25 cherished guests.

Lastly, experience the epitome of elegance and grandeur at The Palm Lawn, an esteemed venue that can graciously accommodate up to 200 people, offering the perfect setting for your wedding celebration. At Azaya Beach Resort, we are dedicated to ensuring that your wedding day is an unforgettable experience, surrounded by stunning vistas and an ambience of sophistication.

for your wedding guests, ensuring their comfort and c o n v e n i e n c e throughout the celebrations The t h o u g h t f u l l y designed rooms and suites provide a relaxing retreat after the festivities.

A d d i t i o n a l l y , F a i r f i e l d b y Marriott, Benaulim, boasts a wide array of dining options, allowing you to treat your guests to a delightful culinary experience From traditional Goan delicacies to international cuisines, the resort's restaurants cater to diverse palates.

Beyond the wedding festivities, the resort offers various amenities for you and your guests to enjoy. From lounging by the poolside to unwinding at the spa, there are plenty of opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation. Overall, Fairfield by Marriott, Benaulim, is a wedding destination that epitomizes romance, luxury, and exceptional hospitality. It provides an unforgettable setting for you and your loved ones to come together and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.


The Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is a s p e c i a l i z e d f o r m o f photography that focuses on capturing the cherished moments and emotions of a couple's wedding day. It is an artful blend of candid shots and posed portraits, aiming to tell the unique love story of the couple t h r o u g h c a p t i v a t i n g images. A skilled wedding photographer not only documents the significant events of the day but also captures the little details and intimate moments that m a k e e a c h w e d d i n g unique. The photos serve as treasured keepsakes, allowing couples and their families to relive the joyous occasion for years to come. Wedding photography plays a crucial role in preserving the memories of this special day, turning fleeting moments into timeless artistry.



Incredible Goa's Wedding Special Issue presents the extraordinary story of Jumping Souls, a remarkable photography company that has redefined the art of capturing love, emotions, and unforgettable moments. With a relentless vision to go beyond what meets the eye, Jumping Souls, led by the visionary Rahul Soman, has become synonymous with weaving enchanting tales through their lens. Born out of a deep desire to allow people to relive their cherished memories, Jumping Souls was inspired by Rahul's own childhood experiences, where his father's captivating photographs painted a vivid tapestry of their lives. When life took an unexpected turn and Rahul moved back to his h o m e t o w n o f Goa, he realised the preciousness of every second, i g n i t i n g h i s p a s s i o n f o r photography and the pursuit of eternal memories.

Starting with a s e c o n d - h a n d

D S L R c a m e r a , R a h u l ' s f i r s t venture, Creative Eye Productions, quickly garnered recognition for its distinctive editing style and ability to transcend mere p h o t o g r a p h s , delving into the r e a l m o f

storytelling As his reputation grew, Rahul envisioned something greater, leading to the b i r t h o f J u m p i n g S o u l s a c o m p a n y driven by the relentless pursuit of deep and memorable narratives. With a team of talented photographers, editors, a n d s t o r y t e l l e r s , Jumping Souls has e l e v a t e d w e d d i n g photography to new heights. They have embraced a candid a n d o r g a n i c d o c u m e n t a r y approach, ensuring that every captured m o m e n t e x u d e s a u t h e n t i c i t y a n d reflects the couple's unique love story. Their dedication to honing their craft is evident through countless hours of learning from renowned photographers and online courses, allowing them to master the art of weaving beautiful wedding stories.

Jumping Souls believes in fostering a strong bond with the couples they work with, recognizing that trust and friendship are vital for capturing the true essence of their special day. By treating every wedding as a unique and personal experience, the team ensures that the couple's preferences and individuality are reflected in their photos and videos. This personalized approach, coupled with their ability to seamlessly blend with the couple's families, has made Jumping Souls an integral part of countless weddings.

Nestled amidst the iconic locations of Goa, Jumping Souls has become a symbol of capturing the essence of Goan weddings. They are c o m m i t t e d t o preserving the authenticity of t h e s e c e l e b r a t i o n s , avoiding staged m o m e n t s a n d focusing on the genuine emotions and rituals that m a k e e a c h w e d d i n g t r u l y special. From the b r e a t h t a k i n g properties like Taj Exotica, Mercure, St. Regis, and Zuri to the captivating s u n s e t s t h a t g r a c e t h e beaches, Jumping Souls skillfully w e a v e s t h e natural beauty of

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Goa into every frame.

With over 250 weddings captured over nine extraordinary years, Jumping Souls has encountered heartwarming stories that have touched their souls. From couples who triumphed over years of obstacles to those who discovered love in unexpected places, Jumping Souls has been entrusted with narrating these beautiful tales. Their documentary format allows them to delve deep into the couple's journey, preserving their stories for generations to come.

Jumping Souls' philosophy is simple yet profound: keeping it real They understand that every couple is unique, and their way of expressing love and joy varies. By capturing what it feels like, rather than what it looks like, Jumping Souls ensures that their photographs and videos reflect the genuine emotions experienced during those precious moments. Their creativity knows no bounds as they tackle each situation with a problem-solving mindset, delivering unique and unforgettable angles.

Beyond capturing the perfect shots, Jumping Souls values the preservation of memories. They recognize the significance of preserving

the past and creating a treasure trove of moments for the future. Through high-quality photographs and videos, they immortalize the memories that shape our lives Jumping Souls collaborates with top printing partners like Oodio and Canvera to deliver fine art prints that truly showcase the beauty and depth of their captured images.

Digital preservation is at the core of Jumping Souls' client commitment. Recognizing the vulnerabilities of electronic storage, they prioritise reliable solutions like network access storage (NAS) drives and SSD drives. With meticulous attention to data redundancy and secure backups, Jumping Souls ensures that the priceless memories entrusted to them are protected for a lifetime.

Jumping Souls, the epitome of creative passion and dedication invites you to embark on a journey where time stands still, emotions are immortalized, and love resonates through the art of photography. Trust them to weave your unique love story into an everlasting tapestry of memories that will be treasured for a lifetime.

Wedding Makeup Artist

A wedding makeup artist plays a pivotal role in making the bride look stunning and radiant on her special day. With their expert skills and creativity, they enhance the bride's natural beauty and ensure she feels confident and beautiful as she walks down the aisle.

The wedding makeup artist begins by understanding the bride's preferences, personal style, and the overall wedding theme. They then carefully select the right products and techniques to create a flawless and long-lasting makeup look that complements the bride's features and attire.

From creating a soft and romantic look to a glamorous and bold style, the makeup artist tailors the makeup to suit the bride's individuality and vision for her big day. They skillfully highlight the bride's best features, ensuring she looks stunning in person and photographs alike. A professional wedding makeup artist not only brings out the bride's natural beauty but also provides a calming and enjoyable experience amidst the excitement and nerves of the day. Their dedication and passion for their craft make them a cherished addition to any bride's wedding journey, creating beautiful memories that last a lifetime.


In the enchanting coastal state of Goa, where love and celebrations intertwine, celebrity makeup artist Sonam Korgaonkar has become a name synonymous with beauty and elegance. With her unparalleled talent and genuine passion for her craft, Sonam has carved a niche for herself as the go-to makeup artist for destination weddings. In an exclusive interview, Sonam shares her journey, the secrets behind her success, and her aspirations for the future.

A Dream Turned Reality

From a young age, Sonam found herself drawn to the transformative power of makeup. However, it wasn't until recently that she decided to pursue it as a fullfledged career. Encouraged by the positive feedback she received from those around her, Sonam embarked on a path to turn her dreams into reality. Mastering the Art Sonam's journey to b e c o m i n g a renowned makeup a r t i s t i n v o l v e d honing her skills at t o p m a k e u p institutes in Delhi and Mumbai. With a dedication to her c r a f t , s h e

underwent professional a n d a d v a n c e d education in Makeup Artistry and Hairstyling, setting the foundation for her future success.

C e l e b r i t i e s a n d

Memorable Moments

With her talent and meticulous attention to detail, Sonam has had the privilege of working with a plethora of notable personalities from the world of television, Bollywood, music, and fashion While she cherishes each experience, it's h e r u n w a v e r i n g commitment to making h e r c l i e n t s f e e l extraordinary that l e a v e s a l a s t i n g impression.

Tailor-made Beauty

What sets Sonam apart in the industry is her ability to understand the unique vision and aspirations of every bride. Through personalised consultations, she ensures that each bride's dream look is brought to life flawlessly, blending her expertise with the bride's desires. The Sweet Taste of Success

Sonam's exceptional talent has earned her prestigious awards like India's Leading Luxury Bridal Portal WEDMEGOOD USERS CHOICE AWARD and WEDDING WIRE COUPLE'S CHOICE AWARD The recognition she receives not only fuels her motivation but also serves as a testament to her commitment to excellence.

Embracing Challenges, Inspiring Transformations

A s a s o u g h t - a f t e r

d e s t i n a t i o n b r i d a l makeup artist, Sonam f a c e s t h e u n i q u e challenges that come with working in various locations Through meticulous planning a n d o n e - o n - o n e consultations, she

a d a p t s t o e a c h w e d d i n g ' s requirements, ensuring that every bride feels like a radiant goddess on her special day.

U n v e i l i n g I n n e r


Understanding a bride's personality and vision is essential for Sonam to create ravishing and m a g i c a l

transformations By delving into the bride's

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m i n d t h r o u g h e x t e n s i v e discussions, Sonam discovers the essence of their dreams, allowing her to weave her artistry and reveal their inner radiance.

A Quest for Innovation

Sonam believes in staying updated with the latest trends and techniques in the ever-evolving m a k e u p i n d u s t r y . T h r o u g h continuous learning, attending industry events, and embracing new products, she ensures her clients receive cutting-edge services that make them feel like trendsetters.

Nurturing Aspirations

For aspiring makeup artists looking to make a mark in the bridal and fashion industry, Sonam offers valuable advice. She emphasises the importance of staying current, investing in personal growth, and maintaining passion. She believes that dedication, hard work, and a thirst for experimentation are the keys to thriving in the industry.

Unveiling Beauty in Goa

As Goa Magazine focuses on the

wedding special issue, Sonam shares her expertise by providing tips and trends for brides planning their weddings in this coastal paradise. From emphasising skin care to avoiding last-minute product experiments, Sonam ensures brides radiate natural beauty on their special day.

A Journey Beyond Borders

Looking ahead, Sonam envisions herself evolving as a makeup artist and travelling the globe to help brides look their best on their big day. With a keen interest in collaborating with influential p e r s o n a l i t i e s f r o m t h e entertainment industry, Sonam's aspirations continue to soar, and her creativity knows no bounds. Sonam Korgaonkar's brush strokes continue to unlock the looks that make every bride's dreams come true. Her story is one of passion, artistry, and the pursuit of beauty, leaving an indelible mark on the world of makeup.


Unlocking Opportunities for Youth

In a remarkable move to empower the youth of Goa, Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant has launched the Chief Minister's Apprenticeship

P r o g r a m ( C M A P ) T h i s government initiative aims to p r o v i d e a p p r e n t i c e s h i p opportunities to the young residents of Goa, enabling them t o g a i n v a l u a b l e w o r k experience, develop their skills, a n d e n h a n c e t h e i r employability. The CMAP offers apprenticeships in various sectors, including IT, tourism, hospitality, manufacturing, and healthcare. With a focus on bridging the gap between education and industry needs,

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Text - Kalyani Merwade

this program is set t o m a k e a significant impact on the future of Goa's youth.

E x p a n d i n g Opportunities

T h e C M A P program invites all individuals who have completed their 10th or 12th standard, as well as those with a d i p l o m a o r degree, to apply.

By opening the doors to apprenticeship opportunities across multiple sectors, the program caters to a wide range of interests and aspirations This initiative recognizes that practical experience is crucial for personal and professional growth, and provides a platform for young Goans to kick-start their careers.

Benefits of CMAP

The benefits of participating in the CMAP program are manifold.

F i r s t l y , apprentices gain p r a c t i c a l e x p e r i e n c e i n their chosen field, allowing them to apply theoretical k n o w l e d g e i n r e a l - w o r l d scenarios This h a n d s - o n e x p e r i e n c e s i g n i f i c a n t l y enhances their understanding and competence, making them more attractive to prospective employers

Additionally, apprentices are entitled to a stipend during their training, ensuring financial support and stability. This financial assistance enables them to focus on their apprenticeship without worrying about financial constraints.

Furthermore, the CMAP program provides a unique opportunity for apprentices to develop a strong professional network. By

working closely with experienced professionals, apprentices can learn from their expertise and guidance, while also building connections within their chosen industry This networking aspect is invaluable as it opens doors to future employment opportunities and career growth.

Application Process

The process of applying for the CMAP program is simple and easy to follow. To begin, individuals who are interested can visit the official website of the Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, which is On the website, they will find a tab labelled "Apprenticeship." By clicking on the "Apply Now" button, applicants can gain access to the application form. It is crucial to provide accurate information and ensure that all required documents are uploaded correctly. Once the application form is complete, it can be submitted online. The deadline for submitting applications is July 15, 2023.

Duration and Benefits

The apprenticeship program offered through CMAP has a duration of one year,

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p r o v i d i n g a substantial period for apprentices to gain practical skills and knowledge in their respective f i e l d s A s a testament to the g o v e r n m e n t ' s commitment to supporting the youth, apprentices are paid a stipend based on their qualifications. Those with SSC qualifications receive Rs. 8,000 per month, ITI qualification holders receive Rs. 12,000 per month, and graduates receive Rs. 13,000 per month. Additionally, apprentices are eligible for medical benefits and accident insurance, ensuring their wellbeing throughout the program.

Future Prospects

Completing the apprenticeship program opens doors to a world of possibilities. Apprentices are given preference in government jobs after successfully finishing their apprenticeships, providing a pathway to stable employment and career growth By

participating in t h e C M A P program, young individuals are investing in their f u t u r e s a n d p o s i t i o n i n g themselves for success in the competitive job market.

In Light of Above-

Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant's Apprenticeship Program (CMAP) is a transformative initiative aimed at empowering the youth of Goa. By providing apprenticeship opportunities across various sectors, the program equips young Goans with practical skills, valuable experience, and an extensive professional network. The CMAP program not only contributes to reducing youth unemployment but also lays the foundation for a prosperous future for Goa. If you are a young resident of Goa seeking to embark on a rewarding career, seize this opportunity and apply for the CMAP program today? Your journey towards success begins here.


pursuit coincided with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing her to complete her studies entirely online. This unexpected challenge did not deter her determination to excel as a fine art student. During her time at MIT Pune, Ankita also undertook an enriching oneyear internship under the guidance of sculptor Bharati Pitre in Pune, adding another dimension to her artistic skill set.

In the picturesque land of Goa, where creativity thrives amidst the coastal beauty, emerges a young artist whose passion and dedication to art inspire many. Meet Ankita Naik, a talented and self-taught artist who has carved a niche for herself in the world of art. From humble beginnings in Bicholim to honing her skills at renowned institutions, Ankita's artistic journey has been nothing short of remarkable. In this article, we delve into the life and works of this young Goan artist, exploring her experiences, triumphs, and the missing pieces that complete the puzzle of her inspiring story.

1. Early Life and Education

Ankita Naik's roots lie in the charming town of Bicholim, where she was born and raised She attended Shri Shantadurga High School for her primary education and later moved on to Shantadurga Higher Secondary School for her secondary education. Her artistic flair began to take shape during her formative years, and it soon became evident that art was her true calling.

Ankita pursued her passion for art by enrolling at the prestigious Goa C o l l e g e o f A r t , w h e r e s h e specialized in portraiture during her four-year bachelor's program

Seeking further growth and knowledge, she decided to pursue a master's degree in fine arts at MIT University, Pune. Unfortunately, her

2. Discovering Art as a Passion Ankita's initial inspiration came from her sister, igniting a spark of creativity within her. However, her journey soon transformed into a deeply personal exploration of selfexpression, as art became her escape from the rigors of reality. What started as a hobby evolved into an all-consuming passion, leading her to experiment with various artistic mediums to convey her thoughts and emotions. Ankita's art mainly revolves around themes such as self-portraiture, capturing the essence of her surroundings, and immortalizing life's fleeting moments.

3. Artistic Endeavors

Ankita Naik's artistic repertoire is diverse and impressive. Known for her captivating live portraits and outdoor paintings, she often collaborates with fellow artists to create unique and memorable art pieces. Beyond that, her artistic talent extends to commissions for personalized portraits, intricate wall murals, and striking glass paintings, showcasing her versatility and dedication to her craft.

In addition to her commissioned works and live paintings, Ankita actively participates in pop-up events in Goa, connecting with art enthusiasts and collectors to showcase her latest creations.

4. Embracing the Learning Process

For Ankita, the pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending journey. She firmly believes in continuously learning new techniques and approaches while sharpening her observation skills. Taking breaks to refresh her mind is another essential aspect of her learning process, enabling her to return to her art with renewed creativity and enthusiasm.

5. The Challenges of Freelancing

As a freelance artist, Ankita faces the inevitable ebbs and flows of the market. Some months are filled with

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a deluge of orders, putting her artistic skills and time management to the test. However, she also experiences periods with few commissions, making it challenging to sustain her passion solely through freelancing. Moreover, pricing her artwork presents its own set of challenges as she strives to strike a balance between fair compensation and attracting clientele.

6. Awards and Recognitions

Ankita's talent has not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the numerous accolades she has received Notably, she secured first place in the painting and graphic category at the State Art Competition in 2016, and in 2019, she was honored with the prestigious Prafulla Dahanukar Award in the student category Her accomplishments have transcended regional boundaries, with her first-place win in the portrait category at the national painting competition and workshop held in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, in 2022, as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations. More recently, her exceptional talent earned her a commendable entry award at the competition organized in memory of the late Dr. Pedro Cabral Adão in 2023 at Art Chamber Calangute.

Ankita's commitment to nurturing the art community in Goa is reflected in her role as a moderator for the "Modern and Contemporary Art of

Goa" Facebook page, an initiative started by artist Norman Tagore to promote and support local artists in the region.

7. Aspirations and Message

While Ankita's future remains unplanned, she is committed to putting in hard work and dedication each day, paving the way for new opportunities and growth. Through her art, Ankita aims to inspire others to pursue their creative passions without fear of judgment. Her works encourage individuals to embrace their true artistic calling, fostering a community of self-expression and creativity.

Crafting Art that Resonates

Ankita Naik's artistic journey serves as a testament to the power of passion and perseverance From her early days in Bicholim to garnering recognition on national platforms, Ankita's artistic odyssey has been a source of motivation for aspiring artists and enthusiasts alike. As she continues navigating the world of freelancing and creative expression, her unyielding dedication to her craft and her ability to inspire others make her a young Goa gem to watch out for in the ever-evolving art world. The art event 'Amplify' by the Altmira initiative and her active involvement in the art community add further dimensions to her already inspiring tale of artistic growth and success.


- Kalyani Merwade

Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e a n d Transparency

At OneBoard, authenticity and quality take center stage. The platform diligently verifies all information, ensuring that fellow explorers receive accurate details However, they also understand that mistakes can happen. In order to maintain the highest standards, OneBoard encourages users to report any i n a c c u r a c i e s t h r o u g h WhatsApp, allowing them to continuously improve and provide precise information to the community of adventurers. Values That Drive OneBoard Transparency, honesty, and s h a r e d g o a l s a r e t h e cornerstones of OneBoard's

In the midst of the Covid pandemic, when uncertainty loomed large, OneBoard emerged as a promising startup, encapsulating the spirit of resilience and innovation. Founded in 2021 by Mr. Ryan Prazeres, OneBoard is a testament to the power of adaptability and the pursuit of engaging the youth market. With a compact team of seven individuals, including four dedicated marketers and three skilled coders, this unique platform offers a one-stop destination for all things Goa Incredible Goa Magazine presents the story of OneBoard, an extraordinary startup revolutionizing the way tourists and locals experience the vibrant state of Goa.

A Platform Like No Other

In a sea of competitors, OneBoard stands out as the sole platform that provides comprehensive and trustworthy information on events and happenings in Goa. It sets itself apart by offering a seamless and transparent experience for both service providers and consumers. With an intuitive and userfriendly interface, OneBoard ensures that tourists and locals can easily access authentic and up-to-date information.

Your Passport to Authentic Experiences

OneBoard's primary mission is to simplify the search for authentic experiences in Goa. Whether you seek an adrenaline-fueled adventure, an immersive historic or nature-based journey, a creative workshop to enhance your skills, or simply a beachside activity, OneBoard has got you covered. With a curated selection of experiences, the platform caters to all preferences, ensuring there's something for everyone, regardless of the time or day. OneBoard takes pride in delivering accurate and verified information, making it the go-to resource for explorers.

values. They believe in open and honest communication, taking responsibility and ownership, setting ambitious expectations, and showing appreciation for the efforts of all stakeholders. With a framework-driven approach, they encourage innovation and experimentation while valuing the feedback and assistance

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provided by experienced providers and their dedicated team Moreover, OneBoard promotes sustainable practices, aiming to minimize carbon footprints and contribute to the preservation of our planet.

Empowering Entrepreneurs in Goa

For aspiring entrepreneurs in Goa's technology sector, OneBoard's journey offers v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t s . Understanding the market, identifying opportunities, and m a i n t a i n i n g a p o s i t i v e perspective are crucial in the initial stages of business development OneBoard's success story serves as an inspiration, highlighting the importance of resilience, innovation, and adaptability. By c o n s t a n t l y b u i l d i n g o n innovative platforms and simplifying administration, sales,

and marketing for experience providers, OneBoard paves the way for entrepreneurs to thrive in the industry.

In a Nutshell

OneBoard is a shining example of a startup born out of challenging times, driven by the desire to engage the youth market and redefine the way we experience Goa. Through its user-friendly platform, it seamlessly connects explorers with authentic experiences, m a k i n g t h e s e a r c h f o r adventure effortless. By adhering to their core values, O n e B o a r d e n s u r e s transparency, quality, and sustainability in every aspect of t h e i r o p e r a t i o n s . W i t h OneBoard as your companion, you can unlock the true essence of Goa, creating unforgettable memories while supporting local experience providers.


Goa, the land of rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, is home to remarkable talents that have consistently made the state proud on national and international platforms. Among these extraordinary individuals, we find the story of Dr. Aditi Naik, a truly inspiring and multitalented personality whose journey as a botanist and B h a r a t a n a t y a m d a n c e r exemplifies the harmonious convergence of science and art.

Dr. Aditi Naik's journey as a botanist began unexpectedly, as she explored a range of a s p i r a t i o n s d u r i n g h e r formative years, from the allure of medicine to the intrigue of civil services. However, it was the encouragement of her mentors at St. Xavier's College, Mapusa, that led her to discover her true passion for botany. Immersed in the world of plants and the wonders of the natural world, Aditi's fascination with botanical research grew, ultimately leading her to pursue a master's degree at Goa University and a doctorate under the guidance of the esteemed Prof. S. Krishnan.

Science in Motion: The Botanist's Journey through Bharatnatyam.

Parallel to her academic pursuits, Aditi's passion for dance, particularly Bharatanatyam, took center stage in her life. Her dedication and love for both botany and dance became the driving forces that allowed her to excel in both fields. The discipline and focus cultivated through her scientific studies proved invaluable in perfecting her dance techniques, while the creativity and expression experienced in dance enriched her scientific curiosity and approach to botanical research.

Botany to Bharatnatyam: The Artistic and Scientific Symphony of a Doctorate.

Aditi's illustrious educational journey in botany and performing arts saw her securing gold medals in both fields. Her exceptional accomplishments, including clearing National and State

Eligibility Tests (NET/SET) in Life Science, Environment, and Performing Arts, solidified her position as a top-notch researcher and dancer

Additionally, receiving the p r e s t i g i o u s D S T I n s p i r e F e l l o w s h i p f r o m t h e

Department of Science and Technology and the CCRT scholarship from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, further fueled her growth as a multifaceted individual.

The Art of Balance: Nurturing Academics and Dance.

M a i n t a i n i n g a d e l i c a t e balance between academic commitments and her passion for dance was no easy feat for

A d i t i E f f e c t i v e t i m e management, unwavering dedication, and thoughtful prioritization played pivotal roles in her success. Moreover, having a strong support system, including parents, family, friends, and teachers, played a crucial role in nurturing her dual pursuits.

T h e I m p a c t o f D a n c e Education and Scientific Research.

A s a b o t a n i s t a n d Bharatanatyam dancer, Aditi's research delves into the intersection of Science and Dance education. She uncovers the parallels between creativity, discipline, and cognitive growth in both fields, advocating for the integration of dance and art in modern education systems. Her work aligns with the National Education Policy's vision for holistic education, promoting the transformative potential of dance and movement therapy.

Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment: The Patented Breakthrough.

Aditi's patented research on utilizing a plant extract from Soursop (Annona muricata L.) for treating breast cancer cells presents a groundbreaking discovery If validated, this innovation could revolutionize cancer treatment by providing a natural and potentially effective therapeutic approach to combat cancer growth and progression, impacting the relevant industry and scientific community.

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An Inspiring Vision for the Future.

As a multidisciplinary talent, Aditi envisions integrating her knowledge in Science a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l conservation with her passion for all forms of art, including theatre. Through dance performances and theatrical opportunities, she aspires to create t h o u g h t - p r o v o k i n g productions that raise a w a r e n e s s a b o u t environmental issues Her goal is to merge artistic expression with scientific insights to inspire positive c h a n g e a n d e n g a g e d i v e r s e a u d i e n c e s i n appreciating the arts and t h e i r p o t e n t i a l f o r c o n v e y i n g i n f l u e n t i a l messages.

Dr. Aditi Naik's journey as "The Dancing Botanist" epitomizes the seamless integration of science and art, showcasing the power of pursuing one's passions with unyielding dedication. Her contributions to the realms of botany and Bharatanatyam have not only made Goa proud but also enriched society with a unique and inspiring blend of talent and creativity. As she continues to evolve as a researcher, dancer, and educator, we eagerly await the remarkable impact she will make on both scientific and artistic communities, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of Incredible Goa.

International Centre Goa A Haven of Warm Hospitality and Exquisite Cuisine

Situated amidst the enchanting landscapes of Goa, the International Centre Goa (ICG) stands as a beacon of tranquillity, blending the vibrant essence of Goa's cultural heritage with world-class hospitality. Leading this exceptional establishment is Mr Vivek Pathiyan, the dedicated General Manager whose unwavering commitment and hard work contribute significantly to the success of ICG.

An Unforgettable Experience at ICG

ICG captures the essence of Goa with its beautiful lawn and inviting ambience that instantly immerses guests in the Goan spirit. This international centre provides an unparalleled experience, offering all the facilities and amenities of a 5-star hotel at a fraction of the price. As guests step foot into ICG, they are greeted with warmth, love, and true hospitality that permeates every corner of this extraordinary establishment.

Distinctive Features and Amenities

What sets ICG apart from other hospitality establishments in Goa are its key features and amenities. The centre boasts five halls of varying sizes, suitable for conferences, weddings, car launches, exhibitions, and more. The spacious lawns create an idyllic setting for outdoor events Furthermore, ample parking space ensures convenience for all attendees, making it a unique selling point of ICG.

Luxurious Accommodations for Unwinding

ICG offers two types of rooms: standard and premium. Regardless of the category, all rooms are spacious, featuring a balcony that allows guests to bask in the serenity of the surroundings The emphasis on comfort and a relaxed atmosphere ensures that each stay at ICG is a rejuvenating experience.

S p i c e s R e s t a u r a n t : A

Gastronomic Delight

Indulge in an unforgettable culinary journey at Spices, the signature restaurant at ICG Renowned for its exquisite cuisine, Spices captivates the taste buds of guests from around the world. Every dish is crafted with precision, showcasing the rich flavours of Goa and beyond. The restaurant

has received accolades from countless visitors, praising both the delectable fare and the reasonable pricing To elevate the dining experience, ICG has introduced video and karaoke for added entertainment and enjoyment.

Events and Conferences Made Memorable

ICG's commitment to catering to the needs of business travellers and event organizers shines through its exceptional event facilities.

Alongside the versatile conference halls, ICG offers a dedicated reading and business centre, a wellequipped gym, and a beautiful swimming pool. These amenities provide a balanced blend of work and relaxation, ensuring that guests can unwind and find inspiration in this oasis of tranquillity.

Enriching the Community and Embracing Sustainability

ICG goes beyond being a hospitality centre and actively contributes to the local community. The center hosts various programs that highlight Goan culture, showcasing the talents of writers and musicians through initiatives such as the annual Goa Arts and Literary Festival (GALF). Moreover, ICG's commitment to sustainable practices is reflected in its efforts to minimize environmental impact and promote social responsibility.

Exceptional Experiences at ICG

Guest testimonials speak volumes about the exceptional experiences offered at ICG. One visitor, who attended an academic workshop, described the place as beautiful and well-maintained and praised the fantastic food. Their recommendation of ICG to everyone beyond Goa attests to the extraordinary quality of service and hospitality the centre provides.

The Essence of ICG: Hospitality Redefined

In a region brimming with hospitality options, what makes ICG truly stand out is its unwavering commitment to warmth, friendly staff, and breathtaking ambience. Every guest leaves ICG with a sense of satisfaction and value for their money, ensuring that their time spent at this extraordinary destination becomes an indelible memory.

Embrace Goa's Cultural Heritage at ICG

ICG warmly welcomes individuals living in Goa to experience its remarkable restaurant and b a n q u e t s e r v i c e s S p i c e s Restaurant offers a wide variety of cuisines from India, allowing locals and tourists alike to savour the flavours of the region.

In conclusion, the International Centre Goa (ICG) encapsulates the essence of warm hospitality, tranquillity, and gastronomic excellence With its luxurious accommodations, affordable prices, and a deep-rooted connection to Goa's cultural heritage, ICG invites travellers to embark on an unforgettable journey that resonates with their senses and lingers in their hearts.

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Inspiring Excellence and Fostering a Positive Work Culture at Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim

In the tropical paradise of Goa, where the azure waters meet the soft sands, lies the Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim, an oasis of hospitality and luxury. Behind the resounding success of this renowned establishment stands Mr. Vinayak Patnekar, a trailblazing hotelier with an illustrious career spanning over two decades with Marriott International. With his exceptional leadership, unwavering dedication, and unmatched business acumen, Mr. Patnekar has elevated the hotel to unparalleled heights. In this captivating feature story, we delve into the extraordinary tale shared by Mr. Patnekar himself, uncovering the driving force behind his rise to prominence, and the transformation of Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim into an epitome of excellence.

A Journey of Experience and Success Mr. Patnekar's journey in the hospitality industry began in 2000 as a Food & Beverage

A s s o c i a t e a t t h e p r e s t i g i o u s G o a Marriott Resort & Spa. Throughout his career, he has traversed ten different cities, four brands, and played crucial roles in eleven hotels and four preo p e n i n g h o t e l s

Notably, Mr. Patnekar was a part of the preopening team of the f i r s t F a i r f i e l d B y Marriott in Asia, which e a r n e d h i m t h e

esteemed APEC Operations Team of the Year award in 2014. His exceptional performance at Fairfield Belagavi led to his recognition with the Global Marriott Select Brand Awards in 2019.

Leadership Principles and Values

As the General Manager of Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim, Mr. Patnekar embodies a set of leadership principles and values that have been instrumental in the hotel's success Clear and transparent communication forms the bedrock of his management style, fostering trust and synergy among team members. Mr. Patnekar firmly believes in leading by example, setting high standards of professionalism and work ethic for his team. He empowers his team members, encouraging autonomy and decision-making, and promotes a collaborative work c u l t u r e w h e r e t e a m w o r k a n d cooperation thrive Continuous learning a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l development are also key components of his leadership philosophy, ensuring the hotel s t a y s a h e a d o f industry trends and best practices.

Fostering a Positive and Inclusive Work Culture

M r P a t n e k a r understands that a positive and inclusive work culture directly

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impacts the overall guest experience

Within Fairfield By M a r r i o t t G o a B e n a u l i m , h e c u l t i v a t e s a n e n v i r o n m e n t o f r e s p e c t a n d diversity, where every team member i s v a l u e d a n d a p p r e c i a t e d regardless of their b a c k g r o u n d

Regular recognition and appreciation

f o r h a r d w o r k create a positive atmosphere and boost morale. Open c o m m u n i c a t i o n channels encourage the exchange of ideas and suggestions, improving guest experiences. Furthermore, work-life balance and employee wellbeing are prioritised, ensuring team members are happy and fulfilled, which translates into exceptional service for guests.

Navigating Challenges and Driving Innovation

True leadership shines in the face of challenges, and Mr. Patnekar has demonstrated his ability to overcome obstacles and drive innovation. When confronted with unforeseen circumstances, such as sudden staff shortages, Mr. Patnekar's swift action and guidance ensure the smooth operation of the hotel. By delegating tasks effectively and encouraging creative thinking, he inspires his team to find innovative solutions. Crossdepartmental service skills training and multi-tasking play a pivotal role in addressing manpower crunches and maintaining the high level of service that Fairfield

is renowned for.

Inspiring Excellence and Motivating Team Members

To consistently deliver exceptional service and exceed guest expectations, Mr. Patnekar employs a range of strategies. Setting clear expectations and investing in training and development programs empower team members to provide exceptional service. Regular recognition and rewards motivate and encourage the staff to go the extra mile. By empowering decision-making and providing constructive feedback and coaching, Mr. Patnekar fosters a culture of growth and improvement. Genuine appreciation for their efforts further fuels their motivation to excel.

Encouraging Professional Development and Growth

Mr. Patnekar places a strong emphasis on professional development and growth among his staff members. By providing access to training sessions, workshops, and online courses, he ensures that his team members have ample opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. Cross-training and job rotation programs allow associates to gain diverse experiences, enabling them to broaden their skill set and understand various aspects of the hotel's operations. Additionally, mentorship programs and regular performance evaluations provide guidance and identify areas for improvement, creating individual development plans.

The Qualities of a Successful Hotel Leader

In Mr. Patnekar's opinion, successful hotel leaders possess several key qualities. They have a clear vision and strategic thinking, enabling them to develop and execute plans that drive the hotel's success. Effective communication skills connect leaders with team members, guests, and stakeholders, fostering shared goals and expectations. Adaptability is crucial in the dynamic hospitality industry, while empathy and emotional intelligence create a positive and supportive work environment. Strong


a n d p r o b l e msolving abilities ensure that leaders

c a n n a v i g a t e challenges with confidence.

C o l l a b o r a t i o n a n d Communication

f o r S e a m l e s s

G u e s t


M r P a t n e k a r understands the i m p o r t a n c e o f e f f e c t i v e c o m m u n i c a t i o n and collaboration w i t h v a r i o u s departments and stakeholders to

ensure a seamless guest experience. Regular departmental meetings and clear communication channels facilitate the exchange of information and problem-solving. Joint planning and goal-setting involving representatives from different departments promote alignment and collaboration. Collaborative projects and feedback systems encourage teamwork and provide valuable insights for improvement.

Balancing Needs and Making Tough Decisions

As a General Manager, Mr. Patnekar has had to make tough decisions while balancing the needs of the hotel, guests, and team members. In situations such as implementing cost-cutting measures, he carefully considers the long-term sustainability of the hotel while minimizing the impact on guest satisfaction and team morale. By involving key stakeholders and exploring alternative solutions, he ensures that informed decisions are made in the best interests of all parties involved.

Staying Ahead with Industry Trends and Innovations

To stay updated with the latest industry trends and innovations, Mr. Patnekar actively participates in industry associations, attends conferences, and engages in networking opportunities. He regularly reads industry publications, research reports, and online resources to gain insights into emerging trends and best practices. This up-to-date knowledge influences his decision-making process, allowing him to make informed choices and adapt strategies to meet evolving guest expectations.

Advice for Aspiring Hotel Leaders

In conclusion, Mr. Patnekar shares his valuable advice for aspiring hotel leaders aiming to excel in the hospitality industry. He emphasises the importance of continuous learning, developing strong communication skills, and leading by example. Embracing diversity and inclusion, staying customer-focused, and being resilient are also vital qualities. Building a strong professional network and remembering that leadership requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and genuine passion will pave the way for success.

Wrapping it up

Mr. Vinayak Patnekar's journey as the General Manager of Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim reflects his remarkable leadership, innovation, and commitment to excellence. Through his leadership principles and values, he has fostered a positive work culture, inspired his team members, and consistently delivered exceptional guest experiences. As the sun sets over the golden shores of Goa, Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim continues to shine under Mr. Patnekar's guidance, inviting travelers to indulge in a world of comfort, luxury, and unforgettable moments.



Goa, the picturesque coastal paradise of India, has long been renowned as a magnet for both domestic and international tourists seeking an unforgettable vacation. However, in recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in domestic tourism, catapulting the state into a new era of popularity as a preferred vacation destination for Indian travellers. This burgeoning trend is influenced by various factors, and as a result, the state is witnessing a thriving tourism industry that significantly contributes to its economic growth and cultural appeal. The remarkable growth in domestic tourism can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, India's burgeoning middle-class population has w i t n e s s e d i n c r e a s i n g disposable incomes, enabling more families to explore leisure travel options. Goa's vibrant ambiance, coupled with its diverse range of attractions, provides the perfect getaway for these travellers seeking short-haul vacations.

The government's proactive efforts to promote Goa as a domestic tourist haven have also played a pivotal role in this tourism boom. By investing in modern infrastructure, such as improved roads, upgraded airports, and new hotels, Goa has enhanced its appeal as a traveller-friendly destination.

Additionally, the government's focus on organising cultural and sporting events has further attracted tourists and fostered a sense of community engagement.

According to official statistics, the influx of domestic tourists to Goa has witnessed an exponential rise. In 2021, approximately 33.08 lakh domestic tourists thronged the sun-kissed beaches and cultural landmarks of Goa. This number soared even higher in 2022, with a staggering 49 55 lakh domestic tourists visiting the state until September, signalling a phenomenal increase in popularity. The allure of Goa for domestic tourists lies in its wealth of attractions and activities The golden sandy beaches stretching along the Arabian Sea coast offer an idyllic setting for relaxation and water sports adventures. Be it parasailing, jet skiing, or simply basking in the sun, Goa has something for every water enthusiast. Beyond the beaches, the state's rich history and culture captivate the imagination of travellers From the ancient churches of Old Goa to the majestic forts that once guarded its shores, the historical tapestry of the r e g i o n d r a w s h i s t o r y aficionados and curious explorers alike. Imbibing the

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cultural essence of Goa through its vibrant festivals and traditional music and dance forms is a surreal experience, connecting travellers to the roots of India's past. Notably, Goa manages to strike a fine balance between affordable travel and luxurious experiences, appealing to a diverse range of tourists. The state's tourism industry has evolved to cater to various budgets, providing an array of accommodation options, from cozy guest houses to opulent resorts, thus making it an attractive destination for travellers from all walks of life.

This surge in domestic tourism has contributed significantly to Goa's economic landscape. Tourism is estimated to contribute around 20% to the state's GDP, bolstering the local economy and generating employment opportunities for countless individuals The state's transformation into a thriving tourist hub has helped revitalise communities, supporting businesses ranging from small-scale souvenir shops to high-end restaurants.

As Goa continues to garner the love and attention of domestic tourists, the government remains committed to elevating its status as a premier tourist destination. By embracing modernization while preserving its cultural heritage, Goa aspires to be a family-friendly haven for travelers

from all parts of India.

Technology has also played a pivotal role in the rise of domestic tourism. The increasing availability of online travel agents and booking platforms has made it easier for people to plan and book their vacations, providing greater convenience and flexibility

Furthermore, social media's pervasive influence has played a significant role in spreading the word about Goa's enchanting locales and vibrant culture, inspiring wanderlust among potential tourists.

In conclusion, Goa's thriving domestic tourism is a testament to the state's inherent allure and its government's commendable efforts to promote tourism. With its beautiful beaches, rich history, diverse activities, and affordable travel options, Goa is indeed a jewel in India's tourism crown. As the state continues to bask in the spotlight, its rise as a world-class tourist destination is not only a boon to its economy but also a celebration of its cultural heritage and mesmerising landscapes.

For travellers seeking an enriching experience that marries sun, sand, and culture, Goa beckons with open arms - a veritable tapestry of unforgettable memories awaits amidst the serene charm of this coastal gem.


In a world where modernity often threatens to overshadow our past, there exists an invaluable treasure trove that reminds us of our rootsheritage sites.

Goa is a picturesque state that captivates visitors with its golden beaches, warm hospitality, and a heritage steeped in history. As one ventures into the heart of this coastal gem, they are transported through time, walking amidst ancient relics and colonial wonders that whisper stories of the past. However, in the face of rapid urbanisation and modern development, the conservation of Goa's invaluable heritage sites has emerged as a pressing concern that demands immediate attention.

Each heritage site in Goa is a living testament to the region's diverse history, bearing witness to the influences of various civilizations that have graced its shores From the grandeur of ancient Kadamba and Vijayanagara dynasties to the remnants of Portuguese colonial rule, these sites hold a treasure trove of memories and cultural identity. Preserving them is not just about protecting stones and structures; it is about safeguarding the very essence of Goa's soul.

The significance of conserving these heritage sites transcends time and borders, offering numerous advantages to the state and its people. Firstly, they serve as valuable historical records, allowing us to learn from the past and better understand our collective human journey. Secondly, they are repositories

of culture, encapsulating traditions, art, and customs that have shaped Goan society over generations. Thirdly, these sites have become a major draw for tourists, bolstering the state's economy and creating livelihood opportunities for locals.

However, challenges loom large on the path of heritage conservation. Goa's burgeoning urbanisation and ambitious infrastructure projects can inadvertently cause harm to these delicate structures. Unchecked construction and encroachments not only compromise the physical integrity of the sites but also disturb the harmony they share with their surroundings. Natural elements, too, take their toll, as the passage of time and weather slowly erode the once-majestic facades.

To counter these challenges, a multifaceted approach to conservation is needed. It begins with strong legislation and policies that protect these heritage gems from encroachment and harm. Proper site documentation and thorough research aid in understanding the historical context and architectural significance, guiding the conservation efforts. Restoration and conservation m u s t b e c o n d u c t e d b y s k i l l e d professionals, adhering to international standards, to retain the authenticity and charm of these sites.

The role of the local community in heritage conservation cannot be overstated. By involving the people who call these places home, we foster a sense of ownership and pride in their heritage. Community-based initiatives can lead to sustainable conservation

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Image Credits - Amoolya B Paul Image Credits - Nick Cardoso

efforts that stand the test of time. Moreover, educational programs and awareness campaigns serve to enlighten the public about the importance of these sites, instilling a sense of responsibility in protecting them for future generations. Sustainable tourism emerges as another vital aspect of preserving heritage sites. Tourism, when managed responsibly, can contribute positively to conservation efforts. By promoting sustainable tourism practices, we ensure that visitors experience these sites with respect

and admiration, minimising their

delicate structures. Embracing modern technology can also play a pivotal role

ongoing monitoring can enhance the effectiveness of conservation efforts and aid in the longterm preservation of t h e s e c u l t u r a l treasures.

Wrapping upGoa's heritage sites

a r e p r i c e l e s s treasures that bear witness to a rich history and vibrant culture. Preserving them is not just a duty to the past; it is a responsibility to the future. By enacting strong legislation, engaging local communities, utilising technology, and promoting sustainable tourism, we can ensure that these gems of the past continue to shine for generations to come. Let us unite in our efforts to protect, conserve, and celebrate the legacy of Goa's heritage sites, safeguarding their beauty and wisdom for eternity.

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Image Credits - Setu Chhaya


In an era dominated by technological advancements, it comes as no surprise that scammers are constantly finding new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), a new wave of scams has emerged, utilising the power of this cuttingedge technology to deceive and defraud innocent victims. This article aims to shed light on the alarming trend of AIbased scams that are proliferating across the internet, focusing on one p a r t i c u l a r m e t h o d involving cloned faces.

The Cloned Face ScamImagine receiving a distressing video call from a loved one, who appears to be in a desperate situation, seeking urgent financial or medical assistance. Unbeknownst to you, the person on the call is not your friend or r e l a t i v e b u t a n A Ig e n e r a t e d c l o n e , designed to mimic their appearance and voice.

Expert Insights-

"AI-based scams are a growing threat. Deep fakes, realistic videos or audio recordings of individuals, are commonly used to deceive victims into sharing personal information or funds. Combating these scams requires ongoing efforts, public education, and new detection tools"up.

- John Smith, cybersecurity expert. Jane Doe, law enforcement official.

Real-Life ExamplesInstances of AI-based scams using cloned faces h a v e a l r e a d y b e e n reported, demonstrating the severity of this issue. In a recent case in China, a scammer successfully impersonated a victim's close friend during a video call, persuading the unsuspecting individual to transfer an exorbitant sum of 4.3 million yuan. This incident serves as a stark reminder that even those who are cautious can be lured into these traps due to the high level of deception involved.

Protective Measures - As t h e s a y i n g g o e s ,

AWARENESS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa 48 INCREDIBLE - GOA JULY 2023

prevention is better than cure. Here are some essential steps you can take to safeguard yourself against AIbased scams

1. Verify Before Taking Action: Always exercise caution when you receive requests for financial assistance or personal information, especially if they seem urgent or out of character Before acting on such requests, independently confirm the authenticity of the communication through other channels, such as a phone call or a face-to-face conversation.

2. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest scams and deceptive tactics employed by fraudsters Regularly update yourself on the emerging trends and techniques utilised in AI-based scams to recognize and thwart potential threats.

3. Strengthen Digital Security: Protecting your online presence is crucial. Utilize strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Be wary of suspicious emails, links, or attachments and refrain from sharing sensitive information unless it is absolutely necessary and verified.

4. Exercise Vigilance on Social Media: Adjust the privacy settings on

your social media accounts to ensure that personal information is visible only to trusted connections Be mindful of what you share publicly, as scammers often use personal details gleaned from social media platforms to customise their deception.

5. Report Suspicious Activities: If you encounter or suspect an AIbased scam, promptly report it to the relevant authorities or your local law enforcement agency. By doing so, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to the fight against cybercrime.

As a Final Point

As AI technology continues to advance and integrate into our daily lives, it's crucial to maintain vigilance and acknowledge the potential risks it brings. The emergence of AI-based scams, especially those utilising cloned faces, calls for our utmost attention and caution. Equipping ourselves with knowledge about scammers' tactics and adopting protective measures allows us to safeguard against these deceptive schemes. Staying informed and sceptical is paramount in protecting ourselves and others from the lurking threats of AI-based scams across the vast expanse of the internet.


reporters at this location, Godinho claimed that the state government had written to the Cyber Crime division to demand action against Uber for allegedly operating unlawfully as a taxi company.

"We wrote to the Cyber Crime branch and questioned (Uber) on how they could launch the business without getting approval. How is it possible for such a large organization to launch a business without official approval?

He declared that the police have been asked by his department to take steps over the cab aggregator's app-based business. Godinho stated, "We had sent an email to the cybercrime (cell) last week, but on Monday we delivered the cybercrime cell an official letter. "The state government has previously decided not to grant Ola and Uber authorization Its position has not altered We will take them in confidence if anything ever changes," Godinho added.

The Minister claimed that while the state government has received proposals from taxi operators, no decision has been made as of yet. "Everyone wants to come to Goa to do business," he continued.

Uber India Systems Private Limited is being sued by the Goa government for allegedly operating its services illegally in the Indian coastal state. Uber announced its Goa services, which include airport pickup and drop-off, earlier last week. In a statement to the media on Tuesday, State Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho stated that Uber has been officially accused of operating illegally in the tourist state. Speaking to

The operations of Ola and Uber cabs have been criticized by Goa's taxi drivers. The minister also reaffirmed the government's position that Ola and Uber and other app-based cab aggregators will not be allowed to operate in Goa. Despite prior pronouncements from the minister stating that he would permit well-known app-based cab services to operate in Goa amid a dispute with local taxi drivers, this decision was made.


generation sevenfold since 2019. Goa will become one of the world's first "green tourist hotspots," according to Sawant, who stated that his government is devoted to modernizing the industry. According to him, a strategic roadmap is already in place, and we will soon implement several renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives to decarbonize this industry that is heavily dependent on nature.

People-centric schemes in various sectors

The chief minister stated that to ensure faster adoption of green technologies and sustainable practices, other crucial sectors, including logistics, manufacturing, wellness, farming, and aquaculture, as well as the food industry, are prepared to implement several people-centric schemes, in addition to education campaigns and skill-building initiatives.

During the G20 Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and 8th Mission Innovation (MI) Meeting, the chief minister of Goa unveiled the state's clean energy roadmap for the year 2050. According to Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, Goa would provide a 100% sustainable energy-based power supply to all demand areas by 2050 or even much sooner.

According to Sawant, Goa is certain that it will provide a 100% renewable-based electrical power supply to all consumption sectors by 2050 or even sooner if it remains guided by its energy vision and uses the analysis from the Clean Energy Roadmap. He claimed that Goa is on the right track to fully utilizing solar energy and that the state's solar policy is centered on clean energy production by households.

The chief minister continued, "We have already expanded solar power

He urged the G20 nations to take the initiative to make Goa's Clean Energy Roadmap a reality and a model for the rest of the world."Be it in the form of a pilot demonstration of clean energy technologies and practices, an innovative service delivery model, or a long-term strategic partnership, I assure you of all possible assistance from the government of Goa," Sawant continued.

According to him, Goa's sustainable energy program intends to decarbonize all economic sectors by 2050.

According to the CM, they have also been able to pinpoint highpotential areas where the adoption of suitable renewable energy technologies, resource- and energy-efficient practices, supported by the proper policy and regulatory measures, can produce the greatest benefits for the environment, the economy, and society.

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To meet the growing demand for travel between Goa and the Middle East, IndiGo, India's top airline, is getting ready to launch a new biweekly route on September 2 that would connect Mopa (North Goa) and Abu Dhabi. With the most recent addition to their route network, IndiGo's footprint in Abu Dhabi is expected to grow, strengthening the already-existing flights from five important Indian cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, and H y d e r a b a d . T h i s a c t i o n demonstrates IndiGo's dedication to meeting the various needs of its expanding client base

Vinay Malhotra, Head of Global Sales at IndiGo, made the announcement and was ecstatic about the new development. "We are happy to announce new links between North Goa (Mopa Airport) and Abu Dhabi, marking an exciting advancement in our flight options. Since there is significant demand for travel to the Middle East in India, IndiGo is proactively making plans to meet this need through these additional connections. With the introduction of these airplanes, IndiGo will operate 52 weekly flights from 8 Indian cities to Abu Dhabi, putting the UAE even closer to India. We are convinced that both locations will see a

major increase in trade and tourism as a result of including these routes in our 2019 winter schedule," he said.

Malhotra stressed that improving connectivity and guaranteeing a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for its passengers across i t s v a s t n e t w o r k a r e t h e c o r n e r s t o n e s o f I n d i G o ' s unwavering commitment. The airline is committed to offering timely, cost-effective, hassle-free services that will unquestionably leave customers with priceless memories. The recently launched flight 6E 1505, which leaves Mopa at 00:25 and arrives in Abu Dhabi at 02:15, will run on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The return flight, however, 6E 1506, will run on the same days, departing Abu Dhabi at 3:15, and landing in Mopa at 8:10.

IndiGo launched a direct route from Delhi to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, earlier this month. SixE 1803, a direct flight between Delhi and Baku, will fly on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The flight will take off from Delhi at 20:20 and land in Baku at 23:50. The 6E 1804 return trip will fly on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The flight will leave Baku at 01:40 and land in Delhi at 07:10.


delivery services, the credit card offers a 10% reward. Additionally, members can receive 5% cashback on purchases made on any of 1,000 partner websites, including Amazon, Ola, Uber, Nike, Adidas, BookMyShow, Flipkart, Myntra, Nykaa, and others. The payback will appear as Swiggy Money, which may be applied to further purchases. Users can also benefit from a few Mastercard features.

The card also offers a free 3-month subscription to Swiggy One, which has no delivery fees, and 1% cashback on all other purchases. Benefits from this program include those related to food, groceries, dining out, and pick-up and drop-off services.

Users who qualify can also take advantage of World Tier Mastercard perks including discounted reward privileges, complimentary stays, and more.

From the Swiggy App, you can keep track of the cashback.

Swiggy, a company that offers food delivery, has teamed up with HDFC Bank to introduce a co-branded credit card. The Swiggy-HDFC card will give users 10% cash back on purchases made on the food delivery service, including dine-outs; 5% cash back on purchases made on partner platforms including Amazon, Zara, Nykaa, Uber, and Myntra; and 1% cash back on all other purchases. The cashback will be credited as Swiggy Money, which may be used for a variety of Swiggy transactions.

Cardholders will receive a complimentary three-month Swiggy One subscription as a welcome gift. The Mastercard payment network hosts the co-branded credit card. Additionally, cardholders will benefit from World Tier Mastercard perks like complimentary loyalty memberships and free stays and meals.

10% cashback is available to users on Swiggy orders

On purchases made against Swiggy's meal delivery and supermarket

The reward will be credited to Swiggy Money within 10 days after the date of your monthly statement, according to the official blog. From the 'My Accounts' area of the Swiggy App, you may monitor the information. How can one get a credit card?

Over the next 7 to 10 days, the co-branded credit card will be gradually made available through the Swiggy app, at which point any interested users can apply.

The business has not yet disclosed any eligibility information. Regardless of whether you have an HDFC Bank credit card, you can apply through the Swiggy app or the HDFC Bank website.

"The all-inclusive credit card makes shopping more enjoyable and practical"

Rahul Bothra, Swiggy's CFO, stated that the company "recognizes that modern consumers actively seek rewards, offers, and cashback programs that add value to their spending."

"With that in mind, we've introduced this all-encompassing card in collaboration with HDFC Bank and Mastercard that streamlines routine purchases across the platform.

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Leaders in Sustainable Development

Addressing the gathering, CM Pramod Sawant emphasised Goa's prominent role as a leader in sustainable development. He proudly stated that the state has made significant strides in the renewable energy sector, setting an inspiring example for the nation and the world at large. The Technology and Cultural Showcase was a testament to Goa's commitment to embracing clean energy and nurturing its cultural heritage with equal zeal.

Empowering Clean Energy in Goa

Power Minister Ramakrishna Alias Sudin

Dhavalikar echoed CM Sawant's sentiments, stating that the showcase presented an excellent platform to promote clean energy technologies in the state. He reaffirmed the government's commitment to creating an enabling environment for the growth of the clean energy sector, fostering a brighter and more sustainable future for Goa.

Embrace the Future: Join the Showcase

In a momentous celebration of innovation and culture, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant inaugurated the much-anticipated Technology and Cultural Showcase at the prestigious Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium in Taleigao, Goa. Organised by the esteemed Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), a statutory body under the Ministry of Power, Government of India, the event aims to promote energy efficiency and sustainable practices while also embracing Goa's rich cultural heritage. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Power Minister Ramakrishna Alias Sudin Dhavalikar, Chief Secretary Puneet Kumar Goel, IAS, Secy. Protocol & Nodal Officer, G20, Goa, Sanjit Rodrigues, IAS, and several other distinguished guests. Together, they witnessed a unique convergence of new and emerging technologies, traditional art forms, music, and dance that defined the essence of Goa's commitment to sustainable development.

Technology Showcase: Paving the Way for a Greener Tomorrow

The heart of the showcase lay in its display of cutting-edge technologies that hold the key to a cleaner and greener future. Among the highlights were Electric Vehicles (Evs), heralding a new era of transportation that is both eco-friendly and efficient. The emphasis on hydrogen and other clean fuel technologies further underscored Goa's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.

Smart grids, an essential component of the energy revolution, also featured prominently. These advanced systems enable efficient energy management and distribution, playing a pivotal role in optimising power consumption and minimising waste.

Goa's Rich Cultural Heritage: A Melody of Tradition

Beyond the realm of technology, the event mesmerised visitors with the vibrant display of Goa's cultural heritage. Traditional music, with its enchanting melodies, resonated through the air, capturing the essence of the state's soul. The rhythmic beats of indigenous dances transported the audience back in time, rekindling a sense of pride in the beauty of Goa's artistic legacy.

The showcase also paid tribute to the state's thriving art forms, which have been passed down through generations. Local artisans showcased their craftsmanship, ensuring that the legacy of Goa's rich culture remains alive and celebrated.

The Technology and Cultural Showcase promises to captivate hearts and minds alike from July 26 to July 31, 2023. Open to the public, it beckons all to witness the convergence of innovation and culture that defines Goa's journey towards a cleaner, greener, and more harmonious future.

As visitors explore the display of state-of-the-art technologies and revel in the rich cultural tapestry of Goa, they will be inspired to envision a world where tradition and modernity coexist in harmony, and sustainable practices shape a better tomorrow for generations to come. Come, be a part of this incredible celebration of Goa's vision for a brighter future – a vision where technology and culture unite for a sustainable and thriving world.

EVENTS & HAPPENING incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
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Club of Dona Paula and Project Chair Rtn Dr SAJAL DHOND.

The camp had a variety of experts from the medical field Dr Sajal Dhond a gynaecologist consulted the local women on their health issues. She also distributed free iron and calcium supplements to the visitors

Dr Kritika Wagle conducted full paediatric check up of the children who visited the camp. Dr Wagle also conducted HEALTHY CHILD CONTEST amongst the local children to promote nutrition and health among the children. The top 3 children were given prizes as motivation.

Dr Suprita Pai of Manipal Hospitals along with a team of nurses and technicians conducted a full body check up of patients.

Rotary Club of Dona Paula conducted a multidisciplinary comprehensive health camp at Government Primary School Camrabhat. Despite of heavy rains, locals gave a good response to the camp.

The camp was spearheaded by Community service Director of Rotary

Dr Gaurav Haldankar of Psychiatric Society of Goa conducted one to one mental health counselling for several patients on topics such as alcohol deaddiction.

Technicians from ASG hospitals conducted comprehensive eye checkup for locals on various issues such as health of the eyes and also the power of the eyes.


Get ready to embrace the monsoon with a thrilling splash at the Goa Monsoon Marathon!

Celebrating the advent of the rainy season on the west coast of India, this annual event has grown from a modest gathering of runners to a massive spectacle drawing thousands from all corners of the country. Set a g a i n s t t h e p i c t u r e s q u e backdrop of Goa's beautiful beaches, the Goa Monsoon

M a r a t h o n p r o m i s e s a n unforgettable experience of running in the rain while contributing to charitable causes.

Race Details

Mark your calendars for July 30th, the day when the Wet and Wild Run takes centre stage at the Sports Authority of Goa athletics stadium in Bambolim. With a variety of categories to choose from, participants can select the one that suits their fitness level and aspirations. The options include a 21-kilometre run for over 300 men and 30 women, a 10kilometre run for roughly 495 men and 85 women, a 5-kilometre run for over 500 men and 220 women, and a 2-kilometre run for over 270 men and 110 women. Register now to secure your spot in this one-of-a-kind event!

Course Information

Prepare to be challenged as the Goa Monsoon Marathon 2023 takes you on a breathtaking yet demanding course. Combining road, beach, and trail running, this route will put the endurance and fitness of both seasoned marathoners and first-timers to the test. Brace yourself for steep climbs and descents, as well as unpredictable weather conditions ranging from sunny spells to heavy rains. Stay hydrated and wellsupported with ample hydration stations, medical facilities, and

cheering volunteers along the route. Remember to equip yourself with suitable gear to stay warm and dry amidst any weather surprises.


Training is key to conquering the Goa Monsoon Marathon. Regular workouts and building endurance w i l l h e l p y o u t a c k l e t h e c h a l l e n g i n g c o u r s e w i t h confidence. Choose breathable clothing that can withstand rain, as you're sure to get soaked along the way. Don't forget to carry a water bottle and energy snacks to keep yourself hydrated and fueled throughout the race.

Special Features

The Goa Monsoon Marathon 2023 isn't just about running; it's about inclusivity and support for charitable causes Wheelchair-bound athletes from the Sanjay Centre for Special Education will also be participating, adding an inspirational touch to the event. The marathon has garnered the backing of the Rotary Charitable Trust, the Indian Army, and the Indian Navy. The army provides logistics, volunteers, and essential facilities, while the navy lends valuable assistance to ensure the event's success.

Wrapping up

The Goa Monsoon Marathon 2023 promises an exhilarating and refreshing experience while making a positive impact on charitable initiatives. Embrace the rain, challenge yourself on the scenic course, and support the noble causes of the Rotary Charitable Trust of Porvorim. Join the ranks of running enthusiasts, and together, let's spread awareness, improve our health and wellness, and make a difference in the lives of those in need. Register today and get ready for an unforgettable Wet and Wild Run in the heart of Goa!

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CA Gaurav

Kenkre is a CA in practice for the last 11 years. He is a regular speaker at various professional organizations, trade bodies, MNCs and Government bodies. He also writes regularly in local as well as national publications. Besides this he holds various positions in bodies such as ICAI, GCCI, College bodies, Rotary etc.

There are primarily two kinds of GST returns which most taxpayers have to file. The first one is GSTR-1 which is filed by around 13th of every month (dates may vary based on category of taxpayer). This return merely shows your sale invoices and thus shows your GST liability on sale. This return also helps in transferring your sales data, into your customer's GST portal, as his purchase. This data when reflected in your customer's GST portal as purchases, makes your customer eligible for input tax credit.

The liability shown in GSTR 1, is paid by you via the GSTR return called GSTR 3B GSTR 3B is typically filed by 20th of the month i.e. a few days after GSTR 1 (dates may vary based on category of taxpayer). Thus the liability declared in GSTR 1, ideally remains same in GSTR 3B, and then gets paid in GSTR 3B.

As per law, your customer should be able to claim the credit of GST only once you pay the GST to the Government. This makes logical

sense as well. However, as we have seen above, the transferring of GST credit to your customer happens through GSTR 1 whereas the payment of GST happens through GSTR 3B Thus, some miscreant supplier can upload Sales of Rs 1 lac in GSTR 1, thus allowing his customers to see GST credit pertaining to Rs 1 lac. But in his GSTR 3B, he may pay GST only on say Rs 60000, thus the government has been short paid Rs 40000, whereas this same Rs 40000 has been claimed as credit by the customers of this miscreant supplier.

But again, as mentioned before, the law says that a customer can claim credit only if the supplier has paid GST Thus the GST department eventually would go to the customer and tell him that since his supplier has not paid the GST, he cannot claim the GST credit. This is already happening in cases pertaining to earlier financial years.

Thus, to prevent this misuse of the system, the GST law had brought

some changes in December 2022 vide Rule 88C. These changes are now being implemented on the GST portal. Now, the GST portal will check if there is a difference between the GST liability as shown in GSTR 1 vs the GST liability as shown in GSTR 3B If the declared liability exceeds the paid liability by a p r e d e f i n e d l i m i t o r t h e percentage difference exceeds the configurable threshold, t a x p a y e r w i l l r e c e i v e a n intimation in the form of DRC-01B. Once the intimation in Form DRC01B Part A is generated, a Reference Number will be assigned. The taxpayer will receive the intimation via email and SMS, which will include the Reference Number. Taxpayer should check both email and m o b i l e m e s s a g e s f o r t h e i n t i m a t i o n a n d k e e p t h e Reference Number handy for f u t u r e r e f e r e n c e a n d correspondence.

Taxpayer can also check this intimation on GST Portal. Navigate to Services > Returns > Return Compliance > Liability Mismatch DRC-01B.

Upon receiving an intimation, the taxpayer must file a response using Form DRC-01B Part B. The taxpayer has the option to either provide details of the payment made to settle the difference using Form DRC-03, or provide an explanation for the difference, or even choose a combination of both options.

If the taxpayer has not filed Form

DRC-01B Part B for any period for which he has received an intimation in Form DRC-01B Part A, then the taxpayer will not be able to file GSTR-1 for the subsequent period Thus, it is important to ensure timely filing of Form DRC-01B Part B to avoid any interruptions in the filing of GSTR1. After filing the reply for DRC-01B Part B, the taxpayer can instantly file GSTR-1/IFF.

Where any amount specified in the intimation referred above remains unpaid within seven days and where no explanation or reason is furnished by the registered person in default or where the explanation or reason furnished by such person is not found to be acceptable by the proper officer, the said amount shall be recoverable from the taxpayer by the officer.

Thus, this change has several important impacts:

a. Any difference between GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B (above some specified thresholds) will need an explanation

b. This will ensure that customers do not get notices for GST input disallowance

c. The explanation has to be given within 7 days of notice or else the officer can recover the difference d. GSTR 1 of future period cannot be filed until explanation is furnished or difference is paid.

e To k e e p t r a c k o f s u c h intimations, one must regularly check the registered email ID, registered mobile number and the GST portal (relevant portion mentioned above)

FINANCE incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Gaurav Kenkre


Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and it can strengthen bones, slowing down the process of osteoporosis. It can help you move easily by keeping your joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Can help you lose weight when combined with good eating habits or maintain ideal weight by burning excess calories and promote sense of well being.

a weight and twist your torso from side to side, touching the ground with the weight or your hands.

d. Bird Dog: Start on all fours with y o u r h a n d s b e n e a t h y o u r shoulders and knees beneath your hips. Extend one arm forward while simultaneously extending the opposite leg backward. Keep your core engaged and your body stable. Alternate sides and repeat.


As you develop core stability, you can increase the difficulty and challenge by incorporating variations or progressions of the exercises mentioned above. For example, you can perform a plank on an unstable surface like a stability ball or add resistance to Russian twists by holding a m e d i c i n e b a l l o r u s i n g a resistance band.

Core stability is a crucial aspect of fitness and plays a significant role in overall strength, balance, and injury prevention. It refers to the ability to control and stabilize the muscles in your torso, including the abdominals, back, and pelvis. A strong and stable core provides a solid foundation for all types of movements and exercises.




Understanding the core: The core consists of several muscles working together, including the rectus abdominis (six-pack muscles), transverse abdominis (deep abdominal muscles),

o b l i q u e s ( s i d e a b d o m i n a l muscles), erector spinae (back muscles), and the pelvic floor muscles It's important to train and strengthen all these muscles for optimal core stability.

Importance of core stability: A stable core improves posture, enhances athletic performance, reduces the risk of back pain and injuries, and increases overall functional strength.

Core-strengthening exercises: There are various exercises that target the core muscles and enhance stability. Here are a few examples:

a P l a n k : T h e p l a n k i s a fundamental exercise for core stability Start in a push-up

position, with your forearms resting on the ground and your body in a straight line. Hold this position for a specific duration while engaging your core muscles.

b. Dead Bug: Lie on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling and your legs bent at a 90degree angle Lower one arm

b e h i n d y o u r h e a d w h i l e simultaneously extending the opposite leg, keeping your lower back pressed against the ground. Alternate sides and repeat.

c. Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground. Hold your hands together or hold

C O N S I S T E N C Y A N D INTEGRATION: It's important to incorporate core stability exercises into your regular fitness routine. They can be done at the beginning or end of a workout or a s s t a n d a l o n e s e s s i o n s Additionally, focus on integrating core engagement and stability into other exercises like squats, lunges, and overhead presses. Remember, core stability is not just about developing visible abs; it's about strengthening the deeper muscles and improving overall stability. Consult with a fitness professional or physio therapist to ensure proper form and technique, especially if you have any existing injuries or medical conditions.

FITNESS incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa
Norbert D’Souza
PROPERTY incredible_goa incrediblegoaofficial incrediblegoaofficial incredible-goa Farm Land Available Farm Land in Valpoi With lots of plantation, mainly Supari, Mango, Jackfruit, Natural spring flowing all around the plots Area 1,50,000 Sq mtrs - Rate 700/- sqmtr - Status- Freehold clear title - OwnerSingle Ownership Beautifully Constructed Row Villa available in Village Bastora in lush green Surrounding of Gated Complex. Swimming pool Gym, Security Villa Area 150 Sqmtrs-Price:8cr -Status:FreeHold/UnusedTitle:SingleOwner 3 BhK Row House in Assgao In Gated Complex with all amenities Area 150 sq mtrs - Price 3Cr - Status: Free Hold - Title Single Owner Old Portuguese Type house buit More than 100 years ago available just 1 Km away from Capital Town Panaji - Land Area 2000 Sq mtrs - Villa Area 4000 Sq mtrs - Price : 8cr - Status: Free Hold - Title : Single Owner Agriculture land in VALPOI With ample water, arecanut, jackfruit, coconut and other trees, ideal for farm house and small cottage industry. Rate 500/- Sq mtr INCREDIBLE FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACTUS ON Email: +91 966 518 3739 PROPERTIES *All properties are subjected to title clearance from the client's lawyers and valuer 2 x 2BHK row villas at Gera River of Joy, Kadamba Plateau, available for sale @ 1.25Cr each. Villas are 103sqm each, superbuiltup. GF-hall, bathroom and kitchen, 1st floor- two bedrooms with attached toilets. Covered parking and private garden area. Child centric homes, wide concrete roads, pool, playhouse, basketball court, other sports facilities, Gera School, all amenities, 10mins from Panjim. Hotel for Sale, Land area 6000 Sq mtrs with 40 rooms ,Swimming pool, garden Parking Old Portuguese Villa for SALE near Panaji, plot size 1900 Sq mtrs built-up 400 Sqtrd Rate 9cr Industrol Land 1700 Sq mtrs Corner plot with two side roads in Kundai industrial area Rate 10000/- Sq mtr Spice farm for sale in Ponda, area 14000 Sq mtrs with water fall and trees of different verities. More details contact. VILLA FOR SALE 3 bhk ,3 toilets, Kitchen ,2 balconies, Terrace,Parking, office with attached toilet , compounded,Clear Title located in Gogol Margao for sale. 1.15 cr CHECK OUT GOA’S BEST KEPT POPERTIES HERE... @foodandhospitalitymagazine @foodandhospitalitymagazine

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Inspiring Excellence and Fostering a Positive Work Culture at Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim

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Unlocking Opportunities for Youth

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Inspiring Excellence and Fostering a Positive Work Culture at Fairfield By Marriott Goa Benaulim

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