fran·chi·see \ fran-chī-zē, -chə-\noun
1. An outstanding franchise owner 2. Going with a company that's got your back JAY & CHRYSTAL GREEN
JUST LET ME DO IT! Commerical Services Greater Albuquerque, NM Area
By Jill Abrahamsen
e’ve heard it said over and over, “Franchising is being in business for yourself, but not by yourself.” And that is exactly why Jay and Chrystal Green decided to invest in Just Let Me Do It! Commercial Services—they wanted support. “Even though I was very handy, I was a little hesitant. I wasn’t sure I had the skills needed to run this business,” says Jay. After meeting with founders Colleen and Curtis Pyle, Jay’s mind was at ease. In fact, he couldn’t wait to get started. “Their enthusiasm was contagious,” he says. The Greens took ownership in April 2018. Today, they run the greater area of Albuquerque, New Mexico. “Right out of the gate, we were impressed. We had tremendous support, thorough training, and everything we needed to be successful,” says Jay. As founders, the Pyles take franchisee support seriously. Just Let Me Do It! Commercial Services is a 24-hour business, and one night Jay found himself in need of assistance at 2:00 a.m. Curtis answered the call right away and talked him through the job. Jay was relieved and impressed. “You just don’t find that level of 28