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Graeme Dawes

Uckfield, United Kingdom

Raised in the age of silver-based photography, when hallucinogenic drugs were new and precious, I embrace the digital age like a long-lost lover. FAVOURITE... PHOTOGRAPHERS: Holly Knowles, Ed Ruscha, Jean-Luc Sieff, William Eggleston INTERESTS: visual art, assemblage art, installation art, conceptual art TELEVISION: House MD, Lie To Me, NCIS, The Bill, Carnivale, Life on Mars FILMS: Bladerunner (just the opening sequence) QUOTATIONS: 'The world has never had so many moving parts, nor so few labels' - William Gibson 'A camera is like a car or a ray gun: a fantasy machine whose use is addictive' - Susan Sontag BOOKS: Everything by William Burroughs;almost everything by William Gibson; almost everything by Kazuo Ishiguro; MAUL by Tricia Sullivan


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