Students celebrate OC Manufacturing week as they learn and observe the inner workings of Hydraflow, a company that specializes in creating engineered solutions for the fluid transfer industry.
his past year, the North Orange
other businesses to present the first OC
average wages. The need for employees will
County Chamber (NOCC)
Manufacturing Week. The program, to be
continue to grow as global markets expand.”
through its workforce division
presented again this October, provided
NOC WORKS, has been working with the
an opportunity to introduce over 100
Orange County Department of Education
high school students to the world of
and the North Orange County Community
manufacturing. Businesses participating in
College District (NOCCCD) to strengthen
the first year’s program included Hydraflow
partnerships benefiting our local business
and PacMin, both based in Fullerton.
community. The Chamber has provided leadership for education and workforce development acting as a convener and increasing partnerships between the business community and educators, creating work-based learning opportunities for students and engaging with communitybased organizations.
“Engaging businesses during Orange County Manufacturing Week brought the world of design and production directly to the students,” explained Theresa Harvey, President and CEO of NOCC. “We are now beginning the process of planning and growing the program for the next two years and beyond. A State survey released in
As part of the program, the Chamber
December showed that hiring within Orange
collaborated with California Manufacturing
County’s manufacturing sector continues
Technology Consulting (CMTC) and
to improve providing jobs that pay above
Because not every business can open their doors to students, the Chamber also is working to introduce students to career opportunities via an online platform hosted by Nepris. In partnership with OC Pathways and the Orange County Department of Education, this online community enables teachers to virtually invite professionals into the classroom to link learning objectives to real work application. The Chamber has engaged with a variety of businesses in this venture including Strategy Beach, Crittenton Services for Children and Families and PacMin. Nepris is working to identify additional businesses with which to collaborate in the coming year.