Broj 19, 9, Ok O Oktobar kto to oba b r 20 2019 2019. 1 . 19
SADRŽAJ 18 INTERVJUI I PRIČE Edhem Fočo Publika je u centru naše pažnje 18 Džanan Musa Bh. umjetnik pod košem 34 Eugen Savojski Austrijski vojskovođa koji je spalio Sarajevo 24 Kralj Tvrtko I Kotromanić Najmoćniji bosanski vladar 28 Nudžejma Softić Maraton u New Yorku trčat ću okružena najboljim ljudima 74 MOJA ČUDESNA ZEMLJA, BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Olimpijski centar Jahorina, jedan od najmodernijih ski centara u regionu 44 365 dana na Ravnoj planini 46 10 činjenica koje možda niste znali o Tešnju 56 Djevojačka pećina krije vjekovima staru legendu 60 Na Drini ćuprija 62
130 godina sarajevske katedrale 40 Počela gradnja novog Poslovnosportskog centra na Bjelašnici 48 Titov bunker u Konjicu 52 Sportski ribolov u Bosni i Hercegovini 66 Talks&Giggles - Mjesto koje mami osmijehe i okuplja istinske sladokusce 104 Neobična turistička ponuda bračnog para Panjeta iz Sarajeva 112 FOTO EDITORIJAL Hamid Jamaković Sarajevske ulice kao najveća inspiracija 78 REPORTAŽA Kulturno-turistička tura Putovima Frankopana 90 Sjeverna Sumatra 94
CONTENTs INTERVIEWS AND STORIES Edhem Fočo The Audience is in the Center of our Attention 21 Eugene of Savoy Austrian Military Commander Responsible for Burning Down Sarajevo 26 King Tvrtko I Kotromanić The Most Powerful Bosnian Ruler 31 Džanan Musa B&H Master of Basketball 37
94 56 54
Nudžejma Softić I Will Run the New York City Marathon Surrounded by the Best People 76 MY MAGICAL COUNTRY BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Olympic Center Jahorina, One of the Most Modern Ski Centers in the Region 44 365 Days on Ravna Planina 48 10 Facts You May Not Have Known About Tešanj 58 Djevojačka Pećina is Hiding a Centuries-Old Legend 61 The Bridge over the Drina 64 INTRODUCING 130 Years of the Sarajevo Cathedral 42 The Construction of a New Business and Sports Center has Started at Bjelašnica 50 Tito's Bunker in Konjic 54 Recreational Fishing in Bosnia and Herzegovina 66 Talks&Giggles - A Place that Will Make Everyone with a Sweet Tooth Smile 106 Unusual Tourist Offer of the Panjeta family from Sarajevo 114 PHOTO EDITORIAL Hamid Jamaković Streets of Sarajevo as the Greatest Inspiration 78
REPORT Cultural and Tourist Tour The Routes of the Frankopans 92 North Sumatra 97
Foto/Photo: Emira Azganović - Barong ples / Barong dance , Indonesia
FURAJ.BA Magazine br. /no. 19 - Oktobar 2019 Direktor/Director Emira Azganović Redakcija/Editorial Staff Samila Ivković Samra Višnjić Zana Kološ-Mulabdić DTP&Dizajn/Design Sandra Ozimica Fotografije/ Photographs Samir Zahirović Tesnim Karišik Prevod /Translation Emel Gušić Handžić Marketing +387 61 247 013 +387 33 208 818 Izdavač / Publisher Arterija d.o.o.
Adresa/Address Kralja Tvrtka 9, Sarajevo
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Dragi čitatelji,
Dear readers,
već ste navikli da su u fokusu magazina pozitivne priče, ljepote i znamenitosti Bosne i Hercegovine, a u tom duhu nastavljamo i u jesenjem izdanju. Prošetajte s nama ulicama Tešnja i otkrijte činjenice koje do sada možda niste znali o ovom gradu, a kroz stranice koje slijede vodimo vas i do bh. ljepotica – Bjelašnice, Jahorine i Ravne planine. Upoznat ćemo vas i s nekoliko bh. revira, na kojima ćete osim u ribolovu, u potpunosti odmoriti duh i tijelo, te uživati u divnoj prirodi.
You are already used to the fact that the focus of magazine are positive stories, and the beauty and sights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we continue in that spirit in our fall issue. Stroll with us through the streets of Tešanj and discover some things you may not have known about this town, and through the pages that follow, we will take you to some B&H beauties – Bjelašnica, Jahorina and Ravna Planina. We will introduce you to several B&H fishing areas, where apart from fishing, you will completely relax your mind and body, and enjoy the wonderful nature.
Listajući magazin zaplovite u prošlost i saznajte detalje o životu prvog bosanskog kralja Tvrtka I Kotromanića, te otkrijte ko je bio Eugen Savojski koji je spalio Sarajevo. Nakon toga, uživajte u reportažama s kulturno-historijske ture Putovima Frankopana, te s našeg boravka na Sumatri. A, uz kafu i slastice u čarobnom ambijentu sarajevskog lokala Talks&Giggles, čitajte i druge priče, poput one o Katedrali Srca Isusova u Sarajevu, ali i intervjue koje smo pripremili za vas!
As you browse through the magazine, sail into the past and find out some details of the life of the first Bosnian king Tvrtko I Kotromanić, and discover who Eugene of Savoy was, as he ordered for Sarajevo to be burnt down. After that, enjoy a report from the cultural and historical tour The Routes of the Frankopans, and the report from our stay at Sumatra. You can also read some other stories, with a coffee and dessert in the magical ambience of Sarajevan cafe Talks&Giggles, like the ones about the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sarajeva, as well as the interviews that we have prepared for you!
Boje sezone 8
Colours of the Season
LG donosi OLED tehnologiju i vještačku inteligenciju na velika vrata u BiH
ompanija LG Electronics predstavila je u Bosni i Hercegovini seriju premium OLED televizora s vještačkom inteligencijom koji će unijeti revoluciju u domove brojnih korisnika, na događaju Perfect & Smart Home powered by LG. Prisutne zvanice, kojih je bilo preko stotinu, pozdravili su Damir Kalmar, direktor kompanije Stanić Trade koja je ujedno bila i domaćin događaja, kao i generalni direktor LG-a za region Centralno-južne Evrope, gospodin Hyeong Tae Kim. Sa α (Alpha) 9 inteligentnim procesorom koji pokreće vodeće OLED modele, gledatelji mogu uživati u poboljšanom renderovanju slike i preciznijim bojama iz praktično bilo kojeg ugla gledanja, kao i u savršenom nivou crne boje, koji je zaštitni znak LG OLED televizora. Jedinstvena inovacija u ovom procesoru je četvorostepeni proces smanjenja šuma, što je dva puta više koraka nego kod konvencionalnih tehnika. 10
S Dolbi Atmos zvukom i optimalnim kvalitetom slike, LG televizori potrošačima pružaju impresivno iskustvo gledanja. Televizori kompanije LG s ThinQ® tehnologijom vještačke inteligencije podržavaju usluge bazirane na elektronskom vodiču programa (EPG) za pružanje informacija u realnom vremenu i pretragu kanala koji nude željeni sadržaj. Osim OLED televizora, prisutnima su prezentovani i NanoCell televizori, kao i Signature linija LG velikih kućnih aparata. Na samom kraju događaja, kompanija LG najavila je jesenju promociju 5 godina garancije na UHD modele koja je počela 17. oktobra i trajat će do 2. decembra 2019. godine.
he company LG Electronics presented a series of premium OLED televisions with artificial intelligence at the event Perfect & Smart Home powered by LG, which will revolutionize the homes of numerous consumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The invitees that were present, over a hundred of them, were greeted by Damir Kalmar, the director of company Stanić Trade, which was the host of the event, as well as the general director of LG for the Central and Southern Europe region, Mr. Hyeong Tae Kim.
information in real time and searching through channels which offer the desired content. Apart from OLED televisions, the invitees were presented with NanoCell televisions, as well as the Signature line of LG large home appliances. At the very end of the event, LG announced its fall promotion of the 5-year-guarantee on UHD models, which started on October 17 and will last until December 2, 2019.
With the α (Alpha) 9 intelligent processor which runs the leading OLED models, viewers can enjoy the superior image rendering and more accurate colors from virtually any angle, in addition to perfect black levels, which is a hallmark of LG OLED televisions. A unique innovation in this processor is the quad-step noise-reducing process, which boasts
twice as many steps as conventional techniques. With the Dolbi Atmos sound and optimal picture quality, LG televisions offer consumers an impressive viewing experience. LG televisions with the ThinQ® artificial intelligence technology support services based on the electronic program guide (EPG) for providing 11
ABDULAH SKAKA I NENAD VUKOVIĆ POSEBNO PRIZNANJE UJEDINJENIH NACIJA ZA DOPRINOS SARADNJI Visoki zvaničnik Ujedinjenih naroda i savjetnik generalnog sekretara UN-a, Adam Dieng, uručio je posebna priznanja gradonačelniku Sarajeva Abdulahu Skaki i gradonačelniku Istočnog Sarajeva Nenadu Vukoviću. Dieng je tokom prijema u zgradi Ujedinjenih nacija u Sarajevu istakao da je riječ o priznanju za doprinos saradnji, miru i dijalogu kroz uspješnu organizaciju Evropskog olimpijskog festivala za mlade (EYOF). Gradonačelnici su se zahvalili visokom gostu na tome što je UN prepoznao značaj organizacije EYOF-a.
ABDULAH SKAKA AND NENAD VUKOVIĆ SPECIAL RECOGNITION FROM THE UNITED NATIONS FOR COOPERATION A senior United Nations official and adviser to the UN secretary general, Adam Dieng, handed out special awards to the mayor of Sarajevo Abdulah Skaka, and to the mayor of East Sarajevo Nenad Vuković. During the reception in the United Nations building in Sarajevo, Dieng pointed out that the award was recognition of contribution to cooperation, peace and dialogue through the successful organization of the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF). The mayors thanked the distinguished guest for the UN’s recognition of the significance of the organization of the EYOF.
SVJETSKI DAN TURIZMA OBILJEŽEN U SARAJEVU Svjetski dan turizma obilježava se svake godine od 27. septembra 1970., kada je usvojen statut Svjetske turističke organizacije (World Tourism Organization – UNWTO). Obilježava se kako bi se unutar Međunarodne zajednice jačala svijest o turizmu i njegovom privrednom, sociološkom, kulturnom i političkom značaju, a Svjetski dan turizma svečano je obilježen i u Botaničkoj bašti Zemaljskog muzeja BiH u Sarajevu. Tim povodom predstavljeni su novi projekti i sumirani dosadašnji rezultati Turističke zajednice Kantona Sarajevo.
WORLD TOURISM DAY MARKED IN SARAJEVO World Tourism Day has been marked each year since September 27, 1970, when the Statutes of the World Tourism Organization – UNWTO were adopted. It is marked within the international community in order to raise awareness about tourism and its economic, social, cultural and political significance, and World Tourism Day was formally marked in the Botanical Garden of the National Museum of B&H in Sarajevo. On that occasion, new projects were presented and the results of the Tourism Association of Sarajevo Canton to date were summarized.
MALIŠANI IZ BANJALUKE ČESTITALI ROĐENDAN MALOJ ŽIRAFI U AFRICI Čestitka puna ljubavi i pozdrava otputovat će iz Banjaluke u daleku Keniju, malenoj žirafi koji slavi treći rođendan. Djeca iz nekoliko banjalučkih vrtića stekla su pravog četvoronožnog prijatelja u Africi, bebu žirafu koja je ostala bez ro�ditelja i odrasta u prihvatilištu za slonove, zbog čega su joj poslali najslađe zagrljaje iz grada na Vrbasu. Sve ih je zbližilo udruženje Kiko, koje je pokrenulo aktivnost Kiko i drugari koje ima za cilj obilazak predškolskih ustanova, obdaništa i svih institucija koje su za djecu uzrasta od 3 do 6 godina u svrhu očuvanja i upoznavanja djece sa životinjama koje nemaju priliku vidjeti u našem okruženju.
CHILDREN FROM BANJALUKA SEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO LITTLE GIRAFFE IN AFRICA A birthday card full of love and greetings will travel from Banjaluka to faraway Kenya, to a little giraffe celebrating its third birthday. Children from several Banjaluka kindergartens have made a real four-legged friend in Africa, a baby giraffe, who was orphaned and is growing up in an elephant rescue, which is why they sent it the sweetest hugs from the city on the Vrbas River. They grew close to it thanks to the Organization Kiko, which initiated the activity Kiko and friends that has the goal of visiting preschools, kindergartens and all institutions for children aged 3 to 6, with the purpose of preservation and introduction of children to animals that they do not have the opportunity to see in our environment.
AMEL TUKA SREBRO NA SVJETSKOM PRVENSTVU U DOHI Najbolji bh. atletičar Amel Tuka osvojio je srebrnu medalju na Svjetskom atletskom prvenstvu u Dohi. Sjajnom utrkom u finalu osvojio je drugo mjesto u utrci na 800 metara s vremenom 1:43,47 i tako je izborio novu medalju za Bosnu i Hercegovinu nakon uspjeha iz 2015. godine, kada je osvojio bronzu na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Pekingu. Ovo je najveći uspjeh bosanskohercegovačke atletike, a Amel je ponos bh. nacije!
AMEL TUKA SILVER AT THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN DOHA B&H’s best athlete, Amel Tuka, won the silver medal at the World Athletics Championships in Doha. During the final of the great race, he won second place in the men’s 800 meters with a time of 1:43,47, winning a new medal for Bosnia and Herzegovina, after his success from 2015, when he won bronze at the World Championships in Beijing. This is the greatest success of Bosnian-Herzegovinian athletics, and Amel is the pride of the B&H nation!
See the prettiest destinations of Sarajevo while taking a ride in a replica of the car in which Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
were driven!
+387 61 135 849
Zimska bajka u Tivtu 2020.
uristička organizacija Tivat u saradnji s partnerima (Opština Tivat, Udruženje ugostitelja i hotelijera Tivat, Porto Montenegro, Luštica Bay i Brand New Tivat) organizuje Zimsku bajku u Tivtu 2020.
Zimska bajka u Tivtu 2020. počinje 25. novembra, velikim otvaranjem klizališta uz koncert Nataše Bekvalac i Magla Banda. Rivu Pine će osim klizali�šta, na kojem će građani, kao i gosti grada moći uživati u narednih mjesec dana, krasiti i okićene gastro kućice, dočaravajući praznični duh sve do završetka novogodišnjeg programa 3. januara. U tim danima, bit će upriliče� ni brojni božićni sajmovi, humanitarni bazari, raznovrsni tematski sadržaji, muzički koncerti, dnevni događaji kućica, cjelodnevna zabava za najmlađe uz Čarobnu šumu, dječiju predstavu na ledu i tradicionalni koncert Leontine s gostima, ali i brojne druge aktivnosti, djeci na dar. Glavni novogodišnji program rezervisan je za 31. decembar 2019. godine i doček Nove godine uz koncert Lexington Banda i Miligrama, dok 16
će 1. januara 2020. godine nastupi� ti Marija Šerifović i Saša Kovačević. U ostalom dijelu programa, goste u Tivtu će 28. decembra zabavljati Van Gogh, Vlatko Stefanovski i Bitoljski kamerni orkestar - NY Rock Symphony 29. decembra, Pop simfonija Ane Stanić 02.januara i mnogi drugi gosti iznenađenja.
Zimska bajka u Tivtu 2020. otvara svoja vrata svim ljubiteljima zimskih čarolija, praznične atmosfere, dobre zabave i garantuje provod za pamćenje. Doživite svoju bajku na Rivi Pine i iskusite čari primorske zimske idile u Tivtu. Čekamo vas u Tivtu i dobro nam došli!
2020 Winter Fairy Tale in Tivat
he Tourism Association of Tivat is organizing the 2020 Winter Fairy Tale in Tivat in cooperation with partners (Municipality of Tivat, Association of Hospitality Workers and Hoteliers Tivat, Porto Montenegro, Luštica Bay and Brand New Tivat).
The 2020 Winter Fairy Tale in Tivat starts on November 25, with the opening of the ice-skating rink and concerts by Nataša Bekvalac and Magla Banda. Apart from the ice-skating rink, the Pine promenade will be decorated with gastro houses where citizens, as well as guests of the city, will be able to enjoy themselves for the following month, in the holiday spirit until the end of the New Year’s Program on January 3. In those days, there will be numerous Christmas fairs, humanitarian bazaars, various thematic activities, musical concerts, daily events at the (gastro) houses, all-day entertainment for the children with Magical forest, chi-
Rock Symphony, on January 2 by Pop Simfonija Ane Stanić and many other surprise guests. The 2020 Winter Fairy Tale in Tivat opens its door to fans of winter magic, a holiday atmosphere and good entertainment and guarantees a time to remember. Experience your fairy tale at the Pine promenade and enjoy the magic of a coastal winter idyll in Tivat.
ldren’s show on ice and the traditional concert of Leontina and guests, and many other activities, as a gift for the children. The main New Year’s program is booked for December 31, 2019 and for New Year’s Eve, there will be a concert by Lexington Band and Miligram, while on January 1, 2020, there will be a concert by Marija Šerifović and Saša Kovačević. As for the rest of the program, on December 28, guests in Tivat will be entertained by Van Gogh and Vlatko Stefanovski and on December 29 by
We are waiting for you at Tivat and you are very welcome!
Adresa/Address: Palih boraca 19, 85320 Tivat Telefon/Telephone: +382 (32) 671 324
ok koračamo prostorijama televizije Al Jazeera Balkans u Sarajevu u društvu Edhema Foče, direktora AJB DOC Film Festivala, uposlenici i kolege nam prilaze. Jednog od čelnih ljudi, koji je i najzaslužniji za dolazak ove kuće u bh. prijestolnicu, svi nešto pitaju. On sa smiješkom spremno odgovara. Opušteno, ali konkretno, sa zanimljivim komentarima i opaskama, koje uvijek prate kreativce.
Ideja o pokretanju ovog Festivala je Vaša ? - Ja sam jedan od inicijatora AJB DOC-a, ali nikad ništa ne možete realizirati ako nemate kvalitetan tim. Godinama smo sarađivali sa SFFom, a onda smo odlučili da i sami nešto napravimo. Inače, Al Jazeera je imala vlastiti filmski festival u Dohi, koji je, nakon desetak godina
Nije ni čudno što je Drugi AJB Festival dokumentarnog filma u Sarajevu oduševio sve koji su ga posjetili, a čiji je idejni tvorac. - Prezadovoljan sam. Uvijek nam je, naravno, publika u centru pažnje. Ovo nije festival u kojem su popratni događaji bitni. Najvažniji su filmovi. Selekcija je bila fantastična. Imali smo nekoliko nezavisnih filmskih kritičara iz regije, bogat i kvalitetan sadržaj i odličnu publiku, kaže naš sagovornik na početku razgovora za
Vi ste, ustvari, doveli ovu medijsku kuću u BiH. Da li ste danas, u četrdesetim, zadovoljni onim što ste postigli?
Bh. publika posljednjih godina je sve više zainteresovana za dokumentarne filmove. Smatra se da, upravo dokumentarni filmovi, mogu biti sredstvo putem kojeg se može utjecati na promjene u društvu. Kakav je bio ovogodišnji Al Jazzera Film Festival? - Tako je. Tačno je i da publika sazrijeva. Tome doprinose festivali kakav je ovaj naš, kao i mnogo veći i priznatiji SFF. Na ovogodišnjem AJB DOC Film Festivalu program je bio bogat, a sale ispunjene publikom. Brojni autori došli su samo da prikažu svoje filmove, a neki su doživjeli i premijeru. Publika je glasala putem aplikacije i tableta, transparentno i efikasno. Naš cilj je manji broj kvalitetnih filmova, pune sale i zadovoljni autori. Za sada to i postižemo.
stivalom, kao i neke stvari koje se tiču PR-a, društvenih mreža i tomu slično, su u mojoj nadležnosti. Glavne poslove vezane za našu firmu vodi naš direktor Tarik Đođić. On je menadžer koji ima vremena za uposlenike i za koje su vrata uvijek otvorena, ako dolaze s konkretnim pitanjem ili prijedlogom, a imamo 260 zaposlenih. Tarik, zaista, ne dozvoljava nepravdu. I što je najvažnije, ono što je sa zaposlenim dogovoreno obostrano mora biti ispoštovano. Niko ovdje ne radi više od 40 sati sedmično. Sve žene imaju najnormalniji odlazak na porodiljsko odsustvo, bez stresa. Brinemo i o ravnoteži u broju putovanja uposlenika – ne može neko ići šest puta u Austriju, a drugi, koji je na istoj poziciji, tri puta negdje u lokalnu provinciju.
postojanja napravio pauzu. I onda smo mi preuzeli tu štafetu, samoini� cijativno. Nadam da će se u skorijoj budućnosti menadžment u Dohi još ozbiljnije prihvatiti ovaj naš Festival i da će iz toga nastati nešto još veće. Pozitivna radna atmosfera je nešto o čemu se priča kad govorimo o medijskoj kući kojoj pripadate. Kako to postižete ? - Trudimo se da napravimo takav ambijent. Projekti u vezi s AJB Fe-
- I više nego zadovoljan. Na početku, moj cilj je bio napraviti malu bh. televiziju uz tehničku podršku Al Jazeere. Nakon razgovora s mojim prijateljima u Dohi, već dan kasnije ekipa je bila u Sarajevu, da naprave izvještaj. Tad se krenulo u realizaciju. Pravi posao počeo je dolaskom Tarika na čelo firme, a ja sam se posvetio nekom strateškom planiranju i pozicioniranju tv kuće. Studirali ste pravo u Kuala Lumpuru i živjeli 20 godina u Aziji. Radili ste kao konsultant u različitim sektorima, u međunarodnoj trgovini, industriji nafte i plina. Kako je dalje tekla Vaša karijera? - U Maleziju sam otišao na studij 1991. godine. Već naredne smo osnovali Bosanski informativni centar. To je bio neki amaterski pokušaj 19
FESTIVAL DOKUMENTARNOG FILMA AL JAZEERA BALKANS (AJB DOC) Cilj Festivala dokumentarnog filma Al Jazeere Balkans (AJB DOC) jeste afirmisati filmske autore i dokumentarne filmove s fokusom na ljudske priče. Ove godine, od 400 pristiglih prijava izabrano je 12 dokumentarnih filmova za takmičarski program dok je u netakmičarskoj selekciji bilo prikazano pet najboljih naslova s evropskih i svjetskih festivala, kao i šest filmova u okviru programa AJB Prikazuje, koji će se uskoro naći i u programu Al Jazeere Balkans. Nagrada za najbolji film takmičarske selekcije pripala je autorima filma Za Samu Waadi al-Kateab i Edwardu Wattu, filmu o ljubavi mlade majke prema svojoj kćerki koja se tokom pet godina ustanka u Halepu u Siriji zaljubljuje, udaje i rađa djevojčicu Samu. Nagrada programskog žirija Al Jazeere Balkans pripala je Katrini W. Kjær za film Žudnja za povratkom, a na� grada publike Alvaru González-Alleru i Oliveru Valentu za film Nevjerovatno putovanje. Internacionalni žiri odlučio je dati Specijalno priznanje filmu Put patriotizma režiserke Caroline Troedsson.
i ja sam morao raditi većinu stvari. Godinu dana kasnije pokrenuli smo i magazin Gazi Husrev- beg na engleskom jeziku. Volio sam medije, zanimala me politika, ali sam živio od trgovine, uglavnom izvoza robe iz Malezije, Indonezije. Bavio sam se i ugostiteljstvom, ali nekako se nalazim u konsultantskim uslugama. Tad sam već sebi isplanirao penziju, mada mi je sada i drago da do toga nije došlo. U tom momentu počinje priča o Al Jazeeri i dolazim u Sarajevo na duži period, jer je proces kupovine nekadašnje TV99 trajao nekih devet mjeseci. Kada se nakon 20 godina vratite u Sarajevo i prove-
dete malo duži period ovdje, bilo je nemoguće napustiti ga opet. Da li je tačno da govorite šest jezika ? - Istina je da dobro govorim engleski, a solidno malajski, turski i arapski. Cijeli život u školi sam učio francuski, ali ga ne govorim dobro. Imam želju da savladam španski, a moja supruga me nagovara da učim i njemački. Novost je da uskoro pravite novu zgradu za Al Jazeeru Balkans. Možete li nam reći nešto o tome? - Kupili smo zemlju od Općine Cen-
tar putem javne licitacije. Želimo da naša zgrada bude posebna, lijepa, moderna i funkcionalna. Gradit ćemo je na Šipu, na mjestu gdje se će se nalaziti Tehnološki park. Uz sve poslovne uspjehe ističete kako Vam je na prvom mjestu vrijeme provedeno s porodicom? - Meni je porodica na prvom mjestu u svemu. Supruga Nađa i ja svaki slobodan trenutak provodimo s našim najdražima, Fatimom i Muhamedom. Doslovno svaku slobodnu minutu. Često putujemo s njima. To je i moj način da se relaksiram i opustim.
s we walk through the premises of Al Jazeera Balkans in Sarajevo in the company of Edhem Fočo, the director of the AJB DOC Film Festival, employees and colleagues approach us. Everyone has questions for one of the leading people, who is most responsible for bringing this television station to the B&H capital. He readily answers with a smile. He is relaxed, but concrete, with interesting comments and remarks, which are always the trademark of creative people. It is no wonder that the second AJB documentary film festival in Sarajevo delighted everyone who came to see something, and he was the main person behind it. - I’m very happy. Of course, we always have the audience as the center of our attention. This is not a festival where the accompanying events are important. The films are most important. The selection was fantastic. We had several independent film critics from the region, a 21
rich and high-quality program and an excellent audience, says our interviewee at the beginning of our interview for In recent years, the B&H audience has been more interested in documentary films. It is thought that documentary films can be a means by which we can have an influence on making changes in society. What was this year’s Al Jazeera Film Festival like? - That’s right. It’s also right that the audience is maturing. Festivals like this one contribute to that, as well as the much larger and more recognized SFF. At this year’s AJB DOC Film Festival, the program was rich, and the theaters were full. Numerous authors came just to show their films, and some had their premieres. The audience voted via apps and tablets, transparently and efficiently. Our goal was a smaller number of high-quality films, full theaters and satisfied authors. So far, we’re achieving that. 22
The idea of starting this Festival was yours? - I am one of the initiators of AJB DOC, but you can’t make anything happen if you don’t have a great team. For years, we collaborated with SFF, and then we decided to make something ourselves. Al Jazeera had its own film festival in Doha, which, after ten years of existence, took a break. And so we picked up the baton, at our own initiative. I hope that in the near future, the management in Doha will take this Festival of ours even more seriously and that something bigger will grow out of it. A positive working atmosphere is something that is mentioned when we talk about the media outlet you belong to. How do you achieve that? - We aim to have that kind of atmosphere. Projects in relation to the AJB Festival, and some things relating to PR, social networks and the like, are in my jurisdiction. The
main tasks related to our company are run by our director Tarik Đođić. He is a manager who has time for employees and whose doors are always open for them, if they come with a concrete question or suggestion, and we have 260 employees. Tarik really does not allow injustice. And what’s most important, is that whatever is agreed upon with an employee has to be respected from both sides. Nobody works more than 40 hours per week here. All women have normal maternity leave, stress free. We make sure that there is a balance in the number of employee trips – we can’t have someone going to Austria six times, and someone else, in the same position, going to some local province three times. You actually brought this media outlet to B&H. Today, in your forties, are you happy with what you have achieved? - More than happy. In the beginning, my goal was to make a small B&H
television station with technical support from Al Jazeera. After talking to my friends in Doha, a day later a team was in Sarajevo, to make a report. That’s when realization started. The real work began when Tarik became the head of the company, and I dedicated myself to some strategic planning and positioning the television station. You studied law in Kuala Lumpur and lived in Asia for 20 years. You worked as a consultant in various sectors, in international trade, in the oil and gas industry. How did you career develop from there? - I went to study in Malaysia in 1991. The following year, we formed a Bosnian information center. That was an amateur attempt and I had to do most things. A year later, we started the magazine Gazi Husrev Bey in English. I liked the media, I was interested in politics, but I made my living from trade, mostly the export of goods from Malaysia, Indonesia. I was in the hospitality industry, but somehow, I found myself in consulting. I had already planned my retirement then, although now I’m glad that it didn’t happen. At that time, the story about Al Jazeera began and I came to Sarajevo for a longer period, as the process of buying what used to be TV99 took around nine months. Once I had returned to
Sarajevo after 20 years and spent a longer time here, it was impossible to leave again. Is it true that you speak six languages? - It is true that I speak English very well, and I speak Malay, Turkish and Arabic well. I learned French all throughout school, but I don’t speak it well. I have the desire to learn Spanish, and my wife is talking me into learning German. There is news that you are soon making a new building for Al Jazeera Balkans. Can you tell us anything about that? - We bought land from the Municipality of Centar via a public bid. We want our building to be special, pretty, modern and functional. We’ll build it at Šip, in the place where Technology Park Sarajevo will be situated. Along with all your business successes, you point out that spending time with your family is a priority? - For me, my family comes first in everything. My wife Nađa and I spend every free moment with our dearest Fatima and Muhamed. Literally every free minute. We often travel with them. That’s my way of relaxing and unwinding.
AL JAZEERA BALKANS (AJB DOC) DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL The goal of the Al Jazeera Balkans (AJB DOC) documentary film festival is the affirmation of film authors and documentary films with a focus on human stories. This year, 12 documentary films were selected from the 400 applications for the Competition Program, while in the non-competing selection, five best titles from European and international festivals were shown, as well as six films within the AJB Screening Program, which will soon be part of the Al Jazeera Balkans program. The Main Award for best film of the Competition Program went to the authors of the film For Sama, Waadi al-Kateab and Edward Watt, a film about the love of a mother towards her daughter, a mother who during the five years of uprising in Aleppo, Syria, falls in love, gets married and gives birth to a girl called Sama. The Al Jazeera Balkans Program Jury Award went to Katrina W. Kjær for the film Girl in Return, and the Audience Award went to Alvaro González-Aller and Oliver Valente for the film The Long Shot. The international jury gave Special Mention to the film Patriotic Highway directed by Caroline Troedsson. 23
Austrijski vojskovođa koji je spalio Sarajevo OSOBA ČIJI JE DOLAZAK BIO KOBAN ZA BOSNU, A NAROČITO ZA SARAJEVO Autor: Samila Ivković
rinc Eugen Savojski jedan je od najistaknutijih austrijskih vojskovođa i najpopularnijih historijskih junaka. Nakon neuspjelog pokušaja da bude primljen u francusku vojsku, ovaj francuski plemić i tada student matematike, stupio je u austrijsku vojsku i kroz kratak period od običnog činovnika postao je svjetski poznat vojskovođa.
120 lijepih džamija. Sutradan sam još ostao u Sarajevu. Prepustili smo grad i svu okolicu vatri. Naš jurišni odred koji je progonio neprijatelja vratio se s bogatim plijenom i mnogo žena i djece, nakon što su pobili svu silu Turaka - tako je posjetu Sarajevu opisao princ Eugen Savojski.
Ostao je upamćen i u historiji Bosne i Hercegovine, ali ne kao junak, već kao osoba čiji je dolazak bio koban za našu zemlju, a naročito za Sarajevo.
Prema pisanju historičara, s habsburškim trupama je 25. oktobra 1697. Bosnu napustilo i 40 hiljada katolika nakon čega su katolici postali najmanja vjerska skupina u Bosni. Povlačenje je išlo istim putem kojim je Eugen stigao u Sarajevo, a putem su njegovi vojnici opustošili sve na što su naišli. Nakon napada, u Sarajevu je ostalo tridesetak hiljada seoskog i prigradskog stanovništva. Gotovo cijela infrastruktura grada bila je potpuno uništena, a brojne značajne knjige i dokumenti izgorjeli su u plamenu.
Za manje od mjesec dana provedenih u Bosni, uspio je sa svojom vojskom opljačkati mnoge gradove uz rijeku Bosnu i skoro do pepela spaliti Sarajevo.
POHOD NA BOSNU Ohrabren pobjedom nad Osmanlijama kod Sente, Eugen je 6. oktobra 1697. godine sa šest i po hiljada vojnika iz Osijeka krenuo u osvajački pohod na Bosnu. Kod Broda prelaze Savu i bez nailaska na otpor zauzimaju Doboj i Maglaj, a 22. oktobra svoju pljačkašku avanturu po Bosni nastavljaju u Sarajevu. Bosanskim vlastima po glasnicima šalje pismo opomene i traži da se Sarajevo preda, te da mu pošalju izaslanika. Kako izaslanik nije stigao, Eugen s vojskom zauzima grad, razaraju ga i skoro u potpunosti spaljuju.
Eugen je i poslije haosa koji je napravio u Bosni, nastavio svoje operacije na drugim destinacijama. U jednom trenutku se povukao i do kraja života se bavio politikom. Austrijanci ga danas smatraju značajnom osobom u njihovoj historiji, o njemu govore kao o velikom vojskovođi, vrlom političaru i kao o dobro obrazovanom ljubitelju umjetnosti. Princ Eugen Savojski umro je u dvorcu Belvedere u Beču, 21. aprila 1736. kao neženja, bez nasljednika.
Nakon napada, u Sarajevu je ostalo tridesetak hiljada seoskog i prigradskog stanovništva. Gotovo cijela infrastruktura grada bila je potpuno uništena, a brojne značajne knjige i dokumenti izgorjeli su u plamenu
Iako se o napadu ne zna mnogo, najviše detalja je opisano u dnevniku Eugena Savojskog, čiji dijelovi su objavljeni u djelu Noela Malcolma Historija Bosne. U dnevniku stoji da i to da je, tog kobnog, 23. oktobra rasporedio vojnike na brdu koje dominira iznad grada. Odatle sam uputio pojedine odrede da poharaju grad. Turci su već sklonili najvrjednije stvari, ali su svejedno ostavili za sobom veliku količinu svakojake robe. Predvečer je grad planuo. Inače se nalazi na širokom prostoru i potpuno je otvoren; ima
Austrian Military Commander
rince Eugene of Savoy is one of the most prominent Austrian military commanders and popular historical heroes. After an unsuccessful attempt to join the French army, this French nobleman and former student of mathematics joined the Austrian army and within a very short time of becoming an officer, he became a world-famous military commander. He remains known in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not as a hero, but as a person whose arrival was fatal for our country, and especially for Sarajevo. In less than a month spent in Bosnia, his army managed to rob people in many cities along the Bosna River and burn down Sarajevo almost to the ground.
CONQUEST OF BOSNIA Encouraged by his win over the Ottomans at Senta, on October 6, 1697, Eugene took six thousand five hundred soldiers from Osijek on a conquest to Bosnia. At Brod, they crossed the Sava River, and having met with no resistance, conquered Doboj and Maglaj, and on October 22, they continued their series of robberies across Bosnia in Sarajevo. He sent the Bosnian authorities a letter of warning, asking for Sarajevo to surrender, and to send him an envoy. As the envoy did not arrive, Eugene took over the city with his army, destroying it and burning
it down almost to the ground. Despite the fact that not much is known about the attack, most details are described in the diary of Eugene of Savoy, parts of which were published in Bosnia: A Short History by Noel Malcolm. In the diary, it is stated that on that fatal day of October 23, he deployed his soldiers on the hill that dominates over the city. From there, I directed certain divisions to pillage the city. The Turks had
After the attack, thirty thousand villagers and inhabitants from suburban areas remained in u Sarajevo. Almost the entire infrastructure of the city was destroyed, and many significant books and documents burned down already hidden their greatest valuables, but they still left behind a great amount of all kinds of goods. In the evening, the city was on fire. As it happens, the city is spread out across a wide area and it is completely open; it has 120 beautiful mosques. The following day, I was still in Sarajevo. We left the city and all its surroundin-
gs on fire. Our assault division which pursued the enemy returned with a rich bounty and many women and children, after they had killed all the power of the Turks – said Prince Eugene of Savoy of his visit to Sarajevo.
INFRASTRUCTURE DESTROYED According to the writings of historians, on October 25, 1697, 40 thousand Catholics left Bosnia with the Habsburg troops, making Catholics the smallest religious minority in Bosnia. The withdrawal took place along the same way that Eugene had arrived in Sarajevo, and his soldiers looted everything along the way. After the attack, thirty thousand villagers and inhabitants from suburban areas remained in u Sarajevo. Almost the entire infrastructure of the city was destroyed, and many significant books and documents burned down. After the chaos that he created in Bosnia, Eugene continued his operations in other destinations. At some point, he withdrew and became a politician for the rest of his life. Today, Austrians view him as an important historical figure, and they speak of him as a great military commander, fine politician and well-educated art lover. Prince Eugene of Savoy died in the Belvedere Palace in Vienna on April 21, 1736 as a bachelor, without an heir. 27
dugoj i bogatoj historiji Bosne i Hercegovine posebno mjesto zauzima period od druge polovine 14. vijeka do druge polovine 15. vijeka, kada je Tvrtko I Kotromanić banovinu Bosnu učinio najjačom kraljevinom toga doba na cijelom Balkanu. Kraljevina Bosna uspostavljena je prije 642 godine, kada je Tvrtko I krunisan, a te srednjovjekovne bosanske granice su u najvećem dijelu sačuvane i danas.
PETNAESTOGODIŠNJI DJEČAK Nakon tragične smrti bana Stjepana II Kotromanića, za kim je žalio sva-
Tvrtko je od dječaka s titulom bana, postao prvi, a ujedno i najutjecajniji bosanski kralj. Bio je prvorođeni sin kneza Vladislava, brata bosanskog bana Stjepana II, i Jelene Šubić, kćerke Jurja II Šubića iz hrvatske vladarske porodice Šubića, te unuk Stjepana I Kotromanića, a po jednoj liniji potjecao je Tvrtko i od srpske dinastije Nemanjića. Dinastija Kotromanića bila je u rodbinskim vezama s vodećim vladarskim i plemićkim porodicama tog doba. 28
ki dio njegove zemlje, nije se dugo čekalo na imenovanje novog vladara. Odlukom zasjedanja bosanskog
stanka izbor je pao na maloljetnog Bošnjanina, Tvrtka I Kotromanića, koji se tada, kao petnaestogodišnji dječak, na bosanski tron popeo s titulom bana. Bansku čast je trebao preuzeti Tvrtkov otac, knez Vladislav, no on je bio teško bolestan, pa je nasljedna prava prenio na sina. Tako je Tvrtko vladao kao ban pod regenstvom oca, koji je već sljedeće godine umro, a Tvrtkov regent postala je njegova majka, kneginja Jelena. Krunisanje Tvrtka I izvršeno je 26. oktobra 1377. godine u mjestu Mile, nedaleko od Visokog, te je time uspostavljena nezavisna Kraljevina Bosna, a Tvrtko I Kotromanić je postao kralj Bosne, Srba, Primorja i zapadnih strana. U početku je Tvrtko imao mnogo problema sa sređivanjem odnosa između bosanskog plemstva, a vanjske sile su konstantno pokušavale iskoristiti njegovu mladost u svojim pretenzijama na Bosnu. No, iako je bio vrlo mlad, Tvrtko I je već na početku svoje vla-
VELIKI VLADAR I VOĐA O Tvrtku, kao velikom vladaru i vođi, govore i podaci da je Kraljevina Bosna tada postala važan faktor u međunarodnim odnosima, a njegov dvor mjesto diplomatske aktivnosti država koje su Bosnu morale uzimati kao ozbiljnog učesnika u tadašnjim događanjima. Bosanski kralj Tvrtko I je uživao međunarodnu reputaciju. Tvrtko I doprinio je političkoj stabilnosti, a ostvaren je i značajan
Ilustracija: Benjamin Buzo davine pokazao mudrost vladanja koja mu je kasnije omogućila veliki ugled u srednjovjekovnoj Evropi. Ubrzo nakon Tvrtkovog dolaska na vlast, ugarski kralj je poslao dvije vojske na Bosnu, ali je nije uspio pokoriti, jer je bosanski kralj bio odlučan, uporan i od svojih početaka znao je šta želi. Kralj Tvrtko I bio je poseban i po tome što je prvi vladar Bosne koji je krenuo u protunapad na susjedne zemlje, nakon što je Bosna godinama bila meta njihovih napada. U svojim je osvajanjima Tvrtko I bio više nego uspješan. Pohod na Crnu Goru okončao je osvajanjima teritorija sve do Kotora, a potom se okrenuo prema Srbiji i stigao do Sje-
Tvrtko I je dugo bio neoženjen, te su mu svi evropski dvorovi nudili svoje princeze za ženu, želeći da se tako orode s bosanskom dinastijom Kotromanića. No, godine 1374. Tvrtko I je oženio Doroteju Bugarsku, kćerku bugarskog cara Ivana Stracimira i Ane Vlaške. Njihov brak ugovorio je ugarski kralj Ludovik I. Nakon Dorotejine smrti Tvrtko je stupio u pregovore s austrijskim vojvodom Albertom III o mogućem braku s jednom Habsburgovkom, ali ti pregovori nisu urodili plodom. Tvrtko je imao tri sina, dva kralja Bosne i jednog pretendenta.
nice u današnjem Sandžaku, kada se okarakterisao kao kralj Srbljem, Bosni, Primorju, Humskoj zemlji, Donjim Krajem, Zapadnim Stranama, Usori i Podrinju. Tvrtko je, također, uzeo titule iz srpskog prijestolja i podijelio ih bosanskim plemićima. Iako je postao vladar srpske zemlje, to nikad nije priznavala srpska crkva. 29
Ilustracija: Benjamin Buzo kulturni i duhovni napredak, što je Bosnu učinilo najsnažnijom južnoslavenskom zemljom, a Tvrtka najvećim vladarem u historiji srednjovjekovne Bosne, ali i kasnije.
sne, Dalmacije, Hrvatske i Primorja. Iznenada je preminuo 10. marta 1391. godine i iza sebe je ostavio Bosnu kakvu je cijelog života sanjao, veliku i nezavisnu. Naslijedio ga je njegov rođak Stjepan Dabiša.
Za vrijeme Tvrtkove vladavine razvijali su se bosanski gradovi, trgovina i rudarstvo, a o ekonomskoj moći najbolje svjedoči kovani zlatnik, koji je bio četiri puta veći od zlatnika osmanske imperije. Zlatnik je imao 24 karata, a bio je širok četiri centimetra i težak 16 grama. Na tom novcu se prvi put javlja i heraldički simbol ljiljana koji je postao znak bosanskih kraljeva, dok su se sljedeći zlatnici u Bosni pojavili tek sa Stjepanom Tomašem. Pretkraj Tvrtkove vladavine, na granicama, ali i unutar Bosne, pojavljuju se prvi osmanski vojnici. Godine 1389., kad je sultan Murat I odlučio da protiv Bosne poduzme veliki vojni pohod, bosansku vojsku je na Kosovu polju predvodio Vlatko Vuković. Time je, u maniru velikog državnika, što je uistinu i bio, Tvrtko stao u odbranu svoje zemlje koja se našla pred velikim osmanskim osvajanji30
Danas se u Bosni i Hercegovini na različite načine oživljavaju sjećanja na
Za vrijeme Tvrtkove vladavine razvijali su se bosanski gradovi, trgovina i rudarstvo, a o ekonomskoj moći najbolje svjedoči kovani zlatnik, koji je bio četiri puta veći od zlatnika osmanske imperije. Zlatnik je imao 24 karata, a bio je širok četiri centimetra i težak 16 grama. Na tom novcu se prvi put javlja i heraldički simbol ljiljana koji je postao znak bosanskih kraljeva ma na Balkanu. Tvrtko je nizao pobjede, te je tako pojačavao pritisak i na Dalmaciju, te su mu se 1390. godine pokorili gradovi Split, Trogir, Šibenik i ostrva Brač, Hvar i Korčula. U intitulaciji se nakon toga nazivao kralj Raške, Bo-
najvećeg bosanskog vladara, Tvrtka I Kotromanića. Osim što je opjevan kroz brojne pjesme, u bosanskohercegovačkim gradovima ulice nose Tvrtkovo ime, a na trgovima i parkovima se pojavljuju skulpture s njegovim likom.
The Most Powerful BOSNIAN RULER
Photo: Samila Ivković
n the long and rich history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is a special place for the period from the second half of the 14th century to the second half of the 15th century, when Tvrtko I Kotromanić
made the Banovina of Bosnia the strongest kingdom of that time in the Balkans. The Kingdom of Bosnia was established 642 years ago, when Tvrtko I was crowned. From being a boy with the title of a Ban, he
became the first and most influential Bosnian king. He was the firstborn son of Prince Vladislav, the brother of Bosnian Ban Stjepan II, and Jelena Šubić, 31
MARRIAGE AND OFFSPRING Tvrtko I was a bachelor for a long time, and all the European monarchs would offer their princesses as wives, wanting to be connected to the Bosnian Kotromanić dynasty. However, in 1374, Tvrtko I married Dorothea of Bulgaria, the daughter of Ivan Sratsimir of Bulgaria and Anna of Wallachia. Their marriage was arranged by Hungarian king Louis I. After the death of Dorothea, Tvrtko entered negotiations with Austrian duke Albert III about a possible marriage with a woman from Habsburg, but the negotiations were not successful. Tvrtko had three sons, two kings of Bosnia and one aspiring king. the daughter of Jurje II Šubić, from the Croatian ruling family of Šubić, and the grandson of Stjepan I Kotromanić, and he was also related to the Serbian Nemanjić dynasty. The Kotromanić dynasty was linked to the leading ruling and aristocratic families of that time.
FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY After the tragic death of Ban Stjepan II Kotromanić, who was mourned by people all over the country, it was not long before a new ruler was named. After a meeting of the Bosnian national assembly, the decision was made that the new ruler would be Bosniak Tvrtko I Kotromanić, who was a fifteen-year-old boy at the time; he came to the throne as a ban. The honor was supposed to go to Tvrtko’s father, Prince Vladislav, but he was very ill, so his son took over as the successor. Tvrtko then ruled as a ban under the regency of his father, who died the following year, and Tvrtko’s mother, Princess Jelena, then became his regent.
The crowning of Tvrtko I took place on October 26, 1377 in Mile, near Visoko, and this is how the independent Kingdom of Bosnia was established, and Tvrtko I Kotromanić became the king of Bosnia, the Serbs, Primorje (the Coast) and Zapadne Strane (the West Sides). In the beginning, Tvrtko had a lot of problems with settling the relations between the Bosnian aristocracy, and outside forces constantly tried to use his youth to their advantage in their conquests of Bosnia. However, despite his age, at the beginning of his rule, Tvrtko I already showed great wisdom, which later meant that he had a great reputation in medieval Europe. Soon after Tvrtko’s reign began, the Hungarian king sent two armies to Bosnia, but he did not manage to conquer it, as the Bosnian king was determined and did not give up easily, knowing what he wanted from the beginning. King Tvrtko I was special also because he was the first ruler of Bosnia who went on a counterattack to
neighboring countries, after being the target of their attacks for years. In his conquests, Tvrtko I was more than successful. He finalized his conquest of Montenegro by taking over territory all the way to Kotor, and then he turned towards Serbia and made it to Sjenica and today’s Sandžak, when he was characterized as the king of Serbia, Bosnia, Primorje, Humska Zemlja, Donji Kraj, Zapadne Strane, Usora and Podrinje. Tvrtko also took over titles from the Serbian throne and allocated them to Bosnian aristocrats. Even though he became the ruler of Serbian territory, the Serbian church never recognized this.
GREAT RULER AND LEADER The fact that Tvrtko was a great ruler and leader is confirmed by data that shows that the Kingdom of Bosnia became a significant factor in international relations, and his palace became a place of diplomatic activity of countries whose officials had to con-
sider Bosnia as a serious participant of the events of that time. Bosnian king Tvrtko I had an internationally recognized reputation. Tvrtko I also contributed to political stability, and there was significant cultural and spiritual progress, which made Bosnia the most powerful South Slavic country, and Tvrtko the greatest ruler in the history of medieval Bosnia, and even later. During Tvrtko’s rule, Bosnian cities developed and trade and mining flourished, and economic power is best reflected in the fact that the gold coin was four times bigger than the gold coin of the Ottoman Empire. The 24-carat gold coin was four centimeters wide and weighed 16 grams. The heraldic symbol of lilies that would become the symbol of Bosnian kings first appeared on those coins, while the next appearance of gold coins in Bosnia would happen during the rule of Stjepan Tomaš. Towards the end of Tvrtko’s rule, the first Ottoman soldiers appeared at
the borders, and within Bosnia. In 1389, when sultan Murat I decided to undertake a large military conquest of Bosnia, the Bosnian army was led by Vlatko Vuković at Kosovo Polje. This is how, in the manner of a great statesman, which he truly was, Tvrt-
intitulation meant that he was the king of Raška, Bosnia, Dalmatia, Croatia and Primorje. He died suddenly on March 10, 1391, leaving behind the kind of Bosnia he always dreamed of, great and independent. He was succeeded by his cousin, Stjepan Dabiša.
During Tvrtko’s rule, Bosnian cities developed and trade and mining flourished, and economic power is best reflected in the fact that the gold coin was four times bigger than the gold coin of the Ottoman Empire. The 24-carat gold coin was four centimeters wide and weighed 16 grams. The heraldic symbol of lilies that would become the symbol of Bosnian kings first appeared on those coins ko stood in defense of his country, which was under attack from great Ottoman forces in the Balkans. Tvrtko had win after win, which put pressure on Dalmatia as well, so in 1390, the following cities surrendered to him: Split, Trogir, Šibenik and the islands of Brač, Hvar and Korčula. His
Today, there are different ways of reviving memories of the greatest Bosnian ruler Tvrtko I Kotromanić in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Apart from being mentioned in numerous songs, there are many streets in B&H cities that bear his name, as well as squares and parks where you can find sculptures of him... 33
BH. UMJETNIK POD KOŠEM Razgovarala: Samila Ivković
ada je prije četiri godine s košarkaškom reprezentacijom Bosne i Hercegovine, s Evropskog prvenstva za juniore u svoju zemlju donio zlato, karijera Džanana Muse, bh. umjetnika pod košem, krenula je uzlaznom putanjom. U mladom sportisti iz Bihaća, NBA skauti su tada vidjeli buduću zvijezdu najbolje svjetske lige, a potom je stigao i poziv, NBA draft, te izbor Brooklyn Netsa. Tako je Džanan proteklu sezonu proveo igrajući i živeći u New Yorku, svim naporima gradeći svoj američki san. Kako biste opisali prethodni period koji ste proveli u Americi? - Sav taj period sam posvetio prvenstveno radu na sebi. Svakodnevno napredovanje i dokazivanje. Sve ostalo je padalo u drugi plan. Generalno, sve stvari se u Americi odvijaju dosta profesionalnije. Znate šte treba da uradite da budete na nivou kojem težite. Kao nekome ko dolazi iz Bosne i Hercegovine, kako je bilo priviknuti se na američki način života i njihov mentalitet? - Nije bilo mnogo teško navići se na taj red i disciplinu. Ako me pitate gdje je lakše ili ljepše, teško je dati odgovor na to. Ja sam od kadetskih dana živio profesionalan život, a gdje god sam igrao i živio, princip života jednog
sportiste je sličan. Najveća razlika se ogleda u fizici. Ovdje je dosta težak raspored, pa morate biti izrazito uporni i spremni da izdržite sve te napore.
i nadam se najboljem.
Najveći dio sezone nastupali ste za razvojnog NBA ligaša Long Island Netse, dok ste u najjačoj svjetskoj ligi upisali 11 nastupa. Šta očekujete od naredne sezone NBA lige?
- Od mojih košarkaških početaka, po do dolaska u NBA, taj sportski put je obogaćen savjetima različitih ljudi iz svih sfera, a od toga uvijek izvlačim samo najbolje što mogu. Trudim se uvijek da saslušam kvalitetan savjet i radim po tome.
- Imao sam dvije povrede koje su, nažalost, poremetile tu prvu sezonu. Iskreno vjerujem da će druga sezo�na biti mnogo produktivnija, kako za mene, tako i za klub. Radim na tome
Koji je najbolji savjet koji ste dobili vezano za košarku?
Kada se prisjetite svojih košarkaških početaka, kakva sjećanja Vam se bude?
Moje najveće bogatstvo je to što imam mnogo prijatelja i dosta iskrenih odnosa. Recimo, Sejo Bukva i Duško Vujošević su dio moga života prvenstveno kao prijatelji, a tek onda kao mentori
- Divna su to sjećanja! Najjednostavnije rečeno, na tu pomisao se budi ljubav prema košarci i onda, ponovo, shvatim zašto se bavim ovim sportom. Kako su Vaši roditelji podnijeli Vaš odlazak u Ameriku? - Jako dobro, vrlo često me posje� ćuju, ovisno o njihovim obavezama. Trudim se da porodica bude uvijek uz mene i da od njih kupim pozitivnu energiju.
Jako volim da budem u domovini, tamo sam uvijek sretan i ispunjen S obzirom na to da Vam je brat ujedno i PR menadžer, koliko Vam znači to što je on baš uvijek uz Vas? Kakav odnos imate? - Trudimo se da budemo braća u pravom smislu riječi. S druge strane posao jako profesionalno obavljamo i uvijek ga odvajamo od porodičnih odnosa. Imamo zaista poseban odnos. Jednostavno ne funkcionišemo jedan bez drugog. Sudeći po društvenim mrežama, kroz sport ste ostvarili brojna prijateljstva. Koje je ono Vama najdragocjenije? - Moje najveće bogatstvo je to što imam mnogo prijatelja i dosta iskrenih odnosa. Recimo, Sejo Bukva i Duško Vujošević su dio moga života prvenstveno kao prijatelji, a tek onda kao mentori. Tu su svakako i ekipe iz Zagreba i New Yorka, ali i mnogi drugi dragi ljudi, čija prijateljstva i neizmjernu podršku, koju mi sve vrijeme pružaju, najiskrenije cijenim. Pratite li ostale sportove? Igrate li možda neki u svoje slobodno vrijeme? - Da, naravno. Obavezno, kada stignem od obaveza, pratim nogomet, boks, kao i MMA. Imao sam pripre36
me u MMA centru u Las Vegasu, i zaista sam oduševljen tim sportom, tako da ga intenzivnije i pratim. U slobodno vrijeme volim da igram tenis, to me jako opušta. Gdje se i kako najbolje odmorite od obaveza na parketu? - To je svakako vrijeme provedeno s porodicom. Mjesto je manje bitno kada smo skupa. Jako volim da budem u domovini, tamo sam uvijek sretan i ispunjen!
Koliko ste do sada uspjeli istražiti New York, šta Vas tamo fascinira? - Veći dio grada sam do sada obišao i nekako se navikao na ulice, kao i na brz način života. New York ima jako specifične ljepote. Volim da budem uz vodu, tako da često boravim u krovnim restoranima uz vodu. Ako razmišljate o budućnosti, gdje vidite sebe? - Na parketu, definitivno!
B&H Master of
Interviewed by: Samila Ivković
our years ago, Džanan Musa, the B&H master of basketball, brought gold for his country from the European junior championships with the national basketball team of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and his career took off. NBA scouts saw a future star of the best world league in the young athlete from Bihać, and then he got the call, the NBA draft, and was selected by the Brooklyn Nets. That is how Džanan spent the last season playing and living in New York, pulling all his efforts to make his American dream happen. How would you describe the previous period that you spent in America? - I spent that time primarily working on myself. Making progress and proving myself every day. Everything else came second place. Generally, everything in America happens in a more professional manner. You know what you need to do in order to get to the level you wish to be at.
My greatest wealth is that I have a lot of friends and very sincere relationships. For instance, Sejo Bukva and Duško Vujošević are parts of my life primarily as friends, and then as mentors
As someone who comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina, what was it like getting used to the American way of life and their mentality? - It wasn’t hard to get used to the order and discipline. If you ask me where it is easier or better, it is hard
to answer. I have been living professionally since I was a cadet, and wherever I have played and lived, the life of an athlete is similar. The greatest difference is in the physical side. Here, the schedule is quite demanding, so you have to be very persistent and prepared to endure it all. 37
What is the best piece of advice you have received about basketball? - From my beginnings in basketball, up until the NBA, that path has been enriched by advice from various people from all spheres, and I always take the best I can from all that. I am always ready to listen to good advice and work on it. When you remember your beginnings in basketball, what kind of memories does that evoke? - Wonderful memories! Simply put, the thought brings me back to my love of basketball and makes me realize once again why I do this sport. How did your parents take your move to America? - Very well, they often come to visit me, depending on their commitments. I aim to always have my family with me and to get positive energy from them.
For the greatest part of the season, you performed for Long Island Nets of the NBA G League, while you had 11 performances for the greatest world league. What do you expect from the following NBA league season?
- I had two injuries, which unfortunately disrupted this first season. I sincerely believe that the second season will be a lot more productive, both for me, and the club. I’m working on it and hoping for the best.
I really love being back home, I’m always happy and fulfilled there Considering that your brother is also your PR manager, how much does it mean to you that he is always there by your side? What kind of relationship do you have? - We aim to be brothers in the true sense of the word. On the other hand, we do our work very professionally and always separate it from family relations. We really have a special relationship. We just don’t function without each other. Judging by social networks, you have made a lot of friendships through sport. Which friendship do you find most valuable? - My greatest wealth is that I have a lot of friends and very sincere relationships. For instance, Sejo Bukva and Duško Vujošević are parts of my life primarily as friends, and then as
mentors. Then there are also the teams from Zagreb and New York, and of course many other people dear to me, whose friendships and great support that they have been giving me all this time I truly appreciate.
very relaxing.
Do you follow other sports? Do you play any in your free time?
How much have you explored New York so far, what do you find fascinating there?
- Yes, of course. Whenever I get the time, I follow football, boxing, as well as MMA. I trained at the MMA center in Las Vegas, and I’m really thrilled by that sport, so I follow it more intensely. In my free time, I love to play tennis, I find that
- I’ve explored most of it so far and somehow gotten used to the streets, and the fast way of life. New York has very specific beauty. I love to be by the water, so I often go to rooftop restaurants by the water.
Where and how do you rest when you are not playing? - That is certainly time that I spend with my family. The location is less important when we’re together. I really love being back home, I’m always happy and fulfilled there!
When you think of the future, where do you see yourself? - In basketball, definitely! 39
130 godina
atedrala Srca Isusova u Sarajevu, jedan od nacionalnih spomenika Bosne i Hercegovine, u septembru ove godine je obilježila 130. godišnjicu. Ova nezaobilazna turistička atrakcija glavnog grada BiH, od 1889., kad je blagoslovljena, stub je duhovnog života katoličkog stanovništa u Sarajevu, a posvećena je Srcu Isusovom, čiji naziv i nosi. Doći u Sarajevo, a ne posjetiti sarajevsku katedralu, jedan od najvećih simbola ovog grada, gotovo je isto kao da niste otišli na Baščaršiju.
IZGRADNJA KATEDRALE Katedrala se nalazi u sarajevskoj općini Stari Grad, na atraktivnoj lokaciji do koje vode glavne gradske šetnice. Izgrađena je na inicijativu Josipa Stadlera, prvog vrhbosanskog nadbiskupa nakon ponovne uspostave redovne crkvene vlasti u BiH. Stadler je bio ustoličen u maloj drvenoj crkvi sv. Ante na Bistriku, a jedna od prvih Stadlerovih briga bila je gradnja katedrale u Sarajevu, te je tako 1884. godine otpočeo s gradnjom. Izgradnja katedrale bila je ponuđena Heinrichu Ferstelu, koji je iste godi40
ne u Beču izradio projekt i predložio da se izgradi crkva u romaničkom stilu. No, taj projekt je bio i suviše skup za sarajevske prilike. Ferstel je zgradu locirao na mjestu koje je u međuvremenu zaposjela vojska da bi tu izgradila svoj oficirski kasino,
tako da je cijela ideja propala. Rješenje se tražilo iznova, a Friedrich von Schmidt, profesor Akademije primijenjenih umjetnosti u Beču, preporučio je Josipa Vancaša uz obećanje da će pomoći pri projektiranju tako značajnog objekta.
Vancaš je došao u Sarajevo kao mlad, ali vrlo solidno obrazovan i talentiran arhitekt. On je Stadleru nudio rješenja na koja on nije imao što prigovoriti, a tek dovršena katedrala u Đakovu, bila je obojici veliki uzor na kojem su se okušavali mnogi majstori koji su poslije i sami prenosili svoja iskustva u Sarajevo. Tokom zime 1884. godine, u novoformiranom ateljeu Josipa Vancaša, načinjeni su svi izvedbeni nacrti. Vancaš je postao samostalan poduzetnik, a katedrala je zamišljena kao građevina s prostorom koji bi primio 1.200 ljudi i vrlo jednostavnog vanjskog izgleda, od golog kamena. Objekt je završen i blagoslovljen 15. septembra 1889. godine.
SPOJ ROMANTIKE I GOTIKE Kombinirajući elemente romanike i gotike, Vancaš je stvorio sintezu po kojoj se ovaj objekt izdvaja od ostalih te vrste. Vanjska dužina katedrale iznosi 41,9 m, a širina 21,3 m. Pročelje je ukrašeno s dva masivna tornja visine 43,22 m, a iznad svetišta ponosno se diže toranj visine 33 m. Ispod tornjeva nalazi se vodoravni pročelni luk,
a ispod njega bogato ukrašena rozeta od kamena i vitražnog stakla. Ispod rozete smješten je kip Srca Isusova, kojem je Stadler posvetio katedralu i nadbiskupiju. Iznad blagog gotičkog nadvratnog luka u timpanu ugrađen je reljef Presvetog Trojstva izrađen po nacrtu Aleksandra Seitza.
Kombinirajući elemente romanike i gotike, Vancaš je stvorio sintezu po kojoj se ovaj objekt izdvaja od ostalih te vrste Vitraži su rađeni u Innsburcku, a glavni oltar je izrađen od italijanskog mramora. Dvije freske u svetištu su djelo Aleksandra Seitza kao i one u pokrajnjim lađama na unutarnjim zidovima tornjeva. Svetište je odijeljeno od glavne i pokrajnjih lađa željeznom ogradom koju je izradio Antun Biro iz Beča, a po nacrtu Josipa Vancaša. Pod je izrađen od takozvanih Wienerberških pločica, koje su u ono vrijeme bile veoma
tražene. U katedrali se nalazi grobnica Josipa Štadlera, a pored samog ulaza u katedralu podignut je spomenik poglavaru katoličke crkve, papi Ivanu Pavlu II, koji je posjetio Sarajevo 1997. godine. Katedrala za vrijeme rata nije bila direktno pogođena, ali je od gelera bakreni krov bio oštećen na 580 mjesta, a vidna su oštećenja i na vanjskim zidovima. Katedrala Srca Isusova je 2005. proglašena nacionalnim spomenikom Bosne i Hercegovine, što dovoljno govori o značaju ovog, uistinu, specifičnog, vjerskog objekta. Unutrašnjost katedrale je obnovljena u periodu od 27. septembra 2010. do 15. oktobra 2011. Mnogi turisti koji posjete Sarajevo, uz sve atrakcije grada, uvijek rado obilaze katedralu iz koje nose divne uspomene zahvaljujući njenom unutarnjem uređenju i vanjskom skladu. Kada god prođete pored katedrale, ispred ćete vidjeti okupljene posmatrače kako fotografišu objekt i uživaju u njegovoj ljepoti. Pridružite im se i otkrijte sve čari Katedrale Srca Isusova! 41
130 years of the
Sarajevo Cathedral
he Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sarajevo, one of the national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, marked its 130th anniversary in September this year. Since 1889, when it was solemnly blessed, this unmissable tourist attraction of the capital of B&H, has been a pillar of spiritual life for Catholics in Sarajevo, and it is dedicated to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, whose name it bears. To come to Sarajevo, and not visit the Sarajevo Cathedral, one of the most significant symbols of this city, is almost like not going to Baščaršija at all.
THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CATHEDRAL The cathedral is located in the municipality of Stari Grad (Old Town), at an attractive location; you can arrive here via the main city promenade. It was built at the initiative of Josip Stadler, the first archbishop of Vrhbosna, once regular church authority was reestablished in B&H. Stadler was enthroned in the small wooden Crkva sv. Ante (St. Anthony’s Church) at Bistrik, and one of his first tasks was the construction of a cathedral in Sarajevo, so construction of it began in 1884. Heinrich Ferstel was offered the project of designing the Cathedral, as he had in the same year designed 42
a project in Vienna and suggested that the church be constructed in a Romanesque style. However, that project was too costly for Sarajevo. Ferstel envisaged for the building to be in a spot which was in the meantime taken over by the army in order to build their own casino, so the whole idea fell through. A solution had to be sought again, and Friedrich von Schmidt, a professor at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, recommended Josip Vancaš, along with the promise of helping to design such a significant building. Vancaš came to Sarajevo as a young, but very well educated and talented architect. He offered Stadler solutions which he had no objections to, and the newly finished cathedral in Đakovo served as a model for both of them, and for many other masters of the trade who later brought their experience to Sarajevo. During winter in 1884, detailed drawings were made in the newly formed atelier of Josip Vancaš. Vancaš became a sole trader, and the cathedral was envisaged as a building with space for 1200 people, with a very simple exterior, made out of stone. It was finished and solemnly blessed on September 15, 1889.
FUSION OF THE ROMANESQUE AND GOTHIC By combining the elements of the Romanesque and Gothic style, Vancaš created a synthesis, which sets this building apart from others of this type. The length of the Cathedral is 41.9 m, and the width is 21.3 m. The facade is decorated with two massive towers 43.22 m in height, and above the shrine, a 33 m tower proudly rises. Under the towers, there is a horizontal front arch, and under it, there is a richly decorated rosette made out of stone and stained glass. Under the rosette, there is the Jesus’ Sacred Heart statue; Stadler dedicated the Cathedral and archdiocese to it. Above the slight Gothic overhead arch in the tympanum there is a relief of the Holy
By combining the elements of the Romanesque and Gothic style, Vancaš created a synthesis, which sets this building apart from others of this type
Trinity, based on the drawings of Aleksander Seitz. The stained glass was done in Innsbruck, and the main altar was made out of Italian marble. The two frescos in the shrine are the works of Aleksander Seitz, as well as the ones on the side aisles in the inner walls of the towers. The shrine is separated from the main and side aisle by an iron fence, which was made by Antun Biro from Vienna, based on the drawings of Josip Vancaš. The floor is made out of so-called Wienerberg tiles, which were very popular at the time. The Cathedral also houses the tomb of Josip Stadler, and right next to the entrance to the Cathedral, a monument was erected in honor of the head of the Catholic church, pope John Paul II, who visited Sarajevo in 1997. During the war, the Cathedral was not hit directly, but shrapnel damaged the copper roof in 580 places, and there is also visible damage to the outer walls. The Sacred Heart Cathedral was declared a National
Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005, which speaks of the significance of this truly specific place of worship. The interior of the Cathedral was restored from September 27, 2010 until October 15, 2011. Along with all the attractions of the city, many tourists who visit Sarajevo always gladly visit the Cathedral, where they form wonderful memories of its interior design and external harmony. Whenever you pass by the Cathedral, you will see visitors gathering and taking photos of it and enjoying its beauty. Join them and discover all the magic of the Sacred Heart Cathedral! 43
Olimpijski centar Jahorina, jedan od najmodernijih ski centara u regionu
ki centar Jahorina je u posljednje dvije godine doživio svoj procvat. Veliki investicioni projekti koji podrazumijevaju izgradnju najmodernijeg sistema osnježavanja, uređenja ski staza, novih liftova i kabinske gondole, osvjetljenja, te izmjenu vizuelnog identiteta, plasirali su je u sami vrh svjetskih skijaških destinacija. Ova planina najveći značaj pridaje svojim gostima, politika najboljeg odnosa cijene i kvaliteta je zadržana i čini osnovu poslovanja Olimpijskog centra Jahorina.
najmodernijim žičarama za prevoz skijaša i bordera, koje su ukupnog kapaciteta oko 17 000 skijaša na sat. Skijaši na Jahorini mogu izabrati skijanje na lakim, stazama srednje težine, kao i na teškim stazama koje su prilagođene iskusnijim i spretnijim skijašima. Ukupno 45 km staza pokriveno je s jednom, od ove godine potpuno novom, kabinskom gondolom, tri šestosjedne žičare, jednom dvosjednom i s tri ski lifta, od kojih je najmoderniji lift tipa sidro smješten na stazi Poljice.
planine i nakon zalaska Sunca.
Olimpijski centar Jahorina može se pohvaliti novom kabinskom gondolom. Raspolaže s 45 km alpskih i 10 km nordijskih staza. Staze za alpsko skijanje su prekrivene sistemom osnježavanja koji garantuje minimalno 130 dana skijanja. Perfektno uređene staze su povezane
Najmlađim skijašima posvećeno je najviše pažnje. Pripremljena su dva ski vrtića s pokretnom trakom, tubing stazom i drugim zabavnim sadržajima. Za avanturiste i ljubitelje adrenalina dostupna je i staza za noćno skijanje, što garantuje uživanje na skijama s gotovo samog vrha
Dobar provod i domaćinski pristup gostima, odlična gastro i wellness ponuda karakteristična je za Jahorinu i omogućava posjetiteljima da se s planine vrate puni utisaka i gotovo uvijek, očarani svim što Jahorina nudi, s radošću i nestrpljenjem ponavljaju svoju posjetu.
Predah nakon noćnog skijanja u novom restoranu, koji se nalazi na samom početku staze Poljice, najbolji je način da se završi dan na planini. Provozajte se tabačem nakon završetka rada skijališta i uz najljepše prizore zalaska Sunca ponesite nezaboravne uspomene s Jahorine. Ovaj ski centar poznat je i po dobroj zabavi, koncertima najvećih muzičkih zvijezda regiona, festivalima i predstavama.
Olympic Center Jahorina, One of the Most Modern Ski Centers in the Region
ver the last two years, Ski Center Jahorina has flourished. Large investment projects that require the construction of the most modern snowmaking system, the maintenance of ski trails, new lifts and gondolas, lighting, and a change of visual identity, have placed it at the very top of ski destinations across the world. This mountain places great importance on its guests, and their policy of the best price and quality remains in place and forms the basis of business at Olympic Center Jahorina. Olympic Center Jahorina can boast of a new gondola lift. There are 45 km of alpine and 10 km of Nordic trails. The alpine skiing trails are covered by the snowmaking system, which guarantees a minimum of 130 days of skiing. The perfectly maintained trails are connected by the most modern cable cars for transporting skiers and snowboarders, with a total capacity for approximately 17 000 skiers per hour. The skiers on Jahorina can cho-
ose to ski on trails that are intended to be easy, average or advanced (adapted for the more advanced and skillful skiers). A total of 45 km of trails is covered by one, as of this year completely new, gondola lift, three six-seater chairlifts, one two-seater chairlift and three ski lifts. The most modern T-bar is located on the Poljice trail. The youngest skiers get the most attention. There are two ski kindergartens with a ski simulator, a tubing trail and other fun activities. For adventurers and fans of adrenaline, there is also a trail for night skiing, which guarantees enjoyment on skis from almost the very top of the mountain even after sunset. Taking a break after night skiing in the new restaurant, which is located at the very beginning of the Poljice trail, is the best way to end the day on the mountain. Take a ride on a snowmobile when the ski center is closed and take some unforgettable memories of the prettiest sunsets
with you from Jahorina. This Ski Center is also well known for providing good entertainment, concerts, the greatest musical stars of the region, festivals and shows. A good time and a welcoming approach to guests, great cuisine and wellness offer at Jahorina all mean that visitors always leave the mountain full of impressions and are almost always thrilled with what Jahorina has to offer. Guests impatiently and happily return here.
Telephone: +387 57 270 003
365 dana
na Ravnoj planini
ki centar Ravna planina nalazi se na 20 km od Sarajeva i na samo 2 km od centra Pala, po ravnom magistralnom putu koji ovu opštinu povezuje s Podgrabom i Pračom. Riječ je o moderno uređenom turističkom centru, koji po sadržajima koje nudi u zimskoj i ljetnoj sezoni, već sada ne zaostaje za sličnim centrima širom regiona i Evrope. Ipak, ono što ovo skijalište i turistički centar čini specifičnim jeste kabinska gondola, prva u BiH, koja je u rad puštena krajem decembra 2017. godine, a koja ima 19 kabina kapaciteta 10 sjedišta i može da preveze 2200 putnika/skijaša na sat. Upravo se privo-
de kraju i radovi na dodatnim ljetnim sadržajima, s kojima će ljetna sezona biti još bolja od trenutne, koja je imala izuzetnu posjećenost. Po zimskim sadržajima, ovo je već svojevrstan regionalni skijaški i sportski brend. Staze u potpunosti ispunjavaju kriterije za najveća evropska i svjetska takmičenja, kao i za treninge profesionalnih skijaša. Zbog toga je centar u najužoj konkurenciji da dobije organizaciju Evropa kupa, najvećeg i najozbiljnijeg skijaškog takmičenja, koje se u BiH nije održavalo još od Zimskih olimpijskih igara u Sarajevu. Ski centar Ravna planina posjeduje 12,5 kilometara
Hotelsko apartmansko naselje Završen je projekt izgradnje smještajnih kapaciteta najvišeg ranga, koji će gostima Ravne planine omogućiti pun komfor i višednevno uživanje u sadržajima centra. U planu je izgradnja tri hotela sa svim sadržajima, otvoreno-zatvorenim bazenom, klizalištem, najmodernijim spa centrima i svim pratećim sadržajima. Izgradnjom ovih smještajnih kapaciteta bit će zaokružena ponuda Ski centra Ravna planina. U blizini skijališta gradi se i odvojeno vikend naselje s preko 30 planinskih vikendica.
uređenih staza za sve kategorije skijaša. Riječ je o dvije plave staze za rekreativce, jednoj crvenoj i jednoj crnoj stazi za one najbolje skijaše. Glavna staza Stjenčica, na kojoj se organizuju treninzi i trke, duga 1400 metara, prošla je proces homologacije tokom kojeg su stručnjaci FIS-e utvrdili da zadovoljava sve svjetske standarde. Staze su pokrivene modernim sistemom za vještačko osnježavanje. To omogućava da skijanje u ovom centru traje više od 110 dana u godini, odnosno do kraja marta, koliko je trajalo protekle sezone, koja se smatra najboljom od otvaranja centra.
365 Days
on Ravna Planina
ki Center Ravna Planina is located 20 km from Sarajevo and just 2 km from the center of Pale, on the main road which connects this municipality to Podgrab and PraÄ?a. This is a modern tourist center, which offers activities both in winter and summer, and does not lag behind similar centers across the region or Europe. However, what makes this ski and tourist center specific is the gondola lift, the first in B&H, which started operating towards the end of December 2017, with 19 cabins with a capacity of 10 seats that can transport 2200 travelers/skiers per hour. Works are currently being finalized on creating additional summer activities, whi-
ch will make the summer season even better than the current season, which was a very good one.
When it comes to winter activities, this is already a regional ski and sports brand. The trails meet all the criteria for the biggest European and world competitions, and for training sessions of professional skiers. Because of that, the center has good chances of winning the European Cup, the greatest and most significant skiing competition, which has not been held in B&H since the Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo. Ski Center Ravna Planina has 12.5 kilometers of trails for all categories of
skiers. There are two blue trails for recreational skiers, and one red and one black trail for the most advanced skiers. The main StjenÄ?ica trail, where training sessions and races are organized, which is 1400 meters in length, has gone through the process of accreditation, with FIS experts determining that it is in line with all world standards. The trails have a modern system for creating artificial snow. That means that skiing is possible in this center for over 110 days of the year, i.e. until the end of March, which is how long it lasted for the past season, which is thought to be the best season since the opening of the center.
Hotel and weekend cottage settlement The project of constructing accommodation facilities of the highest rank has been completed, allowing the guests of Ravna Planina full comfort and multiple days of enjoyment in all the activities of the center. There are plans to build three hotels with all amenities, an indoor and outdoor pool, an ice-skating rink, and the most modern spa centers with all supporting facilities. By building these facilities, the offer at Ski Center Ravna Planina will be complete. Near the Ski Center, there are also plans to build a separate weekend cottage settlement with over 30 mountain weekend cottages.
Telephone: +387 57 226 180
Počela gradnja novog Poslovnosportskog centra na Bjelašnici SVJETLIJA BUDUĆNOST OLIMPIJSKE LJEPOTICE
jelašnica, bosanskohercegovačka olimpijska ljepotica smještena nadomak Sarajeva, posljednjih godina postaje sve bogatija smještajnim jedinicama i ugostiteljskim objektima, što doprinosi većoj posjećenosti i njenoj popularizaciji. Iako je Bjelašnica centar zimskih dešavanja i planina koja nudi odlične uslova za skijanje, radi se na tome da ova sarajevska planina bude atraktivna i aktivna tokom cijele godine, te postane moderna turistička destinacija. Upravo s ciljem da Bjelašnica bude planina po evropskim, pa čak i svjetskim standardima, gradnjom putne infrastrukture krajem ljeta su počele intenzivne aktivnosti na realizaciji projekta izgradnje Poslovno-sportskog centra Trnovo na ovoj planini, jednog od najmodernijih u Bosni i Hercegovini. 48
U duhu dobre saradnje Vlade Kantona Sarajevo i Općine Trnovo, koji su prošle godine potpisali i sporazume o sufinansiranju, s desne strane na ulazu u zonu Babinog Dola bit će izgrađen centar na površini od 11,21 hektara, na nadmorskoj visini od blizu 1.300 metara. Bit će to zona sporta i rekreacije s centralnim sadržajima i smještajnim kapacitetima. Cilj je da se osnovni koncept bazira na maksimalnom zadržavanju postojećeg krajolika – šume, odnosno da se svi sadržaji trebaju u maksimalnoj mjeri uklopiti u postojeće stanje na terenu. Poslovno-sportski centar Trnovo prvobitno je predviđen za trenažni program i pripreme profesionalnih sportista tokom cijele godine. Međutim, u skladu s rasporedom tokom godine, aktivnosti centra trebaju biti dostupne svima, posebno djeci predškolske i školske dobi,
studentima te ekskurzijama, kao i dnevnim posjetiteljima.
SPORTSKI TERENI I DVORANA U sjevernom dijelu planirana je izgradnja sportskih terena za nogomet, mali nogomet, rukomet, košarku, odbojku. Glavni nogometni teren bit će pokriven prirodnom travom, s tribinom s istočne strane kapaciteta 1000 mjesta. Iza tribina su planirani sadržaji koji će objediniti funkcije neophodne za sportiste koji koriste teren (svlačionice, sanitarni čvorovi), kao i servis za posjetitelje. Zapadno od glavnog nogometnog terena, paralelno s njim planiran je višenamjenski teren dimenzija 96 x 44 m, pokriven prirodnom travom, ukupne površine 4 224 m². Ovaj teren je moguće podijeliti na četiri pojedinačna sektora za igru. U zimskom
RESTORAN - VIDIKOVAC Na najvišem uzvišenju je predviđen restoran − vidikovac. Cijeli objekat imat će kapacitet za 21 stol za po četiri osobe što iznosi 84 mjesta. U toku zimskog perioda posjetitelji će koristiti samo unutrašnji prostor, a tokom ljeta i terasu na spratu. S mjesta vidikovca pružat će se pogled na sve sportske terene. Najviša visina vidikovca bit će 12 m od kote terena na ulazu. Vidikovcu će se pristupati preko pješačkih/trim staza koje će voditi kroz šumu gdje je predviđena mogućnost formiranja adrenalinskog parka i prostor za igru i zabavu djece.
periodu na mjestu ovog višefunkcionalnog terena predviđeno je formiranje terena za hokej na ledu, a kada se ne bude koristila za hokej, ledena ploha će služiti za klizanje na ledu. Južno od glavnog nogometnog terena bit će pozicionirana balon hala. Balon će pokrivati nogometni teren s vještačkom travom dimenzija 100 x 60 m. Balon hala bit će povezana toplom vezom s tribinom s pratećim sadržajima i to natkrivenim hodnikom, a južno od balon hale smještena su 4 terena koji su postavljeni kaskadno kao dvojni. Jedan dvojni teren je namijenjen za mali nogomet i rukomet, a drugi dvojni za košarku i odbojku. Centralni objekat unutar područja bit će sportska dvorana koja će biti funkcionalno povezana s hotelom predviđenim za smještaj korisnika centra i poslovnim centrom. Kapacitet dvorane je 500 mjesta, a u skladu s topografijom terena prizemlje sportske dvorane bit će u nivou prvog sprata hotela i poslovnog centra.
HOTEL, POSLOVNI CENTAR I APARTMANI Glavni ulaz u objekat predviđen je s istočne strane, a objektu će se pristupati kosom rampom koja vodi
ka garaži koja će biti smještena u podrumu. Kapacitet garaže bit će 30 parking mjesta i zajednička je za hotel i poslovni centar. Osim garaže u podrumu će biti smještene odvojene komunikacije za hotel i poslovni centar, kuglana, garderobe, ostave, tehnički prostori... U prizemlju su planirani restoran, kuhinja, kancelarije, sanitarni čvor i komunikacije. Sadržaji hotela u prizemlju se nastavljaju prema sportskoj dvorani – skijašnica, garderobe, spa i sauna, recepcija, kao i prostori kao što su caffe, frizerski salon, butik, teretana, vešeraj... Smještajni kapacitet hotela je 43 dvokrevetne sobe i četiri apartmana, tako da ukupan kapacitet hotela iznosi 98 ležaja. Poslovni centar u funkcionalnom smislu predstavljat će zaseban objekat koji će s hotelom biti povezan u nivou prvog sprata. Ovaj objekat objedinjuje funkcije komplementarne okupljanu sportista i sportskog menadžmenta (susreti, sastanci, prezentacije, konferencije), administrativne prostore za potrebe Općine Trnovo, predstavništva firmi sportske opreme i ostalih segmenata sportske industrije koji svoj interes vide na Bjelašnici te funkciju uprave poslovno-sportskog centra.
Planirana je i izgradnja devet objekata smještajnih kapaciteta – apartmana sa sadržajima centralnih djelatnosti. Za sve objekte s apartmanima je predviđena jedinstvena arhitektura i oblikovanje. Svaki objekat s apartmanima u podrumu imat će garažu za 15 parking mjesta u koju se pristupa s rampe. U prizemlju će biti smješteno 6 apartmana s pratećim prostorima. Na karakterističnim spratovima je predviđeno po 6 apartmana, a u sklopu jednog objekta su predviđene 24 apartmanske jedinice. Realizacija kompletnog projekta bi nesumnjivo doprinijela da Sarajevo postane turistička destinacija broj jedan u regionu. Okvirni plan sa završetak projekta je dvije i po godine, a procijenjena vrijednost projekta je 16,9 miliona KM.
Adresa: Trnovo 36, 71223 Delijaš Tel: 033/586-700 Email:
The Construction of a New Business and Sports Center has Started at Bjelašnica A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR THE OLYMPIC BEAUTY
ver the last few years, Bjelašnica, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Olympic beauty near Sarajevo, has become a more popular place to visit, as more and more accommodation units and hospitality establishments have popped up. Despite the fact that Bjelašnica is the center of winter events and a mountain that offers excellent conditions for skiing, works are under way for this Sarajevan mountain to become attractive and active all year round, and to become a modern tourist destination. With the goal of making Bjelašnica a mountain with European, and perhaps even world standards, the work on road infrastructure towards the end of summer has signaled the beginning of intensive activities on the project of building the Business and Sports Center Trnovo on this mountain, and making it one of the 50
most modern centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the spirit of good cooperation between the Sarajevo Canton Government and the Municipality of Trnovo, as their representatives signed agreements on co-financing last year, on the right side of the entrance to the Babin Dol zone, a center will be built across an area of 11.21 hectares, at an altitude of approximately 1300 meters. It will be a sports and recreation zone with central facilities and accommodation units. The goal is to base the primary concept on maintaining the existing landscape (forest) as much as possible – i.e. that all the facilities should fit into the existing space as much as possible. Business and Sports Center Trnovo was initially meant to be used for the
training program and preparation of professional athletes all year round. However, depending on the yearly schedule, the activities at the center should be available to everyone, especially preschoolers and children of school age, students and excursions, as well as daily visitors.
SPORTS GROUNDS AND HALL The plan is to build sports grounds for football, futsal, handball, basketball and volleyball in the northern part. The main football field will be covered in grass, with a stand on the eastern side with a capacity for 1000 people. Behind the stands, the plan is to have facilities, which will be used by the athletes using the grounds (changing rooms, toilets), as well as a service for visitors. West of the main football field, in
parallel with it, there are plans for a multipurpose field of 96 x 44 m dimensions, covered in grass, with a total area of 4 224 m². This field can be split up into four individual playing spaces. During winter, in this multifunctional space, there are plans for forming an area for ice hockey, and when it is not being used for hockey, the surface would be used for skating on ice. South of the main football field, there will be a tent hall. The tent will cover the football field with artificial grass of 100 x 60 m dimensions. The tent hall will be connected to the stand with accompanying facilities with a covered hall, and south of the tent hall, there will be 4 courts which will be placed next to each other as a dual court. One dual court will be used for futsal and handball, while the second dual court will be used for basketball and volleyball.
ment. The garage capacity will be 30 parking spaces, and it will used both for the hotel and business center. Besides the garage, the ground floor will also house separate communications for the hotel and business center, a bowling alley, wardrobes, pantries, operational spaces... On the ground floor, the plan is to have a restaurant, kitchen, offices, a toilet and communications. The hotel facilities on the ground floor continue towards the sports hall – the ski wardrobe, wardrobes, spa and sauna, reception, as well as cafe, hairdresser, boutique, gym, laundry... The capacity of the hotel is 43 double rooms and
cility unifies the functions of the complementary gathering of athletes and sports management (meetings, gatherings, presentations, conferences), and will also be used as administrative offices for the use of the Municipality of Trnovo, for representatives of companies who sell sporting equipment, and for other segments of the industry who see an interest at Bjelašnica, and for the Management of the Business and Sports Center. There are also plans to build nine accommodation units – apartments with facilities for central activities. A unique architecture and design are
The central facility within the area will be the sports hall, which will be functionally connected to the hotel designed for the visitors of the Business and Sports Center. The hall capacity is 500 seats, and in accordance with the topography, the ground floor of the sports hall will be at the level of the first floor of the hotel and business center.
HOTEL, BUSINESS CENTER AND APARTMENTS The main entrance to the facility is envisaged to be on the eastern side, and it will be accessible with a ramp which leads towards the garage, which will be located in the base-
four apartments, so the total capacity of the hotel is 98 beds. In a functional sense, the business center will represent a separate facility, which will be connected to the hotel on the first floor. This fa-
RESTAURANT – VANTAGE POINT At the highest point, the idea is to have a restaurant – vantage point. The entire restaurant will have space for 21 tables for four people, which amounts to 84 seats. During winter, visitors will use just the indoor space, and in summer they will also use the terrace upstairs. From the vantage point, there will be a view of all the sports grounds. The highest section of the vantage point will be 12 m from the grounds at the entrance. The vantage point will be accessible via the hiking/trim trails, which will lead through the forest, where there might be the opportunity to form an adrenaline park and playing space for children.
envisaged for all apartments. Each facility with apartments on the ground floor will have a garage of 15 parking spaces, which will be accessible via a ramp. On the ground floor, there will be 6 apartments with accompanying spaces. The plan is to have 6 apartments on each characteristic floor, and within one facility the idea is to have 24 apartments. The realization of the entire project would undoubtedly contribute to Sarajevo becoming tourist destination number one in the region. The general plan is for the project to be finished in two and a half years, and the estimated value of the project is BAM 16.9 million. 51
Titov bunker u Konjicu
Autor: Samila Ivković Fotografije: Visit Konjic
mještena nadomak Konjica, planina Zlatar je skoro pola vijeka čuvala najveću državnu vojnu tajnu bivše Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije (SFRJ). Osim radnika koji su pažljivo birani i koji su morali potpisati Ugovor o šutnji, za izgradnju bunkera koji bi služio u svrhu skloništa od atomske katastrofe, znala su samo četiri komandanta, a njihova imena i danas su misterija. Na prvi pogled, to su samo tri obične kuće smještene u carstvu hercegovačke prirode. Međutim, te kuće su desetinama godina skrivale tajnu o najvećem vojnom objektu, trećem po značaju u SFRJ. Kada uđete u objekt, već na prvom koraku naći 52
ćete se u paralelnom svijetu, koji podsjeća na kulise naučno-fantastičnih filmova.
NAMJENA BUNKERA Objekt kodnog naziva Istanbul, kasnije prozvan kao Armijska rezervna komanda i Atomska ratna komanda u narodu najpoznatiji kao Titov bunker, građen je u potpunoj tajnosti punih 26 godina, od 1953. do 1979. godine. Gradnja je koštala tadašnjih 4,6 milijardi američkih dolara, što bi u današnjoj protuvrijednosti bilo više od 10 milijardi američkih dolara. Sagrađen je kao sklonište za predsjednika Tita, njegovu porodicu i bliže saradnike u slučaju atomskog rata, a osim toga bi funkcionisao i
kao centar vojnih operacija. U slučaju opasnosti od nuklearnog udara bunker je bio spreman primiti 350 osoba iz najvišeg vojnog i političkog vrha bivše SFRJ. Jedina žena među njima bila bi supruga Josipa Broza Tita, Jovanka Broz. Od svih drugih funkcionera očekivano je da se u bunker sklone sami, bez supruga i porodica. U bunkeru su mogli boraviti šest mjeseci bez ikakvog kontakta s vanjskim svijetom, jer se u njemu nalazi sve što je potrebno za normalan život. Rezervoari s pitkom vodom, cisterne s naftom, skladišta hrane i lijekova, medicinski blok, špijunske i spavaće sobe, konferencijske dvorane i snažni
CRVENI TELEFON Crveni telefon jedan je od glavnih simbola bunkera, a i danas izgleda kao nov. No, ne radi još od 1992. godine, kada se u bunkeru odvijala prava drama. Bunker je bio uređen tako da, u slučaju da padne u ruke neprijatelju, 16 oficira koji su ga čuvali, odmah napuste objekt. Zatim bi uslijedio poziv na crveni telefon, kojim bi se automatski aktiviralo nekoliko tona eksploziva. Kada je 1992. godine bunker predat Armiji BiH, dvojica oficira su odbila naređenje za uništenje, pokidali su žice na crvenom telefonu i tako spasili bunker.
POSJETE BUNKERU Posjete bunkeru su moguće ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom u 10,12 i 14h, utorkom i četvrtkom u 12h, a subotom i nedjeljom u 10 i 12h. Za grupe s više od 10 osoba potrebna je najava nekoliko dana ranije. klima uređaji koji i danas rade..., ali i još mnogo toga smješteno je na 6.500 kvadrata prostora na dubini od 280 metara ispod zemlje. Temperatura u bunkeru je između 21 i 23 stepena celzija, a vlažnost zraka od 60 do 70 posto, što predstavlja odlične uslove za život.
Bunker je tajnim prolazom bio povezan i s heliodromom, na kojem su helikopteri, skriveni u šumi, bili uvijek spremni za polijetanje. U vrijeme kada Konjic nije bio telefonski povezan s ostatkom svijeta, bunker je imao 350 telefonskih linija, te teleks i telefaks aparate, koji je u to doba bio posljednja riječ tehnike. Namještaj koji se nalazi u bunkeru je rađen od prvoklasnog slavonskog hrasta, osim Titovog kabineta koji je rađen od orahovine. Stolarija je rađena od aluminijuma i PVC-a.
dubinu od 280 metara. Zidovi tunela su izrađeni ručno od drveta, a cijeli objekt osvjetljava 6.000 neonki. Tuneli su veza između maskirnog dijela i atomskog skloništa koje može izdržati nuklearni udar od 20 kilotona. Posljednji dio objekta ima 12 blokova.
Nakon raspada Jugoslavije 1992., Jugoslavenska narodna armija je naredila rušenje kompleksa kako ne bi ostao pod kontrolom vlasti BiH, ali je vojni odred odbio izvršiti naredbu i umjesto toga predao strukturu bh. vladi.
Bunker je sastavljen od tri dijela. Prvi, maskirni dio vidljiv je izvana i to nadzorne rezidencije, objekta za uže osiguranje bivšeg predsjednika SFRJ Josipa Broza Tita, te objekta za smještaj tehničke podrške. Kada se prođe kroz hodnik prve kuće, otvaraju se metalna vrata debljine 1,20 metara, iza kojih je tunel koji vodi u srce atomskog skloništa na
Tek 2000. godine javnost je saznala za Titov bunker, a od 2011. on je otvoren za posjetitelje. Od tada se u bunkeru održava bijenale savremene umjetnosti, a zdanje je postalo podzemna galerij. Do sada je u bunkeru izloženo 150 umjetničkih djela i smatra da je to najvrjednija kolekcija savremene umjetnosti u Jugoistočnoj Evropi. 53
Tito's Bunker in Konjic
ocated near Konjic, the Zlatar mountain kept the greatest military state secret of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) for almost half a century. Apart from the staff who were selected very carefully and who had to sign Confidentiality Agreements, only four commanders knew of the construction of the bunker that would serve as shelter from a nuclear catastrophe, and their identity is a mystery to this day. At first glance, these are just three ordinary houses situated in the “kingdom” of Herzegovinian nature. However, for decades those houses kept a secret about the greatest military building, the third in significance in the SFRY. When you enter the building, the first step will take you to a parallel world, which is reminiscent of the backdrop to science-fiction films.
THE PURPOSE OF THE BUNKER The building with the code name Istanbul, later called the Army Reserve Command and the Nuclear War Command, but best known as 54
Author: Samila Ivković Photographs: Visit Konjic
Tito’s bunker, was constructed in complete secrecy for a total of 26 years, from 1953 to 1979. The construction cost 4.6 billion American dollars at that time, which is today’s equivalent of 10 billion American dollars. It was constructed as a shelter for president Tito, his family and close associates in the event of a nuclear war, and apart from that it would function as a center of military operations.
VISITING THE BUNKER It is possible to visit the bunker on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and 2 p.m., on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. For groups with more than 10 persons, it is necessary to book a few days in advance. In the case of danger from a nuclear strike, the bunker could accommodate 350 people from the military and political leadership of the former SFRY. The only woman among them would be the wife of Josip Broz Tito, Jovanka Broz. The other officials were expected to take shelter
in the bunker alone, without wives and families. They could stay at the bunker for six months without any contact with the outside world, as it had everything that is required for a normal life. Reservoirs with drinking water, oil tanks, storage with food and medicines, a medical block, spy rooms and bedrooms, conference halls and powerful air conditioning units which still work today... and a lot more is situated across the 6500 square meters at a depth of 280 meters below ground. The temperature in the bunker is between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is 60 to 70 percent, which represents ideal living conditions. The bunker was connected to a helipad by a secret passage, where helicopters, hidden in the forest, were always ready for takeoff. At a time when Konjic was not connected to the rest of the world by telephone, the bunker had 350 telephone lines, and telex and fax machines, which were the latest technology. The furniture in the bunker was made out of first-class Slavonian oakwood, apart
from Tito’s cabinet, which was made out of nutwood. The joinery was made out of aluminum and PVC.
THE STRUCTURE OF THE BUNKER The bunker consists of three parts. The first, camouflaged part is visible from the outside and consists of three sections: the surveillance residence, the facility for ensuring the personal safety of the former president of the SFRY, Josip Broz Tito, and the facility that served as accommodation for technical assistance staff. When
you pass through the hall of the first house, a metal door that is 1.20 meters thick opens, behind which there is a tunnel that leads to the heart of the nuclear shelter at a depth of 280 meters. The walls of the tunnel were handmade out of wood, and the entire building is illuminated by 6000 neon lamps. The tunnels connect the camouflaged section and the nuclear shelter, which could endure a nuclear strike with a 20-kiloton yield. The last section of the building has 12 blocks. After the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992, the Yugoslav National Army ordered for the complex to be demolished, so as not to remain under the control of the B&H authorities, but the military unit refused to perform the order and handed over the structure to the B&H authorities. It was only in 2000 that the public would find out about Tito’s bunker, and from 2011, it has been open to
The red telephone is one of the main symbols of the bunker, and today it still looks new. However, it has not worked since 1992, when a great drama took place at the bunker. The bunker was designed in such a way that, should it fall into the hands of the enemy, the 16 officers who were guarding it would immediately leave the premises. Then there would be a call to the red telephone, which would automatically activate several tons of explosives. In 1992, when the bunker was handed to the B&H Army, two officers were ordered to destroy it, so they cut the wires on the red telephone and saved the bunker by doing so. visitors. Since then, a contemporary art biennale has been held at the bunker, and the building has become an underground gallery. So far, 150 artworks have been presented at the bunker and it is considered to be the most valuable contemporary art collection in u Southeast Europe.
10 činjenica koje možda niste znali o
1 5 8 2 6 9 3 7 10 4 NAJUSPJEŠNIJA OPĆINA U BIH
Posljednje dvije godine općina Tešanj je proglašena najuspješnijom lokalnom zajednicom i upravo je ona najbolji primjer uspješne poslovne sredine u BiH. Tešanj, također, predstavlja jednu od općina u Federaciji BiH s najmanjim brojem nezaposlenih osoba.
Osim uspješnih ljudi i kompanija, Tešanj se može pohvaliti i prirodnim ljepotama, historijskim građevinama i utvrdama. Tešanjska tvrđava Gradina spada među najznačajnija i najveća utvrđenja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zanimljivo je da Gradina kroz historiju, u vojnom smislu, nikada nije bila osvojena. Čak se i nakon trodnevne opsade austrijske vojske na čelu s Eugenom Savojskim, ova tvrđava oduprla napadima.
U Tešnju je, prije nešto više od 150 godina, lokalni učitelj Stevo Petranović s grupom entuzijasta na improvizovanim pozorišnim daskama izveo prvu predstavu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Igrali su Hebelovu Juditu, a održana je podrumu jedne tešanjske kuće.
Tešanj je u svijetu poznat po izvorima najkvalitetnijih mineralnih voda od kojih skoro sve nose najveća svjetska priznanja za kvalitet. Tešanjski kiseljak je proglašen za najbolju mineralnu vodu na svijetu, dok je tešanjska voda Oaza svojevremeno bila i na zvaničnom meniju Bijele kuće.
Ova općina je rasadnik velikih i uspješnih kompanija, koje su već odavno prešle granice Tešnja, ali i Bosne i Hercegovine. Grupacija Hifa-Oil, Prevent FAD, ZEMA d.o.o, AS Group, OAZA, Madi i druge uspješne kompanije, glavni su nosioci privrednog razvoja Tešnja.
Ugledni svjetski magazin Forbes na listu najbogatijih privrednika u Bosni i Hercegovini i regionu, uvrstio je i Tešnjaka Izudina Ahmetlića, vlasnika Hifa-Oil grupacije, koja posluje u naftnom sektoru.
Tešanjska sahat kula jedna je od četiri u BiH koje još i danas rade. Izgrađena je u 17. vijeku i visoka 18,5 metara. Sat je ranije pokazivao vrijeme a la turca, metoda mjerenja vremena s kojom se sati počinju odbrojavati od trenutka zalaska Sunca, a ne od ponoći. Današnji sat, koji pokazuje srednjoevropsko vrijeme, donesen je iz Beča davne 1890. godine.
Čuveni književnik Musa Ćazim Ćatić, rođen je u Odžaku, a se kasnije preselio u Tešanj, gdje je završio medresu, nastavio i okončao život. Iz Tešnja je pokrenuta i inicijativa osnivanja prvih bošnjačkih književnih časopisa Behar i Biser, a prvi urednik Bisera bio je upravo Musa Ćazim Ćatić. Mnoge škole u Bosni i Hercegovini nose njegovo ime, a među njima i tešanjska Gimnazija Musa Ćazim Ćatić.
Eminagića konak predstavlja jedan od najstarijih, a ujedno i najljepših objekata stambene arhitekture na području općine Tešanj. Izgrađen je polovinom 19. vijeka u vlasništvu Eminagića, bogatih veleposjednika i trgovaca, a u junu 2005. godine ova historijska građevina proglašena je nacionalnim spomenikom BiH. Konak se sastoji od magaze, prizemnog dijela i sprata.
U Tešnju se vrlo rano pojavljuju školske institucije, 1761. godine postojala je Hadži Muhamedova učiteljska škola. Godine 1856. spominju se čak tri medrese, a 1867. u tešanjskom kadiluku postojalo je čak 16 mekteba. Pravoslavna škola u Tešnju osnovana je 1833., a franjevačka 1837. godine u Sivši, selu kod Tešnja koje je centar katoličkog stanovništva.
10 Facts You May Not Have Known About
1. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MUNICIPALITY IN B&H For the last two years, the Tešanj municipality has been declared the most successful local community and it truly is the best example of a successful business environment in B&H. Tešanj also represents one of the municipalities in the Federation of B&H with the lowest unemployment rate.
2. WORLD-RENOWNED MINERAL WATERS Tešanj is famous across the world due to its springs of high-quality mineral waters, most of which have received the greatest world accolades for high quality. Tešanjski Kiseljak has been declared the best sparkling water in the world, while Tešanj’s brand Oaza used to be on the official menu of the White House.
3. SUCCESSFUL COMPANIES This municipality is a hotspot of large and successful companies, which have surpassed the boundaries of Tešanj, and even Bosnia and Herzegovina. The group Hifa-Oil, Prevent FAD, ZEMA Ltd., AS Group, OAZA, Madi and other successful companies are the main drivers of the economic development of Tešanj. 58
4. BUSINESSMAN FROM TEŠANJ ON THE FORBES LIST World-renowned Forbes magazine placed Izudin Ahmetlić from Tešanj, the owner of the Hifa-Oil group that operates in the oil sector, on its list of the wealthiest businessmen in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.
5. FORTRESS THAT HAS NEVER BEEN CONQUERED Apart from successful people and companies, Tešanj can also boast of natural beauty, historical buildings and fortresses. Tešanj’s Gradina fortress is among the most significant and largest fortresses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is interesting that throughout history, Gradina was never conquered, in the military sense. Even after the three-day siege by the Austrian army led by Eugene of Savoy, this fortress „resisted“ the attacks.
6. CLOCK TOWER FROM THE 17TH CENTURY Tešanj’s clock tower is one of four in B&H which operate to this day. It was built in the 17th century and is 18.5 meters tall. The clock used to show lunar time, the method of measuring time where hours are counted from sunset, rather than from midnight. Today’s clock, which shows Central European time, was brought from Vienna in 1890.
7. HISTORICAL BUILDING EMINAGIĆA KONAK Eminagića Konak (Eminagić House) represents one of the oldest and prettiest residential buildings in the Tešanj municipality. It was built in mid-19th century and was the owned by the Eminagić family, wealthy landlords and merchants, and in June 2005, this historical building was declared a National Monument of B&H. The House consists of a storeroom, ground floor and first floor.
8. FIRST THEATER PLAY IN B&H A little over 150 years ago in Tešanj, local teacher Stevo Petranović performed the first play in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a group of enthusiasts on an improvised stage. They performed Hebbel’s Judith in a basement of a house in Tešanj.
9. PLACE WHERE MUSA ĆAZIM ĆATIĆ LIVED Famous writer Musa Ćazim Ćatić was born in Odžak, and later moved to Tešanj, where he attended a madrasa, and continued to live until his death. The initiative to establish the first Bosniak literary magazines, Behar and Biser, came from Tešanj, and the first editor of Biser was Musa Ćazim Ćatić himself. Many schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina bear his name, as is the case with the Musa Ćazim Ćatić High School in Tešanj.
10. FIRST EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The first educational institutions were founded quite early in Tešanj; in 1761, there was Hadži Muhamedova Učiteljska Škola (Hajji Muhamed’s Teacher Training School). In 1856, there was mention of three madrasas, and in 1867 there were as many as 16 maktabs (elementary schools for Muslims) in Tešanj. The Orthodox school in Tešanj was founded in 1833, and the Franciscan school was founded in 1837 in Sivša, a village near Tešanj, which is the center of the Catholic population. 59
Djevojačka pećina
krije vjekovima staru legendu
jevojačka pećina jedna je od najinteresantnijih pećina u Bosni i Hercegovini, a nalazi se u naselju Brateljevići kod Kladnja. Pećina među hladnim zidi� nama krije legendu koja se već vjekovima prenosi s koljena na koljeno, a po narodnom kazivanju legenda datira iz ranog Osmanskog perioda, čak i do 400 godina unazad.
MISTERIOZNA SMRT DJEVOJKE Legenda koja se veže za ovo mjesto kaže da se jedne večeri djevojka iz Kladnja zaputila do pećine, kako bi dokazala svoju hrabrost. Kada je čula priču grupe mladića koji su se opkladili da onoga ko donese vode s izvora iz pećine čeka bogata nagrada, htjela ih je preduhitriti i otišla je u pećinu, a kao dokaz da je tu bila ponijela je vreteno koje je zabola pored bunara. Kako je u pećini bio mrak vreteno je zabola u dio svoje odjeće, te je u trenutku kada je htjela ustati osjetila da je nešto vuče ka izvoru. Od straha izazvanog neočekivanim događajem djevojka je umrla. Na tom mjestu je pokopana, 60
a o tome svjedoče mezar i nišan. Naši preci su ovo područje učinili dovištem, te tako osim Ajvatovice, Djevojačka pećina predstavlja najposjećenije dovište u Bosni i Hercegovini. Na Kišnoj dovi koja se obilježava svake godine krajem augusta, ovo mjesto posjeti u prosjeku 20 hiljada ljudi, a radi se i na tome da se ovaj turistički biser obogati dodatnim sadržajima.
Djevojačka pećina je jako intrigantna i vrlo interesantna posjetiteljima, ulaz je širok 16 metara, a njena je visina okvirno 15 metara. Spuštajući se u njenu utrobu dolazi se do širine od 40 metara. Središnji dio je pretežno ravan, a posebno je neo-
bičan u vrijeme plavljenja kada se stvara prirodno jezero.
ZANIMLJIVI CRTEŽI Ono što još čini ovu pećinu zanimlji�vom su pronađeni crteži - gravure na njenom lijevom zidu ulaznog dijela, koje zauzimaju prostor od oko 15 metara dužine. Tu se vide scene s jahačima na konjima i jedna scena lova. Dalje prema unutrašnjosti nižu se ostale teme, jeleni, ljudske figure, površine s tačkicama... Lijevo od ove skupine simboličnih predstava su, pravougaona polja ispunjena tačkicama, šematizovana predsta va čovjeka, falusi, strelice drugi teško dokučivi oblici. Među likovnim predstavama izdvajaju se tri tipa; konjanici, stojeće muške i tri ženske figure, kao i životinje jeleni i konji. Sve ove gravure i crteži upućuju na epohu starijeg kamenog doba – paleolitika, stare i preko 10 hiljada godina. Ova pećina je atraktivna tokom cijele godine, a posebno je lijepa u zimskom periodu kada se na njenim zidinama stvaraju ledenice koje podsjećaju na pećinski nakit.
Djevojačka pećina
is Hiding a Centuries-Old Legend
jevojačka Pećina (Djevojačka Cave) is one of the most interesting caves in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is located in Brateljevići near Kladanj. Within its cold walls, the cave is hiding a legend which has been passed down through generations for centuries, and according to folk narrative, the legend dates back to the early Ottoman period, even to 400 years ago.
MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF A YOUNG WOMAN The legend that relates to this place says that one evening a young woman from Kladanj went to the cave, in order to prove how brave she was. When she heard the story from a group of young men who bet that whoever brought water from the spring of the cave would receive a great reward, she wanted to be faster than them and went to the cave, and as proof that she was there, she brought a spindle which she stuck next to the well. As it was dark in the cave, she stuck the spindle into her
own clothing, and when she wanted to get up, she felt like something was pulling her towards the spring. This scared her and she died from fear. She was buried there, and proof of this lies in the fact that there is a grave and tombstone there. Our ancestors made this area into a pilgrimage site, so that apart from Ajvatovica, Djevojačka Pećina represents the most visited pilgrimage site in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the Kišna Dova (Rain Prayer) which is held each year towards the end of August, around 20 thousand people on average come here, and works are currently under way for this tourism pearl to be enriched with more to offer. Djevojačka Pećina is very intriguing and interesting to visitors, the entrance is 16 meters wide, and its height is around 15 meters. Descending into its interior, you reach a width of 40 meters. The central part is mostly flat, and it is particularly unusual when it floods, when a natural lake forms here.
INTERESTING DRAWINGS What also makes this cave interesting are the drawings found there - engravings on the left wall of the entrance, which take up around 15 meters in length. There, you can see scenes of people riding horses and a hunting scene. Further on, towards the interior, there are other themes, like deer, human figures, dotted areas... Left from this collection of symbolic representations are rectangular fields filled with dots, schematic representations of men, phalluses, arrows and other shapes that are hard to make out. There are three types of visual representations; people riding horses, male figures in a standing position and three female figures, and animals i.e. deer and horses. All these engravings and drawings point to the old Stone Age – the Paleolithic, i.e. they are over 10 thousand years old. This cave is attractive all year round, and especially pretty during winter when icicles that look like “cave jewelry” form on its walls. 61
Foto: Samir Zahirović
Na Drini ćuprija N
a tom mjestu gdje Drina izbija cijelom težinom svoje vodene mase, zelene i zapjenjene, iz prividno zatvorenog sklopa crnih i strmih planina, stoji veliki i skladno srezani most od kamena, sa jedanaest lukova širokog raspona, napisao je Ivo Andrić u prvom poglavlju čuvenog romana Na Drini ćuprija, za koji je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za književnost. Opisan tako divnim riječima, za most Mehmed-paše Sokolovića odavno se pročulo širom svijeta. Čitajući ove redove našeg Nobelovca, stječe se utisak o tome koliko je ovaj most, usitinu, veličanstven. 62
Most spaja obale rijeke Drine u Višegradu, u blizini granice između Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije, a predstavlja jedno od najmonumentalnijih djela osmanske arhitekture u periodu od 15. do 19. vijeka u Bosni i Hercegovini.
odluka u vladi Otomanskog carstva. Na vrhuncu svoje moći naredio je da se u Višegradu na Drini sagradi most kome ravnog nema. I tako je i bilo, izgrađen je u periodu od 1571. do 1577. godine, a gradio ga je tada najčuveniji turski arhitekta Koca Mimar Sinan. Izgrađen u istočnjačkom stilu, most predstavlja remek djelo tadašnjeg graditeljstva.
Višegradska ćuprija na Drini je zadužbina Mehmed-paše Sokolovića, koji je rođen nedaleko od Višegrada, ali je još od djetinjstva živio u Istanbulu gdje je kasnije postao veliki vezir i nosilac mnogih važnih
Jedinstvenost višegradskog mosta je u njegovom obliku. Savijena konstrukcija sastoji se od 11 lukova s blagim usponom prema sredini i silaznom rampom na lijevoj obali. Iznad lukova cijelom dužinom mosta
SUPROTNOST LJUDSKOJ SUDBINI U romanu Na Drini ćuprija Andrić pripovijeda o građenju mosta preko Drine u Višegradu, pri čemu je most glavna tačka okosnica naracije romana. Roman obiluje opisima mosta, kao i pojedinačnim sudbinama koje su se vezale uz njegovu gradnju, počev od od samog Mehmed Paše Sokolovića, pa sve do običnih ljudi iz Višegrada kojima most obilježava život. Most na simboličan način predstavlja suprotnost ljudskoj sudbini koja je prolazna u odnosu na kamenu građevinu koja je vječna. proteže se profilisani vijenac iznad koga je ograda mosta. Ukupna dužina iznosi 179,5 m, visina nad normalnim vodostajem rijeke 15,40 m, a širina mosta 6,30 metara. Most je građen od kamena bigra, koji je dovezen iz Višegradske banje. Iznad šestog stuba se s obje strane nalaze proširenja, a na prilaznoj rampi lijeve obale nalaze se tri otvora završena prolomljenim lukovima. Na sredini mosta je izgrađena sofa koja je predviđena za odmor prolaznika, a preko puta sofe je ugrađen kameni portal.
NACIONALNI SPOMENIK BIH Nekada se na sredini mosta nalazila i kućica s drvenom kapijom i mostovskom stražom, pa je zbog toga ovaj dio mosta nazvan kapija. Tu se danas nalaze dvije ploče od bijelog mramora sa stihovima pjesnika Nihadija na arapskom pismu, koji govore o graditelju i godini izgradnje. Most je jedan od najznačajnijih nacionalnih spomenika Bosne i Hercegovine, a u julu 2007. godine upisan je u UNESCO listu svjetske kulturne baštine. Poseban značaj mosta je u tome što svjedoči o usvajanju i prilagođavanju tehnika tokom dugog historijskog procesa, a svjedoči i o važnim kulturnim razmjenama između različitih civilizacija. Njegova simbolična uloga je značajna u historijskom smislu, posebno s aspekta različitih konflika-
Foto: Samir Zahirović ta koji su se dešavali tokom 20. vijeka. Najljepše obilježje Višegrada, ovaj veličanstveni most je u svom vjekovnom postojanju pretrpio mnogo nedaća, ali se i dalje čvrsto nadvija nad modrozelenom ljepoticom jer je rekonstruisan nekoliko puta. Najnoviji radovi na obnovi mosta izvođeni su posljednje tri godine, a rekonstrukcija je svečano obilježena početkom aprila ove godine.
NE ISPRAVLJAJ KRIVU DRINU Rijeku Drina važi za jednu od najljepših rijeka u regionu. Nastaje od rijeka Pive i Tare u Šćepan polju, a odatle njen tok, ukupne dužine 341 km, ide na sjever sve do ušća u rijeku Savu. U prošlosti je bila čuvena po plahovitoj naravi i splavarima koji su krotili njene bukove. Zbog svog krivudavog toka u narodu je nastala izreka ne ispraviljaj krivu Drinu. Često se dešavalo da se izlije iz svog korita i da tom prilikom ruši sve pred sobom. 63
The Bridge over the Drina
Photos: Samir Zahirović
n that spot where the Drina erupts with its full watery mass, green and foamy, from a seemingly closed set of black and steep mountains, there is a large and nicely constructed stone bridge, with eleven wide-ranging arches, wrote Ivo Andrić in the first chapter of his famous novel The Bridge over the Drina, for which he received the Nobel prize for literature. Described so beautifully, the 64
In the novel The Bridge over the Drina, Andrić tells of the construction of the bridge over the Drina River in Višegrad, with the bridge as the main point of the narration in the novel. The novel is full of descriptions of the bridge, as well as individual destinies related to its construction, starting from Mehmed Pasha Sokolović himself, as well as ordinary people from Višegrad to whom the bridge was significant. In a symbolic way, the bridge represents a contrast to human destiny, which is transient compared to the stone structure, which is permanent. Mehmed Pasha Sokolović Bridge became famous across the world quite some time ago. When we read these lines from our Nobel Prize winner, we get the idea about just how magnificent this bridge truly is. The bridge connects the banks of the Drina River in Višegrad, near the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, and represent
one of the most monumental works of Ottoman architecture in the period between the 15th and 19th century in Bosnia and Herzegovina. THE GREAT VIZIER’S ENDOWMENT The Višegrad bridge over the Drina is the endowment of Mehmed Pasha Sokolović, who was born near Višegrad, but who lived in Istanbul from his childhood, where he later beca-
Photos: Samir Zahirović me a great vizier and the bearer of many important decisions in the government of the Ottoman Empire. At the height of his power, he ordered for a bridge to be built in Višegrad on the Drina, a bridge like no other. And that is how it was, it was built in the period between 1571 and 1577, and it was designed by the most famous Turkish architect of that time, Koca Mimar Sinan. Constructed in an Eastern style, the bridge is a masterpiece of construction of that time. The uniqueness of the bridge in Višegrad lies in its shape. The curved construction consists of 11 arches with a slight tilt towards the center with a descending ramp on the left bank. Above the arches across the entire length of the bridge there is a profiled stone band above which is the railing of the bridge. The overall length of the bridge is 179.5 m, the height over a normal water level is 15.40 m, and the width of the bridge is 6.30 meters. The bridge was constructed out of flowstone, which was brought over from the Višegradska Banja (spa). Above the sixth column, there are widenings from both sides, and on the access ramp of the
left bank, there are three openings that end in arches. In the center of the bridge, a sofa was built as a place for passers-by to rest, and across from the sofa, there is a stone portal. NATIONAL MONUMENT OF B&H There used to be a small house with a wooden gate (kapija) and guard in the middle of the bridge, which is why this part of the bridge was named kapija. Today, there are two white marble panels with the verses of poet Nihadi in Arabic, which speak of the person who had it built and the year that it was built in. The bridge is one of the most significant national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in July 2007, it was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites. The bridge is also significant because it testifies of the adoption and adaptation of techniques during the long historical process, and it also testifies of the significant cultural exchange between different civilizations. Its symbolic role is important in a historical sense, especially from the aspect of different conflicts that
DON’T TRY TO STRAIGHTEN THE CURVY DRINA Rijeku Drina važi za jednu od najljepših rijeka u regionu. Nastaje od rijeka Pive i Tare u Šćepan polju, a odatle njen tok, ukupne dužine 341 km, ide na sjever sve do ušća u rijeku Savu. U prošlosti je bila čuvena po plahovitoj naravi i splavarima koji su krotili njene bukove. Zbog svog krivudavog toka u narodu je nastala izreka ne ispraviljaj krivu Drinu. Često se dešavalo da se izlije iz svog korita i da tom prilikom ruši sve pred sobom. occurred during the 20th century. As the prettiest feature of Višegrad, this magnificent bridge suffered a lot during its centuries-old existence, but it still stands strong over the blue-green beauty, as it was reconstructed several times. The latest works on the bridge were carried out in the last three years, and the reconstruction was formally marked at the beginning of April this year. 65
Sportski ribolov
u Bosni i Hercegovini
Autor: Samila Ivković / Fotografije: Bistro BiH
Bosni i Hercegovini se sportsko rekreativni ribolov počeo razvijati i okupljati prve ljubitelje krajem 19. vijeka, a danas je veoma razvijen i rasprostranjen širom zemlje jer postoje dobri hidrografski uslovi kao i duga tradicija, naročito ribolova mušicom. Osim opuštajućeg boravka
uz vodu i prirodu, te nadmudrivanja riba, ovaj sport je posebna avantura koja podrazumijeva snalaženje na različitim mjestima i terenima, u različitim vremenskim uslovima, kao i upoznavanje novih krajeva i ljudi. Koliko god se trudili opisati zadovoljstvo koje pruža ribolov, ništa je
u poređenju s tim fantastičnim doživljajem, pa vam predlažemo da se prepustite vodama Bosne i Hercegovine i doživite to iskustvo. U nastavku ćemo vas upoznati s nekoliko revira, koji su biseri bosanskohercegovačkog ribolova i mjesta na kojima ćete osim ulova, odmoriti tijelo i dušu, te uživati u čarobnoj prirodi.
strmka i glavatica, Dužina revira je 3.600 metara, što osigurava nesmetan ribolov za više ribolovaca koji se možda neće ni sresti. Ne propustite posjetiti ovaj revir, jer iskustvo ribolova na ovom mjestu je nešto što nećete zaboraviti već narednog vikenda.
REVIR NA RIJECI NERETVI, GLAVATIČEVO Revir nalazi na jednoj od najljepših bh. rijeka, na dijelu koji je već dugo vremena bio pod režimom totalne zabrane ribolova. Ambijent je nevjerovatan, jer njime caruje netaknuta priroda. Ne spada u kategoriju urbanih revira gdje lovite prolazeći kroz dvorišta ili konstantno pazite na slučajne prolaznike. Revir je izuzetno dobro označen, tako da se s lakoćom pronalazi početak i kraj revira. Ovdje je prihvaćen režim ulovi i pusti, bez obzira o kojoj ribljoj vrsti se radi. Tako se riba nakon ulova
vraća u vodu, pa joj se time produžava život, a ribolovcima daje nova šansa za ulov. Istovremeno se riblji fond ne umanjuje, nego naprotiv, povećava, što će u budućnosti donijeti još više uzbuđenja i zadovoljstva na ovim prekrasnim vodama. Kada se radi o ribljim vrstama u ovom reviru, to je priča za sebe. Vjerovatno ne postoji rijeka s takvom raznovrsnošću salmonoidnog ribljeg fonda u Bosni i Hercegovini: lipljen, potočna pastrmka, glavatica, kosor, neretvanska potočna pastrmka, a kao šlag na kraju dolaze njihovo veličanstvo – mekousna pa-
Apsolutno čista planinska rijeka, s pitkom vodom smaragdno zelene boje i izvorom s kojim se ne može porediti niti jedan u regionu. Ogromni kapacitet, protok s dubinom u samom izvoru od preko 120 metara čini ovu ljepoticu nesvakidašnjom. Dužina rijeke je 7,5 km, a sam revir na rijeci dug je oko 2000 m s trofejnim dijelom na samom izvoru u dužini od 200 m i obilježen je tablama na početku i na kraju. Revir Krušnica, odnosno ribolov na ovoj rijeci pogodan je za lov nimfom, suhom muhom i strimerom isključivo s humanom udicom bez povratne kukice. Ribe koje se mogu loviti i koje žive u rijeci su lipljan, potočna pastrmka kao i mladica. Sistem ribolova je ulovi i pusti. Dozvoljeno je uzeti lipljana preko 55 cm uz naplatu u visini dnevne dozvole.
Koliko god se trudili opisati zadovoljstvo koje pruža ribolov, ništa je u poređenju s tim fantastičnim doživljajem, pa vam predlažemo da se prepustite vodama Bosne i Hercegovine i doživite to iskustvo
Kapitalni dio Revira Krušnica u dužini oko 200 m bogat je krupnim lipljenom, kao i potočnom pastrmkom, a pogodan je za početnike u mušičarenju koji mogu u kapitalnom dijelu revira doživjeti vrhunski ribolovni ugođaj.
JEZERO STARAČA, ILIJAŠ Jezero Starača se nalazi na području općine Ilijaš, nedaleko od naseljenog dijela Ljubinića. Jezero je uprkos nezagađenoj i kvalitetnoj vodi, prije uređivanja je uglavnom predstavljalo lokalitet deponije. Zahvaljujući ribolovcima iz Sarajeva i Ilijaša, koji su prethodnih godina bili inicijatori uređivanja i čišćenja ovog lokaliteta bogatog prirodnim ljepotama, danas ovo jezero služi za održavanje takmičenja ribolovaca, ali i 68
kao izletište u kojem mogu uživati građani ilijaške općine, ali i cijelog Kantona Sarajevo. Oko 450 metara obale jezera daje mogućnost aktivnog ribolova, a bogato je različitim vrstama ribe i ovdje možete loviti šarana, štuku, deveriku, bodorku, klijena, grgeča, karaša, babušku... Smješten nedaleko od Sarajeva, ovaj revir je najbolja opcija za ribolov poslije posla. Odmor za dušu i tijelo, u pravom smislu!
REVIR NA LAŠVI, BUSOVAČA Revir I.P. OKO je dobio ime po legendi sportskog ribolova u Busovači i okolini Ivi Petroviću, a nalazi se uz glavnu magistralnu cestu na potezu Vitez – Busovača, ali s glavne ceste teško je uočljiv. No, oni koji nađu put do ovog
fascinantnog mjesta na rijeci Lašvi, uvjerit će se da je u njega uloženo mnogo truda i rada, te će ostati oduševljeni samim ambijentom rijeke, ali i ribarskim domom i izletištem. Vrste ribe u reviru potočna i kalifornijska pastrmka, mladica, lipljan, klen, mrena, sapača... Ribolovcu je po odlasku s revira dozvoljeno ponijeti jednu ribu uz dodatnu nadoplatu i to kalifornijsku pastrmku ili mladicu dok se potočna pastrmka i lipljen love po načelu ulovi i pusti. U ugodnom okruženju čiste rijeke i čistih obala zaista se isplati osjetiti izazov brze Lašve.
RIBOLOV U NACIONALNOM PARKU UNA Osim brojnih čarobni vrtloga, slapova, uvalica i virova, Una u njedrima
krije različite vrste riba uz drugi životinjski i biljni svijet. Somovi, štuke, šarani, pastrmke, lipljen, škobalj, plotice, mrene, a posebno mladice čiji primjerci dosegnu veličinu preko metra, između ostalih, najpoznatije su vrste riba u Uni. Turisti koji posjećuju Nacionalni park Una mogu uživati u ribolovu mušičarenjem, kao i u drugim načinima ribolova koji su uobičajeni i dozvoljeni na bistrim i hladnim vodama rijeka Una i Unac. Organizirana su tri revira koji u regionu predstavljaju jedinstvene ribolovne revire za zaljubljenike mušičarenja, revir Martin Brod u dužini od 7,5 kilometara, a u sklopu ovog revira se nalazi posebni dio mušičarskog revira Unac dužine 900 m. Zatim, revir Kulen Vakuf dužine 1,5 kilometar, te revir Bjelila - Loskun u
dužini od 4 kilometara. Uspostavljena su i četiri revira za ljubitelje ribolova metodom varaličarenja s umjetnim mamcem (blinker i leptirica) i ribolova s vodenom kuglicom, revir Ćelije - Klisa u dužini od 14,5 kilometara, Dvoslap dužine 5,5 kilometara, Gečet u dužini od 3 kilometara i revir Očigrije u dužini od 1,7 kilometara.
REVIR NA PLIVI, JAJCE Rijeka Pliva, čista, zelena i bistra izvire u mjestu Pljeva nadomak Šipova. Tok rijeke iznosi 30 km i protiče kroz Šipovo, Jezero i Jajce. Na izlazu iz Jezera prema Jajcu, Pliva tvori Malo i Veliko Plivsko jezero koja su posebna atrakcija za brojne turiste koji posjećuju ovaj kraj. U samom centru grada na rijeci Plivi
smješten je mušičarsko-špinerski revir, koji vodi tamnošnje ribolovno društvo Zlatovčica. U različitim dijelovima toka rijeke Plive, pojavljuju se i različite vrste ribe. Tako da je tok od samog izvora, pa do ušća u Veliko Plivsko jezero, stanište autohtone potočne pastrmke i lipljena. Vrste u Velikom jezeru su potočna pastrmka, lipljen, jezerska pastrmka, jezerska zlatovčica, kalifornijska pastrmka, crvenperka, linjak i šaran, dok u se u Malom jezeru pojavljuju i amur, bodorka, štuka, som i bjelica, što riblji fond čini neobično raznolikim i izazovnim. Pliva predstavlja mali raj na zemlji za sportske ribolovce u disciplini mušičarenja. Taj sve popularniji sport ovdje također funkcioniše sa sistemom ulovi i pusti.
Recreational Fishing in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ecreational fishing started developing and gaining favor in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the end of the 19th century, and today it is very developed and widespread across the country, as the conditions for it are good and there is a long tradition of it, especially when it comes to fly fishing. Apart from having a relaxing time by the water and nature, and outsmarting the fish, this sport is a special adventure, which entails adapting to various places and 70
terrains, in various weather conditions, as well as getting to know new areas and people. As hard as we try to describe the pleasure derived from fishing, nothing can compare to this fantastic experience, so we suggest that you give in to the surface waters of Bosnia and Herzegovina and experience it for yourself. In the following paragraphs, we will introduce you to several fishing areas, which are pearls of Bosnian-Herzegovinian fi-
shing and places where, apart from catching fish, you will relax your body and soul, and enjoy the magical nature.
FISHING AREA ON NERETVA RIVER, GLAVATIČEVO The fishing area is located on one of the prettiest rivers in B&H, in a zone where fishing was strictly prohibited for a long time. The environment is incredible, as untouched nature
rules here. It does not fall into the category of urban fishing areas, where you fish as you walk through courtyards, or you are constantly looking out for passers-by. The fishing area is exceptionally well marked, so it is very easy to find the beginning and end of the fishing area. Here, the regime catch and release is in force, for all species of fish. Therefore, the fish is placed back into water after being caught, which prolongs its life span, and provides the fishermen with new opportunities to catch fish. At the same time, the number of fish is not decreasing, but it is increasing, which in the future will bring more excitement and pleasure to fishermen at these beautiful waters. When it comes to fish species in this fishing area, this is a story in itself. There is probably no other river with such diversity of salmonid fish species in Bosnia and Herzegovina: grayling, brown trout, marble trout, kosor, Neretva brown trout, and as icing on the cake, there are their majesties – soft-muzzled trout and marble trout. The length of the fishing area is 3600 meters, which ensures uninterrupted fishing for more fishermen, who may not even run into each other. Do not miss
this fishing area, as the experience of fishing in this spot is something you will not forget by the following weekend.
FISHING AREA ON KRUŠNICA RIVER, BOSANSKA KRUPA An absolutely clear mountain river, with emerald-green drinking water and river source, which cannot be compared to any in the region. Great
capacity, a flow with a depth of over 120 meters at the very source, make this beauty unique. The length of the river is 7.5 km, and the fishing area on the river is approximately 2000 m long, with the “trophy” part at the very source in the length of 200 m and marked with panels at the beginning and end. Fishing area Krušnica, i.e. fishing on this river, is suitable when using a nymph, dry fly and streamer, only with a humane circle hook. The fish you can catch here are grayling, brown trout and huchen. The fishing system here is catch and release. It is permitted to take grayling that is over 55 cm for an additional charge, in the amount of a daily permit. The main part of fishing area Krušnica in the length of around 200 m is abundant with large grayling and brown trout, and it is suitable for fly fishing beginners, who can have a superb fishing experience in the main part of the fishing area.
STARAČA LAKE, ILIJAŠ The Starača Lake is located in the Municipality of Ilijaš, near the settled part of Ljubinići. Despite having unpolluted and clear water, prior to its maintenance, it was mainly a landfill site. 71
Photo: Rudlof Grgić
Because of fishermen from Sarajevo and Ilijaš, who in previous years initiated the maintenance and cleaning of this locality rich in natural beauty, today this lake serves as a place for fishing competitions, and also as an excursion site, where the citizens of the Municipality of Ilijaš can enjoy themselves, as well as citizens from any part of Sarajevo Canton. Around 450 meters of the lake shore provide the opportunity for active fishing, and it is rich in various species of fish, so here you can catch carp, pike, bream, roach, chub, bass, Crucian carp, Prussian carp... Located not far from Sarajevo, this fishing area is the best option for fishing after work. Relaxation for the mind and body, truly!
FISHING AREA ON LAŠVA, BUSOVAČA Fishing area I.P. OKO got its name from the legend of recreational fishing in Busovača and the region, Ivo Petrović, and it is located along the main road from Vitez – Busovača, but it is hard to see from the main road. However, those who find their way to this fascinating place on the Lašva River, will see that a lot of 72
work and effort has been put into this place, and they will be thrilled by the river itself, as well as the fishing lodge and excursion site. The species of fish you can find here are brown and golden trout, huchen, carp, chub, barbel, Mediterranean barbel... Upon leaving the fishing area, a fisherman is permitted to take one fish for an additional charge, i.e. one golden trout or huchen, while the brown trout and carp fall under the catch and release regime. It is truly worth experiencing the challenge of the fast Lašva River in
As hard as we try to describe the pleasure derived from fishing, nothing can compare to this fantastic experience, so we suggest that you give in to the surface waters of Bosnia and Herzegovina and experience it for yourself
the pleasant environment of the clear river and clean shores.
FISHING AT UNA NATIONAL PARK Apart from magical whirlpools, waterfalls, and coves, Una hides different species of fish, along with other animal and plant life. Catfish, pike, carp, trout, grayling, common nase, pigo, barbel, and especially huchen which can reach sizes of over a meter, among others, are the most famous fish species of the Una River. Tourists who visit the Una National Park can enjoy fly fishing, and other types of fishing that is permitted on the clear and cold waters of the Una and Unac rivers. There are three unique fishing areas in the region for fans of fly fishing; there is fishing area Martin Brod in the length of 7.5 kilometers, and as part of this fishing area, there is a special part of the fly fishing area of Unac in the length of 900 m. Then, there is also fishing area Kulen Vakuf in the length of 1.5 kilometer, and fishing area Bjelila – Loskun, in the length of 4 kilometers. There are also four fishing areas for
fans of spin fishing (with a “blinker and moth”) and fishing with a bubble float, and they are fishing areas Ćelije – Klisa, in the length of 14.5 kilometers, Dvoslap, in the length of 5.5 kilometers, Gečet, in the length of 3 kilometers and fishing area Očigrije, in the length of 1.7 kilometer.
FISHING AREA ON PLIVA, JAJCE The source of the clean, green and clear Pliva River is at Pljeva near Šipovo. The river flows for 30 km and runs through Šipovo, Jezero
and Jajce. At the exit from Jezero towards Jajce, Pliva makes Malo and Veliko Plivsko Lake, which are special attractions for numerous tourists who visit this region. In the very center of the town on the Pliva River, there is a fly fishing and spin fishing area, which is led by local fishing club Zlatovčica. In various parts of the Pliva River, there are different fish species. Therefore, the flow of the river from its very source, all the way to the estuary into Veliko Plivsko Lake, is
the habitat of autochthonous brown trout and grayling. The species you can find at Veliko Lake are brown trout, grayling, lake trout, lake char, golden trout, common rudd, tench and carp, while at Malo Lake there are grass carp, roach, pike, catfish and minnow, making it unusually diverse and challenging to fish here. Pliva represents a small heaven on Earth for recreational fishermen in the fly-fishing discipline. Here, this increasingly popular sport also functions under the catch and release system.
impatična lektorica na Al Jazeeri Balkans, počela je prije nekoliko godina svoju priču o rekretivnom trčanju, na koje je krenula kako bi se fizički aktivirala. Danas pet godina kasnije, uz aktivan angažman u Udruženju Trčanje i to, Nudžejma Softić istrčala je čak šest poznatih maratona. Učestvovala je i u triatlonu Ironman 70.3, kao jedna od rijetkih pokrivenih žena. Posljednji maraton istrčala je krajem septembra u Berlinu. 74
Na SFF-u i AJB Filmskom Festivalu u Sarajevu ove godine prikazan je i dokumentarni film o njenom život pod nazivom Kuća Male Zvijezde. U međuvremenu, uz poslovne obaveze, trke, maratone i triatlone, Nudžejma se i vjenčala. Kaže da je, ipak, najsretnijom čini to što je shvatila šta želi postići u životu. - Sretnom me prije svega učinilo to što sam sazrela i što sam, nakon mnogo pokušaja pronalaska sebe tu ili tamo, shvatila šta zaista želim i
krenula u ostvarivanje svojih snova. Postavljam velike ciljeve, sportske i poslovne. Duboko sam uvjerena da ih je moguće ostvariti. Naravno, sve to ne bi bilo moguće bez podrške muža Jasmina i porodice, ali i trkačke grupe Trčanje i to. Ljudi oko mene čine me najsretnijom ženom na svijetu. Ne maratoni i triatloni ili savladavanje prepreka i napredovanje, već upravo činjenica da se tome, sa mnom, ima ko radovati i da će to nekog inspirisati da uradi isto.
NAJVELIČANSTVENIJE TRKAČKO ISKUSTVO Naglašava kako je krajem septembra istrčala Berlinski maraton i to je dosad bilo najveličanstvenije trkačko iskustvo. - Taj događaj izgledao je kao veliki party, koji traje od momenta kad stanete na startnu liniju, do trenutka kad prođete kroz ciljnu ravninu. Trčala sam sa blizu 47.000 trkačica i trkača. Fascinirao me broj osoba koje su izašle navijati i podržavati nas, iako je padala kiša. Maraton u Berlinu je događaj koji se čeka cijelu godinu i, zaista, vrijedi svake uložene marke. Pritom vas činjenica da na ovaj maraton ne može doći svako, već morate imati dobro vrijeme ili mnogo sreće, čini posebno sretnim što ste tu, što ste, na neki način, odabrani da trčite na jednom od šest najvećih trkačkih događaja na svijetu. A za pravi rezultat potrebno je sve dobro organizirati. Naša sagovornica kaže kako svaki njen dan počinje izuzetno rano, a završava kasno. I nijedan nije isti. - U 24 sata sve može stati ako to želite i malo se potrudite. Osim što treninge imam skoro svakodnevno, jer su pripreme za Ironman triatlon počele, zaposlena sam i radim puno radno vrijeme na Al Jazeeri Balkans. Treninge ra-
dim prije ili poslije posla. To je moje vrijeme koje provodim s suprugom Jasminom i prijateljima. U slobodno vrijeme posjećujemo roditelje, jedne i druge, često odemo u kino i putujemo kad god možemo. Kući smo najmanje, tako da kuhamo samo kada nam gosti dolaze. Uživamo u suncu i stižemo otići i na kafe, ali i na razna
predavanja i seminare. Bilo da predajemo ili da učimo. Naglašava kako je u cijelu priču vezanu za trčanje ušla isključivo jer je to željela. Ambicije i ciljeve, u tom smislu je ponekad propitivala, izgrađivala, dorađivala, mijenjala, ali osnova je ostala ista.
Film Kuća Male Zvijezde (Little Star Rising) dokumentaristički je prvijenac novinarke, urednice i rediteljice iz Hrvatske Slađane Lučić. To je priča o životu naše sagovornice, koja je svojim postupcima dokazala da je u životu moguće biti ko želiš, da je moguće postati bolji čovjek, pobijediti vlastite strahove i predrasude, pa čak i okolinu koja te ne podržava. Film prati Nudžejmin put od spoznaje da je već mnogo učinila za sebe jer je odlučila promijeniti život koji je živjela do postizanja nekih velikih ličnih ciljeva.
- I sad sam, nakon nekoliko godina trčanja i izgradnje sebe u tom smislu, sigurnija u ono što želim i u način kako to postići. Za to uvijek treba vremena. Nije uvijek bilo jednostavno, naprotiv. Ali se isplatilo.
DOBRI LJUDI SU MANJE BUČNI Razgovor nastavljamo o promjenama koje su se desile oko nje, okolini i ljudima, onim dobrim i onim drugim. Postala je poznata i u medijima. Kaže da dobrote oko nas ima mnogo... - Dobrote i dobrih ljudi ima mnogo, samo su oni, drugi, nažalost mnogo bučniji i fokusirani na druge, a ne na sebe. Od njih često ne čujemo ove prve. Međutim, ako odaberemo da gledamo dobro i ove glasne ušutimo, onda ćemo biti, zaista, jako sretni. Ljudi dolaze i odlaze zavisno od interesa. Uvijek su brojni u mojoj okolini. I baš zato što ih je puno, veće su šanse za upoznati sjajne ljude. Trudim se da tako i bude, da vidim što više dobra i da se okrenem njemu. Mnogo tih dobrih ljudi želi na New York maraton naredne godine i plan je da tamo trčimo zajedno. Jedan od šest velikih maratona s najboljim ljudima na svijetu, šta nam više treba, kaže na kraju Nudžejma Softić. 75
he likeable proofreader at Al Jazeera Balkans started her story of recreational running several years ago, when she wanted to get more physically active. Today, five years later, while active in the group Trčanje i To, Nudžejma Softić has run six famous marathons. She has also participated in the Ironman 70.3 triathlon, as one of the few women wearing a hijab. She ran her most recent marathon in late September in Berlin. This year, a documentary film about her life called Little Star Rising was shown at SFF and the AJB Film Festival in Sarajevo. In the meantime, along with all her work commitments, races, marathons and triathlons, Nudžejma also got married. However, she says that what makes her happiest is that she has realized what she wants to achieve in life. - What makes me happy most of all is that I have matured and that after many attempts to find myself here or there, I have realized what it is that I truly want, and I have taken steps in order to make my dre76
hons or triathlons or overcoming obstacles and making progress, but the fact that there is someone there who will be happy with me, and that it will inspire someone to do the same.
GREATEST RUNNING EXPERIENCE She emphasizes that in late September she ran the Berlin Marathon and that it was her greatest running experience so far.
ams come true. I set great goals, in sports and work. I’m very convinced that it is possible to achieve them. Of course, it wouldn’t be possible to do all that without the support of my husband and family, and the running group Trčanje i to. The people around me make me the happiest woman in the world. Not the marat-
- That event seemed like a big party, which lasts from the moment you stand at the starting point, until you get to the finish line. I ran with almost 47 000 runners. I was fascinated by the number of people who came to cheer and support us, even though it was raining. The Berlin Marathon is an event that you look forward to all year and it is truly worth every invested penny. It also makes you particularly happy to be there, because the fact is that not anyone can take part in this marathon, as you must have good time or lots of luck, so in some way you feel like you were chosen to run at one of the six greatest running events in the world.
And for a great result, everything needs to be well-organized. Our interviewee says that each new day starts very early for her, and ends late. And no day is the same as the previous one. - You can fit everything into 24 hours if you want to and if you make a bit of effort. Apart from the almost daily training sessions, as preparations for the Ironman triathlon have begun, I am employed, and I work full time at Al Jazeera Balkans. I do my training sessions before or after work. That is my time that I
Little Star Rising is the first documentary film of journalist, editor and director Slađana Lučić from Croatia. It is a story about the life of our interviewee, who proved through her actions that you can be who you want to be in life, that it is possible to become a better person, and conquer your own fears and preconceptions, and even the surroundings which do not support you. The film tracks Nudžejma's path from her recognition of the fact that she had already done a lot for herself by changing the life that she was living, to her achievements of some great personal goals. nning and working on myself in that sense, I am surer of what I want and how to achieve it. That always takes time. It was not always easy, on the contrary. But it has paid off.
GOOD PEOPLE ARE LESS LOUD We continue the conversation about the changes that have happened around her, the surroundings and people, the good ones and the “other ones”. She has become famous in the media. She says that there is a lot of goodness around us...
spend with my husband Jasmin and friends. In our free time, we visit our parents, we often go to the movies and we travel whenever we can. We spend the least time at home, so we cook only when we have guests. We enjoy the sun and we manage to go to cafes, as well as various lectures and seminars. Either as the lecturers or to learn. She emphasizes that she started the whole „running story“ only because she wanted to. Sometimes she would question her ambitions and goals, and build on them, develop and change them, but the basis remained the same. - Now, after several years of ru-
- There is a lot of goodness, and good people, it’s just that, the “others” are unfortunately a lot louder and more focused on other people, rather than themselves. We often can’t hear the first type of people from these ones. However, if we choose to look at the good ones and stifle the loud ones, then we will truly be happy. People come and go based on interest. There are always a lot of people around me. And because there are so many of them, chances are greater of meeting some great people. I aim for it to be like that, to see as much good as possible and focus on it. A lot of those good people want to go to the New York City Marathon next year and the plan is to run over there together. One of the six great marathons with the best people in the world, what more do we need, concludes Nudžejma Softić. 77
SARAJEVSKE ULICE KAO NAJVEĆA INSPIRACIJA Posjetite li Instagram profil Hamida Jamakovića, oduševit ćete se njegovim fotografijama i od tada ćete jedva čekati svaku sljedeću objavu. Hamid ima 22 godine i porijeklom je iz Olova. U Sarajevu živi već nekoliko godina i student je četvrte godine Turizma i zaštite životne sredine na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu. Ljubav prema fotografiji je otkrio prije četiri godine, kada je iz hobija počeo fotografisati mobitelom, a već godinu fotografiše profesionalnim aparatom. Inspiraciju za dobru fotografiju vidi u prirodi, ljudima i svemu onome što ga okružuje, a najviše voli fotografisati sarajevske ulice jer su mu one velika inspiraciju.
STREETS OF SARAJEVO AS THE GREATEST INSPIRATION If you look at Hamid Jamaković’s Instagram account, you will be delighted with his photographs and hardly be able to wait for his next post. Hamid is 22 and comes from Olovo. He has been living in Sarajevo for a few years now and he is a 4th year student of Tourism and Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. He discovered his love of photography four years ago, when he started taking photographs with his phone as a hobby, and he has been taking photographs with a professional camera for a year. He finds the inspiration for a good photograph in nature, people and everything else that surrounds him, and his favorite thing to photograph are the streets of Sarajevo, as they are a great inspiration to him.
Kulturno-turistička tura
Putovima Frankopana
rčki knezovi Frankopani obilježili su skoro šest vjekova hrvatske historije. Članovi ove velikaške porodice bili su nosioci političkog, društvenog, ekonomskog i kulturnog razvoja Hrvatske. Iza njih su do danas ostali brojni objekti, rasprostranjeni širom Primorsko-goranske županije u Hrvatskoj, koji prizivaju duh prošlosti, intriga, sukoba, kulture, pismenosti i religioznosti. Zbog njihove iznimne vrijednosti, te s ciljem obnove, očuvanja, zaštite i održivog korištenja materijalne i nematerijalne baštine, Primorsko-goranska županija pokrenula je strateški projekt Putovima Frankopana, kojim je određena i kulturno-turistička tura koja obuhvata 17 kaštela, utvrđenih gradova, dvoraca i tri sakralna kompleksa. Tim povodom smo i mi boravili u ovom dijelu Hr90
vatske i imali smo čast, da s novinarima iz cijelog regiona, kroz ovu turu zaplovimo u vrijeme Frankopana.
ISTRAŽIVANJE BAŠTINE Dvorac Nova Kraljevica bio je prva stanica na našem putovanju i poziv na istraživanje bogate materijalne i duhovne baštine Frankopana. Pri ulasku u ovo zdanje, naprosto smo se osjećali kao da plovimo daleko u prošlost. Uživali smo u ugodnoj atmosferi i divno uređenom ambijentu, dok je za toplu dobrodošlicu bio zadužen Petar Kopanica, penzioner obučen u srednjovjekovnu odoru kneza Nikole četvrtog Frankopana. U okviru dvorca posjetili smo i interpretacijski centar u kojem se odvijaju zanimljivi programi, a kroz nesvakidašnju interaktivnu izložbu smo dobili uvid o
tome ko su zaista bili Frankopani. Nakon ove posjete, iskoristili smo priliku da obiđemo i Suncem okupan Krk i istražimo njegove čarobne uličice. Neizostavna stanica bio je kaštel koji je porodica Frankopan tri vijeka gradila sa svrhom odbrane grada. Na drugom spratu okrugle kule krenuli smo u obilazak cijelog kaštela, šeta� jući zidinama s kojih se pruža neodo� ljiv pogled na sve strane svijeta. S Krka smo turističkom brodom zaplovili do otočića Košljuna, u čijem središnjem dijelu je smješten franjevački samostan s reprezentativnim renesansnim crkvenim zdanjem i unutrašnjim dvorištem. U kompleksu se nalazi i muzejska postavka, bogata etnografska, arheološka i sakralna zbirka, te biblioteka. Ono što će vam potpuno oduzeti dah je priroda ovog otočića, na ko-
jem se nalazi više od 400 različitih biljnih vrsta. I naredni dan našeg boravka u regiji Kvarner bio je u znaku Frankopana, a naša prva stanica bio je manastir Gomirje, najzapadniji pravoslavni manastir u Evropi smješten u srcu Gorskog kotara. Dočekalo nas je ljubazno i nasmijano lice oca Mihajla, koji nam je dao uvid u vezu ovog manastira s Frankopanima. Godine 1621. Vuk Krsto Frankopan uz manastir je podigao kulu, koja je gotovo sto godina kasnije pretvorena u zvonik. Odavde smo produžili do dvorca Severin, u kojem je odrastao Fran Krsto Frankopan, posljednji muški član porodice. Dvorac je podignut u carstvu zelenila, nad strmom obalom rijeke Kupe, a danas je zaštićen i proglašen spomenikom parkovne arhitekture. Putovi Frankopana odveli su nas i do dvorca Stara Sušica koji je također pripadao velikaškoj porodici Frankopan, a kojeg čak ni Osmanlije nisu uspjele osvojiti. Ova šumska zvijezda Ravne gore, već desetljećima je igralište za dječiju maštu, prostor za učenje i druženje. Ništa manje fascinantan od ostalih nije ni kaštel Grobnik, koji je od 13. do 17. vijeka pripadao Frankopanima. O životu u Grobniku svjedoči i legenda koja kaže da se jedan od Frankopana zagledao u lijepu pučanku Lucu, koja ga je odbila. Kada je naredio straži da je dovede u kaštel, pobjegla je i bacila se u ponor. Mjesto odakle je skočila i danas se zove Lucinski vir. Danas se ovdje možete odmoriti,
popiti kafu, te uživati u raznim kulturno-zabavnim sadržajima, kao i u muzejskoj postavci.
Gradski muzej i galerija, Gradska čitaonica i biblioteka, te galerija Turnac u istoimenoj kuli.
Nastavili smo Putovima Frankopana i stigli do Kaštela Drivenik, koji je prvobitno bio izgrađen od drveta, po čemu je i dobio naziv. Frankopani su njime branili i nadzirali promet kroz Vinodol. Odavde smo stigli i do naše, za ovu trodnevnu turu, posljednje stanice - kaštela Trsat, s kojeg se pruža panoramski pogled na grad Rijeku. Ovo je idealno mjesto za šetnju, kafu i razgledavanje znamenitosti, prije svega kaštela koji potječe iz prahistorije.
U duhu Frankopana, prošao je i naš posljednji dan u regiji Kvarner. Prošetali smo kroz centar starog mediteranskog grada - Novog Vinodolskog, te smo zavirili u Kvadrac, jedini ostatak kaštela kojeg su ga 13. vijeku podigli Frankopani. Tu je 1288. godine napisan Vinodolski zakon, najznačajniji pravni tekst o srednjovjekovnom životu na ovim prostorima. Njime su uređeni odnosi i riješen sukob između Vinodola i krčkih knezova. Razrađeno je krivično i baštinsko pravo, te su propisana kazne za krađu, uvrede i ubistva. Smrtna kazna nije postojala. U obnovljenom frankopanskom kaštelu danas se nalazi Gradska uprava,
Iako nismo posjetili sve što kultur�no-turistička tura Putovima Frankopana nudi, toplo vam preporučujemo da posjetite regiju Kvarner, te da osim uživanja u Suncu, moru i idealnom odmoru koji nudi, obiđete i baštinu porodice Frankopan.
Cultural and Tourist Tour
The Routes of the Frankopans
rk’s princes, the Frankopans, have marked almost six centuries of Croatian history. The members of this noble family were the bearers of political, social, economic and cultural development of Croatia. They have left behind numerous buildings, spread across Primorsko-Goranska county in Croatia, which invoke the spirit of the past and intrigue, conflict, culture, literacy and religiousness. Due to its exceptional value, and with the goal of restoration, preservation, protection and sustainable utilization of material and intangible heritage, the Primorsko-Goranska county launched the strategic project The Routes of the Frankopans, which includes a cultural and tourist tour of 17 castles, fortified cities, ci92
Author: Samila Ivković tadels and three sacral complexes. On this occasion, we visited this part of Croatia and had the honor of traveling to the time of the Frankopans through this tour with journalists from the entire region.
EXPLORING HERITAGE The Nova Kraljevica Castle was the first stop on our trip and an invitation to the rich material and spiritual heritage of the Frankopans. Upon entrance to this place, we simply felt as if we were sailing far into the past. We enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere and wonderful ambience, while we were given a warm welcome by Petar Kopanica, a pensioner dressed in the medieval gown of prince Nikola IV Frankopan. Within the castle, we also visited the centers where interesting programs are held, and throu-
gh an unusual interactive exhibition, we got insight into what the Frankopans were really like. After this visit, we used the opportunity to visit the sunny Krk and explore its magical streets. The castle that the Frankopan family built for three centuries with the purpose of defending the city was an unmissable stop. On the second floor of the round tower, we started a tour of the entire castle, walking by the walls from which there is an irresistible view of all sides of the world. From Krk, we sailed to the island of Košljun on a tourist boat. In the center of the island, there is a Franciscan monastery with a representative Renaissance-style church and inner courtyard. Within the complex, there is also a museum exhibit, a rich eth-
This is where in 1288, the Vinodol law was written, the most significant legal document on medieval life in this region. It regulated the relationship between Vinodol and Krk’s princes and settled the conflict between them. Criminal and heritage law was also determined by it, and punishments were prescribed for theft, insults and murder. The death penalty did not exist. In the restored castle, today there is the City Administration, the City Museum and Gallery, City Reading Room and Library, and the Turnac gallery in the tower of the same name.
nographic, archaeological and sacral collection, and a library. What will completely take your breath away is the nature of this island, which has over 400 different plant species. The next day of our stay in the Kvarner region was also marked by the Frankopans, and our first stop was the Gomirje monastery, the most western Orthodox monastery in Europe, located in the heart of Gorski Kotar. We were welcomed by the kind and cheerful father Mihajlo, who provided us with insight into the connection of this monastery and the Frankopans. In 1621, Vuk Krsto Frankopan erected a tower next to the monastery, which was turned into a bell tower almost a hundred years later. From here, we proceeded to the Severin Castle, where Fran Krsto Frankopan grew up, as the last male member of the family. The castle was erected in the kingdom of greenery, above the steep bank of the Kupa River, and today it is protected; it was also declared a monument of landscape architecture. The Routes of the Frankopans also led us to the Stara Sušica Castle (also belonging to the noble Frankopan family), which even the Ottomans did not manage to conquer. For decades, this forest star of Ravna Gora has been a playground for children’s imaginations, a place to learn and socialize. The Grobnik Castle is no less fascinating, having belonged to the Frankopans from the 13th to the 17th century. There is a legend about life in Grobnik, which says that one of the Frankopans noticed a pretty commoner called Luca, who turned him down. When he ordered his men to bring her to the castle, she ran away and threw herself into an abyss. The place where she jumped from is today still called Lucinski Vir (Luca’s Whirlpool). Today you can relax here, have a coffee, and enjoy the various cultural and entertainment activities, as well as the museum exhibit.
We continued on The Routes of the Frankopans and arrived at the Drivenik Castle, which was initially built out of wood, which is how it got its name. The Frankopans used it for defense and overseeing the traffic through Vinodol. From here, we arrived at the last stop of our threeday tour - the Trsat Castle, from which there is a panoramic view of the city of Rijeka. This is an ideal place for strolling, having a coffee and sightseeing; the castle which dates back to prehistoric times is especially worth visiting. Even though we did not visit everything that the cultural and tourist tour The Routes of the Frankopans offers, we warmly recommend that you visit the Kvarner region, and that apart from enjoying the sun, sea and ideal relaxation that it offers, you also visit the heritage of the Frankopan family.
ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN CITY Our last day in the Kvarner region was also in the spirit of the Frankopans. We strolled through the center of the Mediterranean city - Novi Vinodolski, and we peeked into Kvadrac, the only remains of a castle, which was erected by the Frankopans in the 13th century. 93
Mjesto veličanstvenih vulkana,
čarobne prirode
i najukusnije kafe
Autor: Emira Azganović / Foto: Tesnim Karišik
ulkanske erupcije, zemljotresi i cunami su sigurno glavne asocijacije na spomen Sumatre, ali samo za one koji prate dnevne vijesti. Za ljubitelje putovanja Sumatra je visoko na listi želja jer znaju da će tamo pronaći sve što priroda ima za po�nuditi. Njima su glavne asocijacije veličanstveni vulkani, bujne džungle, te netaknute plaže koje zaplju94
skuju vode bistrog plavog okeana. Oni znaju da će na Sumatri možda imati priliku vidjeti neke od ugroženih životinjskih vrsta, poput suma�transkog tigra, nosoroga ili divljih orangutana, koji su na Sumatri, svoji na svome.
Takva raznolikost naroda, jezika, kulture i običaja u samo jednoj zemlji je jedinstvena i posebno izražena na Sjevernoj Sumatri, gdje su podjednako zastupljeni islam i katoličanstvo, te etničke grupe Javanaca, Malajaca, Bataksa, Kineza i Indijaca.
Na Sumatri živi 50 miliona ljudi i četvrto je najnaseljenije ostrvo na svijetu, drugo po veličini u Indoneziji i šesto na svijetu.
Indoneziji prirodne katastrofe nisu strane jer sjedi na Vatrenom prstenu, području u slivu Tihog okeana koje je poznato po vulkanskim poja-
sevima i pločama. U Indoneziji ima oko 130 aktivnih vulkana i više stotina koji se smatraju izumrlim. Mi smo na Sjevernoj Sumatri posjetili podnožje aktivnog vulkana Sinabung koji je drijemao više od 400 godina i onda iznenada eruptirao 2010., prisilivši desetine hiljada ljudi da evakuišu svoje domove. Manje erupcije desile su se i 2014. i 2016. godine. Stajati ispod vulkana iznad kojeg se vijori dim, i gledati u brazde koje je napravila lava, istovremeno je veličanstveno i zastrašujuće. Stanovništvo koje živi u mjestima u podnožju vulkana prihvatilo je i pozitivne i negativne strane živo�ta u ovom prirodnim katastrofama sklonom području. Iako su neki od njih, nakon posljednjih erupcija, još uvijek u privremenim skloništima i mnogi se nikad neće moći vratiti svojim kućama, ostaju ovdje i vrijed-
no rade na plantažama čaja i kafe, koje su zbog vulkanskih minerala ukusnije i zdravije od kafe na drugim plantažama jer rastu na većoj nadmorskoj visini i na plodnom vulkanskom tlu. Kafa je jedan od glavnih izvora zarade u regiji, naprimjer 70% kafe koju koristi Starbucks je s plantaža Sumatre.
GRAD MEDAN Administrativni centar Sjeverne Sumatre nalazi se u gradu Medanu, kojim upravlja guverner Edy Rahmayad, koji nas je primio u posjetu za vrijeme našeg boravka na Sumatri. Medan je treći najveći grad u Indoneziji, poslije Džakarte i Surabaye, te najveći grad na Sumatri, ekonomski centar ostrva i grad od velikog značaja za nacionalnu ekonomiju. Grad je polazna tačka za turiste koji žele da obiđu ostrvo. Prisustvo
Holanđana ostavilo je uticaj između ostalog i na arhitekturu, što je lako uočljivo na svim važnijim objektima u gradu. Ovdje ćete pronaći i neke impresiv� ne kulturne atrakcije, poput Istana Maimuna, koji je dom sultana gdje možete saznati sve o kraljevskoj porodici. Vrijedna posjete je i palača Tjong A Fie i prekrasna džamija Mesdid Raya. Do Medana postoje dnevne konekcije iz Singapura, Kuala Lumpura i svih većih gradova Indonezije.
VULKANSKO JEZERO TOBA Nakon snažne erupcije vulkana na planini Toba, prije 75 hiljada godina nastalo je jezero Toba. Površine 1.140 kvadratnih kilometara, dugo je 87 km, široko 27 km i duboko 505 m, što ga čini najvećim jezerom u jugoistočnoj Aziji i najvećim vulkanskim jezerom na svijetu. 95
Bila je to najmoćnija erupcija u historiji, najvišeg Indexa (8), jednaka snazi 50 hiljada atomskih bombi bačenih na Hirošimu, zbog koje je gotovo 60% svjetskog stanovništva u to vrijeme izumrlo, a neki dijelovi svijeta doživjeli su ekstremne klimatske promjene. Mnogi jezero Toba smatraju najljepšim jezerom na svijetu. Pomjeranjem tektonskih ploča prilikom erupcije vulkana u središtu jezera Toba nastalo je ostrvo Samosir, dužine 40 km i širine 20 km, koje je mostom povezano s kopnom. Na samom Samosir ostrvu nalaze se dva manja jezera i priroda nije
Priliku da posjeti Sjevernu Sumatru imala je i ekipa magazina, gdje smo bili na poziv ambasadorice Indonezije u BiH, NJ.E. Amelie Yani. Tom prilikom ugostio nas je i guverner Sjeverne Sumatre, Edy Rahmayad, koji gaji velike simpatije prema Bosni i Hercegovini.
stala na tome kada je formirala ovo područje nevjerovatne prirodne ljepote, jer jezero Toba je okruženo i s 12 prekrasnih vodopada. Već tada smo zaključili da Sjeverna Sumatra ima prirodne atrakcije koje nećete naći nigdje na svijetu. Toba je okruženo planinama sa svježijom klimom i prekrasnim pješčanim plažama. Klima je vrlo ugodna i nema toliko vlage kao uz okean, predstavlja jednu od omiljenih lokacija Indonežana i turista, jer je vrlo zanimljivo i znatno jeftinije od Balija i ostalih poznatijih destinacija. Do jezera Toba i ostrva Samosir najlakše je stići preko Medana.
The Place of Magnificent Volcanoes,
Magical Nature
and Delicious Coffee Autor: Emira Azganović / Foto: Tesnim Kariťik
olcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunami are surely the main associations upon mention of Sumatra, but only for those who follow daily news. For fans of travel, Sumatra is high on the wish list, as they know that they will find everything that nature has to offer there. For them, the main associations are magnificent
volcanoes, lush jungles, and untouched beaches splashed by the waters of the clear blue ocean. They know that in Sumatra they may have the opportunity to see some endangered animal species, such as the Sumatran tiger, rhinoceros or wild orangutans, which are in their element at Sumatra.
50 million people live in Sumatra and it is the fourth most populated island in the world, second in size in Indonesia and sixth in the world. Such a diversity of peoples, languages, culture and customs in just one country is unique and particularly noticeable in North Sumatra, where Islam and Catholicism are equally represented, as are ethnic groups 97
including Javanese, Malay, Batak, Chinese and Indian people. Natural disasters are not foreign for Indonesia as it lies on the Ring of Fire, an area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean, which is known for volcanic belts and tectonic plates. In Indonesia, there are around 130 active volcanoes and several hundred that are considered extinct. In North Sumatra, we visited the base
and work hard on the plantations of tea and coffee, which are tastier here due to the volcanic minerals, and the coffee is healthier than on other plantations, as it grows at a higher altitude and on fertile volcanic ground. Coffee is one of the main sources of profit in the region, for example 70% of the coffee used by Starbucks is from the plantations of Sumatra.
The team of magazine also had the opportunity to visit North Sumatra, at the invitation of H.E. the Ambassador of Indonesia to B&H, Amelia Yani. On that occasion, we were also hosted by the governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayad, who is quite a fan of Bosnia and Herzegovina. of the active volcano Sinabung, which was dormant for over 400 years and then suddenly erupted in 2010, forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate their homes. Smaller eruptions also occurred in 2014 and 2016. To stand in front of a volcano with smoke bellowing out of it, and to look at the furrows which were formed by lava, is magnificent and frightening at the same time. The people who live in places at the base of the volcano have accepted the positive and negative sides of life in this area prone to natural disasters. Despite the fact that some of them are still in temporary accommodation after the latest eruptions, and many will never be able to return to their homes, they remain here
THE CITY OF MEDAN The administrative center of North Sumatra is in the city of Medan, which is managed by governor Edy Rahmayad, who hosted us during our time in Sumatra. Medan is the third largest city in Indonesia, after Jakarta and Surabaya, and the largest city in Sumatra, the economic center of the island and a city of great impor� tance for the economy of the nation. The city is a starting point for tourists who want to visit the island. The presence of the Dutch left a great impact on architecture, which is easily seen on all significant buildings in the city. Here, you will find some impressive cultural attractions, such as the Maimun Palace, home of sultans, where you can find out everything about the
royal family. The Tjong A Fie Mansion and the beautiful Great Mosque of Medan are also worth visiting. You can reach Medan from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and all larger cities in Indonesia with daily transfers.
VOLCANIC LAKE TOBA After a strong eruption of a volcano on the Toba mountain, 75 thousand years ago the lake Toba was formed. With an area of 1140 square kilometers, it is 87 km long, 27 km wide and 505 m deep, making it the largest lake in Southeast Asia and the largest volcanic lake in the world. It was the most powerful eruption in history, with the highest Index (8), equal in power to the 50 thousand nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima, due to which almost 60% of the world population at that time died out, and some parts of the world experienced extreme climate change. Many consider Lake Toba to be the prettiest lake in the world. With the movement of tectonic plates during the volcano eruption in the center of Lake Toba, the island of Samosir was formed, with a length of 40 km and width of 20 km, which is connected to the mainland by a bridge. At Samosir Island, there are two smaller lakes, and nature did not stop there when it formed this region of unbelievable natural beauty, as Lake Toba is also surrounded by 12 wonderful waterfalls. We have made the conclusion that North Sumatra has natural attractions unlike any that you will find across the world. Toba is surrounded by mountains and a cooler climate and wonderful sandy beaches. The climate is very pleasant and there is not as much humidity as near the ocean, and it represents a favorite location for Indonesians and tourists, as it is very interesting and significantly cheaper than Bali and other more famous destinations. It is easiest to reach Lake Toba and Samosir Island via Medan. 99
Medical Park
edical Park grupacija, koja u zdravstvu djeluje od 1995. godine, opslužuje pacijente u 27 bolnica smještenih u 17 gradova. Danas je Medical Park pionirski akter ovog sektora, sa zatvorenom površinom od 718 965 kvadratnih metara, 211 operacijskih sala, 5240 kreveta i više od 16 hiljada zaposlenih.
ZDRAVSTVENA ZAŠTITA ZA SVE Omogućujući svim pacijentima, bez obzira na socioekonomski status, pristup zdravstvenim uslugama po međunarodnim standardima, temeljenim na principu zdravstvena zaštita za sve, Medical Park ne samo da pomno prati sve napredne tehnologije i terapijske metode širom svijeta, već teži i ka tome da posluje kao model koji podržava nauku i inovativne prakse. Okupljajući vrhunske stručnjake, s uslugama orijentisanim u interesu pacijenata i multidisciplinarnim radom, Medical Park grupacija pruža kvalitetne dijagnostičke i terapijske usluge u svim bolnicama, uključujući četiri akreditovane od strane Joint Commission International (Zajednički komitet za međunarodnu akreditaciju). Medical Park u svoj lanac nastavlja dodavati nove članove u skladu s principom da svako ima pravo da živi zdravo, te da svi imaju jednak pristup zdravstvenim uslugama. U skladu s tim, ova grupacija poduzima čvrste korake ka širenju u sve regi� je Turske i povećanju zdravstvenih standarda zasnovanih na naprednim tehnologijama, a sve to bez naruša100
vanja medicinske etike. Svaka nova bolnica dodatno povećava kvalitetu i količinu usluga. MEĐUNARODNI PACIJENTI Jedna od najvažnijih karakteristika ove grupacije, koja godišnje prima više od 70 000 pacijenata iz više od 180 zemalja svijeta, jeste ta što međunarodnim pacijentima pruža budžetske olakšice. Grane medicine zbog kojih se međunarodni pacijenati najčešće odlučuju za liječenje u bolnicama Medical Park grupacije su neurohirurška onkologija, ortopedija, opšta hirur� gija, dječja hirurgija, transplantaci�ja organa - bubrega, jetre, koštane srži, kao i kardiologija, te kardiovaskularna hirurgija. Liječenje tako ozbiljnih zdravstvenih problema pro-
vodi se upravo u brojnim bolnicama Medical Parka, s visokom stopom uspjeha i razumnim naknadama za iste. Povezanost s vrhunskim univerzitetima u Turskoj doprinosi razvoju kvalifikovanog osoblja bolnice, ali i razvoju univerziteta. Ovi partnerski sporazumi imaju za cilj educirati i obučiti kvalifikovane doktore, maksimizirati kvalitetu zdravstvenih usluga i otkriti nove oblasti u području medicine. Veliko zadovoljstvo ove grupacije predstavlja i to što je sponzor velikih sportskih klubova i sportista. Iz grupacije Medical Park poručuju da će i dalje nastaviti služiti pacijentima na ovom putu koji vodi u zdraviji svijet.
Medical Park brine o zdravlju građana BiH
sim što osiguravaju uslove svjetski poznatog centra za zdravstvenu njegu, bolnice Medical Park grupacije zadovoljavaju potrebe i interese međunarodnih pacijenata, što znači da i građani BiH imaju mogućnost liječenja u ovoj prestižnoj zdravstvenoj ustanovi. Na nekoliko pitanja koja najviše zanimaju pacijente iz Bosne i Hercegovine vezano za liječenje u Medical Park grupaciji, odgovorila nam je Emina Ihtijarević, zastupnica ove grupacije za BiH. Na koji način, putem svog predstavništva, grupacija Medical Park funkcioniše u BiH? - Medical Park u Sarajevu postoji od 2015 godine. Pacijenti nas kontaktiraju putem e-maila, FB stranice, telefona ili posjete naše kancelarije. Dostavljenu dokumentaciju prevodimo i šaljemo našim ljekarima u Turskoj na drugo mišljenje. Nakon dobijenog odgovora pacijente kontaktiramo, te dajemo uputstva za dalje liječenje. Medical Park grupacija je potpisala ugovor sa Zavodom zdravstvenog osiguranja FBiH i Sporazum o sa-
radnji s Ministarstvom ZDK? Šta oni znače za pacijente koji se odluče na liječenje u Turskoj? - Ugovor sa Zavod zdravstvenog osiguranja FBiH je veoma značajan za pacijente, jer se pacijenti za određena oboljenja upućuju na liječenje u Medical Park, a troškove izmještanja i liječenja snosi Zavod. Što se tiče Sporazuma o saradnji sa ZDK bitan je zbog podizanja zdravstvenog sistema na veći nivo, čime bi pacijenti dobili bolju uslugu, a ljekari besplatnu edukaciju. Ljekari iz BiH od samog početka postojanja Medical Parka imaju podršku u smislu razmjene znanja i iskustava, kao i edukacije iz svih oblasti medicine.
ima prevodioca, tako da ne postoji jezička barijera Po završetku liječenja pacijent se odvozi na aerodrom. Moram napomenuti da smo mi u BiH, kao i kolege u Turskoj, za naše pacijente dostupni svaki dan 24 h dnevno – kaže Emina Ihtijarević. Sve ostale informacije možete dobiti putem e-maila:, kontakt telefona: + 387 61 55 44 30 ili možete posjetiti Agenciju Medical Care na adresi Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića br.2 u Sarajevu.
Kada se pacijent odluči na odlazak u Tursku, šta su mu sljedeći koraci, odnosno šta mu ova grupacija omogućava? - Pacijentu se, nakon dobijenog odgovora iz Turske i odluke da nastavi liječenje u Medical Parku, pruža podrška u svakom segmentu koji je potreban za odlazak. Pacijenta po dolasku na aerodromu čeka prijevoz u bolnicu ili hotel. U bolnici pacijent
Medical Park
Leading Turkish Medical Group
edical Park Group, which has been operating in the healthcare sector since 1995, has been serving patients in 27 hospitals across 17 cities. Today, Medical Park is a pioneer of the healthcare sector, with a closed area of 718 965 square meters, 211 operating theaters, 5240 beds and over 16 thousand employees.
HEALTHCARE FOR ALL Enabling all patients, regardless of their socioeconomic status, access to healthcare at international standards, based on the healthcare for all principle, Medical Park not only closely monitors all advanced technologies and therapeutic methods across the world, but aims to serve as an example which supports science and innovative practices. Bringing together top experts, with services oriented in the interest of patients and with a multidisciplinary approach, Medical Park Group offers high-quality diagnostic and 102
therapeutic services in all of its hospitals, including four accredited by Joint Commission International. Medical Park continues to add new members to its chain, with the principle that everyone has the right to be healthy, and that everyone should have equal access to healthcare services. In line with that, this group is taking steps towards expansion to all regions of Turkey and towards increasing healthcare standards based on advanced technologies, all without breaching medical ethics. Each new hospital additionally increases the quality and amount of services.
INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS One of the most significant characteristics of this group, which deals with over 70 000 patients from more than 180 countries, is that it offers international patients financial advantages. At Medical Park Group hospitals, in-
ternational patients most often seek assistance in the fields of neuro-oncology, orthopedics, general surgery, pediatric surgery, organ transplants - kidney, liver, bone marrow, as well as cardiology, and cardiovascular surgery. The treatment of such serious health issues is performed across the many Medical Park hospitals, with a high success rate and reasonable fees. Being affiliated with top Turkish universities contributes to the development of qualified hospital staff, as well as to the development of the university in question. These affiliation agreements have the goal of educating and training qualified doctors, maximizing the quality of healthcare services and breaking new grounds in medicine. It is also a great honor for this group that it is the sponsor of major sports clubs and sportspeople. Medical Park Group states that they will continue to serve patients on this path that leads to a healthier world.
Medical Park Ensures the Health of B&H Citizens
part from ensuring the conditions of a world-renowned healthcare center, the Medical Park Hospitals Group satisfies the needs and interests of international patients, which means that the citizens of B&H also have the opportunity to be treated in this prestigious healthcare institution. Emina Ihtijarević, the representative of this group for B&H, answered several questions that were of most interest to patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina in relation to treatment at the Medical Park Group. In what way, via its branch here, does the Medical Park Group function in B&H?
- Medical Park has been in Sarajevo since 2015. Patients contact us via e-mail, our FB page, telephone or by visiting our offices. We send the documentation that they provide to our doctor in Turkey for a second opinion. Once we get a response, we contact the patients and give them
instructions for further treatment. Medical Park Group signed an agreement with the FB&H Health Insurance Institute and a Cooperation Agreement with the ZDK Ministry? What does this mean for patients who decide to be treated in Turkey? - The agreement with the FB&H Health Insurance Institute is very significant for patients, as patients with certain health issues are referred for treatment to Medical Park, and the travel and treatment expenses are covered by the Institute. When it comes to the Cooperation Agreement with ZDK, it is significant because it raises the health-
care system to a higher level, which means patients receive better service, and doctors get a free education. From the very beginning of the existence of Medical Park, doctors have had support in the sense of the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as education in all fields of medicine.
When a patient decides to go to Turkey, what are the next steps, i.e. what does this Group enable? - After getting a response from Turkey, and upon deciding to continue their treatment at Medical Park, a patient gets support in all segments required for the trip. Upon arriving at the airport, the patient will be transported to a hospital or hotel. At the hospital, the patient has a translator, so there is no language barrier. Once treatment is complete, the patient is taken to the airport. I must point out that here in B&H, we, as well as our colleagues in Turkey,
are here for our patients 24/7 – says Emina Ihtijarević. You can obtain all other information via e-mail, contact telephone 00 387 61 55 44 30 or you can visit the Agency Medical Care at Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića no.2 in Sarajevo. 103
Mjesto koje mami osmijehe i okuplja istinske
Autor: Samila Ivković
z Miljacku, najmanju rijeku s najviše mostova, smjestio se Talks & Giggles, šarmantno mje� sto koje zrači toplinom doma, mami osmijehe i okuplja istinske sladokusce. Zaljubljena u dizajn interijera, detalje i slastice, Sarajka Fatima Pajo odlučila je svome gradu dati baš ono što mu je nedostajalo. Smatrajući da su građani željni drugačijeg, inovativnog, a istovremeno instagramičnog i modernog, otvorila je mjesto za susret prijatelja, starih poznanika i potpunih neznanaca. Mjesto gdje ćete razmijeniti najljepše riječi, doživjeti divne emocije i zacenuti se od smijeha..., pa vjerovatno i dobiti koji kilogram viška. Interijer uređen u pastelnim tonovima krase romantični detalji na stolovima i slike na zidovima koji podsjećaju na šarmantne pariške slastičarne, a tokom toplijih dana možete uživati i na čarobno uređenoj terasi s neodoljivim pogledom na grad. Originalno osmišljen meni probudit će sva vaša čula. Osim kvalitetne kafe i drugih toplih napitaka, osvježiti se možete limunanom koja spaja običnu limunadu, voće i nanu, pojesti ukusne američke palačinke, probati čuvene cupcakee i cakepopse. Nećete odoljeti ni slatkim i slanim opcijama za doručak, ali i nesvakidašnjoj užini. Sve to možete u malom, ali ugodnom i posebnom ambijentu u zgradi Papagajka. Ljubazno i nasmijano osoblje učinit će vaš boravak ovdje nezaboravnim i sigurno ćete poželjeti da se vratite ovdje.
Mjesto gdje ćete razmijeniti najljepše riječi, doživjeti divne emocije i zacenuti se od smijeha..., pa vjerovatno i dobiti koji kilogram viška
Pročitate li recenzije na TripAdvisoru, shvatit ćete da je i turistima iz svih krajeva svijeta, a koji su boravili u Sarajevu, Talks & Giggles među omiljenim mjestima u našem gradu. O samoj popularnosti Talks & Gigglesa, govori i činjenica da su ovaj lokal prepoznali i preporučili čuveni Vogue, Independent i mnogi drugi prestižni web portali. Kako sam naziv kaže, ako ste za ugodno čavrljanje s prijateljima uz smijeh, ovo je pravi izbor za vas. 105
A Place that will make Everyone with a
Sweet Tooth Smile Author: Samila Ivković
long the Miljacka River, the shortest river with the most bridges, there is Talks & Giggles, a charming place that radiates a homely atmosphere, a place that will make everyone with a sweet tooth smile.
words, experience great emotions and cry with laughter... and probably gain a kilo or two.
In love with interior design, details and sweet delicacies, Sarajevan Fatima Pajo decided to give her city what it was missing. Thinking that the citizens wanted something different, innovative, and at the same time Instagram-worthy and modern, she opened a place for friends to meet, for old acquaintances and complete strangers. A place where you can exchange the nicest of
The interior that is designed in pastel colors is adorned with romantic details on the tables and there are pictures on the walls, which are reminiscent of charming Parisian patisseries, and on warmer days you can enjoy yourself on the magical terrace with an irresistible view of the city.
The original menu will awaken all
A place where you can exchange the nicest of words, experience great emotions and cry with laughter... and probably gain a kilo or two your senses. Apart from good coffee and other hot beverages, you can freshen up with a limunana which is a combination of lemonade, fruit and peppermint, have some tasty American pancakes, or try the famous cupcakes and cake pops. You will not be able to resist the sweet or savory breakfast options, or the unusual snacks. You can do all that in the small, but pleasant and special ambience of the Papagajka building. The kind and cheerful staff will make your time here unforgettable and you will definitely want to return. If you read the reviews on TripAdvisor, you will realize that for tourists from all over the world, who have visited Sarajevo, Talks & Giggles is
among their favorite places in our city. What also speaks of the popularity of Talks & Giggles, is the fact that this cafe has been recognized and recommended by the renowned
Vogue, Independent and many other prestigious websites. As the name of it says, if you are up for talking to your friends along with giggles, this is the place for you. 107
po mjeri putoholičara
utovanja su najveće bogatsvo svakog čovjeka. Kroz njih upoznajemo ljude, doživljavamo druge kulture, hranu i aktivnosti, ali kroz njih upoznajemo i sami sebe. Često se nakon putovanja naši vidici prošire i poželimo neke promjene u životu, ali i u našem domu. Tako nadahnuti putovanjem, poželjet ćete interijer u koji ćete uklopiti svoje uspomene koje će vam svakodnevno buditi tople emocije. U nastavku vam donosimo nekoliko savjeta za uređenje doma inspirisano putovanjima.
KARTA SVIJETA Karta svijeta poseban je i kreativan detalj koji će upotpuniti vaš zid. Od
drvenih mapa, fotografija karte svijeta izrađenih na platnu, velikih tapeta ili iscrtanih kontinenata na zidu..., mnogo je načina da ih unesete u svoj dom. Kartu svijeta možete smjestiti iznad radnog stola, u dnevni boravak, spavaću sobu i dječju sobu, a prijedlog je da svaki put kada se vratite s putovanja, na karti označite mjesto koje ste posjetili.
KOLAŽ FOTOGRAFIJA Ako želite da fotografije s vaših putovanja budu na vidnom mjestu, odlično rješenje za to je da napravite zidni kolaž. Ovaj kolaž možete postaviti duž hodnika i dopustiti svakom vašem gostu da kroz kratko putovanje do dnevnog boravka doživi vaša putovanja.
KOFERI Ako imate neki stari kofer, možete ga preurediti u razne komade namještaja. Koferi vam mogu poslužiti kao prostor za odlaganje, kao ukrasi ili stolići za kafu, a od njih možete napraviti i kutak za vaše ljubimce. Stari koferi mogu poslužiti i kao police, a kada na njih poredate suvenire i fotografije, dobit ćete savršen tematski spoj s putovanja!
LAMPA U OBLIKU GLOBUSA Detalj koji istovremeno spaja našu strast prema istraživanju novih mjesta, kultura i običaja, te kreira romantičnu atmosferu u prostoru je lampa u obliku globusa. Lijepo će se uklopiti u baš svaki stil uređenja i bit će simpatičan ukras na komodi koji će vam iznova mamiti osmijeh na lice i motivirati da na kraju radnog dana istražujete nove gradove koje ćete tek dodati na svoj plan putovanja.
KAMENČIĆI I ŠKOLJKE Neobični kamenčići koje ste pronašli prilikom istraživanja prirode mogu se lako izložiti na ploči okačenoj na zid, a školjke koje godinama skupljate na moru možete staviti u jednu vintage kutiju i izložiti ih na neku policu umjesto klasičnih ukrasa koje svaki dom ima. Ovako ćete stvoriti utisak o unikatnosti vaše kuće.
A Home
Designed for a Travel Addict
ravels are the greatest wealth of any human being. Through our travels, we meet people, experience other cultures, food and activities, and we also get to know ourselves. After a trip, our horizons often broaden and we desire some changes in our lives, and in our homes. Inspired by your travels, you will want the kind of interior where you can imbed your memories that will
awaken warm emotions each day. Below, we bring you several recommendations for interior design inspired by travel.
MAP OF THE WORLD A map of the world is a special and creative detail that will complete your wall. From wooden maps, photographs of maps of the world done on canvas, large paper hangings or continents drawn on the wall... there
are many ways of bringing them to your home. You can put a map of the world above your worktable, in the living room, bedroom or children’s room, and we suggest that each time you return from a trip, you mark the place you visited on the map.
COLLAGE OF PHOTOGRAPHS If you want photographs from your trips to be in a visible location, a great solution for that is to make a wall collage. You can put this collage along the hallway and allow your guests to experience your travels through a short trip to the living room. 110
SUITCASES If you have an old suitcase, you can alter it into several pieces of furniture. Suitcases can serve as storage space, as decorations or coffee tables, and you can also make a corner for your pet out of them. Old suitcases can also be used as cupboards, and when you put souvenirs and photographs on them, you will have the perfect thematic combination from a trip!
LAMP IN THE SHAPE OF A GLOBE A lamp in the shape of a globe is a detail that combines our passion for exploring new places, cultures and customs, creating a romantic atmosphere in the space. It fits in nicely with any style of home decor and will be a sweet decoration on the dresser, which will bring a smile to your face and motivate you at the end of your working day to explore new cities that you will add to your itinerary.
PEBBLES AND SEASHELLS Unusual pebbles that you find while exploring nature can easily be exhibited on a panel on the wall, and the seashells that you have been collecting for years at the seaside can be placed in a vintage box and exhibited on a shelf, instead of the classical decorations that every home has. This way, you will create an impression of the uniqueness of your home. 111
turistička ponuda bračnog para Panjeta iz Sarajeva Autor: Samila Ivković
om Mersihe i Mustafe Panjete već godinu je nezaobilazna stanica turistima iz različitih krajeva svijeta. Pozicija njihove kuće pruža jedan od najljepših pogleda na Sarajevo, a u toplini svog doma bračni par Panjeta nudi časove kuhanja. Vjeruju da je jedini način da turisti iskuse lokalni način života taj što će proći kroz jednu od sarajevskih mahala, posjetiti njihov životni prostor i vrt u kojem uzgajaju povrće, te pripremiti hranu koju domaće stanovništvo jede gotovo svaki dan! Jedini uslov koji
Panjete imaju jeste da morate ponijeti pozitivnu energiju i snažnu volju da pojedete sve što ste napravili.
PROMOCIJA BOSANSKE KUHINJE Na ideju da započnu priču zvanu Bosnian Cooking Lessons, došli su tako što su svoju ljubav prema kuhanju poželjeli prenijeti i na turiste, te im tako kroz pripremu i degustaciju tradicionalnih bosanskih jela približiti naše običaje i kulturu.
- Ideja o promociji bosanske kuhinje postoji već dugo vremena, ali zbog mnogo obaveza je ostavljena po strani za neko drugo vrijeme, koje je i došlo 2018. godine. Tada smo odlučili da pokrenemo priču o promociji naše kuhinje i pokušamo realizovati ideju. S obzirom na to da suprug radi kao turistički vodič, često dolazimo u kontakt s turistima koji dolaze u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Turisti su, priča nam Mersiha, osim historijske i kulturne baštine jako
zainteresovani za tradicionalnu bosansku kuhinju. S obzirom na to da u BiH imamo širok asortiman hrane koja je jako prihvatljiva cijenama, a ukusom posjetiteljima iz regiona i šire neodoljiva, jedno je ipak nedo� stajalo. - Mnogo puta su nas, zadivljeno gledajući u zvrkove pite, japrake, sogan dolme, pitali na koji način je napravljeno. Tako smo suprug i ja došli na ideju da pokušamo spojiti više segmenata u jedinstvenu ponudu, kako bi na jednom mjestu mogli doživjeti i vidjeti kako se nešto pravi, te na kraju to i probati. S obzirom na to da posjetitelji ne žele samo gledati kako se nešto pravi i biti pasivni, nego žele i učestvovati, odlučili smo ponuditi nešto što već postoji u većini turističkih mjesta, ali u Sarajevu nismo mogli pronaći, a to su časovi kuhanja.
prezentaciju sireva i drugih lokalnih delicija. Nakon toga se započinje s kuhanjem koje se sastoji iz dva dijela. U prvom dijelu se pripremaju japraci, sogan dolme, punjene paprike, dok se u drugom dijelu pripremaju burek i krompiruša ili sirnica, u zavisnosti od sezone. Nakon što se sve pripremi, uz druženje se nastavlja upoznavanje.
Što se tiče bureka, fascinirani su načinom na koji se razvlači i savija jufka, ali i okusom i teksturom tanke jufke koja nije slična ni jednom jelu koje su imali priliku probati.
- Nemamo posebne termine, niti dane kojima se družimo. Kada dobijemo upit pokušavamo ispoštovati i uvažiti sve zahtjeve. Što se tiče broja ljudi, organizujemo časove kuhanja za 1-20 osoba. Stranci su fascinirani sogan dolmom i burekom. Sogan dolme nikada i nigdje drugo nisu probali, te im je jako zanimljiv način na koji se pripremaju, kako se razdvajaju slojevi luka, a posebno okus.
- Povratak gostiju i pozivi da im dođemo govori mnogo o ostvarenim vezama i prijateljstvima koja će tra� jati, bez obzira kada se vidjeli i koliko nas hiljada kilometara dijeli. Mnogo je interesantno da kada dođu, blago su suzdržani i formalni, ali kada odlaze pozdravljanje traje prilično dugo jer je svima žao što napuštaju naš dom i rastajemo se kao prijatelji u nadi da ćemo se ponovo vidjeti.
Kuhanje je lakše s prijateljima moto je Bosnian Cooking Lessons, baš zbog toga što su se kroz ove lekcije kuhanja rodila mnoga prijateljstva.
Mersiha je po struci sociolog koji voli mnogo da kuha i uživa u hrani. Od ranog djetinjstva je učila kuhati, u određenim okolnostima je na to bila i primorana. Kuhanje je poslije jako zavoljela i samo je pronalazila svoje načine kako nešto učiniti boljim, ukusnijim i drugačijim.
POGLED NA SARAJEVO Druženje u Mersihinom i Mustafinom domu uvijek počinje s fotografisanjem, jer se iz njihove kuće pruža predivan panoramski pogled na Sarajevo i na baštu u kojoj uzgajaju povrće. Nakon toga slijedi upoznavanje uz domaće sokove, kafu, te već pripremljenu platu koja predstavlja 113
Unusual Tourist Offer of the Panjeta family from Sarajevo
Author: Samila Ivković
he home of Mersiha and Mustafa Panjeta has been an unmissable stop for tourists from all over the world for the last year. Their house offers one of the prettiest views of Sarajevo, and the Panjeta spouses offer cooking lessons in the warmth of their home. They believe that the only way for tourists to experience the local way of life is by seeing a Sarajevan neighborhood (mahala), and by visiting their living space and garden where they grow vegetables, and by preparing food that the locals consume almost every day! The only condition that the Panjetas have is that you must bring positive energy and a strong will to eat everything that you have prepared.
PROMOTION OF BOSNIAN CUISINE The idea to start the story called Bosnian Cooking Lessons came about because they wanted to convey their love of cooking to tourists, and bring them closer to our customs and culture through the preparation and tasting of traditional Bosnian dishes. - The idea of promoting Bosnian cuisine had been around for a while, but we had a lot of commitments, so it was left on the side for some other time, which came in 2018. That is when we decided to start the story of promoting our cuisine and to try to make the idea happen. Considering that my husband works as a tour guide, we frequently come into contact with tourists who come to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Mersiha tells us that apart from being interested in historical and cultural heritage, tourists are very interested in traditional Bosnian cuisine. We have a wide selection of food in B&H that is very affordable, and delicious to visitors from the region and beyond, but there was still one thing missing. - A lot of times, while looking in amazement at pies, japrak (vine leaf rolls), sogan dolma (stuffed onions), tourists would ask us how they were made. That is how my husband and I got the idea to try to link several segments into a unique offer, so that they could experience and see how something is made, and then taste it as well. Considering that visitors don’t just want to watch something being made and be passive, but they want to participate, we decided to offer something which already exists in most tourist places, but we couldn’t find it in Sarajevo, and that is cooking lessons. Mersiha is a sociologist by trade who loves to cook and enjoys food. From early childhood she learned to cook, and in certain circumstances
she had to cook. Later on she grew to love cooking and she would find ways to make something better, tastier and different.
VIEW OF SARAJEVO The socializing at Mersiha and Mustafa’s home always starts with taking photos, as there is a beautiful panoramic view of Sarajevo and the garden where they grow vegetables from their house. After that, there are the local juices, coffee, and a pre-prepared platter presenting cheeses and other local delicacies. After that, the cooking begins in two parts. In the first part, japrak, sogan dolma, stuffed peppers are prepared, while in the second part pies made out of meat, potatoes or cheese are prepared, depending on the season. Once everything is prepared, the participants get to know each other. - We don’t have special times, or days when we socialize. When we get an inquiry, we try to fulfill all the requests. When it comes to the number of people, we organize cooking lessons for 1-20 people. Foreigners are fascinated by sogan dolma
(stuffed onions) and burek (meat pie). They have never tried sogan dolma anywhere else, and the way it is prepared is very interesting, how the layers of the onion are separated, and of course the taste. When it comes to burek (meat pie), they are fascinated by the way that the dough is stretched and spread out, and by the taste and texture of the thin pastry, which is not like any other dish that they have had the chance to taste. Cooking is easier with friends is the motto of Bosnian Cooking Lessons, because a lot of friendships were formed through these cooking lessons. - Guests who return and invite us to visit them speak a lot about the relationships and friendships that will last, regardless of when we will see each other and how many kilometers apart we are. It is very interesting that when they come, they are somewhat reserved and formal, but when they are leaving the goodbyes are long, as everyone is sad to leave our home and we part as friends in the hope that we will see each other again.
Tikva, kraljica jesenje trpeze
Tikva je omiljeno jesenje povrće i neizostavan sastojak u mnogim svjetskim kuhinjama. Svake jeseni se iznova govori o njenim ljekovitim svojstvima, pa iskoristite sve njene blagodati i napravite neko od jela za koje vam donosimo recepte!
Sastojci: • 1 tikva • 2 velike kašike putera • 1 crveni luk • 5 šoljica pilećeg temeljca • muškatni oraščić, so i mljeveni crni biber
Ingredients: • 1 pumpkin • 2 large spoons butter • 1 onion • 5 cups chicken stock • nutmeg, salt and ground black pepper
Priprema: Tikvu narežite na trakice od 2,5 centimetra, a u većem loncu otopite puter. Otopljenom puteru dodajte narezani luk i pržite dok ne opusti, a zatim ubacite tikvu i pileći temeljac Sve zajedno treba kuhati 15 do 20 minuta dok tikva ne omekša. Kada je juha gotova sve zajedno sipajte u blender i sve dobro izmiksajte. Stavite malo muškatnog oraščića, soli i bibera.
Preparation: Cut pumpkin into 2.5-centimeter strips, and melt butter in large pot. Add cut up onion to the melted butter and fry until juicy, add pumpkin and chicken stock. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes until pumpkin goes soft. When the soup is done, pour into blender and mix well. Add some nutmeg, salt and pepper.
Sastojci: • 1 Hokaido tikva • malo bijelog luka • maslinovo ulje • ruzmarin
Ingredients: • 1 Hokkaido pumpkin • some garlic • olive oil • rosemary
Priprema: Posudu za pečenje premažite maslinovim uljem, tikvu narežite na kriške i poredajte po posudi. Protisnite bijeli luk, stavite ga u čašu s 2-3 kašičice maslinovog ulja, te ravnomjerno prelijte i rasporedite po svim sastojcima. Pospite ruzmarinom. Pecite u rerni oko 20 minuta i poslužite toplo.
Preparation: Coat roasting pan with olive oil, cut pumpkin into slices and spread across pan. Crush garlic, place in a glass with 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil, and pour evenly over the pumpkin. Sprinkle with rosemary. Roast in oven for around 20 minutes and serve warm.
Pumpkin, Queen of Fall Cuisine Pumpkin is a favorite vegetable during fall and an essential ingredient in many world cuisines. Every fall, its healing properties are discussed, so use all of its benefits and prepare some of the dishes we bring you recipes for!
RIŽOTO S TIKVOM Sastojci: • 600 g tikve • 1 crveni luk i malo bijelog luka • 1 kašika maslinova ulja • 3 kašike putera • 250 g riže za rižoto • 750 ml temeljca • 1 lovorov list i malo korice limuna • 50 g naribanog parmezana i malo peršuna Priprema: Nasjeckajte meso tikve. Crveni i bijelu luk nasjeckajte i pržite vrućem ulju i puteru dok ne postane staklasto. Dodajte tikvu i rižu, pa pržite još 5 minuta. Ulijevajte vrući temeljac tako da potopite rižu. Dodajte lovorov list i koricu limuna, pustite da proključa, dodajte juhe pa pustite da ponovo proključa. Ponavljajte postupak dok se riža ne skuha (20 do 25 minuta). Izvadite limunovu koricu i lovor pa umiješajte parmezan i 2 kašike putera.
TIKVA S MEDOM Sastojci: • 1 kg tikve po želji • 3-4 kašike meda • 1 kašika cimeta Priprema: Tikvu operite pod mlazom hladne vode, presijecite je na pola, te očistite od sjemenki. Potom po želji isijecite. Med i cimet pomiješajte, podgrijte na srednjoj vatri malo da se otopi. Potom premažite tikvu po površini, te poredajte na pleh obložen pek papirom. Pecite oko 40 minuta u prethodno zagrijanoj rerni na 200 stepeni. Kada tikva bude meka, onda je pečena.
PUMPKIN RISOTTO Ingredients: • 600 g pumpkin • 1 onion and some garlic • 1 spoon olive oil • 3 spoons butter • 250 g risotto rice • 750 ml stock • 1 laurel leaf and some lemon peel • 50 g grated parmesan and some parsley Preparation: Cut up pumpkin. Cut up onion and garlic and fry in hot oil and butter until it becomes glassy. Add pumpkin and rice, and fry for another 5 minutes. Add hot stock to cover the rice. Add laurel leaf and lemon peel, allow to boil, add soup and allow to boil again. Repeat process until rice is cooked (20 to 25 minutes). Remove lemon peel and laurel leaf and mix in parmesan and 2 spoons butter.
HONEY PUMPKIN Ingredients: • 1 kg pumpkin (any type) • 3-4 spoons honey • 1 spoon cinnamon Preparation: Wash pumpkin with cold water, cut in half, remove seeds. Cut up any way you like. Mix honey and cinnamon, place over medium heat until it melts. Then coat pumpkin on the surface, and place on baking tray with baking paper. Bake for around 40 minutes in previously heated oven at 200 degrees. When the pumpkin goes soft, it is ready.
Probali smo novu limuzinu
We’ve Tested the New
Kompanija STARline d.o.o. predstavila je u sklopu Mercedes-Benz Roadshow-a u Sarajevu novi model A-Klase, koji je prvi put dobio svoju limuzina izvedbu. Ekipa među prvima je imala priliku upoznati i testirati ovu kompaktnu, sportsku limuzinu u Bosni i Hercegovini.
As part of the Mercedes-Benz Roadshow in Sarajevo, the company STARline Ltd. presented the new A-Class model, which had its first limousine performance. The team of was among the first to have the chance to get to know and test this compact sports limousine in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A-Klasa limuzina nalazi se u samom vrhu kompaktnog segmenta kad je u pitanju prostor za glavu u zadnjem dijelu, dok široki otvor prtljažnika omogućava praktičan i lak utovar i istovar čak i većeg prtljaga. Model limuzine posjeduje i sve poznate vrline A-Klase. Tu spadaju moderni i efikasni motori, visok nivo sigurnosti zahvaljujući vrhunskim sistemima asistencije u vožnji, kao i intuitivni i pametni infotainment sistem MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience). Pored toga, nova A-Klasa limuzina ima najniži aerodinamični otpor čime brani svjetski rekord modela CLA Coupe. Dobra aerodinamika presudni je faktor i za niske vrijednosti potrošnje goriva.
The A-Class limousine is located at the very top of the compact segment when it comes to rear headroom, while the wide opening of the boot enables practical and easy loading and unloading of even large-sized luggage. The limousine model has all the well-known virtues of the A-Class. This means modern and efficient motors, high safety level due to state-of-the-art driving assistance systems, as well as the intuitive and smart infotainment system MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience). Apart from that, the new A-Class limousine has the lowest aerodynamic drag, making it equal to the original world record CLA Coupe model. Good aerodynamics are also the main factor for low fuel usage.
A-Klasa limuzina je pravi izbor za sve koji traže kompaktnu, sportsku limuzinu s odvojenim prtljažnikom. Ona ujedno predstavlja ulazni model u svijet Mercedes-Benz premium limuzina. S modelima C-Klase, E-Klase i S-Klase, Mercedes-Benz danas posjeduje najkompletniju ponudu premium limuzina.
The A-Class limousine is the right choice for anyone looking for a compact, sports limousine with a separate boot. It is the entry-level model into the world of Mercedes-Benz premium limousines. With the C-Class, E-Class and S-Class models, Mercedes-Benz today has the most complete offer of premium limousines.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klase
Mercedes-Benz A-Class Limousine
Dubai 28.12. 7 noći od 1599 KM direktan let
Malta 28.12. 6 noći od 899 KM AVION
30.12. 3 noći od 659 KM direktan let
Azurna obala 27.12. 4 noći od 599 KM AUTOBUS Zelenih beretki 22, Sarajevo +387 33 263 330 +387 61 771 442
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