Hanka Paldum, zvijezda
Gradila sam svoju kuću u srcima ljudi 16
Amarildo Mulić, direktor Nacionalnog parka Una Naš svakodnevni život nekom je avantura 32
Sarajevo - Šta je nama zima u Sarajevu? 40
Bjelašnica - Centar sjajnih događanja 46
Igman - Bijela oaza sa dodirom hedonizma 48
Tuzla - Zagrijte se uz „Zimu u Tuzli“ 50
Bihać - Gospodin sa Une 56
Cazin - Zimska priča sa zapadne strane 60
Mostar - Advent, koncerti i klizališta za blistav decembar 64
Ljubuški - Ljubuška advent(ura) 72
Kupres - Dva su lica Kupresa i volimo oba 76
Vlašić - Za skijaše, planinare, feratare 78
Zimske turističke destinacije za osobe s invaliditetom 84
ZEOS eko-sistem Sarajevo Deset godina brige o okolišu u BiH 88 Sunčana destinacija za digitalne nomade 94
Ibis Cake Gallery Sarajevo 26
Vedran Zubić
Nagrađujem đake koji prepoznaju moje greške 104
Video izložba Dado Ruvić/dron.ba Nju je lako voljeti 96
Robert Dacešin Putujući shvatiš koliko ti je dobro kod kuće 118
Glavni gradovi Osmanskog Carstva 110
Hanka Paldum, the Star I Was Building My Home in the Hearts of People 21 Amarildo Mulić, Una National Park Director Our Everyday Life is an Adventure for Someone 35
Sarajevo - What is Winter in Sarajevo For Us? 43
Bjelašnica - The center of amazing events 47
Igman - A white oasis with a touch of hedonism 49
Tuzla - Warm up with “Zima u Tuzli” (Winter in Tuzla) 53
Bihać - The Gentleman on the Una River 58
Cazin - Winter Story on the West Side 63
Mostar - Advent, Concerts and Ice Rinks for a Dazzling December 66
Ljubuški - Ljubuški advent(ure) 73
Kupres - Two Faces of Kupres We Love 77
Vlašić - For skiers, hikers, via Ferrata climbers 80
Winter Tourist Destinations for People with Disabilities 86
ZEOS eko-sistem Sarajevo
Ten Years of Caring for the Environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina 91 A Sunny Destination for Digital Nomads 95
Ibis Cake Gallery Sarajevo 26
Vedran Zubić
I Reward Students Who Recognize My Mistakes 107
Video exhibition by Dado Ruvić/Dron.ba
It’s Easy to Love Her 96
Robert Dacešin- Traveling Makes You Realize How Good It Is Being Home 121
The Capitals of the Ottoman Empire 114
Furaj.ba br. 32/Furaj.ba No. 32 Direktorica i glavna urednica/ Director and Editor-in-Chief Emira Azganović
Koordinatorica projekta/ Programme Coordinator Emina Ljubijankić
Redakcija/Editorial Staff Adisa Bečiragić Samra Višnjić
Fotografi/Photographers Samir Zahirović
Dado Ruvić / Dron.ba Video Dado Ruvić / Dron.ba DTP&Dizajn/Design Sandra Ozimica Prevod /Translation Smart Words Marketing marketing@furaj.ba +387 61 247 013 +387 33 208 818
Izdavač/Publisher Arterija d.o.o. Adresa/Address Kralja Tvrtka 9, Sarajevo
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This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The editorial staff of the Furaj.ba magazine takes no responsibility for the content and validity of published advertisements and downloaded content from above mentioned or advertised electronic sources. We do not take responsibility for unintentional or typographical errors.
Dragi čitatelji, kalendarski - zima nam je na pragu, u svaki kutak naše domovine već su stigle zimske manifestacije, otvorena su klizališta u gradovima i ski centri s vještačkim snijegom na planinama.
Prave zime, one snježne, još uvijek nema. Da li će je biti, samo nebo zna. Svemir nam nešto govori i možda je vrijeme da zastanemo i oslušnemo ga. Klimatske promjene nisu bezazlene kao što volimo misliti. Ljeta su nam sve duža i pravu zimu, onu sa barem dva mjeseca velikoga snijega, nismo imali već dugi niz godina.
Zato, dragi naši, počnite djelovati odmah. Educirajte se o tome šta svako od nas može učiniti za očuvanje ovog čudesnog mjesta zvanog Zemlja. Želimo vam sretnu 2023. godinu s nadom da će nam opet zima biti zima, a ljeto – ljeto.
Dear readers, According to calendar – the winter is here. Winter events are happening in every corner of our homeland. We have skating rinks in the cities and ski centers with artificial snow on the mountains.
The real winter, the snowy one still hasn’t arrived. Whether the real winter will come or not, only the sky can tell.
The universe is telling us something and maybe it is time for us to stop and listen to it. Climate changes are not as harmless as we may think. The summers are getting longer, and we haven’t had the real, long winter with two months of snow, for a long time.
So, dear readers, start acting now. Learn more about what each and every one of us can do to preserve this wonderful place called Earth.
We wish you a happy 2023, hoping that again we will have real winters and real summers.
“Ako ne poštujete tuđe tradicije, religiju i izbjegavate ljude, bolje je ostati kod kuće.”
“If you do not honor other people’s tradition, religion and avoid people, you better stay at home.”
James Michener
“Tradicija uzgoja konja lipicanera” upisana je na UNESCO-ovu Reprezentativnu listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine čovječanstva, odlučeno je početkom decembra na sjednici ove organizacije u Maroku. Riječ je o petom elementu iz BiH na Reprezentativnoj listi nematerijalne baštine čovječanstva. Inicijativa za upis pokrenuta je u Sloveniji, a uključile su se Austrija, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Slovačka, Rumunija, Italija i BiH. Počeci uzgajanja lipicanera vezuju se uz Habsburšku Monarhiju, ali danas imaju posebnu ulogu u tradiciji i životu ruralnih područja. Dio su tradicionalnih obreda i svečanosti.
“Lipizzan horse breeding tradition” was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was made at the beginning of December at a session of this organization held in Morocco. This is the fifth entry from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The initiative was made in Slovenia, joined by Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The beginnings of Lipizzan horse breeding date back to the Habsburg Monarchy and today it has a special role in the tradition and life in rural areas. They are part of traditional rituals and ceremonies.
Turistička organizacija Grada Trebinja jedna je od 10 prvoplasiranih u kategoriji inicijativa za promociju održivosti na dodjeli prestižnih svjetskih nagrada za turizam Wanderlust Travel Awards 2022 u Londonu. Nije to prva ovogodišnja nagrada za Trebinje u kategoriji održivosti. Naime, na petom izdanju nagrade ‘Iter Vitis 2022’ u Santiago de Compostela u Španiji, tri nagrade su otišle u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, među kojima je Grad Trebinje dobio nagradu za najbolju održivu destinaciju i manastir Tvrdoš za najbolju praksu koja unapređuje kulturno-historijsko naslijeđe i vino.
Tourist organization of Trebinje was one of the top 10 in the category of the sustainability promotion initiatives at the Wanderlust Travel Awards 2022 in London. This was not the first award for Trebinje in the sustainability category. During the 5th edition of Iter Vitis 2022 in Santiago de Compostela in Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina won three awards, including the City of Trebinje which was awarded the best sustainable destination and the Tvrdoš monastery as the best practice that enhances historical heritage and wine.
Ćevapi su u TOP 5 najboljih jela od mljevenog mesa na svijetu prema zvaničnoj listi TasteAtlas – svjetskog atlasa tradicionalnih jela i “enciklopedije okusa”. Također, ćevapi se nalaze i na 30. mjestu na listi među najboljim tradicionalnim jelima na svijetu, listi na kojoj je bosanska kuhinja proglašena 25. najboljom, a Sarajevo je zauzelo 28. mjesto među najboljim gradovima na svijetu za tradicionalnu hranu. Također, bosanski burek našao se na odličnom 24. mjestu na listi top 50 najboljih “uličnih” jela na svijetu prema izboru Taste Atlasa.
Međunarodni festival foto grafije u Bursi (BursaFotoFest), najveća fotografska manifestacija u Turskoj, održava se dvanaesti put ove godine u periodu od 2. do 9. decembra 2022. s temom ‘Korijeni’. U sklopu 12. Bursa Internacionalnog Foto Festivala, naš fotograf Samir Zahiragić održao je izložbu pod imenom “Biseri osmanske arhitekture u Bosni i Hercegovini“. Do sada je učestvovao na preko 270 kolektivnih izložbi fotografija u 60 različitih zemalja svijeta na svih šest kontinenta.
Ćevapi are among the TOP 5 dishes made of ground meat in the world according to TasteAtlas – the world atlas of traditional dishes and “encyclopedia of taste”. Ćevapi are ranked 30th on the list of traditional dishes in the world; the list where Bosnian cuisine was ranked 25th and Sarajevo ranked 28th among the cities with the best traditional food in the world. Bosnian Burek ranked 24th on the list of 50 best “street” dishes in the world according to TasteAtlas.
The International Photography Festival in Bursa (BursaFotoFest), the largest photography event in Turkey, takes place for the 12th time from 2 to 9 December 2022. This year’s theme is Roots. As part of the 12th Bursa International Photography Festival, our photographer Samir Zahirović hosted an exhibition titled “The pearls of the Ottoman architecture in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. He has participated in over 270 collective photography exhibitions in 60 different countries on all 6 continents.
Tržište novih automobila u Bosni i Hercegovini bogatije je za još jednu poznatu automobilsku marku. Kompanija Grandautomotive postala je glavni uvoznik marke MG Motor za BiH koja nudi moderne SUV i crossover modele s naglaskom na elektrificirane pogone i savremenu tehnologiju. Za početak su ponuđeni najpopularniji SUV modeli, i to MG ZS kao ulazni i najpristupačniji model u benzinskoj i električnoj izvedbi, te MG EHS kao veći i luksuzniji model koji je dostupni u plug-in hibridnoj verziji i SUV MG Marvel R. Svi modeli dolaze uz jednu od vodećih garancija na tržištu - 7 godina i 150.000 km, što MG modele čini još atraktivnijima za privatne i poslovne korisnike.
The market of new cars in Bosnia and Herzegovina is richer for another well known car brand. The Grandautomotive company has become the main importer of the MG Motor brand for BiH, which offers modern SUV and crossover models with an emphasis on electrified drivetrains and modern technology. The most popular SUV models are initially offered, namely the MG ZS as the entry level and most affordable model in gas and electric versions, the MG EHS as a larger and more luxurious model that is available in a plug-in hybrid version and the MG Marvel R SUV. All models come with one of the leading warranties on the market – 7 years and 150,000 km, which makes MG models even more attractive for private and business users.
Posljednje studijsko izdanje popularnog benda Divanhana dobilo je ove godine iznimno vrijedno priznanje eminentnih svjetskih medija. Tokom godine dva mjeseca bili su prvi na evropskim radijskim panelima, nakon čega ih je britanski “Songlines” uvrstio u jaku konkurenciju albuma godine, koji je prošle godine pripao albumu “Singer of Tales” Damira Imamovića. Divanhanin novi album ispunjen sevdahom tako je dobio priznanje panela vodećih radijskih autora world music programa u Evropi – WMCE, koji je “Zavrzlamu” ocijenio kao najbolji album u prvoj polovini 2022. godine.
The last studio release of the popular band Divanhana received extremely valuable recognition from eminent world media this year. During the year, they were first on the European radio panels for two months, after which the British “Songlines” included them in the strong competition for the album of the year, which last year went to the album “Singer of Tales” by Damir Imamović. Divanhana’s new album filled with sevdah music was recognized by the panel of leading radio authors of the world music program in Europe - WMCE, which rated “Zavrzlama” (Knotted) as the best album in the first half of the year 2022.
Pozorišna, filmska i televizijska glumica Marija Pikić iz Trebinja osvojila je nagradu SNGCI Međunarodnog udruženja italijanskih filmskih novinara za najbolju evropsku glumicu na 23. izdanju filmskog festivala “Festival del Cinema Europeo” u Lecceu za ulogu u filmu “Balada” Aide Begić. Podsjećamo, novi film Aide Begić “Balada” kandidat je Bosne i Hercegovine u kategoriji za najbolji strani dugometražni film za nominaciju za nagradu Oscar® Američke filmske akademije. Film je prikazan širom Evrope, a na Tuzla Film Festivalu je osvojio nagradu za najbolji film.
Theater, film and television actress Marija Pikić from Trebinje won the SNGCI award of the International Association of Italian Film Journalists for the best European actress at the 23rd edition of the film festival “Festival del Cinema Europeo” in Lecce for her role in the film “Balada” (A Ballad) by Aida Begić. We would like to emphasize that Aida Begić’s new film “Balada” is Bosnia and Herzegovina’s candidate in the category for best foreign feature film for nomination for the Oscar® award of the American Film Academy. The film was shown all over Europe, and at the Tuzla Film Festival it won the award for the best film.
Emina Sipović iz Karate kluba Ippon Sarajevo, dugogodišnja reprezentativka BiH u svim selekcijama, nakon posljednjeg upisa bodova zadržala je prvo mjesto na Svjetskoj ranking listi (WKF), a ujedno je i drugoplasirana juniorka svih vremena. Tokom sezone osvojila je i srebro na Evropskom prvenstvu za kadete, juniore i U21 u Pragu, zlato u Svjetskoj ligi za mlade u Poreču, bronzu u Svjetskoj ligi za mlade u Limasolu i na kraju: bronzu na nedavno održanom Svjetskom prvenstvu u Konyi, kategorija juniorke do 59 kilograma.
Emina Sipović from the karate club “Karate klub Ippon Sarajevo”, a long-time member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team in all selections, after the last entry of points, retained first place in the World Ranking List (WKF), and is also the second-ranked junior of all time. During the season, she also won silver at the European Championship for Cadets, Juniors and U21 in Prague, gold in the World Youth League in Poreč, bronze in the World Youth League in Limassol and finally: bronze at the recently held World Championship in Konya, junior category female up to 59 kilograms.
Bosanskohercegovačka fotografkinja Amina Hodžić osvojila je dvije vrijedne nagrade na 4. Budapest International Photography Awards (BIFA) za najbolju fotografiju. Amini je pripalo zlato u kategoriji Editorial – Personality sa serijalom fotografija “Bosanski vitez”. Pored zlata u kategoriji Editorial – Personality, Amina je osvojila i bronzu u kategoriji Fine Art – Special Effects, u kojoj se takmičila sa fotografijom “Sarajevo na nebesima”. Ovo je druga po redu nagrada za ovu fotografiju, nakon što je ranije ove godine već nagrađivana u sklopu takmičenja Sarajevo Photography Festival.
Bosnian photographer Amina Hodžić won two valuable awards at the 4th Budapest International Photography Awards (BIFA) for the best photograph. Amina won gold in the category Editorial - Personality with the photo series “Bosanski vitez” (Bosnian Knight). In addition to gold in the category Editorial - Personality, Amina also won bronze in the category Fine Art - Special Effects, in which she competed with the photo “Sarajevo na nebesima” (Sarajevo in Heaven). This is the second prize in a row for this photo after it was already awarded as part of the Sarajevo Photography Festival competition earlier this year.
Razgovarala: Adisa Bečiragić / Foto: Privatni album
Kaže da je sve to kada pjeva i kada je na sceni. Kada se svjetla pogase, ona je obična žena, majka, nana, prijateljica, žena koja sarajevskom čaršijom ne može proći, a da je stotinu ljudi ne pozdravi, ne priđe joj, zagrli. I za naš je magazin našla vrijeme. Godinu koja je na izmaku nije nam do kraja ukrala pandemija. Po čemu ćete je Vi pamtiti?
Vrijeme ide svojim tokom i mi, pojedinačno, ne možemo promijeniti negdje zapisano globalno stanje. Možemo se truditi da stvorimo mikro svijet u kojem ćemo jačati duh, kako bismo sačuvali sebe, porodicu i prijatelje.
Pored zastrašivanja, zabrana, nametanja mjera, koje nam nisu ništa dobro donijele, snagom vjere u Onog bez čijeg određenja ništa se ne dešava, logičnim razmišljanjem uspjela sam sačuvati zdravlje sebe i svoje porodice. Za vrijeme trajanja ove nametnute krize, desile su se velike tragedije, bilo je bola i tuge, izgubila sam mnoge drage prijatelje.
Ipak, snagom volje i uz Božiju pomoć desile su se lijepe stvari i na privatnom i profesionalnom planu. Imala sam uspješne koncerte u našoj zemlji, Hrvatskoj, Turskoj, Holandiji, dobila nekoliko prestižnih nagrada, snimila nove pjesme i spotove. Nisam mirovala, bila sam aktivna.
Svaki novi dan je izazov, nepoznanica. S kakvim mislima i očekivanjima se budite, a sa kakvim dočekujete 2023. godinu? Čemu se nadate, imate li nekih želja?
Za svaki novi dan trebamo zahvaliti Stvoritelju, koji nam daje nove šanse, kako bismo se preispitali i odmjerili snagu za nove izazove koje nam nameće i nova iskušenja. Liježem spokojno, u nadi da ću ujutro otvoriti oči i krenuti u novi dan sa elanom i poletom u ostvarivanje novih ciljeva. Nisam sanjala niti maštala o nemogućim stvarima, a ostvarile su mi se mnoge želje. Koliko sam ulagala, toliko mi se vratilo.
Ljudi koji rade javni posao rijetko praznike provode sa porodicom. Nedostaju li Vam novogodišnja slavlja u porodičnom krugu ili su drugi praznici važniji?
Nove godine nisam nikad doživljavala kao nešto posebno. Kada bih radila, to bi bilo kao i svaki koncert, na kojem želim usrećiti publiku lijepim pjesmama i raspoloženjem. Kada ne pjevam, radujem se da tu noć provedem s porodicom. Volim raditi, pjevati i družiti se sa publikom, ali najradosnije trenutke provodim u krugu porodice i najmilijih.
Proputovali ste svijet. Šta, po Vama, naša zemlja ima, što niko na svijetu nema?
Obišla sam mnoge zemlje, upoznala razne ljude, civilizacije i kulture, stekla prijatelje, divila se drevnim građevinama. Sve je to bogatstvo i neprocjenjiva vrijednost. Ali povratak u domovinu, u moju Bosnu i Hercegovinu, u Sarajevo, ne može se mjeriti ni sa kakvim blagom. Taj osjećaj kada krenete Baš-čaršijom, pa vas zapahne miris sarajevskih somuna i ćevapa, bureka i raznoraznih pita,
hrskanje isjeckanih oraha u sarajevskoj baklavi, ne postoji nigdje. Krenete dalje, a kujundžije i kazandžije svraćaju vas na tucanu kahvu, a ona miriše i vraća vas u neka stara, Bašeskijina vremena, pa imate osjećaj da je vrijeme stalo. Glas mujezina sa džamija stapa se sa zvukovima zvona katedrale i pravoslavnih crkava. Osluhnete malo i čujete otkucaje Sahat-kule. Pa ima li to igdje?
Na svojim putovanjima srećete ljude koji nikada nisu bili u našoj zemlji. Šta im navedete kao razlog zbog kojeg bi ipak trebali doći?
Spomenem naše gradove, naše planine Trebević i Igman, Bjelašnicu i Jahorinu, rijeke čiste kao dječija suza. Pa Visoko i te naše bosanske piramide i Park Ravne, mjesto prebogato negativnim jonima, gdje vla-
daju ljubav i pozitivna energija, gdje zaboravite da ste na ovoj planeti. Spomenem Mostar - vječitu inspiraciju svjetskih umjetnika i njegov Stari most. Spomenem Banju Luku i rijeku koju je opisala Nasiha Kapidžić-Hadžić, a ja s tom pjesmom debitirala na Ilidžanskom festivalu „Vrbas putnik bez sna, konačišta; Niz svoj lanac, niz svoja mliništa“. Ne zaboravim ni Bihać, ukrašen jednom jedinom Unom, a spomenem sve od Drine preko Save, pa do mora.
Koliko Vam na putovanjima nedostaje dom?
Mnogo sam putovala i gdje god sam dolazila osjećala sam se ugodno i prijatno, ali nigdje kao kod svoje kuće. Svjesna čestih putovanja i da svoju kuću i moje Sarajevo ne mogu nositi sa sobom, gradila sam kuću u ljudskim srcima.
Čime naša Hanka impresionira svoje
goste iz inostranstva, osim divnim glasom i radošću koju, po riječima njenih prijatelja, širi gdje god dođe?
Ljudima ne treba puno da bi se osjećali lijepo. Dovoljno je dočekati svakoga iskrenim osmijehom, zagrljajem i toplim pogledom koji isijava iz duše. Ponudim im svoj dom i sofru s našim specijalitetima, pogotovo raznim pitama, koje sama spremam. Po dobrim pitama sam, da se malo pohvalim, poznata, pa sam na nagovor prijatelja otvorila „Tepsiju“, buregdžinicu preko puta pijace Markale.
U Vašim su pjesmama uživali predsjednici država, premijeri, ministri. Sa nekima od njih Vas veže i prijateljstvo, ne samo Vaša profesija. Ko je Hanka Paldum kada se pogase svjetla pozornice, isključe mikrofoni, skine šminka, publika ode?
Svojim neposrednim odnosom, svojstvenim Bosancima, uspijevala sam plijeniti i steći poštovanje mnogih dobrih ljudi – muškaraca, žena, djece. Nikada ih nisam odvajala po zvanju, nego po znanju i dobroti. Hanka Paldum je jedna obična žena, humanitarac, nekad dobra kćerka, majka, sestra, prijatelj, a od prije devet godina i nana.
Jednom ste rekli da je Vama, ženi iza koje su decenije blistave karijere, trebalo dvije godine da naučite pjevati sevdah. Takvo javno priznanje mogu izreći samo veliki samosvjesni umjetnici.
Taj proces mi je pomogao da se vinem od gnijezda do, nadam se, zvijezda. Da li sam uspjela zgrabiti svoju zvijezdu, pokazat će vrijeme.
Imate li neku poruku za mlade naraštaje pjevača, od kojih neki misle da je sevdalinka samo pjesma kao svaka druga?
Sevdalinka nije obična pjesma. Sevdalinka je gradska urbana pjesma, koja karakterom oslikava život, kulturu i običaje koju naši narodi baštine s ljubavlju i prenose s generacija na generacije. Sevdalinka ima uporište odakle se sama
Kraj tanana šadrvana gdje žubori voda živa, šetala se svakog dana sultanova kćerka mila.
Svakog dana jedno momče stajalo kraj šadrvana, kako vrijeme prolazilo momče blijeđe, blijeđe bilo.
Jednog dana pitala ga sultanova kćerka mila kazuj momče odakle si iz plemena kojega si Ja se zovem El Muhamed iz plemena starih Azra što za ljubav život gube i umiru kada ljube, i umiru kada ljube.
Every day so lovely, shining, Up and down, the Sultan’s daughter Walked at evening by the water, Where the white fountain splashes. Every day the young slave stood By the water, in the evening, Where the white fountain splashes, Every day grew pale, and paler.
Moj talent i volja su mi omogućili da sa 18 godina položim audiciju kao vokalni solista na RTV Sarajevo. Međutim, svaki uspjeh je proces. Da bih postala uspješna, muzička produkcija RTVSA mi je omogućila školovanje glasa. Nakon dvije godine upornog rada, snimam prve sevdalinke za njihov Arhiv. U to vrijeme nije bilo moguće postati interpretator - pjevač bez selekcije i školovanja glasa sa profesorima i pedagozima.
brani, što dokazuju mnogi, kroz historiju burni, događaji, kada se uništavalo sve što podsjeća na kulturu i civilizaciju, a sevdalinka ostala, uspjela se odbraniti.
Mnogi mladi umjetnici su svjesni te činjenice i zato je njeguju i na sebi svojstven način prezentiraju. Moj savjet im je da odijevajući je u novo ruho i aranžmanski prilagođavajući vremenu u kojem žive, pažljivo čuvaju njenu originalnost kako je ne bi oskrnavili.
Then the princess came one evening, Quickly speaking to him, softly, ‘Your true name – I wish to know it, Your true homeland, and your nation.’
And the slave said, ‘I am called Mahomet, I am from Yemen, And my tribe, it is the Asra, Who die, when they love.’
Scan my song!
She says that she’s like that when she is singing on the stage. But when the lights turn off, she is just an ordinary woman, mother, grandmother, and friend, a woman who is greeted, approached, and hugged by hundreds of people when she’s walking down the street (čaršija). She found the time for our magazine.
The pandemic did not rob us of the year that is about to end. How will you remember this year?
Time takes its course and we individually cannot change the global situation. We can try to create a micro-universe where we’ll strengthen our spirit to preserve ourselves, our family and friends. Amid of intimidations, restrictions, and measures, that brought us nothing good, through the power of faith in the One without whose decree nothing happens, by thinking logically, I’ve managed to maintain health for myself and my family. There have been tragedies, pain, and sadness during this imposed crisis; I’ve lost many dear friends.
Why I love Bosnia and Sarajevo
Still, through force of will and God’s help, some amazing things happened, both privately and professionally. I held successful concerts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Turkey, and the Netherlands, I won some prestigious awards, and recorded new songs and videos. I did not rest, I was active. Every new day is a challenge, the unknown. What are your thoughts and expectations every day when you wake up and for the year 2023? What are your hopes, do you have any wishes?
We need to thank the Creator for every new day, for new chances, so we can reconsider and face imposed challenges and new temptations. I go to sleep serene hoping that I will open my eyes in the morning and start a new day with enthusiasm and zest for accomplishing new goals. I have never dreamed or imagined impossible things, many wishes have come true for me. I’ve returned my investments.
Public figures rarely spend holidays with family. Do you miss New Year’s celebration with family or are other holidays more important?
New Year’s celebrations were never special to me. When I worked on that occasion, it was like any other concert when I want to make my audience happy with beautiful songs and a good mood. When I’m not singing, I’m glad to spend that night with my family. I like to work, sing, and hang out with the audience, but I spend the most joyful moments with my family and loved ones.
You have travelled all over the world. What is unique to our country?
I have visited many countries, met different people, civilizations and cultures, gained friends and admired ancient buildings. It all represents wealth and pricelessness. But no wealth can compare to coming home to my Bosnia and Herzegovina, to Sarajevo. When you’re walking through Baščaršija, the air is filled with the smell of Sarajevo somun (eng. loaf), ćevapi, burek, different kinds of pies, crunchy walnuts in the Sarajevo baklava – there is nothing like it. If you walk a little bit further, silversmiths and coppersmiths greet you to try crushed coffee whose smell takes you back to some
old times, the times of chronicler Bašeskija, and you feel that the time has stopped. The voice of muezzin from mosques blends in with the bells from the Cathedral and Orthodox churches. If you listen closely, you can hear the Sarajevo Clock Tower (Sahat-kula) ticking. Can you experience this anywhere else?
While travelling, you met people who have never visited our country. Why should they visit it?
I tell them about our cities, our mountains Trebević and Igman, Bjelašnica and Jahorina, our clean rivers. Then I tell them about Visoko and our Bosnian pyramids and Park Ravne, the place rich in negative ions, ruled by love and positive energy, where you forget about being on this planet. I mention Mostar – an eternal inspiration of global artists and its Old Bridge. I mention Banja Luka and the river described by Nasiha Kapidžić-Hadžić in the song with which I debuted at the Ilidža Festival: “Vrbas traveler without a dream, a final destination; Down its chain, down its mills”. I never forget Bihać and its Una river, and I mention everything from the Drina to the Sava rivers, and to the sea.
Do you miss home when travelling?
I’ve travelled a lot and felt comfortable everywhere I’ve been, but there is no place like home. Aware of frequent travelling and that I cannot bring my home and my Sarajevo with me, I was building my home in the hearts of people.
How do you impress your guests from abroad, except with your wonderful voice and joy you spread everywhere you go, according to your friends?
People don’t need much to feel good. It is enough to greet everyone with a sincere smile, hug and warm look that radiates straight from the heart. I offer them my home and table with our specialties, especially different pies that I make myself. I’m well-known for making good pies, I’m bragging a little, so my friends persuaded me to open a buregdžinica “Tepsija” across the market Markale
good daughter, wife, sister, friend, and grandmother for the past nine years.
You once said that it took you, a woman with decades of an amazing career, two years to learn to sing sevdah. Only self-aware artists are capable of making such a confession..
With the help of talent and will, I managed to pass the audition for a solo singer at the Radio and Television Sarajevo (RTVSA) when I was 18 years old. But every success is a process. RTVSA Music Production provided with me singing lessons in order to become more successful. After two years of hard work, I recorded the first sevdalinka for their Archive. Back then, you could not become a singer without a selection process and training with professors. That process helped me to, hopefully, reach for the stars. Time will tell if I succeeded.
Do you have a message for young singers, some of which believe that sevdalinka is like any other song?
Your songs were enjoyed by state presidents and prime ministers. You were friends with some of them. Who is Hanka Paldum when the spotlights and microphones turn off, when the makeup is removed, and the audience leaves?
With my direct relationships, typical for Bosnian people, I managed to gain the respect of many good people – men, women, and children. I never made distinctions by vocation, only by knowledge and goodness. Hanka Paldum is an ordinary woman, humanitarian, formerly a
Sevdalinka is not an ordinary song. Sevdalinka is an urban song portraying the life, culture, and customs of our people that are passed on to younger generations with love. Sevdalinka has a stronghold to defend itself. Numerous tumultuous historical events destroyed everything that reminded of culture and civilization, but sevdalinka persisted and managed to defend itself.
Many young artists are aware of this fact and cherish it and present it in their own ways. I advise them to carefully cherish its originality all while adjusting it to the new life they live in.
Bijelo i crno bezalkoholno vino, sjajna bezalkoholna piva, bezalkoholni kokteli u kojima se kao sastojci pojavljuju sirup od narandžine kore, sirup od kokosa te pupoljci crvene perzijske ruže samo su mali dio onoga što vas čeka.
Bajka je u kolačima, ne u onim kao u Ivici i Marici i kućici od vještice. Ovi su ukusniji i bezopasniji. I svi su iz vlastite proizvodnje.
Izuzetnost je posebnost. Stvarna. Mjesto poput ovog trebalo je Sarajevu i treba svakom gradu.
Najsenzualniji dio ovog sjajnog mjesta je medena torta. Medenica je ovdje, garantiramo, najbolja u gradu. Dok je jedete, ne pričate. Samo se čuje hm i mmmm.
White and red non-alcoholic wine, great non-alcoholic beers, nonalcoholic cocktails made with orange peel syrup, coconut syrup and Persian red rose buds are just a small part of what awaits you.
The bliss is in the cakes – not like the cakes in a Fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel and the witch’s house. These are tastier and harmless. And they are all from own production.
Impressiveness is distinctiveness. Real one. Sarajevo needed a place like this and every city does.
The most sensual part of this wonderful place is the honey cake. We guarantee that Medenica (honey cake) you can get here is the best in town. You don’t talk while eating it. You can only hear hmm and mmm.
Sigurno se pitate zašto cvrkutavo. Ne znamo, ali od mirisa, boja, okusa i atmosfere, mi smo prestali pričati i naprosto smo... Hm, da, procvrkutali.
O da. Vrlo posebno i drugačije. Neopisivo. Idite i pogledajte. I popijte sve iz čaše. Do dna. Nije važno što slamkom proizvodite zvukove zbog kojih su vas roditelji u gostima gledali poprijeko. Popijte svaku divnu kap.
Ovo jeste prekrasan prostor klasične ljepote, blistavih uglačanih podova. A možemo pod ovo slovo staviti i krastavac kojeg u smoothie vole staviti sportaši jer ih, kažu, osvježava. I kafu. Wow, kakve čudesne kafe se ovdje prave. Vruće, hladne, tople, sa sladoledom, karamelom, limunom, sirupom od mente.
Eklektika se u prostoru postiže kombiniranjem 70 posto jednoga, sa 30 posto nekoliko različitih stilova. Uspjeli su – 70 posto modernih, ravnih, elegantnih linija dominantnog šanka i ostatka namještaja savršeno se uklopilo sa 30 posto tradicionalnog u vidu bosanskih ćilima, razigranosti u bojama i dodira hladnih prstiju historije kroz Vučka i Olimpijadu 1984. Za ovu vrstu dizajna, osim hrabrosti, potrebno je mnogo znanja. Onaj ko je radio enterijer Ibis Cake Gallery, imao je i jedno i drugo.
You must be wondering why chirpy. We don’t know, but all the smells, colors, tastes and atmosphere, made us stop talking and just ... Um, started chirping.
Oh yes. Very special and different. Indescribable. Go and have a look. And drink everything from the glass. Every last drop. It doesn’t matter that you will make sounds with a straw like at those times the parents would look at you in disapproving manner when you were at someone’s house. Drink every delicious drop.
This is a beautiful space of classic beauty with shiny polished floors. And we can also put cucumber (krastavac) under this letter, which athletes like to put in their smoothies because, they say, it refreshes them. And coffee (kafa). Wow, what wonderful coffees are made here. Hot, cold, warm, with ice cream, caramel, lemon, mint syrup.
Eclectic in space is achieved by combining 70 percent of one, with 30 percent of several different styles. And they succeeded – 70 percent of the modern, straight, elegant lines of the dominant bar and the rest of the furniture blended perfectly with 30 percent of the traditional in the form of Bosnian rugs, playfulness in colors and the touch of the cold fingers of history through Vučko (wolf mascot) and the 1984 Olympics. For this type of design, in addition to courage, a lot of knowledge is needed. The one who did the interior of the Ibis Cake Gallery had both.
Da, svi to trebamo i ne treba nam zbog te želje biti neugodno. Volimo se osjećati dobro, piti smoothie iz elegantnih čaša i šolja, jesti lijepim escajgom. I volimo lijepo servirano. A sve to na ovom mjestu imamo. Mi smo uživali u frapeu serviranom na pladnju po kojem su posute sitne, crvene, suhe perzijske ruže. I baš smo se dobro osjećali.
Frape koji možete popiti ovdje, nećete naći nigdje u Sarajevu. U bazi od bademovog ili sojinog mlijeka naći će se kombinacija banana, crne čokolade, lješnjaka i hurmi. Ovo je tek jedan od frapea. A Alena? Alena je žena čiji je potpis na svakom kolaču kojeg pojedete na ovom mjestu.
Luksuz se na ovom mjestu može dotaknuti. Od ugodnih fotelja, presvučenih finim platnom, koje prizivaju dodir, presvučenih, ne ziheraški smeđom ili sivom, nego nježnom roza bojom. Upravo prekrasno.
Nismo se mogli odlučiti šta je važnije – iznimna ljepota ovog mjesta ili čudesni sastojci koje stavljaju u specijalitete, poput soka od lavande. Nemamo u ovoj „slovarici“ slovo D, ali da imamo, stavili bismo Denisa, smoothie i frape majstora ove čarolije.
Yes, we all need that and we should not be embarrassed by that desire. We like to feel good, drink smoothies from elegant glasses and cups, and eat with nice silverware. And we love it well served. And we have all that at this place. We enjoyed a frappe served on a tray sprinkled with tiny, Persian dried red roses. And it made us feel really good.
A milkshake you can have here, you will not find anywhere in Sarajevo. The almond or soy milk base will contain a combination of bananas, dark chocolate, hazelnuts and dates. This is just one of the frappes. And Alena? Alena is the woman whose signature is on every cake you eat at this place.
Luxury can be touched at this place. From comfortable armchairs, upholstered in fine linen, inviting to be touched, upholstered, not in boring brown or gray, but in a soft pink. Simply delightful.
We couldn’t decide what is more important – the exceptional loveliness of this place or the wonderful ingredients they put in specialties, such as lavender juice. We don’t have the letter D in this “spelling book”, but if we did, we would put Denis, smoothie and frappe master of this magic.
Elegancija može biti definirana na puno načina. Ovdje je postignuta na način da se, bez obzira na impozantnu veličinu prostora, nije igralo na kartu da u prostor stane previše ljudi, pa je većim razmakom između stolova omogućena diskrecija i svojevrsna privatnost u razgovoru. To nam se jako dopada.
O da, volimo raskoš. Bila ona u obloženim zidovima, velikim staklima ili prekrasnim svjetlima – potrebna nam je. I ne želimo se osjećati krivima zbog toga.
Idemo na ljuljačku, onu pored koje smo prošli, za još malo radosti. Vratit ćemo se. Obavezno.
Elegance can be defined in many ways. Here it was achieved in such a way that, regardless of the imposing size of the space, they were not going for having too many people fitting into the space, so the greater distance between the tables enables discretion and a kind of privacy in the conversation. We really like that.
Oh yes, we love richness. Be it in paneled walls, large windows or beautiful lights – we need it. And we don’t want to feel guilty about it.
Let’s go to the swing, the one we passed by, for some more joy. We will be back. We promise.
Razgovarala: Adisa Bečiragić / Foto: Privatni album
Nacionalni park Una jedini je nacionalni park u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine i jedan od četiri u našoj zemlji. Ukupnom površinom od 19.800 hektara nalazi se na području Grada Bihaća. Operativno je počeo sa radom u maju 2011. godine, a Vlada FBiH ga je tri godine ranije proglasila područjem od posebnog značaja. Na njegovom čelu je Amarildo Mulić, čovjek koji živi svoj posao. Doslovno. Reklo bi se da je zbog čuvene Unske regate i posjećenosti ljeti, zima vrijeme kada Park miruje. Je li zaista tako?
Nacionalni park Una posjetiteljima je atraktivan od marta do kraja oktobra, a najposjećeniji ljeti. Intenzitet posjeta zimi je smanjen, ali ima ih i u toj „mrtvoj sezoni“ od novembra do marta. Statistički, ovaj novembar je za 40 posto posjećeniji od najposjećenijeg novembra do sada (novembra prošle godine).
Kroz aktivnosti i uključivanje partnera, u okviru ponude koja se pruža, bez obzira da li je to ugostiteljska ili druga uslužna ponuda, stvaramo atraktivno područje za ostvarivanje većih benefita tokom cijele godine. Kada govorimo o uposlenicima, radimo uvijek jer nam je primarni posao zaštita i očuvanje prirodnih vrijednosti područja.
Zadaća nam je i nadzor, kontrola i monitoring procesa koji se provode u parku kako bismo na najbolji način primjenjivali i ispunjavali obaveze, ali i zakonske norme. Terenska služba, nadzornici i čuvari non-stop su u Parku, koji je zatvoren jedino kada
je veliki snijeg ili poplava. Priroda je lijepa tokom cijele godine i sada smo fokusirani na promotivne aktivnosti vezane za posjete NP i tim posjetilačkim zonama u ovom periodu.
Šta gosti mogu vidjeti u Parku tokom zime?
Sve što vide i ljeti, samo pod snijegom (smijeh). Vodopadi su mnogo atraktivniji zimi nego ljeti. Kada Štrbački buk vide zimi u punom ka-
revire, ali sada je vrijeme lovostaja. Ribolovci čekaju mart i sezonu lova potočne pastrmke, a u maju lipljena u revirima na području Parka. Imamo revire za mušičarenje po sistemu ulovi i pusti, ali i klasične revire za tradicionalne načine ribolova, sa različitim ograničenjima. Rafting je vezan za ljetnu sezonu, od kraja aprila i ukoliko jesen bude lijepa poput ove, do kraja oktobra. Sve je više toplih dana u godini, što je rezultat klimatskih promjena. Zime su kraće, snijega je manje. Nadam se da će planine ove godine imati dobru sezonu.
Je li se projekt Odmori u BiH odrazio na poslovanje Parka?
Mi nemamo informacija od naših ugostitelja i hotelijera jer nismo umreženi na toj osnovi. Ali s obzirom na naše rekordne brojeve posjeta, vjerujem da je utjecao i projekt i kampanja Ministarstva okoliša i turizma
FBiH Odmori u BiH. Bio je to zasigurno impuls građanima da uživaju u ljepotama naše zemlje, ali i gastronomiji i kulturi ovdašnjih stanovnika.
Od Parka ste napravili prepoznatljivu destinaciju. Je li kapacitet onoga što NP Una može ponuditi veći od ovoga što nudi trenutno?
pacitetu, tu snagu, protok i brzinu vode i te sedrene barijere i kaskade preko kojih se rijeka stropoštava, dobit će posebnu unsku energiju koja daje snagu za borbu i rad u životu. Vidjet će vodopad Milančev buk u Martin Brodu te Kulen Vakuf, kao treću posjetilačku zonu sa uslužnim kapacitetima zapadnog nivoa. Mogu se rekreirati na 200 kilometara obilježenih pješačkih, planinarskih i biciklističkih staza. U periodu oktobar-mart nije moguće ribariti. Oformili smo ribolovne
Od uspostave Parka, imamo viziju i pristup koji je profesionalan i domaćinski i kroz komunikaciju sa bitnim sudionicima stvaramo priču koja neće stati. Park je proizvod koji je postao prepoznatljiv brend. Uvijek se može više, ali moramo imati podršku institucija nadležnih za ulaganje, posebno u komunalnu infrastrukturu, a to je lokalna zajednica i kantonalni nivo. Mi smo u FBiH preduzeće od posebnog značaja i Vlada FBiH provodi osnivačka prava nad preduzećem NP Una.
Trenutno pripremamo urbanističke projekte za određene tačke unutar Parka, gdje je moguća gradnja kapaciteta za ugostiteljske i druge usluge vezano za područja van zone zaštite. Trebat će nam pomoć Vlade FBiH i Grada Bihaća jer je Park stoprocentno na njegovoj teritoriji. Vlada USK bi trebala staviti u prioritete projekte komunalne infrastrukture Parka koji će biti na usluzi posjetiocima, turistima i domaćim stanovnicima čija će se kvaliteta života poboljšati kroz, prije svega, izgradnju pristupnih puteva. Neophodna je regulacija otpadnih voda, premda je u području Parka rijeka Una minimalno onečišćena. S obzirom na broj posjeta planiramo projekte koji će potpuno eliminirati otpadne vode iz domaćinstava, ali i ugostiteljskih objekata. Potrebna je i regulacija odlagališta otpada na području Grada i USK, kao i cestovno povezivanje Kulen Vakuf s Martin Brodom te regulisanje imovinskih odnosa u dijelu puta preko Štrbačkog buka kako bi se osigurala mogućnost za modernizaciju. Tu je još nekoliko trasa i kada to osiguramo moći ćemo uvesti organizirani prevoz unutar Parka kako to imaju svjetski nacionalni parkovi. Krajišnici su po srdačnosti prepoznatljivi. Prema istraživanjima rađenim zadnjih godina, turisti su postali zahtjevniji i za svoj novac traže više. Može li to „više“ biti ljubaznost?
Imali smo kampanju Upoznajte ljude sa suncem iznutra. Srdačan smo narod, spremni pomoći i naša je ljubaznost zapadnjacima iznenađujuća. I mi živimo dio globalnih procesa otuđenosti, ali smo zadržali specifičnost i autohtonost u kulturi. Običaj da uslužimo gosta kao da je došao u svoju kuću je prednost koju možemo u nekom razvojnom kontekstu kandidirati kao nematerijalnu kulturnu baštinu. Moramo autohtonu domaću
gastronomiju imati u restoranskim ponudama. Poodavno smo imali radionicu o ruralnom turizmu i pitali smo se kakva bi bila definicija turizma sa aspekta domaćeg stanovnika i sveli smo je na Tvoj svakodnevni život nekom je avantura. Turisti koji dolaze na naša sela i žele upoznati kulturu u svim segmentima, u smislu gastro ponude očekuju da ono što spremate sebi, spremite i njima. Bihać je jedan od najposjećenijih gradova u BiH i ima predispozicije da zadrži interes turista. Šta mu nedostaje?
Nedostaje mu više zimskih sadržaja i vizija u smislu razvoja kapaciteta, kada je u pitanju povećanje interesa za ovaj dio zemlje. NP Una je generator razvoja ovog dijela BiH o čemu govori podatak da je Bihać prije uspostave Parka imao četiri veća hotela. Danas ima 40 većih smještajnih jedinica (hotela, motela, etno sela) i preko 500 manjih.
Na uspjehu NP Una došlo je do turističke revolucije. Trebamo brzu realizaciju prioritetnih projekata poput aerodroma u Bihaću, kompleks aerodroma staviti u funkciju turiz-
ma. 30 kilometara od Parka Una je svjetski poznati NP Plitvička jezera u Republici Hrvatskoj. Imamo termalne vode neiskorištene u smislu zdravstvenog turizma. UnaLand –Zemlja vodenih čarolija je još jedan veliki projekt čijem se razvoju nadamo. Neće ići lako i brzo, ali će ići.
Koje dijelove Krajine Vi lično volite?
Volim generalno Bosansku Krajinu, moj rodni Bihać mi je na prvom mjestu, ali nisu mi manje dragi ni Cazin, Bužim i Velika Kladuša. Želim istaknuti posebnost Bosanske Krupe, gradića na Uni sa prekrasnim restoranima i plažama. Nekad su je zvali Mali Pariz i ona postaje fina turistička destinacija. Volim otići na Grmeč, na Plješevicu sa prijateljima i porodicom, idemo u foto safari. Rado odlazim u Bosanski Petrovac, Ključ i Sanski Most.
Šta strancima preporučujete da vide u BiH?
Ovisi o dobu godine i željama. Preporučujem im da krenu od Save prema Neretvi, pa ka Drini. Da vide Banju Luku, Jajce i Travnik. Da ne propuste Tuzlu i Panonsko jezero ni Nacionalni park Kozara. Sarajevo obavezno. Lijepa je BiH, gdje god ih pošaljemo, pogriješiti nećemo.
Una National Park is the only national park in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of four in our country. With a total of 19,800 hectares, it is located in the territory of the City of Bihać. It became operational in May of 2011 and was proclaimed a territory of special importance by the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina three years later. It is led by Amarildo Mulić, the man who lives his job. Literally. It seems that due to the famous Una Regatta and the number of visitors in the summer, the Park is calm during the winter. Is that really so?
Una National Park is attractive to visitors from March to the end of October, but it is the most visited in the summer. The number of visitors in the winter is reduced, but they come even during the “dead season” from November to March. Statistically, there are 40% more visitors this November than last year.
Through activities and partnerships, existing offers, either hospi-
tality or any other service offers, we are creating an attractive region for achieving more benefits throughout the year. When it comes to employees, we are always working because our primary task is the protection and preservation of the nature of this region.
Our task is surveillance, control, and monitoring of the processes that take place in the Park so we could meet our obligations as well as legal standards. The field service, supervisors, and guards are always in the park, which is closed only during heavy snow or flooding. Nature is beautiful throughout the year and now we are focused on the promotional activities in the National Park and visitor zones.
What is there for visitors to see during the winter?
Everything they can see in the summer only under the snow (laughter). Waterfalls are more attractive in the winter than in the summer. When they see Štrbački buk in the winter in its full capacity, its energy, flow and the speed of the water, its travertine barriers and cascades over which the water flows, they can feel a special Una energy that gives the strength to fight and work. They can see the Milančev buk waterfall in Martin Brod and Kulen Vakuf as the third visitor zone with service capacities like in the west. They can use 200 kilometers of marked walking, hiking, and cycling trails.
Fishing is not possible from October to March. We’ve formed the fishing districts but the fishing season is now closed. Fishermen are waiting for March to hunt brook trout, and May to hunt grayling in districts in the Park. We have districts for fly fishing using catch and release, as
well as classical districts for traditional fishing with some limitations. Rafting takes place during the summer season, from the end of April, if the autumn is as beautiful as this year, until the end of October. The number of warm days is increasing as a result of climate change. Winters are shorter with less snow. I hope that the mountains will have a good season this year.
Did the project “Odmori u BiH” (eng. Take a rest in BiH) reflect on the Park’s business?
We don’t have information from our caterers and hoteliers because we don’t have such a network. But given record visits, I believe that the project and campaign of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Odmori u BiH had an impact as well. It was probably an invitation to citizens to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of our country, as well as gastronomy and culture.
You’ve turned the Park into a recognizable destination. Is the capacity of the Una National Park bigger than what it currently offers?
Ever since the Park’s establishment we have had a vision and approach that is professional and host-like and through our communication with important stakeholders, we are creating a never-ending story. The Park is a product that became a recognizable brand. We can always do more, but we need the support of institutions in charge of financing, especially for utility infrastructure, and those are the local community and cantonal levels. We are a company of particular importance in FBiH and the Government of FBiH has the founding rights over Una National Park company.
We are currently preparing urbanistic projects for certain points within the Park where catering and other facilities can be built outside the protection zone. We’ll need help from the Government of FBiH and the City of Bihać because the Park is located entirely in its territory. The Una-Sana Canton Government should prioritize the Park’s communal infrastructure projects that
will be at the service of visitors, tourists, and locals whose quality of life will improve through, above all, the construction of access roads. Wastewater regulation is necessary, although the Una River is minimally polluted in the Park’s area. Considering the number of visits, we are planning projects that will completely eliminate wastewater from households and catering facilities.
The regulation of waste disposal sites in the area of the City and the Una-Sana Canton is also necessary, as well as the road connection between Kulen Vakuf and Martin Brod, and the regulation of property relations in the part of the road over Štrbački buk in order to ensure the possibility for modernization. There are still several routes and when we ensure that, we will be able to introduce organized transportation within the Park, like in the national parks of the world.
The people from Krajina are recognizable by their cordiality. According to research conducted in recent years, tourists have become more demanding and require more value for their money. Can that “more” be kindness?
We had a campaign Upoznajte ljude sa suncem iznutra (eng. Meet the people with the sun within). We are a warm-hearted people, ready to help, and our kindness is surprising to Westerners. We too are a part of the global processes of alienation, but we have retained the specificity and autochthonousness of our culture. The custom of serving guests as if they had come to their own house is an advantage that we can apply as an intangible cultural heritage in some development context.. We must include autochthonous local gastronomy in restaurant offers. Not long ago, we had a workshop on rural tourism and we wondered what the definition of tourism
would be from the perspective of locals, and we narrowed it down to Your everyday life is an adventure for someone
Bihać is one of the most visited cities in BiH and has the predisposition to retain the interest of tourists. What is it missing?
It lacks more winter content and visions in terms of capacity development when it comes to increasing interest in this part of the country.
The success of Una National Park led to a revolution in tourism. We need to quickly implement priority projects such as the airport in Bihać, to put the airport complex into the function of tourism. At a distance of 30 kilometers from Una Park is the world-famous Plitvice Lakes National Park in the Republic of Croatia. We have thermal waters which are unused in terms of health tourism. UnaLand – Land of Water Magic is another big project that we hope to develop. It won’t go easy and fast, but it will succeed.
What parts of Krajina are your personal favorites?
I love the Bosnian Krajina in general, my native Bihać comes first, but Cazin, Bužim, and Velika Kladuša are no less dear to me either. I want to highlight the uniqueness of Bosanska Krupa, a small town on the Una River with beautiful restaurants and beaches. It used to be called Little Paris and it is becoming a fine tourist destination. I like to go to Grmeč, to Plješevica with friends and family, we go on a photo safari. I am happy to go to Bosanski Petrovac, Ključ and Sanski Most.
What do you recommend to foreigners to see in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Una National Park is the generator of the development of this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as shown by the fact that Bihać had four larger hotels before the establishment of the Park. Today there are 40 larger accommodation units (hotels, motels, ethnic villages) and over 500 smaller ones.
It depends on the time of year and personal preferences. I recommend that they start from the Sava River towards the Neretva River, then towards the Drina River. They should see Banja Luka, Jajce, and Travnik. They should not miss Tuzla and Pannonian Lake or Kozara National Park. Sarajevo is a must. Bosnia and Herzegovina is beautiful, wherever we send them, we won’t make a mistake.
Zima u Sarajevu je kad srce puca od studeni, a snijega ni za lijeka. Pa nosiš kapu, šal, rukavice, a ni sam ne znaš zašto. Što će ti kapa kad ništa ne pada? Ah da, da pokriješ uši.
Zima u Sarajevu je kad je temperatura puno u plusu, a pada snijeg a tebe grije neko nasmijano sunce i ne trebaš kapu jer si se poželio pahulja. I nek ide u vraga i ta frizura. I svuda po gradu srećeš Djeda Mrazove, vidiš nasmijane ljude i toplo ti oko srca.
Zima u Sarajevu je Sarajevo Holiday market se vraća kući, koji počinje 15. decembra, sa besplatnim klizalištem za sve korisnike, domaće i turiste, na Trgu Alija Izetbegović, sve do 5. februara 2023. godine.
Zima je i isti taj market, ali u Ferhadiji, sa sajamskim kućicama u kojima ćete moći kupiti divne domaće proizvode sve do 15. januara. Zima u Sarajevu je i bajkovito selo Djeda Mraza.
Zima u Sarajevu je kad se ovakvim divnim manifestacijama vraća sjaj olimpijskom gradu, posebno Općini Stari Grad koja je svojevrstan muzej na otvorenom i turistima omiljeni dio grada.
Zima u Sarajevu su ukrasi na svakom koraku i šest metara visoka jelka u Štrosmajerovoj ulici i jelka ispred Katedrale.
Zima u Sarajevu je i 25. festival Smijeh je lijek na kojem ćemo se smijati od 19. do 23. decembra.
Sjajan program i vrhunska komediografska ostvarenja iz BiH i regiona čekaju na vas. Sarajevo će ugostiti
Teatar Exit iz Zagreba sa predstavom Münchhausen, Narodno pozorište Tuzla dovodi nam Budalu na večeru, a Teatar Prizor iz Beograda uveselit će nas predstavom Brak od A do Š.
U produkciji Adam Scene iz Zagreba dolazi Šund naš svagdašnji, dok nam je zadnji dan Festivala rezervisan za domaćine, premijeru predstave Luda kuća, Teatra komedije Rajvosa, u produkciji CKM. Ulaznice su već u prodaji na biletarnici JU CKM na adresi Jelića 1.
Zima u Sarajevu je i komedija Gastarbajterski Božić u Domu mladih, 19. decembra i koncert Konvoja u Slogi deset dana kasnije.
Stranice Big 7 Travel i Enjoy Travel na 22. mjesto na listi gradova u Evropi za najbolji provod i doček
Eto, i to nam je zima u Sarajevu. Sarajevo je epicentar dočeka Nove godine na Balkanu, gdje se održava veliki godišnji koncert. Hiljade ljudi preplavljuju centar grada zbog koncerta koji počinje nekoliko sati prije nego što nebo oživi s vatrometom u ponoć, opisuju Sarajevo.
Napominje se i da je naš glavni grad najbolji odabir za put s prijateljima. I to nam je zima u Sarajevu. Ova nam je baš posebna. U 2023. godinu uvest će nas energija Dubioza kolektiva.
Zima u Sarajevu nam je i na Vilsonovom šetalištu otvoren zimski zabavni park Zima na Vilsu by Sarajevo Holiday Market. Ove godine nudi nam klizalište, veliki luna park, Coca-Cola kućicu Djeda Mraza i još trista čuda. Od 19. decembra kreće zimska sezona svirki uživo. Bit će ludo i nezaboravno, taman kako treba na kraju godine.
Zima u Sarajevu nam je i klizalište Zimska čarolija na platou Skenderija, inače najveće otvoreno klizalište u BiH.
Zima u Sarajevu je i zima Na Ilidži pokraj Sarajeva, kako kažu stihovi narodne pjesme. Zima je kada ti u jednom od najljepših ilidžanskih hotela zapjeva i sretnu 2023. godinu poželi Halid Bešlić, jedna od najvećih zvijezda narodne muzike u regionu.
Zima je u Sarajevu kada te Velikom alejom proveze kočija sa upregnutim i u svečana odijela odjevenim konjima, pored tebe je neko koga voliš, a tebe trese groznica ljubavi. O da, nisu svi drhtaji od hladnoće.
Zima u Sarajevu je kad siđeš sa kočije pravo na klizalište, napraviš nekoliko krugova da smiriš drhtaje, pa se spustiš niz ledeni tobogan.
Zima u Sarajevu su i ćevapi s kajmakom koji zimi drugačije i mirišu i griju. I šareni burek. I aščinice u kojima se krčka sarma od kiselog kupusa. Zima nam je i grah, sa suhim kostima, mesom ili solo. I sitni ćevap i vruća tarhana. Ili je trahana? I klepe.
I žuti, zeleni, bijeli, voćni. Čajevi, dakako. I vruća čokolada sa prstohvatom cimeta i narendanom korom narandže. I svježe cijeđeni sokovi od citrusa, da nam daju energiju, osvježe i sačuvaju od bolesti.
Zima je kad ti šetaš glavnom ilidžanskom ulicom u ponoć, a iz kafića, hotela i domova čuje se smijeh, pjesma i sve je blistavo. A tebi se pahulje lijepe za lice i za novu crvenu kapu. Jeste li znali da su pahuljice zimski leptirovi?
I zima u Sarajevu nam je kad za samo pola sata možeš iz Sarajeva da odeš i pogledaš ga sa neke od planina. Pa šta bi htio više?
Winter in Sarajevo is when it is freezing outside without snow in sight. You are wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves without even knowing why. Why do you need a hat when the sky is clear? Oh yes, to cover your ears.
Winter in Sarajevo is when the temperature is above zero but the snow is falling and some smiling sun is making you warm so you don’t need a hat because you have longed for the snowflakes. To hell with the hairdo! You meet Santa Clauses everywhere, and see smiling people and it’s heartwarming.
Winter in Sarajevo is when Sarajevo Holiday market returns home and starts on 15 December with a free
ice skating rink for everyone, locals and tourists, at the Alija Izetbegović square, until 5 February 2023.
Winter is the same market but in Ferhadija street, with fair huts where you can buy lovely local products until 15 January. Winter in Sarajevo is also a fairytale village of Santa Claus.
Winter in Sarajevo is when such amazing events bring back the glory to the Olympic city, specially Stari Grad municipality (eng. Old
Town) which is a kind of museum in the open and a favorite part of the city for the tourists.
Winter in Sarajevo is decorations everywhere, a six-meter-high Christmas tree in Štrosmajerova street and a Christmas tree in front of the Cathedral.
Winter in Sarajevo is the 25th festival Smijeh je lijek (Laughter in medicine) where we’ll laugh from 19 to 23 December.
Excellent program and superb comedy plays from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region are waiting for you. Sarajevo will host Teatar Exit from Zagreb with the play Münchhausen, the National Theater Tuzla brings Budala na večeri (eng. The Dinner Game), and Teatar Prizor from Belgrade will cheer everyone up with the play Brak od A do Š (eng. Marriage from A do Š).
Adam Scena from Zagreb will play Šund naš svagdašnji (eng. Our daily pulp fiction), whereas the last day of the Festival is reserved for the hosts, the premier of the play Luda kuća (eng. Crazy house), produced by the Culture and Youth Center. The tickets are already on sale at the ticket office of the Public Institution Culture and Youth Center, Jelića 1 street.
Winter in Sarajevo is the comedy Gastarbajterski Božić (eng. Gastarbeiter Christmas) in Dom mladih (eng. Youth House) on 19 December and Konvoj concert in Sloga ten days after.
Big 7 Travel and Enjoy Travel sites have proclaimed Sarajevo the 22nd European city for having fun and New Year’s celebration. That’s also winter in Sarajevo.
- Sarajevo is the epicenter of the New Year’s celebration in the Bal-
kans when a big concert takes place. Thousands of people swarm down town to see the concert that begins several hours before the sky is lit up by midnight fireworks.
Our capital is the top choice for travelling with friends. That’s winter in Sarajevo as well. This one is very special. We’ll start the year of 2023 with the energy of Dubioza kolektiv band.
Winter in Sarajevo is also in Vilsonovo šetalište (eng. Wilson’s Lane) where a winter fun park Zima na Vilsu by Sarajevo Holiday Market (Winter in Wilson’s Lane) will be opened. This year we have an ice skating rink, a big amusement park, Coca-Cola house with Santa Claus and many strange events. The season of winter gigs starts on 19 December. It will be unforgettable, just like it should be at the end of the year.
Winter in Sarajevo is also the ice skating rink Zimska čarolija (eng. Winter magic) at the Skenderija plateau, the largest open ice skating rink in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Winter in Sarajevo is also the winter Na Ilidži pokraj Sarajeva (eng. In Ilidža near Sarajevo), like in the verses of a popular folk song. Winter is when Halid Bešlić, one of the biggest stars of folk music in the region, starts singing and wishes you a Happy New Year in one of the
Winter in Sarajevo is ćevapi with cream that smell and make you warm. And burek pie with meat and potato. And traditional restaurants where sarma made with sauerkraut is simmering. Winter is beans with either bones or bones with meat. And sitni ćevap (eng. meat soup) and warm tarhana. And klepe (eng. ravioli-like pastry dish).
And yellow, green, white, fruity. Teas, of course. And hot chocolate with a dash of cinnamon and grated orange peel. And freshly squeezed citrus juices to give us energy and refreshment, and keep us safe from cold.
most beautiful hotels in Ilidža.
Winter in Sarajevo is when a carriage takes you along Velika aleja promenade (eng. Big Alley) with harnessed horses wearing formal suits, you are sitting by someone you love, and you are feeling the fever of love. Oh yes, not all shivers are made of cold.
Winter in Sarajevo is when you get off the carriage, straight to the ice skating rink, make a few laps to stop shivering, and go down the ice slide.
Winter is when you’re walking the main Ilidža street at midnight, and you hear laughter and songs from bars, hotels, and homes and everything is shining. Snowflakes are sticking on your face and your red hat. Did you know that snowflakes are winter's butterflies?
Winter in Sarajevo is when you can leave Sarajevo in only half an hour and view it from one of the mountains. What more could you want?
Turistički vodič za Sarajevo i izlete iz Sarajeva možete čitati, gledati i slušati jer će vas QR kod skeniranjem pametnim telefonom povezati s video prezentacijom i muzikom. Ponuđene destinacije, na 172 strane, pomoći će vam da osjetite duh Sarajeva i vidite neke od najljepših destinacija Bosne i Hercegovine.
You can read, watch, and listen to the Sarajevo Tourist Guide, which also includes excursions from Sarajevo. Use your smartphone to scan QR codes to open a link to songs and videos. Travel destinations featured on the 172 pages of the guide will allow you to feel the spirit of Sarajevo and see come of the most gorgeous places in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bilo da ste početnik ili vrsni skijaš, na olimpijskoj ljepotici možete pronaći stazu za sebe. Udaljena tek dvadesetak kilometara od Sarajeva, Bjelašnica je bila jedan od domaćina XIV Zimskih olimpijskih igara 1984. godine. Do njenih staza možete stići uz baby liftove, tanjiriće i sidra, a do većih visina i olimpijskih staza koje mogu biti izazov i najboljim skijašima vode dvosjedi, šestosjed i četverosjed. Nakon prošlogodišnje zimske sezone na Bjelašnici su započeli radovi na proširivanju staza i rekonstrukciji postojeće infrastrukture ski-liftova, tako da posjetitelje već od ove sezone očekuje novi ski-lift na stazi za skijanje Kolijevka.
I na Bjelašnici je došlo do povećanja cijena skijanja, no i dalje je ostala jedno od najjeftinijih skijališta u regionu. Karte su ove godine podijeljene u četiri kategorije, a uvedena je i nova - za starije od 65 godina. U funkciji je i novi internet-shop www.
skipass.ocbjelasnica.com za prodaju, kako sezonskih, tako i redovnih ski karata, koje će se moći preuzeti na automatskom uređaju za izdavanje karata na ski centru ili nadopunom ski passa koji već posjedujete. Možete ih kupiti na prodajnom centru u Alti ili Babinom Dolu.
Međunarodna skijaška federacija (FIS) uvrstila je Bjelašnicu u kalendar velikih skijaških takmičenja Europa kupa 2023. godine u disciplini SuperG za žene. Tako će, nakon više od 35 godina, Bjelašnica sredinom februara 2023. biti domaćin velikog evropskog skijaškog takmičenja,
a naša najbolja skijašica Elvedina Muzaferija će prvi put imati priliku na domaćem terenu odmjeriti brzinu sa takmičarkama iz Evrope.
Pored Evropa kupa, Bjelašnica će u februaru i martu na još jednom događaju ugostiti svjetske skijaške zvijezde poput Kristiana Ghedine, Paole Magoni i Ivice Kostelića. Riječ je o Speed Campu 2023., koji će okupiti desetine mladih skijaša iz nekoliko evropskih zemalja i za četiri dana trajanja pozicionirati Bjelašnicu i Sarajevo u centar dešavanja. Tokom ove sezone na Bjelašnici se ponovo očekuju koncerti na otvorenom i brojni drugi događaji i manifestacije.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced skier, you can find a ski run for yourself on this Olympic beauty.
Only about 20 km away from Sarajevo, Bjelašnica was one of the hosts during the 14th Winter Olympic Games in 1984. You can reach its ski runs by baby ski lifts, platter lifts, and anchor lifts, and two-seater, four-seater and six-seater will take you to higher altitudes and Olympic slopes, which can be a challenge even for the best skiers.
After the last year’s winter season, works began on expanding ski runs and reconstructing the existing ski lift infrastructure on Bjelašnica, so this season visitors can expect a new ski lift on Kolijevka ski run.
Ski prices in Bjelašnica have also increased, but it remains one of the cheapest ski resorts in the region. This year, tickets are divided into four categories, including a new ticket for persons over 65 years of age.
A new internet shop www.skipass. ocbjelasnica.com is up and running where you can buy season and regular ski tickets that can be picked up at an automatic ticket machine at the ski center or by topping up the already owned ski pass. You can buy them in Shopping Center Alta or Babin Do points of purchase.
International Ski Federation (FIS) has included Bjelašnica in its calendar of major ski events of the Europe Cup in 2023 in Super-G discipline for women. After more than 35 years, in mid-February 2023, Bjelašnica will host a major European ski
event, and our best skier Elvedina Muzaferija will have the opportunity to compete against contestants from Europe.
Apart from the Europe Cup, in February and March, Bjelašnica will host world-class ski stars such as Kristian Ghedina, Paola Magoni, and Ivica Kostelić. The Speed Camp 2023 will gather tens of young skiers from several European countries and, for four days, it will make Bjelašnica and Sarajevo the center of events.
Open-air concerts and numerous other events are expected in Bjelašnica during this season.
Krepki planinski zrak i gusta borova šuma koja se prostire, čini se, dokle pogled seže kad se zateknemo na Igmanu, čini ovu olimpijsku planinu jednom od najpoželjnijih za predah od gradske buke i zagađenog zraka.
Do omiljenog izletišta Sarajlija, ali i gostiju koji ga posjećuju, može se doći iz dva pravca, novom asfaltiranom cestom. Igman je jedna od onih planina koje se istim žarom vole i ljeti i zimi.
Kada dođete na Igman možete se zaputiti u nekoliko pravaca. Veliko polje idealno je za izlet, jer na njemu odrasli mogu uživati u pikniku ili u dugim šetnjama uređenim stazama u vlastitom aranžmanu, a mališani u igri i sankanju. Veliko polje je i savršena lokacija za posmatranje noćnog neba.
One koji se zapute ka Malom polju, oduševljevaju olimpijske skakaonice, koje, na žalost, još uvijek čekaju
na obnovu. Bez obzira na to što im je uskraćena prilika da na njima vježbaju za olimpijska odličja, poput Nijemca Jensa Weißfloga, koji je na njoj osvojio svoje prvo zlato, s pogledom na njih lakše je skijati i sanjariti o olimpijskom duhu, kojeg Igman i dalje ljubomorno čuva. I baš zbog toga ljubitelji skijanja i snowboardinga rado dolaze na Malo polje, gdje je tokom cijele godine u funkciji žičara s koje se pruža nestvaran panoramski pogled.
U blizini Velikog i Malog polja nalazi se i nekoliko planinarskih domova do kojih možete prošetati, okrijepiti se, a u nekima čak i prenoćiti.
Na Velikom polju na Igmanu nalazi se i luksuzni hotel Monti, koji se arhitekturom savršeno uklopio u okruženje. Ukoliko želite produžiti svoj boravak na Igmanu, možete nakon skijanja ili šetnje uživati u 25
metara dugom zagrijanom bazenu sa zadivljujućim pogledom na igmanske snježne padine i šumu. Za istu cijenu, pored bazena možete koristiti i spa centar u kojem se nalazi finska sauna, parna soba, jacuzzi kada, slana soba te Physiotherm infracrvena kabina. U hotelu možete uživati i u toplim napicima, jelima ili prenoćiti u luksuznim sobama, od kojih se posebno izdvaja kraljevski apartman koji na vlastitoj terasi ima jacuzzi pod vedrim nebom.
Na Velikom polju na Igmanu će se 2023. godine održati prestižno 53. Evropsko šumarsko prvenstvo u nordijskim ski disciplinama (FNS), u periodu od 5. do 11. februara, pa su gradske vlasti krenule u obnovu tehničke baze, strelišta, kao i ski staze za biathlon.
Once you get to Igman, the crisp mountain air and the dense pine forest that seems to stretch as far as the eye can see, make this Olympic mountain one of the most desirable locations for a break from city noise and polluted air.
The favorite picnic spot for Sarajevo residents, as well as the guests who visit it, can be reached from two directions via the new asphalted road. Igman is one of those mountains that are loved with equal fervor both in summer and winter.
When you come to Igman, you can venture in several directions. Veliko polje is ideal for an excursion, because it is where adults can enjoy a picnic or long walks along well-maintained trails in their own arrangement, and the little ones can play and sled. Veliko polje is also a perfect location for observing the night sky.
Those who head towards Malo polje will be delighted by the Olympic ski jumps, which, unfortunately, are still awaiting renovation. Regardless of the fact that they were denied the opportunity to practice on them for Olympic medals, like the German Jens Weißflog, who won his first gold on it, with a view of them it is easier to ski and dream of the Olympic spirit, which Igman still jealously guards. And that’s exactly why fans of skiing and snowboarding like to come to Malo polje,
where there is a cable car in operation throughout the year, offering a surreal panoramic view.
In the vicinity of Veliko polje and Malo polje, there are also several mountain lodges where you can walk, refresh yourself, and even spend the night in some of them.
The luxury hotel Monti is located on Veliko polje on the mountain Igman, perfectly fitting into the environment with its architecture.
If you want to extend your stay in Igman, after skiing or walking, you can enjoy the 25-meter-long heated pool with a stunning view of Igman’s snowy slopes and forest. For the same price, next to the swimming pool you can also use the spa center with a Finnish sauna, a steam room, a jacuzzi tub, a salt room and a Physiotherm infrared cabin. At the hotel, you can also enjoy hot drinks and meals or spend the night in luxurious rooms, of which the royal suite, which has its own terrace with an open-air jacuzzi, stands out.
The prestigious 53rd. European Forester’s Competition in Nordic Skiing (EFNS) 2023 will be held from 5 to 11 February on Veliko polje on the mountain Igman. Therefore, the city authorities have begun the renovation of the technical base, the shooting range, as well as the biathlon ski tracks.
Foto: TZ grada Tuzle - Vedran Živković
Na starom Trgu slobode večna revija mode I srce štrucka na tren Neki plešući mantil Ne, nije njen
Zapjevao bi na nekom zimskom koncertu Đorđe Balašević da je danas s nama.
Trg slobode u njegovoj pjesmi nije tuzlanski, već novosandski, ali ko zna, možda je baš na tuzlanski mislio kada je ovu sjajnu pjesmu otpjevao 2017. na stadionu Tušanj.
Trg slobode u Tuzli bit će pozornica za divna događanja cijelih 31 dan (od 9. decembra 2022. do 8. januara 2023. godine) sa čak 17 noći muzike uživo u okviru manifestacije „Zima u Tuzli“. I ko zna, možda nam zaštruckaju srca, možda se neke nove ljubavi rode, a stare preporode, u prazničnom ozračju Grada soli. Obrtnicima i poduzetnicima sa područja Tuzle Turistička zajednica Tuzla, Grad Tuzla i Udruženje obrtnika Tuzla omogućili su korištenje 20 mobilnih kućica i program u kojem će tokom manifestacije uživati svi –od sedam do 77 godina.
Na otvaranju manifestacije 9.12. divna Ilma Karahmet prosut će po gradu vilinski prah svoga čudesnog glasa, a već sutradan će Tuzlacima zatitrati bilo uz Marry Jane’s Little Drum bend. Prva, druga i treća nedjelja manifestacije rezervisane su za dječiju radost, igre, maskiranja, takmičenja sa nagradama i sjajnu muziku primjerenu najmlađima. I starijima se preporučuje da probude djecu u sebi, opuste se i zaplešu.
Ne budite stidljivi, ples će vam ubrzati krvotok i ugrijati promrzla stopala, a možda otkrijete i neke talente za koje niste ni znali da ih imate.
Tokom manifestacije „Zima u Tuzli“ neće nedostajati ni onoga što vole mladi - DJ Soole, DJ Maj Babović, DJ Dizzy, bendovi S-ALT, Retro, TNT, Filiman, Generacija bez kompasa, samo su dio ponude tokom mjeseca decembra.
Katolički Božić obilježit će se nastupom KUD-a Bosna, prezentacijama, prodajom i podjelom kolača i rukotvorina. 31. decembra u podne počinje proslava Nove godine za djecu. Muzika, ples, podjela paketića,
druženje s Djeda Mrazom i još stotinu čuda čekaju najmlađe Tuzlake.
Spektakularni vatromet obilježit će kraj jedne i početak druge, nove i, nadamo se, sretnije godine.
7. januara obilježit će se pravoslavni Božić. Udruženje mladih „Obnova“ u saradnji sa Srpskom pravoslavnom crkvom pobrinut će se da Trg zamiriše na kolače koje će podijeliti građanima. Kulturno-umjetničko društvo Bosna izvest će splet igara u slavu ovog velikog hrišćanskog praznika.
Nastup tamburaškog sastava „Komšije“ zatvorit će Zimu u Tuzli.
Javni doček nove 2023. godine će biti također na Trgu slobode. U okviru programa, prisutne će zabavljati bend Big Brothers te Adi Šoše sa bendom Amila Loje, dok će kao zvijezde večeri nastupiti popularna grupa Zabranjeno pušenje. Tačno u ponoć prisutni će moći uživati u spektakularnom novogodišnjem vatrometu. Zabava na Trgu slobode će biti nastavljena i 1. januara u noćnim satima. Nastupit će bendovi Divan, Pochko & New Primitives i Amel Ćurić.
Klizanje poboljšava ravnotežu i izdržljivost, jača zglobove, učvršćuje mišiće, poboljšava rad kardio-vaskularnog sustava, pomaže u mršavljenju i djeluje poput mentalnog fitnesa. Tuzlaci imaju uvjete da postanu fizički savršeno uravnoteženi i izdržljivi, jakih zglobova i utreniranih mišića, zdravog srca, bez problema sa pretilošću i savršeno smireni.
Tuzla je prvo klizalište dobila 2006. godine. Nakon nekoliko mijenjanja lokacija, od novembru 2018. postavljeno je u kompleksu slanih Panonskih jezera, gdje je i danas.
Termin (60 minuta) od ponedjeljka do petka na vlastitim klizaljkama je tri marke, a ako klizaljke iznajmljujete - četiri. U dane vikenda termin na vlastitim klizaljkama je četiri marke, a na iznajmljenim 6. Višekratne karte (za deset klizanja) koje vrijede sve dane, sa vlastitim klizaljkama koštaju 30, odnosno 45 maraka sa iznajmljenim. Pomagalo za klizanje (samo uz klizaljke) je dvije marke. Ove godine na klizalištu je aktuelan i ledeni tobogan. Minimalni broj spuštanja je 3, što ćete platiti 1.5 maraka. Pet spuštanja je dvije marke.
600 metara kvadratnih klizališta Panonika otvorenog je tipa, kapaciteta stotinu klizača. Osim velikog, od 2019. godine ima i malo klizalište, namijenjeno djeci i početnicima. Od 2006. godine se organizuje i škola klizanja za najmlađe.
Sezona, u ovisnosti o vremenskim uvjetima, traje oko dva mjeseca. Klizalište je natkriveno i zaštićeno od padavina. U ugostiteljskom objektu pored klizališta, možete se okrijepiti i odmoriti.
Da biste osjetili učinke klizanja, dovoljno je klizati dva do tri puta nedjeljno po pola sata.
Eternal fashion show at the old Freedom square And the heart flutters for a moment A dancing coat No, it’s not hers
Đorđe Balašević would sing at a winter concert if he were with us today.
The Freedom square in his song is not the one in Tuzla, but in Novi Sad, but who knows, maybe he was thinking about the one in Tuzla when he sang this great song in 2017 at the stadium Tušanj.
Trg slobode (Freedom square) in Tuzla will be the stage for wonderful events for 31 days (from 9 December 2022 to 8 January 2023) with as many as 17 nights of live music as part of the “Zima u Tuzli” (Winter in Tuzla) event. Who knows, maybe our hearts will flutter, maybe some new loves will be born, and old ones will be revived, in the festive atmosphere of the City of Salt.
The Tuzla Tourist Board, the City of Tuzla and the Tuzla Craftsmen’s Association provided craftsmen and entrepreneurs from Tuzla area with the use of 20 mobile homes and a program that everyone - from the age of 7 to 77 - will enjoy during the event.
At the opening of the event on 9 December the wonderful Ilma Karahmet will spread the fairy dust of her wonderful voice over the city, and the very next day the residents of Tuzla will have their pulses pounding with Marry Jane’s Little Drum band. The first, second and third Sunday of the event are reserved for children’s joy, games, masking, contests with prizes and great music suitable for the youngest. Even the elderly are recommended to bring their inner child out, relax and dance.
Don’t be shy, dancing will speed up your blood flow and warm your frozen feet, and you may even discover some hidden talents you didn’t know you had.
A session (60 minutes) from Monday to Friday with your own skates costs BAM 3, and if you rent skates – BAM 4. On weekend days, a session with your own skates costs BAM 4, and if you rent skates it costs BAM 6. Multiple tickets (for ten skating sessions), valid for all days, with your own skates cost BAM 30, or BAM 45 with rented skates. The skating aid (only with skates) costs BAM 2.
This year, the ice rink is also featuring an ice slide. The minimum number of slides down the ice slide costs BAM 3, for which you will pay BAM 1.5. Five slides down the ice slide cost BAM 2.
During the “Zima u Tuzli” (Winter in Tuzla) event, there will be no shortage of what young people love - DJ Soole, DJ Maj Babović, DJ Dizzy, bands S-ALT, Retro, TNT, Filiman, Generacija bez kompasa, are just part of the offer during the month of December.
Catholic Christmas will be celebrated by the performance of the Cultural and Artistic Society Bosna, presentations, sale and distribution of cakes and handicrafts. On 31 December, the New Year’s celebration for children begins at noon. Music, dancing, distribution of New Year’s gifts, hanging out with Santa Claus and a hundred more miracles await the youngest Tuzla residents.
Spectacular fireworks will mark the end of one and the beginning of another, new and, hopefully, happier year.
Orthodox Christmas will be celebrated on 7 January. The youth association “Obnova” in cooperation with the Serbian Orthodox Church will make sure that the square smells of cakes that will be distri-
buted to the citizens. Cultural and artistic society Bosna will perform a mix of dances in honor of this great Christian holiday.
The performance of the tambura ensemble “Komšije” will close the “Zima in Tuzla” (Winter in Tuzla).
Public celebration of the New Year 2023 will also be held at the Trg slobode (Freedom square). As part of the program, attendees will be entertained by the band Big Brothers and Adi Šoše with Amil Lojo’s band, while the star of the evening will be the popular band Zabranjeno pušenje. Exactly at midnight, those present will be able to enjoy the spectacular New Year’s fireworks. The entertainment at the Trg slobode (Freedom square) will continue in the evening of 1 January. Amel Ćurić will perform, as well as bands Divan, Pochko & New Primitives.
Skating improves balance and endurance, strengthens joints, tightens muscles, improves the function of
the cardio-vascular system, helps with weight loss and acts like mental fitness. The people of Tuzla have the conditions to become physically perfectly balanced and durable, with strong joints and trained muscles, a healthy heart, without obesity problems and perfectly calm.
Tuzla got its first ice rink in 2006. After several changes of location, as of November 2018 it was installed at the Pannonian salt lakes complex, where it remained until today.
The 600-square-meter Panonika ice rink is outdoor ice rink, with a capacity of one hundred skaters. In addition to the big one, as of 2019 there is also a small ice rink, intended for children and beginners. Since 2006, a skating school for the youngest has been organized.
Depending on weather conditions, the season lasts about two months. The rink is covered and protected from precipitation. You can refresh yourself and rest at the catering facility next to the ice rink.
To feel the effects of skating, it is enough to skate two to three times a week for half an hour.
Bila je to Una. Otac se smije, misli da sam se prepao pa me pridržava i govori mi da se ne bojim, da je ćuprija tvrda, a ja se ne bojim: samo lebdim, sav prosjan tom Unom, tim nevidljivim čudom, za koje bih jedino znao reći, ljepota, ljepota, malo mi očiju da gledam, malo mi pluća da dišem. Baš tako je Unu opisao veliki pisac Skender Kulenović. I baš je takva, ljepota, ljepota.
I možda ne bismo znali šta je to tačno mislio veliki Skender da i sami svojim očima nismo gledali njene bukove i kaskade i mirisali smaragdne kapi raspršene iznad kamenja s kojim rijeka vodi vječitu borbu bez pobjednika. Ne predaju se ni Una ni kamen. Niti ona njega lomi niti on nju zaustaviti može.
Na svom 212 kilometara dugom
putu, oplemenila je Una svaki kamen i svaki grad kroz koji je prošla, sve do Save u koju se ulijeva kao njena najčistija pritoka.
Znate li da je Bihać, Gospodin sa Une, jedan od najposjećenijih gradova u našoj zemlji? I nije to slučajno.
Ranijih godina Bihać je turistima bio zanimljiv uglavnom ljeti. Brojni festivali, koncerti i manifestacije te nadaleko čuvena adrenalinska Unska regata privlačili su brojne goste. Turističkim radnicima to nije bilo dovoljno, pa su odlučili „razdrmati“ grad.
Pokrenuti su brojni kulturni projekti, zanimljivi sadržaji na utvrdi Sokolac, postavljene turističke table i upute, grad ušminkan i dotjeran, baš kako Gospodinu i priliči.
Festival Bihaćko ljeto svake je godine sve ozbniljniji i veći, mini festival ‘Bihać Summer Gigs’ je sjajna priča
kojom se cijelo ljeto na otvorenom promovira Bihać kroz svirke lokalnih bendova. Bihać je zaista tokom ljeta najzanimljiviji grad u BiH za posjetiti, a Turistička zajednica Grada Bihaća pod pokroviteljstvo je uzela i manifestaciju “Jesen na Gelenderima“ čime se turistička sezona proširila i sada traje cijelu godinu.
U srednjovjekovnom gradu Sokolac gradi se stepenište, postavlja stolarija i hrastova vrata na ulaz, što otvara mogućnost organizacije različitih sadržaja. Realiziran je tako projekt spajanja dva grada - postojećeg i srednjevjekovnog - Bihaća i Sokoca, pa iz jednog u drugi možete odšetati trim stazom. Divota, morate to vidjeti.
Rušenjem dotrajale zgrade Vatrogasnog doma, počeo je projekt uređenja mini gradske plaže nadomak samog centra. Koliko se gradova u našoj lijepoj zemlji time može pohvaliti?
Bijela bihaćka zima je posebna priča. Mada, rekli bismo da pripreme za nju kreću u jesen.
Bihaćka zimska priča svakog decembra postaje krajiški centar svijeta. Pregršt sporta, buket pozorišnih predstava, pa prstohvat koncerata daju u finalu magiju čarobnih trenutaka. Grad u praznično vrijeme u velikom broju posjećuju njegovi stanovnici rasuti po svijetu, pa ne manjka zagrljaja i poljubaca, a ni suza radosnica.
Ova, sada tradicionalna, priča nudi obilje sadržaja i zaista čini da svako pronađe nešto za sebe, te da decembarski dani u Bihaću budu mjesto susreta, okupljanja prijatelja, druženja porodice, dijeljenja radosti i dobre zabave.
Bihaćka zimska priča ili Winter Park ove se godine održava šesti put i već je prerasla u lijepu i važnu tradiciju, a svi pokazatelji govore da
će ovogodišnje izdanje nadmašiti sva prethodna.
Kreativna energija organizatora, topao ambijent, kulturno-zabavno i sportski sadržaj uz zamamne mirise fantastične kuhinje po kojoj je ovaj kraj nadaleko poznat, svake godine u Grad na Uni privlače sve veći broj gostiju, te time Bihać čini blještavim gradom sa odličnim dočekom Nove godine. Još ako bihaćke ulice i krovove svojom bjelinom počasti snijeg, bajka će biti kompletna. Škripanje snijega pod čizmama uvijek je divan zvuk.
Bit će svega kada nas decembar dotakne svojim čarobnim prstima. Da samo spomenemo nekoliko događaja. Pozorišne predstave Pedagogija otpora Branka Ćopića, Sajber skupština i Ne brinite o nama bit će izvedene na sceni Kulturnog centra. Pop i rock koncerti, kao i nastupi tamburaša i horova grijat će
nam srca skoro svake večeri, predzadnjeg dana stare godine proslavit će se dječija Nova Godina sa horom BelCanto, a i ove godine održat će se utrka Bihaćka petica.
I svi su složni u onome što je ciljobezbijediti nezaboravan decembar, kao i doček Nove godine u Bihaću. Uz to, iz Turističke zajednice Grada Bihaća poručuju da smo dobrodošli. Od nas traže samo osmijehe i dobro volju kao ulaznicu za uživanje u prazničnoj atmosferi u Bihaću.
Šesti ovogodišnji zimski festival
Winter Park održat će se na Gradskom trgu u Bihaću. Bišćane će u 2023. godinu uvesti sjajna Tijana Dapčević. Neka vjerovanja kažu da ako u novu godinu uđeš rasplesan i obučeš nešto crveno, sreća je zagarantirana svih 365 dana. Možda i nije tačno, ali ples i crveno uvijek su dobra ideja.
That was the Una River. Father was laughing, thinking that I was frightened so he held me and told me not to be scared, that the bridge was solid, but I was not afraid: I was flying, illuminated by this Una River, this invisible miracle, for which I could only say, beauty, beauty, not enough eyes to see, not enough lungs to breathe. This is how writer Skender Kulenović described the Una River. And it is indeed beauty, beauty.
Maybe we would not know what Skender meant if we had not seen with our own eyes the waterfalls and cascades and smelled the emerald droplets dispersed over the rocks with which the river fights an endless fight without a winner. Neither the Una nor the rock surrendered. The river cannot break the rock, the rock cannot stop the river.
On its 212 km long course, the Una river has enriched every stone and every town, all the way to the Sava river into which it flows as its the purest tributary.
Did you know that Bihać, the Gentleman on the Una River, is one of the most visited towns in our country? And it’s not by accident.
Bihać was previously attractive to tourists mostly during the summer. Numerous festivals, concerts, and events, and the renowned adrenaline Una regatta, attracted numerous guests. Tourism professionals thought this was not enough, so they decided to “shake up” the town.
Numerous cultural projects were initiated, interesting events at the Sokolac fort, touristic boards and
instructions were set up, and the town was spruced up, as the Gentleman should be.
Bihaćko ljeto (Bihać Summer Festival) is getting bigger and bigger, mini-festival ‘Bihać Summer Gigs’ is an excellent story of promoting Bihać throughout the summer through gigs of local bands.
Indeed, Bihać is the most interesting town to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the summer, and the Tourism Office of Bihać sponsors the event “Jesen na Gelenderima” (The autumn in Gelenderi park) to expand the tourist season to the entire year.
In the medieval town of Sokolac, a staircase is being built, wooden windows are installed and oak entrance doors, creating the possibility of organizing different events. The project of merging two towns, the existing and the medieval one –Bihać and Sokolac, was implemented, so you can walk from one town to another by a pathway. It is so lovely, you have got to see it.
By demolishing a dilapidated Fire Station building, the project of creating a mini city beach began within reach of the city center. How many towns in our country can brag about this?
It’s how it is in the spring and summer.
The white winter of Bihać is another story. Although the preparations begin in the autumn.
The Bihać winter story becomes the center of Krajina every December. Numerous sports events, theater plays, and concerts produce magical moments. During the holidays, the town is visited by people of Bihać who live all around the world, so there are many hugs and kisses, and tears of joy.
This, now traditional, story offers an abundance of events for everyone, so the Days of December in Bihać are a place of meeting, gathering of friends and family, and sharing joy and fun.
Bihać Winter Story or Winter Park will be held for the 6th time this year and has already become a beautiful and important tradition, because everything tells us that this year will surpass all previous ones.
The creative energy of the organizer, warm ambience, culture, entertainment and sport, as well as tempting smells from the kitchen this region is known for, attract an increasing amount of events to the City on the Una River and make Bihać a perfect destination for New Year’s Eve. And if the snow falls, the fairytale will be complete. The
creaking sound of boots walking on snow is always a lovely sound.
There will be everything when the magic of December begins. Theater plays Pedagogija otpora Branka Ćopića, Sajber skuština, and Ne brinite o nama, will be performed at the Culture Centre. Pop and rock concerts, tambourine players’ shows and choirs will warm our hearts almost every night. On the penultimate days of the old year, children’s New Year will be celebrated with BelCanto choir, and Bihaćka petica race will be also held this year. To mention only a few.
Everyone agrees on the goal – ensure an unforgettable December and New Year’s Eve in Bihać. Tourism Office of Bihać says that we are welcome. They only require a smile and good will as a ticket to enjoy the holiday atmosphere in Bihać.
The 6th Winter Park festival will take place at the Town Square in Bihać. Amazing Tijana Dapčević will be singing to the citizens of Bihać for New Year’s Eve of 2023. Some say that if you begin the new year by dancing and wearing something red, happiness will be guaranteed for all 365 days. Maybe that is not true, but dancing and red color are always a good idea.
Kada strancima žele objasniti tradicionalno cazinsko gostoprimstvo po kojem su zaista nadaleko poznati, stanovnici ovog bajkovitog gradića na samom zapadu Bosne kažu: U Cazin kad hoćeš, iz njega kad te puste.
A goste vole i sjajni su domaćini. Ako ste iz neke cazinske kuće otišli, a da niste ručali i popili bar dvije kafe, nešto tu ne štima. Ne postoji ni najmanja šansa da domaćica nije časkom razvila masnicu ili masla-
nicu (kako je već ko zove) i poslužila je s medom, pekmezom od jabuka ili sitnim sirom (šta već ima), ispekla pile u tijestu i izvadila iz frižide-
ra ili s verande hošaf (kompot od suhog voća). Cazinjani su ljudi koji pred goste iznose i ono što nemaju. I nema veze što ta rečenica nema
nikakvog smisla, iz cazinskog se doma odlazi kad domaćin kaže da se otići može. A ide se kad je domaćin siguran da je gost sit. I tačka. I budite uvjereni da će domaćini pozvati ili rodbinu ili komšije na večernju sjedeljku da se pohvale da imaju gosta, pa vam ne gine sutradan odlazak u bar još jednu kuću iz koje ćete opet otići – kad vas puste. Neko se dosjetio, pa je ovu njihovu ljubav za goste i želju za ugošćavanjem pretvorio u pravi mali zimski festival koji traje cijelih osam dana.
23. decembra u Cazinu počinje Cazinska zimska priča. Zamišljena da okupi učesnike (domaćine) i publiku (goste) svih uzrasta, objedini bogatu kulturnu, sportsku i turističku ponudu grada i svakako, podigne temperaturu koji stepen iznad nule pred kraj kalendarske godine.
Svakoga dana i svake večeri tokom tih osam dana dođite u goste ovom lijepom gradu (svi ste pozvani), pratite filmove, predstave, folklorne
izvedbe, a potom prošetajte gradom po čijem će centru, poput šarenih haljina kada ih sa štrika za sušenje otrgne vjetar, biti „razbacane“ prodajne kućice sa domaćom slanom hranom i kolačima najboljih krajiških ugostitelja.
U kućicama će se naći i domaća hrana vrijednih cazinskih domaćica okupljenih u domaćim udruženjima i kulturno-umjetničkim društvima.
Bit će tu i nekih već zaboravljenih, a nekad rado spremanih, specijaliteta. Neće nedostajati ni suhomesnatih proizvoda domaćih proizvođača, domaćih peciva, pogače, suhih sireva, a pržit će se i spremati na licu mjesta kahva u dolafu. Taman da ugrijete i srce i prste.
Prvoga dana u 18 sati gosti će moći pogledati predstavu Tarika Filipovića, a nakon nje se zabaviti na gradskim ulicama uz muziku uživo. Svake večeri posjetioce i drage prijatelje na glavnom gradskom trgu zabavljat
će zvijezde iz naše zemlje i regije.
Ovogodišnje Cazinske zimske priče biće organizirano i nekoliko sportskih događaja za ljubitelje fudbala, planinarenja, a bit će održana i prezentacija ekstremnih sportova koji na području cazinske Krajine stiču sve više poklonika.
Podrška domaćim obrtima i poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima, a posebno ženskom poduzetništvu, jedna je od osnovnih vodilja ove manifestacije. Cazinska zima završava 30. decembra svečanim koncertom iznenađenja.
JU “Centar za kulturu i turizam” Cazin
Tel.: + 387 37 539 069
When they want to explain the renowned traditional Cazin hospitality to foreigners, the citizens of this magical town in western Bosnia say: “You can go to Cazin whenever you want, but you can leave it when they let you”.
They love guests and are excellent hosts. If you have left a house in Cazin without eating lunch and drinking at least two cups of coffee, something is wrong. There is no chance that the hostess did not quickly prepare the maslenica pie and served it with honey, apple jam or cottage cheese (whatever she has in the kitchen), baked chicken in dough and taken out from the fridge or the veranda a hošaf (compote with dried fruits). People of Cazin serve their guests even what they don’t have. It doesn’t matter that this sentence makes no sense, you can leave the Cazin home when the host says it is fine to leave. And you leave when the host is sure the guest is full. Period.
Rest assured that the hosts will
invite their relatives and neighbors to brag about having a guest, so be prepared to go to another house tomorrow which you’ll leave – when they let you.
Someone came up with an idea to turn their love for guests and hosting into a small winter festival that lasts for entire eight days.
Cazin Winter Story begins on 23 December in Cazin. It is conceived to gather participants (hosts) and audience (guests) of all ages, bring together rich culture, sport, and tourism and make things warmer by the end of the calendar year.
Every day and every night during these eight days you can visit this beautiful town (you are all invited), watch movies, plays, and folk performances, and walk through the town center where small sale huts with savory food and cakes of the best Krajina caterers will be scattered like colorful dresses on the clothesline.
In these huts, you can find local food from diligent Cazin hostesses gat-
hered in local associations and cultural and artistic societies. They will also include some already forgotten but gladly prepared specialties of the past. The huts will also include dry meat specialties of local producers, local pastries, scones, and hard cheeses, and coffee will be roasted in dolaf at the spot. So you can warm your heart and your fingers.
On the first day of the festival, at 6 PM, guests can see the play of Tarik Filipović and have fun with live street music after the play. Musicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region will entertain our visitors and friends every night at the city square.
For this year’s Cazin Winter Stories, several sports events will be organized for the fans of football and hiking, and the presentation of increasingly popular extreme sports in Cazin Krajina region will also be held.
Support for local entrepreneurs and agricultural holdings, especially female entrepreneurs, is one of the basic ideas of this event. Cazin Winter ends on 30 December with a surprise concert.
Šta to Mostar ima što drugi gradovi nemaju? Rekli bismo - Sve. Pa krenimo od blistavog ordenja na njegovim reverima. A možemo ih zvati i draguljima u kruni. Važno je da su sjajni. Na jednom ordenu, onom iz Londona, piše Nagrada za jedan od deset najpoželjnijih gradova u Evropi. Našem ga je Mostaru dodijelio Wanderlust, najznačajniji britanski turistički magazin.
U španskom gradu Santiago de Compostela okitio se nagradom Iter Vitis 2022 kao najbolji vinski
grad. Stari most je, prema uglednom španskom listu El Pais, na listi najnevjerovatnijih mostova Evrope zauzeo visoko četvrto mjesto.
Na još jednu prestižnu listu uvrstio ga je veliki CNN. Naime, Mostar je na njihovoj listi među 15 najljepših malih gradova Evrope. Naš, veliki, a mali.
Specijalizirani magazin za putovanja Conde Nast Traveler predstavio je svoju listu najpotcjenjenijih gradova na svijetu, stavivši na njega Mostar sa opisom „grad opuštene energije sa mješavinom osmanske i austrougarske arhitekture“.
I sve je to Mostar. Kao što su Mostar njegove kaldrme i sokaci, njegov Stari most i manje znane ćuprije i mostovi koji spajaju obale Neretve i ljude na njenim obalama. I bura i jugo, i voda i kamen. I ništa u tom Mostaru u bijeloj Hercegovini nije kao u Bosni. Ni ljeto ni zima. Zima pogotovo.
Mostarci kažu da onih nekoliko dana kada im padne snijeg na prvu prepoznaju ko je pravi Mostarac, a ko je u grad na Neretvi došao iz ne-
kih ne tako toplih krajeva. Ovi prvi kližu, proklizavaju i padaju, a ovi drugi, kažu ovi prvi, hodaju kao da se ništa ne dešava. Ništa ovo nije čudno ako se zna da je Mostar najtopliji grad u Bosni i Hercegovini, a uz Atenu evropski grad sa najviše sunčanih dana godišnje.
Zadnje veliko nevrijeme Mostarci su imali 2012. godine, kada je 5. februara izmjereno 88 centimetara napadalog snijega. Snježno nevrijeme trajalo je punih 60 sati i potpuno paraliziralo život u gradu.
Mostar je dugo bio grad koji je uglavnom živio ljeti. Rijeke turista slivale su se njegovim ulicama. Zimi, bez snijega i dosta topao, nije bio primamljiv turistima. Čak su i zanatlije zatvarali svoje radnje u staroj jezgri grada, a skakači nisu imali za koga da skaču. No, i tu se stvari mijenjaju. Radilo se i uradilo
mnogo na dodatnim sadržajima. Tradicionalna manifestacija Advent u Mostaru počela je 27. novembra paljenjem prve adventske svijeće i prigodnim koncertom sestara Husar. Mostarci cijene svoje umjetnike i kulturne radnike, pa je glavna i odgovorna za izgled te sjajne večeri bila Karmen Obrdalj, mlada redateljica iz Mostara.
Više od 30 adventskih kućica i gastro kutak krenuli su sa radom već prvih dana decembra, šireći gradom sreću, veselje, muziku, svjetla i zamamne mirise cimeta, krofni, kore citrusa..
Snijega možda biti neće, ali će biti klizališta. U parku sjajni dvojac –klizalište i bajka za djecu, trebali bi privući veliki broj posjetitelja.
Od 15. decembra 2022. do 1. januara 2023. kroz muzički mozaik adventskih događanja proći će čak 44
različita sadržaja. Organizatori kažu, najbogatiji program do sada. Svake večeri od 19 sati do ponoći na velikoj sceni će biti non stop svirka, po dva benda minimalno, što garantira da će Advent biti ritmičan, živ i pokretan.
Na pozornici u mostarskom parku smjenjivat će se sjajna imena - Ivan Zak, Ivan Rajič i band “Teška tema” te band “New Primitives”. Bit će ponešto i za one koji vole drugačiju vrstu muzike, pa će se na scenu popeti i Mostarski narodni orkestar, kao i tamburaši, DJ-evi, rock i pop sastavi, tribute bendovi, klape i drugo. Naravno, zanemareni neće biti ni najmlađi.
Za doček Nove godine program će otvoriti grupa Gabriel nakon koje će nastupiti Željko Bebek. Uz njega će Mostarci doslovno „uplesati“ u 2023. Dan kasnije, Mostarce i njihove goste zabavljat će muzička senzacija Adi Šoše i grupa Twist.
Sretna vam Nova, dragi Mostarci.
What does Mostar have that other cities don’t? We would say - Everything. So let’s start with the glittering medals on its lapels. And we can also call them jewels in the crown. The important thing is that they are brilliant. On one medal, the one from London, it says Award for one of the ten most desirable cities in Europe. Our Mostar was awarded by Wanderlust, the most important British travel magazine.
In the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela, it was awarded the Iter Vitis 2022 award as the best wine city. According to the respected Spanish newspaper El Pais, the Old Bridge took a high fourth place on the list of the most incredible bridges in Europe.
Mostar was included in another prestigious list by the great CNN. Namely, Mostar is on their list among the 15 most beautiful small towns in Europe. Ours, big, although small.
The specialist travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler presented its list of the most underrated cities in the world, putting Mostar on it with the description “a city of relaxed energy with a mix of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architecture”.
And all of that is Mostar. Such as Mostar with its cobblestones and alleys, its Old Bridge and lesser-known bridges and bridges that connect the banks of the Neretva and the people on its banks.
The storm, the sirocco, the water and the stone. And nothing in that Mostar in white Herzegovina is like
in Bosnia. Neither summer nor winter. Especially not winter.
The people of Mostar say that on those few days when it snows, they recognize for the first time who is a real citizen of Mostar, and who came to the city on the Neretva from some not so warm regions. The former slide, slip and fall, and the latter, in the eyes of the former, walk as if nothing is happening. None of this is strange if you know that Mostar is the warmest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and along with Athens, the European city with the most sunny days a year.
Mostar’s last big storm was in 2012, when 88 centimeters of fallen snow was measured on 5 February. The
snowstorm lasted a full 60 hours and completely paralyzed life in the city.
For a long time, Mostar was a city that mostly lived during the summer. Streams of tourists flowed through its streets. In winter, without snow and quite warm, it was not attractive to tourists. Even craftsmen closed their shops in the old town center, and jumpers had no one to jump for.
But things are changing here too. A lot of work was done on additional contents.
The traditional Advent event in Mostar began on 27 November with the lighting of the first Advent candle and a special concert by the Husar sisters. The people of Mostar value their artists and cultural workers, so Karmen Obrdalj, a young director from Mostar, was the main person responsible for how that great evening looked.
More than 30 Advent houses and a ga-
stro corner already started their work in the first days of December, spreading happiness, joy, music, lights and enticing smells of cinnamon, donuts and citrus peels in the city.
There may not be snow, but there will be ice rinks. A great duo in the park - an ice rink and a fairy tale for children, should attract a large number of visitors.
As of 15 December 2022 to 1 January 2023, the musical mosaic of Advent events will have as many as 44 different contents. The organizers say it is the richest program so far. Every evening from 7 pm to midnight there will be a non-stop concert on the big stage, with at least two bands, which guarantees that Advent will be rhythmic, lively and moving.
Great names will take turns on the stage in the park in Mostar - Ivan Zak, Ivan Rajič and the band “Teška tema”, as well as the band “New Primitives”. There will be something for those who like a different kind of music, so the Mostar folk
orchestra will take the stage, as well as tambura players, DJs, rock and pop bands, tribute bands, klapa groups and more. Of course, the youngest will not be neglected.
For New Year’s Eve, the program will be opened by the group Gabriel, after which Željko Bebek will perform. The people of Mostar will literally “dance” into 2023 with him.
A day later, the people of Mostar and their guests will be entertained by the musical sensation Adi Šoše and the group Twist.
Happy New Year, dear citizens of Mostar.
Adresa: Dr.Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar
Telefon/Telephone: + 387 36 355 090
E-mail: hercegovina@hercegovina.ba
Žarko sunce, bijeli behar, k’o britva ledena Neretva, Stari most, slatke trešnje, raspukli narovi, japanska jabuka, ljepljiva smokvara. Pa sočne breskve što Mostarci prodaju pored puta, tek obrisane o bijelu popeglanu majicu, na koju s prvim zagrizom pada sok. Pa smokve. Da li išta miriše poput zrele smokve? Ili mandarina kad se od roda obore preko ograda? Pa to more blizu, vjetar mu ponekad donese miris u bašte na kaldrmama.
Bila je gospođa Priroda ljubazna prema Mostaru. I taman kad pomislite da sigurno ima nešto što Mostar nema – iznenadite se. Ima sve. Čak i pravi mali skijaški raj.
Rujište – dvadesetak kilometara od centra grada. Na 1.050 metara nadmorske visine na periferijama Prenja i Veleža ušuškao se ovaj sjajni dragulj mostarske krune.
Ovo područje izuzetno je bogato munikom, endemskim crnogoričnim drvetom, koje osigurava kisikom bogat zrak. Neka su istraživanja pokazala da je u ovom dijelu lijepe Hercegovine najčistiji zrak u Evropi.
Rujište nije samo krajnja destinacija, ono je i polazna tačka planinarima koji pohode Prenj, prelijepu planinu sa čak šest vrhova preko 2.000 metara, od kojih je najviši Zelena glava, visok 2.155 metara. Osim na
Prenj, sa Rujišta možete na Bijele Vode i na Boračko jezero.
Izletište Rujište zanimljivo je Mostarcima, ali i gostima, uglavnom iz susjedne Hrvatske, tokom cijele godine, a skijašima i borderima najzanimljivije je, naravno, zimi. Zimi se put do Rujišta redovno održava i čisti.
Zahvaljujući vlasnicima motela “Snježna kuća” u kojem možete iznajmiti kompletnu ski opremu, obnovljen je i ski lift te skromna, ali lijepo uređena staza, duga hiljadu metara, opremljena i za noćno skijanje. Uz ski stazu je i pomoćna ski staza, idealna za početnike.
Okolina je idealna za šetnju, sankanje, grudanje i igre za djecu.
Na izletištu postoji i takozvana Staza zdravlja – označeno šetalište dugo 1.100 metara, sa 12 sprava za vježbanje. Staza je otvorena tokom cijele godine (osim u sezoni velikog snijega kada se zatvara zbog sigurnosnih razloga) i korištenje sprava je besplatno.
Na Rujištu se nalaze i planinarski i izviđački dom te privatni vikend objekti koje vlasnici iznajmljuju tokom cijele godine. Dozu adrenalina možete dobiti istraživanjem Rujišta na quadu, koji možete iznajmiti tokom cijele godine. Sami ili u grupi, sa povlačenjem snijega, Rujište možete istraživati biciklom.
Bright sun, white cherry blossom, the ice cold Neretva river, Old Bridge, sweet cherries, cracked pomegranates, Japanese Persimmon, sticky fig desert. Juicy peaches sold in Mostar by the road wiped away against a white ironed shirt, sprinkled with juice after the first bite. Then figs. Is there anything like the smell of a fresh ripe fig? Or heavy laden mandarin orange tree dropping over the fence? The sea is so close that the wind sometimes brings its smell into the gardens by the cobblestones.
Mother Nature was kind to Mostar. Right after you think something is missing in Mostar – you get surprised. It has everything. Even a small skiing paradise.
Rujište – about 20 kilometers from the city center. This jewel of Mostar is tucked in at 1050 m in elevation on the periphery of Prenj and Velež mountains.
Rujište is not only the final destination, but it is also the starting point of mountaineers climbing on Prenj, a beautiful mountain with six peaks at over 2000 m in elevation, the highest peak being Zelena glava (2155 m). Apart from Prenj, you can go from Rujište to Bijele Vode and Boračko Lake.
Throughout the year, Rujište resort is attractive to the people of Mostar and guests, mostly from neighboring Croatia, but skiers and snowboarders find it the most attractive during the winter. The path to Rujište is regularly maintained and cleaned during the winter.
This region is very rich in Pinus heldreichii, an endemic pine tree providing oxygen-rich air. Some studies have shown that this part of beautiful Herzegovina has the cleanest air in Europe.
The owners of the “Snježna kuća” motel, where you can rent ski equipment, have helped to restore the ski lift and the modest but nicely done ski run, 1000 m long, fit for night skiing. There is also a ski run for beginners.
The ambience is perfect for walking, sledding, snowballing, and children’s games.
The resort also has a hiking trail for improving health which is an 1100 m long promenade with 12 exercising machines. The trail is open throughout the year (except during the high-snow season when it is closed for safety reasons) and its machines are free to use.
Rujište also has a mountain lodge, a scout house, and private weekend houses rented throughout the year. To experience the adrenaline rush, explore Rujište on an ATV that can be rented throughout the year. After the snow melts, you can explore Rujište on a bike on your own or in a group.
Foto: TZ Ljubuški
Ana Adventu, otvorenom 3. decembra na Trgu dr. Franje Tuđmana paljenjem prve adventske svijeće, nema čega nema. Od kućica sa slatkim i slanim delicijama – od fritula do kokos kuglica, od kuglofa do raspucanaca, pa do natkrivenog klizališta besplatno dostupnog svih 30 dana trajanja Adventa. „Vrata“ Ljubuškog širom su otvorena; za znane i neznane, za domaće i goste, za male i velike. Organizatori su se potrudili da baš svaki dan, tokom ovog čarobnog mjeseca, bude veselo, pa su spremili izložbe, priredbe, radionice, a u dane vikenda muzički program.
A Advent ne bi bio tako poseban da ga ne prati osjećaj ljubavi i zajedništva, pa su se u organizaciju uključile i škole i vrtići.
Na jednoj od izložbi, svoje radove izložit će djeca sa posebnim potrebama, a na drugoj stolari i kuhari iz Srednje strukovne škole. Njihovi kolege iz iste škole, ali s medicinskog odsjeka, građanima će besplatno mjeriti šećer ako pretjeraju sa slasticama
No, posebno ističu i pozivaju vas na prezentaciju tradicionalnog božićnog ručka sa mesom, krompirićima, sarmom i suhim kolačima 20. 12. od 10:00 časova. Dva dana kasnije, ali predvečer, od 18:30 časova čekaju vas sa lovačkom adventskom večerom.
Sutradan, na dan pred Badnjak, također od 18:30, na rasporedu je ono što Ljubušaci jako vole i čemu se najviše raduju - Ljubuški Advent Night Run, pet kilometara duga atletska utrka gradskim ulicama.
Na sami Badnjak, za sve posjetitelje – besplatno bakalar.
I kad smo već ovaj tekst počeli naslovom jedne divne pjesme, red je i da ga završimo njenim stihovima: Podigni prstić Nacrtaj smajlija Na svaki Turobni lik
Adresa: Dr. Ante Vukšića 2, 88320 Ljubuški www.visitljubuski.com
There is everything at the Advent opened on 3 December at the Dr. Tranjo Tuđman Square by lighting the first Advent candle. From huts with sweet and savory dishes – from fritule (eng. doughnut-like pastry) to coconut balls, from Bundt cake to chocolate crinkle cookies, to covered ice skating rink free for all 30 days of the Advent.
The doors of Ljubuški are wide open for those we know and don’t know, for locals and guests, and for those big and small. The organizers have tried hard to make every day of this magical month a cheerful day. They prepared exhibitions, performances, workshops, and a weekend music program.
Advent is special because it comes with a feeling of love and togetherness, so schools and kindergartens made their contribution to the organization.
At one of the exhibitions, children with special needs will present their works, and at the other, carpenters and cooks from the Vocational High School. Their schoolmates from the same school, but from the
medical department, will measure citizens’ blood sugar levels for free if they overdo it with sweets.
However, they especially emphasize and invite you to the presentation of the traditional Christmas lunch with meat, potatoes, and sarma (eng. cabbage meat rolls) and dry cakes on 20 December from 10:00 AM. Two days later, but in the evening, from 6:30 PM, they are waiting for you with an Advent dinner with game dishes.
The next day, on the day before
Christmas Eve, also from 6:30 PM, the Ljubuški Advent Night Run, a 5K race through the city streets will take place. It is what the people of Ljubuški most love and look forward to. On Christmas Eve itself, for all visitors – free cod is offered.
And since we started this text with the title of a beautiful song, it’s only proper to end it with its lyrics: Raise your finger Draw a smiley face On every Gloomy character.
Bilo da su prekrivene šumom i cvijećem ili satkane od samog kamena, gole i sive.
Bilo da su zagrljene gustom maglom ili obučene u bijele kapute.
Bilo da su dom čupavim vjevericama ili gladnim vukovima.
Izazivaju ushićenje, divljenje, poštovanje i čudan strah koji volimo.
Ravnodušnost? Nikako.
Bosanskohercegovačke planine - simboli snage, stamenosti, gordosti, ljepote. U decembru.
Okovane ledom, ogrnute snijegom, lede nam dah.
Whether covered in forests and flowers or made of stone.
Whether embraced by dense fog or dressed in white coats.
Whether the home to fluffy squirrels or hungry wolves.
They produce elation, admiration, respect, and that strange fear we love. Indifference? Not at all.
The mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina – the symbol of strength, stoutness, pride, beauty.
In December.
Chained by ice, covered in snow, freezing the air we exhale.
Jedno lice Kupresa je zimsko, kad zabijeli dokle pogled dopire i mami na grudanje, skijanje, sankanje ili bord anje, pa nakon tih divota u pansione sa otvorenim ognjištima na uštipke, kuprešku puru, sarmu, meso i pite ispod sača i velike šolje vrelog čaja. A možda poslije čaja malo do večere na motorne sanke. Zvuči sjajno i već nam se ide.
Drugo lice Kupresa je ljetno, proljetno i rano jesenje.
To je ono lice koje vam kaže: Idemo voziti quad, jahati konje, otkriti Malu Mongoliju, letjeti kao vihori beskrajnim cvjetnim poljima u bojama kakve niste ni znali da postoje. I taj Kupres volimo.
Ukrasi prvog lica Kupresa su ski centri i 13 kilometara skijaških staza.
Drugo lice Kupresa krase Kukavičko jezero, Vidikovac, nekropole stećaka, Hajdučka i Kupreška vrata, Stožer planina i Pločata vrila.
Znate li da je prvo lice Kupresa zamalo postalo dio olimpijske priče u BiH?
Naime, Adria Ski centar izgrađen je pred Olimpijske igre u Sarajevu 1984. godine kao rezervno skijalište u slučaju da olimpijski centri Jahorina i Bjelašnica ne budu u funkciji. I malo je trebalo. Cijela je bivša Jugoslavija, zajedno sa takmičarima iz cijelog svijeta gledala u nebo i čekala snijeg. I kao da su ga mislima dozvali, pao je noć prije početka Olimpijade. Snijeg je pao, a Kupres postao omiljena ski destinacija ljudi iz okoline.
Znate li da drugo lice ima manifestaciju koja, po nekim pisanim tragovima, ima tradiciju dugu 300 godina, a da je od 2020. godine na UNESCO-ovoj listi nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Radi se do Danima kosidbe – Strljanica, čiji pobjednik - kosbaša, cijelu godinu nosi tu najveću i najponosniju titulu na Visoravni.
Na prvo licu Kupresa na ski staze voze vas četiri ski lifta - četverosjed, dvosjed i dva sidra. Na tom je licu Kupresa i Ski Kraljica, odnosno bivši Ski centar Stožer – Vrana, u čijem je centru poznata Kupreška kuća,
zaslužna za dobro jelo, a u ponudi je i smještaj u motelu Kraljevac.
Ski Ivan je malo porodično skijalište za one željne komfora bez gužve. Staze su lake, savršene su za početnike. U ponudi imaju i noćno skijanje.
Kupres je definitivno jedna od destinacija sa najkompletnijom zimskom ponudom koja se stalno nadopunjuje.
I da, sva prva lica Kupresa, samo ne bijela od snijega, možete vidjeti u drugim bojama u vrijeme kada Kupres pokazuje svoje drugo lice.
One face of Kupres is the winter face when everything is white as far as the eye can see; it lures you to snowballing, skiing, sledding, or snowboarding, eating doughnuts called “uštipci”, Kupres maize porridge, cabbage rolls, meat and pies baked under “sač”, and drinking large mugs of hot tea in boarding houses with open hearths. After tea, maybe you can go for a ride on motor sledges before dinner. It sounds great and we already want to go there.
The second face of Kupres is the one in summer, spring, and early autumn.
It’s the face that tells you: Let’s ride ATVs, ride horses, discover Little Mongolia, and fly over endless flower fields in colors you never knew existed. We love this Kupres as well.
The first face of Kupres is decorated with ski centers and 13 km of ski runs.
The second face of Kupres is decorated with Kukavičko Lake, viewpoint, the necropolises of old Medieval
tombstones (stećak), Hajdučka vrata, Kupreška vrata, Stožer mountain, and Pločasta vrila.
Did you know that the first face of Kupres almost became a part of the Olympics in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Namely, Adria Ski center was built right before the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo as a backup ski resort in case Jahorina and Bjelašnica are out of order. And it almost happened. The entire former Yugoslavia, together with contestants from all over the world, was looking at the sky and waiting for snow. And, as if they invoked it with their thoughts, the snow had fellen the night before the Olympics started. The snow fell, but Kupres remained a favorite ski destination for people from surrounding towns.
Did you know that the second face of Kupres has a 300-year-old event, according to some written sources,
which was included into the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2020. This is Grass Mowing Day – Strljanica, whose winner –„kosbaša” (the best mower), holds the biggest and proudest title in the Kupres Plain.
There are four ski lifts that take you to the ski runs on the first face of Kupres – 4-seaters, 2-seaters and two anchor ski lifts. There is also the Ski Queen or former ski center Stožer – Vrana, where you can eat good food at renowned Kupreška kuća and sleep in motel Kraljevac.
Ski Ivan is a small family ski resort who do not like crowds. Ski runs are easy, and perfect for beginners. It also offers night skiing.
Kupres is a destination that offers everything during the winter, but the offer list is getting longer.
All the first faces of Kupres, not just the snow white one, can be seen in different colors when Kupres shows its real face.
Nad vezirskim gradom nadvijen, Vlašić je jedna je od najpopularnijih planinskih destinacija u našoj zemlji. Turiste i posjetitelje privlači tokom cijele godine i iako se ponekad čini da je zimi posjećeniji, ne fali mu planinara, feratara i šetača ni u ostatku godine. Njegov najviši vrh je Paljenik, ali ga Travničani iz šale zovu Opaljenik. Visok je 1.933 metra i na njemu se, kao osmatračnica, smjestio televizijski toranj, visok 96 metara. Visinu tornja Travničani za čas uračunaju u visinu Paljenika i tvrde da je zapravo visok 2.029 metara.
Posljednjih godina, Vlašić je adresa i feratarima, ovisnicima o adrenalinu i outdoor aktivnostima. Ferata Paklarske stijene izgrađena je po svim planinarskim standardima i starta u samom podnožju Stijena.
Penjanje se vrši južnom stranom pored Ilijinog vrha (alpinistički smjerovi) a zatim grebenom izlazi markiranom stazom prema PD „Jusuf Pečenković“ Devečani.
Početak ferate je na 1.550 metara n/v, a završetak na 1.750. Za savladati visinsku razliku od 200 metara
te dužinu ferate od 500 metara potrebno je otprilike 45 minuta, što je smješta u red srednje teških. Kratka je, ali ozbiljna i traži malo vještine kretanja te tehničku opremu. Na ferati postoje hvatovi i nožišta od armaturnog čelika, sajla je jaka i pouzdana sa lako prelaznim čvorovima. Ako ste već na Vlašiću, ne propustite izlet na 1.300 metara visoku Vlašićku visoravan, poznatu po dugogodišnjoj tradiciji spravljanja čuvenog travničkog sira. Još ako vam naprave puru, sreći vašoj nema kraja. Ako niste ponijeli hranu, a ostajete na cjelodnevnom izletu, hrana će vam
na jedan poziv biti dostavljena iz hotela Blanka i Pahuljica.
Ako ste na Vlašiću zimi, treba znati da ova planina ima sjajnu vanpansionsku ponudu, kao i veliki broj opremljenih smještajnih kapaciteta (osam stotina ležaja u hotelskom smještaju i preko 11 hiljada ležaja u privatnim vikend kućama), smještenih neposredno uz skijaške staze.
Skijaški centar opslužuje pet ski liftova (dvosjed i vučnice) na sedam skijaških staza.
Na skijalištima je moguće iznajmiti skijašku opremu i angažirati instruktore škole skijanja. Na ovoj planini ima ih nekoliko,
Ski centar Vlašić Babanovac od Travnika je udaljen nešto manje od 30 kilometara. Sa ukupno 15 kilometara srednje teških i laganih staza privlači jednako i iskusne skijaše i rekreativce, ali i početnike. Na blistavom vlašić-
kom snijegu ima mjesta za sve i za dnevno i za noćno skijanje. Početna stanica smještena je na 1.235 metara nadmorske visine, sa vrhom na 1.525.
Ako snijeg i ne dođe na vrijeme, topovi za osnježivanje su spremni. Na Vlašiću vjeruju da će ove zime oboriti prošlogodišnju, rekordnu sezonu. Najavljuju i minimalne korekcije cijena ski passa.
U hotelu Sunce, pored smještaja, gosti se mogu razmaziti wellnessom, a na istom mjestu iznajmiti
ski opremu, kupiti kartu, kako za baby stazu tako i za glavnu.
Cijene smještaja neće se bitno mijenjati, a ukoliko do nekih korekcija u ključnim hotelskim smještajima i bude, neće prelaziti deset posto.
U preduzeću Eko FIS Vlašić također su spremni za goste. Svi su liftovi prošli kontrolu i čekaju prve skijaše. I u ovom centru doći će do neznatnog povećanja cijena vertikalnog transporta skijaša, dok se cijene smještaja neće mijenjati.
Overlooking the city of Viziers, Vlašić is one of the most popular mountain destinations in our country. It attracts tourists and visitors throughout the year, and although it sometimes seems that it is more visited in winter, there is no lack of hikers, via Ferrata climbers and walkers during the rest of the year either.
Its highest peak is Paljenik, but the people of Travnik jokingly call it Opaljenik. It is 1,933 meters high and a 96-meter-high television tower is located on it as an observation post. The people from Travnik quickly add the height of the tower to the height of Paljenik and claim that it is actually 2,029 meters high.
In recent years, Vlašić has been the address for via ferrata lovers, addicts of adrenaline and outdoor activities. Via ferrata Paklarske Stijene was built according to all mountaineering standards and starts at the flank of Paklarske stijene.
Climbing is done on the south side next to the peak Ilija (alpinist directions) and then exits the ridge along the marked path towards PD “Jusuf Pečenković” Devečani.
The starting point of via ferrata is at 1,550 meters above sea level, and the end point at 1,750. It takes approximately 45 minutes to over-
come the height difference of 200 meters and the length of via ferrata of 500 meters, which places it in the category of medium difficulty. It is short, but serious and requires some movement skills and technical equipment. Via ferrata is equipped with handles and knives made of reinforcing steel, the cable is strong and reliable with easy-to-pass knots
If you are already on Vlašić, don’t miss a trip to the 1,300-meter-high Vlašić plateau, known for its long-standing tradition of making the famous Travnik cheese. And if they offer you porridge, there is no end to your happiness. If you did not bring any food, and you are staying on a full-day ex-
cursion, food is a phone call away and you can have it delivered from hotels Blanka and Pahuljica.
If you are visiting Vlašić in winter, you should know that this mountain has a great non-boarding offer, as well as a large number of equipped accommodation facilities (eight hundred beds in hotel accommodation and over 11 thousand beds in private weekend houses), located right next to the ski slopes.
The ski center is served by five ski lifts (double chair and ski-draglines) on seven ski slopes.
Ski equipment can be rented at ski resorts and ski school instructors can be hired. There are several on this mountain.
Ski center Vlašić Babanovac is less than 30 kilometers from Travnik. With a total of 15 kilometers of medium and easy trails, it attracts both experienced and recreational skiers, as well as beginners. There is place for everyone on the sparkling Vlašić snow, both for day and
night skiing. The starting station is located at 1,235 meters above sea level, with the peak at 1,525.
If the snow doesn’t fall in time, the snow cannons are ready. At Vlašić, they believe that this winter they will break last year’s record season. They also announce minimal ski pass price corrections.
At the hotel Sunce, in addition to accommodation, guests can spoil themselves at the wellness, and
at the same spot they can rent ski equipment, buy a ticket, both for the baby slope and for the main one.
Accommodation prices will not change significantly, and if there are some corrections in main hotel accommodations, they will not exceed ten percent.
Eko FIS Vlašić and its employees are also ready for guests. All lifts have passed inspection and are waiting for the first skiers. There will be a slight increase in this center to, i.e. the prices of vertical transport of skiers, while the accommodation prices will not change.
ZIMOVANJE BEZ BARIJERA NA ALPAMATirolska regija u Austriji poznata je ljubiteljima zimskih sportova. Zemlja ledenjaka i kristalno bistrih gorskih jezera, jedan od omiljenih izbora za zimovanje brojnim Evropljanima, među prvima je otišla korak dalje. Tirolske planine nude jedinstvenu kombinaciju opuštanja i akcije pristupačnu svakome. Većina pješačkih staza je pristupačna za invalidska kolica, dok sportski entuzijasti mogu istraživati regiju ručnim biciklom, krstariti stazama na monoskiji i otkriti široku mrežu staza za skijaško trčanje s prikolicom. Osim što su zimski sportovi prilagođeni za osobe s invaliditetom, prilagođena je i infrastruktura skijališta – od smještaja, staza do područja za skijaško trčanje. Hoteli, apartmani i pansioni se redovno pregledavaju kako bi se utvrdilo da li su prilago-
đeni invalidskim kolicima, a većina vlasnika ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u suočavanju sa posebnim zahtjevima posjetitelja s invaliditetom. U Tirolu, osobe s invaliditetom mogu pohađati školu skijanja sa obučenim instruktorima.
I Italija nudi brojne mogućnosti sigurnog pristupa zimskim sportovima za osobe sa invaliditetom uz podršku specijaliziranog osoblja i priliku za pristup specifičnoj opremi i ski liftovima.
U čarobnim Dolomitima osobe s invaliditetom mogu pohađati časove spusta i skijaškog trčanja sa opremom dizajniranom i prilagođenom različitim invaliditetima, a sve pod vodstvom obučenih instruktora. Italijani imaju i škole skijanja specijalizirane za podučavanje osoba sa
oštećenjem vida u očaravajućoj dolini na skijalištu Prati di Tivo. Imaju i škole skijanja za podučavanje i interakciju s osobama s poteškoćama u razvoju u regionalnom parku Mont Avic gdje nude časove alpskog skijanja, snowborda, telemarka i rezbarenja. Osobe s fizičkim poteškoćama mogu pohađati kampove između doline rijeke Po i Retskih Alpa.
Po uzoru na austrijska skijališta, u Zagrebu još od 2006. godine postoji skijanje za osobe u kolicima (monoskijanje) zahvaljujući ideji jedne mame koja je poželjela to za svoga sina. U sprovođenju ideje mame Marije u djelo Zagrepčanima su pomogli upravo Austrijanci. Nakon kursa monoskijanja, u Zagrebu je osnovan klub s ciljem da osobe s invaliditetom upoznaju s nečim što već godinama postoji izvan Hrvatske.
Hrvatska od maja 2007. godine zvanično ima i Hrvatski skijaški savez osoba sa invaliditetom (HSSOI), osnovan kao nacionalni savez skijaških klubova osoba sa invaliditetom. Okuplja klubove ili saveze sportaša svih kategorija invalidnosti koji se u Hrvatskoj bave skijanjem. Monoski klub Zagreb osnovan je u cilju promoviranja, razvitka i unapređenja alpskog skijanja za osobe s invaliditetom. U okviru kluba radi se sportska poduka osoba s invaliditetom s ciljem rehabilitacije, integracije i socijalizacije, nakon čega se one mogu i takmičiti.
Poznato je da skijanje aktivira cijelo tijelo zbog čega se mogu postići izvanredni rehabilitacijski učinci. Pomaže i kod razvijanja ravnoteže, kontrole i koordinacije pokreta, izvođenje ciljanih i svjesnih pokreta gornjih ekstremiteta i trupa. Iz zagrebačkog kluba ističu da edukacijom u školi monoskijanja osobe
s invaliditetom savladavaju osnovna znanja i vještine. Osim teoretskog dijela važno je i redovno vježbanje kako bi se ojačala trbušna muskulatura te muskulatura ramenog pojasa i ruku, što je važan preduslov za monoskijanje.
Ništa manje važno nije ni razvijanje socijalne integracije. Aktivno
uključivanje u sportske aktivnosti i projekte preduslov je za potpunu rehabilitaciju i habilitaciju. Skijanje podstiče druženje i navalu adrenalina, zbog čega se osobe, koje se bave time, teško mogu povlačiti u sebe.
Prema podacima Agencije za statistiku BiH, u našoj zemlji žive oko 294.000 osoba sa invaliditetom. Nažalost, zimske turističke destinacije nisu im prilagođene. Nemamo čak ni staze za šetnju u kolicima, iako BiH ima Paraolimpijski komitet čiji se članovi bave i zimskim sportovima i aktivno
Prilagođavanjem osobama s invaliditetom njima se omogućava ljepši i ugodniji boravak, a hotelima i turističkim destinacijama popunjenost kapaciteta tokom cijele sezone.
učestvuju na svjetskim takmičenjima. Bh. paraolimpijci se snalaze i najčešće treniraju na Jahorini i Bjelašnici, najpoznatijim skijalištima u našoj zemlji, koje također nemaju prilagođen pristup osobama s invaliditetom. Jedini u BiH koji skija na monoskiji je prvi bh. paraolimpijac u superveleslalomu Fahrudin Ćatović koji je naučio skijati u Austriji.
USAID Turizam ove godine objavio je Plan za uključivanje osoba sa invaliditetom u turistički sektor BiH kojim se nastoji osigurati put ka potpunoj provedbi UN-ove Konvencije o pravima osoba s invaliditetom i Opcionalnog protokola u turističkom sektoru naše zemlje.
The Tirol region in Austria is famous for winter sports fans. The land of glaciers and crystal-clear mountain lakes, one of the favourite choices for winter holidays for many Europeans, was among the first to go a step further. Tirol’s mountains offer a unique combination of relaxation and action, accessible to everyone. Most of the hiking trails are wheelchair accessible, while sports enthusiasts can explore the region by hand bike, cruise the slopes on a monoski, and discover an extensive network of cross-country skiing trails with a trailer in a tow.
In addition to the winter sports being adapted to people with disabilities, the infrastructure of the ski resort
has also been adapted - from accommodation and trails to cross-country skiing areas. Hotels, apartments and guesthouses are regularly inspected to see if they are wheelchair-friendly, and most owners have years of experience in coping with the special requirements of visitors with disabilities. In Tirol, people with disabilities can attend a ski school with trained instructors.
Italy also offers numerous opportunities for safe access to winter sports for people with disabilities with the support of specialized staff and an opportunity to access specific equipment and ski lifts.
In the magical Dolomites, people
with disabilities can attend downhill and cross-country skiing lessons with equipment designed and adapted to different disabilities, all under the guidance of trained instructors. The Italians also have ski schools specializing in teaching visually impaired people in the enchanting valley of the Prati di Tivo ski resort. They also have ski schools to teach and interact with people with developmental disabilities in the Mont Avic Regional Park where they offer alpine skiing, snowboarding, telemark and carving lessons. People with physical disabilities can attend the camps between the Po valley and the Rhaetian Alps.
Modelled on Austrian ski resorts, skiing for people in wheelchairs
(monoskiing) in Zagreb has been possible since 2006, thanks to the idea of a mother who wanted it for her son. It was the Austrians who helped the people of Zagreb to put mother Marija’s idea into practice. After the monoskiing course, a club was founded in Zagreb with the goal of introducing people with disabilities to something that has existed outside of Croatia for years.
Since May 2007, Croatia has officially had the Croatian Ski Association of Persons with Disabilities (HSSOI), founded as a national association of ski clubs for persons with disabilities. It brings together clubs or associations of athletes of all categories of disabilities who engage in skiing in Croatia. Monoski club Zagreb was founded with the aim of promoting, developing and improving alpine skiing for people with disabilities. Within the club, people with disabilities are taught sports with the aim of rehabilitation, integration and socialization, after which they can compete.
It is known that skiing activates the whole body, enabling extraordinary rehabilitation effects. It also helps
in developing balance, control and coordination of movements, performing targeted and conscious movements of the upper limbs and torso.
The Zagreb club points out that through education at the monoskiing school, people with disabilities master basic knowledge and skills. In addition to the theoretical part, regular exercise is also important to strengthen the abdominal musculature and the musculature of the shoulder girdle and arms, which is an important prerequisite for monoskiing.
The development of social integration is no less important. Active involvement in sports activities and projects are prerequisites for complete rehabilitation and habilitation. Skiing encourages socializing and a rush of adrenaline, which is why people who engage in it can hardly withdraw into themselves.
According to the data of the Agency for Statistics of B&H, there are about 294,000 people with disabilities living in our country. Unfortunately, winter tourist destinations are not adapted to them. We don’t even have walking
Adapting to people with disabilities enables them to have a nicer and more comfortable stay, and hotels and tourist destinations have full capacity throughout the season.
trails for wheelchairs, although Bosnia and Herzegovina has a Paralympic Committee whose members also practice winter sports and actively participate in world competitions.
B&H paralympians manage and most often train at Jahorina and Bjelašnica, the most famous ski resorts in our country, which also do not have adapted access for people with disabilities. The only person in B&H who skis on monoski is Fahrudin Ćatović, the first B&H Paralympian in the super giant slalom, who learned to ski in Austria.
This year, USAID Tourism published a Plan for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the tourism sector of B&H, which aims to ensure the path to full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol in the tourism sector of our country.
Adekvatno odlaganje e-otpada jedan je od vodećih svjetskih ekoloških problema. Veliki dio se spaljuje ili odlaže na deponije, što predstavlja ozbiljne izazove za okoliš, zdravlje ljudi i postizanje ciljeva održivog razvoja.
Upravljanje E-otpadom u Bosni i Hercegovini regulisano je na entitetskim nivoima. ZEOS eko-sistem d.o.o. prvi je operater sistema upravljanja otpadnom električnom i elektronskom opremom u BiH, ovlašten od strane Federalnog mi-
nistarstva okoliša i turizma. Zahvaljujući desetogodišnjom radu ZEOS eko-sistem d.o.o. i kod naših građana raste svijest o ekološkim prijetnjama koje e-otpad uzrokuje i o važnosti njegovog pravilnog odlaganja.
ZEOS eko-sistem adresa je na koju se građani obraćaju s namjerom da se na ispravan način i potpuno besplatno riješe nepotrebne elektronske opreme i aparata.
Ovaj operater sistema upravljanja električnom i elektronskom opremom već deset godina na odgovoran način prikuplja, zbrinjava i reciklira e-otpad, kako ne bi završio na deponijama. Nudeći građanima i kompanijama mogućnost da od njih besplatno preuzmu električnu/ elektronsku opremu ili da je oni sami odlože na neku od 400 lokacija za odlaganje e-otpada, od početka djelovanja 2013. do danas prikupili su 18.200 tona e-otpada. Važno je napomenuti da se sve lokacije za pravilno odlaganje e-otpada nalaze na interaktivnoj karti koja je dostupna putem web stranice www.zeos.ba. U kompaniji brinu i o edukaciji stanovništva, pa su brojni projekti realizirani na različitim nivoima.
O odnosu pojedinaca i kompanija prema zbrinjavanju e-otpada te rezultatima ostvarenim u proteklom
Ambiciozno se posvetilo i educiranju mladih. U toku je implementacija projekta „Zelena revolucija 2“ u okviru kojeg se sa učenicima iz 140 osnovnih škola u FBiH radi na izgradnji eko navika odlaganja e-otpada. Navike se najlakše usvajaju u toj dobi, pa osnovce provodimo kroz aktivnosti pravilnog odlaganja otpada. U ovaj projekt, kojim postavljamo temelje za čistu budućnost dolazećim generacijama, bit će uloženo oko 100.000 KM, zaključio je Šehić. ZEOS je, u okviru projekta Zelena revolucija, sarađivao sa 273 škole i 117.000 učenika.
periodu, informaciju više potražili smo od Emila Šehića, direktora ZEOS eko-sistema.
Od početka poslovanja 2013. do danas, najbolje rezultate imali smo 2021. godine, kada smo sakupili 2.958 tona e-otpada. Trenutni podaci govore da je za januar 2022., u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, broj prijavljenih narudžbi od kompanija
za besplatno preuzimanje povećan za 96 posto, ističe Šehić, navodeći kako sarađuju sa više od 400 pravnih lica, te da su i građani oduševljeni jedinstvenom uslugom besplatnog preuzimanja sa kućne adrese, koja je uvedena prošle godine.
Otkako su „eko porodicu“ proširili na domaćinstva, telefoni ne prestaju zvoniti.
Kako bi unaprijedili sistem selektivnog prikupljanja otpada i njegovu reciklažu KJKP RAD je, uz finansijsku podršku operatera sistema Ekopak i ZEOS eko-sistem, otvorio reciklažno dvorište u Paromlinskoj ulici br. 64 u Sarajevu (preko puta Velepekare). Radno vrijeme je od 08:00 - 20:00 časova svaki dan, a građani, pored besplatnog odlaganja ambalažnog, elektronskog i građevinskog otpada kao i automobilskih guma, mogu stvari, koje ne žele baciti, ostaviti u postavljenu kućicu za RE-USE (ponovnu upotrebu). Nekome će zasigurno biti korisne.
Odziv je veliki, pa smo produžili akciju. Cilj je da se uspješna praksa preuzimanja e-otpada nastavi, kaže, dodajući kako ZEOS eko-sistem dnevno sakupi oko 9000 kilograma e-otpada, uglavnom velikih i malih kućanskih aparata, rashladnih uređaja, tv monitora i sijalica.
U službi ovlaštenog operatera od 2022. godine, stanovništvu nudimo i besplatnu uslugu mobilnog reciklažnog dvorišta. U praksi, u kombiju obilazimo ruralna naselja i omogućavamo građanima da se na ispravan način riješe aparata koji im više ne služe, pojašnjava. Ispravno odlaganje e-otpada preduslov je izuzetno važnog koraka, a to je reciklaža za koju naša zemlja ima kapacitete.
U BiH se mogu obrađivati i reciklirati različite kategorije elektro otpada; veliki i mali aparati i rashladni uređaji bez freona, dok se plinske sijalice, rashladni uređaji sa freonom i katodne cijevi tv monitora izvoze na obradu u inostranstvo, pojašnjava Šehić i podsjeća da se
upravo preko ZEOS eko-sistema, nakon sakupljanja, poštujući ekološke standarde, vrši obrada, prerada i reciklaža.
Naša kompanija u oblasti reciklaže elektro otpada postaje broj jedan u državi, a dodatne investicije će osigurati dugoročni opstanak sistema, njegovu efikasnost i prepoznatljivost, ističe.
Pandemija korona virusa i izazovi
koji su je pratili, nisu usporili ZEOS eko-sistem. Ostvarili su značajna ulaganja u razvoj sistema zbrinjavanja e-otpada kao i infrastrukturu.
U okviru projekta Ekolucija – revolucija ekološke svijesti na području Tuzle i Živinica, u nabavku i postavljanje 17 specijalnih uličnih kontejnera za e-otpad, prošle godine uloženo je 125.000 KM.
Sakupljačka mreža raste, a trenutno je u toku implementacija investicije vrijednosti 200.000 maraka, osigurane iz vlastitih sredstava ZEOS eko-sistema i nabavka novih kontejnera za e-otpad koji će biti postavljeni u općinama širom FBiH.
Adresa: Tvornička 3, Ilidža
Tel: +387 33 628 606
E-mail: info@zeos.ba www.zeos.ba
Adequate e-waste disposal is one of the world’s leading environmental problems. A large part is burned or disposed of in landfills, which poses serious challenges for the environment, human health and the achievement of sustainable development goals. E-waste management in Bosnia and Herzegovina is regulated at the entity levels. ZEOS eko-sistem d.o.o. is the first waste electrical and electronic equipment management system operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, authorized by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
As a result of ten years of ZEOS eko-sistem d.o.o.’s work our citizens are becoming more aware of the environmental threats caused by e-waste and the importance of its proper disposal.
The ZEOS eko-sistem is a place to go when citizens want to get rid of unnecessary electronic equipment and appliances in a proper way and completely free of charge.
They have also ambitiously dedicated themselves to educating young people. The implementation of the “Zelena revolucija 2” (The Green Revolution 2) project is underway, through which students from 140 elementary schools in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are working on building eco-habits of e-waste disposal. Habits are most easily acquired at that age, so we engage elementary school children in activities related to proper waste disposal. Approximately 100,000 BAM will be invested in this project, which lays the foundations for a clean future for the coming generations, concluded Šehić.
As part of the “Zelena revolucija” project, ZEOS cooperated with 273 schools and 117,000 students.
In order to improve the selective waste collection system and its recycling, Cantonal Public Utility company (KJKP) RAD, with the financial support of the system operator Ekopak and ZEOS eko-sistem, opened a recycling yard in Paromlinska street 64 in Sarajevo (across from Velepekara bakery). Working hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. every day, and citizens, in addition to free disposal of packaging, electronic and construction waste as well as car tires, can leave things they do not want to throw away in the designated RE-USE. These things will surely be useful to someone
This electrical and electronic equipment management system operator has been responsibly collecting, disposing of and recycling e-waste for ten years, so that it does not end up in landfills. Offering citizens and companies the opportunity to collect electrical/electronic equipment from them for free or to dispose of it themselves at one of the 400 e-waste disposal locations, they have collected 200 tons of e-waste since the company started its operation in 2013. It is important to note that all locations for proper e-waste disposal are located on the interactive map available on the website www. zeos.ba. The company also cares about the education of the population, implementing numerous projects at different levels.
We asked Emil Šehić, director of ZEOS eko-sistem for more information about the attitude of individuals and companies towards the e-waste disposal and the results achieved in the past period.
From the beginning of the company’s operations in 2013 until today, we had the best results in 2021, when we collected 2,958 tons of e-waste. Current data show that for January 2022, compared to the previous year, the number of registered orders from companies for
free e-waste collection increased by 96 percent, Šehić points out, stating that they cooperate with more than 400 legal entities, and that citizens are also delighted with the unique service of free e-waste doorstep collection, which was introduced last year.
Since they expanded the “eco family” to households, the phones have not stopped ringing.
The response was great, so we extended the campaign. The goal is to continue the successful practice of e-waste collection, he says, adding that the ZEOS eko-sistem collects about nine tons of e-waste per day, mainly large and small household appliances, refrigerators, TV monitors and light bulbs.
As an authorized operator from 2022, we also offer the population a free service of a mobile recycling yard. In practice, we visit rural settlements in a van and enable citizens to get rid of appliances that they no longer use, he explains.
Proper e-waste disposal is a prerequisite for an extremely important step - recycling, for which our country has the capacity.
Different categories of electrical waste can be processed and recycled in BiH; large and small appliances and cooling devices without freon, while gas lamps, cooling devices with freon and cathode ray tubes of TV monitors are exported for processing abroad, explains Šehić
and reminds that after collection, processing, treatment and recycling are carried out through ZEOS, respecting ecological standards.
In the field of electrical waste recycling, our company becomes number one in the country, and additional investments will ensure the long-term sustainability of the system, its efficiency and recognition, he points out.
The corona virus pandemic and the challenges that accompanied it did not slow down the ZEOS eko-sistem. They made significant investments in the development of
e-waste disposal systems as well as infrastructure.
As part of the project Ekolucija – revolucija ekološke svijesti (Ecolution - Ecological Awareness Revolution) 125,000 KM was invested in the procurement and installation of 17 special street e-waste containers in the area of Tuzla and Živinice during last year.
The collection network is growing, and the implementation of an investment worth 200,000 BAM, secured from ZEOS’ own funds, and the procurement of new containers for e-waste, which will be installed in municipalities throughout the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is currently underway.
Pandemija i digitalna ekonomija promijenile su načine na koje živimo i radimo. Sve više ljudi radi na daljinu, putuje, ostaje duže na jednom mjestu, odvajajući vrijeme za upoznavanje kulture i mjesta oko sebe.
Mnoge države prepoznale su značaj digitalnih nomada za razvoj turizma. Hrvatska, Estonija, Indonezija, Malta i Norveška čak uspostavljaju vlastite nomadske vize, koje omogućavaju onima koji rade na daljinu ostanak i rad u jednom od ovih područja i do pet godina.
U godini koja je na izmaku, u okviru projekta RECOOPER kojeg implementiraju Privredna komora FBiH i INTERA Tehnološki park, a sufinansiraju Evropska unija i Vlada SR Njemačke kroz projekt EU4BusinessRecovery, svjetlost dana ugledala je web platforma namijenjena digitalnim nomadima.
Platforma predstavlja centralno mjesto na kojem se mogu pronaći logističke informacija, korisni linkovi, ali i ostali sadržaji o prirodnim ljepotama i društvenim sadržajima u Hercegovini.
Prirodne ljepote, kulturne znamenitosti, avanturizam, gastronomija, društveni život i mjesta za rad samo su neki od razloga zbog kojih digitalni nomadi biraju Hercegovinu.
Web platformu prati i promo video kojim su predstavljene ključne karakteristike regije kao destinacije za digitalne nomade.
The pandemics and digital economy have changed the way we live and work. More and more people are working remotely, traveling, and staying in one place longer, taking time to meet the culture and places around themselves. Many countries have recognized the importance of digital nomads for the development of tourism. Croatia, Estonia, Indonesia, Malta, and Norway are implementing their own nomad visions enabling remo-
te workers to stay and work at one of these places for up to five years.
This year, a web platform was made for digital nomads within the RECOOPER project, implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Technological Park INTEGRA, and co-financed by the European Union and the German Government through EU4BusinessRecovery project.
The platform is the central place to find logistics information, useful links as well as other content on the natural beauty and social events in Herzegovina.
The beauty of nature, cultural sights, adventures, gastronomy, social events, and places to work are just some of the reasons why digital nomads choose Herzegovina. Apart from the web platform, there is a promotional video presenting key features of the region as a destination for digital nomads.
Osam godina rada i petsto lokacija stavio je Dado Ruvić na 11 ekrana. 11 ekrana postavljeno je u Muzeju grada Zenice, prvoj instituciji koja je bila domaćin vrlo posebnom projektu i vrlo posebnoj video izložbi. Izložbi u kojoj je jedan čovjek pokazao svijetu ljubav svog života – svoju zemlju. U osam godina stali su brojni sati, dani i neprospavane noći, a sve sa željom da pokaže svijetu ono što njegova zemlja jeste – zemlja koju je lako voljeti. Na 11 ekrana video izložbe Dado Ruvić/Dron.ba, pod nazivom “Nju je lako voljeti”, prikazane su ljepote Bosne i Hercegovine snimljene iz zraka. Posjetioci su mogli vidjeti kompilacije lokacija poput vodopada, rijeka, jezera, kanjona, planina, gradova zimi zagrnutih paperjem snijega, ali i gradova ljeti i u jesen, obučenih u mantile od sunca i gromova. Izložba će naredne godine putovati bh. gradovima.
Dado Ruvić put eight years of work and five hundred locations on 11 screens. Eleven screens were installed in The City Museum of Zenica, the first institution that hosted a very special project and a very special video exhibition. An exhibition in which one man showed the world the love of his life - his country. Many hours, days and sleepless nights were embedded into eight years, all with the desire to show the world what his country is - a country that is easy to love. Eleven screens of the video exhibition by Dado Ruvić/Dron.ba, entitled “It’s Easy to Love Her”, show the beauties of Bosnia and Herzegovina captured from the air. The visitors had an opportunity to see the compilations of locations such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, canyons, mountains, cities draped in fluffy snow in winter, but also cities in summer and autumn, dressed in coats of sun and thunder. The exhibition will travel through B&H cities during next year.
Razgovarala: Adisa Bečiragić / Foto: Irfan Redžović i Privatni album
Kada je u medijima objavljena informacija da je dobitnik priznanja Global Teacher Award 2022, na društvenim su mrežama komentari bili pozitivni. No, jedan je zanimljiv, a glasio je: I roditelji su mu bili vrsni pedagozi, pokupio je najbolje od njih, a i ima jedinstven pristup djeci. Pravi pedagog ispred svog vremena. Svaka čast, Veca majstore.
“Ja sam dijete prosvjetnih radnika, odraslo uz karte, globus i atlas. Nisam baš mislio da ću nekoga učiti, ali desilo se. Ljubav prema nauci dobio sam od roditelja, kao i lekciju da ocjena nije najvažnija. Volim reći da sam blijeda kopija roditelja; od majke sam preuzeo odgojne, od oca obrazovne momente. Da, ja sam posljedica svojih roditelja i ovo što radim nije posao već misija”, kaže za naš magazin profesor Vedran Zubić, jedan od najboljih profesora na svijetu.
Ovaj profesor geografije iz Sarajeva prestižnu nagradu primio je u Nju Delhiju. Informacija da je Vedran svjetski, a opet naš, najbolji nam je
izvozni „proizvod“, pa uz Lanu Pudar, Edina Džeku i sve one koji nas čine ponosnima, njegovim imenom proširujemo listu najboljih među nama.
Vedran je čovjek kojeg ljudi vole. I on voli ljude. Najviše od svih, osim porodice, voli svoje đake. Istinski. Ne deklarativno. Profesor je, pedagog, drugar i roditelj.
Ne da im da se kroz školu „provlače“ i da iz nje odu kao neznalice. Ne moraju znati glavne gradove svijeta, ali moraju znati stvoriti mjesto u
svijetu. Ne moraju znati koji je najviši vrh na svijetu, ali moraju znati da je vrhunac voljenja svoje zemlje ne uništavati je i platiti porez.
Zanimalo nas je koliko su roditelji danas na pleća profesora prebacili, ne samo obrazovanje, već i odgoj svoje djece.
“Prepustili su mnogo. U širem kontekstu trke za poslom i zaradom, mislim da nemaju previše vremena da se bave djecom i to je donekle razumljivo. Ipak, bez dogovora
Može li jedan čovjek promijeniti sistem? Teško. Može li objektivno vrednovanje nečijeg rada promijeniti sistem? Teško. Može li nešto od to dvoje promijeniti bar jednog čovjeka? Sigurno. I taj jedan čovjek još jednog?
Da li ste Vi, sa Vašim nekonvencionalnim pristupom, utjecali da neko od kolega možda otpusti neka pravila i napravi od kabineta mjesto u koje đaci dolaze sa više entuzijazma?
Ne možemo promijeniti svijet, ali možemo sebe. Dešava se da me citiraju i znam da me cijene. Koliko ih potiče na drugačiji pristup, ne znam. Ali i ne treba. Ja sam drugačiji i ne trebamo biti svi isti. Nije moje da mijenjam sistem, već da uradim ono što je do mene, a to je da radim svoj posao kako treba, da ispoštujem djecu i roditelje koji su mi povjerili svoju djecu, kaže profesor Zubić.
šire društvene zajednice i aktivnog učešća svih nas u tom projektu, nećemo postići adekvatno obrazovanje. Mislim da se previše očekuje od nas. Radimo svoj posao najbolje što znamo, u konačnici roditelji nas kroz poreze i plaćaju za to, ali morat će se svi više uključiti”, kaže.
Profesor Zubić je prije ove dobio još nekoliko nagrada, pa je 2017. godine dobio priznanje Najbolji nastavnik u BiH. Uslijedila je nagrada za najboljeg učitelja u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, a vlasnik je i Večernjakovog pečata – Ponos BiH. Brojni su kriteriji za nagradu koju je donio u domovinu, ali je pri procesu nagrađivanja bio najbitniji ino-
vativan pristup obrazovanju tokom pandemije, s kojom se, priznaje, teško nosio.
“To je bilo nužno zlo, izgubili smo na socijalizaciji i odgojnom momentu. Ako gledamo ocjene kao refleks znanja – bile su bolje. Kao neko ko voli kontakt s djecom, meni je online nastava bila teška za „provariti“, posebno zbog potencijalne patopsihologije zbog asocijalizacije. Još otklanjamo nedostatke koje sada uočavamo, ali eto, prošlo je.”
U vrijeme kada svakodnevno svjedočimo nasilju nad prosvjetnim radnicima i obezvređivanju obrazo-
vanja te sistemu koji je doveden do besmisla, profesor Zubić i slični ne odustaju od svoje djece.
“Sistema nema i to je problem. Obezvređivanje traje već duže vrijeme i mi našu djecu, koja žive u konzumerizmu, pokušavamo vratiti na duhovnost. Moramo razumjeti da je teško kada dijete vidi da ljudi koji nisu obrazovani imaju sve. Ili, češće, obrnuto. Ali nemamo mi luksuz da se povučemo. Moramo ići naprijed. Zbog djece i njihovih osmijeha. Oni čekaju mene da im razvučem osmijeh u tih 45 minuta časa i ko sam ja da ih izdam?”
Udžbenike u nastavi profesor odavno ne koristi niti ima problem pri-
znati đacima da nešto ne zna. Operisan od sujete i lažnog autoriteta, u kabinetu od djece stvara ljude sposobne kritički razmišljati o svijetu. “O svemu razgovaramo; trebamo li u EU, u NATO, kako riješiti zagađenost. Imaju sjajne ideje, ne biste vjerovali. Kritičko mišljenje je osnova obrazovanja i uvijek im govorim da imaju pravo na mišljenje, ali ne i na izvrtanje činjenica. Činjenica je
da sam ja profesor, a oni imaju pravo na mišljenje da sam loš profesor. Ako nemaju izgrađeno mišljenje, ne vidim svrhu obrazovanja. Ako mi se argumentirano suprotstave, upisujem 5. Ako tokom predavanja namjerno ili slučajno pogriješim, a oni to prepoznaju, također nagradim, pojašnjava obrazovne metode.”
I za kraj, zamolili smo profesora Vedrana za odgovor na pitanje: Šta mu
i koliko zaista znači ova nagrada? Je li priznanje, obaveza ili nešto treće?
“To mi je priznanje. Nagrada je putovanje u Indiju, a najvrednije je da su me nagradili učenici, da sam postao svojevrsna reklama obrazovanja. Volio bih da ova priča podstakne i priču o obrazovanju, da radimo više i bolje. Sretan sam što je neko prepoznao moj rad.“
Interviewed by: Adisa Bečiragić / Photo: Irfan Redžović i Private archiveWhen it was announced in the media that he was the winner of the Global Teacher Award 2022, the comments on social networks were positive. But one is interesting, and it reads: His parents were also excellent pedagogues, he picked up the best from them, and he also has a unique approach to children. A real pedagogue ahead of his time. A way to go Veca.
My parents are teachers, I grew up with maps, globe and atlas. I didn’t really think that I would teach someone, but it happened. I got my love for science from my parents, as well as the lesson that grades are not the most important thing. I like to say that I am a pale copy of my parents; I took over educational moments from my mother and scholastic moments from my father. Yes, I am a consequence of my parents and what I do is not a job but a mission, says Vedran Zubić - one of the best teachers in the world, for our magazine.
This geography teacher from Sarajevo received the prestigious award in New Delhi. The information that Vedran is a world-class, and yet
Can one man change the system? Hardly. Can objective evaluation of one’s work change the system? Hardly. Can any of those two change at least one person? For sure. And can that one person change another one?
With your unconventional approach, did you influence any of your colleagues to loosen some rules and make the classroom a place where students come with more enthusiasm?
We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves. It happens that I am quoted and I know that I am appreciated. I don’t know how much it encourages them to take a different approach. But they don’t have to. I’m different and we shouldn’t all be the same. It is not up to me to change the system, but to do what is up to me, which is to do my job properly, to respect the children and parents who entrusted their children to me, says teacher Zubić.
ours, is our best export “product”, so along with Lana Pudar and Edin Džeko and all those who make us proud, we are adding his name to the list of the best among us.
Vedran is a man whom people love. And he loves people. Most of all, apart from his family, he loves his students. Truly. Not declaratively. He is a teacher, pedagogue, friend and parent.
He wouldn’t let them “slip through” school and leave it ignorant. They don’t need to know the capitals of the world, but they need to know how to create a place in the world.
They don’t need to know which is the highest peak in the world, but they need to know that the peak of love for your country is not destroying it and paying taxes.
And we were interested in how many parents today put on the shoulders of teacher, not only education, but also the upbringing of their children.
They left us a lot. In the wider context of the race for work and income, I think they don’t have much time to deal with children and that is somewhat understandable.
However, without the agreement of the wider social community and the active participation of all of us in this project, we will not achieve adequate education. I think too much is expected of us. We do our job the best we know, ultimately parents are paying for it through taxes, but everyone will have to get more involved, he says.
Teacher Zubić received several other awards before this one, so in 2017 he was awarded as the Best Teacher in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was followed by the award for the best teacher in the former Yugoslavia, and he is also the owner of Večernjakov pečat award – Pride of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There are numerous criteria for the award he brought to his homeland, but the most important in the awarding process was his innovative approach to education during the pandemic, which, he admits, he had a hard time dealing with.
That was a necessary evil, we lost the socialization and educational moment. If we look at grades as a reflex of knowledge - they were better. As someone who likes contact with children, online teaching was difficult for me to “digest”, especially because of the potential pathopsychology due to socialization. We are still eliminating the shortcomings that we are now noticing, but it is over now.
At a time when we are witnessing violence against educators and the devaluing of education and a system that has been brought to the point of meaninglessness, teacher Zubić and others like him do not give up on their children.
There is no system and that is a problem. The devaluation has been
going on for a long time and we are trying to bring our children, who live in consumerism, back to spirituality. We must understand that it is difficult when a child sees that people who are not educated have everything. Or, more often, vice versa. But we don’t have the luxury of retreating. We have to move forward. Because of the children and their smiles. They are waiting for me to make them smile in those 45 minutes of class and who am I to betray them?
The teacher has not used textbooks in class for a long time, nor does he have a problem admitting to students that he does not know something. Not interested in vanity and false authority, he turns children in the classroom into people capable of thinking critically about the world.
We talk about everything; should we join the EU, NATO, how to solve pollution. They have great ideas, you wouldn’t believe it. Critical thinking is the basis of education and I
always tell them that they have the right to an opinion, but not to distort the facts. The fact is that I am a teacher, and they have the right to think that I am a bad teacher. If they don’t have a formed opinion, I don’t see the purpose of education. If they oppose me with arguments, I give them a 5. If during the lecture I make a mistake on purpose or by accident, and they recognize it, I also reward them, he explains his educational methods
And finally, we asked teacher Vedran to answer the question: What does this award mean to him and how much does it really mean. Is it recognition, obligation or something else?
That’s recognition for me. The reward is a trip to India, and the most valuable thing is that the students rewarded me, that I became a kind of education advertisement. I would like this story to encourage the story of education, to do more and better. I am happy that someone recognized my work.
Osmansko Carstvo u historiji čovječanstva upisano je kao jedna od najvećih vojnih i ekonomskih sila. U više od šest stoljeća, (1299. - 1922.) njime je vladalo 36 sultana. Osim po snažnoj vojsci i razvijenoj trgovini, upamćeno je i po impresivnim dostignućima u mnogim područjima - od arhitekture do astrologije.
Prijestolnice Osmanskog Carstva mijenjale su se kroz epohe. Osnovano je u Bilečiku 1299. godine, a status prijestolnice imali su Bursa, Iznik, Edirne i, najduže – preko 450 godina - Istanbul.
Sogot u pokrajini Bilečik, popularno
je mjesto među turistima zbog planetarno poplarne serije Ertugrul. Ertugrulov muzej i turbe neki su od najistaknutijih historijskih spomenika u Sogutu.
Na mene je poseban utisak ostavio Muzej osmanskih sultana, mjesto gdje možete naći sve o životima 36 vladara Carstva. Pored portreta svakog od njih u reljefu na zidu nalaze se građevine koje je sagradio i navedeni ratovi u kojima je učestvovao.
U Bilečiku smo posjetili studio gdje se kreiraju i šiju kostimi za historijske turske serije i pravili posuđe od gline. Bilečik je važan centar za proizvodnju keramike.
Iznik je 1331. godine sultan Orhan zauzeo od Vizantije i tokom kratkog perioda učinio ga prijestolnicom Carstva sve dok nije osvojio Bursu. Iznik
je, uprkos bogatoj historiji, potcijenjen.
Smješten uz istoimeno jezero, prepoznatljiv je po gotovo pet kilometara gradskih zidina, podignutih u kasnom rimskom periodu, a proširenih i ojačanih tokom vizantijskog i osmanskog perioda. U antičko se doba zvao Nikeja, a poznat je kao mjesto održavanja dva historijska sabora – Prvi i Drugi nicejski sabor, rane kršćanske crkve.
Crkva Aja Sofija koju je sagradio car Justinijan I u 6. stoljeću, baš kao u Istanbulu, pretvorena je u džamiju i poznata je kao Orhanova džamija.
Iznik je, u vrijeme Osmanskoga Carstva, imao svjetski ugled kao centar proizvodnje keramičkih pločica, jedne od najljepših i najtrajnijih vrsta tursko-islamske umjetnosti. Koristile su se za ukrašavanje džamija i palača. Na keramici su često prikazivani cvjetni motivi i uglav-
nom su pravljene u plavoj, tirkiznoj, zelenoj i crvenoj boji. Primjerci İznik pločica mogu se naći u gotovo svim velikim svjetskim muzejima. Bila mi je privilegija posjetiti umjetničku radionicu i vidjeti nastajanje prekrasnih predmeti od keramike.
Iznik je od Burse udaljen 80, a od Istanbula 90 km, pa je iz ovih gradova lako obići znamenitosti Iznika uz jedno noćenje.
Po veličini četvrti grad u Republici Turskoj, Bursa je od 1335. do 1365.
godine bila prijestolnica Osmanskog Carstva u kojoj je vladalo šest sultana.
Hanovi, hamami i džamije krase srce čaršije, koja je dom mnogim islamskim, kršćanskim i jevrejskim spomenicima. Blizu je Mramornog mora i ima 20 kilometara dugu obalu. Uludag, jedan od najpopularnijih ski centara u Turskoj, udaljen je 36 kilometara, a sa centrom Burse povezan je žičarom. Za samo 22 minute možete biti na vrhu planine.
Svojim čaršijama Bursa oduševljava, naročito s Kapali čaršijom i Koza
hanom, dvospratnom tržnicom sa velikim dvorištem, izgrađenom u osmansko doba, gdje se uglavnom prodaju proizvodi od svile. Bursa je poznata i kao posljednja stanica Puta svile. Kompleks je na UNESCO-ovoj listi svjetske baštine.
Simbol Burse je Ulucami džamija s dvadeset kupola, jedna od najljepših turskih džamija, poznata kao najveći svjetski muzej kaligrafije sa oko 190 natpisa na 87 kaligrafskih ploča koje je ispisalo 40 najpoznatijih osmanskih kaligrafa toga vremena. Džamija je na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine.
Na UNESCO-ovoj listi je i bursansko selo Cumalıkızık, osnovano prije sedam stoljeća, a ukoliko pratite turske serije prepoznat ćete ga kao grad iza kulisa.
Bursa je, sa svojom historijom, zapravo muzej. Dok šetate, posjećujete znamenitosti, kupujete na bazarima, na svakom koraku dodiruje vas prošlost. Bursa se može pohvaliti brojnim muzejima, izuzetno vrijednim posjete.
Panoramski muzej osvajanja Burse, najveći je panoramski muzej na svijetu, potpuno posvećen održivom razvoju. Kada se električnim stepenicama popnete pod kupolu muzeja, gdje je hronološki izložena postavka osvajanja Burse, imat ćete osjećaj da ste zalutali na filmski set. Mislim da je to jedan od najljepših muzeja u kojem sam bila.
Edirne je grad okružen rijekama Tundžom, Ardom i Maricom, pa se u njega sa sjeverne i zapadne strane može ući isključivo preko mostova, od kojih su mnogi izgrađeni za vrijeme Osmanlija.
Murat I osvojio je Edirne 1365. godine i učinio ga prijestolnicom Carstva. što je bio sve do 1453. godine. Ovdje je rođen jedan od najznačajnijih osmanskih vladara, sultan Mehmed II Osvajač, koji je 1453. godine osvojio Konstantinopolis te iz Edirnea prenio prijestolnicu tamo, u grad koji danas znamo kao Istanbul.
Čini se kao da su se sultani i paše, baš u Edirneu, takmičili koji će ostaviti na njemu veći trag. Grad pršti od remek djela osmanske arhitekture, a prva asocijacija na Edirne je džamija Selima II, poznata kao Selimija, koju posjećuju milioni turista.
Izgrađena je za sina sultana Sulejmana Zakonodavca, koji će kasnije biti padišah, a gradio ju je, od 1569. do 1579. godine, mimar Sinan, najznačajniji carski neimar. U Selimiji je usavršio ideje iskušane u starijim građevinama i postigao otomanski ideal – postavljanje savršenog kruga iznad savršenog kvadrata. Selimija je danas na UNESCO-ovoj listi svjetske kulturne baštine. Mnogi se u Edirneu zadržavaju tek
da vide Selimiju, iako je on mnogo više. U samom centru je Bedestan, mala čaršija koju je podigao sultan Mehmed I 1418. godine. Za vrijeme Osmanskog Carstva Badestan je bio poznat po dućanima s draguljima. Tu je i Ali-pašina čaršija izgrađena 1569. godine. U 300 metara dugom pokrivenom bazaru bilo je 300 dućana.
U Ulici Maarif je sinagoga, izgrađena po nalogu sultana Abdulhamida II, po projektu francuskog arhitekte France Deprea. Otvorena je 1907. i bila u upotrebi do 1983. godine, vremenom postajući nefunkcionalna.
Obavezan za posjetiti je kompleks (danas muzej) Sultan Bayezid II koji je bio u funkciji četiri stoljeća (1488. - 1878.) i važan je podsjetnik na jedinstvene metode liječenja u Osmanskom Carstvu. Bolnica u sklopu kompleksa se isticala po metodama liječenja mentalnih poremećaja, koje su uključivale upotrebu muzike, zvuka vode i mirisa.
S tim ciljem dat je značaj akustici u zgradi. Zadivljujuče je postojanje mu-
zičke bine i angažovanje muzičara u svrhu liječenja u 15. stoljeću. U istom periodu u nekim zemljama mentalni su bolesnici osuđivani na smrt.
Na kraju, ali nikad zadnji – blještavi Istanbul. Godine 1453. sultan Mehmed II Fatih (“Osvajač”) osvojio je Konstantinopolj i proglasio ga osmanlijskom prijestolnicom.
Prvi značajniji graditeljski poduhvat sultana Mehmeda II Fatiha Osvajača bila je izgradnja palače, zamišljene i kao sjedište državne uprave. Topkapi, orijentalni kompleks s paviljonima i dvorištima, izgrađen je iza Aja Sofije. Prvi paviljon sa nekoliko objekata izgradio je sultan Mehmed II, dok su novi sultani dodavali nove zgrade. Tokom četiri stoljeća bio je dvor sultana, što je kasnije postala palača Dolmabahče. Topkapi je, sa starom jezgrom Istanbula, uvrštena na listu UNESCO-ve svjetske kulturne baštine.
Podzemni rezervoar za vodu, za-
premine 80 hiljada kubnih metara, sazidan je u šestom stoljeću za vrijeme vladavine bizantskog cara Justinijana. Sagrađen je s namjerom da se gradu osigura pitka voda, koja je sistemom akvadukta i cijevi dopremana iz 19 kilometara udaljene Beogradske šume. Cisterna izgleda poput muzeja – 336 stubova, raspoređenih u 12 redova po 28, umjetničko su djelo.
Mnoge crkve su sačuvane tako što su pretvorene u džamije. Neke neposredno poslije osvajanja, a neke dosta kasnije (najviše u periodu sultana Bajazida II).
Aja Sofija (Sveta mudrost), smještena na trgu Sultanahmet, preko puta Plave džamije, remek je djelo bizantijske arhitekture. Nakon turske pobjede 1453. godine crkva je pretvorena u džamiju, a izvana su dodana četiri minareta. Mozaici koji su postojali u crkvi prekriveni su vapnom, tako da danas postoje ostaci nekoliko predivnih mozaika Bogorodice sa Isusom Hristom.
Sultan Ahmet I naredio je da se na-
spram nje izgradi džamija još veća i raskošnija. Poznata je kao Plava ili Sultanahmet džamija. Ljepota Plave džamije je u svjetlosti koja je obasjava kroz čak 260 prozora i plavim i zelenim pločicama iz Iznika, kojih je preko 20 hiljada i svaka je ručno izrezana i obojena.
Smještena na evropskoj obali Bosfora, bila je dom sultanima, a dao ju je izgraditi Abdulmedžid I. Do 1856. godine u palači je sagrađeno 285 soba, 43 salona i najveći prostor za balet u palačama ikada na svijetu. Među prvim je mjestima na svijetu opremljenih lampama na gas, savremenim protočnim vodokotlićima i liftom. U dvorištu su barokna džamija, sahat-kula i tri grandiozne kapije.
Uprkos reformama i pokušajima modernizacije, krajem 1918. Carstvo doživljava slom. Iz njega nastaje Republika Turska i niz drugih država. Ankara je 1923. proglašena glavnim gradom, a iste godine proglašena je Republika Turska s prvim predsjednikom Kemal-pašom.
In addition to its strong army and developed trade, it is also remembered for its impressive achievements in many fields - from architecture to astrology.
The capitals of the Ottoman Empire changed through the ages. It was founded in Bilecik in 1299, and Bursa, Iznik, Edirne and, for the longest time - over 450 years – Istanbul, had the status of capital.
of the popular TV series Ertugrul. Ertugrul’s museum and tomb are some of the most prominent historical monuments in Sogut.
The Museum of the Ottoman Sultans made a special impression on me, a place where you can find everything about the lives of the 36 rulers of the Empire. Next to the portraits of each sultan, in wall relief, there are buildings they built and the wars they participated in.
In Bilecik, we visited a studio where costumes are designed and sewn for historical Turkish series. We also made clay dishes as Bilecik is an important center for the production of ceramics.
Located next to the lake of the same name, it is recognizable by its almost five-kilometer-long city walls, built in the late Roman period, and expanded and strengthened during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods. In ancient times, it was called Nicaea, and it is known as the place where two historic councils were held - the First and Second Council of Nicaea of the early Christian church.
The Hagia Sophia church built by Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century, just like in Istanbul, was converted into a mosque and is known as the Orhan Mosque.
During the Ottoman Empire, Iznik had a world reputation as a center for production of ceramic tiles, one of the most beautiful and lasting types of Turkish-Islamic art. They were used for decoration of mosques and palaces. The ceramics often featured floral motifs and were mostly made in blue, turquoise, green and red. Examples of
Iznik tiles can be found in almost all major world museums. It was a privilege to visit the art workshop and see the creation of beautiful ceramic objects.
Iznik is 80 km from Bursa and 90 km from Istanbul, so it is easy to visit the sights of Iznik with one overnight stay.
The fourth largest city in the Republic of Turkey, Bursa was the capital of the Ottoman Empire from 1335 to 1365, ruled by six sultans.
Inns, hammams and mosques adorn the heart of the bazaar, which is home to many Islamic, Christian and Jewish monuments. It is close to the Sea of Marmara and has a 20-kilometer long coast. Uludag, one of the most popular ski centers
in Turkey, is 36 kilometers away and is connected to the center of Bursa by cable car. You can get to the top of the mountain in just 22 minutes.
Bursa delights with its bazaars, especially with Grand Bazaar and Koza Han, a two-story market with a large courtyard, built in the Ottoman era, where mainly silk products are sold. Bursa is also known as the last stop of the Silk Road. The complex is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The symbol of Bursa is the Ulu Cami Mosque (Grand Mosque of Bursa) with twenty domes, one of the most beautiful Turkish mosques, known as the world’s largest calligraphy museum with around 190 inscriptions on 87 calligraphic plates written by 40 of the most famous Ottoman calligraphers of the time. The mosque is on the UNESCO World
Heritage List. Cumalikizik, village in Bursa, founded seven centuries ago is also on the UNESCO list, and if you watch Turkish series, you will recognize it as a town behind the scenes.
Bursa, with its history, is actually a museum. While walking, visiting sights, shopping at bazaars, the past touches you at every step. Bursa can boast with numerous museums, extremely worth a visit. The Bursa Conquest Panoramic Museum is the largest panoramic museum in the world, fully dedicated to sustainable development. When you climb the electric stairs under the dome of the museum, where the chronological setting of the conquest of Bursa is displayed, you will have the feeling that you have wandered onto a movie set. I think it’s one of the most beautiful museums I’ve been to.
Edirne is a city surrounded by the rivers Tundzha, Arda and Maritsa, so it can only be entered from the north and west via bridges, many of which were built during the Ottoman Empire.
Murad I conquered Edirne in 1365 and made it the capital of the Empire which it remained until 1453.
One of the most important Ottoman rulers, Sultan Mehmed IIthe Conqueror was born here. He conquered Constantinople in 1453 and moved the capital from Edirne to the city we know today as Istanbul.
It seems as Edirne was the place where sultans and pashas were competing to leave a bigger mark on the city. The city is bursting with masterpieces of Ottoman architecture, and the first association with Edirne is the Mosque of Selim II, known as Selimiye Mosque, which is visited by millions of tourists. It was built for the son of Sultan Suleiman the Lawgiver, who would later become Padishah, and it was built from 1569 to 1579 by the ar-
chitect Sinan, the most important imperial architect. In Selimiye, he perfected the ideas tried in older buildings and achieved the Ottoman ideal – placing a perfect circle above a perfect square. Today, Selimiye is on the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage.
Many would stay in Edirne just to see Selimiye, although Edirne is much more. In the very center is Bedestan, a small bazaar built by Sultan Mehmed I in 1418. During the Ottoman Empire, Bedestan was famous for its jewel shops. There is also Ali Pasha bazaar built in 1569. There were 300 shops in the 300-meter-long covered bazaar.
In Maarif Street there is a synagogue, built by the order of Sultan Abdulhamid II, according to the project of the French architect France Depré. It was opened in 1907 and was in use until 1983, eventually becoming non-functional.
A must-see place is the Complex (now a museum) of Sultan Bayezid II, which was in operation for four centuries (1488-1878) and is an important reminder of the unique methods of treatment in the Ottoman Empire. The hospital within
the complex stood out for its methods of treating mental disorders, which included the use of music, the sound of water and smells. With this aim, importance was given to the acoustics in the building. The existence of a musical stage and the engagement of musicians for the purpose of treatment in the 15th century is amazing. In the same period, in some countries, mentally ill people were sentenced to death.
The last, but never the least – glittery Istanbul. In 1453, sultan Mehmed the Conqueror conquered Constantinople and proclaimed it the Ottoman capital.
The first major construction project of Mehmed the Conqueror was the construction of a palace, envisioned as the center of state administration. Topkapi, an oriental complex with pavilions and gardens, was built behind Hagia Sophia. The first pavilion with several buildings was built by Mehmed the Conqueror and other sultans added new buildings. For four centuries, it was the sultan’s court, but later it became Dolmabahçe
Palace. Together with the old town of Istanbul, Topkapi was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
An underground water reservoir, capable of holding 80,000 cubic meters of water, was built in the 6th century during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. Its purpose was to provide the city with drinking water, which was delivered by an aqueduct system and pipes from Belgrad Forest, 19 kilometers away. The cistern resembles a museum with 336 columns distributed in 12 rows per 28 columns, forming a piece of artwork.
Numerous churches were preserved by being turned into mosques. Some immediately before conque-
sts, while some much later (mostly during the reign of Bayezid II).
Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), at Sultanahmet Square, across from the Blue Mosque, is a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture. Following the Turkish victory in 1453, the church was turned into a mosque and four minarets were added. Mosaics that existed in the church were covered in lime, so today there are the remains of wonderful mosaics of the Mother of God holding Jesus.
Sultan Ahmed I ordered to build a mosque across Hagia Sophia, even bigger and more luxurious. It is known as the Blue Mosque or the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. The beauty of the Blue Mosque is in the light that illuminates it through as many as 260 windows with more than 20,000 hand-carved and hand-painted Iznik-style ceramic tiles.
Located on the eastern coast of the Bosporus, it was the home of sultans, built by Abdulmejid I. Until 1858, it has 285 rooms, 43 salons, and the largest room for ballet in palaces ever. It was one of the first buildings in the world equipped with gas lamps, contemporary water tanks, and a lift. There are baroque-style mosque, a clock tower, and three grandiose gates in the yard.
Despite the reforms and attempts at modernization, the Empire was dissolved in 1918. It turned into the Republic of Turkey and a series of other states. In 1923, Ankara was proclaimed the capital city as well as the Republic of Turkey with its first president Kemal Pasha.
Robert Dacešin rođen je u porodici koja je gajila kulturu putovanja. Roditelji nisu radili visoko plaćene poslove, nisu imali auto, živjeli su u stanu naslijeđenom od djeda, ali su zato uvijek štedjeli novac za putovanja. Tako je Robert kao dječak počeo otkrivati čari putešestvija skupljajući prve
uzbudljive dojmove u zemljama poput Turske, Tunisa, Egipta, Grčke i Danske.
Robert putuje s prisnim ljudima, a u posljednje vrijeme najčešće s djevojkom.
“Svako mjesto nudi nešto novo. Nove ljude. Nova saznanja. Nove stvari koje zavolite i koje vas oduševe. Ipak, Pakistan je zemlja od koje sam najviše dobio, a nekako najmanje očekivao. Prije nego što ću otići tamo, ljudi su me odvraćali od tog putovanja. Na kraju se ispostavilo da nigdje ljudi nisu bili ljubazniji
prema nama i da se nigdje nismo osjećali tako sigurno. Na putovanjima shvatiš da je svaka zemlja lijepa na svoj način i da ne vjeruješ onome što se piše”, objašnjava Robert, koji je u 2022. godini posjetio Ukrajinu, Italiju, Vatikan, San Marino, Portoriko, Arubu, Kurasao, Svetu Luciju, Saint Kitts i Nevis, Ameriku, Šri Lanku, Kubu, Moldaviju, Luksemburg, Andoru, Uzbekistan, Tadžikistan, Kirgistan, Južnu Koreju, Japan, Portugal, Španiju, Njemačku...
Posebno dinamično postaje pri kraju 2022. Nakon 20 dana putovanja po Južnoj Koreji i Japanu, autor video rada Zašto Bosna i Hercegovina može biti broj 1 turistička destinacija na svijetu otputovao je u Valensiju na uručenje nagrade za najbolji turistički video na svijetu. Odmah potom zaputio se u Frankfurt na festival posvećen prirodi i turizmu Natourale, koji je njegov video uvrstio među najbolje u konkurenciji više od 500 videa. A u BiH obradova-
“Mi smo zemlja kojom će se većina ljudi oduševiti, jer na jednoj maloj površini imamo mnoštvo znamenitosti. Samo još mi treba to da shvatimo”
la ga je nagrada Zvijezda turizma po izboru publike.
“Ako ću po nečemu pamtiti ovu godinu, onda su to festivali i jedno sasvim novo poglavlje koje se otvorilo s njima u mom životu”, govori Robert.
Upitali smo ga šta ima BiH, što druge zemlje nemaju.
“Ima odličan omjer onoga što platiš i onoga što dobiješ. Gledajući s realne strane, BiH nema savršene rezorte i Michelin restorane za pamćenje, ali ćeš zato naći kafić u kojem ćeš popiti kafu za marku, dvije, restoran u kojem ćeš za nekoliko eura jesti tek upecanu ribu iz rijeke sa svježim krompirom, te uživati u prekrasnom pogledu i okolnoj prirodi. Većini putnika je super stvar
što još uvijek nismo toliko komercijalna i istražena destinacija. Na festivalu u Njemačkoj upoznao sam jedan par iz Bugarske i Amerike, koji je putovao Bosnom skoro deset dana. Ciljano su mi prišli kako bi mi to rekli. Mi smo zemlja kojom će se većina ljudi oduševiti, jer na jednoj maloj površini imamo mnoštvo znamenitosti. Samo još mi treba to da shvatimo.”
Robert je društven, osoba otvorenog duha i pronicljiv. Kako se putujući služio stranicom Couchsurfing preko koje se lako stiže do besplatnog smještaja, upoznao je nevjerovatne ljude širom svijeta i stekao mnogo novih prijatelja.
“Svi ti ljudi su bez dileme učinili da mnogo bolje upoznam njihove zemlje i nema ništa ljepše nego vidjeti koliko se njima dopada Bosna i Hercegovina.”
Robert govori više jezika, engleski, španski, portugalski, italijanski, te nešto slovačkog i ruskog. Iz poštovanja prema ljudima, pred svako putovanje nauči nešto lokalnog jezika.
“Sve jezike, osim engleskog, učio sam sâm. To je jedna od mojih najboljih investicija. Bez jezika ne bih mogao tako intenzivno doživjeti neka mjesta i upoznati toliko novih ljudi. Ako postoji nešto što bih svakom savjetovao, to je da nauči barem jedan strani jezik uz engleski. Od velike koristi može biti stranica Duolingo, kojom se sada služim učeći ruski jezik. Nudi super vokabular i stvara kvalitetnu osnovu za kasnije.”
Uz putovanja, i tenis slovi za najveću Robertovu ljubav. Počeo je igrati još 1998. godine. Kao tinejdžer bio je prvak u svim mlađim kategorijama, a potom je počeo suditi i neke međunarodne teniske turnire.
“Imao sam priliku da sudim Nadalu, Murrayu, del Potru, Berdychu, Zverevu, Monfilsu i mnogim drugim igračima. Tenis je dugo bio nešto u čemu sam se vidio i u budućnosti.
Na turniru u Umagu, koji je možda najljepši turnir na kojem sam ikada bio, dnevnica je bila 28 eura, a piće u kafiću uz terene košta minimalno pet eura. Ako se vratiš na nuli, dobar si. Turniri poput Grand Slamova bolje su plaćeni, ali su pojedincu bez podrške nedostižni. Teško je takav posao raditi uz porodicu.”
Sve što je iza Roberta donijelo mu je velike životne spoznaje, a posebno su ga putovanja promijenila kao čovjeka.
“Na stranu upoznavanja drugih zemalja i gradova, kada putuješ, shvatiš koliko ti je dobro kod kuće. Zaista! Dok sam bio u srednjoj školi i na fakultetu, uvijek sam maštao da putujem svijetom i da živim negdje vani, jer nam okruženje govori da je vani bolje, da ima više posla, da su bolje plate, da je sređeniji život, viši standard, da jednostavno nema svrhe živjeti kod nas. I ti to prihvatiš, ali kad provedeš neko vrijeme u inostranstvu, shvatiš da nigdje nije savršeno i da je sve do toga kako čovjek vidi stvari. Završio sam master studij u Bratislavi i proveo tamo dvije godine života. U vrijeme nastajanja ovog intervjua obišao sam 83 zemlje svijeta. Sa svakim novim putovanjem, sve više želim da živim ovdje.”
Međutim, malo ko zna da je posao linijskog teniskog sudije, koji sam ja bio, veoma slabo plaćen. Recimo, za turnir u Dohi na kojem je igralo pet igrača iz top 10, dobijao sam 100 dolara na dan za pet dana, ali sam morao platiti kartu za Dohu.
Robertove vizije za budućnost su jasne. Do kraja 2023. želi stići do brojke 100 posjećenih zemalja. Nešto kasnije vidi slike svoje porodice, njihova zajednička putovanja, istraživanje svijeta, snimanje videa, igranje tenisa i širenje priče o BiH kao njemu lično najljepše zemlje na svijetu.
Author: Elma Zećo / Photo: Private albumRobert Dacešin was born into a family that fostered the culture of travelling. His parents did not have high-paying jobs or owned a car, they lived in an apartment inherited from the grandfather, but they always saved money for travels. As a boy, Robert started discovering the wonders of travelling collecting first impressions in countries such as Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Greece, and Denmark.
Robert travels with close ones, most commonly his girlfriend.
“Every place offers something new. New people. New knowledge. New things you come to love and things that amaze you. Still, Pakistan is the country where I gained the most but had the least expectations. Before going there, people tried to discourage me from going. It turned out that people were the kindest towards us and that we felt nowhere safer than here. Travelling makes you realize that every country is beautiful in its own way and that you don’t trust what you read”, explained Robert who, in 2022, visited Ukraine, Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Curaçao, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis,
America, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Moldova, Luxemburg, Andorra, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Germany...
It became especially dynamic towards the end of 2022. After 20 days of travelling across South Korea and Japan, the author of the video Why Bosnia and Herzegovina can be number 1 travel destination in the world travelled to Valencia for the presentation of the award for the World’s Best Tourism Film. He immediately set off to Frankfurt to a festival dedicated to nature and tourism Natourale, which included his video in the list of more than 500 best videos. And in BiH, he was
“We are a country that will amaze most people because we have many landmarks in a small territory. It just takes for us to realize that.”
awarded the Zvijezda turizma award (the Star of Tourism) by audience choice.
“I will remember this year by festivals and a new chapter that opened up with them in my life”, said Robert.
We asked him what BiH has but other countries don’t.
“It has a good ratio of what you pay and what you get. Realistically looking, BiH does not have perfect resorts or memorable Michelin-starred restaurants, but you can find a café to drink coffee for 1-2 BAM, a restaurant where you can eat freshly-caught fish with potatoes for several Euros, and enjoy a beautiful view and surrounding nature. Most travelers like that we are not a commercial and well-explored destination yet. At the festival in Germany, I met a couple from Bulgaria and America who had travelled through Bosnia for nearly ten days. They approached me just to tell me that. We are a small country that will amaze most people because we have many landmarks in a small territory. It just takes for us to realize that.”
Robert is sociable, open-spirited, and poignant. While travelling, he used Couchsurfing site to easily find free accommodation, and that’s how he met amazing people from around the world and gained many new friends.
“All of these people undoubtedly noticed that I’m more familiar with their countries and there is nothing more beautiful than seeing how they like Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
Robert speaks many languages – English, Spanish, Portuguese,
Italian and some Slovenian and Russian. He learns some words of the local language before going to every country he visits.
“I learned all languages, except English, by myself. It’s one of my best investments. Without language, I would not be able to experience some places so intensively and meet so many new people. I would advise everyone to learn at least one foreign language apart from English. The Duolingo site, which I am now using to learn Russian, can be very useful. It offers great vocabulary and creates a quality foundation for later.”
tournament I’ve ever been to, the daily fee was 28 Euros, and a drink in the café next to the courts costs a minimum of five euros. If you return to zero, you’re good. Tournaments like the Grand Slams are better paid, but they are unattainable for an individual without support. It is difficult to do such a job while having a family.”
Everything that happened brought Robert great life lessons, and his travels especially changed him as a person.
Apart from traveling, tennis is also Robert’s greatest love. He started playing in 1998. As a teenager, he was the champion in all junior categories, and then he started refereeing some international tennis tournaments.
“I had the opportunity to judge Nadal, Murray, del Potro, Berdych, Zverev, Monfils and many other players. Tennis was long something that I saw myself doing in the future. However, few people know that the line tennis referee job, which I was doing, is very poorly paid. For example, for a tournament in Doha, where five top 10 players played, I got 100 dollars a day for five days, but I had to pay for the ticket to Doha. At the tournament in Umag, which is perhaps the most beautiful
“Aside from meeting other countries and cities, when you travel, you realize how it’s good to be home. Really! When I was in high school and college, I always dreamed of traveling the world and living somewhere abroad, because everyone tells us that it is better abroad, that there is more work, that the wages are better, that life is more organized, the standard is higher, that there is simply no point in living here. And you accept that, but when you spend some time abroad, you realize that nowhere is perfect and that it’s all about how a person sees things. I finished my master’s studies in Bratislava and spent two years of my life there. At the time of making this interview, I visited 83 countries around the world. With each new trip, I want to live here more and more.”
Robert’s visions for the future are clear. By the end of 2023, he wants to reach the number of 100 countries visited. A little later, he sees images of his family, their travels together, exploring the world, shooting videos, playing tennis, and spreading the story of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the most beautiful country in the world.
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