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Broj 20, Decembar 2019. TRAVEL / DESTINATIONS / ADVENTURE www.furaj.ba

Broj 20, Decembar 2019.



SADRŽAJ INTERVJUI I PRIČE Selma Alispahić Moje najveće priznanje je to što sam ostala dosljedna sebi 14 Aldina Hadžić Živim brend koji zastupam 30 Mirza Nikolajev Sankanje je ispunilo sva moja očekivanja 76 Kaftan studio Domaći brend koji osvaja crvene tepihe širom svijeta 104 MOJA ČUDESNA ZEMLJA, BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Uspjesi koji su obilježili 2019. godinu 20 Stara Bistrička stanica se vraća građanima 26 Trebevićka staza za bob i sankanje 72 10 razloga zašto posjetiti Visoko 80


DOČEK NOVE GODINE Sarajevo 36 Budva 46 Split 48 Mostar 50


PREDSTAVLJAMO Klizališta u Sarajevu 42 10 manjih bh. skijališta 54 Zimska idila u bjelašničkim selima 60 Gdje jesti na Bjelašnici? 66 Cafe Zlatna ribica 114 FOTO EDITORIJAL Dženad Džino Ljubav prema prirodi pretočena kroz fotografije 86 REPORTAŽA Malaysia Truly Asia 96 ZDRAVLJE Transplantacija organa u bolnicama grupacije Medical Park 110



CONTENTs INTERVIEWS AND STORIES Selma Alispahić My Greatest Recognition is that I Stayed True to Myself 17 Aldina Hadžić I Live the Brand that I Represent 33 Mirza Nikolajev Luge has fulfilled all my expectations 78 Kaftan Studio Local Brand that is Conquering Red Carpets across the World 107


32 80 54

MY MAGICAL COUNTRY, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The Achievements of 2019 20 The Old Bistrik Station is Returning to Citizens 28 Trebević Bobsled and Luge Track 74 10 Reasons to Visit Visoko 80 NEW YEAR'S EVE Sarajevo 39 Budva 47 Split 49 Mostar 52 INTRODUCING Ice-skating Rinks in Sarajevo 42 10 Smaller B&H Ski Centers 54 Winter Idyll in the Villages of Bjelašnica 63 Were to Eat at Bjelašnica? 66 Cafe Zlatna ribica 114 PHOTO EDITORIAL Dženad Džino Love of Nature through Photographs 86 REPORT


Malaysia Truly Asia 96 HEALTH Organ Transplantation at Medical Park Hospitals Group 112


Foto/Photo: Dženad Džino


FURAJ.BA Magazine br. /no. 20 - Decembar 2019 Direktor/Director Emira Azganović Redakcija/Editorial Staff Samila Ivković Samra Višnjić Zana Kološ-Mulabdić DTP&Dizajn/Design Sandra Ozimica Fotografije/ Photographs Ajdin Hasanić Prevod /Translation Emel Gušić Handžić Marketing marketing@furaj.ba +387 61 247 013 +387 33 208 818 Izdavač / Publisher Arterija d.o.o.


“Nothing burns like the cold.”

Kralja Tvrtka 9, Sarajevo

George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

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Dok željno čekamo Novu godinu, sumiramo rezultate iz protekle i radujemo se činjenici da je još jedna uspješna godina iza nas!

As we eagerly await the New Year, we sum up the results of the previous year and we are happy that another successful year is behind us!

Uspjehe smo mjerili brojem putovanja i destinacija koje smo posjetili, a svoja iskustva smo obogatili kroz obilazak Vijetnama, Njemačke, Turske, Malezije i Indonezije, ali smo se svaki put rado vraćali u našu zemlju i uživali u ljepotama koje nudi. Trudili smo se da sve te trenutke podijelimo s našim čitateljima putem pisane riječi u magazinu Furaj.ba i sretni smo što smo u tome uspjeli.

We measured success by the number of trips and destinations that we visited, and we enriched our experiences through tours of Vietnam, Germany, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia, but each time we happily returned to our country and enjoyed the beauty that it offers. We aimed to share all those moments with our readers via the written word in Furaj. ba magazine and we are happy that we succeeded in doing that.

Nadamo se da će nam i nadolazeća godina donijeti mnogo lijepih i sretnih trenutaka, te divnih putovanja i iskustava, a iste želje imamo i za vas dragi čitatelji. Želimo vam sretnu i uspješnu 2020. godinu!

We hope that the following year will also bring us many nice and happy moments, and wonderful trips and experiences, and we have the same wishes for you, dear readers. We wish you a happy and successful 2020!

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Boje sezone


Colours of the Season 9


BIH PREUZELA KONTROLU NAD SVOJIM NEBOM Posao kontrole bh. zračnog prostora iznad 10.000 metara nadmorske visine su u posljednjih više od 20 godina obavljale Hrvatska i Srbija, no od 5. decembra bh. nebo se nadzire iz BiH, čime je otvoreno novo poglavlje u historiji civilnog zrakoplovstva BiH. Agencija BHANSA je u novembru 2014. godine započela pružanje usluga kontrole letenja na visini do 10.000 metara iz Operativne jedinice Oblasne kontrole leta Sarajevo (ATCU I). Sada je ova jedinica preuzela kontrolu nad zračnim prostorom BiH iznad 10.000 metara, čime je u potpunosti realizovana Faza II Strategije razvoja Sistema za upravljanje zračnim prometom u BiH. BHANSA će u zimskom periodu kontrolisati do 800 preleta aviona nebom iznad BiH, a u ljetnjem i do 1.600.

B&H TAKES CONTROL OF ITS SKIES For over 20 years, the control of B&H airspace above 10 000 meters of altitude was conducted by Croatia and Serbia, but as of December 5, B&H skies will be monitored from B&H, opening a new chapter in the history of civil aviation of B&H. In November 2014, the agency BHANSA began to offer flight control services at an altitude of up to 10000 meters from the Air Traffic Control Operational Unit Sarajevo (ATCU I). Now this unit has also taken over control of B&H airspace above 10000 meters, which means that Phase II of the Development Strategy of the System of Controlling Air Traffic in B&H has been completely implemented. During winter, BHANSA will control up to 800 flights in the skies above B&H, and during summer up to 1600 flights.


VEZA KOJA TRAJE HT ERONET U DIGITALNOJ TRANSFORMACIJI HT ERONET je predstavio novi smjer i vizualni identitet svoga krovnog brenda. Pod novim sloganom Veza koja traje najavljen je novi smjer komunikacije prema zahtjevima modernog korisnika i digitalnog tržišta koje se neprestano razvija. U to ime, HT ERONET je ove godine pripremio bogatu prazničnu ponudu za sve korisnike. Svi korisnici HOME.TV-a tako dobivaju besplatne HD kanale u osnovnom paketu, a svi novi i postojeći korisnici HOME.TV-a mogu čak tri mjeseca besplatno uživati u HBO Premium paketu, na vlastiti zahtjev. Korisnici koji tek tragaju za svojom idealnom tarifom, mogu odabrati jednu od popularnih SMART tarifa, te u tarifnim modelima SMART 30 ili SMART 45 odabrati jedan od odličnih Huawei mobilnih uređaja. U mjesecu darivanja, HT ERONET korisnici mogu očekivati i mnoštvo nagradnih igara putem službenih društvenih mreža. 10

HT ERONET has presented a new direction and visual identity for its umbrella brand. Under the new slogan A lasting relationship, they announced a new direction of communication based on the demands of the modern user and the digital market, which is developing constantly. In that name, this year HT ERONET has prepared a rich holiday offer for its users. All users of HOME.TV will get free HD channels in the primary package, and all new and existing users of HOME.TV can enjoy the HBO Premium package free of charge for three months, if they request to do so. Users who are looking for their ideal tariff can choose one of the popular SMART tariffs, and when it comes to tariff models SMART 30 or SMART 45, they can pick one of the excellent Huawei cell phones. In the month of giving, HT ERONET users can also expect a number of giveaways via official social networks.


Importanne centar, Sarajevo Zmaja od Bosne 7 - 033 590-402 Sarači 68 - 033 237-229 RE-AL centar, Kakanj Alije Izetbeovića bb - 032 555-254 watchlin@bih.net.ba



Državljani Bosne i Hercegovine od 11. decembra 2019. godine vizu za državu Katar mogu dobiti besplatno po dolasku na aerodrom u Dohi.

As of December 11, 2019, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina can obtain free visas for Qatar once they arrive at the airport in Doha.

Uz prikaz validnog pasoša bh. građani dobivaju vizu u maksimalnom trajanju od 30 dana. Pasoš mora važiti najmanje 6 mjeseci od dana ulaska u Katar.

By showing valid passports, B&H citizens obtain a visa of up to 30 days. Their passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry to Qatar. 11




Općina Novo Sarajevo i ove godine, od 27. 12. do 26.1. 2020., za sve građane priprema sada već tradicionalnu manifestaciju pod nazivom Ledena čarolija. Ova čarobna manifestacija za cijelu porodicu će biti realizovana kod otvorene scene između Historijskog i Zemaljskog muzeja na Vilsonovom šetalištu. Tokom cijelog zimskog raspusta djeca će imati priliku besplatno naučiti klizati i družiti se s Djeda Mrazom. Svim posjetiteljima će biti obezbijeđeno besplatno korištenje klizaljki, kao i velikog klizališta. Kao i prošle godine poseban termin izdvojit će se za najmanje klizače, koji na led mogu samo u pratnji roditelja. Osim toga, prostor će sadržavati i još veću igraonicu nego li prethodnih godina, gdje će se odvijati edukativne, interaktivne i zabavne radionice. Kako je planirano, ove godine bit će pažljivo osmišljen i Food Corner, te prostor za roditelje, koji će, između ostalog moći uživati čitajući knjige dok se mališani igraju. Cijeli prostor u neposrednoj blizini lokacije će biti dekorisan i siguran, jer je prije svega namijenjen djeci, a cilj je da se u punom sjaju dočara i dočeka praznična atmosfera na našem najpopularnijem šetalištu.

This year, from 27. 12. to 26.1. 2020, the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo will again be organizing its now traditional ongoing event called Ledena Čarolija (Magic of Ice) for all its citizens. This magical event for the whole family will take place at the open scene between the Historical and National Museum at Wilson's Promenade. During their entire winter break, children will have the opportunity to learn ice skating for free and to socialize with Santa Claus. All visitors will be able to use ice skates for free, as well as the large ice-skating rink. As was the case last year, there will be a special time set for the youngest skaters, who can go on the ice only if they are accompanied by a parent. Apart from that, the space will have an even larger playroom than last year, where there will be educational, interactive and entertaining workshops. There is also a plan for a carefully thought out Food Corner, and a space for parents, who will be able to enjoy themselves by reading books, while the youngsters play. The entire space in the immediate vicinity of the location will be decorated and safe, as it is intended primarily for children, and the goal is to evoke and welcome a festive atmosphere in full glory at our most popular promenade.


TERME OLIMIA NOVOGODIŠNJI POOL PARTY ILI DOČEK U STILU ZLATNIH DVADESETIH Ima li boljeg načina za novi početak od antistres terapije i uživanja u Svijetu sauna. Finske, parne ili programske saune poput teatra vjetra koji uz iskusne sauna majstore budi pozitivan osjećaj, sastavni su dio prestižne ponude najnagrađivanijeg slovenskog Wellnessa Orhidelia u Termama Olimia. Uživanje u luksuznim spa tretmanima, sjajna muzika, ples i bogata praznična večera, najbolji su način da ispratite staru i dočekate Novu godinu. U prestižnom Wellness Hotelu Sotelia****s Terma Olimia novogodišnji doček podsjetit će vas zabave film Great Gatsby i zabave zlatnih dvadesetih. Dozvolite sebi malo luksuza, uživajte u zabavi. Posve drugačije iskustvo u stilu vruće brazilske slavljeničke groznice doživjet će oni koji su za ludi novogodišnji tulum odabrali pool party u kupaćim kostimima!

NEW YEAR’S POOL PARTY OR NEW YEAR’S EVE IN THE STYLE OF THE GOLDEN 20s Is there a better way to start over than with anti-stress therapy and enjoyment in the World of Saunas? Finnish, steam or programmed saunas, which like the theater of wind make you feel good along with the experienced masters of the sauna, are an integral part of the prestigious offer of the most awarded Slovenian Wellness center Orhidelia in Terme Olimia. The best way to send off the old year and bring in the new one is to enjoy the luxurious spa treatments, great music, dance and rich festive dinner. In the prestigious Wellness Hotel Sotelia****s Terma Olimia, New Year’s Eve will remind you of the party in the film Great Gatsby and the parties of the golden 20s. Allow yourself a little luxury and enjoy the party. Those who have chosen the crazy News Year’s pool party in their swimming costumes will have a completely different experience in the style of a hot Brazilian celebratory fever!






elma Alispahić, prvakinja drame Sarajevskog ratnog teatra, svojoj kolekciji dosadašnjih priznanja i nagrada dodala je ovih dana još jedno. Posljednje u nizu je priznanje na 16. Festivalu glumca Nikšić 2019 , gdje je za predstavu Ay ,Carmela, dobila nagradu za najbolji partnerski odnos na sceni s Draganom Jovičićem. - Nagrada za najbolji partnerski odnos je, u suštini, najbolje priznanje koje glumac može dobiti. Gluma na sceni ne može postojati bez drugog čovjeka. Kad je čovjek nagrađen za to onda znači da, zaista, svoj posao radi kako treba. Ovu nagradu dobila sam i godinu ranije za predstavu Jedan Pikaso, gdje sam igrala s jednim od najvećih glumaca ove regije, gospodinom Metom Jovanovskim. Dragana Jovičića smatram najdražim i najboljim partnerom. Tako da je sjajno što je Ay, Carmela poslije dvadeset godina, upravo nagrađena u ovoj kategoriji, jer smo Dragan i ja na sceni jedno glumačko biće. Prošle godine dobili ste nagradu Actor of Europe 2018, uz brojna priznanja na domaćim i regionalnim festivalima. Koliko su nagrade bitne i koliko znače potvrdu da ste na pravom putu u profesionalnom smislu? - Nagrada Actor of Europe 2018 meni je važna jer sam se našla u društvu laureata, koji su moji glumački idoli. To su Ljuba Tadić, Rade Šerbedžija ili Milena Zupančić. To priznanje smatraju i nagradom za životno djelo. Iako mi je rano da sumiram rezultate životnog rada, značajno mi je što se dodjeljuje glumcima koji su ostavili individualni pečat u kulturnom sjećanju Evrope. Meni je upravo do te individualnosti stalo cijeli moj život. Nagrade budu i prođu, ali ono na šta sam ponosna je, ustvari, kontinuitet kvalitetnog rada. Činjenica je da nikad nisam spuštala profesionalne standarde i pristajala na kompromise, koji nisu kreativne prirode. To je moje najveće zadovoljstvo. 15


U aprilu ove godine, tokom Sajma knjige u Sarajevu promovirali ste knjigu Korak po korak do velike tišine Sylvia Plath. Možete li nam nešto više reći o knjizi, njenom putu i značaju za čitateljstvo? - To je moja prva knjiga i uzbuđenje je bilo veliko. Rezultat je dugogodišnjeg istraživanja, koje je počelo radom na predstavi Čežnja i smrt Sylvije Plath. To je ujedno i moj magistarski rad na Odsjeku za komparativnu književnost Filozofskog fakulteta u Sarajevu. Bilo mi je bitno objaviti priču o jednoj genijalnoj pjesnikinji. To je i priča o kreativnosti, izuzetnosti i hrabrosti da se život gleda drugačijim očima, otvoreno, bez predrasuda, osjećajno i duboko. Mislim da u svijetu površnosti i instant vrijednosti jedna takva priča je prijeko potrebna. Komentari na knjigu su sjajni. Drago mi je da je pitka i čitljiva, iako se radi o naučnom radu. Prevodimo je na engleski jezik, te vjerujem da će čitalaca biti sve više.

ljudima koji je pogledaju otvori oči za ono što nisu htjeli da vide. Radite i kao univerzitetski profesor. Šta je najljepše u tom dijelu Vašeg angažmana? - Pedagoški rad pričinjava mi veliko zadovoljstvo. Mnoga učenja kažu da se znanje mora podijeliti s drugima. Ne smije se kriti i držati samo za sebe, jer tako postaje besmisleno. Studentima nastojim dati vjetar u leđa. Ne pri-

S obzirom na brojne angažmane pretpostavljamo da dosta i putujete. Uživate li u tome ?

Početkom prošlog mjeseca promovirana je nova predstava Vaše matične kuće SARTR, Bullying Collection, u kojoj tumačite jednu od uloga. Vršnjačko nasilje je tema koju ste pokrenuli, zar ne ? - Vršnjačko nasilje je, nažalost, stalno aktuelno pitanje u ovom društvu. Ova predstava je pokušaj da se tišina, koja vlada po tom pitanju, prekine. To je bolest društva, kao i svaka druga. Nažalost, reagujemo tek kad osjetimo posljedice umjesto da radimo na prevenciji. Ovaj komad nastoji ohrabriti žrtve vršnjačkog nasilja da govore i da vrište ako treba, ali i roditelje da ne pristaju na apatiju i inertnost. Trebaju natjerati sistem i sve instance da rade svoj posao. Svi iz ansambla smo unijeli lične priče u ovu predstavu. Mnogo nam znači. Po prvim reakcijama publike vidimo da i 16

Tu je i angažman na Sarajevo Film Academy, gdje svjedočim nastajanju budućih sjajnih filmskih reditelja, a uživam i u radu sa studentima solo pjevanja na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu, koje podučavam scenskom studiju opernih uloga. Okružena sam mladim i kreativnim ljudima i učim od njihove mladosti i oduševljenja životom. Pripremam knjigu o velikom britanskom pjesniku Ted Hughesu, koja je moj doktorski rad i spremam se za nova gostovanja kao predavač na nekim od evropskih univerziteta.

stajem nikada ni na kakva polovična rješenja. Mala smo zemlja, nemamo ni geografskim, ni političkih, ni vojnih, ni nekih drugih šansi. Naša šansa da preživimo je samo znanje. Znanje je važno jer se njime borimo protiv ignorancije. Ona stvara mržnju, a mržnja sva zla ovoga svijeta. Zato mladim ljudima moramo dati znanje da oplemene ovu zemlju i planetu. Šta Vas očekuje u narednom periodu? - Najprije nekoliko uloga u matičnom Sarajevskom ratnom teatru.

- Bila sam veliki putnik prije, a i sada kada mi se za to pruži prilika. Uspomene s putovanja mi mnogo znače. Kad god poželim, prelistavam slike iz Amerike, Engleske, Francuske, Italije, Švedske, Danske, Norveške, Njemačke, s Havaja, iz Turske....I onda, opet, skoknem tamo u mislima. Naravno, sada s dvoje djece, ne putujem tako intenzivno, što ne znači da neću onda kada oni budu spremni za putovanja. Mislim da djecu treba voditi da upoznaju različita mjesta. Trebaju shvatiti da je svijet toliko velik i lijep i da svuda mogu napraviti svoju kuću, ako budu otvoreni za ljepote koje svijet nudi. I na kraju, šta očekujete u novoj 2020. godini ? - Osoba sam koja mnogo sanja, ali ništa previše ne očekuje. Živim trenutke i za trenutke. Moje želje vezane su za moje bližnje. Sve drugo će biti, kako će biti. Ne mislim ni da sve treba prepustiti sudbini. Mislim da se i na sudbini mora raditi. Treba svako nešto sanjati. Ja imam neke lijepe, slatke snove, koji mi izmame osmijeh na lice svakodnevno. I to mi je sasvim dovoljno.





hievement award. Even though it is early for me to sum up the results of my life’s work, it’s important to me that it’s awarded to actors who have left their mark in the cultural memory of Europe. It is that individuality that I’ve always cared about. Awards come and go, but what I’m proud of is actually the continuity of good work. The fact is that I never dropped my professional standards and agreed to compromises that weren’t of creative nature. That is my greatest satisfaction. In April this year, during the Book Fair in Sarajevo, you promoted the book Step by Step to Great Silence - Sylvia Plath. Can you tell us more about the book, its journey and significance for readers?


elma Alispahić, a champion of drama at the Sarajevo War Theater (SARTR), has added another award to her collection of recognitions and awards. The latest is a recognition from the 16th Festival of Actors Nikšić 2019, where she received the award for best partnership with fellow actor Dragan Jovičić for the show Ay, Carmela. - The award for best partnership is really the best recognition that an actor can get. Acting on stage cannot happen without someone else. When a person gets awarded for that, it means that they’re really doing their job well. I got this award last year as well, for the show One Picasso, where I acted with one of the greatest actors from this regi18

on, Mr. Meto Jovanovski. I consider Dragan Jovičić my favorite and best partner. So it’s great that after twenty years Ay, Carmela has been awarded in this category, as Dragan and I are one on stage. Last year, you received the Actor of Europe 2018 award, along with numerous recognitions at local and regional festivals. How important are awards and how much do they serve as confirmation that you are on the right path in a professional sense? - The Actor of Europe 2018 award is important to me, because I found myself in the company of laureates, who are my acting idols. They are Ljuba Tadić, Rade Šerbedžija or Milena Zupančić. That award is also considered to be a lifetime ac-

- That was my first book and there was great excitement. It’s the result of years of research, which began when I worked on the show The Longing and Death of Sylvia Plath. It’s also my master’s thesis at the Department of Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. It was important to me to publish a story about this genius poet. It’s also a story of creativity, excellence and courage to see life through a different lense, openly, without prejudice, emotionally and deeply. I think that in the world of superficiality and instant values, one such story is necessary. Comments about the book are brilliant. I’m glad that it’s easy and readable, even though it’s academic work. We’re translating it to English, and I believe that there’ll be even more readers. At the beginning of last month, the new show at your original workplace of SARTR, Bullying Collection, was promoted, where you play one of the roles. Bullying is a topic that you started, is that correct? - Bullying is, unfortunately, a constant current issue in this society. This show is an attempt to make the silence surrounding this topic stop. It’s a disease of society, like any

other. Unfortunately, we react once we’ve felt the consequences instead of working on prevention. This piece aims to encourage the victims of bullying to speak out and scream if they need to, and for parents not to accept apathy and inertia. They need to force the system and everyone relevant to do their work. Everyone from the ensemble brought personal stories into this show. It means a lot to us. Based on the first reactions of the audience, we see that it is eye-opening for people who see the things that they didn’t want to see. You also work as a university professor. What is the best part of doing that work? - Educational work brings me great pleasure. Many studies say that knowledge must be shared with others. It must not be hidden and kept to oneself, as it becomes meaningless. I try to encourage my students. I never accept partial solutions. We’re a small country, we don’t have geographical, nor political, military, or other opportunities. Our chance of survival lies in knowledge. Knowledge is important, because it fights ignorance. Ignorance creates hatred, and hatred creates all the evil in this world. That’s why we must pass on knowledge to young people so that they can make this country and planet better.

new guest lectures at some European universities. Considering your numerous engagements, we assume you travel a lot. Do you enjoy it? - I used to be a great traveler, and now I travel when I get the chance. Memories from travels mean a lot to me. Whenever I feel like it, I flip through photos from America, England, France, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Hawaii, Turkey...And then, again, I pop into these places in my thoughts. Of course, now that I have two children, I don’t travel as much, which doesn’t mean that I won’t once they’re ready. I think children should be taken to different places in order to get

to know them. They need to realize that the world is so big and beautiful, and that home can be everywhere, if they’re open to the beauty of what the world offers. And finally, what do you expect in 2020? - I’m a person who dreams a lot, but doesn’t expect too much. I live in the moment and for moments. My wishes are about those closest to me. Everything else will be, as it’ll be. I also don’t think that everything should be surrendered to fate. I think you have to work on fate too. Everyone should have dreams. I have some nice, sweet dreams, which bring a smile to my face each day. And that is perfectly enough for me.

What are your plans in the coming period? - Firstly, several roles at my original workplace of Sarajevo War Theater. There’s also work at the Sarajevo Film Academy, where I’m testifying of the formation of great future film directors, and I also enjoy working with students of solo singing at the Sarajevo Music Academy, where I am teaching about opera roles in theater. I’m surrounded by young and creative people and I’m learning from their youth and enthusiasm about life. I’m preparing a book about the great British poet Ted Hughes, which will be my doctoral thesis and I’m getting ready to give 19



u znaku Azrinog zlata i Amelovog srebra The Achievements of 2019

A Year Marked by Azra's Gold and Amel's Silver Medal Autor/Author: Zana KOLOŠ-MULABDIĆ


ZLATNA DŽUDISTKINJA AZRA Azra Dedić, članica Džudo kluba Una iz Bihaća na Evropskom prvenstvu u džudu osvojila je zlatnu medalju u kategoriji do 70 kg. Ova 24-godišnja djevojka iz Bihaća, koja ima Down sindrom prva je zaposlena osoba s Down sindromom u našoj zemlji. Vlasnica je crnog pojasa u džudu prvog dana, te dobitnica brojnih nagrada i priznanja. Bravo Azra!

GOLD JUDOKA AZRA Azra Dedić, member of Judo Club Una from Bihać, won a gold medal in the category of -70 kg at the European Championships in judo. This 24-year-old young woman from Bihać is the first employed person with Down Syndrome in our country. She owns a black belt in judo, and is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions. Bravo Azra!

AMELOVO ZLATNO SREBRO U DOHI Bh. atletičar Amel Tuka osvojio je srebrenu medalju u trci na 800 metara na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Dohi. U finalnu smotre najboljih na svijetu, Amel je ostvario najveći uspjeh u historiji sporta u našoj zemlji. Također, osvajanjem srebra naš takmičar ostvario je i najbolji rezultat u karijeri, nakon bronzane medalje koju je osvojio u Pekingu.

AMEL'S GOLDEN SILVER MEDAL IN DOHA Azra Dedić, member of Judo Club Una from Bihać, won a gold medal in the category of -70 kg at the European Championships in judo. This 24-year-old young woman from Bihać is the first employed person with Down Syndrome in our country. She owns a black belt in judo, and is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions. Bravo Azra!



BOSANKA MEĐU 10 SVJETSKIH NAUČNIKA Jedina iz Evrope koja se našla na listi među 10 vodećih naučnika inovatora u svijetu starosti do 40 godina je Sana Alajmović. Rođena u Olovu, a odrasla u Švedskoj, svestrana Bosanka prije pet godina došla je na ideju da pokrene vlastitu agenciju putem koje je izumila biotehnologiju, koja ljudima pomaže u snižavanju nivoa šećera u krvi. Njena kompanija Singrid Therapeutics danas je jedna od vodećih na tržištu.

A BOSNIAN AMONG TOP 10 SCIENTISTS IN THE WORLD The only person from Europe, who was among the Top 10 scientist innovators in the world, aged 40 and under, was Sana Alajmović. Born in Olovo, having grown up in Sweden, this versatile Bosnian came to the idea of starting her own agency five years ago, where she invented biotechnology that would help people lower their blood glucose levels. Today, her company Singrid Therapeutics is one of the leading companies in the market.

SAŠINO PORIJEKLO NAGRAĐENO NA SAJMU KNJIGA U FRANKFURTU Njemački pisac bh. korijena Saša Stanišić je za svoj roman Porijeklo dobio nagradu za najbolji roman na Frankfurtskom sajmu knjiga. U ovom romanu autor piše o svojoj baki, koja lagano gubi pamćenje, te o bijegu njegove porodice iz BiH u Njemačku. Savez njemačkog izdavaštva proglasio je Sašin roman Najboljom knjigom godine.


SAŠA'S PORIJEKLO (DESCENT) AWARDED AT THE FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR German author of B&H descent, Saša Stanišić, got the award for best novel for his Porijeklo (Descent) at the Frankfurt Book Fair. In this novel, he writes about his grandmother, who is slowly losing her memory, and about his family's escape from B&H to Germany. The German Publishers Association declared Saša's novel the Best Book of the Year.

ELMINI SCENARIJI NA SVJETSKIM FILMSKIM FESTIVALIMA Bh. scenaristica Elma Tataragić svojim djelima ove godine postigla je velike uspjehe. Filmovi Šavovi, te Bog postoji, zove se Petrunija za koje potpisuje scenarije, na Internacionalnom filmskom festivalu u Berlinu nagrađeni su s nekoliko priznana. Posljednje u nizu za Petruniju su nagrade na Seville Film Festivalu, nagrada arapskih filmskih kritičara za najbolji evropski film, te nagrada Vijeća Evrope Lux Film Prize u Strazburu sredinom novembra.

SANJINOVA ZLATNA DESETKA Najbolji bh. takmičar u bilijaru Sanjin Pehlivanović ušao je historiju kao prvi igrač koji je čak tri puta uspio pobijediti svjetskog prvaka u kineskom bilijaru Garetha Pottsa. Prošle godine Sanjin je također odbranio naslov evropskog juniorskog prvaka u disciplini Devetka, a u holandskom gradu Veldhovenu na Omladinskom evropskom prvenstvu u bilijaru osvojio je zlatnu medalju u disciplini 10.

ELMA'S SCREENPLAYS AT WORLD FILM FESTIVALS B&H screenwriter Elma Tataragić had great success with her works this year. The films Stitches and God Exists, Her Name is Petrunya, for which she wrote the screenplays, were awarded with several accolades at the International Film Festival in Berlin. The latest awards for Petrunya came from the Seville Film Festival, then there was the Arab film critics award for best European film, and the European Parliament's Lux Film Prize in Strasbourg in mid-November.

SANJIN'S GOLDEN TEN-BALL The best B&H competitor in billiards, Sanjin Pehlivanović, entered history as the first player who managed to beat the world eightball champion Gareth Potts three times. Last year, Sanjin also defended his title of European junior champion in nine-ball, and he won a gold medal in ten-ball at the Youth European Championships in billiards in the Dutch city of Veldhoven.



NAŠI NAJTROFEJNIJI SPORTAŠI Reprezentativci BiH u sjedećoj odbojci u 2019. godini osvojili su svoju ukupno 23. medalju na velikim međunarodnim takmičenjima. Titula viceprvaka osvojena na Evropskom prvenstvu održanom u Mađarskoj je šesto srebro u kolekciji uz još 14 zlatnih i tri bronzane medalje.

OUR MOST AWARDED ATHLETES In 2019, the B&H sitting volleyball representatives won their 23rd medal at a great international competition. Their runner-up title, which they won at the European Championships in Hungary, is their sixth silver in a collection of 14 gold and three bronze medals.

MLADI TUZLACI OSVOJILI 15 MEDALJA Učenici Richmond Park International Secondary School Tuzla na The World Scholar's Cup-u, koji je sredinom godine održan u holandskim gradovima Haagu, Roterdamu i Amsterdamu u kategorijama pisanja eseja, debata i tokom kviza znanja, osvojili su 15 medalja. Od toga čak tri zlatne i 12 srebrenih.

YOUNG TUZLA LOCALS WON 15 MEDALS The students of Richmond Park International Secondary School Tuzla won 15 medals at the World Scholar's Cup, which was held mid-year in the Dutch cities of the Hague, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, in the categories of essay writing, debate and quiz knowledge. They won three gold and 12 silver medals.

BH. UČENICI ZABLISTALI NA GENIUS OLIMPIJADI Na međunarodnom takmičenju za srednjoškolce, čiji je cilj prezentiranje projekata u cilju zaštite okoliša, ekipa predstavnika naše zemlje osvojila je četiri nagrade. Učenici su se u New Yorku takmičili u pet kategorija: nauka, pisanje, umjetnost, biznis i muzika. Predstavnici naše zemlje osvojili su zlatnu i tri srebrene medalje. 24

B&H STUDENTS SHONE AT GENIUS OLYMPICS At the international competition for high schoolers, the aim of which was to present projects about environmental protection, the team representing our country won four awards. The students competed in five categories in New York: science, writing, art, business and music. Our country's team won one gold and three silver medals.

DESET MEDALJA IZ ABU DHABIJA Bh. sportisti koji su učestvovali na Paraolimpijskim igrama u Abu Dhabiju u martu ove godine osvojili su čak deset medalja. Na ovom takmičenju, globalnom pokretu za inkluziju, kroz 50 godina održavanja dosad je aktivirano pet miliona sportista u 170 država. Naši predstavnici osvojili su medalje u stonom tenisu, plivanju i atletici.

TEN MEDALS FROM ABU DHABI B&H athletes, who participated at the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi in March this year, won a whopping ten medals. Five million athletes from 170 countries have taken part in this competition, a global movement for inclusion, throughout the 50 years that it has been held so far. Our representatives won medals in table tennis, swimming and athletics.

LARISA JE VICEPRVAKINJA EVROPE Naša najtrofejnija i najuspješnija džudistkinja Larisa Cerić na Evropskom prvenstvu, koje se održalo u sklopu Evropskih igara u Minsku, osvojila je srebrenu medalju u kategoriji preko 78 kilograma. Ovo je njeno treće srebro na evropskim prvenstvima.

LARISA IS THE EUROPEAN SILVER MEDALIST Our most successful judoka with the most awards, Larisa Cerić, won a silver medal at the European Championship in the 78+ kg category, which was held in Minsk, as part of the European Games. This is her third silver medal at European championships. 25


Stara Bistrička stanica se vraća građanima


tara željeznička stanica u sarajevskom naselju Bistrik u narednom periodu, kroz obnovu i otvaranje muzeja, bit će vraćena građanima Sarajeva. Trenutno devastirani objekt, a nekada reprezentativna građevina velike historijske vrijednosti, željeznička stanica iz perioda austrougarske vladavine, postat će mjesto susreta kulturnih društvenih događaja značajnih za Grad Sarajevo. 26

HISTORIJA BISTRIČKE STANICE Nakon što su austrougarske vlasti 1882. godine željeznicom uvezale Sarajeva sa Slavonskim Brodom i Budimpeštom, izgrađena je zgrada željezničke stanice Bistrik. Tada se javila potreba da se sa Sarajevom povežu i istočni dijelovi BiH, te je tako rođena ideja o izgradnji Istočne pruge prema Višegradu, odakle

se preko Šarganske osmice moglo putovati za Beograd, Sofiju, Solun i Istanbul. Puštanje pruge u promet 1906. godine ozvaničeno je i otvaranjem zgrade Željezničke stanice na Bistriku. Izgrađena od cigle iz obližnje ciglane Augusta Brauna, ova dvospratna građevina pod visokim kosim krovom je sadržavala kancelarije za osoblje, biletarnicu i čekaonicu u

U svojim posljednjim godinama, stanica je stekla i svjetsku prepoznatljivost, a i danas su ostali dobro zapamčeni kadrovi iz kultnog filma Valter brani Sarajevo snimljeni na Bistričkoj stanici

prizemlju. Napravljena na najvišoj tački Bistrika, i danas predstavlja najimpozantniji objekt na tom području. U njenoj blizini se nalazio i prvi od ukupno 134 tunela na trasi do Beograda, Tunel Brdo-džamija. Stanica na Bistriku je vrlo brzo postala jedan od simbola Sarajeva i zauzela posebno mjesto u srcima Sarajlija, a postala je i zaštitni znak razglednica iz ovog grada. U svojim posljednjim godinama, stanica je stekla i svjetsku prepoznatljivost, i do danas su u sjećanjima mnogih

Bosanaca i Hercegovaca ostali urezani kadrovi iz kultnog filma Valter brani Sarajevo snimljeni na Bistričkoj stanici, kada Valter sa saborcima zauzima lokomotivu čuvenog Ćire, voza koji je do sredine sedamdesetih na ovu stanicu stizao svakodnevno.

zgrada i natkriveni peronski prostor posljednjih godina su korištene kao stambeni objekt, dok su od ostalih dijelova kompleksa ostale ruševine. Umjesto nekadašnje pruge danas uz zgradu stanice na Bistriku prolazi gradska zaobilaznica.

Ukidanjem Istočne pruge 1973. godine, stanična zgrada Bistrik u potpunosti gubi svoj osnovni značaj, a posljednja lokomotiva koja je napustila peron stanice na Bistriku bio je upravo Ćiro, početkom augusta 1978. godine. Nekadašnja upravna

OBNOVA ZGRADE O važnosti zgrada stare željezničke stanice Bistrik, kazuje i činjenica da je 2006. godine proglašena Nacionalnim spomenikom BiH, a kako bi sačuvao kulturnu baštinu, te vratio sjećanja generacija i vrijednu tradiciju, Grad Sarajevo je okončao rješavanje imovinsko-pravnih odnosa i stvorio pretpostavke za početak obnove ovog devastiranog objekta koji je svojevrstan simbol Sarajeva. Ovaj projekt ima tri vrlo važne dimenzije; kulturnu, socijalnu i razvojnu. Plan Grada Sarajeva je da obnovljena Bistrička stanica doprinosi kao turistička atrakcija i bude multifunkcionalni objekt koji će biti u potpunosti samoodrživ. U Bistričkoj stanici bit će smješten muzej s postavkom o dugoj željezničkoj tradiciji u BiH i Sarajevu. Svi planovi aludiraju na to da će stara željeznička stanica na Bistriku potpuno zasijati u novom ruhu, ponuditi bogat turistički sadržaj i da će ponovo krasiti Sarajevo! 27


The Old Bistrik Station is Returning to the Citizens


he old railway station in the Sarajevo neighborhood Bistrik will be returned to the citizens of Sarajevo (in the next period), through the renovation and opening of the museum. Currently devastated, this once symbolic building of great historical value, the railway station from the Austro-Hungarian period, will become the venue for social-cultural events significant for/to the city of Sarajevo.

cted. At that time, the need arose for the connection between other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sarajevo. Thus, the idea of/for constructing the Eastern Railway towards Visegrad was born, from where it was possible to travel to Belgrade, Sofia, Thessaloniki, and Istanbul via the Sargan Eight. In 1906, the start of operations was commemorated with the opening of the Bistrik station building.


Built from brick from the nearby August Brown brickyard, this twostory building under a tall sloping roof, contained staff offices, a ticket office, and a waiting room on the ground floor. Built at the highest point of Bistrik, to this day it stands for the most imposing building in the

After the Austro-Hungarian authorities made the railway connection between Sarajevo and Slavonski Brod and Budapest in 1882, the Bistrik Station building was constru28

area. In close proximity, you could also find the first of the 134 tunnels on the route to Belgrade, Tunel Brdo-dŞamija (Hill-Mosque Tunnel). The Bistrik Station quickly became one of the symbols of Sarajevo, a trademark of postcards from this city, and it took a special place in the hearts of the locals. In its last years, the station has gained worldwide recognition, especially through the cult film Valter Defends Sarajevo (Valter brani Sarajevo). The scene where Valter and his comrades occupy the locomotive of the famous Ćiro, the train that until the mid seventies passed through this station every day, will forever be carved in the memories of many Bosnians.

In its last years, the station has gained worldwide recognition, and the scenes from the cult film Valter Defends Sarajevo filmed at Bistrik Station will forever be carved into the memories of the citizens. With the abolition of the Eastern Railway in 1973, the Bistrik station building completely lost its primary purpose (osnovnu svrhu), and the last locomotive to leave the station platform at Bistrik in early August 1978 was, in fact, Ćiro.

self-sustaining. A museum will tell the story of the long railway tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sarajevo. All plans allude that the

old Bistrik train station will have a new shine, offer rich tourist content and will again embellish the city of Sarajevo!

In recent years, the former administrative building and platform area have been used as a residential space, while other parts of the complex have been ruined. Instead of the former railway, a city bypass passes today adjacent to the Bistrik station building.

BUILDING RENOVATIONS In 2006, the building of the old Bistrik railway station was proclaimed a National Monument of BiH, showcasing its importance. In order to preserve cultural heritage and restore the memories of generations and valuable traditions, the City of Sarajevo has finished resolving legal property issues, thus creating preconditions for the beginning of the reconstruction of this devastated building, which is in many ways, still a symbol of Sarajevo. This project has three very important dimensions; cultural, social, and developmental. The city plans to make the renovated Bistrik Station a tourist attraction and a multifunctional facility that will be fully 29


ALDINA HADŽIĆ, izvršna direktorica Mercedes-Benz vozila



d samog početka studija na Pravnom fakultetu, Aldina je imala želju da se bavi porodičnim pravom, a njeni afiniteti nikada nisu bili usmjereni ka ekonomiji. Međutim, od prvog radnog iskustva vezala se za brojeve, trgovinu i prodaju. Želja za učenjem i napredovanjem je rasla, ambicije postajale sve jače i sada je tu, u muškom svijetu autoindustrije.

brenda, utjecati na zadovoljstvo naših kupaca i osvojiti veći dio tržišta. Koje osobine su potrebne da bi jedna žena bila izvrsna u tom poslu i stigla do neke visoke pozicije? - Znanje, samopouzdanje, organizacija, stav, živjeti brend koji zastupate 24h, poznanstva, upornost, osmijeh i balans privatnog i poslovnog života. Nije jednostavno, ali uz podršku i jak karakter je moguće.

- Ja sam timski igrač i volim ljude, smatram da bez ljudi i ulaganja u iste kvaliteta kompanije nije dugoročna. Ulaganje u ljude je proces koji traje kod nekoga manje, negdje duže i nisam u potpunosti saglasna s tim da smo svi zamjenjivi, jesmo naravno, ali po koju cijenu... Motivacija ljudi se podstiče svaki dan, od načina na koji ih pozdravite ujutru, do načina na koji rješavate konflikte i prepreke na koje nailazimo svaki dan. Volim da imam pozitivno okruženje i uposlenike koji pronalaze načine da nešto urade, a ne da smišljaju izgovore kako se nešto ne može.

- Počela sam s radom 2002. godine u F-AUTOCENTRU kao administrativni Svaki prodavač automobila mora radnik i pomoćnik na izradi tendera, imati posebne vještine prepoznavate sam tako, korak po korak, učila o nja potencijalnih kupaca... Kome je vozilima. Nakon Ford-a i Volva, prelanamijenjen Mercedes-Benz? zim u ASA Grupaciju na poziciju proKao jedna uspješna žena, šta biste dajnog savjetnika za Audi. Godinama - Mercedes-Benz je vozilo iz Premi- savjetovali drugim ženama na njihosam tako napredovala i postepeno um segmenta, najvećim obimom su vom putu ka uspjehu? prelazila na rukovodeće pozicije, te vozila namijenjena korporativnim, - Da ne pokušavaju u svemu sam u jednom trenutku vobiti uspješne. Dovoljna je kadila pet brendova VW koncerDa bi žena bila uspješna potrebno rijera, majčinstvo i biti dobra na, zajedno s marketingom je znanje, samopouzdanje, podrška kao supruga. Najveći Porsche-a Sarajevo doo. je uspjeh imati balans u svim organizacija, stav, poznanstva, Je li Vam se bilo teško snaći u segmentima života, a pri tome upornost, osmijeh i balans svijetu automobila, koliko su ostati čovjek. privatnog i poslovnog života. Nije Vas prethodno interesirali? Pretpostavljam da su u Vajednostavno, ali uz podršku i jak - To je ljubav prema poslu, šem poslovnom okruženju karakter sve je moguće kao i bilo koja druga, ili ga većinom muškarci... Kakva je volite i super se snalazite ili komunikacija na toj relaciji, poslovnim ljudima koji mnogo vre- jesu li kolege uvijek raspoložene da ne. Otpor u našem okruženju prema ženama u autoindustriji postoji, od�- mena provode na otvorenoj vožnji priskoče u pomoć? nosno unazad 15 godina je bio veći i potrebna su im udobna i sigurna nego danas. No, kada dokažete da vozila. S druge strane, modeli A i B - Najljepše je kad dođete u fazu da poznajete automobile, da možete klase zadovoljavaju i segment mla- ste ravnopravni drugovi koji pričaravnopravno i jednako odgovori- dih ljudi i mladih bračnih parova. GL ju muškim jezikom i međusobno ti znanjem kao žena, prihvati vas i modeli su privlačna SUV kategorija se jednako poštujete. U kompaniji okruženje. Činjenica je nažalost da pogodna za srednju dob, populacija STARline ima i mnogo žena, tako da se kao žena morate truditi više da koja uživa u sportskim aktivnostima ne mogu reći da sam okružena isdokažete da vi to možete i umijete. i kretanju po planinskim predjelima. ključivo muškarcima, ali je činjenica da je autoindustrija i dalje većinom Jasno da ste se jako dobro snašli i do- Šta je, prema Vašim iskustvima, ključ muška branša. Uz malo šarma i kazali u ovom poslu, jer ste u augustu uspješnih kompanija, poput one u komnogo znanja, komunikacija funkciove godine postali izvršna direktorica joj radite? oniše savršeno. u Mercedes-Benzu. S kojom vizijom - Kvaliteta prodaje i postprodaje, te Jeste li se ikada susretali s predraste ušli u ovu kompaniju? zadovoljni klijenti usluga koje kom- sudama da ženama nije mjesto u au- Želja za implementacijom dosa�- panija pruža. Svakako i zadovoljni tomobilskoj industriji? dašnjeg iskustva i znanja kao i iza- uposlenici i ugodna radna atmosfera zov da naučim nešto više i unapri� - u kompaniji, proaktivni i savremeni - Jesam u samom početku svoje kajedim vještine upravljanja u nešto lideri koji upravljaju kompanijom, rijere kao direktni prodajni savjetnik drugačijem okruženju. Moja vizija je praćenje tržišta i aktivnost projekata. u salonu gdje ljudima treba vremena da steknu povjerenje da je žena, predstaviti brend Mercedes-Benz, koji zastupam s kompanijom STAR- Otkrijte nam kako motivirate svoje tada djevojka, dovoljno kompetentna pomoći vam u odluci kupovine line na tržištu BiH i u Kantonu Sara- uposlenike i činite atmosferu na poslu pozitivnom? jevo, kako to dosljeduje imidžu ovog vozila i objašnjenju voznih perfor31


mansa. Međutim, kako sam ranije već i navela, upornost, znanje i samopouzdanje mijenjaju opštu sliku prema krajnjim kupcima. Da niste u automobilskoj industriji, čime biste se bavili? Postoji li neka branša prema kojoj gajite simpatije? - Kao i većina žena pretpostavljam, mogla bih se vidjeti u svijetu kozmetike i mode. Volim kremice, parfeme, kozmetiku… Mirišem, osluškujem o novitetima na tržištu, volim čitati i istraživati na ove teme. Kada poželite odmoriti od poslovnih obaveza, kako provodite svoje vrijeme? - Trudim se nadoknaditi svaki trenutak sa svojom porodicom. Emotivna sam i volim kada smo skupa, to me ispunjava. Volim da čitam i tražim vrijeme za to kad god mogu. Imam veliku sreću da imam prijateljice koje jako volim i pred kojima nemam nikakvih tajni, ni ustručavanja, te uvijek nađemo slobodno veče za čašu vina i smijeh. Sigurno se često otiskujete na poslovna putovanja, može li se i u tom smislu uživati u putovanju i destinaciji na kojoj se nađete? - Zahvaljujući svom poslu, svih ovih godina, zaista sam imala priliku otići na savršene lokacije i uživati u druženju s vrlo dragim ljudima iz cijelog svijeta. Kada volite svoj posao, svaki trening je uživanje, ugodno spojeno s korisnim. Jedini dio koji najviše umori jeste putovanje do određenih destinacija i povratak, sve ostalo je divno iskustvo i uspomena. Šta je, prema Vašem mišljenju, ključno za pronalaženje uspješne ravnoteže između posla i privatnog života? - Organizacija i podrška partnera i porodice kao i razum sviju nas. Šta biste sebi, na poslovnom i privatnom planu poželjeli u Novoj godini? - Zdravlje uvijek i prvo, snagu i ustrajanost, nove izazove, mnogo smijeha i zdravo okruženje. 32

ALDINA HADŽIĆ, Executive Director of Mercedes-Benz



rom the very beginning of her studies at the Faculty of Law, Aldina wanted to be in family law, and her affinities were never in economics. However, from her first work experience, she found herself in numbers, trading and sales. Her desire for learning and advancement grew, her ambitions were bigger and now she is here, in the male world of the automotive industry. - I started working in 2002 in F-AUTOCENTAR, as an administrative clerk and an assistant for preparing tenders, and that is how I learned about vehicles, step by step. After Ford and Volvo, I transferred to ASA Group, as a sales advisor for Audi. For years, I progressed like that and gradually moved on to management roles, and at one point I headed five brands of the VW concern, along with marketing for Porsche Sarajevo Ltd. Was it difficult for you to find your feet in the world of automobiles, how interested in them were you previously?

- It’s about love for your work, like any other, you either love it and get by great or not. There is a resistance towards women in the automotive industry in our environment, i.e. 15 years ago it was greater than today, but when you prove that you know automobiles, that you can equally answer questions as a woman, the environment accepts you. Unfortunately, it’s a fact that as a woman you must work harder to prove that you can do it. It is clear that you found your feet easily and proved yourself in this job, as you became the executive director at STARline Mercedes-Benz in August this year. What vision did you bring to this company? - The desire to implement the experience and knowledge that I have gained so far, as well as the challenge to learn more and improve my managerial skills in a slightly different environment. My vision is to present the Mercedes-Benz brand, which I represent with company STARline on the B&H and Sarajevo Canton market, as it should be done for the

image of this brand, to make sure that our buyers are satisfied and to conquer a large part of the market. Which characteristics are necessary for a woman to be excellent at her job and reach a managerial role? - Knowledge, self-confidence, organization, attitude, to live the brand that you represent 24/7, knowing people, persistence, a smile and a balance between your private and personal life. It’s not simple, but with support and a strong character, it can be done. Every automobile seller must possess the special skill of recognizing potential buyers... Who is Mercedes-Benz intended for? - Mercedes-Benz is a vehicle from the Premium segment, and for the most part, the vehicles are intended for corporate, businesspeople who spend a lot of time driving and who need a comfortable and safe vehicle. On the other hand, A and B class models appeal to the segment of young people and young (married) couples. The GL models are an 33



attractive SUV category, suitable for middle-aged people, the population who enjoys sporting activities and navigation on mountainous regions. Based on your experiences, what is the key of successful companies, like the one you work for?

I assume that you are mostly surrounded by men in your work environment... How is the communication on that front, are your colleagues always ready to jump in and help?

- Quality of sales and post-sales, and clients who are satisfied with the services that the company offers. Certainly, also satisfied employees and a pleasant working atmosphere in the company, proactive and modern leaders who manage the company, track the market and project activities.

- It is best when you enter the phase where you are equal mates who speak the “male” language, and there is mutual respect. In STARline company, there are a lot of women, so I can’t say that I’m surrounded by just men, but it’s a fact that the automotive industry is still mainly male-dominated. With a bit of charm and a lot of knowledge, communication runs perfectly smoothly.

Can you reveal for us how you motivate your employees and make the atmosphere at work positive?

Did you ever come across prejudice that it is not a woman’s place to be in the automotive industry?

what’s new on the market, and I like to read and research about these things. When you want to have a break from your work commitments, how do you spend your time? - I try to catch up on every moment with my family. I’m emotional and I love when we’re together, that fulfills me. I love to read, and I seek time for that whenever I can. I’m very lucky that I have female friends who I really love and whom I don’t have any secrets with, or holding back, so we always find a free evening for a glass of wine and laughter. You must do a lot of business travel, can you enjoy those trips and the destinations you find yourself at?

- I’m a team player and I love people; I believe that For a woman to be successful, it without investing in peo- Thanks to this job, in ple, the quality of the comtakes knowledge, self-confidence, all these years, I’ve repany will not be long-term. organization, attitude, knowing people, ally had the opportunity Investing in people is a persistence, a smile and a balance to go to perfect locations process that takes longer between your private and personal life. and enjoy socializing with in some places, and shorvery dear people from all ter in others, and I’m not It’s not simple, but with support and a completely in agreeance over the world. When you strong character, it can be done with the notion that we are love your job, every traall replaceable, we are of ining is enjoyable, and course, but at what cost... both pleasant and useful. I did, in the very beginning of my Motivation of people is encouraged One part that tires you out the most career, as a direct sales advisor in every day, from the way you greet is the actual trip to a certain destithem in the morning, to the way you a salon where people needed time nation and the return, everything to gain confidence in the fact that a resolve conflicts and obstacles that else is a wonderful experience and woman, young woman at that time, you come across each day. I love memory. that I have a positive environment was competent to help them in their decision to purchase a vehicle and In your opinion, what is the key to and employees who find ways to do something, rather than come up that she could tell them about the finding a successful balance between with excuses about how something vehicle’s performance. However, work and private life? as I mentioned earlier, persistencannot be done. ce, knowledge and self-confidence - Organization and support of your As a successful woman, what is your change the general image for the partner and family, and for everyone advice for other women on their path end buyers. to be sensible. to success? If you did not work in the automotive What would you wish for yourself, - To not try to be successful in everytboth personally and business-wise, industry, what would you do? Is there hing. It’s enough to have a career, be something you are inclined towards? in the New Year? a mother and provide good support - Health always comes first, stren- As most women, I assume I could as a wife. The greatest success is to have a balance in all segments of see myself in the world of cosmetics gth and perseverance, new challenges, lots of laughter and a healthy life and to enjoy each success, while and fashion. I love creams, perfume, remaining a good person. cosmetics… I “smell”, listen in on environment. 35




oček Nove godine na otvorenom u protekle tri godine lansirao je Sarajevo među najpoželjnije evropske destinacije, a tako će biti i ove godine. Kako zbog brojnih ljepota i turističkih atrakcija grada, tako i zbog odlične organizacije novogodišnjeg programa. Kvalitetan vrhunski muzički i zabavni show uz nastup veli36

kih regionalnih zvijezda, učinit će da Sarajevo tokom tri dana i noći, od 30. decembra do 1. januara, četvrtu godinu zaredom, uistinu bude novogodišnji centar regije.

nas očekuju, ljudi iz regije planiraju odmore u skladu s tim. Nećemo ih razočarati - poručio je gradonačelnik Abdulah Skaka.

- Grad nastavlja lijepu tradiciju sarajevske novogodišnje čarolije. To je postao naš prepoznatljiv brend, neodvojivi dio Sarajeva. Građani to od

Pri samom dolasku, predlažemo vam da upoznate grad, osjetite njegovu dušu i toplu dobrodošlicu kojom će vas Sarajevo oduševiti već


prvog dana vašeg boravka. Za početak se upustite u laganu šetnju sarajevskim ulicama... Prazničnu atmosferu Sarajeva najbolje ćete doživjeti posjetite li magični Coca-Cola Sarajevo Holiday market koji nudi bogat zabavni sadržaj za sve uzraste, a jednako će vas oduševiti i Zimska čarolija na platou Skenderije, kao i Jana Ice Garden ledeni park smješten na Trgu oslobođenja Alija Izetbegović. Krenete li Titovom ulicom prema Ferhadiji, obavezno zastanite i ugrijte se pored Vječne vatre, a ne zaboravite napraviti i nekoliko fotografija kod ovog simbola grada. Nastavite li koračati ka Baščaršiji, pažnju će vam privući brojni vjerski objekti, kao i različite građevine, među kojima mnoge ponosno stoje još od austrougarskog perioda. Kada stignete do srca Sarajeva – Baščaršije, ne propustite igru s golu-

bovima, te fotografisanje kod Sebilja. Kada ste već tu, obavezno obiđite i zanatske ulice, gdje možete kupiti suvenire koji će vas dugo podsjećati na duh Sarajeva i lijepe trenutke koje ćete ovdje doživjeti.

s tradicionalnim slasticama poput hurmašica, tufahija i baklave, a za uživanje u američkim palačinkama zadužen je lokal Talks&Giggles, mjesto koje mami osmijehe i okuplja istinske sladokusce.

Dalje će vas voditi mirisi bosanske kuhinje... Ćevapi, pite, sogan dolme, kao i druga tradicionalna jela mamit će vas da svratite u sarajevske lokale i uživate u fantastičnim okusima. Dobra ideja za ručak su i restorani na obroncima grada iz koji se pruža čaroban pogled na zimsko Sarajevo. Nakon ručka, po bosanskoj tradiciji, vrijeme je da svoja čula raznježite nekom slasticom, kafom ili čajem. Mjesto najukusnije kafe je Ministarstvo ćejfa, dok ćete u Čajdžinici Džirlo probati fantastične i neobične čajeve. Nezaobilazno mjesto je i cafe bar Zlatna ribica, koji odiše unikatnim enterijerom i odlično je mjesto za ugodnu dnevnu ili noćnu varijantu izlaska. Boravak u Sarajevu slađim će vam učiniti brojne slastičarne

Ako ste u višednevnoj posjeti Sarajevu i ako ste ljubitelj snijega i skijanja, naša preporuka za posjetu su olimpijske planine nadomak Sarajeva; Bjelašnica, Igman i Jahorina. Bogat sadržaj nudi i planina Trebević do koje, osim privatnim vozilom, za samo nekoliko minuta možete stići i Sarajevskom žičarom. Po samom izlasku iz gondole, uputite se u obilazak bob staze izgrađene za vrijeme Olimpijskih igara. Nakon toga, laganom šetnjom stižete do Pino Nature hotela, a u blizini se nalaze i Brus, Level up, kao i Sunnyland, u kojem će vam posebno zadovoljstvo biti vožnja alpine coasterom s fantastičnim pogledom na grad. 37


Sarajevo obiluje atrakcijama koje možete posjetiti prije nego se uputite na doček Nove godine, a nekoliko njih nalazi se i na predivnoj Ilidži. Predlažemo vam da se dobro utoplite i upustite u šetnju Velikom alejom do Vrela Bosne. Bit će to savršen odmor za vašu dušu i idealan način da napunite baterije za koncerte koji slijede! KONCERTI ZA PAMĆENJE Noć uoči dočeka Nove godine, 30. decembra, ispred Vječne vatre bit će upriličen koncert klasične muzike koji će biti odličan uvod u novogodišnje slavlje. Novu 2020. godinu Sarajlije i turisti dočekat će uz spektakularan koncert na otvorenom uz muzičku zvijezdu Željka Joksimovića. Javni doček Nove godine u Sarajevu vratit će se na Trg BiH, gdje su prije Željka nastupali Dino Merlin i Zdravko Čolić. Za one manje hrabre za doček na 38

Kvalitetan vrhunski muzički i zabavni show uz nastup velikih regionalnih zvijezda, učinit će da Sarajevo tokom tri dana i noći, od 30. decembra do 1. januara, četvrtu godinu zaredom, uistinu bude novogodišnji centar regije otvorenom, ali i one željne zabave u vrhunskoj atmosferi sarajevskih hotela i restorana, ponuda je itekako bogata. U hotelu Hills u novogodišnjoj noći sve prisutne će zabavljati Halid Bešlić i Slađana Mandić, a hotel Holiday zabavu za doček Nove 2020. godine

organizuje uz Nihada Alibegovića i brojne goste iznenađenja. U najluđoj noći u Hotelu Europa će nastupiti Igor Vukojević s gostima iznenađenja, dok Pivnica HS Sarajevo i ove godine organizuje doček Nove godine i to uz hitove Nešada Selmana i Nene Murića. Zabava se nastavlja i prvog dana 2020. godine, kada će ispred Vječne vatre sve posjetitelje zabavljati sarajevski rock bend Zabranjeno Pušenje. Frontmen benda Sejo Sexon je najavio zabavu za pamćenje uz dobro poznate hitove. Sarajevo je spremno, široko otvorenih ruku, ugostiti stotine hiljada turista iz cijeloga svijeta. Grad Sarajevo vas rado očekuje i garantuje nezaboravne trenutke i provjereno najbolji, sarajevski novogodišnji show uz fantastičnu atmosferu. Neka vam doček 2020. godine u Sarajevu donese sreću i učini je najljepšom do sada!

to New Year’s Eve 2020 in Sarajevo





n the last three years, New Year’s Eve has placed Sarajevo among the most desirable European destinations, and that will be also be the case this year. This is because of the beauty and tourist attractions of the city, and the excellent organization of the New Year’s program. A top high-quality musical and entertainment show, with performances by great regional stars, will truly make Sarajevo the New Year’s center of the region for the fourth year in a row, during three days and nights, from December 30 to January 1. - The city continues the great tradition of Sarajevo’s New Year’s magic. That has become our recognizable brand, an inseparable part of Sarajevo. Citizens expect that from us, people from the region plan their holidays in accordance with that. We will not disappoint them - says mayor Abdulah Skaka.

01. 01. 2020 Zabranjeno Pušenje will entertain all visitors in front of the Eternal Flame

TOUR OF SARAJEVO Upon arrival, we suggest that you get to know the city, feel its spirit and the warm welcome, which will thrill you from your first day in Sarajevo. For a start, go on a light stroll through the streets of Sarajevo... You will best experience Sarajevo's holiday atmosphere if you visit the magical Coca-Cola Sarajevo Holiday Market, which offers a number of activities for all ages, and you will be equally thrilled by the Winter Magic on the plateau of Skenderija, and the Jana Ice Garden Park located on the Trg Oslobođenja Alija Izetbegović.


If you head through Tito’s Street towards Ferhadija Street, you must pause and get warm in front of the Eternal Flame, and do not forget to take some photos at this city symbol. If you keep going towards Baščaršija, you will notice the numerous places of worship, and various buildings, some of which proudly stand since the Austro-Hungarian period. When you get to the heart of Sarajevo – Baščaršija, do not miss playing with the pigeons, and take photos next to the Sebilj. While you are there, you must also check out the handicraft streets, where you

can purchase souvenirs, which will serve to remind you of the spirit of Sarajevo and the nice moments that you experienced here. Further along, you will be able to smell the fragrances of Bosnian cuisine... Ćevapi, pies, sogan dol�ma, and other traditional dishes will tempt you to drop by Sarajevo’s restaurants and enjoy the fantastic flavors. A good idea for lunch is also the restaurants on the outskirts of the city, from which there is a magical view of wintery Sarajevo. After lunch, based on Bosnian tradition, it is time to awaken your senses with a sweet, coffee or tea. The best-tasting coffee is at Ministry of Ćejf, while at Teahouse Džirlo you can try fantastic and unusual teas. You must also see cafe bar Zlatna Ribica (Goldfish), which exudes a unique atmosphere with its interior and is an excellent place for a pleasant daytime or evening outing. Time spent in Sarajevo will be sweeter with the numerous patisseries with traditional delicacies, such as hurmašica, tufahija and baklava, and if you are in the mood for American pancakes, you should

A top high-quality musical and entertainment show, with performances by great regional stars, will truly make Sarajevo the New Year’s center of the region for the fourth year in a row, during three days and nights, from December 30 to January 1.

head to Talks & Giggles, a place that brings out smiles and gathers true sweet lovers. If you are spending several days in Sarajevo and you are a fan of snow and skiing, we recommend visiting the Olympic mountains near Sarajevo; Bjelašnica, Igman and Jahorina. Mount Trebević also has a lot to offer and apart from by car, you can reach it in just several minutes by the Sarajevo cable car.

lo Bosne (Spring of Bosna). It will be the prefect break for your soul and the ideal way of recharging your batteries for the concerts that follow! CONCERTS TO REMEMBER The night before New Year’s Eve, on December 30, there will be a classical music concert in front of the Eternal Flame, which will be an excellent introduction to the New Year’s celebrations.

Upon exiting the gondola, you should go on a tour of the bobsled that was built during the Olympic Games. After that, with a light stroll, you will get to Pino Nature Hotel, and there are also Brus, Level Up, as well as Sunnyland nearby, where you will have the special pleasure of riding an alpine coaster with a fantastic view of the city.

The New Year of 2020 will be welcomed by Sarajevans and tourists with a spectacular outdoor concert with music star Željko Joksimović The public New Year’s Eve in Sarajevo will take place at Trg BiH (B&H Square), where prior to Željko, Dino Merlin and Zdravko Čolić had their performances in previous years.

Sarajevo is full of attractions that you can visit before you head to New Year’s Eve celebrations, and several of them are located at the wonderful Ilidža. We suggest that you dress warmly and go for a walk along the Velika Aleja (Great Alley) to the Vre-

For those less brave for an outdoor celebration, and those wanting entertainment with a great atmosphere in one of Sarajevo’s hotels or restaurants, the offer is certainly diverse. At Hills Hotel, Halid Bešlić and

Slađana Mandić will entertain those present on New Year’s Eve, and at Holiday Hotel, the New Year’s Eve party will be organized with Nihad Alibegović and many surprise guests. For the craziest night of the year, there will be a performance by Igor Vukojević, with surprise guests, at Europe Hotel, while Pivnica HS Sarajevo will be organizing New Year’s Eve with the hits of Nešad Selman and Neno Murić. The party continues on the first day of 2020, when Sarajevan rock band Zabranjeno Pušenje will entertain all visitors in front of the Eternal Flame. The lead singer of the band, Sejo Sexon, has announced a party to remember with well-known hits. Sarajevo is ready, with arms wide open, to host hundreds of thousands tourists from all over the world. The city of Sarajevo is happily awaiting you and guarantees unforgettable moments and the best Sarajevan New Year’s show with a fantastic atmosphere. May New Year’s Eve 2020 in Sarajevo bring you happiness and make it the best year so far! 41



u Sarajevu


LEDENI PARK Klizalište postavljeno u okviru ledenog parka na Trgu oslobođenja Alija Izetbegović, veličine 320 kvadratnih metara, kružno prolazi kroz park i jednim dijelom ulice Ferhadija. Središnji dio klizališta s parkom povezuje most ukrašen dekorativnim lampicama i instalacijom Solarno drvo koju su samostalno izradili učenici Željezničkog školskog centra. Klizalište radi svakog dana od 12:30h do 22:00 h, cijena jednog termina klizanja je 3 KM, a tu su i besplatni termini za djecu do 12 godina. U ledenom parku postavljene su i brojne druge atrakcije.

LEDENA ČAROLIJA I ove godine će od 27.12.2019. do 26.1.2020., na Vilsonovom šetalištu biti upriličena tradicionalna manifestacija pod nazivom Ledena čarolija. Zabava za cijelu porodicu će biti realizovana kod otvorene scene između Historijskog i Zemaljskog muzeja, a tokom zimskog raspusta djeca će imati priliku besplatno naučiti klizati i družiti se s Djeda Mrazom. Svim posjetiteljima će biti obezbijeđeno besplatno korištenje klizaljki, kao i velikog klizališta.

ICY PARK An ice-skating rink set up as part of the winter park at Trg Oslobođenja Alija Izetbegović, with an area of 320 square meters, circles through the park and one part of Ferhadija Street. The central part of the ice-skating rink is connected to the park by a bridge decorated with festive lamps and the Solar tree installation, which was made by the students of Željeznički Školski Centar (Railway School Center). The ice-skating rink is open every day from 12:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., and the price of a session is BAM 3, and there are also free sessions for children under 12. There are also numerous other attractions set up in the icy park.

MAGIC OF ICE This year, like last year, there will be a traditional ongoing event from 27.12.2019 to 26.1.2020 at Wilson’s Promenade, called Magic of Ice. Entertainment for the whole family will take place at the open scene between the Historical and National Museum, and during their school winter break, children will have the opportunity to learn ice skating for free and socialize with Santa Claus. All visitors will be able to use ice skates for free, as well as the large ice-skating rin. 43


ZIMSKA ČAROLIJA Građani i posjetitelji Sarajeva od ove godine mogu uživati na još jednom izvrsnom klizalištu. Na platou ispred dvorane Skenderija postavljeno je jedno od najvećih klizališta na otvorenom u regiji, a uz to su postavljene i brojne praznične dekoracija, kao i drvene kućice koje su obogatile zimski program. Klizalište je otvoreno od 10 do 23h svakim danom, po terminu od 1h i 15 minuta, s pauzama u trajanju od 45 minuta. Cijena ulaznica za klizanje je tri marke, koliko košta i iznajmljivanje klizaljki. Ledena ploha će biti postavljena sve do 31. januara.

KLIZALIŠTE U CENTRU SAFET ZAJKO Centar za edukaciju, sport i rekreaciju Safet Zajko svojim ambijentom i sadržajima privlači brojne posjetitelje, a za zimske radosti spremna je i njegova ledena ploha za sezonu 2019/2020. godinu. Klizalište će biti otvoreno do sredine februara, a ako vremenski uslovi budu dozvoljavali i duže. Ljubitelji klizanja moći će se klizati radnim danima i vikendom od 9 do 22 sata. Klizanje će biti besplatno za sve uzraste, a oni koji nemaju klizaljke moći će ih iznajmiti po simboličnoj cijeni od 1 KM.


WINTER MAGIC From this year, citizens and visitors of Sarajevo will be able to enjoy another excellent ice-skating rink. On the plateau in front of the Skenderija hall, one of the largest outdoor ice-skating rinks in the region has been set up, as well as numerous festive decorations, and wooden houses, which have enriched the winter program. The ice-skating rink is open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day, for sessions of an hour and 15 minutes, with 45-minute breaks. The price of tickets for ice skating is BAM 3, which is also the price of renting out skates. The ice-skating rink will be there until January 31.

ICE-SKATING RINK AT SAFET ZAJKO CENTER The Center for Education, Sport and Recreation Safet Zajko attracts many visitors with its ambience and activities, and its ice-skating rink is ready for the 2019/2010 season of winter fun. The ice-skating rink will be open until mid-February, and if weather permits even longer. Fans of ice skating can skate on weekdays and weekends from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Skating will be free for all ages, and those who do not have their own skates will be able to rent them out for a symbolic BAM 1.

LEDENA PLOHA U ZETRI U Olimpijskom kompleksu Juan Antonio Samaranch – Zetra, krajem decembra će biti otvorena sezona klizanja 2019/2020 i trajat će do polovine februara. Cijena ulaznice je 3 KM, oštrenje klizaljki 4 KM, iznajmljivanje klizaljki 4 KM, dok garderoba je 1 KM. Tokom cijele sezone u Zetri će biti organizovane škole umjetničkog i brzog klizanja i hokeja, a termini klizanja su; 09:00 do 10:00h, 11:30 do 12:30h, 13:45 do 14:45h, 16:00 do 17:00h, 19:45 do 20:45h.

KLIZALIŠTE U PARKU HASTAHANA U okviru Holiday Marketa, otvorenog u parku Hastahana na Marijin dvoru, postavljeno je klizalište koje će biti otvoreno do početka februara 2020. godine. Klizanje na ledenoj plohi površine od 400 kvadratnih metara, za sve posjetitelje predstavlja pravi užitak, a potpunom prazničnom osjećaju doprinosi divno uređeni ambijent Holiday Marketa. U januaru će klizanje biti besplatno za sve građane Sarajeva, dok iznajmljivanje klizaljki iznosi 2 KM. Klizalište je otvoreno svakog dana u periodu od 10:00 do 21:45h. Termini za klizanje traju jedan sat, s pauzom od pola sata između njih, kako bi se ledena ploha očistila i pripremila za novi termin.

ICE-SKATING RINK AT ZETRA At the Olympic complex of Juan Antonio Samaranch – Zetra, towards the end of December, the 2019/2020 skating season will be opened and will last until mid-February. The price of tickets is BAM 3, skate sharpening costs BAM 4, renting out skates costs BAM 4, and making use of the cloakroom costs BAM 1. During the entire season at Zetra, there will be schools for figure skating and speed skating and hockey, and the skating sessions will run from: 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m., 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., 7:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

ICE-SKATING RINK AT HASTAHANA PARK Within the Holiday Market, which is open at Hastahana Park at Marijin Dvor, an ice-skating rink has been set up that will be open until the beginning of February 2020. Skating on the rink that has an area of 400 square meters represents a real pleasure for all visitors, and for the holiday spirit to be complete, there is also the wonderfully decorated ambience of the Holiday Market. In January, skating will be free for all citizens of Sarajevo, while renting out skates will cost BAM 2. The ice-skating rink will be open every day from 10:00 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. Skating sessions last an hour, with a half hour break in between, so that the rink can be cleaned and prepared for the next session. 45




udva, najatraktivnija ljetnja crnogorska turistička destinacija posljednje dvije decenije u regionu je prepoznata i kao najznačajnije mjesto okupljanja tokom novogodišnjih praznika. Prelijepi trg ispred Starog grada još 2000. godine postao je jedinstven koncertni prostor, okružen drevnim zidinama, starim više od 2000. godina. Već prve godine, kada su ispred brojnih gostiju i mještana na pozornici nastupili Zdravko Čolić, Indexi, Atomsko sklonište i mnogi drugi, svima je bilo jasno da Budva pretenduje da ugosti najveće zvijezde regiona i da epitet turističke prijestonice zadrži tokom cijele godine. Smjenjivala su se tokom protekle dvije decenije sjajna i atraktivna imena vrsnih muzičara koji su svojim stvaralaštvom obilježili muzički prostor nekadašnje Jugoslavije. Uvođenjem elektronske muzike u zvanični dio programa, od prošle godine se lagano mijenjaju trendovi i privlači nova publika. Petodnevni program na Trgu ove godine će početi već u subotu, 28. decembra, kada će nastupiti trebinjski rock sastav Krugovi u žitu, Akademia 46

i Katapult iz Bara i kultni hrvatski rock sastav Psihomodo pop. U nedjelju, 29. decembra u podne koncert će održati poznata džez pjevačica Lena Kovačević, dok će se u noćnim satima predstaviti Gradska muzika Budve, bend Refugie Jesus & Apostols i Neno Belan s bendom. U ponedjeljak 30. decembra održat će se podnevni koncert crnogorskog gu�dačkog kvarteta Lords of the Strings, čiji članovi su ujedno i muzičari crnogorskog simfonijskog orkestra. Istu noć posjetitelje očekuje veče elektronske muzike koje će otvoriti DJ-evi Stevan Mandić i John K, a potom će nastupiti svjetski poznati turski DJ – Mahmut Orhan i francuski DJ duo Offenbach. Posljednjeg dana ove godine, 31. decembra u dnevnim satima će biti organizovan program za najmlađe, dok će uvečer nastupiti sastav The Grupa, poznata pop pjevačica Nevena Božović i regionalna zvijezda – Zdravko Čolić. U srijedu, 1. januara od 14 sati planiran je koncert klasične muzike u okviru kojeg će nastupiti renomirana crnogorska operska imena: Marijana

Šovran, Marko Kalajanović, Lana Asja Dabović, Emilija Minić i poznati srpski tenor Stevan Karanac. Soliste će i ove godine pratiti Mediteranski revijski orkestar pod dirigentskom palicom Radovana Papovića, a na flauti će svirati i Ksenija Franeta. U večernjim satima će na Trgu prvo zapjevati klapa Assa Voce, onda ćemo se podsjetiti poznatih hitova Harija Mata Harija, nakon koga će nastupiti kraljica narodne muzike Svetlana Ceca Ražnatović. Već dvije decenije Budva tokom prvih januarskih dana postaje domaćin hiljadama ljudi koji su željni dobrog noćnog provoda i lijepih zimskih dana na moru, kada na nekoj od brojnih otvorenih terasa na obali, uz toplo zimsko Sunce, mogu uživati u pogledu na pučinu. Turistička organizacija opštine Budva, lokalna samouprava, turistička privreda grada i svi mještani, i ove godine poželjet će dobrodošlicu svim ljudima dobre volje.


udva, the most attractive summer destination in Montenegro for the last two decades, has also been recognized in the region as the most significant place of gathering during New Year’s holidays. Back in 2000, the beautiful square in front of the Old Town became a unique concert space, surrounded by ancient walls that are over 2000 years old.

be Gradska Muzika Budve, the band Refugee Jesus & Apostles and Neno Belan with his band. On Monday, December 30, there will be a noon concert held by Montenegrin string quartet Lords of the Strings, whose members are also musicians of the Montenegro Symphony Orchestra. That same

Immediately in the first year, when Zdravko Čolić, Indexi, Atomsko Sklonište and many others performed on stage in front of all the visitors and locals, it became clear to everyone that Budva would host the greatest regional stars and that the label tourist capital would stick throughout the year. Over the last two decades, some brilliant and well-known musical names, who marked the music scene of former Yugoslavia, have taken turns performing here. Since last year, with the introduction of electronic music in the official part of the program, trends are slowly changing, and a new audience is emerging. The five-day program at the Square this year will start on Saturday, December 28, when Trebinje-based rock band Krugovi u Žitu will perform, as well as Akademia i Katapult from Bar and the cult Croatian rock band Psihomodo Pop. On Sunday, December 29 at noon, a concert will be held by famous jazz singer Lena Kovačević, while in the evening hours, there will

evening, visitors can enjoy a night of electronic music, starting with DJs Stevan Mandić and John K, followed by world-known Turkish DJ – Mahmut Orhan and the French DJ duo Offenbach.

vić, Lana Asja Dabović, Emilija Minić and famous Serbian tenor Stevan Karanac. This year, the soloists will also perform with the Mediteranski Revijski Orkestar led by Radovan Papović, and Ksenija Franeta will play the flute. In the evening, the first performance will be by choir Assa Voce on the Square, and then we will remind ourselves of the famous hits of Hari Mata Hari, after which the queen of folk music Svetlana Ceca Ražnatović will perform. For two decades now, in the first few days of January, Budva has been host to thousands of people desiring a good night out and nice winter days at the seaside, where they could enjoy the view of the open sea at one of the numerous open terraces on the shore, in the warm winter sun.The Tourist Association of the Budva Municipality, the local authorities, the tourist industry of the city and all locals will wish a warm welcome to all people of good will this year as well.

On the last day of this year, December 31, during the day there will be a program for children, while in the evening there will be a performance by The Grupa, famous pop singer Nevena Božović and regional star – Zdravko Čolić. On Wednesday, January 1 from 2 p.m., there will be a classical music concert, with performances by renowned Montenegrin opera greats: Marijana Šovran, Marko Kalajano-




Uživajte u adventskim čarolijama Splita


ve godine Advent u Splitu zimski akvarel osim mnoštva muzike i zabave, probudit će u vama emocije nekih davnih vremena. Svi koji posjete Split od 30.11.2019. do 02.01.2020. godine uplovit će u retro vremeplov i prisjetiti se nekih zaboravljenih stihova, igara i okusa. Kroz pet sedmica adventa guštat će se u božićnim programima, suvenirima i delicijama na raznim adventskim lokacijama, a sa zanimljivih foto kornera na atraktivnim lokacijama, poslat će se milioni jedinstvenih razglednica u cijeli svijet. Jedan od najpoznatijih splitskih parkova, Đardin, ove godine ugošćava klizalište i postaje prava božićna čarolija za djecu i porodicu. Prigodni 3D likovi, muzički i dramski programi, plesni nastupi i pokloni uveseljavat će mališane, baš kao i nastupi crkvenih horova i mladih muzičara. Splitski restorani pripremili su razne gastro projekte u sklopu kojih će 48

se moći osjetiti praznici u Dalmaciji kroz sva čula. Božićne svečanosti nezamislive su bez prigodnih pjesama, pa su tako mnogi muzički programi posvećeni upravo tradicijskim melodijama. Za sve koji vole Split, dobra je vijest da se promotivnim cijenama uključila Croatia Airlines, a sjajne popuste nudi HŽ Putnički promet i split-

ski hoteli. Za kulturni dio programa pobrinuli su se budni čuvari splitske historije, kulture i tradicije, gdje će posjetitelji uživati u prigodnim izložbama, oživljavanju hrvatske narodne bajke i priče, dramske igre i mnogo zabave. Uplovite u retro vremeplov i ne zaboravite ponijeti sunčane naočale na najsunčaniji Advent u Hrvatskoj!

Enjoy the Magic of Advent in Split


his year Advent in Split - winter watercolour - besides the abundance of music and fun, will awaken in us the emotions of some ancient times. All who visit Split from 30/11/2019 to 01/02/2020 will take a retro time machine and recall some forgotten verses, games, and flavours. Throughout the five weeks of Advent, visitors will enjoy Christmas programs, souvenirs, and delicacies at various Advent locations. From interesting photo corners in attractive places, millions of unique postcards will be sent worldwide. One of the most famous parks in Split, Ä?ardin, this year hosts a skating rink and becomes a real Christmas magic for children and family. Christmas 3D characters, music and drama programs, dance performances, and gifts will delight the little ones, as well as church

choirs and young musicians. Split restaurants have prepared various gastronomic projects that will allow you to feel the holidays in Dalmatia through all the senses. Christmas festivities are unthinkable without carols, so many music programs are dedicated to traditional tunes. For everyone who loves Split, the good news is that Croatia Airlines

joined with the promotional prices, and the Croatian Railway Passenger traffic as well as Split hotels are offering great discounts. The cultural part of the program was taken care of by the watchful guardians of our history, culture, and tradition with appropriate exhibitions, the revival of the Croatian folk fairy tale and story, drama play and lots of fun. Take a retro time machine and don’t forget to bring your sunglasses to the sunniest Advent in Croatia!

Adresa/Address: Obala hrvatskog narodnog preporoda 9/1, HR- 21000 Split, Croatia Telefon/Telephone: +385 (0)21 348 600 www.visitsplit.com



Novogodišnji praznici NA MOSTARSKI NAČIN


rad koji je popularni National Geographic u novembru uvrstio na listu najprivlačnijih destinacija svijeta za 2020. godinu, a koji posljednjih godina privlači sve više turista tokom svih godišnjih doba, tu svoju poziciju opravdava i bogatim zimskim aktivnostima, te odličnim novogodišnjim programom.

Ljubitelji zabave u restoranima, kafićima i klubovima, uživat će uz odlične novogodišnje ponude mostarskih lokala. Već tradicionalno, klub Pink Panther za svoje goste organizuje vrhunski provod uz DJ program.

ZABAVA ZA SVE UZRASTE Posljednji dan 2019. godine, grad na Neretvi će biti centar zabave za sve uzraste. Preko dana će na platou Gimnazije Mostar biti organizovan dječji doček Nove godine, a u novogodišnjoj noći Mostarce, kao i sve goste ovog grada, prvo će zabaviti i zagrijati grupa Twist i oni će biti uvod u glavni dio programa. Nakon njih će nastupiti istarska grupa Gu�stafi, a zvijezde večeri su članovi za� grebačke grupe Hladno pivo, koji će sve posjetitelje u Novu godinu uvesti u uz svoje dobro poznate hitove. 50

Zima u Mostaru i ove godine će biti čarobna, upravo zbog toga što će od 1. decembra mostarske ulice krasiti Zimski grad Winterville by Coca Cola

Taboo Bar Restaurant također je izbor s kojim ćete na odličan način započeti Novu godinu, uživajući uz Andriju Drežnjaka & Boom band, a atmosferi će dodatno pridonijeti Resident DJ. U mostarskom restoranu Del Rio doček Nove godine upotpunit će muzički program uz grupu Sunce i bogata gastronomska ponuda. I prva noć 2020. godine u Mostaru bit će u znaku zabave na otvorenom, a iza Gimnazije Mostar nastupit će mostarski Big Band koji predvodi Damir Bunoza. Za glavni dio programa 01. januara zadužena je poznata sarajevska grupa Crvena jabuka, a posjetitelji će uživati u njihovim ro�mantičnim numerama.

WINTERVILLE BY COCA COLA Zima u Mostaru i ove godine će biti čarobna, upravo zbog toga što će od 1. decembra mostarske ulice krasiti Zimski grad Winterville by Coca Cola. Tada će ispred Hrvatskog doma herceg Stjepan Kosača biti otvoren i Advent by Wintherville, što će ozna�čiti početak bogatog muzičkog i zabavnog programa koji će trajati do 9. januara. U sklopu Zimskog grada predstavit će se više programskih sadržaja, koji će biti organizirani u saradnji s mostarskim umjetnicima i radnicima iz oblasti kulture, te izvedeni na pet lokacija u gradu. Zimski grad će biti jedna velika po� zornica, na potezu od Musale i Korza

do Hrvatskog doma herceg Stjepan Kosača, oživljena nastupima plesnih grupa, muzičara, akrobata i klaunova.

Zvijezde novogodišnje večeri su članovi zagrebačke grupe Hladno pivo, koji će sve posjetitelje u Novu godinu uvesti u uz svoje dobro poznate hitove

Poseban događaj bit će Magic by Wineterville koji će biti stacioniran u parku, gdje će se upriličiti posebna bajka s klizalištem za djecu, ali i za odrasle, s više zabavnog sadržaja poput gastronomskih sajmova i slično. Market by Winterville kreće od 14. decembra, a on će obuhvatiti Še�talište, Korzo i Musalu, gdje će biti postavljene sajamske kućice. Winterville by Coca Cola će biti pre�pun zabave, dobrog raspoloženja i ukusnih delicija. Ne propustite posjetiti Mostar u prazničnom izdanju!

Adresa/Address: Dr. Ante Starčevića bb, Mostar Telefon/Telephone: +387 36 355 090 hercegovina@hercegovina.ba



New Year’s Holidays



n November, the popular National Geographic listed Mostar as one of the world’s most attractive destinations for 2020, and in recent years it has been attracting more and more tourists throughout all the seasons, so it justifies its ranking with an abundance of winter activities, and an excellent New Year’s program.

ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL AGES On the last day of 2019, the city on the Neretva River will be the center of entertainment for all ages. During the day, there will be a children’s New Year’s Eve on the plateau of the Mostar Gymnasium, and on New Year’s Eve the locals, as well as all visitors of this city, will first be warmed up and entertained by the band Twist as they will be the introduction to the main part of the program. After them, the Istra-based band Gustafi will perform, and the stars 52

Winter in Mostar will be magic this year as well, because from December 1, the streets of Mostar will be adorned with Winterville by Coca Cola

of the evening will be the members of Zagreb-based band Hladno Pivo, who will bring in the New Year for all visitors with their famous hits. For those who like to be entertained in restaurants, cafes and clubs, they will enjoy the excellent New Year’s offers in Mostar’s establishments. Pink Panther club, now traditionally, is organizing a great time for its gue-

The stars of the evening will be the members of Zagreb-based band Hladno Pivo, who will bring in the New Year for all visitors with their famous hits sts with a DJ program. Taboo Bar Restaurant is also an excellent way to start the New Year, enjoying yourself along with sounds of Andrija Drežnjak & Boom band, and the atmosphere will be additionally warmed up by Resident DJ. In the Del Rio restaurant, New Year’s Eve will be complete with the musical program of the band Sunce, along with a rich culinary offer. The first evening of 2020 in Mostar will be marked outdoors, and right behind the Mostar Gymnasium, Mostar-based Big Band will perform, led by Damir Bunoza. For the main part of the program on January 1, the famous Sarajevo-based band Crvena Jabuka will perform, and visitors will be able to enjoy their romantic songs.

WINTERVILLE BY COCA COLA Winter in Mostar will be magic this year as well, because from December 1, the streets of Mostar will be adorned with Winterville by Coca Cola. That is when the Advent by Winterville will be open in front of the Hrvatski Dom Herceg Stjepan Kosača (Croatian Center of Duke Stjepan Kosača), which will signify the beginning of a rich musical and entertainment program, that will last until January 9. As part of Winterville, there will be several programs, which will be organized in cooperation with Mostar’s artists and cultural workers, and they will be performed across five locations in the city.

Winterville will be one large stage, starting from Musala and Korzo to the Hrvatski Dom Herceg Stjepan Kosača, where dance groups, musicians, acrobats and clowns will come to life. A special event will be Magic by Winterville, which will be stationed in the park, where there will be a special fairy tale with an ice-skating rink for children, as well as adults, with more fun activities like culinary fairs etc. Market by Winterville will start on December 14, and it will take place along the Šetalište (Promenade), Korzo and Musala, where fair houses will be set up. Winterville by Coca Cola will be full of fun, good moods and delicious specialties. Do not miss a visit to Mostar in its festive edition!





ko ste pravi ljubitelj skijanja i ne tražite striktno moderno opremljeno skijalište, a odmor želite provesti bez da potrošite malo bogat�stvo, skijališta s kojima vas upoznajemo u nastavku, idealna su za vas. Manja bh. skijališta zimsku sezonu su dočekala spremna, a za svoje posjetitelje pripremili su brojne pogodnosti, među kojima su najprimamljivije niže cijene u odnosu na region.



f you are a real fan of skiing and you are not strictly looking for modernly equipped ski resorts, and you want to have a vacation without spending a small fortune, the ski centers we will introduce you to below are ideal for you. Smaller B&H ski centers are ready for the winter season, and they have prepared numerous bonuses for their visitors, including the most tempting lower prices in comparison to the region.

SKI CENTAR BUSOVAČKA PLANINA Tek 15 km od centra Busovače i 45 km od Travnika nalazi se Ski centar Busovačka planina. Skijašima su na raspolaganju sidro na stazi od 800 metara i baby lift na stazi dužine 400 metara. Skijalište je idealno za porodični odmor te za skijaše rekreativce i početnike, a u okviru skijališta za smještaj gostiju na raspolaganju su 3 motela i nekoliko vikend kuća. 54

SKI CENTER BUSOVAČKA PLANINA At just 15 km from the center of Busovača and 45 km from Travnik, there is ski center Busovačka Planina. Skiers have a T-bar lift on the 800-meter ski trail at their disposal and a lift for beginners on the 400-meter trail. The ski center is ideal for family vacations and for beginners and recreational skiers, and in terms of accommodation, as part of the ski center, there are three motels and several apartments for guests to stay at.

SKI CENTER STOŽER-VRANA AT KUPRES At the northeastern part of Kupres, on the slopes of Mount Stožer, ski center Stožer - Vrana awaits with 2500 m of equipped trails, which reach up to 1758 m, a restaurant with an open fireplace and great offer, and apartments for rent. As part of the ski center, there is also Snow Park Kupres, which consists of a ski resort, a T-bar lift, a small trail, a snow tubing trail, a slide, an ice-skating rink, and a special “winter town”.

SKI CENTAR STOŽER-VRANA NA KUPRESU Na sjeveroistočnom dijelu Kupresa, na padinama planine Stožer, čeka vas Ski centar Stožer - Vrana s 2500m opremljenih i uređenih staza koje sežu i do 1758m, restoran s otvorenim kaminom i vrhunskom ponudom, te apartmani – toplo, ugodno i apsolutno savršeno mjesto koje će upotpuniti vaše nezaboravno iskustvo. U okviru ski centra na� lazi se i Snow Park Kupres, koji posjetiteljima nudi skijalište, baby stazu, malu staza, stazu za snow tubing, tobogan, klizalište, te poseban zimski grad.

SKI CENTAR ROSTOVO Do Rostova se dolazi magistralnom cestom Bugojno-Novi Travnik. Dva ski lifta u dužini od 1.5 km, noćno skijanje, zabava, etno selo, bogata ugostiteljska ponuda kao i ostale pogodnosti za skijaše rekreativce, obilježavaju ovo skijalište, kojem je početna tačka na 1.160 m.n.v. Staza je opremljena reflektorima što omogućava i noćno skijanje. U sklopu ovog turističkog centra nalazi se hotel i etno selo. U sklopu hotela nalazi se zimski vrt s pogledom na ski stazu.

SKI CENTER ROSTOVO You can reach Rostovo via the main road from Bugojno-Novi Travnik. Two ski lifts at 1.5 km in length, nighttime skiing, entertainment, an “ethno village”, a rich culinary offer and more bonuses for recreational skiers mark this ski center, with a starting point at 1160 meters above sea level. The trail is equipped with spotlights, which makes nighttime skiing possible. As part of this tourist center, there is a hotel and “ethno village”. 55




Pridolci, mali skijaški centar smješten je dvanaest kilometara od centra Busovače, na obroncima Vranice, do kojeg vas vodi uska tek dijelom asfaltirana cesta. Staza duga 1.200 metara posjeduje jedan baby lift i sidro. Staza je uvijek odlično pripremljena, osigurana je i škola skijanja, te najam opreme. Ovo je mjesto za porodice s djecom i one koji žele usavršavati svoju tehniku skijanja bez velike gužve i straha da će ih ozlijediti neki neod� govorni skijaš. Za smještaj gostiju na Pridolcima postoji pansion, Lovački dom, te desetak vikendica.

Pridolci, a small ski center, is located twelve kilometers from the center of Busovača, on the slopes of Vranica, which you can reach via a narrow and only partly paved road. The 1200-meter-long trail has a lift for beginners and a T-bar lift. This is a place for families with children and those who want to perfect their skiing technique without a lot of crowds and fear that they might get hurt by some irresponsible skier. In terms of accommodation at Pridolci, there is a boarding house, hunting lodge, and around ten apartments for guests to stay at.

SKI CENTAR KOZARA Iako visina njenih vrhova ne prelazi 1000 m.n.v., Kozara svojom visinom, prostranstvom i ljepotom dominira ovim dijelom BiH. Za sve ljubitelje zimskih sportova na raspolaganju su dvije ski staze, jedna za malo starije i jedna za najmlađe ljubitelje snježnih radosti. Velika ski staza duga je oko 600 m i pokrivena je ski-liftom kapaciteta 900 skijaša na sat. Staza za djecu dužine je oko 150 m i pokrivena je mini-liftom kapaciteta 450 skijaša na sat. Staza je osvijetljena reflektorima, te je ljubiteljima skijanja omogućeno i noćno skijanje. 56

SKI CENTER KOZARA Even though its peaks are not over 1000 meters above sea level, Kozara dominates this part of B&H with its height, vastness and beauty. For all fans of winter sports, there are two ski trails, one for adults and one for younger fans of snow sports. The large ski trail is around 600 m long and has a ski lift with a capacity for 900 skiers per hour. The children’s trail is around 150 m long and has a mini lift with a capacity for 450 skiers per hour.

SKI CENTAR RADUŠA Ski centar Raduša je najmlađi skijaški centar Srednjobosanskog kantona. Ski centar je udaljen 17 km od Gornjeg Vakufa, a 7 km od magistralne ceste prema Prozoru. Skijaški centar opslužuje 5 ski liftova na 7 ski staza svih kategorija. U sklopu skijališta nalazi se motel, a na 1720 m nadmorske visine nalazi se restoran, odakle puca pogled na Čvr� snicu, Prenj, Kuprešku visoravan, Vlašić, te na vrh Raduše Idovac i nedvojbeno je vrhunac vidikovca između Hercegovine i Bosne. Tu je i caffe bar, te terase za sunčanje.

SKI CENTER RADUŠA Ski Center Raduša is the youngest ski center of the Central Bosnia Canton. It is 17 km away from Gornji Vakuf, and 7 km from the main road towards Prozor. The ski center has 5 ski lifts on 7 ski trails of all categories. As part of the ski center, there is a motel, and at 1720 m above sea level, there is a restaurant, with a view of Čvrsnica, Prenj, Ku� preška Visoravan, Vlašić, and the peak of Raduša called Idovac, and it is without doubt the pinnacle of the vantage point between Herzegovina and Bosnia. There is also a café bar, and a terrace for sunbathing.

SKI CENTER OŠTRELJ At 1040 m above sea level in Oštrelj, there is s sports and recreation center, i.e. a ski center which was built with accompanying facilities after the Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games in 1984. This ski center is 15 km away from Drvar, and 12 km from Bosanski Petrovac. It consists of two trails of a total length of 1.5 km, a tobogganing trail and an ice-skating rink, a small 15-meter ski jump, a T-bar lift and lift for beginners, and a restaurant.

SKI CENTAR OŠTRELJ Na Oštrelju na 1040 m nadmorske visine nalazi se Sportsko-rekreativni centar – skijalište koje je izgrađeno s pratećim objektima nakon sarajevske olimpijade 1984. godine. Udaljenost ovog skijališta od Drvara je 15 km, a od Bosanskog Petrovca 12 km. Vrh je visok 1330m, a prevoj i naselje se nalaze na 1040m nadmorske visine na planini Klekovača. Ima dvije staze ukupne dužine 1.5 km, sankašku stazu i klizalište, malu 15 – metarsku skakaonicu, sidro i baby lift te ugostiteljski objekt na samom skijalištu. 57


SKI CENTAR BLIDINJE Park prirode Blidinje prostire se na 364 km², na prostoru tri općine (Posušje, Tomislavgrad i Jablanica). Ski centar je opremljen sa ski liftom dužine 575 m, četverosjed kapaciteta 1600 osoba, te dječiji lift 560 osoba na sat, na 6 km dugim stazama od čega su dvije lake, a dvije srednje teške staze.

RUJIŠTE KOD MOSTARA Mostar nas uglavnom asocira na Stari most, sunce, Neretvu, skokove sa Starog... Mnogi ne znaju da Mostar ima što ponuditi i u zimskom periodu. Samo 18 km sjeverno od Mostara, na periferiji planine Prenj nalazi se poznato izletište Rujište. Staza raspolaže jednim ski liftom na skromnih 950 metara dužine, a stvoreni su uslovi za noćno skijanje i ski školu. Na Rujištu se nalazi motel, planinarski i izviđački dom, te privatni vikend objekti.

SKI CENTER BLIDINJE Nature park Blidinje stretches out across 364 km², across three municipalities (Posušje, Tomislavgrad and Jablanica). The ski center is equipped with a ski lift that is 575 m long, a four-seater with a capacity for 1600 persons, and a children’s lift with a capacity for 560 persons per hour, on 6 km long trails, of which two trails are considered to be easy, while two trails are of medium-level difficulty.

RUJIŠTE NEAR MOSTAR We usually associate Mostar with the Old Bridge, the Sun, the Neretva River, jumping off the Old Bridge... Many do not know that Mostar has something to offer during winter as well. Just 18 km north of Mostar, on the outskirts of Mount Prenj, there is the well-known excursion site Rujište. On the trail, there is one ski lift across a modest 950 meters, and there is the possibility of nighttime skiing and a ski school. At Rujište, there is a motel, mountaineering and scouts’ lodge, and private accommodation.

SKI CENTAR PONIJERI Ski centar se nalazi se u blizini Kaknja, na oko 1000 metara nadmorske visine, a ima stazu dugu oko 1000 metara. Ski liftovi - mali i veliki, u pogonu su svakim danom tokom sezone. Za višednevni boravak, mogu se po veoma povoljnim cijenama iznajmiti vikendice ili apartmani. Obezbijeđena su i parking mjesta uz ski stazu.

SKI CENTER PONIJERI The ski center is located near Kakanj, at around 1000 meters above sea level, and it has a trail that is around 1000 meters long. Ski lifts - small and large, are in action every day during the ski season. For a longer stay, weekend houses or apartments can be rented at very affordable prices. There is also parking space next to the ski trail. 58



u bjelašničkim selima Autor: Samila Ivković


sim što je odličan izbor za skijaše, Bjelašnica ima i vrlo razvijen seoski turizam tokom cijele godine. Nađete li se na ovoj olimpijskoj ljepotici, obavezno krenite u obilazak bjelašničkih sela koja će vas odu�ševiti ušuškana u zimskom ruhu, a način života u nekima od njih vratit će vas u daleku prošlost. Očarat će vas idila snijegom pokrivenih Šabi�ća, Umoljana, Sinanovića, Ledića, te Javorovog Dola, a ne sumnjamo da ćete uskoro ovu avanturu rado po� noviti! Promocija ovih šarmantnih sela sastavni je dio strategije razvoja turizma općine Trnovo, koja ulaže velike napore kako bi posjetiteljima boravak ovdje bio što ugodniji. Putevi ka selima na Bjelašnici i zimi su jako dobro uređeni i prohodni, tako da nema razloga za strah od


snježnih prepreka. Ako se odlučite za višednevni boravak u nekom od ovih sela, budite sigurni da ćete imati sve što vam treba; od moderno uređenih smještajnih jedinica novije gradnje, kvalitetnih usluga i ljubaznih domaćina, interneta..., pa do ugostiteljskih objekata koji će vas očarati bogatom gastronomskom ponudom.

ZIMSKA ČAROLIJA JAVOROVOG DOLA Prva stanica vašeg bijega iz svakodnevnog života, u svijet prirodnih i pejsažnih vrijednosti Bjelašnice, može biti Javorov Do, smješten na nadmorskoj visini od 1250 do 1350m. Javorov Do pruža mnoštvo mogućnosti za uživanje u različitim planinarskim aktivnostima: odmor, rekreacija, šetnja označenim pla�ninskim stazama, planinarenje...

Zimski sadržaj na Javorovom Dolu je vrlo bogat i možete uživati na tubing i stazama za sankanje. Također, možete koristiti i baby ski lift, isprobati vožnju ski sankama ili vožnju atraktivnim tubama vezanim za motorne sanke, a novost ove zime je i izgradnja snježnog zimskog parka. Poslije uživanja u snježnim igrama, možete se udobno smjestiti u obližnji restoran i počastiti se različitim specijalitetima. Nakon što se nauživate u ljepotama Javorovog Dola, vrijeme za nastavak zimske avanture na Bjelašnici, a naš prijedlog je selo Lukavac.

LUKAVAC U ZIMSKOM RUHU Lukavac je prvo selo koje se smjestilo na putu ka bjelašničkom platou, a koje će oduševiti sve ljubitelje seoske i zimske idile. Selo zaista vri-

jedi posjetiti, te osjetiti mir i spokoj koji se rijetko gdje može dokučiti. Ako volite istraživati, razgovarati s domaćinima sela i uživati u čistom zraku, predlažemo da krenete u obilazak Lukavca. Vaša stanica za predah nakon toga može biti restoran Eko-Oaza koji se nalazi u selu, a radi isključivo vikendom.

ŠKOLA PRIRODE U SELU ŠABIĆI Šabići su autentično bjelašničko selo smješteno na platou između Bjelašnice, Treskavice i Visočice. Selo je smješteno na nadmorskoj visini od 1100 metara, 30 km južno od Sarajeva, a posebno je prepoznatljivo po Školi u prirodi, koja je u proteklom periodu i rekonstruisana, te je u funkciji novi savremeni objekt. Kroz Školu u prirodi učenici IV razreda osnovnih škola s pod�-

ručja Kantona Sarajevo u školskoj 2018/2019 godini borave na čistom zraku, u ugodnom i mirnom seoskom ambijentu, te imaju priliku da se upoznaju s prirodnim i historijskim znamenitostima šireg područ� ja planine Bjelašnice. Školske aktivnosti se realiziraju u toku cijele školske godine, a do škole vodi asfaltni put iz Sarajeva koji je uvezan gradskim prijevozom i saobraća pored olimpijskih objekata na Bjelašnici. U neposrednoj blizini ško�le nalazi se ambulanta, čije osoblje je na raspolaganju gostima škole. Blizina kanjona rijeke Rakitnice, okružene šumom, prekrasnim sta� zama, pašnjacima i izvorima pitke vode, predstavlja ambijent čiste i ne�taknute prirode koji će vas dodatno očarati. U Šabićima možete posjetiti i nekoliko novootvorenih ugostitelj-

skih objekata, koji se mogu pohvaliti modernim interijerom i vrlo bogatom ponudom. Predlažemo da se upustite u avanturu, istražite Šabiće i uživate u zimskoj idili!

UMOLJANI, SELO IZ LEGENDI Iz sela Šabići skrenite desno i prati�te pravac do sela Umoljani. Na 1275 m nadmorske visine smješteno je selo uz koje se vežu i interesantne legende. Prema jednoj legendi, veliki zmijoliki zmaj je izašao iz kanjona Rakitnice, koji je udaljen 3 km od sela, i prošao kroz Studeni potok, vijugajući s namjerom da uništi selo i pojede seljane. Kada su primijetili opasnost, seljani su se povukli na brdo i počeli moliti Boga da se zmaj okameni. Bog je uslišio njihove molitve, a u stijeni se i sada može vidjeti oblik te okamenjene nemani. 61


Osim toga, ovdje ćete vidjeti i au� tentične pastirske kolibe, a na oko 200 metara od ulaza u selo nalazi se nekropola stećaka. Njih oko 20, ugrađeno je i u temelje jedinstvene džamije u Umoljanima koja ima limenu munaru i koja je proglašena nacionalnim spomenikom BiH. U ovom selu osjetit ćete dašak prošlih vremena, a za razliku od Lukomira, u Umoljanima ima života i tokom zime. U Kolibi Umoljani možete upotpuniti zimsku idilu Umoljana, napraviti predah i probati razne gastronomske specijalitete poput čor� be, graha, pure, uštipaka, teletine, raznih vrsta pite, janjetine s ražnja... Tu je još i nekoliko ugostiteljskih objekata koji također imaju raznovrsnu ponudu tokom cijele godine.

gužve, te uživanje u tišini i čistom zraku Bjelašnice i Visočice, što može poslužiti kao prava antistres terapija.



Poslije ugodne zimske šetnje i obi� laska ovih sela, uživanje možete nastaviti uz pucketanje vatre u kaminu i toplu atmosferu kuće Planinski biser. Odavde se pruža pogled na sve ljepote sela, ali i na okolne planinske vrhove Treskavice i Bjelašnice, obavijene snježnim prekrivačem. Osim mogućnosti spavanja, ovdje možete svratiti na ugodno druženje uz svježe pripremljene čajeve, te uživati u specijalitetima bosanske kuhinje. Domaćinski raspoloženo i vrlo ljubazno osoblje Planinskog bisera potrudit će se da vam Bje� lašnica i njeno selo Ledići ostanu u divnom sjećanju i da se ovdje ponovo vratite.

Kada se iz Sarajeva uputite ka Bjelašnici i Igmanu, skrenite ka Dječićima, odakle možete nastaviti i do Ledića. Iako ne tako poznato, bjelašničko selo Ledići je po svom geografskom položaju i prirodnim resursima jako interesantno i lijepo. Ovo područje je obogaćeno brojnim pašnjacima i prostranstvima, ne-

Svi koji istinski cijene mir i ruralni turizam, obavezno trebaju proći kroz ovaj predio Bjelašnice, jer će ih ovdje dočekati mnogo više od onoga što očekuju. Odavde dalje možete nastaviti ka Bjelimićima i Boračkom jezeru..., gdje ćete također naići na prohodne putove i šaroliku turistič� ku ponudu.

Sinanovići su najstarije selo na prostoru Bjelašnice, a od Sarajeva je udaljeno 40-ak kilometara. Ovo je jedno od sela Bjelašnice koje je posljednjih godina sve posjećenije i zanimljivije, kako građanima BiH, tako i turistima. Sinanovići su idealno mjesto za relaksaciju od gradske 62

Ono što posebno krasi selo su mno�gobrojni izvori voda, pašnjaci, poljana Jelenača, kao i idilični prizori prirode. Posjeta Sinanovićima tokom zime je posebna, zbog izuzetno lijepih snježnih prizora, a ako poželite predahnuti od istraživanja prekrasnog krajolika, možete se udobno smjestiti u nekom od ugostiteljskih objekata koji imaju podjednako kvalitetnu ponudu. U Restoranu Visočica, možete se počastiti ukusnim specijalitetima poput uštipaka, tope, pure, japraka, graha, pita, jela ispod sača, a nakon toga slijedi kafa i ukusne slastice.

odoljivo lijepim manjim rijekama, potocima, izvorima i vodopadima, poznatim po čistoj i pitkoj vodi.

Winter Idyll

in the Villages of Bjelašnica

Author: Samila Ivković


part from being an excellent choice for skiers, Bjelašnica also has highly developed rural tourism throughout the year. If you find yourself on this Olympic beauty, you must go on a tour of Bjelašnica’s villages, which will delight you as they are, all wrapped up in winter “attire”, and the way of life in some of these places will take you back to the ancient past. You will be enchanted by the snow-covered idyll of Šabići, Umoljani, Sinanovići, Ledići, and Javorov Do, and we have no doubt that you will want to repeat this adventure! The promotion of these charming villages is an integral part of the tourism development strategy of the Municipality of Trnovo, which has been making a great effort to make visitors’ stay here as pleasant as possible.

The roads towards the villages of Bjelašnica are well-maintained and accessible during winter, so there is no reason to fear the snow. If you decide to stay for several days in one of these villages, rest assured that you will have everything you need; from modernly equipped, newly built accommodation, quality services and kind hosts, internet... and restaurants, which will thrill you with a rich culinary offer.

THE WINTER MAGIC OF JAVOROV DO The first stop of your escape from everyday life, into the world of the natural and picturesque Bjelašnica, can be Javorov Do, located at an altitude from 1250 to 1350 m. Javorov Do offers a variety of mountaineering activities for you to enjoy: rest, recreation, hiking along marked

mountain trails, mountaineering... The winter offer at Javorov Do is very diverse, so you can enjoy the tubing and tobogganing trails. You can also use the ski lift for beginners, try out the ski sled or go on a ride on the attractive tubes connected to snowmobiles, and something new this winter is that a snowy winter park will be built. After you’ve enjoyed the snow, you can get comfortable in a nearby restaurant and treat yourself to various specialties. Once you’ve enjoyed the beauty of Javorov Do, it is time to continue your winter adventure at Bjelašnica, and we recommend visiting the village of Lukavac.

LUKAVAC IN WINTER ATTIRE Lukavac is the first village nestled on the path towards the Bjelašnica 63


plateau, which will delight all fans of a rural and winter idyll. It is truly worth visiting this village, and feeling the peace and tranquility, which you can rarely get elsewhere. If you like exploring, chatting to the hosts in the village and enjoying the fresh air, we suggest that you go on a tour of Lukavac. Your stop for a break after that can be the Eko-Oaza restaurant, which is located in the village, and is open only on weekends.

SCHOOL IN NATURE IN THE VILLAGE OF ŠABIĆI Šabići is an authentic village located on the plateau above Bjelašnica, Treskavica and Visočica. The village is located at an altitude of 1100 meters, 30 km south of Sarajevo, and is known for its School in Nature, which was reconstructed in recent times, so there is a newly built modern facility in use. As part of the School in Nature, during the 2018/2019 school year, fourth graders from elementary schools of Sarajevo Canton spend time in the fresh air, in a pleasant and peaceful rural environment, and they have the chance to get to know the natural and histori64

cal sites across the wider region of Mount Bjelašnica. School activities take place throughout the school year, and a paved road leads to the school from Sarajevo; the road is linked via public transport and passes by the Olympic facilities at Bjelašnica. In the immediate vicinity of the school, there is a medical center where the staff are at the disposal of the school visitors. The vicinity of the canyon of the Rakitnica River, surrounded by a forest, beautiful trails, pastures and sources of drinking water portrays an environment of clear and untouched nature, which you will find enchanting. At Šabići, you can visit some newly opened restaurants, which can boast of a modern interior and a very diverse offer. We recommend that you go on an adventure, explore Šabići and enjoy the winter idyll!

UMOLJANI, A VILLAGE FROM LEGENDS Turn right from the village of Šabići and head in the direction of the village of Umoljani. At an altitude of 1275 m, lies this village with some interesting legends connected to

it. According to one legend, a large snake-like dragon came out of the canyon of the Rakitnica River, which is located 3 km from the village, and passed through Studeni Potok, with the intention of destroying the village and eating its inhabitants. When they realized they were in danger, the villagers retreated to the hill and started praying to God for the dragon to turn to stone. God answered their prayers, and to this day you can see the shape of the dragon in a rock. Apart from that, here you will also see authentic shepherds’ huts, and some 200 meters from the entrance to the village, there is a necropolis of medieval tombstones (stećci). Around 20 of them have also been built into the foundations of the unique mosque in Umoljani, which has a tin minaret and was declared a national monument of B&H. You will catch a whiff of times gone by in this village, and unlike in Lukomir, in Umoljani there is life during winter as well. In Koliba Umoljani, you can complete the winter idyll of Umoljani, have a break and try the various culinary specialties like chowder, beans, polenta, savory fritters, veal, different

types of pie, roast lamb... Apart from that, there are several other restaurants, which also have a diverse offer throughout the year.

SINANOVIĆI, OLDEST VILLAGE OF BJELAŠNICA Sinanovići is the oldest village in the area of Bjelašnica, some 40 km away from Sarajevo. This is one of the villages of Bjelašnica, which has had more visitors in recent years and has become interesting to B&H citizens and tourists. Sinanovići is the ideal place for relaxation away from the bustle of the city, to enjoy the silence and clear air of Bjelašnica and Visočica, which can serve as the best anti-stress therapy. What makes the village particularly enchanting are the numerous springs of water, pastures, the Jelenača meadow, and idyllic scenes of nature. Visiting Sinanovići during winter is special, due to very pretty scenes in the snow, and should you wish to take a break from exploring this beautiful landscape, you can get comfortable in one of the restaurants, which have an equally good offer. In Visočica restaurant, you can treat

yourself to tasty specialties like savory fritters, topa (melted cheese), polenta, japrak (vine leaf rolls), beans, pie, dishes from under the bell, followed by coffee and tasty sweets.


able to spend the night, you can drop by here for a pleasant time with freshly prepared teas, and enjoy the specialties of Bosnian cuisine. The very kind staff of Planinski Biser will make sure that you leave Bjelašnica and its village of Ledići with wonderful memories and that you return again.

When you head towards Bjelašnica and Igman from Sarajevo, turn towards Dejčići, and from there, you can continue on towards Ledići. Even though it is not all that wellknown, the Bjelašnica village of Ledići is very interesting and pretty due to its geographic location and natural resources. This area is enriched with numerous pastures and expanses, wonderful small rivers, streams, sources and waterfalls, known for clean and drinkable water.

Everyone who truly appreciates tranquility and rural tourism must pass through this part of Bjelašnica, as they will get a lot more than they expect. From here, you can continue on towards Bjelimići and Boračko Lake... where you will also find that the roads are accessible, and that the tourist offer is diverse.

After a pleasant winter stroll and tour of these villages, you can continue enjoying yourself with the crackling of fire from the fireplace and warm atmosphere of the Planinski Biser house. From here, there is a view of all the beauty of the village, as well as the surrounding mountain peaks of Treskavica and Bjelašnica, covered by snow. Apart from being

Adresa: Trnovo 36, 71223 Delijaš Tel: 033/586-700 Email: opcina.trnovo@bih.net.ba






BAR&RESTAURANT STAZA Bar&restaurant Staza nalazi se na Bjelašnici na nadmorskoj visini od 1300 m. Smješten je na stazi, što ga čini idealnim mjestom za sve ljubitelje skijanja, te ukusne hrane i pića. Ako ste za doručak, u Stazi možete naručiti puru, jaja, kobasice... Izbor predjela je bogat, a naša preporuka su lokumi! Za glavno jelo će vam se biti teško odlučiti jer su na ponudi razna jela; od kljukuše, graha, raznih šnicli do tjestenine, a tu je i nekoliko vrsta pizza. U ponudi su i jela s roštilja, salate i razni dodaci. Tu su, naravno, i slastice kojima ćete zasladiti svoj dan na planini!

STAZA BAR & RESTAURANT Staza bar & restaurant is located at Bjelašnica at an altitude of 1300 m. It is situated near the ski trail, which makes it the ideal place for all fans of skiing and tasty food and drinks. If you would like to have breakfast, at Staza you can order polenta, eggs, sausages... The choice of appetizers is very diverse, and we recommend the savory doughnuts! It will also be hard for you to decide on the main meal, as there are various dishes on offer; from kljukuša, beans, various schnitzels and pasta, and there are several types of pizzas. There are also grilled foods, salads and various side dishes. Then, of course, there are the sweets that will sweeten your day at the mountain!



PICCOLO MONDO Restoran-pizzerija Piccolo Mondo na Babinom Dolu, ima za cilj da posjetiteljima ponudi ugodan i prirodan ambijent za odmor i relaksaciju na ovoj atraktivnoj turističkoj destinaciji. Mali svijet za velike gurmane nudi vam italijanske, orijentalne, te specijalitete autohtone bosanske kuhinje. Veliki izbor pizza, jela od mesa, vegetarijanska jela, ribe, pasta po originalnim italijanskim receptima. I to nije sve! Tu su i razne slastice kojima ćete teško odoljeti.

PICCOLO MONDO Piccolo Mondo restaurant & pizzeria at Babin Dol aims to offer visitors a pleasant and natural environment for rest and relaxation at this attractive tourist destination. The Small World for a Big Gourmand offers Italian, Oriental, and local specialties. There is a large selection of pizzas, meat dishes, vegetarian dishes, fish, and pasta at original Italian recipes. And that is not all! There are also the sweets, which you will find hard to resist!


HOTEL HAN Hotel Han smješten je neposredno uz skijalište Bjelašnica, a ispred objekta se nalazi autobusko stajalište koje uključuje izravne linije do središta Sarajeva. Od skijanja se možete odmoriti uz tople ili hladne napitke, a u lijepo dizajniranom restoranu s kaminom poslužuju se tradicionalni specijaliteti regionalne kuhinje. Kuhana jela, jela s roštilja, hladne plate, čorbice, lokumi, pite, razna jela od mesa..., sve vas to čeka u Hotelu Han. Tu su i različite poslastice kojima nećete odoljeti! 68

Han Hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of Bjelašnica ski resort, and there is a bus stop right in front of the hotel, which includes direct lines to the center of Sarajevo. You can take a break from skiing along with warm or cold beverages, and in the pretty restaurant with a fireplace, traditional specialties from regional cuisine are served. Cooked dishes, grilled dishes, cold platters, chowders, savory doughnuts, pies, various meat dishes... it all awaits at Han Hotel. There are also various sweets, which you will not be able to resist!

CAFFE BAR RESTAURANT PRIČA Caffe Bar Restaurant Priča smješten je nedaleko od staze. Nakon napornog skijanja, u lijepo uređenom ambijentu pronaći ćete domaća, bosanskohercegovačka jela, čorbe, gulaš, pirjani, pite, jela od mesa po narudžbi, klepe, pilav, sarmu, dolmu... Tu su svakako i slatkiši; kadaif, hurmašice, pita od jabuka u vanilija sosu, sutlija, tulumbe. Uz ukusnu hranu i ugodnu atmosferu sigurno ćete baš ovdje i vi ispisati nekoliko stanica vaše zimske priče!

HOTEL BJELAŠNICA Restoran Hotela Bjelašnica baštini međunarodnu kuhinju s uticajem lokalne tradicije i savremenih trendova. Bogata ponuda će potaknuti vašu maštu za gastronomskim užitcima. Lobby Lounge Cafe Hotela Bjelašnica je dinamično i primamljujuće mjesto za sendvič, kolač, kafu, čaj. Ovdje možete potražiti ukusne i svježe salate ili sendviče od organskih i zdravih sastojaka. Panoramski prozori i jedinstveni planinski dekor stvara savršenu atmosferu za kreativni desert od palačinki, tufahija, baklava, hurmašica ili specijalnih čajeva. Sve to za ponijeti? Odaberite Dohvati i nosi ponudu i zdravi piknik za vas je spreman.


The restaurant at Bjelašnica Hotel offers international cuisine with the influence of local tradition and contemporary trends. The diverse offer will spark your imagination for culinary pleasures.

Priča cafe bar restaurant is located near the ski trails. After some strenuous skiing, in the nicely designed ambience, you will find local B&H dishes, chowders, goulash, stews, pies, meat dishes made to order, klepe, pilau, vine rolls, dolma... There are of course sweets as well; kadaif, hurmašice, apple pie in vanilla sauce, rice pudding, tulumbe. With tasty food and a pleasant atmosphere, we are sure that you will also write a few pages of your winter story here!

The Lobby Lounge Cafe of Bjelašnica Hotel is a dynamic and appealing place for a sandwich, cake, coffee, or tea. Here, you can look for tasty and fresh salads or sandwiches made out of organic and healthy ingredients. The panoramic windows and unique mountain decor create the perfect atmosphere for a creative dessert like crepes, tufahija, baklava, hurmašica or special teas. Would you like all that as takeout? Choose the Reach and carry offer and a healthy picnic will be ready for you.


echava Bjela{nica

Lokali u kojima se možete udobno smjestiti i ugrijati, ali i pronaći ukusna jela koja će probuditi sva vaša čula

Establishments where you can get comfortable and warm up, and also find tasty dishes that will awaken all your senses



Smještena ispod polazne stanice žičare na Babinom dolu, Mechava je kutak u kojem vas čeka topla atmosfera i prijatan ambijent u kojem će vam dobrodošlicu poželjeti ljubazno i profesionalno osoblje. Ovdje možete uživati u svježe pripremljenoj i ukusnoj hrani poput supe, pizze, izvrsnih jela s roštilja, među kojima će vas posebno oduševiti hamburgeri, a tu si svakako i kolači, te osvježavajući napici.

Located in front of the starting point of the cable car at Babin Dol, Mechava is a corner where a warm atmosphere and a pleasant ambience awaits you, with pleasant and professional staff. Here, you can enjoy freshly prepared and tasty food like soups, pizzas, excellent grilled dishes, and you will particularly love the hamburgers, and of course there are also cakes, and refreshing beverages.

OSTALI LOKALI Na Bjelašnici još možete posjetiti i restoran Benetton koji se nalazi na stazi, a nudi širok izbor domaćih bosanskih jela, kao i jela iz internacionalne kuhinje. Nakon što ste dobro jeli, piće možete popiti u ski baru Baza, koji nudi i nargilu.


OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS At Bjelašnica, you can also visit Benetton restaurant, which is located on the ski trail, and it offers a wide selection of local Bosnian dishes, as well as international cuisine. After you have eaten well, you can have a drink at Baza ski bar, which also offers hookahs.


Trebevićka staza

za bob i sankanje

Autor: Samila Ivković


sim duboko urezanih sjećanja, na najveći sportski događaj u Jugoslaviji - Zimske olimpijske igre u Sarajevu 1984. godine, danas podsjećaju i različiti objekti izgrađeni u to vrijeme, koji stoje kao svjedoci da se takav spektakl dešavao upravo u našoj državi. Tako je za potrebe 14. zimskih olimpijskih igara 1984. godine na Trebeviću izgrađena bob staza koja je služila za takmičenje u bobu dvosjedu, četverosjedu i sankanju. Bob stazu je gradila, tada najbolja i najjača, njemačka firma Dayle. Radovi oko bob staze bili su povjereni profesoru Gorazdu Bučaru koji je s grupom arhi72

tekata napravio tadašnje olimpijsko remek djelo. Gradnja ovakve bob staze nije bila zahtjevna samo građevinski nego i instalaciono, naročito zbog sistema hlađenja koji je bio povjeren profesoru Zlatku Đikiću.

alizovati, bob staza je bila i jedna od najstrmijih i najbržih na svijetu, ali i jedna od najsigurnijih. Koliko je teško napraviti dobru stazu, potvrđuje i podatak da je danas u svijetu samo 13 licenciranih bob staza.

Bob staza na Trebeviću je karakteristična po tome što je napravljena za kombinovanu upotrebu za bob i sankanje, a to je nakon Sarajeva postao standard gradnje u svijetu. Start staze je na 1.108 mnv, cilj se nalazio na 982 m, a duga je 1.570 metara. Za gradnju ovakve staze bilo je potrebno sedam miliona dolara, i to je bio najskuplji objekt koji je izgrađen za Olimpijske igre 1984. godine. Osim što je bila najzahtjevnija za re-

Na Olimpijskim igrama 1984. sankaška takmičenja gledalo je 20 hiljada ljudi, dok su takmičenja u bobu bila nešto posjećenija, pratilo ih je oko 30.000 gledatelja. Nakon Olimpijskih igara staza je korištena za takmičenja u sklopu Svjetskog kupa. Osim toga, velika atrakcija bio je čamac Vučko u kojem su i građani, njih sedam ili osam u jednoj vožnji, mogli uživati u svim čarima bob staze. Tako je ona nakon sa-

mih igara ostala samoodrživa, sve do početka rata i opsade Sarajeva, koja je počela 1992. Tokom agresije, pretrpljena su velika razaranja, pa je tako, nažalost, uništena i bob staza. Zahvaljujući velikoj ljubavi Sarajlija prema Trebeviću, ovoj planini se polako vraća nekadašnji sjaj, obnavljanjem postojećih i izgradnjom novih sadržaja. Danas je Trebević popularno mjesto za ugodne šetnje, trčanje, fotografisanje, kao i ekstremne sportove poput down-hill biciklizma.

Pokrenuta je inicijativa za obnovu staze za bob i sankanje koja je trenutno osposobljena za suhe treninge, a u budućnosti bi trebala biti glavni regionalni trening centar. U blizini bob

staze je i izlazna stanica Trebevićke žičare, kao i nekoliko lokala u kojima se možete udobno smjestiti i odmoriti nakon šetnje ovom čarobnom sarajevskom planinom.

Osim što je bila najzahtjevnija za realizovati, bob staza je bila i jedna od najstrmijih i najbržih na svijetu, ali i jedna od najsigurnijih. Koliko je teško napraviti dobru stazu, potvrđuje i podatak da je danas u svijetu samo 13 licenciranih bob staza



Trebević Bobsled

Author: Samila Ivković


part from deep-set memories of the biggest sporting event in Yugoslavia - the Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo in 1984, today there are still various facilities that were constructed at that time, which testify of the fact that such a spectacle took place in our country. That is how a bobsled track was built for the requirements of the 14th Winter Olympic Games in 1984 at Trebević, serving for both bobsled and luge competitions (in a two-seater or four-seater). The bobsled was constructed by the best German company at the time called Dayle. The work related to the bobsled was entrusted to professor Gorazd Bučar, who designed the Olympic masterpiece of the time with a group of architects. The construction of such a bobsled was demanding not just in terms of construction, but also in terms of installations, particularly because of the cooling system, which was entrusted to professor Zlatko Đikić. The bobsled at Trebević was specific, as it was constructed as both a bobsled and luge track, and that became the standard of construction in the world after Sarajevo. The start of the track was at an altitude of 1108 m, the finish was at 982 m, and 74

and Luge Track

Apart from being very hard to construct, the bobsled was one of the steepest and fastest bobsleds in the world, and also one of the safest. It is not easy to construct a proper bobsled - this is reflected in the fact that today there are only 13 licensed bobsleds in the world the track was 1570 meters long. To build this kind of track, it took seven million dollars, and it was the most expensive facility that was built for the Winter Olympic Games in 1984. Apart from being very hard to construct, the bobsled was one of the steepest and fastest bobsleds in the world, and also one of the safest. It is not easy to construct a proper bobsled - this is reflected in the fact that today there are only 13 licensed bobsleds in the world. At the Olympic Games in 1984, the luge competitions were observed by 20000 spectators, while the bobsled competitions were a bit more popular, with around 30000 spectators. After the Olympic Games, the track was used for World Cup competitions. Apart from that, there was a great attraction called the Vučko boat where citizens, seven or eight of them in a single ride, could enjoy the magic of the bobsled. That is how after the Games it became self-sustaining, up until the beginning

of the war and the siege of Sarajevo, which began in 1992. During the aggression, there was a lot of destruction, and unfortunately the bobsled track was destroyed. Because of the great love of Sarajevans towards Trebević, this mountain is slowly getting its former glow back, with the restoration of existing and the creation of new facilities. Today, Trebević is a popular place for pleasant walks, running, photography, and extreme sports like downhill mountain biking. There is also an initiative to restore the bobsled and luge track, which is currently suitable for training in dry conditions, and in the future, it should become the main regional training center. The exit station of the Trebević cable car is located near the bobsled track, as well as several establishments where you can get comfortable and relax after a walk along this magical Sarajevan mountain.







vaj 17-godišnji Sarajlija sankanje je zavolio već nakon prvog spuštanja niz bob stazu na Trebeviću, a da se sankanjem želi i profesionalno baviti, Mirza je shvatio onog momenta kada je postao svjestan ostvarenih rezultata, koje je popravljao svake naredne sezone. - Ljubav prema sankanju se rodila prije pet godina, u ljetnom periodu kada se umjesto kliznika koriste točkići na sankama. Sankanje je ispunilo sva moja očekivanja, pa čak i mnogo više od toga. Poseban čar sankanja je njegova jedinstvenost jer se prolazno vrijeme mjeri u hiljaditim dijelovima sekunde, što nije svojstveno drugim sportovima.

SANKAŠI IZ SARAJEVA Sankanje pruža različite mogućnosti i prilike, što je Mirzi naročito predstavljalo izazov u bavljenju ovim sportom. Nakon što se uvezao s trenerom i drugim sankašima, Mirza je hrabro zakoračio ka uspjehu.

sanki s točkovima za ljetne treninge na trebevićkoj bob stazi. - Osim doniranih sanki čija vrijednosti iznosi 143.000 KM, IOC nam je kupio i kombi koji koristimo za odlaske na treninge i takmičenja. Zbog nedostatka finansijskih sredstava zimi treniramo samo na trening sedmicama koje su obavezne za kvalifikacije na svjetskim i evropskim prvenstvima i trkama Svjetskog kupa. Mirza je dio sankaške reprezentacije Bosne i Hercegovine i do sada je ostvario niz dobrih rezultata. Naročito je, kaže nam, ponosan na ukupni rezultat koji je ostvario prošle sezone.

- Potrebno je osigurati određena finansijska sredstva jer je sankanje naš jedini zimski sport kojim u kontinuitetu predstavljamo našu zemlju na najjačim svjetskim takmičenjima. Postoje i mogućnosti da dobijemo stipendije, ali nažalost, od naših institucija nemamo podršku. Ina�če, ja sam od ove godine dobitnik Olimpijske stipendije koju dodjeljuje Internacionalni Olimpijski komitet (IOC), a koja bi mi trebala pomoći u pripremama za odlazak na naredne Zimske olimpijske igre. Mirza pohađa Srednju ekonomsku školu u Sarajevu i nastoji da njego�� vo obrazovanje ne ispašta zbog sporta. Zakon o osnovnom i srednjem obrazovanju omogućava mu da, na osnovu statusa perspektivnog sportiste, duže odsu�stvuje s nastave.

Osim što voli i prati mnoge sportove, Mirzu

- Trudim se da svoje školske obaveze ispunim što je bolje moguće. Također, i profesori iz moje škole imaju razumijevanja za moj sportski angažman. Svakako planiram upisati fakultet jer obrazovanje povećava mogućnosti izbora i otvara nove vidike u životu.

- Trenutno iz Bosne privlače arhitektura i fotografija. Također, uživa i u i Hercegovine ima putovanjima. Posebno mu se dopao Park City, grad četvero sankaša koji u američkoj saveznoj državi Juta se takmiče na trkama Svjetskog kupa i svjetskim i evropskim prvenstvima. - Tada sam u kategoriji juniora u Osim što voli i prati mnoge sportove, Iako je ovo individualni sport, lako ukupnom svjetskom poretku zavr- Mirzu privlače arhitektura i fotogra�sam se sprijateljio s ostalim sankašišio na 7. mjestu, a za moje rezulta- fija. Također, uživa i u putovanjima. ma iz Sarajeva. Ne posmatram ih kao te zaslužan je vrsni trener Senad Posebno mu se dopao Park City, svoju konkurenciju, već se zalažem i Omanović, na čemu sam mu veoma grad u američkoj saveznoj državi navijam za njih isto kao i za sebe. zahvalan. Njegov entuzijazam i ljubav Juta, njihov stil i način života koji je prema ovom sportu mi daje dodatnu potpuno drugačiji od našeg. Od 2014. godine, kada je staza za bob snagu da se trudim i napredujem. i sankanje na Trebeviću osposobljena Kada je riječ o budućnosti, Mirzine za ljetne treninge, naši sankaši ostvaSANKANJE JE SKUP SPORT težnje su usmjerenje ka napredovaruju odlične plasmane u nastupima nju i novim uspjesima. na trkama Juniorskog svjetskog kupa Sankanje je, priča nam Mirza, skup sport. Mišljenja je da bi ministarstva - Nadam da ću uspjeti unaprijediti i Svjetskog prvenstva. Obnova staze privukla je pažnju Internacionalnog kulture i sporta, na kantonalnom i svoje znanje i sposobnosti. Želja mi Olimpijskog komiteta (IOC) i Svjetske federalnom nivou, za ovaj sport tre- je, ali i cilj, da se kvalificiram za odsankaške federacije (FIL), te su naši bala izdvojiti adekvatna sredstva iz lazak na Zimske olimpijske igre koje će se održati u Pekingu 2020. godine. sankaši dobili vrijednu donaciju od 15 budžeta. 77



Luge has fulfilled all my expectations Author: Samila Ivković



his 17-year-old Sarajevan grew to love luge after his first ride down the bobsled at Trebević, and he realized that he wanted to be a professional luger once he became aware of the results that he had achieved, which had improved each season. - My love of luge started five years ago, during summer, when wheels are used on the luge instead of runners. Luge has fulfilled all my expectations; it has even gone beyond. The special thing about luge, what makes it unique, is that time lapsed is measured in thousandths of seconds, which is not the case with other sports.

LUGERS FROM SARAJEVO Luge offers various possibilities and opportunities, which Mirza found particularly challenging in this sport. After he made contact with his coach and other lugers, Mirza 78

sport. He is of the opinion that the Ministry of Culture and Sports should allocate adequate funds from the budget for this sport, at the cantonal and federal level.

Apart from loving and following many sports, Mirza is interested in architecture and photography. He also enjoys traveling. He especially liked Park City, a city in the American state of Utah bravely took a step towards success. - Currently, there are four lugers from Bosnia and Herzegovina who compete at World Cup races and world and European championships. Even though this is an individual sport, I easily became friends with the other lugers from Sarajevo. I don’t see them as my competition, but I advocate and cheer for them as much as I do for myself. As of 2014, when the bobsled and luge track at Trebević was made suitable for training during summer, our lugers have been achieving excellent rankings in performances at the Junior World Cup and the World Championships races. The restoration of the track attracted the attention of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the FIL World Luge Championships, so our lugers received a valuable donation of 15 luges with wheels for training during summer on the Trebević bobsled.

- Apart from the donated luges in the value of BAM 143000, IOC also bought us a van that we use to go to training and competitions. Due to a lack of funds, in winter we only train in the weeks that are mandatory for qualifying at world and European championships and World Cup races. Mirza is part of the luge team of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and so far, he has had a number of good results. He tells us that he is proud of the overall result that he had in the last season. - In the junior category in the overall world ranking, I ended up 7th, and credit for my results goes to my excellent coach Senad Omanović, to whom I am very grateful. His enthusiasm and love for this sport gives me additional strength to try harder and progress. LUGE IS AN EXPENSIVE SPORT Luge is, says Mirza, an expensive

- It is necessary to ensure certain financial means, as luge is our only winter sport where we have continuously represented our country at the greatest world competitions. There’s also the possibility of getting scholarships, but unfortunately, we do not have the support of our institutions. As it happens, as of this year, I am the recipient of an Olympic scholarship, which is awarded by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and which should help me in my preparations for going to the next Winter Olympic Games. Mirza is attending the High School of Economics in Sarajevo and is making a great effort not to neglect school due to sport. The Law on Primary and Secondary Education allows him to have more prolonged absences from classes, due to his status as a prospective sportsman. - I try to fulfill all my school commitments as best as I can. In addition, the teachers at my school have understanding for my sporting activities. I intend to go to university anyway, as education gives us more choices and opens up new perspectives in life. Apart from loving and following many sports, Mirza is interested in architecture and photography. He also enjoys traveling. He especially liked Park City, a city in the American state of Utah, their style and way of life, which is completely different to ours. When it comes to the future, Mirza’s ambitions lie in progress and new accomplishments. - I hope that I will succeed in advancing my knowledge and capabilities. It is my wish, and goal, to qualify for the Winter Olympic Games, which will be held in Beijing in 2020. 79


razloga zašto posjetiti


10 Reasons to Visit Visoko


1. KORAČAJTE TRAGOVIMA BOSANSKOG KRALJEVSTVA Vratiti se kroz vrijeme i posjetiti mjesta gdje su nekada stolovali bosanski vladari, mjesto gdje je napisana Povelja Kulina bana, predstavlja za ljubitelje historije jedno neobično iskustvo i nestvaran doživljaj. Krunidbeno i grobno mjesto prvog bosanskog kralja Tvrtka I Kotromanića (1377. – 1391. ), te ostalih bosanskih vladara, mjesto održavanja državnog Sabora, mjesto izdavanja i pohranjivanja službenih isprava, religiozni centar s prvim franjevačkim samostanom i franjevačkom vikarijom u Bosni, mjesto nastanka brojnih spisa i povelja, potvrđuju činjenicu da je ovo područje bilo i ostalo nezaobilazno mjesto u hiljadugodišnjoj tradiciji nastanka države. Lokalitet Mili/ Arnautovići proglašen je nacionalnim spomenikom Bosne i Hercegovine 2003. godine.

1. WALK ALONG THE TRACES OF THE BOSNIAN KINGDOM To go back in time and visit places where Bosnian kings used to rule, the place where the Povelja Kulina Bana (Charter of Ban Kulin) was written, represents an unusual and unreal experience for those who love history. The fact that this was the crowning place and burial place of the first Bosnian king Tvrtko I Kotromanić (1377 – 1391) and other Bosnian rulers, the place where the National Assembly was held, the place where official documents were issued and stored, a religious center with the first Franciscan monastery and vicarage in Bosnia, the place where numerous documents and charters were written, confirms that this area was and is an unavoidable place in the millennial tradition of the formation of the state. The locality of Mili/Arnautovići was declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2003.



In written records, the old town of Visoko was first mentioned on 01. 09. 1355 in the Charter of Ban Tvrtko I to the residents of Dubrovnik, but it is considered to have existed a lot earlier. It is one of the earliest examples of medieval urbanism in the region of Bosnia, and along with Mile/Arnautovići, it is thought to be the center of medieval Bosnia. Apart from its military and defense function, it served as a temporary residence of the Bosnian ruler, the throne of the Great Bosnian Prince, and it also served as a trade center with a suburb at its base called Podvisoki, from which the Visoko center (čaršija) gradually developed. Considering its historical significance, it was declared a national monument in 2004, and it is part of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Stari grad Visoki u pisanim izvorima prvi put se spominje 01. 09. 1355. godine, i to u povelji bana Tvrtka I Dubrovčanima, ali se smatra da je postojao mnogo ranije. Jedan je od najranijih primjera srednjovjekovnog urbanizma na području Bosne, te se uz Mile/Arnautovići smatra centrom srednjovjekovne Bosne. Osim vojno-obrambene funkcije, bio je povremena rezidencija bosanskog vladara, sjedište Velikog kneza bosanskog, a imao je funkciju i trgovačkog centra s podgrađem u podnožju zvanim Podvisoki, od kojeg se postepeno razvila visočka čaršija. S obzirom na njegov historijski značaj, proglašen je nacionalnim spomenikom 2004. godine, te je dio kulturne baštine Bosne i Hercegovine. 81


4. BOGATO KULTURNO-HISTORIJSKO NASLIJEĐE Kao svjedoci dugogodišnje bogate historije Visokog svjedoče nacionalni spomenici, koji su dio kulturne baštine Bosne i Hercegovine, te ih je potrebno sve istaknuti: Stari grad Visoki, Mili- krunidbena i grobna Crkva bosanskih kraljeva, Okolište-neolitsko naselje, Tabhanska/Tabačka džamija, Crkva sv. Prokopija, Franjevački samostan sv. Bonaventure i Stara džamija s haremom u Goduši. Kao značajan faktor promovisanja i zaštite kulturnog naslijeđa je JU Zavičajni muzej Visoko, koji svakodnevno radi na zaštiti, očuvanju i promociji kulturnog naslijeđa ovog područja.

3. MJESTO SUSRETA RAZLIČITIH CIVILIZACIJA I RELIGIJA Hiljadu godina pisane historije i stotine tragova različitih kultura i civilizacija, koje su se stoljećima smjenjivale na ovom području, utjecali su da visočka dolina obiluje bogatom kulturnom baštinom i impozantnim sakralnim zdanjima, koji svjedoče o višegodišnjem suživotu naroda različitih konfesija i religija. Tri simbola grada, tri markantna sakralna zdanja, kao svjedoci tolerancije i jednakosti su Franjevački samostan sv. Bonaventure, Crkva sv. Prokopija i Tabhanska/ Tabačka džamija.

3. MEETING PLACE OF DIFFERENT CIVILIZATIONS AND RELIGIONS A thousand years of recorded history and hundreds of traces of different cultures and civilizations, which have alternated for centuries in this region, have affected the Visoko valley so that it is abundant in cultural heritage and impressive places of worship, which testify of years of coexistence of peoples of different beliefs and religions. Three symbols of the town, three striking places of worship, serve as witnesses of tolerance and equality: the Franciscan monastery of St. Bonaventura, the Church of St. Prokopije and Tabhanska/Tabačka Mosque.


4. RICH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE National monuments serve as witnesses of the long and rich history of Visoko, and they are part of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, so we must point them out one by one: Old town Visoki, Mili- the crowning and burial Church of Bosnian Kings, Okolište- Neolithic settlement, Tabhanska/Tabačka Mosque, the Church of St. Prokopije, the Franciscan Monastery of St. Bonaventura and the Old Mosque with a harem in Goduša. The Heritage Museum of Visoko is a significant factor, working each day on the protection, preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage of this area.

5. GRAD TRGOVINE I ZANATSTVA Visoko je nadaleko poznato kao trgovačko i zanatsko mjesto, a visočki trgovci se smatraju kao jednim od najboljih. Ono po čemu je Visoko i danas prepoznatljivo su koža i krzno, visočko suho meso, te tradicionalni zanati goduškog i liješevačkog kraja, koji se ujedno smatraju i za jedne od najljepših suvenira. Ako ste ljubitelji ovih proizvoda, starina, rukotvorina, posjetite visočke dućane, koji obiluju bogatom i raznovrsnom ponudom.

5. TOWN OF TRADE AND CRAFTS Visoko is well-known as a place of trade and crafts, and the merchants there are considered to be among the best. Even today, Visoko is best known for leather and fur, cured meat, and traditional crafts from the regions of Goduša and Liješevo, which are thought to make the prettiest souvenirs. If you are a fan of these products, antiques, handmade items, you should visit the shops in Visoko, which are full of a rich and diverse offer of goods.

6. OSJETI UTJECAJ ORIJENTA Ne možete doći u Visoko, a da ne primijetite Šerefudinovu/Bijelu džamiju, koji svojim izgledom plijeni pažnju svih posjetitelja, bez obzira na vjersku i nacionalnu pripadnost. Džamiju je projektovao poznati bosanskohercegovački arhitekt Zlatko Ugljen, te je za ovo zdanje 1983. godine, dobio prestižnu svjetsku nagradu za arhitekturu Aga Khan. Uvrštena je u sami vrh najljepše dizajniranih sakralnih objekata, a 2007. godine dobila je značajno priznanje mađarskih arhitekata, koji su je svrstali među tri najljepše dizajnirana sakralna objekta u Evropi.

6. FEEL THE INFLUENCE OF THE ORIENT You cannot come to Visoko, without noticing Šerefudinova/Bijela Mosque, which attracts the attention of all visitors, regardless of their religion and nationality. The mosque was designed by famous Bosnian-Herzegovinian architect Zlatko Ugljen, and he received the prestigious Aga Khan world architecture award for it in 1983. It is listed at the very top of the best-designed places of worship, and in 2007 it was recognized by Hungarian architects, who listed it among the three best-designed places of worship in Europe. 83


7. PROŠETAJTE BOSANSKOM DOLINOM PIRAMIDA Bosanska dolina piramida sastoji se od Bosanske piramide Sunca (Visočica) koja je, s visinom od više od 220 metara, znatno viša od Keopsove piramide, zatim Bosanske piramide Mjeseca (Plješevica) visoke 190 metara, Piramide bosanskog Zmaja (Buci) od 90 metara, te obrađenih uzvišenja Hrama Majke Zemlje (Krstac) i Piramide Ljubavi (Cemerac), a tu je svakako i Tumulus u Vratnici. Pored prahistorijskog podzemnog tunela Ravne, te parka Ravne 2, otkrivena je nova mreža tunela, Ravne 3 i Ravne 4. Sve ove aktivnosti su uslovile da Visoko svake godine posjeti desetine hiljada turista iz različitih dijelova svijeta, i taj broj iz godine u godinu je sve veći.

7. TAKE A WALK ALONG THE BOSNIAN VALLEY OF PYRAMIDS The Bosnian valley of pyramids consists of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (Visočica), which is a lot higher than the Great Pyramid of Giza at over 220 meters, then there is the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon (Plješevica), which has a height of 190 meters, the Pyramids of the Bosnian Dragon (Buci) that are 90 meters in height, and the elevation of the Temple of Mother Earth (Krstac) and the Pyramids of Love (Cemerac), and there is also Tumulus in Vratnica. Apart from the prehistoric underground tunnel of Ravne, and park Ravne 2, a new network of tunnels was discovered, Ravne 3 and Ravne 4. All these activities mean that each year tens of thousands of visitors come from various parts of the world to Visoko, and that number goes up each year.

8. POSJETITE TURISTIČKOARHEOLOŠKI PARK RAVNE 2 Arheološko-turistički park Ravne 2 je osnovan 2016. godine i predstavlja centralno mjesto okupljanja kako domaćeg stanovništva, tako i turista, jer se tu odvija najveći broj događaja u toku godine. U parku se nalaze brojne kamene instalacije (krugovi, megaliti), spiralna botanička bašta, labirinti energije i ljubavi, rekreacijske staze, dječja igrališta, multimedijalna dvorana, piramida, bine za jogu i meditaciju, koncertna bina s prirodnim amfiteatrom kapaciteta 5.000 posjetitelja, ružino trostruko srce, aleja organskih voćki, te brojne druge instalacije, kao i toaleti i parking. Svi ovi sadržaji čine ga jednim od najatrak�tivnijih turističko- arheoloških parkova u Bosni i Hercegovini, a i šire. Ulaz u park je besplatan, a korištenje svih ostalih sadržaja i instalacija su također besplatni. 84

8. VISIT THE TOURIST AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK RAVNE 2 The archaeological and tourist park Ravne 2 was founded in 2016 and represents the central place of gathering for locals, as well as tourists, as that is where most events that take place throughout the year are held. The park consists of numerous stone installations (circles, megaliths), a spiral botanical garden, a labyrinth of energy and love, recreational trails, children’s playgrounds, a multimedia hall, a pyramid, stages for yoga and meditation, a concert stage with a natural amphitheater with a capacity for 5000 visitors, a rose’s triple heart, an alley of organic fruits, and numerous other installations, as well as toilets and parking. All this makes it one of the most attractive tourist and archaeological parks in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. Entrance to the park is free of charge, and making use of all the activities on offer and the installations is also free of charge.



Brojna visočka izletišta, kao što su: Ravne, Gorani, Zbilje, turističko- arheološki park Ravne 2, atraktivni vodotoci rijeka Bosne i Fojnice, te brojni drugi prirodni fenomeni i tereni, idealna su podloga za upražnjavanje aktivnog odmora, odnosno outdoor i avanturističkog turizma. Tereni pogodni za lov, ribolov, kampiranje, planinarenje, šetanje, trčanje, jahanje, brdski biciklizam, rafting, sportski, rekreativni, izletnički turizam, samo su neki od mogućnosti, koje prirodni turistički potencijali Visokog pružaju kako domicilnom stanovništvu, tako i turistima željnim avanture.

Numerous excursion sites of Visoko, such as: Ravne, Gorani, Zbilje, tourist and archaeological park Ravne 2, the attractive watercourses of the Bosna and Fojnica Rivers, and countless other natural phenomena and terrain are the ideal foundation for an active vacation, i.e. outdoor and adventure tourism. The areas that are suitable for hunting, fishing, camping, mountaineering, hiking, running, horse riding, mountain biking, rafting, and sports, recreational and excursion tourism are just some of the possibilities that the natural tourist potential of Visoko offers locals, as well as tourists in search of an adventure.



Visoko je jedan od bosanskih gradova gdje se od starina njegovala tradicija i običaji predaka, tako je slučaj i s gastronomskom ponudom. Glavni kulinarski proizvodi po kojima je ovaj grad prepoznatljiv u inostranstvu su svakako: pite i ćevapi, Prepoznatljivi visočki brend je svakako i visočka pečenica i suđuka, bez kojih je nezamisliva gastro ponuda Visokog. Okusite i uživajte u čarima bogate bosanske kuhinje, koja će biti jedan od motiva vašeg ponovnog dolaska u Visoko.

Visoko is one of the towns of Bosnia where the tradition and customs of ancestors has been nurtured since ancient times, and that is also the case with the culinary offer. The main culinary products that this town is known for abroad are certainly pies and ćevapi. Another recognizable Visoko brand is their cured meat and sujuk, as the culinary offer of Visoko is unimaginable without them. Taste and enjoy the magic of the rich Bosnian cuisine, which will motivate you to return to Visoko. 85




LJUBAV PREMA PRIRODI PRETOČENA KROZ FOTOGRAFIJE Fotograf i planinar Dženad Džino već godinama svoju ljubav prema prirodi prenosi na fotografije, putem kojih na najljepši način promoviše ljepote Bosne i Hercegovine. Neiscrpan izvor fenomenalnih kadrova, detalja i prirodnih fenomena, za njega su rodna Jablanica, te planine Prenj i Čvrsnica. Dženad je učestvovao na brojnim foto festivalima, a njegove fotografije su vrijedno nagrađivane, što mu je velika motivacija za daljnji rad.


LOVE OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHS Photographer and mountaineer Dženad Džino has been conveying his love of nature through photographs for years, promoting the beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the best possible way. His birthplace of Jablanica, and mountains Prenj and Čvrsnica serve as inexhaustible sources of phenomenal shots, details and natural phenomena. Dženad has participated at various photo festivals, and has received valuable awards for his photographs, which motivates him for further work.





















Malaysia TRULY ASIA Autor teksta: Emira Azganović Fotografije: Emira Azganović i Ajdin Hasanić




Langkawi, tropsko ostrvo

s čarobnim plažama


angkawi je arhipelag s 99 otoka na Malezijskoj zapadnoj obali, koji ima status UNESCO-vog globalnog geoparka. Glavni i najveći otok, koji se također zove Langkawi, okružen je tirkiznim morem i brdima, među kojim se smjestila prašuma stara 10 miliona godina. S cjelogodišnjom vlagom i dvije sezone, suhom od novembra do aprila, te vlažnom od maja do oktobra, s temperaturom od 25 °C do 32 °C, Langkawi je pravi tropski raj.

PJEŠČANI RAJ Otočje se nalazi u ekvatorijalnoj klimatskoj zoni, pa je sunčano i toplo tokom cijele godine. Stabilna klima znači da je Andamansko more, koje zapljuskuje Langkawi, relativno mirno i ugodno. Pored Datai Bay, prekrasne privatne plaže resorta The Datai Langkawi, koju je National Geographic prepoznao kao jednu od 10 najljepših plaža na svijetu, na otoku ima i mnogo drugih jednako lijepih plaža kao što je Tanjung Rhu, koja se svrstava među najbolje plaže u Langkawiju. S bijelim pijeskom i palmama, čistom vodom i stijenama u moru ispred, ima sjajan i atraktivan pogled, te se bez pretjerivanja može opisati kao pješčani raj. Za one čiji izbor nije ljenčarenje na plaži, otok nudi mnogo aktivnosti i turističkih atrakcija. Ono što svakako niko 98

ne želi propustiti je prilika za odlazak u prašumu, gdje je moguće vidjeti langure, makaki majmune, crne džinovske vjeverice, te neke od mnogobrojnih šarenih ptica. Posebno interesantan je odlazak do visećeg mosta, odakle se pruža pogled na nepregledna prašumaska prostranstva.

LANGKAWI ŽIČARA Must see u Langkawiju je žičara koja odvodi posjetitelje u 15-minutnu vožnju do vrha planine Mat Cincang, odakle se pruža prekrasan pogled na Langkawijeve prašume, otočiće i vodopade, koji se vide tokom vožnje prema vrhu. Na 708m visokom vrhu nalazi se jedna od glavnih atrakcija Langkawija - Sky Bridge Langkawi. To je 125 metara dug, zakrivljeni, viseći pješački most koji u svim smjerovima nudi spektakularan pogled na ostrva Langkawija i Indijski okean, a tokom lijepog vremena, u daljini se mogu vidjeti obrisi Tajlanda i Indonezije. Most koji može primiti do 250 ljudi odjednom, izgleda kao da lebdi u zraku između planina, na visini od 660m. Oni najhrabriji mogu gledati kroz stakleni pod u ambis ispod sebe. Na svakom kraju mosta nalaze se vidikovci na kojima se može uzeti predah i uživati u hladnom povjetarcu.

Langkawi, a Tropical Island


with Magical Beaches

angkawi is an archipelago made up of 99 islands on Malaysia’s west coast, which holds the status of an UNESCO Global Geopark. The main and largest island, which is also called Langkawi, is surrounded by a turquoise sea and hills, where there is a rainforest that is 10 million years old. With year-round humidity and two seasons, the dry one being from November to April, and the wet one from May to October, with a temperature from 25 °C to 32 °C, Langkawi is a real tropical paradise.

SANDY PARADISE The islands have an equatorial climate, so it is sunny and warm all year long. The stable climate means that the Andaman Sea, which splashes across Langkawi, is relatively calm and pleasant. Apart from Datai Bay, the beautiful private beach of the The Datai Langkawi resort, which the National Geographic recognized as one of 10 most beautiful beaches in the world, there are many other equally beautiful beaches on the island, such as Tanjung Rhu, which is classified among the best beaches in Langkawi. With white sand and palm trees, clear water and rocks in the sea, there is a brilliant and attractive view, which can, without exaggeration, be described as a sandy paradise.


A must see in Langkawi is the cable car, which takes visitors on a 15-minute ride to the peak of Mat Cincang mountain, from which there is a wonderful view of Langkawi’s rainforests, little islands and waterfalls, which you can see during the ride towards the peak. At the 708-meter-high peak, there is one of the main attractions of Langkawi - the Sky Bridge Langkawi. It is a 125-meter-long, curved, suspended pedestrian bridge, which offers a spectacular view of the islands of Langkawi and the Indian Ocean in all directions, and when the weather is nice, you can see the outlines of Thailand and Indonesia in the distance. The bridge, which can accommodate 250 people at once, looks like it is floating on air between mountains, at a height of 660 m. Those who are feeling brave can look through the glass floor into the abyss in front of them. At each end of the bridge, there are vantage points where you can have a break and enjoy the cool breeze.

For those who prefer not to lie around on the beach, the island offers many activities and tourist attractions. Something that should certainly not be missed is the opportunity to see a rainforest, where you can see langurs, macaque monkeys, black giant squirrels, and some of the numerous colorful birds. A visit to the suspended bridge is very interesting, as there is a view from there of the vast expanse of the rainforest.





zmeđu visokih nebodera, parkova i mnogo uličnih marketa, živi ova užurbana metropola koja kombinacijom starog i novog stvara ugodan kontrast, što je dio njegovog neodoljivog šarma. To je grad, koji je između 1.200 nominovanih gradova iz 220 različitih država, ponio titulu Sedam novih svjetskih čuda. Grad koji se iz godine u godinu nalazi među 10 najposjećenijih gradova na svijetu.

ŠTA VIDJETI U KUALA LUMPURU? Zvuči nevjerovatno da čelik i beton mogu oplemeniti neki grad i dati mu sasvim novu dimenziju, ali tornjevi blizanci Petronas su arhitektonsko čudo Kuala Lumpura, s njima je ovaj grad postao još moćniji i šarmantniji. Oko njega se skoro 24h okupljaju turisti… Unutar tornjeva se nalazi muzej nafte, koncertna dvorana, džamija i 100

multimedijalni konferencijski centar. Tornjevi su opremljeni s ukupno 76 liftova, od čega je 58 dvospratnih liftova čiji donji dio staje na neparnim, a gornji na parnim spratovima, čija najveća brzina je 7 m/s, a mogu da povezu 26, odnosno 52 osobe. Dvospratni Sky Bridge, dužine 58,4 metra i težak 750 tona, povezuje dva tornja na 41. i 42. Spratu.

PETRONAS TORNJEVI U BROJKAMA 88 spratova, 1800 vrata, 32 000 prozora, 765 stepenica, 29 sistema pokretnih stepenica i 76 liftova, impresivne su brojke koje pokazuju kakav su projekt tornjevi blizanci Petronas u Kuala Lumpuru u Maleziji. Ono što također treba vidjeti u Kuala Lumpuru su Batu pećine, jedna od najposjećenijih turističkih atrakcija Malezije, unutar kojih se nalazi

najveći hinduistički hram izvan teritorije Indije. U podnožju stepeništa je visoka statua božanstva Murugana, koji je najmlađi sin boga Šive i boginje Parvati, kome je hram i posvećen. Statua od 43 metra je najviša statua Murugana na svijetu, na čije farbanje je potrošeno 300 litara zlatne boje. Tu je i prelijepa džamija Putra s munarom visokom 116 metara. Građena je od rozog granita, jer je roza simbol ljubavi i dobra u islamu. Može primiti do 15 hiljada vjernika unutar svojih elegantnih odaja. Vrijedan posjete je i Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, koji se nalazi 10 minuta od centra Kuala Lumpura. Park je dom za više od 3.000 ptica, a ono što razlikuje Kuala Lumpur Bird Park od ostalih parkova ptica je koncept slobodnog leta. U neposrednoj blizini je i Vrt orhideja s hiljadama raznobojnih orhideja različitih vrsta.





etween the skyscrapers, parks and many street markets lives this busy metropolis, creating a pleasant contrast with a combination of the old and the new, which is part of its irresistible charm. This is a city that, out of 1200 nominated cities from 220 different countries, took the title of New Seven Wonders of the World. A city that, year after year, is among the top 10 most visited cities in the world.

WHAT TO SEE IN KUALA LUMPUR? It sounds unbelievable that steel and concrete could refine a city and give it a completely new dimension, but the Petronas Twin Towers are the architectural wonder of Kuala Lumpur, and with them this city has become even more powerful and charming. Tourists gather here almost 24/7‌ Within the towers, there is an oil museum, concert hall, mosque and multimedia conference center. 102

The towers are equipped with a total of 76 elevators, of which 58 are double-deck elevators, where the lower part stops on odd-numbered floors, while the upper part stops on even-numbered floors, with a top speed of 7 m/s, and they can accommodate 26, i.e. 52 people.

PETRONAS TOWERS IN NUMBERS 88 floors, 1800 doors, 32 000 windows, 765 stairs, 29 escalators and 76 elevators are the impressive numbers which show the magnitude of the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The double-decker Skybridge, 58.4 meters in length and weighing 750 tons, connects the two towers on the 41st and 42nd floor. What you must also see in Kuala Lumpur are the Batu Caves, one of the most visited tourist attractions of Malaysia, within which there is the greatest Hindu temple outside of the

territory of India. At the foot of the stairs, there is the tall statue of the divinity of Murugana, who was the youngest son of the god of Shiva and goddess Parvati, whom the temple is dedicated to. The 43-meter statue is the tallest statue of Murugana in the world, and in order to paint it, 300 liters of gold coloring was used. There is also the beautiful Putra Mosque, with a 116-meter minaret. It was constructed out of pink granite, because pink is the symbol of love and goodness in Islam. It can accommodate up to 15 thousand worshippers within its elegant chambers. The Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is also worth visiting, only 10 minutes from the center of Kuala Lumpur. The park is home to over 3000 birds, and what sets the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park apart from other bird parks is the concept of free flight. In the immediate vicinity, there is also the Orchid Garden with thousands of colorful orchid species.

U Maleziju smo putovali u novembru 2019. na poziv ureda Qatar Airways-a iz Sarajeva. Qatar Airways leti iz Sarajeva, preko Dohe u tri malezijska grada: Langkawi, Kuala Lumpur i Penang. Qatar Airways dobitnik je brojnih priznanja - Najbolje svjetske poslovne klase, Najbolje svjetske aviokompanije, Najbolje aviokompanije na Bliskom istoku i Najbolja čekaonica za putnike prve klase. Zahvaljujemo se našim domaćinima koji su nas ugostili za vrijeme našeg osmodnevnog putovanja i učinili da nam Malezija ostane u predivnom sjećanju. U Langkawiju smo bili smješteni u The Datai Langkawi (www.thedatai.com), luksuznom resortu u srcu prašume i u La Pari-Pari, prekrasnom resortu sa zasebnim kućicama s velikim travnjakom i bazenom. U Kuala Lumpuru gostoprimstvo su nam ukazali u hotelu Berjaya Times Square Hotel (www.berjayahotel.com/kualalumpur) Posebna ljubav i zahvalnost ide našim vodičima, gospođi Alini Grotte Ramly ispred Turističke organizacije Malezije (www.malaysia.travel) i gospodinu Shawn Nidzam iz turističke agencije Kowamas Holidays (www.kowamasholidays.com). Oni su zaslužni što se ponovo želimo vratiti u ovu predivnu zemlju.

We traveled to Malaysia in November 2019 at the invitation of the Qatar Airways office from Sarajevo; This airline flies to three Malaysian cities from Sarajevo via Doha: Langkawi, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Qatar Airways is the recipient of numerous awards – World’s Best Business Class, World’s Best Airline, Best Airline in the Middle East and Best First-Class Lounge. We thank our hosts, who made us feel welcome during our eight-day trip, leaving Malaysia as a wonderful memory for us. In Langkawi, we stayed at The Datai Langkawi (www.thedatai.com), a luxurious resort in the heart of the rainforest and at La Pari-Pari, a wonderful resort made up of individual houses with a large lawn and pool. At Kuala Lumpur, we were hosted by Berjaya Times Square Hotel. (www.berjayahotel.com/kualalumpur) A lot of love and gratitude goes to our guides, Mrs. Alina Grotte Ramly from the Tourism Association of Malaysia (www.malaysia.travel) and Mr. Shawn Nidzam from travel agency Kowamas Holidays (www.kowamasholidays.com). It is because of them that we wish to return to this beautiful country.




DOMAĆI BREND KOJI OSVAJA crvene tepihe širom svijeta Autor: Samila Ivković


valitetni i luksuzni materijali, posvećenost kreiranju i izradi, te velika doza ženstvenosti utkana u svaki dizajnerski komad s etiketom Made in BiH, ono je što karakteriše popularni bh. brend Kaftan studio. Dizajnerski modni duo iz Sarajeva, Emina Hodžić-Adilović i Nermina Hodžić, kroz više od 15 godina rada, kreirale su brojne vrhunske kreacije koje su zaživjele na crvenim tepisima širom svijeta, te tako oduševile sve ljubitelje mode, pa čak i one najizbirljivije. - Oduvijek smo znale čime se želimo baviti. Još u toku studija na Likovnoj Akademiji, dizajn je bilo polje našeg istraživanja i usavršavanja. Po završetku studija, polako smo počele raditi prve kolekcije, formirale radionicu, tako dobile povjerenje klijenata, što nas je dovoljno ohrabrilo da pokrenemo svoj brend i otvorimo svoj studio.

PREPOZNATLJIV AUTORSKI IZRAZ Glavna motivacija Kaftan studija je kroz sve ove godine bila potreba za kreativnim izražavanjem kroz modni dizajn, a cilj je bio napraviti kvalitetan brend pod etiketom Made in BIH. Pitali smo sestre Eminu i Nerminu šta ih izdavaja u mnoštvu brendova koji danas postoje... - Mi smo od početka gradile prepoznatljiv autorski izraz s kojim smo se izdvojile kao umjetnice, dizajnerice. Kaftan studio je konkretno u regiji postao uzor mnogim dizajnerima, što nas zaista raduje. Ono što 104

Zahvaljujući Kaftan studiju, Bosna i Hercegovina je imala prvi put kreaciju na crvenom tepihu dodjele Oscara. Objavljeni smo u prestižnim modnim magazinima širom svijeta. Stilisti su oduševljeni našim radovima i često nas biraju nas je izdvojilo i što nas diferencira u odnosu na ostale jeste činjenica da pristupamo dizajnu studiozno i da radimo na sebi prije svega, što se reflektira na dizajn i sam proizvod. Kako kažu vlasnice, koncept Kaftan studija se nije mnogo promijenio od samih početaka, ali naglašavaju da je jako bitno da sazrijeva i da ga poboljšavaju sa svakom novom kolekcijom i prezentacijom radova koje izlaze iz ovog studija. 105


Emina i Nermina su nam otkrile šta je potrebno za dobar i kvalitetan proizvod na polju dizajna. - Kada poznajete dizajnersku struku, onda osim estetike morate zadovoljiti i formu, morate poznavati materijal s kojim radite, kao i tehnike postizanja rezultata prilikom izvedbe dizajnerskog rješenja.

POZNANSTVO S PRINCEZOM DEENOM Tokom prošlogodišnje Sedmice mode u Parizu, dizajnerice Kaftan studija su upoznale princezu Deenu Abdulaziz, bivšu urednicu Vogue Arabia, koja je ranije nosila njihove kreacije. Otkrile su nam kako je došlo do saradnje s njom i do toga da izabere komad odjeće iz njihovog studija. - Dobar dizajn nađe svoj put, a društvene mreže su jedan od tih puteva. Zahvaljujući Kaftan studiju, Bosna i Hercegovina je imala prvi put kreaciju na crvenom tepihu dodjele Oscara. Objavljeni smo u prestižnim modnim magazinima širom svijeta. 106

Stilisti su oduševljeni našim radovima i često nas biraju. Jednostavno, ako dobro i uporno radite, razvijate se kao autor i tu ne postoje nikakve granice. Prepustite se radu i rezultati sami dolaze.

- Volimo biti dio sretnih trenutaka naših klijentica. Što se tiče materijala, volimo raditi sa svim, jer je to naše sredstvo za rad, medij putem kojih izražavamo svoje dizajnerske sposobnosti.

Na pitanje koliko su im značajna poznanstva poput ovog s princezom Deenom, iz Kaftan studija poručuju da je poznavanje dizajna njihovo najznačajnije poznanstvo. Ne koriste se, kažu, ličnim poznanstvima da bi ostvarile uspjeh ili neku dobit, dizajn je njihov način komunikacije.

Kada ne bi bile dizajnerice Kaftan studija, ove dvije sestre su saglasne da bi se bavile edukacijom budućih dizajnera. A, osim poslovnih obaveza koje im ne predstavljaju teret već zadovoljstvo, Emina i Nermina ipak nađu vremena i za predah.

- Osobe koje prepoznaju kvalitetan dizajn vrlo lako se identificiraju s nama i našim radovima. Možete imati sva poznanstva svijeta, ali ako je ono što nudite polovično ili blijeda kopija, onda vjerujte da ćete ostvarivati iste takve rezultate i trošiti dragocjeno vrijeme na sve, osim na rad i dizajn. Emina i Nermina su u najvećoj mjeri posvećene dizajniranju svečanih haljina i vjenčanica, koje se uvijek rade za posebne prilike, a povod je uvijek radostan.

- Uvijek razmišljamo i bavimo se dizajnom. Trenutke predaha provodimo s porodicom na planini, zajedničkim druženjima uz film, predstavu, koncert, odlazak na izlet... Također, volimo i putovati. Svako putovanje nas je dodatno obogatilo i donijelo novo oduševljenje i iskustvo. Francuska, Španija, Italija, Turska, putova� nja po Istoku... Svaka destinacija ima svoju lijepu stranu i specifičnost. Sebi, a i drugima, dizajnerice Kaftan studija u Novoj godini su poželjele zdravlje i ljubav, dva najveća izvora za zahvalnost, snagu i sreću.

KAFTAN STUDIO LOCAL BRAND THAT IS CONQUERING Red Carpets across the World Author: Samila Ivković


igh-quality and luxurious fabrics, dedication towards creation and production, and a lot of femininity sown into each designer piece with the label Made in B&H, is what characterizes the popular B&H brand Kaftan Studio. Throughout their 15 years of work, the fashion duo of designers from Sarajevo, Emina Hodžić-Adilović and Nermina Hodžić, has cre�ated numerous superb creations that have come to life on red carpets

across the world, thrilling all fashion lovers, even the fussiest ones.


- We always knew what we wanted to do. While we were studying at the Academy of Fine Arts, design was our field of research and specialization. Upon completion of our studies, we slowly began working on our first collections, formed a workshop, and gained the trust of clients, which gave us enough courage to start our brand and open our studio.

The main motivation of Kaftan Studio throughout all these years was the need for creative expression through fashion design, and the goal was to make a quality brand with the label Made in B&H. We asked sisters Emina and Nermina what sets them apart from the number of brands in existence... 107


INTRODUCTION TO PRINCESS DEENA During last year’s Fashion Week in Paris, the designers of Kaftan Studio met princess Deena Abdulaziz, former editor of Vogue Arabia, who had previously worn their creations. They revealed to us how they came to work with her and how she chose an item of clothing from their studio. - Good design finds its way, and social networks are one of those ways. Thanks to Kaftan Studio, a creation from Bosnia and Herzegovina made it to the red carpet for the first time, for the Oscars. We were published in prestigious fashion magazines across the world. Stylists are thrilled with our creations and often select our work. Quite simply, if you work well and hard, you develop as a creator and there are no limits there. Do the work and the results come on their own. When asked how important it is to know people, like princess Deena for example, they say that their most significant „acquaintance“ is design. They do not use personal acquaintances to be successful or have some kind of gain, design is their way of communicating.

- From the beginning, we had a recognizable creative expression, which set us apart as artists, designers. Kaftan Studio has become the ideal for many designers in the region, which really makes us happy. What sets us apart and what makes us different from others is the fact that we approach design studiously and work on ourselves before all, which is reflected in the design and the product itself. As the owners say, the concept of Kaftan Studio has not changed much since the very beginning, but they emphasize that it is very 108

important for it to develop and improve with each new collection and presentation of creations that come from this studio. Emina and Nermina revealed to us what it is that is required for a good and high-quality product in the field of design. - When you know a particular field of design, then apart from aesthetics, you must satisfy form as well; you must know the fabrics you are working with and the techniques of achieving results during the execution of the design solution.

- People who recognize quality design find it very easy to identify with us and our work. You can have all the acquaintances of the world, but if what you offer is incomplete or a pale imitation, then trust that you will have the same kind of results and waste precious time on everything other than work and design. For the most part, Emina and Nermina are dedicated to designing formal dresses and wedding dresses, made for special occasions, that are always joyous. - We love to be part of our clients’ happy moments. When it comes to fabrics, we love working with everything, as it is our means of work, a medium through which we express our designing skills.

If they were not Kaftan Studio designers, these two sisters agree that they would do the work of educating future designers. And, apart from work commitments, which do not represent a burden, but a pleasure, Emina and Nermina still find the time to have a break. - We’re always thinking about and doing design work. When we take a break, we spend time with our families on the mountains, socialize together with a film, show, concert, excursion... We also love to travel. Each trip has enriched us and brought new enthusiasm and experiences. France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, trips to the East... each destination has its prettiness and uniqueness. The designers of Kaftan Studio wish themselves, and others, health and love in the New Year, two greatest sources of gratitude, strength and happiness.

Good design finds its way, and social networks are one of those ways. Thanks to Kaftan Studio, a creation from Bosnia and Herzegovina made it to the red carpet for the first time, for the Oscars. We were published in prestigious fashion magazines across the world. Stylists are thrilled with our creations and often select our work



Transplantacija organa



entar za transplantaciju organa u sklopu grupacije Medical Park, od svojih početaka ima misiju da spasi ljudske živote, a do danas je izgradio odličnu reputaciju zbog svojih ulaganja, specijalizacije i uspješnih priča, ne samo u Turskoj, već širom svijeta. Medical Park je u rangu s vodećim svjetskim centrima u polju zatajenja i transplantacije organa, u pogledu napredne tehnologije i specijalizacije, a o tome kazuje i činjenica da grupacija Medical Park godišnje izvrši 800 transplantacija organa. 110

Važnost transplantacije organa je velika, jer pomoću nje životni vijek postaje duži, a kvaliteta života raste s nižim troškovima u odnosu na tretman koji se koristi u krajnjoj fazi kod zatajenja organa, poput dijalize bubrega. Zbog svega toga transplantacija organa je važan doprinos čovječanstvu. O njenoj važnosti govori i to da Medical Park bolnice imaju pacijente koji su imali transplantaciju bubrega prije čak 20 godina, a koji su do danas osnovali porodice, obavljaju različite poslove i žive sasvim normalan i kvalitetan život.

Medical park grupacija, koja važi za jedan od najuspješnijih i međunarodno priznatih transplantacijskih centara, nudi svoje usluge domaćim i međunarodnim pacijentima, među kojima i pacijentima iz naše države. Organi i tkiva koja mogu biti transplantirani u bolnicama Medical parka pacijentima iz Bosne i Hercegovine su bubrezi, jetra i koštana srž.

TRANSPLANTACIJA BUBREGA Transplantacija bubrega je najbolji tretman za pacijente koji pate od hroničnog zatajenja bubrega u terminalnoj fazi. Transplantacija

bubrega ne može se izvesti na svakom pacijentu koji ima zatajenje bubrega, a izvodi se nekoliko pregleda i pretraga da bi se odlučilo da li je pacijent kandidat za transplantaciju. Ako postoji član porodice ili drugi voljan donor moguće je spasiti život pacijenta. U Medical parku se transplantiraju isključivo organi živih

Medical park grupacija trenutno se može pohvaliti timom od 10 članova koji se sastoji od najiskusnijih profesora iz SAD-a i Njemačke, koji su specijalisti za transplantaciju jetre i koji se mogu nositi sa svim ključnim vanrednim situacijama koje bi se mogle dogoditi tokom transplantacije jetre.

pronalaze rješenja za zdravstvene probleme pacijenata i postižu visok prosjek preživljavanja pacijenata, organa i tkiva.

donora, koji ne moraju biti u krvnom srodstvu s primaocem, ali krvne grupe moraju biti kompatibilne.


tehnološkom opremom i s iskusnim timovima za transplantaciju organa, Medical Park nudi veoma kvalitetnu uslugu za svoje pacijente, bez pravljenja ikakve koncesije na polju medicinske etike i poštujući prava pacijenata.

Ako i nisu kompatibilne, donor ipak može donirati organ koji će se, u zamjenu za kompatibilan, transplantirati nekom drugom pacijentu. Transplantacija bubrega poboljšava kvalitetu života pacijenta osiguravajući mu bubreg koji će funkcionirati ispravno. Novi bubreg počinje stvarati eritroprotein s tim što nema pojave anemije, a kod žena reproduktivnom dobu ponovo se uspostavlja menstrualni ciklus i moguće je da se planira trudnoća.

TRANSPLANTACIJA JETRE Transplantacija jetre je postupak u kojem se terminalno bolesna jetra zamjenjuje sa zdravom jetrom donora. Transplantacija jetre izvodi se kada su iscrpljene sve ostale mogućnosti liječenja bolesti jetre i ovo je tehnički najsloženija transplantacija organa, ali je jedina metoda izlječenja terminalne bolesti jetre s obzirom na to da ne postoji mehanička zamjena za funkcionirajuću jetru.

Transplantacija koštane srži najčešći je transplantacijski poduhvat radi kojeg pacijenti iz Bosne i Hercegovine dolaze u Centra za transplantaciju organa Medical parka. Transplantacijom koštane srži mogu se liječiti bolesnici s akutnim i hroničnim oblikom leukemije, te bolesnici s teškim oštećenjem koštane srži. To je medicinski postupak koji se izvodi radi zamjene koštane srži koja je oštećena ili uništena bolešću, infekcijom ili hemoterapijom. Ovaj postupak uključuje presađivanje matičnih ćelija krvi, koje putuju u koštanu srž gdje stvaraju nove krvne stanice i potiču rast nove srži. Zdrave matične ćelije mogu doći od živog donatora ili mogu doći iz vlastitog tijela pacijenta. U takvim slučajevima matične ćelije se mogu uzgajati prije nego se započne s hemoterapijom ili zračenjem. Te zdrave ćelije se zatim skladište i koriste u transplantaciji. Stručni timovi Medical parka brzo

Ne samo tokom operacije, već i u postoperativnom periodu, zahvaljujući godinama iskustva u transplantaciji organa. S vrhunskom

Sve informacije vezane za transplantaciju organa, ali i druge usluge grupacije Medical park možete dobiti putem e-maila bosnia@mlpcare.com, kontakt telefona 00 387 61 55 44 30 ili možete posjetiti Agenciju Medical Care na adresi Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića br.2 u Sarajevu.

medicalparkbosnia.com medicalparkinternational.com





ince its beginnings, the Center for Organ Transplantation within Medical Park Hospitals Group has had a mission to save lives, and to date it has built an excellent reputation due to its investments, specialization and success stories, not just in Turkey, but all over the world. Medical Park is on par with leading world centers in the field of organ failure and transplants, when it comes to advanced technologies and specialization, and the fact that Medical Park Hospital Group performs 800 112

organ transplants per year speaks volumes. Organ transplantation is very significant, as a person’s lifespan gets longer and their quality of life grows, and expenses are lower when compared to the treatment one would need in the last phase of organ failure, such as with kidney dialysis. Because of all that, organ transplantation represents an important contribution to mankind. Its significance is reflected in the fact that Medical Park Hospitals Group has patients

who had kidney transplants 20 years ago, and today they have families, various careers and they lead completely normal and good lives. Medical Park Hospitals Group, which is known as one of the most successful and internationally recognized transplantation centers, offers its services to local and international patients, including patients from our country. The organs and tissue that can be transplanted at Medical Park Hospitals Group are kidneys, liver and bone marrow.

KIDNEY TRANSPLANTS Kidney transplants are the best treatment for patients who suffer from chronic kidney failure in the terminal phase. Kidney transplants cannot be performed on every patient who has kidney failure, and several checkups and tests are conducted in order to decide whether the patient is a candidate for transplantation. If there is a family member or some other donor who is willing to help, it is possible to save the life of the patient. At Medical Park, transplantation is performed only with the organs of living donors, who do not have to be related to the recipient, but their blood groups must be compatible. Even if they are not compatible, a donor can still donate an organ that will be used for some other patient, with whom there is compatibility. A kidney transplant improves quality of life for the patient, ensuring a kidney that will function properly. The new kidney starts producing erythropoietin and there is no anemia, and women of reproductive age re-establish their menstrual cycle, making it possible to plan pregnancy.

LIVER TRANSPLANTS Liver transplantation is a procedure where a terminally ill liver is replaced with a healthy donor liver. Liver transplants are performed when all

other possibilities have been exhausted when it comes to treating the disease of the liver, and this is technically the most complex organ transplantation, but it is the only method of treating the terminal disease of the liver, considering that there is no mechanical replacement for a functioning liver. Medical Park Hospitals Group can currently boast of a team of 10 members, comprising of the most experienced professors from the USA and Germany, who are liver transplant specialists and who can manage any emergency that can arise during a liver transplant.

BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT A bone marrow transplant is the most frequently performed type of transplantation procedure that patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina come for to the Center for Organ Transplantation of Medical Park Hospitals Group. Bone marrow transplants are done on patients with acute and chronic leukemia, and those with severe bone marrow damage. This is a medical procedure that is performed in order to replace bone marrow that is damaged or destroyed from illness, infection or chemotherapy. This procedure includes the transplantation of blo-

od stem cells, which travel to the bone marrow and create new blood cells and instigate the growth of new marrow. Healthy stem cells can come from a living donor or from the patient’s own body. In such cases, the cells can be grown prior to chemotherapy or radiation. Those healthy cells are then stored and used during transplantation. The professional team of Medical Park Hospitals Group quickly finds solutions for patients’ health issues and they have a high average of the survival of patients, organs and tissue. Not just during an operation, but also during the post-operative period, thanks to years of experience in organ transplants. With top technological equipment and experienced organ transplant teams, Medical Park offers a high-quality service for its patients, without any compromise when it comes to medical ethics and respecting the rights of patients. All information in relation to organ transplantation, and other services of Medical Park Hospitals Group can be obtained via e-mail at bosnia@mlpcare.com, telephone 00 387 61 55 44 30 or you can visit the Medical Care Agency at Reisa Džemaludina Čauševića no.2 in Sarajevo. 113



Putovanje kroz prošlost uz šoljicu omiljene kafe

Fotografije: Ajdin Hasanić


am the Fish that is made of Gold, what is your wish (Ja sam ribica napravljena od zlata, koja je tvoja želja), natpis je koji će vas dočekati na ulazu sarajevskog caffea Zlatna ribica. Kada zakoračite u unutrašnjost uočit ćete da je sve u vintage i retro stilu, a da interijerom vladaju neobični predmeti iz prošlosti: ogledala, crno-bijele slike, gobleni, razglednice, plakati, knjige, namještaj i odjeća. U pozadini svira jazz i blues. Karta pića je ispisana u obliku bh. pasoša, a u stolovima ispod stakla ćete pronaći mnoštvo razli-


čitih papirnatih novčanica, kovanica i ljubavnih poruka od posjetitelja iz cijelog svijeta. U središtu kafića smješten je akvarijum s Dorom, pravom zlatnom ribicom. Ljubazno osoblje obučeno u različite kostime služi piće u unikatnim i neobičnim šoljama i čašama. Neobičan je i toalet u kojem se nalaze mali retro televizor, retro telefon, četke za kosu, toaletne potrepštine, kozmetika i peškiri. Ovaj unikatni caffe je otvoren prije više od trideset godina i posjećuju ga Sarajlije, stran ci, turisti, diplomate i svi oni koji žele da za trenutak

uplove u neko drugo vrijeme i da se prisjete prošlosti. National Geographic je uvrstio Zlatnu ribicu na listu fenomenalnih mjesta, a na TripAdvisor-u nosi 4,5 zvjezdice. Vlasnik ovog kafića kaže da u Ribici vlada organizovani haos koji vam sve vrijeme privlači pažnju, jer ako pogledate bilo gdje pronaći ćete nešto interesantno. Zlatna Ribica se nalazi u centru Sarajeva, u neposrednoj blizini Vječne vatre. Pređete ulicu Maršala Tita, skrenete na desnu stranu, pa na lijevu i naći ćete se pred vratima ovog neobičnog, ali zaista predivnog kafića.


am the Fish that is made of Gold, what is your wish is the inscription that will greet you at the entrance of a Sarajevan cafe, Zlatna Ribica (Goldfish). When you step inside, you will notice that everything has the tint of vintage and retro, and the interior is ruled by unusual objects from the past: mirrors, black and white paintings, tapestries, postcards, posters, books, furniture, and clothing. In the background, you can hear jazz and blues. The menu is printed in the form of a Bosnian passport, and on the tables, under the glass, you will find many different paper notes, coins, and love messages from visitors all over the world. In the center of the cafe is an aquarium containing Dora, a real goldfish.


Travel Back in Time

with Your Favorite Cup of Coffee

Photographs: Ajdin Hasanić

The friendly staff dressed in various costumes serves drinks in unique and unusual cups and glasses. The bathroom is also quite unusual, housing a small retro TV and telephone, hairbrushes, toiletries, cosmetics, and towels. This unique cafe was opened more than thirty years ago and is frequently visited by locals, foreigners, tourists, diplomats, and all those who wish to take a moment to travel back to a different time and remember the past. National Geographic has listed Goldfish as a phenomenal place to see in Sarajevo, and it holds a 4.5/5 rating on TripAdvisor. The owner of this cafe claims that an organized chaos rules in Ribica which always attracts your attention--you will find something interesting to look at wherever you turn. Zlatna Ribica is located in central Sarajevo, close to the Eternal Flame (Vječna vatra). You cross the Maršala Tita street, turn to the right, then to the left, and you will find yourself at the door of this unusual but truly beautiful cafe. 115


Praznični kolačići

Holiday Cookies

Nova godina i Božić su nezamislivi bez prazničnih kolačića, koji osim što osvajaju fenomenalnim okusima, također i simbolizuju toplu atmosferu i okupljaju sve ukućane oko trpeze. Donosimo vam recept za praznične kolačiće s dvije glazure.

New Year and Christmas are unimaginable without holiday cookies, which, in addition to their phenomenal flavors, symbolize the warm atmosphere and bring everyone together around the table. We bring you a recipe for holiday cookies with two different frostings.



• • • • • • •

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1.5 šolja putera 2 šolje bijelog šećera 4 jaja 1 kašičica ekstrakta vanilije 5 šolja brašna 2 kašičice praška za pecivo 1 kašičica soli

Priprema: U velikoj posudi miješajte puter i šećer, dok ne dobijete glatku smjestu. Umutite jaja i vaniliju, zatim umiješajte brašno, prašak za pecivo i so. Pokrijte i ohladite tijesto najmanje jedan sat (ili preko noći). Zagrijte rernu na 200 stepeni. Razvijte tijesto na pobrašnjenoj površini debljine 2 do 3 mm. Koristite kalupe ili rezače za kolačiće da dobijete željene oblike. Postavite kolačiće u razmaku od 3 mm na nemasan pek papir. Pecite 6 do 8 minuta u prethodno zagrijanoj rerni. Pustite kolačiće da se u potpunosti ohlade.


1.5 cups butter 2 cups white sugar 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 5 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt

Preparation: In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cover and chill dough for at least one hour (or overnight). Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Roll out dough on floured surface 2 to 3 mm thick. Cut into shapes with any cookie cutter. Place cookies 3 mm apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 6 to 8 minutes in preheated oven. Cool completely.





• 3 šolje šećera u prahu • 1/4 šolje meringue praha (ili bjelanjaka) • voda • boja za hranu (preporuka za boju u prahu )

• 3 cups powdered sugar • 1/4 cup meringue powder (or egg whites) • Water • Food coloring, we recommend powdered food coloring

Priprema: Mikserom na srednjoj brzini oko 5 minuta miješajte šećer, meringue prah i vodu. Dodajte vodu po potrebi, gušća smjesa je potrebna za crtanje i pisanje, a rjeđa za popunjavanje većih prostora. Dodajte boju za hranu po želji. Držite površinu prekrivenu plastičnom folijom da se glazura ne bi osušila. Kašičicom ili vrećicama za ukrašavanje s malim nastavcima za pisanje ukrasite kekse glazurom.

Preparation: In a bowl, with a mixer on medium speed, beat sugar, meringue powder, and water until blended, about 5 minutes. Add water as needed, the mixture should be thicker for drawing and writing, but less so for filling larger spaces. Tint frosting with food coloring as desired. Keep surface covered with plastic wrap to prevent drying out. With small spatula or decorating bags with small writing tips, decorate cookies with frosting.

Kolačić Snješko Bijelić s kokosom Coconut Snowman Cookies Dodatni sastojci: • Kokosov prah • Chocolate chips ili čokolada isjeckana na kockice • Fondant (narandžaste boje) Priprema: Nakom što se kolačići ispeku i ohlade, premažite te ih glazurom. Onda ih jednostavno uvaljajte u kokosov prah. Ukrasite ih čokoladnim čipsom, a za nos možete koristiti fondant narandžaste boje.

Additional ingredients: • Coconut powder • Chocolate chips • Fondant (orange color) Preparation: Once the cookies are baked and cooled spread on a nice layer of frosting. Then simply dip the frosted cookies into some coconut powder. Decorate them with chocolate chips. You can use an orange colored fondant for the nose. 117

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