* These electives are to be selected in consultation with Minor advisor and chosen to meet student objectives in taking Psychology as a minor. THE NEXT STEP Baccalaureate Degree Program for Graduates of Two Year Colleges Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology/PSYC 111 (Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) PRE-SENIOR YEAR SENIOR YEAR 3 Psyc of Human Development/PSYC 222 3 Cognitive Psyc/PSYC 325 3 Psychopathology/PSYC 232 3 Physiological Psyc/PSYC 315 4 Research Methods/PSYC 303 3 Senior Seminar/LBST 383 4 Psyc Stats and Lab/PSYC 211, 212 12 Psyc Electives 3 Careers in Psychology/PSYC 214 3 Social Psyc/PSYC 225 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Senior Thesis in Psyc/PSYC 400 3 Literature Series/LENG 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 1 Leadership Seminar 3 Fine Art Series/LFIN 1 Elective 6 Global Language 35 32 All students graduating from the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences must have completed six credits of a modern global language. Students will be permitted to take other courses in substitution for any course listed above which they have satisfactorily completed prior to admission into the Next Step program.
PUBLIC SERVICE AND GLOBAL AFFAIRS School of Public Service and Global Affairs JEFFREY H. BLOODWORTH, PhD. Program Director Public Service and Global Affairs (PSGA) is an inter-disciplinary major rooted in the study of Global Languages, History, Legal Studies and Political Science. The major is intended to intellectually and vocationally prepare students for careers in public service and global affairs. In pursuit of this, the major mandates study abroad and internships while providing experiential education opportunities and embedding career preparation in its curriculum. The variety of courses and field experiences allow students the flexibility to build a curriculum and set of classes that jive with their interests and career goals. Vision Statement The Public Service and Global Affairs (PSGA) program seeks to attract talented students who have a global perspective and are culturally sensitive and internationally competent so that they can be effective workers and citizens of an increasingly global and diverse society, economy, and workplace. Our efforts will draw strength from Gannon’s Catholic Identity and emphasis on liberal learning, and contribute to the enhancement of the intellectual life of the University. Mission Statement The Public Service and Global Affairs (PSGA) program is an inter-disciplinary, undergraduate program dedicated to high quality education, research, and service enhanced by making connections across various academic disciplines. Students will be empowered to be highly