Bed Buyer 2022

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A Furniture News supplement dedicated to the NBF and its annual Bed Show | 2022 BEDBUYER BEDS AHEAD Assessing the trends and opportunities AMERICAN DREAM Millbrook’s US expansion RISING STAR Meet Nimbus Beds’ George Sinclair COOLWAKE-UP Sleepeezee’s unmissable upgrades

THE EXPERTS IN SLEEP* ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZPerfectZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZsleep.Asimple statement that lies at the very heart of our business. That’s why we have been burning the midnight oil for nine months, developing and refining our new range. Because innovation never sleeps. THE NEW COLLECTIONS PREVIEW AT INDX BEDS AND BEDROOM SHOW 13TH & 14TH SEPTEMBER AND THE NBF BED SHOW TELFORD 20TH & 21ST SEPTEMBER INNOVATION NEVER SLEEPS BY MILLBROOK BED CO Furniture News 2022 READERS’ CHOICE WINNERAWARDS

Paul Farley


Over the following pages, we reveal the highlights of this year’s Bed Show, plus insights and opinions from across the industry. Although we have the sector covered all year round, Bed Buyer gives us an opportunity to roll up our sleeves and really immerse ourselves in the latest developments – and you’ll be pleased to learn there’s no shortage of invention and inspiration this timeJustaround.likethe show (see the floorplan on p18), you’ll find our coverage divided into ‘zones’ for manufacturers and suppliers (whose presence at this year’s edition promises to be particularly strong). If you visit any of them in Telford, tell them you read it here first!



Of course, no issue of Bed Buyer would be complete without some in-depth analysis of the sector’s movers and shakers. On p6, you’ll find my behind-the-scenes report from cover star Sleepeezee’s HQ. The bedmaker has gone from strength to strength in recent years, and its upward trajectory has become all the steeper since Steve Warren took the reins. With the brand healthily on track to surpass its revenue target of £50m by 2025, I reveal the thoughts and actions behind Sleepeezee’s giddy ascent. On p10, you’ll find an account of Millbrook’s US expansion, courtesy of Ross Thurston. What does the bedmaker’s partnership with Bedding Industries of America mean for the brand, and its partners here in the UK (not to mention Ross’ vocabulary)?Fromp12, we open up the conversation to a panel of industry principals, and quiz retailers, manufacturers and service providers on the trends, challenges and opportunities ahead – as well as asking them what makes the NBF such a useful ally to have in tough times. Our supplement closes with a look at the NBF member winners of our 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards (p57), and a Q&A with Nimbus Beds’ George Sinclair (p58), who founded his own bed business at the age of just 15, and has gone on to establish his credentials at an astounding rate. If all that isn’t enough, you can pick up this month’s Furniture News to discover much more –including various discussions around the industry’s fast-changing pricing landscape.


Welcome to another edition of Bed Buyer, Furniture News’ annual supplement dedicated to all things NBF!

Thanks, as always, to all our advertisers and contributors – and to the NBF team for their assistance. Looking ahead, we’ll be celebrating the winners of this year’s Bed Industry Awards (which I’ve again been honoured to help adjudicate) in November’s issue. In the meantime, don’t forget to follow Furniture News on LinkedIn to keep up with all the latest news and views from the industry’s topHere’stitle. to another great Bed Show!

3 Furniture News BEDBUYER

SIESTA BEDS COMFORT & QUALITY ASSURED Est 1986 Pocketed Springs Mulliners Works 154 Bordesley Green Road, Bordesley EmailB8BirminghamGreen, Tel: 0121 773 9969 Fax 0121 766 7413 A Life Changing Choice New ZONEX Latex 1,400 1,800 and 2,800 Series

5 Furniture News BEDBUYER 6 TAKING THE HIGH ROAD (COVER FEATURE) Sleepeezee’s Steve Warren is taking the brand to new heights – but what’s the secret of his success? 10 COMING TO AMERICA Ross Thurston first took Millbrook across the pond in 2020 – but what do all those stars and stripes mean for the UK business? 12 FORWARD THINKING Is your bed business ahead of the curve? Furniture News quizzes the sector’s principals on the trends and opportunities 17 BED SHOW An introduction to the NBF’s annual member showcase, which returns to Telford’s International Centre this month 44SUPPLIERS4240383632302826242220MANUFACTURERSSLEEPEEZEEHYPNOSSILENTNIGHTHARRISONSPINKSGNGGROUPSHIREBEDSSWEETDREAMS34VOGUEBEDSGROUPSEALYUKWIEMANNMALIVING,MAMMOTHSIESTABEDSLEGGETT&PLATTSPRINGS UK 46 HANDY 48 THE VITA GROUP 50 JOHN COTTON NONWOVENS 52 PROTECT-A-BED 54 BOYTEKS 55 CARPENTER 57 READERS’ CHOICE A good number of NBF members were again voted best in class by Furniture News’ readers this year 58 GETTING PERSONAL Introducing George Sinclair, the director of Nimbus Beds, who founded his own bed business eight years ago, aged just 15 EDITORIAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul Twitterpaul@gearingmediagroup.com01424Farley776101@FurnitureNewsED SALES SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR (FURNITURE NEWS PORTFOLIO) Sam Twittersam@gearingmediagroup.com07764Horscroft650655@FurnitureNewsAD OVERSEAS AGENT Casey Loo (Asia) +65 973 00123 PRODUCTION PRODUCTION MANAGER James james@gearingmediagroup.comAsh DIGITAL MANAGER Nyall nyall@gearingmediagroup.comMcCurrach COPY ADMINISTRATOR Steve production@gearingmediagroup.com01424Merrick776108 ACCOUNTS GENERAL MANAGER Wendy Williams 01424 wendy@gearingmediagroup.com817433 CHAIRMAN Nigel Gearing SUBSCRIPTIONS (UK-£65, Europe-£85, subscriptions@gearingmediagroup.comRoW-£95) REPRO, PRINT AND DISTRIBUTION Stephens & George Gearing Media Group Ltd 4 Red Barn Mews, High Street Battle, East Sussex TN33 0AG ISSN No: 1475 - 3731 © Gearing Media Group Ltd 2022 General information No part of this publication may be reproduced without the specific prior written agreement of the Publisher and may not be stored on any type of retrieval system. Furniture News/ Gearing Media Group Ltd accepts no responsibility for variations in colour reproduction. Special colours (Pantone etc) can be catered for with prior arrangement. Some elements of the editorial content in this publication are submitted by the trade, however, all efforts are made to ensure that the editorial remains true to fact and unbiased. Monies may have been accepted to offset the costs of colour reproduction. Gearing Media Group Ltd reserves the right to alter without prior notice any content other than customers’ advertisements. No correspondence will be entered into regarding altered or adjusted editorial content. The editor’s decision is final. All material submitted for inclusion in Furniture News is done so entirely at the owner’s risk and no responsibility is accepted for the safekeeping or return thereof. A Furniture News supplement dedicated to the NBF and its annual Bed Show | 2022 BEDBUYER BEDS AHEAD Assessing the trends and opportunities AMERICAN DREAM Millbrook’s US expansion RISING STAR Meet Nimbus Beds’ George Sinclair COOLWAKE-UP Sleepeezee’s unmissable upgrades

6 Furniture News BEDBUYER

Sleepeezee’s Steve Warren is taking the historic bed brand to new heights, and the results speak for themselves – but what’s the secret of his success? Paul Farley checked in with the bedmaker’s principals in Strood, Kent, to find out …


“Some do OK without them, but only for so long. In tough times like these, brands give customers reassurance around what they’re purchasing – which is especially important for big-ticket items.”Sheadmits that the brand is some way off being a well-recognised D2C proposition, but has seen impressive returns from assigning spend to the most cost-effective channels – digital, radio, and a 2500-ad campaign across the London Underground this spring, for example – as well as overhauling its showroom. “We’re trying to be clever with our money,” she says.

“You can’t put your head in the sand in this market, even for just a few months. Cutting that spend would’ve sucked the wind right out of our sails.” Amy believes that a good deal of opportunity remains in this space.


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Sleepeezee? Given the brand’s trajectory, its staff deserve to. But since France’s Adova Group took over in 2018, there’s been no resting on that growing pile of laurels. For MD Steve Warren – a COO in a former life – there’s never a dull day at HQ. Having taken on the mantle in March 2021, he’s only known challenge and change, mid-pandemic upheaval only briefly giving way to some normality before the next crisis – be it material prices, Ukraine, cost of living – reared itsButhead.Steve is well equipped to handle it. Calm, cool, and confidently focused on the company’s long-term goals, he’s oiled this near-100-year-old machine and pulled it into crystal-clear focus, with impressive results. Sleepeezee achieved a gross turnover of £27m in 2018, £33m in 2019, and £30m in 2020. It then accelerated through the pandemic, achieving £36.7m in 2021, and is now on track to hit £41.5m in 2022. That’s an uptick of +50% in just four years – and a strong position from which to hit the company’s target of £50m by 2025.

“People always need brands,” she says.

Stitch in time I last visited the bedmaker’s factory in 2019, and heard how (then) CEO Joe Wykes planned to cement Sleepeezee’s status in the pantheon of household name bed brands. From a wellresearched foundation, Sleepeezee embarked on a multichannel branding journey spearheaded by Amy Curtis (now head of marketing) – and while some of its competitors pulled up the drawbridges when Covid-19 came knocking, Sleepeezee maintained its momentum.“Itwasn’tan easy decision to make, but if we’re going to leverage the brand and realise what Sleepeezee can really be, we’re going to have to make more of our identity, not less,” Amy explains.

Pillow talk Sleepeezee’s internal processes have also become more transparent, ensuring better communication between all parties. Each week, its managers attend at least five regular meetings, covering everything from marketing to capacity, and assessing the flow of business comfortably ahead of time.

Rather than leaving capacity planning solely to the factory, Steve put commercial director David Miller in charge of what’s produced and when, figuring that keeping customers satisfied with timely deliveries was as important as optimising manufacturing output.

“When Covid-19 hit, it was a difficult balance to feed all of the differing customer lead times, and it would have been easy to push out some of our smaller customers’ far more, which in our opinion would have been a bit shortsighted. Customers put a lot of stock in relationships – if you mess it up, it takes years to get back,” says Steve.

“The pandemic squeezed our supply chain, like everyone else. But if we couldn’t provide what we were supposed to, we always made sure our substitute materials were an upgrade – we’d overcompensate. There were lots of concessions, but every time, we made sure the customer knew what we were doing.“For where we’re trying to take the brand, we need to be careful. We need to stand for the right things. Yes, we need to be profitable – but not at the expense of our morals. If we can’t do something, we’ll turn around and say so.”

“Now David’s running capacity planning, we can identify where demand from large and small customers might clash ahead of time, and ensure we deliver on all our promises. If we say we’re going to do something, we have to doLastit.”

On the up Of course, it’s not all rosy. After raising its prices last winter, increasing costs forced Sleepeezee to levy a further hike this summer.

year, Sleepeezee ‘rationalised’ its customer base, letting go of some smaller accounts it was struggling to service effectively. It’s since enjoyed healthy growth among AIS members (“a good barometer of where the brand is”, says David) and elsewhere, and now handles some 145 retail accounts.

“IT’S IMPORTANT TO HAVE A PORTFOLIOBALANCEDWELL” teamtalentedSleepeeze’sofexpertise

Of course, Sleepeezee has made gains in the nationals – relaunching the Therapur line with Dreams, and growing its presence in Furniture Village, for example. But it has also gone from 850 to 1100 independent retail floor models in the past year-and-a-half alone, reflecting its growing popularity in the sector.


Steve is the first to admit that, given the challenges the company’s faced, ‘doing the right thing’ has often proved costly –but, he states, any business that invests so heavily in brand building needs to make sure its moral foundations are sound, or the cracks will quickly show.

“Some of those big commodity suppliers need to understand that they will end up slowing consumer demand,” says Steve, “but recent events have certainly shown us how fragile the global economy can be. Thankfully, material prices seem to have plateaued at the moment.”Davidpicks up the thread: “I don’t think anyone was predicting we’d go into recession, or what happened in Ukraine. But you can paralyse yourself by focusing on the negative.

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“If people are feeling the doom and gloom, how great is it that we’re pushing the boundaries and moving forward? Whether it’s tough for the next six months or a year, it’s time to position ourselves so when the tide turns we can take advantage of it. Retailers want to see innovation. They want that point of difference. They want to know if we’ve identified a gap in the market – and we’re ready to deliver on all fronts.”

The entire exercise is underpinned by integrity and establishing credibility.

theproduced,SKUsofnumbersheerthetoDue principlesmanufacturingleanmanyresistsfactory VISIT SLEEPEEZEE ON STAND C50 AT THE BED SHOW

“It’s definitely a more cohesive and coherent approach,” he explains. “It creates a culture of decision-making, and means we talk about some of the things we weren’t comfortable confronting before, like liquidity – in this unpredictable world, having as much headroom as you can is everything.”

David concurs: “Export and contract have different rhythm to retail,” he says. “While retail demand slowed for us in Q2, those areas were spot-on budget. By focusing on the right sectors – and the right customers within those sectors – you can de-risk the business, which works in everyone’s favour.”

Having enjoyed its most successful Bed Show yet in 2021, Sleepeezee will be back in Telford this month with a host of new and upgraded products, including a refreshed Cooler collection and a relaunched Backcare line. Half of the stand will be dedicated to bricks-andmortar exclusives, including three new ranges.“Etail has taken a big step back, for now – but buyers are always evolving, so we need to be flexible in our approach,” says David.


Whereas some bedmakers specialise, Sleepeezee prides itself on covering all the bases, and doing it well – but this leaves little opportunity for volumedriven gains. “We do so much here,” explains David, “from Travelodge singles to luxury hand side-stitched models for hotels like the Mandarin Oriental.”

The factory produces around 2300 mattresses each week (2500 at a push), and Paul is aiming to take that to 2650 by the year’s end – which demands careful and continual assessment, and training to ensure workers are competent in a range of areas.

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“The people here are the most important thing,” says Paul (this ethos was celebrated in mini-documentary form in Natwest and ITV’s Backing Business campaign earlier this year). “Pretty much everything is still handmade. Investment in new machinery doesn’t mean staff are made redundant – they’re retrained.”

There are opportunities to further speed up production, but Paul is wary of the possible impact on quality. He offers embroidery, a Sleepeezee specialism, by way of example: “We need to get our stitching just right – especially so when we’re sewing in the Royal Warrant seal. Heat stamping is quicker, but we don’t want to compromise on quality, even though we could get more speed. Our customers expect a certain standard.”

Over the years, attempts have been made to apply lean principles to Sleepeezee’s factory, but the layout resists simplification due to the sheer breadth of the company’s offer.

Holding the line

The day of my visit is a hot one, but it’s at the back end of a heatwave, so the factory staff are making hay while the sun shines a little less fiercely, the heavy-duty cooling fans now stowed away.

The factory employs some 240 workers, says long-serving manufacturing manager Paul Thomas, and has seen numerous improvements under the new owners, from automation – a state-of-the-art quilting machine, for example – to energysavingOthersmechanisms.arelesstangible, but arguably more impactful. Sleepeezee has long maintained staff pay above the minimum wage, and now remunerates its workers in line with the national living wage. The staff facilities have been comprehensively refurbished, and working areas reinvented in line with each team’s wishes.

Steve continues: “The factory’s just not set up to cater to just one model, and our approach to our audience is the same. Nationals, independents, hotels, boutique hotels, export … it’s important to have a well-balanced portfolio.”

“When the time comes, make it impossible for them to say no to you. Be confident in your proposition – but humble, and able to turn accounts away if they don’t fit. Work closely with your customers on margin and products, and check back in with them regularly to make sure everything’s working. Expect loyalty, and demonstrate loyalty. Temper your ambition, and make sure you deliver – even if it means taking the more difficult path.”



Rest practice If it realises its target of £50m by 2025, Sleepeezee plans to invest further in the site. The jury is out on exactly how the money would be spent, but Steve’s preference would be the redevelopment of the badly designed WW2 lookalike military barracks north of the main factory, for use as material storage and a dedicated contract division. For now, however, the work continues, and the brand takes on ever-greater substance.“Ifyouwant to be a brand, just be ready and waiting,” Steve concludes. VISIT MILLBROOK BEDS ON STAND D20 AT THE BED SHOW

In 2020, established Hampshire manufacturer Millbrook struck up a deal with Bedding Industries of America to collaborate on the development and distribution of new bed ranges on both sides of the pond. Millbrook Beds’ operations director, Ross Thurston, has led the charge – but what do all those stars and stripes mean for the UK business?

10 Furniture News BEDBUYER CompanyBedMillbrookThefrom3000,CrescentSmoothTech COMING TO AMERICA

… and the most notable difference?

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How might UK stockists benefit from your US-based activity? I think it is just really interesting seeing different manufacturing and selling techniques, and certainly on both fronts I have learned a lot that will help make Millbrook a very interesting proposition to all retailers. What are the latest UK developments?

The most noticeable difference is the amount of motion bases sold. It is unbelievable that in the US 40% of all divan sets sold are with a motion base. We are so far behind in regard to motion bases and the significant health and sleep benefits they offer. How does the US shopper differ from ours?


The mattress industry in the US is surprisingly similar to here, with lots of historic family businesses, and just like the UK all the manufacturers seem to be friends. The mattress industry worldwide seems to be entirely unique in that there is friendly competition between brands and manufacturers, but at the end of the day everyone is friends and there is no animosity.

We formed our partnership with Bedding Industries of America in early 2020, and then Covid struck and delayed everything two years. It wasn’t until January this year we officially launched Millbrook into the US at the Las Vegas Market. We have a fantastic relationship and partnership with Stuart Carlitz and the entire Bedding Industries of America team, and although Millbrook Beds in the USA is still very much only in its infancy, the future is looking very good in the US for us. What has this entailed for you personally this year?

The biggest difference I have noticed is the time the US consumer will spend in store trying beds. They will spend hours in store trying mattresses, but then I think this is also down to the sheer scale of retail in the US and the size of the mattress stores. Families will make it a day out shopping for a mattress (and, as I said above, there’s a willingness to invest in motion bases and more lifestyle product).

Have you picked up any new mannerisms/phrases from visiting the US so frequently? Please share! Every region of the US is so different and unique, and I tend to find myself slipping into the mannerisms depending on the regions – New York and New Jersey are very similar to the UK, full on, constantly 100mph, whereas California and Miami are a lot more relaxed and laid back (this is the strangest feeling, as we are just not used to this approach).

Following on from the huge success of NemoFlex over the last year, we are continuing to push the boundaries of how to make mattresses even more sustainable. For us it’s not just the story of how sustainable the components are, but what happens to the mattress at the end of its life. We certainly see this as the future of mattresses, and we continue to explore how we can incorporate Nemoflex into more and more of our ranges. You launched you smart bed at last year’s Bed Show. How has it performed? Our smart bed was hugely popular last year, but unfortunately like so many things its launch was delayed by Covid –it is now scheduled to launch in Q4 with a couple of major retailers.

Given US trends, what potential is there for models of this type in the UK? You can already see the influence of US trends within our ranges – both our Chittenden and Eastman SmoothTech range and our Eclipse memory foam collection, which are both made under licence from Bedding Industries of America and draw heavily on US mattress styles. What can visitors to this year’s Bed Show expect from Millbrook? We have lots of exciting new products and innovation coming to the Bed Show this year, including our brand-new Antler divan and a few other surprises. Anyone visiting the show should certainly spend some time on our stand (D20) to see the most diverse range of products on show from one manufacturer – we will have something for everyone. What can you tell us about the Millbrook company’s sale to FWG? It’s a very exciting time for Millbrook Beds, and having worked closely with [new co-owners] Andrew [McClements] and Jane [Waugh] for a number of years, and with all their experience in the industry, I am really excited about where they will take Millbrook Beds and what we are going to achieve in the coming months and years.

You naturally start to pick up phrases, and they have some very random ones relating to beds, but we just have to keep teaching the guys how to speak the English language, as they all seem to think we speak like Peaky Blinders. Are there any emerging US trends you’re keeping a close eye on right now? The omnichannel approach between manufacturer and retailer in the US is really interesting right now. Certainly, more and more manufacturers there seem to be taking this approach and working with their retailers to create real fluid process from factory to online to retail shop floors. This works really well in counteracting the impact of the direct selling and boxed mattress brands. What’s the most interesting similarity between the markets?

Can you outline the new partnership?

Since August last year I have been back and forth to the US a lot, and after 18 months of barely being able to travel in the UK, let alone overseas, it took some getting used to again. It’s an amazing project to have started and been a part of, considering we set off only two-and-a-half years ago to explore the possibilities of launching in the USA – to now see Millbrook Beds on 30 shop floors including a retailer in Manhattan is an incredible feeling, and an unbelievable achievement for everyone at Millbrook.

FORWARD THINKING Is your bed business ahead of the curve, or has it some catching up to do? For this year’s Bed Buyer, Furniture News asked a selection of our regular contributors to share their thoughts on the market’s directions – and the National Bed Federation’s role within it … 12 Furniture News BEDBUYER

What’s in? What’s out? And how well positioned is your business to react to changing demand? Against a backdrop of squeezed budgets and fluctuating costs, we ask the trade’s experts for their take on incoming (and outgoing) product trends and the most significant changes ahead, and to share which aspects of the NBF they most value.

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Thanks to our contributors: Adam Ashborn, founder and creative director, Reborn Marketing and Design; Andy Stockwell, senior retail manager, Gardiner Haskins; Huw Williams, MD, Toons Furnishers; Mike Murray, director, Land of Beds; Rebecca Maloy, beds, cabinet and semi-fitted bedroom selector, AIS; Steve Adams, CEO, Mattress Online; Steve Pickering, CEO, Sussex Beds; and Steve Reid, CEO and co-founder, Simba Sleep.

From left: Adam Ashborn; Andy Stockwell; Huw Williams; and Mike Murray

Steve Pickering: Recycled products with a focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly will grow. The colour trends seem to be more pastel and beige/creams, rather than the greys that have been really strong for a number of years.


Mike Murray: I think natural earthy colours and materials will be popular this year. After everything the world has been through recently, we now want more than ever to create a tranquil, safe and comfortable sanctuary to retreat to. Therefore, anything that connects us to nature is likely to resonate with consumers.

Rebecca Maloy: We are in for some challenging trading over the coming months which will inevitably influence the trends in the market, making great value (at any price point) and recognised, trusted brands more important than ever. Sustainability is certainly on the agenda, and will continue to be so from a consumer point of view.

Andy Stockwell: It’s all about sustainability in materials, fabrics, production processes and recycling. Mattress recycling is due to take huge leaps forward in the next 12-18 months.

Steve Reid: I believe the movement to hybrid mattresses will continue, as, I hope, will a continued reduction in ‘traditional’ foam usage, in order to lower the industry’s carbon footprint drastically. I also think there will be an increasing desire for brands to offer services to customers in regard to sleep advice.

There is lots of great work going on in the industry to drive awareness around new ways of working, including recycling practices. This will make manufacturers look at different ways of working and product make-up to provide great product.Inthe short term I think there will be a shift to added value and trusted brands as consumers are up against rising bills, hot weather and redirecting their spend to holidays following the inability to travel during Covid. As the market normalises, following a period driven by far more considered and distress purchasing, I believe lifestyle products will become more important. Retailers will have to work harder than ever to provide great service and to give consumers a high level of reassurance in relation to their purchase.


Adam Ashborn: More focus on sustainable/recyclable products/ materials. Within the last few years we have started to see some mattress producers begin to solve the issues surrounding the problem of how to recycle a mattress more efficiently, with easy-peel pocketed coils and biodegradable fillings. I see this trend continuing for the next few years as the world comes to grips with climate control measures.

Huw Williams: I think that after a long run of customers understanding the need for a quality bed and the steady increase in price points as a result of that, the current cost-of-living crisis will probably mean aspirations will be lower, with many customers buying the best bed they can afford rather than the bed they actually want.

Steve Adams: Ottoman bed frames are continuing their upward trend, whilst the bottom end of the memory foam market seems to be stalling.

Adam Ashborn: The NBF is the standard bearer to ensure high standards in quality bedding materials within the UK. At we have noticed a growing consumer awareness of the NBF brand and what it symbolises when used in conjunction with a mattress producer’s marketing campaign.

The NBF has also created a comprehensive independent collection of informative bedding-related marketing materials and videos that consumers can access freely to help aid their purchase.

Rebecca Maloy: The NBF is an important organisation that has a lot to offer its supplier base, but also the retailers buying from those suppliers. The work taking place around sustainability and recycling, and the launch of the Pledge for Our Planet, shows the industry is taking responsibility and working together for a better future. This ties in well with a lot of suppliers and their shift towards working hard for sustainable solutions.

Steve Adams: Reassurance – knowing the NBF are auditing our key suppliers and promoting best practice in our sector helps me sleep at night. Going forward, the NBF sustainability pledge is the only tangible industry initiative keeping us accountable for the future.

Steve Pickering: The NBF sets out a clear code of practice which suppliers are required to abide by. This provides us with confidence and reassurance when purchasing that they will meet both quality and ethical standards. The NBF also provides us with great training tools and marketing support.

Andy Stockwell: It gives us confidence that our suppliers are first and foremost producing quality products, and Britishmade products at that.

As an industry we should always strive for the best, and the NBF supports and, with its code of practice and due diligence programmes, is a driver in this.


Huw Williams: To me, selling products under the NBF umbrella means I am supplying products to my customers that are of a good quality and, more importantly, safe.

Steve Reid: We believe that Simba has had a positive impact in our sector in the UK since we launched six years ago – we now account for 10%+ of the sales in our sector. We’ve felt a bit of an outsider in the past, but we are absolutely delighted that the NBF have now introduced brand memberships and that we are now a member of this fantastic federation. To me, therefore, it means inclusivity and membership – being part of something bigger than just yourself –and as we all know from anything in life, teamwork is the key to enabling change and movements forward quicker than can be achieved on your own. So, to me, the NBF is a terrific enabler of driving change, quicker.

From left: Rebecca Maloy; Steve Adams; Steve Pickering; and Steve Reid


Mike Murray: The NBF means a great deal to us as business. As an organisation they are passionate about creating a world-class industry with exacting standards. When suppliers have been approved by the federation it signals to us that they have committed to the stringent codes of practice to ensure quality standards are adhered to. These standards are then audited and accredited, giving us confidence that ethical business practices have been followed throughout the operation, in turn creating confidence for us as a business to deal with these suppliers.

I am glad I work in an industry with a trade body like this.

Mike Murray: Logistics expertise is one area of focus for us – we have quality products, great choice and in-house expertise, we just need to package this up and deliver to consumers across the country, seven days a week, in one piece, at a time that suits, whilst offering add-on services such as installation and recycling of old goods. We must also be able to manage the returns process in an effective and efficient manner – all run by systems and good people. I often ask myself, are we a bed retail business that uses tech, or are we a tech business that sells beds? The platform we have developed in-house over the last 10 years that manages our multichannel strategy will hopefully give us the flexibility and opportunity to continue to grow at pace.

Rebecca Maloy: Product is clearly very important here, but whilst offering value at every price point is key, I truly believe it’s all the other factors – including presentation, knowledge and reading your customer – that can really make a difference. My advice to retailers is to make sure your bed department is loved as much as other areas of your store – it can deliver a profitable segment within your product and margin mix. Make sure it’s a nice environment for customers to shop – it can feel uncomfortable trying beds in front of people. It’s about making customers feel at ease as much as possible, and confident to buy. Take advantage of supplier training, ensure your sales team are knowledgeable not only about product, but also sleep. Some customers will love to know all the spec details, and at the other end of the scale it just comes down to the feel. Sales teams need to read each customer as to how much detail to share – share information, but don’t baffle! Ultimately, we should all centre around selling a good night’s sleep and the right product to each customer. We all need to look at our departments through the eyes of the consumer.

Adam Ashborn: is not bed-manufacturing business, but after working over 10 years at one of the world’s largest producers of innersprings technology, and now supporting furniture brands with their marketing, I have seen more focus on sustainability and recycling than ever before. With the necessity to lower our global climate, finding new, innovative ways to maintain quality and production whilst keeping emissions low is going to be the biggest challenge businesses will face. Do we start to see more lightweight mattresses being produced to reduce transportation emissions? Will mattress producers start to offer a full-lifecycle service (sales, delivery, and then recycle once it’s reached its end of life)?



Huw Williams: I think it will be the costof-living issues which will be the main gamechanger for the near future, with lower-priced products being purchased more. We will probably need to change our ranges to reflect that.

Over the next 12 months we are overhauling our entire IT infrastructure, replacing the current multitudes of systems with a singular ERP system. The result will increase efficiency, improve customer service and also provide every team member throughout the business with their personal data dashboards, displaying their own key KPIs and targets in real time.

Furniture News BEDBUYER 16

Andy Stockwell: We have a huge opportunity with the internet – not even necessarily in terms of online sales, but in terms of what we have, what we do, how we do it, and how we inspire people to shop with us. It’s something we really aren’t making the most of at the moment, but the resources are there if we really want to make a go of it.

Steve Adams: A wider national brand presence will enable us to reach more customers and provide improved economies of scale for our back-end operations.

Steve Pickering: Data and information will be the biggest gamechanger for our bed business. This means the key data on demand in real time, presented to every department and team member.

Steve Reid: I have played around with virtual reality (VR), recreationally rather than professionally, and I think, as we can see in fashion and some other sectors, it is a place that brands will need to be. I think it could have profound impacts on real estate values (in the real world), how we work, and how customers engage with brands or retail experiences. Our learnings from social media are that these technologies rarely go away, and I think it could become something we are all participating in, one way or another, a lot sooner than we think – whether we agree with the idea of a virtual world or not!



The UK’s biggest bed event brings together many of the best in British and Irish bed manufacturing and their component suppliers, and sees a raft of their latest innovations, offers, promotions and sales support unveiled to the trade. For retailers, the show promises to present some of the biggest names in bedmaking, alongside the popular Suppliers Innovation Zone, a must-visit for bed and mattress manufacturers.

The NBF’s annual member showcase returns to Telford’s International Centre on 20th and 21st this month, and promises to give visiting buyers access to over 60 exhibiting suppliers …

Visitors looking to take time out during the show can visit the new NBF Hub and meeting point, which will host some of the industry’s experts in technical support and provide a place to relax and catch up – while visitors and exhibitors alike are encouraged to step away from the stands and redeem their complimentary refreshment vouchers at any of the five on-site cafes.

On the evening of the first day, the gala dinner will host the NBF Bed Industry Awards ceremony. Compered by Countdown presenter and broadcaster Colin Murray, the evening will celebrate 11 of the top manufacturers, suppliers and retailers in the industry.

Read on to discover more about this edition’s exhibitors, and to get a taste of some of the latest products lined up for inspection …

18 Furniture News BEDBUYER 20 - 21 Sept 2022 | Telford Bringing The Bed Industry Together Mattresses | Divans | Bedsteads | Headboards | Pillows | Futons | Sofabeds | Tickings | Fillings | Springs | Foam Machinery | Components Supplier Innovation Zone | Business Hub|#BedShow2022 CMYCYMYCMYMCK NBF-1439 TBS Advert Aug 2022_132mmx190mm_AW.pdf 1 29/07/2022 14:53 MANUFACTURERS Airsprung Group (Airsprung Beds, Gainsborough) F90 Breasley (Uno, Amor, Salus Beds) D10 Burgess Bedding D40 Carpenter (sleep better) B10 Deepsleep Beds (Deepsleep Beds, Giltedge Beds, Espoir) D30 Deluxe Beds (Pennine Beds, Modern Living, Kaye & Stewart, Hamilton & James) G40 Dreamland Beds F5 Duvalay A20 Emma Sleep UK B40 GNG Group (Komfi, Sonlevo, Nectar) G20 Harrison Spinks (Somnus, Harrison Spinks) G10 Healthbeds G50 Hypnos D70 Kaymed/Kayfoam B30 Keen & Able D45 Kyoto D60 M A Living A10 Mammoth F100 Millbrook (Millbrook Beds, Chittenden & Eastman, Eclipse, Motion Sense) D20 Nectar G20 Relyon (Dunlopillo) C20 Sealy E100 Shakespeare Beds/Kozee Sleep F10 Shire Beds C30 Siesta Beds C60 Silentnight (Silentnight, Rest Assured) B50 Sleepeezee C50 Sweet Dreams E10 Vispring C40 Vogue D50 SUPPLIERS Apropa F40 Boyteks E80 CPS Group E60 Enkev F55 Epic Logistics F45 Global Textile Alliance (GTA) Belgium /Pieters Textiel E65 Handy E30 John Cotton Non Wovens F70 Leggett & Platt Springs F50 Maes Mattress Ticking E25 Mert Makina F80 Nestor Springs E15 Rawson Fillings F30 Recticel E50 Spinks E40 Super Kutu Ve Ambalaj E12 The Vita Group (Origin) E70 VK Mattress Machinery E20 Wolf Components F60 GUESTS Mattressgard C10 Norfolk Feather G45 Orderite C12 Protect-A-Bed C14 SATRA NBF Hub Xsensor A30 Wiemann G70

19 Furniture News BEDBUYER Correct as of 23.8.22



Sleepeezee is launching a range that is eminently suitable for the hot weather the UK faced this summer – the new and upgraded Cooler Collection Cool Rest, made up of three models. The range features a Cool Touch cover and unique TemperatureSmart technology, both of which are proven to reduce body temperature during the night. TemperatureSmart technology within the mattress, situated just under the cover, helps conduct excess heat away from the body naturally and continuously. The cooling strips work across the entire mattress, helping the sleeper maintain that ‘just right’ temperature all night long. Alongside the new Cooler Collection, Sleepeezee will also refresh its Backcare offering with Ortho Bespoke, a range of three beds featuring luxurious natural fillings and offering a firmer level of comfort for those who prefer that extra support.Alongside these two new collections, Sleepeezee will also launch three brand-new ranges based on memory foam, natural and latex fillings stories, which will be exclusively available for its bricks-and-mortar retail partners. This wide range of products will only be available in store, helping retailers differentiate their ranges from their onlineFinally,counterparts.Sleepeezee will launch a wide new range of bedding, offering more choice, better pricing and more options to its retail partners.


Head of marketing, Amy Curtis, comments: “We’re excited to be attending the NBF Bed Show again in September, and look forward to showing our retail partners all the great new products we have on offer. Everything we are taking to the show this year is brand new, so there is plenty for the retailers to come and see – not to mention that they can also grab a gin and tonic or ice cream from our stand!” AT BED SHOW Sleepeezee’swithpartnershipindevelopedJessica, Ennis-HillJessicaDameambassador,brand RestCool

Sleepeezee will launch a number of new products and collections at the Bed Show, backed up with powerful marketing and in-store support for its retail partners, as well as a promotional calendar for the new year …

20 Furniture News BEDBUYER

Defeat the heat LEAVE THE REST TO US New range launches at Telford 20-21 st September

An expert in sustainable luxury, British bedmaker Hypnos is proud to announce a new commitment to Textile Exchange’s Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) ahead of this year’s Bed Show …

The Responsible Wool Standard is recognised worldwide, but British-grown RWS certified wool is still relatively new to the UK market. It introduces expertise from major wool-growing regions worldwide, alongside climate strategies for the this progressive standard means considering the wider impact of the whole supply chain on the environment, animals and community.

Hypnos is the first brand in the UK, in any industry sector, to source certified wool from British farms that meets this established and globally recognised standard. This commitment supports Hypnos’ ongoing mission to create sustainable sleep solutions using materials and fibres that are responsibly sourced, providing bona fide reassurance to consumers and retailers alike.

22 Furniture News BEDBUYER



Group MD David Baldry says: “Our investment in supporting this progressive international standard in Britain demonstrates how seriously we take our commitment to credible, sustainable initiatives, which we know are increasingly important to consumers – but, better yet, we know they are the right thing to do. Auditing each business and farm thoroughly, the Responsible Wool Standard will help to ensure a positive impact on the environment and British farming communities alike. “We’re constantly looking to use more low-impact materials, and moving beyond neutralising our carbon footprint to actively helping to regenerate the planet with pioneering initiatives and relationships.”JoDawson,chairman of The Woolkeepers, adds: “After several months’ work on this project, we are delighted to see this pioneering launch of RWS-certified British wool coming to fruition.”AnnaHeaton, fibre and materials strategy lead at Textile Exchange, comments: “The commitment of the Responsible Wool Standard is to enhance UK farming standards by harnessing the expertise and perspectives of wool-growing regions worldwide. Working with The Woolkeepers initiative, we can provide certified, quality wool that’s environmentally and socially mindful, and we are pleased to see Hypnos supporting the standard in its new collections.”AttheBed Show, Hypnos will present new and improved mattress collections, including the Pillowtop Collection, using British wool. “An ideal fibre for a great night’s sleep, wool is comfortable, temperature regulating and completely natural,” states Hypnos. “Having created the first luxury pillowtop mattress in 2011, Hypnos has been redefining the collection over the years to ensure its enduring popularity. This latest collection has the benefit of a more medium feel, giving supreme comfort, coupled with high-performance, ethically sourced fibres.”

Hypnos says it will continue to champion the benefits of wool and fairly support British farmers and communities through its established partnership with The Woolkeepers, to guarantee transparency and integrity from farm gate to shop floor.



Neutral Inspired

Carbon by Nature 100% Recyclable

Sl p made n ura y Made with Organic. Certifi ed by Soil Association Certifi cation DK31026.

A sleep experience that focuses on celebrating the beauty of true organic and the prestige of heritage. Exclusive to Origins Organic studios and stockists. Re ned by nature. Wise by tradition.

Silentnight believes everyone, everywhere, should get the best out of bedtime, and has therefore made it its mission to provide a range of sleep solutions for a nation of “unique sleepers”. “That’s why we’ve developed a strong core product offering, underpinned by a wealth of sleep expertise and accolades, including Which? Best Buys, delivering best-inclass sleep solutions for all types of sleepers,” states the manufacturer. Silentnight offers total sleep solutions, from beds, headboards and mattresses to bedding and bedroom accessories, with all beds, headboards and mattresses handmade in its UK factory and rigorously tested to high standards in the manufacturer’s unique, in-house, SATRA-approved testing lab.

The latest product from Silentnight will be on show this month. “We encapsulate health and wellbeing in our new Lift mattress range,” the supplier states. “Using Intense fabric technology, our Lift mattresses are scientifically proven to improve sleep quality so you can rest and recover, ready to take on the day ahead.

Thanks to a breadth of research

The brand continues to invest in research into sleeping habits, sleep technology and sustainable solutions, enabling it to develop its sustainable product offering, advance the scientific innovations woven into its products, and introduce new sleep technology.


“See all our latest sleep solutions for yourself at the Bed Show.”


The UK’s most trusted sleep brand, backed by 75 years of sleep expertise and recognised as a Superbrand for over 16 consecutive years, Silentnight has every base covered ahead of its return to the Bed Show …

24 Furniture News BEDBUYER

Silentnight knows that people and sleep come in many forms, and that too many people are compromising on their sleep.

“Our children’s ranges, Healthy Growth and Safe Nights, will also be showcased. These help toddlers up to pre-teens get the quality sleep they need to grow, all while giving parents peace of mind“ easier than ever, with just sleep, our range of rolled mattresses. Trend-led bed frame options elevate any bedroom, creating the perfect foundation to flourish a sleep sanctuary that’s tailored to “Alongsideyou.these new product innovations, we also encompass wider sleep in our top-of-bed products. From Cool Touch pillows to weighted blankets, there is something to suit every sleep need.“Finally, visitors will be able to indulge in our range of Rest Assured mattresses, each one hand crafted with natural fibres to give the utmost quality – plus they’re sustainable, too.

for the ‘lift’ you need to take on tomorrow For more information, contact us: the UK’s most trusted sleep brand Featuring our intense™ sleep surface, scientifically proven to help your body relax for deeper, undisturbed sleep. 01282 851111 Our lift by Silentnight range of mattresses are proven by science to improve the quality of your sleep, so you can rest, recover and take on tomorrow. Find us on StandB50 Join us at Telford Bed Show 20 - 21 September 2022

The three new models – the 1750Q, 4250Q and 8250Q – all feature layers of micro springs for contouring comfort, multiple levels of foam-free Fibrelux for a breathable night’s sleep, and innovative Cortec Quad Pocket Springs for superior support.Nextis the Optimum Support Collection. Uniquely created for sleepers who lean towards a firmerfeeling mattress, the Optimum Support Collection is an orthopaedic range, created using Harrison Spinks’ pioneering spirit. With each model named after a precious stone, the fourpiece range uses some of the finest natural, recyclable and responsibly sourcedHarrisonmaterials.Spinks’ new Bed Tailor Turn Free range promises to create a bespoke sleep experience which offers all the benefits of a restful night’s sleep without the need to turn the mattress. The Mauritius, Hawaii and St Lucia models are tailored to those seeking a fussfree sleep. Using sumptuous materials including British wool, Egyptian cotton and mohair, these no-turn mattresses remove the need for heavy lifting, while naturally providing a FR chemical treatment-free sleep. Next, handcrafted and upholstered in Harrison Spinks’ Yorkshire-based factory, the eight-piece sustainable Foundation Headboard collection is manufactured using FSC-accredited wood (a proportion of which is created from recycled materials), polyester that is GRS certified (reiterating the company’s no-foam policy), and all the materials used are 100% recyclable at the end of life. The four strutted and four deep headboards are named after some of the world’s most sustainable cities, including Helsinki, Portland, Reykjavik andFinally,Vancouver.designed to pair perfectly with Harrison Spinks’ range of luxury mattresses, the newly created ottoman base collection features end-opening storage, providing a tasteful space-saving solution.

Each mattress starts its life at Harrison Spinks’ own 300-acre farm in North Yorkshire, where sheep are reared on rich, untreated pastures, and hemp and flax crops are grown on fertile fields, without the need for pesticides. With luxurious materials and a safe night’s sleep at the heart of every mattress, the bedmaker ensures every range is 100% foam-free, glue-free and FR chemical treatment-free.

Fifth-generation family bedmaker Harrison Spinks says it is paving the way for “a perfect night’s sleep”. Creating mattresses in the heart of Yorkshire since 1840, Harrison Spinks meticulously blends nature and technology to create its unique answer to sleep comfort – which is sustainable, and handmade using some of the finest raw materials.

Recently established as the sister brand of Harrison Spinks, and drawing on more than 180 years of sleep knowledge, New Dawn is described as “a visionary mattress collection”, purpose-designed to be both sustainable and contemporary, without compromising on luxury or comfort. Launched earlier in the summer with John Lewis, a newly created version for the independent sector will be showcased at the exhibition.

At this year’s Bed Show, Harrison Spinks will present its brand-new New Dawn collection, alongside its Optimum Support collection, Bed Tailor Turn Free range, Foundation Headboard collection, and exclusive ottoman bases.

26 Furniture News BEDBUYER


VISIT HARRISON SPINKS ON STAND G10 AT THE BED SHOW DawnNew collectionFreeTurnTailorBednewthefromLucia,St

The True Bedmakers Furniture News 2022 READERS’ CHOICE WINNERAWARDS We have been creating the ultimate in luxurious comfort since 1840, making mattresses that have been lovingly homegrown and handmade in the heart of Yorkshire. We are also the world’s most vertically integrated bedmakers. From growing our own natural fillings, to designing glue free spring systems and weaving our own fabrics, we are passionate about leading the way in luxury sustainable sleep. We are pleased to be awarded the Furniture News 2022 Readers Choice Award! HARRISONSPINKS . CO .UK


Designed as part of GNG’s plans for a greener and more sustainable future, its popular Komfi brand includes the development of carbon-neutral mattresses – and the brand’s success story will continue with the launch of the Unity vacuum-packed mattress range at the show. Benefitting from an affordable price point, it further boosts the existing diverse and successful Komfi collections (Active, Sensory and Rhea).


28 Furniture News BEDBUYER

VISIT GNG GROUP ON STAND G20 AT THE BED SHOW yearthisearlierbasemanufacturingitsexpandedGNG KomfiSeaqual,Rhea

The entire range is recommended to its members by the Football Medicine and Performance Association, as the products offer correct posture support plus comfort, “ensuring the best sleep and, therefore, the best performance”, states GNG. As an NHS-approved supplier, GNG manufactures to some of the highest standards. All mattresses are made in the UK to NBF-approved standards, and come with a reassuring 10-year guarantee. The manufacturer also prides itself on being an environmentally responsible organisation, and has been accredited with Carbon Neutral certification.Aspartof its commitment to continual improvement, GNG invested in expanding its West Yorkshire facilities

Following its acquisition of part of The Foam Company, GNG has added the luxury Sonlevo mattress brand to its growing portfolio. Its exclusive TrueGel technology and the impressive look and feel of this collection has helped to quickly establish the brand. There will be five Sonlevo models on display, along with examples of the PoS materials available.

earlier this year, with the opening of a new manufacturing site in Normanton, which has enabled it to meet new business demands and develop partnerships with companies such as Nectar Sleep – whose products will also be on display on the GNG stand. With a focus on exceptional comfort, combined with a 365-night trial and lifetime warranty, Nectar Sleep mattresses are designed to meet the demands of modern living. Led by a data-driven, global team of experts, Nectar Sleep is “changing the way people buy and fall in love with their bed”, states GNG: “With more than two million satisfied sleepers, the brand can help boost your retail revenue by driving customers that want to try before they buy, directly to your store.” Find out more about the Komfi, Sonlevo and Nectar Sleep brands at the Bed Show, or call 01924 950300 to find out how to become a stockist.

GNG Group, one of the UK’s leading mattress manufacturers, will showcase three popular brands – Komfi, Sonlevo and Nectar Sleep – at this year’s Bed Show.

Sonlevo features exclusive TrueGel technology

The innovative Spectrum Range is Shire’s latest collection. It addresses the need for a great night’s sleep without it breaking the bank, says Fara: “As a quality manufacturer, Shire Beds always overdelivers on its product promise. This is a range of beds that are the best within price parameters that will enable everyone, no matter their budget, the opportunity to get a good night’s sleep.”

Shire Beds is now firmly in a position to offer an enormous choice to customers – from the awardwinning Signature Range at the luxury handmade end of the market, to the successful Artisan range (sitting firmly in the middle market) and a wide choice of great-value mattresses at affordable prices – making Shire Beds a “must see” for any visitor to the show, concludes Fara.

As well as celebrating its silver jubilee (25 years of business in the bed industry), Shire Beds is riding high on a wave of industry awards as it heads into this year’s Bed Show …

Within the Spectrum Range there are two selections of six mattresses – one exclusively for bricks-andmortar retailers and the other uniquely designed for online etailers. The ranges offer a variety of feels and spring counts, from open coil to luxury pocket sprung, delivered through the clever use of integrating spring and comfort fillings. These will be available for the first time at the NBF Bed Show.

The range of industry awards is proof that the company is not only responsive to the current manufacturing and retail climate, showing impressive ability and agility, but is able to make commercially successful decisions for its retail partners in a difficult trading climate.

Shire’s marketing director, Fara Butt, then went on to be declared Business Woman of the Year at the Yorkshire Choice Awards the following month.

“At Shire Beds, we are always striving to improve our quality and sustainability,” Fara continues. “ We recently completed the full FSC certification. You will therefore see the new FSC label on all our divan bases, to give you peace of mind. Shire Beds has joined the very limited number of UK bedmakers who have this accreditation.”

Last year, the company’s return to inperson shows saw it win Bed Product of the Year (for the Signature Range) at last year’s exhibition – before going to scoop Best of British at The Furniture Awards (January Furniture Show and Furniture News) this April – an accolade made even sweeter given the company’s silver jubilee and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

VISIT SHIRE BEDS ON STAND C30 AT THE BED SHOW 5000PaisleySpectra Luminaire


On top of all that, as well as industry figures recognising the achievements, the readers of Interiors Monthly chose Shire Beds as their Best Bed Manufacturer. Fara says: “We are thrilled to have so much to celebrate. The silver jubilee and a whole host of top awards is affirmation of our company’s achievements.”


The Bed Show will also see the launch of a refreshed and renewed online-exclusive mattress offer, based on Sweet Dreams’ bestselling designs, and coupled with its Evolve bases and headboards. All data, images and product details will soon be available in a simple, ready-to-go format, making it easy for retailers to upload products for sale.“Our efficient and reliable DHD service will complete the circle, and make Sweet Dreams’ online offer a no-brainer,” says Nick, adding that the company has maintained its service levels despite the marketplace’s many challenges, and continues to deliver to most parts of the country on a regular basis. BED SHOW

developtoDreamsSweetenabledhasinvestmentNew fabricsnewofrangeainbedframesdesign-led


The Bed Show will see the release of Sweet Dreams’ new brochure for 2023. Ever present in the UK market place, the supplier’s comprehensive product showcase will highlight new mattresses, frames, TV and hybrid beds, as well as its evergreen bases and most popular mattresses.


“As well as the continuing success of our own-manufactured upholstered beds, significant investment has enabled us to produce new design-led frames in some fantastic, luxurious and sumptuous new fabrics,” says sales manager Nick Williams. “In addition, we have added further colour options for our bestselling hybrid frames and TV beds.”

Despite the difficult economic backdrop, Sweet Dreams has invested time and resources in producing new mattresses, focusing on high-quality, value-for-money models that promise to continue delivering strong sales and margin for independents.

Contemporary styles, packed with high-quality materials, demonstrate Sweet Dreams’ ambition to become a destination supplier for retailers seeking upholstered beds with a difference. “Coupled with our fabulous mattresses – including benefits such as being hand side stitched, free from FR chemicals, and wellbeing themes – Sweet Dreams can deliver a winning combination for your customers,” Nick continues.



32 Furniture News BEDBUYER

Leicester’s Vogue cannot wait to share its latest innovations with the trade. All of Vogue’s encapsulated mattresses are now foam free. Its new Helix Encapsulated has a firmer edge surround, with the three coils on the outer edge made to a higher metal gauge compared to the rest of the springs, providing edge-to-edge support. According to the bedmaker, the new encapsulated edge feels more natural than the foam feel of the previous generation of Helix Encapsulated mattresses. Reducing and removing foam content in mattresses is a key part of Vogue’s strategy – in alignment with the NBF’s Pledge for the Planet commitment – to become a more sustainable business. The optional Luxury element adds a 1000 micro-pocket spring into the mattress. This is available on all Encapsulated Helix mattresses (except Supreme). The Luxury option adds an extra comfort layer and acts like ”air suspension”, creating additional support without compromising on comfort. The Luxury-version mattress is finished off with twin piping in the pillowtop border. This comprehensive collection demonstrates Vogue’s latest luxurious sleep systems, with each model designed to offer optimum comfort. With a choice of 25 fabric colour options in different grades, along with dozens of headboard designs, this collection can also create a bespoke look to light up any bedroom.


34 Furniture News BEDBUYER


Vogue Beds Group is set to introduce the Helix Pocket Mattress Collection. Vogue’s innovative Helix spring system is receptive to individual body weights and quickly adapts and adjusts accordingly, providing an equal sleeping surface for two people, and creating a softer feel on the outer edges and a support zone in the middle, for the “optimum sleep experience” …

THEFRIENDLYENVIRONMENTALLYMATTRESS WITH COMFORT AT ITS CORE WWW.VEGAN-MATTRESS.CO.UK Oban Bedframe Sold Separately THEFRIENDLYENVIRONMENTALLYMATTRESS WITH COMFORT AT ITS CORE WWW.VEGAN-MATTRESS.CO.UK T: 01455 841257 E: SALES@VOGUEBEDS.CO.UK 20 - 21 Sept 2022 | Telford Bringing The Bed Industry Together Mattresses | Divans | Bedsteads | Headboards | Pillows | Futons | Sofabeds | Tickings | Fillings | Springs | Foam Machinery | Components Supplier Innovation Zone | Business Hub|#BedShow2022 MYC NBF-1439 TBS Advert Aug 2022_132mmx190mm_AW.pdf 1 29/07/2022 14:53

With over 100 years’ experience of making premium mattresses through the generations, Sealy’s decades of know-how has helped develop its brand-new product direction, which is also based on cutting-edge technology and research.

The new Posturepedic range, which is now available to retailers, has been designed around skeletal symmetry – to help hold the body’s posture parallel to the sleep surface, align hips and shoulders, and keep the spine straight, yet relaxed, offering everyone “genuine support, true comfort and durability you can depend on”.

Sealy UK is on a mission to “revolutionise” the bed industry with its new Posturepedic mattress range, which promises to help provide everyone with correct spinal alignment while they sleep …

“The combination of smart innovation, precise engineering, industry-leading research and unique testing to ensure quality and durability, is what makes Sealy Posturepedic different, providing unparalleled sleep quality, says Sealy UK’s sales director, Mark Tuley. “We wanted to provide a totally unique mattress that stands aside from everything else, and we really have achieved just that. This year marks the start of a new era for Sealy, and we plan to continue to innovate. It’s an exciting timeTheindeed.”brandhas also enjoyed a repositioning, including a relaunched website, which was designed to deliver an enhanced shopping experience to support Sealy’s retail partners, and also features an online shopper tool which guides consumers through the buying experience.Sealy’smission is to design and create dependable products that work for everyone, delivering genuine support that everyone can feel and the true comfort that everyone deserves. Based on industry-leading research, the new Posturepedic range exemplifies the science and technology for which Sealy is renowned worldwide.


Sealy has worked with the Orthopaedic Advisory Board, an independent panel of Orthopaedic surgeons, biomechanical engineers and medical scientists, to develop the patented technology. The mattresses also benefit from extensive testing via Sealy’s advanced R&D facility in AtAustralia.theheart of the new range is the unique AlignSupport Coil. A spring system which “senses and responds to the body”, it first senses the body and provides an initial response, then provides truly personalised, deep-down support which helps maintain the body’s natural posture during rest, reducing muscular tension and strain, says Sealy.

In every Sealy Posturepedic mattress, the spring system is upheld by a number of additional unique features. The UniCased edge-support system maximises the sleep surface across the mattress, preventing the roll-off and adding durability – while BasePlank offers a strong foundation, providing structure and integrity.

Combining a range of feature filling combinations and a high-quality and durable Comfort Core within each mattress (such as gel-infused foam or MemorySense foam – the Elevate and Elevate Ultra collections also provide that all-important pressure relief where it is needed most.


It’s our wholehearted commitment that allows the Sealy team to make mattresses that are not only different but made with love, passion & care right here in the UK.

It’s where sleep matters, where sleep is not just “something we all do”, or “time spent in bed” but more a question of when, where, why and how sleep can be better.

Simon Hewitt, MD of the producer’s sole UK and Irish agent, Litmus Furniture, says: “We are delighted to once again have been invited to attend the Bed Show as a guest exhibitor. The show gives us a great opportunity to demonstrate how our collections offer retailers value-for-money bedroom solutions to suit any customer. We are looking forward to catching up with friends and making the most of the event.

“We are bringing ranges including the ever-popular Monaco and Loft, plus new stars including Asmara. Look out for our entry-level products which offer fantastic value for money, and expect to be impressed with the quality and price tag of our VIP premium offerings.

All our products are versatile as well as beautiful, and everything we offer is underpinned by our excellent customer service.”Wiemann has had a successful year, with several new products brought to market and favoured ranges updated with fresh finishes and colours.



Award-winning German bedroom manufacturer, Wiemann, is bringing a selection of its most popular new-in-2022 ranges to the Bed Show …

The VIP premium range Monaco continues to be in demand after a lockdown refresh, says Simon. The collection, which comes in four variations incorporating different doors, finishes, features and accessories, is consistently among the company’s bestsellers for the UK and Ireland, along with the VIP range Loft and the entrylevel Berlin. New collections Asmara and Quito have also been popular since their launch earlier this year, he adds.



Simon and his team are looking forward to welcoming guests to Wiemann’s stand. As well as the Bed Show, a selection of Wiemann products will be at the following exhibitions: INDX Beds & Bedroom, 13-14th September; Autumn Long Point, September 19th-21st September (in Wiemann’s permanent showroom); and the Autumn Furniture Show, 4-5th October. As well as well-designed, desirable furniture at impressive prices, Wiemann also offers a full delivery and assembly service to all stockists, and product sales training and aftersales services via its team of regional sales agents. | made in germany Quito Create your perfect bedroom with Wiemann Bedrooms of distinctive style, quality and value Visit us on Stand G70, NBF Bed Show, Telford, September 20-21

Mammoth’s Comfort collection takes centre stage at the show, with its unique, naturally cooling Medical Grade foam and PostureCell technology on display. A new Express Delivery service will also launch, offering 10-day delivery on two of Mammoth’s bestselling products – the Shine Hybrid 2000 and PureMammoth’s24. all-new Comfort bedding collection will make its first appearance at the Bed Show – featuring a range of pillows, duvets and toppers that have been designed to make every night in bed more enjoyable and to help support a healthy, happy lifestyle.Visitstand F100 at the Bed Show, or for stockist information contact



Oscar MA Living – now manufacturing in a brand-new site in Leeds – is a key supplier to some of the UK’s largest blue chip and independent retailers, so has grown to adapt its manufacturing capabilities to cover a huge variety of product styles.

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“We aren’t limited to a particular handwriting when it comes to designing products,” states MA Living. “We offer design styles from pure contemporary, through modern, transitional and classical. We have a department dedicated to working closely with some of the finest mills around the world, giving customers a choice from textured flatweaves through to opulent velvets.

“Come and visit us at our stand (A10) at the Bed Show, where new products and fabric textures will be on display.”

The Women’s Health Men’s Health Collection has been developed by one of the most trusted voices in health and wellbeing, in partnership with the award-winning team at Mammoth. The four-model mattress range and accompanying pillows are tailor-made for a generation of healthconscious individuals who want to recover faster, perform better and always wake up ready to tackle each new day. Visit stand F100 at the Bed Show or contact sales@ for stockist information.


At this year’s Bed Show, Mammoth once again aims to demonstrates why it is a leading name in health and wellbeing, and the only sleep and comfort brand officially partnered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

41 Furniture News BEDBUYER Trust your customers’ sleep to the experts in health and wellbeing Visit us on Stand F100 at the NBF Show For more info contact the Mammoth sales team on: 0845 838 7767 or A brand with reach: 2 million print readers 2 million active social media followers 5 million digital readers Driving footfall and sales with the backing of Hearst UK, the publishers behind Women’s Health, Men’s Heath, Cosmopolitan, Runner’s World and more. 01924 457 333 • • COMING SOON TO THE NBF SHOW NEW COLLECTION 17 & 18TH SEPTEMBER malivinguk MALivingSep19.indd 1 20/08/2019 15:14 11/08/2022 11:00 The UK’s leading health mattress collection An all-new bedding range NEW Express Delivery service Featuring Mammoth’s award-winning technologies and scientific testing, our growing product range is designed to maximise comfort and create a sleep environment that helps you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day ahead. Ready to add a healthy choice to your shop floor, visit us on stand F100 at the NBF Show or contact us today at Well, well, well More healthy choices from Mammoth

models. SIESTA BEDS 20 - 21 Sept 2022 | Telford Bringing The Bed Industry Together Mattresses | Divans | Bedsteads | Headboards | Pillows | Futons | Sofabeds | Tickings | Fillings | Springs | Foam Machinery | Components Supplier Innovation Zone | Business Hub|#BedShow2022 CMYCYMYCMYMCK NBF-1439 TBS Advert Aug 2022_132mmx190mm_AW.pdf 1 29/07/2022 14:53

Siesta Beds will present its Mulliners handmade bed collection on stand C60 at the Bed Show. This range consists of 8000-, 6000-, 5000- and 3000-pocket spring, hand side-stitched models. It will also present the ZoneX range, which boasts zoned latex, offering a tighter zoning in the area where more support is required. These are encapsulated, and offered as 1400-, 1800and 2800-spring versions. Finally, there will be Siesta’s Hybrid Essential, a traditional pocket-spring mattress with butterfly springs for additional edge support, and gel, memory foam and kinetic foam layers for rigidity. These are offered in 1000-, 2000- and 3000-pocket spring

42 Furniture News BEDBUYER

A proud, capable, and responsible UK-based bedding industry manufacturer. Learn more at Opportunity, Purpose, Awareness. Leggett & Platt Springs UK will not rest. We are committed to identifying the latest opportunities and adapting to market changes as we deliver value-adding product solutions to our customers. Our continued investment in the UK bedding industry, our leading technologies, and our team strategically position us to react to customer requirements and provide flexibility to ensure innovation and support in line with their needs. © 2022 Leggett & Platt Incorporated CapabilitiesLetOur Addvalueandsupportyoursuccess! Furniture News 2022 READERS’ CHOICE WINNERAWARDSVisit us on Stand F50 20-21 September, Telford

David was educated at his local grammar school in Rossendale, leaving with eight O-levels, before taking a summer job in the local spring factory – and remaining ever since.Inhis free time, David enjoys spending time with his family, experiencing the great outdoors and watching sports.

David joined Leggett & Platt Springs UK in February 2002 when the spring unit company he previously worked for was acquired. With the assistance of two colleagues and a workforce of 360 people, he is responsible for managing the sales of all products to a customer base of 130 companies across the UK and Ireland. Boasting over 40 years of innerspring experience, David is known to many as a trusted and respected industry stalwart who excels at providing customer support and developing quality product ranges and offerings.

Paul Hindle (sales representative)

Paul was educated at Hollins High School and Accrington and Rossendale College, where he gained eight GCSEs and two A-levels. Paul is a dedicated Burnley FC fan and enjoys spending time with his family, kayaking, and watching cricket.


Paul has been a part of the Leggett & Platt Springs UK family since February 2002, when Siddall & Hilton was acquired by the company. He has worked in a variety of roles since joining L&P, including customer service lead and production planner, plus his current role of sales representative. With decades of experience, Paul is also known to many within the bedding industry. His day-to-day interactions with customers, understanding their needs, helping them develop ranges, and offering sales support for all aspects of their business, provides irreplaceable assistance. Paul keeps customers updated with new products and technology as Leggett & Platt works with them for a successful future.

David Nuttall (sales manager)

The sales/commercial team at Leggett & Platt Springs UK has undergone quite a few changes recently, expanding to meet the ever-growing need for high-quality innersprings and value-add solutions. Now the team is assembled, Furniture News thinks it’s time to meet the individuals at L&P tasked with selling sleep … BED SHOW


Adam is responsible for overseeing the customer service department, along with providing accurate sales and forecasting reports. In his role, he offers invaluable support to the business in developing cutting-edge systems and data analysis processes. He also aids customers in developing forecasting capabilities that help in a variety of ways, including supply chain optimisation.

45 Furniture News BEDBUYER

Thomas came to Leggett & Platt Springs UK in April 2022 after spending three years in the electrical engineering industry as a business development manager and project leader. Prior to this, he lived in various countries as a semi-professional cyclist and freelance marketing and sales consultant. He is responsible for aiding the development of sales across existing and new product ranges. He also works to increase L&P’s future scope by looking into new markets and helping the marketing team increase its capabilities.

Leggett & Platt Springs UK will showcase a range of its leading products, including: NanoCoil, an adaptive and receptive comfort layer; NanoCoil Edge, which transitions firmer ActivEdge perimeter support into the comfort layer; Caliber Edge, which forms a steel coil perimeter around select pocket systems; its next-generation 2000 Series technology; Combi-Zone Next-Generation Technology (featuring ActivEdge perimeter performance); and S-Line, a pocketed innerspring solution.

Adam possesses 16 GCSEs and three A-levels (in Psychology, Sociology, And Biology).

Adam Ball (shared services and commercial lead)

In his free time, Adam enjoys spending time with his family, watching and playing football, and going on long walks with his dog.

Anyone wishing to meet face-to-face with the members of L&P Springs UK’s sales/ commercial team can do so at this year’s Bed Show.

Adam joined Leggett & Platt Springs UK in December 2021 after working five years as an accounts and purchasing supervisor for an industrial machine knives manufacturer. He came to the company with a wealth of experience within manufacturing organisations, and comprehensive insight into data and financial analysis.

Thomas H Seeley (sales and marketing development manager)

Thomas completed an International Business Degree (BA) at the University of Liverpool in 2015, and has undertaken numerous training courses to benefit his professional career. When he is not at work, Thomas continues his semi-professional cyclist career, racing nationally and internationally. He also enjoys good music and spending time outdoors.

Over 90% of current material purchases by Handy are placed with suppliers that the business has worked with for over 20 years, and these strong partnerships have helped ensure a focus on high-quality products, reliability, and service excellence.

VISIT HANDY ON STAND E30 AT THE BED SHOW ShowBedyear’sthistoforwardlookingisteamHandy’s


46 Furniture News BEDBUYER

Handy, a leading component supplier to the bedding industry, is set to introduce a plethora of products to the industry at this year’s show … Handy will showcase its range of FR non-chemical treated tape-edge products, while newly created legs, design-registered tufts and glides will also be on display, alongside the supplier’s intellectually protected inner tufting system. Along with its range of European produced sewing thread, Handy also has a full complement of staples, hog rings and guns in its range. As the newly appointed sole UK/Eire agent for Italy’s RAM Elettronica, Handy will also introduce the bedding market to this manufacturer of fully automated and versatile foam- and fabric-cutting machinery.MDNick Harland-Smith says: “We are excited to exhibit the newest additions to our ever-increasing range at this year’s NBF Bed Show. Following another challenging year for UK bedding manufacturers, we are looking forward to demonstrating how our latest component range and technologies can help improve the manufacturing processes and ultimately improve the quality of beds for new and existing customers.”Handyhas not only supplied bedding and upholstery manufacturers for the past 30 years, but also offers tufting, button covering, bespoke packaging and product development services.



Two of Vita’s sustainable foam ranges that can offer a circular option for bedding solutions include Novus, created from foam trim, and Origin, a foam developed using bio polyols derived from plants.

Origin, meanwhile, is a new generation of sustainable foams with less reliance on petrochemicals, and is the result of advanced foam engineering. Origin is produced using renewable polyols from plants such as sunflowers, soy and castor oil. The Vita Group collaborates with its customers within the furniture and bedding sectors on the design and manufacture of components, ensuring maximum comfort, durability, and material utilisation.

48 Furniture News BEDBUYER

The Vita Group has been working to develop the next generation of sustainable foams, ensuring it delivers a wider variety of high-performance and environmentally friendly comfort solutions …

The Vita Group has manufactured rectangular reconstituted foam blocks, principally for the comfort market, since the 1970s, and cylindrical blocks for the flooring and construction markets since the early 1990s – by bonding chips of granulated post-industrial foam waste offcuts into rebonded foam. The company is therefore well practised and an expert in a recycling process that has produced high-quality and highperforming products for many years, reprocessing offcuts generated within theThisindustry.year, Novus promises to take these established products and processes to a new level for the bedding sector. It introduces post-consumer derived mattress waste content, developed and stringently tested to ensure product standards are of the same high quality as its post-industrial offcut-derived equivalents. Novus will be available in join-free, cut-to-size sheets for all mattress sizes at various thicknesses, ready to place within the mattress.


As part of its ESG agenda, The Vita Group focuses on improving the environment and creating long-term sustainable product ranges. To drive circularity and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, all excess trim is recycled, while Vita works with mattress and furniture dismantling partners, develops foams from more sustainable raw materials, and innovates with its suppliers and customers. Available across Vita’s FR grade portfolio and made from ethically sourced polyols, Origin delivers consistent quality, durability and hardness, retaining its shape and delivering long-lasting comfort. Highly resistant, improved tensile strength ensures better handling, while the product boasts minimal VOCs and odour.

Novus™ is the result of cutting-edge foam engineering, manufactured by bonding granulated post-industial foam ‘trim’. Our Novus™ foam is a high quality PU foam product that can be used in several applications, including mattresses. Creating Comfort, Delivering Performance, Enhancing Everyday Life 0161 655 2680 StandardsUKwww.thevitagroup.comFireSafetySmaller FootprintCarbon Circular Product


Platinum 3D has all the added benefits of Platinum Eco – long-lasting performance, a favourable microclimate, free from FR chemicals and made from recycled fibres. It can also be recycled at the end of the mattress’ life into an alternative product.


50 Furniture News BEDBUYER

John Cotton Nonwovens is a leading supplier of bed mattress components, winning multiple awards for its innovative and forward-thinking solutions – including the NBF’s Component Product of the Year in 2021, for Platinum Eco.

“The evolution of our Platinum series has been the fruit of years of hard work across the organisation,” states John Cotton Nonwovens. “We have listened to our customers, invested in the right technology and methodically, through trial and error, produced a state-of-the-art performance product that we believe is a true step towards our quest to produce a product that performs as well as foam.”

This year, John Cotton Nonwovens will exhibit the next generation in its Platinum series, Platinum 3D. With a three-dimensional supportive structure, the material has been engineered to provide “unparalleled comfort and support” due to its unique and technically advanced blend of siliconised and spiral-crimped conjugate fibres. It provides support in a multidirectional orientation, making it “the only foam alternative for your bed mattress and upholstery”, states the supplier.


“We support this training through a bespoke reward system, the Protect-ABed Platinum Club. The Platinum Club has now been running consistently for some years now, and the results have been excellent. Both existing and new partners have joined and are benefitting from its focused approach and rewards for growing sales. The Platinum Club has been designed to build, recognise and reward success with unique promotional and discount opportunities, sponsored incentives and tailored PoS solutions, as well as membership rewards.

Maximising every sale is vital, so focus on each and every customer that walks through the shop door has never been more important – states Protect-A-Bed, which has a track record of helping its retail partners grow sales, and is again set to share the secrets of its success at this year’s Bed Show …

“Protect-A-Bed’s ability to upskill your team and increase your sales revenue by maximising every sales opportunity has been well documented. We can manage every step of the process for you, and build a reward scheme through the Protect-A-Bed Platinum Club.


“We’re extremely excited to be showing at The Bed Show this year,” says Protect-A-Bed’s national sales manager, Gowsh Shan. “As a business, we are constantly looking to help drive sales for all of our retail partners, and the Bed Show is a perfect opportunity to discuss how we can significantly grow sales in their bed departments.

“There is nothing to be lost and everything to be gained. Visit our Bed Show stand this September for exclusive Platinum Club offers and to see our advanced Therapeutics range,” Gowsh concludes.

“Supporting our innovative mattress protectors is our specialist sales training, which is vital to unlock the sales potential. Our team is incredibly adaptable, and able to support this in any retail environment – sometimes driving attachment rates to over 70%.

52 Furniture News BEDBUYER



“Product innovation is one small element of how we unlock greater sales for our partners. The Therapeutics ranges, featuring Copper, Graphene and Charcoal mattress protectors, have already been a great success.

Contact Protect-A-Bed ® to start increasing your profit: | 02087 310020 • Professional Sales Training & Motivational Programme • Best in Class Product Innovation and Cooling Technology • Genuine 15 Year Guarantee Programme • State of the Art Dynamic Display Bays • Award Winning Customer Service & Claims Resolution Market Leading Mattress Protector Brand, Featuring Cutting-Edge Materials Including Copper, Graphene, Charcoal and Bamboo! FIND US AT STAND C14 20 - 21 Sept Telford2022

“A certain drop in body temperature is to be expected before falling asleep,” states the sleep technology specialist. “High ambient temperature makes it difficult for the body to reduce its temperature – it’s difficult for the body to reduce its temperature when the ambient temperature is high, making it difficult to fall asleep.

As part of this philosophy, Boyteks has developed a vegan mattress ticking solution, utilising cutting-edge technology and environmentally friendly approach to deliver a good sleep environment without harming people, animals or the planet.

“Reduced body temperature makes it easy to fall asleep and improves sleep quality.”



Boyteks – part of Erciyes Anadolu Holding, one of Turkey’s biggest textile groups – is one of the world’s largest mattress ticking manufacturers, and an unstoppable innovator …

Proficient in everything from yarn to fabric production, Boyteks utilises its fully integrated, ERP-managed facilities to create cutting-edge solutions for the bed sector, and its team will be on hand at this year’s Bed Show to discuss the latest developments.



“Veganism, in its simplest definition, means denying the use of animals and the consumption of animal products,” Boyteks explains. “The materials derived from animals, such as leather, fur, bones, gelatin, wool (sheep, cashmere, angora) and silk are not used in vegan textiles, and animal testing is not permitted.”Inanother step towards guaranteeing that “good morning” feeling, Boyteks has also developed a temperatureregulating mattress ticking, Cooler.

“We produce good mornings in more than 100 countries,” states Boyteks. “Every year, we touch more than 30 million human lives in more than 100 countries.“Weput humans and the planet at the heart of what we do. We like to make fabrics. We produce fabrics that have a purpose. We design and produce woven and knitted mattress ticking for all sectors related to sleep. We believe in the power of innovation, creating value by being aware of our global brand responsibility. We are passionate in what we do – everything for good mornings.”

CARPENTER sleep better from Carpenter will present an innovative collection of mattresses, toppers and pillows at the show. Whether it be sustainability, airflow, health and wellbeing or comfort on a budget, the supplier says it has a mattress to suit everyone’s requirements, dressed in the latest fabrics and modern designs. For example: Carpenter’s Click collection has been created to make recycling at the end of life easier; The Perfect Match is a dual-tension mattress, offering two different feels, allowing sleepers their own personalised comfort from the same mattress; while Isotonic Pro and Isotonic Air are a range of mattresses which support a healthy night’s sleep, offering differing levels of support and airflow through the mattress.VisitCarpenter on stand B10, and contact the supplier on 01457 861141 or

MANUFACTURERS Airsprung HighgroveHealthbedsHarrisonHGTAGNGExcellentEliteEasyDuvalayDuraDreamsDreamlandDreamDeluxeDeepsleepCarpenterBurgessBreasley(Manufacturing)BensonsBeeversSwanglenGainsboroughGroupBedsFurnishingsBedsforBedsBeddingCompanyBedsBedsWorks/GalleryDirectBedsBeds(Raskelf)RestBedsBeddingCoRelaxGroupBelgiumLivingSpinksBeds Hyder SweetSoftheads/SiestaSleepeezeeSilentnightSignatureShireSeetallSealyBodyeasePlatinumPalatineOriginalNHCMoffettMillbrookMansionMAKyotoBedsKozeeKellettsKayfoam/KaymedKayflexJayBeHypnosBeds/RespaSleep/ShakespeareLivingHouseBeddingBeds&SonsTechnologyFabricsBedsEnterprise/UKFurnitureBedsBedsBedsDreams Tender Sleep Beds TheYanisWillowbrookVogueVi-SpringUsleepBedsSleepPeople SUPPLIERS EdwardCPSCABoyteksBekaertDesleeApropaTekstilBlythGroupClay& Son FibreEpicEnkevLogisticsFillings(AMR Textiles) GTA JohnJHomeserveHandyBelgiumDeWallegCottonNon Wovens L&P LatexcoSprings Leggett & Platt (Gateway WolfVeyselTheSuperSundsStelliniSpinksSomacRedwoodRecticelRawsonRAOriginalNestorMertMaesSystems)MakinaSpringsFabricsIrwinFillingsTTMThreadsTextilesKutuVeAmbalajVitaGroupKutukluComponents BRAND ASSOCIATES Emma Sleep UK SimbaNectarMammothSleepSleep NATIONAL BED FEDERATION MEMBER ROSTER

55 Furniture News BEDBUYER

INFORMING INDUSTRY, BUILDING BUSINESS Working with the UK domestic furniture trade since 1986 NEWS | INSIGHT | EVENTS | PRODUCT | OPINION INDUSTRY PARTNERS @Furniture News T A THE FURNITURE AWARDS 2022 Applauding the furniture sector’s fundraisers MattressNextDay’s action plan BLOWN AWAY How Simba rewrote the sleep rulebook EMBRACE ELEGANCE PERSPECTIVE ALL IS BRIGHT Orbital lights up online shopping with enVision BEST OF THREE Emma Select’s personalised sleep solutions RESPONSE AND BACK TO NATURE SPOILT FOR CHOICE Viral marketing Furniture News turns 35 DREAM TEAM Why MLILY might be your perfect match NEW HORIZONS How plans to redefine online selling How to deliver the perfect (video) pitch BRIGHT BREASLEYAND The future of furniture retail Meet the agent Karen Rowley STATE OF PLAY THE PERFECT FIT HOT PROPERTY Sizzling CGI from Chilli Pepper Designs Respect, repair and restore an expert perspective Gordon Hecht on retail’s new tricks and dead ends MATERIAL PERFECT The sustainable packaging dilemma GLAM Kettle’s portfolio Upholstery’s green pioneers speak up Karl Walker on Lebus’ succession strategy ROLLED MATTRESSES LIVING RESPONSIBILITY INDX BEDS & BEDROOM OUTDOOR Price rises the trade’s response INNOVATION IN BEDDING LIVING Switch suppliers keep the faith? WORLD Swyft’s supercharged disruptor sofa HOME OFFICE BEDROOM The pros and cons of going hybrid GAINS OKA takes new routes to market JANUARY FURNITURE SHOW INDX BEDS & BEDROOM | DINING LIVING | BEDROOM | TRADE SERVICES A man’s world? Gender equality in the furniture industry Loaf’s Nick Holmes steps up The direction of furniture ecommerce #391 April 2022 VOYAGE DISCOVERYOF Join At The Helm’s bold adventure FN391_(01-78) 2.indd 1 24/03/2022 11:35

Furniture News BEDBUYER 57

“It is wonderful to be recognised for our hard work and the progress made in the field of sustainability,” states the bedmaker. “Being a sustainable, vertically integrated business is at the heart of everything we do, and this means that every member of the Harrison Spinks family, and all our stakeholders, play a huge part in current and future plans. Only with their input and their engagement can we truly continue to make a difference.”

“We’ve come a long way – and are so immensely proud to win this award for a second year running,” says CEO James Lane. “As the largest furniture repair company covering the UK and Ireland, our focus is quality of service, and ensuring the customer comes first.”

Best Component Supplier: L&P Springs UK “Our mission is a commitment to enhance lives – by delivering highquality components and advanced bedding technology, offering empowering and rewarding careers, and doing our part in bringing about a better future,” says UK sales manager, David Nuttall. “Topping this category and winning the award validates the hard work our employee-partners provide each day to make that mission a reality.”


Last month, Furniture News revealed the winners of its 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards –and again, a good number of NBF members occupied the leaderboard …

UKSpringsL&PNuttall,David DirectGalleryDelaney,Peter

Best Furniture Care/Repair Provider: Homeserve Furniture Repairs

Best Bed Supplier: Hypnos “It’s been a challenging year, but we’ve worked extremely hard to put improvements in place across the business,” says CEO James Keen. “As a forward-thinking business, we’ll continue to lead the way and create innovative beds that are valued by retailers and consumers alike. We pride ourselves on creating outstanding beds from responsibly sourced, sustainable materials, offering true comfort with integrity – we’re thrilled to have received this recognition from our customers.”

Best for Sustainable Thinking: Harrison Spinks

Each year, Furniture News invites the trade to nominate its top suppliers from across the industry. Every business relies on the goods and services of its suppliers – yet there are some which they could simply not do without. It’s these invaluable relationships which Furniture News created its Readers’ Choice Awards to celebrate. From fresh design and competitive pricing, to quality assurance and timely delivery, it remains a challenging time for bedmakers and their suppliers, many of which continue to develop and adapt to new ways of working. Everyone is having to work harder and smarter for their customers, with some exceptional examples …

Best Mattress Supplier: Sleepeezee With a heritage dating back to 1924, Sleepeezee is one of Britain’s most progressive bed brands, and its innovative mattress designs and comprehensive approach are finding favour with more and more stockists every year.

Best Dining Furniture Supplier: Gallery Direct MD Peter Delaney says: “Leading by design is key to our ethos, across all our product categories. We offer a wide range of styles to give customers choice to suit their client base, as well as putting key looks together to help them select products that work well. We are continually striving to bring exciting new products to market at value-for-money prices. It is therefore fantastic to have our hard work and quality products recognised and rewarded by the readers of Furniture News.”

Best UK MillbrookManufacturer:Beds

“It certainly has been another interesting year – even as we now come out the other side of Covid, other issues continue to arise,” says Millbrook Beds’ operations director, Ross Thurston. “But, despite the ongoing challenges, we have continued to prosper over the last year, and have continued to grow and introduce some fantastic new ranges.”


etting Personal Furniture News BEDBUYER 58


Scottish entrepreneur extraordinaire George founded his own bed retail business eight years ago, at the age of 15. Already managing two stores and manufacturing his own product, the director of Nimbus Beds is definitely one to watch …

READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS ROLLED MATTRESSES LIVING TRAINING AND EDUCATION EAGER TO PLEASE Introducing Meridian Upholstery’s ambitious MD Sterling Home’s £2m Aberdeen makeover Why conversational commerce matters #395 August 2022 RESPONSE RESPONSIBILITYAND Uncovering Simba’s sustainable vision WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! • Join the conversation on Twitter @FurnitureNewsED • Follow Furniture News on LinkedIn @Furniture News • Message the editor at • For advertising and subscription enquiries, see p5

Wanting to accomplish everything yesterday. I am hard on myself if I don’t get things done quicker than expected, and I expect everything to be done overnight.

Making Money While You Sleep … What does ‘work/life balance’ mean to you? Work/life balance is not something I have focused on so far in my career. However, as I am starting to value family time and enjoying my life outside work more, I do believe it’s important to have a good balance.

How might a child describe what you do?

What should everyone in our industry either stop or start doing? Stop complaining and start doing. What advice would you give your younger self? Be patient. It will all come. Everything will happen at the right time. Manifest your brain out, because it will happen if you believe it will. Where do you see the industry going in the next 5-10 years? I feel there is going to be a lot more online sales space to be had, with excellent videos describing mattresses, rather than just written descriptions for consumers to read.

Lie on beds all day!

Who’s been your most influential professional mentor? I would say a guy called James Sinclair. Although he shares the same name as my dad and brother, we’re not related. YouTube him. What’s been your best day in business to date? Opening our retail park store [in Fife]! We did more business in that first week than I’d done in the past three months. What’s the biggest myth about our industry? That there’s a mattress that suits everyone.

If you had 10 x your working budget, what would you spend it on? I would open so much stores – there would be one in every town. What would be the title of your autobiography?

What’s the biggest long-term challenge you face?


For more information about our innovative products contact us on 01457 861141 or Email : We look forward to seeing you on STAND B10 A WORLD LEADER IN TOPPERSPILLOWSMATTRESSES NEW ISOTONIC AIR COLLECTION R That floating on air feeling sleep better™ is a trade marks of Carpenter Co.

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