The official publication of the Georgia District of Circle K International
Governor’s Letter Hey y’all! It’s been an exciting time of growth for the Georgia District. Right now, we are ahead in membership from what we had at this point last year! We also successfully chartered University of North Georgia just in time for our fall event! Clubs are in the middle of electing new officers and training the next wave of leaders! In November, we hosted our annual Fall Membership Retreat in Covington! It was such a wonderful time, and I was so happy to see how many clubs were represented that weekend. It really was like we were in Neverland, because we never wanted to leave! Big thanks to the amazing conventions chair Mina for pulling off another great district event. It’s been awesome seeing all the clubs spring into action when coming back from Christmas break. From tabling sessions to bake sales to Valentine’s Day cards for university residents, our clubs are staying busy! Coming up, we have District Convention! It’ll be a bittersweet weekend, celebrating a great CKI year during the awards banquet and voting in our new board. I know I’ll be (just a little) tearyeyed come time for my board’s retirement. But with an end comes new beginnings! Serving on the district board is such a fulfilling experience that has really shaped me as a person and built up my self-confidence as a leader. I hope to see people step a little out of their comfort zone and take a look at what Circle K is like outside of the club level by running or applying for district board. Read on to find out how you can run for district board at DCON or apply for committee chair positions after. If you have any questions or just want advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Yours in service,
Lucy Zheng
District Governor Georgia District Circle K Georgia Institute of Technology (912) 506 - 2716 3
Table of Contents 2 5 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4
Governor’s Letter Letter from the Editor Georgia District Map | CKI Mission Divisional Updates Fall Membership Retreat Recap District Convention | Running for Board District Spotlights Quick Service Project Ideas Promoting on Social Media Designing Flyers, Logos, and Documents Create Your Google Drive Service Hours Updates Applying for Committee Chair K-Fam Konnection Service Partners District Board Contact Information
Letter from the Editor Hello Georgia District and Readers! I hope all is well. A big part of this edition highlights our most recent event and informs you about our upcoming district event. Like previous editions, you’ll also find more tips for keeping up with your club and wise words from one of our Georgia Kiwanis family members. Fall Membership Retreat was our recent district event and it was an incredible experience. My favorite part of the whole weekend was working with my group during all the games and being able to bond with everyone there. I cannot wait to see everyone again in Peachtree City for our District Convention. I hope this Kronicle is just as exciting to read as the others! I only have one more Kronicle left to create before my term as bulletin editor ends, so if there’s any suggestions or feedback on how I can make the last one perfect, reach out to me! Don’t forget to share the edition and thanks for reading! Yours in service, Michelle Vo
Michelle Vo Bulletin Editor Georgia District Circle K
Georgia District Map
If you know of any college that is interested in building a Circle K Club, reach out to your division LTG or our governor Lucy Zheng if you are unsure who your LTG is. Chloe Crumbley for MOUNTAINS Linda Qiu for METRO Trey Dolder for PERIMETER Leah Reiser for COASTAL Alyssa Adel for PLAINS
mountainsltg@georgiacirclek.​org perimeterltg@georgiacirclek.​org
Circle K International Mission Circle K International is college and university students who are responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide. Circle K inspires people to better our world.
Divisional Updates From Our LTGS Linda Qiu, Metro LTG Division Achievement: We had great turnout at our divisional rally volunteering at the Kiwanis Henry County Fair. Members from Circle K clubs of Emory, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and Spelman came for a day of service and fellowship. Division Updates: • Georgia State’s club is resuming their activity more active with meetings! • Emory has a full executive board now and they are doing a great job establishing routine service projects at Boys & Girls Club. • Georgia Tech, Lagrange, and University of West Georgia have been stable as usual. • Spelman is still in the process of getting chartered. • Southern Crescent is still establishing their presence on campus as a newly chartered club.
Alyssa Adel, PLains LTG Division Achievement: At least one member from both ABAC and Valdosta were able to attend our district event. Division Update: • VSU came back strong this new year after the club president attended Fall Membership Retreat! They had a successful recruitment session and first meeting, wrapping up with a full board. They are in the process of designing a club t-shirt and planning service projects and fundraiser events. Their new club mascot Riley Rabbit unfortunately was kidnapped by Oxford Circle K at FMR! • ABAC has been keeping busy! At the end of January, they cleaned up trash during an Adopt-A-Mile, and they packed goodie bags for Valentine’s Day at one of their meetings. They’ve officially adopted a new club mascot, Mumble the Penguin!
Chloe Crumbley, Mountains LTG Division Achievement: Chartering UNG has been one of the biggest accomplishments for this division. We also had 5 people from the division attend FMR. Division Update: • Congratulations to the Circle K Club at University of North Georgia for becoming chartered! They had two attendees at Fall Membership Retreat. • Reinhardt College recently had another tabling event, and their Kiwanis is as supportive as ever. They are looking to host a meeting soon. • Dalton State College’s presentation to their Student Government Association to become a registered student organization on campus was a success! Their president has worked diligently to host meetings, attend Kiwanis meeting on their behalf, and schedule service events, such as handing out candy at their local Halloween festival. • We also had our divisional rally in December and had 5 attendees! We made Christmas cards for a local nursing home, who really appreciated them.
Trey Dolder, Perimeter LTG Division Achievement: The most exciting part of the Perimeter division can be found in the newest club at Kennesaw. Membership has exploded from not even being chartered at the beginning of the year to having over 35 active members. Division Updates: • Circle K at Kennesaw is making a huge impact on their community with a variety of different service projects and creative socials. • Under Nikki’s leadership, UGA Circle K has continued to grow while finding new service projects for its members to engage in. The club has begun implementing quick service projects into their biweekly meetings to ensure that even the busiest members still find a way to give back. • Oxford Circle K has started out fresh this year with a totally new officer core. Despite this being many of their officer’s first year, Oxford has not slowed down on their service projects.
Leah Reiser, Coastal LTG Division Achievement: East Georgia State College grew the most in percentage membership from last year of all the clubs in good standing. Division Updates: • Georgia Southern University recently participated in a blood drive with the American Red Cross and Statesboro Kiwanis. They have upcoming volunteer opportunities with the Animal Shelter and the local soup kitchen. They also have upcoming officer elections at the next meeting. • East Georgia State College recently held their elections for next year. Congrats to all the newly elected officers! They have also attended many Kiwanis meetings this year and have completed many volunteer events such as a canned food and stuffed animal drive for the local fire department.
Fall Membership Retreat RECAP At this year's FMR, we had 12 clubs representing. It's no secret that Fall Membership Retreat is our members' favorite event of the year. It's amazing that in just a short weekend, we all bonded so quickly and built friendships that last beyond the weekend and even beyond Circle K. We had the opportunity to grow our leadership skills and build on our commitment to Circle K and community service. Thank you to everyone who was at the retreat this year and we can't wait to have you all there again! I joined Circle K last Spring, so I honestly didn't know what to expect from such an event like FMR. What I stepped into though, was an amazing experience of bonding, service, and fun memories. Making friends with other club members was great and truly memorable were the stories we shared and the fun we had while we were there.
Timothy Vanjohnson Jr. University of West Gerogia
FMR 2019 was my fourth retreat with Circle K, and I loved being able to see old friends but also meet new members of the Georgia District. My favorite part was getting to go offsite for our service project to do trail maintenance in Covington. It was a great way to leave a lasting impact on the environment and the community that graciously hosts us each year.
Emmie Landford University of Gerogia FMR was an amazing time! I got the opportunity to reconnect with people I met at last year’s Day of Service and met with twice as many new members. By the end of the weekend, I felt really close with everyone I met, and I can’t wait to see them all at DCON!
Steve Shaw Duke University 10
FMR is always such a wholesome experience for me because I get to meet new people and get vulnerable with them! I think it’s amazing that strangers can become close in just a weekend, especially with the service involved and the late nights talking. Not to mention the warm and fuzzies, hands down my favorite part because we’re all building each other up.
Ana Diaz University of Gerogia
Nikki Codiniera University of Gerogia Fall Membership Retreat was stellar this year and made me want to be a kid again! It’s my second year going and I honestly think it just gets better; to be in a room full of people who are just so passionate to serve and so willing to be vulnerable is so refreshing and something you don’t see everyday. Thank you Circle K for giving me opportunities like this.
This year’s Fall Membership Retreat was an unforgettable experience that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life! Not only was I able to relax and reconnect with some old friends, but I also had a chance to make a whole bunch of new ones from all over the state, folks that I may never have gotten to meet otherwise. I had a blast cleaning up a nature trail for our service project, as well as learning about the different ways to serve within Circle K. I’d highly recommend all Circle K volunteers to consider going next fall!
Daniel Scarborough Georgia Institute of Technology This was my very first FMR. I had a very great time meeting other members of Circle K from out district and getting to connect with them while also learning about Circle K as a whole. It was also very fun to go out and do a service project with the whole group and accomplish a good amount of work in such a short time. It was really rewarding to help out the community like that. I’ll definitely try to go next year.
Jack Crumbley Dalton State College
District Convention February 21-23, 2020 Peachtree City, Georgia
By now, District Convention registration has closed! If you are planning on going, there are many events and activities you should be excited for. We are going to be celebrating our year's accomplishments during the award banquet where we celebrate our clubs and members. There will also be service projects to do and careeroriented workshops to attend. It’s also a time to say farewell to our old District Board and elect a new one for the upcoming year. What’s a better way to say goodbye than a pie-in-the-face fundraiser with our District Board members!
Running for District Board At District Convention, any CKI member in good standing is able to run for district board, regardless of previous leadership experience. Before District Convention If you are interested in running, you may submit candidate literature up to two pages in the form of a PDF to be put in the DCON app. Candidate literature is not required but recommended. If you’d like to bring paper copies, plan to bring at least 60 copies. At District Convention To run for district board, you must first be nominated for the position you would like to run for. Two other CKI members must nominate you, and then you will be asked to accept the nomination. Friday night, candidates will be given up to 6 minutes to address the members and state what they are running for, why they are qualified, and outline any plans they have for the position. On Saturday, candidates will address the members broken up in divisions and be given time to answer questions posed by the members. During House of Delegates, they will be given one last opportunity to address the members. In the case of someone losing an election, he or she can choose to drop down to run for any position that has not been filled.
Elected Positions on the District Board Ask any of our current board members if you are interested in or curious about any positions! Governor
• Run and represent the entire Georgia district • Attend Circle K events including Circle K International Convention, Kiwanis DCON, Key Club DCON, District Officer Training Conference, etc. • Visit club meetings, socials, and service projects of clubs in the district • Schedule and presides over at least 3 district board meetings • Create and supervise committees, appoints committee chairs • Complete and submit all online reports required by Circle K International • Communicates with board of officers, region trustee, district administrator, and CKI director
• Take minutes at district board meetings, district council meeting, House of Delegates sessions, and executive committee meetings • Create a directory that contains district and club officer contact information • Collect Club Monthly Reports from clubs and submit a report to District Governor • Create district budget, collect and submits club dues, inform clubs on how to pay club fees, attend all board meetings
Bulletin Editor
• Publish and distributes the district publication, the Kronicle • Submit articles to the Circle K magazine
Lieutenant Governor • • • •
Ensure well-being and functioning of clubs in specific division Visit each club in division at least twice within term Rebuild, reactivate, and charter new clubs in division Host at least one divisional rally
District SPOTLIGHTS Distinguished Member Safi Ullah Safi is a new member joining last fall, but he has wasted no time making his presence felt by all of UGA. Safi has gone above and beyond attending countless service projects, offering rides and always volunteering to come early or stay late. In addition to his service, he also raised a whopping $1000 for the WASH project. Safi loves the community that he has found at Circle K. In his own words: “Many students see college as just an educational institution, but clubs like Circle K bring a whole new meaning to college life. A small diverse family like community that, not only helps the local community, but helps people internationally. It is a place where every student is ready to serve”.
Distinguished Club Emory University Emory Circle K has been hard at work this year. They really represented at the Metro Division Rally, with 9 members! They visited the Boys & Girls Club recently and vade Valentine’s Day cards for the freshman residents on campus! They also recently welcomed a new mascot, Pip the Penguin! Keep up the great work!
Quick Service Project Ideas for your next club meeting
Looking for ways to add more service to your Circle K club? Completing service projects at your club meetings is a great way to provide short service opportunities for members when the semester picks up and schedules get busier! Listed below are a couple smaller, inexpensive, and fun service projects. Feel free to contact Rylie Geohegan, for more ideas:
Care Packages for Local Homeless Shelters: What you’ll need: While donations vary based on location, common requests include packaged foods like granola bars, canned soup, toothbrushes and toothpaste, wet wipes, sunscreen, feminine hygiene products, and water bottles. However, it’s best practice to reach out to a local homeless shelter and ask what goods to fundraise for the greatest impact! Description: Reach out to a local homeless shelter for a list of goods to fundraise and ask members to ask for donations before a meeting! Have club members pack the goods into boxes at the end of your club meeting. This is a great way to have an impact in your community.
Boo-Boo Bunnies: What you’ll need: a washcloth or wash rag, a rubber band, a sharpie Optional items: a ribbon, googly eyes, 2 pom-poms Description: These are adorable washcloth boo-boo bunnies that act as mini ice packs and a comforter. Donate these to local children’s hospitals or Boys and Girls clubs. Instructions can be easily found online! By SERVICE CHAIR Rylie Geohegan
Operation Gratitude: Letters for Troops What you’ll need: paper, pencils, envelopes, stamps Description: Write thank-you letters for new recruits, veterans, and wounded heroes and their caregivers! Members can write letters or draw pictures for our troops as a simple act of gratitude for their commitment. This is an inexpensive way to say thank you and put a smile on someone’s face. Click here for more information about donating these!
Dog Togs: What you’ll need: old t-shirts and scissors (that’s it!) Description: Want to make some furry friends very happy? Ask club members to bring in old t-shirts and make your own dog toys! This is an (almost) free project service project that will definitely make some doggos happy. Here are instructions to make these dog toys to donate to your local humane society!
Food Drives Keep in mind that food drives are a great project to encourage service! These also contribute to this year’s Governor’s Service Project, STUFH, a nonprofit organization devoted to assisting and inspiring food drives at colleges and universities across the country.
Promoting Events on Social Media is a Breeze! Social media is a great and easy tool on reminding your members what’s going on in your club! Here are some key tips on how you can inform them about upcoming meetings or service projects on your club Instagram and Facebook. Use Instagram Story
Keep it Simple
For club events, create images that contain important information. Be sure to include the name, time, and location. Make sure to keep information to a minimum to make it visually appealing. You can use Canva, which is a free program to make designs for advertisements!
Posting on your Instagram Story is a useful tool to use to promote upcoming meetings and service projects! These stories can be enjoyed for 24 hours. You can use geotagging, the fun fonts, polls, filters, captions, GIFs, and other features.
Make a Recap Post
Be sure to take many pictures and videos at the event! It is important to have nice, quality photos so you’ll be able to post them on Instagram right after. This shows your audience how active your club is and might possibly make them interested in being involved! Make sure you edit your photos if they need some improvement.
We love to see what our clubs are always up to and to feature them for all of their hard work and dedication! Make sure to tag us (@georgiacki) on Instagram posts and stories so we can repost them!
Tips on Designing Flyers, Logos, and Documents
Anyone can easily create stunning designs for free by using websites such as Canva. Canva provides free templates for anything you can think of! You can easily elevate and personalize a template by simply changing the colors and fonts or by using lines and shapes to create more interest. Design should be expressive, so don't be afraid to take risks, and have fun with it!
Fall Membership Retreat
Do you want to create a flyer, logo, or other documents for your club? Then you have come to the right place.
Nov. 8th-10th
@ FFA/FCCLA Campgrounds in Covington, GA
You do not have to be a graphic design expert to create awesome designs. It is important to remember the elements of design: line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space. Using these simple elements of design can bring your designs to the next level.
Register at!
It is normal to have artist block, it happens to the best of us. Pinterest is your best friend. Wed. When I am having artist block, I like to scroll WELCOME through Pinterest to spark inspiration. Most of WEDNESDAY my designs are inspired by something that I saw on Pinterest.
If you feel stuck, and Pinterest is not giving you the inspiration you need, feel free to reach out to me at and I would be more than happy to help. I can't wait to see everyone's awesome designs, happy designing!
Create Your Google Drive Are you having trouble keeping track of and documenting information on your club?
You should be keeping track of club membership records, service hours, meeting minutes, etc. If you create a Google Drive folder for your club, you can store all the documents and share it with your club officers.
Anyone who has acess to the drive will be able to edit the shared documents.
It's also a great way to store and share pictures!
Service Hours Update
Earlier this service year we set a district goal of performing 3,050 service hours by March 31, 2020. As of January 25, we have recorded 1,343 hours! These have been completed through meaningful projects such as volunteering at food banks, fundraising for our partner charities, and cleaning up parks. The following clubs have been consistent with their submission of Club Monthly Reports through the MUC: Georgia Southern University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University LaGrange College University of Georgia University of West Georgia Remember that your club must have all CMRs from April through January submitted in order to be eligible to apply for DCON awards. If you are unsure of how to submit CMRs through the MUC, click this article.
Top clubs! Club University of Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Southern University University of West Georgia
Number of Srevice Hours 599 356 174 96
Apply for Committee Chair Positions! Shortly after District Convention, the 2020-2021 governor-elect will release committee chair applications. If there were any unfilled elected board positions at DCON, applications for these positions will also be released. You can apply for multiple positions and will be notified if appointed. If appointed, you will serve in your district board position from April 1st, 2020 to March 31st, 2021. The committee chair positions are yet to be determined, but to give you an idea, the 2019-2020 committee chair positions included Conventions Chair, Membership Development & Education Chair, Public Relations Chair, Service Chair, and Webmaster.
Main Responsibilities of the 2019-2020 Committee Chairs (20-21 chair responsibilities may vary)
Ask any of our current board members if you are interested in or curious about any positions!
Conventions Chair
Serve as chair of the Conventions & Conferences Committee Plan the annual Georgia District Convention held in February Plan the annual Fall Membership Retreat held in November
Membership Development & Education Chair
Serve as chair of the Marketing Committee Organize workshops for FMR & DCON Create graphics for general members, club officers, and district officers
Public Relations Chair
Post content on the Georgia District Facebook and Instagram pages Create the FMR and DCON recap video to be played on Sunday morning of each event Work with the MD&E Chair to create and post promotional materials
Service Chair
Serve as chair of the Service Committee Plan a District Day of Service Organize service projects during FMR and DCON Run Penny Wars or some other form of fundraising competition
Maintains and improves the District and the Georgia Kiwanis District website Manage district email accounts Manage the District Convention phone application Post promotional materials and new resources for members to the website
K-Fam Konnection Words from our DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR....
Brent Leslie Georgia District Administrator Georgia District of Kiwanis
As we close out this administrative year, I thought I would pass on some thoughts for those of you that are graduating. It seems like every year I get the same questions about how do I stay involved or when do I make the jump to Kiwanis? To that end, I thought I would give you my perspective about how to evaluate those next steps and when to take them. First and foremost, upon graduation figure your own life out first. Though some of you are fortunate to have a job set up right out of college; for others of you it may take a while. It took me over 6 months to find the job I have now. No matter your situation, you are not going to do yourself, or your future Kiwanis club any good unless you have your own life together. Get settled, know where you’re going to be living for a while, and enjoy life for a bit. Let’s say you have your life figured out, and you are ready to join Kiwanis. Which club is for you? Hopefully as Circle K members you have visited your Kiwanis club once or twice and done some projects with them. Every Kiwanis club is different; in Georgia, we have Kiwanis clubs that meet during the day, clubs that meet at night, and we even have a Kiwanis club that meets online. Take your time to visit several Kiwanis clubs and find the club that is right for you. Don’t just visit on a meeting day but help them out with a project. Get to know the club members outside of a meeting setting. Take your time figuring out the club. This way if you decide to join that club you will know that it’s the right fit for you. Some would ask why go through all of that? Why not just join the club that is in my area that I can make the meetings? One of the reasons is that as a past Circle K member you carry a power member benefit with you when you join Kiwanis. Especially if you join a club in GA, you get 2 years both International and District Dues free. You do not want to waste that discount on a bad Kiwanis experience! Lastly, do not let one bad Kiwanis experience ruin your time in organization. I have Circle K friends that refuse to set foot in a club to this day. Unfortunately, their experience with individual Kiwanians in clubs was so bad they tainted their entire view of the organization. Don’t let one bad experience determine your future with the organization! Kiwanis needs former Circle K members now more than ever! Congratulations on completing your degree, and I look forward to seeing you in Kiwanis!
Service Partners International Preferred Charities The March of Dimes is a non-profit organization that leads the fight for the health of all moms and their babies by working to prevent birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Throughout the year, Circle K members raise money to support the March of Dimes. In addition to collecting money, CKI members can participate in the annual March for Babies held in April. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is an organization that works to improve the lives of children in over 190 counties. Its main goal is to help children all over the world survive and reach their full potential by providing medicine, clean water, vaccines, and educational opportunities. CKI members work with UNICEF to support the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program in Haiti. This program works to provide access to safe drinking water and ways to separate human waste from contact with people, and basic toilets. It also nurtures good hygiene practice, especially with handwashing soap.
International Service Partners Better World Books is an online non-profit organization that uses books collected primarily through book drives and resells them online. Each time a book is purchased from their website, a book is donated to someone in need. CKI members can get involved by visiting the Book Drive research center on the website and signing up to hold a book drive on their college campus. St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer and donor powered charity organization whose goal is to fund promising research to find cures to childhood cancers. The organization takes funds raised by their supporters and donates them to carefully selected research grants. CKI members can get involved by participating in the head shaving events. “Shavees” ask friends and family to make donations “on their head”. In return, they attend events to have their heads shaved in solidarity with kids fighting cancer. Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH) is a national non-profit organization devoted to feeding the hungry, raising awareness among college students about food insecurity, and inspiring food drives at colleges around the country. CKI members can get involved by organizing food drives on their campus, donating time and/or money to local food backs, and grow their own food to donate to their local soup kitchen. By SERVICE CHAIR Rylie Geohegan
Reach Out To The DISTRICT BOARD Don’t be afraid to reach out to the District Board if you have any questions regarding the Georgia District of Circle K or suggestions on what we could do better!
Lucy Zheng Amanda Lang Michelle Vo
Leah Reiser Linda Qiu Chloe Crumbley Trey Dolder Alyssa Adel
Mina Jeong Armando Acosta Abbey May So Rylie Geohegan Julia Tang
Brent Leslie Virginia Braswell Anla Etheridge Stacey Fountain