Fall Membership Retreat RECAP At this year's FMR, we had 12 clubs representing. It's no secret that Fall Membership Retreat is our members' favorite event of the year. It's amazing that in just a short weekend, we all bonded so quickly and built friendships that last beyond the weekend and even beyond Circle K. We had the opportunity to grow our leadership skills and build on our commitment to Circle K and community service. Thank you to everyone who was at the retreat this year and we can't wait to have you all there again! I joined Circle K last Spring, so I honestly didn't know what to expect from such an event like FMR. What I stepped into though, was an amazing experience of bonding, service, and fun memories. Making friends with other club members was great and truly memorable were the stories we shared and the fun we had while we were there.
Timothy Vanjohnson Jr. University of West Gerogia
FMR 2019 was my fourth retreat with Circle K, and I loved being able to see old friends but also meet new members of the Georgia District. My favorite part was getting to go offsite for our service project to do trail maintenance in Covington. It was a great way to leave a lasting impact on the environment and the community that graciously hosts us each year.
Emmie Landford University of Gerogia FMR was an amazing time! I got the opportunity to reconnect with people I met at last year’s Day of Service and met with twice as many new members. By the end of the weekend, I felt really close with everyone I met, and I can’t wait to see them all at DCON!
Steve Shaw Duke University 10