Tangled Silver Magazine-FALL 2021

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TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

COVER: Luisa Dunn @thesilverlining_1970 PHOTO CREDIT: @ForeverAfterphotography

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

Tan gled SILVER M agazin e TSMagazine is published quarterly featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle. Editor & Publisher Robin Salls robin@tangledsilvermag.com Content Assistant david@tangledsilvermag.com Copy Editor David Salls Contributing Writers Tina @grey.grace.andgrit Joanne @jobo_silver-linings Katie @katiegoesplatinum Joli @jolicampbell Leah @leahrachel66 Stevie @silverilocks Lisa @katz9132 Jineen @jineenmariesilvery Layout Designer Robin Salls Advertising Rates & Inf ormation Sales@tangledsilvermag.com Mailing Address Girls Gone Grape, Inc./TangledSilverMag PO Box 503 Johnstown, CO 80534 Submissions | Inquiries Email : sales@tangledsilvermag.com Tangled Silver Magazine - ISSN (Print) 2768-4407, (Online) 2768-4415 . Summer 2021. Printed in USA. Tangled Silver is published quarterly (4x per year) January, April, July, October by Girls Gone Grape, Inc. Subscription prices f or print $49, digital $20. Tangled Silver Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content or artwork is prohibited in any print or electronic f orm without prior written permission by the publisher.

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

TangledSilver.com | Spring 2021

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


Think of post-menopauseasa return to innocence but with the addition of wisdom. Sure, getting there is like a trip through Hades and some of us have to get past a serious boss level, but once we are there it can be a sort of Shangri-la. A place of play, self-discovery, and finding a sense of purpose beyond providing for our families. Instead, we get to provide for ourselves. The kids go off on their own, and you suddenly have more time, less responsibilities, and your hormones are no longer dictating your desires.This is when so many women rediscover themselves. It?s quite like a second childhood.

that I could learn to offer my best self to the world. My honesty was horrible and brutal at times. ?Ma?am, why is your bathing suit going up your butt?? Still, others, even the victims of it, found it endearing because they understood it came from an innocent place, a place they secretly wanted to be. My biggest passion was playing make-believe. An occupation that involved wearing a cape and required that I fly all around the neighborhood doing superhero things with my best friend, ahem, ?sidekick?Brian, aka, Super Dog.

Do you remember how you were before puberty? You were probably pretty carefree and earnest back then. For instance, I could neither tell a lie to others, nor would I lie to myself, and I was okay with the consequences. But when those adolescent hormones came marching in, I started to become self-conscious? because my hormones totally hijacked my childhood and changed my objectives from play and exploration to social status and sexual attractiveness. But before the great hormonal occupation of my body, I knew exactly what I was passionate about. My passions had nothing to do with pleasing anybody else, instead, they existed to teach me how to be me, so

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


I had no vanity. I just didn?t give a hoot how I looked from the outside. I only cared about what I was experiencing right then and now and my only ambition was to get more stretch out of ?the right then and now?. So when my mom called me in for dinner, I always begged her for that extra 5 minutes. To others, Brian and I must have appeared like two annoying kids running across everybody?s front lawns in total disregard to property lines. What were we running from?Probably the fashion police as we tied ratty old beach towels around our necks for capes. Sometimes we would end up in our other people?s backyard, especially if they had a jungle-like landscape. Our imaginations knew no bounds or boundaries. I never worried about looking pretty back then. Pretty was just not on my to do list. When I came in for dinner, my mom, with lips pursed in disappointment, would take stock of me: tangled hair, skinned knees and elbows, dirt on my neck, and holes in my clothes, and she would say ?I don?t know what to do with you? I would respond ?You don?t have to do anything, I am a superhero?and I would flex my arm for her.

was not. Because that?s what creative kids do, they play pretend. I know that doesn?t sound particularly heroic; however, imagine if everybody lived this way. We would need no passwords, locks, or bureaucracy, and all the fear mongering used to control people would stop. The super villains would cease to even exist. In other words, being honest, fearless - or at least driven by love not fear- and 100%ourselves would prevent all the crime before it even happened. It?s hard to break the status quo when your hormones have other plans. I mean, they are hired by your genes to get you to pass your genes on. They want you to be well-behaved in order to increase your get-laid-ability. And once that?s successful, those hormones want you to provide and protect your children, which also means being well-behaved. But once you are past all that, your genes and hormones are no longer invested in controlling your life for their gain. And so, the hormones retreat and give you back your self again. It?s truly a gift.

I truly was a superhero then; however, my super power strength wasn?t in my muscle or my ability to fly. I could do neither of those. I was a superhero because I was honest, fearless, and 100%me even when I was

pretending to be someone and often something that I TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


TangledSilver.com | Summer 2021


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021



A lot has changed in the past f ew years regarding attitudes towards gray hair. The pro-age and #metoo movements made people question outdated notions about many different topics, including gray hair, which is fantastic! And the silver sister community on Instagram had a huge impact on changing the negative perception of gray hair. But for many women, gray hair still carries negative connotations. That?s natural - after all, it?s hard to shake off the cultural baggage surrounding it. But if you don?t shake it off, it?s really hard to embrace your gray hair.

You might spend years continuing to dye it, and that will cost you time, money, patience, and maybe even your health. Plus, you?ll miss out on the mind-blowing, liberating, exhilarating, transformative (in every way) gray hair transition period. And we, your silver sisters, can?t let that happen. So here are some tips to help you learn to love gray hair not only your own, but gray hair in general! 1) Stop calling it gray hair. Bloggers like me have to use the term ?gray hair?so newbies can find our content on Google, but for everyone else, silver hair is the preferred term. Why?Well, gray has negative connotations: drab prison dresses, concrete, cement, Soviet architecture... Silver, on the other hand, has positive connotations: jewelry, luxurious dinnerware, coins, tinsel...all the good things! It sounds simple but just this one step will help you start seeing ?gray?hair in a different way.

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


2) Start looking at gray hair as just another shade of hair color. Strip it of all of its symbolism/cultural significance. This takes patience and you have to work at it, but once you can see it as just another shade of hair, you?ll feel better about it, believe me! 3) Look at as many pictures of contemporary women with gray hair as you can. Women of earlier generations with gray hair often conformed to stereotypes about how older/married women should wear their hair (usually very short, and often in styles that we consider frumpy today). Modern women wear their gray hair in all styles and lengths from buzz cuts to stylish pixies to bobs or long, beachy waves. The sky's the limit! We?ve been starved for years of the pleasure of seeing stylish women of all ages and races portrayed in photos and videos, so your mind will be blown. I promise that looking at these pictures (and YouTube videos) will inspire you. TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

4) Stop yourself if you see a woman (or man) with gray hair and f ind yourself making assumptions about their age. I still do this sometimes, even though I know better. It?s hard to break that habit when we?ve grown up in countries where 75%of the women dye their hair and we were never shown positive role models of younger women letting their hair go gray. I?m 54 and the only women in my family who displayed gray hair were in their very late 80s. All of my female relatives dyed their hair, so it felt natural to me to start dyeing it once the grays came in. But if nobody dyed their hair, we?d see so many women and men in their teens and early twenties with gray hair that we?d stop thinking of it as a marker of advanced age. If you can break free of that mindset, it really helps. 5) Once you stop f retting that gray hair will make you look old, start thinking about why ?old? carries negative connotations anyway. Obviously, none of us want to look older than our age, but why are we always chasing youth?How about just being happy with the age we are now?

Losing a friend to cancer really made me question my desire to chase youth. Every day we?re alive is a gift and it?s a shame not to be happy about the time we?ve been gifted. 6) Write a list of all the things that are positive about ditching hair dye. Will you save money?How about time?Have you thought about the impact of hair dye on your health? What are the pros/cons of going gray for you? I?m sure there are many others, but these six steps are the ones that really helped me (and I hope will help you) start to see gray hair in a new light. After all, if you love your gray hair, it makes you feel confident about your decision to go gray. That confidence will help you if you ever get any peer pressure to start dyeing again (and believe me, you will!) Plus there?s an added bonus: For me and many other women, changing our perception of gray hair also made us start to question our other beliefs, and that?s why so many of us find the gray hair acceptance movement so liberating. It shakes things up, and that?s a good thing!


Wow. It'sFalll and I'mfeeling like... (fill thepagewith your thoughts) -

TangledsSilver.com | Fall 2021




Contributor Meet & Greet Hi, I'm Lisa and excited about becoming a contributor with Tangled Silver Magazine. Silver is a wild ride and I can't wait to start sharing with you! Once I decided that 50 isn?t fatal, I realized it actually can be an excellent, empowered era. I?m fit, I work flexible hours, my father is still with us, and my daughter is forging her own life. It's a time to own who I am! It is during this decade that I decided to stop forcing my hair to be something it?s not. What was once a warm, reddish brown, is now silver. Some of my friends prefer ?platinum.?

Lisa | CA Age 50+

I?m just pleased it works just as well with my skin tone., regardless of what you want to call it! Here's to getting to know you all better, hopefully making you smile along your silver journey.

Avid Hiker Photographer Gym rate Mom to my amazing daughter Embracing gray hair and hoping what you see motivates you.

Silver Since "I can't remember"

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021



Recently, while out enjoying a beautif ul sunny day with my darling daughter, we decided to take a self ie. We pressed our faces together in a loving pose, her hair the color of my youth, and my silvery shades, framing our faces. I lowered my sunglasses to the bridge of my nose to add personality to the pic and perhaps reveal that I was actually wearing mascara?kind of a big thing for someone who has slowly replaced high-maintenance corporate glam with a fresh-faced, sporty, low-maintenance confidence. Yet the image now stored on my iPhone, while a sweet record of our mother-daughter hike, also appeared alarming. What?s with my eyebrows?Was there a little lint stuck to my brows?Maybe it was simply some refracted sunlight bouncing off of my frames, causing white flecks to dust my brows. Sadly the glistening sun was not the source of my shock. It was my second installment of gray, making an appearance in my eyebrows. It had happened, and we caught it, up close and personal, documented in a family photo. Just as I?d done the work to embrace my gray hair by going natural?albeit calling it a fashionable ?platinum,?my brows turned on me. They, too, were going gray. An age identification across the scalp is one thing, but brow betrayal as well?I was left with two questions: How to interpret this harbinger of the passage of time above my eyes, and what to do About it. (I still remember studying the lady in the church choir, who boldly let her brows grow wild with abandon. As a child, I found that disturbing. Still do).

But, back to me. Should I color my brows, I wondered, or give them a little trim, and let them be? Should I break out the brow pencil, perhaps some powder, or simply invest in some brow gel to control their unruly attitude?I realized I could, ultimately, just let nature take its course and accept the new normal. Except I knew that would haunt

TangledSilver.com | Summer 2021


and a fitting frame to the wisdom in our lovely eyes. If we take control. Road to Recovery

me like the church lady. Images of Einstein?s unruly and wiry brows popped into my mind and on my face. While I can?t claim his brilliance, I am definitely owning that man?s eyebrows. Shakespeare said the eyes are the windows to our soul. What would he call the bushy brow that frames them?And what is up with their rebellious ways?Why must they come in wiry instead of soft; long, instead of short, unruly instead of neatly falling into line?Why do some stand erect, heading in the opposite direction of the other hairs, or glance across my glasses?We could convene a whole other conversation on eyewear. I would appreciate a little cooperation, but I?ve come to accept; graying eyebrows are, quite simply, rogue. There?s a reason humans have been relying on tweezers since about 3,000 BC. Let?s face it?Lord knows I need to?going gray is inevitable, a rite of passage, a harbinger of the longevity of life. It?s all a matter of perspective. Silver brows, if well-groomed, can become less startling and more of a complement to hair color, TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

When I first began my silver journey, I was on a quest to heal years of home- dying my Jewish brown locks a sassy rust red. To give the illusion that I was a natural redhead, I always dyed my eyebrows. Sparse to begin with, my frail eyebrow hairs took a hit every time I painted on a peroxide-box hair dye combination. Eight years of applying this hair-dye mix definitely took its toll. My eyebrows were even more sparse than before. This sacrifice of my own doing was something I needed to undo. Enter eyebrow- and eyelash-growing serum. I?d heard from friends that, with time and diligent application?don?t get it in your eyes?it worked miracles. As long as each hair follicle was still productive, I would see results. My friends were right. My eyebrow hairs were coming back alright, but not as well as I had hoped. While remaining hairs grew stronger, new hairs arrived in a silvery shade of gray. These newcomers were wiry and, at times, grew in awkward, unruly directions. When I was a small child I was mesmerized by my grandfather?s eyebrows. Gray hairs, both dark and light, reached out like tiny tentacles in all directions. I remember some of those hairs were so long, they would actually poke his eye?or my cheek when I tucked in for a hug. I also recall my grandmother telling Gramps he needed to come into the bathroom with her so she could trim away the wildness before she was willing to accompany him in public. My grandfather would simply pass it off, seemingly unconcerned by how his brows looked. But her husband?s furry brow was not something my grandmother was willing to tolerate. To her, they had surpassed a professorial look to something unpresentable.


Sometimes I think Grandma?s angst had more to do with the stereotype that a man with silver in his brows is considered distinguished or outdoorsy,while a woman with greying brows resembles an old crone. She could control his visage, if not her own. In my three-step recovery process, I had gone from acceptance to grooming. All that remained was a consideration of color. Since I?d made the decision to let my hair color live in its natural shade, I made a similar decision for my eyebrows. Yet I?d always worn my brows just a shade darker than my hair to frame my blue eyes. If I let them go fully gray, would I be able to make them obey? If I chose a color, what would it be?Should the brows be a darker shade of gray or even a soft black or brown to complement my mascara? Are eyebrows an extension of the hair upon our head, or something we can experiment with, applying all the subtlety or drama with which we make up our eyes and lips ?

If nothing else, my silvering journey has taught me that what happens to our hair is not necessarily what we want, but it can be. So, when we get to the point where the texture or color of our hair is changing, we can be reassured that the health and beauty industry has done its homework and is ready and willing to help us. We do have choices on how to deal with the dynamics of our hair as we mature, and there truly is no wrong decision. It?s all about making a personal choice. The right choice for me?and for you?is always going to be the one that makes us feel and look our best. For now.

TangledSIlver.com | Fall 2021


I'm experiementing and still trying to f igure it out. I'm more salt and pepper than silver, so I f ound the Summer's issue on color interesting. I loved the yellow on the silver sister in it and am currently looking f or a jacket like hers! Laine G.

I'm a colorf ul person, so color is my signature. I have started playing with shades of colors and do notice that even a slight dif f erence can really make a dif f erence in how my hair color looks. I keep my make up pretty simple, except f or my lips. Theresa J.

I'm putting more thought into my make up these days. I'm f airly light skinned, so my grays make me f eel pretty washed out if I go without make up. I also wear glasses, so that comes into play and I just bought some f un new f rames to add some pop too. Tessa A.

My style is changing along with my hair, so I'm doing an overhaul to clothes and make up...one month at a time. I didn't plan on the overhaul by any means. I've just f ound myself leaning more into comof ortable colors and clothes. C. J..

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


I'm still trying to f igure this piece out as I use to have bright red hair, so a lot of my wardrobe needs to go! Trina B.

I didn't need to do much as my basic colors have always been black and white! I did add red lipstick to my make up though. I've never been a red lipstick gal till I saw other silver sisters pulling it of f . Lisa T.

I wasn't much into color until I f ollowed Jineen Marie's IG account last year where she shared a color a week! I'm now addicted to adding color and parting with some of my plain black looks! Robin S.

The brighter the lipstick, the bolder I f eel. Never wore bright lipstick till I let my grays come in. Mary S.

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


Note Fr om Robin Hello Silver Sisters, Fall tugs at my soul with her mischievously cooler, shorter daylight hours. I get to pull out all my throws to set the scene for perfect snuggle sessions while the scents of pumpkin spice lattes fill my house, because what is Fall without Pumpkin spiced lattes?She?s such a tease. The shorter days make it easier to skip a workout after a busy day or maybe indulge in a pasta overload session. Then add in the holiday season and it?s easy to ?fall?off the healthy track. Lucky for our silver community we have sisters sharing their tips for balancing our wellness in all areas of our lives in our final issue for 2021. It?s a season of change, which is something I believe Silver Sisters understand at a deeper level. It?s a change in the air that goes beyond the cooler days and is marking the beginning of a new acceptance of how we define beauty. Slowly, but surely more and more women ranging in age are proudly flaunting their silver strands. This month's EMBRACE section jumps right in with articles on looking at menopause as a gift, learning to love gray hair, tips for holiday health and new contributor Lisa Katz humorous read on her eyebrows joining the gray journey. Our "Love Notes" space is back again as we think it's important to journal this time in your life. I encourage you to print these pages out or tear them out of your print issue, tape a current picture of yourself and share what you're feeling about your journey today. I love looking back at what I was thinking at various stages of my transition. Enter CELEBRATE where we do just that...we celebrate women in the journey at all stages. We think it's important to meet them and know you're never alone in this wild ride or "tangled" life. So, we're bringing you MORE beautiful silver sisters, along with their stories to inspire your journey. We're bringing you beauties from the USA, Australia, Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom this issue! A magazine for Silver


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

Sisters around the globe! Rounding things up with our BE section (Being stylish, being beautiful, being creative and being you) we share several sisters who have been on their journeys awhile and how they've transformed their lives into passionate adventures. Then we share living life in a natural vibe, stomping into Fall with thoughts on skincare and foundations for living more of a holistic approach to your wellbeing. As always, we share our picks and products for the quarter, along with our silver styling long hair tips and the silver thoughts shared by silver sisters on how color has come into play for them on the journey. I hope you'll grab a glass of wine, or perhaps a pumpkin spice latte and curl up with your favorite throw and join us in these pages. And, don't forget to follow our social pages for a chance to win the Fall Quarter's Give-a-Way brought to us by OurKindra.com. Silver for the win!

Robin Salls Editor & Publisher @tangledsilver on Instagram robin@tanglesilvermag.com

In these months containing one holiday af ter another leading to New Years, the tendency to put on a few extra pounds, while common, does not have to be inevitable. It is possible to practice measured indulgence during the festive season. After all, ?everything in moderation?is something we should be familiar

with by now. Add to the merriment, a possible shift in temperature outside, depending on where you are located, and you might want to simply curl up. Hibernation might sound more alluring than going to the gym or outside for some fresh air and exercise. Despite all this, I want to encourage you not to wait to make a resolution to do better next year. Instead, consider this next year and begin today to take the self-care step. Take charge of your health and fitness by not procrastinating. Make today your

Here are a few tips to help you attempt to maintain or lose weight throughout the holidays. 1. Don?t stop your exercise routine just because the days are not the normal mundane workweek. Consistency is key when it comes to any type of fitness endeavor. Plus, working out will give you the added benefit of keeping your appetite in check. In general, exercise can curb appetite. 2. Make sure to drink plenty of water instead of alcohol or carbonated sodas. Water will fill you up and keep you hydrated. If you live in a cold climate, you need water as much as you would in a hot climate because you will lose a great amount of moisture through respiration. 3. Don?t go back for seconds during a meal. 4. Maintain a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables and protein to keep from craving other more fattening foods. 5. If you need to eat something special, make sure you don?t overindulge. Here are a few simple exercises you can do at home just to keep consistent. ? Planks - for as long as you can hold them (Abs) Time yourself to watch your progress. ? Push ups - either on the floor, against a wall or a counter. 2 sets of 15 reps while you make your morning coffee. (Chest, triceps) ? Lunges - forward and backward lunges are great to strengthen the glutes and legs. 2 sets of 15 reps (Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings)

exercise to engage your abs, legs and glutes. To make this effective, make sure to hold each bridge and squeeze all the muscles mentioned. Activating the glutes in particular is something that takes concentration. (Glutes, abs, hamstrings)



? Knee extension - you might think you need weights for this, but you can use the wall. The idea is to activate part of the quadricep called the vastus medialis. Squarely face the wall. Place your hands flat against the wall. Put one foot against the wall and press to activate the muscle just above your knee. Do 2 sets x 15 reps. Switch to the other side (Quads) You can do the same isometric exercise standing sideways from the wall. This will engage your smaller glute muscles and help to strengthen your hips. It is important to stretch after a workout. Stretching makes the muscle fibers long which give you more force when it contracts. While eating unhealthy foods for one meal or one day will not make you fat and unhealthy, eating healthy foods for one day will not make you healthy. Don?t wait for a new year?s resolution to become fit. You are important every day of every month during each year. Treat yourself like you deserve to be treated each and every day. Email Leah your workout questions at leah@tanglesilvermag.com and you might just find them in our next issue in her quarterly Q & A article.

? Glute bridge - this is a great Tangledsilver.com | Fall 2021

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

MEET LUISA 51 | Retired Photographer, Part-time Model| Silver Since 2019 I noticed my first silver strands when I was 16. Fast-forward seven years, and colouring my greys had simply become part of my regular salon maintenance, not dissimilar to many women, with the option of letting my hair grow out naturally never really crossing my mind. It definitely didn?t help that I knew close to zero women personally or in the media who had embraced their natural silver strands in their 20?s. At the time I also enjoyed changing the colour of my hair often and it was always a ?fun?process of

dyeing my hair, as it was not uncommon for the agency to suggest I shave a few years off my age at castings. Looking back now, I often wonder whether that would have been quite the opposite. Over the last 10 years, I fostered a love hate relationship with hair dye. Towards the end of 2019, I grew increasingly frustrated with the amount of silver hairs peeking out around my hairline within days of a retouch. Colouring my hair was simply not a source of joy in my life anymore. It felt like I was fighting a battle I was never going to win, and only exacerbated the negative feelings I was having about ageing, self-acceptance and my changing body. These feelings led me to dig a little bit deeper into my ?why?and

and ?beautiful?,and that I too, could be another woman throwing a pebble of change into the world, and hopefully one that our daughters would benefit from. One of the big reasons I believe that women shy away from embracing their silver hair, is the grave misconception that grey is aging and will make them look older. I strongly disagree with that notion and think it?s a completely out-dated ?opinion?that is being challenged by silver haired goddesses all around the world. As I near the end of my transition I feel like the most rewarding parts of the journey are; feeling a deep level of self acceptance and freedom; meeting and connecting with a

@t h esilver lin in g_1970 | AUSTRALIA creative expression. Following the arrival of my second child in 2001, I started modelling part time. With that came the requirement to arrive at each job with the same look as was represented in my portfolio. This meant increasingly regular hair colour maintenance when my silvers slowly started to multiply, to ensure clients got what they booked and photographers didn?t waste time in Photoshop editing out silver roots. Again, it never crossed my mind to give up dyeing, because I loved my long brown hair, it was the colour I was born with, so it felt like the natural thing to just keep doing. I guess deep down, subconsciously I also thought I could possibly miss out on booking jobs if I stopped TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


push me outside my comfort zone. I started to pay closer attention to a few peers and other well-known role models who had rebelled against society?s out-dated beauty ideals and allowed their silvers to shine, unapologetically. The freedom that this choice represented inspired me so much and I was increasingly drawn to embark on this journey. I started researching grey hair online, specifically Instagram, and discovered a wealth of knowledge shared by the very inspiring and supportive silver sister community. It was exciting to think, as a woman turning 50, that I could be just a small part of this ?international rebellion?of women breaking away from what society says is ?normal?

community of empowered women who inspire me every day and honestly really falling in love with my natural silver colour. I do believe things are changing for the better and long-held aging perceptions are being challenged every day. Commercial brands are becoming more inclusive with who they feature in their advertising and marketing campaigns. For me, being able to represent women my age, confidently embracing their natural silver hair, has been a powerful motivator in my decision to return to modelling after an eight-year break. Grey hair def initely isn?t synonymous with old anymore. In f act it is of ten seen as a symbol of authenticity, strength and power.




Tangledsilver.com | Fall 2021

TangledSilver..com | Fall 2021


Photo Creds: @this.is.me_shannon



MEET SHANNON 47 | Retired RCMP | Silver since 2019 I am a Canadian born woman with Caribbean roots. I am a mom, wife and retired from policing with the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). I started my hair transition journey in April 2019. I had been dying my hair for 15 years. It began with the removal and addition of colour to my natural black hair. Over the years it changed to colouring to cover the emerging silver roots. I went from coloring every couple of months to every 10 days. Looking back, I realize that for me, coloring my hair was one way of trying to find me, and to be the person I thought I should be. Like with so many other aspects of my life, I really didn?t give myself the opportunity to be my true self. I had struggled with a shadow of fear and doubt of who/what I would see looking back at me through the mirror. At the age of 45 I decided it was time to stop hiding behind the dye. It was time to step outside of my comfort zone and to be comfortable and confident with who I am in

@t h is.is.m e_sh an n on | CANADA every way, which included my natural hair. It has been almost 28 months since my last dye and what is amazing is that as I let my natural hair grow in, I feel my true self emerging. When I look in a mirror, I love what I see and how I feel about who I see looking back at me. Surprisingly, it has given me a sense of strength, empowerment, confidence, freedom and beauty. I am a believer that true beauty comes f rom within. It comes f rom the soul. It is truth, love and the freedom to allow your true self to shine through. I love the idea of not being what people expect me to be but rather being who I want to be and allowing my authentic self to shine. It?s not about who you once were. It?s about who you are now and who you want to be. For so long all I saw were flaws, scars and an ugly broken mess. It has been a long road but I have found myself in a place of seeing beautiful uniqueness, strength and courage born from my own story. I sharing to help encourage and empower others to get up close and personal with themselves. To see their soul, their strength, their uniqueness, their magic, their beauty and their worth as well as the their ability to step into their power.


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

MEET ALISON 64 | Silver Model | Designer | Silver Since 2017 When I was growing up the expectation was that you went into a twinset and pearls at 30. You were obsolete. Invisible. My mother warned me that women become invisible at 40. The invisibility cloak that society drops around our shoulders at 40, without us even noticing; I refuse. I am 64 and have never felt LESSinvisible. I was a cripplingly shy and self conscious teenager, academically very average and very lazy. I suspect that now, I would be diagnosed with depression. I got modest exam results and went to art college, from there I studied Interior Design. Creativity within a rigid brief, spatial engineering, problem solving and encouraging behaviours through the interior environment. The art of benign manipulation. I was average; until the penny dropped on a work placement. So much so, I was accused of cheating as my work improved so markedly! That injustice burned in me, and a buried rebellious streak was unearthed. I went my own way and got a first-class honours degree and an MA with distinction. I spent the first 10 years of my working life in London working in retail for major High Street brands. I married and left London to follow a job. Then I was made

@t h in _lat in _m oose | Un it ed Kin gdom redundant; and I divorced. For 25 years I ran my own practice; I built a well-respected and award-winning practice specializing in workplace consultancy and office design. I remarried and for 20 years worked with my husband, we worked for blue-chip clients and punched well above our weight! Covid and the work drying up put an end to our business and I am now embracing my metamorphosis!! I have changed. Five years ago, I decided to stop the laborious and tyrannous hair dyeing regime; every Sunday I did this! All ranges of colours, auburn, pink, black. Suddenly with my silver I gained a sense of my own power; after 40 years of being a strange mix of ?not worthy?and arrogant, confidence won. I am taller; less intimidated, I do not need everyone to approve. I was street cast two years ago; a friend with a model agency said he wanted to sign me ? I am now signed by several agencies and whilst the big break hasn?t come, I have faith! I know I?m not necessarily an easy ?fit?but if I don't put the work in, it isn?t going to come to me, is it?A lot of my self-acceptance has come from my Instagram life; after 2 years I don?t always recoil at my image. I have been moved when women tell me that putting myself ?out there?has helped them. It?s time more High Street names added age to their diversity rostrum. I?m here if they need me ? and remember everyone; f ake it ?til you make it.


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


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Photo Creds: @sylver_bel

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021




MEET ISABEL 56 | Health Care | Silver Since 2014 My name is Isabel. I'm 56 years old. A sister, wife, mother, and grandma. I work in health care. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto ( autoimmune disease ) in 2008. I started experiencing hair loss, brittle hair, dry skin, weight gain, and everything in between. Using hair dye every two weeks wasn't helping, and honestly I was exhausted. So in 2014, I ditched the hair dye. My hairdresser worked her magic and help with my transition. Wow...what a roller coaster ride of emotions. I wanted to give up several times but with the support of family and friends cheering me on I stuck it out. The transition has taught me to embrace and accept the process of aging. Yes, something special happens. It wasn't just about my hair it was about embracing me.

@sylver _bel | Delaw ar e I chose to embrace every moment of aging. I wasn't sensitive about the lines on my face and gray hair. Instead of frowning at the reflection in the mirror, I choose to embrace my wrinkles and my natural gray hair. Those f ine lines and gray hair aren't imperf ections, it's a manif estation of all the amazing things I've done so f ar. I started experimenting with different hairstyles and makeup, something I didn't do when I was a brunette. I'm more active now with swimming, dancing, cycling, and traveling. I love spending time with my family and friends. I have also met a community of silver sisters that have been a blessing and we get to share our journey. Aging gracefully is a gift that is not given to many. I'm here! Living wild and carefree!


Tangledsilver.com | Fall 2021

MEET KATERINA 25 | Animation | Silver Since 2019 I'm currently 25. I found my first grey hair when I was 11, but my mom recently told me SHE found my first gray hair when I was 8! I have been growing out my greys since February 2020. I'm destined to be a silver sister so why fight it?I had been dyeing my hair monthly (either myself or at the salon) since I was around 17. I always toyed with the idea of growing out my natural hair someday because I noticed I had a pretty bold streak at my crown. Whenever my roots were starting to peek out, I would point my white patch out to my friends or coworkers and ask, "Do you think I should grow out my white streak?" Most of the time the answer was something to the tune of "Yeah, go for it!" but there were a few people (mostly older women) who said I was "far too young to go grey." I thought that was strange. Because regardless of whether I hid them or not, the fact was that I was in my early 20s and going

@gr eysin ce8 | CALIFORNIA grey. I got more serious about ditching the dye when I saw how healthy my mom's hair was when she decided to embrace her natural snow white hair a few years ago. When March 2020 rolled around, it quickly became obvious that the timing was right. After a few months I bleached the dyed ends of my front streak (poorly) and eagerly waited for my silvers to fill in. It took just under a year and a half to finish the transition. My life has changed so much in those 18 months. As the world and my life went through shifts and challenges, I kept thinking how fitting it was that I was also growing out my natural gray hair at the same time. I feel like I have been molting?shedding my old self and becoming a newer, truer self with reframed priorities. I know that sounds wild. But this journey has been about way more than just hair color. It's been a crash course in self acceptance and exploration. I've shifted my self image and the way I carry myself to be more loving and positive, and I feel so lucky that I will get the opportunity to watch my pattern change and develop over time. I hope that I can help show people that you can't be "too young" to go grey.


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021



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Photo Creds: @gabrinic78

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021



MEET GABRIELLA 42 | Housewife | Silver Since 2018 I started having white hair when I was 17. Two years later my mother told me that I had taken after her and my father and that I could not go out with that hair. She started dyeing it for me; first with hennè, then with actual dye which itched, leaving bubbles on my head and at times it burned, leaving me with real wounds. As I felt the symptoms more we changed the brand, without realizing that the dye is all the same in the end. In the last year and half I chose to try an organic dye, thinking "it's organic so it can't hurt me!" Nothing was more wrong! I told my husband that I had to book an appointment for dye even though it annoyed me enormously because it was torture. I hated going to the hairdresser and he said to me: "Why are you doing it?I like you like that! You are my Rogue of X-men, forget what the others say ", but I didn't listen to him, because by now everybody convinced me that white hair means neglect and disorder. In the end I went to my appointment... The last dye dates back to mid-July 2018 before I turned 40, where I managed to keep the dye in

@gabr in ic78 | ITALY for the first 10 minutes of the 45 I had to, trying to resist all the symptoms I had at that moment (pain, headache, tachycardia, itching, burning, dizziness). I was able to ask the hairdresser for help despite having great difficulty breathing and standing. The doctor gave me a month of cortisone and antihistamine. The symptoms lasted for 2 weeks and slowly diminished, a month later the tachycardia disappeared too, much to my doctor's surprise. For 20 years I endured itching, tingling, burning, feeling dizziness, rapid heartbeat, hair loss (I was missing two large patches of hair behind my neck) and for what ?! I like my hair this way. Once I even took the bus with a girl the same age as me with long brown hair and a very white tuft in front ... she was gorgeous and I wondered why I forced myself to dye for so long?! Maybe because my mind did not allow me to assert my reason. Now. I thank my husband for giving me the courage to face this change. Now, I'm f ine with myself .. I see myself as I want to be ...f ree! To like yourself, you just need to have a nice cut that fits your face and put a little makeup on, so as not to look neglected but cared for. Do not wait until you have the symptoms to stop dyeing your hair because there is not always a remedy for anaphylactic shock. Trust me. TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


MEET KIMBERLY 46 | Therapist | Silver Since 2019

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kimberly, age 46 and excited to be rolling into 47 in a few months. I am a Mom of four, ages 25 to 15 and a wife to my amazing husband for the past 25 years. I have been dye free since August of 2019. Throughout the years, as a therapist, I have worked with and admired many beautiful women who have embraced their natural gray tresses. Though I found them all to be inspiringly beautiful, I do not recall any that were my age which seemed to make my plight a bit of a struggle for me personally. I tried to begin my process of embracing my sparkles about five years ago in October of 2016. It was after a few unfortunate hours spent in a salon chair that left me with no other choice than to clipper off my what once was long brown hair. I had always been told I looked like my Dad, but this was the icing on the cake after my buzz cut. At that time in my life I was not comfortable nor confident enough in my own skin to continue with

@gr aylocs | INDIANA the process of fully embracing my natural gray, albeit I tried. Once again, I conformed to societal standards and dyed my hair. In August of 2019, after a few years of self discovery, closing my practice and moving thousands of miles from home, I decided to take the leap once again. I was on a mission to peel away societal standards of beauty and wholeheartedly embrace my journey, aging gracefully in my own skin. No Botox, no fillers in my face. No dye on my hair. I altered my wardrobe, removed all clothing which constricted and altered my natural figure and finally, I dreaded my hair. My next and final goal, to ultimately free myself from societal standards of beauty, will be to have my toxic breast implants removed. I want to be so organic within my own body that my children, f riends and strangers, young and old will be inspired to do the same. If not me, then who?If not now, then when? I will always be incredibly thankful to have crossed paths with so many beautiful women who paved the way and inspired me to keep with the process and to trust my journey. I always had visions of myself, a soulful vision, of my hair as it is today. Thank you to all of you who continue to uplift, support, and inspire so many on their journey today and tomorrow. I embrace you. TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021



Photo Credit: @Silvercurls_

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

SUSAN ESCO | MONTANA Susan Esco, the founder of the #DYEfree2BME movement, is a Speech & Language Pathologist ?gone rogue? Pro-Aging Advocate and Silver Hair Model & Actress living with her partner in Missoula, Montana. She describes herself as a ?51 years BOLD Silver Sister?who is passionate about inspiring others to embrace the aging process and to love their ?authentic self? unconditionally. ?Self-Love isn?t selfish. It?s actually Self-Sustaining.?She expresses that it is necessary to fill your cup so that you have an abundance of loving energy to share with Humanity. If you can?t suspend your judgments about yourself, how can you expect to love others unconditionally? Back in 2013, at the age of 44, Susan cut her long hair into a very short pixie, think Jamie Lee Curtis, and waded through the ?transformation?for over three years. ?Being super health-conscious and a vegetarian, I knew that sitting in a chair for four hours every six weeks with noxious chemicals on my scalp COULD NOT be a healthy choice,?she explained. ?The ?Journey of Growing Out the Gray?was like the metamorphosis of the

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

caterpillar within the chrysalis. It truly was a Mind, Body and Spiritual transformation. I am not the same woman I was before learning to love myself. Growing out my natural hair color was just the tip of the iceberg and the positive effects of going against traditional beauty standards spilled over into other areas of my life. My confidence in my personal power is at an all-time high!? Susan quickly realized that the best way to spread her proaging message of ?Self Love and Acceptance?was to tap into the world of Modeling and Acting, at age 49, so that she could demonstrate to women that ?it?s never too late to change direction and reinvent yourself.? She uses platforms such as Facebook, #DYEfree2BME - High Vibe Silver Sisterhood, Instagram @dyefree2bme, and Tik Tok @susanescosilvermodel to create a forum of support where women can come to share their stories and photos. She has a #DYEfree2BME T-shirt line with inspirational sayings on Zazzle.com to help boldly, yet silently, answer any spoken or unspoken questions regarding the grow-out process. Most recently, Susan created an

Photo Credits: Bottom Left-TinarieCreation, Middle Left-@ayoubhamomi, Top Left-Nicole BartonPhotography, Right Full - Austin Houd Studio

Silver since 20 13

DYEfree2BME Wh at 's Self Love Got To Do Wit h It ?

an online LIVE zoom format lounge/variety show, ?CHILL-IN with the High Vibe Silver Sisterhood,?where ladies can come together to visit, learn, and create joyful memories through conversation, featured speakers, giveaways and open mic. She also offers online seminars to teach others how to navigate the entertainment industry with tips on how to become a model/actress during mid-life.

Photo Credits: Bottom Left-AustinHoudStudio, Bottom Right-Susan Esco, Left Middle-TinarieCreation, Left Top-AustinHoud Studio

The #DYEfree2BME movement has created a safe place for women to raise each other up to a space of Self Love and Unconditional Acceptance. I am honored to have inspired others to embark on this journey,?she explained. Now at age 51, Susan continues to hone her craft, landing jobs & roles, and engaging in modeling and acting classes, all whilst submitting auditions daily and running her speech pathology practice.

into the minds of the women reading this article, it is this: Treat yourself with the UNCONDITIONAL love that you embody for your children. Nurture your inner child. Go back in time and forgive yourself and others so you can move on towards the future. Focus on the NOW and spread high vibes to Humanity. Be your own biggest CHEERLEADER! You are worthy of unlimited happiness and joy! Manifest the Life you have been dreaming of. It?s within reach, you just have to stretch a bit farther past your comfort zone! Shine on Silver Sisters! Follow her journey over at www.susanescosilvermodel.com or at Instagram @susanescosilvermodel. You'll find her on Tik Tok @susansilvermodel or join her Facebook group #DYEfree2BME-High Vibe Sisterhood

If I could implant one message ?When one discovers Love of Self - MAGIC surrounds you. Embracing your natural hair color is just the beginning of the transf ormation Mind, Body, and Spirit.? -Susan Esco 2019

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

VICTORIA WYCKOFF Hello Freedom Sisters,

opened my Etsy shop.

I am honored to tell you about my transition story. My hair journey and my artist journey.

I will never look back. I feel I have found my passion and purpose which is to create beautiful things and inspire others to do the same. A couple of my cousins tried painting and they both love it and paint regularly, what a great feeling!

I have always been a late bloomer. I was married at 38, I found my passion at 48, I found my purpose, emotional strength and courage at 58. 2010, I became an artist 6 years before I went gray, or salt and pepper. My husband is a singer and was going out on a world tour. My girlfriends thought I should keep myself busy. I had no passion for anything at that time. They took me to a painting class once a week for 2 hours. It was fun to learn art and hang out with my wonderful girlfriends. I had no interest in art, even though my father and brother were and are artists. After each completed painting, I would post photos on Facebook. I had a few people ask if I sold my paintings and of course I said yes. Well, the passion started to flow and I was hooked. I have been painting ever since and have been pretty successful. I continue to learn my craft and paint almost everyday. Commissions keep me busy and I have recently TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

My hair journey started in 2016. I noticed my older sister was growing her gray out and she looked fantastic, she glowed. This got me thinking, I hate going to the hairdresser for 2 -3 hours every 4 weeks and paying hundreds of dollars and two to three week later my silver tinsel started popping out already. I covered it up with root cover ups and just thought that was the way I was to live my life. Then I decided to put in highlights to cover the silver, so I went blonde. But every time I saw a picture of my sister and her glowing gray crown, I became a bit jealous but conflicted. I made the decision to go for it and stop coloring/highlighting my hair. I also heard many young girls were going gray and damaging their hair trying to create what God gives us naturally. I thought, ok, it's final, I am growing mine out naturally.

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I started researching online, women who grew their silver out and found Cindy Joseph. She was 60 when she finally completed her transition to gray, when she was discovered and became a huge silver-haired fashion model. That sealed the deal for me! RIP to an amazing woman who continues to encourage so many women to this day. I continued looking for other brave women and found more and more women who felt exactly like I did, who loved their silver locks and were not ashamed to show them off. This blew my mind and opened my eyes, I found my tribe! The confidence that rose in me gave me the courage to keep going. It took me 3 1/2 years to complete my transition and to be honest, I got no real criticism from my family or friends or maybe I did but I never allowed it in my soul. I did get some remarks mostly from hairdressers. I understand they think this will ruin their businesses but I shared with them, if you help us learn how to care for gray hair and we will still need haircuts, it could change their careers for the better. Some did exactly that, Raychel Harrison at Salon Nuuvo. xo Making this discussion started out about not wanting to color my hair any more but became so much more. These last 5 years I have finally bloomed into a more empowered, confident, bold and honest woman with myself and others. TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

This movement that was happening, made me realize, I am not 20, 30 or even 40 anymore and I never will be. I learned to love who I am, now at this moment. I had freedom! I love talking to women now who would love to do what I did but are so afraid of what society, friends and family would think. I am here to tell you, you will have to stand strong and be bold to say to them, I don't care what you think of me, I love me! I am so thankful society is changing and more and more silver sisters are on tv, modeling and being put out in the spotlight, as they should. In the last year, my life has transformed into something I never thought would happen. I shared the screen with Jill Kirsh in the documentary, ?Gray Is The New Blonde?, produced and directed by my friend Victoria Marie. I started modeling and am proud to be the token gray haired model and now am in this fantastic magazine, my cup runneth over! I encourage and always will be a part of Ground Breaking partnerships. You are my tribe! We all may be very different in many ways but we have this one silver thread that will always connect us. As a mature silver sister, artist, wife, sister, daughter and friend, I could not be happier and more fulfilled in my life right now. I am so honored to be able to share my story with you! What is your freedom story?

Writer Robin Salls

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A journey that started as acceptance of my natural silvers has pleasantly turned into a life altering experience as I find myself reviewing all areas of my life; style, wellness, food, pleasures, cosmetics, color, friendships, etc? Suddenly everything I do comes into this new vision of wanting to understand why I am making the choices I?m making. Are they choices that make me happy or are they choices ingrained in my upbringing? For a woman who seemed confident on the outside, I think unconsciously I was secretly envious of those who seemed to throw out societal norms and just do them. Armed with my natural silver mane I suddenly started to bloom in appreciation for living my life in a more natural vibe. I quickly realized I needed to define what a natural vibe for me is. The hubs, aka husband laughingly said ?what?Are you now gonna stop shaving your pits??Silly man. I said define what my natural vibe is (hairy pits is not it). Because just like there are thousands of silver shades to each of us, we all have our own natural vibes to discover. Here?s how I?ve started discovering mine! 1. Def ine a natural vibe for me, myself and I. Not a selfish vibe, just a vibe that fits the woman I am

today. And, the woman I am today doesn?t just blindly follow what others are doing or saying. Research, trial, error, success and do it all over again! 2. Hair Care - Keeping your silvers lovely is work. Don?t be fooled by those who say you're letting yourself go. I put more thought and effort into what goes on my silvers than ever before. These days I am as natural as possible with brands that are sulfate and paraben free at the minimum. I also prefer my products to be white or colorless as my silvers can tend to pick up shaded products. Brands like Kerotin hair Care?s purple line or Collagen line, EVOLVH?s Love Your Curls set (major moisture for dry hair to help my natural waves) and QuickSilverHair (naturally brighten without purple) have become my staples. 3. Style - I?m leaning more into fabrics and small companies that honor my feminine curves, whose offerings whisper to my soul. I haven?t ditched my entire wardrobe, but am selectively adding pieces of color and fabrics that speak to me while parting


with the things that no longer honor my body. STOPholding onto those sizes from your twenties. It may have been a fabulous outfit then and you?ve kept it in excellent shape (thinking one day you might get to wear her again), but what honored who you were in your twenties


Finding your natural vibe is like dancing to music with your eyes closed letting the rythem lead you. Once you're in the groove, it's hard to stop. ~ Robin Salls

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

is probably not honoring who you are today. My favorite new brand is by Kantha Bae, a female owned company with a hippie/bohemian spirit that creates one of a kind pieces of artwork in flowing fabrics. They have a beautiful vision to share of hope, light and purpose. One that has them working with families in India and Bangladesh (supporting women) and the US. Then, there are amazing silver sisters (@Flygrannybk, @silversistersstudio, @QuickSilverHair) to bring some basic tees into your life that also show our support for revolutionizing the outlook on gray hair. 4. Hormones - I?m perimenopausal and have yet to hit that 12 month mark of no periods to push me into menopause, yet I?m experiencing the genie in the bottle. Someday?s she comes out in a female version of Genie (think Disney?s Aladdin, Robin Williams version), while others she?s the genie version Jafar takes on. You know, the ugly, out of control maniac version. I?ve had to do some serious experimenting as I?m hoping to do this thing all natural. I have nothing against Hormone Replacement Therapy, but I?m doing me and just sharing what I?m finding helps me on my natural vibe journey. I eat pretty well and my body does seem to be calling out for more vegetarian meals lately. I don?t do a lot of TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

supplements, but have added a few things that I see making a difference. I?ve tried several Menopausal supplements over the last year , each offering improved symptoms, but the one I?m excited about right now is by OurKindra.com. I?m taking their Core, Energy boosting and sleep enhancing daily regiman. I?m sleeping better, brain fog is starting to ease up, hot flashes

are pretty infrequent, whereas they had been pretty regular and don?t even get me on my ?before? night sweats that are practically gone, unless I insist on being under a huge comforter. They also have a vaginal lotion that works wonders in the dry department. Vaginal dryness for women is like Erectile Dysfunction is for men. We don?t want to talk about it, but not talking about it doesn?t make it go away. Did I mention this is also a female owned company that encourages natural, safe and holistic approaches in this area. 5. Wellness - I see quite a few people attempting to follow programs by well intended experts, but the problem is many of these good intended programs are more suited for a flock of sheep. One size does not fit all. Our individuality and our hormones come into play here. We need to find the balance

BE | St yle for our natural vibes. If you don?t like exercise, then anything that feels like exercise is going to turn you off. Love hiking or biking on Saturdays?Then your wellness is easier to get in when you enjoy something. I was intrigued by acupuncture in the early 90?s, but never jumped on the bandwagon fully. My release was rollerblading and yoga. Twenty years and two hip replacements later and I?m looking for things a bit friendlier. I still do both, but carefully listen and honor my body. I was having a lot of back and hip pain when I saw an ad on Facebook for this acupuncture type mat called ?MyLotusMat?. It?s basically a yoga mat with thousands of acupressure rosettes that press firmly into your neck and back. I use it all over, especially on my hips. The pressure relieves my tensions and knots. This isn?t a low key type massage. On the contrary, it's a deep and powerful massage-like experience that helps activate the nervous system and promote the release of anti-stress chemicals naturally in your body. The pressure sends a warm sensation throughout the area and leaves my skin red for a little bit, but the way I feel after even just 10 minutes is amazing. I?ve actually worked up to about thirty minutes a day improving my blood flow, which helps saturate my cells with oxygen and nutrients through the release of natural endorphins. There are so

many ways to reap benefits using this type of mat. Feel a headache coming on, stand on it for ten minutes. I can?t rave enough about it. That said, I?m going to throw in a disclaimer as I?m not saying this will work for everyone. If you don?t believe in acupuncture, then chances are you may not feel the benefits that I get. Again, we?re all different, but this is a must in my daily arsenal for care.


argue why I choose not to color my hair. Like me or don?t because it?s okay if I?m not your shot of tequila. Have you embraced all that letting your silvers have introduced you too?If you answer yes, then fabulous, you get it. If you?re just starting, then fabulous...you?re about to start discovering your natural vibe. Embrace her and work with her!

6. Belief - I call this my Viking Shield Maiden period. I?m a fan of Vikings, dating back to The Vikings movie starring Kirk Douglas that I stumbled upon in my early twenties. and when the recent series "Vikings" came out showing Lagertha as a strong woman I was intriqued to learn more about the Shield Maidens. I?m a confident bad@@@ woman that takes care of business, knows what she wants, isn?t afraid to go for it and can still be the fierces sexy you?ve ever seen. I don?t have time for BSor to TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

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EVOLVH IN YOUR FACE NOURISHING OIL Luxurious blend of all-natural plant-based active oils improves skin's elasticity and the appearace of fine lines.

Love Your Curls Kit for moisturing and natural enhancement of wavy & curly hair. www.evolvh.com


KEROTIN NOURISHING OIL A rich oil for hair and body that nourishes your strands and skin.


KINDRA Estrogen-free peri/menopause essentials desgined by women for you. Balance in a natural suppplement. 0% estradiol or progesterone www.ourkindra.com USE CODE TSMAG 15% off 1st time.

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KURU FOOTWEAR Patented KURUSOLE technology adapts to your feet and cradles your heel for comfort and cushioning. Kuru shoes for all activites from leisure, play, work and casual.




A massage and health treatment all in one. Multiple benefits for helath and self-care. www.mylotusmat.com


EYEBOBS Readers, Precsriptions,

KANTHA BAE Handmade and one -of-a-kind clothing with new designs every month, and limited edition collections seasonally. A brand with a cause that helps women too. Woman owned & operated.

sunglasses. The ultimate frames for your eyes. www.eyebobs.com


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FavoriteHowToVideos What to do with your silvers, especially between hair washes, tends to be a theme among long haired sisters. Ponytails are a quick fix, but tend to be a bit boring and routine in the style department.

Mel Tickel offers fabulous and simple style instruction through her IGTV @silver_styling. She gives you new options, many braided and pulled up styles, to give your hair a little more sass. She breaks down her tricks in quick video content, with most under 4 minutes of your time. The next time you're looking to do something new, head over and check out her account. TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

Photo Credits: Tina Pirozzoli

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no need to get

yourself down because Fall is coming around the corner. This is your initiation to cool off any heated thoughts about doubting yourself in getting your health back in gear or pushing the restart and move your derriere. I hope you can enjoy the humor that surrounds the #tangledsilverwomen that are backing you in your wellness journey. Join the dancing, moving and grooving sisters that encourage us to better health. Taking care of your skin and hair is important and may be the first steps you begin on your new beauty living routine. Your physical, emotional, and spiritual health is equally as important if not more so as it sets the positive thinking outlook. One way to lift our spirits is with color and creativity. I also find music as a basis for clean living and that would be an idea for a TSwomen challenge. Who do you groove to? Over the past couple of months my vision to become an advocate to bridge the relationship between consumer and

companies has been coming into fruition. I am thrilled to say through my FB, IG, and Tangled Silver we are able to offer many giveaways from various companies! I have also expanded the outreach to other areas of living for you to try different kinds of products for the home! BY the time TSmag launches their Winter issue we hope to include companies with a focus on family products that will join us in our giveaways for you to try their products out. Speaking of products, I have had the opportunity to review a few new products with quite a few new names as I write for the next issue. Trinny London was one of them. She carried the summer orange that reminded me of the pure Florida oranges. Nothing matches the sun-kissed colors only nature can bring. Cha-Cha was my choice and I did a dance over the color. I knew orange would 'fall' right into Autumn announcing the colors that come out after the peak of Fall. Colors like amber, auburn, russet; to the deep reds in crimson, carmine, maroon and burgundy. These colors we long to wear carry us through until the winter whites and icicle blues hang around for quite some time.

TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021


Depending on where you live your season may be different from mine but the common bond we live together is change. What a joy to grow and change with one another and take part in the transfer from here to there; always to something better. Dry skin can find a balance in delight in the powder cosmetics once again. Whatever the weather water will be the most vital choice in refreshing the skin, body and soul. Serums and moisturizers are the perfect partner when nourishing the skin. Oils are another indispensable source but most beneficial after a little education. Not all oils are created equal, nor do they serve the same purpose. Before slathering on the lotions to find that magical potion to heal sun-weathered skin you may be curious as a cat about e.x.f.o.l.i.a.t.i.o.n. Let's talk peels, scrubs, and masks before we rake off the dead skin cells from our fragile faces. Are you confused or confident in stepping out into a new procedure? Are you familiar or experienced with who's on first, what comes second, I don't want to do third,

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021

when it comes to acids, retinols, polishes and peels?Let's increase our knowledge by examining ingredients, sources and companies that reveal this information. Are there lines that are safe and effective? What are the DIY alternatives? Finding out what is best is like finding a needle in a haystack. Ouch! I encourage you to learn your skin to find out what is best for you. No one particular product is best if it doesn't suit your needs. So let's slough the old mentally and chit-chat over solid knowledge. Share your experience. Join us for this season's TS issue over anything pumpkin, cozy ciders and warm pie and lift others with ideas on wellness goals. STOMP on the doubt and other hurdles that hold you back, lace up those Kuru shoes and run with the challenges and campaigns we host to have fun in the Fall and spice things up with other silver

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sisters. Spread the silver love. Here's a few samples of some of our challenges! Check them out! #tangledsilverhealth #tangledsilverwomen #tsmagstyle #tsmagsilversismakeup #Tangledsilvereyetoeye Join us on our challenges and follow one another as we build each other up and show that silver sisters are stornger together! Grey I am Grace He is & Grit we do Sincerely,

Tina .

For more of Tina's review on skin and hair products head over to her Facebook private group GREY GRACE AND GRIT. A space for you to ask questions and connect with her!

TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021


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Tangledsilver.com | Fall 2021

Leah Rachel welcomes your questions quarterly to help you find your optimum health balance. She's sharing her advice, but in no way is giving you specific direction regardig your helath choices. Please consult your Doctor or other health specialist before making nay adjustments to your lifestyle.

What supplements help support post menopausal women? Anything to help balance hormones?

Of course, we are engaging in this process as gracefully as possible. That means it is an evolution we must accept and learn how to deal with. What is recommended to combat post menopausal abdominal weight gain and how do you combat it specif ically?I've already increased my cardio and nothing is happening. ~ Neena M.

~ Melissa J.

Leah: There is really no way to replace the hormones that we have lost unless you take some sort of hormone replacement. There are bioidentical hormones that are a bit complicated to get ahold of. First, you must visit your doctor and work up the ratio of hormone imbalance, then send the results to a lab that can make a supplement custom made for your body, or there is the regular hormone replacement therapy doctors prescribe. Honestly, the bioidentical is better, but I am not positive this will solve aging. The stark reality is that menopause is the adolescence of old age.

Leah: The additional weight gain has to do with the change in metabolism and hormones. The best way to gain control over your weight fluctuations is to cut out sugar completely. I know that might sound difficult but it just takes an adjustment. After you get used to it, you won't have those cravings. Add exercise that directly affects metabolism such as weight lifting. Weight training will keep the muscles strong in order to protect each joint as we age. So if you think weights will make you bulky, think again. Women are not built to build large musculature. Plus, lifting will cause your body to produce calcium

EM BRACE | You 77 in order to strengthen the bones that are experiencing the stress of added weight. This is a good outcome because it will help to fight osteoporosis or osteopenia. However, arthritis is always lurking, waiting to affect our joints as well. This is just another reason to keep those muscles as strong as possible.

healthy oils like avocado, olive, and flax. Eat protein for muscular maintenance. Please consult your local nutritionist to get a more thorough diet prescribed for you. As a Medical Exercise Specialist / Personal Trainer, my expertise consists mainly of exercise prescription.

Contributor Meet & Greet

I'd like to know what the optimal nutritional requirements are f or our 60's an into our 70's?For example, I don't eat much red meat, and I ave dairy and gluten intolerances. So, I avoid milk, Leah | Texas yogurt and cheese, and avoid carbs other than rice. How is this likely to impact Agewellbeing 55 in the longer term?

Leah has decades of experience with her emphasis on exercise and keeping your body mobile. Send your questions directly to her at leah@tangledsilvermag.com. Be sure to check out this month's article on Tips for Holiday Health. She's a firm beleiver that you can still enjoy the things you love with a little tweak to your routines and keeping yourself moving during the holidays.

~ Mimi M. Medical Exercise Specialist, You can find her on Instagram Group Fitness Instructor @leahrachel66 , the pages of Tangled Silver Magazine and Leah: Hormones are made up of frequesntly on our blog pages. fats. A healthy way to replace Heading into my next adventure those fats is to consume omega in Texas and joining the TS Mag fatty acids. You will find those in f amily. I went silver back bef ore flax meal, flax oil, and fish. I there were communities to encourage you to take a teaspoon support women embracing their full of flax oil every day. It helps with mood, weightgrays. control, and feelings of overall well being. Feel free to put it in your salad, sprinkle it on fresh vegetables or Silver Since 2011 simply take it as a spoonful of risk-free medicine. It has a somewhat nutty flavor and should never be heated. A few guidelines to follow post menopause are as follows: Eat as much fresh fruit and veggies as possible. Consume TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

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About a decade ago, I went through a

one thing, is in the Now and a state of Zen. -

massive change in my mental wellbeing and my physical wellness. It took me years to regain my mental stability and dissolve some crushing anxiety. The thing was, through all of it, I knew it wasn?t me. I knew I would find my way out. It took airing out all my rooms with focus and practice. My Foundations of Holistic Wellbeing: -

NOW: My most effective cure for anxiety and most any other stress...Living in the Now.

?If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.? ~Lao Tzu All we have is this one precious moment. Tomorrow is an illusion and yesterday is history. When I stay in the moment, I become calm and I appreciate what is right in front of me. Anything you do, with singular focus on that


Authenticity: It has been a truly amazing journey to find myself in this world. To find my inner layers. To find something that no one can take away from me. My ME! That is the sacred gem.

When I act from this space of me, you get nothing except me, no agenda, no cloak, no pretense, just who I am. I find myself so uncomfortable if I leave this space now. Authenticity is finding your falsities, confronting them, and either eliminating them or finding the truth. Ditching the dye was one layer for me. Ditching beliefs that don?t belong to me is an ongoing process. Whatever you believe in or not? Whatever you ascribe to or not? Just listen to you and what feels right to you. It comes in layers, you don?t suddenly just become authentic; you hone in, cultivate, and embrace each layer. -

Acceptance: The first steps are accepting responsibility for how you show up to a situation, how you are going to deal with it, and how you TRULY feel about it. Being in the moment as it is? is the next step. Remember even painful experiences are temporary. We often expend more energy resisting when all we need to do is surrender and accept the things we cannot change.

When I find myself in a stressful or difficult to accept situation, I ask myself: Is there anything I can change right now? If yes, I implement change. If there is nothing I can do right now, I do my best to accept and go with the flow. TangledSilverMag.com | Summer 2021



Enjoyment: Be grateful for your life and enjoy it. Notice what is around you, foods, music, people, nature, whatever it is pause and enjoy. Laugh as much as possible. Stop and BE with those you love and who love you; enjoy your time with them. When your child or dog wants to play right now the answer is, ?Yes!?A perfect Now moment for you to enjoy Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm is easy in the beginning of something new yet hard to maintain during the difficult stages. This is especially true when things do not provide instantaneous results. We make a choice, we go all in, it gets stressful or doesn?t go exactly as we planned, and often we give up too soon.



When I fell in love with my hair as it became silver? I fell more in love with me and found myself less judgmental about my own appearance. -

Like embracing silver, day one we are full gusto, day 90 not so much with two-tone hair and fading brassy dye. Not everything in life can be done with gusto; when you are able though, do it with all the enthusiasm you possess. Maintaining your enthusiasm leads to success. If you can?t be your own cheerleader, find support. TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

Kindness: Maya Angelou says it best, ?I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.? Love: I notice love in everything, I take photos of random hearts in my environment. They remind me that Love is in everything. The more you recognize it the more you feel it. Acknowledge the love in your life towards yourself and others.


Nourish The Body and Mind: Learn, read, and broaden the mind. Knowledge alleviates fear. If I am afraid, I go learn. Beyond fear, learning is good for keeping your brain healthy. I also exercise, eat healthy foods, and get adequate sleep; these all support everything else so I have the energy to keep going. Meditation: For me, if I lose myself to something completely, it is a form of meditation. Art,

BE | St yle photography, knitting are my meditations. Finding Zen doesn?t have to be in lotus pose omming, unless that works for you. -

Gif t to Self : Splurge on yourself occasionally. You do deserve it. No Explanation Necessary: I live my life as free of excuses and explanations as possible. I do what I need to do to thrive in this thing called life and I won't explain myself or feel guilty about how I do so. As long as you aren?t hurting yourself or anyone else...be who you are, you need no excuses, apologies, or explanations.


Be the best you can be to yourself (emotionally, spiritually, and physically); and you will end up being that to those around you. You don?t owe the world anything else. You are likely already

I would like to leave you with this final thought. You are ENOUGH! I think we all struggle with being enough of something: smart enough, skinny enough, young enough, pretty enough, old enough, silver enough, strong enough, mommy enough, wifey enough, good enough, and on and on it goes. I am a work in progress. Sometimes I fail; I fall hard, and make mistakes. By practicing what I preach, I have learned to forgive myself, and I know I am enough. I don?t have to do more or be more or change more unless I WANT TO.

doing the very best you can? give yourself GRACE! YOU are ENOUGH as you are! Shine On, ~Joli

Tangledsilver.com | Fall 2021

Tangled Silver Magazine believes that age and experience are beautif ul things. We believe women embracing their natural selves should be celebrated. We believe our daughters and granddaughters should be taught early on to tap into their creativity with wild passion. We believe that silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re letting yourself go. We believe f riendships are important. We believe sisters connecting together over shared passions is joyf ul. We believe aging gracef ully looks dif f erent f or every woman and there is no right or wrong way along the journey. We believe in encouragement. We believe that embracing your silvers goes f ar beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a story to share. We believe that everyday is a gif t. We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly. We believe that positive self -talk is not only essential f or our happiness, but f or the girls and young women around us who are developing their understanding of beauty and self -conf idence. We believe grey hair does not equate old age. We believe you are never too young or too old to start embracing your natural hair. We believe it is time to end the stigma surrounding grey hair and to celebrate who we are instead. We believe that supporting other women in their journey to acceptance and authenticity is of the utmost importance. We believe our encouragement and love f or one another online is leading to more positive and productive social media experiences f or women. We believe in loving who we are, laughing at ourselves, and inspiring those around us to do the same.


TangledSilver.com | Fall 2021

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