Tangled SIlver Magazine - JAN|FEB|MAR 2021

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Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

COVER: Heren @silvercurls_ PHOTO CREDIT: @silvercurls_

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Tan gled

SILVER M agazin e

TSMagazine is published quarterly, featuring articles on embracing the silver lifestyle.

Editor & Publisher Robin Salls robin@girlsgonegrape.com

Content Assistant David Salls

Copy Editor Debra Proud

Contributing Writers Tina @silverswag_and_saved

Layout Designer Robin Salls

Advertising Rates & Inf ormation Sales@girlsgonegrape.com

Mailing Address Girls Gone Grape, Inc. PO Box 503 Johnstown, CO 80534

Submissions|Inquiries Email : inf o@girlsgonegrape.com

Tangled SIlver Magazine - ISSN PENDING. WInter 2021. Printed in USA. Tangled Silver is published quarterly (4x per year) January, April, July, October by Girls Gone Grape, Inc. Subscription prices f or print $25. Tangled Silver Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content or artwork is prohibited in any print or electronic f orm without prior written permission by the publisher.

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


PHOTO: Nicole Bar t on @n icolebar t on ph ot gr aph y

EM BRACE | You 09



Move over Justice League and make way f or the Tangled Silver League.... While we've been impressed with the powers of Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman, we're here to share they've got nothing on the powers of silver sisters around the world! We're breaking barriers and throwing out the stigmas that go with aging and gray hair on women. I say women, because for most men, going silver brings comments of how distinguished or sexy they look, while society still tends to frown on women letting their natural colors shine! Well, no more! Silver sister support is popping up everywhere. More women have been embracing their natural silvers yearly and while Covid 19 may have "forced" a few more silver crowns to join in by salon closures most of 2020, it should be noted many of those crowns are now loving what they've discovered after ditching the dye. The journey is smooth sailing for some. For others, it's a bumpy road. It's a different journey for every woman because no two of us are ever going to share the same story or silver strands. What we do share is the ride. We encourage one another. We laugh with one another. Sometimes we cry with one another. And, we find our true super powers; the courage to go against the grain, the strength to accept ourselves unconditionally, the value of self worth, the voice to speak up for ourselves and other silver sisters (don't tell us we can't pull off red lipstick}, and the best super power of not caring how the world defines aging and silvers because we make our own definitions that fit our lifestyles!

Find these women on Instagram: @graytdaysahead @gratefulandgray @manon_crespi @Tangledsilver @gray_cious_me @silvergirlmx @agingwith_style_and_grays @silverliberation @katiegoesplatinum @mindy.gale @myselfija

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


When it comesright down to things menopause is anything but a pause in life. It's more like a knockout with a couple good

uppercuts to our womanhood. The first punch is called perimenopause? .give me a break. Why the heck does it have to be a long and twisted journey that can

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

last anywhere from a few years to possibly ten. Will I have a period? Won?t I have a period? I must be close as I?ve gone three months without one. Damn it! It's back with

Em br ace | You 11 a vengeance and now i?ve got three months of blood stored up to pour out! Have we not suffered enough since our teen years with monthly periods to have them become like the strong willed child that has to do things their way.You think this is going to be easy...not a chance. The second punch comes in the form of night sweats and hot flashes. Really?Both?Night sweats that make you feel like you?ve run through the sprinklers to then be followed by chills because being damp and sweaty isn?t bad enough by itself. And, let's talk about hot flashes? ..I?m a snuggler at heart and now there are times I want to punch the hubs when he gets too close for too long. The only perk of hot flashes is that now I don?t need five or more blankets on the bed during winter months. Summer months I?m miserable as I didn?t sign up for the 24 hour sauna treatments.

you?re already in the size D department, this is not welcoming news. I?m not doing push ups because I like them. The weight piece has been one of the more daunting punches as I used to not have to worry about what I ate. I was the skinny kid, skinny teen, fit woman up until about 45? .bam! Suddenly, weight is an issue and perimenopause has made it a war zone. While I think I topped off with the gains, the losses are more difficult to come by regularly. I?m having to reevaluate everything I do from nutrition to workouts to find the right cocktail for my 53 year old self. I say cocktail because ladies, at the end of some days, I really deserve a cocktail! I?ve been told I?m doing it the hard way by opting to go through

Next punch is the mood swings thanks to hormone fluctuations. Do I cry all day?Do I stay in bed all day?Do I punch someone today?Okay, so I haven?t punched someone during any of this, but my hubs can attest to my being an emotional basket case and getting worked up over the stuff that used to just roll off my sleeves. The worst punch so far is everyone telling me to expect my boobs and waist to get bigger. I?m sure some are happy at the additional cleavage, but when naturally

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

this process as naturally as possible without HRT. I?ve actually had a few sisters take me to task as they swear the only way is with HRT. I feel you need to do your research and find what works for you. The last six months things really started to get out of whack as anxiety started raising her ugly head to the point I was feeling emotionally out of control. About three months ago I added prebiotics and probiotics to my routine. I chose to start with Previtalize/Provitalize by Better Body CO. and I?m happy to say I?ve noticed a difference in general. Mood is better, night sweats and hot flashes are limited. I?m still not ready to make a call on how they are helping in the weight department, but I guess time will tell. I?m also considering doing a comparison with a company by women for women with their Menolabs product. I?d love to

I?ll share my journey to menopause on and off because I think it?s a subject that needs to be looked at. Officially, you?re not in menopause until you?ve gone twelve months without a period and that twelve months starts over every time you have a monthly cycle. What genius came up with that? Anyhow, send me your stories to share and let's make menopause one of those things we can laugh about together, knowing we?ll all come out on the other side at some point.


know what tips you have for handling this stage of womanhood. Society really doesn?t prepare us for the extremes our bodies go through. Although, if I follow along in my mother?s steps there will come a time when I won?t remember what this period (yes, the pun is intended) was like. My daughter will look at me with the same look I gave mine as I exclaimed ?they say your mother?s experiences can be a bit of a guideline for yours? .unless, your mother is of no help because she?s blocked it out!?

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

EM BRACE | You 13

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Note fr om Robin

Hello Sisters, Welcome to the first issue of Tangled Silver Magazine! A magazine created out of passion and heart for the silver sister community. A magazine to share our stories, tips, fears, and more. A magazine for the everyday women embracing age gracefully and letting her silvers shine. You'll notice we share (3) three sections - Embrace, Celebrate & Be. We hope to feel more like a journal than your typical magazine. A place where stories are shared that reach you on some level regardless of where you are at in your journey. Our goal is to be a voice for all the sisters who want to share. That said, starting a new magazine doesn't always lead to a lot of contributors until they see what your project on paper looks like. I share this because you'll see most articles in this magazine have been done by me, but this is not my intention going forward. I hope you'll get excited and reach out to me to share your tips and stories for the next issue that will come out in April.

Then we enter CELEBRATE where we do just that...we celebrate women in the journey at all stages. We think it's important to meet them and know you're never alone in this wild ride or "tangled" life. And, finally we close with BE. Being stylish, being beautiful, being creative and being you. Embracing my silvers turned into so much more than just changing my hair color. I've found it's been that way for many of us . I hope you'll grab a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and curl up in your favorite chair and join us in these pages. Silver for the win!

Robin Salls Editor & Publisher

Now onto the good stuff. In our EMBRACE section we start with not letting envy steal the joy in your gray journey and giving you a little nudge to think of yourselves as super heroes in your own right. Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

EM BRACE | You 19


fter a year following Instagram

accounts of beautiful silver headed women I took the plunge into my own journey of silver in December 2018. These women became my ?go-to?s?for how to get my best silvers to shine. I started to see them as more than pretty heads of hair as I got to know them through their posts and saw how encouraging and welcoming they are to those new to the silver revolution. I also started noticing that nasty little bugger sitting on my shoulder, envy. Why was mine taking so long to grow?Why was mine not that smooth or long?Why isn?t my color as silver as theirs?Her pictures look professional. My hair won?t look that good. Does this sound familiar? Slap envy off your shoulder! There is NO ONE like you, so NO SILVER SISTER'S journeys will look alike or be alike! That?s inspiring by itself! You?re going to have your own journey to share! You?re going to inspire the next round of silver sister?s, even if you don?t see that yet!

And, stop comparing your silver strands. The shades of silver and gray are too many to count. We?re a smorgasbord of shades gals and we should be excite about that. Your natural shades may start out different than what you imagined (I thought I?d be more white), but give them a chance. I get more compliments on my natural silvers now than I ever got in all the years of coloring. Then prepare yourselves for an ever changing, continuing journey because this ride never stops. We all celebrate when we get those final last ends of dye cut off (I?m still hanging onto a few to keep my preferred length), but it?s not your final curtain. As we age our hair naturally loses more pigment, so your shades are going to continue to range for years to come! Embrace that! The joy in this journey to silver will far outweigh in the long run. Hang in there if you?re in the beginning. Embrace where

Follow sister?s and connect with like minded women, but never lose sight of your individuality. Tips and products shared by others are a great place to start....but keep in mind that results will vary based on your location, water, hair type, and just plain old DNA! What works on a sister in South Carolina, may not work as well for a sister in Colorado. Experiment till you find what brings out the best in you!

you're at. Be joyful for what?s to come. Be silver my sisters!

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|mar

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

EM BRACE | You 21

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Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Tan gledsilver m ag.com | Jan u ar y -M ar ch

@gr ay_ciou s_m e | TX

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar




Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


@seagypsym er m aid | NC

Tangledsilvermag.com| January -March



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@t h e_plat in u m _h air _diar y | USA


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Sher r y | Nor t h Car olina


herry doesn?t describe herself as a silver

sister influencer. She?s actually quite modest at the thought her silvers influence others. She describes herself as an adventure seeker who explores uninhibited islands where wild horses live, always in search of ocean treasures on the seashore and obsessed with all things natural. That obsession led her to live a healthy lifestyle with clean eating and using plant-based goods and essential oils, which eventually included ditching the dye. Although a silver sister, she feels she?s more of a natural lifestyle encourager. When asked about her style, she smiles. It's just been kind of whom she?s always been, A little boho, free and flowing and not caring about what others think of it, because she?s living her style. One of her favorite lines is Kantha Bae (shop her affiliate link in her bio over on her IG account @seagypsymermaid) as it embraces her spirit. She's also a fan of the Etsy store Skyline Fever. And, if you?re interested in talking about how oils can change your life, then Sherry is a sister to contact. Follow her IG account and be prepared for delightful inspirations.

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

BE | St yle 33

tangledsilvermag.com JAN| FEB| MAR

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

BE | St yle 35

Michele | USA You'll hear many Silver Sisterstell you that thejourney is far beyond just the color of our hair. While attention seems focused on transitions to gray on most social accounts, if you look deeper, you'll find many of these women have a few hidden gems in their repertoire. Michele is one such woman who describes herself as a wildflower who is also a spirit jewelry maker @wildflowerandbuck on instagram. Her energy on her @graytdaysahead will inspire your transition as she shares posts that are lively and beautiful. She also inspires you to open yourself up to the possibility of new friends becoming sisters as she connects with other women who inspire her. Her Wildflower & Buck brings her stylish and fun to life through handmade Boho style Malas, Chokers, and bracelets from natural stones and crystals. She creates custom, traditional hand knotted Malas with a twist as always to match the spirit of the person she?s creating it for. Follow along her silver journey and be sure to check out her Wildflower & Buck adventure too. Collaboration with other silver sisters is also part of the magic of this community, which can be seen in the bird pendant designed by D'Wana @mountaingirlsilvers in right corner picture. Michele?s creativity in all areas of her life should encourage you to allow yourself to express your own and find the glow that is apparent in Michele?s spirit.

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

BE | St yle 37

Contributor Meet & Greet Greetings from the East Coast. I feel I'm a true New Englander at heart because I live in the four seasons.

Tina | CT Age 52 Prof essional Photographer, Homeschool Mom of 25+yrs., Licensed cosmetologist, public speaker and writer.

Silver since 2017

My name is Ernestine but I usually go by Tina. I have been writing and photographing life since I was able to. As a licensed cosmetologist and makeup and skin guru I will share trials and errors from experience along with lots of fun and bling! My pen is ready to reach the hearts and homes of the silver community with inspirational, educational, humorous and authentic heartwarming stories from our readers. I'm excited to be joining the Tangled Silver magazine team as a contributor. There is a serious side of me that always wants to join in on the fun. Work and play are best friends! This seemed like the perfect opportunity to blend the two. I'm Looking forward to reaching out and getting to know you with a big ?Hello!?


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


BE | St yle 39 Naturally Brighten & Soften Your Silver, Gray or White Hair. Clarify + Hydrate + Restore Trio to manage and maintain silver, grey, white hair


The Dream Team companion for your grey,silver or white hair. Vegetarian/Vegan friendly.

Purple shampoo for toing yellows & conditioning treatment form


Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


BE | St yle 41

FavoriteHowToVideos What to do with your silvers, especially between hair washes, tends to be a theme among long haired sisters. Ponytails are a quick fix, but tend to be a bit boring and routine in the style department. Mel Tickel

offers fabulous and simple style instruction through her IGTV @silver_styling. She gives you new options, many braided and pulled up styles, to give your hair a little more sass. She breaks down her tricks in quick video content, with most under 4 minutes of your time. The next time you're looking to do something new, head over and check out her account.

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

As women age, so do our makeup needs. If you?re still using the brands and products of your twenties it might be time to review your cosmetic bag. The question that comes up a lot is which is better for women over 50 cream or powder? According to Tina (@silverswag_and_saved), a licensed cosmetologist, the basics of makeup say creams are usually more favorable towards mature skin because of the ease of blending it in like a second skin. Powders can serve their purpose but it is important to do your research to find a good one where the powder is not drying. Keeping your skin in the best condition with moisturizer will give you more of an advantage of using both cream and powder makeup. My personal experience has shown that creams work far better on my skin than the powders of my youth. My new favorite brand for creating my day to day natural look is

Boom By Cindy Joseph. I first heard about them in a Self Magazine article that Jennifer Aniston was quoted as saying she carries ?Boomstick color in her purse: It?s an all-in-one stain for eyes, cheeks and lips that?s so much fun.?She had me at all-in-one. I?ve simplified my routine with Boomstick Trio: Glo - the moisturizer, Color - a blush color and Glimmer - the highlighter. I love the color as it looks a tad different on every woman as it?s light and blends into your skin tone. I use it on my eyes, just as easily as on my lips! I throw in my own mascara and eyeliner to finish my look and I?m done in less than five minutes. Bottom line is to experiment, experiment, experiment until you find what works best for your skin. If you love powders, by all means use powders. It comes down to what makes you feel best about yourself. Our thoughts are just that, our thoughts offered up in case it helps.

in b o R

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar

BE | St yle 43

M ak e UP random, unless you are using a tinted moisturizer, which does not have the same effect as a foundation. Choosing the correct foundation for your coloring is critical for all the other colors to work. A good foundation should offer coloring that blends naturally to your own skin tone while offering moisturizers to prep your skin for what is next.

T ina @si lver sw ag_ an d _ saved |

As a cosmetologist one of the main themes of beauty tips I can chime in on is the conversation of make-up for women over 50. I believe the first consideration or basic step for women of all ages requires a woman to consider the condition of her skin first. Seasons, climate, change of life, stress, nutrition, exercise, etc., will play a huge role in the outcome of how you think and feel your makeup looks on you. This plays a vital role for women over 50. I like to use the comparison of an artist who paints canvas using oil paints. Without proper preparation to the canvas, oil paints won?t present their beauty properly. Your skin is your canvas.

Some say less is more, but that is only true in applying makeup that is not your routine. You can wear what you like if you know the makeup is not showing up before you do. Your makeup should be as simple as it may be to state that you are confident and this is the look you wanted to achieve. Less is more is a great rule to follow when you don?t have the self care time for you and your skin. Sometimes more is better, especially when there is not enough contrast with skin, hair and eye coloring. More can also be better when that is what you enjoy. Practice, patience and education should go into any beauty routine at any age. While that may feel daunting to some, when you take the time to learn about your skin and techniques to enhance your beauty you?ll find you?ll notice a difference in the way you look and feel. I?d love to hear what topics on skincare and makeup you?d be interested in seeing future articles about. Reach out to me over @silverswag_and_saved and lets chat about looking our best!

Coloring is always a factor and never

TheCritiqueCosmetologist & Conversationalist

ngledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


BE | St yle 45

Tangled Silver Magazine believes that age and experience are beautiful things. We believe women embracing their natural selves should be celebrated. We believe our daughters and granddaughters should be taught early on to tap into their creativity with wild passion. We believe that silver doesn?t make you look old or mean you?re letting yourself go. We believe friendships are important. We believe sisters connecting together over shared passions is joyful. We believe aging gracefully looks different for every woman and there is no right or wrong way along the journey. We believe in encouragement. We believe that embracing your silvers goes far beyond just a color choice. We believe every woman has a story to share. We believe that everyday is a gift. We believe in laughing loudly and living boldly.

Tangledsilvermag.com| Jan|Feb|Mar


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