Projects with a value less than R50 million
Kuils River Upgrade by Zutari for City of Cape Town, Western Cape
evelopment in the Stikland
provide hydraulic engineering design
Industrial Precinct of
consulting services. The team had to
the Western Cape was
ensure a natural-looking river that
prevented by frequent
promotes biodiversity and protects
flooding caused by the limited capacity of the Kuils River channel. The 2 km long section of the Kuils River
adjacent properties from flooding. Zutari went through several iterations and options during the design phase for
was in poor condition, with progressive and
the river cross section. The design had to
uncontrolled lateral and vertical erosion
be able to convey the 100-year flood within
of the sandy bank and beds. Historical and
the 50 m river corridor, keep the annual
more recent encroachment of existing
flood (1-year flood) within the low-flow
developments into the floodplain and
channel, and ensure that the cycle track is
towards the river channel were problematic
located above certain recurrence interval
for the City of Cape Town in terms of
floodlines – as required by the City of
managing this area. Periodic, aggressive
Cape Town’s Floodplain and River Corridor
clearing of invasive riverine vegetation
Management Policy.
had contributed to destabilising the river
The approved plan for the upgrading of
Client: City of Cape Town Developers: Redefine Properties and VDMV Property Holdings River Engineer: Zutari River Contractor: Burger & Wallace Construction Landscape Contractor: Cape Contours Landscaping Architect: Greenspiration Environmental Consultant: Gibb Freshwater Ecologist: Blue Science • a 2.4 ha seasonal and permanent wetland to compensate for the loss of wetland habitat in the development area. The Kuils River Upgrade is an excellent example of a project that embodies the
channel, putting sections of the City’s water
the 2 km long section of the Kuils River
vision of the City of Cape Town’s Liveable
and sewerage infrastructure at risk.
Stikland/Bellville comprised:
Waterways Programme and will assist Cape
•a 50 m wide river corridor made up of
Town in transitioning towards a water-
Therefore, a sustainable and environmentally acceptable river corridor
terraced, trapezoidal grass floodplain to
sensitive city by 2040. It also exemplifies
plan had to be created in collaboration with
contain the 100-year flood
what can be done when the public and
the City of Cape Town. To prepare the plan, a multidisciplinary project team was commissioned to
•a 150 m long by 3.5 m high gabion retaining wall •a 50 m long gabion drop structure
16 C E S A A o n E n g i n e e r i n g E x c e l l e n c e Aw a r d s 2 0 2 1
private sectors work together to achieve a solution that is ultimately beneficial to all parties.