HVAC in Building Design Award
UP Engineering 4.0 Building by Spoormaker & Partners for the University of Pretoria, Tshwane
he award-winning Engineering
The HVAC system at UP Engineering 4.0
4.0 building is a new facility
involves a central four-pipe air-cooled
constructed on the University
chilled and hot water generation plant
of Pretoria’s LC de Villiers
as cooling and heating source, with
campus. The 6 800 m2 facility is an
a decoupled primary-secondary loop
expansion of the University of Pretoria’s
with hot and cold buffer tanks and
prestigious Engineering Faculty, providing
variable-volume secondary pumps. No
a new home for the Civil Engineering
water-consuming heat rejection systems
Department’s concrete and timber
were used.
laboratories. In addition, the building also
Control optimisation of building
includes the new National Road Materials
thermal load control and ventilation
Referencing Testing laboratory and a
needs ensured high energy efficiency of
training laboratory for SANRAL, as well as
process needs. Passive design features
a common multivolume foyer that will link
were incorporated to minimise energy
the building to future phases as the School
usage, such as insulated laboratories,
of Engineering expands even further.
double glazing, external shading,
The building features a state-of-the-art HVAC installation designed to integrate specific laboratory technical requirements
economy cycle design and naturally ventilated spaces. Carbon dioxide emissions and
for indoor environmental control, energy
environmental impacts were reduced
efficiency and green design principles,
through generator load optimisation,
occupant comfort, and aesthetics in an
HVAC energy reduction, zero water
innovatively holistic manner.
usage, zero ODP systems and exhaust
Indoor environmental condition
filtration. A state-of-the-art building
requirements for each individual space
management system was designed and
were agreed upon with the client and
installed to actively control and monitor
ranged from typical 22.5° C (±1.5° C)
all mechanical systems.
laboratories, all the way to humidity rooms
The project was awarded the 2020
simultaneously requiring 25° C (±2° C) and
SAPOA (South African Property Owners
95% (±5%) RH. Ventilation needs involved
Association) Innovation Excellence Award,
adhering not only to regulatory fresh air
being crowned the national winner in
and fire rational requirements, but also
the Innovation category, attesting to the
ensuring that test-specific ventilation
effort put into an innovative, unique and
needs are met.
sustainable design.
Client: University of Pretoria HVAC Consultant: Spoormaker & Partners Architect: ARC Architects Main Contractor: WBHO HVAC Subcontractor: AIRGRO (on behalf of TOAC)
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