38 minute read

Puturidze M. The Trialeti Culture – Changeovers at the Turn of the III - II Millenniums BC

Marina Puturidze Tbilisi State University (Georgia, Tbilisi)

The Trialeti Culture – Changeovers at the Turn of the III - II Millenniums BC.



The territory of spreading of Trialeti Archaeological Culture comprised the part of South Caucasus, which is the main core area of the Eurasian corridor . Trialetian population, about the ethnicity of which nearly nothing is clear, were inhabited in a great part of the Transcaucasia and, supposedly, toward the South-West direction as well.

The Caucasian cross-road area, where various cultural traditions were coming into contact and coexisted from the ancient times, had a close relation with southern neighboring civilizations of the Near East.

The presented article gives an attempt to point out those changeovers which began at the turn of III-II millenniums BC in the south Caucasian region and clearly indicates the most activated trade-economic connections and cultural influences from the ancient Near Eastern world.

Preceding to the Trialeti, prehistoric cultural unites were characterized by more or fewer interconnections with the neighboring regions but comparing to all of them, rather more intensified relations with various areas of the Near East became recordable exactly from the turn of the III and II Millenniums BC and afterward.

Impressive number of the Trialetian gold working samples and their contemplation on the background of the various near eastern assemblages indicate in favour of the existed cultural and trade-exchange relationship between the considering here culture with the located to south civilizations. Enough numerous cases of the “alien”, near eastern style items, are easily recordable in burial mounds of the ruling elite of Trialetian society. More acceptable seems the assumption about their produce locally in south Caucasus by jewellers of foreigner workshops, who temporarily were settled here or the local craftsmen who closely were acquainted with the near eastern gold working and freely adopted all achievements of it.

On the other hand, above mentioned communication is also reflected by such non-traditional for the south Caucasus burial rite, like it is the cremation ritual. Great accent on wealthy and producing of precious goods, which evidently were concentrated in the hands of local elite of the Trialeti culture, supposing that also stimulate the process of widening intercommunication with the outer world.

It is clear that one part of artifacts is totally differing from symptomatic features of the local tradition and have no any prototypes in Caucasian region, but the other part characterizes with the clear Near Eastern image.

The Trialeti culture beside the continuity of local traditional line of development, clearly reveals several innovations in some spheres of life and craftsmanship which serves as an evident argument to argue about the enough strong influences coming from the southern areas from the end of the XXII/XXI century and lasted until the mid XVII century BC.

To overview the main characteristics, it is possible to stress that the appearance of the new, flourishing Trialeti culture in the map of Old World means not only the II, developed stage of

Middle Bronze Age but also the beginning of great social and cultural changes in society. In our viewpoint this changes directly related with process of activated interrelation with outer world, first of all with central Anatolian region, Sumer, Assyria and Van-Urmian basin.

Supposing that as a result of the interaction of various mentioned cultural traditions might be considered the new Trialeti culture, created at the end of III and very beginning of the II millennium BC, where easily distinguishable influence of the different cultures and orientations with the local traditional line.


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tabulis aRweriloba:

I - 1. TrialeTis kulturis gavrcelebis ruka, 2. TrialeTis kulturasTan dakavSirebuli winaaziis regionebi.


I - 1. The map of distribution of the Trialeti culture, 2. Near Eastern regions culturally connected with the Trialeti culture.


nino SanSaSvili saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi (saqarTvelo, Tbilisi)

mtkvar-araqsis kulturis kvlevis problemebi

adrebrinjaos xanis mtkvar-araqsis kulturis aRmoCenisTanave mravali kiTxva wamoiWra, romelTa umravlesobaze srulyofili pasuxi dRemde ar arsebobs: mecnierebs Soris ar aris erTiani azri am kulturis matarebeli sazogadoebis ganviTarebis ZiriTadi sakiTxebis Sesaxeb; ucnobia am arqeologiuri kulturis genezisi; kiTxvebs badebs qronologiis sakiTxebi; Tavad cneba `mtkvar-araqsis kultura~ sakamaToa. am dasaxelebis paralelurad gaCnda terminebi: adretranskavkasiuri kultura, qarazis kultura, SengaviTuri kultura da hirbeT-keraqis keramika. mtkvar-araqsis kultura samxreT kavkasiaSi aRmoCenili Zeglebis safuZvelze XX saukunis 30-40-ian wlebSi gamoyo akad. b. kuftinma. TrialeTis arqeologiur Zeglebze 1936-38 wlebSi mikvleuli e.w. `eneoliTuri~ Tixis WurWeli man samxreT kavkasiis Zeglebze adre aRmoCenil keramikul kompleqsebs daukavSira da amis safuZvelze mtkvar-araqsis ormdinareTis teritoriaze axali kulturis arseboba ivarauda. b. kuftinma axlad aRmoCenili kultura Zv.w. 3000-2200 ww daaTariRa da or etapad dayo: eneoliTuri da adre brinjaos xanis1. manamde ki, 1910 wels, saCxereSi, e. TayaiSvilma Seiswavla yorRanuli samarovani da is miakuTvna spilenZis xanas2. SemdgomSi aRmoCnda, rom yorRani mtkvar-araqsis kulturas miekuTvneboda. mogvianebiT, 1920 wels, e. pCelinam kikeTis maxloblad gaTxara samarxi, romlis inventaric sakmaod Taviseburi iyo. unda aRiniSnos, rom kikeTis tipis keramika jer kidev XIX s miwuruls iyo aRmoCenili kavkasiis sxvadasxva regionSi (armavir-bluri, malaqlu da sxva) da inaxeboda kavkasiis muzeumSi (dRevandeli saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi), TbilisSi, Tumca maTTvis saTanado yuradReba aravis miuqcevia. SemdgomSi msgavsi keramika aRmoCnda didubeSi, dablagomSi, oCamCireSi da samxreT kavkasiis sxva adgilebSic: somxeTSi – elarSi, SreS-blurSi, SengaviTSi; azerbaijanSi stepanakertSi, kilik-daRSi. XX saukunis 30-ian wlebSi e. baiburTianma SreS-blurSi aRmoCenili Savpriala (`TiTqos laqiT wasmuli~: Байбуртян 1937: 211) keramika daukavSira elaris qveda fenaSi, franganocSi da SengaviTSi aRmoCenil keramikas da daa -

1. Борис Куфтин, Археологические раскопки в Триалети. (Тбилиси: Издательство АН Грузинской ССР, 1941), 106-109; Борис Куфтин, «Урартский колумбарий у подошвы Арарата и куро-араксский энеолит». saqarTvelos saxelmwifo muzeumis moambe, XIII-B (1944),85-127; Борис Куфтин, Археологические раскопки 1947 года в Цалкском районе. (Тбилиси: Издательство АН Груз ССР. 1948), 6770; Борис Куфтин, Археологическая маршрутная экспедиция 1945 года в Юго-Осетию и Имеретию. (Тбилиси: Издательство АН Груз ССР. 1949), 75-82. 2. Еквтиме Такайшвили, «О Сачхерском кургане Шорапанского уезда». Известия Кавказского отделения Московского археологического общества, вып. III, (1913), Тбилиси,167-172.

TariRa `gacilebiT ufro Zveli epoqiT, vidre Zv.w. XX-XVIII ss~3. ukanasknel wlebSi zogierTi mecnieri cdilobs daakninos b. kuftinis Rvawli arqeologiaSi da mtkvar-araqsis kulturis gamoyofa miaweron e. baiburTians, xolo Tavad kulturas uwodon SengaviTuri kultura. Tumca, xazgasmiT gvinda aRvniSnoT, rom TrialeTSi adreuli periodis Zeglebis Seswavlisa da mtkvar-araqsis ormdinareTis centralur da samxreT regionebSi mopovebuli da samxreT kavkasiis muzeumebSi daculi masalis Sejerebis saSualebiT mxolod b. kuftinma SeZlo mZlavri arqeologiuri kulturis gamoyofa4 . is ar moerida represirebuli e. baiburTianis saxelis moxseniebas da misi naSromebis miTiTebas 1941 wels gamocemul Tavis fundamentur naSromSi. es maSin rodesac e. baiburTianis saxelis xsenebisac ki eSinoda yvelas. mxolod 1949 wels b. piotrovski gakvriT Seexo baiburTianis damsaxurebas. amdenad dabejiTebiT SeiZleba iTqvas is, rom kavkasiis siZveleTa Soris es gamorCeuli artefaqtebi, uZvelesi liTonebis epoqas, jer kidev e. TayaiSvilma miakuTvna 1910 wels. b. kuftinis udidesi damsaxureba ki is aris, rom man am artefaqtebis da im droisaTvis mwiri monacemebis safuZvelze sruliad axali arqeologiuri kultura gamoyo, romelsac mtkvar-araqsis eneoliTuri kultura uwoda. man pirvelma mogvca am kulturis daxasiaTeba da gamoyo mxolod misTvis damaxasiaTebeli elementebi. mtkvar-araqsis kulturis daTariRebis sakiTxebs SemdegSic araerTi mecnieri Seexo. ukanasknel wlebSi radionaxSirbadis meTodiT miRebuli TariRebis da Zeglebis stratigrafiis mixedviT mtkvar-araqsis kulturis Camoyalibeba, ganviTareba, ayvaveba da Caqroba Zv.w. 3500/3400-2500/2400 ww. Tavsdeba5 . mniSvnelovania r. badalianis mier SemoTavazebuli mtkvar-araqsis kulturis qronologia. man somxeTis teritoriaze mopovebuli keramikis da radionaxSirbadis meTodiT miRebuli TariRebis safuZvelze, am kulturaSi or etapi - elar-aragawis (adre brinjao I, 3350-2900 Zv.w.) da karnut-SengaviTis (adre brinjao II, 2900-2500 Zv.w.) safexurebi gamoyo6 . r. badalianis mier SemuSavebuli qronologia nawilobriv gaiziara j. palumbim. im gansxvavebiT, rom man adre brinjao I-s waumZRvara gvian qalkoliTuri da mtkvar-arqsuli kulturis Tanaarebobis etapi, romelic Zv.w. 3550-3350 ww daaTariRa. misi azriT, mtkvar-araqsuli keramikuli tradiciebis garkveuli niSnebi SeimCneva Zv.w. IV aTaswleulis pirveli naxevris

3. Евгений Байбуртян, «По поводу древней керамики из Шреш-Блура». Советская археология, 1937, 3, 213. 4 . Борис Куфтин, «Урартский колумбарий у подошвы Арарата и куро-араксский энеолит». saqarTvelos saxelmwifo muzeumis moambe, XIII-B (1944),85-127. 5. Giulio Palumbi and Christine Chatainger. “The Kura-Araxes culture from the Caucasus to Iran, Anatolia and the Levant: Between unity and diversity. A synthesis”. Paleorient 40.2(2014): 247-260; Giulio Palumbi. The Early Bronze Age of the Southern Caucasus. Oxford Handbooks Online DOI(2016): 10. 1093/oxfordhb/9780 1999 35413.013.14;9 Antonio Sagona. The Archaeology of the Caucasus. From Earliest Settlement to the Iron Age.(Cambridge University Press.2018),226. 6. Badalyan et all. “A preliminary report on the 2008, 2010, and 2011 investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia”. Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan. Band 46.Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Berlin, 2014, 211-212

iseTi Zeglebis keramikul nawarmSi, rogorebicaa areni, godeZori, areviki, naWivWavebi, berikldeebi V7. gvin qalkoliTuri arqiteqturuli tradiciebi SesamCnevia adre mtkvar-araqsul wriul erToTaxiani saxlebis gegmarebaSic (berikldeebi IV, xizanaanTgora E, norabaci, moxra-bluri, naxWevanis qiul-Tefe). am kavSirebis niSnebi warmoCnda agreTve yorRanebSi dakrZalvis tradiciaSic, romlebic Zv.w. IV aTaswleulis pirvel naxevarSi dastudeba (kavTisxevi, soiuR bulaRi). j. palumbis azriT, hibridizaciis es elementebi da garkveuli kavSirebi SesaZloa niSnavs, rom zogierTi qalkoliTuri erToba, an misi nawili warmoadgenda sociokulturul garemos, romlis wiaRSic warmoiqmna mtkvar-araqsuli tradiciebi8. mecnierTa nawilis azriT, swored es qalkoliTuri kultura asrulebs substratis rols mtkvar-araqsis kulturis CamoyalibebaSi9. sakuTriv, adre brinjao I periods j. palumbi aTariRebs Zv.w. 3350 - 2950 ww, xolo adre brinjao II – Zv.w. 2950 - 2550 wlebs miakuTvna. j. palumbis azriT, am epoqas mosdevs mtkvar-araqsis da adre yorRanuli kulturis Tanaarsebobis periodi, romelic Tavsdeba Zv.w. 2550-2450 ww.10 mtkvar-araqsis kulturis fenomeni pirvel rigSi mdgomareobs mis xangrZlivobaSi, uzarmazar teritoriaze gavrcelebasa da Tvisebebis saocar erTgvarovnebaSi. es kultura gamorCeulia Tavisi gavrcelebis Zalze farTo arealiT da didi qronologiuri diapazoniT. XX saukunis meore naxevarSi Catarebuli arqeologiuri gaTxrebis Sedegad gamoikveTa am kulturis areali. is gavrcelebulia kavkasionis Crdilo kalTebidan mokidebuli, samxreT-dasavleTiT anatoliaSi, eliazig-malaTiis regions moicavs da siria-palestinaSi vrceldeba; samxreTiT vanis tbamde aRwevs, xolo samxreT-aRmosavleTiT - urmiis tbasa da yazvinis platos moicavs. aRmosavleTiT ki milisa da yarabaRis stepebSia gavrcelebuli (tab. I). miuxedavad imisa, rom gavrcelebis arealiT mtkvar-araqsis kultura axlo aRmosavlur kulturaTa rigs ekuTvnis, am kulturis pirveli Zeglebis aRmoCenisTanave, b. kuftinma SeniSna, rom mtkvar-araqsuli keramikis zogierTi forma da keramikis dekori sruliad gansxvavdeba axloaRmosavluri nimuSebisagan. boris kuftini miiCnevda, rom mtkvar-araqsis kulturis keramikis ornamentis datanis xerxebi sruliad ucnobia axloaRmosavluri kulturebisaTvis. igi wers: “samxreT kavkasiis meTuneebma ganaviTares... amoRarul-reliefuri dekoratiuli motivebi, rac am saxiT sruliad ucnobia axlo aRmosavleTis teritoriaze”11. aseve, mTeli axloaRmosavluri uZvelesi xelovnebisaTvis sruliad ucxoa spiraluri motivi, garda arqauli egvipturi keramikis ornamentaciisa12. b. kuftinis azriT, mtkvar-araqsu-

7. Palumbi, ”The Early Bronze Age”, 10 8. Palumbi, ”The Early Bronze Age”, 10 9. mircxulava, guram; Ciqovani, guram. `brinjaos xanaze gardamavali safexuris Sesaxeb~. Ziebani saqarTvelos arqeologiaSi, #19 (2010), 98 10. Palumbi, ”The Early Bronze Age”, 10 7 11. Борис Куфтин, «Урартский колумбарий у подошвы Арарата и куро-араксский энеолит». saqarTvelos saxelmwifo muzeumis moambe, XIII-B (1944), 126. 12. Борис Куфтин, «Урартский колумбарий», 127.

li keramikis zogierTi tipi msgavsebas iCens dasavleTanatoliur, egeosur da centralurevropul keramikasTan13. is miiCnevda, rom mtkvar-araqsuli samyura WurWeli formalurad msgavsia dasavleT evropis gvianneoliTuri amforebisa. am tipis keramikis gaCenas mtkvar-araqsis kulturaSi is ukavSirebda dunaispireTis neoliTur xazovan-lentur14 (Linearbandkeramik, LBK) keramikas15. miuxedavad didi qronologiuri sxvaobisa, msgavseba SeiniSneba agreTve centraluri da samxreT evropis neoliTuri kulturebis da mtkvar-araqsis kulturis ornaments Soris. magaliTad, spiraluri motivi, romelic mtkvar-araqsis kulturisaTvisaa damaxasiaTebeli, farTodaa gavrcelebuli samxreT evropis TiTqmis yvela neoliTuri da qalkoliTuri (tab. III-6,8-10) kulturis Zeglebze16 .

Savpriala da wiTeli keramika (tab. III-4,5), romelic aseve mtkvar-araqsis kulturisaTvisaa damaxasiaTebeli, gavrcelebulia vinCas kulturis17 adreul safexurze18. balkaneTis da dasavleT evropis neoliTuri kulturebisaTvis damaxasiTebelia zoomorfuli keramika19. unda aRiniSnos, rom, aradeTis orgoraze aRmoCenili mtkvar-araqsisaTvis uCveulo zoomorfuli20 Rvinis WurWeli (tab. III-2,3) msgavsia evropis neoliTuri kulturebis keramikisa. xolo zoomorfulsaxeluriani keramikuli xufi (tab. IV-2) mesxeTidan21 saocar msgavsebas iCens aseve dasavleT evropis Linearbandkeramik-is da balkaneTis neoliTuri kulturebis (tab. IV-1) zoomorful

13. Борис Куфтин, Археологические раскопки в Триалети. Тбилиси: Издательство АН Грузинской ССР, 1941,111; Борис Куфтин. «Урартский колумбарий» 38. 14. dResdReobiT cnobilia rogorc xazovan-lenturi kultura (germ. Linienbandkeramische Kultur, ing. Linear Pottery culture - LBK) – centraluri evropis neoliTuri xanis kultura. gavrcelebuli iyo germaniaSi, CexeTSi, poloneTSi, avstriaSi. TariRdeba 5500-4500 Zv.w. (Kris Hirst, Linearbandkeramik Culture – European Farming Innovators. 2014 https://www.thoughtco.com/linearbandkeramik-culture-farming-innovators-171552) 15. Борис Куфтин, Археологические раскопки 1947 года в Цалкском районе. Тбилиси: Издательство АН Груз ССР. 1948,38 16. unda aRiniSnos, rom m. gimbutasis azriT, vinCas kultura saTaves iRebs starCevos kulturaSi, romelmac safuZveli Cauyara xazovan-lentur keramikas. vinCas da xazovani-lenturi kulturis simbiozma ki safuZveli Cauyara boianis kulturas, xolo xazovan-lenturi keramikis matarebelma xalxma moldovaSi saTave daudo kukutenis kulturas (Мария Гимбутас. Цивилизация Великой Богини: Мир Древней Европы. (Москва: РОССПЭН, 2006),38, 80, 93, 97, 117). 17. vinCas kultura (Vinča culture) – samxreT-aRmosavleT evropis neoliTuri xanis arqeologiuri kulturaa, moicavs serbeTs da bulgareTis, makedoniis da rumineTis. nawils. TariRdeba 57004500 Zv.w., an 5300-4700/4500 Zv.w. 18. Jakucs at all. “Between the Vinča and Linearbandkeramik Worlds: The Diversity of Practices and Identities in the 54th-53rd Centuries cal. BC in Southwest Hungary and Beyond”. Journal of Worls Prehistory, Vol. 29, #3 (September 2016): sur. 10. 19. Мария Гимбутас, Цивилизация Великой Богини, 77, 121, 248, 285, 345, 358, 410 (VI-V aTaswleulebis vinCas namosaxlarze 2 aTasamde zoo da ornitomorfuli WurWelia aRmoCenili Мария Гимбутас. Цивилизация Великой Богини,358). Valeska Becker. “Rinder, Schweine, Mischwesen. Zoomorphe Funde der Westlichen Linearbandkeramik. in: Zwischen Mosel und Morava” Neue grabungen und Forschungen zur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte Mitteleuropas (Herausg. von Ralf Glesr). Dr. Rudolf Habelt Verlag GMBH. Bonn 2007, 28, tab. 25. 35, sur. 11, tab. 5. 20. Iulon Gagoshidze and Elena Rova, “Two Seasons of Georgian-Italian Excavations at Aradetis orgora (Georgia)”. Rivista di Archeologia, 39 (2015), 5-28. 21. kaxiani da sxv. `WobareTis adrebrinjaos xanis namosaxlarze da samarovanze 2009 wels Catarebuli arqeologiuri kvleva-Zieba~. Ziebani saqarTvelos arqeologiaSi, #20 (2011), tab. IV-2.

aplikaciebTan22. msgavsi aplikaciebi mravlad aris napovni vinCas namosaxlarze23. zooanTropomorfuli qandakeba SengaviTidan24 , ki, Linearbandkeramik kulturisaTvis damaxasiaTebel qandakebebs emsgavseba25. samfexa samsxverplo “magida” geRarotidan26 msgavsia vinCas kulturis “magidebis (tab. IV-6).”27 xolo orvolutiani sakinZi varnas nekropolis #167 samarxidan (tab. III7), romelic Zv.w. 4400-4200 ww. TariRdeba28 saocrad emsgavseba mtkvar-araqsul sakinZebs. mtkvar-araqsis kulturis Zeglebze aRmoCenili zogierTi artefaqti Zalze iSviaTia am kulturisaTvis, Tumca damaxasiaTebelia evropis neoliTuri kulturebisaTvis, rac aseve garkveul kiTxvebs badebs. yuradRebas iqcevs isic, rom mtkvar-araqsis kulturis keramikaze datanili niSnebi (tab. IV-3) yvelaze axlo paralelebs pouloben swored vinCas kulturis niSnebTan (tab. IV-4). cnobili mecnieri m. gimbutasi Tvlida, rom vinCas keramikul nawarmze datanili niSnebi uZvelesi indoevropuli damwerlobaa, romelic Sumerul da minosur damwerlobamde didi xniT adre Seiqmna. m. gimbutasis azriT, es damwerlobiTi sistema Zv.w. VI aTaswleulSi warmoiSva da 4000 wlisaTvis gaqra. mecnierTa didi umravlesoba vinCas simboloebs ritualur-sakulto mniSvnelobisad miiCnevs29 . cnobili poloneli arqeologi ian maxniki Tvlida, rom mtkvar-araqsis kulturis adreuli safexuris keramika saocar msgavsebas iCens karpatebis da mimdebare teritoriebis gvian neoliTur-adrebrinjaos xanis kulturebTan. ian maxniki agreTve gamoTqvamda varauds, rom mtkvar-araqsis kulturis adreuli periodis keramikasTan msgavsebas iCens samxreT espaneTSi Zv.w. III aTaswleulis miwuruls gavrcelebuli el-argaris30 kultura31 . el

22. Valeska Becker, “Rinder, Schweine, Mischwesen”, 28, tab. 25. 23. Eszter Banffy, “Notes on the Connection between Human and Zoomorphic Representations in the Neolithic.” The Archeology of Cult and Religion ( Ed. by P.F. Biehl and F. Bertemes with H. Meller. Budapest: 2001), 55, 58, sur. 14,24. 24. Hakob Simonyan, “The Statuettes of the Shengavit culture”. Yearbook of Academy of fine arts, #4 (2016), Yerevan, sur. 13. 25. Eszter Banffy, “Notes on the Connection”, 67, sur. 28; Valeska Becker. “Rinder, Schweine, Mischwesen. sur. 5. 26. Badalyan et all. “A preliminary report on the 2008, 2020, nd 2011 investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia”. Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan. Band 46.Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Berlin, 2014, 160, sur. 10-2. 27. Marija Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses.(University of California Press. Berkley, Los Angeles, London. 2001), sur. 60. 28 Vladimir Slavchev, “The Varna Eneolithic Cemetery in the Context of the Late Copper Age in the East Balkans” The Lost World of Old Europe. The danube Valley, 5000-3500BC (Edited by David W. Antony, with Jennifer Y. Chl). Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford. 2010, 202, sur. g-15. 29. Мария Гимбутас, Цивилизация Великой Богини. 337-352. 30. Jan Machnik, „Bemerkungen zu den Kulturbeziehungen in Mitteleuropa am Anfang der Bronzezeit“. Preistoria Alpina. Vol. 10 (1974), Trento, 191-207. 31. el argaris kultura gavrcelebulia ZiriTadad almeriis, granadis da alikantes provinciebSi. namosaxlarebi maRlobebze, an mTebis ferdobebzea ganlagebuli. am dasaxlebebs gamokveTilad TavdacviTi xasiaTi hqondaT, rasac adgilmdebareobis garda adasturebs qvis galavnebis naSTebi. el argaris kulturis matarebeli mosaxleobis umTavres saqmianobas samTo saqme da liTondamuSaveba warmoadgenda. amas adasturebs ara mxolod dasaxlebebis lokalizacia spilenZiTa da vercxliT mdidar adgilebSi, aramed namosaxlarebSi nedleulis transportirebis kvali. h. Subartis da i. maxnikis azriT, metalurgia da liTonis nakeTobebiT vaWroba iyo el argaris kulturis ayvavebis sawindari (Hermanfried Schubart, “Mediterrane Beziehungen der El Argar-Kulture”. Madrider Mitteilungen

argaris kulturis kavSirebs aRmosavleT xmelTaSuazRvispireTTan, kerZod ki egeosur-anatoliur samyarosTan, xedavda germaneli arqeologi h. Subarti32. aRmosavleT xmelTaSuazRvispireTis kulturul samyaros b. kuftini miakuTvnebda mtkvar-araqsis kulturas. msgavsebas is xedavda wriul arqiteqturaSi, spiralur ornamentsa da e.w. rqian sakurTxevlebSi33. es Tvalsazrisi gaiziares sxva mecnierebmac. Tumca isini sakuTriv mtkvar-araqsis kulturas ki ar axsenebdnen, aramed `dampyroblebs~, an `migrantebs~ anatoliidan, romelTa mier antoliidan egeosis kunZulebze Catanil siaxleebs Soris iyo agreTve muqi feris naprialebi keramika reliefuri da amoRaruli ornamentiT34 . mtkvar-araqsis kulturasa da egeosis auzis eneoliT-adre brinjaos xanis kulturebs Soris garkveuli kontaqtebi, pirdapiri, Tu arapirdapiri, SeiniSneba Zv.w. III aTaswleulis dasawyisidan. mtkvar-araqsis kultura samxreTiT sakmaod Sors vrceldeba. samxreT kavkasiuri Savpriala keramika gavrcelebulia amuqis velze da siria-palestinaSi, sadac xirbeT-keraqis keramikis saxeliTaa cnobili. mecnierTa nawili aRniSnavs xirbeT-keraqis keramikis gavlenas kviprosis eneoliT-adrebrinjaos xanis keramikaze35 . mtkvar-araqsis kulturis gavleniT SeiZleba aixsnas zogierTi inovacia, rogorc palestinaSi, aseve egeosis auzis kunZulebze, rogoricaa Sav da wiTelpriala keramikis warmoeba, wriuli gegmarebis produqtis sawyobebi, anTropo da zoomorfuli sadgrebi, e.w. rqiani sakurTxevlebi. Tumca, aRsaniSnavia, rom tipiuri samxreT kavkasiuri/xirbeT-keraquli keramikuli formebi da am kulturisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli amoRaruli ornamenti ar gavrcelda egeosis kunZulebze36. SesaZloa, mosaxleobis garkveuli nawili kilikiis (mersini, tarsusi), an levantis sanapirodan (ugariTi) gadavida kviprosze spilenZis madnis ZiebaSi, Tumca es kontaqti, o. negbis azriT, warmoadgenda “marginalur epizods, romelsac ar daurRvevia levantis adre brinjao II - adre brinjao III-is urbanuli cxovreba da aranairi kvali ar datova xirbeT-keraqis keramikis gaqrobis (Zv.w. 2400 w) Semdgom droindel Taobaze. miuxedavad amisa, am SemTxvevam mniSvnelovani gavlena iqonia

14 (1973), 41-59; Jan Machnik, „Bemerkungen zu den Kulturbeziehungen in Mitteleuropa am Anfang der Bronzezeit“. Preistoria Alpina. Vol. 10 (1974), Trento, 191-207). 32. Hermanfried Schubart, “Mediterrane Beziehungen der El Argar-Kulture”. Madrider Mitteilungen 14 (1973), 41-59. 33. Борис Куфтин, Археологические раскопки 1947 года, 44 34. Theodore Burton-Brown, Excavations in Azerbaijan, 1948. (London : John Murray, 1951), 38-40; Гордон Чайлд. У истоков европейской цивилизации. (Москва: Издательство иностранной литературы, 1952), 66-101. 35. Porphyrios Dikaios and James R. Stewart, The Swedish-Cyprus Expedition: The Stone age and early Bronze Age. Vol. IV, part I, Lund. 1962,200; James Mellaart, The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age in the Near east and Anatolia. (Beirut; Khayats,1966), 76; Ruth Amiran, Ancient Pottery in the Holy Land: From its beginnings in the Neolithic period to the end of the Iron Age. (Rutgert University Press.1970), 69; Ora Negbi, “Beth Yarah and Philia Ware: Two Case Studies of Anatolian Connections with the Levant and Cyprus in the Third Millennium BCE”. Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Stuidies, 2003: 161; Rose Washbourne, Out of the Mouths and Pots, 250-254 36 . Rose Washbourne, Out of the Mouths and Pots, 254

kviprosis gvian eneoliTur periodze da safuZveli Cauyara adre brinjaos epoqis dasawyiss37 .

XX saukunis meore naxevarSi da XXI saukunis dasawyisSi warmoebulma arqeologiurma kvlevam samxreT kavkasiaSi da egeosur kunZulebze kidev ufro gaamyara hipoteza kavSirurTierTobis Sesaxeb am or regions Soris. XX saukunis 90-ian wlebSi kviprosze, namosaxlar marki-aloniaze (Zv.w. III aTaswl. meore nax.) avstraliuri arqeologiuri eqspediciis (xelmZRvaneli d. frenkeli) mier Catarebuli gaTxrebis dros napovni iyo anTropomorfuli keris sadgari38, romelic damzadebulia wiTlad gaprialebuli Tixisagan da Semkulia nakawri geometriuli ornamentiT39. is did msgavsebas iCens mtkvar-araqsul e.w. nalisebur sadgrebTan. 1967-2005 wlebSi akrotiriSi, kunZul santorinze (Tera) arqeologiur gaTxrebs awarmoebda s. marinatosi. namosaxlari arsebobda Zv.w. IV-III aTaswleulebis mijnidan - Zv.w 1628, an 1520 wlamde, Zlier vulkanur amofrqvevamde. warmoebuli gaTxrebis Sedegad aRmoCnda Tixis zoomorfuli sadgari40, romelic did msgavsebas iCens zoomorful sadgrebTan SengaviTidan41 da karnutidan42 . j. uebis da d. frenkelis azriT, kolonistebi, rogorc wesi cdiloben cxovrebis mowyobas TavianTi Cveulebisamebr da samSoblodan gamoyolili cxovrebis wesis SenarCunebas43. marki-aloniaSi aRmoCenili keris gadasatani anTropomorfuli sadgari ar hgavs sxva namosaxlarebze dadasturebul kerebs da is jer-jerobiT erTaderTia adre kviprosul I periodSi44 . mtkvar-araqsis kulturis ganviTareba da misi farTod ganfena liTonis mopovebasa da mis damuSavebasTan iyo dakavSirebuli. miuxedavad imisa, rom mtkvar-araqselTa ZiriTad saqmianobas miwaTmoqmedeba warmoadgenda, rasac mowmobs mravalfeniani namosaxlarebi Sida qarTlSi (qvacxelebi, xizanaanT gora), TrialeTSi (beSTaSeni), azerbaijanSi (naxWevanis qiul-Tefe), daRestanSi (velikenti), arsebobda garkveuli jgufebi (Temebi), romlebic sabadoebis Ziebis gamo gadaadgildebodnen, radgan maTi ZiriTadi saqmianoba madnis mopoveba iyo.

37. Ora Negbi, “Beth Yarah and Philia Ware”, 161. 38. David Frankel and Jennifer M. Webb, “Marki-Alonia: A prehistoric Bronze Age settlement in Cyprus”. Antiquity, 74, issue 286 (2000), 763, sur. 3 39. Rose Washbourne, Out of the Mouths and Pots. A thesis submitted in Fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Classics in the University of Canterbury. University of Canterbury. 1998,140-141, sur. 61 40. Katerina Trantalidu, “Archaeozoological research at the Akrotiri excavation. The animal world in everyday life and ideology”. AΛΣ 6. Periodical Publication of the Society for the Promotion Study on Prehistoric Thera (Ed. Ch. G. Doumas), Athen, 2008: 49, sur. 29- c 41. Hakob Simonyan, “The Statuettes of the Shengavit culture”. Yearbook of Academy of fine arts, #4 (2016), Yerevan, sur. 11. 42. Рубен Бадалян, «Зооморфные надочажные подставки эпохи ранней бронзы из Карнута». Вестник Общественных Наук АН Арм. ССР, 8 (1985), 92-97. 43. Jennifer M. Webb, and David Frankel, “Hearth and home”, 30. 44. Jennifer M. Webb, and David Frankel, “Hearth and home as identifiers of community in mid-third millennium Cyprus” On cooking pots, drinking cups, loomweights and ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neibouring región. An International Archaeological Symposium held in Nicosia, November 6th-7th 2010(2011) (Ed. by Vassos Karageorghis and Ourania Kouka): 31.

Zv.w. IV aTaswleulidan samxreT kavkasiaSi metalurgia ukve xelosnobis damoukidebel dargad aris Camoyalibebuli. xelosanTa nawili liTonis damuSavebiT aris dasaqmebuli, nawili ki - madnis mopovebiT. spilenZis sabadoebis siaxloves mdebare Zeglebze (brdaZori, alaverdi, leninakani, simonianTxevi, dmanisi) mravladaa aRmoCenili kombinirebuli iaraRi - cul-weraqva, romelic SesaZloa madnis mosapoveblad ixmareboda. mtkvar-araqsis kulturis namosaxlarebis topografias rom gadavavloT Tvali, advili SesamCnevia maTi koncentracia spilenZiT mdidar regionebSi (qvemo qarTli, somxeTis zegani, ergani-madeni). iSviaTia mtkvar-araqsuli kulturis Zegli, sadac liToni da liTonis warmoeba damowmebuli ar iyos. namosaxlarebze mravladaa aRmoCenili metalurgiasTan dakavSirebuli nivTebi: yalibebi (xizanaanT gora, amiranis gora, garni, baba-derviSi II, qiul-Tefe, geoi-Tefe), cecxlgamZle Tixisagan damzadebuli tigelebi (xizanaanT gora, garni, babaderviSi II), liTonis damuSavebis procesSi darCenili Slaki (xizanaanT gora, garni). samxreT evropaSi specialist-metalurgebis arseboba ivaraudeba Zv.w. V aTswleulidan. swored am periodidan metalurgia gavida xarisxobrivad axal doneze, radgan liTonis momxibvleloba mdgomareobda swored mis gadadnobaSi, mis gardaqmnis unarSi, gardasaxvaSi. qvis culi Tu gatydeboda, axlis dasamzadeblad masala iyo mosaZebni, liTonis gatexili nivTis ki gadadnoba SeiZleboda, riTac is axal sicocxles da SesaZloa, axal daniSnulebasac iZenda45 . teqnikuri inovaciebis gavrceleba tradiciulad dakavSirebulia xelosnebis mobilurobasTan. sabadoebi iyo specialisti-xelosnebis tradiciuli Sexvedris adgilebi, sadac xdeboda codnis gaziareba. liTonis damuSaveba da Camosxma modelebis mixedviT – es aris sakmaod rTuli teqnologia, romelic dakavSirebulia nedleulis (spilenZi, kala, nikeli, dariSxani) arCevasa da mis damuSavebasTan. aq mniSvnelovan rols gamocdileba da sxvadasxva teqnikuri saSualebis gamoyeneba asrulebs. metalurgiis ganviTareba xdeboda mudmivi eqsperimentis gziT. gamocdilebiT miRebuli codna ki gadaicemoda xelosanTa jgufebis meSveobiT. teqnikuri codnis gadacema, savaraudod, xdeboda tradiciulad – piradi komunikaciebis meSveobiT46. ar aris gamoricxuli, rom arsebobda meliToneebis jgufebi, romlebic inovaciebis potenciuri matareblebi iyvnen. es jgufebi madnis mopovebisas gadaadgildebodnen da Tan mihqondaT Tavisi rwmena-warmodgenebi, sakraluri artefaqtebi, siwmindeebi. maTi gavlenis sferoSi avtoqtonuri mosaxleoba garkveulwilad eqceoda. savaraudod, regionisTvis aradamaxasiaTebeli calkeuli sakraluri mniSvnelobis nivTebis gaCena swored momTabare metalurgebis arsebobiT SeiZleba aixsnas.

45. Свенд Хансен, «Металл: Инновация, изменившая мир». Фундаментальные проблемы археологии, антропологии и этнографии Евразии. К 70-летию академика А.П. Деревянко (отв. ред. В.И.Молодин, М.В. Шуньков). (Новосибирск. Издательство Института археологии и этнографии СО РАН, 2013), 370-372. 46. Svend Hansen,“Innovationen und Wissenstransfer in der fruhen Metallurgie der westlichen Eurasiens“. Interactions, Changes and Meanings. Essays in honour of Igor Manzura on the occasion of his 60th birthday (Edited by Stanislav Terna and Blagoje Govedarica) Kishinev, 2016, 115-116.

metalurgiis gaCenam Secvala samyaro. metalurgiis ganviTarebas mohyva axali samuSao da sabrZolo iaraRebis gaCena, rasac Tan sdevda axali teqnologiebis warmoqmna, ramac Tavis mxriv xeli Seuwyo rTuli socialuri sazogadoebebis da ierarqiuli struqturebis warmoqmnas47 da rac Zalze mniSvnelovania, axali msoflmxedvelobis, axali religiis gaCenas.

47. Свенд Хансен, «Металл“, 376-377.

Nino Shanshashvili Georgian National Museum, (Georgia, Tbilisi)

Problems of Study of the Kura-Araxes Culture


Discovery of the Kura-Araxes culture raised many question and most of them have no complete answers. There is no common opinion between the scientist about social structure and economic development of the society of this culture. Genesis of this culture is unknown. Chronological issues rise more questions, even the term “Kura-Araxes Culture” is a subject to discuss.

Basing on the sites discovered in South Caucasus in the 30-40’s of the 20th century, academician B. Kuftin singled out the Kura-Araxes culture. He connected the so called “Eneolithic” clay pottery, which was discovered on the Trialeti archaeological sites, to the earlier discovered ceramic complexes and, basing on this, he supposed the existence of a new culture in the region between the rivers Kura and Araxes. B. Kuftin was the first who singled out this strong archaeological culture. This distinguished artifacts of the Caucasus region, were attributed to the ancient metal period by E. Takaishvili in 1910. The great achievement of B. Kuftin is that, basing on these artifacts and poor data of that period he singled out completely new archaeological culture and named it Eneolithic culture of Kura-Araxes. He was the first, who described this culture and singled out its characteristic elements. B. Kuftin dated the new culture from the 3000-2200 BC and divided it into two periods: The Eneolithic and the Early Bronze ages.

According to the dates received using radio-carbon method and stratigraphy of the sites, the establishment, rise development and decline of the Kura-Araxes culture took place in the time period between 3500/3400-2500/2400 BC.

The Kura-Araxes culture was spread from the northern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains to south-west in Anatolia, cover the Eliazig-Malatya region and reaches Syria-Palestine, to south it reaches Lake Van, and to south-east covers Lake Urmia and Kazvin plateau. To the east it was spread in Mil and Karabagh steppes. In Syria-Palestine it is known as Khirbet-Kerak ware.

Kura-Araxes culture belongs to the Mediterranean cultural world. B. Kuftin, who first discovered the Kura-Araxes culture, saw some similarities in round architecture, spiral ornament and, so called, horned altars.

Some similarities are also observed between the ceramics, ornament (spiral motives) and single ritual artifacts (zoomorphic application, zoo-anthropomorphic ceramics etc.) of the central and south European cultures and those of the Kura-Araxes culture. Though, these cultures are located far from each other and there is a chronological difference between them as well.

Development and wide spread of the Kura-Araxes culture was connected to mining and metalworking. It is not impossible that there used to be groups of metallurgists, who were potential innovators. These groups used to move from place to place while mining and bring their beliefs, sacral artifacts and holly objects. It seems, that the local population fall under the influence of the migrants. Presumably, appearance of some sacral artifacts, which are uncommon for the region, could be explained by presence of the nomad metallurgists. Some artifacts discovered on the sites of Kura-Araxes culture are very uncommon for this culture, so this fact raises some questions as well.


kaxiani, kaxa; sadraZe, vaJa; orjonikiZe, aleqsandre; jiblaZe, leri; ZnelaZe, merab; RliRvaSvili, elguja. `WobareTis adrebrinjaos xanis namosaxlarze da samarovanze 2009 wels Catarebuli arqeologiuri kvleva-Zieba~.

Ziebani saqarTvelos arqeologiaSi, #20 (2011), 33-46. mircxulava, guram; Ciqovani, guram. `brinjaos xanaze gardamavali safexuris

Sesaxeb~. Ziebani saqarTvelos arqeologiaSi, #19 (2010), 95-104

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tabulebis aRwera:

I. mtkvar-araqsis-kulturis gavrcelebis ruka; II. liTonis sabadoebi evropas, anatoliasa da kavkasiaSi (Pernicka, Ernest and

David W. Antony. “The Invention of Copper Metallurgy”, 164 mixedviT); III. 1. frinvelis qandakeba. kukutenis kultura (Turcanu, Senica. „The Birds in the Imaginarium“ Fig. 1, 8. mixedviT); 2, 3. aradeTis orgora (Gagoshidze, Rova

“Two Seasons of Georgian-Italian Excavations” mixedviT); 4,5. vinCas kulturis

Savpriala da wiTelpriala keramika (Jakucs et all. “Between the Vinča and Linearbandkeramik Worlds”, fig. 10 mixedviT); 6,8-10. samxreT evropis spiralur gamosaxulebiani keramika (Lazarovici, „Cucuteni Ceramics“ sur. 6-10, 19, 21,22 mixedviT); 7. orvolutiani sakinZi varnis nekropolidan (Slavchev, “The

Varna Eneolithic”, sur. 9-15 mixedviT). IV. 1. zoomorfulaplikaciebiani keramika. karanovo VI (Gimbutas,

The Living Goddesses. sur. 24 mixedviT); 2. WobareTis namosaxla-

ri. zoomorful aplikaciani xufi (foto k. kaxianis); 3. niSnebiani WurWeli amiranis goris #36 samarxidan (foto d. narimaniSvilis); 4. vinCas kulturis niSnebiani kviristavebi (Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses. sur. 45 mixedviT); 5. anTropomorfuli kera. marki alonia (Washbourne, Out of the Mouths and Pots, sur. 61 mixedviT); 6. samsxverplo `magida~. vinCas kultura (Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses. sur. 60 mixedviT); 7,8. anTropomorfuli kerebi puluridan (Koşay, Keban Project, 24, tab. 19 , 21 mixedviT).


I. Map of the Kura-Araxes culture spread area. II. Metal deposits in Europe, Anatolia and Caucasus (according to: Pernicka, Ernest and David

W. Antony. “The Invention of Copper Metallurgy”, 164). III. 1. Statue of a bird. Cucuteni culture (according to: Turcanu, Senica. „The Birds in the Imaginarium“ Fig. 1, 8); 2, 3. Aradetis Orgora (according to: Gagoshidze, Rova “Two Seasons of

Georgian-Italian Excavations”); 4, 5. Black polished and red polished ceramics of the Vinca culture (according to: Jakucs et all. “Between the Vinča and Linearbandkeramik Worlds”, fig. 10); 6, 8 - 10. Ceramics with spiral image from the Southern Europe (according to:

Lazarovici, „Cucuteni Ceramics“ sur. 6-10, 19, 21,22); 7. Double volute pin from Varna necropolis (according to: Slavchev, “The Varna Eneolithic”, pic. 9 – 15). IV. 1. Ceramics with zoomorphic applications. Karanovo VI (Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses.I, pic. 24); 2. Chobareti settlement. Lid with zoomorphic applications (K. Kakhiani’s photograph); 3. Vessel with signs from Amiranis Gora grave #36 (D. Narimanishvili’s photograph); 4. Spindle whorl with signs from the Vicna Culture (according to: Gimbutas, The

Living Goddesses, pic. 45); 5. Anthropomorphic hearth. Marki Alonia (according to: Washbourne, Out of the Mouths and Pots, pic. 61); 6. Sacrifice “table”. Vinca Culture (according to: Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses, pic. 60); 7, 8. Antropomorphic hearths from Pulur (according to: Koşay, Keban Project, 24, tab. 19, 21).





mindia jalabaZe saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi (saqarTvelo, Tbilisi)

arqeologiuri gaTxrebi gadaWril goraze - Sedegebi da perspeqtiva (mokle mimoxilva)

neoliTuri xanis nasoflari, „gadaWrili gora“ aRmoCenilia 1960-iani wlebis dasawyisSi s.janaSias saxelobis saqarTvelos saxelmwifo muzeumis qvemo qarTlis arqeologiuri eqspediciis mier o. jafariZisa da al. javaxiSvilis xelmZRvanelobiT. 1965-71 ww. s. imirsa da s. Sulavers Soris arsebul vrcel vakeze (md. xramis marjvena napiri) eqspediciam daafiqsira da Seiswavla adresamiwaTmoqmedo kulturis ramdenime Zegli: Sulaveris gora, imiris gora, dangreuli gora da gadaWrili gora (tab. I.1)1 . arqeologiuri gaTxrebi Sulaveris gorasa da imiris goraze Catarda, dangreul goraze Seswavlili iqna erTaderTi gadarCenili sameurneo ormo, xolo gadaWril goraze mxolod mcire zomis sakontrolo Txrili iqna gavlebuli da aikrifa zedapiruli masala (tab. I.2)2 . ukve maSin, Catarebuli kvlevis Semdeg, moxerxda neoliTuri xanis axali adresamiwaTmoqmedo kulturis gamoyofa, romelsac mkvlevarTa mier Sulaveri-SomuTefes kultura ewoda (al. javaxiSvili, o. jafariZe, t. CubiniSvili). aqedan iwyeba am kulturis Zireuli kvleva aRmosavleT saqarTvelos teritoriaze, rac XX saukunis 80-iani wlebis bolomde gagrZelda. Semdgom wlebSi ki garkveuli mizezebis gamo savele samuSaoebi Sewyda da mxolod 2000-iani wlebis dasawyisSi ganaxlda (aruxlos gora, gadaWrili gora). 2006 wlidan gadaWril goraze arqeologiur gaTxrebs iwyebs saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumis arqeologiuri eqspedicia. eqspediciam imuSava 2007 welsac. mcire ganaTxari farTobis miuxedavad, gairkva Zeglis gavrcelebis savaraudo areali, stratigrafia da qronologia3 (tab. II.1). 2012-2013 wlebSi Zeglze arqeologiuri gaTxrebi mimdinareobda frang kolegebTan erTad qarTul-franguli proeqtis (saqarTvelos erovnul muzeumis da safrangeTis samecniero kvlevis erovnuli centris (CNRS) pro-

eqtis _ LIA (Laboratory International Associate) - GATES project (2012-2015 ww.) _ farglebSi. proeqti iTvaliswinebda erToblivi arqeologiuri da inter-

1. oTar jafariZe da aleqsandre javaxiSvili. uZvelesi miwaTmoqmedi mosaxleobis kultura saqarTvelos teritoriaze (Tbilisi: 1971); Александр Иванович Джавахишвили. Стройтельное дело и архитектура поселений Южного Кавказа V-III тыс. до н. э. (Тбилиси: 1973); qvemo qarTlis arqeologiuri eqspediciis Sedegebi (1965-1971 ww.) (Tbilisi: 1975). 2. qvemo qarTlis arqeologiuri eqspediciis Sedegebi, 124-125 3. mindia jalabaZe da sxvebi. gadaWril goraze 2006-2007 wlebSi Catarebuli arqeologiuri samuSaoebis angariSi, “Ziebani saqarTvelos arqeologiaSi” 19 (2010): 17-32

disciplinaruli kvlevis Catarebas. am wlebSi gaTxrebis farTobma mniSvnelovnad moimata da gamoCnda nasoflaris rogorc gviandeli, ise adreuli fenebi, maTTvis damaxasiaTebeli alizis nagebobebiT (tab. II. 2; III. 1, 2)4 . 2013 wels frangi geomorfologebis mier Seswavlili iqna md. Sulaveris Reles xevi da uSualod gadaWrili goris mimdebare teritoria, ris Sedegad moxerxda mdinaris Zveli kalapotis rekonstruqcia da neoliTis xanis mosaxleobis mier wylis resursis moxmarebis suraTis aRdgena. Catarebuli kvlevis Sedegad dafiqsirda Zlieri wyaldidobis kvali, romelmac sofeli sagrZnoblad daaziana. es procesi kargad gamoCnda nasoflaris gaTxrebis dros. aseve gamoCnda, rom dasaxlebis adreuli fenebi mcire xniT iyo mitovebuli da misi xelaxali aTviseba mxolod garkveuli drois gasvlis Semdeg unda momxdariyo5 . 2014-2015 wlebSi saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumis arqeologiurma eqspediciam, saqarTvelos Rvinis erovnuli saagentos finansuri mxardaWeriT, „qarTuli vazisa da Rvinis kulturis kvlevis samecniero proeqtis“ farglebSi, Zeglze gaagrZela arqeologiuri samuSaoebi. Sesabamisad, gaizarda gaTxrebis farTobi da gamoCnda axali alizis nagebobebi: sacxovrebeli Senobebi, damxmare saTavsoebi, ormoebi da sxv. (tab. IV. 1-3; V. 1, 2). gaiTxara Zeglze arsebuli rogorc adreuli, ise misi gviandeli etapisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli Senobebi, riTac SesaZlebloba mogveca, dagvenaxa neoliTuri soflis uadres da gviandel dasaxlebebs Soris arsebuli gansxvavebebi. qveda, adreuli fenis Senobebi ZiriTadad naxevradmiwur konstruqciebs warmoadgens: gruntSi amoRebul daaxloebiT 60-80 sm siRrmis wriul ormoebze daSenebuli alizis aguris kedlebiT, xolo zeda fenis (gviandeli etapis) nagebobebi specialurad mosworebul moedanzea agebuli (tab. V. 1, 2; VI. 1, 2). 2016 wlidan dRevandlamde, aRniSnul proeqtSi monawileobas iRebs torontos universiteti (kanada). am periodSi gaTxrebis farTobma mkveTrad moimata da kidev ufro dazustda nasoflaris gavrcelebis areali da misi sazRvrebi (tab. VII. 1, 2; VIII. 1, 2). aRsaniSnavia, rom kanaduri proeqti sazafxulo skolis formas atarebs da masSi kanadel studentebTan erTad qarTveli studentebic iReben monawileobas. am periodSi mcire masStabis saZiebo Txrilebi gaevlo Sulaveris gorasa (tab. IX. 1, 2) da imiris goraze, rac Zeglebis stratigrafiis da qronologiis korelaciis saSualebas iZleva. paralelurad mimdinareobs marneulis velze arsebuli arqeologiuri Zeglebis fiqsacia da GPS koordinatebis mixedviT maTi GIS programaSi damuSaveba da zusti rukebis Sedgena6 .

4. Caroline Hamon at al., Gadachrili Gora: Architecture and organization of a Neolithic settlement in the middle Kura Valley (6th millennium BC, Georgia). Quaternary International 395 (2016): 154-169 5. Vincent Ollivier et al., Neolithic water management and flooding in the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia), Quaternary Science Reviews, 197 (2018): 267-287 6. Stephen D. Batiuk et al., The Gadachrili Gora Regional Archaeological Project: 2016 preliminary report, Anatolica, XLIII (2017): 173-202; Stephen D. Batiuk et al., The 2017-2018 Gadachrili Gora Regional Archaeological Project (GRAPE): second preliminary report, Anatolica XLV (2019): 43-76; mindia jalabaZe. gadaWril gorasa da Sulaveris goraze 2017 wels Catarebuli arqeologiuri

savele samuSaoebis garda, grZeldeba interdisciplinuri samecniero kvleva, romelSic monawileobas iReben mecnierebi msoflios sxvadasxva wamyvani samecniero laboratoriebidan (saqarTvelo, aSS, kanada, israeli, safrangeTi, italia, dania da a.S.). Catarebulia mopovebuli saanalizo nimuSebis radiokarbonuli, palinologiuri, paleobotanikuri, paleozoologiuri, biomolekuluri da qimiuri, izotopuri, geomorfologiuri kvleva, romelTa Sedegebi gvexmareba arqeologiuri gaTxrebis Sedegad mopovebuli masalis srulyofilad gaazrebasa da mecnierul interpretaciaSi. magaliTad, dadgenilia uZvelesi mevenaxeobisa da meRvineobis kvali, rac Zeglze aRmoCenil Tixis WurWelSi iqna dadasturebuli7. gansazRvrulia gadaWrili goris radiokarbonuli TariRebi, romelic namosaxlaris arsebobis zust TariRs gvaZlevs (5920 - 5720 Cal BC)8 . rogorc cnobilia, im periodis sofeli Sedgeboda alizis (mzeze gamomSrali, gamouwvavi Tixisgan damzadebuli) agurebisagan agebuli wriuli Senobebisagan, romelTa funqcia maTi zomebis mixedviT da uSualod nagebobaSi aRmoCenili artefaqtebis analizis saSualebiT SeiZleba dadgindes. alizis aguri ar aris myari da mudmivi samSeneblo masala da soflis mosaxleobas nagebobebis mudmivi ganaxleba uwevda. swored amis gamo, Zvel, gamousadegar konstruqcias isini xSirad angrevdnen da maT mosworebul nangrevebze axals aSenebdnen. ganaxlebis xangrZlivi procesis gamo dasaxleba TandaTan maRldeboda da borcvis saxes iRebda. es kargad gamoCnda gadaWrili goris arqeologiuri gaTxrebis dros. Zeglze savele samuSaoebi momavalSic gagrZeldeba da droTa ganmavlobaSi ufro gasagebi gaxdeba neoliTuri xanis (8000 wlis winandeli) soflis gegmareba, stratigrafia da maSindeli sazogadoebis ganviTarebis zogadi suraTi. dResdReobiT, „gadaWril goraze“ gaTxrili farTobebi dakonservebulia (dafarulia wyalgaumtari qsoviliT da miwis Txeli feniT) da met-naklebad daculia wvimisa da qaris zemoqmedebisagan. cnobilia am Zeglisadmi sazogadoebis didi interesi, ris gamoc bevri msurveli cdilobs, daaTvalieros gaTxrili nagebobebi, Tumca jerjerobiT maTi naxva mxolod xanmokle drois ganmavlobaSi, uSualod arqeologiuri gaTxrebis dros Tu SeiZleba. amis gamo saWiroa Seiqmnas iseTi pirobebi (pirvel rigSi gadaxurva da Semdgom - Catardes alizis nagebobebis konservacia-restavracia), romelic saSualebas mogvcems, rom am unikaluri dasaxlebis gacnoba mnaxvelisTvis mudmivad iyos SesaZlebeli, xolo Zeglze aRmoCenili nivTieri Tu vizua-

gaTxrebis mokle angariSi. 2017 wels Catarebuli arqeologiuri gaTxrebis mokle angariSebis krebuli (2018): 212-216; mindia jalabaZe. gadaWril gorasa da Sulaveris goraze 2018 wels Catarebuli arqeologiuri gaTxrebis mokle angariSi. 2018 wels Catarebuli arqeologiuri gaTxrebis mokle angariSebis krebuli (2019): 298-302 7. Patrick McGovern at al., Early Neolithic wine of Georgia in the South Caucasus, PNAS 114, no. 48(2017); Eliso Kvavadze at al., Arguments indicating the presence of wine in Neolithic pots from Georgia using the method of palynological and chemical analysis. Proceedings of 33-rd World Congress of Vine and Wine, 8-th General Assembly of the OIV, 20-25 June 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia (2010) 8. Caroline Hamon at al., 158

luri masala banerebisa da monitorebis saSualebiT, ZeglTan erTian konteqstSi iyos xelmisawvdomi. unda aRvniSnoT, rom adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis - marneulis meriis xelSewyobiT, mowyobilia qvis gabioni, romelic mdinaris zemoqmedebisagan icavs Zegls. aseve SemoiRoba Zeglis teritoria da momzadda misi sakonservacio proeqti, romelic iTvaliswinebs gadaxurvas da mis maxloblad mcire savizito centris mowyobas.

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