Golden Apricot Daily, 2009, #7

Page 1

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19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ, 2009 July 19 2009

ÐáÉÇíáõ¹Ç ÙÇç³½·³ÛÇÝ Ù³ÙáõÉÇ ³ëáódzódzÛÇ Ùñó³Ý³ÏÁ §àëÏ» ÍÇñ³ÝÇݦ

3 гñó³½ñáõÛó ¾ñÇÏ äáÕáëÛ³ÝÇ Ñ»ï/Interview Eric Bogosian

5 Skolimowski retrospective Special poem by Rob Nilsson

6 List and photos of all the winners


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Golden George


No. 7, July 19 2009

2 N7, 19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ 2009

ÏÇñ³ÏÇ 19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ / sunday july 19 ØáëÏí³ Ï/Ã, ϳñÙÇñ ¹³ÑÉÇ×

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ܳñ»Ï³óÇ ²ñí»ëïÇ ØÇáõÃÛáõÝ

Moscow Cinema, Red Hall

Moscow Cinema, Blue Hall

Nairi Cinema

Narekatsi Art Center





*´ÇñÙ³óÇ íÇç»ÛÁ/Burma VJ,

². úëï»ñ·áñ¹/ A. Ostergaard, Dnk, 85’, DC, L/ Eng, Burmese, Sbt/Eng ÐÛáõëÇë³ÛÇÝ ÉáõÛë»ñ/Northern Lights,

è. ÜÇÉëáÝ/R. Nilsson, USA, 95’, R, L/Eng, Sbt/Arm 15.00

14.00 êÇ­ñáí »õ »ñ³Ë­ï³­·Ç­ïáõ­ÃÛ³Ùµ/ With Love and Gratitude,

². سÝáõÏÛ³Ý/ A. Manukyan, Arm, 29’, AP, L/Arm, Sbt/Eng 16.00

§àëÏ» ÍÇñ³Ý¦-Ç ÏÇÝá¹åñáóÇ Íñ³·ÇñÁ/ GA Cinema School Program, лßï ѳÕóݳÏ/Walkover,

º. êÏáÉÇÙáíëÏÇ/J. Skolimowski, Pol, 78’, R, L/Pol, Sbt/Eng, Arm 14.00 ²Ýçñå»ï/Barrier,

º. êÏáÉÇÙáíëÏÇ/J. Skolimowski, Pol, 77’, R, L/Pol, Sbt/Eng, Arm 16.00 Ò»éù»ñÁ í»ñ/Hans-Up,

º. êÏáÉÇÙáíëÏÇ/J. Skolimowski, Fra/Pol, 90’, R, Eng, Arm 18.00 ü»ñ¹Ç¹áõñÏ»/Thirthy Door Key,

âáñë ·Çß»ñ ²ÝݳÛÇ Ñ»ï/Four nights with Anna

º. êÏáÉÇÙáíëÏÇ/J. Skolimowski, 87’, Pol/Fra, R, L/ Pol, Sbt/Eng, Arm 17.00 Ø»ñÓ³íáñ ßñç³å³ï/Inside Ring

È. îÛáõ»É/L. Tuel, Fra, 95’, L/Fr, Sbt/Eng,Arm

60’ 14.00 îÇ·ñ³Ý سÝëáõñÛ³Ý/Tigran Mansuryan,

Ð. гٵ³ñÓáõÙÛ³Ý/H. Hambardsumyan, Arm, 26’, MA 14.30 Ø»ñûñÛ³ ³ëå»ïÁ /The Knight of Our Times,

è. ØÇñ½áÛ³Ý/ R. Mirzojan, Arm, 85’, MA 16.00 ²ñ³ñ³ïÇ å³ïÏ»ñÝ»ñ/Ararat Views,

Ð. гñáõÃÛáõÝÛ³Ý/H. Harutunyan, Arm, 37’, MA

º. êÏáÉÇÙáíëÏÇ/J. Skolimowski, Pol/UK/Fra, 90’, R, L/Pol, Sbt/Eng, Arm


ú. ²É÷»ñ/O. Alper, Tur, 106’, FC, L/Tur, Geo, Arm, Sbt/Eng

20.00 öñ»ëù ÏÕ½ÇÝ/Presque Isle,

è. ÜÇÉëáÝ/R. Nilsson, USA, 97’, R, L/Eng, Sbt/Arm


22.00 γñÇù/Need,


è. ÜÇÉëáÝ/R. Nilsson, USA, 97’, R, L/Eng, Sbt/Arm

ØÛáõë ³÷Á/The Other Bank,

¶. úí³ßíÇÉÇ/G. Ovashvili, Geo/Kaz, 90’, FC, L/ Geo, Abkh, Rus, Sbt/Eng, Arm 20.00 ØÛáõë ³÷Á/The Other Bank,


ü.-ü.Îáåáɳ/F.-F. Coppola, USA/Ita/Esp/Arg, 127’, YP, L/Eng, Esp, Sbt/Eng, Arm 21.30 ²Ýݳ γñ»ÝÇݳ/Anna Karenina

ê. êáÉáíÛáí/S. Solovyov, Rus, 142’, YP, L/Rus, Sbt/ Eng *– Without Armenian Translation/²é³Ýó ѳۻñ»Ý óñ·Ù³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Afg – Afghanistan Are – UAE Arg – Argentina Arm – Armenia Aus – Australia Aut – Austria Aze – Azerbaijan Bel – Belgium Bgr – Bulgaria Bol – Bolivia Can – Canada Chn – China Cmr – Cameroon Cze – Czech Republic Deu – Germany Dnk – Denmark Dza – Algeria


Egy – Egypt Esp – Spain Fin – Finland Fra – France Gbr – UK Geo – Georgia Gtm – Guatemala Hrv – Croatia Hun – Hungary Idn – Indonesia Ind – India Irn – Iran Irl – Ireland Isr – Israel Ita – Italy Jpn – Japan Kaz – Kazakhstan Kgz – Kyrgyzstan Kor – South Korea Lao – Laos Lbn – Lebanon

¶. úí³ßíÇÉÇ/G. Ovashvili, Geo/Kaz, 90’, FC, L/ Geo, Abkh, Rus, Sbt/Eng, Arm 22.00 Üé³Ý ·áõÛÝÁ/The Color of Pomegranate,

ê. ö³ñ³ç³Ýáí/S. Parajanov, Arm, 79’, CF

Mex – Mexico Mkd – Macedonia Nld – Netherlands, The Pol – Poland Pse – Palestine Rom – Romania Rus – Russia Sgp – Singapore Srb – Serbia Svn – Slovenia Tjk – Tajikistan Tur – Turkey Ukr – Ukraine USA OF – ´³óÙ³Ý ýÇÉÙ/Opening film FC – ʳճñϳÛÇÝ ýÇÉÙ»ñÇ ÙñóáõÛÃ/Feature Competition DC – ì³í»ñ³·ñ³Ï³Ý ýÇÉÙ»ñÇ ÙñóáõÛÃ/Documentary Competition

AP – гÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³Ûݳå³ïÏ»ñ/Armenian Panorama DAB – è»ÅÇëáñÝ»ñ ³é³Ýó ë³Ñ­Ù³Ý­Ý»ñÇ/Directors Across Borders ODE – Ø»Ï ûñ ºíñáå³ÛáõÙ/One Day in Europe YP – ºñ»õ³ÝÛ³Ý åñ»ÙÇ»ñ³/ Yerevan Premier R – è»ïñáëå»ÏïÇí/Retrospective T – гñ·³ÝùÇ ïáõñù/Tribute M – ì³ñå»ïÝ»ñ/Masters MM – سñ·³ñ»ï Øǹ ÷³é³ïáÝÇ Íñ³·Çñ/Margaret Mead Festival Program MA – Üϳñ³Ñ³Ýí³Í ¿ г۳ëï³ÝáõÙ/Made in Armenia CF – ö³ÏÙ³Ý ýÇÉÙ/Closing Film

Editor in chief: Andranik Waardyan (André Waardenburg) ¶É˳íáñ ËÙµ³·Çñ` ²Ý¹ñ³ÝÇÏ ì³ñ¹Û³Ý (²Ý¹ñ» ì³ñ¹»Ýµáõñ·)

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General supervising manager: Peter van Bueren Coordinator Daily: Jantje Maardenburg (Genofia Martirosyan) Journalists: Kees Driessen, Evrim Kaya, Ani Gharabaghtsyan, Karin Grigoryan, Nune Hakhverdyan, Raffi Movsisyan, Davit Vardazaryan Translations: Murad Mkrtchyan Photos: Gevorg Gasparyan, Raffi Movsisyan, Nune Hakhverdyan

3 N7, 19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ 2009

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5 N7, 19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ 2009


No. 7, July 19 2009

Eric Bogosian

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ric Bogosian is an American actor and playwright from Armenian descent. He’s most famous for having written the play that was filmed by Oliver Stone as Talk Radio (1988). He has played parts in art house films (Deconstructing Harry, 1997; Ararat, 2002), but also in big budget Hollywood productions like Blade: Trinity (2004). Currently Bogosian plays a grouchy good guy on the TV show Law & Order: Criminal Intent. He is preparing a novel about the assassination of Talat Pasha. For me acting is about pretending to be somebody else. It is not about me trying to convince the audience that you are watching me. Playing the good guy, you want the audience to think ‘this is me, I’m a good guy. Look how great and sexy I am!’ I don’t care about that; it’s of no interest to me. My interest in acting is to become somebody else. The act of becoming somebody else is an amazing magical thing. Who gets the chance to do that in real life? You live in New York, which is very different from Hollywood. In LA when you are in a social group, everybody you know is working in movies or TV. In New

York, my friends are composers, musicians, dancers, painters, photographers, writers, novelists, all different kinds of people... I am working with people who have a extended view of the arts, not just ‘am I on a TV show right now?’ I am not really a movie person, I am a theater person. I worked in theatre since I was 16 and I’ve been writing for the theatre since my 20’s. One of my plays, Talk Radio was made into a movie but we also brought it back to Broadway three years ago. Do you feel like an Armenian? In the United States I am an Armenian, because I look like an Armenian. Here I’m not, because I don’t speak Armenian. I am proud of being an Armenian. You have to do a lot of research to learn historical facts about Armenians. I don’t like too much nationalism, because I think when people get too excited about nationalism then they start fighting with each other. And when people start to fight with each other, it is the poor people in the villages that the tanks start to ran over and get machine guns and die. I am a pacifist, I like peace. So I am always working for peace. And I am against the Iraq war and I can’t say that I know enough about Karabakh to talk about it, but I just think that you want as much peace as possible. Help people to get along with each other. I am pretty radical about my politics and I believe that there are powers that want people to fight as much as possible so they can keep stealing things from people. Instead, I think more art is always good. It helps people to understand each other. Do you think that you will have some collaboration with the Armenian theatre? I am working on a project to investigate and write about my experiences as Armenian-American but also to write historically about Armenian history, particularly the assassination of Talat Pasha. And I have spent a year researching and reading every book that I can find. I am working with a scholar who is translating Armenian texts for me so I can understand exactly what was said. I interviewed a number of people. I don’t know whether this project will ever be completed. But I feel that if I don’t spend the time doing the research first, I don’t have a right to write the book. We don’t need anymore books written by people who don’t know what they are talking about. I would love to write a bestseller. Right now, Americans are hearing in the news about genocide. Armenia and Turkey, but they don’t know what it means. They don’t understand why this is a big deal. And of course there is a tremendous Turkish effort to say that nothing happened. So if I can get some more material out there that helps people understand, I am going to work on that. I always write from what I know back in the States. I grew up in the suburbs. So I write about suburbs. I even have a play called Suburbia, also made into a movie. I also write about my experiences in New York City. I can only write from my personal experiences. I cannot write about what I don’t know. But in the case of the assassination of Talat Pasha, it interests me because I believe that Tehlirian had tremendous courage. So I am interested in the story not so much as history but as an existential story of a man who not only defined himself but did more. It is not about revenge but about the fact that so many people died anonymously. And I think that it is very interesting to write about.

n Nune Hakhverdyan


6 No. 7, July 19 2009

CUT BY A WHITE SUN I arrived with a lip ripped in a harsh kiss. Hope had sutured shut my split tongue. And the Yerevan poem whispered in sleep, “Nothing happened here. “ At the Texas Bar, the dark girls dance, And the boys like troubadours in Languedoc. No Red King came here to build his mausoleum. The cemeteries chatter all night. “All is well! All is well!” And the white sand swirls...


Jerzy Skolimowski


his year’s Golden Apricot festival honors Polish filmmaker Jerzy Skolimowski with a retrospective. Polish films have rarely been shown in Yerevan, so this program offers a chance to discover one of the most impressive cinemas in Eastern Europe. Jerzy Skolimowski was born in the Polish town of Lodz on May 5, 1938. At that time, some 200 thousand Jews lived in the city, around one third of the population. Seven years later, there weren’t more than a thousand left. Skolimowski’s father, an architect who fought in the resistance, had been executed by the Nazi’s. At the end of the 1950’s, after finishing his studies of ethnography at the University of Warsaw, Skolimowski enrolled in the famous film academy of Lodz. There he met Andrzej Wajda, Andrzej Munk and Roman Polanski, who would all become famous directors. He helped write Polanski the psychological thriller Knife in the Water (1962), which would earn Polanski a ticket to the West. He graduated in 1962, two years later he made his debut film Identification Marks: None.

Practical jokes As a student, Skolimowski didn’t stand out and regularly had fights with his teachers. Because of his many practical jokes, he seemed not to take filmmaking very seriously. Personally, he felt that every good joke hid a deeper meaning. Because this extra layer is absent from the entertaining French-Belgian production Le départ, his first film made outside of Poland, he considers it unsatisfactory. His dry and absurd, EasternEuropean sense of humor is clearly visible in Barrier (1966), with an exploding cigaret as a running gag, and in Ferdydurke (1991), in which a couple makes love doggy-style wearing gasmasks, accompanied by a pianist, playing on a raft in the river. When he leaves the academy, despite his dawdling, Skolimowski had produced a few volumes of poetry, short stories and a play. He also finished his first, semi-long feature, Boks (1961). He plays the lead himself, as it perfectly fits his interests.

Autobiography As a young man, Skolimowski liked boxing. He used those experiences loosely in Walkover (1965). “I have stood in the ring sixteen times” Skolimowski remarked to a journalist. “Maybe to compensate for writing poetry, which isn’t a very manly thing to do.” Walkover is one in a series of more or less autobiographical movies, which also include Identification Marks: None (1964), Barrier (1966), and Hands Up! (1967). It’s these early films that account for much of his prestige with international film critics. They are characterized by a jazzy score, beautiful black and white photography and a loose style, which fit neatly with the Czech Nouvelle Vague of the 1960’s. The often bizarre atmosphere reaches a climax in Barrier, in which a choir starts singing ‘Hallelujah’ at the most inappropriate moments, a hopping crowd is wearing paper hats, and someone can be standing in the shower with a motor helmet or sitting in a bath wearing a saber. One typical conversation goes as follows. Waiter: ‘That smells like a good cigar, mister.’ Guest: ‘It’s a suitcase.’ Waiter: ‘But a very good suitcase indeed, mister!’

Trouble Skolimowski’s stubborn attitude towards the Polish authorities got him into trouble with Hands Up!, a film in which a group of students make a portrait of Soviet-dictator Stalin with two pairs of eyes. That not only causes trouble for the students, but also for the film itself, which got banned as ‘undermining communist ideology’. The director had to wait fourteen years before he could present his final version, with certain adjustments, at the

festival in Cannes. Skolimowski still considers Hands Up! his most underrated masterpiece. After Hands Up!, Skolimowski was forced to pack his bags and continue his career outside of his homeland. Following films like The Shout (1978), Moonlighting (1982), about the political situation in Poland, and The Lightship (1985), with Klaus Maria Brandauer and Robert Duvall, that won the Special Jury Prize in Venice, Skolimowski returned to the absurd humor of his earliest work in Ferdydurke (1991) – with minor success. It was followed by a break of seventeen years, until last year, when Skolimowski made the smallscale production Four Nights with Anna (2008). In it, he uses a well-known stylistic device: mirrors, windows and doors create extra frames within the frame. As the image within this inner frame is thus being filmed from a distance, the audience is forced into the role of a voyeur. According to one film critic, the director in this way places himself in the position of an outsider – the fate of the emigrant.

Will I never love again? “No more,” whispers the silk And a cold hand lies white in the sun. In the streets the young branches shudder And tell their secrets. One price of freedom was the death of the great trees Which lined the boulevards Cut down for fuel. But it never happened. Under the white cone of Ararat Only myth and apricots and mad dancing To the shrill pku. Happy the People who live here history spared. Will I never love again? “No,” Whispers through a silk veil The one with the red stain. A cold hand lies in mine Cut by the white sun at Der- Zor. Nothing happened. Again.

n Rob Nilsson

Home During his long absence as a filmmaker, Skolimowski turned to painting. In the meantime, he patiently waited for the right moment to continue his movie career. “I wanted to make something I could shoot right here in the Polish Lake Area”, said Skolimowski, who lives alternately in Poland and California. “This time, I wanted to keep everything under control. And next time, it won’t be any different.” The sparse dialogues in the film are in Polish, but Skolimowski refrains from any absurd humor in a sombre story about the love of an introvert man for a blonde nurse, who gets raped in front of his eyes. With Four Nights with Anna, the 70-year old filmmaker demonstrates he has not forgotten his trade. After a long detour, Skolimowski is back where he belongs.

n Paul van de Graaf translated by Kees Driessen Today, five of Skolimowski’s film will be shown. Four are screened consecutively in Nairi Cinema. Starting at 12.00, and his latest film, Four Nights with Anna, is shown in Moscow Cinema (Red Hall) at 15.00.

PROBLEM It’s too difficult to tell about the beauty of Yerevan The girls have eyes that make you blind for other treasures

n Peter

7 N7, 19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ 2009


Feature Film Competition Golden Apricot Grand Prize: The Other Bank (George Ovashvili, Georgia / Kazakhstan) Silver Apricot Special Prize: Scratch (Michal Rosa, Poland) Special Prize by Jury President Kohei Oguri: Autumn (Özcan Alper, Turkey / Germany)

Documentary Competition Golden Apricot Grand Prize: Burma VJ – Reporting from a Closed Country (Anders Østergaard, Denmark) Silver Apricot Special Prize: The Living (Sergey Bukovsky, Ukraine)

George Ovashvili/ ¶»áñ·Ç úí³ßíÇÉÇ

Diploma of the Jury: Supermen of Malegaon (Faiza Ahmad Khan, India / Singapore / Japan)

Armenian Panorama Golden Apricot for Best Armenian Film: With Love and Gratitude (Arka Manukyan, Armenia) Diploma of the Jury: Caucasian Niece (Levon Kalantar, Armenia) A World of our Own (Frédéric Balekdjian, France)

Fipresci Jury

No. 7, July 19 2009

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Arka Manukyan/²ñϳ سÝáõÏÛ³Ý

гÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³Ûݳå³ïÏ»ñ §àëÏ» ÍÇñ³Ý¦ É³í³·áõÛÝ Ñ³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý ýÇÉÙÇÝ §êÇñáí ¨ »ñ³Ëï³·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ùµ¦ (²ñϳ سÝáõÏÛ³Ý, г۳ëï³Ý) ÄÛáõñÇÇ å³ïíá·ÇñÁ §ÎáíϳëÇ ³½·³Ï³ÝáõÑÇݦ (ȨáÝ ø³É³Ýóñ, г۳ëï³Ý) §Ø»ñ ³ß˳ñÑÁ¦ (üñ»¹»ñÇÏ ´³É»·çÛ³Ý, г۳ëï³Ý)

Autumn (Özcan Alper, Turkey / Germany)

FIPRESCI ÅÛáõñÇ Ecumenical Jury The Other Bank (George Ovashvili, Georgia / Kazakhstan) Sergey Bukovsky/ ê»ñ·»Û ´áõÏáíëÏÇ

Özcan Alper/ ú½ù³Ý ²É÷»ñ

§²ßáõݦ (ú½ù³Ý ²É÷»ñ, Âáõñùdz/¶»ñÙ³Ýdz)

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Levon Kalantar/ȨáÝ ø³É³Ýóñ


8 N7, 19 ÑáõÉÇëÇ 2009

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