Golden Apricot Daily - 2014, Day 1 & 2

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GOLDEN APRICOT DAILY | DAY 1&2 | 13/14 JULY | 2014

2 Íñ³·Çñ/program ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, γåáõÛï ¹³ÑÉÇ×/ Moscow Cinema, Blue Hall

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, γåáõÛï ¹³ÑÉÇ×/ Moscow Cinema, Blue Hall

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, γñÙÇñ ¹³ÑÉÇ×/ Moscow Cinema, Red Hall 10:00


Աստղ/Star Աննա Մելիքյան/ Anna Melikyan Rus/128’/AP

Սպիտակ աստված/White God Կոռնել Մունդրուցո/ Kornél Mundruczó Hun-Deu-Swe/119’/FC

Lang.: Russian Subt.: English

Land.: Hungarian Subt.: English

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, γñÙÇñ ¹³ÑÉÇ×/ Moscow Cinema, Red Hall

10:00 Կույր ժամադրություններ/ Blind Dates Լևան Կոգուաշվիլի/Levan Koguashvili Geo/98’/FC

Lang.: Georgian Subt.: English


12:30 Կատատոնիա/Catatonia Կարեն Խոսրովյան/Karen Khosrovyan Arm/12’/AP

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English Փուշը/The Thorn Սուրեն Բաբայան/Suren Babayan Arm/68’/AP

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, öáùñ ¹³ÑÉÇ× 1/ Moscow Cinema, Small Hall 1 10:00, 17:30 Արևմտյան Բեռլին/ West Berlin Դրագան ֆոն Պետրովիչ, Լենա Մյուլեր/ Dragan von Petrovic, Lena Müller Deu-Srb/87’/DC

Lang.: Serbian/English/German Subt.: English 12:00 Գրատախտակ/Blackboard Իվ Յերսեն/Yves Yersin Che/117’/DC

Lang.: French Subt.: English

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

Կաթնեղբայր/Milky Brother Վահրամ Մխիթարյան/Vahram Mkhitaryan, Pol-Arm/30’/AP

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

Մենք ուղղակի ուզում էինք երջանիկ լինել/We Just Wanted to be Happy Սեգ Կիրակոսյան/Seg Kirakosyan Arm/56’/AP

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

Հոգաբարձուներ/Caregivers Վիկտորյա Ալեքսանյան/ Viktorya Aleksanyan, Arm/20’/AP

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English 17:00 Նռան գույնը/The Color of Pomegranates Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Arm/74’/OF, T

12:00 Ես նա չեմ/I’m not him Թայֆուն Փիրսելիմողլու/Tayfun Pirselimoğlu Tur-Grc-Deu-Fra/124’/FC

Lang.: Turkish Subt.: English 14:30 Տանը/At Home Աթանասիոս Կարանիկոլաս/Athanasios Karanikolas Deu-Grc/103’/FC

Lang.: Greek Subt.: English and Armenian 16:30

11:30, 16:00 Քաղաքների շշունջները/ Whispers of the Cities Քասիմ Աբիդ/Kasim Abid Irq-UK/62’/DC

Lang.: Arabic Subt.: English

Կանայք և ուղևորը/The Women and the Passenger Պատրիսիա Կորրեա, Վալենտինա Մաք-Ֆերսոն/ Patricia Correa, Valentina Mac‑Pherson Chl/45’/DC

Lang.: Spanish Subt.: English 14:00 Երկու աշխարհից՝ ի հիշատակ/From Two Worlds as a Keepsake Նիկա Շեկ/ Nika Shek, Arm/90’/FAB

Lang.: Russian/Armenian Subt.: English and Armenian 17:30 Գրատախտակ/Blackboard Իվ Յերսեն/Yves Yersin Che/117’/DC

Lang.: French Subt.: English and Armenian

ܳÇñÇ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ/ Nairi Cinema 11:00 Անթերիները/The Impeccables Ռամին Մաթին/ Ramin Martin Tur/95’/FAB

Lang.: Turkish Subt.: English 13:00 Սիրիր ինձ/Love Me Մարինա Էր Գորբաչ, Մեհմեթ Բահադիր Էր/Maryna Er Gorbach, Mehmet Bahadir Er Ukr-Tur/90’/FAB

Lang.: Ukrainian/Turkish/ Russian/English Subt.: English

Lang.: Korean Subt.: English and Armenian 15:30 Եղբայրներ. Վերջին խոստովանությունը/ Brothers. The Final Confession Վիկտորյա Տրոֆիմենկո/Victoria Trofimenko Ukr/124’/UPC, FAB

Lang.: Ukrainian Subt.: English and Armenian 18:00 Գիրքը/The Book Վիտալի Մանսկի/Vitali Mansky Rus/86’/YP

No Dialogues Հրավերով/Invitations Only

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, öáùñ ¹³ÑÉÇ× 1/ Moscow Cinema, Small Hall 1

14:00 Դատարկ տունը/3-Iron Կիդուկ Կիմ/Ki-duk Kim Kor/95’/R

Զորանը՝ իմ ապուշ ազգականը/Zoran, My Nephew the Idiot Մատտեո Օլեոտտո/Matteo Oleotto Ita-Svn/106’/FC

Lang.: Italian Subt.: English and Armenian 18:30 Ցեղը/The Tribe Միրոսլավ Սլաբոշպիցկի/Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy Ukr/132’/FC

Sing Language 21:00 Հարություն/Resurrection Ալեն Մանուկյան/Alen Manukyan, Arm/12’/AP

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

Հոգաբարձուներ/Caregivers Վիկտորյա Ալեքսանյան/ Viktorya Aleksanyan Arm/20’/AP

Lang.: Armenian/Russian/ English/Spanish/Turkish Subt.: English and Armenian 20:00 Պիետա/Pieta Կի-դուկ Կիմ/ Ki-duk Kim Kor/104’/R

Lang.: Korean Subt.: English and Armenian 22:00 Կատատոնիա/Catatonia Կարեն Խոսրովյան/Karen Khosrovyan Arm/12’/AP

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

Ռոմանտիկները/ Romanticists Արեգ Ազատյան, Շողեր Թադևոսյան/Areg Azatyan, Shogher Tadevosyan Arm/95’/AP

14:30 Գույներ/The Colors Վիորիկա Մեշինը/Viorica Meșină Mda/65’/FAB

Lang.: Romanian Subt.: English and Armenian 16:00 Բաբելոն 13/Babylon 13 Ukr/60’/FAB

Lang.: Ukrainian Subt.: English and Armenian 19:30 Կանայք և ուղևորը/The Women and the Passenger Պատրիսիա Կորրեա, Վալենտինա Մաք-Ֆերսոն/Patricia Correa, Valentina Mac-Pherson Chl/45’/DC

Lang.: Spanish Subt.: English and Armenian 21:00 Կյանքը նորից սկսել. չհորինված պատմություն/ To start life anew. А true story Իվան Տվերդովսկի/Ivan Tverdovskiy USA-Rus/97’/AP

Lang.: Russian Subt.: English

ºñև³ÝÛ³Ý ·Çß»ñÝ»ñ äáÕáëÛ³Ý ³Û·ÇÝ»ñáõÙ/ Yerevan Nights at Poghosyan Gardens

No Dialogues

Մոռացված նախնիների ստվերները/Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Ukr/96’/T, UPC

Lang.: Ukrainian Subt.: English and Armenian

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, ²Ù³é³ÛÇÝ ¹³ÑÉÇ×/ Moscow Cinema, Summer Hall 21:00 Նռան գույնը/The Color of Pomegranates Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Arm/74’/T

No Dialogues 23:00 Սիրո բիֆշտեքսներ/Love Steaks Յակոբ Լաս/Jakob Lass Deu/90’/NGC

Lang.: German Subt.: English and Armenian

14:00 Արտաժամ/Overtime Գյուրջան Քելթեք/Gürcan Keltek, Tur/20’/FoCa


Lang.: Georgian Subt.: English 16:00 Անտղամարդ աշխարհ/A World Without Men Մոնիկա Պետկևիչյուտե/Monika Petkeviciute Arm/19’/IE

Աֆղանական աստղ/Afghan Star Հավանա Մարքինգ/ Havana Marking, UK/88’/CSC

Lang.: Bulgarian Subt.: English

Lang.: English Subt.: Armenian

Դասալիքը/Deserted Յոավ Հորնունգ/Yoav Hornung Isr/25’/SC

Lang.: Hebrew Subt.: English

Դինոլա/Dinola Մարիամ Խաչվանի/Mariam Khatchvani Geo/15’/SC

Lang.: Georgian Subt.: English 12:00, 20:00 Թեև գիտեմ, որ գետը չորացել է/Though I Know the River is Dry Օմար Ռոբերտ Համիլթոն/Omar Robert Hamilton Pal-Egy-Qat-UK/20’/SC

Անդրիեշ/Andriesh Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Ukr/62’/T

Lang.: Russian Subt.: English

Lang.: Georgian Subt.: English

Lang.: Chinese Subt.: English and Armenian

Հայելու մեջ պատկերվողն ավելի մոտ է, քան թվում է/Objects in the Mirror are Closer Then They Appear Ալեքսանդրու Կապոտոյու/ Alexandru Capatoiu Rom/10’/SC

Lang.: Romanian Subt.: English 16:00 Արտաժամ/Overtime Գյուրջան Քելթեք/Gürcan Keltek Tur/20’/FoCa Մի ձիու երկու կողմը/ Two Sides of One Horse Տատյանա Սոբոլևա/Tatyana Soboleva Rus/35’/FoCa

22:00 Տերևաթափ/Falling Leaves Օթար Իոսելիանի/Otar Iosseliani, Geo/96’/R

Lang.: Georgian/French/Russian Subt.: English and Armenian

Թումո ստեղծարար տեխնոլոգիաների կենտրոն/ Tumo Center For Creative Technologies

Lang.: Russian Subt.: English

13:30 Զվենիգորա/Zvenigora Ալեքսանդր Դովժենկո/ Aleksandr Dovzhenko Ukr/67’/UPC

Lang.: Russian Subt.: English

Սիրո բիֆշտեքսներ/Love Steaks Յակոբ Լաս/Jakob Lass Deu/90’/NGC

Կիևյան որմնանկարներ/ Kyiv Frescoes Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Ukr/13’/T

Lang.: German Subt.: English and Armenian

No Dialogues

Lang.: Russian Subt.: English

No Dialogues

17:30 Հանդիպում Ռիչարդ Փենյայի հետ/Meeting with Richard Peña

Նռան գույնը/The Color of Pomegranates Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Arm/74’/T

15:30 Հող/Earth Ալեքսանդր Դովժենկո/Aleksandr Dovzhenko, Ukr/84’/UPC

GOLDEN APRICOT DAILY ¶É˳íáñ ËÙµ³·Çñ` Úáëà ´ñá»ñ»Ý

Editor-in-chief: Joost Broeren

úñ³Ã»ñÃÇ Ñ³Ù³Ï³ñ·áÕ` ²ñÃáõñ ì³ñ¹ÇÏÛ³Ý

Armenian coordinator: Artur Vardikyan

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

êñµ³·ñÇãÝ»ñª Մարինե Ղարախանյան, Ռիմա Աղեկյան

Lang.: English

No Dialogues

20:00 Գրպանահատը/Pickpocket Ցզյա Չժանկե/Jia Zhangke Chn/105’/R

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English

18:00 Ցեղասպանության որբերը/ Orphans of the Genocide Պարետ Մարոնյան/Bared Maronian, USA/91’/IE

18:00 Դումկա/Dumka Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Ukr/25’/T

Պայթուցիչը/Detonator Բեսո Սոլոմանաշվիլի/Beso Solomanashvili Geo/11’/SC

лÕÇݳÏÝ»ñ` êÇñ³ÝáõÛß ¶³ÉëïÛ³Ý, ȨáÝ ¶ñÇ·áñÛ³Ý, سñdz ÂáùÙ³çÛ³Ý, êáõë³Ýݳ гñáõÃÛáõÝÛ³Ý, ܳݻ ê³Ñ³ÏÛ³Ý, ê»ñ·»Û îñÇÙµ³ã

Նամակ մորը/A Letter to Mother Աշոտ Սարգսյան/ Ashot Sargsyan, Arm/36’/IE

15:00 Վարպետության դաս Քրիստիան Բերգերի հետ/ Master Class with Christian Berger

Lang.: Arabic Subt.: English


Lang.: Turkish Subt.: English

Անգլերենի ուսուցիչը/ The English Teacher Նինո Օրջոնիկիձե, Վանո Արսենիշվիլի/Nino Orjonikidze, Vano Arsenishvili Geo/56’FoCa


Պատիվ/Pride Պավել Վեսնակով/Pavel Vesnakov Bgr-Deu/30’/SC

Կրթամշակութային հիմնադրամ/ TheaterStudio Of Cinema Artists After H. Malyan

Lang.: Armenian/English Subt.: English and Armenian

Ð. سÉÛ³ÝÇ ³Ýí³Ý ÏÇÝá¹»ñ³ë³ÝÇ Ã³ïñáÝ/ Theater-Studio of Cinema Artists After H. Malyan

10:00, 18:00

Lang.: Turkish Subt.: English

Lang.: Armenian Subt.: English 22:00 Կիևյան որմնանկարներ/ Kyiv Frescoes Սերգեյ Փարաջանով/Sergei Parajanov Ukr/13’/T

ܳÇñÇ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ/ Nairi Cinema

ØáëÏí³ ÏÇÝáóïñáÝ, öáùñ ¹³ÑÉÇ× 2/ Moscow Cinema, Small Hall 2

Èáõë³ÝϳñÇã` êáݳ ²Ý¹ñ»³ëÛ³Ý ¸Ç½³ÛÝ»ñ` ¶³Û³Ý» ¶ñÇ·áñÛ³Ý

Staff: Anastasia Costianu, Nienke Huitenga Contributors: Siranush Galstyan, Levon Grigoryan Photographer: Sona Andreasyan Design: Gayane Grigoryan

¶É˳íáñ ËáñÑñ¹³ïáõ` äÇï»ñ í³Ý ´Ûáõ»ñ»Ý

General Supervising Manager: Peter van Bueren

Տպագրված է §ÜáÛÛ³Ý î³å³Ý¦ êäÀ-áõÙ

Printer: "Noyyan Tapan" Ltd.

GOLDEN APRICOT DAILY | DAY 1&2 | 13/14 JULY | 2014

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GOLDEN APRICOT DAILY | DAY 1&2 | 13/14 JULY | 2014

interview 5

Sergei Parajanov 1988-Ç ÷»ïñ­í³­ñÇ 4-ÇÝ, Ï۳ݭùáõÙ ³é³­çÇÝ ³Ý­·³Ù ³ñ­ï³­ë³Ñ­Ù³Ý ׳­Ý³­å³ñ­Ñáñ­¹»­Éáõ ÃáõÛÉ­ ï­íáõ­ÃÛáõÝ ëﳭݳ­Éáõó ³Ý­ÙÇ­ç³­å»ë Ñ»­ïá, ê»ñ­ ·»Û ö³­ñ³­ç³­ÝáíÝ û¹³­Ý³í Ýëï»ó ¹»­åÇ ²Ùë­ï»ñ­ ¹³Ù ¨ »ñ»­Ïá­Û³Ý ų­Ù³­Ý»ó èá­ï»ñ­¹³­ÙÇ ÏÇ­Ýá­÷³­ é³­ïáÝ: ºñ­Ïáõ ûñ ³Ýó »ë Ýëï³Í ¿Ç ÐÇÉ­ïáÝ ÑÛáõ­ ñ³­Ýá­óáõÙª ٳѭ׳­Ï³­ÉÇ »½­ñÇÝ: ºñ­Ïáõ ų٠߳­ñáõ­Ý³Ï ö³­ñ³­ç³­Ýá­íÁ ù³Û­ÉáõÙ ¿ñ ë»­ÝÛ³­ÏáõÙ, »ñ­µ»ÙÝ ÷áñ÷­ ñ»­Éáí å³ñ­ÏÁ` Ùá­ï»­ÝáõÙª ÇÝã-áñ ëñµ³­å³ï­Ï»ñ, Ù³­ ïÇï ϳ٠ÝÙ³Ý µ³Ý ÇÝÓ ï³­Éáõ ѳ­Ù³ñ: ØÇ­çÇÝ ï³­ ñÇ­ùÇ մի ÏÇÝ ÙÇ ù³­ÝÇ ³Ý­·³Ù ¹áõ­éÁ ó­Ï»­Éáíª Ý»ñë Ùï³í ¨ ö³­ñ³­ç³­Ýá­íÇ Ñ»ï ·Ý³ó Éá­Õ³­ë»­ÝÛ³Ï: ØÇ ùÇã ÷ë÷ë³­Éáõó Ñ»­ïá ݳ ·Ý³óª Ï»ë ų­ÙÁ Ù»Ï ÝáõÛÝ ³ñ³­ñá­Õ³­Ï³ñ­·áí í»­ñ³­¹³é­Ý³­Éáí: ²ñ¨­Ùáõï­ùáõÙ ö³ñ³ç³ÝáíÇ ³é³­çÇÝ Ñ³ñ­ó³½­ñáõÛ­óÁ ¹³ñ­Ó³í ûñÑ­ Ýáõ­ÃÛáõÝ­Ý»­ñÇ, ù³­ñá½­Ý»­ñÇ ¨ µ³­ó³­Ï³Ý­ãáõ­ÃÛáõÝ­Ý»­ñÇ ÙÇ ³Ý­í»ñç ß³­ñ³Ý: ij­Ù³­Ý³Ï ³é ų­Ù³­Ý³Ï ÏáõÙ ³Ý»­Éáí ­çÇ­ÝÇ ¨ ûÕáõ ˳é­Ýáõñ­¹Çóª ݳ Çñ Ùïù»­ñáí åñá­íá­Ï³­óÇ­áÝ ¨ ï»Õ-ï»Õ Íáõ­éáõ­Ùáõé ·áõ­Ý»Õ ÙÇ Ï᭠ɳŠëï»Õ­Í»ó: ÞÝã»­Éáí ³½³­ïáõ­ÃÛ³Ý û¹Á, ݳ ѳݭ ϳñ­Í³­ÏÇ ëÏë»ó ³í»­ÉÇ ³½³ï Ëá­ë»É, ù³Ý ݳ˭ÏÇ­ ÝáõÙ: ÜáõÛÝ ï³­ñáõÙ՝ ³í»­ÉÇ áõß, ·É˳­íáñ ù³ñ­ïáõ­ Õ³ñ Øǭ˳­ÛÇÉ ¶áñ­µ³­ãá­íÁ ¹³ñ­Ó³í ÊêÐØ-Ç Ý³­ ˳­·³Ñ ¨ ³ñ­¹»Ý ï»­Õ»­Ï³ó­ñ»É ¿ñ §·É³ë­Ýáë­ïǦ ¨ §å»­ñ»ëï­ñáۭϳ­ÛǦ Ù³­ëÇÝ: ²Û¹ ų­Ù³­Ý³Ï ìɳ­¹Ç­ ÙÇñ äáõ­ïÇ­ÝÁ ¹»é ζ´-Ç ³Ý­Ñ³Ûï ëå³ ¿ñª ï»­Õ³­ ϳۭí³Í ¸ñ»½­¹»­ÝáõÙ (¶¸Ð), ÇëÏ ö³­ñ³­ç³­Ýá­íÁ ã¿ñ ¿É »Ý­Ã³¹­ñáõÙ, áñ ÏÙ³­Ñ³­Ý³ »ñ­Ïáõ ï³­ñÇ ³Ýóª ºñ¨­ ³­ÝáõÙ, ÇÝã­å»ë ²Ý¹­ñ»Û î³ñ­Ïáíë­ÏÇÝ ¹ñ³­ÝÇó »ñ­Ïáõ ï³­ñÇ ³é³ç Ù³­Ñ³­ó³í ö³­ñÇ­½áõÙ: §àë­Ï» ÍÇ­ñ³Ý¦ ÏÇ­Ýá­÷³­é³­ïá­ÝǪ ö³­ñ³­ç³­Ýá­ íÇÝ ÝíÇñ­í³Í ѳ­ïáõÏ Íñ³·­ñÇ Ï³­å³Ï­óáõ­ÃÛ³Ùµ Ý»ñ­Ï³­Û³ó­ÝáõÙ »Ýù ѳï­í³Í­Ý»ñ ³Û¹ Ñ»­ï³ùñù­ ñ³­ß³ñŠѳݭ¹Ç­åáõ­ÙÇó: Ò»ñ ýÇÉ­Ù»­ñÁ ѳñ·­í³Í »Ý ³Ù­µáÕç ³ß­Ë³ñ­ ÑáõÙ, µ³Ûó ß³­ï»­ñÇ Ñ³­Ù³ñ ³Ý­Ñ³ë­Ï³­Ý³­ÉÇ »Ý: ÆÝÓ ãÇ Ñáõ­ ½áõÙ, áñ Ù³ñ­ ¹ÇÏ ¹»é ã»Ý Ñ³ë­ Ï³­ ÝáõÙ ÇÙ ýÇÉ­Ù»­ñÁ: øë³Ý ï³­ñÇ ³Ýó ѳݭ¹Ç­ë³­ï»­ ëÁ í»ó ų٠߳­ñáõ­Ý³Ï ϹǭïÇ ¹ñ³Ýù: ºë ³ñ­í»ëï »Ù ëï»Õ­ÍáõÙ, ÇëÏ ¹ñ³ Ëáñ­ù»­ñÁ ó­÷³Ý­ó»­Éáõ ѳ­ Ù³ñ ų­Ù³­Ý³Ï ¿ å»ïù: ÊáñÑñ­¹³­ÛÇÝ Ç߭˳­Ýáõ­ÃÛáõÝ­Ý»­ñÁ ¹»é å³ï­ ñ³ëï ã»Ý ¹ñ³Ý: Üñ³Ýù ã¿­ÇÝ Ï³­ñáÕ ÇÝÓ Ë»­É³­·³ñ ѳۭﳭñ³­ ñ»É. ³Û¹ ¹»å­ùáõÙ å»ïù ¿ ÇÝã-áñ µ³Ý ³ë»­ÇÝ ýÇÉ­ Ù»­ñÇë Ù³­ëÇÝ, áñáÝù ã»Ý ѳë­Ï³­ÝáõÙ: â¿­ÇÝ Ï³­ñáÕ µ³­ó³ï­ñ»É, û ÇÝãÝ ¿ ÇÙ ýÇÉ­Ù»­ñÇ ï³­ñû­ñǭݳ­Ïáõ­ ÃÛáõ­ÝÁ ¨ ·ï³Ý Ù»Ï ³ÛÉ µ³Ý: ²ëáõÙ ¿ÇÝ §ÙÇ­³­ë»­é³­ Ï³Ý »ë¦, ÇÝ­ãÁ µ³­í³­Ï³Ý ¿ñ՝ µ³Ýï Ý»­ï»­Éáõ ѳ­Ù³ñ: ²é³­çÇÝ ³Ý­·³Ù ÇÝÓ ¹³­ï³­å³ñ­ï»­óÇÝ áõÏ­ñ³­Ç­ ݳ­Ï³Ý ³½­·³Û­Ý³­Ï³­Ýáõ­ÃÛ³Ý Ñ³­Ù³ñ: 1964-ÇÝ ¿ñ: ÌÝáÕ­Ý»ñë Ñ³Û »Ý, µ³Ûó ÏñÃáõ­ÃÛáõÝ ëﳭݳ­Éáõó Ñ»­ ïá áõÏ­ñ³­Ç­Ý³­óÇ­Ý»­ñÇ ³Ý­óÛ³­ÉÇ Ù³­ëÇÝ ýÇÉÙ Ýϳ­ñ»­ óǪ §Øá­é³ó­í³Í ݳ˭ÝÇ­Ý»­ñÇ ëïí»ñ­Ý»­ñÁ¦: Üñ³Ýó ѳݭ·Çëï ã¿ñ ï³­ÉÇë ³ÛÝ ÙÇï­ùÁ, թե ÇÝ­ãáõ ѳ­ÛÁ ³Ûë­ åÇ­ëÇ ïÇ­åÇÏ áõÏ­ñ³­Ç­Ý³­Ï³Ý û­Ù³ ¿ ÁÝï­ñ»Éª Ùá­é³­ ݳ­Éáí, áñ ¾Û­½»Ýß­ï»ÛÝÝ ¿É Ù»ù­ëǭϳ­óÇ ãÉÇ­Ý»­Éáí ѳݭ ¹»ñÓª Ø»ù­ëǭϳ­ÛáõÙ ¿ñ ýÇÉÙ Ýϳ­ñ»É: ´³Ûó ù³­ÝÇ áñ ã¿­ÇÝ Ï³­ñáÕ å³ñ­½³­µ³­Ý»É, û ÇÝ­ãáõ »Ý ¹»Ù ³Ûë ýÇÉ­ ÙÇÝ, Ýñ³Ýù ÇÝÓ ÙÇ­³­ë»­é³­Ï³Ý Ñéã³­Ï»­óÇÝ ¨ åݹ»­ óÇÝ, áñ Ïá­Ùáõ­ÝÇë­ï³­Ï³Ý Ïáõ­ë³Ï­óáõ­ÃÛ³Ý ³Ý­¹³Ù­Ý»­ ñÁ ïáõ­Å»É »Ý ÇÙ ÙÇ­³­ë»­é³­Ï³­Ýáõ­ÃÛáõ­ÝÇó: ¸áõù ³Ùáõë­Ý³­ó³Í »ù, áñ­¹Ç áõ­Ý»ù: ƱÝã ϳ­ ë»ù ÙÇ­³­ë»­é³­Ï³­Ýáõ­ÃÛ³Ý Ù³­ëÇÝ: ºë ²ñ¨­»É­ùÇó »Ù, ¨ ¹³ µ³­í³­Ï³­Ý³­ã³÷ µ³­ó³ï­ ñáõ­ÃÛáõÝ ¿: ²ÛÅÙ ³ÛÝ­ù³Ý Í»ñ »Ùª 64 ï³­ñ»­Ï³Ý, ³Û­É¨ë ϳå ãáõ­ÝÇ՝ »ë ·»±Û »Ù, û áã: ²Û¹ ѳñ­óÁ ³é³ç ¿ñ ·³­ ÉÇë ³Ù»Ý ³Ý­·³Ù, »ñµ ÇÝÓ Ó»ñ­µ³­Ï³­ÉáõÙ ¿ÇÝ, ¨ Ýá­ ñÇó ϳ­ñáÕ »Ý Ó»ñ­µ³­Ï³­É»É áñ¨¿ ٳݭñáõ­ùÇ Ñ³­Ù³ñ: úñÇݳϪ í»ñ­çÇÝ ³Ý­·³Ù »ë û·­Ý»­óÇ ÇÙ ½³ñ­ÙÇ­ÏÇÝ áñáß ·áõ­Ù³­ñáí, áñ ÁÝ­¹áõÝ­íÇ ÇÝë­ïÇ­ïáõï: ¶áõ­ó» ¹³ ëË³É ¿ñ, µ³Ûó µá­ÉáñÝ ¿É ÝÙ³Ý µ³­Ý»ñ ³ÝáõÙ »Ý: Æñ³­Ï³Ý å³ï­×³éÝ ³ÛÝ ¿ñ, áñ óï­ñá­ÝáõÙ »ÉáõÛà ¿Ç áõ­Ý»­ó»É Ù³­Ñ³­ó³Í ³Û­É³­ËáÑ ¹»­ñ³­ë³Ý ¨ »ñ­·Çã ìɳ­¹Ç­ÙÇñ ìÇ­ëáó­Ïáõ մասին¦: ²ÛÅÙ ª §·É³ë­Ýáë­ïǦ ¨ §å»­ñ»ëï­ñáۭϳ­ÛǦ ų­Ù³­Ý³Ï ÷á­÷á­Ëáõ­ÃÛáõÝ Ï³±: г°, ѳ°, ѳ°: ÈëÇ°ñ: Ø³Ñ­í³­ÝÇó Ñ»­ïá ´ñ»Å­Ý¨Ý áõ Êñáõß­ãá­íÁ ѳݭ¹Ç­åáõÙ »Ý ѳݭ¹»ñ­ÓÛ³É Ï۳ݭ ùáõÙ: ´ñ»Å­Ý¨Ý ³ëáõÙ ¿. §Èë»±É »ëª Ýñ³Ýù ÇÝã-áñ µ³Ý »Ý í»­ñ³­Ýá­ñá­·áõÙ¦: Êñáõß­ãáí. §ì»­ñ³­Ýá­ñá­ ·á±õÙ: ´³Ûó »ë áãÇÝã ã»Ù ϳ­éáõ­ó»É: ÆëÏ ¹á±õ¦:

You were married and had a son, so what about that homosexuality? “I am a man from the East and that explains enough. At this moment I’m 64 years old, old enough that it doesn’t matter anymore if I am gay or not. It came up every time they arrested me again and they can still pick me up for small things. I was released in probation, which can always be extended for another five years.” What small things for instance? “The last time I helped my nephew with some money to be accepted by an institute. Maybe that was wrong, but everyone does such things. The real reason was that I made a speech in a theatre about the dead dissident actor and protest singer Vladimir Vysotski.”

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On February 4, 1988, just after he got permission to travel abroad for the first time in his life, Sergei Parajanov took a plane to Amsterdam and arrived in the evening at the Rotterdam film festival. Two days later I was sitting on the edge of his bed in the Hilton hotel. For the next two hours Parajanov walked around the room, at times approaching to give me, after ruffling through a bag, a devotional picture, a pencil or some other small item. Several times a middle-aged woman knocked on the door, entered and went with him into the bathroom. After some mumbling she left again, returning every half hour for a similar ceremony. Every time, Parajanov continued his last sentence, translated into my ears by a whispering beauty called Natasja. His first interview in the West became an endless stream of blessings, sermons and exclamations. Occasionally sipping from his glass, which contained a mixture of gin and vodka, Parajanov composed a colorful collage of sentences, provocative and not always in a straight line. Inhaling the air of freedom, he spoke more openly than ever. Later that year, secretary-general Mikhail Gorbachev would become president of the USSR, having already introduced glasnost and perestroika. Vladimir Putin was still an unknown officer in the KGB, stationed in Dresden (DDR), and Parajanov had no idea that he would die two years later in Yerevan, like Andrei Tarkovsky died two years before in Paris. On occasion of the special Parajanov-program hereby some fragments of this intriguing meeting, with statements that are historical even now, so many years later. Your films are respected very much all over the world, but for many people they aren’t easy to understand. “I don’t care if people don’t understand my films yet. Within twenty years, the audience will stay six hours in a row to watch them. I create art and it takes time to penetrate the depth of it.” The Soviet authorities are not ready for that yet. “They couldn’t declare me crazy, because in that case they should have said something about those films they didn’t understand. They couldn’t describe what was so strange about my cinema, so they found something else. They said: you are a homosexual, which was enough to put me in jail. First I was condemned because I was a Ukrainian nationalist. That was in 1964. I was born from Armenian parents, but after university I made a film, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, about the past of the Ukrainian people. For this I got 23 medals, but they wondered why an Armenian had chosen such a typically Ukrainian subject, forgetting that Eisenstein made a film in Mexico without being Mexican. But how could they make clear why they were against that film? So they declared me homosexual and claimed that members of the communist party had suffered from my homosexuality.”

Is there no change in this time of glasnost and perestroika? “Hahaha! Listen. After their death, Brezhnev and Krushchev met each other. Brezhnev said: ‘Did you hear they are reconstructing there?’ Krushchev ans­wered: ‘Reconstruct, rebuild? I didn’t build anything, did you?’ All my life I was dragging other portraits of lea­ ders through the streets. I’m happy that we finally have a leader who can be seen and who at least is free to go around with his wife. Early leaders had such ugly wives, that they didn’t dare to take them with them. Brezhnev’s wife was like a statue of Mao in a woman’s dress. Krushchev’s wife was like a grandmother. We wanted a woman like Kennedy had. We wanted that our president, too, awoke next to a beauty and not a cold statue. Mikhail Gorbachev has a wife who has talents and is watchable. When they released me, the authorities didn’t know why, just as they didn’t know why they arrested me. I have always spoken the truth, and all my statements are told now by Gorbachev, who is our most energetic leader since Lenin: artistic, talented and with a clear vision. In fact I was in jail for the words of Gorbachev. Now I can be silent because he tells it all. I have to be grateful to the authorities for one thing: they made me immortal by locking me up. I told Tarkovsky that he also could be immortal by being in jail for a year.” Tarkovsky chose to go abroad. “Tarkovsky was my friend. I loved him, but even after his death I’m angry at him about something I will never forget. I accused him for leaving, but he didn’t leave, he left because his wife wanted to. Tarkovsky committed one stupidity in his life: he had a wife with the brains of a cleaning lady. And still, she penetrated into his life.” My impression was that she was a controlling mother for Tarkovsky and the clique around him. “She was a chambermaid and a governess at the same time. This woman without any level controlled him totally. That’s why he died.” What nonsense: he died of cancer. And about his wife: should he have left her then? “Of course not, but he let her play too big a role, especially about things he was dealing with as an artist. If he got criticism he was not angry, but she.” I had the impression that he couldn’t stand criti­ cism and became furious even if you asked him an explanation of something you didn’t understand. “Tarkovsky was an artist and artists shouldn’t go into discussion. A great artist should be on his own and alone.” Are you alone? “I had four wives, all beautiful. My last wife, who gave me a son, was an American who now lives in Shanghai and teaches Russian language. She was fourteen years younger than me and looked like Romy Schneider, but much more beautiful.” But then again: what about the accusation of your homosexuality? “I’m a man from the East, I told you already. Men from the East are more liberal sexually than Slavic men.” PvB

GOLDEN APRICOT DAILY | DAY 1&2 | 13/14 JULY | 2014

6 reviews

Three Times, Three Dimensions The Color of Pomegranates (Sergei Parajanov, Armenia, 1968), 13-7, 17:00, Moscow Cinema, Red Hall (invitation only), 14-7, 21:00, Moscow Cinema, Summer Hall and 22:00, Union of Folk Arts Sergei Parajanov’s The Color of Pomegranates combines three different times: the time of the hero, the 18th century Armenian poet Sayat-Nova; the time of the filmmaker; and eternity. This film is a soul diagram of both a poet-director and a poethero. Parajanov pictures the ‘character’ of a poet’s soul, its ‘plot’, its emotional fluctuations. In The Color of Pomegranates, which is screening at the festival from a newly restored print, the look of the main character shapes the screen space. In the architectonical structure of this masterpiece, in the world of poetic imagery, encoded in the see­mingly illogical, musical sequence of externally static pictures is the internal, almost indiscernible motion of thoughts and feelings, the inner music of an image. As Parajanov explained: “It is not fatigue but a passion to make dynamics inside a static shot.” By stopping the image Parajanov discovered the reverse side of motion. Just as poetry is built by each individual word, in Parajanov’s cinema each shot has its own identity, exists in itself and on its own, but at the same time is part of a whole. The original montage by the filmmaker reveals their emotional and dramaturgical correlation. Parajanov’s biggest cinematographic achievement is his ability to re­concile incompatible and incomparable objects and connect them through a visible language of communication. The most incredible configurations of objects in Parajanov’s films create, through visual dramaturgy and specific plasticity, a harmony of primeval nature. The key substance of his cinematic world is the object, but life is given to that substance by man, by an actor, who

in turn is e­nlivened by the filmmaker, who holds everything and everybody in his hands. In his films physical reality is reproduced into his own. Behind every shot his shadow is visible, his voice audible; in every object and every actor his pulse and his breath can be felt. The Color of Pomegranates is a screen-parchment, a screen-carpet, a screen-miniature and a fresco all at the same time. Even more, its architecture, its frame composition and structure make it similar to the Armenian Church. It seems that the poetry created by the poet’s lyre exists in a three-

dimensional reality: the realities of books, colorful carpets and the church – the latter being the place where the poet died... All that Parajanov created, his films and collages, confirm the well-known thesis that things are just part of what they mean. There was nothing more bo­ring for Parajanov than to use things according to their meaning. He used to say: “A soldier’s helmet meant something to me only when I saw flowers growing in it.” Parajanov invents his own rules. His art confirms that ‘handmade reality’ can exist and raises cinema to a new level.

Summarizing the peculiarities of Parajanov’s artistic method, he has imparted cinematographic authenticity to handmade reality; he has stopped the shot in motion; he has revolutionized the way the actor is used, and the concepts of frame composition and montage. In a word, he ‘forgot’ everything he knew about cinema and created it anew, following his primeval inspiration. Proclaimed as ‘the filmmaker of the 21st century’, alongside others, Parajanov cast away generally accepted forms and methods, brea­ king the rules of the game to turn around our perception of cinema and to turn about its history. SG

Whispering Loudly

more or less uniform existence come from sudden explosions, gunfire heard from an area outside the camera’s view, ambulances and tanks stopping the flow of traffic, or guns being fired at random into the air. But in a continuous state of conflict, even these variations become a routine: people go on with their lives while guns are fired in the back­ ground, in an attempt to impose normality. The documentary has a well defined structure: it is plain, open, without narration, commentary or cinematic artistry, and this modesty suits it very well. The simplicity may come from the observational, non-interfering technique that evokes guerilla journalism. The essence of Whispers of the Cities hence lies in editing and choices, which makes it, as Kasim Abid says, “a subjective and personal journey to the world close to my heart.” It is a world where things are broken even before they are built; where workers dig next to a billboard showing a university graduate, while tanks cross the street; where policemen ridiculously try to regulate a chaotic flow of cars. And although the film insists on routine and familiarity, it alternates, in a sharp confrontation, with insecurity, desolation, fragility and even the grotesqueness of the condition. AC

Whispers of the Cities (Kasim Abid, Iraq/ UK, 2014), 13-7, 11:30 and 16:00, Moscow Cinema, Small Hall 1

Man becomes dog, dog becomes human White God (Kornél Mundruczó, Hungaria, 2014), 13-7, 12:30, Moscow Cinema, Blue Hall, 15-7, 17:00, Moscow Cinema, Blue Hall Some 250 dogs were found in animal shelters to act in White God, a genre-bending film about precocious 13-year-old Lili (newcomer Zsofia Psotta) who is heartbroken when her father gets rid of her dog Hagen. When the city of Budapest puts in place a senseless measure to tax impure breeds more than purebreds, Lili's father is unable to bear the costs for the mongrel Hagen, and leaves it by the side of the highway. The film was warmly welcomed in the Un Certain Regard programme at the Cannes Film Festival this year with its surprising mix of realism developing to a dystopian dog-revenge slasher. With this approach director Kornél Mundruczó takes a drastic turn towards genre experiments. Mundruczó sais he wants to address the past and future of

Hungary through “vengeance films and the allegorical qualities of animal stories, where typically a narrow stratum rules over a greater mass. This is becoming increasingly true for Europe as well. If we don’t pay attention, one day the masses will rise up.” Through spirited storytelling and cross-cut editing, the actions of Lili and Hagen function as mirrors on these rancorous present-day social relations. Both are battling to find friendship and respect. Lili is fighting her father’s heartless decision by being disobedient and searching for Hagen. Hagen, in turn, soon realizes that not every man is a dog’s best friend. After being picked up by a dog trainer who builds him up to win illegal dog fights, hatred and anger towards humanity takes shape in Hagen. Mundruczó juggles White God's simple plot with grand themes like revolution and justice. But at its core, he tells a simpler truth, which upholds throughout the film despite its stylistic twist: man becomes dog because of elitist behavior and vice versa. “To tell this story I chose animals as the subject instead of minorities. Because I wanted to focus freely on this sensitive subject, with as little taboos as possible.” NH

The documentary Whispers of the Cities presents the scrupulous synopsis of an impressive chronology, collected from ten years of footage. For a decade, Iraqi director and cameraman Kasim Abid observed, from the height of three balconies, daily life in the troubled cities of Erbil (Northern Iraq), Ramallah (West Bank) and Baghdad. A title card at the begining of this observational, dialogue-free film sets the stage: Whispers of the Cities requires viewers to watch, see and feel. What is ordinary life like in conflict zones, beyond the daily media coverage which focusses mainly on extraordinary events? The result of excluding these extraordinary circumstances is a repetetive and familiar film, divided into three separate stories. The streets of Erbil, Ramallah and Baghdad are crowded from morning to evening. People go to work, sell newspapers, beg for money, wait in traffic jams or work on construction sites. The variations in their

GOLDEN APRICOT DAILY | DAY 1&2 | 13/14 JULY | 2014

news and reviews 7

Everything Fades Away On the occasion of his 80th birthday this past February, the Golden Apricot Film Festival is showing a retrospective of Otar Ioselliani. A profile of the Georgian director, who has lived and worked in France for most of his life. Before he became a filmmaker Otar Iosseliani (Tbilisi, 1934) first developed the two sides of his brain. At the local conservatory he learned to play the piano and then he studied graphic arts and mathematics in Moscow. Only after this did he turn to the film academy, where the great Aleksander Dovzhenko was one of his teachers. His first long film April (1958) was banned by the Georgian censors. Iosseliani stopped filming, became a sailor and worked in a factory. In 1966 he came back with Falling Leaves, but again he got into trouble with the authorities, as he would do again later with Once There Was a Song-Trush (1970) and Pastorali (1975). These films show Georgia as a country of history, poetry, humor and wine. It’s difficult to understand why they were forbidden, because nothing is said that could be understood as politically unfriendly to the ruling system. But that was exactly the reason authorities were irritated, Iosseliani once explained: "My films were pro- nor anti-Soviet, but a-Soviet. There was never a sign of a regime. There was no Soviet atmosphere, as if that didn’t exist. And ignorance can infuriate people for whom power is the only reason of existence." His films found a way abroad, however, for instance at the Rotterdam film festival. French critics, too, discovered these fresh and charming films with a documentary viewpoint and a wonderful simpli­ city, like Iosseliani’s life motto: "Real life means problems with small fortunes and some moments of happiness." A retrospective of his work was organised in Paris. Surprisingly enough Iosseliani succeeded to get a visa to visit France. And there he stayed, knowing that there was no future for him as filmmaker in his own Tbilisi. Only once, many years later, he briefly returned to Georgia to make Seule, Georgie (1994), learning that the time of his youth was definitively lost, like so many things are lost, as many of his films show. Traditions are demolished and disaster always sneaks in, like a virus nobody can escape. Returning to Georgia, he was especially disappointed by the political changes that didn’t change

anything. "When communism disappeared, many people thought that everything would change for the better. Well, in some ways it did, or appeared to, but in essence it did not. Old rulers were replaced by new ones who wore different masks but were the same underneath it. It was even worse than before, because during the Soviet time there was good infrastructure in many parts of society, and in 1994 there is nothing. In my time, for instance, there were studio’s, camera’s and film material, so you could film, even make films that were forbidden to be shown. Now filmmakers can only work with help from abroad, which mostly doesn’t come, because who cares about poor Georgian filmmakers." In his aesthetic and somewhat conservative philosophy of life Iosseliani shows respect for values that disappear, such as life in an African village not yet destroyed by ‘culture’ (Et la lumière fut, 1989) or the aristocratic habits in the French countryside (La chase aux papillons, 1992). He seems pessimistic, but Iosseliani denies this: "I feel pity and in some cases I can be angry, but on the other hand: everything fades away. Once there was the Etrusk culture, but nobody misses it since it has been gone for so many centuries." Even in his darkest moments Iosseliani mixes his not-so-positive vision with irony. More than a shouting tiger he is a mocking bird. About pessimism, he also said: "I’m pessimist nor optimist,

because I don’t know anything about the future, so I can’t judge. The only thing is that we shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking the future will be better than the past." From his point of view there aren’t so many reasons to suppose that the sun will shine next time, because history shows that the world is ruled by i­diots and crooks. Each generation thinks the previous generation was wrong and want to change things, but the results are always the same: bad. See for instance Brigands, Chapitre VII (1996). Since he moved to Paris, wherever he can Iosseliani has attacked everyone and everything with a Russian smell (apart from that of vodka). Only ordinary people he will never blame, and people who do their duty he doesn’t accuse. Like the custom officers who stopped him once because his passport was expired; he praised them loudly for their protection of their holy country against the internatio­ nal mafia. His most recent film Chantrapas (2010) is a coproduction between France and Georgia, Iosseliani’s two fatherlands, and portrays the filmmaker Nicolas who merely wants to express himself while everyone around him tries to reduce him to silence. In the face of their determination, Nicolas leaves his homeland for France – country of freedom and democracy. But the ‘state of grace’ will not last long. It looks as if this story has autobiographical elements. PvB

Dragan Wende - West Berlin (Dragan von Petrovic & Lena Müller, Germany/Serbia, 2013), 14-7, 10:00 and 17:30, Moscow Cinema, Small Hall 1

Zoran, My Nephew the Idiot (Matteo Oleotto, Italy/Slovenia, 2013), 14-7, 16:30 and 18-7, 10:00, Moscow Cinema, Blue Hall Unexpected circumstances can force a man to change his opinion on life and the values he cherished before. Paolo (Giuseppe Battiston) lives in an Italian village near the Slovenian border. His main business is drinking white wine (“white stays in you, red just comes out”) and getting over his hangover the next morning... by drinking some more wine.

The GAIFF 2014 opening day will be a little like a guided tour of the finest locations in Yerevan. At 15:00, the traditional Apricot Blessing will take place in a new location: the St. Gregor Lusavorich Church (the bus will be at Royal Tulip Grand Hotel from 14:00). Then, guests will move to Moscow Cinema for the opening of a photo exhibition and presentation on a book on Parajanov, followed by the screening of opening film The Color of Pomegranates (see pages 5 and 6). The official opening ceremony (invitation only) will then take place at the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater from 19:30, including the installation Into the White by Italian filmma­ kers Karmachina (see below). To top it all off, there will be a reception hosted by the Armenian Ministry of Culture from 22:30.

Busy Day

Stuck in the Past

To Live Life Anew

A Moving Feast

One morning, hungover as always, he gets some sad news. His ‘favorite auntie’ in Slovenia passed away, leaving him a dog statue and his 15-yearold nephew Zoran (Teco Celio). The development of the relationship between Paolo and his dorky nephew forms the central charm of this light-hearted comedy. Reticent to take any repsonsibilty at first, when Paolo discovers Zoran has a talent for darts, he quickly realizes a way he can guide and manipulate his young apprentice. There’s much in store for both men in this ‘road movie in a single place’, with Zoran falling madly in love and Paolo revising his negative views on music and much else. After all, what better way to start life anew? LG

"Everything was simple back then: the Americans had the left bum, the Russians had the right, and we were the arsehole in the middle!" Speaking is Dragan Wende, the self-proclaimed street king of West-Berlin’s hedonistic 1970s disco scene, lamen­ ting the fall of the Berlin Wall. Before the ‘Wende’ which he ironically took on as his last name, Dragan’s Yugoslav passport meant he was free to travel between East and West-Berlin, giving him and his cronies unique opportunities for less-than-legal profits. For this tragicomic documentary, Serbian/German director duo Dragan von Petrovic and Lena Müller got invaluable assistance from Dragan’s nephew Vuk. He travels to Berlin from his home town Belgrade to visit his uncle, getting embroiled in Dragan’s seedy lifestyle and filming everything along the way. Often we simply see the young man and his older uncle sitting in the cramped kitchen, with Dragan telling tall tales about the dirty scoundrels and prostitutes with hearts of gold that populate his past. These intimate scenes shot in Dragan’s extravagantly furnished little flat, are mixed through lively editing with archival footage of 1970s Berlin as well as interviews with Dragan’s old friends, some of whom are considerably better off. It seems that staying stuck in the past has left Dragan stranded in the present. JB

After the opening festivities on Sunday, Monday will see the first full festival day ope­ ning with a plethora of activities. At 15:30, the Films Across Borders program opens with a screening of Ukranian film Brothers: The Final Confession. At 18:00, the first screening in the Yerevan Premiere section will showcase The Book, the latest film by Russian documentary grandmaster Vitaly Mansky. At 20:00, the Kim Ki-duk Retrospective will be opened by the Korean filmmaker’s latest film Pieta; Kim Kiduk will be interviewed in the second Daily. And at 22:00, screenings of Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors and Kyiv Frescoes will open the program section on Ukranian Poetic Ci­ nema.

Into the White

The Italian collective Karmachina, consis­ ting for the occasion of filmmakers Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri and Rino Stefano Taglia­ fierro and set designer Angelo Linzalata, have come to Yerevan to give a new dimension to the visual artistry of Sergei Parajanov’s work. For the festival’s opening ceremony, they will give a video performance at the Opera by ‘vi­ deo mapping’ selected scenes from Parajanov’s The Color of Pomegranates and The Legend of Suram Fortress on ten screens of various si­ zes. The piece, called Into the White, has been c­reated specifically for the festival opening.

First Master Class 14-7, 15:00, Nairi Cinema. For the festival’s first Master Class, Austrian cinematographer Christian Berger will take to the stage. Berger is best known for his collaborations with his countryman Michael Haneke, and was nominated for an Oscar for his work on Haneke’s most recent film The White Ribbon.

Midnight Wrap-up 14-7, 24:00, The Club. Film gurus and GAIFF guests are invited for a daily wrap-up meeting over drinks.

Conversation Director: "Did you see my movie?" Critic: "Did you read my review?" Director: "No, I don’t read reviews." Critic: "I wrote that I don’t go to bad movies." Peter

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