Enjoy Golf!
Caroline Ling | Chief Editor
very warm hello, to all you lady golfers out there! When you open our brand new bilingual FORE GIRLS magazine, we hope you will enjoy this golf and lifestyle magazine designed exclusively for the modern woman in Asia. I would like to thank you for your support and will try to give you, the reader, an informative yet entertaining read about the world of golf from a woman’s perspective. So, why did I start this magazine? Actually, it is quite simple, having only played golf for a short period of time, it became apparent very quickly that with any new sport, you encounter many problems when first starting out. Finding information to remedy these problems has been anything but easy. Searching the trusty internet you will find many golfing sites but most cater to men and almost next to nothing for the ladies. This is why FORE GIRLS was created, to give lady golfers a useful, informative and interesting magazine so that beginners can save time and not go around in circles as I did trying to find what I needed. In the forthcoming issues of FORE GIRLS, we will also be featuring tips on skin care, golfing equipment, the latest golf apparel and travel golf destinations but exclusively women orientated. We believe looking and feeling good about oneself will boost your confidence on the golf course and the happier you are the more enjoyment you will get when playing golf. Someone once said, golf is a lifestyle that should be enjoyed. It is not just about what to enjoy but how to enjoy that is important. I hope FORE GIRLS will give the reader a sense of direction, provide the correct knowledge and information that will help you enjoy this game of golf. "My philosophy is simple! The more you play, the more you will enjoy golf."
當你翻開 FORE GIRLS 雜誌時,首先要多謝你們的支持。作為全港第一 本專為時代女性而設的高球雜誌,我們致力帶給大家最新又有用的資訊。 我打高球的時間並不長,只有一年多而已。但過程中卻發現,每當遇到 針對女性打高球或訓練的問題時,總是很難找到相關資訊。專為女性而設的 高球雜誌,在香港更是鳳毛麟角,需要到外國網站才能找到。 針對這方面的問題,我們開始籌劃 FORE GIRLS 雜誌,希望女士們能藉 此對高球有更深了解。FORE GIRLS 雜誌會從入門級,即基本功開始,為讀 者提供最新、最實用和最全面的資訊。 我們亦會介紹有關高球的配件,如手袖、帽和服裝等等。畢竟愛美是女 士們的天性,把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮上場,讓自己打得開心,也是種享受。 有人說,打高球是種 lifestyle;對我來說,lifestyle 不但是種享受,更是 要懂得享受。希望 FORE GIRLS 雜誌能給各位讀者帶來新方向和新視野,讓 你們明白高球是怎樣的一回事,學到更多高球知識,從而對打高球的興趣愈 來愈濃,並跟我們一起在高球場上享受打高球的真正樂趣,愈打愈開心。
Caroline Ling 6
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Enjoy Golf! 享·樂·高球
12 A Gem of a Golf Course 女士熱捧 深水灣高球會 16 The First USPGA Lady Professional in HK and China 隱世球壇瑰寶 20 Question Time 22 It’s a Golfer’s Life 廖鍇夢的高球人生 28 The Perfect Swing 完美揮桿 31 Golf without Boundaries 傷健共融交流日 38 The Return of Xiao Long Nü 俠女再臨 42 Germ-Free Experience 無毒新體驗 44 Golf Course Snow White 高球美白 50 Golfing Elegance 華麗盡顯 52 NAUTICA Summer 2013 Collection 盛夏女裝 綻放海洋活力
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The Age of Chivalry is No More! 紳士不再
Caroline Ling David Kao Janet Chan Issac Chan Alex Chan (Alex@zennotgraphy) Gordon Liu Michelle Luis, Karen Ngan, Becky Wang Lillian Chan Ling Ching Jacqueline Tang Chi Fei Tang
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女士熱捧 深水灣高球會 A Gem of a Golf Course Nestled in a little valley at the base of Shouson Hill located on the south western side of Hong Kong Island is a “Little Gem” of a golf course that is not frequented by many regular golfers. 置身深水灣香港高爾夫球會,面前藍天碧海,身後綠草如茵,天水一色,令人心 曠神怡,精神為之一振。在如此美景下打高爾夫球,確是人生一大樂事。
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Club History
Established in September 1898 and organised by a group of local golfing enthusiasts, the Hong Kong Golf Club, formerly known as the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club, was first permitted to play at Happy Valley. With the number of golfers increasing this location soon became overcrowded. Luckily, the club got permission from the Government to build their first clubhouse in Deep Water Bay. In those days golfers came by sea or by land and would bring their own picnic hampers while golfing.
成立於 1898 年 9 月,前身為皇家香港高爾夫球會,會員定期到跑馬地練習高球,後因場 地不敷應用,獲當時政府撥地在深水灣興建第一所高球會所,逐漸演變成今天的深水灣 高爾夫球會。 當年,高球愛好者會從陸路或海路到深水灣高球會打球,還會帶備野餐用品和食品,邊 打球邊野餐,十分寫意。自此以後,深水灣高球會便成為高球愛好者的熱門場地。
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he main building is over 100 years old built in the traditional “British Colonial Style” architecture popular at the time. The balcony or “verandah” as it was known in those days overlooking the golf course is still the favourite spot for golfers to enjoy a relaxing drink after a round. With progress although the main clubhouse building remains unchanged, other facilities have been added over the years including a swimming pool, gymnasium, both Chinese and Western restaurants and a banqueting hall for members. Together with service excellence, the idea is to encourage members and golfers to spend the whole day there.
Mark Gailey is the current Club Manager who has worked extensively throughout South East Asia in hotel management. He has been with the club for 2 years. Mark commented that, unlike hotel management, in a golf club the maintenance and preservation of the golf course is paramount in providing first class golfing facilities and the club has been putting a lot of effort into this.
綠化環境優美 球會設備齊全,泳池、健身室、中西餐廳和宴會 廳等一應俱全,果嶺和球道保養一流。主大樓建築雖 已有百年歷史,卻仍保留原有的英式貴族風格,坐在 戶外陽台,呷口香濃咖啡,忘掉煩憂,望著高球手在 綠草如茵的球場上打球,實屬賞心樂事。 球會經理 Mark Gailey 曾在香港、新加坡、吉隆坡
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等地從事酒店管理工作,來深水灣高球會作管理工作 已有兩年。他認為管理球場比管理酒店多一重考慮, 就是球道和果嶺的保養。這方面,球會投放了不少資 源,務求會員在這裏打球之餘,能與大自然結合,充 分享受打高球的樂趣。
KEEPING UP WITH THE LADIES Whilst we were there, it was noticeable that of all the golfers teeing off that day, the largest majority by far were ladies. So we asked Mark, why do the ladies love playing here so much? “Location! Location! Location!” Mark jokingly said. “Our Deep Water Bay location is easily accessible from many residential locations and accommodates the lifestyles of many women; mums, working mums and professionals. It will only take around 2 hours to finish two rounds of 9. Therefore, ladies can tee off at 8:00 and leave for work at 10:00 or mums can come for a round with friends after dropping the kids off at school and pick them up after lunch. It absolutely matches their social life and lifestyles.”
配合女性生活 在球會閒坐期間,發現不少女性高球手到這裏打 球。Mark 指出,有六成造訪者是女性,有受朋輩、家 人影響而來的;亦有為商務應酬而來的,但她們均選 擇深水灣高爾夫球會,主要因為地點適中。 「深水灣高球會鄰近住宅區,地點便捷,無論從 淺水灣、半山區、中環,甚至港島其他地方,只需半 小時車程便能到達,所以甚受女士們歡迎。」
「女士們早上八時多來打球,十點多已可回公司 上班。即使有孩子的女士們,送了孩子上學後,便可 相 約 三 五 知 己 來 打 球, 順 道 social 一 下, 吃 過 飯 再 接孩子放學,時間上亦絕對能配合她們的生活節奏和 lifestyle。」
ther reasons ladies prefer playing here is the course at the Hong Kong Golf Club is a nice gentle walk, relatively short with flat fairways and manageable hazards. Most ladies are “Social Golfers”. What this means is golf to them is exercise and chitchat with friends; they walk, they hit the ball, they chat and they eat. They just enjoy relaxing and playing golf in a group. “Golf here is just golf. It’s a zero pressure activity. So, we are attracted to come for fun and pleasure.” remarked a golfer we met on the day.
second round of 9, the tees off boxes are relocated to another position which changes the holes profile in direction and yardage, creating the need for the golfer to use different skill sets. The putting greens are also very challenging being slightly smaller and raised, so landing on the green requires accurate approach shots, otherwise making Par will not be as easy as you think.” Playing this course is not about power but technique and accuracy of direction. It’s a place to train your short game and patience. The course is also very suitable for beginners as it is challenging but also very user friendly. All in all, the Hong Kong Golf Club would be an ideal choice for a few hours golfing or short game tuning for the ladies as well as the gents.
部分男士不太愛到深水灣高球會打球,認為球道 太容易,洞數不多,挑戰性相對較小,未能發揮最大 力量和考驗自己技巧;有人卻持相反意見,認為這球 道看似容易,其實富挑戰性。 Mark 解釋說:「雖然我們只有九個洞,但可打兩 次,相等於十八個洞。兩次雖是同一組洞,但分為紅 裝和白裝,無論位置、方向和碼數均有差別,故需要 的技巧亦不同,難度和刺激度亦因而提高。」 「這球場的難度在於果嶺較小和升起,只要發球 時角度稍有偏差,就很容易把球打在果嶺外,或入了 沙池。故此,這是考驗技術和耐性的好地方。因為難 度特別高,這球場很適合初學者來練習。總的來說, 如果沒有一整天打球,只想練習 short game,或者是 女士們,深水灣高球會會是不錯的選擇。」
Male golfers tend to regard the course at Deep Water Bay to be less challenging for them where they are unable to use all their golfing skills and prowess to play. However, this “seem-to-be easy” course is not as easy as you think. Mark explained. “Although there are only 9 holes, you can play twice which means 18 holes. For the
深水灣高爾夫球會 The Hong Kong Golf Club (Deep Water Bay) 地址 :香港深水灣香島道 19 號 Address :19 Island Road, Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong Tel. :(852) 2812 7070 Website
深水灣高球會的草地呈三角形,由八個三桿洞和 一個四桿洞共二十八桿(對女性而言,就是七個三桿 洞及兩個四桿洞共二十九桿)組成。球道較短,全長 只有一千六百五十碼,但相當平坦,女士們絕對應付 得來。 「大部分來打球的女士都是 social golfer。跟知己 來打球,可以做運動,更重要可以邊行邊打邊閒聊, 順道吃點東西,輕鬆一下已很滿足。所以,體力不是 太好的女士們,在這球場打球,猶如休閒遠足,沒有 太大壓力,這亦是吸引女士們來打球的原因。」有高 球手說。
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t is well known that joining a PGA organisation for a career as a professional golfer is a must. Of all the examinations, the USPGA, generally reserved but not exclusive to men is by far the most rigorous. In the case of Mable Hui, she chose this path, rising to the challenge and successfully passing the requirements after overcoming many challenges along the way. In the process, she became the only Hong Kong lady golfer to achieve the USPGA qualification to this day. It is for this very reason we have chosen to share Mable's story of a young girl from Hong Kong crossing the oceans to take on the mighty USPGA.
眾所周知,投考 PGA 是高球 手躋身職業生涯的必經之路。云云考 試中,以男性為主導的美國職業高爾夫考 核 (USPGA) 最為嚴謹,Mable 依然堅決捨易取難, 大學畢業後繼續在美國修讀 PGA 課程,過五關斬六 將,擊敗一眾男士以優秀成績畢業,成為現時香港唯 一一位獲得 USPGA 資格的女高球手。小記當然不會 錯過訪問 Mable 的機會,跟大家分享她的寶貴經驗。 SUNGLASSES: OAKLEY GOLF CLUBS: SRIXON
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Winning another Trophy
Representing Hong Kong
Making the cut Mable was destined to become a professional golfer from an early age. Mable’s father realised her sporting abilities from a very young age. She started with tennis and soon became a member of the Hong Kong junior team. At the age of twelve she had the chance to learn golf with her best friend and subsequently joined the golf team during her high school years. It was here she met a professional golfer who encouraged her to enter the world of golf. The USPGA provides a complete foundation on all aspects of golf. One needs to pass the Playing Ability Test before being accepted
Mable with her idol Lorena Ochoa
onto the USPGA course and only the best of the best can make the cut. In order to graduate, Mable had to pass three levels of written examinations of which each exam comprised of six to eight different tests. In 2003, Mable not only graduated but also won the top graduating award for Southern California.
關關難過關關過 冥冥中 Mable 註定與高球結下 不解緣。孩提時代一次家庭旅行,入 住一家附設小型果嶺和網球場的度假 酒店,父親帶 Mable 到球場消磨時 間,發現她的協調能力很好,回港後 就讓 Mable 開始學習網球,年紀輕 輕已代表香港比賽。其後 Mable 應 邀陪伴好友學習高爾夫球,Mable 只
是在旁一同聽課,偶爾揮揮桿,不知 不覺卻吸收了很多高球知識和技巧。 高中時期已加入學校高爾夫球隊的 Mable,在練習場上遇到一位專業球 手傾囊相授,令她下定決心以職業高 球手為終身職業。 USPGA 的考核範圍相對廣泛, 不但著重技術,小至球場保養,大至 會所管理,都被納入考試範圍。入 讀 USPGA 前 先 要 接 受 技 術 測 試, 只有精英才能通過第一輪遴選,接著 還要通過三次筆試才能畢業,每次考 試前都要讀畢兩大箱參考書,雖然考 試壓力沉重,Mable 從未有過放棄的 念頭,「這麼難入的課程也入到了, 怎能輕言放棄?於是用功把書讀畢 了」。Mable 不但順利畢業,更脫穎 而出贏得獎學金,名列前茅成為當年 全年加州考生之冠。
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A different path Playing on the PGA tour is the dream of most golfers but Mable chose a different path. Even though Mable may work a ten hour day as a professional coach, she never feels tired. Mable enjoys the interaction with her students, both adults and children. Even though children learn a lot easier than adults, as long as you start with the correct fundamentals, you can still achieve the same level regardless.
展開職業生涯 參加國際高爾夫球職業賽是不少高球 手的夢想,擁有 USPGA 資格的 Mable 卻 一 心 回 港 做 教 練。Mable 享 受 跟 學 生 互 動,縱然日教十數小時,仍未覺厭倦。事 實上,小朋友身體較柔軟,如從小學習高 球,較容易達到職業級水平,但只要了解 當中原理,即使長大後才學高球仍能打出 好成績,「高爾夫就是物理學,只要明白 箇中原理,就會懂得發揮最大能量」。
And one more thing... Some final advice from Mable to beginners, for a good foundation in golf, it’s better to learn the basic fundamentals of golf from orthodox PGA instructors. In case of injury, you should seek help from a professional therapist and do not play through the pain as it will only get worse. It is more important to enjoy every moment of the game.
Graduating from the USPGA in 2003
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最後,Mable 提醒初學者,想練好基 本功,最好找正統教練學習;初學者亦應 量力而為,一旦受傷,必須尋求職業治療 師的診治,切忌勉強繼續,以免傷患惡化, 享受過程比爭奪勝利更為重要。
Question Time
o I need a superb set of clubs? How do I know the coach is professional? How do I develop a good golf swing habit… As a beginner, you should have a list of questions. We are here to give you some tips and advice. 有必要買一套上乘的球桿嗎?如何選擇合適的教練?怎樣 練好基本功…… 高球初哥總是滿腦子疑問,就讓我們為大家解解難吧!
How do I choose appropriate clubs? What are the main considerations? 我應如何揀選一套適合自己的球桿?需要注意些甚麼?
As a beginner, it’s not necessary to buy high quality clubs. After around three month’s practice, your ability will improve. Then, you can ask the coach for their opinion on club selection and of course budget. 初學者毋須急於買一套好球桿,大約學習三個月後,開始掌握自己的力量和揮桿的動作,才向 朋輩或教練徵詢意見,同時亦要考慮自己的經濟能力,最後,要考慮球桿是否適合自己。
How do we know if clubs are suitable for me? 怎樣判斷球桿是否適合自己?
The stiffness and the weight of the clubs are different. Basically, you can ask your coach for advice. You may also visit the club fitter with your coach to measure the strength and angle when you strike a ball. 球桿有軟硬之分,重量亦不盡相同。要知道球桿是否適合自己,可向教練徵詢意見,最好當然 是到 club fitter 量度揮桿的力量和打出的角度,度身訂做一套最適合自己的球桿。
Do we need to change clubs regularly? 有需要定期更換球桿嗎?
Like growing kids changing new pairs of shoes as they grow up, you have to change different clubs according to your circumstances. Choosing a club and choosing a pair of shoes are similar. Once you choose a club, you have to make sure it is suitable for you. Then, you may ask the opinion and make some adjustments on the clubs from the club fitter. 更換球桿就如小朋友換鞋一樣,成長過程中,小朋友需要不斷更換新鞋。同樣道理,當要適應 不同的環境需要時,就要選用不同硬度的球桿。女士們一生會買很多雙鞋,該穿哪一雙才好呢? 這都是取決於個人喜好。挑選球桿也一樣,因應自己喜好揀選球桿,再衡量球桿是否適合自己, 最後到 club fitter 請專業人士調整球桿的性能,以配合自己的需要。
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CLINIC What do lady golfers need when playing golf? 打高球需要甚麼基本裝備?
On sunny days, you should have sunscreen, sunglasses and a cap. On chilly days, you may need a sweater or a jacket. On rainy days, you may bring along a raincoat or umbrella. I can share a list of indispensable items with you according to my experience. For example, you can prepare some snacks like bananas, apples, chocolates and energy drinks to provide energy. 陽光普照的日子,要預備防曬霜、太陽眼鏡和防曬帽;天氣寒冷時,可加添毛衣或禦寒衣物; 下雨天則可帶備雨衣和兩傘。打比賽期間,有些物品是不可或缺的,參賽者可把香蕉、蘋果、 朱古力、健康飲品等放入球袋內,以便隨時補充身體能量。
As a beginner lady golfer, what should we care about? How can we improve our skills? 女性初學高球,有甚麼需要注意?有甚麼方法可以令球技進步?
Usually, ladies start learning golf due to the influence of friends and family. Some of them may learn for business purposes. At the beginning, they will learn how to hold a club, posture and how to control the power. They have to practise physical control at home. Practice is really important for golfers. I suggest you practise at least once a week, for an hour after each lesson. Practice makes perfect. It’s the best way to improve. You may also do some warm-up and warm-down exercises. It helps to loosen your body and reduce injuries. 女性初學高球,一般都是受朋輩或家庭影響,有些是因公務需要而接觸高球。剛開始時,教練 會先教學員正確姿勢、力量的運用以及握桿技巧,亦會指導學員如何運用身體配合打球,讓學 員回家後能多做一些練習,鍛鍊身體動作和姿勢。勤訓練非常重要,建議大家每上完一節課後, 最少自行練習一次,每次練習約一小時,然後再上下一節課,這樣,球技才有進步。此外,打 球前後分別做 一些熱身和伸展運動,可以令身體更加柔軟,舒緩身體受壓處。
How do you choose a suitable golf coach? 如何選擇適合自己的教練?
You can ask your friends or your golf club to introduce a coach to you. However, you can only pick a good coach by observation. You can consider their experience, the competitions they have played in and the awards they have. Speaking of which, ladies prefer handsome coaches. It’s common. At the same time, you have to consider the criteria I mentioned as well. If the coach meets the criteria then they are right one. 可以請求朋輩或學校介紹教練,但仍需靠自己細心觀察,一名好的教 練是可以觀察出來的。學校提供教練時,不妨先了解其個人資料,如打球 年資和歷史、曾經參與的大賽、奪得的獎項等等,都有助挑選合適的教練。 有些女學員喜歡找「靚仔」當教練,這情況相當普遍,但亦要了解清楚該 教練的個人資料,若能具備各方面的條件,便稱得上是合適的教練。
If you have any questions,please send them by email to our resident golf professional at : 本刊誠邀專業高球教練為大家解答疑問,歡迎讀者將問題電郵至 :
AUG 2013
It’s a Golfer’s Life With Gordon Liu 廖鍇夢教練的 高球人生 “At this stage in my career, I really want to make a positive impact on others through golf. I want to do as much as I can, and as best as I can. It’s a life-long lesson for me.” 「我已五十多歲了,很想盡綿力去影響別人,透過高球把 正能量發放出去。能做多少就做多少,能做多好就做多好, 這亦是終身學習的一種。」
AUG 2013
olfers have different reasons for playing golf. They might play for business, with friends or with family. Gordon Liu plays golf for a dream. He wants to influence people around him with the golfing philosophy he has learnt. Gordon established the Asia Impaired Golfers Association (AIGA) to encourage the physically impaired to play golf and experience a more fulfilling life. Now at the age of fifty, Gordon has been playing golf for over forty years. Golf has been present for most of his life. He lived in Sheung Shui when he was a child and would follow his family and friends to Fanling Golf Club so it was inevitable he would become addicted to golf. He visited Taiwan for training when he was around ten and later Australia and the USA. Representing Hong Kong in many international competitions and exchange programs has enabled him to learn about both Asian and Western golf cultures and techniques. Gordon Liu used to be a businessman but after passing the PGA assessment ten years ago, he decided to become a coach promoting golf activities and has been a coach ever since and has tasted the broad spectrum of life experiences on the golf course. Now, Gordon has an extensive group of students under his tutelage. “Playing golf is not only about hitting balls into a series of holes, it is also a kind of philosophy. Don’t underestimate the eighteen holes on the ground or the tiny balls. They test the emotions, the personality and even the life of a person. Undoubtedly, golf is an escape from life’s worries. It’s a pleasure to play golf with friends enjoying the beautiful landscape and cultures when playing golf overseas. You can talk about business or even love while hitting balls over the eighteen holes. What might happen on the course is always unexpected. And that’s the charm of golf.”
在高爾夫球場上,游走於十八個 洞之間,各人懷有不同目的,有為生 意應酬,也有為家人朋友,廖鍇夢教 練卻只為一個夢,希望把從高球領略 的人生哲理,影響身邊的人。近年, 他創立了亞洲傷健高爾夫球協會,致 力把高球運動推廣至傷健人士,希望 以生命影響生命,讓所有人都有機會 在高球場上領略美滿人生。 今年五十多歲的廖鍇夢教練,原 來已有四十多年打高球經驗。擔任高 球教練前,他已是粉嶺高球會會員, 九三年開始代表香港出賽,十多年前 放棄從商,經考核成為 PGA 會員, 開始投身高球教練行業,至今已桃李 滿門,看盡球場上的人生百態,可謂 大半生縱橫於高球場上。 他是新界上水圍人士,從小跟家 人、朋輩進出粉嶺高爾夫球會,耳濡 目染下愛上了高球運動。十多歲已到 台灣受訓,後來更往澳洲、美國等地 接受訓練,並多次代表香港參加國外 的高球比賽和交流,一直受東、西方 高球文化和技術洗禮。 「別以為打高球只是揮桿把球 打進洞裏便算,當中有很多人生學 問,從中能看盡一個人的喜怒哀樂、 品格,甚至人生。高球場是一個能暫 時拋開煩惱的地方,可以享受跟朋友 對賽,欣賞對方的姿態,也可以到不 同球場打球,順道欣賞當地風景和文 化。在十八個洞的過程中,可以談生 意,甚或談情說愛,很多事都能在高 球場上發生,這是我醉心高球的主要 原因。」
AUG 2013
Never Give UP!
打好高球,技術固然重要,但意志力也不 可少,去年,廖教練在台灣比賽時,意外拉傷 了小腿和手肘,即使是 150 和 180 碼的洞也要 用盡氣力才足以應付。壓力雖大,但憑著堅強 意志,廖教練最終也成功進入最後一個回合, 以 75 桿成績完成賽事,排名第三十九。 「在台灣那次,情況真的很嚴峻,但受了 傷,更不應輕言放棄;反而要跟自己說,要撐 下去,增強自己的意志力。我經常教學生,尤 其年紀較小的,做任何事都不言放棄,這是最 重要的,亦是人生的座右銘。」 如何增強個人意志?廖教練說:「打高球, EQ 很重要。要在一秒之間把球打出,身體各 部位要同時發揮,這亦是打高球最難的一點。 所以,很講求平日的練習和心態的培訓。在練 習中,我會不斷灌輸學生不言敗的精神,未必 次次都能做得最好,但一定要盡力而為。」
ther than technique, willpower is also important. Last year, while participating in a golf tournament in Taiwan, Gordon injured his calf and elbow, making it harder for him to strike the ball. He was stressed as he needed a full swing for 150 yards to 180 yards approach shots. Not discouraged by his injuries, he entered the final and finished the game with 75 strokes, ranking him in 39th place. “Last year, I was injured in a tournament and it was disastrous. But I couldn’t give up because of it. Instead, I hung in there. I always tell my students, especially the younger generation one thing, never giving up is the key to success. It’s the most important motto in our lives.” “How can we be tough? Emotional Quotient (EQ) is important for playing golf. The hardest part is to coordinate the whole body and hit the ball in one motion. It depends on daily exercise and emotional control. In the lessons, I always encourage my students to do their best. They may not be at their best all the time and should not be afraid of failure.”
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All for Golf and Golf for All
在高球場上,廖教練是名硬漢子,私底下卻 是有心人。因熱愛高球,他影響太太、孩子和朋 輩成為高球手。近年經常跟太太結伴到中國參加 高球活動、比賽及交流,一方面可以發展共同興 趣;另一方面可以同遊中國名山大川,盡顯鶼鰈 情深。 此外,他與一眾徒弟首創了亞洲傷健高爾夫 球會,成為首間由 PGA 教練開辦課程,專門教 授傷健人士打高球的機構。今年,廖教練跟協會 會員一同前往北京,與中國高球協會、中國殘奧 會高協作交流,目標是進軍 2016 年殘疾人士奧 運會。 廖教練致力透過高球幫助別人,亦是幼承庭 訓。「從小,父親經常教導我,要對自己負責任; 要對家庭負責任;要對社會負責任。未來,我會 在高球領域上投放更多在慈善上,希望幫助更多 的人。」
Gordon is a tough guy on the course. However, he also has a gentler side. His wife, children and friends became golfers because of him. Recently, Gordon attended a variety of events, competitions and exchange programs in China with his wife. On the one hand, they can share their common interest while, on the other hand, they can travel around China together. Moreover, Gordon has launched the Asia Impaired Golfers Association (AIGA) with his students. It is the first organisation providing golf programs held by a PGA coach for those who are physically less abled. Gordon went to Beijing with members to meet the China Golf Association and the China Paralympic Committee aiming to put golf into the Paralympic Games in 2016. Gordon wants to help others because of his family education as well. “Since I was a child, my father taught me to be responsible to the family, to society, and to myself. I will be putting more effort into charity golf to help as many people as I can.” AUG 2013
The Art of Golf With a long history in the golfing world, Gordon has a good understanding of lady golfers, more than most in Hong Kong. “Forty years ago, there were mainly foreign ladies playing golf and only a small number of wealthy Asian ladies. Nowadays, golf has become more popular with the increasing position and economic status of Hong Kong women. They play golf with friends, for business or with family. The ratio of female to male golfers is 1 to 3 now.” “The Korean, Australian, American and Swiss lady golfers have been doing a great job at the LPGA events. As a man, their talents really impressed me.” Gordon indicated that lady golfers are not as strong and powerful as men, regardless of nationalities. However, nothing is impossible with long-term training. Ladies can also play golf as well as their male counterparts. I initially thought golf was something really mechanical. Gordon said, “When you first get in touch with golf, you might play mechanically. After you become accustomed to it, you can play it more smoothly and softly, like doing Tai-chi. A woman playing golf is as amazing as a dancer. You can see how beautiful they are when they strike the ball. If she’s tall and beautiful like adorable Michelle Wie, she’s like an artist’s painting, an idol to us all.”
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盈盈若舞 廖教練縱橫球場已有四十多年,他對女士打高球 的歷史非常熟悉。「四十多年前,打高球的女性主要 都是外國人,只有少數富裕的華人女性參與。隨著香 港女性地位和經濟能力提升,高球運動漸趨普及,現 時,學習高球的女士跟男士比例為一比三。」 「在 LPGA 賽事中,來自韓國、澳洲、美國、瑞 士等地的女高球手,都打得相當不錯,作為男士,看 到她們的技術,都會自愧不如。」廖教練指出,香港 女士雖然力量較小,但經過長時間訓練,同樣可以打 出好成績。 一直以來,我以為高球是項硬橋硬馬的運動,廖 教練卻說:「初學時,動作難免有點生硬。適應後便 能發揮自如,就像耍太極一樣,柔中帶勁。尤其女士 們,打高球猶如跳舞般美,可欣賞她們的形態美、揮桿 美,風格一點也不遜色於男士。就像世界級的 Michelle Wie,連男士們都望塵莫及。」
AUG 2013
STEP 1 Bend forward slightly and stand at a distance from the ball that allows your upper arms to hang straight down. 身體微微向前傾,膝蓋微 曲,距離球一段位置而 立,讓上臂得以垂直。
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STEP 2 Move your arms and the club backward along the path. In the meantime, try to keep the body and shoulder in the same position. 手臂與球桿一起沿目標線往後 帶。此時,身體和肩膀幾乎沒有 動作。
STEP 3 Backswing to the right top (maintain 90° cocking) until your left shoulder reaches the level of your jaw. 左肩向右上方旋轉至下巴下 方, 維 持 90 度 夾 角, 屈 腕 揮 桿。
AUG 2013
STEP 4 Shift towards the target as you whip the club through impact (uncocking from 90°-180° to impact) and into a balanced finish. 下 桿 時 釋 放 手 腕 ( 角 度 由 90 度至 180 度,非曲腕揮桿 ), 使捍頭方正地通過擊球區。
STEP 5 Let your body follow the swing to the left until your body is facing the target directly. Support your body using the upper left leg and bend the right knee inwards. 送桿過程中,身體持續向左旋轉, 直到身體正面向著目標。重心在左 腿上方,右腳膝蓋靠向左腿。
STEP 6 Get your upper body over your left side to complete the swing. 擊球後,藉由慣性,隨著手肘 彎曲而逐漸往上移,進入收桿 姿勢。
AUG 2013
AIGA was established in April 2012 as Hong Kong’s first non-profit organisation providing golf training to physically less abled individuals giving them an opportunity to enjoy and excel in golf. Every coach in the AIGA is an experienced professional with many years of training and provides personal guidance to each of their students. 亞洲傷健高爾夫球協會 (AIGA) 於二零一二年四月正式成立,是香港首 個為傷殘人士提供高爾夫球訓練的非牟利機構,讓傷殘人士得享平等機會參 與高球運動。AIGA 每位教練及導向員都具備多年高球經驗,為傷健球員提 供專業指導和培訓。 More recently, AIGA organised a golf tournament in Beijing with members of the Beijing University EMBA course where they had the opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts with one another as well as playing golf, of course. The aim of the tournament was to show that despite the physical disadvantages of students from the AIGA they could play alongside able-bodied individuals in golf without issues. After running such an event, it indeed demonstrated that in golf, everyone is on an even playing field despite the circumstances. AIGA will continue to promote a unified golfing experience for the future where people from all walks of life can compete as one without prejudice, holding annual charity golf events and creating a better, more harmonious society. 六月二十八日,AIGA 帶同幾位傷殘人士到北京進行高球交流,與一眾 北京大學 EMBA 總裁班成員切磋球技、交流心得,達到傷健共享高球樂的宗 旨。是次活動成功引起參與團隊的關注,發掘出傷殘人士的高球潛能。未來 的日子,AIGA 會繼續推動傷健高爾夫運動,舉辦年度慈善賽,創造傷健共 融新世代。 For further information, please visit
AUG 2013
AUG 2013
After a round of golf, immerse your senses in the tranquillity of paradise. AUG 2013
Six Senses Samui, Thailand The tranquil Six Senses Samui nestles on a gently sloping headland on the northern tip of Samui Island, just 45 minutes by air south of Bangkok. The setting offers 20-acres of indigenous vegetation with privacy and breathtaking panoramas to the Gulf of Thailand. Le paisible Six Senses Samui est niché sur une colline à l’extrême nord de l’île de Samui, à seulement 45 minutes d’avion de Bangkok. Le complexe s’étend sur 20 hectares de nature sauvage et offre un panorama époustouflant sur le golfe de Thaïlande.
– Panoramic vistas to the Gulf of Thailand and outlying islands – 66 spacious private villas with open-style bathrooms – many with private infinity pools – Award winning Six Senses Spa with outdoor treatment salas and indoor rooms – 4 restaurants and bars including the multi-award winning Dining on the Rocks – Many water and land excursions, and on-site activities – Main infinity pool with stunning panoramic views
Accommodations / Hébergement
66 spacious villas - 52 with private infinity swimming pools. There are one-bedroom Pool Villas with ocean views, spacious Ocean Front Pool Villa Suites, and the signature villa - the two bedroom Retreat, which offers a stunning view out to the Gulf of Thailand. 66 villas spacieuses dont 52 avec une piscine privée à débordement. L’hôtel dispose de Pool Villas d’une chambre avec vue sur la mer, de spacieuses Ocean Front Pool Villas Suites, et de la Villa Signature, la Retreat Villa de 2 chambres offrant une vue imprenable sur le golfe de Thaïlande.
Dining / Restaurants
The award-winning Dining on the Rocks offers New Asian and modern interpreted cuisines plus a stunning 270 degree panorama of the Gulf of Thailand. Dining on the Hill offers Thai, international and heath-balanced cuisines, while the adjacent Wine on the Hill boasts a cellar with more than 300 labels from 19 countries. Chill on the Beach is for drinks, barbecues and light snacks during the day. Le restaurant récompensé Dining on the Rocks propose une cuisine asiatique revisitée et inventive tout en offrant une magnifique vue panoramique à 270 degrés sur le golfe de Thaïlande. Le restaurant Dining on the Hill sert une cuisine thaïlandaise, internationale et diététique tandis que l’attenant bar à vin Wine on the Hill dispose d’une cave de plus de 300 appellations venant de 19 pays. Le Chill on the Beach propose boissons, snacks et grillades en journée.
Six Senses Spa
Maximizing the spectacular water views from outdoor treatment salas and indoor treatment rooms, the Six Senses Spa offers an extensive menu of holistic and traditional treatments administered by highly skilled therapists using naturally derived and ethically produced spa products. Depuis ses salles de soins extérieures et intérieures dominant le golfe de Thaïlande, le Spa Six Senses propose un large programme de soins holistiques et traditionnels dispensé par une équipe de thérapeutes qualifiés utilisant des produits fabriqués par Six Senses Spa à partir d’ingrédients naturels dans le respect de l’environnement.
Leisure Activites / Activités
Explore the natural beauty of Samui Island. Go by foot, elephant, motorcycle or car. Discover beautiful surrounding islands and Thong National Marine Park where diving is recommended. Or just laze around the resort, enjoy the Watersport Centre, the main infinity pool and easily accessible Chaweng beach and nearby fishing village; plus Thai cooking classes. Explorez la beauté naturelle de l’île de Samui, à pied, à dos d’éléphant, en moto ou en voiture, découvrez les superbes iles voisines et le Parc National Marin Thong conseillé pour la plongée, ou relaxez vous au cœur de l’hôtel en profitant du centre de sports nautiques, de la piscine à débordement et accédez facilement à la plage de Chaweng et au village de pêcheurs voisin. Pour les amateurs de cuisine, des cours de cuisine thaïlandaise sont aussi proposés.
How To Get There / Comment S’y Rendre
Samui International Airport has frequent flights from Bangkok (45 minutes) and regional countries. The resort is a 15-minute drive from the airport De nombreux vols quotidiens de Bangkok sont effectués vers l’aéroport international de Koh Samui (45 minutes de vol direct). De nombreux vols sont également possibles depuis d’autres pays de la region. L’hôtel est situé à 15 minutes en voiture de l’aéroport.
Big Buddha
Bophut Samui Int’l Airport
CAMBODIA Gulf of Thailand
Koh Samui
To Book / Réservations
Six Senses Samui T: +66 7724 5678 E:
Further Inquiries / Renseignements
Six Senses Hotels, Resorts & Spas T: +66 2631 9777 E:
Park Ventures Ecoplex, 9th Floor, 57 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
he classic character of Xiaolongnü in the Hong Kong 80s TV series The Return of the Condor Heroes was made for Idy Chan. Her portrayal of this role made her a household name throughout Asia. Despite the cold exterior of the character, she was classy, elegant and feisty and played to perfection by Idy and the critics just loved her. While Idy Chan is no longer in the showbiz limelight, she has still been very active diverting her energy into charitable causes in remote regions of China, trying to help others less fortunate in the spirit of humanity.
要數最經典的小龍女,相信非陳玉 蓮(蓮妹)莫屬。她那冷若冰霜的外表, 溫文爾雅的舉止,身披一襲輕紗白衣的 脫俗氣質,就連「神鵰俠侶」的作者金 庸亦讚口不絕。時至今日,小龍女已不 再隱居深山古墓,反而積極走訪山區幫 助貧困弱小,延續俠義精神。
AUG 2013
Idy Chan and her apprentices
A Helping Heart
被問到為何做個全職義工時,陳 玉蓮立即更正,「我不是做義工,而 是做慈善」,義工跟慈善的分別在於 前者屬於義務工作,不涉及金錢,工 作性質由別人安排;後者則是付出金 錢、力量、時間和愛心,自己可以決 定受助人和工作內容。
When asked why she became a volunteer worker, she was quick to point out that, actually, she was an organiser rather than a volunteer. A volunteer is someone who joins an organisation to help others where as she organises and manages charity projects allowing her to personally choose the direction in which to help others.
樂於助人固然值得讚賞,但亦要 幫得其所才不至於弄巧反拙。陳玉蓮 自二零零八年開始到山區做慈善,朋 友得悉後都紛紛提出為當地興建學校 飯堂盡一分綿力,希望當地兒童有更 多機會接受教育,然而,大部分人都 忽略了當地學校其實供過於求。陳玉 蓮每次都會親自走訪每個山區,了解 當地情況及實際需要,才對症下藥幫 助他們,就連同行的人也經過精挑細 選。一旦遇上合眼緣的女孩,更會把 她們留在身邊,親自栽培,希望助她 們改變命運。
修行悟人生 自從跟隨師父修行後,陳玉蓮坦 言自己改變了很多。蓮妹以往都有參 與義務工作,認為做義工很偉大,結
She believed that helping others was an important cause and one should do so with conviction rather than just for the sake of it. In 2008, while organising a charity event, friends suggested to her that she should set up schools in these remote regions to provide the local children with access to education. What seemed like a logical step was not the appropriate one as she witnessed many schools had been built by others but the demand was not there, simply because there were not enough children to fill the
schools. So, now with the benefit of hindsight, Idy will assess the needs of the region to establish what will really make a difference to their lives. Idy has managed to successfully continue doing charity work by benefitting from the people she surrounds herself with, people who she can see potential in and hence will support and sponsor them so that they can fulfill their potential.
Self-enlightenment Under the tutelage of her mentor, she explains, she has changed a great deal and her experience in this field of work has led her to respect those who do this for a living all the more. She recognised this work to be both mentally and physically tiring and in order to help others, you must first help yourself. Over the years she has seen much hardship while on her travels and now looks at life in a very different perspective. AUG 2013
One important lesson learnt is that after speaking with people from these remote areas and hearing their daily struggles and hardship, it is important to project a positive outlook, only then can you truly help them. Idy has spent much time studying theology and psychology in an effort to improve herself, particularly for her work. With greater understanding of herself and life, she feels she can make a greater impact on the lives of those she is trying to help.
From movie star to samaritan Idy came from humble beginnings in a district called Tiu Keng Leng in Hong Kong and took her first step into the entertainment industry at the tender age of sixteen when she enrolled in a school for performing arts. Her ambition was never to become a major star but simply to gain the experience. As fate would have it, she was very lucky from an early stage and given many opportunities. Despite the success of her signature role of Xiaolongnü, she is proudest of her role in another lesser-known TV series that showed
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her range and tested her as an actress yet gave her less recognition. Having left the industry for many years, she has been very much forgotten by the general public. To help her charity work, she often takes a picture of herself with the still prominent and famous Hong Kong superstar and former co-star Andy Lau to remind people of her past acting career. Most recently, Idy has stepped back in the limelight to once again increase her profile and boost support for her charity work. Her charity work has been considered a success. However, Idy believes there is always room for improvement and one should never be too easily satisfied. You must always strive to better yourself and over achieve, only then can you truly excel in what you do. It is her persistency and support from her family that has kept her driven throughout the years but she recognises the need to have realistic goals and not to dwell on the unachievable otherwise you just end up achieving nothing in the end. Luckily for Idy, this has not happened and she continues today as she has done so many years ago with the same drive and spirit.
Idy Chan meeting locals 果日以繼夜的義務工作換來筋疲力 盡,修行後才明白要救人,必先自救 的道理,「不懂泳術的救生員怎能救 人?遇溺者未獲救自己已浸死了」。 終日遊走山區,看著一雙雙悽愴的眼 神,聽見一個個悲慘的遭遇,難免令 人心酸,修行正好能鍛鍊個人靈性, 「我已經淨化了自己,亦感激師父鞭 策,使我變得更堅強。若果我們表現 得比當地村民更悲傷更難過,又怎能 協助他們走出陰霾?」 「以戒為師」是修行的宗旨,追 隨的是佛陀、老子、耶穌的戒律,而 非單一宗教的教義。修行期間,蓮妹 花很多時間進修和思考,閱讀內容廣 泛,包括老子、佛經、基督教和心靈 書籍,學會多重宇宙人生,學會多角 度分析每件事情。正如當大家紛紛向 山區兒童捐贈綿衣,蓮妹已意識到當 地兒童真正需要的並不是綿衣,而是 被崎嶇山路磨損割破的鞋,這都是從 修行中領悟出來的助人之道。
從幕前到山區 陳玉蓮小時居於調景嶺,當時資 訊並不發達,她對娛樂圈一無所知, 十六歲那年,機緣巧合下加入藝員訓 練班,踏上星途。性格使然,蓮妹從 未存有野心,只是抱著隨遇而安的心 態發展演藝事業,但亦幸運地得到不 少演出機會。蓮妹的小龍女形象實在 深入民心,但她最滿意的作品卻是 《玉梨魂》中顧玉梨一角,亦是她真 正感覺自己演技有進步的一套劇。 闊別演藝界十數載,不少山區居 民對陳玉蓮早已淡忘,為了讓山區 居民信任自己、接受幫助,蓮妹總 會帶著跟楊過(劉德華)的合照。近 年來,她再次亮相公開場合和參演劇 集,又接受傳媒採訪,都是為了增加 知名度,爭取機會接觸各界人士,協 助慈善工作得以順利進行,兩者相輔 相成。
作為一位全職慈善家,陳玉蓮可 謂相當出色,但她並未安於現狀, 對自己的表現仍未滿意。「我覺得 自己在修行上實在進步太少,如果安 於現狀就會退步,我一定要不斷鞭策 自己,不可以只做夠一百分,要做到 一百一十、一百二十分」,她對修行 態度堅定,家人亦相當支持,各人有 各人的崗位,為慈善出一分力。所謂 「坐這山,望那山,一事無成」,也 許就是她的專注和堅持,才能不斷進 步,幫助更多有需要的人。
The role of Xiaolongnu AUG 2013
Germ-Free Experience 無毒新體驗
病毒是一種具有細胞感染性的粒 子,由保護性外殼包裹,內藏一段 用 於 複 製 的 DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) 或 RNA (Ribonucleic acid)。病 毒藉由接觸其他細胞而進行複製,但 不能獨立生長。
What is a virus?
virus is a small infectious agent protected by a protein coat with DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid) inside. It can only replicate inside the living cells of an organism. Today, there are over 5,000 known viruses which are in a wide diversity of shapes and sizes such as helical and icosahedral forms. SARS is an example of Coronaviruses.
Pick the right essence There is a variety of anti-virus products and methods. An Air Purifier is an example. Usually, it removes the contaminants from the air by activated carbon, ions and high voltage. There are also germkilling sprays which contain toxins in order to kill the insects. There are some natural germ-
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killing products which contain e s s e n t i a l o i l s . H o w e v e r, i t i s complicated and expensive to extract the essence. Therefore, the quality varies. In order to reduce the cost, most of the products contain just a little amount of not-so-pure essence oil. Germ-Free Essence or Desert Essence is an effective one where the ingredients are moderate and pure. Germ-Free Essence is a combination of over ten different natural essence oil extracts, including eucalyptus, lippia citriodora and peppermint. It gives a pleasant scent and effective antibacterial effect. Moreover, it is harmless to human beings and the environment. Simply apply it to the nostril and throat region, or spray over the surrounding area and surface of mask to achieve the best anti-virus effect.
市面上有很多抗病毒產品和方 法,普遍有空氣清新機,它們大多使 用活性碳、負離子、高壓電板等技術 過濾空氣,但作用範圍非常有限。也 有一般的殺毒噴霧,因為很多帶菌蚊 蟲都具抗藥性,所以大部分推出市面 的殺毒噴霧都含有害人體的毒性。 市面上也有若干成份天然的殺毒 產品,多數內含天然精油,但因為精 油的提煉過程複雜而且價錢昂貴, 故質素參差。為求降低成本,很多 產品的精油含量更不高也不純。品 質佳的天然成份產品如 Germ-Free Essence 或 Desert Essence, 精 油 濃度則適中純正。 Germ-Free Essence 混 合 了 十 多種極天然精油的抗病毒精華素,包 括尤加利精油、檸檬馬鞭草精油、薄 荷精油等等,具強大抗菌功能,氣味 清新自然,而且對人體及環境無害。 可簡單塗抹於鼻孔及喉嚨位置作保 護,或噴灑於空間及口罩外面,加強 抗病毒功能。
高球美白防曬篇 Golf Course Snow White Sun Protection Recently, there are an increasing number of female golf-lovers. It is comparatively hard for them to apply make-up due to their dark and dry skin, especially in summer. No matter how much they love golf, skin protection is always the priority.
近年接觸不少女仕客戶原來都愛上打高爾夫球, 每次為她們化妝,特別於夏天時, 皮膚總會偏黑 及較乾,同時上妝亦比較難。不僅高球是她們熱 愛的運動,但也不要忘記做好保護皮膚程序哦! 很多韓國的女星們都是美白達人,她們非常著重 美白程序,而美白第一步便是防曬!要令高球女 將美白有道 , 那要先認識有關防曬產品的名詞:
Many Korean artists are experts in whitening. They care about every single step. The first step is to protect your skin from sun damage. Let us start with the terms about sun protection.
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Sun Protection Factor 中文可解作防禦指數 , 美國用以顯示防紫外線 UVB 的時間長度。紫外線 的 UVB 主要會使皮膚角質增厚、暗沈、變紅、發 痛及變乾等。根據黃色皮膚人種可承受的紫外線
時間(一般是 15 分鐘),以 SPF30 的防曬乳為 例,就可延長承受 UVB 時間 30 倍,即可抵禦(30 x 15 分鐘)450 分鐘的 UVB 紫外線。
Protection Grade of UVA 日本用以標示防曬 產品的抗 UVA 能力。UVA 是形成皮膚老化、皺 紋、失去彈性、黑色素沉澱、曬傷等的主要原兇。 一般擁有 PA+ 的防曬產品大約可延長曬黑時間多 2 - 4 倍;PA++ 約為 4 - 8 倍;而 PA+++ 約為 8 16 倍;而最新的 PA++++ 則可延長 16 倍以上的 時間。
物理防曬 物 理 防 曬 是 以 反 光 粒 子 組 成, 將 紫 外 光 反 射 開, 又 或 者 直 接 阻 擋 紫 外 光。 物 理 防 曬 的「 真 身 」 其 實 是 礦 物 粉, 變 身 成 為 乳 液 自 然 會 較 為 厚 重, 如 果 防 曬 指 數 愈 高, 粒 子 密 度 便 愈 高, 塗 上 面 很 容 易 出 現 泛 白 的 問 題。 適合敏感性或柔嫩肌膚使用。好處就是塗抹後可 以即時達到防曬效果。
化學防曬 用化學物質與細胞結合,達到吸收某部分波 長的紫外線效果。利用紫外光吸收劑在皮膚表 面 產 生 化 學 變 化, 將 吸 收 的 能 量 轉 換 成 熱 能。 適合油性或痘痘性肌膚使用。需要於出門前預早 15-20 分鐘塗抹才能發揮防曬作用。 打高球是長時間於室外的活動,每一場高爾夫球 起碼歷時 4 小時吧,所以選擇防曬系數較高、透 氣度高卻防水防汗的產品。 有專家建議,進行戶外活動,SPF30 以上, PA+++ 以上的防曬產品才足夠。加上長時間處於 曝曬,汗水加油脂分泌容易使身上的防曬失效, 因此各位女士們記緊每隔 2 小時,或每 9 個洞就 要補充防曬一次。同時不要遺漏耳朵,鼻底,嘴 唇等位置,以防膚色不均,鴛鴦面等問題出現! 防曬現時包括防曬乳外,亦有具即時修飾面 色及瑕疵的妝前底霜。我很多時都會建議高球女 仕們選擇,因為除了是在選擇粉底時不需要兼顧 有否防曬功效外,另想效果更乾爽透薄,也只需 掃上碎粉便可。
Sun Protection Factor, which means the protective index in Chinese. In the US, it indicates the duration of the protection from UVB. UVB may thicken the stratum corneum, causing darkened, dehydrated, red and painful skin and so on. Normally, Asians safe exposure to ultraviolet rays is 15 minutes. An Asian person who uses SPF 30 sunscreen can extend the duration of exposure to UVB by 30 times, which means 450 minutes (30 x 15 mins).
Protection Grade of UVA, which is for measuring the ability of the sun protection products against UVA. UVA is the main cause of skin aging, wrinkles, loose skin, freckles and sunburn. Sun protection products with PA+, PA++ and PA+++ can extend the tanning effect by 2 to 4, 4 to 8, and 8 to 16 times respectively. The latest product with PA++++ can even extend tanning effects by over 16 times.
Physical sun protection
Reflects ultraviolet light by light-reflexing particles or block ultraviolet light directly. The main ingredient is actually mineral powder which turns into a thick lotion. The density of the particles increases with the sun protection effect. It may result in a layer of white colour on the skin. It is suitable for sensitive and soft skin. The advantage is sunblock works right after you apply the sunscreen. AUG 2013
當然要全面防曬也不只於在皮膚上塗塗抹抹, 一些外在裝備也是高球場上必不可少的。各位高 球女將們 , 要成為球場內外另一道美麗風景,總 得付出些代價。
Chemical sun protection
Combines the chemicals with cells in order to absorb part of the ultraviolet light. It turns UV into energy through the chemical reaction of the UV absorbent on the surface of the skin. It is suitable for oily and acne-prone skin. You have to apply the sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going out. Golf is a long-lasting outdoor activity. Each game may last for at least four hours. So, you had better choose high SPF, breathable and waterproof sunscreen. Experts suggested that sunscreen with SPF 30 and PA+++ or above would be the best for outdoor activities. Moreover, sweat and oily skin may reduce the sun protection effect. Therefore, you have to re-apply sunscreen every two hours or every nine holes. Last but not least, you have to apply sunscreen thoroughly, including ears, nose and lips to avoid uneven colour on the face. Except sunscreen, BB cream is an alternative for sun protection. It can also cover the imperfections on the face. It is highly recommended. Then, UV protection foundation is not a must. If you want to make it simple, you can just apply some powder foundation on top. Sun protection products are not the only way to prevent sun damage. No pain, no gain. If you want to be a spotlight stealer in the golf club, you have to be well prepared.
RICKY KAZAF 星級化妝導師 多年星級化妝經驗,致力教授化妝技巧, 善用各種不同化妝品,近年最愛幫人搵自信, 眉筆做埋原子筆,文字發力,圖片發功, 每堂教你靚妝容。
Facebook: RickyKAZAF
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Tranquillity Harmony
aledictorian has designed a stylish, limited edition ruby putter exclusively for the elegant lady golfer. It comes in three different lengths and weighs just 347g, the perfect weight to give the lady golfer the perfect putt. The white stichback on the red cabretta leathered grip and the red headcover gives the putter a unique and eye-catching look. The ruby is embedded into the putter to enhance the elegance in the hands of the ladies. The redness symbolises the passion and beauty of the lady golfer. Playing golf with this luxurious putter will definitely be the highlight on the golf course.
Valedictorian 為一眾愛美且熱愛高球運動的女士 設計了一款時尚推杆,限量發售 888 支,推杆只重 347 克,讓女士們推球時更加得心應手,推杆有三種 長度可供選擇。頭柄及手柄均以紅色為主色,紅色 純羊皮手柄配以白色拼接線,顏色鮮明又不落俗套, 加上紅寶石點綴,更能彰顯女士們高貴優雅的一面, 同時象徵女性熱情洋溢的個性。場上英姿配搭尊貴推 杆,必定成為球場上的焦點。 Lucky Red
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Black Edition HK$66,800
Lady Black
ou always want to give your putter a personal touch? Valedictorian makes your dream come true. Besides limited editions, Valedictorian designs a small range of very unique masterpieces, which are only available on special request to satisfy your personal needs. Valedictorian putters combine a century old tradition of watch-making with the professionalism and understanding of the game of golf. The result of this ingenious alliance makes Valedictorian the supreme performance luxury putter. A brand founded on three crucial values: Performance, elegance and uniqueness. The innovative concept and design of valedictorian putter deliver unrivaled feel and balance. Valedictorian strives to craft perfect putters, which are recognized by the sport’s best and most demanding players. Valedictorian putter’s centre of gravity has been carefully studied, and less than 1 micron on every design to ensure a perfect balance. The second challenge was to give to every creation a jewelry line, in order to achieve this Valedictorian uses only the best materials on the market. Choosing within stainless steel, titanium, gold and platinum, Valedictorian is proud to offer to their customers, an exclusive alliance of materials and gems with exceptional quality. 出於對高爾夫運動的熱愛,和高級製錶業的熱忱,兩個技 術高超的好朋友合作,誕生了 Valedictorian® 他們的意圖很明 顯,就是要開創和打造別具特色的豪華推杆,同樣也是高爾夫 和製錶業的交匯催生了這個未來的可個性化定制的豪華推杆, 以獲得 Valedictorian 最精緻的限量版推杆,品牌由此誕生。 Valedictorian 的第一個挑戰是設計一個造型,採用了瑞士 製錶業最好的軟體和最優秀的工程師,它保證在表現最佳性能 的同時,具有不可抗拒的優雅。Valedictorian 每一個推杆的重 心都被精心衡量,差距不足一微米,確保完美平衡。 第二個挑戰是讓每個設計變成一種珠寶類型,為了實現這 一想法,Valedictorian 只採用市場上最好的材料。不銹鋼,鈦 金,黃金和鉑金,Valedictorian 自豪地向客戶提供結合最優材 質和珍貴寶石卓越品質。 如果您一直想給您的推杆以個性化的設計,Valedictorian 讓你夢想成真。除了限量版,Valedictorian 設計了一個非常獨 特的傑作,小範圍供應,只為滿足您個性化需求。 當製作這些獨家作品,Valedictorian 可以根據您的個人品 味和意願,特別設計鑽石鑲嵌或雕刻。Valedictorian 設計團隊 每個限量款實現您的個人風格,是完美,個性和魅力的保證。 每款設計都由珠寶業最優秀的設計師參與。
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Summer 2013 Collection Celebrating 30Years on the Water
三十周年呈獻 盛夏女裝 綻放海洋活力
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o commemorate our 30th milestone anniversary, the NAUTICA 2013 summer collection is rich in nautical style and inspiration, with added performance details and utilitarian function. It emcompasses the very spirit of regatta competition and of the iconic characters that embody the heritage of the sailing world. The 2013 Ladies Summer Collection is based on the theme of 1983 to celebrate NAUTICA's 30 year anniversary. NAUTICA's classic colourway of navy and white and graphic prints, along with performance driven fabrication and quality craftsmanship showcase the fresh and sophisticated collection of Summer 2013. 為紀念品牌成立 30 周年,NAUTICA 設計出一系列極具航海 風格的 2013 夏季女裝,當中加入了很多細節配襯並注入功能性 布料。洋溢夏日風情的設計和獨特的風格更是充分地體現了航海 世界的傳統。 2013 女裝夏季系列以 1983 年經典美式海洋風格為設計意 念。該系列以海軍藍和白色作為主調,生動的圖案和設計加上優 質的布料更使 2013 夏季系列顯得更新穎但不落俗套。
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ShopRite LPGA Classic Championship
Walmart NW Arkansas Championship
修普萊特 LPGA 精英賽
31 May to 2 Jun 2013
21 to 23 Jun 2013
All week at the ShopRite LPGA Classic Presented by Acer the focus was on the tough playing conditions. So leave it to a Hall of Famer to be the one to come out on top in Sunday’s final round. Karrie Webb started the day five shots behind second-round leader Shanshan Feng but fired a 3-under 68 to capture her 39th career LPGA Tour victory.
Rolex Rankings No. 1 Inbee Park came out as the victor in a one-hole playoff with No. 5 So Yeon Ryu to capture her fifth win this season at the Walmart NW Arkansas Championship Presented by P&G. Park overcame a four-stroke deficit on Sunday and held the outright lead before second round co-leader So Yeon Ryu sunk a 10-foot birdie putt on the final hole to force a playoff.
由宏碁贊助的修普萊特 LPGA 精英賽完滿結束,受 惡劣天氣影響,各選手都要施展渾身解數,爭奪冠軍寶 座。韋伯開始時在第二輪賽事以 5 桿落後名將馮珊珊, 然而最後打出 68 桿,低於標準桿 3 桿,贏得生涯第 39 個美國 LPGA 巡迴賽冠軍。
勞力士排名第一的朴仁妃擊倒 5 號選手柳蕭然成為 冠軍,豪奪個人本季第五冠。朴仁妃追回在周日落後的 4 桿一直領先,直至在第二輪的共同領先者柳蕭然打出 離洞 10 英尺的小鳥,把比賽逼進延長。
Wegmans LPGA Championship
U.S. Women’s Open Championship
維格曼斯 LPGA 錦標賽
6 to 9 Jun 2013
27 to 30 Jun 2013
Rolex Rankings No. 1 Inbee Park held off a surging Catriona Matthew, sinking an 18-foot birdie putt on the third hole of a sudden-death playoff at the Wegmans LPGA Championship to capture her seventh-career victory and third major championship. Matthew shot a final-round 4-under 68 to force a playoff with Park, who finished with a 3-over 75 including 3 bogeys in her last six holes.
Rolex Rankings No. 1 Inbee Park became only the second player in LPGA history to win the first three majors in a season with a four-stroke victory over I.K. Kim on Sunday at the U.S. Women’s Open conducted by the USGA. The 24-year-old South Korean fired a final-round 74 at the Sebonack Golf Club in Southampton, N.Y. to finish at 8-under-par 280.
勞力士排名第一的朴仁妃戰勝馬修.卡翠娜,第 3 洞打出了離洞 18 英尺的小鳥,在溫曼斯 LPGA 錦標賽 獲得 LPGA 職業生涯第七個冠軍,捧起了個人第三座大 滿貫獎盃。馬修在最後一輪打出 68 桿,扭轉了開始時落 後于朴的桿數。朴仁妃最後一輪打出 75 桿,在最後 6 個 洞吞下了 3 個柏忌。
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勞力士排名第一的朴仁妃成為 LPGA 史上第二位包 辦當季前三場大賽冠軍的高球女將,周日,她在 USGA 美國女子高球公開賽以 4 桿力壓金寅璟。這位 24 歲的南 韓選手在最後一輪打出 74 桿,最後以 280 桿,低於標 準桿 8 桿的成績完成賽事 。
Beijing Challenge 北京挑戰賽
23 to 25 May 2013 A week after winning her maiden professional title in her native Thailand, Wichanee Meechai picked up her first international victory on Saturday in shooting a nine-under 63, a new China LPGA Tour record for a low round, to claim the RMB500,000 Beijing Challenge. Chinese rookie Chen Cuixia finished fourth on the strength of a final round 66, three shots back, while 15-year-old amateur Shi Yuting, the co-leader through the first two rounds, stumbled to 73, tied for equal fifth with Chinese Taipei’s Liu Yi-chen (71) at four shots off the pace. 北京時間 5 月 25 日,泰國 23 歲選手韋查妮,在北 京東方明珠高爾夫球場打出神奇的一輪:63 桿,低於標 準桿 9 桿,驚天大逆轉,贏得了中國女子職業高爾夫巡 迴賽第五站:北京挑戰賽。很可惜,北京 15 歲姑娘石昱 婷再次功虧一簣,滑落到並列第五位,只獲得最佳業餘 球員獎。 雲南昆明 21 歲職業新人陳翠霞最後一輪打出生涯最 佳成績:66 桿,低於標準桿 6 桿,以 209 桿,低於標準 桿 7 桿,單獨位於第四位,她也是中國選手中表現最出 色的一個。石昱婷最後一輪打出 73 桿,跌落下來,與中 華臺北選手劉依貞並列位於第五位。
Bank of Qingdao Golden Mountain Challenge 青島銀行金山挑戰賽
30 May to 1 Jun 2013 Chinese Taipei’s Lin Tzu-chi captured her second win of the China LPGA Tour season on Saturday with a two-stroke victory at the RMB500,000 Bank of Qingdao Golden Mountain Challenge in Shandong province. China’s Shang Linyan (74) and Korean Chung Ye-na (75) were equal third with four shots back, followed by Wang Wenwen (75) a shot further back. 北京時間 6 月 1 日,雖然這一次林子麒進入最後一 輪時落後 1 桿,她打得卻比寧波東方挑戰賽領先 5 桿時 輕鬆很多。台中姑娘在金山國際俱樂部最後兩個洞連續 吞下柏忌,可是已經沒有人能阻擋她奪冠的步伐。她最 終領先 2 桿贏得青島銀行金山挑戰賽,成為贏得中國女 子巡迴賽場次最多的中華臺北選手。 安徽籍選手的三輪成績為 217 桿,高於標準杆 1 桿, 她也成為本次比賽中國內地排名最高的選手。南京姑娘 汪雯雯在最後一輪交出 75 桿,進入前五名。
Kumho Tires Ladies Open 錦湖輪胎女子公開賽
5 to 7 Jul 2013 Dana Kim stayed true to her vow of remaining cool under pressure on Sunday as the South Korean fired a final round 73 to claim her first victory as a pro at the US$500,000 Kumho Tires Ladies Open in Shandong province. Lin Xinyu was the tournament’s top domestic player as she closed with a 72 for a one-under score and equal 17th. 北京時間 7 月 7 日,韓國 24 歲選手金達娜在迅速 開局的情況下,打出 73 桿,高於標準桿 1 桿,在威海錦 湖韓亞高爾夫球場贏得生涯第一場韓國女子巡迴賽及第 一場中國女子巡迴賽:總獎金 5 億韓元的錦湖輪胎女子 公開賽。 廣州 17 歲姑娘林希妤三輪成績為 215 桿(72-7172),低於標準桿 1 桿,獲得並列第 17 名。她是中國 選手中排名最高的一個。黎佳韻最後一輪僅僅交出 82 桿,跌落到了並列第 42 位。
AUG 2013
LPGA Tour Rolex Women's World Golf Rankings Top 10 Players (15th July 2013)
CLPGA Tour China Ladies Golf Rankings Top 10 Players (10th July 2013)
AUG 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name Inbee Park Stacy Lewis Suzann Pettersen Na Yeon Choi So Yeon Ryu Shanshan Feng Karrie Webb 2 Jiyai Shin ﹣ I.K. Kim 2 Yani Tseng
﹣ ﹣ ﹣ ﹣ ﹣ ﹣ ﹣
﹣ ﹣ 2 1 1 ﹣ ﹣ ﹣ ﹣ 1
13.07 8.17 7.88 7.47 7.21 6.11 6.03 5.68 5.68 5.56
FENG Shanshan YE Liying LIN Xiyu SHANG Linyan YANG Taoli ZHANG Na WANG Wenwen LIU Yu(A) YAN Panpan GUO Caizhu
Guangdong Fujian Guangdong Anhui Sichuan Beijing Jiangsu Beijing Shandong Yunnan
364.16 100.34 84.13 82.62 66.87 66.45 56.96 52.61 49.99 47.55
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hen golfers talk about golf etiquette, in most cases they mean the “Spirit of the Game of Golf” which relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and conduct themselves in a disciplined, courteous, sportsmanlike manner when out playing a round of golf. Today, following the onset of women’s rights and equality, there has been a significant rise to prominence of women globally in both the political and business arenas. When it comes down to this “Gentlemen’s Game of Golf” is there any chivalry left or it is a dog eat dog world and may the best man or woman win? As someone new to golf myself, having only played a full year, I am intrigued at the differences in perception and general attitudes about this throughout all the various golf clubs and communities located around South East Asia and would like to ask the lady golfers out there, when you are out playing a round of golf with your husband, friends or male counterparts in business, how are you regarded by them and do you have any expectations from the men around you. Are lady golfers today still regarded as one not to be taken seriously? When out on the golf course, should women accept that chivalry does not exist out here and to expect the occasional assistance with your golf bag, divots and racking of bunkers would be out of the question? I am sure there must be lady golfers out there with views or comments on this and would especially like to hear about your personal experiences. As a very curious golfer, I am interested to find out how lady golfers are regarded on the golf course and whether this attitude changes from country to country. Please send your views and comments to me by email at
AUG 2013
每 當 問 及 世 界 各 地 的 高 球 手 何 謂 「高球禮儀」時,大多認為這是指打高 球的精神。這精神關乎自身對其他球員 的尊重,亦關乎球員在比賽埸上有否安 守本份,堅守體育精神,以及是否以禮 待之。 言歸正傳,到底何謂「高球禮儀」 呢?怎樣才能讓這項「男士們的遊戲」 在兩性之間取得平衡?現今,女性在社 會上得享平等待遇和權利,世界各地的 女性在政治上或職埸上都有顯著的卓越 成就。然而,當女士們踏入高球場與男 士們競賽,各位紳士會手下留情,抑或 全 力 出 擊 呢? 勝 利 屬 於 男 方 抑 或 女 方 呢? 作 為 高 球 新 手 的 我, 對 於 各 東 南 亞、中國及香港球會和團體的不同觀點 和態度感到十分好奇。另外,我想知道 女士們跟丈夫、朋友或男性生意伙伴切 磋高球時,男士們會用何種心態對待她 們,男士們對她們的高球技術又會抱著 甚麼期望。 時至今日,女士們打高球仍被認定 為純粹為了打發時間嗎?女士們在球場 上又是否要接受不存在的禮讓呢?應該 獲利各方面的優待嗎? 相信一眾女高球手都對以上話題別 有一番見解,希望跟大眾分享,亦希望 閱讀其他人的親身經驗。好奇的我,希 望探究一下女高球手們在場上的體驗, 想法和態度到底是因地而異,抑或會隨 時代變遷,衍生出另一套思想。 歡迎各位讀者將意見電郵至 :
Michelle Luis