Fore Girls Issue #2

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SEP 2013

Editor's Note People always talk about enjoying life to the fullest. How does one define what it really means to enjoy life to the fullest? In my opinion, enjoying life is about wanting to do what you feel you want to do, within reason of course! In fact, how many people can really live by this statement? With today’s hectic lifestyle, we are more often than not restricted by the constraints of work and family leaving very little time to ourselves. We understand that we all have responsibilities which need to be a priority so we sacrifice some if not all of the more enjoyable things in life. The simple pleasures if you will. Yes, often, we use this as an excuse but with a little bit of time management and self-discipline, we can all juggle our hectic schedules and meet the needs of work, family and more importantly yourself. So back to the question, can you enjoy life to the fullest? I can tell everyone that I can! Enjoying life to the fullest for me is to spend a day on the golf course. This, readers is paradise. 很多時聽到別人說享受人生,但我們該怎樣去定義呢?個人認 為享受人生就是去做自己真正喜歡的事,現實生活中卻又有多少人 做得到呢?今時今日,我們都把大部分時間花在工作和家庭上,私 人時間就所剩無幾。當然,工作和家庭都十分重要,犧牲少許私人 時間亦在所難免,但都不至於會佔據你每一分每一秒。 我們經常以工作繁忙為借口,其實只要自律和管理好時間,再 忙也有辦法平衡工作、家庭和生活。 那麼,你認為自己能否享受人生呢? 我敢說每一個人都做得到,對我而言,可以偷一日打場高爾夫 球,就是享受人生的最大樂趣!

Caroline Ling Proprietor | Chief Editor

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12 Discover Golf Discover Life 16 The First Empress of China Golf 20 Question Time 22 MP700L Ladies Series Carbon Shaft with Light Weight 26 The World of Suzie Setsuko Wakai 30 Golf Drives Me Crazy 36 More Than Just a Spa 38 Step into the Season of Sun with SEVVA’s Summer Cocktails 42 Exquisite Overseas Weddings 46 Health and Honey 48 Be Like Water 52 LPGA News 53 CLPGA News 54 le coq sportif Hong Kong Junior Open Championship 2013 56 Only When It Counts 58 An Introduction to the Art of Tea Appreciation 8

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Caroline Ling Chi Fei Tang


Janet Chan


Issac Chan


Alex Chan (Alex@zennotgraphy) Gordon Liu, Denver Chiu


Michelle Luis, Karen Ngan, CLPGA


David Kao


Ling Ching


Jacqueline Tang

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SEP 2013



Discover Golf Discover Life 發掘高球 發掘生活 Photography : Courtesy of Discovery Bay Golf Club

Situated on Lantau Island, Hong Kong’s largest outlying island, Discovery Bay Golf Club is one of the region's premier golf venues. Established in 1983, it has fast gained a reputation for its excellent golf facilities and hospitality. Conveniently located, this golf club is within easy reach of the city being only 25 minutes from the Central district of Hong Kong and 20 minutes from Hong Kong International Airport. 愉景灣高爾夫球會於一九八三年成立,坐落香港大嶼山島嶼,完善的設施和熱情的待客之道令 它受盡讚賞。球會擁有優美的離島風光,而且交通便捷,只消廿五分鐘就可到達中環市區,距 離機場亦只有二十分鐘車程。


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Golf is a Good Walk Spoiled The golf club boasts three very different and challenging 9 hole courses which are a great test for the regular golfer but are still suitable for golfers of all skill levels. Aptly named after precious stones, Diamond, Jade and Ruby, its original 18-hole course was designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr and takes you through some spectacular and scenic views of the surrounding mountainous landscape and natural lakes. American author Mark Twain was once quoted as saying “golf is a good walk spoiled”. If only he had the pleasure of walking this golf course, it is without doubt he would be eating those very words. Not to be complacent, the golf club added an additional 9-holes in June 1992 with equally breathtaking views. At 230 metres above sea-level, the golf course provides panoramic views of Victoria Harbour, the South China Sea and Sunset Peak where you can relax after a round of golf to watch the sunset. Not only does the golf club offer fantastic golf courses for the consummate golfer, its accompanying facilities provide you and the family with the perfect day out. You can enjoy a variety of Chinese and Western cuisines at its first-class dining facilities, a cold or indeed hot beverage at the Spike bar, play tennis if golf is not quite your cup of tea, take a dip in the swimming pool or partake in the Asian phenomenon of Karaoke in one of the deluxe private function rooms. If you feel one day is not enough then you always have the option of booking one of the beautiful suites from its guestroom facilities. Fore Girls had the pleasure of chatting with the current General Manager Casper Schonfeldt to gather his views on his time at Discovery Bay Golf Club.

高爾夫球大煞風景 愉景灣高爾夫球會設有三個不同難度的球場,一共二十七洞,分別 以鑽石、翡翠及紅寶石命名,最初的十八洞由 Robert Trent Jones Jr 設 計,球場被湖光山色包圍,風景怡人,適合不同程度的球手到埸練習, 做運動之餘又可欣賞美景。美國作家 Mark Twain 曾經批評高爾夫球大 煞風景,與其邊打高爾夫球邊欣賞風景,何不坐下來靜靜觀賞,若果他 有來過愉景灣高爾夫球會,相信一定會把說話收回。一九九二年六月, 愉景灣高爾夫球會加建了第三個九洞球場,同樣擁有醉人景色,令會員 多一個星級享受。 愉景灣高球會離海平面二百三十米,球手可以在球埸上飽覽維多利 亞港全景,更可望見南中國海和大東山,打完一局不妨靜下來欣賞日落, 當然,球場上最吸引眼球的風景一定是鄰近的迪士尼樂園,其他景色再 美也會被比下去。( 笑 ) 球會不但為大家提供優美舒適的球場打球,更附設其他設施,讓你 和你的家人都可以在此消磨一整天,有個完滿的周末。附設的餐廳有中 西美食、冷熱飲品任君選擇,水準一流,值得慢慢品嚐;對高球沒有興 趣的話,可以考慮打網球或到泳池嬉水,喜歡靜態活動的人亦可選擇唱 卡拉 OK,有獨立房間讓你一展歌喉。如果你嫌一日的時間太短,未能 盡興而歸,就要預訂一間套房留下來慢慢享受了。 FORE GIRLS 很榮幸能跟球會經理 Casper Schonfeldt 會面,訪問 有關他對愉景灣高爾夫球會的感受。


The Lounge


Honest and Open Golf

It’s Not All Rosy

The beauty of the golf club as Casper explained was the unparalleled views and scenery of Hong Kong with the nature, wildlife and natural environment. A perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. One gets a sense of being in a resort somewhere else despite being only a short ferry ride from the city. It is also the quietest place to play golf in Hong Kong and “quiet” is a precious commodity in this part of the world. Its open and welcoming attitude towards membership creates a very sociable environment where men and ladies often play golf together and new members are always guaranteed a game. With relaxed restrictions on guests, members are free to invite friends and family adding to a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere within the club. It is this openness which differentiates the golf club. Inviting everyone means you give a platform for all regardless of social backgrounds, gender or age an opportunity to enjoy an activity often thought of as being available only for the few. With the increase in ladies golf, the club is well suited to cater for their needs. Indeed, there is a very active ladies committee and they host many ladies tournaments throughout the year. So, as the General Manager, Casper and the club work closely to support and encourage active participation of lady golf events and activities. Of course, when it comes to the bottom line, who can argue with the support of the lady members when it comes to spending. The food and beverage and particularly the golf shop benefits substantially from their patronage.

The golf club is not without its challenges. Hosting the Asian Pacific Seniors Championship in late November 2012, at the peak of the golfing season when the usually stunning weather and course conditions would have been perfect for the players, as the tournament commenced fog descended on the course and the continued rain unfortunately cut short the event due to low visibility. Although, this is a singular incident, the golf club does face continuing challenges. Course conditions are paramount when it comes to playing golf and adverse weather such as fog or persistent rain puts great pressure on the turf grasses which need ample sunlight to grow. Trying to maintain the grounds whilst not interrupting the member’s tee time requires careful planning. Education of not just the staff but also members in golf etiquette is an area that Casper does feel strongly about. Having grown up with golf and learning from an early age, Casper has always understood the importance placed on correct etiquette and tries to instill that at the golf club. Although the club is very open and relaxed, certain traditions regarding behaviour and attire cannot be ignored. Alas, competition is another factor. The explosion of golf courses in Southern China has raised expectations and demands from members so the club is constantly striving to improve conditions, facilities and services to compete at the highest level. The club is in the process of revamping many facets from new technologies to supporting infrastructure to position itself as one of the premier golf clubs in Hong Kong. Finally, three words from Casper in describing Discovery Bay Golf Club, beautiful, peaceful and friendly. Personally, I’m inclined to agree.

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Can you identify the course hole?

高球面前 人人平等 一如 Casper 所言,愉景灣高爾夫球會最引人入勝的地方是那遼闊的景色,香港的自然 風光和生態環境都盡入眼簾,是遠離都市繁囂的勝地。雖然短暫的船程過後仍然身在香港, 但隔一個海岸就能讓你有仿如置身外國度假的感受,愉景灣可謂是香港最寧靜的一片土地。 球會對每一位會員都持開放態度,不分男女、不分年資,都可同場較量,是練習球技兼聯誼 的好地方。球會屬私人性質,只限會員出入,但會員如果想邀請非會員朋友或家屬一同享受 高球樂,球會亦無任歡迎。 愉景灣高爾夫球會之所以與別不同,全因為它對外的開放態度,令任何背景、性別、年 齡的人都都有機會參與這項被認為是「少數人專利」的運動。隨著女性球手的數目不斷增加, 球會有相應措施配合女士的需要。事實上,球會有個活躍的女子高球會,每一年都舉辦不少 女子高球比賽,球會都十分支持這些活動,並鼓勵大家積極參與。這些活動既能為球會帶來 實際收益,尤其是餐飲部和高球用品店,又可令球會更加熱鬧,相信大家都沒有異議。

偶爾也會遇到逆境 Casper Schonfeldt 雖然球會條件優厚,各方面都盡善盡美,但也有遇到挑戰的時候。亞太長春巡迴賽於去 年十一月在愉景灣高球會舉行,當時正值打高球的最佳季節,天氣和環境理應完美配合,可 惜比賽期間天氣突然變差,大霧濃罩令能見度減低,最後要縮短比賽,雖然只屬個別事件, 但惡劣天氣過後球會仍要面對其他難題。場地對於高爾夫球運動最為重要,一旦受到大霧或 下雨等惡劣天氣影響就會對草地造成傷害,因缺乏陽光照射而不夠翠綠,必須靠人手保養, 保養同時又要避免影響到會員打球,所以一定要悉心安排每一個步驟。 Casper 認為教育職員高球禮儀很重要,教育會員亦同樣重要。Casper 自小學習高球, 高球是他的成長伙伴,他深深明白到在球場上注重禮儀是何等重要,因此,他希望把這種思 想灌輸給球會中的每一個人。球會沒有太多規則和限制,只保留一些傳統,堅持來賓遵守服 裝指引和保持應有的態度。 球會還遇到另一個問題,就是同行競爭。中國的高爾夫球場愈建愈多,令會員對球會的 要求和期望愈來愈高,為了保持會所的競爭力,只好不斷改善內外設施、環境,甚至服務。 球會現時仍在進行翻新工程,融入新技術和設備,務求令球會成為香港其中一個主要的高球 會所。 最後 Casper 以美麗、平靜和友善三個形容詞給愉景灣高爾夫球會作個總結,個人認為 他的形容相當貼切。

General Manager

Discovery Bay Golf Club 愉景灣高爾夫球會 T: (852) 2987 7273

F: (852) 2987 5900

A: Valley Road, Discovery Bay Lantau Island, Hong Kong 香港大嶼山愉景灣山路

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The First Empress of China Golf Photography : Courtesy of CLPGA

hina is a nation fast becoming a global force not only in economics but also in sports. The most populous country in the world with over 1.3 billion people, the nation has finally after many years of internal conflict been able to reach a stage of political stability to allow itself to become a recognised economic force and in doing so, is as of 2013 the world’s second largest economy behind the United States. Indeed, China is the world’s largest exporter of consumer products and it is fair to say that when we joke about all consumer products in the West being “Made In China”, we are not far wrong. While China has focused on the economy, it has also strived to be recognised for its sporting achievements. Hosting the most expensive Olympics ever in 2008 and arguably the most successful games ever for China, taking home fifty-one gold medals and finishing top of the medals table, showed the world that they can produce sports men and women to rival the best


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globally. Not content with only exporting goods, China has also exported sporting talent around the world. Yao Ming, the outstanding 7 feet 6 inches tall basketball player who played for the Houston Rockets in the NBA. Liu Xiang, former Olympic and World 110 metre hurdles champion and China’s first ever track and field medalist and of course Yang Wei, the men’s all-round gymnastics champion taking the gold medal in the 2008 Olympics in front of an ecstatic home crowd. Not to be outdone by the men, the Chinese women have also made a name for themselves with Li Na, becoming China’s first and only tennis champion at the 2011 French Open. With so much recent success in a variety of sports, it brings us to a lesserknown but equally important champion in a sport that has been gaining increasing prominence in China.


Made in China

Making History

Born in Guangzhou, China, Feng Shan Shan has been playing golf since the age of ten. Encouraged to take up the game by her father Feng Xiong who also worked at the China Golf Association in her hometown, she subsequently moved to the U.S. in 2007 to join the Gary Gilchrist Golf Academy and under tutelage of her coach Gary Gilchrist, she has excelled at the sport of golf becoming China’s number one lady golfer and is currently ranked top of the CLPGA. She cites these two men as a major influence in her career. During her amateur days, Feng Shan Shan enjoyed a welldecorated career winning a host of tournaments in China. She won the China Junior Championship and the China Junior Open in 2004, the China Amateur Tournament three times between 2004 and 2006 and the China’s Women’s Amateur Open Championship in 2006. After winning four tournaments on the International Junior Golf Tour in 2007 she was named Golfweek’s Top Chinese Amateur. To top off a great 2007 she also qualified for the 2007 U.S. Women’s Open. Despite all the success so far, it was 2007 that would prove to be the turning point when still as an amateur, she tied for ninth at the LPGA Final Qualifying Tournament and in doing so, earned exempt status for the 2008 LPGA season. She turned professional immediately after leaving behind an incredible amateur career. As a professional, her success continued with a career best runner-up finish at the Bell Micro LPGA Classic in 2008 and also in the same year, she finished in the top ten of the Navistar LPGA Classic Presented by MaxxForce and the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic Presented by Kroger both tournaments tied for fourth and a sixth-place finish at the inaugural Grand China Air LPGA. Most notably, she carded a career-low of 63 in the final round of the LPGA State Farm Classic. The following years would prove to be successful yet again with top ten finishes in a host of tournaments including the Kia Classic Presented by J Golf (tied for sixth), CVS/Pharmacy LPGA Challenge (seventh place), LPGA State Farm Classic (tied for fourth) to name but a few.

In 2011, she crossed the $1 million mark in career earnings when she was tied for eighth at the LPGA State Farm Classic. It seems this particular tournament has been most favourable so far for young Feng Shan Shan as she continues to reach personal milestones in her career here. 2012 would prove a pivotal year when in March she won the inaugural World Ladies Championship individual and team titles at Mission Hills in Haikou, China, a tournament co-sanctioned by the China LPGA Tour. That said, the best was yet to come as she came of age and ascended to a new level later that same year by becoming the first ever Chinese winner of a major on the LPGA Tour at the Wegmans LPGA Championship. After the win she was quoted as saying “After I won, it gave a lot of Chinese female golfers a lot more confidence to play outside of the country”. Behind the professional career and success, Feng Shan Shan is still a young lady at heart and outside of golf, she enjoys singing Karaoke and actually wanted to be a singer when she was younger but she does admit that her love for singing far outweighs her actual talent for singing. She would love to meet Yao Ming and teach him to play golf and in her spare time, enjoys the usual activities of young girls, shopping, playing computer games and socialising with friends. She is also quite the character on tour, with an affinity for learning languages she is often joking and laughing with the other players, telling jokes despite the international diversity of the players. With golf being added to the Summer Olympics in 2016 and the growth of golf in China, more resources and investment are being channelled into this sport and with her continued success and the rise of upcoming players like Guan Tianlang, golf, particularly ladies golf in China will continue to go from strength to strength and we will see Feng Shan Shan who has been a pioneer for ladies golf in China at the forefront of this new revolution.

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中國球壇一姐 近年來中國急速冒起,在國際社會佔一重要席位,除了經濟迅速發 展外,在體育方面亦有傑出表現。中國人口逾 13 億,經過多年內部衝 突,中國政治逐漸走向穩定,使致經濟蓬勃。2013 年,中國成為世界 第二大經濟體,僅次於美國。事實上,中國是全球最大的商品輸出國, 可見平日我們愛把「中國製造」掛在嘴邊亦不無道理。 在中國專注發展經濟的同時,也致力在體壇上爭取佳績。2008 年 北京奧運會是史上耗資最龐大的奧運會,中國在舉辦和比賽方面都獲空 前成功,共奪 51 面金牌,在獎牌榜上位居榜首,可見中國也有潛質成 為體育強國。除了出口商品外,中國還「輸出」了不少運動名將。有 7 尺 6 吋高的休斯頓火箭中鋒姚明;首位田徑奪金華人 110 米欄王劉翔; 以及在 2008 奧運男子體操全能金牌得主楊威等。 中國女運動員亦不甘示弱,李娜在 2011 年度法國網球公開賽勝出, 成為中國第一個,亦是唯一一個在女子網球公開賽奪冠的運動員。中國 在體壇上屢創佳績,聲望越來越高。

中國製造 出生於中國廣州的馮珊珊在爸爸的鼓勵下,從十歲開始練習高爾夫 球,她的父親馮雄當時在中國高爾夫球協會工作。馮珊珊於 2007 年移 民美國,加入了 Gary Gilchrist Golf Academy,在教練 Gary 的指導下, 她勝出多個高球比賽,成為中國高球界的一姐,最近更列入 CLPGA 榜 首。馮珊珊都視爸爸和教練為啟蒙老師。 馮珊珊在業餘生涯取得不錯的成績,於 2004 年贏過兩個青少年賽, 2004 年至 2006 年 3 度在中國業餘巡迴賽中勝出,並在 2006 年成為中 國女子業餘公開賽冠軍。包攬四個青少年賽冠軍後,她被評為中國最 優秀業餘高球手,馮珊珊更在 2007 年贏得美國女子共開賽冠軍。2007


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年可說是她的人生轉捩點,她贏得 LPGA 最後資格賽第 9 名,在 2008 年取得突破,成為職業高爾夫球手。 作為一個職業球手,馮珊珊在 2008 年 LPGA 貝爾精英賽得亞軍, 並於同年躋身 Navistar LPGA 精英賽和 Jamie Farr Owens Corning 精 英賽的頭十名。在 LPGA 州農精英賽打出生涯最低杆數 63 杆。接着那 年她更完成了多個錦標賽,包括起亞精英賽第 6 名,CVS 挑戰賽第 7 名和州農精英賽第 4 名等。

創造歷史 馮珊珊在 2011 年州農精英賽排名第 8,贏得過百萬獎金,這算是 馮珊珊的里程碑上最驕人的一次成績。2012 年是重要的一年,她奪得 由中國 LPGA 舉辦的海口世界女子錦標賽冠軍,但這只是她高球事業 的起點,隨著技術層次漸高,於同年更成為中國第一個贏得維格曼斯錦 標賽的女球手。她獲獎後表示:「我的勝出令很多中國女球手更有信心 挑戰國外比賽」。 颯爽英姿的馮珊珊平日也是一位熱血的小姑娘,除了高球外,她還 喜歡唱歌,小時候夢想成為一名歌手,但她卻說自己對歌唱的熱愛遠比 音樂才華高。她又希望在空餘時間跟姚明互相交流,教他高球,希望自 己跟其他女生一樣,可以閒時逛街打遊戲,或是跟朋友相聚。熱愛交友 的她更時常用外語跟其他外國高球手開玩笑,散發着無比親和力。 高爾夫球被列為 2016 年奧林匹克運動會的比賽項目之一,中國正積極 推動高爾夫運動,亦投放了更多資源和資金來推廣高球運動和支持具潛 力的高球手,尤其是女高球手的培訓,實力得以進一步提升,馮珊珊可 謂功不可沒。


n the last issue, we invited a professional golf instructor to answer questions and offer some tips to new golfers. Here, they will tell you the difference between male and female golf students. they will also talk about physical and mental recovery from the game. 上一期為大家解答了一些高球初學者關注的問題,提供了學 前準備的貼士,今期就請專業教練跟我們分享一下男女學員 的分別和共通點,並會教大家如何保持水準和狀態。

How do you recover after playing long games?


If you are injured, only professionals can diagnose the problem and provide suitable treatment. It is important to train to ensure your muscles remain strong. Particularly when injury is over a longer period, you must allow yourself sufficient time to recover fully, both physically and mentally. How well you recover depends on your willpower and EQ. 若然受傷,哪一部位受傷便要找相應的專家來診斷、醫治,把受傷部位和肌肉慢慢強化過來,再令狀態提升。過程中,假 設受傷時間較長,心理和生理上都需要較長時間來恢復,問題取決於個人的意志力、判斷力和 EQ,很重要的。

What are the key differences between teaching golf to a man and a woman? 教授男性球手和女性球手有何不同?

During coaching sessions, I often need to make physical contact with certain parts of the body to illustrate correct position and posture. With men, this tends not to be an issue. However, obviously with women, I can only make contact with their head and hands so I need to make use of more verbal instructions compared to men. 最大的不同,是教導男性球手時,他們身體各部位教練都可以觸碰。相反,教受女性球手時,只能觸碰其頭頂和手臂以下, 手臂以上及其他部分一概只能用球桿接觸糾正。十多歲的女孩來上堂,教練都會要求父母或工人姐姐一定要在場。 教了一段時間,彼此建立了信任,大人便可不用在場。


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What are the main differences between men and lady golfers when it comes to learning golf? 男女球手學習的情況如何?

It’s difficult to say who learns golf at a faster pace. Men tend to be stronger but it does depend on their personal ability and qualities. Ladies who exercise regularly tend to learn much faster than those who do little exercise. I have to emphasise the importance of practice. 沒既定規律,說男或女學習高球的速度較快。只因男士體格問題,力氣較佳,故初學時可能較容易 上手。但還是要看質素,有些男士力量足,但質素不佳,亦會學得較慢。而女士本身經常做運動, 較少做運動的女士,學習起來亦較易上手。當然,要重覆強調,多練習才是最重要。至於小朋友, 因為正值身體在發展中,故無論男孩或女孩,都很快上手,學三個月已打得不錯。

Do men and lady golfers make the same common mistakes?


Typically, both will generally make the same types of mistakes. Beginners always look up too early to see how well they have hit the ball. They care too much about where the ball will go and whether it was a nice shot. Another mistake is hitting the ball with the wrong level of power which can easily lead to injury. 針對初學球手,百分之九十九最常犯的錯誤,就是不管打得好不好,都會 look out early 或偷睇,好 奇球打得是否直?或球打了往哪?其次是亂發力打球,男女球手都有類似的通病,這容易造成拉 傷,所以打球前,建議做熱身運動,以減少受傷的機會。 If you have any questions,please send them by email to our resident golf professional at : 本刊誠邀專業高球教練為大家解答疑問,歡迎讀者將問題電郵至 : SEP 2013



MP700L L a d i e s S e ri e s C a r b o n Shaft with Light weight

輕量女士碳素桿 Sourced by SRIXON XXIO

Featured with the same Dual Speed Technology as the XXIO7 men's clubs, the XXIO7 ladies' series has been specially designed for lady golfers to maximize the effect of their swing. The exclusively designed large head for easy addressing gives a feeling of stability to achieve a combination of great distance and enjoyable play for lady golfers. 和男士球杆一樣,新設計的球桿桿身減輕、重心往手柄處移,輕鬆提高了球頭速度;獨有 的大桿頭設計亦提升了擊球的穩定感。 主體和擊球面採用最符合女士選手的設計,「深低重心 設計」 大大提高球手揮桿的準確性,輕輕搖動即可達到理想擊球,輕鬆、高彈道飛得更遠的女 士球桿由此誕生了。


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Higher Head Speed

球速提高技術 Higher Ball Speed

The MP700L carbon shaft exclusively designed for the XXIO7 ladies' series uses a newly developed, segmented weight design that moves the center of gravity (CG) toward the grip. In combination with the shaft rigidity design, this feature delivers greater distance even with a slow swing speed (patent pending). Club head weight has been increased as compared to the previous model to impart more kinetic energy to the ball at impact. The new face thickness design is exclusively developed for lady golfers to match their strike point, expanding the sweet spot by 6-7% to reduce initial speed loss due to miss-hits. 新推出的 MP700L 碳素桿系列專為女士度身訂造,輕量且握把側重心設計,易於揮桿的球 頭速度提高技術與球頭重量加重,都能使運動能量提升,加上球速提高技術,能夠 輕鬆擊出高 彈道且大幅增加飛行距離。 投影面積由於採用超大的桿頭設計,具有穩定感,能輕鬆揮起,另外隨著女性擊球特點相 配合產生愉悅聲音,球被強力彈出。 SEP 2013




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Head material Face: Titanium (SUPER-TIX速 PLUS for XXIO), forged Body: T9S Titanium, vacuum precision casting


Head material Face: 6-22-22S Titanium, forged Body: Maraging steel, lost-wax precision casting Sole: Tungsten-nickel weight, lost-wax precision casting


Head material Face: Titanium (SUPER-TIX速 PLUS for XXIO), milling machined insert Body (#5-7): 630 stainless steel + tungsten-nickel sole and neck weights Body (#8-9): 630 stainless steel + tungsten-nickel sole weight Body (PW, AW, SW): 630 stainless steel, lost-wax precision casting


Head material Face/Body: Maraging steel + tungsten-nickel weight, lost-wax precision casting


The World of Suzie Setsuko Wakai

若井節子的世界 usinesswoman, philanthropist, lady golfer. These are just some of the many roles of a woman who has travelled from the metropolitan city Tokyo to another prosperous city over forty years ago to begin a new and evidently prosperous life in this bustling and vibrant city that is Hong Kong. When Suzie first arrived, she jokingly said that based on her priorities she first applied for a golf club membership followed by contacting a banker and then a doctor in that order. Lawyers she said jokingly were not high on her priority list. “Hong Kong has provided me with many opportunities to travel and of course business.” Her first business started in the late sixties, early seventies and now Suzie heads up a publicity relation company involved in PR, advertising, event management among other activities and business consultancy for Japanese and Hong Kong companies. Always on the go, she still exhibits the same drive and enthusiasm today as she did then. In between her busy schedule, Suzie still finds time to give back to the community and has been organising charity events for over thirty years. She is currently involved in the Community Chest as a board member helping to raise thousands of dollars each year for worthwhile causes. With so much going on in her life it is a wonder she still has time to pursue her first love, golf. Suzie has been playing golf for the most part of her life and she commented on the great courses in Japan where the weather conditions are perfect and allows you to play for most of the year. “Golf is a great activity because it can be shared with your husband or partner and is for all ages.” When she first applied for membership at the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club, its name at that time, she was interviewed by the committee and had to acquire their approval before being allowed to join. She remarked on the


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differences in the golf environment between Hong Kong and Japan, in as much that here in Hong Kong golfers tend to play at one particular golf course whereas in Japan as a golfer, you often played at several golf courses providing much more variety. Suzie tends to play on Saturdays and Sundays at Fanling Hong Kong Golf Club when she can but naturally would like to play more. Unfortunately, her business takes priority which has impacted her time on the golf course.

Changing Times She has noticed over the years how golf has really opened up for woman globally. When she first started playing, there were only a handful of lady golfers, mostly Westerners and very few Chinese. This has now changed with the introduction of domestic helpers in many Chinese households freeing up time for housewives to pursue more leisure activities such as golf. More importantly, attitudes towards lady golfers have changed. In the past, lady golfers were tolerated but not necessarily accepted, with restrictions on membership status and access to facilities at golf clubs. Their only advantage was ladies membership fees were less than men’s at that time. Every cloud has a silver lining as they say. “Etiquette! I firmly believe etiquette is very important and gentlemanly conduct is a must on the course. Japan being the male dominated society that it is, men while on the golf course tend to be more of a gentleman than in normal life.” While women’s equality is paramount, when playing a round of golf with a man, she is not adverse to the odd assistance from the men. She does not expect to be treated any differently. Having said that, “I have a caddie to assist me anyway.”


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My Fair Lady A major concern for lady golfers is the duration of time spent under the sun when playing golf. Particularly here in Asia, women are somewhat concerned with retaining a fair complexion spending a lot of time protecting their skin from harmful UV rays. Suzie has witnessed many lady golfers wearing full facial masks with only their eyes and mouth visible and huge caps, all in an effort to avoid sun exposure. It is important to use sunblock but skin whitening products should be avoided. Fore Girls: So with your experience in skin care products and your time spent on the golf course, what advice would you give to lady golfers? Suzie: Two words, skincare and sunblock!

You Always Remember Your First Love As a player, Suzie has won many tournaments in her younger days while playing off a handicap of 11 at her peak but now her handicap score is somewhat higher (double that now) but her drive to achieve at golf has never diminished. She counts the Silverspoons and monthly medals at her Hong Kong Golf Club competitions. Each month the top net scorer is awarded a silver spoon. Her aim was to achieve a full dinner set of twelve. Did she achieve this? “Not yet and no hope at all now”, she smiles. When asked which was more satisfying, closing a business deal or winning a golf tournament. While one was obviously more important, the answer is obvious. C u r r e n t l y, S u z i e i s b u s y s e t t i n g u p a n international Long Drive Competition event scheduled for October this year in Hong Kong for the first time. So despite her hectic business schedule, she always has time for her first love.


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女強人、慈善家、女高爾夫球手,對於若井節子來說,這只是她一 生眾多角色中的其中幾個。她離鄉背井由五光十色的東京移居香港,至 今已超過四十年,剛來港的時候,她第一件要做的事竟然是申請高爾夫 球會籍,結識銀行家和醫生,為什麼不是律師呢?當時律師並不太重 要。 若井小姐認為香港為她帶來不少商機和外遊的機會,早於五十年代 末、 六十年代初,她就開始經營第一盤生意。如今,她的公關公司主 要經營廣告事業和活動管理。時至今天,她依然保留昔日的幹勁和熱 忱。 縱然日理萬機,若井小姐仍不忘抽時間回饋社會,她舉辦慈善活動 已超過三十年,至今仍不遺餘力地參與公益金年度籌款活動。 高爾夫球是若井小姐的最愛,在她一生中亦佔了不少時間,無論工 作多繁忙,她都會抽空練習高球。她對日本沖繩的高球場有很高的評 價,因為沖繩氣候宜人,全年溫暖,幾乎一年四季都適合打高爾夫球, 「高爾夫球是一種老少咸宜的活動,可以和丈夫共享高球樂」。她首次 在香港高爾夫球會 ( 原名皇家香港高爾夫球會 ) 申請會籍時,需要通過 委員會的面試才能正式加入。另外,她也提及了香港和日本高球文化的 差異。在香港,高球手傾向在特定的高球場練習;相反,日本高球手會 經常到不同的場地打球,因為日本高球場眾多,這樣能令他們吸收更多 不同經驗。若井小姐一般會在週六週日到粉嶺打球,她希望可以花更多 時間在球場上,可惜工作太忙,逼使她犧牲打高爾夫球的時間。

記者:「就你對美容產品的認識和打高球的經驗,你可以給女高球手們 一些貼士嗎? 」 節子 : 「兩件事,護膚及防曬!」

再忙也要高爾夫 年青時代的若井小姐贏過不少高球獎項,高峰時期她的差點只有 11 桿。雖然如今缺乏練習而稍稍退步,但她對高球的熱愛從未退減, 一直都為高球會的月例獎而奮鬥,目標是要收集十二支銀匙。成功了 嗎?「還差一點,也沒有什麼期望」她笑著說。 當問到若井小姐做成一樁生意抑或勝出高球比賽為她帶來更大滿足 感時,她微笑著說:「答案很明顯吧」。 最近,她正在籌備一場十月進行、一個首次在香港舉辦的國際高球 賽,雖然工作總是編排得密密麻麻,但她總會為高球預留一點時間。

時代變遷 這些年來,她留意到高爾夫球漸漸對女性開放。剛開始接觸高爾夫 球時,女高球手實在寥寥可數,而且大多是西方人,幾乎沒有中國人。 由於近年來很多中國家庭開始聘請僱傭,女士們能騰出更多時間,參與 這類休閒活動。 更重要的是普羅大眾對女高爾夫球手的態度改變了。以前,女高爾 夫球手並未完全被接受,她們在選舉權利上不少限制,也不能使用高爾 夫球會內的部分設施。可是「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」,她們有一個好處, 就是當時會費比男會員便宜。 若井小姐認為禮儀是不能忽視的,高球手必須有良好品格。日本是 個男權社會,女性常被視為二等公民,在高球場上,男士卻會表現得比 日常有禮。話雖如此,她認為平等是非常重要的,跟男高球手打球時, 她不需要、也沒有期望得到任何優待。她笑說:「我已經有球僮協助 了」。

The silverspoons awarded by the Hong Kong Golf Club

淑女心得 其中一個女高球手最關心的問題是長時間於日光下暴曬,亞州女性 特別注重美白,最近一則新聞在日本哄動一時,報道指某著名品牌的美 白產品內含對人體有害的化學物。若井小姐曾目睹一些女高球手為了防 曬出盡法寶,戴上面罩,只露出眼睛和嘴巴,還有那巨型帽簷。

Some of the many trophies won by Suzie SEP 2013



Model : Cat Tang

STEP 1 Address your position by placing the ball at the lowest point. Spread legs apart with the left foot at 20° and right foot at 10°. 球置於 low point 位置,左腳呈 20° 開放站立,右 腳呈 10° 開放站立,耳朵對正中央。


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STEP 2 Position the driver at the 9 o’clock position when addressing the swing. The driver head should be pointing at the target. Keep both arms straight to maximise the swing and increase the power of impact. 上桿時,桿要向著九點正方向擺放,桿尾應對著目標,兩隻手 臂都要放直,令右圈範圍更大,擊球距離更遠。

STEP 3 When the driver is swung past the 9 o’clock position, maintain 90° cocking of the wrists. Keep turning the shoulder and hip to the highest back swing position. At this point, the shoulder, left wrist and right forearm will work together to produce the power. 當桿經過 9 點正方向後,維持 90° 夾角屈腕手勢,將肩膀和臀 部旋轉至最高點,上桿時會同時結合肩膀、左手腕和右前臂三 點的力量。

STEP 4 At the highest position of the back-swing, the hip should maintain the weight transfer and stay behind head to impact position. At impact, the driver should have reached the lowest position point. Simultaneously, left arm, driver and club head should be kept in a straight line. 上桿到達最高點並結合所有力量後,直到擊球瞬間,下半身臀 部位置都要做出 weight transfer 和 stay behind head 的動作, 擊球後球桿到 low point 位置時,左手臂、球桿和桿面都是筆 直的。

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STEP 5 Follow through after impact looking at the right-foot during the follow through. Turn the shoulder outwards keeping the arms straight to form a triangle at the end. 擊球後繼續送桿,送桿時眼應望著右邊腳,肩膀向外旋轉,同 時,雙手保持筆直,最後形成一個三角型的姿勢。

STEP 6 When the triangle is formed, follow the path to the finishing position. When the driver is at the finishing position, 90% of your body’s weight should be on the left side of the body. Face and upper body should be facing the target. Then, you can look at the ball to see where it has ended up. 形成最後三角型姿勢後,沿著揮桿軌道繼續向上旋轉至收桿位 置,到達收桿位置時,九成的身體力量都應傾向左邊,面及上 身應朝向目標,望著球落到目標位置。


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More Than Just a Spa 晶心打造 中西水漾療法 Photography : Courtesy of George Solus Pro Aqua Spa

Today's modern women lead a hectic lifestyle. It would be great to steal a moment to relax in a tranquil spa. 都市人生活節奏緊張,少不免積聚疲勞,若能忙裡偷閒做個 Spa 放鬆身 心,是多麼的享受呢!


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iving life in the fast lane, pollution, social pressures, an unhealthy diet, alcohol and lack of sleep. All these factors may result in an excess of negative energies and are a breeding ground for sub-optimal health and illness. The ions in our bodies carry positive and negative charges and when there is an excess accumulation of negative charges, it may affect our emotions and minds. Daily stresses may also encourage the growth and production of cancerous cells. To maintain an optimum healthy balance in our lives, George Solus Por Aqua Spa has four different tailor made treatment rooms to restore the balance and recharge our bodies and minds. Crystals are placed in each room to help eliminate tiredness effectively and induce a state of tranquility. The crystals radiate positive energy simultaneously absorbing negative energy released from our bodies to bring forth physical and mental harmony.

緊張的生活節奏、嚴重的環境污染、複雜 的人際關係、不均衡的飲食習慣、煙酒、熬夜 等,都會使我們身體衍生許多負能量,也是令 都市人構成亞健康和疾病的溫床。 人體內有正電離子和負電離子,當身體積 聚過多負電荷時,我們的情緒和想法就會產生 改變,負能量多的時候也會加速體內的癌細胞 生長和繁殖,令身體出現很多疾病和亞健康狀 態,中國首間結合能量轉換的養生會館設計了 四個能量空間,透過能量管理來調整和轉換身 體內的正負電荷,讓身體恢復正常運轉狀態。 四個能量空間分別有不同功效,每個空間 都擺設了不同的水晶石,水晶能量能針對性減 輕疲態,釋放正能量的同時,亦會吸收身體發 出的負能量,達到自我調節和平衡的最佳狀 態。

用後感 養生會館以多座水晶佈置,環境舒 適寧靜。專業醫師為我進行量子檢測, 徹底了解我的健康狀況,再安排我到指 定的水晶能量房,按摩師會根據檢測結 果,按照身體不同部位的需要,挑選合 適的精油進行針對性按摩,按摩後,肩 膀和小腿的肌肉都不再繃緊,感覺整個 人都輕了不少。每間能量房均有三座水 晶擺設,為身體注入無形的力量,身心 都得以放鬆。除了身體按摩外,按摩師 更為我進行面部護理,讓我從內到外、 由頭到腳都煥然一新。

“I was impressed by the various crystal displays and the Advanced Quantum Analyser. This AQA machine is used by the resident professional Chinese Medicine Practitioners to assess the most appropriate treatment for you. You are then taken to the appropriate treatment room based on the results of the analysis. Several fragrant massage oils are applied to the whole body for different energy recovery effects. Besides the soothing massage, the therapist will also perform a refreshing facial treatment leaving you relaxed and recharged from head to toe.


George Solus Por Aqua Spa 中國秦皇島市紅旗路 267 號

No.267 Hongqi Road,Qinhuangdao, China

T : 0335-8887999 W:

Massage room with spa

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Step into the Season of Sun with

SEVVA’s Summer Cocktails 鬧市裡的綠洲 Sourced by Grebstad Hicks Communications

With stunning 360 degree views over Hong Kong’s breath-taking skyline and the prime heart of the city, SEVVA delivers a unique and quintessentially Hong Kong dining experience inspired by what Ms. Bonnae Gokson describes as ‘the DNA’ of Hong Kong – traditional regional Asian cuisines intermixed with Western fine dining, coupled with her own travels and experiences. She says: “This is my contribution and passion to the city that I love.” 位 於 香 港 的 商 業 中 心, 坐 擁 360 度 的 維 港 美 景, SEVVA 絕對能為客人提供既獨特又舒適的用餐體驗。 餐廳創辦人 Bonnae Gokson 喜歡周遊列國,沿途所 見所聞為她帶來不少靈感,於是決定以傳統亞洲烹飪 特色為基礎,加入西方 Fine Dining 元素,在繁囂的鬧 市裡開設 SEVVA,至今已成為不少白領和遊客的聚腳 地。她說;「這是我對這個城市的熱愛和一點貢獻。」


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Relax in the Taste Bar Lounge

s the temperatures begin to soar, ensure you relax and unwind each evening, with a cooling cocktail beverage atop Hong Kong’s most desired restaurant and bar, SEVVA. Perfectly located on the 25th floor of the famous Prince’s Building, SEVVA boasts a spectacular terrace overlooking Victoria Harbour, where guests can relax and dine in the summer evenings. Having mastered the art of mixology, S E V VA i s r e n o w n e d f o r c o m p o s i n g some of the most sought after cocktails in Hong Kong, perfectly balancing the ratios for taste. From Margarita’s and Cosmopolitan’s to SEVVA’s signature Gin

Tonic and newly acquired Vodka Gazpacho made from an original tangy Andalusian Gazpacho recipe with a slightly spiced vodka of choice, each cocktail comprises only the finest ingredients. From finely chopped organic mint to fresh lemon and orange juice, each summer cocktail is the perfect evening tipple! To accompany each delicious cocktail, SEVVA have created an array of small summer bite delights, specially designed so there’s a little something for everyone. From SEVVA’s signature burgers served alongside a refreshing glass of Kir Royale to the sumptuous Minced Sirloin ‘Cantonese’ Spring Rolls and Pear,

Gorgonzola, Walnut on Belgium Endive, each culinary delight is set to please the palate of each guest. Mini Dosas including the ‘The Mediterranean’ and ‘The Jetsetter’ can further be found on the menu, whilst an assorted mini burger platter has been deemed a very popular choice amongst guests, which includes Korean Short Rib, Crab Cake & Fish Burger with Matchstick Potato Chips. For those beautiful sunset evenings, SEVVA will have a live jazz band playing for all to enjoy, as the cocktails and conversation continue to flow.

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SEVVA's Classic Cocktails

A quiet moment in the Lounge and Vertical Green Garden

For reservations or enquiries, please contact: Tel : (852) 2537 1388 Fax : (852) 2521 3308 Email: Website: SEVVA, 25/F Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong


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Enjoy SEVVA's dainty signature burgers with a glass of Kir Royale

夏日炎炎,久居於石屎森林裡的香港人沒有乘涼的庭園,卻又想享受寧夏的微風,可以到 哪裡去呢?位於太子大廈二十五樓的 SEVVA 必定是你的首選!約齊三五知己,坐在 SEVVA 的 露天雅座,一邊喝著透心涼的消暑雞尾酒,一邊共進晚餐,欣賞維港美景,實在是賞心樂事。 SEVVA 的調酒師一向水準超班,餐廳的雞尾酒別具特色,廣受客人歡迎,餐廳早已成為香 港的知名食府和地標。SEVVA 的雞尾酒款式多樣化,當中包括 Margarita、Cosmopolitan 這類 傳統雞尾酒,Gin Tonic 更是 SEVVA 的鎮店之寶,最近還推出創新的 Vodka Gazpacho,概念 源自西班牙凍湯,混合伏特加酒調成雞尾酒。調酒師對於調較雞尾酒的過程一絲不苟,餐廳堅 持選用新鮮果汁及有機薄荷葉,務求每杯雞尾酒都能做到盡善盡美,滿足客人的味蕾。 除了雞尾酒外,SEVVA 還推出了一系列的輕食,讓客人在享用美酒之餘,亦可以果腹。其 中最受歡迎的組合是餐廳的招牌漢堡,配以一杯清新的 Kir Royale;喜歡新嘗試的朋友不坊叫一 客免治西冷春卷,中式做法配合西式食材,感覺耳目一新。每款食物都別出心裁,一定能滿足 你的食慾。 另 外, 餐 廳 還 提 供 其 他 特 色 食 品 如 迷 你 Dosas, 當 中 包 括 The Mediterranean 和 The Jetsetter 等口味;迷你漢堡拼盤亦是 SEVVA 的人氣小食,拼盤包括韓式排骨、蟹肉餅、魚肉漢 堡和薯條。 天色晴朗的晚上,餐廳更有樂隊即席表現,讓一眾客人可以在醉人音樂下,繼續把酒談心。


Miss B's Cake Corner 41

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Exquisite Overseas Weddings 夢幻海外婚禮 Sourced by 100% Overseas Wedding


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eddings abroad are becoming more and more popular these days but not all Wedding Planning companies have a travel agent licence. 100% Overseas Wedding is one of the few that have a licence and has over ten years experience in wedding planning. Unlike many other companies, they do not outsource its services to the local firms abroad. Instead, they can arrange the whole wonderful journey from beginning to the end. In order to ensure good communications and the best service for local clients, they have set up an office in Bali where the staff are all from Hong Kong providing their clients with a personal and efficient free service. They are renowned for their professionalism, service excellence and warm hospitality. 近年流行到海外舉行婚禮,但市面專門籌辦海外婚禮而又持 有旅行社牌照的公司寥寥可數,今次的受訪對象就是其中之一。 100% Overseas Wedding 擁有超過 10 年旅行社經驗,有別於市 面上一般將海外婚禮如旅遊團般外判給當地公司的做法,他們擁 有旅行社牌照,可直接為新人訂購酒店機票和包團。因為深明婚 禮所需細節繁多,他們就率先在峇里開設辦事處,派香港員工駐 守,同聲同氣溝通更為親切直接,使得有峇里專家之美譽!

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Le mur des Je t'aime

Getting married in a white chapel or on a beautiful sandy beach is a dream for many couples. In fact, the cost of overseas weddings are comparative to the cost of weddings in Hong Kong. Therefore, more and more couples are choosing weddings abroad, particularly in Bali, one of the most popular destinations with beautiful surroundings. The company has also established offices in other exotic destinations such as Sabah, Guam and Thailand. From pre-wedding to the wedding day, from wedding dresses to travel packages, the company provides an all-round planning service to their clients. Clients can also choose from a range of other destinations such as Korea, France, Maldives and New Zealand. Safety is of paramount concern for overseas wedding couples. Clients are reminded to avoid wedding planning companies without travel agent licences as there is no coverage of the TIC Levy. Thailand has also become an increasingly popular destination for overseas weddings. So, what’s next? The answer would be the Seychelles. You may not be familiar with this island nation situated in the Indian Ocean but Prince William and Kate Middleton, the future king and queen of England also spent their honeymoon in the Seychelles. 100% Overseas Wedding is now launching overseas wedding packages in the Seychelles along with Hilton Worldwide and Four Seasons, increasing clients choices of destinations for marriage abroad. 可享受香港沒有的陽光海灘或教堂靚景,其實婚照、 婚禮和蜜月加起來的費用和在香港擺酒相差不遠,難怪越 來越多新人選擇飛往外地。除了熱門地點峇里島,他們在 沙巴也設有辦事處,其他地方還有關島和新增的泰國。負 責人稱,他們不止是香港第一間在海外設港人辦事處的婚 禮公司,他們亦有為客人拍攝 pre-wedding,所提供的地 點選擇更多不勝數,如韓國,法國,馬爾代夫及最新推出 的新西蘭。兼提供婚紗禮服,避免新人因攀山涉水而損壞 別處租來的婚紗。到海外結婚,高興之餘也要注意安全。 100% Overseas Wedding 的負責人提醒新人,不要光顧無 旅行社牌照的公司籌辦結婚團,因為這並沒有旅遊業議會 印花稅保障。 憑 藉 旅 行 社 的 經 驗 和 人 脈, 打 通 了 泰 國 這 個 結 婚 新 興 勝 地 之 後, 下 一 步 又 是 哪 裡 呢? 答 案 是 - 塞 舌 爾 (Seychelles) !讀者對這個在印度洋的英聯邦成員國也許 還相當陌生,但連英國威廉王子夫婦都往此島國渡蜜月, 就知道這個類似馬爾代夫的新世外桃源是有多美吧。目前 他們已和希爾頓和四季集團合作在塞舌爾推出海外結婚套 餐,以後想去外國註冊行禮和擺酒,又多一個選擇!


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Health and Honey

蜂蜜養生之道 Photography : Courtesy of Manna Foundation

Honey has a long medicinal history in both eastern and western cultures. Some claim it is an indispensable breakfast ingredient in Germany. Honey provides plenty of sugar and minerals for recovery of energy loss and it is definitely good for health, as well as for skincare. You can either take honey directly or serve it in other food. The health benefits for all, especially for women are without questions. 蜂蜜一直被視為健康養生佳品,受到中外人士愛戴, 在德國更被視為必不可少的早餐食品。蜂蜜能有效補 充體力和礦物質,更有美容功效,蜂蜜既可直接食 用,又可配合其他食物同時食用,對女士們絕對有百 利而無一害。


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eople have become particularly conscious about healthy and natural ingredients in food products. We all need a daily intake of sugar and many people feel that artificial sweeteners are a healthier substitute for sugar. However, artificial sweeteners provide less energy but is much sweeter than sugar. Medical reports indicate that a long-term intake of artificial sweeteners may threaten our health. So, what can we use if sugar and artificial sweeteners are less than healthy? Honey has long been used for food and medicine. A drop of honey contains more than a hundred different properties which are important for the human body. It is not only important for you to consume honey when you are unwell but also when you are healthy to help improve and maintain your immune system. Hence, the importance of including honey in your daily diet. A combination of milk and honey is proven to be the best for skin and health. Caffeine can ward off drowsiness and restore alertness temporarily but it may lead to caffeine intoxication. On the contrary, honey is the best refreshing alternative which wakens us by providing nutrients and energy to the blood. It also helps to reduce stress and prevent constipation. 近年來,都市人愈來愈關注健康飲食,令天然食材的需求大大增加。日常生 活中,我們會經常攝取糖分,很多人認為代糖是健康之選,事實上,代糖只是相 對同等份量的砂糖含較少熱量,但甜度卻相對地高,有醫學報告更指出長期食用 這類人造甜味劑會對健康造成威脅。既然砂糖和代糖都沒有益處,那還有甚麼可 以取代呢? 自古以來,蜂蜜被很多人用作食材或藥品之用,一滴蜂蜜包含一百多種不同 的物質,對人體十分有益。無論我們身體健康或生病的時候,蜂蜜也能透過提高 免疫系統的功能,保持我們的身體健康。日常生活中,我們也可利用蜂蜜代替加 工糖類,用以烹調佳餚和調配飲品。有研究發現,蜂蜜配合牛奶飲用,對潤澤肌 膚和維持健康尤其有效。咖啡因雖可暫時驅走睡意並恢復精力,但長期攝取有機 會導致咖啡因中毒,蜂蜜則透過增加血液循環,能即時為我們提供大量養分和保 持活力,更可抗壓和舒緩便秘,是天然有益的提神佳品。


A Land of Milk and Honey 天賜良源 The Changbai Mountain is known as the “Snow Capped Heavenly Mountain” due to its snowy peak that reaches into the heavens. Deep within the mountain lies the Virgin Forest, a bio-spherical reserve, home to a variety of life. The environment of the Changbai Mountain creates a range of climatic ecosystems for the highly diverse flora and fauna, with precious species unique to the region. It is here in the heart of the mountain where one will find apiaries nestled amongst the natural linden trees providing perfect conditions to produce rich honey. Manna Foundation honey products are guaranteed to be free of additives and pesticides. In fact, white linden trees blossom for less than two weeks every three to five years meaning the production of white linden honey is limited and therefore precious. 長白山素有「人間聖景、天山之白」的美譽,近年更成為聯合 國國際生物圈保護區。長白山的高度造就了由溫帶到寒帶的植物生 態環境,孕育出豐富的珍稀天然資源。正天糧的白椴樹蜂蜜就是源 自長白山的寶貴產物,養蜂場深入保護區原始森林內,能保證蜜蜂 不受外界滋擾,蜂蜜不含任何添加物、抗生素和農藥殘留;白椴樹 每三至五年才開花一次,花期只有一至兩星期,所以白椴樹蜂蜜的 產量有限,特別珍貴。

Reserve White Linden Honey 極品白椴樹蜂蜜 Manna Foundation’s Reserve White Linden Honey is especially unique. Only the finest crystallised honey that has matured in the comb is selected and stored for two years, using a process similar to that of the wine industry. After two years, the selection process is further refined producing uniquely aromatic, densely flavoured honey nectar. Honey containing the highest energy ingredients fuel the brain neurons and the fructose and glucose are quickly absorbed by the body improving the blood flow. The individually packed honey supplements are ideal for everyone, especially those who exercise replacing energy loss anytime and anywhere. 正天糧的極品白椴樹蜂蜜,精選含豐富白椴蜜晶片之天然成熟蜜, 經兩年以上加工困釀,採用低溫處理進行淨化、提純的程序,生產出結 晶完美,芬香濃郁,美味可口,營養成份更高,易被腸胃吸收的優質白 椴蜂蜜,並透過特別運輸,直接由長白山的林深處運抵香港。 極品白椴樹蜂蜜有助恢復體力,蜂蜜中的果糖、葡萄糖容易被人體 吸收利用,能迅速改善血液的營養狀況。獨立包裝設計,既輕巧又易於 攜帶,直接沖水飲用或食用皆可,尤其方便運動人士隨時隨地補充體力。

正天糧有限公司 Manna Foundation 查詢熱線 Service Hotline : +852 2370 3272 網址 Website : SEP 2013




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Be Like Water nti-aging and anti-oxidation are hot topics in the beauty industry. However, people often forget an important factor, life is comprised of birth, age, illness and death. Why do some people age faster while the others age slower? It is all about genetics and hereditary aspects. Some say the environment around us often affects the way we look and how we develop as we age. Northern Chinese tend to consume more nutr i t i o u s f o o d t h a n s o u t h e r n Chinese and the air and water quality are also less polluted in the north. Therefore, it could be the reason northern Chinese have healthy skin. No matter what alters our appearance and health, we must understand the aging process before we try to keep ourselves looking young. So, I am going to tell you more about the condition of the human body. A common Chinese saying tells us, “Women are made of water”. It’s also mentioned in Chinese literature. However, why are women made of water? I think it’s because women are more sensitive. They cry when they feel happy or depressed. In fact, all living organisms are made of water. They are composed of cells which are the smallest unit of life. With each cell containing 70-80% of water, it is therefore important for all living organisms. Water is especially important to women. We cannot live without water as water is a medium for absorption of nutrients,

removal of waste and transmission of messages helping to maintain health. Moreover, female characteristics are determined by hormones which are hydrated substances that determine the differences between male and female sexual characteristics. In other words, the charm of a woman is correlated with water. Female hormones are not only related to the reproductive system, it’s also related to glands and the nervous systems. Tears, saliva, milk, vaginal secretion and mucus from glands help to store water and keep the elasticity of skin. A shortage of water could cause dry and flappy skin, as well as wrinkles. Moreover, female hormones are also related to thicker subcutaneous fat in female bodies. The thicker the subcutaneous fat, the more elastic skin is and the softer it is in appearance. Lack of vaginal secretion could affect the periodic metabolism inside the vagina and cause an unpleasant odour and may also have a negative impact on your sex life. All in all, hormones and health are indivisible. Sufficient hormones allow women to relax and sleep well. Beautiful women always have better self-retaining capacity for water. On the contrary, lack of hormones results in the symptoms of climacteric such as dry and flappy skin, aging, emotional disorder and bad temper. So, do you agree that women are made of water?

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基礎篇 --- 女人是水造的嗎? 現今,很多人都關注抗衰老和抗氧化的 話題,但他們都忽略了一個重要問題,就是人 的基礎。生老病死是每個人的必經階段,但為 什麼每個人衰老的速度卻不同呢?有人會歸咎 於先天因素,認為是基於父母遺傳,有人則認 為「一方水土一方人」,北方人的飲食比南方 人富含營養,居住環境的空氣和水質亦比南 方好,所以北方人肌膚較幼嫩。不論受什麼因 素影響,我們都必須先清楚了解身體的老化過 程,才懂得從何入手去保養自己。所以,在探 討抗衰老前,先帶大家了解我們的身體結構。 在坊間經常聽到「女人是水造」這句話, 就連不少中國文獻都有相關記載,可是,為什 麼只有女人是水造的呢?大概因為女人比較感 性、容易掉眼淚,有時喜極而泣;有時傷心落 淚,單憑這一點就斷定女人是水造的似乎太過 偏面。事實上,不單止女人,所有生物都是水 造的,生物由無數細胞組織,細胞是體內不同 器官組織的基本單位,每一粒細胞都包含百分 之七十至八十的水份,因此,水分是所有生物 生存的重要元素。


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水對每個人都很重要,對女人尤其重要。 水對女性有雙重意義,第一,水是生存的基本 條件,身體任何一個部分缺少水作為媒介,都 會失去吸收養分、排走廢物和傳遞訊息等作 用,有損健康;第二,女性的特質都是用水 來體現的,男、女性的分別主要在於性徵,荷 爾蒙主宰性徵,本身也是帶有水分的物質,所 以,女性能否展現出女性魅力跟水是息息相關 的。 雌性荷爾蒙不單止掌管生殖系統,還跟身 體很多腺體都有連繫,甚至跟神經傳導有關。 眼淚、口水、乳汁、陰道分泌,以及身體上很 多黏膜都屬於水性腺體,女人漂亮與否、皮膚 有沒有彈性都跟儲水功能和水性腺體的分泌有 關,如果儲水功能欠佳,皮膚就會乾、出現皺 紋和鬆弛。除此之外,雌性荷爾蒙同時掌管女 性皮下脂肪,女性皮下脂肪較厚除了保持肌膚 彈性外,亦為女性塑造一個柔滑的線條,沒有 皮下脂肪,人就會顯得乾巴巴。當陰道腺體分 泌不足時,亦會影響陰部內部皮膚周期的新陳 代謝,積聚廢物而產生異味,甚至因為分泌不

足時,也會影響夫妻間親密關係的和諧和協 調。 由此可見,荷爾蒙會直接影響身體健康。 荷爾蒙足夠的女性會比較放鬆,睡眠比較好, 修復能力好的時候,自然會比較漂亮,反之, 荷爾蒙不足就會出現更年期特徵,如乾燥、鬆 弛、 老化、情緒不穩甚至脾氣暴躁,那麼, 你說女人是水造的嗎?


Denver Chiu, Our Senior Beauty Expert

has been carrying out scientific research in energy therapy, hormones, anti-oxidation and anti-aging with science professionals

from the U.S.A, Germany and Taiwan since the 1990s.

趙震宇 , 資深能量美容培訓達人 自九十年代開始已跟美國、德國及台灣等地 科研團隊,著手研究能量治療、荷爾蒙課 題、抗氧化、抗衰老等課題,並從事生物工 程護膚產品開發 高端美容技術、能量管理課程培訓師


Manulife Financial LPGA Classic 宏利金融菁英賽 10 to 14 Jul South Korea’s Hee Young Park outlasted American Angela Stanford in a three-hole playoff to earn her second-career LPGA Tour victory at the Manulife Financial LPGA Classic. It was Park’s first-career playoff appearance and birdied the third playoff hole to seal the win, her first since the 2011 CME Group Titleholders. Park (64) and Stanford (65) both finished regulation at 26-under 258 which tied the lowest 72-hole raw score in LPGA Tour history. Karen Stupples posted a four-day total of 258 at the 2004 Welch’s/Fry’s Championship. 南韓選手朴喜映在最後一回合的賽事被美國選手史丹福追平,需要以延長賽決勝負,經過 3 洞才奪得勝利,是繼 2011 年終賽 CME Group Titleholders 後得到的 LPGA 生涯第二冠。這是朴喜映職業生涯中的第一個延長賽,在延長賽的第三洞抓下小鳥贏得比賽。 朴喜映 (64 桿 ) 和史丹福 (65 桿 ) 都打出了低於標準桿 26 桿,以 258 桿的總成績一道進入延長賽,追平 LPGA 歷史中 72 洞賽的最佳成績。 以往的紀錄保持者是凱倫 - 斯特普萊斯,2004 年她在四天賽 Welch’s/Fry’s Championship 打出總桿數 258 桿的成績。

Marathon Classic Presented by Owens Corning & O-I 托雷多菁英賽 18 to 21 Jul

RICOH Women’s British Open RICOH 英國女子公開賽 1 to 4 Aug

Three weeks remain until the 2013 Solheim Cup but Sunday’s final round of the Marathon Classic Presented by Owens Corning and O-I certainly had the look and feel of a dramatic singles matches between the United States and Europe. Beatriz Recari of Spain and American Paula Creamer provided a duel to the finish at Highland Meadows Golf Club in Sylvania, Ohio as Recari sank a 4-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole to capture her second victory of the 2013 season and the third of her career. Recari shot a 17-under 267 for the tournament which was just enough to edge Creamer who was just one stroke behind with a 16-under 268. 雖然距離 Solheim Cup 尚有三星期,但星期日舉行的托

All eyes were set on Rolex Rankings No.1 Inbee Park this week at St. Andrews hoping to catch a glimpse of history at the RICOH Women’s British Open. However, it was the No. 2 player in the world who ended up stealing the headlines. American Stacy Lewis shot a final-round, even-par 72 at the famed Old Course to win her second-career major championship with a twoshot victory over South Koreans Na Yeon Choi and Hee Young Park. Lewis birdied the 71st and 72nd holes of the tournament to move her to 8-under par which proved to be the winning score. The victory is Lewis’ second major win and first since the 2011 Kraft Nabisco Championship which was also the last time an American claimed a major title. The win snapped a streak of 10 winless majors for the United States.

雷多菁英賽決賽已令觀眾感受到 Solheim Cup 的緊張氣氛和激 烈競爭,仿如歐美之間的對決。西班牙選手碧翠茲.蕾卡莉和 美國的寶拉.克蕾瑪在高原牧場高爾夫俱樂部的決賽中一較高 下,雙方勢均力敵,最終蕾卡莉在第十八洞抓下小鳥完成賽事, 贏得她 2013 年單季第二座冠軍和職業生涯中的第三個殊榮。 蕾卡莉打出低於標準桿 17 桿,總桿數 267 桿成績;克蕾 瑪則打出低於標準桿 16 桿,總桿數 268 桿,蕾卡莉以一桿之 微險勝克蕾瑪。

這星期,眾人目光都落在長勝將軍朴仁妃身上,期望她會在英國女子公 開賽中再下一城,成為歷史上第一個在同一賽季連續贏得四場職業大滿貫賽 的選手,結果世界排名第二的選手搶盡了風頭,成為全場焦點。 美國選手史黛西.路易斯在最後一局打出平標準桿 72 桿的成績完成賽 事,以兩桿之勝擊敗南韓選手崔羅蓮和朴喜映,贏得職業生涯第二個大滿貫 冠軍。路易斯分別在第 71 和 72 洞抓下小鳥,以總成績低於標準桿 8 桿摘冠。 這次是路易斯繼奪得 2011 年納貝斯克錦標賽冠軍後的第一座大滿貫盃, 亦是她職業生涯的第二個大賽冠軍,終結了美國選手連續十場大賽冠軍荒。


SEP 2013


Wuhan Challenge 武漢東方挑戰賽 25 to 27 Jul Kusuma Meechai picked a good time to shoot her best round of the week as the Thai teenager fired a two-under 70 on Saturday to win the Wuhan Challenge by one stroke for her first professional title. Two late bogeys relegated China’s Shang Linyan (69) to runner-up in the RMB500,000 tournament at Orient Wuhan Golf Club, while Thailand’s Ajira Nualraksa (71) was third with two shots back. Pan Yanhong, the leader through the first two rounds, finished fourth, four shots off the pace, after stumbling to a 75 for the second straight day. Kusuma, an 18-year-old from Sakaeo province in eastern Thailand, started her round two shots off the lead. She carded four birdies against two bogeys in the hot conditions in the Hubei capital for a oneunder-par 215 and a RMB75,000 pay day. “It feels really good, like a dream come true,” said the three-year pro of her maiden win. “It wasn’t difficult out there, but it wasn’t easy either. I just stuck with my plan, played my own game and did not look at anyone else’s score.” Kusuma, who lost in a playoff last month in a Thailand domestic event, cited a rebound at the 15th hole as the turning point in her round. After flying the green and making a bogey-four at the 14th, she nearly drove the green at the next, setting up a chip and a putt for birdie. “I drive the ball, on average, about 280 yards, so that, along with my putting was really good all week. I pulled the driver out of my bag (on the tight 18th hole fairway) because I was confident with my driver and it was a good choice.” The Shanghai-based Shang, who carded an eagle-three and four birdies, but also three bogeys, said her threeunder score on Saturday was acceptable, considering how she played.

Pan got off to a good start with a birdiethree at the second hole to get to twounder, but saw her lead disappear quickly with a double bogey at the next and a bogey at the fourth hole. She then double bogeyed the par-three eighth to make the turn at 38 and fall out of contention. China’s Luo Ying finished as the top amateur as the teenager closed with evenpar 72, her low round of the week, tied with compatriot Guo Caizhou (72) in equal fifth, four shots back. 北京時間 7 月 27 日,泰國 19 歲選手庫 蘇瑪在武漢東方高爾夫球場最後一個洞漂亮保 帕的情況下,打出 70 桿,低於標準桿 2 桿, 以一桿優勢驚險戰勝尚林豔,奪得武漢東方挑 戰賽冠軍,這是她職業生涯第一個冠軍。庫蘇 瑪三輪成績為 215 桿 (73-72-70),低於標準桿 1 桿,贏得冠軍獎金 7.5 萬元人民幣。 安徽籍球員尚林豔打出 69 桿,低於標準 桿 3 桿,她一度獲得領先,可惜最後階段未 能穩住,只能屈居第二。她的三輪成績為 216 桿 (74-73-69),平標準桿。這是她自 SRIXON XXIO 女子公開賽以來,再度在中國女子巡迴 賽上獲得亞軍。 上海東方女子精英賽冠軍阿姬娜也曾在比 賽過程中也曾獲得領先,她在第 16 洞吞下柏 忌,最終打出 71 桿,以 217 桿,高於標準桿 1 桿,單獨位於第三位。 36 洞領先者潘豔紅最後一輪只打出 75 桿,下 跌到單獨第四位,成績為 218 桿,高於標準 桿 2 桿;中國業餘球手羅瑩總成績 219 桿, 與職業球手郭彩竹並列第 5 位,榮獲本站比賽 的最佳業餘球手獎。 潘豔紅進入最後一輪的時候領先 2 桿,雖 然在前九洞她抓到 3 只小鳥,可是她也犯下了 兩個重大失誤,分別在第三洞和第八洞吞下兩 個雙柏忌,潘豔紅解釋,這兩個洞她各自一次 切球切空了,所以導致這麼大的失誤。 尚林豔在九號洞打得相當精彩,她第二桿 將球放到 3 英尺處,隨即一推射下老鷹,那個 時候,她一下子成為了單獨領先者,因為她在 之前兩個洞也抓到小鳥,那頭老鷹讓她的成績

一下子變為了平標準桿 。 那之後,尚林豔連續保了四個帕,接著第 14 洞,三桿洞,她又收獲了一隻小鳥,看上 去她就要觸碰到獎盃了。沒想到這個時候,情 況卻出現了變化。「最後幾個洞,我的頭都是 暈的,我用三號木開球,可是小球一直左曲」 尚林豔說。 尚林豔 15 號洞三號木開球下水之後吞下 柏忌,16 號洞下沙坑又一次吞下柏忌。儘管 如此,她仍為自己創造了一個相當好的機會。 17 號洞,511 碼的五桿洞,尚林豔推入了一 個 10 英尺的小鳥,接著 18 號洞她在開球進 入球道沙坑的情況下,精彩將球救到果嶺上。 最終她在那個洞推入 10 英尺推桿,以平標準 桿結束,為自己留下一個打延長賽的機會,因 為她離開球場的時候,只是落後庫蘇瑪一桿而 已。 可是尚林豔沒有等到那一刻。平均開球距 離為 280 碼的庫蘇瑪從最後一組出發,她在 球道相當狹窄的最後一個洞用一號木開球,將 潘豔紅和張玉陽遠遠甩到了後邊,更關鍵的是 她的小球就放在球道上,進攻果嶺的角度很 好。庫蘇瑪因此得到了很好的回報,她將球放 到了旗桿 下方,剩下大約 12 英尺。當她一推 推到洞口時,懸念結束了。 13 歲開始學習高爾夫,庫蘇瑪說自己是 一個體育迷,除了高爾夫,還喜歡排球和籃 球,最喜歡的籃球球星是姚明。而她今天之所 以能奪冠,與堅持自己的策略有關。「我制 訂好了一個比賽計劃,而我堅持了下來。」庫 蘇瑪說,「我今天在第 10 洞與第 16 洞都看 了領先榜,但是我仍然照著自己的計劃在打比 賽。」 很顯然,這對尚林豔是一個失望的結果, 她還從來沒有在東方高爾夫集團贊助的比賽中 奪取過冠軍。「肯定有遺憾,不過我最後一輪 打出這個成績 (69 桿 ),還是可以接受的。我 已經盡力了。」尚林豔說,「球是圓的,什麼 結果都可能發生。接下來我將全力備戰全運 會,再下來是華彬 LPGA 中國精英賽。」

SEP 2013


From left to right : Johnny Wong (Wilson Staff sole agent, Athletic International Ltd General Manager) Keith Williams (Hong Kong Golf Club General Manager) WANGMAHAPORN Chayanit (Overall Girls Champion 2013 from Thailand) Scarlett Cheung (Representative of Hong Kong Descent Trading Ltd)

le coq sportif Hong Kong Junior Open Championship 2013 he le coq sportif Hong Kong Junior Open Championship 2013 prize presentation was held on 16 August 2013. Youngsters from several different countries aged 7 to 17 years were divided into five age groups for the competition. On the last day of the competition, the weather was temperamental with the rain causing difficult conditions for the competition. However, the youngsters did not let the weather affect them and finished the competition with outstanding raw scores. The Overall Boys and Girls Championships were won by Hong Kong and Thai participants respectively. All the youngsters did their best in the competition. One of the winners was 11 year old Jenny Zheng, daughter of a Hong Kong PGA coach. She has been learning golf since she was just 4 years old and later developed a keen interest in golf and now has lessons with her mother every week. Jenny’s mother hopes that Jenny will understand the philosophy of “no pain, no gain” soon and put more effort into golf. She also encourages parents to let their children take up golf as it is a good family activity to be enjoyed by all ages.


SEP 2013

Iain Valentine (HKGA Chief Executive Officer, now retired) Lucas Lam (Overall Boys Champion 2013 from Hong Kong)

All the winners of the 7-10 age group

le coq sportif 香 港 青 少 年 公 開 賽(le coq sportif Hong Kong Junior Open Championship 2013)經於 8 月 16 日圓滿結束,7 至 17 歲青少年共分五個年齡組別作賽,有來自不同國家的青少年同場 比拼。 賽事的最後一日天氣不太穩定,下雨為比賽加添困難,但一班參賽者 都無懼惡劣天氣,依然打出好成績,逐一完成比賽。最終由香港選手 和泰國選手分別奪得男子組和女子組的總冠軍殊榮。 當日,每一位參賽的青少年都盡全力打出最佳成績,其中一位年 僅十一歲的得獎者 Jenny Zheng 更系出名門,自小跟隨媽媽學習高 球,受影響下漸漸對高爾夫球產生興趣。由於媽媽是香港高球教練, 所以每星期都會抽時間親自跟 Jenny 上課,希望女兒能透過打高球 明白「有付出才有收穫」的道理,她認為高球是很好的親子活動,鼓 勵其他家長讓子女接觸這項運動。

Jenny Zheng celebrating with her mum (HKPGA Coach)

SEP 2013





FORE GIRLS 雜誌剛於八月正式推出,另外,我 們還預備了電子版,讀者亦可在網上瀏覽。 雜誌剛剛面世不久,相信讀者還來不及寫信跟我們分享 打高球的趣聞,這一次就讓我先分享一下自己的經驗 吧! 最近我參加了第一埸處女賽,其實是獲朋友邀請,

ur very first bilingual edition of FORE GIRLS was launched in August 2013 and is now available in hard copy format as well as the e-version on our website.

Due to the short circulation time we were not expecting replies or responses from our readers just yet, so for the moment I will share some of my personal golfing experiences with you. Recently, I had the pleasure or more to the point “got roped into” playing my very first round of competitive golf with a well known “Golf Society” in Hong Kong and as they had only 39 golfers registered of which 3 were women, would I play and make up a ladies 4 ball. After a nightmarish sleepless night fretting about all the damage I could cause and how many golfers I will hit with a golf ball, I finally arrived at the golf course, bleary eyed but ready to do my thing. The ferry ride was quite pleasant actually but that will prove to be the best part of my day! Being new to all this, I was quite amazed with the pre-competition briefing, much if not all was Greek to me, something about using double prioria for scoring and snakes and bandits?????? Really, sounded more like a wildlife documentary than a golf competition. What really pricked my interest was when the discussion focused on the 4 lady golfers and what to do about their inclusion into the “Exotic Prize” competition which comprised of the Nearest Pin and Longest Drive holes.

After a fairly lengthy and somewhat heated debate, it was decided that because there were not enough lady golfers playing to justify introducing separate holes for men’s and ladies Nearest Pin and Longest Drives, the organisers decided that all will compete together. Now, you may wonder what all the fuss was about until you get to the designated holes and realize that the ladies, who will play off the front tees, could in many holes have a substantial yardage advantage over the men playing off the back tees. Now, of our 4 lady players, two were quite good with 18 and 22 handicaps while the third had a 28 and of course me the beginner struggling at 32. Anyway, to cut a long story short, you‘ve probably guessed by now what the outcome was. Of the two Longest Drive and four Nearest Pin Par 3 holes, our ladies flight won four, both the Longest Drive and two Nearest Pins. By the way, none of these were won by me.

To give our ladies credit although there was approximately 100 yards advantage at both the Longest Drives, our ladies drove about 175 yards beating the men’s by less than 5 yards. For the winning Nearest Pin holes, there was only a 10 yards advantage between the front and back tees and both our ladies finished closest to the flag, one as close as 3 inches from the cup.

At the prize giving dinner, it was quite noticeable that while some of the competitors happily accepted the ladies winning these prizes, there was still quite a large vocal majority who felt it was unfair for the ladies to be given this advantage and in future women should play off the same tees as the men. Gentlemen please………………!!!!!!! So, we women are the “weaker sex”………….. except when it comes to playing Longest Drive and Nearest Pin competitions. Oh yes, I didn’t hit anyone with a golf ball, my gross score was too big to fill into the score card and I played in my first competitive golf competition. On the bright side I scored my first real par on a Par 4 which made my day. Do you have similar stories like this to share? Let me know by dropping me an email at


SEP 2013

盛情難卻下才答應出賽,是次比賽由香港其中一個著名 高爾夫球會主辦,三十九名參賽選手中只有三名是女 性,我就是跟那三位女高球手組成一隊四人組。 比賽前一晚我緊張得無法入睡,擔心自己技術欠 佳,會把球打得歪東歪西,更擔心打傷其他在場人士或 對場地造成毀壞。經過一晚失眠,睡眼惺惺相惜的我到 達比賽場地,縱然一臉疲態,我的精神和力量卻早已為 這場比賽作好準備。 這是我第一次打比賽,這場比賽的賽前講解實在 讓我感到驚訝,當中有很多我聽不懂的術語如 double peoria 和 snakes and bandits,令我覺得根本不像是比 賽,而是一場野生記錄片。我最關注的內容是有關我們 四位女參賽者的比賽安排,大家都在討論該如何制定賽 規,讓我們公平地跟男參賽者角逐最近旗桿獎和最遠發 球獎。 經過一場熱烈討論後,大家都認為由於女參賽者人 數太少,不應該把獎項分為男女兩組頒發,主辦機構最 終決定以男女混合賽形式進行。問題出現了,女士發球 區比男士發球區的位置較前,換言之,女士們的比賽距 離相對男士短,間接令女士佔優,那麼,男女一同比賽 會否有點不太公平呢? 我們這組共有四名女將,最優秀的兩位一向成績不 錯,差點分別只有 18 和 22,第三位是 28,至於我這 名初哥則是 32。 長話短說,相信你大概能猜到比賽結果怎樣了。兩 個最近旗桿獎和四個最遠發球獎之中,我們女士組贏得 其中四個獎項,最近旗桿獎和最遠發球獎分別各得兩 個,不過,四個都沒有我的份。 女選手在距離上確實比男選手稍為佔優,大約相差 一百碼吧。但男女雙方的最終分數其實沒有太大差距, 最遠發球獎中勝出的男女選手成績只相差少於五碼, 至於最近旗桿獎的男女發球區亦只有相差十碼的距離, 兩位得獎女選手打出的球都是比賽中最接近旗桿的,可 見女選手們的確有相當實力,並非勝之不武。 頒獎晚宴上,有人認為我們實至名歸,但仍有很多 人認為賽規偏袒女參賽者,對男士們不公平,他們建議 他日再有類似比賽,男女選手都必須在同一個發球區發 球。男士們,請拿出你們的紳士風度吧! 我們畢竟是弱質女流,只是在比賽場上表現得稍為 英勇而已。 那天,幸好我沒有擊中任何人, 只是成績實在有 點失禮,我也不好意思把它記在計分卡上,但比賽中仍 有一點讓我感到高興,就是第一次漂亮地完成一個四桿 洞,這是我最大的收穫。


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An Introduction to the Art of Tea Appreciation 普洱的品茗藝術 Chinese tea is generally categorised into six different varieties of tea. The tea leaves from one type of tree can normally be used in making several types of tea. The time of year when the tea leaves are picked, the natural ingredients, weather can adversely affect the taste of the final cup of tea. Indeed, even the age of the tree from which the tea leaves are derived can affect the colour, taste and quality. In addition, the mood of the drinker at the time of drinking is also a factor to be considered. However, whilst all these factors need to be considered, it is the tea making process, the methodology that is also important. The Chinese believe that to truly extract the essence of the tea, one must perform what is commonly known as the “tea ceremony”, a ritual of pouring and the washing of the tea leaves and cups with boiling water before the tea is ready for drinking. Only then can you sample the true aroma and flavour. With long term consumption, it is said that tea can help to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and hyperlipidemia. Intro Wise’s signature Yi Wu tea is a traditional tea with a rich history from the Yunan province of China. Naturally grown with no artificial preservatives or ingredients, this tea brings out the essence and character of the region with its rich, smooth and natural flavour. The tea leaves are ready for infusions with a two year maturity process. Of course, the taste of the tea would be better if the maturity process is longer. The result is simply … well simple, no games, no gimmicks, just tea.

To make an appointment for Tea Appreciation classes or for further details, please contact :

Intro Wise Tea House W : T : +852 2713 8078 A : 4/F, Morrison Commercial Bldg, 31 Morrison Hill Road, Causeway Bay, HK


SEP 2013

中國茶主要可分為六大類,一般來說,每種樹的樹葉可用來製作多款中國茶,每年的採 茶季節、天然原料和氣候都會直接影響茶葉的質量和茶的口感,事實上,茶葉摘自不同樹齡 的樹,泡出來的茶都會呈現不同顏色、味道和口感,除了外在因素外,品茗者的心態同樣重 要,懷著不同心情品茶,品嚐到的味道自然都有分別。雖然以上種種因素都會對杯中茶構成 影響,但始終最重要還是泡茶的技術。 中國人深信要真正品嚐到茶的精髓,泡茶的步驟一定要一絲不苟。中國茶藝注重水源、 水溫以及茶具的選擇,泡茶前要先用沸水沖泡茶葉和茶杯,將沖泡茶葉的水倒出,稱為洗茶, 經過這個步驟,才能真正體會茶香和茶的獨有味道。據說長期喝茶更有降血壓、降血糖和降 血脂等功效。 易武茶是中惠茶舍的皇牌產品,這種茶產自中國雲南地區,是歷史悠久兼品質較好的普 洱茶,確保不含任何化學肥料和除草劑,百分百純天然製造。易武茶入口濃郁幼滑,有天然 的甘香味,充分表現出雲南地區的自然氣息,花了五年時間鑽研,發現茶葉經炒製後存放兩 年時間已適合飲用,當然存放時間愈長,效果愈理想,茶舍用心製作的茶葉,定能令你回味 無窮。


HOW IT WORKS The NEW D-100 family of woods and irons utilizes super lightweight technology to increase distance by achieving faster ball speeds with the same swing effort.

SUPER LIGHT WOODS AND HYBRIDS With over 40 grams of weight reduction compared to traditional drivers, the D-100 Superlight driver optimally distributes mass across the grip, shaft and newly engineered head. Utilizing this same lightweight engineering principle in the fairway woods and hybrids, D100 family of clubs maintain proper swing weights that make them The Right Light™ for Women.

SERIOUSLY LONG IRONS 11% HIGHE R MOI Exoskeleton technology coupled with an undercut cavity allows 35% more mass to be moved to the sole, heel and toe areas for extreme perimeter weighting.

PROGRESSIVE H EAD DESIGN Optimized head features throughout the iron set deliver ideal launch angles, ball speeds and spin rates for each loft.

THINNE R FACE The larger and 7% thinner iron faces deliver faster ball speeds and unsurpassed distance.


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