Fore Girls Issue #10

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Classic Cruises


Editor's Note 主編的話 Hooray to more sunshine and daylight! May appears to be an eventful month with quite a few tournaments scheduled on the HKGA, China LPGA, LET and LPGA tour calendar. We hope to introduce more great golf games, tips and tuition to our readers. In the past few months I have been able to play some golf, both recreationally and for charities. Endless joy and great fun it was, so come on ladies and kids, let’s hop in a car or take a boat and get swinging out there! This edition of Fore Girls will take you to one of Hong Kong’s most prestigious golf clubs, along with the luxurious, sumptuous St. Regis hotel in New York. We also interviewed Pornanong Phatlum, a 24-year-old LPGA player from one of the emerging nations for golf, Thailand. One of her career stepping stones, the Queen Sirikit Cup has just finished its 36th edition and hold your breath fellow readers, this Asian amateur tournament will be held in Hong Kong in 2015! Fore Girls will look forward to that, will you? 隨着日照時間更長,五月彷彿是各個女子賽事的活躍期,無論是 香港高爾夫球總會、女子中巡、女子歐巡、甚至女子美巡的賽程表上 也有好幾個賽事,我們當然會為大家報導,希望讀者們能藉此更了解 高爾夫球現況和擊球技巧。 過去數月我有幸可以去打打高爾夫球,無論是慈善賽或是練練球 藝,當中都充滿樂趣和歡笑。所以,女士及年青人們,是時候乘車坐 船去擁抱一下充滿大自然氣息的高球場! 今期 FORE GIRLS 帶你到香港其中一個最歷史悠久的會所和美 國紐約華麗的 St. Regis 酒店,來個都市之旅。我們更訪問了現年 24 歲,來自新興高球國之一的泰國女子美巡選手伯娜隆。作為她事業一 大踏腳石的泰后盃 Queen Sirikit Cup 第 36 屆賽事完滿結束,香港 的讀者們,我們有福了,因為 2015 年泰后盃將於香港舉行! FORE GIRLS 則十分期待,你呢?

Caroline Ling Proprietor | Chief Editor





The Home of Hong Kong Golf 香港高球祖家


The Sensation from Siam 來自暹羅的魅力


Question Time 高球問與答


The Leading Edge of Hong Kong Golf 香港職高的女主帥


The Takeaway 上桿


18 Grams of Coffee, 18 Kilograms of Taste


Manhattan Dreams

18 克咖啡 18 公斤的味道



Poliformia 奢華傢俱典範


Spiritual Guidance to a Healthier Life 從心靈引領健康生活


Lip Smacking Good 咀唇永遠是一個亮點,一個標誌


Golf News 高球新訊


LPGA & CLPGA News 中、美巡賽擇要


Player Profiles 球手簡介


A Ray of Sunshine 一縷曙光


May 2014

18 38



女 高 球 雜 誌



Caroline Ling


Carmen Wong

助理主編 營運總監 | 執行主編






Chi Fei Tang Issac Chan Gordon Liu (HKPGA)



Michelle Luis, Jackie Johnson, CLPGA, Christina Ricci, Eva Yoe



David Kao



Issac Chan




Virginia Chan Jacqueline Tang

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May 2014



HOW IT WORKS The NEW D-100 family of woods and irons utilizes super lightweight technology to increase distance by achieving faster ball speeds with the same swing effort.



With over 40 grams of weight reduction compared to traditional drivers, the D-100 Superlight driver optimally distributes mass across the grip, shaft and newly engineered head. Utilizing this same lightweight engineering principle in the fairway woods and hybrids, D100 family of clubs maintain proper swing weights that make them The Right Light™ for Women.

SERIOUSLY LONG IRONS 11% HIGHE R MOI Exoskeleton technology coupled with an undercut cavity allows 35% more mass to be moved to the sole, heel and toe areas for extreme perimeter weighting.

PROGRESSIVE H EAD DESIGN Optimized head features throughout the iron set deliver ideal launch angles, ball speeds and spin rates for each loft.

THINNE R FACE The larger and 7% thinner iron faces deliver faster ball speeds and unsurpassed distance.


高爾夫球 DESTINATIONS.COVER STORY.CLINIC.PROFILES.TIPS & TECHNIQUES 球 場 精 選 ・ 封 面 故 事 ・ 高 球 問 與 答 ・ 人 物 專 訪 ・ 高 球 教 室



Home Hong Kong Golf

OF It was in the late 19th century.

It was a booming time for international golf amongst the British Empire. It was on Friday 10th May 1889 that 13 golfing enthusiasts formed The Royal Hong Kong Golf Club, one of the 100 oldest clubs in the world and the first and only golf club in Hong Kong at the time. Today in 2014, let us witness the success and splendour of the venerable Hong Kong Golf Club as it celebrates its 125th anniversary.


May 2014


May 2014



The Historic Clubhouse

At the Very Beginning

Not Just a Men’s Game

he three splendid 18-hole courses and a 9-hole par 3

On the ladies’ side, due to "crowded conditions", from 1896

course, two clubhouses with picturesque views in the

ladies were only permitted to play golf on a very restricted basis.

territory, as well as other recreation facilities that The

It was not until the 1930’s that ladies were allowed to play golf

Hong Kong Golf Club offers today did not come just like that.

at The Hong Kong Golf Club for a monthly subscription of $2.

Members used to share their land with football and hockey

Since then, more than 40 ladies major golf trophies have been

players as well as military parades in Happy Valley until they

awarded to women golfers year after year. Additionally, a thriving

obtained the land at Deep Water Bay in 1898, when they could

Junior Section, supporting core values in talent, respect of the

take a boat ride to the golf course or ride ponies over the Wong

rules and etiquette of the game, has also been developed. Local

Nai Chung Gap. Soon after in 1911, the piece of land in Fanling

schools programme and a Junior Membership programme also

was granted and there the Old Course was laid. The other two

offer ample opportunities for interested pupils to join coaching

18-hole courses, the New Course and subsequently the Eden

and golf camps to encourage golf amongst the youth.

Course which was leased from The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, were opened in 1931 and 1970 respectively.

Indelible Moments

Upholding the Traditions of Golf

Inevitably, a club as historic as The Hong Kong Golf Club has

The Club celebrated its centenary in 1989 and has entered

to build on the foundation laid by their predecessors. Keith

its second hundred years recognised as one of the leading golf

Williams, General Manager of The Hong Kong Golf Club recalled

clubs worldwide. Given the rich history and tradition, the Club’s

several memorable occasions during his tenure at the Club, such

devoted team of board and staff members has never ceased

as meeting and greeting visiting dignitaries, as well as the world’s

to offer excellent facilities and new initiatives that appeals to

best golf professionals each year during the Hong Kong Open

its members, guests, and visitors from around the world. The

which has been played at the Club since 1959. When asked of his

variety and nature of the golf courses, the driving range as well

aspirations, “I strive to improve the golfing facilities and all areas

as the clubhouse facilities constantly caters well to the needs

of the Club. Continued attention to detail is so very important in

of the golfers and is much appreciated by all. Their education

maintaining the standards which has been the hallmark of the

to new and junior golfers is not only about skills, but also on

Club since its inception in 1889,” affirmed Mr. Williams. Surely this

maintaining the spirit and etiquette of golf.

commitment will bring them to another glorious centenary.


May 2014

certainly borne its own values that allows its followers to continue


Picturesque Landscape

Relaxing at the Bar May 2014



香港高球祖家 那是十九世紀後葉,也是大英帝國屬邦開始興起高球運動的時期。1889 年 5 月 10 日, 十三位高球愛好者成立了當時香港唯一的高爾夫球會,也是當今世界百大最古老球會 之一的皇家香港高爾夫球會。來到 2014 年,讓我們一同見證香港高爾夫球會 125 年 來的輝煌成就。


May 2014


Luscious Fairways

盤古初開 香港高爾夫球會今時今日所擁有的三個 18 洞高爾夫球場、9 洞標準 3 桿場、並 且能飽覽區內如畫景致的兩個會所並非一蹴而就。昔日的高球會會員一直需要與曲棍 球員、足球員及軍事儀仗隊於跑馬地共用場地,直至 1898 年獲批深水灣地皮,方可 乘坐小艇或騎馬經過黃泥湧峽到高爾夫球場。1911 年粉嶺地皮獲批,同年落成舊場。 其餘兩個高爾夫球場新場及伊甸場分別於 1931 及 1970 年落成,後者向當時的皇家香 港賽馬會租地而建。

堅守高球傳統 在世界首屈一指的香港高爾夫球會於 1989 年舉行百年慶典,現已踏入第二個百年。悠久的 歷史及傳統,加上盡心服務的委員會及職員,時刻為來自世界各地的會員、賓客及訪客提供一流 的設備及新構思,以作招徠。高爾夫球場各異其趣,連同其練習場及會所設施,一直備受高球員 推崇。其對於新晉及青少年高爾夫球員的訓練,也不單流於教授技巧,而且著重教育高球素養。

少年巾幗 在女子高爾夫方面,因為「地方淺窄」關係,自 1896 年起,女士們只能有限度打高爾夫球,

Keith Williams General Manage r

及至 1930 年代方能以月費港幣 $2 的形式使用球會設施。時至今日,球會每年頒發逾 40 個主要 女子高爾夫盃予女子高爾夫球員。面對年青一代,推舉天賦、尊重球例及賽事禮儀等中心思想則 尤為重要。球會亦設立本地校園高爾夫計劃及青少年高球會籍,務求提供足夠機會予對高爾夫有 興趣的學生們,令他們接觸此運動,參加高爾夫訓練營及相關訓練。


The Hong Kong Golf Club 香港高爾夫球會 Fanling 粉嶺 Lot No. 1 Fan Kam Road, Sheung Shui, New Territories, Hong Kong


香港新界上水粉錦路第 1 地段

港高爾夫球會總經理 Keith Williams 任內曾與不同政要會面,更於自 1959 年開始於會內舉行的 香港高爾夫公開賽上認識世界頂尖職業高爾夫球員。被問到作為總經理的抱負時,他回答道:「我 致力改善及提升會內各處的高爾夫設施,故時刻也需留意小節,因為這裡的一絲一亳也標誌著本 會自 1889 年成立起所樹立的標準。」實在任重而道遠。如斯委身,定必會帶領香港高爾夫球會

Tel 電話 : +852 2670 1211 Fax 傳真 : +852 2679 5183 Email 電郵 : Website 網址 :


May 2014



The Sensation

from Pornanong

Siam Phatlum

The current world of ladies golf has been dominated by Korea with many players featuring in the Top 20. However, another Asian country has begun to produce a new crop of young players who will no doubt become a dominant force in world ladies golf in the near future.

Photographs courtesy of Tristan Jones/LET


May 2014


May 2014



rom the Thai capital of Bangkok, emerges a young lady who has made significant waves in the world of professional ladies golf since turning professional in 2008. Pornanong Phatlum played her rookie year with the LPGA in 2009 and since then has subsequently won several tournaments. More recently, she recorded a career low of 63 in the final round finishing runner-up at the Mobile Bay LPGA Classic in 2013. Not to be outdone, Pornanong went on to end her 2013 season with a great win at the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters setting up a great start for 2014. Fore Girls had the opportunity of an interview recently to find out a little more about this up and coming star of Thai golf.

FG: Tell us about your childhood and growing up in your

FG: What was your toughest or most difficult tournament

hometown in Thailand?

so far and why?

PP: I grew up in Chaiyaphum and had a normal upbringing like

PP: The US Women’s Open because the conditions of the course

any normal kid. I went to school, studied and spent time with my

are always tough.

friends. FG: What is it like having your brother Pornpong caddie FG: When and how did you first become interested in golf?

for you during tournaments?

PP: When I was 9 years old. My father was a big influence.

PP: He is my best companion. He is there to advise me during my ups and downs. I don’t even have to say anything, he just

FG: What would you say is the main challenge for you in

knows what the issues are and how to help me through my

golf at the moment?

difficult times. I feel secure when I have him on the course with

PP: My main challenge is adjusting to the weather conditions


of each tournament and of course getting used to the time differences of the countries I go to for tournaments.

FG: Where do you see Thai ladies golf in the future? PP: I believe we have new golfers coming through every year

FG: What motivates you to continue playing golf?

and I wish that we could see many more Thai golfers on the

PP: I love golf and could not imagine my life without it. I want to

LPGA tour.

be in the Top 10 of the world and play for my family. FG: What do you hope to achieve as a golfer? FG: Have you ever had a slump in form and how did you

PP: I want to improve every day and hope that one day I will be

address this issue?

world number one.

PP: I have this issue all the time but thank my brother Pornpong who is my caddie and coach now. He is always able to give me

FG: How would you describe golf in one word?

advice even during a round.

PP: Championship.

FG: What advice would you give to young players coming

FG: What do you do to relax when not playing golf?

into the game?

PP: I enjoying singing, watching movies and spending time with

PP: I would like to persuade all youngsters to play golf. All you

my family.

need for success is to concentrate. Concentration gives you the intellect to help you become a good golfer.

FG: What is the next step for you? PP: To get into the Top 10 in the world.

FG: What is going through your mind when you are competing in tournaments?

Fore Girls wishes Pornanong every success in the future and have

PP: I concentrate on playing every single shot trying to play the

faith she will achieve her goals and more.

best shot I can. FG: What is your most memorable tournament win so far and why? PP: It was the Thailand Ladies Open 2008. I was 18 years old and turned professional, it was my first win at a major tournament in Thailand.


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May 2014




現今的女子高爾夫球界之中,世界排名首 20 位以 韓國球員佔大多數。可是,在亞洲另一個專門生產 年輕球員的國家,她所孕育的孩子在不久將來會主 導整個女子高爾夫世界。

在泰國首都曼谷,一名年輕女子球員於 2008 年轉為職業球員,她的冒起令世界女子職高壇掀起一陣又一陣的浪潮。 伯娜隆.法琳 (Pornanong Phatlum) 在 2009 年隨美國女子巡迴賽打新人賽,自那時起已屢次捧盃。最近,她又以 職高生涯最低的 63 桿成績完成 2013 莫比爾灣 LPGA 精英賽的最後一輪賽事,成功取得亞軍。同年年終她再下一城, 勝出奧米加杜拜女子大師賽,為 2014 標誌着一個好開始。FORE GIRLS 有幸可和這位泰國的明日之星作專訪。


May 2014






只是上學、溫習,還有和朋友玩耍。 問︰有哥哥柏邦作為球童的感覺如何? 問︰甚麼是時候開始打高爾夫球?是如何開始的?



議。我根本不需要說任何話,他就已知道問題在哪裏和如何 幫助我。當他和我在球場的時候我很有安全感。

問︰現時你在高球場上最大的挑戰是甚麼? 答︰最大的挑戰莫過於適應各個賽事舉辦地的天氣,當然也



答︰我相信每年亦有新進球員加入這個行列,也希望看見更 多泰國球員加入美國女子職業巡迴賽。

問︰甚麼驅使你繼續打高爾夫球? 答︰我很鍾情高爾夫球,也無法想像沒有它的生活會如何。


我很想成為世界排名首 10 名,並且以我家族之名比賽。

答︰我希望自己每天都有所進步,而終有一天我能成為世界 第一。

問︰有否試過突然狀態欠佳?你會如何面對? 答︰我常常也會遇到這些問題,感激的是我的哥哥柏邦,即








就是專注。專注的時候,你便會有智慧打球,並且能成為一 位優秀的高爾夫球員。

問︰下一個目標是甚麼? 答︰希望打入世界首 10 名以內。

問︰比賽當中腦海想着甚麼? 答︰我會專注打好每一球,令每一球都成為我的最佳擊球。

人生有夢,築夢踏實。FORE GIRLS 相信伯娜隆會一路朝 着自己的目標邁進,也深願她能如願以償。

問︰勝出的比賽之中最深印象的是哪一場? 答︰ 2008 年的泰國女子公開賽。當年我 18 歲,也是第一 年轉職業,那是我第一場在泰國勝出的大賽。

May 2014



高球問與答 If you have any questions, please send them by email to our resident golf professional at : 本刊誠邀專業高球教練為大家解答疑問,歡迎讀者將問題電郵至 :


May 2014


The players and commentators often talk about the Amen Corner at the Masters. So what’s the Amen Corner? 球員和評論員經常談論的美國大師賽的阿門角,到底阿門角是甚麼? The Amen Corner was nicknamed by writer Herbert Warren Wind in an article in Sports Illustrated. It refers to a 3-hole section of the back nine of the Augusta National Golf Club, Hole 11, Hole 12 and Hole 13. Herbert came up with the moniker because of the spectacular way Arnold Palmer played on those holes and went on to win his first Masters in 1958. 阿門角是由作家赫伯特.沃倫風在看過阿諾.帕爾默在奧古斯塔國家俱樂部的後九洞中其中三個洞的精彩表現後命名的。阿諾. 帕爾默亦在 1958 年贏得他的第一個大師賽。作家赫伯特.沃倫風後來在 Sports Illustrated 的一篇文章上給該三個洞命名為 阿門角,這三個洞分別為第 11、12 和 13 洞。

Why do golfers yell “FORE” when they hit an errant shot? 為甚麼當球員把球打歪了的時候要喊 “FORE” ? “FORE” means ahead. In golf, it means to warn the others ahead of you to “watch out for”. It is considered not only as good golf etiquette but also as a courtesy to other golfers by warning them and avoiding injury. FORE 是指前面,在高爾夫上是指「注意!」,用來警告前方的人你的球可能會打到他們。懂得在打失時喊 FORE 亦是良好的 高爾夫禮儀,同時也可以防止其他球員受傷。

What should I do if my ball is stuck in a tree? 如果我的球卡在樹上,我應該怎麼做? You have 3 options! Option 1: Play as it lies. Option 2: Take unplayable – declare the ball unplayable under Rule 28, then take a one-stroke penalty and drop ball within two club-lengths of its original position. Option 3: Lost ball – accept the penalty for a lost ball and proceed under Rule 27. A lost ball incurs a strokeand-distance penalty that means a one-stroke penalty and returning to the spot where you last hit the ball and replaying the shot. 你有三個選擇!選擇 1:在球所停之處繼續打。選擇 2:不能打時,根據高球規則第 28 條,宣告停在樹上的球為無法打之球, 先被罰一桿,再在不靠近球洞為前提下,以球點為圓弧中心,在兩枝球桿的距離範圍內拋球繼續打來解決。選擇 3:當作遺失 球計算,按照高球規則第 27 條罰一桿,在回原地重打。

What is the penalty for playing a wrong ball? 打錯別人的球的懲罰是甚麼? In almost all cases, there will be a two-stroke penalty in stroke play. Except when your ball is in a water hazard, in that case, there will be no penalty. The player must correct his mistake by playing the correct ball or by proceeding under the Rules. 在幾乎任何情況下,在比洞賽打錯球的懲罰是損失一個洞,在比桿賽中的處罰則是加兩桿。如果球是在水障礙的話,這種情況 下不會有處罰,但球員必須按照規則返回原處重打。

Who is the the only female golfer to win LPGA Rookie of the Year, Player of the Year, and the Vare Trophy in the same season? 哪一位女球員是唯一一位在同一個賽季贏得 LPGA 年度最佳新人、年度最佳球員、以及瓦爾獎杯的球員? Nancy Lopez in 1978. 來自美國的南希.洛佩茲,當年是 1978 年。

May 2014



The Leading Edge of Hong Kong Golf

Elsa Tang is the current Ladies Captain of the Hong Kong Professional Golfers’ Association. In 1987 when she moved to Canada with her husband and daughter, it was there that she had her first ever swing, paving the way to a career in professional golf.


May 2014


efore starting golf, Elsa did

addition to playing golf with her husband,

than their potential. Elsa’s routine in the

not come from a sporting

training at the gymnasium and coaching.

gym is to work on stamina, core muscle

background. However, because

For her, patience speaks louder than

strength, and muscle power with the use

of her husband’s interest in golf, she

talent when it comes to golf, which is also

of fitness equipment, which may be a

became enthusiastic about the sport.

why she views all students in the same

good reference for other players.

She returned to Hong Kong and began

light regardless of talent, age or class.

coachi ng i n 2000, and i n vi ew of a

As for her responsibilities at the HKPGA,

demand for lady professionals, she and

she organises gatherings for the current

seven other women golfers joined the

24 pro women golfers and 3 trainees so

Having only recently been in the role of

HKPGA’s first training programme in

they can motivate each other as well as

Ladies Captain, Elsa is still finding her feet

2004. Apart from class based lessons

increase their interaction and the bond

and no doubt as she progresses within

with written papers, those who joined the

between them. She is hoping to organise

the role, Elsa will have many ideas for the

programme would also have to achieve a

more ProAm tournaments to raise funds

development of golf and more specifically

score not exceeding certain strokes over

for the association and provide amateur

ladies golf in Hong Kong. After all, the

five rounds of golf during the two-year

players with the opportunity to learn from

future of ladies golf is in her hands!

period, before they could successfully

the professionals.

What’s Next?

qualify as a professional golfer. Elsa recalls the pivotal moment as she prepared for her decisive last putt, with many thoughts

What about Hong Kong Players?

going through her mind and dealing with

Due to lifestyle and attitudes towards

the immense pressure, she played a short

exercise, the body shape and muscle tone

putt. Crestfallen, she started reading

of people in Hong Kong are generally

books on psychology to help adjust her

weaker than the Koreans and Mainland

focus and improve her mental game and

Chinese, hence it is easily noticeable

finally turned professional in 2008.

that Hong Kong players perform less impressively on the field. Moreover, the

Nothing is Earned by Indolence

lack of training for lower parts of the body

Even as a Ladies Captain, Elsa still

transition to using smaller muscles when

spends half the week at the driving range

playing golf, which in turn has led Hong

and a couple of days on the golf course, in

Kong players to produce yardages less

and core muscles has led to a natural

May 2014



香港職高的女主帥 鄧睎文 (Elsa),現任香港職業高爾夫球協會女子組隊長,1987 年與丈夫移居 加拿大,育有一女。回想當年高爾夫在香港仍未流行,可是在加國的第一記球, 一揮就奠定了她的職高生涯。



愛這項運動,也就開始打高爾夫球。2000 年她回流到香港開


始當教練,並在 2004 年成為第一批參加職高協會訓練課程


的女子球員,當時除了筆試以外,還需要在兩年內參加的比 賽中有五場不能超過規定桿數才能通過考核。可是到了第五


場決定性的推桿,腦海裏充斥着太多思緒,加上極大的壓力, 本來容易的短短一桿,卻推過了洞口。就是那時候,她開始




自己跨過心理關口,終於在 2008 年正式成為職業球員。

動習慣影響,所以在高球場上的發揮自然沒其他國家出色。 另外,有見一般學習高爾夫球的人常會用錯小肌肉,而非下

勤有功 戲無益

盤及腰部等大肌肉,故時常未能將球打至最佳距離。睎文健 身時除了訓練耐力,也要注重練習腰臀,同時借助器械練習



習場,也會打兩至三場 18 洞,亦會抽時間和丈夫一起打球。 如此花時間,是因為深明不進則退的道理,她更放棄舊有嗜


好,以專注鍛鍊高爾夫球。她認為要把高爾夫球打好,比起 天分,耐性至關重要,曾見過 50 多歲的學生進步之快,令她




排現時的 24 位女子職業球員和 3 位受訓球員作不同的聚會和




May 2014




Solid contact for more GIRs! Let’s get to it with these key points!


Step 2 As you take the club away,

Step 1

keep your hands close to your thighs. This will allow

Ensure that your set-up is sound

the clubhead to stay outside

with relaxed arms and shoulders, which are inline with your toes.

your hands.












May 2014


Step 3 My lower body is quiet as my shoulder unit begins the takeaway. My hands are passive and inline with my foot-line during the takeaway indicating a connected-one-piece takeaway. 上桿時肩膀慢慢轉動,而下半身的轉動將減至最小。 手部是被動的,且與肩膀和足部平行,形成相互連結 的起桿姿勢。

神奇 L 形夾角


The clubface mirrors my forearm, which means it’s square. 桿面與前臂同樣對着相同方向,形成 方形。

My wrist is flat, not cupped. 手腕保持水平,而非歪曲。

My shoulder is pointing toward the ground, indicating I have stayed in my posture. 肩膀朝向地面,姿勢便為之正確。

YES 正確 When the club is parallel to the ground, your L is created. From there, you turn to the top, maintaining this L. 當球桿和地面平行,即代表已形成 L 形夾角,慢慢轉向頂部並且保持 夾角。

AVOID THESE TAKEAWAYS! All three of these positions will not


keep you on plane. The black dots indicate how far my hands have

體保持平行面。如根據步驟 1 手部所放的

moved away from my legs in relation to STEP 1’s hand position.

位置,黑點則標示了手部移離腿部的距離。 May 2014


時尚生活 STYLE.HEALTH.BEAUTY 時 尚 ・ 健 康 ・ 美 容


18 Grams of Coffee, 18 Kilograms of Taste Located in the sleepy district of Sai Kung in the New Territories of Hong Kong lies a small relaxed coffee shop that has been gaining a reputation for producing a great tasting cup of coffee. 18 Grams has several branches located across Hong Kong. Its first coffee shop was opened in 2011 in the district of Causeway Bay. Originally serving only coffee, it has branched out providing food and other beverages. The original plan was to have a shop dedicated to only coffee but market conditions meant it was necessary to provide the other services. In fact, when they first opened, they had no menu and passers-by would walk into the shop to find out what they sold. The Sai Kung branch, the fifth shop, opened not long ago and there are further plans to open a sixth in the Sheung Wan district in the near future.


May 2014


Where does the name 18 Grams come from?

finally, they have been able to do as was they want to avoid becoming just another

On the other side of this coin is the

ammie Hui, Training Manager

chain. It is important for each 18 Grams

educating of the customers who may not

for 18 Grams, is a coffee

to have its own unique character providing

be aware of the intricacies that go into

expert with over six years of

a comfortable relaxing atmosphere to

making the perfect blend. The roasting

experience as a Roaster, learning the fine

enjoy that cup of coffee. It is more about

style, the different coffee beans and the

art of coffee making. She is qualified as a

enjoying the experience of coffee drinking

temperature of the milk can adversely

certified judge travelling the world judging

rather than just “grab-a-coffee-and-go”.

affect the final blend. An interesting fact

once planned. Whilst, they have expanded,

competitions and providing training to the staff at all the 18 Grams branches. The

To Educate is to Appreciate

was that Kammie rarely adds sugar to a

Team Spirit

cup of coffee since the aforementioned

the public with the unique taste of coffee,

To maintain this ethos, Kammie has

method brings out a natural sweetness

not only to enjoy but also to educate. 18

emphasised the need to retain and

hence adding sugar becomes redundant.

grams is the exact measurement for a cup

support staff as much as possible.

of espresso, hence the name.

Learning to roast a great cup of coffee

concept behind 18 Grams was to provide

takes time and experience and as is the

factors, blended together in a particular

The Future is Coffee

An Individual Cup of Coffee

nature of the food and beverage industry,

A major issue with the food and

staff turnover is high. So, providing the

beverage industry in Hong Kong is the

The coffee shop differs from others,

necessary training and support, allowing

notoriously high rents so 18 Grams like

particular the large chains as all the

staff to develop and enter competitions

most if not all in the industry needs

branches are unique, serving a different

to hone their coffee making skills is most

to balance this with their aims for

cup of coffee. The coffee beans are

important. Additionally, the staff are

the business. Given that 18 Grams is

different and the roasting is different so

incentivised with bonuses, a good staff

expanding, they look to have managed to

when you visit one, it does not meant

package and above all else, providing a

mitigate this so far and can continue to

you have visited all. Kammie pointed out

great environment that builds a great

provide a fresh, energetic, creative cup of

that they always wanted to open in Sai

team spirit where together they can grow

coffee for all to enjoy.

Kung, this was to be their flagship coffee

the business. All these factors contribute

shop but the timing was not right so now

to the individuality of each 18 Grams.

May 2014



18 克咖啡 18 公斤的味道 座落於恬靜西貢區的 18 Grams,雖只是一間細小優閒的咖啡店,但它的咖啡香味 遠近馳名。該店於 2011 年在銅鑼灣開業,短短幾年已開設多間分店,由原本只是提 供咖啡服務,到現時已陸續增加其他食物及飲料的供應。雖然西貢店開業不久,但他 們已籌備於上環區開設第六間分店。


May 2014











espresso 的標準份量,該店就是以此命名,其


租金一向是飲食業面對的難題,18 Grams


和經驗的累積,因此,Kammie 十分重視對員工







該 店 的 培 訓 經 理 Kammie 原 來 是 位 咖 啡 達人,擁有逾六年咖啡烘焙經驗並學習咖啡藝 術,除培訓員工外,更獲認可資格,於世界各地 擔任咖啡比賽裁判。她表示,18 克其實是一杯


好的員工福利,增加他們對公司的歸屬感,凝聚 團隊精神,有助公司成長及令每間分店擁有自己

18 Grams 每間分店的咖啡味道都是獨一無

之獨特性。 18 Grams Alley

二,這是由於不同分店採用的咖啡豆、烘焙方法 都不一樣,因此你在不同分店感受到的味道也不


相同。Kammie 續指,他們一直希望在西貢開

Shop 16, Sai Kung Mansion, 42-56 Fuk Man Road, Sai Kung, Hong Kong 香港新界西貢福民路 42-56 號西貢大廈 16 號店



Tel 電話 : +852 2791 9418

18 Grams 會成為連鎖品牌。「我們反而希望每


Website 網址 :

間 18 Grams 分店都能保留自己的獨特個性,因

的配搭等,都會影響最終的調味。就如 Kammie

May 2014





Emerging from classic sophistication to the modern era, The St. Regis Hotel has delivered exceptional hospitality in the city known as the Big Apple. Since the opening of the first

St. Regis Hotel in New York City over a century ago by John Jacob Astor IV, the brand has become synonymous with the best addresses around the world. Guests have had the pleasure of experiencing the flawlessly signature service of their renowned St. Regis Butler Service providing a personal touch to your visit.


May 2014


May 2014



rom Bal Harbour to Bangkok, Saadiyat Island to

The century old St. Regis Butler Service is what makes the

Shenzhen, the St. Regis brand has brought the essence

hotel unique from all others providing guests with the extra

of their flagship New York hotel to their worldwide

mile ensuring your stay is simply perfect where no request is

locations catering to a new generation of luxury travellers. Plans

too minor or unattainable. Beverage, packing and unpacking,

for the brand to expand its legacy include the much-anticipated

garment pressing and eButler services, from the moment you

St. Regis Hotels & Resorts in the Riviera Maya. Whilst in Asia, St.

enter to the moment you leave, you will feel like royalty.

Regis has announced plans to open hotels in Changsha, Chengdu, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Lijiang, Nanjing, New Delhi, Qingshui Bay and Zhuhai. In the Middle East, St. Regis will continue to expand

History Comes Forth

in Amman, Cairo and Dubai. Wherever you travel, St. Regis will

Today, that legacy of innovation is revitalising and defining St.

leave you with a piece of the New York experience.

Regis as a unique luxury brand for today’s social, commercial and political elite. Brand signatures include the Bloody Mary cocktail,

Nostalgia for the Modern Times

invented at The St. Regis New York, now celebrated at every St.

The St. Regis New York was proud to announce that the hotel

unique versions. Afternoon Tea at St. Regis is another institution,

was concluding an extensive renovation earlier this year to

dating back to “The” Mrs. Astor hosting intimate gatherings

not only restore the hotel to its former glory but also to bring

with her closest associates. Tradition continues every sundown

a contemporary look to the 21st century. With renovated and

with the lead butler motioning to have the lights dimmed, music

redesigned guestrooms, suites and public spaces and the debut

changed and candles set out, the perfect atmosphere for a

of the new King Cole Bar & Salon under renowned New York

Champagne Cocktail. St. Regis not only ushered in a new era

chef and restaurateur, John DeLucie, The St. Regis New York will

of lavish parties and balls but also Midnight Supper, occasions

unveil a bold new era of glamour at Manhattan’s best address.

previously confined to the private homes of the elite.

The renovation will reflect the hotel’s enduring legacy while

The history of The St. Regis New York comes forth into the future.

infusing the timeless allure which has defined the Fifth Avenue icon since its founding over a century ago.


May 2014

Regis hotel not only with the original recipe, but also their own


Presidential Suite Dining Room May 2014 41


浮 生 若 夢 曼

薈萃經典精緻與現代奢華,St. Regis 酒店在「大蘋果城」為住客帶來至尊級的 款待。由阿斯特四世創立的首間 St. Regis 在一個多世紀前於紐約市面世,自 此品牌致以其最富盛名的 St. Regis 管家服務呈獻無可比擬的個人化服務。


May 2014


從巴爾港到曼谷,薩迪亞特島到深圳,St. Regis 酒店品牌在迎合新一代 豪華遊客的同時,不斷在熱門旅遊景點的中心地帶精心策劃品牌的發展策略。 品牌更計劃將如斯經典的體驗繼續拓展至世界各地,包括位於瑪雅海岸的 St. Regis 酒店度假村。St. Regis 已在亞洲選址長沙、成都、雅加達、吉隆玻、 麗江、南京、新德里、清水灣及珠海開設酒店。而在中東地區,St. Regis 品 牌也將進一步進駐安曼、開羅和杜拜。無論你旅居何處,St. Regis 都會為你 帶來置身紐約的體驗。

留戀現代繁華 紐約 St. Regis 酒店較早前完成了大規模的翻新工程,不但重塑昔日輝 煌,更帶來 21 世紀的現代形象。酒店的客房、套房和公共空間均經過重新設 計,並推出由紐約知名廚師兼餐廳經營者約翰.德魯奇主管的科爾國王酒吧沙 龍,在曼克頓的繁華之地上開創了一個耀眼的新紀元。翻新工程不僅體現了品 牌傳承已久的經典,同時融入了它身為地標性建築的永恆魅力,再次堅立這個 第五大道上地標性建築的超然地位。 時歷一世紀的 St. Regis 管家服務願意為你多走一里路,在這裏沒有微小 不足或不能達到的要求,為的是令你在逗留期間細嚐盡善盡美的服務,包括餐 飲、打點行李、洗熨衣物、電子管家服務等。由踏進酒店至離開的一刻,你所 享受的將會是皇室般的款待。

經久不衰 時至今日,這種創新精神至今不斷為 St. Regis 注入活力,並將其定位為 當今社會、商業及政治界精英專屬的獨特豪華品牌。於紐約 St. Regis 酒店首 創的經典雞尾酒 Bloody Mary,亦可謂品牌標記之一。此著名飲品現時於品 牌每一間酒店均有供應,除了原創配方外,賓客亦可品嚐各酒店獨一無二的版 本。此外,St. Regis 的下午茶亦為另一特色,它的歷史可追溯至 Astor 夫人 舉辦私密茶會,與密友共度愜意時光的年代。每天日落時分,首席管家亦會根 據傳統,示意將燈光調暗、轉換音樂並設置蠟燭,營造出享用香檳雞尾酒的完 美氛圍。St. Regis 不僅開創了華麗派對與舞會的嶄新時代,更推出了「午夜 晚宴」,以往這只會於上流社會家中舉辦。單從 St. Regis 的過去,我們足以 展望她的未來了。

The St. Regis New York 5th Avenue at 55th Street, New York NY 10022, United States Tel 電話 : +1 212 7534500 Website 網址 :

May 2014



Poliformia With over 70 years of history, world renowned luxury furniture company Poliform is synonymous with excellent craftsmanship, affluent lifestyle and Italian excellence having evolved from an artisan business dating back to 1942. Founded in 1970, Poliform is a leading, world renowned Italian furniture company with over 40 years of history in home furnishing. In 1996, the company added kitchens to its collection through the acquisition of the brand “Varenna�. With its introduction of Varenna Poliform, dedicated to the production of kitchens, the brand created customised designer kitchens in tune with contemporary lifestyle trends. Its avant-garde technical solutions show that a kitchen is a planned space reflecting the individuality of the home.


May 2014


Continuously evolving with the contemporary lifestyle

architectural works, industrial design, exhibitions, awards

trends, Poliform features a comprehensive, diversified

and peer recognition. These accolades also signified a

and versatile furniture solution for the whole house from

genuine understanding and ability to communicate with

bookcases, sofas, armchairs, containers and wardrobes

clients on creating the unique design which speaks of the

to beds, kitchens and padded items. A crucial factor in

client's individuality.

Varenna Poliform’s growth has been related to its creative

Their works on Varenna Poliform exemplify the brand's

associations with prestigious designers and renowned

philosophy of kitchens having maximum versatility, being

architects including Marcel Wanders, Carlo Colombo,

simple, essential and contemporary while speaking volumes

Christian Liaigre, Vincent van Duysen, Paolo Piva, Paola

on the owner's aesthetic preference. The splendid collections

Navone, Studio Kairos, Robert Barbieri and Robert Azzeroni.

of Varenna Poliform Kitchens are sleek and luxurious in look,

Varenna Poliform remains a family-run company with an

elegant in form, highly flexible in design and detail. These are

international dimension, led by Alberto Spinelli, Aldo Spinelli

grounded in avant-garde technical solutions with materials

and Giovanni Anzani.

that Poliform chooses using extremely rigid parameters, making Varenna Poliform kitchens durable and reliable. They

True Design Masters Defining Contemporary Kitchen

are complemented with a wide range of materials, finishes

The company’s collaboration with top Italian designers

the client's life.

like Paolo Piva and Carlo Colombo exemplifies Varenna

For Varenna Poliform, the creative associations with

Poliform's vision of offering luxurious and contemporary

prestigious designers and architects are essential to creating

solutions to suit individual tastes and styles aligning with

the seamless linkage between kitchen and dining room to

Varenna Poliform's philosophy of offering furniture solutions

living room, study room and bedroom, becoming perfect

for contemporary kitchens.

partners in creating the perfect home for its owner, a feat

Both designers designed for prominent furniture

Poliform is poised to achieve with luxury and elegance.

and colours, recreating the sense that the kitchen is part of

companies, and received wide recognition through their

May 2014



奢 華 傢 俱 典 範 Poliform 是國際知名的意大利傢俱生產商,擁有逾 70 年歷史,亦是富裕生活及意式手作傢俱的 代表,其歷史可追溯至 1942 年由一名工匠開設的藝廊。Varenna Poliform 於 1970 年正式成立, 擁有逾 40 年製作木工傢俱的經驗,是全球首屈一指的意大利傢俱生產商。集團於 1996 年通過收 購 Varenna 而增加產品種類,透過引入 Varenna Poliform 的廚房設計,品牌將名師度身設計的 廚房繫上現代生活元素。兩大品牌合作,決意將傢俱生產帶至另一層次。Varenna Poliform 前衛 的設計既能將廚房的每一寸空間都能善用之餘,亦充分反映客人的個人風格。


May 2014


在緊貼當代生活潮流轉變的同時,Poliform 專注於全屋傢俱的綜合性、多樣性和 功能性 ── 從書櫃、梳化、扶椅、收納櫃、衣櫥到床、廚房及各類靠墊等。Varenna Poliform 之 所 以 得 以 不 斷 茁 壯 成 長, 全 賴 由 Marcel Wanders、Carlo Colombo、 Christian Liaigre、Vincent van Duysen、Paolo Piva、Paola Navone、Studio Kairos、Robert Barbieri 及 Robert Azzeroni 等多位國際知名設計師及建築師所組成 設計的團隊帶領有方。時至今日,Varenna Poliform 雖把產品邁向國際化,但仍保留家 族式經營的特點,品牌現由 Alberto Spinelli、Aldo Spinelli 及 Giovanni Anzani 三位 共同領導。

設計大師為現代廚房下新定義 與 Paolo Piva 和 Carlo Colombo 等頂尖設計師合作,充分展示 Varenna Poliform

Carlo Colombo (left) and Paolo Piva (top right): Just some of the many collaborative designers working with Varenna Poliform

以奢華及現代設計方案配合個人口味及風格的願景,將實用傢俱融入當代廚房。兩位設 計師均出身名傢俱店,其建築及工業設計、展覽等均受業內人士認可,而且屢獲殊榮。 這些獎項就正正代表了他們徹底了解和能夠與客人溝通,以造出獨特而符合客人個人特色 的設計。他們的作品將廚房最大的多樣性及個性簡約設計表露無遺,流線型設計豪華而 優雅,並且靈活性高。公司更嚴選建築素材,運用各種物料、顏色及配置,令 Varenna Poliform 的出品持久、可靠,由廚房開始重塑客人獨一無二的理想居庭。 Varenna Poliform 與諸位顯赫設計師及建築師的合作,令其成為目前市場上唯一一 個能提供家庭無縫「整體感」的廚房傢俱品牌,能連貫廚房、飯廳、客廳,以至書房及睡房,

Varenna Poliform Showroom 陳列室 1/F, 3 Wing Fung Street, Wanchai 香港灣仔永豐街 3 號 1 樓 Tel 電話 : +852 3102 3189 Fax 傳真 : +852 3102 2522 Website 網址 :


May 2014



Spiritual Guidance to a Healthier Life

The ancient art of yoga has been practised for centuries by the East as a form of meditation and physical exercise to improve the mind, body and spirit. With its origins stemming from Buddhism, this activity has brought many a healthier and balanced life.

oga is a low impact exercise that can be practised by

After a few months of continued yoga, both men and women

people of all ages that will not only improve suppleness

have found that there has been a significant improvement in

but also strengthen muscles. It is an ideal form of

their performance in the bedroom. This can be contributed to

physical activity for those with pre-existing health conditions.

increased blood circulation, lower stress levels and overall re-

This is the reason why yoga has been so popular in the West,

energising of the body. You feel less tired and physically in better

becoming a fast growing feature in gymnasiums across the

shape for what is ultimately a physical activity.

world. So, exactly what benefits does yoga provide? Here are

The mental benefits that come with yoga in a modern

just a few.

lifestyle where stress and anxiety from work and day to day

Studies have shown that yoga can change the gene expression

living are unquestioned. This fast paced lifestyle often leads

at a cellular level improving your immunity system after a few

people to sleep less or indeed suffer from insomnia. Too much

short sessions. Your breathing becomes more regulated and easier,

on your mind! Learning to relax through yoga can improve

your movement improves as you become more flexible, and your

your sleep to no end.

blood circulation improves benefitting your internal organs.

Finally, yoga can help to fight those food cravings by balancing

People who suffer from migraines have fewer and less painful

your mind and emotional sensations associated with craving

episodes. The cause is yet to be fully understood but suggestions

something which we know is bad for you. In summary, yoga

lie with bad posture, extensive time in front of a computer or

is part of a healthier lifestyle choice and you must use it to

using a mobile phone. All these cause a muscle imbalance and

accompany rather than replace a particular lifestyle. Only then,

mental stress leading to aches and pains. Yoga can alleviate this

will you truly benefit from this ancient art form.

through de-stressing the mind and body.


May 2014


May 2014



從心靈引領健康生活 瑜伽,早於百多年前已是東方一種冥想及鍛鍊身軀的古代藝術, 從而改善思想、身體和精神,它起源於佛教,能為大家帶來健康 和平衡的生活。同時,它屬低衝擊運動,適合不同年齡人士,能 改善身體柔韌度及增強肌肉,因此,它深受西方市場歡迎,更令 世界各地體育場館都加入了瑜伽的元素。

有研究指,瑜伽可改變細胞之基因表現,經過幾次瑜伽鍛鍊即有助提高 免疫系統,呼吸亦會變得更有規率及順暢,這樣,身體自然會更靈活,血液 循環得到改善,有助增強五臟六腑的功能。 現代人普遍會有偏頭痛問題,這大都指向日常生活的問題,包括不良姿 勢和長時間使用電腦及手機,上述動作會容易導致肌肉失衡和精神壓力,繼 而產生各種酸痛及痛症,而瑜伽正可以舒緩心靈和身體的疲憊,並減輕及減 少痛症發生。 不少男女經過數月持續修煉瑜伽後都會發現,他們的關係變會得更甜 蜜。這是由於瑜伽運動改善了血液循環,降低壓力水平,讓整個人都充滿活 力,有良好的身體狀態便不再容易感覺疲倦。 現今社會節奏急促,緊張的工作容易產生焦慮,導致人們睡眠不足甚至 失眠,而透過鍛煉瑜伽,正好改善你的心理狀態,提高睡眠質素,讓你更輕 鬆面對日常生活壓力。瑜伽不但能安撫你的情緒和心靈,更可抑制暴飲暴食 的衝動。 總括而言,瑜伽是你健康生活之道。只要堅持鍛鍊,你自會感受到這項 古代藝術的益處。


May 2014



Lip Smacking Good Always a focal point on any face, lips are crucial to our appearance. Can you imagine a beautiful face without lips? Lip care is therefore an integral part of our skincare regimen.


May 2014


Full and luscious lips are a sign of youth. ull and luscious lips are well-defined and vividly

were born in the USA after World War II, as a result of the use of lipsticks with heavy metals and harmful substances. Lip care is best restricted to moisturisation only.

coloured. First we have to understand the composition of our lips. They are formed by collagen and connective tissues. Only with an ample supply of hormones can our lips appear full and luscious. Whereas our facial skin is composed of

Does character have any bearing on the shape and condition of our lips?

16 layers (dermis, epidermis, cuticle and subcutaneous fat), lips

Our appearance is sometimes a reflection of the person inside.

are much thinner, with only 3 to 5 cellular layers. As a result, the

As mentioned before, full and luscious lips are an indication of a

blood vessels appear through the skin of the lips, which leads

person’s hormone levels. Well-balanced individuals usually enjoy

to their notable red colouring. This is why lips bleed easily when

better hormonal conditions. If the person is pessimistic or mean-

torn. With adolescence, the body operates on an abundance of

natured, it will affect hormonal secretions, and her lips will often

hormones and collagen, and the body’s capability for retaining

appear dry and sharp-ridged.

moisture is at its peak, lips are full and luscious as a rule.

How does prolonged use of lipsticks affect our lips?

What are this year’s “in” colours? They run to two extremes, very rich colours or the nude look.

Often for the sake of convenience and for more vibrant colours,

For dress-up occasions, scarlet. However, when you go for the

ladies put on lipstick without first putting on some protective

nude look in fashion, scarlet is out. On a foundation base, just a

foundation. This can lead to harmful minerals being absorbed

touch of pink or pale orange will do very nicely.

into our bloodstream, and may even cause an accumulation of heavy metals and damage to our kidneys and liver. For better colouration and adhesion, lipsticks often leave aside the need for moisturisation putting stress on the skin of our lips. Cut off from air and moisture, lips will appear sunken and wrinkled, evidenced by the appearance of dead skin. Our advice is to use lipstick when make-up is required and removing it as soon as it is convenient.

How can we protect our lips in dry weather? Moisture evaporates fast from our skin’s surface in dry weather. Apart from collagen, our lips are 90% water. Dryness causes wrinkles and dead skin on our lips. Day and night moisturisation is advisable. Remember to use all natural ingredients including vegetable oils, bee’s wax or honey. Also, when ultra-violet rays are strong, sunblock is required.

Should we use lipstick during pregnancy? For the baby’s safety, rich colours and adhesive lipsticks should be avoided. Reports have shown that a spate of deformed babies

May 2014



咀唇永遠是一個亮點,一個標誌 姑勿論是櫻桃小咀又或是烈焰紅唇,咀唇永遠是一個標誌,一個亮點,從來沒有人敢想像,一 位美女沒有咀唇其驚嚇度為若干?既然咀唇如此重要,如何保護它相信是一門令人關切的學問。

豐潤的咀唇是青春的標誌, 為甚麼?


乾巴巴的,菱角分明,這時咀唇已經完全顯露 出你的性格了。





豐 潤 是 唇 形 分 明 飽 滿, 唇 色 鮮 艷。 咀 唇 結 構


是 由 蛋 白 膠 原 及 上 皮 組 織 構 成, 再 加 上 足 夠






咀 唇 皮 膚 與 面 部 皮 膚 是 不 同 的, 面 部 皮 膚 有



表 皮 角 質 層, 有 真 皮、 皮 下 脂 肪, 但 咀 唇 是



沒 有 的, 咀 唇 是 通 過 上 皮 組 織 自 動 交 替 而 形

而不形成負擔。 緊記在紫外線強烈的地區或時


成 的 咀 唇 表 皮, 所 以 有 很 多 人 一 不 小 心 撕 破



咀 唇, 就 會 出 血。 當 小 朋 友 由 發 育 到 成 為 少 女 再 到 成 熟 的 女 性, 從 出 生 到 二 十 歲 屬 於 青


春 年 代, 這 個 時 間 由 於 身 體 發 育 需 要 足 夠 荷 爾 蒙 來 運 作, 所 以 當 荷 爾 蒙 原 料 足 夠、 蛋 白









含有重金屬及不良化學物質的唇膏所致,所以建 議懷孕期間最好只作唇部護理,防止水份流失與



時沒有「打底」,為使咀唇顏色更加濃烈,更 會直接將唇膏塗上唇上,導致礦物質或有害物



Denver Chiu, our Senior Beauty Expert has been carrying out scientific research in energy therapy, hormones, anti-oxidation and anti-aging with science professionals



















May 2014

from the U.S.A, Germany and Taiwan since the 1990s. 趙震宇


號外 GOLF NEWS.LPGA & CLPGA NEWS.PLAYER PROFILE.FOREUM 高 球 新 訊 ・ 中 、 美 巡 賽 擇 要 ・ 球 手 簡 介 ・ 高 球 專 欄


Kitty Tam

What are Our Girls up to? 女孩們近況如何?

Mimi Ho

Tiffany Chan


Hong Kong’s Tiffany Chan has been making headlines in the US with a hat-

香 港 球 手 陳 芷 澄 再 一 次 成 為 大 眾 焦 點, 於 Daytona

trick of wins for Daytona State. This was her third individual title in a row

State 取得完美勝利,在美國的新聞中成了頭條。芷澄在美國

and she has now risen to a record high of 55 in the Women’s World Amateur


Golf Ranking. Chan’s most recent victory – at Juliette Falls Golf Club in Ocala,

爾夫排名中創紀錄的上升到了第 55 名。最近更在佛羅里達州

Florida – was her best performance of the season, finishing 10 under par

奧卡拉 Juliette Falls 高爾夫俱樂部中,憑藉三個回合低於標

over three rounds to win by seven.

準桿 10 桿的成績,獲得了第 7 名,這也是她在這一賽季中的

This stunning performance by the 20-year-old is one of several success


stories for female Hong Kong golfers who are making their mark on the

這位 20 歲女孩的驚人表現,無疑使她成為眾多在美國大

college golf scene in America. Chan will join the number one ladies’ team at


the University of Southern California for her final two years.

爾夫球總會畢業的最後兩年裡,加入南加州大學的頭號女子高 爾夫球隊。

Isabella Leung This 18-year-old is currently in beautiful Hawaii, leading the University


of Hawaii in every tournament this season and determined in maintaining

18 歲的梁稀嵐現時在美國就讀夏威夷大學,並作隊長帶

her position as the team’s clear number one player. Leung also accepted an


invitation from the HKGA to play in her first professional golf event at the World


Ladies Championship in Mission Hills Haikou, China held in March of this year.

業高爾夫球賽事,就是在中國海口觀瀾湖舉行的世界女子錦 標賽。

And more… Elsewhere, Michelle Cheung, 18, has earned her place on a very strong


University of Wisconsin golf team in only her first year; 18-year-old Mimi Ho

其他球手,如 18 歲的張穎怡,在她入學的第一年,就在

has signed a letter of intent to join Fresno State University in a move that

非常強大的威斯康辛大學高爾夫球隊佔據一席;18 歲的何妙

her coach describes as a “game changer for the Bulldogs”; and Kitty Tam,


17, has verbally accepted an offer of a full golf scholarship from San Diego

更用「改變遊戲規則的鬥牛犬」來描述她;而 17 歲的譚亦晴,

State University, before she captured another title at the recent Hong Kong


Junior Close Championship.


Brad Schadewitz, the HKGA’s national coach commented, “Tiffany, along


with our other girls who are doing so well in the US, are also great role


models for the next generation of golfers in Hong Kong, including those who


aspire to combine golf with education.”


Keep it up girls, we shall all send our support from Hong Kong.



May 2014


Individual Champion Men's Division

CEO Charity Golf Tournament 2014 主流夢工場基金慈善高爾夫球賽 2014 4th April, 2014 The CEO Foundation’s very first charity golf tournament was held on 4th April at the Palm Island Golf Resort, with a view to promoting their service in providing aid to underprivileged children in Mainland China. The event raised a total of HK$200,000 to support the foundation’s “Family Anew Foster Care Program” and “Family Anew Apprenticeship Program”. The charity was founded in 2000 and has re-connected many children to the family environment. K.H. Wan from Golf Buddies not only won the longest drive but also became champion of the Men’s division with a score of 79. S.F. Ho won the Women’s division with 92. Other winners included W.L. Yeung, W.O. Leung and W.C. Wong. K.F. Lam won the longest drive of the Women’s Division; K.F. Shek and K.C. Szeto won the nearest to pin competition. Different brands attended to sponsor over 100 prizes and lucky draw prizes, other sponsors including Bridgestone Golf, EAC Golf Association, and Energy Watt supplied their products. Special prizes for the day included the “Best Dressed Award” sponsored by Munsingwear Golf and the “Birdies Award” sponsored by Vintage Concept Watch. 主流夢工場基金 (CEO) 於 2014 年 4 月 4 日於中國惠陽市棕櫚島高爾夫球會舉行首個慈善高爾夫球賽, 此活動目的是藉着慈善高爾夫球賽讓更多人認識「主流夢工場基金」的服務,能夠幫助更多國內的弱勢兒童。 是次活動共籌得善款港幣貳拾萬元,將用作支持基金會之「再生父母寄養計畫」及「再生父母棟樑計畫」。基 金會於 2000 年成立,至今已為多名孤兒重投新父母的懷抱及關愛之中。 男子組之總桿冠軍由 Golf Buddies 之温國雄以 79 桿奪冠亦同時奪得男子最遠發球獎,女子組之總桿冠軍 由何素芬以 92 桿奪得。個人淨桿冠、亞及季軍分別是楊永良、梁永安及黃維中,女子最遠發球獎得主林潔芳, 最近洞獎兩位得主分別是石錦輝及 K.C. Szeto。十多個著名高爾夫品牌更贊助了超過 100 份之獎品及抽獎禮 品,Bridgestone Golf 更贊助高爾夫球給所有參賽球手,歐洲亞洲華人高爾夫球協會更贊助全場球衣、球帽 及雨傘,沛力特贊助能量飲品,最佳服飾獎及「最多小鳥獎」則由 Munsingwear Golf 和 Vintage Concept Watch 分別贊助。

May 2014



The 5th Hong Kong-Guangdong Interport Junior Team Match 第五屆香港-廣東青少年高爾夫球團體賽 26th-28th March, 2014 The Staunton Cup this year was held on the New Course at the Hong Kong Golf Club, with Hong Kong and Guangdong sending their junior squads. Hong Kong led by a point of foursomes and four balls on the opening day, but on the final day, Team Guangdong won eight of the 12 singles matches, hence claiming the Staunton Cup for the third successive year with a final score of 14-10. A thumbs-up for both teams as commented by Hugh Staunton, a three-time President of the HKGA, “… importantly, everyone benefited from the experience of match-play and both sides played in a great spirit.” 本屆斯湯頓盃於粉嶺香港哥爾夫球會新場上舉行,兩隊青少年代表分別來自香港及廣東。香 港隊於首日賽事中,在緊張激烈的四人對抗賽領先一分,但在翌日十二場單人賽中 (3½-8½) 不 敵當中勝出八場的廣東隊,最後廣東隊以總分 14-10 連續三年贏得斯湯頓盃。無論如何,雙方 隊員都值得一讚,正如曾任三屆高爾夫球總會會長的 Hugh Staunton 先生所說:「最重要的是 雙方都發揮出體育精神及所有球員都於球賽中得到寶貴經驗。」

China Golf Club Test (Hong Kong) 2014 2014 中國高爾夫球桿測試 ( 香港站 ) 21st-22nd March, 2014 Have you ever wondered how good the latest irons, woods or putters are? The annual China Golf Club Test (Hong Kong) 2014 was held earlier in March, attracting more than 300 visits to the Asia Golf Club over the two days. More than 20 golf brands showcased their golf equipment with the latest technology and designs including Cleveland, Honma, Innovation Golf, Kasco, Lynx, Majesty, Maruman, Mizuno, Muziik, Nike Golf, Ping, Profound Golf, Romaro, Royal Collection, SeeMore, S-Yard, TaylorMade, Tourstage, Wilson Staff and XXIO. Visitors also had the opportunity to visit other brand stalls such as automobile Infiniti, American eyewear Maui Jim, official wine of PGA Tour Beringer, and Korean ginseng Cheong Kwan Jang. Apart from recreational golfers, many professional golfers and coaches were there to support the event, enjoy the variety of clubs and possibly add more items onto their shopping list for the year. 究竟最新穎的鐵桿、木桿和推桿的觸感和性能如何?一年一度的「中國高爾夫球桿測試(香港 站)」活動於亞洲高爾夫球會圓滿舉行,短短兩個下午的累計參與人數已逾 300 人次。這次測試雲 集 20 個市面常見的球桿品牌,包括 Cleveland、Honma、Innovation Golf 、Kasco、Lynx、 Majesty、Maruman、Mizuno、Muziik、Nike Golf、Ping、Profound Golf、Romaro、Royal Collection、SeeMore、S-Yard、TaylorMade、Tourstage、Wilson Staff、XXIO。其他攤位包 括高級汽車品牌 Infiniti、美國眼鏡名牌 Maui Jim、PGA Tour 指定用酒 Beringer 及韓國國家名譽 保證的正官莊。 除了一眾高球愛好者以外,不少香港知名職業球手及教練亦到場支持,大家除了試用各式球桿 外,或許已為來年的購物清單加上數項新寵。


May 2014

Derek Cheung PGA China Tour Player & Coach


From left: Committee Chairman Lee Yun Fat, Golf 18 Club President Cheng Lai Din, Sinomax Marketing Manager Juanna Hung, CCF Chairman Dr. Dennis K.K. Yeung, Representative Olivia Cheng, Committee Chairman Ching Chi Fai

A Preview to “Straighten Up Kids” Golf Tournament 2014 SINOMAX「讓孩子挺直」慈善高爾夫球賽賽前預告 The spinal nerve in our body determines most of our bodily functions, if


symptoms such as scoliosis, uneven shoulders, kyphosis, or spine dislocation


are found, it is likely that the operation of the nervous system has been


disrupted. In order to provide care to more children, the Children Chiropractic


Foundation will be launching a “Complimentary Treatment for Deprived


Kids Campaign” to address these issues for children from deprived families,

將於 2014 年 4 月 29 日假深圳觀瀾湖高爾夫球會舉辦第五

including families on the CSSA Scheme or School Textbook Assistance

屆 SINOMAX「『讓孩子挺直』慈善高爾夫球賽」,為推行

Scheme. The Foundation, together with co-organiser Golf 18 Club will raise


funds for this campaign through the upcoming 5th Sinomax “Straighten Up

「全港基層兒童義診計劃」。是次賽事獲協辦機構 Golf 18

Kids” Golf Tournament, which will be held on the 29th April at Mission Hills

Club 及護脊大使鄭文雅亦鼎力支持,活動於 3 月 26 日舉行

Shenzhen. An earlier press conference was held on 26th March.


Celebrity and Representative Olivia Cheng expressed that, “spinal heath


is essential to golf skills as well as a child’s growth, so this is going to be a


meaningful event.”


Results will follow in the next issue, for details of the campaign please visit


CCF’s website。

May 2014



Team Korea holding the trophy for the 16th time

The 36th Queen Sirikit Cup The Asian Pacific Ladies Invitational Golf Team Championship held at Saujana Golf & Country Club, Kuala Lumpur from 9th to 11th April, had gathered the finest women amateur golfers each representing their country. 13 Asia-Pacific countries featuring defending Champions Australia from last year’s event in Taipei, regional powerhouse South Korea who had lifted the Cup 15 times, and emerging nations such as China, Thailand and Philippines competed at this year’s tournament. Of course, the Hong Kong team was represented by Mimi Ho and Michelle Cheung.


May 2014


a Haruka Morit

Lee So-Young

Superal Princess Mary

Five days before the tournament Team

were third and fourth respectively on the

China equalled their best-ever finish

Australia had announced that world

second day, with Taipei’s Ssu-Chia Cheng

in the history of the competition, thanks

amateur number one Minjee Lee and Su-

scoring a scintillating 67 for the second

to an impressive three-day performance

Hyun Oh had been invited to the LPGA

round, also taking her up to second of the

by individual champion Shi Yuting, who

Kraft Nabisco Championship, and so were

individual leaderboard. Teams Thailand,

notched up rounds of 70, 68 and 71 for a

replaced with debutants Hannah Green,

Indonesia, India, New Zealand, Singapore

seven-under 209 total.

Shelly Shin and Cathleen Santoso to

were fighting hard and these girls meant

The Philippines, looking to claim their

maintain a strong team. Team Malaysia,

serious business.

maiden victory, came up short with

of course, enjoyed the benefits of training at the Bunga Raya course at the venue

Claire Amelia Legaspi’s 76 and Pauline

Crown them with Many Crowns

Del Rosario’s 78, failing to bolster a one-

As the sun continued to shine on the

Champion Princess Mary Superal.

An Exhilarating Start

wonderful golf course of Saujana Golf

Hannah Green and Shelly Shin notched

& Country Club on the third day, all the

up matching 69s to lift Australia to fourth

Day one marked a tied finish with Team

girls were eager to claim victory for

place on 435, three clear of Japan. On the

Philippines and South Korea. Manila’s

their country. South Korea turned the

domestic front, Malaysia settled for a 12th

16-year-old Claire Amelia Legaspi fired a

tables on overnight leaders Philippines

place finish, with the trio of Nur Durriyah

strong three-under 69 and together with

to clinch a record 16th crown at the 36th

Damian, Diane Luke Jia Zhen and Kelie

Princess Mary Superal’s 74, they finished

Asia Pacific Ladies Invitational Golf Team

Kan Kah Yan totalling 460 overall.

the round for an overall 143. South

Championship for the Queen Sirikit Cup.

Korea’s Lee So-young and Gyeol Park

The East Asian powerhouse comprising

carded one-under 71 and even-par 72

of Gyeol Park, Lee So-young and Choi

respectively to share the early lead.

Hye-jin amassed 425 strokes for a six-

The Queen Sirikit Cup has certainly

stroke victory, making amends for their

provided one of the best battlegrounds

Not to be Outdone

single-shot defeat to Australia at last

for amateur ladies in Asia continuing to

year's tournament in Taipei.

hone their skills and perhaps work their

China’s starlet Shi Yuting topped the

With the consistent Lee once again

way to a professional career, yet it is also a

individual leaderboard with a striking four-

digging deep to put a three-under 69

great showcase for the Asian country’s top

under 68 on the second day, following

on the scoreboard, fellow debutant Choi

amateur players. With Fore Girls’ home city

her 70 from the first round, with her

carded her personal best of 70 for a team

Hong Kong due to host the 37th edition in

compatriot Wang Ziyi’s 73, they tied

score of 139, edging out China (143) and

2015 at the marvelous Hong Kong Golf Club,

second together with Korea, behind the

the Philippines (145), who finished joint

this game will certainly draw more attention

Philippines. Japan and Chinese Taipei

second overall on 431.

to the rising stars in the Asia Pacific region.

since early March, eyeing a top five finish.

under effort by South East Asia Games

See You in Hong Kong

May 2014



亞洲業餘盛會 泰后盃盡見各國後起之秀 2014 年 4 月 9 至 11 日於馬來西亞吉隆坡 Saujana Golf & Country Club 舉行的第 36 屆亞太女子邀請賽泰后盃 (Queen Sirikit Cup),匯 聚了各國頂尖業餘女子選手。參賽隊伍來自 13 個亞太區的國家,分別有 在上屆在台北賽事勝出的澳洲隊、專門出產高球員並曾 15 度手捧冠軍寶 座的南韓、新興國家如中國、泰國和菲律賓等,而香港亦派出何妙兒及及 張穎怡參賽。

賽 事 的 五 天 前 澳 洲 隊 宣 佈 世 界 業 餘 排 名

績榜榜首,連同王梓漪的 73 桿與南韓並列第二,

209 桿勝出賽事。至於菲律賓本可首次贏得冠軍



名銜,同伴 Claire Amelia Legaspi 的 76 桿及

迴 賽 邀 請 參 加 於 同 周 內 舉 行 的 Kraft Nabisco


Pauline Del Rosario 的 78 桿卻難以幫助以負一

Championship, 故 由 新 手 Hannah Green、

的 67 桿迅速登上個人榜第二位。泰國、印尼、

桿完成的東南亞運動會冠軍 Mary Superal 公主。

Shelly Shin 及 Cathleen Santoso 代替出戰。


Hannah Green 和 Shelly Shin 雙雙以 69



桿總 435 桿將澳洲推上第四位,以三桿之差勝過

事場地的 Bunga Raya 球場練習,有望以首五

日本隊。東道主馬來西亞的三寶 Nur Durriyah



Damian、Diane Luke Jia Zhen 和 Kelie Kan




Kah Yan 則以 460 桿排名十二,比排名十一的

孩們的意志也更見激昂,桿桿緊隨,希望為國家 第一天的賽事由菲律賓隊及南韓隊並列第

爭光。南韓更一夜之間躍居第 36 屆泰后盃的第

一, 來 自 馬 尼 拉 的 16 歲 選 手 Claire Amelia

一位,第 16 次奪得冠軍!東南亞的強盛的南韓


Legaspi 以 低 於 標 準 桿 三 桿 的 69 桿, 與 隊 友

隊伍包括李昭英、朴吉兒和 Hye-jin Choi,她


Mary Superal 公 主 的 74 桿 完 成 首 輪, 總 數

們打出總桿 425,以六桿大勝,一雪上屆以一桿


143 桿。南韓的李昭英和朴吉兒分別以 71 及平

之差不敵澳洲之恥。李昭英 69 桿穩定完成第三


桿 72 桿,雙雙名列前茅。

回合,新晉的 Hye-Jin Choi 以個人最佳成績 70

GIRLS 的起源地香港 2015 年於最歷史悠久的香

桿完成賽事,個人三輪總桿 139。

港高爾夫球會舉行第 37 屆賽事,屆時定會吸引


第三輪賽事中國以 143 桿完成,與 145 桿


中國的明日之星石昱婷繼首天的 70 桿後於


第二日以過人的 68 桿低於標準四桿登上個人成

天以來以 70-68-71 的成績以低於標準桿七桿的


的菲律賓以總桿 431 並列第二。這是中國歷屆

May 2014




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KIA Classic KIA 精英賽

27th-30th March, 2014 Anna Nordqvist started off the tournament with a 73 but bounced back with back to back 67’s to edge out Lizette Salas

JTBC Founders Cup JTBC 創辦人杯 20th-23rd March, 2014

Tour veteran Karrie Webb, edged out up and coming youngster Lydia Ko and 4 other players to claim her 40th LPGA victory at the JTBC Founders Cup 2014. The World Hall of Fame member is currently sitting on the number one spot at the “Race to the CME Globe”. This win moved her into a tied for 10th position on the LPGA’s all-time win list with Founder Babe Zaharias. “It’s a very special event, and you know, I thanked Mike Whan

by one shot at the KIA Classic. This marked her seventh year and her fourth victory on the LPGA. It was Nordqvist’s second win in her four starts this season and she joins Karrie Webb as the only two-time winners in 2014. Anna had changed swing coaches, clubs and apparel sponsor leading into the 2014 season and it seemed to be paying off quite well for her. “You know, I think the decision was just it was either I was going to keep working on the it or just, you know, keep practicing or playing like I had been,” said Nordqvist. “But I think I really set my mind up because I wanted to be in contention and win tournaments.” 安娜.諾菲在比賽首日雖然擊出 73 桿,但其後反彈連續兩輪打出

out on the 18th green, but it really was a wonderful idea and

67 桿成績,擊敗薩拉斯奪得 KIA 精英賽冠軍。這標誌著諾菲在 LPGA 巡

concept that he came up with four years ago,” Webb said of


winning the Founders Cup for a second time. “I hope it’s an event

利,讓她與韋伯成為在 2014 年奪得兩次冠軍的選手。 安娜在本賽季初

that continues to grow and is around as a part of the LPGA for a


very long time.”


巡迴賽老將韋伯擊敗後起之秀高寶璟和其他四位球員贏得 JTBC 創辦人 杯 2014 年的冠軍,這也是她在職業生涯上的第 41 場 LPGA 巡迴賽冠軍。

續練習。」諾菲說。「但我想我是真的下定了決心,因為我想繼續競爭並 贏得比賽。」

世界名人堂成員韋伯目前在 Race the CME Globe 穩坐第一位。這場比賽 的勝利讓她在 LPGA 巡迴賽累積冠軍得獎名單上,升上與 LPGA 創始人寶 貝.薩哈蕾亞斯並列第 10 的位置。 「這是一場非常特別的比賽,我在第 18 洞果嶺上感謝邁克.煥列,很感謝 他在四年前推出這場比賽和其概念。我希望這個比賽持續增長,在往後的日 子繼續成為 LPGA 巡迴賽的一部分。」韋伯是次贏得她個人第二個創辦人杯 的冠軍。

LPGA LOTTE Championship LPGA 樂天錦標賽 16th-19th April, 2014

After nearly a 4-year winless streak, Michelle Wie won the LPGA LOTTE Championship in her hometown, Hawaii. Wie, beat

Kraft Nabisco Championship 納比斯科錦標賽

Solheim Cup teammate Angela Stanford by two shots, claiming her first LPGA win on American soil. “I think the highlight really was just to come back home

3rd-6th April, 2014

and… there really wasn't just one moment,” said Wie. “From

19 year-old Lexi Thompson became the second youngest player to win

support that I felt from everyone was unbelievable. I really

an LPGA major at the Kraft Nabisco Championship. She beat Michelle

think a lot of times they willed the ball in. I give a lot of credit

Wie by three strokes. Lexi is currently sitting at number six on the Rolex

to them this week.”

Worlding Ranking.

Michelle Wie have been playing steadily since the beginning

“It’s a great feeling. This is what I’ve worked so hard for,” Thompson

of the season is currently leading the LPGA on their official

said. “This was one of my goals coming into the year, to win a major. I’ve

money list as of 19th April 2014.

always seen myself winning the Kraft Nabisco. It’s such a huge honour with all the history behind the tournament. It’s just a dream come true.”

the first tee shot that I hit until the last putt that I made, the

經過近 4 年的一連串失利,魏聖美終於在她的家鄉夏威夷贏得 LPGA 樂天錦標賽冠軍。魏聖美以兩桿打敗索罕杯隊友斯丹福,這是她在美國本

年僅 19 歲的西施.湯普森以三桿擊敗魏聖美,成為贏得 LPGA 大滿貫

土的第一個 LPGA 冠軍。








魏聖美自從賽季初的表現已經非常穩定,截至於 2014 年 4 月 19 日,


她一路領先 LPGA 巡迴賽的官方獎金榜。


May 2014


Liu Yi-Chen at the Zhuhai Classic

May the CLPGA be with you 女子中巡常與你同在 With no tournaments scheduled in April on the CLPGA calendar, we look back to the Zhuhai Classic in March where Liu Yi-Chen of Chinese Taipei was on fire on the last day reeling off five birdies over her last 10 holes to capture the title by two strokes. The victory was her first CLPGA Tour win and not only did she finish with a five-under score of 211 but also pocketed the top prize of RMB¥75,000. May is looking to be a packed schedule with four tournaments starting off with the Buick Ladies Invitation from 14th to 17th May followed 2 days later with the U.S. Women’s Open Sectional Qualifying, a great opportunity for players in the Asia Pacific region to qualify and compete at one of the majors. The Bank of Qingdao Golden Mountain Challenge is up next where last year’s winner Lin Tzu-chi of Chinese Taipei should be making an appearance to defend her title given her sensational victory in 2013. The capital will place host to the Beijing Challenge at the end of the month. At last year’s event, Thailand representative Wichanee Meechai won her first international tournament shooting a nine-under 63 round, a CLPGA Tour record. Let us see who in May will be triumphant. 女子中巡雖然四月份並無任何賽事,但三月的珠海精英賽中,台灣的劉依貞在最後一日賽事後來居上,在最後 10 洞以皇者姿態抓了五隻小鳥,總桿 211,低於標準桿五桿。這令她以兩桿之差勝出她的第一場女子中巡賽事,贏 得人民幣 75,000 獎金。 五月看來可以令一眾高球愛好者大飽眼福,四場賽事以 5 月 14 至 17 日的別克女子高爾夫邀請賽作開首,緊接 的是美國女子公開賽國際區域資格賽,令亞太區球員有機會考取大滿貫賽事的資格,與世界好手同場競技。至於青 島銀行金山挑戰賽,希望上屆冠軍林子麒會再次出戰並成功衛冕。於中國首都舉行的北京挑戰賽將於五月下旬舉行, 上年的冠軍由泰國代表瓦查尼以低於標準桿 9 桿的 63 桿奪得,成為她個人首個國際賽事冠軍之餘,同時創下女子 中巡紀錄。 且看五月之冠究竟花落誰家。

May 2014



Photograph courtesy of CLPGA

Career Highlights

Li Dan 李丹

Li Dan started playing golf in 2002 performing well in her amateur career. Winning the championship at the Tianjing Zhengxin Golf Tour both in 2005 then 2008, she also scored her first ever hole-in-one in Tianjin in the same year. After turning professional, Li’s excellent skills had led her to a top 10 finish at the WO China Golf Pro Am Championship in 2009 and 2010. She was tied for fourth at the same tournament in 2011 with a total of 287, and began 2014 ranking number

DOB: 1983-06-10 Originally From: Tianjin Turned Pro: 2009 出生日期:1983 年 6 月 10 日 籍貫:中國天津 轉職業時間:2009 年

six at the Zhuhai Classic.

職業亮點 自 2002 年練習高爾夫,已有 12 年球齡的李丹在業餘時期便表現不俗,曾在 2005、 2008 年奪得兩屆天津「正信杯」高爾夫巡回賽冠軍。2008 年,李丹在天津楊柳青高爾夫俱 樂部打出高爾夫生涯中的第一個一桿進洞。2009 年轉職業後,李丹憑借著出色的表現,連續 在 2009、2010 兩屆「精彩在沃杯」中國高爾夫職業業餘配對賽上躋身前十。2011 年,李丹 再次出戰「精彩在沃杯」中國高爾夫職業業餘配對賽,並最終以四輪總成績 297 桿並列第 4 位, 2014 年珠海精英賽排名第六。


May 2014


Photograph courtesy of CLPGA

Lin Tzu-Chi

Career Highlights


Taiwanese player Lin Tzu-Chi won the 26th Summer Universiade individual women’s golf section, marking her career before turning professional. At the Ningbao Challenge in 2013, the 22-year-old defeated China’s star Yang Taoli

DOB: 1990-02-01 Originally From: Chinese Taipei Turned Pro: 2008 出生日期:1990 年 2 月 1 日 籍貫:中華台北 轉職業時間:2008 年

during the play-off, hence capturing her first championship on the CLPGA Tour, and first in her pro career. In the same year she won her second championship at the Bank of Qingdao Golden Mountain Challenge.

職業亮點 作為中華台北新星代表,林子麒未轉職業之前,曾經在第二十六屆世界大學生夏季運動 會高爾夫項目女子個人賽獲得冠軍,一鳴驚人。在 2013 年寧波挑戰賽中,22 歲的林子麒在 加洞賽上擊敗內地名將楊濤麗,贏得她在女子中巡賽場的第一座冠軍獎杯,同時也是她職業 生涯首勝。2013 青島銀行.金山挑戰賽,林子麒再度問鼎,成就個人職業第二冠。

May 2014



A Ray

of Sunshine o be a golfer in Hong Kong these days seems to be


becoming a bit of a struggle and now, even the weather


which is normally some of the best at this time of year


has been causing further problems.

有見及此,FORE GIRLS 特為讀者們帶上一

However, in the hope of bringing a long overdue ray of sunshine


to Fore Girls readers, we are pleased to announce that the

子協會將於 2014 年 5 月 30 日(星期五)假觀

American Women's Association are organising an outing to play


the Annika course at Mission Hills on Friday 30th May 2014.

是次活動同時歡迎非 AWA 高爾夫球會會員參與,

This outing is open to non AWA golf group members if you are

非 AWA 高爾夫球會會員只需要獻出港幣 100 圓

happy to contribute HK$100 to their charity box and it offers a


wonderful opportunity to play this beautiful course, meet new


golfing partners and be part of a fun ladies golf outing!


The fee of RMB¥1080 includes caddy and cart and inexpensive

活動費用為人民幣 1080 圓,費用已包括球

transport will be arranged using Mission Hills’ club transport once


final numbers are established.


The list will be closed on 9th of May so be quick to sign up by


dropping an email to either Jodi Jones at jonesfamilyglobal@gmail.

報名將於 5 月 9 日截止,有興趣參加者請從速

com or Jackie Johnson at

電郵至 Jodi Jones (jonesfamilyglobal@gmail.

Both of whom will be happy to assist with any questions or

com) 或 Jackie Johnson (johnson.jjgolf.

queries about this outing! 報名。他們將樂意回答大家

Fore Girls readers are invited to write in with suggestions for


other good golf courses in the region which they think would be a

在此我們誠意邀請 FORE GIRLS 讀者提供其

good trip for a ladies golf outing too and I look forward to hearing


about recommendations and experiences out on the links!!


By the time this copy is released the first Major of the year will


have been contested as players line up for the Masters. Do Fore

The Masters 美國大師賽已經完滿結束。讀者們,

Girls readers think the powers at Augusta have gone far enough to

妳認為奥古斯塔的魔力會足以令 LPGA 打開大門,

welcome women to this most exclusive of US venues?


Do you have similar stories like this to share? Let me know by dropping me an email at 你曾有過類似的經驗嗎?想跟大家分享可電郵到。



May 2014

Michelle Luis



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