Fore Girls Issue #11

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Editor's Note 主編的話 11-year-old Lucy Li entering the U.S. Women’s Open must be one of the biggest golf news stories in May, together with Tiffany Chan’s national champion title in Daytona State, topping off some recent remarkable history making performances. With many more young golfers soaring higher in golf, this will certainly become a thriving sport in the near future! Our joyous June edition is once again a cultural journey for our readers. From the story of Olivia Cheng whose achievements are rooted from dance; another facet of Siam, the Thai Country Club; Lok Man Rare Books - the exquisite antique book shop, to a serene dining experience at the Chi Lin Vegetarian, a garden in the city. As for golf, it’s time to focus on the short game with our stress free tips and techniques. Practice may be the key to great golf, but it’s the enjoyment and relaxation that counts! Last month’s Profile interview with Elsa Tang was held at the Intro Wise Tea House, Fore Girls apologises for the omission and we would like to extend our gratitude to them. Lucy Li 年僅 11 歲已取得美國女子公開賽資格、陳芷澄得全美學 院團體及個人賽冠軍兩宗新聞可謂五月份高球界的熱門消息。看着越 來越多年輕球手登上世界高爾夫的路徑,我們也希望這項運動能更受 大眾關注。 六月份的 FORE GIRLS 將帶領讀者來個文化之旅。從鄭文雅由舞 蹈開始的故事、展現暹羅另一面的泰國鄉村俱樂部、書香濃郁的「樂 文」古籍書店,到鬧市尋幽的志蓮素齋,應有盡有。至於高球技巧, 是時候看看我們的高球教室,練習一下短桿功夫了。努力練習故然是 打好高爾夫的必要條件,但可不要忘記要樂在其中! 上期人物專訪鄧睎文的訪問場地由中惠茶舍提供,有所遺漏,本 刊謹此致歉。

Caroline Ling Proprietor | Chief Editor





The Golf of Siam 泰王國的高爾夫文化


Dancing Through a Life of Golf 舞出旖旎人生


Question Time 高球問與答


Denise Tan Puts the Record Strait 天涯若毗鄰


The Set-ups 預備動作


No Ordinary Greens 古園美景尋美味


Decadence in Delhi 沉醉印度德里


A Page in History 走進歷史一頁


For All the Tea in China 中國茗茶文化


Orlane Brings You Back to 21


Foundation Cream (Part I)

帶你回到 21 青春之齡

美女的魔幻法寶 粉底霜(上)




LPGA & CLPGA News 中、美巡賽擇要


Player Profiles 球手簡介


Swinging into Action 由揮桿到實際行動


12 32

Golf News

Jun 2014



女 高 球 雜 誌



Caroline Ling


Carmen Wong

助理主編 營運總監 | 執行主編





Chi Fei Tang Issac Chan



Dawn Kwan



Gordon Liu (HKPGA)



Michelle Luis, Jackie Johnson, CLPGA, Christina Ricci, Eva Yoe



David Kao



Issac Chan, Dawn Kwan




Virginia Chan Jacqueline Tang

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Jun 2014



高爾夫球 DESTINATIONS.COVER STORY.CLINIC.PROFILES.TIPS & TECHNIQUES 球 場 精 選 ・ 封 面 故 事 ・ 高 球 問 與 答 ・ 人 物 專 訪 ・ 高 球 教 室


The Golf of


Thailand is a country famous for its tourism with many golden sandy beaches and vibrant city night life. Food is another great attraction with Thai Green Curry being one of their famous exports. In recent years, the country has begun to gain a reputation for being a golf destination of choice with sunny climates and conditions making it perfect for a round or two.


Jun 2014


Jun 2014



The Bunker at Hole 8

he Thai Country Club is one of the oldest in Thailand.

ladies locker room to the spa facilities. As the area has a high

A joint venture between the Phataraprasit Group and

number of Japanese businesses, the golf club is frequented by

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Limited, this golf

many Japanese women in addition to the local Thai women.

club designed by the then president of the world-renowned

Being part of the Peninsula Group of Hotels, the golf club is of

American Society of Golf Course Architects, Denis Griffiths was

the highest standard when it comes to hospitality. In regard to

opened in December 1996. Featuring a 7,157 yard golf course

hospitality, Thai Country Club has some of the best personal

built to USPGA international standards, it was the location for the

caddies renowned throughout Asia. Whether on or off the course,

1997 Asian Honda Classic won by Tiger Woods. The golf course

visitors are given the personal touch in all facets of the club.

features immaculate fairways and greens with an abundance of

The key point is that it is the sum of all the parts that make Thai

water and sand hazards that provide the everyday golfer to top

Country Club the golf club it is today.

professionals a challenge every time. Away from the course, the professional staff are on hand to provide visitors with the very best in hospitality making your visit an experience to remember.

Heaven on Earth

The hotel and restaurant facilities provide an ideal start and

Having been in operation for so many years, the golf club is

finish for your golfing experience. Elegantly furnished with local

scheduled for a major renovation project next year where they

rattan and objet d’art, its ambience adds to the dining experience

will rejuvenate the various facilities, modernise its infrastructure

where visitors can enjoy international cuisines. The ground floor

and environmental best practice by going paperless with the

features a grand, open-air banqueting hall that overlooks the

introduction of special smartcards that will replace the need for

18th hole. With a great view of the sunset, it brings a perfect end

money within the club. Additionally, John hopes to bring more

to a day’s golf.

international golf tournaments to the club in the future and showcase Thai Country Club as the most modern, eco-friendly,

Sum of All the Parts

professional golf club in Thailand.

Current General Manager John Blanch provided an insight behind one of Thailand’s premier golf clubs. Born in Chicester, England, this former British PGA member left England in 1988 and travelled around the world as a professional golf coach before entering golf management. Spending some years in Asia, John finally arrived in Thailand in 2012 to become General Manager of the Thai Country Club. The golf course as he explained is not overlong nor over challenging so ideal for women golfers. The facilities provided to cater for women are excellent, from the


Jun 2014

It is quite simply “Heaven on Earth”.



泰王國的高爾夫文化 充滿金黃沙灘和動感夜生活的泰國是以旅遊業聞名的國家,當地美食譽滿全球,其中泰國綠咖哩 更是著名出口品。近年來她的陽光氣候更獲一眾高球愛好者青睞,成為高球假期的首選地。


Jun 2014


Sunset at Hole 2

泰國鄉村俱樂部是當地歷史最悠久的會所之一,由 Phataraprasit 集團與香港上海大酒店有限 公司合資經營,設計者更是馳名世界的前美國高爾夫球場建築師學會主席 Denis Griffiths。會所 於 1996 年 12 月開業,擁有符合美國 PGA 國際標準的 7,157 碼高爾夫球賽道,該場地亦曾為老虎. 活士等多位名將帶來冠軍榮譽。球場的沙水障礙、球道及果嶺設計為高球迷及專業運動員均帶來不 同挑戰。 球埸以外,酒店和餐廳同時提昇了旅客的泰式體驗。典雅的美術品擺設,配上東西方各國美饌; 地下樓層設有開揚的露天宴會廳。日落西山,眺望第 18 洞的夕陽美景,為一天的歡樂帶來一刻寧 靜舒暢。

見微知著 提到泰國鄉村俱樂部,一定要認識 John Blanch。他是前英國 PGA 成員,曾周遊各國擔任專 業高球教練,又擁有豐富的球場管理經驗;2012 年更正式出任泰國鄉村俱樂部總經理一職。他指 出,由於該區內有大量日本企業,故俱樂部客人除了泰國女士外,也有日本女士光顧,球場設計亦 會顧及女性高爾夫球手,由女更衣室以至水療設施等都一應俱全。作為半島集團的一員,俱樂部以 最高質素的服務款待客人,包括擁有亞洲著名的私人球僮。球場內外的一點一滴,令遊客感受到全 方位的尊貴款待之餘,也拼湊出今天的泰國鄉村俱樂部。 Thai Country Club 泰國鄉村俱樂部

天上人間 經過多年的經營,俱樂部即將進行大型翻新工程,包括引入各種現代化基礎設施及智能卡系統, 實行無紙化管理。此外,John 更寄望能將更多國際級高爾夫球賽事帶到俱樂部,從而向世人展示 出泰國鄉村俱樂部是最富現代化、最具綠色生態、最專業的高爾夫球俱樂部。

88 Moo 1, Bangna-Trad Km. 35.5, Thambon Pimpa Bangpakong District, Chacheongsao 24130, Thailand Tel 電話 : +66 38 570 234 Fax 傳真 : +66 38 570 225 Email 電郵 : Website 網址 :


Jun 2014



Olivia Cheng

Dancing Through a Life of


Special thanks to The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club for providing the venue

It all began with a dream of becoming a dancer. Olivia Cheng, a former Miss Hong Kong Pageant winner, photographer and golf enthusiast, shares her story from childhood to present day.


Jun 2014


club and play in the Hong Kong Closed

coaching and creating more opportunities

Amateur Championship. It was here that

f o r t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e H K C LG A t o

he youngest of seven in a single

an infamous incident occurred when this

further their golfing skills and training

parent family, Olivia inherited

emerging Chinese player was informed

as marshals, Olivia also devotes a lot of

h e r m o t h e r ’s o p t i m i s m a n d

she was not allowed to play in the event

time to charity golf events and initiating

independence. Her mother’s attitude

during the practice round. This led to

p r o g ra m m e s s u c h a s t h e U s e d G o l f

to life and faith had also given her

a whole night of providing documents

Equipment Programme at The Clearwater

a childhood with abundant love and

proving how Olivia went from a complete

Bay Golf & Country Club to help local

unceasing fellowship. Born in Hong Kong,

beginner to a qualifying player before she

children learn golf.

Olivia was first introduced to Chinese silk

was allowed to play the next day. Back

dancing at school and there emerged

then her husband had only said, "Do

her first ever aspiration in life, hoping

better next year and maybe this is what

to become someone like Zhao Qing, the

you are destined to do." This was more

Over the years, Olivia has become a

world famous dancer from China. This

or less the reason why she continued in

coach to a number of students. When

motivation led her to enjoy Inter-school

golf as Olivia recalled. “I must also thank

asked about her favourite student, Olivia

Dance Festivals, dance events where she

my friends who encouraged me to start

smiled as she mentioned Charles, whom

still lends a helping hand today whenever

playing in tournaments.”

she has been coaching since he was 5

Inspired by Female Figures

Loving the Little Men

she can. During her school days, her

years old. Able to maintain concentration

ability to jump great heights was soon

for long periods that she has not seen

recognised and at the age of 17 she

in other children of the same age, she

became the record holder of the Girls High

remembers Charles putting all 10 balls

Jump in Hong Kong.

in the hole at his very first lesson.

She then went from a record holder

“Technique and skill can be learnt and

to a star of the silver screen before

perfected in time, but concentration is

she met her husband. At age 31, Olivia

inborn,” explained Olivia who was still in

discovered a new sport, golf. Her famous

awe of what he was able to do at such a

professional golf career was influenced

tender age. As for criteria when selecting

by her two essential dancing skills which

Achievement after Achievement

students, Olivia did not seem to be too

10-metre long silk ribbons and 360

After winning the same championship

handle spoilt “princesses” and “princes”.

degrees spins. To this day, her elegant

t h e f o l l o w i n g y e a r, O l i v i a f o u n d e d

and powerful swing still resembles her

the Hong Kong Chinese Lady Golfers

rhythm as a dancer. So within a short

Association (HKCLGA) in 1993. Olivia

period of three years, she reduced her

was also chosen as the first local Chinese

How would Olivia envisage her life

game to a single handicap.

to represent and play for Hong Kong for

as a golfer and coach when she only

a total of six years. She subsequently

had dreams of becoming a professional

Never Walk Alone

turned professional soon after becoming

dancer? After waltzing through various

the first ever local Chinese professional

hurdles in life and making her mark on

While Olivia was still a 15 handicapper,

golfer and coach in Hong Kong, marking

the stage of Hong Kong women’s golf,

the then Ladies Captain of The Clearwater

another milestone in her life.

she is still dancing through life, only more

Bay Golf & Country Club, Catalina Cheng,

Today, apart from travelling across the


recommended her to represent the

globe to enjoy her passion of photography,

she developed from age 15, throwing

selective although she found it hard to

Dancing to the Tune of Golf

Jun 2014



舞出旖旎人生 鄭

鄭文雅 (Olivia),從來都不單單是一位香港小姐;除了高爾夫球外,她也喜歡攝影、 陶藝等等。然而,她這耀眼的一切,其實由她的兒時至愛 ── 舞蹈開始。


Jun 2014



旁騖地將 10 個球都推桿進洞,小小年紀的專注



自幼由母親一手養大的鄭家七兒中以 Olivia




Olivia 繼續比賽。回顧過去,她不忘感謝當年鼓

生的。」Olivia 一邊解釋,依舊為小男孩的表現




Olivia 有個充滿愛和群體生活的童年。作為本土



香港人的 Olivia 在學校開始學習長綢舞,亦是由




堅持下去。」Olivia 也知道自己已經選對了終身





或許 Olivia 在小時候從沒想過自己的舞蹈家


那時起,她一直活躍於校際舞蹈節等比賽,至今 亦如是。從跳舞訓練而來的彈跳力,令她被發掘 成為跳高運動員,兩年後更打破香港女子跳高紀


錄。那年,她 17 歲。

次年,Olivia 再戰香港女子業餘錦標賽並贏



得女子冠軍,並於 1993 年正式成立香港華人女


已從大銀幕退下來的她,卻在 31 歲時霎地遇上





很相近。」Olivia 解釋道。她心想着 15 歲所跳




可舞弄;一躍而起的 360 度轉體,令她身體肌肉






夜練習,Olivia 竟在短短三年內打出個位差點數



推動及支持多個慈善球賽,並與清水灣鄉村俱樂 部合作設立高球用具回收計劃,令年青人有更多



當 Olivia 的 差 點 咭 仍 記 着 15 的 時 候, 當


年 清 水 灣 鄉 村 俱 樂 部 的 女 子 隊 隊 長 Catalina Cheng 曾推薦她參加香港女子業餘錦標賽。戰戰

Olivia 多年來教過無數學生,桃李滿門,當




歲的 Charles,悠悠記起他在第一課時竟能心無

Jun 2014



高球問與答 If you have any questions, please send them by email to our resident golf professional at : 本刊誠邀專業高球教練為大家解答疑問,歡迎讀者將問題電郵至 :


Jun 2014


As a player attempts a stroke at the ball, they discontinue their swing during the downswing but before reaching the ball. Is there going to be a penalty? What is the ruling on that? 當球員試圖擊球時,他在球桿未到達球之前終止揮桿。在此情況下會否有任何處罰? If the player discontinued their swing voluntarily during the downswing, they are deemed not to have made a stroke. Therefore, there will be no penalty. 如果球員在球桿未到達球時自願停止揮桿,不算犯規,因此不會有任何處罰。

If a player briefly searches for their ball and declares it lost and tees up another. Their original ball is then found in a water hazard less than five minutes after the search began. What is the ruling? 如果球員無法找到自己的球,宣布這個球失去了並回原地重打。但他在不到五分鐘後在水障礙區內發現第一球。那該怎麼處理? They may play the original ball or take relief under the Water Hazard Rule with a one stroke penalty. 他可回原地重打或在球落點與球洞連線後方拋球續打,罰一桿。

In what circumstances can players touch their line of putt without penalty? 在哪種情況下球員可以觸碰推桿線而不受懲罰? With their towel to remove loose impediments. 若只用毛巾除去浮沙,便不受懲罰。

If you accidentally step on your ball while searching for it, is there a penalty? What’s the ruling? 找球時不小心踩到自己的球該怎麼辦 ? The player can take a one shot penalty and put the ball back at the original spot, or take a two stroke penalty and continue to play where the ball lies. 罰一桿,把球拾回原地拋球再打,或罰兩桿從該處續打。

Who is Babe Zaharias? 薩哈蕾亞斯是誰? Babe Zaharias was named the 10th Greatest North American Athlete of the 20th Century by ESPN. She is the first and only female player who has made the cut in a PGA event. Babe qualified in each PGA event through a 36 holes qualifier as opposed to sponsor exemptions. Her highest finish on the PGA tour was a 33rd place at the Phoenix Open in 1945. Babe is also one of the LPGA founders and an Olympic field champion, winning two gold medals at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic. 薩哈蕾亞斯在 ESPN 二十世紀最偉大北美運動員排名第十。她是曾在 PGA Tour 獲得晉級資格的第一位和目前唯一一位女性。 貝貝是通過每一個 PGA 的 36 洞預選賽而獲取賽事資格,而非由贊助商豁免。她的 PGA 巡迴賽最佳成績是 1945 年鳳凰城公 開賽,當時排名第 33 位。貝貝也是 LPGA 巡迴賽的創始人和奧運田徑冠軍之一,在 1932 年洛杉磯奧運會贏得了兩枚金牌。

Jun 2014



Denise Tan

Puts the Record Strait Born and raised in Singapore of Peranakan heritage, Denise Tan has come a long way from her humble beginnings. Growing up in the Peranakan community otherwise known as Straits Chinese, Denise represents the essence of this vibrant Chinese community who first travelled to British Malaya (now Malaysia and Singapore) at the start of the 15th century. Rich in culture and cuisine, Denise’s upbringing would come to define the woman she is today.


Jun 2014


ntering the home appliances

That said, she has learnt to accept that

certainly be ever present. What has really

industry from an early age,

things can be achieved differently and

attracted her to the game is the elegance

Denise has worked in this

would regard herself as a firm but fair

and etiquette of the game. For Denise at

industry for almost 18 years in a

boss who is motivated by passing on her

this stage, it is more about the enjoyment

variety of roles covering sales, training,

knowledge and experience to the 'XYZ

above all else.

trade marketing, product marketing,

generation'. She loves to work with the

Apart from her new found love of golf,

b ra n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d c o u n t r y

younger generation who she feels bring

cooking and baking has always been part

management. With such an extensive

fresh and new ideas all the time to the

of her life stemming from her heritage.

background, Denise was ideally positioned

table. This is exactly what Gaggenau

Denise explained that whereas cooking

to rise rapidly through the industry to

needs to continue with their success.

is more open to experimentation, baking

become Managing Director of Gaggenau

Together with over 300 years of history,

requires a higher degree of precision

Asia and Director of Sales for the Asia

adaptation to the times and an exceptional

and therefore more concentration and

Pacific region of BSH Home Appliances

customer understanding, these factors

dedication is needed. Denise loves to

Pte Ltd, a manufacturer of luxury home

have helped the brand remain at the top

travel and try new foods and cites Hong

appliances. In this role, Denise has been

of their game. Whilst there are similar

Kong as having the best dim sum in the

instrumental in leading the way towards

competitor products, Denise explained, "If

world. When asked what she found more

the development of the brand in Asia. She

the product is not differentiated, then the

challenging, managing or preparing a

was recently in Hong Kong to promote

service must be differentiated". The future

meal for the family, Denise chose the

the brand where Fore Girls had the

for them is understanding the local market

latter as her family are her most vocal

opportunity of meeting her and gaining an

and client profile amidst the volatile

critics and hence more difficult to please.

insight behind the businesswoman.

markets of Asia. Only then, can Denise

Nevertheless, she finds cooking and

successfully lead the way for Gaggenau to

baking most enjoyable and feels it is a

remain in its position as a leading provider

perfect fusion with her professional career.

Strait to Success

of luxury home appliances.

Denise’s drive and motivation comes from her family. Extremely close to her parents who sacrificed a lot for her, she has been motivated to do the best she

From Gaggenau to Golf and Glorious Food

The Gaggenau Generation For Denise Tan, she has been grateful for the opportunities afforded to her and

can and has been able to do so due to

Away from business, golf has entered

as such has been working in emerging

the support from her family who have

Denise’s life. She was introduced to golf

markets where she hopes to help provide

provided peace and stability at home.

a few years ago by a close friend but did

opportunities to young individuals so

For her to succeed brings a great deal of

not pursue it at the time. Then, recently,

that they can fulfil their potential as

joy to the family. On a professional level,

Denise accompanied a friend to the

she has. Denise would like to instill her

Denise explained that her customers also

golf course and has now got the golfing

virtues, knowledge and experience to the

provide the motivation, the need to work

bug. She enjoys the social aspect of the

younger generation and indeed if they

with customers who can synergise with

game, an activity that the whole family

can surpass her, she will have achieved

the brand to build a mutual relationship

can enjoy. As a beginner she cites the

her goal. Professionally, her role is not

where everyone is focused on the same

importance of learning the fundamentals

just as a Managing Director but also a

goals. 'Their success is our success' as

and foundations of golf, correct posture

mentor to her team. Denise would like

Denise so eloquently said.

and taking care of the body. She hopes to

to leave behind a legacy for the business

As a Managing Director, Denise is a

visit the top five golf courses in the world

to continue with the next generation of

perfectionist and her experience from the

at some point if she can find the spare


shop floor to the boardroom has shaped

time in her busy schedule. Like all aspects

the way she feels things should be done.

of her life, the need to excel in golf will

Jun 2014



天涯若毗鄰 Denise Tan 是新加坡人,祖從峇峇娘惹,在娘惹區 土生土長的她被視為當地的土生華人。從寂寂無名到今 天的成就,一路走來不易。她舉手投足都帶着濃厚的華夏 氣息,叫人能追溯至十五世紀初的英屬馬來亞(今馬來西亞 及新加坡),隨着五感飄盪在這文化和美食之中,Denise 也將 她成為當代女性的故事重現讀者眼前。

年 少 便 加 入 家 庭 電 器 業 的 Denise 已 在 行



內 有 18 年 經 驗, 涉 獵 範 圍 包 括 銷 售、 培 訓、




與 X、Y、Z 世代共事的經驗所得。她也喜歡和


令 她 順 應 行 業 的 崛 起 成 為 豪 華 家 電 品 牌 BSH


是 Denise 家族文化留下給她的一份禮物。煮食

Home Appliances Pte Ltd 亞太區營業總監和

牌注入活力。公司品牌業務歷近 300 年之久,


Gaggenau Asia 總經理。FORE GIRLS 趁她曾




Denise 解釋道:「產品相近的話,要做的是令

Denise 向來喜歡四處遊歷和試新菜式,更說香






地客人需要,Denise 才能繼續帶領品牌穩佔這





G 世代已降臨

望可以報答家人。工作方面,Denise 說客戶也

事業以外,高爾夫球也走進了 Denise 的生

回想過去,Denise 認為是機遇令她進入新













作為總經理的 Denise 其實是一位完美主義


是孕育出 Gaggenau 下一輩的師父,令徒生們




驗和品味。雖然如此,但 Denise 也接受事情可


成功之道 Denise 的動力來自於她的家庭。父母曾為 她的前途作出許多犧牲,也一直努力讓她可以 有個安樂窩,所以她做任何事都全力以赴,希


Jun 2014



Kiss those bogeys and double bogeys goodbye. Let’s simplify shots around the green. The simpler we can make it, the easier we can score. 跟那些柏忌和雙柏忌說再見。簡化短桿的打法,就能讓我們更容易取得好成績。 BY GOLF AUTHOR CHRISTINA RICCI GOLFSURVIVALGUIDE.COM


THE SET-UPS Shots around the green happen to be my favourite area of play. I am creative and the short game is jam-packed with creative opportunities. But first, you must know the basic set-ups. Let’s simplify shots around the green with these essential around the green set-ups. 果嶺邊恰好是我最喜歡的打球區。我是一個很有創意的球手,而短打剛好能 給我發揮的機會。但首先,你必須知道基本的打法。讓我們利用以下的步驟 簡化短打的方法。





Club: PW or Low Iron: 9-8-7,

球 桿:PW 或 低 鐵:9-8-7, 這 取

Club: Lob, SW or PW

球桿:Lob,SW 或 PW

pending pin placement


Ball Position: Centre


Ball Position: Back of Centre 放球位置:靠重心後面


桿面 / 姿態:平放或微張外

Clubface/Stance: Square

桿面 / 姿態:平放

Square or Slightly Open


Hands at Address: Forward


Hands at Address: Forward


Feet: Narrow with weight 腳:兩腳站近,體重中心於放前腿

Feet: Narrow with weight


favouring front leg

balanced or slightly forward is okay


Jun 2014




Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Loose grip pressure is the key to successful chipping. Weight favours front side.

My shoulders, arms and hands are working as a unit, hinging, creating an L.

Let your lower half, specifically your back knee, move toward the target. Maintain the angle set in your wrist at address all the way to your finish.





出 L 形姿勢。




YES 正確 Connection is easy when you allow your bigger muscles like your shoulder/chest to move your extremities. 只需讓大肌肉,例如肩膀、胸部 來帶動四肢,便能輕易做出連接 動作。

Maintaining that connection and simply rotating through toward the target.

Connection with my arms and upper torso

保持連接動作,朝向目標旋轉便 能做出理想短桿。


Jun 2014


時尚生活 STYLE.HEALTH.BEAUTY 時 尚 ・ 健 康 ・ 美 容


No Ordinary Greens Photographs courtesy of Chi Lin Nunnery

Hidden away in a corner of Hong Kong is a place where you can go for a quiet retreat and at the same time enjoy the divine vegetarian delicacies as you enter this garden of the city, Nan Lian Garden.


Jun 2014


Ginger & Sweet Potato Stew

Five Fortune Platter

pened in 2006, Chi Lin Vegetarian

of the mushrooms is accentuated by

impression of vegetarian food and cooking

is part of the Hong Kong

other dishes such as the velvety Baked

delightful dishes free from artificial

government’s major project of

Beancurd and Maitake Mushrooms with

ingredients and preservatives.

Nan Lian Garden, designed and constructed

Creamy Truffle Sauce and the Mushroom

by the Chi Lin Nunnery. Resembling wooden

Casserole, cooked with Morel Mushrooms

architectural features of the Tang Dynasty,

and Yellow Porcini.

here in the garden you will see tall banyan

C h i L i n Ve g e t a r i a n h a s c e r t a i n l y

The finest banquet experience is served

trees and hear the continuous symphony

impressed its customers with their selection

in celadon and ceramic tableware made

of waterfalls, birds and music. Here comes

of imported and local ingredients, such as

by the disciples at the sChashan kilns set

the question, why is there a waterfall

mushrooms from Yunnan China, and even

up by the Chi Lin Nunnery in Dongguan,

outside the restaurant? The answer will be

salt from Italy. The traditional Ginger and

China, adding a touch of elegance to your

revealed after you are treated to the Chi Lin

Pork Knuckle Stew has been replaced with

dining experience through the potters’

Vegetarian’s inviting menu.

sweet potato and peanuts, marinated in

consummate craft.

dark rice vinegar to give a mouth-watering

Take a relaxing walk along the paths

Incredible Ingredients

sensation to the palate, also a popular dish

in the Nan Lian Garden to digest the

for Chinese postnatal therapy.

exquisite meal you have just enjoyed

A meal at Chi Lin Vegetarian starts

To complete the dining experience,

and if it happens to rain during your visit,

with a Five-Fortune Appetiser Platter,

many opt for dessert. Chi Lin Vegetarian

remember to visit the Penjing Garden or

which includes Beetroot Salad, Roasted

offers a lovely vegetarian cheesecake that

Xian Hai Xuan to watch how the lovely

Mushrooms, Mung Bean in a tangy Pomelo

looks and tastes almost the same as the

raindrops are collected in their specially

Vinegar, Marinated Fresh Kelp and Gluten.

traditional recipe, only slightly lighter.

designed rain chains.

Diners are also welcome to try their crispy

For oriental delights, their sweet soup

Back to the question at the beginning,

sweet Sliced Lotus Root Coated with

with Cashew Nuts and an amber-coloured

the waterfall is used to muffle noises

Coconut Sugar and Herbs. A sip of Chinese

Peach Tree Resin is a good alternative.

from the city and the highway next to the

pu'er tea makes for a perfect complement

Vegetarian cuisine is not only embraced

garden. Opting for vegetarian cuisine once

to the flavoursome appetisers.

during certain times of the lunar calendar

in a while is a mind cleansing experience

Chi Lin Vegetarian’s signature thick soup

and is not flavourless or bland as is the

and Chi Lin Vegetarian, being one of the

with Braised Cordyceps Flowers and Enoki

common view. After a visit to the Chi Lin

best vegetarian restaurants in town, will

Mushrooms come in a natural and vibrant

Vegetarian you will realise that they have

certainly be a great retreat for both locals

coral colour, and the intense fragrance

completely redefined the meaning and

and visitors alike.

Oriental Craftsmanship

Jun 2014



古園美景尋美味 城中古園,鬧市尋幽。香港被譽為美食之都,收納各國美饌,除了大街小巷可見的食肆以外, 原來一個幽靜雅緻的園池裡,竟也讓訪客嚐到中國上盛的齋菜,讓味覺也來個退修之旅。


Jun 2014


Cashew Nut Sweet Soup

Sliced Lotus Root with Lily Bulbs

Celadon Tableware

南蓮園池由政府邀請志蓮淨苑設計及建造,於 2006 年落成。園池以唐代建築為園林風格,古榕參天, 錦鯉戲流水。聽着鳥聲和瀑布聲,讓大自然的氣息徐徐洗滌心靈,能安靜己心,是對用餐的尊重。先問讀 者們一條問題,為何園池要特意在龍門樓志蓮素齋外面興建人造瀑布?用餐以後自有分曉。

真材顯珍味 首先開啟味蕾的前菜是五福拼盤,拼盤之中的柚子醋粉皮酸甜清新、風味昆布甘香。另一道前菜香草 椰糖百合藕片,爽脆之餘每一口都是天然健康的椰糖的香甜滋味,配上一杯令人舒心的普洱茶,未嚐主菜, 心頭已先掠過一絲滿足感。 金粉珊瑚羹染着蟲草花活潑的橙紅色,與松露忌廉焗舞茸豆腐、摩利石菌薄豆腐煲等以菇菌類入饌的 菜式,一端上桌,香氣頃刻間湧溢於樓閣之間。用料之上乘,除了不時不吃外,亦因為所有用料曾經精心 挑選,比如採用中國雲南菇菌、意大利鹽、印度腰果等,而龍門薑醋則特別揀選南方的薑,愛其粉嫩口感, 與番薯粒的質感配合得恰到好處。至於甜品,來個以素蛋粉製作的芝士餅,吃下竟仍有濃郁感,形神皆似; 中式糖水則有滋潤的桃膠腰果露,驟聽桃膠一詞雖然容易讓人聯想起常用來做甜品的核桃,但其實桃膠從 桃樹而來,色如琥珀半透明,加冰糖煮成,為香滑的腰果露更添幾分特色。 吃齋一向給人感覺是初一、十五、觀音誕的唯一選擇,平常愛吃葷的人都嫌其淡而無味且沒有飽足感; 志蓮素齋卻以真傳菜式證明即使不用仿肉或味素,以低鹽、低油、低糖烹調,偶爾來個中西合璧,齋菜依 然可被賦予其獨特的風味。

工藝昭彰 Chi Lin Vegetarian 志蓮素齋


Nan Lian Garden, 60 Fung Tak Road

較單點菜式來得雅緻。志蓮淨苑於 2006 年在東莞設立了茶山窯,與名師高峰合作開展承傳、發展陶藝。

Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong

這些青瓷是高老師的弟子所製,只是學師也要五年,刻苦和耐性經時日後,慢慢轉化成爐火純青的工藝。 時值香港的父、母親節,若有幸可與高堂一同品嚐特色齋菜,無須大魚大肉也可一表孝心。吃罷一遊 園池,鳥語花香,也許碰上下雨天,走到盆景園或香海軒前看着雨水從特色引水鍊閃閃落下,景色迷人非

香港九龍鑽石山鳳德道 60 號南蓮園池 Reservations 訂座查詢 : +852 3658 9388 Email 電郵 : Website 網址 :

常。文章開首的謎底揭曉,原來除了美觀以外,瀑布聲還有隔音之用,讓外面高速公路和喧鬧聲消失於雄 雄流水之間。無論是外國遊客或是本地人,志蓮素齋定會令你重新認識香港的佳餚美食。

Jun 2014



Decadence in Delhi Dusit International introduces a hotel experience like no other in the heart of the Indian capital of New Delhi. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Dusit Devarana New Delhi, the first premiere hotel of its kind in India reminiscent of the opulence of Indian royalty encompassing the very essence of this great city.


Jun 2014


Jun 2014



Hotel Exterior

esigned by Architect Khun Lek

three very distinct offerings delivered with

both sides of the border, high end retail,

Bunnag, the hotel is set amongst

'service from the heart'.

the diplomatic enclave is yet a mere 10

eight acres of luscious greens

The Kiyan restaurant offers the very

minutes away from the Airport. Upon

encompassed by over a thousand trees and

best in world cuisine with authentic and

arrival Dusit Devarana will truly offer

waterways. Regally columned verandahs

picture perfect dishes using only the

unforgettable memories in the 'midst' of

and understated yet elegant interiors

best in local fresh farm produce. The

today's New Delhi that will last a lifetime.

which embody the Hindu philosophy of

Lah bar mixes up the latest in trendy

the 'five elements' from sun inspired

cocktails, brewery beers and new age

dials, flower motifs, the soothing tones of

wines. The ambience, music and service

the temple bells to extended waterways

reflects the fashionable yet no fuss

flowing through the length and breadth

attitude of today. Finally, Kai, their very

of the hotel. Its expert three dimensional

own signature Michelin Star restaurant

architecture showcases the unique dome

needs no introduction with its world

area incorporating light and shadows which

renowned contemporary take on Chinese

change hues as the day progresses.

cuisine matched only by the opulence

Ideally located between the 'grande

of its outdoor marquee setting. A fine

dame' New Delhi and its elite corporate

dining experience worthy of today's world

neighbourhood Gurgaon, Dusit Devarana

gourmet traveller. A truly international

New Delhi provides guests with the very

flavour mixed with Indian influences.

best in luxury, decadence and tranquillity amidst the bustling city of New Delhi.


No Delhi Belly Here!

Devarana Spa owes its lineage to

The food and beverage philosophy at

their warmth, age old treatments and

Devarana is in line with the grandeur

internationally trained expert masseuses.

of its architecture and design providing

In close proximity to corporate hubs on


Jun 2014

the traditions of Thailand inspired by


Club Lounge

Jun 2014



沉 醉 印 度 德 里 杜斯特國際在印度首都新德里的心臟地帶建造非一般的酒店體驗。先生女士們,歡 迎蒞臨新德里 Dusit Devarana,一所重塑印度皇室金光璀璨年華的宮殿。


Jun 2014


Hotel Lobby

由建築師 Khun Lek Bunnag 設計的酒店坐擁八英畝(超過 32,000 平方米)綠草美地, 翠綠的樹和穿梭的流水,加上圓柱聳立的陽台映襯出淡雅的內部,氣派更見非凡之餘亦充分反 映了印度五行哲學;尚有以太陽為設計概念的電話、各種花卉圖案、沉穩敦厚的鐘聲,一一配 合流水和酒店的整體設計。圓拱形帶表現出精巧靈工的三維建築,運用光線和陰影令室內色調 能隨着一天的日照作出變化。

這裏沒有德里肚子! Devarana 的餐飲哲學與酒店的建築設計同出一轍,從三方面為客人用心的服務。Kiyan 餐廳以本地最好的農產品烹調出全球頂尖的國際美食,Lah 酒吧能調出最新穎的雞尾酒、啤酒 及新酒,場內的氛圍、音樂及服務質素反映現代自由、雅俗共賞的生活態度。酒店的重點米芝 蓮星級餐廳 Kai 更帶來中菜佳餚美饌及室外帳幕雅座,是今天各地美食旅遊家要感受滲着印度 特色的國際高級美食的必到之處。 Dusit Devarana New Delhi


Samalkha, NH-8, New Delhi 110037 Tel 電話 : +91 11 33552211 Fax 傳真 : +91 11 30158699

Devarana 的泰式水療按摩以其溫感、古老按摩秘方和具國際培訓資歷的專業按摩師見

Email 電郵 :

稱。這所鄰近商業要樞、高端產品零售的酒店只距離機場十分鐘車程,到達 Dusit Devarana

Website 網址 :


Jun 2014



A Page in History 42

Jun 2014

In the fast paced lifestyle of Hong Kong, time is a precious commodity. Many people are always on the go, rushing from one place to another be it for work or leisure. Perhaps it is time to slow down the pace once in a while to relax and enjoy the quieter moments that life has to offer. Amidst the commercial district of Central, should you find your way to Chancery Lane in the Soho area, you will discover a quaint little book repository called Lok Man Rare Books where you can acquire extremely rare pieces of literature dating back hundreds of years. It may at first appear to be a 'book shop' simply selling extremely rare books from around the world but once you speak to its proprietor Lorence Johnston, you will not quite view a book in the same way again.


Ladies in the Rough by Glenna Collett

something very different from the norm.

experiences through his many journeys

Lok Man Rare Books pride themselves in

is evident in the collection of books as

orence has led a wide and varied

offering clientele a very unique personal

much time is devoted to researching and

career that has taken him to a

service where they can help to educate

locating books that reflect his personal

great many places across the

and understand the clientele and in turn

interests. In essence, Lok Man Rare Books

globe over the last twenty years. In 1994,

recommend an ideal gift for that special

is very much an extension of Lorence.

his final destination was Hong Kong where


Pursuing a Passion

Lorence has now made this city not only his

More than a Book Shop

Books, a Window to the Past, a View of the Future

city has provided that has allowed Lorence

Lok Man Rare Books certainly has an

Whilst technology has changed the way

to pursue his great passion in literature.

extensive collection of highly valued rare

we read books with Kindles and iPads now

An avid reader from a young age inspired

books in a variety of genres. Whether

a common medium, Lorence feels these

by his grandmother’s large collection of

it be business, history, novels or sport,

modern devices have only enhanced the

literature, Lorence has enjoyed books for

there is sure to be that one book that you

reading experience and indeed people

as long as he can remember. With Lok Man

will be looking for. With golf becoming

have visited Lok Man Rare Books after

Rare Books, he has been able to share his

ever popular in Hong Kong among ladies,

purchasing a Kindle wishing to acquire

passion holding informal gatherings where

Lorence recommended a signed first

first editions and those books important

Lorence can educate and enlighten others

edition of Ladies in the Rough by Glenna

to them in their traditional form. Lorence

into the finer aspects of first editions and

Collett who many regard as the first

also cites that to preserve the traditional

collecting books.

superstar of female golf. A perfect gift for

book, publishers have found it necessary

Those who visit Lok Man Rare Books

any serious golfer.

to adapt and produce beautifully crafted

include collectors who are looking for

Its premises are reminiscent of a

books that will attract readers back to the

a specific title and seek Lorence’s help

traditional English study where one would

medium of the printed form.

in tracking down these rare and unique

retreat to after an evening dinner to enjoy

Traditional books still very much have

items. Even with his extensive network,

a glass of wine or engage in conversation

a place in society. As the modern world

Lorence did note that in some cases it

with close friends. Hence, Lok Man Rare

thrives, Lok Man Rare Books can still take

can take several years to locate certain

Books is often the location for private

you on a nostalgic trip through memory

books. Other than collectors, many

exclusive events from wine tastings to

lane with its unique, passionate and

who visit are often looking for a gift,

author readings. In fact, Lorence’s own

personal service.

place of work but also his home. It is here in Hong Kong with the opportunities this

Jun 2014



走進歷史一頁 香港生活節奏急促,時間彷彿是奢侈品,無論是工作抑或休息,大家都總是 匆匆而過。也許我們都應該放緩步伐,享受恬靜的時刻。走進中環蘇豪區的 贊善里,你會找到一間名為「樂文」的書店,在那裏珍藏著許多罕見的書籍, 有些甚至可追溯到百多年前;大家或會以為這只是一間收藏及售賣古籍的「書 店」,但當與店主交談過後,你頓時會感受到箇中的文學財富與思想交流。


Jun 2014


Proprietor Lorence Johnston

追逐書香的熱情 店主 Lorence Johnston 對於文學的那份熱情源自小時候從祖母處飽覽的文學作品。過去 20 年來, Lorence 曾接觸各種職業,足跡遍及全世界,直至 1994 年,他選擇了植根香港。到今天,這個城市不 僅是工作的地方,更成為了他的家。透過樂文書店,Lorence 會定期與同道友好聚會,啟發更多人去感 受閱讀藏書的樂趣。 走訪書店的知音人除了書籍收藏家,有些客人更會尋求店主幫忙,追查各類稀有和獨特的書籍, Lorence 笑言,即使自己交遊廣闊,有時也需要幾年時間才能找到對方特定的書籍。書店的存在,也是 為這群同道中人提供獨特的專人服務,透過教育和了解他們的需要來建議客人揀選適合的書籍作為禮物。

服務超越一般書店 樂文擁有廣泛書籍題材,無論是商業、歷史、小說抑或運動,你總找到想要的。隨著女性高爾夫球 文化在港越見流行,Lorence 推薦大家拜讀由 Glenna Collett 撰寫的《Ladies in the Rough》初版簽 名本,作者被譽為首席女高爾夫球巨星,對所有高爾夫球迷而言,這絕對是一本瑰寶。 閱讀除了可學習傳統英語外,更令同儕間增加話題;因此,樂文往往成為一眾書友舉行品酒派對的 最佳選擇。其實,Lorence 自身的歷練以及對書籍的認知鑽研盡顯現於店內藏書,可以說樂文書店本身 就是店主精神的延伸。 Lok Man Rare Books 樂文

從書籍探求過去 預視未來 儘管近年的電子媒體裝置已改變了人們閱讀的習慣,但 Lorence 認為現代化設備只不過是提升了閱

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Opening Hours 開放時間 : Tue to Sat 1100-1900,


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Jun 2014



For All the Tea in China 中 國 茗 茶 文 化 Legend has it that tea was first discovered in China thousands of years ago when an emperor while on a journey with his army to a distant region stopped to rest. The emperor preferred to drink boiled water believing it to be cleaner and so as was normal, his servants would serve the emperor boiled water. Only on this occasion, a dead leaf from a wild tea bush fell into the water and turned the water a brownish colour unnoticed by the servants. The emperor subsequently drank the new concoction and found it to be most refreshing. Hence, tea or as the Chinese call it 'cha' was born.

眾所皆知,茶是由中國而來的,其起源傳說有二,一是《神農百草經》記載:「神農嘗百草,日 遇七十二毒,得荼而解之。」這是茶葉藥用之始。另一傳說是神農氏在樹下燒水休息之時,一陣 微風拂過樹梢,幾片翠綠的茶樹葉隨風飄落在燒開的水中,神農氏飲用後發現茶水變得清香甘甜, 飲後更覺神清氣爽、精力充沛,自此茶便常為中國人飲用了。


Jun 2014


ea has been a staple of Chinese culture for generations

who regularly drink tea compared to non-drinkers. Although

as it has been in England when the British Empire

studies presented a correlation, it does not suggest that tea was

first introduced tea to the motherland. Since then, it

the cause of a slimmer body. Nothing can beat regular cardio

has been enjoyed as the quintessential beverage. Interestingly

exercise to keep the pounds off.

enough, tea also exhibits a host of medicinal benefits to health.

Maintaining healthy and beautiful skin is a concern particularly among women hence tea can help hydrate the body and skin

Drink Tea to Good Health

despite containing caffeine. Allegedly, green tea can act as natural sunscreen protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Common cardiovascular and degenerative illnesses including cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes are less likely to develop with regular consumption of tea. Whilst

“Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage”

tea is not a miracle cure, it has preventative agents to keep

From the study of white, yellow, green, oolong, black, and

the internal body functioning as normal for longer and more

pu’er tea, to the famous 'tea-ism', from the making to the


tasting, in many countries in the world tea has become a form of

The antioxidant agents contained in green tea for example can

art. That said, regardless of whether you are drinking for health

increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel leading to increased

or pleasure, there is nothing better that a great cup of tea in the

muscle endurance, ideal for exercise. Scientific studies has

morning to start the day or indeed after a hard day of work. As

shown an improvement in bone mineral density and strength in

they say in China 'Yum Cha'!

addition to a lower waist circumference and BMI in participants 茶是歷代中國文化之一,後來因殖民地緣故被引進英國,從止成為英國





保持健康和亮澤肌膚是女士特別關注的事,茶雖含咖啡因,但可增加 身體及皮膚水分,多喝有益。聽說綠茶還可為皮膚作自然防禦,阻隔紫外


光呢 。



症、阿茲海默症及糖尿病的機會較低。茶雖不是靈丹妙藥,但有預防功效, 令體內功能可持續以正常或更佳的狀態運作。






物質密度和強度更高、腰圍較小,BMI 指數也較低。可是,研究顯示的是


Jun 2014





Brings You Back 青春之齡 to 帶你回到


Jun 2014


L’Origine de Orlane Founded in 1947, Orlane is a beauty brand integrating cosmetic science with 'skin re-education'. The Italian Giraudi family then acquired Orlane in 1985 as part of the cosmetics group Kelémata and even before then, this international brand has been influencing the world of anti-aging skincare under the leadership of Dr. Giraudi’s daughter and Managing Director Raffaella with laboratories in France and Japan, as well as beauty institutes in many countries such as Belgium, Mexico, and China. In 1968, Orlane’s signature product B21 cream was introduced in France to celebrate Orlane’s 21st anniversary. This cream product was worth a month of a labourer’s salary! 'B' in B21 stands for the biological ingredients which was so innovative at the time and '21' for the amino acids essential for healthy skin. Here in Hong Kong, Orlane is launching their B21 Extraordinaire in spring 2014 to relieve your skin from the damp weather, with a light-weighted gel form liquid that penetrates deeply and instantly, leaving your skin with a refreshing and lovely fragrance of pale blue iris.

An Extra Layer of B21 Extraordinaire The B21 Extraordinaire is supported by a revolutionary youth

The Intelli-Giraudi’s

resetting concept, which motivates your cells into functioning with

Following her father’s footsteps in making a mark in the

the ideal mechanism under a ‘wellbeing environment’ with the 21

world of skincare and cosmetology, Raffaella was trained

amino acids extracted from the stem cells of the pale blue iris. This

as a pharmacist and has always been interested in product

will provide the energy to increase protein, collagen and retain

development allowing the brand to remain innovative with

moisture. In other words, you can now improve and reset your

the latest technologies. Yet, Raffaella’s acumen has not only

skin regulation and always treat your skin cells to a voluptuous

manifested in business management but also in other aspects of

vacation with B21! For best results, apply day and night, in

her life. Raffaella has been living in France with her husband and

between the toner and serum in your daily skincare routine.

children for almost 16 years where she enjoys yoga and skiing,

For outdoor lovers, this is also your chance to fight against

which is a popular sport in her hometown of Turin, Italy. Her

UV rays and environmental aggressors by using the B21

children also play golf with their father, and the family can always

Extraordinaire with their Anti-wrinkle SPF 30, which is known for

relate to the aspects of golf and yoga, where discipline and

its power in acting against inflammation, fighting dark spots and

concentration is of paramount importance. So enjoy your family

wrinkle appearances.

life! This is certainly the key to the Giraudi’s success.

Orlane 的美麗源頭


於 1947 年成立的 Orlane 一直以美容科學為基礎,帶來「重新教育肌


膚」的概念。來自意大利的 Giraudi 家族於 1985 年將品牌收於 Kelémata

鍾愛戶外活動的也可以透過 B21 Extraordinaire 對抗紫外線和各種皮

用 B21 更新及重設你的肌齡,讓細胞也來享受一個奢華豐足的假期!建議日

集團旗下,在 Dr. Giraudi 的女兒兼 Orlane 總經理 Raffaella 的帶領之下,

膚侵害;更可連同 Anti-Wrinkle SPF 30 同時使用,有效防禦肌膚炎症及



有實驗室,美容院則覆蓋多個國家,包括比利時、墨西哥和中國等。 1968 年,Orlane 為慶祝 21 周年在法國推出重點產品 B21 面霜,當 時竟價值員工一個月的薪金! B21 的 B 代表它含帶當時創新的生物成分,

Giraudi 家族的成功之道

21 則是健康肌膚必須的氨基酸種類。2014 年春季,Orlane 正式在香港推

Raffaella 緊隨父親腳踪,受訓當藥劑師後一直專心鑽研產品開發,令

出 B21 Extraordinaire,將水份及蛋白成份源源注入皮膚,即使是濡濕天

Orlane 能在不同時代中仍能用最尖端的科技研製護膚品。然而,重家庭的


觀念不只在企業管理方面能體現,Raffaella 和丈夫孩子遷往法國居住了近 16 年的時間,現時仍時常做瑜珈及滑雪,滑雪更是她家鄉意大利都靈的熱

多一層 B21、少一份歲月負擔


B21 Extraordinaire 背後的理念是革命性的重設肌齡,令細胞在在 21

Giraudi 家的致勝之道。



Jun 2014



Make-Up 101

Foundation Cream (Part I) ' When you’re gone, how can I carry on…' The lyrics of a popular oldie come to mind as I think about foundations.

foundation simply will not do. Use different colour foundations to

o have uniformly luscious, luminous skin is definitely

a few different coloured foundation creams, you can be sure she

the dream of every woman. However, it may remain a

is fully aware of her face and knows what to do to enhance her

dream when one considers the less than ideal conditions


create contrasts between shadow and light and you end up not only with a softer silhouette but also more even colouring. This is the function of foundation creams, and if you see a woman with

we all live in, hence the advent of foundation, or vanishing cream some decades ago. With advances in cosmetic technology, foundation creams have flourished in different eras in various communities. We may even go so far as to say that without foundation there can be no beauty.

The nude look is in, but there seems to be no mention of foundation or vanishing creams in the make-up process. Does the nude look call for foundation at all? BB, CC or DD cream are actually newer versions of foundation

Why do beautiful women place so much importance on foundations? Why do they keep so many different coloured foundations in their cosmetic carry-alls?

creams. The 'nude' or 'make-up-less' look emphasises the end

Beauty is subjective but luscious, radiant skin is definitely

and reflecting agents. They can also be applied in extremely thin

one of the key criteria. Fine as your features may be, if marred

layers, catering to market demands and attesting to advances

by dull, uneven or spotted skin, you will always be considered

in cosmetic technology. The first generation BB cream already

less than perfect. The Chinese have always placed a premium

combined foundation and concealer functions. With the arrival

on alabaster-like skin. This is in fact a reflection of inner health.

of CC and DD creams, light-absorption and reflection functions

Peachy pink skin represents youth and vitality and you will look

were added. So the nude look does not really do away with

stunning with some make-up. Ladies, however, now face an

foundation creams. Foundations have just evolved to thinner,

inordinate amount of stress: long working hours, irregular meal

more translucent, and accentuating concave and convex areas

times, dehydration and nutrient deficiency. Is it any wonder

through light absorption and reflection, as well as concealing

that the quality of their skin suffers? Foundation creams have

minor blemishes in colours that match your original skin tone.

certainly flourished as they create the impression of uniformity in

Without these new products, there can be no nude look and HD

skin tone and cover up minor flaws, and voila – perfection!

cinematography would also not have been possible.

result, not the process. The concept of beauty has progressed with the times, and foundations nowadays not only conceal blemishes but they also moisturise and act as light-absorbing

Ladies who are not too discerning may use only one foundation cream. However, where facial features are not sharp, one


Jun 2014

To be continued.


Jun 2014



美女的魔幻法寶 粉底霜(上)

“如果沒有你,日子怎麼過…" 這兩句舊歌詞完全貼切地反映到現今 女性對粉底霜的需求。


























以說女性沒有粉底霜就美不起來 …

為何美女們都重視粉底?又何解有很 多美女的化妝包內都擁有不同顏色的 粉底霜?

近 期 流 行 的 裸 妝 只 推 崇 使 用 BB、 CC、 甚 至 DD Cream, 連 粉 底 遮 瑕 都沒有談及到,難道現今的裸妝就甚 麼都不用?




雖然沒有提及粉底與遮瑕,但所有的 BB、


CC 和 DD Cream,都是粉底霜的一種新演繹。







energy therapy, hormones, anti-oxidation



and anti-aging with science professionals








其實第一代的 BB Cream 已將遮瑕與粉底



合二為一,到 CC Cream 和 DD Cream 的出現,





Jun 2014

Denver Chiu, our Senior Beauty Expert has been carrying out scientific research in

from the U.S.A, Germany and Taiwan since the 1990s. 趙震宇 資深能量美容培訓達人;高端美容技術、能量管理課


號外 GOLF NEWS.LPGA & CLPGA NEWS.PLAYER PROFILE.FOREUM 高 球 新 訊 ・ 中 、 美 巡 賽 擇 要 ・ 球 手 簡 介 ・ 高 球 專 欄


U.S. Kids Golf World Championship Hong Kong Qualifier U.S. Kids Golf 世界少年高爾夫球錦標賽(香港區選拔賽) 26th April, 2014 Over 100 youngsters between the ages of 6 and 14 attended the 9th U.S. Kids qualifying event at the par-29 Skycity Nine Eagles Golf Course, an event organised by RSH (Hong Kong) Limited and GD Golfers’ Club. 第九屆 U.S. Kids 世界少年高爾夫球錦標賽香港區選拔賽於標準桿 29 桿的 Skycity Nine Eagles Golf Course 舉行,是年共有超過 100 名 6 至 14 歲球員參加,賽事由 U.S. Kids Golf 香港總代理 RSH (Hong Kong) Limited 主辦,GD 球友會協辦。比賽最艱鉅的莫過於當天「三合 一」的天氣情況,由陰天微雨、陽光普照到下午的滂沱大雨,家長們在當 中除了為子女打氣外,當然因驟變的天氣紛紛借出雨傘保護孩子們,溫馨 Eric Chan (left) passing donation cheque to KP Choi (right), founder


of Madam Mary Tam Fund


Jun 2014


Girls 9 years old winners

ers ars old winn Boys 11 ye

The event proceeded with ‘3-in-1’ weather conditions on the day

是 次 賽 事 球 員 們 共 抓 了 12 隻 小 鳥,RSH

from a cloudy start to a couple of hours of warm sunshine, followed

(Hong Kong) Limited 及 贊 助 商 Portfolio

by heavy rain. Parents of course, were busy lending their umbrellas

Management 分 別 捐 出 了 12 套 球 桿 及 港 幣

and cheering for the children.

$12,000 予聖公會聖基道兒童院的「兒童學習高

With a total of 12 birdies achieved during the event, RSH (Hong


Kong) Limited and sponsor Portfolio Management donated 12 sets

學習高爾夫。RSH (Hong Kong) Limited 行政

of golf clubs and HK$12,000 respectively to the Madam Mary Tam


Fund of S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Home so more children could receive


both school and golf education. "In collaboration with the Australian


Golf Academy, we have chosen the S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Home


as our beneficiary and will provide them with golf sessions over the


summer," explained Walter Yeung, CEO of RSH (Hong Kong) Limited.

是次活動得獎者,將有機會代表香港參與 7

Winners from the Hong Kong Qualifier may have a chance to

月 31 日至 8 月 2 日在美國北卡羅來納州舉行的

represent Hong Kong at the U.S. Kids Golf World Championship in

2014 U.S. Kids Golf 世界少年高爾夫球錦標賽,

North Carolina, United States from 31st July to 2nd August 2014.


This year’s gross score winners are:-


Groups 組別 Age/Gender

Champion 總桿冠軍

1st Runner Up 總桿亞軍

2nd Runner Up 總桿季軍

14 (B)

Mun Chun Hin


F. Khounphachansy 37

Jensen Yiu


14 (G)

Charlotte Kwong


Murakami Yuka


Cristal Chan


13 (B)

Dick Lee


Kho Taichi


Leo Lam


13 (G)

Selina Li


Tiffany Wong


Jeon Sun Woo


12 (B)

Si Ngai


Brian Xu


Lam Chon Him


12 (G)

Inara Sharma


Anson Wong


Summer Chiu


11 (B)

Yu Ka Jun


Zesen Hu


Elvis Kwong


11 (G)

Stephanie Wong


Vivian Chan


Tiffany Wu


10 (B)

Lincoln Lau


Maurice Leung


Mak Chun Kit


10 (G)

Chloe Chan


Tiffany Chan


Jolie Wong




Julius Yang


Michael Yuen


Pan Chun Shing




Vivien Mok


Charlene Chung


Ailsa Chiu




Oscar Hui


Issac Lee


Kazer Ngu




Francesca Teo


Chloris Li


Chui Chung Ling




Jordan Yuen


Julian Choi


Yu Jin Ho


7 or under (G)

Arianna Lau


Zoie Chan


Sophie Yu


6 or under (B)

Chan Shi Hang


Jayden Lam


Ryan Chan


Jun 2014



Principal Wong (middle left) and Events Coordinator Chan (middle right) with the School Team

Golfing is Educating

In 2012, initiated by Principal and alumnus Wong Tsang Cheung from Fung Kai No.1 Secondary School (FK1SS) in Sheung Shui and a few other teachers including Events Coordinator Chan Yip Leung, the Fung Kai Sports Committee, which comprises of their two secondary schools and three primary schools, established their very own Fung Kai Affiliated Schools Golf Development Scheme. The scheme was to provide students with a chance to experience golf during their school life.


上水鳳溪第一中學的校友及校長黃增祥連同活動主任陳業樑等 眾位老師,在 2012 年鳳溪體育委員會屬下的五間中小學推行 「鳳溪屬校高爾夫球發展計劃」,為學生的校園生活點滴加上 一記高爾夫球。


Jun 2014


The Scheme

Bay Golf & Country Club in running

said delightfully. “The key is to introduce

the ‘Used Golf Equipment Recycling

the sport to the sports teachers and once

The 300 Form 1 and 2 students in

Programme’ earlier in 2014 together with

they become interested, the next step

FK1SS will attend 4 sessions of basic

School Director and Head Coach Liu Yuen

will be gathering coaching resources and

golf as a core unit in their curriculum

Ming, FK1SS now has over 4000 golf balls,

adjusting the curriculum.”

e a c h ye a r. I n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t s c a n

12 driving range mats, 300 golf clubs and

subsequently join the Golf Society and

10 golf bags.

Meet the Vibrant Newbies

Spread the Word

“I like the sound of a golf club hitting a

at the driving range on campus, students

The vast expanse of the campus has

campus has allowed me to play a relaxing

also have a chance to practise golf at

given FK1SS opportunities to develop golf

game of golf.” “When I see a professional

the driving range of The Hong Kong Golf

as one of the school’s specialty sports

golfer playing on TV, I’d love to go have a

Club as well as participate in exchange

in addition to archery and tree climbing

round of golf myself.” “I wish I could have

programmes in Zhaoqing, west of the

and the school's many famous sports.

started golf earlier.” These are the words

Pearl River Delta in China. “It is only by

The school also has plans to build a few

from the FK1SS school team, who has

understanding and trying out other golf

putting greens and extend the depth of

demonstrated improvements in discipline,

courses will students be able to learn

the driving range. When asked how the

manners and skills after having joined the

better,” explained Wong who majored in

pioneer would advise other schools in

scheme for just over a year. What if golf

Geography. “We certainly hope that there

getting students involved in golf, “We

becomes a part of the school curriculum

will be inter-school golf competitions and

are willing to share the venue with other

or list of activities? This must be the basis

that in the long run, golf will become a

schools so more students and their

for the ‘future’.

sport for life for our students.”

parents can get to experience golf, and

Thanks to alumnus and pioneer Olivia

hopefully we could become the base for

Cheng for partnering with The Clearwater

school golf in the Northern District,” Chan


練廖遠明的指導,學校現有超過 4,000 個高爾夫


球、12 塊練習場地墊、300 支球桿和 10 個球袋,


鳳溪第一中學的 300 位中一、二年級學生每


amongst the 20 interested students, 10 of them will be selected to join the school’s golf team. Apart from practising

年均有四堂高爾夫球必修課,有興趣的同學可以 參加學會,現時學會的 20 位成員中有 10 位獲



ball.” “The beautiful environment of the

高球新手感言 「 我 很 喜 歡 球 桿 打 觸 碰 球 時『 啪 』 的 聲












學時更早接觸到高爾夫。」… 這都是鳳溪第一中















Jun 2014



Photograph courtesy of Tristan Jones / LET

The Turkish Ladies Open 土耳其女子公開賽 8th-11th May, 2014 After finishing on the podium three times in 2013, France's Valentine Derrey

在 2013 年三度踏上領獎台的法國球員瓦倫丁.德利

finally claimed her first win on the Ladies European Tour with a two-shot


victory in the Turkish Airlines Ladies Open at National Golf Club in Antalya.


The 26-year-old from Paris carded a final round of three-under 70 in hot and

黎的 26 歲球員最後一輪無懼炎熱及風勢,交出 70(-3)

breezy conditions to end on a three-round total of seven under par beating


Denmark's Malene Jorgensen into second place. After sealing the win, Valentine


was sprayed with champagne by her French friends on tour. This was her second

香檳。這是她在 2011 年美國辛梅塔巡迴賽中泰萊錦標賽

professional title, after winning the Tate & Lyle Championship on the US Symetra


Tour in 2011.


“It’s awesome! Finally! Last year I finished on the podium three times so I’m


finally the winner.” Derrey said. “I wasn’t thinking about when my next victory


would come. I tried to do my best and keep believing I could win,” continued the


fourth-year LET member.



Jun 2014




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Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic LPGA 裙襬搖搖精英賽

North Texas LPGA Shootout LPGA 北德州大獎賽

17 year-old youngster, Lydia Ko strikes again. Ko birdied the last

Stacy Lewis who had five top three finishes in nine starts

hole to shoot a 3 under 69 to defeat top American Stacy Lewis

closed out the North Texas LPGA Shootout with a 64 and beat

and capture her third win on the LPGA Tour.

second place Meena Lee by six strokes. The University of

“I have been getting a lot of support from the Swinging Skirts

Arkansas graduate is now leading both on the LPGA Money List

team, Chairman Wong and Miss Chu. That’s why I kind of wanted

as well as the Race to the CMB Globe.

to play better, to make them happy. They have been supporting

“It’s awesome,” said Lewis. “It’s a relief more than anything.

me and invited me to their tournament in Taiwan. I won over

I’ve been so close the last few months, you know, maybe if I

there and I was so happy to do that and have my first win at their

win one of those, I don’t get it done here. So I think it was all

tournament. To have my first LPGA win since I turned pro here

meant to be. Just to be here with my family.”

again, I think is great. They’re a great group of people, and it was


24th-27th April, 2014

a great golf course to achieve another win.” It was a special week for Dewi Claire Schreefel from the Netherlands. The former USC star aced the 12th hole picking up US$100,000 thanks to the Chinatrust Bank. Schreefel said, “I was walking up to the 18 and I’m like, ‘Oh, my God it’s worth more than a car.’ So it’s great. It’s only my second one, so awesome.”

1st-4th May, 2014

斯以 64 桿的六桿之差擊敗第二名的李美娜。這位阿肯色州大學球星現時 無論在 LPGA 巡迴賽獎金排行榜以及 Race to the CMB Globe 都雄踞 榜首。 「這真的很棒。」路易斯說。「我終於可以鬆口氣,過去幾個月一 直非常接近勝利;如果我贏了其它比賽,也可能不會在這裏取得勝利。 於家人都在的地方勝出比賽,我認為是注定的。」

17 歲的新星高寶璟再次奪冠。高寶璟在最後一洞取下小鳥,打出低於標 準桿三桿 69 的成績,擊敗美國頂尖球員史黛西.路易斯並奪得她在 LPGA 巡迴賽的第三個冠軍。 「裙襬搖搖團隊給我很大支持,尤其是黃董事和楚小姐,這讓我想更好 地發揮以報答他們。他們一直很支持我,又邀請我到台灣參賽讓我得到第一 個冠軍。轉為職業球員後在這裏第一次 LPGA 勝利,感覺很好。他們是一隊 很好的人,我也很高興能在如此美麗的球場贏得冠軍。」 這是一個對荷蘭球員舒夫爾非常特別的一周。感謝中國信託商業銀行贊 助,這位前南加州大學球星在第 12 洞打出一桿進洞並奪得 100,000 美元。 舒夫爾說:「一路走到第 18 洞時我在想,噢,我的上帝,這是超過一輛車 的價值。這只是我的第二個一桿進洞,但真的很棒!」

Kingsmill Championship Presented by JTBC 金斯米爾錦標賽 15th-18th May, 2014

Lizette Salas from Azusas, California won the Kingsmill Championship Presented by JTBC by four strokes. With this win, she will now moved to No.10 on the Rolex Ranking. “It is a dream come true. I’ve been working so hard for this. I’ve had so much support over the years and to finally break through my third season out on tour, I’m just so happy. Lot of emotions right now,” Salas said. “I wish my parents could have been here to witness it but I know they were glued to the TV. I think the whole city of Azusas was glued to the TV.” 來自加州阿蘇薩的莉澤特.薩拉斯以四桿之差贏得 JTBC 主辦的金 斯米爾錦標賽。這場比賽的勝利讓她升上勞力士排名榜第 10 名的位置。 「終於也夢想成真了。為了贏得冠軍,我一直非常努力。多年來大家一 直那麼支持我,終於在巡迴賽的第三季有了突破,現在百感交集。」薩 拉斯說。「我希望我的父母能在這裏見證此時此刻,但我知道他們緊盯 着電視機。我想整個阿蘇薩城市都會緊盯着電視機。」


Jun 2014


Buick Ladies Invitational 別克女子邀請賽 14-17th May, 2014

The Buick Ladies Invitational, a four-round tournament that features a pro-am format over the final 36 holes was held at the par-72 course of the Shanghai Qizhong Garden Golf Club. The focus of the tournament certainly fell on Thai player Pennapa Pulsawath who roared to the top of the leader board in the previous rounds, Shanghai amateur player Ye Lei, and Pan Yanhong who returned from the Japan LPGA. Pennapa, who was leading in the first 54 holes shot a score of 77 in the last round, totalling 287 (72-62-66-77) and finished tied for third with 12-year-old Ye Lei (73-70-73-71). Ye Lei also

won the Best Amateur Award and was Team Champion with Zhao Zhe Hua. They scored an 11-under 133 (65-68). Team prize of RMB¥25,000 was awarded to Zhang Zhihui, a professional player in second place. National Team player Zhang Yuyang was overall second with scores 69-70-73-72. China’s former power-lifter Pan Yanhong simply flexed her muscles in the last round leading the first nine holes. A sudden three putt at Hole 12 had made her refocused, creating a six under 66 champion for the tournament. “I wanted to prove myself since I lost my Japan LPGA Tour card,” said Pan after picking up her second China LPGA Tour victory. “I wanted to tell myself I’m good enough to win on the tour. Therefore I tried my best each tournament and I am excited to make it today.” Her first victory was at the Wenzhou Yangyi Challenge 2011.

合共四回合並在最後 36 洞外加職業-業餘配對賽的別克女子邀請賽,

延給排名第二位的職業球員張智慧。國家隊隊員張玉陽以 69-70-73-72 成

於上海旗忠花園高爾夫俱樂部標準 72 桿球場舉行,大家的焦點都落在早前


一直領先的泰國選手彭娜帕、年僅 12 歲的中國業餘球員葉雷,與及從女子



券在握,可是忽然在 12 號洞來了個三推吞下柏忌。「當時我怒了,我非常

前 54 洞領先者彭娜帕最後一輪打出 77 桿,總成績 287 桿(72-72-

想要打好。」潘艷紅說。重新集中精神的她最後打出 66 桿、低於標準桿六



葉雷獲得最佳業餘獎的同時,也以團隊成績 133 桿(65-68)、低於標準

場賽事我都努力爭取冠軍。我很高興這場比賽我做到了。」這是 2011 年溫

桿 11 桿,與趙哲華同獲配對賽冠軍,團體冠軍的獎金人民幣 2.5 萬元將順


International U.S. Women’s Open Sectional Qualifying (China) 美國女子公開賽國際區域資格賽

Yuting (73-74) were tied second with a total of 147. Shi managed

19th May, 2014

a par at the playoff where Zhang who injured her back lost at her three-on playoff with a bogey, leaving herself as the alternative player in the China section, “I am a lot calmer during playoffs now, at least I knew it was a great step for me to have come to this stage,” said Shi who shared the good news with her parents

Held at the CGA Nanshan International Training Center, 34


participants travelled from Asia and Australasia to compete in the

Elsewhere in the world, the sectional qualifier at Half Moon Bay

36-hole challenge amidst strong winds of 30 miles/hour.

has given an entry pass to its youngest player, 11-year-old Lucy

Korean Jang So Young won the first entry pass with a total score

Li, compared to Lexi Thompson who was 12 when she qualified in

of 144 (71-73) and a three-stroke advantage. Jang made nine pars,

2007, and 10-year-old Beverly Klass played at the tournament in

one birdie and three bogeys at the second round. “I was nervous

1967 before there was a qualifier. Li finished with 68-74, seven

knowing I was in the lead. The wind was the biggest challenge but I

strokes clear of Kathleen Scavo. The U.S. Women’s Open will be

managed it so now I am heading towards my dream!”

held at the Pinehurst Resort & Country Club, North Carolina with

China National Team player Zhang Yuyang (69-78) and Shi

prize money totalling US$3,250,000 from 19th-22nd June.

2014 美國女子公開賽區域資格賽中國站於中高協南山國際訓練中心標


準桿 71 桿翠園球場舉行,34 位球員在每小時 30 英里的大風中進行兩輪


的比拼。經過一天 36 洞的艱難角逐,韓國球手張素榮兩輪交 144 桿(71-





另外,加州半月灣的資格賽令年僅 11 歲,從香港移民到加州的 Lucy


Li 成為當紅小球星。她以 68-74 成績完成賽事,憑七桿之差勝過第二位取


得資格的 Kathleen Scavo。Lucy 已破 2007 年湯普森 12 歲取得美國女


子公開賽資格賽的紀錄,但最年輕球員仍是 1967 年未有資格賽前 10 歲的

中國國家隊球手張玉陽 (69-78) 與小將石昱婷 (73-74) 均以總成績

克拉絲。美國女子公開賽將於今年 6 月 19 至 22 日在北卡羅來納州松樹叢

147 桿並列第二,兩人在一號洞進入加洞賽。最終石昱婷三桿打穿果嶺後,

高爾夫俱樂部舉行,總獎金 325 萬美元。


Jun 2014



Photograph courtesy of CLPGA

Career Highlights

Chung Yena 鄭藝娜

Chung Yena, currently second on the CLPGA Tour Order of Merit and the top CLPGA player of the Women’s World Golf Rankings as of May 2014, came 10th at the recent World Ladies Championship with a nine under and tied second at the Zhuhai Classic with a three under. Her performance in 2013, including tied third at the Bank of Qingdao Golden Mountain Challenge and third at the Sanya Ladies

DOB: 1988-10-21 Originally From: Korea Turned Pro: 2006 CLPGA Tour Lowest Round: 64 個人簡歷 出生日期:1988 年 10 月 21 日 籍貫:韓國 轉職業時間:2006 年 女子中巡最低桿:64 桿

Open had also led her to the top of the CLPGA Order of Merit and was rookie of the year. As for her attractive features and style, she also managed to win quite a few Best Dressed and Photogenic Awards.

職業亮點 截至 2014 年五月為止在女子中巡獎金榜排行第二、世界女子高爾夫排行榜女子中巡球員排 名最高的鄭藝娜,於是年世界女子高爾夫錦標賽以低於標準桿九桿的成績奪得第 10 名;珠海精 英賽則以低於標準桿三桿奪得第二名。征戰在女子中巡賽場上的她,在 2013 年的青島銀行.金 山挑戰賽上獲得並列第三名及三亞女子公開賽第三名同時,憑着上賽季的出色表現,榮獲 2013 女子中巡獎金王和新人王。當然,擁有甜美臉蛋和衣著品味的她還多次獲得賽事的最佳上鏡獎。


Jun 2014


Photograph courtesy of CLPGA

Career Highlights

Qiao Changyu 喬長玉

Qiao Changyu, who turned professional in 2011 was unfortunately disqualified at the Shanghai Classics, her very first CLPGA Tour event. This had an major impact on her as she had been performing well as an amateur player. Pulling herself together once again at the Orient Yangzhou Challenge, she achieved a 73 score after the first round and finished for a tied 41 with a score of 236. In 2012 she

DOB: 1990-06-29 Originally From: Henan, China Turned Pro: 2011 個人簡介 出生日期:1990 年 6 月 29 日 籍貫:中國河南 轉職業時間:2011 年

played at the Halun Energy Cup Championship, finishing tied 27. This was her best round during her CLPGA Tour and also pocketed a prize of RMB¥11,800. As of May 2014, Qiao ranked 171 on the CLPGA Tour.

職業亮點 2011 年剛轉職業的喬長玉首戰女子中巡賽事的上海精英賽慘遭淘汰,這讓一直在業餘巡賽 上表現不錯的喬長玉備受打擊。隨後的揚州挑戰賽,她迅速反彈,首輪便交出 73 桿的佳績,最 終以總成績 236 桿並列第 41 位。2012 年,她迎戰「哈倫能源杯」錦標賽,最終並列第 27 位, 贏得獎金人民幣 11,800 元,這也是她在女子中巡賽上取得的最好成績。截至 2014 年五月為止, 喬長玉在女子中巡榜排行第 171 位。

Jun 2014



Swinging into


e start our regular column with the exciting news that we were full


speed ahead on our ladies golf outing to the Annika Course at Mission

活動,現已完滿結束。是次活動有超過 22 名女士

Hills Haikou at the end of May. Over 22 ladies attended this event


and were ready to swing their clubs and shop in the amazing Mission Hills


Shopping Experience!!


Hopefully, this trip was enjoyable for all and if feedback is good then further


outings will follow with hopefully participation from more Fore Girls readers.


With this trip in mind, many ladies are seeking practice facilities and


recommendations. Where are the Fore Girls readers getting in their practice


these days!!?? With more ranges closing, recommendations are needed so do


write in with any places you think are available!!!


Meanwhile, I am making the most of the finally gorgeous golfing weather


with the best type of Hong Kong house guest, a fellow golfer. We have been


privileged enough to play twice now at the ever beautiful Shek O Golf Club.


I would love to hear from readers who have been lucky enough to be a


Members Guest at Hong Kong's "Little Gem". The only course I have played


at recently where the most prevalent noise was that of a lawn mower cutting


their beautifully manicured greens.


Off to clean off the golf clubs!!

Do you have similar stories like this to share? Let me know by dropping me an email at 你曾有過類似的經驗嗎?想跟大家分享可電郵到。


Jun 2014

Michelle Luis



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