Manual de Normas WXZ

Page 1

Gonçalo Neves Cruz Manual de normas

O seguinte trabalho foi escrito em inglês devido à internacionalização do canal

Wait! Are you going

to read this in a religious way? Yes? Then please don’t read it.


Now that you are here, don’t take this too seriously. You are free to brake the rules, just make it cool and extreme.

Table of contents Corporate Mission Statement 8 The Logo (initial) 10 Logo with Identity Elements 14 Logo (prefered) 16 Vertical Version 20 Identity Elements 22 Background Image 26 Illustration 28 Type Information 30 Stationary 32

Corporate Mission Statement World Extreme Zone is a new channel. In aims to be an international reference for extreme sports. Skate, Street Basket, Surf you just name something extreme and we will cover and make it cool. This channel exists for broadcasting these kinds of sports, but we also want to be involved with the organization and help the sports grow.

Brand Promise We promise to keep great quality (HD) extreme programs. No one will buy the company and change the schedule type. We are not for sell. We do this for love, not for money.

Brand Personality Radical, extreme, fun, crazy, sporty, fearless.



The Logo (initial) The logo is not made to appear with the full extension name. However there might be situations where it needs the full name. In the beginning, for example, but the main objective behind the image is that people know the channel/brand just by WXZ and not by World Extreme Zone. These two applications are made for the huge banners on Extreme events, that are going to be communicated by WXZ (motor, bikes, wrestling, box, monster trucks, street basket and football, among others)


World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone


Buffer Zone and Minimum Size

Two or one stroke 9 cm

World Extreme Zone Two stroke minimum size

After this size, use the one stroked version World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone


Buffer zone


Minimum size


3,5 cm



World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone


Color applications

World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone

World Extreme Zone


Logo with Identity Elements This is another version of the logo. Made using the graphic concept of the channel.


Buffer zone and minimum size

Buffer zone

Minimum size 5,5 cm






Color applications


Color (Red)


Logo (prefered) Due to the double stroked, once again: created to be used in the huge applications the brand is going to be inserted in. There is the need adequate sizes till the minimum applications. So in the first three sizes, there’s the double stroke. In the smaller ones there’s only one stroke.


Two strokes version

One strokes version


Negative Version You probably won’t need to use this versions, since the normal one-stroked logo functions in black or white backgrounds. However, here it is, the almighty inversion of the positive, also know as the negative version. Feel free to use it if you really want to. But remember: the positive one also does the job.


Buffer Zone and Minimum Size

Buffer zone


Minimum size



1 cm



Color applications


Vertical Version The vertical version was created thinking about the possible applications on WXZ’s website and newsletters. This version can also be used in formal presentations (power-point slides) and on A4 pages. It should always be on the border top or lower of the page/presentation/website.





Buffer Zone and Minimum Size

Buffer zone

Minimum size

x x


x 50 px

x x

x x


Identity Elements This images are a part of the huge graphic concept of the channel. They were created with inspiration on the highly textured skate/punk associated draws.



Illustration The graphic concept has the ability to create cool visuals.



Background Image This is an example of how the logo can be used in an image.



Illustration The graphic concept for the channel goes on and is applicable to non-abstract shapes, creating understandable images with the WXZ spirit.



Type Information The main and only font (either for print and air) is Gotham.

Gotham Book Dolorru ptatem et eicipid quo dolore delendi psunt, comnisciti dolluptatis dicillautem. Nam vellique pratiur aborum eria doluptatur si delit liquas nectur, qui niae verum nonsentur?Harchic atumque dolut de nam ea veris enda dolorei ciention pratem fugia eaquae vellupt asinitassit, occaecab im qui digenec tatquam usaepudi totat. Used for the body copy. The text from the letters and all printed material should be 9 pt with 12 pt leading. It can shift between 10pt (12pt leading) and 7 pt (10 pt).

Gotham Bold Dolorru ptatem et eicipid quo dolore delendi psunt, comnisciti dolluptatis dicillautem. Used for the body copy or small titles in the text. Can be used with the same sizes as the Gotham Book, but can go till 18 pt.


Gotham Ultra

Big titles are cool. Used for the huge titles. In magazines ads or book print. It is also meant to be used on air. On the TV indents and separators. The oracle as special rules and the size of the type can be reduced. 24pt, 30pt, 36pt, 48pt, 60pt, 72pt If you read big tities, you are hired!

Gotham Book II Dolorru ptatem et eicipid quo dolore delendi psunt, comnisciti dolluptatis dicillautem. Nam vellique pratiur aborum eria doluptatur si delit liquas nectur, qui niae verum nonsentur?Harchic atumque dolut de nam ea veris enda dolorei ciention pratem fugia eaquae vellupt asinitassit, occaecab im qui digenec tatquam usaepudi totat. Used only for notes in print. 7pt, 10 leading


Stationary Business Cards - Front


Business Cards - Back (respectively)

The new extreme channel | Massapequa, NY |

The new extreme channel

The new extreme channel | Massapequa, NY |

Gonรงalo Neves Cruz I make this s*** look extreme!

Massapequa, NY 11758-5219


Envelope - Front and Back

Massapequa, NY 11758-5219

Massapequa, NY 11758-5219 832-841-4258


Letter - Front and Back


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sollicitudin venenatis diam, id tincidunt orci varius sit amet. Donec et tortor pretium, commodo ligula et, lacinia erat. Sed felis turpis, posuere ac ipsum a, ullamcorper sagittis ligula. Morbi vitae dapibus leo. Morbi neque nibh, ultricies nec mauris eget, pharetra rutrum dolor. Fusce a lacinia nisi. Vestibulum pretium lacus eu justo consequat, ac faucibus nisi adipiscing. Duis accumsan velit sed cursus porta. Nunc consectetur nisi ut posuere vehicula. Donec elementum lorem ac eleifend rhoncus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus diam enim, volutpat at urna et, cursus dictum erat. Nullam quis mattis sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse adipiscing et arcu id convallis. Maecenas at lobortis leo, sed tristique nibh. Cras dolor magna, eleifend lobortis ultricies vitae, varius vel ipsum. Vivamus a neque blandit, ullamcorper nulla ut, auctor risus. Nullam magna est, gravida ut posuere et, facilisis nec nisl. Aliquam purus risus, egestas a vestibulum nec, dapibus porttitor est. Pellentesque non ligula justo. Quisque aliquet rutrum nisi, non scelerisque odio adipiscing ut. Curabitur eleifend euismod egestas. Quisque sit amet augue sodales, vestibulum magna nec, bibendum lorem. Nam diam diam, elementum ut lobortis vitae, accumsan a arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam sed porttitor arcu. Sed congue pretium malesuada. Best regards, Gonรงalo Neves Cruz



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