Gò0dNews for Community
by Danette Reeves
t is said that Beethoven’s masterpiece was Eroica
These questions quickly arise: What response is my life
(heroic), but many of us would say it was Moonlight
eliciting? Am I showing others God's attributes through
Sonata. Vincent van Gogh’s masterpiece was The
the fruit of the Spirit, or am I turning people away from the
Starry Night, painted while he was a patient in a mental
Gospel by my actions? Am I walking in His good works, or
institution. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is considered
am I trying to be my own master going my own way? Am
to be the masterpiece of French Gothic Architecture.
I living as a child of God or a child of this world? How we
The album "Pet Sounds" is considered the Beach Boys'
answer these questions will show us where our hearts are.
masterpiece, ushering in their careers (and philosophy). A masterpiece affects people, it moves them, and it causes them to respond. The author, composer, artist, or creator (and the Creator) pour themselves into their masterpieces. We can see in their works part of them, who they are, and what they were experiencing. Webster's Dictionary defines a masterpiece as “a work done with extraordinary skill, especially: a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement.” Paul used the word “poiema” (masterpiece) only twice in his writings in the New Testament. Romans 1:20 states, “For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever
There is one more thing that stands out to me in these
since the creation of the world, in the things that have been
two passages. God created us individually—no mass
made [poiema]. So, they are without excuse.” Scripture tells
marketing product. He chose our eye colors, our talents,
us here that everything God created, His workmanship, and
and our personalities all to show His attributes. He chose
His masterpiece, shows us His power, His divine nature,
and prepared the works He wants us to live out. However,
and His attributes.
there is only one masterpiece. We are His masterpiece and
The other scripture in which Paul uses “poiema”
His workmanship. Who is this we? The Body of Christ. The
is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship
Bride of Christ. The Church. The tapestry is woven using
[masterpiece], created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
many strings, but there is only one masterpiece. What does
God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
this say to me? Community. We work together. We need each
Isn't that amazing! God chooses to show His attributes, His
other. We love and care for each other. We are one body. We
heart, His eternal power, and His divine nature in us! We are
are His masterpiece.
them by walking out the works He has already prepared for us. Our lives are supposed to cause people to respond.
34 // September 2021
About The Author
His masterpiece! We keep affecting people and keep moving
Danette Reeves and her husband, Charlie, live in Cleveland, TN. They attend The Church at Grace Point. One of their joys is being Oma and Opa to four grandchildren. Her heart’s desire is to be a student and a teacher of the Word, and a consistent follower of Jesus.