Recipies for COLOURS
Colour 4 • Material: Iron Filings
Colour 1 • Material: Myrobalan • Local Name: Karakha pindhi • Colour Obtained: Light yellow Mayrabolan is actually a fruit which can be obtained from Terminalia chebula, this basically forms a pale yellow / greenish yellow colour. It also acts as a natural mordant and is used in textiles. Colour 2 • Material: Turmeric • Locally Called: Haldi • Colour Obtained: Yellow Turmeric roots are powdered and boiled to make a consentrated solution that is used for painting Colour 3 • Material: Pomegranate • Locally Called: Karakha Pooh • Colour Obtained: Yellow Pomegranate rinds are powdered and boiled into a mushy paste which is later squeezed out to extract the yello colour Myrobalan, Turmeric and Pomegranate are used to create yellow, mustard, lemon yellow and other tints and shades of yellow.
• Local Name: Kassim • Colour obtained: Black Black colour is obtained from jaggery, rusted iron filings and water. The materials are immersed in water for around 15 to 20 days. The reaction of molasses and iron fillings forms ferrous acetate. This solution when drawn on mayrabolam treated cloth turns into a permanent black because of the reaction between ferrous acetate and tannin. Colour 5 • Material: Natural Indigo • Local Name: Neelam • Colour obtained: Blue Indigo blue is said to be one of the most ancient natural dyes which is obtained from Indigo leaves. For making the colour crushed atta seeds and water that has been boiled and cooled is added to the dye tank to wich indigo is added and kept for a day. To this lime is added and make the final colour. Colour 6 • Material: Madder • Local Name: Kharam • Colour obtained: Red Water, alum and alizarin which is an organic compound derived from madder roots are mixed together to form red colour. It is diluted to form ligter shades of red.
✴Green ✴ is made by mixing blue and yellow ✴Brown ✴ is made by mixing red and black in ratio 3:1 160