August 2023
August 2023
Apostle Shirley Stanfill Pastor Timothy Stanfill
House Of Help City Of Hope
Washington, DC
Pgs 8-11
This month we welcome back Apostle Shirley Stanfill and Pastor Timothy Stanfill founders of House Of Help City Of Hope in Washington, DC. They are celebrating the 30th Anniversary of House of Help City Of Hope and Apostle Stanfill shares with us the journey of this community outreach endeavor. We also asked Apostle Shirley Stanfill and Pastor Timothy Stanfill, “The Real Deal Stanfills” what they are working on now.
Pastor Rhoda Turner
Season Bowers
Four Ways to Maintain Joy
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11
Jackie Epps
Dr. Carla J. Debnam
Min. Carenda McCray
Tracey George
Dr. Denyce Daniels
Rhoda Turner
Season Bowers
Ericka J.
Claire Lesesne www.JandCDesigns.com
Andre Felipe for Arts Period www.artsperiod.com
Dr. Carla J. Debnam is the wife of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam and an associate minister of Morning Star Baptist Church, Woodlawn, MD. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the American Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Debnam has contributed to two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue & Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life Series, Vol.3-5.
Tracey Nicole George is an ordained elder. She is a native New Yorker residing in Maryland and married to Danny George. Tracey works with her husband managing their inventory and asset control company, George Imaging. She is the creator of Trinkets to Triumph, a Biblically-based blog and ministry, designed to edify and encourage individuals with a “trinket” of encouragement. She is a member of New Destiny Evangelistic Church.
Min. Carenda was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. She received her BA degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Master's in Law degree from Regent University. Min. Carenda was licensed to preach in 2007 and has been teaching, preaching, and declaring God's word through the power of love ever since. Min. Carenda is also an author of three books. Her latest book, Perfect Patty Messed Up, is a 40 day devotional that confronts the disorder of perfectionism and opens the door to self forgiveness and restoration.
Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels has over 25 years of experience as a clinician and nurse educator. Her areas of expertise include critical care nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology and the use of technology in the classroom. She currently serves as faculty and the Director of the Simulation and Learning Resource Centers of the College of Health Professions at Coppin State University.
Rhoda possesses a spirit of humility. Her ministry style is graceful, her message is powerful and her presence is comforting. Being the 9th of 10 children, Rhoda has a deep passion for family and the wholistic development of children. She is considered by many as a mentor and mother figure.
Rhoda and her husband Pastor Jason Turner, serve as senior pastors of Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Chandler, AZ.
Season Bowers- is a Pastor, radio host, and Joy bringer! After spending over 20 years as a professional actor on stage, the Lord called her into full-time ministry. Season is passionate about releasing freedom and joy to the Glory of God in every way she can everywhere she goes.
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." – Matthew 9:37-38
Now more than ever we are in a race to the finish line with the enemy to see who will have more souls at the finish. I don’t know if you have noticed, but it appears that the enemy is laps ahead of us. Do you feel the sense of urgency in the atmosphere? We have become desensitized to the cries of our lost sisters and brothers. This is not an indictment but what happened to our witness? Somewhere along the line we have forgotten our first love (Jesus Christ), or we are so busy we just don’t think about it. Let’s reflect. Think back to when we first believed and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior. We were so excited, we felt brand new and we wanted everyone to know that we were saved. We couldn’t wait to get to church, and we invited everyone to go with us. We were on fire for the Lord. We purchased a Bible (you know the one with Jesus’ words in red), and some of us even went shopping for new ‘church’ clothes, because after all we had to be equipped and we wanted everyone to see the change in our lives. You remember don’t you? But then, something happened, the thrill of our salvation was wearing off. We got comfortable. We programmed ourselves. Church became a part of our busy schedules. We got caught up with the ministry, but not with kingdom building.
Don’t get me wrong after all, we have been loyal. We never miss a service, we attend Bible study, we tithe, we give our offerings, and we support and work in our ministries. Please don’t misunderstand; we should be good stewards. But in our efforts to be good stewards, we somehow forgot that once we were saved, there was more that was required of us, God’s great commission to evangelize. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15) You remember don’t you? And yet, we still aren’t reaching the masses. The question is, “How do we reach the masses?”
In today’s society we have a lot of resources to help spread the Gospel. Technology is by far one of the greatest resources we can use that is always at our fingertips (hint). Here’s a thought, how about the next time you stop to post something on Facebook or send a tweet, why not just ask a very simple question, “Are you saved?” Wonder what kind of responses you would get; maybe it would get shared or retweeted. Of course there is the possibility for debate, but that can happen in any arena, don’t let that hold you back. God’s got your back in this one; all He needs you to do is plant the seed.
We should remind ourselves of our salvation and where God
has brought us from. God has saved us and delivered us from things we don’t want to remember. Whatever we have been saved or delivered from should be our drawing card to reach out to others. Our witness, our testimony should and can draw others to Christ. Our lives should reflect that God is our source and He is the head of our lives and that can draw others to Christ. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” (Psalm 107:2)
We can also remind ourselves that we are saved by grace and that God can save anybody. We need to remind ourselves that salvation is free and it is not up to us to pick or choose who should be saved. Remember someone purposed in their heart to share the gospel with you. Chances are there may be someone in your family, someone in those hundreds of friends you have on Facebook, someone on your job, in your neighborhood, or even sitting beside you in church that needs salvation. See if you can win a soul for the Kingdom, heaven rejoices over one soul that has been won for Christ. I believe you will rejoice as well.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, welcome back, I am so excited to have this opportunity to talk with you again. Particularly for this momentous occasion, the House of Hope City of Help is celebrating a major milestone. . .30 years! Please tell us about the vision behind House of Hope City of Help and how this journey first began? Did you feel there was an immediate need for this type of resource in the community?
Apostle Stanfill: Most definitely!! It was an absolute need for this resource in our communities. Seen Glory The Untold Story, is a book I wrote about the depths of my process. We all know about the Church, but the Kingdom is quite different because we consider it work, however, the Kingdom is brutally violent. Working in the Kingdom is about saving souls and bringing them back to God. There is a dire need in all areas of the world with all the poverty, strife, violence, despair, disease, and lost souls. We needed 24-hour facilities to kill this evil cancer and that’s how my various programs such as the Women’s House were birthed.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, when you started House of Help City of Hope was there any opposition or naysayers from the community, or did you have their full support?
Apostle Stanfill: We experienced a lot of resistance and negativity from people in the community and especially those in the church. Throughout the years, we’ve had millions of miracles, signs and wonders, and numerous hearts and souls have been transformed and changed in the world. In 1993, I would never have fathomed that I would be in the rehabilitation ministry, but NOW I wouldn’t want it any other way because I’ve been through it all with thousands of people in need and this has strengthened me in all aspects including my relationship and covenant with God. I am a soldier and fighter with determination to the Glory of God and His Kingdom; we are His Humble Bond Servants.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, what can you tell us about the people that have been restored by House of Help City of Hope? I understand that there are numerous testimonies of victory.
Apostle Stanfill: Hallelujah!!! People who have come through House of Help City of Hope will come to the giveback Block Party being held on Saturday, August 5th. They are now successful entrepreneurs, productive citizens, and pastors. They are people who have not been reincarcerated or fallen back into addiction and poverty because of their deliverances, mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, vocationally, socially, and emotionally. They have wholeness in the Kingdom knowing that the Joshua generations does not repeat the generational curse of drugs, imprisonment, and poverty. We have an 85% success rate and supported over 70,000 families and we continue to impact families throughout the world and in our immediate communities.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, looking back at where you were when you started this journey, did you realize then that God had called you to an assignment of this magnitude? Are you at all surprised at where you are today 30 years later?
Apostle Stanfill: When I reflect back on my life, I am humbled, and I truly know that God has blessed me. My grandmother always told me that God had great works in store for me, but I didn’t fully understand. I was saved at nine years old and started preaching at seventeen, however it wasn’t until I was thirty years old after experiencing several prophecies and manifestations that I realized my true calling and purpose. Honestly, thirty to sixty has been the most fulfilling and important years of my life, not only have I been blessed to work for the Kingdom, but I have been blessed with an amazing husband and we are an inseparable team opening international restoration campuses all over the world while delivering and supporting souls from all nationalities and cultures. I am forever humbled, grateful, and thankful for what God is doing for us, to us and through us in every way. We are known as, AKA Real Deal Stanfills, but we call ourselves the Humble Bond Servants of God Amen!!
Continued on page 10
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, are there any future plans for House of Help City of Hope?
Apostle Stanfill: Works are in the process of opening an America Better Way Development Center. It consists of outpatient and addiction rehabilitation facilities with training and resource centers as well as parenting, marriage counseling, skill building, wealth building, and programs which also supply food and clothing in various communities. We aim to ease the burden for individuals and families during these trying, and pressuring times.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, what do you have planned for the House of Help City of Hope Anniversary Celebration?
Apostle Stanfill: On Saturday, August 5th in Southeast DC, we are planning a give-back Block Party in our Graceview apartment complex. I’m so excited because it’s going to be so much fun loving on our community with entertainment, good food, games, supplies, clothing, food baskets and much more. We have blocked off the entire area so thousands will be coming. There will be entertainment, and games to giveaways but most of all helping the parents; the awesome parents preparing for going back to school. We invite anyone to come out, help, volunteer, and get some resources. We have so many sponsors and the city is there to support as well. We have so much to be grateful for and to look forward to on every level. God is Good. There will also be an awesome worship service on Sunday, August 6th and the Celebration Gala that evening at 5:00 PM, with Great Food, Entertainment, and awesome amazing Fellowship.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, when you think about the last 30 years, who are the people who were most influential in this journey?
Apostle Stanfill: Wow, the list is so long, so many people in different seasons for the past thirty years who were handpicked by God. Archbishop Dennis is a spiritual mentor despite not being in the addiction ministry. Archbishop knows God and I am forever grateful for him and his beautiful wife, Lady Dee.
Bob Woodson is an activist who supported with lots of training, friendship, and funding. He is a philanthropist, who loves funding these kinds of projects. Bob Woodson’s neighborhood center was extremely important in the growth of House of Help City of Hope. Through Bob, I met so many people such as Mr. Kettle who is the former owner of Century 21. He was a huge donor and philanthropist and, of course, former House Speaker Paul Ryan, he’s a friend and a supporter of House Help City Hope. Bob and his staff, Hattie and Terrance, all supported the center and cheered me on and clapped from the sidelines. Most of all, my daughter, Deliliah Johnson and my son, Sherman Holloway, gave me up to thousands of people and I am forever grateful to them. My daughter works with me and is thriving. I am most appreciative and thankful for their support. They didn’t always understand why we had so many people around us, but in time they fell in love with the ministry and my calling, and they are who they are today because of our mandate from God. Last but not least, and most importantly, God, I want to thank you for choosing, training, molding and developing me. YOU taught, guided, corrected, and chastened me to complete my mission. I am forever humbled and grateful to you God. He is my Friend. Thank you.
Q&A: Apostle Stanfill, how is your husband, Pastor Tim, and what are the two of you doing now. . . you’re always doing something?
Apostle Stanfill: My amazing husband, Pastor Tim is in the process of opening up basketball camps throughout Africa. He and I are doing extremely well to the Glory of God, and we are truly blessed. We are currently between Ghana, the US, and other parts of the world; God has blessed us with awesome relationships and work in Ghana, other African countries, and other parts of the world. Most excitingly, we are producing the Tim and Shirley Show, which is an inspirational, educational, motivational, couples show airing on Dominion TV. Young people are coming to the Lord for guidance; therefore, my husband and I are committed to restoring lives, broken relationships, and hearts, and bringing joy and love to all those around us and each
other. Thank you so much for asking. God bless you.
Q&A: Apostle Stanfill, you are a powerful woman of God and a true visionary of hope and restoration, what is your personal passion?
Apostle Stanfill: My spiritual passion is the fire Crusades, which are going to begin in 2024. I’m extremely excited about the end time awakening and going from continent-to-continent, seeing in time anointing set the captives free, and people be made free and productive for the kingdom to prepare for the rapture.
My natural passion is my husband, Pastor Tim Stanfill, I love him with all my heart and soul. He is God Fearing, amazing, supportive, and caring. We are inseparable and work together on everything pertaining to the Kingdom and Ministry. Marriage with my beloved Pastor Tim is everything I envisioned, prayed, and dreamed. I am most grateful for the signs, miracles, and wonders. These manifestations wake me up in the morning and lay me down in prayer as we pray for our lives to be transformed into miracles as we watch lives being saved and delivered each day. My beloved and I will keep going until the rapture or I’m home with God. And last, but not least, my passion is our seven beautiful grandchildren, which are the apple of my eye. We are so proud of them, they are straight A students, beautiful young people, and awesome and amazing personalities.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, shifting gears a little, we must ask you about this year's Stretch Conference. Can you give us a preview of what to expect this year?
Apostle Stanfill: Yes!!! Stretch Conference is October 4th through the 8th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Bethesda, Maryland. Our 2024 theme is, "Like No Other"; a season like no other, favor like no other, and breakthrough like no other. I know it’s going to be powerful because God put this theme in my heart. It’s a season of warfare to break all those chains binding us. Stretch is going to take us to the highest dimensions of the Kingdom unlocking end time mysteries solely to accomplish God’s mandate in our communities and throughout the world. We have people from Congo, Switzerland, Ghana, and other parts of the world joining us. Saturday is our Holy Consecration Service and International Day with our guest of honor and keynote speaker, the wife of the Congolese President. There will be plenty of workshops during the day and fun events; services and prayer in the evening and the outpouring of God’s anointing, power, and revelation for everyone in attendance.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, is there anything else you would like to add?
Apostle Stanfill: I would like to give a shout out to our Ghana Family and our Cathedral Family. We have a group of leaders that are God-fearing awesome amazing people of integrity that love the Lord. They are our inner circle and our prayer warriors, and it is an absolute delight after pastoring for 30 years to Pastor this particular group of people I am loving it.
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Can you believe it? We are in the third quarter of 2023! This is a good time to take a moment and just reflect on all that God is doing in your life. I am fully convinced that this is not only your year for divine encounters, but also your year of evidence. Whatever is going on right now, please do not lose hope. It is my prayer that the things you contended with at the beginning of the year, you will not contend with towards the end of this year. I heard Bishop Elvin Mickens Sr. recently say, “Your best days are still ahead of you!” Do you believe that? If not, can I challenge you to muster up the measure of faith that you have and whisper these words, "keep hope alive." You cannot cross over into the fourth quarter of 2023 putting new wine into old wine skins.
Here are two scriptures I would like for you to commit to memory this month.
“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22)
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13)
I want to encourage you in this third quarter of 2023 to keep hope alive! It is not too late to reach for your goals. It is not too late to finish this year strong; and go for it! I need you to keep hope alive no matter what it feels like or looks like. Keep your eyes on the Lord and see yourself expanding wider in this month. We all have a natural ability to reach, but I want to speak to you beyond your natural ability. I want to speak to the spirit of God that dwells within you. I want every gift in you to be stirred. I pray that your testimony in this third quarter of 2023 is, “Thanks be unto God who has caused my hope to reflect abundance and expansion.”
Let me encourage you once more, it is not too late! Your story can change quicker than you can blink. Trust God now that He is bringing you into divine alignment. That means some things in your life this month might shift and some people in your life might be shifted, but trust God! I want to remind you that in this hour God is saying, “Don’t Lose Hope!” Why would God be so insistent on sharing this message with us? He wants us to be reminded that His love runs deep towards us, and that He is fully aware concerning everything we are going through, and will go through.
Let your hope in Christ take you to a mindset that believes what is impossible with man is possible with God. That means God is speaking from a place of security because He knows the plans that He has for you. That means even when you think the Lord is not near, He is closer than you could imagine. Best of all, when God tells you not to lose hope, He says it with love; and because we know that perfect love drives out all fear, I need you to stand in your God given authority and keep hope alive!!!
You can accomplish that goal. You can write that book. You can go back to school. You can be the first in your family to make history. You can share your story without shame! When I launched my business, Carenda Deonne LLC, it was from a place of pain. I wasn’t on the mountain top. I wasn’t even in the hills; I was in the valley. I had lemons coming from every direction. Truth be told, I had more internal lemons than external lemons.
Nevertheless, I decided not to lose hope. I decided to embrace change by building my inner man. I decided to shift my mindset and started speaking the word of God over my life with boldness. I decided to heed to wise counsel. I did not just need to talk about my pain, but I needed layers of hurt to be uprooted. I tell people all the time making lemonade is a thing of the past. Now, I am taking aim by throwing those lemons back. What lemons are you going to throw back this third quarter of 2023? In what ways are you going to build your hope back in 2023? What are you going to reach for and go after in this third quarter of 2023. I believed Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam when he said, “Your resiliency will pay off.” I believed Pastor Roger Pettay when he said, “God wastes nothing.” And I surely believe God when He said, in this season, “Do not lose hope!” Truth be told, many of us think about Rev. Jesse Jackson when we hear the words, Keep Hope Alive! However, don’t just stop there with a thought, but see hope rising in you to a level of uncommon favor and miracles.
When it comes to God nothing is hidden, secretive or surprising. Remember, He knows the end from the beginning. He is God and God alone! Keep hope alive!
Live Life on the Promise of Impact!
Min. Carenda Deonne www.carendadeonne.comThe weight of the world’s challenges has caused some of us to become down and distressed, upset and anxious or fed up and angry. We are tired and even frustrated with what we feel is inequality, injustice, and a lack of sensitivity to our needs and desires as people of God. We are witnessing reactions from persons, some good and some bad, but no matter what your thoughts are on our political or spiritual climate be encouraged because God has the final say. The fallout may be in its infancy, or we may be on a downward slope of uncertainty in our communities, country, and world. The message of hope for us all is that it’s not over. The circumstances may appear to be unusual no matter where you find yourself at this time. Those on the margins and in the mainstream may believe that things are at a breaking point or have calmed down. People may even feel numb regarding what may or may not be happening because of
these challenges. It is our role to be standard bearers.
The standards we can share with others consist of the two great commandments. Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV). This is not new, but it seems with recent events it needs to be something we begin to take seriously. We ought to love God first and then our neighbor as we love ourselves. This is not rocket science but is basic and unfortunately not done regularly in our world. There would no need to say, ‘Black, blue or all lives matter’ if this life principle was followed. There would be no talk shows or radio programs dedicated to division and strife. There would be people coming together under the banner of love, justice, peace,
forgiveness, and reconciliation. This is what Jesus would want and expect from his disciples. Love is how people will recognize Jesus in us not hate. We must uphold righteousness and have compassion toward one another. We live in perilous times, but we must continue to hold on to our faith. Making sure you have your house in order – financially, spiritually, relationally, and mentally is paramount at this time. This is not a time to worry but a time to act.
We can look to the future because our hope is in God and not people. It’s not over because the earth is the Lord’s. It’s not over because we must still carry out the Great Commission. It’s not over because no matter what happens on earth we can depend on the word of God. Keep hoping, loving, preaching, and teaching. Keep protesting injustice, protecting our community, and promoting unity. Keep loving God and loving people. It’s not over until God says so.
Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling CenterThere is a song that I’ve been singing. The song’s title is “Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord”. The song talks about seeing God through the eyes in your heart. While I was singing the song around my daughter, she asked a question, “Mom how can I see God through my heart if my heart has no eyes?” I was like wow that was very deep. I told her people will have different interpretations of lyrics of a song and without asking the writer I only can share my interpretation. You see God in your heart through prayer, love, and worship. Your natural eyes allow you to see the miracles that God is doing. While your heart feels the warmth, empathy and compassion of the act that was just shown.
Like in the Bible when God healed the blind man. Before he was healed, he couldn’t see with his natural eyes. He had to interpret visually from sound. In John 9:1-22, “Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the
night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So, he went and washed, and came back seeing. Therefore, the neighbors and those who previously had seen that he was blind said, “Is not this he who sat and begged?” Some said, “This is he.” Others said, “He is like him.” He said, “I am he.” Therefore, they said to him, “How were your eyes opened?” He answered and said, “A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash.’ So, I went and washed, and I received sight.” Then they said to him, “Where is He?” He said, “I do not know.””
Seeing God is watching Him work miracles on our behalf. So, the seeing aspect is feeling. I told her to close her eyes and to sing a worship song. I asked her what do you see? She said nothing and then I asked her what does she feel? She responded I feel warmth and told her that’s seeing God through the eyes of her heart. Sometimes you can feel all alone because we don’t see God working things out on your behalf. But I propose that maybe you’re not looking through the correct vessel. Know that you aren’t alone, and God is with you even when you don’t see Him. When I was younger, I went through a time in my life where I felt like God had forgotten about me or turned His back on me. I thought about committing suicide and turning away from God. I wondered what I had done to deserve what was happening to me.
Through much prayer I realized that I couldn’t control the actions of others, I could only control me. I was more than enough and what was happening to me had nothing to do with me but everything to do with the other individual. I began to see God through the eyes of my heart. God kept me through that time, and He is still keeping me. I was in a seminar at work and during the seminar the speaker talked about how it’s our job to work together. We are all in the same boat and we needed to work as a team to get to the same destination. At the moment, I thought about Christians working together. We all have the same desire and that’s to see Him and to help draw others. Since we have the same purpose let’s not bicker amongst each other, let’s row the boat together and not against each other. Because if we row the boat against each other we will end up going in circles and not completing the task that Christ left for us.
Link up with the Lord! He has something good for you. August marks the eighth month of the year and the number eight means a new beginning. Now is the perfect time for you to reset and realign yourself with the Lord. Now is the perfect opportunity to ask Him to create in you a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within you (Psalm 51:10). God wants to do a new thing in your life (Isaiah 43:19). Align with Him and allow Him to do so. This month is the perfect time to begin afresh, come into agreement with God, get aligned with Him, and receive the anointing He has just for you.
Alignment with God sets you in position of agreement. Agreement with Him means that you are willing to follow His precepts and principles and live out your purpose with Him leading and guiding you along the way. Alignment with Him fulfills His promise to always go before you and to never leave or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). Alignment with God makes you respond to Him with a “yes, I agree” answer at all times even if you don’t understand or have the faith to trust Him. Alignment and agreement with God are always a set up for success. Alignment and agreement with God will always work out for your good (Romans 8:28).
Alignment with God guarantees you have an advocate and ally in Him. Alignment isn’t always easy, but it is indeed worth it. At times, when you align with your God-given purpose, you have to be loosed from situations and circumstances that
hinder your walk with Him and that don’t align with God’s will for your life. Alignment with God gives you the blessed assurance that He is in front of you to guide you, on your side to cheer you on and hold your hand along the way, and in the back of you to give you the push, prod, or propelling that you need in every area of your life. Take advantage of the advocate and ally you have in your Almighty God.
Alignment with God gives you access to His bountiful blessings. No good thing will He withhold from you if you walk upright before Him (Psalm 84:11). He wants to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Jabez used the avenue of prayer to access God and align with Him. Scripture says, “Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked (I Chronicles 4:10). God wants to grant all your requests too. Alignment activates the anointing and gives you access to His favor, freedom, and a bumper crop of blessings that far exceed your expectation (Ephesians 3:20).
Jesus is the perfect example of what it means to align with God. He told His Father, “Not my will but your will be done.” (Luke 22:42). He was willing to sacrifice His life to align and come into agreement with His Father. His obedience in alignment crowned Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Affirm today, “I am aligned and anointed of God!”
Elder Tracey Nicole George www.traceystrinketstotriumph.comGrowing up, I never liked Sunday evenings. The dread of Monday kept me from enjoying the last moments of the weekend. Monday’s sunrise seemed to be accompanied by many friends, stress, dread, deadlines, and fatigue. I am a naturally perky person. I have ample amounts of positivity and energy, but they were no match for that joy-stealer called Monday.
But that was then, and this is now. I love Mondays! Over the years I’ve learned to use four tools to help me experience real lasting joy. Yes, even on Mondays.
Nothing makes my blood boil as fast as when I am in a bad mood or dealing with something very stressful and my husband encourages me to find something I am grateful for. I know it’s his way of paying me back for the million times I have done the same to him. And while it irks me to no end, I am grateful. I want to practice what I preach! Gratitude is a core value of joy. It is tested and proven true. You know what else is true? That there is something in us that likes to wallow. We love a pity party. The mud pit of grumbling and complaining somehow feels good to us, but not to anyone else! When we identify and state the things we are grateful for, it pulls us out of the dirty pit of hopelessness and woe. We are able to see the goodness of the Lord all around and partner with it. Gratitude is the gateway to joy.
Here’s a little mathematical equation for your day. 70 x 7. Sound familiar? It’s the amount of times Jesus wants us to forgive the ones who’ve hurt us. This is not easy, especially when they aren’t sorry! Why does the Lord care so much about our forgiveness of others? Bitterness, anger, resentment and disappointment contribute to the hardening of our hearts. When our hearts are hard, we not only have a difficult time giving love but also receiving it. The root of joy is the love and presence of Jesus. In order to be filled with joy it starts with him. When we receive his forgiveness, we experience true freedom. Being in relationship with the Lord means that we get to stay free from the bondage of sin. But there is an enemy at work trying to tie us back up. There is no such thing as private sin. Every action and reaction has an effect. If we don't stay aware of the state of our heart walls will quickly erect and our ability to love and be loved will be greatly affected. Forgiveness helps our hearts to hold more joy.
Question: Is there someone you need to forgive?
Try this forgiveness model:
1. I forgive (name) for ……. (The things that were done or said).
2. Because it made me feel …. (List the feelings that their actions or words caused).
3. Surrender those feelings to Jesus.
4. I bless (name) with …… (Bless them with what they need, love, compassion, awareness, health, a relationship with Jesus, etc.).
5. I bless myself with …. (What was stolen from you, peace, joy, hope, etc.).
“My way or the highway.” “I’m a control freak.” “I don’t like change.” These are sure fire joy stealers. All too often we find our peace and joy in routine and the facade of control. We believe the lie that our security comes from the known and our ability to maintain the status quo. Routine and order aren’t bad, however, when we practice flexibility, we become more likely to maintain joy, not if, but when things change.
The Holy Spirit is associated with fire, wind, and water - all things that move freely. The Good Shepherd is also one who moves his flock around often. He knows where the pastures and water sources are abundant, but the sheep don’t see it. Flexibility places trust in the goodness of the Lord. Keeping an eye on the Lord and an ear tuned to His voice helps us stay filled with joy no matter what change may come. Flexibility allows us to follow the Joy Bringer, Jesus!
Question: Lord, what am I holding too tightly to?
What’s the thing that we all want, refuse to do, and complain about not having? Rest. But if we just would make it an intentional practice (something the Lord has been trying to get His people to do since the very beginning) we would not only be rested but filled with joy! Rest helps us stay connected to the source. We are reminded that we are children of God, not slaves to the grind. It’s the Lord who provides, not our hustle. “But I don’t have time!” It’s the cry of every busy person on the planet. During his ministry, Jesus was the most in demand person to walk the earth. If he could look the throngs of desperate people in the face and still decide to go have a rest, so can we! What makes us believe that we are any more in demand than the Lord himself? Resting allows us to keep our ego in check as well as fill our tank. Well rested people have more patience, perspective, and joy.
Question: What is it that you can say no to in order to rest?
I practice each of these tools almost daily in order to maintain a life filled with joy. Finding the Lord’s goodness everywhere and choosing gratitude, keeping my heart soft through an ongoing forgiveness check-in and practice, loosening my grip of control and trusting the Lord to lead and protect, intentionally carving out time to rest in my identity as a daughter of the King so I can take on the things He’s called me to steward. Because of this, I am no longer afraid of people, circumstances, or even Mondays!
Season Bowers
Season Bowers
Pastor, Author, Radio Host, Joy bringer 619-807-8509
Pastor, Author, Radio Host, Joy bringer 619-807-8509
Follow the joy at seasonbowers.com
Follow the joy at seasonbowers.com
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Instragram, Facebook
Hot summer heat can be exhausting. And, August summers can be the hottest of all the months. Physical dehydration is a common occurrence during hot summer months. The good news is you can minimize your risk of dehydration while enjoying the summer season.
We store water in several compartments in our bodies. Water helps to keep our cells healthy and our temperature regulated. Dehydration occurs when you don't have enough water in your body. We can lose body water through tears, vomiting, and urination. We also experience daily insensible fluid loss. This is the amount of body fluid lost daily that is not easily measured. This includes water lost through breathing, normal sweating, and water in the excreted stool.
Subtle signs of dehydration include vertigo (dizziness), headache, dry mucose membranes, and skin. God's excellent work in our bodies contains a built-in system to counter dehydration. When we are dehydrated, a signal is sent to the hypothalamus in the brain that stimulates the sensation of thirst. A signal also goes to our kidneys to retain water, and we do not urinate as much. Mild dehydration can cause problems with blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. Severe dehydration can also cause weakness or confusion. Muscle cramps and severe weakness can accompany fluid loss associated with electrolyte imbalance. In extreme cases, dehydration can lead to brain damage and even death.
aggressively exercise during warm weather. Avoid long trips in an un-airconditioned car. Consider your fluid levels if you take a diuretic medication or are outdoors for a long time. Diarrhea and vomiting may also increase your risk of developing dehydration. Children under two years and adults 60 years old and older are more likely to become dehydrated.
Contact your medical provider if you feel you have significant dehydration. Treatment for the disorder will depend on your symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.
For mild dehydration, you can drink fluids. You may need to restore water and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Sports drinks can replace water and electrolytes. You can drink plain water or water infused with fruit or cucumber. Drink fruit juices and decaffeinated tea. Avoid overly sugary drinks like soda. Don't drink alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol may cause your body to lose more water.
For moderate to severe dehydration, you may need IV fluids. Severe dehydration is a medical emergency. It needs to be treated right away with IV fluids in a hospital.
You are at risk for developing dehydration if you
Talk with your healthcare providers about all treatments' risks, benefits, and possible side effects of dehydration. Stay healthy and enjoy your summer!
Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels Assistant Professor at Coppin State University DWatties-Daniels@coppin.eduhealthytips025@gmail.com
Las Vegas was again where the “Whose Who’s” of the Gospel Music Industry gathered to celebrate this year’s accomplishments in gospel music. The hosts of the night were Jonathan McReynold & Tasha Cobbs Leonard, the show openers this year were Pastor Mike Jr & Kierra Sheard Kelly performing their hit single “Winning”, once again he did a major sweep of 8 winnings including Song of The Year, other multiple winners were Zacardi Cortez, shout out to Baltimore’s Own Morgan Turner on producing that project also bringing home the Gold. DOE, Maverick City, Tye Tribettt, Bishop TD Jakes, Lena Mikes Byrd, all were winners. You’ll get to see it all if you tune in on August 6, 2023 at 8pm EST on Bounce TV and you too can experience the biggest night in gospel music.
Jason Nelson
August 11, all roads lead to Durham, North Carolina for the live recording of Baltimore’s Own Jason Nelson! The anticipation of this project is all the hype! Featured guests on the project are Melvin Crispell lll and Madison Ryann Ward, you absolutely wanna be in the building on this one!
JJ Hairston
The end of last month JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise did a live recording “Christmas In July” at his church in Capital Heights, MD, his first time ever recording Christmas Music, the project featured Jason Clayborne, Melvin Crispell lll, Janae Jones, David Wilford, and others. Christmas came early getting us musically geared up, “Tis The Season”. Since we are here Congrats to JJ for his Dove Award nomination!
I have become a true fan of this guy’s whole vibe and music. I have quite a few of his songs in constant rotation on my playlist and he’s back with more heat with his new project “Church Girls Love R&B” and “Girls Trip” which he’s releasing as a Trilogy! Part one was released at the end of last month and is available NOW , Part two in September, and Part three in December.
The new release “Testify” by Kelontae Gavin is available NOW! This young ole man is bringing it! If you’ve ever experienced his ministry, you already know he BRINGS IT! The project features Kim Burrell, an intro by Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Amber Smith, and Kendall McDowell! Go grab it and you’ll be able to “Testify” about how good it is! Available at all digital media outlets!
His memory is very much alive and his choir is making sure we get to continue to experience the legacy of his music, Kevin Lemons & Higher Calling released “Destined for Greatness” for the first time it is available NOW! I love this song; choir music is yet alive and well! Go grab it and let’s continue to support his legacy!
“Til next month, Be blessed, love real big, in real life!” Follow me: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @misserickaj Email iammisserickaj@gmail.com