January 2014
小荷 少儿 益智 杂志 for children
迷宫大本营 Maze Camp 十万个为什么
Hundred Thousand Whys
Spot the Difference
Cat’s Cradle
杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 主编: 任韦蓉 译者: 任韦蓉 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 本社网址:http://www.sjs.com.cn/col2/index.htm1?id=2 印刷: 山东教育出版社 出版日期: 2014 年 01 月第四版 尺寸: A4
参照网址 : 图片:
http://www.nipic.com/show/3/123/5729388kd2bdaa72.html. P3 http://www.laohutong.com/c.asp?wd=fihkbbekbekcgkbbefihcg. P3 http://theguidingstarproject.com/2012/09. P3 http://www.mycutegraphics.com/graphics/kids/kids-roller-skating.html. P3 http://www.3lian.com/vector/01/40226.html. P6 http://www.taopic.com/vector/201307/393736.html. P8-9 http://www.sucai.com.cn/shiliang/953.html. P10 http://www.nipic.com/show/3/42/dceba7e5c8367838.html. P11 http://cn.appszoom.com/android_games/casual/happy-farm-find-differences_gjvmm.html. p12-13 http://image.baidu.com/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&lm=-1&cl=2&nc=1&word=%E4%B8%89%E7%BB%B4%E7%AB%8 B%E4%BD%93%E5%9B%BE&ie=utf-8. P14 http://www.bbes.cn/view-6806-1.html. P14 http://img0.bdstatic.com/img/image/error.gif. P14 http://www.taopic.com/vector/201306/371603.html. P15 http://www.ifyoulovetoread.com/book/chten_cats1105.htm. P16 http://www.laohutong.com/c.asp?wd=fihkbbekbekcgkbbefihcg. P19 http://www.nipic.com/show/8976682.html. P20 http://www.ooopic.com/pic_10825366.html. P23
http://www.tooopen.com/view/467820.html. P24 http://www.tooopen.com/view/93178.html. P24
内容 :
http://www.teacherneedhelp.com/students/riddles.htm. P4 http://ikidspad.com/words/. P6 http://www.funtrivia.com/askft/Question36559.html.P10 http://www.whyzz.com/why-dont-sheep-shrink-when-it-rains.P11 http://www.ifyoulovetoread.com/book/chten_cats1105.htm.P17 http://www.wikihow.com/Roller-Skate.P18 http://www.chesskid.com/learn-how-to-play-chess.html. P21 http://www.learnmyself.com/Brain-Teasers. P22
Contents 猜谜园地 Riddles Square
. . .
谜语竞猜 Guessing Riddles 单词游戏 Word Games 迷宫大本营 Maze Camp
4 6 8
十万个为什么 Hundred Thousand Whys
. 为什么阳光使我们的发色变浅,但让皮肤变黑? . 为什么没有老鼠味的猫食? .
Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken our skin?
Why isn’t there mouse flavored cat food?
Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?
睁大眼睛 Keep Your Eyes Open
. 一起来找茬 Spot the Difference . 3D 图片欣赏 Enjoy 3D Pictures
12 14
动手动脑 Practice and Thought
. . .
脑筋急转弯 Brain Twists
教你翻绳儿 Cat’s Cradle 国际象棋(1) Play International Chess 1 轮滑技巧 How To Roller Blade
16 18 20
4.The one who made it didn’t want it. The one who bought it didn’t need it. The one who used it never saw it. What is it?
1.There were some twins. One was twenty, the other was twenty two. One married the other. How can be this ?
4. 一个制作出它却不想要它。一个买了 却并不需要它。一个使用它一个却没见过 这是什么?
5. I run, yet I have no legs. What am 5. 我能跑,但我没有腿。我是什么?
1. 有一对双胞胎。一个二十岁,另一个二十二岁。一个 嫁给了另一个。为什么会这样?
one meter l centimete is being str can be stretc the other end
2. I have four wings, but cannot fly. I never laugh and never cry; On the same spot I’m always found, toiling away with a little sound. What am I? 2. 我有四个翅膀,但是不能飞。我从来不笑,也从不哭泣, 在同一个地方,辛苦工作却不怎么出声。我是什么? 3. I used to fill rooms but now I’m a tower, I can stay put or I can travel far. What am I? 3. 我可以填满房间,但我看起来像塔,我 可以留在原也可以走出去很远。我 是什么?
6. 一只蚂蚁在爬 而这条绳子可以被 么时候能到达绳子
7. We hurt witho We bear the tru by our size. W
9. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
8. Can you think of a word associated with all three of these words: cottage, Swiss, cake.
7. 我们受伤 我们承担着 无关。
9. 什么东西上下楼自己却不动? 10. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.
8. 你能想到的所有这三英文单词之间的关 系吗? , 关键词:山寨,瑞士,蛋糕。
10. 什么东西给它食物,它会活 ; 给它水,它会死。 11. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. 11. 抓住我的头取出个东西,我现在 黑色的,但曾经是红色的。
Guessing Riddles
the holes And I ha still hold
12. 我有在顶 右边也有孔 立在水面上
13. They c and are lo stolen.
了它 过。
I? ?
6. An ant gets onto e end of a tight rope that is 1 long. The ant is traveling at 1 er per second, but the entire rope retched an extra 1 meter a second (it ched forever). Will the ant ever reach of the rope?
爬一条一米长的绳子。蚂蚁每秒能爬 1 厘米, 被拉成两米长(一直被拉伸)。请问蚂蚁什 子的另一端?
out moving. We poison without touching. uth and the lies. We are not to be judged What are we?
伤却在移动。我们无毒却不讨人们喜欢。 着真理和谎言。判断我们是啥与尺寸 。请问我们是什么?
12. I have holes on e top and bottom. I have s on my left and on my right. ave holes in the middle, yet I water. What am I?
14. The more there is, the less you see. 14. 我越多,你看见的就越少。
15. Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can’t hold it for much more than a minute. 15. 轻如鸿毛,里面是空的,再强壮的男人拿 起它也不会超过一分钟。猜猜我是啥? ( 答案请参见下期!)
顶部和底部的孔。我的左面有空,我 孔。而我在中间也是孔,但我仍然可以 上。我是什么?
come at night without being called ost in the day without being
. 他们每天出没在黑夜,消失 在白昼,从来不偷东西。
Word Games
Please find the right ways to the ball and the bone! 同学们快动手帮他们够到线 团和骨头吧!
迷宫大本营 Maze Camp
There are 8 kids around the carpet. Each of them has holding one end of the rope. Match the pairs! 地毯上坐了 8 个小朋友,他们 每个人手里都牵着一条绳子, 快帮他们找到绳子另一端 的小朋友吧!
Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken our skin?
Why isn’t there mouse flavored cat food?
The sun effects the melanin in both, melanin is the pigment stuff that gives skin and hair color. Melanin is also like skins natural sunscreen, basically it helps to protect against sun damage. So when your skin gets exposed to the sun it produces more melanin and makes your skin darker to protect itself. Your hair also has melanin for color, but the hair itself is dead and can’t react to sun exposure. So the sun just bleaches out the melanin and lightens the hair.
The reason is simple: Cats are not the one buying the food. It is proven that people buy cat food according to their own image of what their cat should like. So mouse flavored food is not as appetizing as chicken or beef.
为什么太阳照射我们的皮肤会变黑, 但头发却颜色变浅呢? 太阳发出的光芒使皮肤和头发上产生两种 不同的黑色素。黑色素是皮肤的天然防晒剂, 它有助于避免阳光对皮肤的伤害。所以,当 你的皮肤被暴露在阳光下的时候,它会产生 更多的黑色素,使你的皮肤颜色加深,以起 到保护自身的作用。你的头发中的颜色也含 有黑色素,但是头发本身没有神经,不能对 阳光的暴晒产生反应。因此,太阳的光芒漂 白了头发上的黑色素,使头发看上去更亮更 有光泽。
Another reason is that cats don’t taste the same way as we do. Their tongue don’t have the same area of taste as we do. Bitter taste for example is not located at the same place and it is much more pronounced for a cat. That’s why they really don’t like the smell or taste of lemon. Their brain is also not trained to recognize mice meat as coming from a mouse. In the wild, cats don’t hunt according to their taste but rather to their needs and what they can find and catch.
为什么猫食没有老鼠味? 原因很简单:食物并不是猫去买的。事实 证明,人们买猫食只是根据他们自己想象自 己的猫会喜欢什么样的猫粮图片而定的。其 实鸡肉和牛肉比老鼠肉更加能让猫咪开胃。 另一个原因是,猫粮看起来大同小异,猫 其实也尝不出这些味道。他们的舌头没有固 定的位置去品尝出不同味道。比如拿苦味做 例子吧,他们舌头上没有苦味的味蕾,他们 自己也判断不出来。这就是为什么他们不喜 欢柠檬的气味或味道。他们的大脑还没有能 力 来识别老鼠肉的味道。在野外,猫抓 老鼠不是根据气味,而是根据它们的 本能去捕食老鼠的。
Hunderd Thousand Whys
Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains? One factor is the way the tiny fibers grow on each strand of wool. As a sheep’s hair grows out of its back, the fibers of each strand, which are scaly, point out towards the same direction. However, when wool gets woven together into a sweater, all of these strands and their fibers suddenly point into many different directions! When the wool gets wet and then dries, the fibers that point in opposite directions latch on to each other and lock closer together, meaning all the strands of wool pull together tighter than before, and your wool sweater shrinks up! The other factor that helps a sheep to keep his or her coat from shrinking is lanolin, an oily substance produced naturally by sheep. The lanolin keeps the scaly wool fibers slick and helpsprevent them from locking together!
为什么下雨天绵羊不会缩水? 一个原因是每一根羊毛上都长着细小的纤维。绵羊身上长出的这些羊毛,以及每根羊毛上 的纤维,都是鳞片状,生长的方向也都相同。然而,当用羊毛编织毛衣以后,这些纤维的走 向也被破坏,横七竖八的朝着不同的方向!当毛变湿,然后干燥,走向就不同了。纤维们 被排列在了一起,牢牢地缠住对方,这意味着羊毛的所有纤维链被拉得更加紧密,所以 羊毛衫就缩水了!绵羊不缩水的另一个原因是它们身上有大量的油脂,这些油脂保证了 纤维链的柔顺和光滑,以避免纤维走向变化交织在一起!
一起来找茬 一起来找茬
Sport Difference Spotthe the Difference
3D 图片欣赏
Enjoy 3D Pictures
有本书叫《魔法益目 3D》, 其实就是三维立体图 , 书是这 么介绍的 : 作者是日本医学博士,一直从事 益目训练的科学实验。图片益目法:先看出书中 隐藏的画,在看着隐藏画的状态下,要反复把画近看、 远看,这样就能锻炼眼球周围的肌肉,从而恢复视力。 可以随时随地做,每天只要 5 分钟,既可转换心情又可以 让疲劳的双目得到休息。 “Magical 3D” is a very popular Japanese book, the book’s contents are all about three dimensional pictures. This books’s author is a famous Doctor of Medicine in Japan. He have been working on the scientific experiments on regaining good sight. He argues that 3D pictures are good for people’s sight. The way of looking these pictures is: find the small hidden pictures on each big one firstly; then change different distance between you and the pictures. Because your eye muscles can be trained in this way. Try it for 5 minutes a day, you can relax your eyes and change your mood.
4. 6.
5. 9. 7. 10.
12. 13.
教你翻绳儿 Cat’s Cradle
You are the first person and your friend is the second person. You and she take turns: when it’s HER turn, the directions will switch sides. 1. She takes her thumb and forefinger and pinches those X shaped parts.
你作为第一人,找个搭档做第二个人。你和 她轮流翻绳:当该她翻的时候,你们的方向就 转换一下。 1. 她用食指和拇指勾住 X 绳圈。 2. 依然捏紧它们,她慢慢的放开手,直到绳 子绷住呈现另一个形状。 3. 这一步比较难,请仔细留意这两张图片。 4. 她结束了摇篮的造型,接下来看你的了。 5. 现在你捏住 S 绳圈,从顶部开始捏,而不 是两侧。 6. 让她保持捏住 Xs,然后拉你可以放手了。 7. 保持 X 的状态,并且把你的手指移向中间。 8. 通过中间向上,用你的手指拉动绳圈,用 手指将其分开。 9. 她用左手小指,拉动右上方的字绳圈的左 边。现在出现了两个小三角形。 10. 沿着她的小指慢慢的勾住三角形的末端(这 是最难的部分!),她把她的手的拇指和 食指慢慢移动下去。 11. 然后,仍然跟着她的小拇指移动,她把她 的拇指和食指从中间传过去。 12. 仍然握住底部的绳圈与她的小手指,她用 她拇指和食指来替换你的手 , 然后大功告 成!
2. Still pinching them, she moves her hands farther apart, until the string is taut. 3. This is hard, too, so there are two pictures. 4. She ends up with cat’s cradle on her hands. Now you take it from her. 5. Now you pinch the Xs from the top, not the sides. 6. Keep pinching the Xs and pull your hands apart. 7. Keep hold of the Xs and push your fingers towards the middle. 8. Pull your fingers up through the middle and then pull your hands apart. 9. With the left little finger, she pulls the right top string to the left. Now there are two little triangles. 10. Holding the ends of the triangles tightly in her little fingers (that’s the hardest part!), she turns her hands and goes under with her thumb and forefinger. 11. Then, still holding on tightly with her little fingers, she pushes her thumbs and forefingers up through the middle. 12. Still holding onto the bottom string tightly with her little fingers, she spreads her thumbs and her index fingers while you let go, and she’s made the manger!
1. Put on your skating equipment. The only equipment you really need to roller skate is a pair of skates that fit you. You can buy a pair from a sporting goods store or rent a pair from a roller skating rink. Skate sizes are typically the same as standard shoe sizes. 2. Assume the right posture. Place your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees, and squat. Lower your backside toward the ground and lean slightly forward in a comfortable squatting position. When you’re roller skating, balance is key, and this stance will prevent you from toppling over. 3. Walk like a duck. With your heels together and your toes pointed out, begin slowly walking forward, first the right, then to the left, then to the right, and so on. Continue squatting and keep your heels directly underneath your body so you can more easily keep your balance. 4. Learn how to glide. Lengthen each stride you take by allowing yourself to roll for awhile. Push off with one foot and glide with the other until you lose momentum, then switch your gliding foot. While you’re gliding on one foot, keep the other one above the floor so that it doesn’t impede your gliding. 5. Practice stopping. Your right roller skate should be equipped with a brake, located on the heel of the skate. To stop, glide with your skates parallel to each other. Stay in a squatting position and lean slightly forward. Place the right skate slightly in front of the left skate, lift the toe of the right skate, and press down hard on the heel. The harder you press, the faster you’ll stop.
How To Roller Blade
1. 准备好你的轮滑设备。而你最需要的必备设备就 是一双适合你的冰鞋。你可以从一家体育用品商 店买一双,或从溜冰场租一双。轮滑的大小一般 和你平时穿鞋的尺码是一样的。 2. 调整出正确的姿势。双脚与肩同宽,膝盖微微弯 曲,下蹲。压低你的背,面朝地面,身体微微向 前倾,找到一个舒服的下蹲的姿势。当你滑冰时, 平衡是关键,这样的姿势能防止你后翻。 3. 轻松地移动步伐。把你的脚跟靠拢,脚趾部位分 开,开始慢慢向前走,先向右,然后向左,再向 右,不断练习。继续下蹲,并保持你的脚后跟能 支撑起你的身体,可以更容易的让你保持平衡。 4. 学习如何滑行。让自己多滑一会儿尽量拉长你的 脚步。单足蹬地,开始滑行,直到这只脚失去滑 力以后,然后换你蹬地的脚接着滑。当你一只脚 滑的时候,另一只脚,要抬起来不能妨碍这一只 的滑行。 5. 停止练习。你的右滚轮溜冰鞋脚后跟的地方应配 备一个制动器。滑行轨道和鞋子方向一致时就停 下来。保持蹲的姿势,身体微微向前。将右滑板 微微置于左面轮滑的前方,抬起右滑板的脚前掌, 并用力压脚跟。按着脚跟比较困难,但能让你快 速的停下来。
3. 2.
4. 5.
国际象棋 ( 1)
International Chess 1
游戏开始 国际象棋棋盘是个正方形,由横纵各八格、颜 色一深一浅交错排列的六十四个小方格组成。深 色格称黑格,浅色格称白格,棋子就放在这些格 子中移动。棋子共三十二个,分为黑白两组,各 十六个,由对弈双方各执一组,兵种是一样的, 分为六种。 一方的国王受到对方棋子攻击时,攻击方称为 将军,此时被攻击方必须立即应将,如果无法避 开将军,国王即被将死。双方都无法将死对方国 王时,判和,一方连续不断将军,对方国王却无 法避开将军时,成为长将和;轮到一方走棋,国 王没有被将军,但却没有任何棋子可以移动,成 为逼和;对局中同一局面出现三次,而且每次都 是同一方走的,判为和局。
如何棋子移动 每 6 个不同种类的片区都按照其自己的形状移 动。大部分棋子是不能够自由移动的,只有骑士 可以跳过挡他路的棋子!一个正方形里的棋子是 可以自由移动的。然而,它们也可以移动到地方 的方格内:这就是教你如何吃掉敌人!
王可走到未被对方棋子攻击的任何相邻格子。 易位是由王一方中任何一个车一起进行仍被视作 王的一步的走法,其进行方式如下 : 王从原始位 置向任何一围的方向横移两格,然后那人横越过 国王的位,也就是国王走过的那个格子。
女王是最强大的一枚。和国王一样,她可以在 任何格子的直线里来回移动 : 前进,后退,侧身, 或对角 , 和过往不同的是,她移动迅速。事实上, 她可以只要你喜欢,只要她不移动任何其他部分 尽量移动。而且,在所有棋局中,如果女王吃了 对方的棋子,她就得停在相应的格子里。
Starting a Game
At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right hand side. The chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time. The second row (or rank) is filled with pawns. The rooks go in the corners, then the knights next to them, followed by the bishops, and finally the queen, who always goes on her own matching color (white queen on white, black queen on black), and the king on the remaining square. The player with the white pieces always moves first, so it’s only fair to take turns playing white and black. On each turn you get to move one of your pieces (except for one special move). Then it’s your opponent’s turn. And back and forth, you take turns until one of the kings is cornered... or your whole army is tired out!
How the Chess Pieces Move
Each of the 6 different kinds of pieces has its own shape for moving. Most pieces cannot move through other pieces, only the knight can jump over anyone who gets in his way! Also no piece can ever move onto a square with one of their own pieces. However, they can be moved to take the place of an opponent’s piece: that’s how you capture the enemies!
The King
The king is the most important piece, since losing him means the end of the game. But he is also one of the weakest. So very often he needs his friends to protect him. The king can move one square in any direction: up, down, to the sides, and diagonally.
The Queen
The queen is the most powerful piece. Like the king, she can move in any one straight direction: forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally, but unlike him, she’s very speedy. In fact, she can move as far as you like as long as she does not move through any other pieces. And, like with all pieces, if the queen captures an opponent’s piece, that’s the square she stops on.
脑筋急转弯 Brain Twists
1. The clever butler needed some extra cash, so he tells his master: “I know almost every song that has ever been written.” The master laughs at this, but the butler says “I am willing to bet you a months pay that I can sing a song that you have heard of with the lady’s name of your choice in it.” “Deal”, says the master. “How about my mother’s name, Felicity Jane Ashley?” And so the bulter sang and earned himself an extra months pay. What song did he sing? 2. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half the lake? 3. A German spy was in Canada trying to steal insider information on how to set up new Maple Syrup factories in Germany. He was being introduced to the operations manager of the biggest factory in Canada. However the manager was suspicious and decided to test him with a question before he trusted him. So he asked, what would you be sure to find in the middle of Toronto? The spy thought fast and came up with an answer for the manager. What did he say? 4. During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criteria is that defines if a patient should be admitted. “Well,” said the Director, “we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the patient and ask the patient to empty the bathtub.” Okay, here’s your test: Would you use the spoon, the teacup or the bucket? “Oh, I understand,” said the visitor. “A normal person would choose the bucket, as it is larger than the spoon.” What was the director’s response? 5. A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? 6. All roses are flowers. Some flowers fade quickly. Therefore some roses fade quickly. True of False? 7. If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?
1. 一个聪明的管家需要更多的佣 金,所以他告诉他的主人 :“我几乎知道你写过 所有的歌。”大师大笑起来。管家接着说:“我敢打赌, 赌一个月工资,我唱一首歌这首歌是你准备选用的并且听过的 一个女歌手唱的。”“成交”,大师说。“我母亲的名字怎么样,富 临简阿什利?”唱完以后,管家果然赢得了自己一个月的额外工资。请问他 唱的什么歌? 2. 在湖中,有一片荷花的荷叶。每天,荷叶的大小会成倍增加。如果需要 48 天的时间 荷叶覆盖整个湖面,过多久会采荷叶,可以只让湖泊面积的一般被覆盖呢? 3. 一名德国间谍在加拿大想偷枫糖制造厂的在德制做机密。他被人介绍到了一家最大的枫糖制造 厂当部门主管。然而,经理面试这名间谍的时候,在录取之前问了他一个问题。于是, 经理问间谍, 你说多伦多的中间是什么?间谍灵机一动,想出答案告诉经理。请问他说了什么? 4. 众人参观精神病院,一个参观者问院长一个病号被吸收进来的标准是什么,到冰岛什么程度。“嗯”, 院长说,“我们选择工具来清空一个浴缸的话。如果有茶匙,茶杯和水桶给病人,要求病人排空浴缸。 这样,你的测试题问你:你会用勺子,茶杯还是水桶呢?”“哦,我明白了“,参观者说:“一个正常 人会选择水桶,因为它比勺子大。” 你猜院长是怎么回应的? 5. 蝙蝠和球一共花费 1.10 美元。蝙蝠比球的价钱多 1 美元。请问球要多少钱呢? 6. 所有的玫瑰都是花。有些花凋谢很快。因此,所有的玫瑰都凋谢很快 , 这种说法正确吗? 7. 如果 5 台机器平均 5 分钟能做 5 个零件,那么请问 100 分钟内多少台机器能做 100 个零件呢? ( 答案请参见下期!)
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