Science Magazine

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March 2014

小荷 宇宙空间站 Space Station

神奇实验室 The Magical Laboratory

神秘的海洋 The mystical Ocean 机器人的世界 World Of Robots


少儿 科学 杂志 for children

杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 主编: 任韦蓉 译者: 任韦蓉 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 本社网址: 印刷: 山东教育出版社 出版日期: 2014 年 03 月第五版 尺寸: A4 参考网址: 图片: P3 P4 p4 P4 P7 P7 P9 P6 P8 P8 P8 P15 P15 P17 P17 P17 P18 P18 p18 P20 p20 P20 P21 P21 P22 P22

内容: P5 P.10 P20 P12 P13 P16 P17 P17 P22


Contents 宇宙空间站 Space Station

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宇航员的太空生活 Astronauts’ Life in Space 4 探秘外星人 Explore the Aliens 6 探索火星 Mars Exploration 8

神奇实验室 The Magical Laboratory

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开心实验 Happy Experiments 科学家的故事 Scientists’ Stories

10 12

神秘的海洋 The Mystical Ocean

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海洋世界 Sea World 特别的“海” Special “Sea” 神奇的海洋生物 Amazing Living Marine

14 16 18

机器人的世界 World Of Robots

科学中的“为什么” “Whys” in Science

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How do light bulbs work? How does a microwave make food hot?



Astronauts’ Life in Space

Food: Space foods are in plastic containers. Some space foods can resume their consistency by adding cold or hot water, while others can be heated up in the oven. Foods such as fruits, bread and nuts can be eaten just as they are. When drinking liquids, a straw is used to suck the liquid out of a sealed package. This is done so that it will not spill or possibly cause any damage to machines.

饮食: 被带上太空的食品是存放在塑料容器里的。有些 被带上太空的食物通过冷水或热水的冲泡能变得和 原来一样,而另一些食物可以在烤箱里加热。像水 果,面包和坚果都可以直接吃。流质的食物就要靠 吸管把它们从密封包里吸出来了。这样做液体就不 会溢出,要知道溢出液体流入机器里可能造成机器 的损坏。 洗漱: 当航天员要洗手或洗脸的时候,他们要自己用含 酒精或者液体肥皂的湿毛巾来清洁自己,当宇航员 需要洗头发的时候,他们就用无水洗发液,这样不 需要任何水冲洗。无水香波没有泡沫,因为泡沫可 能飞溅航天飞行器内。洗涤后,他们用干毛巾擦干, 这样就洗完了。要清洁身体,他们只需要用湿毛巾 浸泡沐浴露擦拭自己的身体就可以了。 睡觉: 在零重力的世界里,是没有“上升”或“起伏” 的。宇航员可以睡在任何地方,朝任何方向。但睡 觉过程中有可能会一直漂移。所以,宇航员睡觉时 用小睡舱和睡袋。他们用带子固定自己的身体,使 其不会四处漂浮,然后在航天飞机中入睡。由于空 调等机器工作噪音比较大,无法入睡的航天员可以 用眼罩和耳塞来帮助他们入睡。 医疗: 在航天飞行中,每个宇航员都有自己特定的分配 角色,正因为如此,每个人都曾受到过特定任务的 强化训练。如需急诊,舱员医官就会出马。这种医 官的训练不仅针对一般的急救治疗,同时也致力其 他的医疗问题,例如,缝合伤口,注射药物。所有 宇航员都对心脏病发复苏术训练有素。

Bath: When the astronauts want to clean their hands or faces, they either wipe themselves clean with alcohol or by using a wet towel containing liquid soap. When the astronauts wash their hair, they use waterless shampoo, which does not need any water for rinsing. Waterless shampoo is used since it has no foam, which could spatter inside the Space Shuttle. After washing, they use dry towels to dry themselves off and their washing is done. To clean the body, they simply wipe their body by using a wet towel soaked with body shampoo. Sleep: In the zero gravity world, there are no “ups” or “downs”. The astronauts can sleep anywhere facing any direction. But it’s not good to be floating away somewhere while sleeping. So the astronauts use small sleeping compartments and sleeping bags. They will strap their bodies loosely so that their bodies will not float around while they sleep in the Space Shuttle. Eye masks and earplugs are also available for the astronauts who are unable to sleep due to the noise from air conditioning and other machines. Sickness: Each astronaut in the Space Shuttle has a specific assigned role, and as such, each has received intensive training required for that specialized task. For medical emergencies, the Crew Medical Officer is the person in charge. The Medical Officer is trained not only for the usual first aid treatments, but also for other medical matters such as, stitching up wounds and giving injections. All astronauts are trained for emergency resuscitations in case of heart attacks.

These hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria like organisms to beings far more complex than humans. The possibility that viruses might also exist extraterrestrially has been proposed.

在生活当中就有大量的细菌类生物,它们的存 在比人类存在更加久远而且复杂。然而超现实的 不明生物存在不止一次的被人们提出来。

The development and testing of hypotheses on extraterrestrial life is known as exobiology or astrobiology; the ter m astrobiology, however, includes the study of life on Earth viewed in its astronomical context. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health reported studies that life in the universe may have begun billions of years before the Earth was formed, based on extrapolating the genetic complexity of organismsto earlier times. Many scientists consider extraterrestrial life to be plausible, but there is no direct evidence of its existence.Since the middle of 20th century, there has been an ongoing search for signs of extraterrestrial life, from radios used to detect possible extraterrestrial signals, to telescopes used to search for potentially habitable extrasolar planets. It has also played a major role in works of science fiction.

关于外星生命假说的开发和测试被称为宇宙生 物学或天体生物学 ; 然而,就人类现在对宇宙中 生命的研究来看,这类研究应该统称为天体生物 学说。美国国立卫生研究院的科学家们在研究报 告认为,生命在宇宙中存在的时间可能已经达到 数十亿年。在地球出现之前,根据远古时期遗传 的复杂性来推断的话,许多科学家认为外星生命 的存在是合理的,其中也不乏证据可以证明这一 理论。在 20 世纪中叶保留下来的证据中,就有 关于人类寻找外星生命的迹象事件的记载,从用 来检测外星信号的监测仪,到用于搜索可能适合 人类居住的太阳系外行星的望远镜,还有收音机, 都在很多科幻作品中充当了重要角色。 20 世 纪 的 中 后 期,26 个 国 家 报 告 了 大 约 10,000 多份与麦田怪圈相关的信息 ; 其中 90% 来源于英格兰南部。英国的这些麦田怪圈并不是 随机分布的,他们有的就在道路旁边,有的分布 在人口密集的地区,有的则靠近文化古迹,比如 巨石阵或埃夫伯里,这些领域也有麦田怪圈的存 在。考古遗迹发现这些圆形和方形的怪圈多出现 在玉米田之类的地方,这些形状也不是一夜之间 就出现的,但是每年诸如此类的形状总在些特定 的地方出现。科学家们得到共识,绝大部分甚至 所有的麦田怪圈都是人为的,也可能极个别的是 和气候或者自然原因相关。

There are 26 countries reported approximately 10,000 crop circles in the last third of the 20th century; 90% of those were located in Southern England. Circles in the United Kingdom are not spread randomly across the landscape, but they appear near roads, areas of medium to dense population, and cultural heritage monuments, such as Stonehenge or Avebury, and always in areas of easy access. Archeological remains can cause cropmarks in the fields in the shapes of circles and squares, but they do not appear overnight, and they are always in the same places every year. The scientific consensus is that most or all crop circles are man made, with a few possible exceptions due to meteorological or other natural phenomena.



Explore the Aliens




Mars Exploration

几个世纪以来,由于火星运行轨道和地球相似 甚至地貌也和地球很像的缘故,人们纷纷猜测火 星上是否有生命存在。真正开始搜索外星生命迹 象开始于 19 世纪,科学家们通过不断摸索继续 完成今天的登陆探索任务。虽然,它们的早期的 工作集中于火星上的物理现象和如何登陆,但现 代科技发展更加强调寻找水源,土壤和岩石表层 化学生物发现的迹象,同时还着力于大气中的生 物和气体研究。 因为火星与地球有很多相似之处,所以早期探 索也特别注重对生命起源的研究。尤其是因为火 星上气候寒冷,致使板块或大陆漂移并不常见, 因此,直到赫斯伯利亚纪,它都几乎没有变过。 至少三分之二的火星表面的已经有 35 亿岁了, 所以,火星可能含有大量适于人类的益生元存在, 这都是大自然的馈赠,虽然到目前为止还没有人 在上面生活过。火星上曾经有生物存在或者本身 上面就有生物存在着至今仍然是一个悬而未决的 问题。20 世纪到 21 世纪,人们还经常拿火星的 问题来开玩笑,娱乐大众。 2014 年 1 月 24 日,美国航空航天局在报告中 称,火星探测器在火星上目前正寻找远古生命存 在的证据,包括他们的自养,能量来源,和化学 自养微生物的生物圈,以及曾出现的水源,因为 他们可能居住过的河湖附近(古河流或湖泊平原 等)。寻找可居住的环境和火星有机物的存在, 也是美国航空航天局现在主要的目标。

For centuries people have speculated about the possibility of life on Mars due to the planet’s proximity and similarity to Earth. Serious searches for evidence of life began in the 19th century, and they continue today via telescopic investigations and landed missions. While early work focused on phenomenology and bordered on fantasy, modern scientific inquiry has emphasized the search for water, chemical biosignatures in the soil and rocks at the planet’s surface, and biomarker gases in the atmosphere. Mars is of particular interest for the study of the origins of life because of its similarity to the early Ear th. This is especially so since Mars has a cold climate and lacks plate tectonics or continental drift, so it has remained almost unchanged since the end of the Hesperian period. At least two thirds of Mars’s surface is more than 3.5 billion years old, and Mars may thus hold the best record of the prebiotic conditions leading to abiogenesis, even if life does not or has never existed there. It remains an open question whether life currently exists on Mars or has existed there in the past, and fictional Martians have been a recurring feature of popular entertainment of the 20th and 21st centuries. On January 24, 2014, NASA reported that current studies on the planet Mars by the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers will now be searching for evidence of ancient life, including a biosphere based on autotrophic, chemotrophic, and/or chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms, as well as ancient water, including fluvio lacustrine environments (plains related to ancient rivers or lakes) that may have been habitable. The search for evidence of habitability, taphonomy and organic carbon on the planet Mars is now a primary NASA objective.

制作雪花! Make a Crystal Snowflake! What you’ll need:




. String; . Wide mouth jar; . White pipe cleaners; . Blue food coloring (optional); . Boiling water Borax; . Small wooden rod or pencil.

1. Grab a white pipe cleaner and cut it into three sections of the same size. Twist these sections together in the center so you now have a shape that looks something like a six sided star. Make sure the points of your shape are even by trimming them to the same length. 2. Take the top of one of the pipe cleaners and attach another piece of string to it. Tie the opposite end to your small wooden rod or pencil. You will use this to hang your completed snowflake. 3. Carefully fill the jar with boiling water (you might want to get an adult to help with this part). 4. For each cup of water add three tablespoons of borax, adding one tablespoon at a time. Stir until the mixture is dissolved but don’t worry if some of the borax settles at the base of the jar. 5. Add some of the optional blue food coloring if you’d like to give your snowflake a nice bluish tinge. 6. Put the pipe cleaner snowflake into the jar so that the small wooden rod or pencil is resting on the edge of the jar and the snowflake is sitting freely in the borax solution. is resting on the edge of the jar and the snowflake is sitting freely in the borax solution. 7. Leave the snowflake overnight and when you return in the morning you will find the snowflake covered in crystals! It makes a great decoration that you can show your friends or hang somewhere in your house.

. 细线 ; . 广口瓶 ; . 烟斗通条 ; . 蓝色食用色素(可选); . 开水 ; . 木制小棒或铅笔 .

1. 拿一根烟斗通条,切成大小相同的三段。把这 些通条的中间部分拧在一起,这样,你现在有 一个看起来像一个六面星的形状。确保它们的 形状相同,中心到各点的长度也要一致。 2. 拿着其中一段通条的顶端然后给它系上绳子。 另一端固定上小木棍或者是铅笔,之后用来固 定完成以后的雪花。 3. 小心地把广口罐放进沸水里(这一部分的完成 可以找大人来帮忙)。 4. 给每一杯水里面都加上三茶匙的硼砂,每加入 一匙的时间要相同。搅拌至溶解以后,如果还 是有些硼砂沉淀在罐底,请不要担心。 5. 如果你想给你的雪花增加一点偏蓝的颜色的 话,可以在杯子里加入一些蓝色食用色素。 6. 把准备好的雪花放进罐子里,木棍或者铅笔置 于罐身外面,里面则尽可能的让雪花和液体接 触。 7. 最后把雪花放一夜,第二天早上再看,你会 发现覆盖在晶体中的雪花!它可是一个惊 艳的装饰物,拿去给你的朋友看,或者 挂在房间里吧。


Happy Experiments

大干冰泡泡的制作方法! Make a Big Dry Ice Bubble! A large bowl with a lip around the top (a smaller bowl or cup will work too). A strip of material or cloth. Soapy mixture for making bubbles (water and some dishwashing liquid should do the trick). Dry ice, one piece for a cup, more for a bowl. Places where adults can buy dry ice include large grocery stores and Walmart. Butchers and ice cream stores might have some too. Safety first! Be careful with dry ice as it can cause skin damage if not used safely. Adults should handle dry ice with gloves and avoid directly breathing in the vapor.

Instructions: 1. Place your dry ice in the bowl and add some water. 2. Soak the material in your soapy mixture and run it around the lip of the bowl before dragging it across the top of the bowl to form a bubble layer over the dry ice. 3. Stand back and watch your bubble grow!

准备一个带碗沿的大碗(能用的小碗或者杯子 也可以)然后准备布条,肥皂水混合制作气泡(水 和洗碗液混合就行)。干冰放进去, 一杯放一块, 比碗里的多放些。大人在杂货店或者沃尔玛超市 之类的地方就能买到,肉店和冰淇淋店可能也有 卖的。记住安全第一!请小心使用干冰,因为不 安全的使用方法可能会导致皮肤损伤。成人也到 戴手套来处理干冰,而且还应该避免直接吸入它 的蒸气。

说明: 1. 请将你的干冰放在碗里,加一些水。 2. 把肥皂水和你准备的干冰混合起来,然后让它 在干冰和碗的上层形成泡泡。 3. 现在可以退后一步了,看你制作的的泡泡是怎 么成型的吧!


Scientists’ Stories There are many people who say Thomas Edison single handedly invented the twentieth century. Although there are those who may disagree, one thing cannot be denied: Edison was a genius, and his inventions greatly affected the development of modern society. Born in 1847 in Ohio, Thomas Edison attended school for only three months. After his teacher claimed that he could not learn, Edison’s mother decided to teach him at home. There he was allowed to explore the subjects that most interested him. By age ten, Edison had built a science laboratory in the basement of his family’s home and had become an avid experimenter. Edison got his first job at age twelve on the railway selling candy and newspapers. Three years later, he suffered an ear injury from a train accident and lost much of his hearing. He could have had an operation, but he refused. He insisted that being deaf helped him concentrate on his experiments. Thomas Edison’s first invention was the automatic telegraph repeater. He was already an expert on the telegraph before he came up with a gadget that sent telegraph signals between unmanned stations. Thanks to Edison, people were then able to send several telegraph messages simultaneously. In his late twenties, Edison built an “invention factory” where he and his business partners could dedicate all their time to inventing. After improving upon the telephone, Edison created the phonograph, his favorite and most lucrativeinvention. Although Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use. 有许多人认为是爱迪生一手创造了二十世纪。虽然有不少人可能有不同的看法,但有一件事是无 法否认的,爱迪生是个天才,以及他的发明深刻地影响了现代社会的发展。 1847 年爱迪生出生于俄亥俄州。他仅仅只上了三个月的学。在爱迪生的老师声称他有学习障碍 之后,他的母亲决定在家教他。在家里,爱迪生可以随心所欲地探索最使他感兴趣的事物。十岁那年, 爱迪生在家里的地下室建了一间科学实验室。从此,爱迪生就成了一位孜孜不倦的实验者。 十二岁时,爱迪生找到了他的第一份工作,在火车上卖糖果和报纸。三年后,一场火车 事故导致他耳朵受伤,几乎完全失聪。他本可以接受手术治疗,但他拒绝了,因为他坚 信听觉的丧失可以让他更专心地做实验。电报自动转发器是托马斯·爱迪生的第一个发 明。他发明的这种装置,用于在无人看管的两站之间传输电报信号,在此项发明前, 爱迪生就已经是位电报专家了。幸亏有爱迪生,我们才能在同一时间传送好几封电报 讯息。近三十岁时,爱迪生盖了一座“发明工厂”,可让他和他的同事专心致力于发 明工作。在改进了电话功能后,爱迪生又发明了留声机,这是他喜爱的而且最能赚钱的 一项发明。虽然爱迪生实际上并没有发明灯泡,但他的确发明了电灯照明系统,这导致 了灯泡的广泛使用。


Archimedes was a Greek scientist. The King of the land wanted to wear a Golden Crown. He gave some gold to a goldsmith to make a suitable crown. After few days, the goldsmith brought the finished crown to the King. The crown was weighed. The weight of the crown was equal to the gold given to the goldsmith by the King. The King looked at the color of the crown. He had a suspicion. The goldsmith could have stolen some gold from the gold given to him. The King wanted to find out the truth. He asked his court scientist Archimedes to find out. The King said, “Find out how much gold had been stolen?” How to find out the truth? Archimedes thought about the problem day and night. One day he was about to have his bath, but he was busy thinking. He did not notice the bathtub. The water in the bathtub was already full to the brim. He slid into the bathtub. Immediately a large quantity of water flowed over the brim of the bath tub. He noticed this suddenly. His brain wave worked suddenly. He jumped out of the bathtub, shouting, “Eureka! Eureka!” Eureka in Greek means “I have found it.” Different metals of the same weight have different volumes. Objects, put in water, will displace water. The displaced water will be equal to their volume. Archimedes knew all these theories. Using this as the basic knowledge, Archimedes worked out a plan to find out the purity of the crown. Archimedes took two bowls. He filled them with water to the brim. Then he placed each bowl separately in the middle of the large vessels. He placed the crown in one bowl. Water overflowed. It collected at the bottom of the outer vessel. Then he took a cube of pure gold. This cube of gold was equal in weight to the crown. He kept this gold cube in the middle of the second bowl. Here also water overflowed. Water got collected at the bottom of the outer bowl. Archimedes then measured the quantity of water in the two vessels. He found out the difference in the water overflow. The crown had sent out more water. The cube of gold had sent out less water. But both the crown and the gold cube were of the same weight. So, they should have sent out the same quantity of water. Therefore, the crown had some other metals mixed in it. These metals took up more space in the water than pure gold. 阿基米德是希腊的科学家。他们的国王想做一顶金皇冠。于是给了金匠一些黄金来做皇冠。过了 几天,金匠把做好的皇冠呈献给国王。国王让人称了下皇冠的重量。王冠的重量正好等于国王给的 黄金的重量。国王又看了看表冠的颜色。他怀疑金匠拿走了一些他下发的黄金。国王想弄个究竟。 于是去问阿基米德。国王问:“你能不能测出工匠从里面拿走了多少金子啊?” 真相如何呢?阿基米德不分昼夜的思考这个问题。有一天,他边思考边准备去洗澡。分神的他没 有注意到的浴缸。这时浴缸里的水已经很满了。当他躺进浴缸里的时候,浴缸里的水顺着缸延流了 出来。他瞬间茅塞顿开。他跳出浴缸,大叫, “尤里卡!尤里卡!”尤里卡在希腊文的意思是“原 来如此啊。” 相同重量的金属有着不同的体积。金属浸入水中就取代了水的体积。溢出的水和金属 体积 是相应的。以此为基础知识,阿基米德想到了一个办法,来测出皇冠的密度。阿基米 德拿了两个碗。他把碗里装满了水。接着,他把王冠在一个碗里。碗里的水流了 出来。他把溢出来的水收集起来。然后,他把一块黄金放进另一个碗里。这里 说明一下,这块黄金和王冠的重量是一样的。当他把这块黄金放到第二个碗 里的时候,水自然而然的也流了下来。他把第二个碗里流下来的水也收集了 起来。 然后,阿基米德找了两只测水量的模型舟。果然,他发现两只碗里溢 出来的水量并不一样。皇冠碗里出来的水更多一些。金块碗里出来的水少 一些。但无论是王冠和金块,重量却是一样的。所以,他们理应溢出相同 的水量。因此,皇冠里一定掺杂了其它的金属。这些金属在水里所占的空间要 比黄金大。


Scientists believe that life on Earth began in the ocean, approximately 4 billion years ago. And in fact, it was only about 500 million years ago that life emerged from the ocean onto the land. That means that ocean life has existed 8 times longer. So no matter how unimaginably long it was since the first creatures crawled out on land to the age of the dinosaurs to our time, all of that is but a small slice of the pie compared to the vast span of time in which the oceans have nurtured life. And even today, although living things now exist on nearly every part of the Earth’s surface, in so many different forms, the ocean continues to be critically important to life on Earth. To begin with the ocean covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and is still the home of the majority of Earth’s living creatures. Secondly, the oceans are a vital part of the water cycle that brings rain to our crops and forests, and drinking water to our cities. And the ocean also produces much of the oxygen upon which all human beings, and animals, depend. Many of our recent medical and scientific breakthroughs have been made possible in one way or another through ocean based research. Finally, the oceans provide fish and shellfish and other vital resources upon which humans depend, including jobs for millions of people. In fact, in the United States alone, 1 out of 6 jobs is marine related. And of course ocean based transport, by ships and barges, accounts for some 98% of our commerce with other nations. The vast majority of ocean creatures live in the waters of the continental shelves, in the band of shallower water that surrounds each continent. And yet a single study of a single small section of the deep ocean yielded 898 species, half of them previously undiscovered. All this in an area half the size of a tennis court! If this is what can be found in the relatively less populated ocean depths, imagine what would be found in a similar sized area located on the continental shelf! What’s more, given the variety of life that exits in the oceans’ different depth and temperature zones, and oceanic regions, we can only imagine what remains to be discovered out there in the deep recesses of the ocean.

科学家们认为,大约 40 亿年前 , 地球上的 生命就起源于海洋。事实证明,从海洋到陆地 的生物出现时间大约只有 5 亿年。这意味着, 海洋生物的存在比陆地生物存在时间长 8 倍以 上。所以,尽管第一个生物爬到陆地上时间长 到难以想象 , 恐龙时代 , 再到我们生存的年间, 所有这一切只不过是悠久时间跨度之中的凤毛 麟角,唯一肯定的是,海洋的确孕育着生命。 即使到了今天,虽然有生命体以不同的姿态生 活在地球的任何角落,但是海洋对众多生物的 生存还是至关重要的。 首先,海洋覆盖了地球表面的 70%的面积, 它是地球上成千上万种生物赖以生存的家园。 其次,海洋的水不断循环生成的,他蒸腾后引 起的大雨为我们的农作物和森林的灌溉起到了 重要作用,当然还有我们的城市的饮用水。而 且,海洋还产生了许多供我们人类,动物等生 存必须的氧气。我们的许多最近的医学和科学 上的突破在基于海洋研究的基础上已经有了重 大的突破。最后,数以百万计的人的就业机会 也依赖于鱼贝类的海洋捕捞或者其它海洋资源 的开发得来的。事实上,在美国就有 1/6 的工 作是与海事有关的。当然,基海洋运输业,各 类船舶的商业往来之类的就业机会占了还是工 作的 98% 。 绝大多数海洋生物生活在大陆架海域,在环 绕大陆的浅水区里。然而,小部分深海的单项 研究已经超过 898 种,其中一半都是以前不 曾发现的。所有这一切的大小也不过一个网球 场的一半!如果这只是在相对物种较少的海洋 深处,想象一下,位于大陆架上的一个类似大 小的区域被发现后会产生多少科研成果啊!更 重要的是,考虑到各种生命存活在海洋不同深 度和温度的区域,我们可以想象海洋深处的发 现要多么的惊人。

海洋世界 Sea World


The Dead Sea:

The Dead Sea also called the Salt Sea, is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east, and Palestine and Israel to the west. Its surface and shores are 427 metres below sea level, Earth’s lowest elevation on land. The Dead Sea is 306 m deep, the deepest hypersaline lake in the world. With 34.2% salinity (in 2011), it is also one of the world’s saltiest bodies of The Dead Sea has attracted visitors from around the Mediterranean basin for thousands of years. Biblically, it was a place of refuge for King David. It was one of the world’s first health resorts, and it has been the supplier of a wide variety of products, from balms for Egyptian mummification to potash for fertilizers. People also use the salt and the minerals from the Dead Sea to create cosmetics and herbal sachets.

The Aral Sea:

The Aral Sea was a lake lying between Kazakhstan in the north and Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan, in the south. The name roughly translates as “Sea of Islands”, referring to about 1,534 islands that once dotted its waters; in Old Turkic aral means “island” and “thicket”.

特别的“海” Special “Sea”


死海 :

死海又被称为盐海,位于约旦和巴勒斯坦接壤 的东部,以色列的西部。它的湖面和湖岸线都低 于海平面,位于地球上海拔最低的地方,大约是 427 米。死海为 306 米深,是世界上最深的含盐 最高的湖泊。含盐度能达到 34.2%(2011 年), 它也是世界上最咸的湖泊之一,千百年来,死海 吸引了来自各地的参观者来到地中海盆地。据圣 经记载,这是大卫王的一处避难所。也是世界上 健康的度假胜地之一,它一直为人类提供着大量 的产品,从香脂到埃及木乃伊再到含钾肥料等等。 人们还使用来自死海的盐和矿物质,制作出了化 妆品和草药香囊。

咸海 :

咸海是位于卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦北部的一个湖, 在南部乌兹别克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦之间的一个自 治区。这个名字大致可以翻译为“南海诸岛”, 指的是大约 1,534 个星罗棋布的岛屿,单就水域 来说 ; 在旧突厥,咸海是“岛”或者“丛林”的 意思。

The Caspian Sea:

里海是地球上最大的内陆湖。不同地区对它的 称呼也不一样。里海有 371,000 平方公里面积和 78,200 立方千米(18,800 立方英里)的体积。 它属于内陆河流域(它没有入海口),是由俄罗 斯为界,向西北部的西阿塞拜疆以及伊朗南部, 向东南流经土库曼斯坦,以及东北部的哈萨克斯 坦。早在古代,其海岸的居民就感知到它的咸味 和看似无边无际的面积,这一切大概因为他们认 为里海就是海洋。它的盐度大约 1.2%,约三分 之一的海水几乎都是这个盐度。

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water on Ear th by area, variously classed as the world’s largest lake or a full-fledged sea. The sea has a surface area of 371,000 km, and a volume of 78,200 km3 (18,800 cu mi). It is in an endorheic basin (it has no outflows) and is bounded to the northwest by Russia, to the west by Azerbaijan, to the south by Iran, to the southeast by Turkmenistan, and to the northeast by Kazakhstan. The ancient inhabitants of its coast perceived the Caspian Sea as an ocean, probably because of its saltiness and seeming boundlessness. It has a salinity of approximately 1.2%, about a third the salinity of most seawater.

加利利海 :

The Sea of Galilee:

里海 :

加利利海,也被称之为基内雷特,革尼撒勒湖, 或太巴列湖,是以色列最大的淡水湖。该湖有 166 平方公里的总面积。深度低于海平面 209 米 到 215 米之间,它是地球上海拔最低的淡水湖。 还是整体高度第二个低的湖(第一的是咸海)。 尽管其主要来源是从北到南约旦河,但是该湖的 地下涌泉部分为美联储所属。

The Sea of Galilee, also Kinneret, Lake of Gennesaret, or Lake Tiberias, is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. The lake has a total area of 166. At levels between 215 metres and 209 metres below sea level, it is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth and the second lowest lake overall (after the Dead Sea, a saltwater lake). The lake is fed partly by underground springs although its main source is the Jordan River which flows through it from north to south.



Amazing Living Marine Banjo Shark 班卓琴鲨鱼

“班卓琴鲨鱼”或“东部提琴手”实际上就是 犁头鳐中一个特殊的长有淡紫带图案的物种,在 澳大利亚南部和东部海岸发现过这种身上环绕着 黑褐色的与众不同的三角形图案的鱼,它的眼睛 则长在背上。它的长度大约 92 至 120 厘米。“东 部提琴手”实在海水深度为 120 米的地方被发 现的,而“南部提琴手”则生活在 180 米的海域。


北极到南极的海洋中,这种相貌奇特的海洋动 物都有被发现过。它们身材细长,在外观上和蝌 蚪极为相似。它们天生头大眼睛小 ; 身体修长, 从头到尾越来越细直到最细的部分是一条小尾 巴。蜗牛鱼没有鳞片,它们的皮肤弹性很大摸上 去是凝胶状的。


Banjo Shark or Eastern Fiddler Ray is a unique species of guitarfish with pattern of pale lilac bands edged with dark brown and distinctive triangular pattern behind its eyes found in southern and eastern coasts of Australia. It grows to a length of 92 to 120 cm. The eastern fiddler is found to a depth of 120 meters and the southern fiddler to a depth of 180 meters.


This scale less and peculiar marine animal found from Arctic to Antarctic oceans. Its elongate, tadpole, like bodies are similar in appearance to the rattails. Their heads are large with small eyes; their bodies are slender to deep, tapering to a very small tail. Snailfish are scaleless with a thin, loose gelatinous skin.

Estuarine Stonefish

这种相貌丑陋的生物,其实是种有毒的鱼。生 活在礁石底部的它们是肉食动物而且它们带有毒 刺。这是世界上最毒的已知鱼类之一,在私人住 处和公共水族馆都能看见它们的踪迹。从印度到 中国,菲律宾,巴布亚新几内亚和澳大利亚,都 有它们的身影:通常更多的活动在印度洋到西太 平洋沿岸地区。

Syanaceja horrida, an ugly, looking creature, is a species of venomous fish. It is carnivorous and its spines are venomous and lives on reef bottoms. It is one of the most venomous known fish in the world, and is often included in private and public aquariums. It is usually found in coastal areas of the Indo West Pacific: India to China, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Australia.


Pink Sea-Through Fantasia

它的名字使它听起来像一块可爱的棉布,但大 家不要上当哦:粉红色透视幻想曲是一种在西太 平洋的婆罗洲被发现的海参科生物。西太平洋的 西里伯斯海域中, 一般水深的地方就能见到它 们。

Its name makes it sound like a piece of lovely cloth, but don’t be fooled: The pink see-through fantasia is a sea cucumber, found about a mile and a half deep in the Celebes Sea in the western Pacific .

Industrial robots Industrial robots are robots used in an industrial manufacturing environment. Usually these are articulated arms specifically developed for such applications as welding, material handling, painting and others. If we judge purely by application this type could also include some automated guided vehicles and other robots. 工用机器人:工用机器人就是在工业生产环境中使 用机器人。通常这类机器人更多的应用于焊接,搬 运货物,绘图和其他相关的项目里。如果我们单 纯的以应用在这些方面来判断的话,自动导 引车之类的也能算作其中。

Domestic robots Robots used at home. This type of robots includes many quite different devices such as robotic vacuum cleaners, robotic pool cleaners, sweepers, gutter cleaners and other robots that can do different chores. Also, some surveillance and telepresence robots could be regarded as household robots if used in that environment. 家用机器人:在家里使用的机器人。这种类型的机器人 被安装了许多完全不同的程序,如机器人吸尘器,机器 人泳池清洁,清扫,排水沟清洁剂和其他智能项目, 可以做很多家务。此外,用在一些环境监控和远程 呈像的机器人也可以被视为家用机器人。

Medical robots Robots used in medicine and medical institutions. First and foremost surgery robots. Also, some automated guided vehicles and maybe lifting aides. 医疗机器人 : 这类机器人被用在医药 和医疗机构。首屈一指的就是手术 机器人。此外,某些自动导向车 和 起重助手也有属于医用机 器人的范围。



World Of Roborts

Service robots Robots that do not fall into other types by usage. These could be different data gathering robots, robots made to show off technologies, robots used for research. 服务型机器人:按下不同的服务按键 就有多种服务类型。这些机器人被 安装了不同的数据采集和高级的 制造技主要用于研究等领 域。

Military robots Robots used in military. This type of robots includes bomb disposal robots, different transportation robots, reconnaissance drones. Often robots initially created for military purposes can be used in law enforcement, search and rescue and other related fields. 军用机器人:军事是专用的机器人。这种类型 的机器人,包括拆弹机器人,物资运输机器 人,和无人侦察机。经常用于军事行动 的机器人可以在相关领域开展执 法,搜救等活动。


How do light bulbs work? Sometimes in cartoons you’ll see a light bulb shine over a person’s head if they have a bright idea. In the real world, we use them in lamps to light our homes. How these tiny lights work isn’t too complicated. It’s a bright idea based on electricity! Electricity is dangerous, so you never want to touch a wire that’s carrying electricity. It might not look too dangerous because most of the time, it doesn’t have any effect on the metals found in wires. Sometimes though, it can make special types of metals heat up. When those metals get very hot, they start to glow, and that’s the reason light bulbs light up! There is a special metal coil in light bulbs that gets very hot and glows very brightly when electricity runs through it. It’s called a “filament”. If you look closely at a light bulb you can see this tiny, thin metal coil at the center of the bulb. Make sure you have a grown-up help you though, and make sure that the bulb is cool and not plugged into a lamp! The filament inside may look very small, but when it heats up, it gives off a lot of light! This way we can see and read in the dark! The glass of the light bulb does more than stop the hot filament from burning anything. It keeps air away from the filament. If air touched the filament, it would catch on fire and burn out very quickly. So it is good that glass is there!

灯泡是如何照明的? 有时在动画片里,你会看见当一个人头顶上出现一个发光的灯泡,代表他们想到了一个好主意。而在 现实生活中,我们人人家里都需要用灯泡来照明。这些微小的灯是如何工作的呢?过程复杂吗 ?。其 实光亮来源于电力!电是危险的,所以你绝对不可以触碰正在通电的电线。它可能看起来不危险, 因为大部分时间,它不会对电线中任何金属起作用。有时候,它能让特殊类型的金属热了起来。 当这些金属变得非常热,便开始发光,这就是灯泡亮起来的原因!还有就是他会变得非常热, 光非常明亮时,就是电在灯泡里运作于一个特殊的金属线圈里。这个金属圈被称为“灯丝” 如果你仔细观察一个灯泡就可以看到这个小而薄的金属线圈在灯泡中央,当然这需要大 人帮忙来确保灯泡处于关闭状态!灯丝可能看起来很小,但是当它加热,就会散发 出大量的光!这样,我们就可以看在黑暗的地方阅读啦!灯泡的玻璃耐高温

程度超过灯丝。它能让灯丝隔绝空气。如果灯丝接触到了空气, 它会着火并且急速燃烧。所以玻璃罩的存在对灯 泡非常有用!


科学中的“为什么” “Whys” In Science

How does a microwave make food hot? A conventional oven cooks food starting on the outside and moving to the inside over time. A microwave oven works differently. The heat created inside a microwave is absorbed very quickly by things like water, fats, and sugars. Unlike a conventional oven, a microwave oven’s rays are able to start creating heat about an inch deep into a piece of food right away by exciting the molecules of water, fat, and sugar within. If a piece of food is really thick, the microwave’s heat can’t start cooking the very center right away, but it can penetrate its heat deeper into the piece of food more quickly than a conventional oven. When the microwave’s special rays excite the fat, sugar, and water molecules, it causes them to move around and create heat that cooks the food very quickly! That means there’s no time waiting for the heat to start on the outside. Additionally, a microwave’s heat is not absorbed by microwavesafe cooking containers, nor does a microwave’s heat saturate the rest of the air in the microwave. This means more of the heat is focused on the piece of food and it’s able to cook more quickly!

微波炉是怎样加热食物? 常规的烤箱烹调食品是随着时间的推移由外到内的加热食物。微波炉的工作方式则不同。 微波炉加热的原理简单说来是:当微波辐射到食品上时,食品中总是含有一定量的水分, 而水是由极性分子组成的。分子的正负电荷中心,即使在外电场不存在时也是不重合的。 这种极性分子的取向将随微波场而变动。由于食品中水的极性分子的这种运动。以 及相邻分子间的相互作用,产生了类似摩擦的现象,使水温升高,因此,食品的 温度也就上升了。用微波加热的食品,因其内部也同时被加热,使整个物体 受热均匀,升温速度也快。简单的说,就是靠微波辐射使食物中的水 分子振动产热来加热的!


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