Travel Magazine

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November 2013

小荷 少儿 校园 杂志 for children

国内风光 Journey in China 野营小贴士 Camping Tips 漂洋过海 Overseas Travel 美食王国 Yummy Kingdom


杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 主编: 任韦蓉 译者: 任韦蓉 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 本社网址: 印刷: 山东教育出版社 出版日期: 2013 年 11 月第三版 尺寸: A4 参考网址: 图片: P1 P3 P3 P3 P3 P5 P5 p5 P5 p5 P6 P6 P6 P7 P7 P8 p8 P8 P8 P9 P10 p10 P10 E7%BA%BD%E7%BA%A6%EF%BC%8C%E7%BE%8E%E5%9B%BD%E3%80%82-image27238840. P10 p12 P12 p12 p13 P13 P14 P14 P14 P14 P15 P15 P15 P16 P16 P16 P16 P17 p17 P17 P18 P18 P19 P19 P18 P18 p20 P20 P20 P21 P24 P24

内容: P3-P11 P7 P12-17 P18 P20 P20



漂洋过海 Overseas Travel

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马达加斯加 Madagascar 澳大利亚风光 Travel in Australia 智利之旅 Journey in Chile 美国我来啦 Let’s Go To the U.S.A

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国内风光 Journey in China

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北京之行 Travel in Beijing 哈尔滨游记 Journey in Harbin 海南风光 Beautiful Hai Nan

12 14 16

美食王国 Yummy Kingdom

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法国甜品 French Dessert 日本寿司 Japanese Sushi 四川火锅 Sichuan Hot Pot

18 20 20

野营小贴士 Camping Tips

旅行日记 Travel Log

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天目湖一日游 云南游

22 23


M a d a g a s c a r, o f f i c i a l l y t h e R e p u b l i c o f Madagascar and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southeast Africa. The nation comprises the island of Madagascar (the fourth largest island in the world), as well as numerous smaller peripheral islands. Following the prehistoric breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana, Madagascar split from India around 88 million years ago, allowing native plants and animals to evolve in relative isolation. Consequently, Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot; over 90 percent of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth. This distinctive ecology has led some ecologists to refer to Madagascar as the “eighth continent”, and the island has been classified by Conservation International as a biodiversity hotspot. The western and southern sides, which lie in the rain shadow of the central highlands, are home to dry deciduous forests, spiny forests, and deserts and shrublands. Due to their lower population densities, Madagascar’s dry deciduous forests have been better preserved than the eastern rain forests or the original woodlands of the central plateau. Madagascar’s fauna is diverse and exhibits a high rate of endemism. Lemurs have b e e n c h a r a c t e r i z e d a s “ M a d a g a s c a r ’s flagship mammal species” by Conservation International. In the absence of monkeys and other competitors, these primates have adapted to a wide range of habitats and diversified into numerous species. As of 2012, there were officially 103 species and subspecies of lemur, 39 of which were described by zoologists between 2000 and 2008. They are almost all classified as rare, vulnerable, or endangered. Take the ears of a bat and the teeth of a rat, add a long bony middle finger and huge eyes and you have yourself the aye-aye. This nocturnal lemur lives in the rainforests of Madagascar and feeds on insect larvae that it finds by tapping on tree bark with its stick like middle finger. As it taps, the aye-aye listens for movement indicative of insects and gnaws away at the wood when it hears something appetizing.

马达加斯加 Madagascar

马达加斯加,在马达加斯加共和国正式建国之 前,马达加斯加共和国是位于印度洋,靠近东南 亚和非洲海岸的一个岛。整个国家包括马达加斯 加岛(世界第四大岛),以及许多周边小岛。随 着史前冈瓦纳大陆的解体,分大约 88 亿年前马 达加斯加就从印度分离出来,原生态的植物和动 物相对孤立的生长着。因此,马达加斯加是一个 生物多样性热带国家,超过 90%的野生动物在 地球其它地方时是很难找到的。岛屿与大陆长期 分离就导致了岛上的生物多样性。其中包括狐猴, 一些食肉动物和许多鸟类。这种独特的生态环境, 让一些生态学家称马达加斯加为“第八大陆”还 有,这座岛屿是受国际保护的生物多样性热带区 域。岛屿的西部和南部,坐落于中午高原的雨区, 干燥落叶林,这里孕育着多刺的森林,沙漠和旱 生灌木丛。由于这里人口比较稀疏,相对于东部 玉林地带和中部高原,这边的干燥落叶林木保存 非常完整。 马达加斯加的动物多种多样,有特色的种类 非常多。例如,狐猴已经被定性为“马达加斯加 的哺乳动物标识性物种”并受国际保护。这里没 有其它的猴子品种,所以这些灵长类动物已经占 领了这片栖息地,并且繁衍速度很快。 狐猴长着捕鼠蝙蝠和牙齿的耳朵,还有长长的 手指和巨大的眼睛。这种夜间活动的狐猴生活在 马达加斯加的热带雨林区域,它们主要靠中指敲 打树皮,来捕捉树皮下隐藏的虫子为食。它们把 耳朵贴近树皮,听见里面有昆虫活动的声音就 开始进行捕食。

澳大利亚风光 Travel in Australia


Australia is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world’s sixth largest country by total area. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the northeast; and New Zealand to the south east. Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales, the most populous city in Australia. It is on Australia’s southeast coast, on the Tasman Sea. In June 2010 the greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people Inhabitants of Sydney are called Sydneysiders, comprising a cosmopolitan and international population. Western Australia is famous for its long days of sunshine, spotless blue skies and brilliant beaches, making it a per fect year round Australian holiday destination. It is a land blessed with spectacular diversity where the deep reds of ancient interior rock formations contrast with the sparkling blue of the Indian and Southern Oceans and the lush greenery of the stunning southern regions. Australia’s Top End is famous for its gorgeous natural scenery, ranging from scenic beaches to the vast and arid expanses of the Outback. The city of Darwin will serve as your gateway to this incredible destination when you go on a shore excursion during an Australian cruise. One major attraction near Darwin is Litchfield National Park, a famous reserve known for its massive termite mounds.

澳大利亚是由澳大利亚大陆,塔斯马尼亚岛, 和许多较小的岛屿组成的的国家。它的总面积 在世界上排到第六位。澳大利亚的邻近国家包 括印度尼西亚,东帝汶和巴布亚新几内亚的北 部,所罗门群岛,瓦努阿图和新喀里多尼亚东 北部,以及新西兰的东南部。悉尼位于新南威 尔士州,作为曾经澳大利亚的首府城市,它的 人口数量最多。澳大利亚的东南海岸,是塔斯 曼海。2010 年 6 月,调查研究显示,悉尼这个 大都市圈涵盖了澳大利亚 460 万人口的数量, 其中当然也包括了外来人口。 西澳大利亚的州郡以日照时间较长,一尘不染 的湛蓝的天空和美丽的海滩而闻名于世,碧蓝 天空笼罩着的美丽的澳大利亚使其成为名符其 实的旅游胜地。这片土地拥有得天独厚的壮观 多样深红色岩石层,还有印度洋和南大洋的波 光粼粼的蓝色海域,以及迷人的郁郁葱葱的南 部地区,两处景色相映成辉,美不胜收。 澳大利亚的最北端最著名的就是它美丽的自 然风光了,从风景优美的海滩到内陆一望无际 的亚热带平原,都令人神往。当你搭乘澳大利 亚的邮轮,到达岸上然后去观光达尔文市,你 一定会为这个令人神往的城市感慨万千。而达 尔文附近的的一个主要景点是利奇菲尔德国家 公园,那里有闻名世界的巨型白蚁丘,值得一看。


Journey in Chile

Chile's Lake District is famous for its specttacular scenery of deep blue mountain lakes, snow-capped volcanos, pristine beauty of alerce (larch) forsets, popular resorts, yearronnd sports, and traditional folklore, handicrafts and legends.


智利最 有名的就要算湖泊了。高 山上壮观的深蓝色的湖泊,白雪皑 皑的火山,长满落叶松的原始森林,这 里是当红的度假胜地,每年都有体育项目和 民俗活动在这里开办,手工艺品和传说中的美景 不容错过。著名湖区分布在智利的两个地方,其中 一个是第九地区,也就是著名的阿劳卡尼亚,还有第 十地区,洛杉矶拉各斯。它则是位于内陆城市特木科 的北端,在太平洋和奥索尔诺内陆中间由瓦尔迪维 亚。蒙特港的海港南部,从北到南,滨湖区从太平 洋向东延伸至安第斯山脉。智利的湖区被当地居 民命名了恰到好处的名字。在有十二个主要湖 泊在景区里,有几十处周边景观。湖泊之 间的河流瀑布, 森林,温泉,和安第 斯山脉。其中有六座火山与维拉斯 山的高度都达到了 9395 英尺 (2,847 米)。

The Lake District covers two of Chile’s regions, the Ninth Region, more evocatively known as La Araucanía, and the Tenth Region, Los Lagos. It is anchored at the northern end by the inland city of Temuco, in the middle by Valdivia on the Pacific and Osorno inland. Puerto Montt on the Bay of Reloncavi is at the southern end. From north to south, the Lake District stretches from the Pacific east to the Andes. Chile’s Lake District is aptly named. There are twelve major lakes in the district, with dozens more dotting the landscape. Between the lakes there are rivers, waterfalls, forests, thermal hot springs, and the Andes, including six volcanos with Villarica being the highest at 9395 ft (2,847 m.).



Let’s Go To the U.S.A

美国共包括 50 个州以及华盛顿特区,最后两 个国家加入的州郡是阿拉斯加(第 49 个)和夏 威夷(第 50 个)。它们 1959 年的时候加入了美国。 华盛顿特区是美国国会的授权联邦区。华盛顿特 区由选举产生,众议院代表大会代表投票决议。 自 1961 年以来,美国民众就已经有总统选举的 投票权了。

The United States America consists of 50 states and Washington D.C. The last two States to join the Union were Alaska (49th) and Hawaii (50th). Both joined in 1959. Washington DC is a federal district under the authority of the U.S. Congress. Washington DC is represented in Congress by an elected, non-voting Delegate to the House of Representatives. Residents have been able to vote in presidential elections since 1961.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from the people of France. The statue is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 自由女神像是法国人民送给美国的礼物。这座 4, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The 雕像是一位身着长袍的女性,她代表罗马的自由 statue is an icon of freedom and of the United 女神,利伯塔斯,她高举的火炬上刻着美国独立 States: a welcoming signal to immigrants 宣言,并标注日期为 1776 年 7 月 4 日。她的石 arriving from abroad. The White House is 榴裙下还有根破碎的铁链。这座雕像是美国对自 the official residence and principal workplace 由向往的标志建筑:同时也是温馨的信号,记录 of the President of the United States, NW in 他们祖先移民到美国的日子。美国总统所住的白 Washington, D.C. It has been the residence of 宫官邸,位于华盛顿特区宾夕法尼亚大道 1600 every U.S. president since 1800, and the term 号,它一直作为每一个美国总统的住处,因为 is often used by journalists as a metonym to 1800 年,自约翰·亚当斯起就把这作为主要工作 refer to the acts of the President and his top 场所,所以这个词经常被用作对总统的称呼或者 advisors. Times Square, iconified as “The 高级行政活动的代名词。时代广场位于百老汇和 Crossroads of the World”, “The Center of the 第七大道的交界处,从西 42 街区到西 47 街是 Universe”, and the “The Great White Way” is 纽约曼哈顿城区的主要商业地段。时代广场,也 the brightly illuminated hub of the Broadway 是“世界的十字路口”的地标建筑,它又被称为“宇 Theater District, one of the world’s busiest 宙的中心”。至于“伟大的白色大道”说的是百 pedestrian intersections, and a major center of 老汇剧院,它是世界上最繁华的十字路口之一, the world’s entertainment industry. According 车水马龙,也是世界著名的娱乐地段。根据 《旅 to Travel + Leisure magazine’s October 2011 游 + 休闲》杂志在 2011 年 10 月的一份调查显示, sur vey, Times Square is the world’s most 时代广场是世界上访问量最大的旅游景点,每年 visited tourist attraction, hosting over 39 来到这里的游客超过 39 万人次。 million visitors annually.



Travel in Beijing

Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the time, had been named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital. Therefore, Beijing was famous for “Capital of a thousand years”. The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure. Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen from space. The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palace in the world. Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions. The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO. However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards. Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijing’s life. Tian’anmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing. In today’s well preser ved old Beijing hutong areas, you can still find this kind of old transportation tool now still kept for tourists as the typical traffic tool of travelling the hutong, Beijing featuring old city alleys. The neighbourhoods of narrow, twisting streets represent the real life of ordinary Beijingers, where passageways, small narrow ways link to courtyards of traditional connected homes.

北京是一座历史悠久的文化古城。早在 3000 多年前的周朝,北京,被称为姬的那 一刻,就已经披上了艳丽的历史外衣。此后, 辽,金,元,明,清等朝代均定都在北京。 因此,北京是名副其实的“千年古都”。 悠久的历史为北京留下无数文化瑰宝。北 京城区数公里之外的地方,显而易见的就 是长城了,它可是北京屈指可数的纯人工 修建的古迹之一。颐和园堪称古代皇家园 林的经典,和著名的紫禁城都是世界上最 大的皇家宫殿。天坛是古代皇帝用来祭祀 祖先的地方,也是中国古代建筑的灵魂。 上面提到的四处文明古迹已被联合国教科 文组织纳入世界文化遗产之中。然而,北 京最有特色的地方当属逐渐消失的胡同和 方四合院了。数百年以来,它们已经成为 北京的生活的象征。天安门广场至今已是 灯火辉煌,高楼林立,立交桥也四通八达, 古老的场景与现代文化相结合,赋予了北 京城一个全新的面貌。 如今,保存完好的老北京胡同里,你仍 然可以找到这样的为游客们准备的老式交 通工具,这也是当时非常适用于胡同之间 的代步工具,北京特色黄包车。狭窄蜿蜒 的街道,邻里皆是北京人,确实北京居明 最真实的生活写照,这些狭窄的胡同连接 着人们的庭院生活也连接着最朴实的传统。

哈尔滨游记 Journey in Harbin


Harbin is ranked as the tenth largest city in China, serving as a key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications center of northeast of China. Harbin is originally a Manchu word meaning “a place for drying fishing nets”. The Harbin Ice Festival, established in 1985, is held annually from January 5 and lasts for over one month. Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province and this is China’s original and greatest ice artwork festival, attracting hundreds of thousands of local people and visitors from all over the world.The city’s location in northeast China accounts for its arctic climate which provides abundant natural ice and snow. Subsequently, the “Ice City”of Harbin is recognized as the cradle of ice and snow art in China and is famous for its exquisite and artistic ice and snow sculptures. The fabulous Ice Lantern Festival was the forerunner of the current festival and is still the best loved part of the overall event in the opinion of all who come to Harbin each year. 在中国,作为中国东北地区的一个重要的政治,经济,科学, 文化和交通中心,哈尔滨也位居国内十大主要城市之中。哈尔滨这 个词源于满语,意思是“晒渔网的地方”。哈尔滨的冰雪节,兴起 于 1985 年,每年从 1 月 5 日开始举行,举办时期超过一个月。而 作为黑龙江的省会的哈尔滨,举办着全国上下最具盛名的冰雕艺术 节,吸引了成千上万的当地居民和来自全国各地的游客的到来。中 国东北所处的地理位置和北极相似,这里有丰富的天然资源,冰和 雪。冰雪节过后,哈尔滨这座“冰城”变成公认的中国冰雪艺术的 摇篮,最具盛名的冰雕艺术便源于这里。美妙的冰灯艺术节比音乐 节的开幕时间要早些,到目前为止,看冰雕依然是来到哈尔滨的观 光客们的必选之旅。



Beautiful Hai Nan

“Hainan” which literally means “South of the Sea”, is a province off the southern coast of China in the South China Sea, which consists of several islands, Hainan Island is worldfamous for its unique and charming tropical views, relaxed and happy natural environment. Sanya is superior in geography climate and natural resources. It is known as “the oriental Hawaii” and “Sunshine City” because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya’s tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter. Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere, the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto.

“海南”的字面意思是“海之南”也就是中国南海, 它由几个岛屿组成,海南岛以其独特和迷人的热 带景色闻名于世,在舒适的自然环境中能变得放 松且心情愉悦。三亚的气候和地理位置条件优越 物产丰富。三亚被称为“东方夏威夷”和“阳光 之城”是因为其特殊的南国风光和自然气息吸引 着游客。三亚的旅游资源,不仅在中国,甚至世 界上来看都是得天独厚的。这里也是时尚之地, 聚集着大量的旅游爱好者,他们在这里尽情地享 受三亚的冬天。关于海南其它的城市,著名的旅 游景点同样星罗棋布无处不在。 著名的亚龙湾旅 游区,天涯海角,大东海,鹿回头半岛,三亚湾 和落笔石窟同样精彩纷呈。

The word “dessert” comes from the French word “desser vir” which means “to clear the table”. The word was first used during the 17th century to describe the offering of sweets (usually fruit or cheese) after the main course. Over time, the custom of eating dessert became more popular. The French developed a multitude of delightful pastries, cakes and confections that are still celebrated today. French desserts are typically made from cream, custards and fruit. Often delicate and complex in nature, they take time to prepare. Popular French desserts include chocolate mousse, creme brulee and flaky choux pastries eclairs and cruellers. Other specialties include tarts, cake, like cookie madeleines and crepes with sweet fillings. “甜点”这个词来自法语单词“desservir”,意思是“收拾桌子”。 在 17 世纪首次使用这个词来形容主菜之后的甜点(通常是水果和 奶酪)。随着时间的推移,吃甜食的习惯逐渐的流行开来。法国 研制出过非常多品种的美味糕点,有些糕点流传至今仍然非常 常见。法式甜点通常是由奶油,蛋羹和水果制成。食材多样 做工复杂,烘焙之前必须悉心准备好所有东西 . 现今流 行的法式甜点包括巧克力慕斯,焦糖布丁和泡芙糕。 还有其它独具特色的甜品包括蛋挞,饼干, 玛德琳蛋糕和华夫饼。



French Desserts



Japanese Sushi

寿司是日本内外的食客最喜欢的一道 佳肴。在日本,寿司的食用通常用于比 较正式的场合里,比如庆祝。在江户时代, 寿司是以食材在寿司醋中的浸泡为主的。 如今的寿司,通常指的是米饭中包着菜 或者鱼之类的,而米饭中也要添加寿司 醋调味。寿司的种类很多,有的是米饭 上覆盖着鱼类贝类。而这些覆盖着的海 鲜,最常见的就是金枪鱼,虾,鳗鱼,鱿鱼, 章鱼和煎鸡蛋了。

Sushi is the most famous Japanese dish outside of Japan, and one of the most popular dishes among the Japanese themselves. In Japan, sushi is usually enjoyed on special occasions, such as a celebration. During the Edo period, “sushi” refered to pickled fish preserved in vinegar. Nowadays sushi can be defined as a dish containing rice which has been prepared with sushi vinegar. There are many different types of sushi. Small rice balls with fish, shellfish, etc. on top. There are countless varieties of nigirizushi, some of the most common ones being tuna, shrimp, eel, squid, octopus and fried egg.

Sichuan Hot Pot

四川火锅 中国火锅的形成有着不同的地域特色, 人们根据地方特色食材的不同做出了各 具特色的火锅。其中最有名的当属重庆 火锅,又称为四川火锅。四川火锅是鲜 香麻辣的汤底和蘸食食材的蘸料。在四 川省及重庆地区的人们喜爱使用大量的 辣椒和花椒。川菜的精深讲究也影响着 火锅的味道,川味火锅自如运用着各种 各样的现象调味料,至今已经形成了超 过 100 中不同的火锅汤底。

Chinese hot pot has it own flavor and design according to different area, which is also determined by different weather conditions. The most famous type is known as Chongqing hot pot, also known as Sichuan hot pot. Sichuan hot pot is famous for its spicy and various types of condiments and spices used in the soup base and the dipping sauces for hot pot. People in the area of Sichuan province and Chongqing eat lots of chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorn. Due to the tolerance of Sichuan cuisine and rely on the various cooking condiments and seasoning used in Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan hot pot blossom gloriously and extends over 100 types of hot pot.


Camping Tips Tips Camping

1. Check with family and friends to get opinions on places to go camping in your area, or read campground reviews to get other ideas.

2. Do you use a thermos bottle when you go camping? A thermos is handy on chilly fall days 1. 露营之前,请和您的家人或者朋友商量好要去 when you want a ready-to-eat hot meal or drink. 的地方,如果有露营说明手册,请仔细阅读一下。 However, be sure to read any directions that came with it. Milk, based products may gum 2. 露营的时候你准备热水瓶了吗?天气冷的时候 up the inside so be sure to read any product 比如寒秋时候去露营,准备一个热水瓶非常有 labels/instructions and know what foods (if 必要,它能让你吃到热乎乎的速食。请务必保 any) you should avoid. 证你出行时准备了热水瓶。牛奶之类的食物要 在带出去以前看好它们的出产日期,避免携带 了已经过期的任何食物 。 3. If you’re making summer reservations, try to make them as far in advance as possible. Popular campgrounds tend to get booked early 3. 如果你刚好在过暑假,那就请尽量把你的野营 for weekends and holidays. 时间提前吧。受欢迎的野营地区是要提前预约 好才能去的哦。 4. Locate your tent on high ground. Scan the campsite and pick the area that sits up from 4. 把你的帐篷尽量搭建在地势比较高的地方吧。 the rest. You don’t want to wake up, even in a 这样比较方便你死出去转转,你总不想一出帐 dry tent, and step out into a lake. 篷就踏进湖水里吧。

5. 逐项的去准备和检查你露营需要带的东西。这 些东西的准备要根据你喜欢的露营项目而定。 但也不要带的太多,记得带上最需要的就可以 了。

5. Itemize your gear and all the essentials that you use while camping. Depending on when and where you like to camp and what you like to do, the list will be ever changing. But most importantly use it.




Happy Trips

我爸爸早在期末考试之前就答应我暑期带 我到溧阳旅游,他说,溧阳天目湖可美啦 ! 盼 望着,盼望着,终于等到了旅游的时间。那天早 上我显得异常兴奋,5:00 就起床洗漱,热馒头,吃早饭。收收 拾行李便和爸爸妈妈出发了。汽车在美丽的宁杭生态高速公路上快速 行驶,我和爸爸妈妈一路说说笑笑,经过一个半小时,我们来到了天目湖。我们安顿好行 李之后便进了天目湖公园。首先我们买票坐上了游船去龙兴岛游玩。在游船上,我看见天 目湖的湖水十分清澈,湖里隐约能看到一些鱼虾。 不久,我们便来到了龙兴岛。我们在龙兴岛玩了许多好玩的地方,但给我印象最深的还 是密林穿越了。所谓的密林穿越,其实就是在原始森林中的小道上走。我们走进原始森林, 那一股股从未有过的新鲜空气迎面扑来,我仿佛走入了一座氧吧,说不出的舒服,走在这 氧气十足的原始森林里,边走边看着望不到尽头的森林,边走边听着这小溪淅淅沥沥的歌 声,我如同走进了一个童话世界,我就是这世界里的一只小鸟,总是走在最前面,把爸爸 妈妈远远的甩在了后面,自己先到前面探索去了。在这森林氧吧中,树木也是多种多样, 有的树挺拔直立,有的树苗条柔细,还有的甚至被藤条缠得无法生长,我在那儿玩得十分 尽兴。 不知不觉,转眼到了中午,我们经过怡心岛回到了天目湖大酒店吃江南第一名汤,天目 湖鱼头汤,那鲜美味道让我回味无穷,至今都记忆犹新。第二天上午,我们便准时起程, 回到了南京。 这次游玩,我不仅欣赏到了天目湖的湖光山色,品尝到了天目湖酒店烧的美味菜肴,而 且还懂了一个道理,那就是要想环境好,就要重视环保,从现在做起,大家都成为我们赖 以生存的地球的环保小卫士。



这一个暑假,我和妈妈还有我妈妈的老同事一家人,大小共六人,一起来云南游玩。 我今天写的第一篇日记关于“自助游”,就是发生在我们刚到昆明时的好玩的事。我们 来到了云南昆明的时候,准备到那里有名的滇池去游玩一番。因为我们的人数很多,就 只好租了一辆面包车来当交通工具。 我们上了车以后,那位四十来岁的女司机就把汽车缓缓地开了起来。面包车走走停停, 从宽敞的大路拐进了热闹的小路,街上人来人往。大约有十分钟,忽然一个人横着窜了 出来,司机当时被吓的不知所措,竟然忘记了刹车。我们几个人坐在车里也跟着紧张起 来。我在旁边急地大喊:快刹车!快刹车!妈妈,你来开吧。场面非常危险,马上就要 撞到那个人身上了。不过还好,车擦过那个人的身子给急刹住了。有惊无险!我们才敢 出口气,把悬着的心放了下来。 事后交谈中才知道,司机才拿驾驶证一个月,还不熟练。算得上马路“女杀手”。我 真佩服她有胆量。后面我妈妈的同事说,“算了,我来开吧”。换成老司机,一路上我 们才有说有笑。虽然历经“磨难”,总算安全的到达了目的地。“自助游“真是又惊险 又有趣啊! 这是我在云南的第二天。我们跟着旅游团来到了我们的第一站,大理。我们到的时候 已是深夜十二点三十分了,而且导游还让我们第二天早上六点钟就起床,所以我从一开 始就对我们的导游有很大的伊见。第二天早晨我硬撑着起床了。因为没有睡够,所以我 一上车又进入了迷迷糊糊的半睡状态。途中不知怎么回事,我醒来了一下,就听到了我 们的导游的经典名句“上车睡觉,下车尿尿”这下我对导游更烦了。 啊,终于到达目的地了,终于可以呼吸新鲜空气了,这里是我们在大理的第一站。 这是一个风景十分美丽的地方,而且这里的水是从山上流下来的,也就是泉水,我用手 轻轻的摸了一下流水,又尝了一口,啊!真是太凉快了,就像在空调房里面喝一杯北极 运来的水一样,十分的清爽,我都有想跳下去的想法了。虽然有满肚子的怨言,但是能 看到这么美的风景,也值了! 今天,我们说昨天没有说完的大理、丽江游吧。我们一边走一边拍照,一路上拍到了 不少的美丽风景,其中有几张还是我自已拍的呢。 我们坐在一艘渔船上,过了几十分钟,我们到了一座小岛上。这是一个独立的小 岛,不过上面的建筑感觉还是非常现代的,而且舞蹈家杨丽萍还在此建了一栋别 墅呢。我们在岛上看到了许多的绿色植被,甚至有沙漠才生长的仙人掌,并且仙人 掌 开 的 像 一个怪物一样,一个长在另一个上面,十分得奇怪。令我惊奇的是看 到 鸬 鹚。 一 个老渔翁摇着一艘小船,船舷上站着几只鸬鹚,他们真的想书上写的 那 样 下 水 捕 鱼, 上 来 后 把 鱼 吐 出 来。 我 仔 细 看, 发 现 鸬 鹚 的 脖 子 上 都 系 了 一 根 绳, 原来是渔翁事先训练好的。在岛上我们还品尝了一种当地特有的小吃,就是烤土 豆。奇怪吧!难道土豆也可以烤?后来我妈妈问了半天才知道,原来要先煮,才来 再 烤 的。 虽 然 很 怪, 但 味 道 很 香。 每 个 地 方 都 有 自 己 的 特 色, 只 有 自 己 去 体 会。


Little Lotus (小荷)杂志内容上着力为 8-13 岁 的孩子提供基本生活常识、创造力培养、推理能力 锻炼,提倡关爱他人,让孩子树立崇高理想,追求 积极的人生价值。分享阅读,传递快乐!

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