April 2014
小荷 东方文化史
Eastern Historical Culture
Western Historical Culture
Funny Historcal Stories 历史书目 Historical Books
少儿 历史 杂志 for children
杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 主编: 任韦蓉 译者: 任韦蓉 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 本社网址:http://www.sjs.com.cn/col2/index.htm1?id=2 印刷: 山东教育出版社 出版日期: 2014 年 04 月第六版 尺寸: A4
参考网址: 图片:
http://sucai.redocn.com/down-269288.html P1 http://www.6xiu.com/vector/sljieri/1107/80805.html. P3 http://www.tooopen.com/view/113598.html. P3 http://www.nipic.com/show/3/123/7721065k93b929a6.html. P3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Verbotene-Stadt1500.jpg. P4 http://tucoo.com/china_ai/B_Gongting/html/image3.htm. P5 http://www.huitu.com/photo/show/20120702/170234622200.html. P5 http://www.bangbenw.com/yx/cs/2010-09/26/content_932026.htm. P5 http://www.nipic.com/show/2/27/3771720k2511f6c3.html. P5 http://ent.sina.com.cn/x/2010-03-23/11462905985.shtml. P6 http://zenkimchi.com/top-posts/kimchi-1-short-history/. P6 http://www.quanjing.com/imginfo/TOP-607409.html. P7 http://www.nipic.com/show/3/73/4567335k6ce4cb85.html. P9 http://music.hujiang.com/comment/195390/. P9 http://gxrb.gxnews.com.cn/html/2010-05/03/content_383695.htm. P9 http://cache.baiducontent.com. P9 http://www.nipic.com/show/3/73/4567335k6ce4cb85.html.P9 http://www.nipic.com/show/2/52/8418708k1095dc69.html. P11 http://reddead.wikia.com/wiki/File:Santa-Cruz-Cowboy,-California.jpg. P11 http://12for2012.com/category/learning-resolutions/lr11-rope-lasso/. P11 http://www.zcool.com.cn/gfx/ZNzMxMjA=.html. P12 http://www.taopic.com/tuku/201303/334021.html. P12 http://www.tooopen.com/view/184850.html. P12 http://lvyou.baidu.com/jushizhen/fengjing/. P14 http://photo.iyaxin.com/content/2012-05/03/content_3458755_6.htm. P15 http://tech.sina.com.cn/d/2008-04-02/07072114680.shtml. P15 http://www.jitu5.com/vector/201301/279058.html. P16 http://www.goabroad.com/blog/2011/11/23/giving-world-thanksgiving/. P16 http://www.scxdf.com/news/hyxw/10550.html. P17 http://www.nipic.com/show/2/52/b965e9b7a3901c26.html. P18 http://www.newxue.com/dianzikeben/12792432624105.html. P19 http://www.en8848.com.cn/read/story/lzgs/230898.html. P21
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Forbidden_City. P4 http://zenkimchi.com/top-posts/kimchi-1-short-history/. P7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koinobori. P8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowboy. P10 http://www.lifeinitaly.com/food/pizza-history.asp. P12 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge. P15 http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/stories/history/first-thanksgiving/. P16 http://www.en8848.com.cn/read/story/zg-history/. P18-19 http://www.en8848.com.cn/read/story/lzgs/230898.html. p20-21 http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/history/ming.htm. P23 http://www.abebooks.com/blog/index.php/2013/01/10/the-25-best-books-about-abraham-lincoln/. P23
Contents 东方文化史 Eastern Historical Culture
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走入紫禁城 The Forbidden City 韩国泡菜史 Korean Kimchis’ History
4 6 鲤鱼旗的由来 Japanese Koinoboris’ History 8
西方文化史 Western Historical Culture
. . . .
真正的牛仔 Real Cowboys 意大利披萨的起源 The Origin of Italian Pizza 英国巨石阵 The Stonehenge in Britain 感恩节的来源 The Story of Thankgiving
10 12 14 16
有趣的历史 Funny Historcal Stories
. .
成语历史故事 Idiom Historical Stories 伟人轶事 Great Anecdotes
18 20
历史书目 Historical Books
. . .
欧洲简史 A Short History of Europe 明朝那些事儿 The Ming Dynasty 林肯传 Abrahham Lincoln
22 23 23
The history of the Forbidden City begins in the 15th century when it was built as the palace of the Ming emperors of China. It is located in the centre of Beijing, China, and was the Chinese imperial palace from the middle of Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty in 1912. It has been a museum since 1925. The site of the Forbidden City was situated on the Imperial city during the Mongol Yuan Dynasty. After the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty moved the capital from Beijing in the north to Nanjing in the south, and in 1369 ordered that the Yuan palaces be razed. His son Zhu Di was created Prince of Yan with his seat in Beijing. In 1402, Zhu Di usurped the throne and became the Yongle Emperor. He made Beijing a secondary capital of the Ming empire, and construction began in 1406 of what would become the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City’s plan was designed by many architects and designers, and then it was examined by the Emperor’s Ministry of Work. The Chief Architects were Cai Xin and Nguyen An, a Vietnamese eunuch, and the Chief Engineers were Kuai Xiang and Lu Xiang. Construction lasted 15 years and employed the work of 100,000 skilled artisans and up to a million laborers. The pillars of the most important halls were made of whole logs of very expensive wood found in the jungles of south-western China. Such a feat was not to be repeated in subsequent years, the great pillars seen today were rebuilt using multiple pieces of pinewood in the Qing Dynasty. The grand terraces and large stone carvings were made of stone from quarries near Beijing. The larger pieces could not be transported conventionally. Instead, wells were dug along the way, and water from the wells was poured on the road in deep winter, forming a layer of ice. The stones were dragged along the ice. The floors of major halls were paved with “golden bricks”, baked with clay from seven counties of Suzhou and Songjiang prefectures. Each batch took months to bake, resulting in smooth bricks that ring with a metallic sound. Much of the interior pavings seen today are six century old originals.
The Forbidden City
紫禁城的历史始于 15 世纪开始的时候,它当时作 为明朝时期皇帝的宫殿,坐落于中国北京的中心。 从明代中叶到清代的 1912 年底,它一直是皇宫, 1925 年以后变成博物馆。紫禁城在元朝时候就坐落 在皇城北京。元朝瓦解后,明代洪武帝从北京北迁 都至南京南,于 1369 年下令把元宫殿夷为平地。 他的儿子朱棣在北京被立为太子。1402 年,朱棣 篡位,成为明成祖。他将北京作为第二帝都,并在 1406 年开始下令建造故宫。同时,紫禁城的建造动 用了许多当时的建筑师和设计师,设计完毕,朝廷 又派人检查审核。紫禁城的总设计师是蔡新和越南 宦官阮安,而行政工程师的首领为蒯祥及陆翔。 工程历时 15 年,动用人数 100,000 人,其中多 数为技术纯熟的工匠。故宫主大殿就用了上百万工 匠。 殿中柱子取用与中国西南地区丛林中的整根圆 木制成,价格相当昂贵。当然,这样的奢华场景如 今已不复存在了,我们今天看到了巨大柱子是清代 用松木重新整修过的。青石台面和大石雕是在北京 附近采石场雕刻的。由于这些建材太沉重不易被运 输,劳工便凿出河道。深冬时候河面形成一层厚厚 的冰,工匠才能把石材沿河拖到驻地。 紫禁城主大殿的地面铺满了“金砖”这些金砖是 在苏州和松江县等七个县城用泥土烧制而成。每批 金砖都要花了几个月时间来烧制,此砖质地光滑且 有金属之声。今天故宫大部分的地砖还是六百年前 的原件呢。
Korea is in northeast Asia. The BBC says that Korea has some of the coldest weather in its latitude. Korea is also mountainous with a few fertile plains. This makes food preservation during cold months a high priority. When early Koreans started an agricultural lifestyle, they ate salted vegetables to aid in the digestion of grains. This salting of vegetables turned into a preservation art. 韩国位于亚洲的东北部。英国广播公司说,韩 国有一些地区处于严寒纬度上,而且韩国有些山 区之中几乎没有土壤肥沃的平原。这使处于严寒 地带的韩国人民高度重视食品的保鲜。最早期致 力于农业生产的韩国人民喜欢吃腌菜,这样可以 帮助饭后食物的消化。久而久之,蔬菜腌制就变 成了一门保鲜艺术。
The Three Kingdoms Period (57 B.C.E. — 668 C.E.)
Korean Kimchis’ History
The Chinese history book ‘Sanguozhi’, written in the 3rd century C.E. says the following, “The people of Koguryeo are very good at making fermented foods such as wine, soybean paste, and salted and fermented fish.” The early kimchis were a lot different than they are now. There was no red pepper, and cabbage was not used often. Early kimchis were mainly radishes dipped in paste or salted in brine.
Koryeo Period (918 —1392)
During this period, more vegetables were being brought in, including pine mushrooms, large radishes, and the famous Chinese cabbage. 三国时期(公元前 57 - 668 CE) The first known written record about kimchi 中国的历史书《三国志》,写于公元 3 世纪, itself was in the middle of the Koryeo Dynasty. 书中记载,“高丽人很善于发酵的食物,比如酒, Poet Lee Kyubo wrote the following: preserved 豆酱以及盐腌发酵过的鱼。”早期有很多泡菜不 in soybean paste, kimchi tastes good in the 同于他们现在的样子。里面没有红辣椒,白菜更 summer. Whereas kimchi pickled in brine is 是不经常使用。早期泡菜主要是萝卜蘸酱或者直 served as a good side dish during the winter. 接用盐腌制而成的。
The Joseon Dynasty (1392 — 1910)
Outside influenceIt was around this time that 在此期间,很多的蔬菜都被带进了高丽,其中 chile peppers were introduced into kimchi. 包括松茸,大萝卜,和著名的中国白菜。高丽王 Japan’s Toyotomi Hideyoshi attempted a few 朝第一部书面记载泡菜也在此时期。诗人李圭博 failed invasions of Korea from 1592 to 1598. 在书中写道:虽然泡菜腌制的最好时节是在冬季 , It is at this time, I believe, that both Japan and 夏季制作的泡菜裹豆酱而保存,味道也是极佳。 Korea went through major culinary changes. Korea, at the time, was closed off to the world except China. It had little to do with Japan and 朝鲜王朝( 1392-1910 ) absolutely nothing to do with European traders. 在这个外来影响最盛的时期,智利辣椒被用于 Despite the horrors of the Hideyoshi invasions, 泡菜制作了。1592 到 1598 年,日本的丰臣秀 including Hideyoshi bringing home his own 吉试图入侵韩国。也正是这个时候,日本和韩国 souvenirs of 38,000 Korean ears, some major 主要饮食结构也发生了改变。韩国当时非常封闭, cultural exchanges took place. Korea was 往来的国家也只有中国。这个国家的一切都与日 introduced to new world ingredients such as 本无关,更不要说是欧洲了。尽管丰臣秀吉的入 sweet potatoes and chile peppers. Even though 侵,带走了 38,000 只韩国人的耳朵做战利品, it is still debated that the Hideyoshi invasions 这样的悲惨历史下,还是发生了一些重大的文化 themselves introduced chile peppers or that 交流。韩国引进了世界上新的食材,如红薯和智 they were brought in from China, red chile 利辣椒。 尽管到底是丰臣秀吉入侵带入了智利辣 peppers were heavily used within a hundred 椒还是中国人为韩国引进了智利辣椒这个问题, years of the invasions. This totally changed 至今仍然被世人争论着,红辣椒至今的广泛使用 the fermentation methods and appearance of 彻底的改变泡菜的外观和它的发酵方法。 kimchi.
Japanese Koinoboris’ History
Koinobori, meaning “carp streamer” in J a p a n e s e , a re c a r p s h a p e d w i n d s o c k s traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate Children’s Day. These wind socks are made by drawing carp patterns on paper, cloth or other nonwoven fabric. They are then allowed to flutter in the wind. According to Japanese American National Museum, the carp was chosen as a symbol for Boys’ Day because “the Japanese consider it the most spirited fish, so full of energy and power that it can fight its way up swift running streams and cascades. Because of its strength and determination to overcome all obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals. Since these are traits desired in boys, families traditionally flew Koinobori from their homes to honor their sons.” An famous expert states that “Boy’s Day, now Children’s Day, has been celebrated for more than 700 years, but no one knows exactly when or why it began. One story says that it started in the year 1282, as a celebration for a victory won by samurai warriors in a battle with invader”.
Koinobori,在日语中是“鲤鱼旗”的意思。鲤 鱼形状的筒状旗子升到空中飘扬,是日本庆祝儿 童节的传统习俗。这些绘制了鲤鱼图案的旗筒通 常是用纸,布或无纺布之类的材料制成。然后把 它们升到空中飘动。据美日国家博物馆称,鲤鱼 是男孩节的吉祥物象征,因为“日本人认为鲤鱼 是最活泼的鱼,它充满活力和生命力,它可以溪 流和瀑布中逆流而上顽强拼搏。因为它的力量和 决心克服一切障碍,所以它代表着勇气和达到高 目标的能力。这些都是理想的男孩特质,于是传 统的日本家庭喜欢升起鲤鱼旗来代表自己家中有 男丁。” 一位有名的专家指出“男孩节就是现在的儿童 节,已经被推崇了长达 700 年之久,但没有人确 切地知道何时或为什么它会出现。坊间传闻,这 个节日始于 1282 年 , 用来庆祝一个武士浴血奋战, 战胜了入侵者的故事。”
A cowboy is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in North America, traditionally on horseback, and often performs a multitude of other ranch related tasks. The historic American cowboy of the late 19th century arose from the vaquero traditions of northern Mexico and became a figure of special significance and legend. The origins of the cowboy tradition come from Spain, beginning with the hacienda system of medieval Spain. This style of cattle ranching spread throughout much of the Iberian peninsula and later, was imported to the Americas. Both regions possessed a dry climate with sparse grass, and thus large herds of cattle required vast amounts of land in order to obtain sufficient forage. They need to cover distances greater than a person on foot could manage gave rise to the development of the horseback mounted vaquero. As English speaking traders and settlers expanded westward, English and Spanish traditions, language and culture merged to some degree. Before the Mexican American War in 1848, New England merchants who traveled by ship to California encountered both hacendados and vaqueros, trading manufactured goods for the hides and tallow produced from vast cattle ranches. Starting with these early encounters, the lifestyle and language of the vaquero began a transformation which merged with English cultural traditions and produced what became known in American culture as the “cowboy”. Barbed wire, an innovation of the 1880s, allowed cattle to be confined to designated areas to prevent overgrazing of the range. In Texas and surrounding areas, increased population required ranchers to fence off their individual lands. In the north, overgrazing stressed the open range, leading to insufficient winter forage for the cattle and starvation, particularly during the harsh winter of 1886 and 1887, when hundreds of thousands of cattle died across the Northwest, leading to collapse of the cattle industr y. Meanwhile, ranches multiplied all over the developing West, keeping cowboy employment high, if still low paid, but also somewhat more settled.
Real Cowboys
牛仔是北美牧场上以放牛为生的家畜饲养人,属 于马背上的民族,他们通常也会经营和牧场有关的 其他项目。最原始的美国牛仔起源于 19 世纪后期 墨西哥北部的传统牧民,这些人也已在历史上称为 具有特殊意义的传奇人物。而最为传统的牛仔起源 于西班牙,与中世纪的西班牙庄园文化相关。这中 牧民风格先是于伊比利亚半岛的牧场蔓延,后来又 被吸引进了美洲。这两个地区的气候都较为干燥并 且牧草稀疏,牛群的扩大需要更广阔的土地,以获 得足够的草料。这种扩张需要更多的人照看牛群, 从而也引起了身着骑马装的牧民的人数扩张。由于 以英语为母语的商人和殖民者向西扩展,美国和西 班牙的传统,语言和文化在一定程度上得到融合。 1848 年,墨裔美国人的战争在之前,新英格兰 商人乘船前往加州途中遇到两个放牧的人,从此, 畜牧业产生的皮革和牛脂成为了主要的贸易方式。 这些早期的贸易开展以后,牧民的生活方式和语言 开始和美国传统文化并拢,这些文化传统和畜牧生 产演变成美国文化中的“牛仔”。19 世纪 80 年代, 铁丝网发明以后,人们把牛群固定在不同的空间区 域中,以此防止过度放牧。在得克萨斯州和周边地 区,人口增长占用了牧场主的大量土地。在北方, 强调开放范围而导致的过度放牧,让冬季饲草匮乏, 1886 年至 1887 年的寒冬,整个西北成千上万的 牛因饥饿而死掉,致使养牛业崩盘。然而,已经迁 徙到西部发展的牛仔们依旧保持了较高的就业,虽 然薪水少些,但还算稳定。
The Origin of Italian Pizza
PIZZA ORIGINS The word “pizza” is thought to have come from the Latin word pinsa, meaning flatbread. A legend suggests that Roman soldiers gained a taste for Jewish Matzoth while stationed in Roman occupied Palestine and developed a similar food after returning home. However, a recent archeological discovery has found a preserved Bronze Age pizza in the Veneto region. By the Middle Ages these early pizzas started to take on a more modern look and taste. The peasantry of the time used what few ingredients they could get their hands on to produce the modern pizza dough and topped it with olive oil and herbs. The introduction of the Indian Water Buffalo gave pizza another dimension with the production of mozzarella cheese. The introduction of tomatoes to Italian cuisine in the 18th and early 19th centuries finally gave us the true modern Italian pizza. Even though tomatoes reached Italy by the 1530’s it was widely thought that they were poisonous and were grown only for decoration. However the nnovative peasants of Naples started using the supposedly deadly fruit in many of their foods, including their early pizzas. By 1830 the “Antica Pizzeria Port’ Alba” of Naples had become the first true pizzeria and this venerable institution is still producing maste rpieces. The popular pizza Margherita owes its name to Italy’s Queen Margherita who in 1889 visited the Pizzeria Brandi in Naples. The pizza maker on duty that day, Rafaele Esposito created a pizza for the Queen that contained the three colors of the new Italian flag. The red of tomato, white of the mozzarella and fresh green basil was a hit with the Queen and the rest of the world.
披萨的起源 “披萨”这个词来自拉丁词 PINSA ,意思是大饼 。相传,罗马占领 巴勒斯坦的时候,有位罗马士兵从犹太人手里得到了披萨的做法,回国后 他开始烘焙类似的食物。然而,最近的考古研究发现,青铜时代在威尼托地 区已经出现了保存完好的披萨饼。中世纪早期的时候,比萨饼开始采取更加现 代一点的外观和口感。当时的农民开始在披萨里添加一些其它成分,橄榄油和香 草的添加,使他们突破了旧的制作方法,做出了更加可口的披萨面饼。而印度水牛 引入的莫扎里拉奶酪更是为披萨的制作锦上添花。18 和 19 世纪初,西红柿在意大 利美食中的应用终于给我们呈现出了真正的现代意大利披萨饼。尽管 1530 年之前 人们认为西红柿有毒,所以意大利人仅把它作为装饰品铺在披萨上。然而,那不勒 斯的农民并不这样想,他们开始使用所谓的致命水果在许多食品上,其中就包括早 期的披萨饼。到了 1830 年,那不勒斯的“ANTICA 比萨店”成为第一个正宗的比 萨饼店而且这个古老的店铺至今仍然制作流芳百世的披萨。此外,现今流行的玛 格丽特比萨名字来源于意大利的玛格丽特女王在 1889 年参观那不勒斯布兰迪披 萨店的时候。那天,值班的比萨店主,制作出了一个特别的披萨饼献给女王, 其中包含三种颜色寓意为新的意大利国旗的三种颜色。鲜红的番茄,雪白 的奶酪和新鲜的绿色罗勒叶不但打动了女王,而且还打动了世界其他地 区的人们 , 那不勒斯风味比萨现在已经传遍了整个意大利,不同的 区域也开始根据当地新鲜食材来设计菜谱烹制出不同的意大利 美食。
Stonehenge in Britain Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, about 3.2 km west of Amesbury and 13 km north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. It is in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds. Archaeologists believe it was built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 suggested that the first stones were raised between 2400 and 2200 BC, whilst another theory suggests that bluestones may have been raised at the site as early as 3000 BC. Before the monument (8000 BC for ward) Archaeologists have found four, or possibly five, large Mesolithic postholes, which date to around 8000 BC, beneath the nearby modern tourist car park. These held pine posts around 0.75 metres in diameter which were erected and eventually rotted in situ. Three of the posts were in an east and west alignment which may have had ritual significance; no parallels are known from Britain at the time but similar sites have been found in Scandinavia. Stonehenge appears to have been associated with burial from the earliest period of its existence: Stonehenge was a place of burial from its beginning to its zenith in the mid third millennium B.C. The cremation burial dating to Stonehenge’s sarsen stones phase is likely just one of many from this later period of the monument’s use and demonstrates that it was still very much a domain of the dead.
巨石阵是位于英格兰的威尔特郡,西距埃姆斯 伯大约 3.2 公里远,北距索尔兹伯里 13 公里一 处史前纪念碑。作为世界上最有名的古迹之一, 巨石阵的形态是竖石状遗迹,它坐落在一处土方 工程里。它是英国在新石器时代和青铜时代的一 处纪念碑,被包围在几百座古坟的中间。考古学 家认为无论从哪里看巨石阵都应该是建在公元前 3000 年到公元前 2000 年之间。2008 年,科学 家在对巨石阵放射性碳测之后发现,第一块巨石 在公元前 2400 和公元前 2200 年之间有被抬高 过的迹象。而另一种理论则认为,青石早在公元 前 3000 年就被架成了。 在此之前(公元前 8000 年之前),考古学家 发现了四五个中石器时代的大柱洞,这些柱洞可 追溯至大约公元前 8000 年。现在,这些柱洞旁 边被作为游客的停车场。这些巨大的石柱,一直 这样矗立着有的已经风化,它们的直径大约 0.75 米左右。其中的三处巨石柱子呈东西方向排列着, 可能是和当时的礼仪有关 ; 虽然这些发现和英国 当时的历史事件发生时间并不同频,但类似的巨 石堆在斯堪的纳维亚也被发现过。巨石阵的存 在似乎和当地最早时期的墓葬相关:巨石阵或许 是一处墓地,从一开始到公元前 3000 年中期的 火葬和土葬,再一直追溯到巨石阵的石头墓,这 个巨石阵可能只是众多用石碑来纪念墓穴中的一 个,但巨石堆砌表明这里曾是个很特别的坟墓。
On the fourth Thursday of November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday honoring the early settlers and their harvest feast known as the first Thanksgiving.
每当十一月的第四个星期四,就到了美国人庆祝感 恩节的时候,这是一个全国性的节日纪念,以此来纪念 他们的先辈们和他们的丰收盛宴而得来的第一个感恩 节。
Native Americans: Long before settlers came to the East Coast of the United States, the area was inhabited by many Native American tribes. The area surrounding the site of the first Thanksgiving, now known as southeastern Massachusetts and eastern Rhode Island had been the home of the Wampanoag people for over 12,000 years, and had been visited by other European settlers before the arrival of the Mayflower. The native people knew the land well and had fished, hunted, and harvested for thousands of generations.
美国土著人: 很久以前,有个地区居住着许多印第安部落,他们移 民来到美国东海岸。这就是第一个感恩节的起源地,在 其他欧洲殖民者到这里来之前,现在被称为马萨诸塞州 的东南部和东部的罗德岛一直是瓦姆帕诺格人的居住 地,他们在这儿生活了超过 12,000 年。当地人知道了 这片区域土地优良,可捕鱼可打猎,以繁衍千秋万代。
The Settlers: The people who comprised the Plymouth Colony were a group of English Protestants who wanted to break away from the Church of England. These ‘separatists’ initially moved to Holland and after 12 years of financial problems, they received funding from English merchants to sail across the Atlantic to settle in a ‘New World’. A ship carrying 101 men, women, and children spent 66 days traveling the Atlantic Ocean, intending to land where New York City is now located. Due to the windy conditions, the group had to cut their trip short and settle at what is now called Cape Cod. Settling and Exploring: As the Puritans prepared for winter, they gathered anything they could find, including Wampanoag supplies. One day, Samoset, a leader of the Abenaki, Squanto visited the settlers. Squanto was a Wampanoag who had experience with other settlers and knew English. Squanto helped the settlers grow corn and use fish to fertilize their fields. After several meetings, a formal agreement was made between the settlers and the native people and they joined together to protect each other from other tribes in March of 1621. The Celebration: One day that fall, four settlers were sent to hunt for food for a harvest celebration. The Wampanoag heard gunshots and alerted their leader, Massasoit, who thought the English might be preparing for war. Massasoit visited the English settlement with 90 of his men to see if the war rumor was true. Soon after their visit, the Native Americans realized that the English were only hunting for the harvest celebration. Massasoit sent some of his own men to hunt deer for the feast and for three days, the English and native men, women, and children ate together. The meal consisted of deer, corn, shellfish, and roasted meat, far from today’s traditional Thanksgiving feast.
开拓者: 生活在普利茅斯殖民地的人民是一群英国新教徒,他 们想要摆脱英国教会的管控。这些“分裂主义”者最初 搬到了荷兰,在那儿生活 12 年后终于财政赤字,于是 他们从英国商人那儿收到资金以后,出海横跨大西洋定 居在一个“新的世界”。这艘运载了 101 人,包括妇 女和儿童的大船在大西洋上经历了 66 天旅行,他们打 算停泊在纽约市现在所在的位置。由于当时风力强劲, 这个组织不得不减短他们的行程,终于停在了现在科德 角的位置。 建立和探索: 这些教徒们准备过冬,于是他们搜集了所有他们能找 到的东西,包括瓦姆帕诺格的日用品。有一天,萨莫塞 特的领导者斯匡托参观了土著居民的住所。斯匡托颇通 英语,他曾与土著定居者交流过经验。斯匡托帮助新移 民过来的人们种植玉米,料理它们的田地。经过数次会 议后,正式协议在定居者和当地人之间终于敲定了,从 1961 年 3 月开始,他们将联合起来,对彼此实行互相 保护政策。 庆祝: 秋季里的某一天,四个定居者通过打猎来准备丰收庆 典上要用的食物。这里的土著人听到枪声后,就去告诉 了它们的领袖,马萨所以特,他们没想到是那些英国人 开的枪。马萨所以特带着 90 个部下在到达英国人的住 所之后,证实了打猎的传闻是真的。他们到访后不久, 土著美国人就明白了英国人打猎是为了庆祝丰收。马萨 所以特便派自己的手下捕鹿设宴,庆祝三天,英国人和 土著男人一起,女人和孩子一起吃饭。这顿筵席包括鹿 肉,玉米,贝类, 还有烧腊,与今天的 感恩节盛宴并 不太相同。
The Story of Thanksgiving
This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu, chief commander of Wu, was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others. He discussed with Zhuge Liang plans to conquer Cao Cao while simultaneously pondering how to murder Zhuge Liang. Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking Nanjun. Zhou’s wound burst when he learned that Zhuge Liang had already taken over Nanjun, Jingzhou and Xiangyang. Zhou Yu, with a healing wound, racked his brains for ways to capture Jingzhou. His strategies, however, were all seen through by Zhuge Liang who even sent him a mocking message. Zhou Yu was vexed again. “Since You made me, Zhou Yu, why did You make Zhuge Liang too?” Zhou Yu grudgingly asked before he took his last breath. Learning of Zhou Yu’s demise, Zhuge Liang decided to go to pay respects. Fearing that Zhuge Liang might be murdered, Liu Bei send Zhao Yun with 500 warriors to protect him. Before Zhou Yu’s coffin, Zhuge Liang personally offered libatio, kneeled on the ground, and read his eulogy. Tears of grief gushed forth from Zhuge Liang. All the generals from Wu were moved. When Lu Su saw Zhuge Liang was in such grievance, he said to himself, “Zhou Liang was narrow minded and he brought on his own death.” 东吴大都督周瑜 , 精通兵法 , 才智超群 , 只是肚量狭小 , 不能容人。他和诸葛亮共商破曹大计 , 可又想加害诸葛亮。周瑜攻打南郡时 , 曾身中毒箭。当诸葛亮趁乱用计先取南郡、荆州、襄阳后 , 周瑜一气之下箭伤复发。病中的周瑜仍想智取荆州 , 均被诸葛亮识破。周瑜一气再气 , 在“既 生瑜 , 何生亮”的怨恨声中死去。诸葛亮得知周瑜的死讯 , 决定前去吊唁。刘备怕诸葛亮被 害 , 派赵云带五百军士保护。在周瑜柩前 , 诸葛亮亲自奠酒 , 跪在地上读祭文 , 泪如泉涌 , 悲痛不已 , 众将均被感动。鲁萧见诸葛亮如此悲痛 , 自言自语地说:“周瑜肚量狭小 , 自取灭亡。”
A man from the state of Chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of Zheng. He made a casket for the pearl out of the wood from a magnolia tree, which he fumigated with spices. He studded the casket with pearls and jade, ornamented it with red gems and decorated it with kingfisher feathers. A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl. Too luxuriant Xi Shi, a famous beauty, decoration usually supersedes what really had a pain in her bosom, so she had counts. This man from Chu certainly knew a frown on her face when she went out. An how to sell a casket but he was no good ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought at selling his pearl. And the man of she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went Zheng didn’t know which is really home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a valuable. frown on her face. When a rich man in the neighbourhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly and did not go out. When a poor 有个楚国人想在郑国出售一颗珍贵 man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide 的珍珠。他用木兰为珍珠作了个匣子 berth. She only knew Xi Shi’s frown looked beautiful but she did not 用香料把匣子熏香,还用珠,玉, know the reason for its beauty. 红宝石来加以装饰,并插上了翠鸟
的羽毛。一个郑国人买走了这个 越国苎罗 ( 今浙江诸暨南 ) 有位姓施的美女,因为家住若耶溪西岸,所 匣子,却把珍珠还给了他。过于 以村里人叫她西施。若耶溪东岸也有位姓施的姑娘。她长得很丑,村里 华丽的装饰往往会喧宾夺主。 人管她叫东施。有一天,西施心口疼,走路的时候双手捂住胸部,并且 那个楚国人知道如何卖掉 皱着眉头。村里人见她这个模样,都同情地说:“瞧这姑娘的模样, 匣子,却不擅长出售珍珠。 准是疼得难受,真是可怜!”西施的病态正好被东施瞧见了。她一边看, 至于买匣子的郑国人, 一边默默记住她难受的姿态和动作。回到溪东后,也模仿西施的 他根本不懂什么才是 模样,双手捂住胸部,同时皱着眉头。东施的这副模样,使村 真正有价值的。 里人大吃一惊,富人紧闭大门不出来,穷人也带着妻儿躲开。 东施只知道人家皱着眉头很美,却不知道为什么皱着眉 头会美。
Idiom Historical Stories
Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s longest serving and only woman prime minister, has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke, prompting a flood of tributes from across the globe. Leaders lined up to pay their respects to the former prime minister, who revolutionised the UK economy during an 11 years tenure, as she rolled back the state and put in place some of the country’s most radical and controversial reforms. David Cameron, UK prime minister, described the former Conservative prime minister as the greatest peacetime prime minister. “[She] took a country that was on its knees and made Britain stand tall again. We can’t deny that Lady Thatcher divided opinion. For many of us, she was and is an inspiration. For others she was a force to be defined against. But if there is one thing that cuts through all of this, one thing that runs through everything she did, it was her lion heart love for this country.” he said. President Barack Obama said: “The world has lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty, and America has lost a true friend.” The prime minister’s office announced that parliament would be recalled for a special session on Wednesday to pay tribute to Thatcher. Her funeral will be held at the end of next week at St Paul’s Cathedral. he will have a “full ceremonial funeral” with military honours as was afforded to the Queen Mother and Lady Diana. The British flag flew at half mast over Parliament to honour Thatcher as all UK political parties suspended campaigning for the local elections on May. Thatcher, who transformed Britain with her free market revolution, had been in poor health since suffering minor strokes in 2002. Statesmen past and present shared their memories of the woman dubbed the “Iron Lady”. Tony Blair, the second longest serving postwar prime minister, called her “a towering political figure”. “Very few leaders get to change not only the political landscape of their country but of the world. Margaret was such a leader. Her global impact was vast.” George W. Bush, former US president, described her as a “great ally” who “strengthened the special relationship”. Thatcher had a particularly close relationship with Ronald Reagan, the former US president. With Reagan, she helped bring about the end of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall. The British prime minister saw herself as the perfect intermediary between the two countries, having struck up constructive relationships with both Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet president, and a man with whom she told Reagan “we can do business”. Mr Gorbachev said Thatcher helped end the Cold War: “Thatcher was a politician whose word carried great weight,” he said in a statement on his website. “Our first meeting in 1984 marked the beginning of a relationship that was at times difficult, not always smooth, but was treated seriously and responsibly by both sides.” Lech Walesa, Poland’s former president and anti — communist freedom figure, said Thatcher was key in hastening the fall of the Iron Curtain: “She was a great person. She did a great deal for the world, along with Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II and Solidarity, she contributed to the demise of communism in Poland and central Europe.” Her other great success abroad was in the Falklands War against Argentina, which invaded the islands in 1982. Thatcher defied resistance in her own cabinet to send a 25,000 strong task force to the tiny archipelago, which troops eventually recaptured after two months. Her legacy was just as long lasting at home. A succession of prime ministers, Labour and Conservative alike, have felt unable or unwilling to depart from the blueprint she established of a state serviced by privatised utilities and free of the stranglehold of organised unions.
玛格丽特 • 撒切尔因中风去世,享年 87 岁,在世界各地引发了一 阵哀悼浪潮。撒切尔是英国任职最长的首相,也是唯一的女首相。 各国领导人纷纷向这位英国前首相表达敬意。在其长达 11 年 的任期中,撒切尔领导了英国经济的革命,缩减了政府职 能,并实施了该国最为激进、最有争议的一些改革。 英国现首相戴维 • 卡梅伦把这位前保守党首相称为“英 国和平时期最伟大的首相”。卡梅伦表示:“(她)临 危受命,让英国重新站起来,再度屹立。不可否认,在 人们对她的评价各异。在我们许多人看来,她过去和现 都是一位鼓舞人心的人物。在其他人看来,她是一种特 色鲜明的力量。”但如果说有一个中心贯穿着她的一生 , 在她所做的每一件事中都体现出来,那就是她对个国家的 无比热爱。”美国总统巴拉克 • 奥巴马表示:“世界失去了 一位积极倡导自由的领袖,美国失去了一位真正的朋友。”英 国首相办公室宣布,周三议会将召开一次特别会议,向撒切尔致哀。 她的葬礼将于下周末在伦敦圣保罗大教堂举行。撒切尔将享有带有军事 礼仪的“礼仪葬礼”,礼遇同王太后和戴安娜一样。英国国会降半旗向撒切尔致哀,各政党暂停针 对 5 月 2 日地方选举的竞选活动。 自从 2002 年患上中风以来,撒切尔的健康状况一直很差。她曾以自己的自由市场革命改变了英国 的面貌。已卸任和在任的政治家们共同悼念有“铁娘子”绰号的撒切尔。英国战后任期第二长的首 相托尼 • 布莱尔称撒切尔为“一位伟大的政治人物。”“不但改变本国政治版图、还改变世界政治 版图的领袖人物非常少,撒切尔就是其中的一位。她在全球播下了深远的影响。”美国前总统小布 什称撒切尔为一位“强化了美英特殊关系的伟大盟友”。撒切尔与美国前总统罗纳德 • 里根之间保 持了一种极为密切的关系。她和里根一道促成了苏联的解体和柏林墙的倒塌。这位英国前首相把自 己视为美苏两国间的完美中间人,与里根和苏联总统米哈伊尔 • 戈尔巴乔夫都建立了富有建设意义 的关系。她告诉里根,戈尔巴乔夫是一个“我们能和他打交道”的人。戈尔巴乔夫在自己网站上发 布的声明中表示,撒切尔帮助结束了冷战:“撒切尔是一位一言九鼎的政治家。我们在 1984 年第一 次会面,随后便开启了一段时而棘手、并非一帆风顺但双方都认真负责予以对待的关系。”波兰前 总统、反对共产主义的自由派人士列赫 • 瓦文萨表示,撒切尔在加速“铁幕”倒塌的过程中发挥了 关键的作用:“她是一位伟人。她为世界做出了巨大的贡献,她与罗纳德 • 里根、教皇约翰 • 保罗 二世和波兰团结工会一起,推动了波兰与中欧共产主义政权的终结。” 撒切尔在海外的其他巨大胜利,还包括 1982 年的英阿福克兰群岛战争。她不顾自己内阁的反对, 向面积微小的福克兰群岛派出了 2.5 万人的特遣部队,最终于两个月后夺回了该群岛。撒切尔在国 内留下的遗产同样意义深远。 历任首相,无论出自工党还是保守党,都感到不能或不愿 背离她为英国设定的蓝图 公用事业私有化,企业不受有组织工会的钳制。
Great Anecdotes
Historical Books 欧洲简史
A Short History of Europe During the 1500s AD, the people of Europe got much richer than they had been in the Middle Ages. With the collapse of the Mongol Empire, European traders gave up on trying to reach India and China by conquering the Islamic kingdoms of West Asia. They changed direction and began trading with India and China by sailing there instead, and they began to trade with North America and South America as well. All this new trade brought a lot of money to the kings of Europe, so they got more powerful and were able to control their countries directly, instead of through a feudal system... 公元 16 世纪,比起曾在中世纪的时候,欧 洲人民的历史文化更加丰富多彩。随着蒙古 帝国的瓦解,欧洲贸易商们试图到印度和中 国来征服西亚的伊斯兰王国也最终失败了。 于是他们改变了发展方向,开始与印度和中 国航海通商,贸易往来。 他们与北美和南美洲进行 贸易也始于此。所有这一 切新的贸易带来了大量的 资金都献给了欧洲的君王 因此他们变得更加强势, 多处管控却又明显区别于 封建主义国家 ......
Abrahham Lincoln
The Ming Dynasty After the founding of the new dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang implemented a series of policies to reduce the peasants’burden and to resume the production of the whole society. On the other hand, he focused much attention on the punishment and prevention of cor ruption among cour t officials. Additionally, he sent his sons to supervise the local administration so as to strengthen his hold on imperial power. After Zhu Yuanzhang died, his grandson Zhu Yunwen took over the throne. However, his reign only lasted for four years, ending in a coup launched by Zhu Di, the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang. Hence, Zhu Di was Emperor Chengzu, whose reign was considered as one of the most prosperous periods in this dynasty. During his reign, an unprecedented encyclopedia called Yongle Dadian was regarded as the biggest and earliest encyclopedia in the world.
At least 15,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. If you wish to learn about the man who led the North during the American Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 then you are not going to be restricted by choice. Books have been written about his childhood, his politics, his wartime leadership, his married life, his death, his speeches, his generals and admirals, his writing, his mental health and his legal career. There are biographies, history books, picture books, children’s books and fictional novels based on his life... 迄今为止,至少有 15,000 本书是关于亚伯 拉罕·林肯的,也就是美国第 16 届总统的。 如果您想了解谁领导的北美国南北战争期间 和 1862 年颁布了解放宣言的人,那么你就可 以随意的去选择那些书。而这本书记录了关 于林肯的童年,他的政治主张,他的战时领袖, 他的婚姻生活,他的死亡,他的演讲,他的 将领,他的写作,他的精神健康和他的律师 生涯。有人物传记,历史书,图画书,儿童 读物,甚至还根据他的生活虚构了小说 ......
新王朝建立后,朱元璋采取了一系列的政 策,减轻了农民负担,恢复了全社会的生产力。 除此之外,他专注于朝廷官员之间腐败现象 的惩治和预防。不但如此,他还派他的儿子 监督地方当局的行政,以加强他对皇权的把 控。朱元璋死后,他的孙子朱允炆接过王位。 然而,他的统治只持续了四年,之后因朱棣, 也就是朱元璋的第四个儿子发动政变而结束。 因此,朱棣为明成祖,其统治被认为是这个 王朝最繁荣的时期之一。在他统治时期,永 乐大典》被认为是世界上记载最全和最早的 百科全书。
Little Lotus (小荷)杂志内容上着力为 8-13 岁 的孩子提供基本生活常识、创造力培养、推理能力 锻炼,提倡关爱他人,让孩子树立崇高理想,追求 积极的人生价值。分享阅读,传递快乐!
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