School Life

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October 2013

小荷 少儿 校园 杂志 for children

军训进行时 Military Training 外国校园生活 Overseas School Life 好书推荐 Recommended Books

科学实验室 Science Lab


杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 主编: 任韦蓉 译者: 任韦蓉 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 本社网址: 印刷: 山东教育出版社 出版日期: 2013 年 10 月第二版 尺寸: A4

参考网址: 图片: P1 P3 P3 P3 P3 P4 P6 P6 P6 P6 P6。 P7 P8 P9 P9 P9 P11 P11 P11 P11 p12 p12 P13 13 P13 P14 P14 p14 p14 p14 P18 P18 P19 a4ccec57e6402ad4341acf0347134012ab699df8f3ed8be9722288d3034075ddc074d8d&p=882a971985cc43f51381cd3d5a&newp= 833bd61786cc43f011be9b7c4253d8304a02c70e3c8899&user=baidu. P19 P6, P8, P11, P12, P13, P14, P17, P23, P24

内容: P4 P7 P9 P10 P13 P15 P16 P17 P17 P20 P21 P22 P23


Contents 返校时节 A New Semester

. . .

开学啦 Back To School 校园活动季 School Activities 军训进行时 Military Training

4 8

外国校园生活 Overseas School Life

. . .

日本校园生活 School Life in Japan 美国校园生活 School Life in America 英国校园生活 School Life in Britain

10 12 14

十月纪念日 Special Days in October


好书推荐 Recommended Books

. . . .

万物简史 A Brief History of Everything 福尔摩斯探案全集 Sherlock Holmes 汤姆索亚历险记 Tom Sawyer 哈利波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

18 18 19 19

科学实验室 Science Lab

. 自制火山 Vinegar Volcano . 种子发育 Plant Seeds

20 21

优秀文选 Excellent Compositions

. .

成为勇敢的人 快要过去了的童年

22 23


Wishes for the New Semester:

新学期寄语: 你们每个人都有自己的长处。你们每个人都能 做出自己的贡献。你们对自己应尽的责任是发现 自己的能力所在。而教育能够提供这样的机会。 你或许能成为一名出色的作家,甚至可能写书或 在报纸上发表文章 , 但你的这些才华的发现要建 立在完成作文课的基础上。你或许能成为一名创 新者或发明家 , 甚至可能设计出新一代 iPhone 或研制出新型药物或疫苗 , 但你可能要在完成科 学课的实验后才会发现自己的才华。你或许能成 为一名市长或参议员或最高法院的大法官 , 但你 可能要在参加学生会的工作或辩论队后才会发现 自己的才华。 不论你的生活志向是什么,我敢肯定你必须上 学读书才能实现它。你想当医生、教师或警官吗? 你想当护士、建筑师、律师或军人吗?你必须接 受良好的教育,才能从事上述任何一种职业。你 不能指望辍学后还能碰上个好工作。你必须接受 培训,为之努力,为之学习。 这并非只对你个人的人生和未来意义重大。可 以毫不夸大地说,教育给你带来的益处将决定这 个国家的未来。中国的未来取决于你们。你们今 日在校学习的知识将决定我们作为一个国家是否 能够迎接我们未来所面临的最严峻挑战。你们每 一个人为自己的教育设定目标,并尽自己的最大 努力来实现这些目标。你的目标可以是一件十分 简单的事情,例如完成家庭作业、上课专心听讲、 或每天花一点时间读一本书。但无论你决定做什 么,我希望你保证去做。我希望你脚踏实地地去 做。

Every single one of you has something that you’re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That’s the opportunity an education can provide. Maybe you could be a great writer, maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper, but you might not know it until you write that Chinese essay that Chinese class paper that’s assigned to you. Maybe you could be an innovator or an inventor, maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or the new medicine or vaccine, but you might not know it until you do your project for your science class. Maybe you could be a mayor or a senator or a Supreme Court justice, but you might not know that until you join a student government or the debate team. And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you’ll need an education to do it. You want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a police officer? You want to be a nurse or an architect, a lawyer or a member of our military? You’re going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. You’ve got to train for it and work for it and learn for it. And this isn’t just important for your own life and your own future. What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. The future of China depends on you. What you’re learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future. each of you to set your own goals for your education, and do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending some time each day reading a book. But whatever you resolve to do, please commit to it. Please really work at it.


School Activities


School News:

北京市路北区西山路小学近日举行了“月到中 秋分外明”做月饼动手实践活动,这个活动让 学生们进一步了解传统节日中秋节的相关知识, 锻炼动手能力。左边图为学生们在展示自己所 做的月饼。

Bei Jing LuBeiOu West Road primary school held a “Bright Moon Mid-Autumn Festival” Students practice to do moon cakes by themselves, it is good for students to understand some relevant knowledge of traditional Mid-Autumn festival, and it is a good chance to exercise their personal skills.

9 月 18 日晚,中秋佳节前夕,贵阳市“我们 的节日,中秋文艺汇演”在清镇市举行。文艺 演出在舞蹈《瓜灯童趣》中拉开帷幕,情景喜 剧《醉苗乡》《爽爽的贵阳》,反串大戏《梦 回唐朝》等节目精彩的表演,为现场的 4000 余 名观众送上了一场精彩的文艺盛宴。 9 月 28 日,街道在奥林小学召开了“幸福泉 水丰硕金秋”第二届居民趣味运动会。学生参 与田径运动竞赛。同学们觉得很累,但他们很 开心,能参加这次比赛对他们来说非常重要, 但有的同学表示如果没有能够拿到名次的话, 会觉得有些失望的。

On 18th September , the eve before Mid Autumn festival, “Our Festival Mid-Autumn Performance” was held in QingZhen, which is located in Gui Yang. Theatrical performances dance “Melon Lamps And Childhood”, “Dr unken Miao Xiang” and “wonder ful Gui Yang” were praised by every students. “Back to Tang Dynasty” shows excellent performance to more than 4000 viewers as well. On September 28, the street was held in Olympia elementary school “Happy Spring Fruitful Autumn” the second session of residents interesting games. Students participated in track and field sport competitions. They find it tiring but good fun, although some might be disappointed if they lose.



Military Training

对于从小依赖父母的孩子来说,一段独立的纪律生活可以说是难得的经历,教育 如果能创设具体情景,其效果往往要好于说教,这也是陶行知先生所提倡的“行知” 的学习过程。上海小学 3 月 24 至 3 月 26 日进行的军事三日营活动为同学们的身心 成长提供了一个良好的契机,让学生在真实的独立生活中锻炼了情志,增长了才干。三 天的军训生活也让我们联想到杜威的实践论,我们发现学习不能局限于课堂,教育的眼 光也不能仅限于课本知识的学习,心智的启发、能力的培养往往更需要让学生投入到现实 的生活中去,这样才能激发他们的兴趣,真正学会做自己的主人。

For some primary school students who depend on their parents, a rare experience such as military training can enrich their childhood. Compared with the knowledge in text books, created a specific situation for students’ education will be more effective. Mr Tao Xing Zhi advocated us put “Concrete Practice” in learning process. From 24 September to 26 Semptember, military camp activities for students’ physical and mental growth provides a good opportunity, strives to give students the knowledge, skills and life lessons that will help them mature and succeed as they become adults. The students who participated in the activity can have a lot of fun, work hard, learn a lot and grow both physically and mentally.


每年的 4 月份,过完第六个生日的日本小孩子 就可以进入小学校园啦。一个普通的小学班级里 大约会有 30-40 名小学生。他们进行多学科学习, 比如日语 , 数学 , 科学 , 社会研究、音乐、手工、 体育、劳动技术等课程的学习 ( 学习简单的烹饪 和缝纫技能 )。越来越多的小学已经开始注重英 语教学。而信息技术课程的学习也被很多的学校 广泛接受,信息技术可以提高教学质量 , 大多数 学校都采用的互联网来进行教学。 在日本小学的校园里,一个班里的学生们被划 分成若干小组来进行各种各样的活动。例如,作 为班级的一份子,每天都会有小组的学生课后打 扫教室和礼堂和操场。在许多小学,学生们都是 在各自的教室一起吃午饭的,它们的午餐则是由 学校和学校的膳食中心精心准备的。各小组的成 员轮流去给班里的同学取饭发饭。学校午餐选用 了很多健康营养的食材而且花样很多,学生们一 般都很期待每天的午餐时间。每年,学校还会组 织很多的校园活动,如运动会,学生们喜欢的拔 河比赛还有外出游览名胜古迹等等,学校的文化 艺术节还要举办舞蹈比赛和其它的学生们感兴趣 的特长比赛。

Japanese children enter the first grade of elementary school in the April after their sixth birthday. There are around 30 to 40 students in a typical elementary school class. The subjects they study include Japanese, mathematics, science, social studies, music, crafts, physical education, and home economics (to learn simple cooking and sewing skills). More and more elementary schools have started teaching English, too. Information technology is increasingly being used to enhance education, and most schools have access to the Internet. In Japanese elementary schools, classes are divided into small teams for many activities. For example, as part of their education, every day the students clean the classrooms, halls, and yards of their school in these teams. In many elementary schools, the students eat lunch together in their classrooms, enjoying meals prepared by the school or by a local “school lunch center”. Small teams of students take turns to serve lunch to their classmates. School lunches contain a rich variety of healthy and nutritious foods, and students look forward to lunchtime. There are many school events during the year, such as sports day when students compete in events like tug-of-war and relay races excursions to historical sites, and arts and culture festivals featuring dancing and other performances by children.


School Life in Japan



School Life in America

在美 国,小学教育是指大多 数地区为期 8 年的正规教育,通 常在小学校园里进行。在美国的大多 数小学,一个班级里会有一到两名班主任 来担任主要的任课老师。其中一些小学,如果 资金充足的话,学校会额外指派美术和音乐方面 的老师来进行指导教学。还有一些小学里,孩子们 学习阅读的基本知识,写作和数字,还会再学习一 些科学类的知识,以及涉及一点历史方面的知识,有 的也会选择学习一门外语。美术和音乐类的知 识也会零零散散的学习一些,但一般都是混 杂在娱乐和体育课程里学习的。不同的学 校,教学标准也大不相同。

Primary education in the United States America refers to the first eight years of formal education in most jurisdictions, often in elementary school. In most U.S. elementary schools, students have all their core classes from one or two homeroom teachers. In some elementary schools, when funding and supplies are adequate, additional teachers are hired to instruct students in areas such as Art and Music. In elementary school, children learn the basics of reading, writing, and numbers, some science, a bit of history, perhaps a little bit of a foreign language, a smattering of art and music, all mixed in with recreation and physical education Standards vary widely.



School Life in Britain

Introduction to School Life Education is an important part of British life. There are hundreds of schools, including some of the most famous in the world. Education is free and compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 to16. Children’s education in England is normally divided into two separate stages. They begin with primary education at the age of five and this usually lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to secondary school, there they stay until they reach sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years of age.Teachers in primary schools ( 4 to 11 year olds) are always addressed by their surname by parents and pupils alike, always Mr, Mrs or Miss Smith. In secondary schools (11 to 16 years), teachers are always addressed as Miss or Sir. Most school in England require children to wear a school uniform. Boys wear long grey or black trousers (shorts may be worn in the Summer), white shirt, school tie (optional in most primary schools) and jumper or sweater with the school logo on. The colour is the choice of the schools. Girls may wear skirts. During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses.

如果要介绍英国生活,不得不提的就是英国独 具特色的校园文化生活了。在英国有数以千计的 学校,其中不乏在世界上知名度都非常高的一些 学校。5-16 岁的儿童在英国可以享受免费的义 务教育。在英国,孩子们要受到的教育通常分为 两个不同的阶段。从 5 岁开始,英国的孩子们就 开始了它们的小学生涯,一直到 11 岁都要接受 义务教育。然后,他们就晋升到了中学,十六岁 上中学完成初中的全部课程学习,当然也有学生 读完初中已经十七八岁了。(4 到 12 岁)对于 学生们的小学老师的称呼几乎是一致的,姓氏前 面要加先生,夫人,比如史密斯小姐 ..... 在中学 阶段(11 到 16 岁 ),教师们一般被直呼为小姐 或先生。 英国的大多数学校都要求学生穿校服来上学。 男生要穿长灰色或黑色的裤子(夏天可以穿短裤), 还有要穿白衬衫系领带(大部分小学不做名确规 定),戴校徽的套头外套或者毛衣来上学。校服 的颜色是学校自己规定的。女生一般都选择穿裙 子来上学。夏天女生就会换上夏季校服来学校。

重阳 节,为农历九月 日。《易经》中把“ 阳数,九月初九,两九 叫重阳,也叫重九。重阳 期就已经形成,到了唐代 为民间的节日。


Special Days in October

The Double Ninth Festival ninth day of the ninth mon calendar, is a traditional mentioned in writing si East Han period. On some Chinese als graves of their anc pay their respe

国庆节 1949

辛亥革命 纪念日 1

中国少年先锋队 诞辰日 1949

国际盲人节 1984

万圣节 19


月初九 “九”定为 九相重,故而 阳节早在战国时 代,重阳被正式定

l observed on the nth in the Chinese Chinese holiday, ince before the n this holiday o visit the cestors to ects.

世界动物日 1949

命 1911

重阳节 公元前

“双 十节”是中华民国的诞 生日,源起于 1911 年(清宣统 三年)中国爆发的资产阶级民主革命。 因该年以干支计为辛亥年,故名辛亥革命。 其目的是推翻清朝的专制统治,挽救民族危 亡,争取国家的独立,民主和富强。 The National Day of the Republic of China commemorates the star t of the Wuchang Uprising of October 10, 1911, which led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in China and establishment of the Republic of China. As a result of the Chinese Civil War, the National Day is now mainly celebrated in Taiwan, but is also celebrated by some overseas Chinese.

万圣 节就是许多西方国家每 年的 10 月 31 号都会举办庆祝 活动的一个节日。传说当年死去的人, 灵魂会在万圣节的前夜造访人世,据说人 们应该让造访的鬼魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼 魂呈现出丰盛的款待。 Halloween or Hallowe’en is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on October 31, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows and the day initiating the triduum of Hallowmas, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers.




The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes


Recommended Books

《福尔摩斯探案全集》是由阿瑟·柯南 道尔编纂的由十二个故事组成的小说 , 《 恐 怖 谷》 是 其 中 的 一 个 经 典 故 事, 这个故事情节曲折,引人入胜 : 伯尔斯 通 庄 园 的 主 人 不 幸 惨 遭 杀 害, 尸 体 旁 边被人留了一张卡片,上面潦草地写着 “V.V.341”的字样。这令案子变得扑朔 迷离起来 : 这张卡片难道是凶手留下来 的吗 ? 它代表什么意义 ?“恐怖谷“究 竟是个怎样的地方 ? 道格拉斯的死与“恐 怖谷”有什么关系呢 ? 就让福尔摩斯带 你解开一个又一个谜团吧。 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories which was written by Conan Doyle, “The Uncanny Valley” is one of the classic and fascinating story in it: The master of Burr Stone Manor was killed. There is only a card lfet near his body, and it read: “V.V. 341”. Moreover, This case ibecame more and more complicated: Did the murderer write the card? What is the card meaning? Where is the uncanny valley actually? what is the relationship between “the uncanny valley” and Douglas’ death? Sherlock Holmes will show you the big secret.


A Brief History of Everything 这是一部有关现代科学发展史的既通 俗易懂又引人入胜的书,作者用清晰明 了、幽默风趣的笔法,将宇宙大爆炸到 人类文明发展进程中所发生的繁多妙趣 横生的故事一一收入笔下。惊奇和感叹 组成了这本书,历历在目的天下万物组 成了这本书,益于人们了解大千世界的 无穷奥妙,掌握万事万物的发展脉络。 书中回溯了科学史上那些伟大与奇妙的 时刻,引用了近年来发现的最新科学史 料,几乎每一个被作者描述的事件都奇 特而且惊人。 In a breathtaking trip from the Big Bang to the Postmodern world we inhabit, Ken Wilber examines the universe and our place in it, and comes up with an accessible and entertaining account of how it all fits together. Along the way he sheds light not only on the great cosmic questions but on various contentious issues of our day, such as environmental ethics, gender relations, multiculturalism, and even the meaning of the Internet. A Brief History of Everything is the perfect introduction to the great Integral thinker at his wise and witty best.



Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


The adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆·索亚历险记》是美国著名小说 家马克·吐温的代表作,发表于 1876 年。 小说主人公汤姆·索亚天真活泼,敢于探 险、追求自由,不堪忍受束缚个性、枯 燥乏味的生活,幻想干一番英雄事业。 小说通过主人公的冒险经历,对美国虚 伪 庸 俗 的 社 会 习 俗、 伪 善 的 宗 教 仪 式 和刻板陈腐的学校教育进行了讽刺和批 判,以欢快的笔调描写了少年儿童自由 活泼的心灵 . Mark Twain’s publication in 1876 of his popular novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer tells of the escapades of a young boy and his friends in St. Petersburg. Missouri, a village near the Mississippi River, recalls Twain’s own childhood in a small Missouri town. The friendship of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn is one of the most celebrated in American literature, built on imaginative adventures, shared superstitions, and loyalty that rises above social convention. Twain’s American reading audience loved this novel and its young hero, and the novel remains one of the most popular and famous works of American literature.

哈利·波特与魔法石是 JK 罗琳在哈利 波特系列写的第一部小说。哈利·波特, 一个年轻的巫师发现了他的与众不同 之后哈利来到霍格华兹学校学习魔法。 在他的朋友们的帮助下,哈利找到了杀 死自己父母的黑暗精灵伏地魔,没能杀 死哈利的伏地魔又在酝酿着另一个巨大 的阴谋。这本书,这是罗琳小说的处女 作,于 1997 年 6 月 26 日在巴黎完成。 1998 年,士林公司在美国公布了它的 名字,哈利·波特与魔法石。小说在孩子 们中大受好评,并多次获奖。这本书在 1999 年 8 月被纽约时报评为最受欢迎 读本之一。1999 年和 2000 年,它已被 翻译成其它几种语言,并且被拍成电影 上映。 Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage, as he makes close friends and a few enemies in his first year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With the help of his friends, Harry faces an attempted comeback by the dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents, but failed to kill Harry when he was just one year old. The book reached the top of the New York Times list of best-selling fiction in August 1999, and stayed near the top of that list for much of 1999 and 2000. It has been translated into several other languages and has been made into a feature-length film of the same name.


科学实验室 Science Lab

火山爆发实验 Baking Soda & Vinegar Volcano 用小苏打和醋的化学反应来做一个很棒的化学 实验吧 ! 请准备好一只便于观看内部气泡反应的 容器,还有准备一块用来清洁的抹布。

你需要准备的材料 :

. 小苏打; . 醋; . 用来装实验物品的容器一只; . 纸巾或抹布一块。

实验说明 : 1. 首先在准备好的容器里加入一些小苏打。 2. 完成之后再倒一些醋进去。 3. 现在观察容器里面的反应,试验完成啦!

Use baking soda and vinegar to create an awesome chemical reaction! Watch as it rapidly fizzes over the container and make sure you’ve got some towels ready to clean up.

What you’ll need:

. Baking Soda; . Vinegar; . A container to hold everything and avoid a big mess; . Paper towels or a cloth.

Instructions: 1. Place some of the baking soda into your container. 2. Pour in some of the vinegar. 3. Watch as the reaction takes place!


种子的发育 Plant Seeds & Watch Them Grow What you’ll need:

你需要准备的材料 :

. 首先尽量挑选新鲜种子如南瓜种子 , 向日葵种 . Fresh seeds of your choice such as pumpkins seeds, sunflower seeds, lima beans or pinto 子 , 柠檬籽或斑豆也可以; . 高质量的土壤 ( 松软、透气、含大量的泥灰苔藓 ), . beans; Good quality soil (loose, aerated, lots of peat 如果没有你可以买一棵盆栽用里面的土壤或者 moss), if you don’t have any you can buy 花卉市场之类的地方可以买到泥土; . 一个可以保存土壤和种子的容器; some potting soil at your local garden store; . . 水; container to hold the soil and your seeds. . AWater; . 阳光和充足的热量。 . Light and heat.

实验说明 :

1. 把容器里装满土。 2. 把植物种子种在土壤里。 3. 把种好的种子放在一个温暖 , 阳光充足 , 但是 又不会有阳光直射的地方 , 窗台边就是一个不 错的选择。 4. 保持土壤湿润 , 每天给它浇水 ( 小心不要 浇太多的水 )。 5. 观察并记录幼苗从种子里面开始发芽的点滴变 化。

Instructions: 1. Fill the container with soil. 2. Plant the seeds inside the soil. 3. Place the container somewhere warm, sunlight is good but try to avoid too much direct sunlight, a window sill is a good spot. 4. Keep the soil moist by watering it everyday (be careful not to use too much water). 5. Record your observations as the seeds germinate and seedlings begin to sprout from the seeds.




Excellent Compositions

漫长的人生路上,谁也不会一帆风顺地到达理想的彼岸,总会有坎坷, 总会有惊涛骇浪。但有的人能克服挫折,化解痛苦,有的人却只会一味地退缩, 放大痛苦。不一样的选择,也许意味着将走不一样的人生之路。 曾经,我问自己:“我想成为怎样的人?”而每当这个问题一出现,心中就会有很多答案, 让我无从选择。随着年龄的增长,我开始有了自己的答案:我想成为胆大而勇敢的人。也许 我爱哭,很懦弱,怕内心的懦弱会影响自己;也许从小胆小的我,想试着胆大起来,不再害 怕困难。但我相信,更多的原因还是希望能走好漫长的人生之路,寻找属于自己的未来。从 小就爱哭的我,常常会给家人带来麻烦,还时不时地引起吵架。虽然我装作不知道,但我心 里比谁都清楚,他们都是为了我的哭而吵架的。多少次,我希望自己变得勇敢起来,可总是 做不到。又有多少次,我不想家人为了我的哭而争吵,但不知不觉中眼泪又掉了下来。当我 对自己完全失去信心时,却发生了一件意想不到的事……自那以后,我不再哭了,人也变得 胆大、勇敢起来了。 那是一个星期五的晚上,当时只有 8 岁的我正在看着电视,爸爸突然走进我的房间,对我 说“凌凌,我今天上夜班,要到凌晨 3 点才回来,你等会儿陪妈妈睡!“我“哦”了一声, 继续看我的电视。过了一会儿, “当当”一声响,已到了 12:30 了。我跑到妈妈那,刚躺上床, 但又迅速站起来。也许因为从小不习惯和妈妈睡的我不太适应,一时之间又拿不定主意,只 能坐在床边干着急。此时,心里出现了一系列的想法:我是和妈妈睡还是一个人睡,如果我 不和妈妈睡,那她一个人肯定很害怕,而我又担心她;如果我和她睡,那我又会不太适应, 这可怎么办?我的心开始沉重起来,不知道怎么办。眼睛开始模糊的我,一刹那,眼泪又像 断了线的珍珠说落就落。这时,一觉睡醒的妈妈很生气,让我滚出这个家。记得她当时还说 道:“你给我滚出去,晚上坐在床边哭,你什么意思,是触我霉头吗?快点给我滚出去。” 我吓坏了,像一根木头杵在那儿一动不动。“快点给我滚出去。”骂声惊动了熟睡的外公、 外婆。他们走了过来,看了看生气的妈妈,又看了看泣不成声的我,终于开口问道:“你们 两个是怎么了,大半夜的,吵什么啊!““你们自己问问她,坐在我床边哭算什么意思?” 妈妈生气地说道。“我……我只是不知道该……该跟谁睡?”我委屈地说。这时,外婆把我 带到她的房间,对我说:“凌凌啊,我从小把你拉扯大,每当你哭时,我都会帮你,可你实 在太不像样了,你哭吧!我也没面子帮你了,随你便吧!妈妈他们都说我太溺爱你了,你还 不争气,我不活了,你一直说要让我长命百岁,而现在呢?你再哭吧!我现在整理衣服马上 搬出去,是死是活,不要你们管。“我惊呆了,那是外婆第一次发那么大火,也是外婆第一 次跟我说这样的话。吓坏的我连忙拦住外婆,哭着说:“我以后再……再也不会哭了,你可 不可以不……不要走,我真……真的不会哭了。“说完,我擦了眼泪,抬头看了看外婆。此时, 我看到外婆眼睛湿润润的,那是第一次看到外婆哭。我知道,是我,是我伤了外婆的心,也 是因为我的不争气让她难过。这时,外婆走过来,用手抚摸着我说:“凌凌,不是外婆狠心, 而是’哭’真的会害得家庭一团糟的。我们家一向和睦,可就是因为你的哭,和睦变成了争执。 外婆知道你是个好孩子,你必须变得勇敢起来,哭是解决不了任何问题的,我相信你会克服 哭泣,加油!”外婆笑了,虽然眼里仍噙着泪花,但我相信,这是鼓励的泪花,相信的泪花, 支持的泪花。“外婆,对不起。”说完,我投向了外婆的怀抱,像小时候一样依偎在她的身 旁,此时此刻,我真正地感觉到了什么叫珍惜。爱是要珍惜的,亲情更是要珍惜的。我相信, 上天在制造爱与亲情之前,一定用尽了它的能量,让人深刻地领悟珍惜的真正含义。


快要过去了的童年 长大了,翅膀硬了,可以自己飞了!但是对于母校,小学!都会依依不舍!这里有我们的 回忆!有我们童年的记忆! 到了中学,我们会回想起小学的美丽!小学我们可以调皮!可以捣蛋!可以当小淘气包! 可以在父母面前撒娇!可以无忧无虑的玩耍、嬉戏!我爱你母校!花儿谢后还能再开;秋天 过后还能再来;唯独那宝贵的时间不能再返。 我要离开那鲜艳的红领巾啦!那意味着我半成年了!要像爸爸妈妈那样担任起一切力所能 及的事情!多么想念童年啊!希望各位在读小学的小朋友们多多去珍惜童年那宝贵的时间! 我要把我的理想放飞!我爱你母校!时间一天天的流逝,我们在六年级的日子也越来越少。 而我的心也是越来越难受,我就要和我亲爱的同学们分开了,我真的很不舍! 在这几年来这里记录着我和同学们的酸甜苦辣,记录着我们的努力,记录着我和老师之间 的亲密。要离开这个母校,我还真是舍不得!这几年我在老师的照料下茁壮成长,在这几年 我和同学们一起快乐的学习。快乐的玩耍。这几年的点点滴滴我永远也不会忘记。六年过去了, 我们长大了,我们就要毕业了,可是老师还是千叮万嘱,要好好学习,将来要为国家做出贡献! 还记得我刚入学的时候,我很害羞,我不敢主动的去和同学们一起玩耍,最后是同学们来 邀请我去和他们一起玩的。我还是和腼腆。最后我被同学的热情给打动了,我接受了他们的 邀请。久而久之,我不想刚来时那么拘束了,我开始主动和同学们玩耍。我不开心时同学们 就想办法逗我开心,我生气时会说一些令同学伤心的话,可是他们还是会原谅我的。一转眼, 我们就快要分道扬镳了,真让人不舍,和同学们在一起的美好时光我永远也不会忘记的! 光阴似箭,日月如梭,我们就要毕业了,可是我真的舍不得同学们。可是天下没有不散的宴席, 在小学的六年就要画上句号了。六年的同学就要各奔东西了。六年的同学,我真舍不得你们!


Little Lotus (小荷)杂志内容上着力为 8-13 岁的 孩子提供基本生活常识、创造力培养、推理能力锻炼, 提倡关爱他人,让孩子树立崇高理想,追求积极的 人生价值。分享阅读,传递快乐!

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