Cartoon Magazine

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August 2013

小荷 经典赏析

Classic Appreciation

新片来袭 New Animations

for children


Draw Cartoon Characters

国产动画推荐 Chinese Animation


杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 主编: 任韦蓉 译者: 任韦蓉 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 本社网址: 印刷: 山东教育出版社 出版日期: 2013 年 08 月第一版 尺寸: A4 参考网址: 图片: P1。 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P5 P5 P5 P5 P6 c95223a54b2425ce9f53d7731023de1cc8edb1183a6866d72c8713b&p=9a7ecf1c9cd512a05abd9b7f0653&newp=9f78d50786cc40a41c aac7710f4192695803ed633ddcd45138&user=baidu. P8 P8 P11 P12 684983e3956b2160cb4ad636f370525b691ca8249c0edc56e7cd37929&p=9d66c54ad6c04bf5099fc7710f5193&newp=857cc319c5904e ad00bd9b7e0e1c94231610db2151d0da1527&user=baidu. P13 P13 p14 mq=1395559436021_R&pv=&ic=0&nc=1&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&ie=utf8&word=%E5%B0%8F%E8%83%96%E5%A6%9E. P16 P17 P19 P19 P20 P22 P23 杂志名: Little Lotus 小荷 P24, P25, P26

主编: 任韦蓉 内容: 译者: 任韦蓉 P4 P7 出版发行: 山东教育出版社 P9 本社网址: P11 P13 印刷: 山东教育出版社 P17 出版日期: 2013 年 9 月第一版,_Kung_Fu_Kindergarten. P18 P20 尺寸: A4


Contents 新片来袭 New Animations: Introduction

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怪兽大学 Monster University 疯狂原始人 The Croods

4 6

经典赏析 Classic Appreciation

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宫崎骏 Hiyao Miyazaki 我的邻居龙猫 My Neighbour Totoro 千与千寻 Miyazaki’s Spirited Away

8 10 12

国产动画推荐 Chinese Animation

. . . .

熊出没注意 Watch Out for the Bear 小胖妞 The Fatty Girl 秦时明月 Legend of Qin 麦兜响当当 McDull Kung Fu

14 16 17 18

动画人物绘 Draw Cartoon Characters



兔八哥 & 朵拉 Bugsy Bunny & Dora


Comic Strips

. . . .

加菲猫 Garfield 学校趣闻 Funny School 鸽子 Pigeons 淘气同桌 Naughty Classmate

22 22 23 23

连载时代 Cartoon Time


老夫子 Old Master



New Animation 怪兽大学 Monsters University 简介 :


怪兽大学是皮克斯动画工作室制作的, Monsters University is a 2013 American 3D 由美国迪斯尼动画公司在 2013 年发布 computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by 的一部 3D 电脑动画喜剧电影。 Walt Disney Pictures.

故事讲述的是六十岁的怪物迈克尔“迈 克”沃斯科在高中旅行时,参观了一座 怪兽电力公司,这是一所专门经营吓唬 的公司。在这所怪物公司里,邂逅了他 的同学弗兰克麦克瑞,他在这儿的职务 是“吓唬员”公司的雇员,在人类世界 通过吓唬孩子获取他们的恐惧和尖叫来 实现对电力的供应。就在弗兰克准备进 入人类世界之门的时候,孩子们发现迈 克从门里钻了进来,却没有人阻止他。 迈克看到弗兰克的恐慌表情以后,乖乖 地跟随他又回到了怪物世界。弗兰克训 斥了迈克,但是迈克很灵巧的出入了怪 兽和人类想通的大门,还是发给他了一 顶怪兽大学的帽子让他作纪念。虽然老 师之后也批评了他,但麦克却十分开心, 因为他的梦想就是做一名吓唬员 ......

The story starts with six-year-old monster Michael “Mike” Wazowski on a school field trip to Monsters Inc. a scaring company. At Monsters Inc. the class meets Frank McCay, an employee of the company who works as a “scare”. Entering the human world to scare children at night and harvesting their screams as energy to power the monster world. As Frank prepares to enter a door to the human world, the children notice that Mike has slipped unnoticed to Frank’s door, which he then enters before anyone can stop him. Mike watches Frank’s scare performance, then follows him back through the door to the monster world. Frank scolds Mike, but is impressed with his ability to have sneaked quietly in and out of the room, and gives him his Monsters University hat as a souvenir. The teacher reprimands him as well, but Mike is happy and inspired to be a scarer when he grows up...

中文名:《怪物大学》 其它译名:怪兽电力公司 2 出品公司:迪士尼、皮克斯 导演:丹斯坎隆 制片人:科瑞瑞安 English Name: Monsters University Other Name: Monster Company 2 Company: Disney, Pixar Director: Dan Scanlon Writers: Kori Rae


English Name: The Croods Directors: Kirk De Micco, Chris Sanders Type: Animation, Comedy Production Company: DreamWorks Distribution Company: 20th Century Fox


中 《 出 柯 类 动 制 梦 出 20

中文名字: 《疯狂原始人》 出品商: 柯克德·米克,克里斯·桑德斯 类型: 动画,喜剧 制作公司: 梦工厂 出品公司 0 世纪福克斯

Animation Plot:

剧情介绍 :

Eep is a girl in a family of cavemen living and hunting in pre-historic times, talking about how her family is one of the few to sur vive, and mainly due to the strict rules of her overprotective father, Grug. In their cave home, Grug tells a story to the family, which includes his wife Ugga, his daughter Sandy, his son Thunk, and his mother-in-law Gran with a character who mirrors Eep’s curious nature. He uses this story to warn the family that exploration and ‘new things’ pose a threat to their survival, and says to never not be afraid. This irritates the bored and adventurous Eep, and when the family falls asleep after dark, she ignores her father’s advice and leaves the cave when she sees a light moving outside...

原始人克鲁德一家六口在老爸 Grug 的庇护下生活。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋 为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸 叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成 不变的生活。大女儿 EeP 是一个和老 爸性格截然相反的充满好奇心的女孩, 她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里, 一心想要追逐山洞外面的世界。没想 到世界末日突然降临,山洞被毁,一 家人被迫流离失所。展现在他们眼前 的是一个崭新绚丽却又充满危险的新 世界,四处都是食人鸟兽和叫不出名 字的奇怪生物。危机中,他们遇到了 游牧部落族人 Guy,凭借他超凡的创 造力和革新思想,帮助克鲁德一家一 次一次躲过重重困难,渐渐取代了老 爸的地位,变成克鲁德全家人的偶像, 也和 EEP 暗生情愫。但这个来历不明 的神奇男子旅行的目的究竟是神马? 在末日来临时,哪里才是一家人的安 居之所?就这样,顽固保守的老爸, 叛逆的大女儿,神奇男子,像小疯狗 一样的,疯狂老太奶奶,二缺的弟弟, 以及温柔的妈妈,一起踏上了寻找新 家园的旅途。他们一路上与拳击猴搏 斗,与食人花捉迷藏,还差点酿成了 森林大火 ......

疯狂原始人 The Croods



Hayao Miyizaki

宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇,没有他的 话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色。他是第一位将动画上升到 人文高度的思想者,同时也是日本三代动画家中,承前启后的精神 支柱人物。宫崎骏在打破手冢治虫巨人阴影的同时,用自己坚毅的性格 和永不妥协的奋斗又为后代动画家做出了榜样。宫崎骏的动画片是能够和 迪士尼、梦工厂共分天下的一支重要的东方力量。宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽 然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。他这 份执著,不单令全球人产生共鸣,更受到全世界所重视,连美国动画王国迪士尼, 都有意购买宫崎骏的动画电影发行版权。 宫崎骏创作的影片背景的画风始终是清新浪漫的,总有一种能让人想要回归自然的 感觉。尤其是影片中出现的天空背景,给人以广阔无垠的感觉,使人不禁生出一种遐想, 似乎想要到那背景中去寻找远离城市污浊空气的清新中,去感受自然之美。大片大片 的洁白云朵如棉花糖般,柔软而又充满着幸福和甜蜜的回忆,衬托出片中主人公结 局的美好。绿色的掩映下,一个个充了生机的世界又重新展现到了我们的面前。这 更为影片增添了美感。可以说,只有在宫崎骏的影片中,才能释放自己久以来为 工作、学习而感到的压力,重新找到真、善、美,重新找到返璞归真后的悠 然与惬意。

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, animator, manga artist, producer, and screenwriter. Through a career that has spanned over fifty years, Miyazaki has attained international acclaim as a maker of anime feature films and, along with Isao Takahata, co-founded Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio. The success of Miyazaki’s films has invited comparisons with American animator Walt Disney, British animator Nick Park and American director Robert Zemeckis. Miyazaki’s films often contain recurrent themes like humanity’s relationship with nature and technology, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. The protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls or young women. While two of his films. His films often emphasize environmentalism and the Earth’s fragility. In an interview with The New Yorker, Growing up in the period was an unhappy time for him because “Nature, the mountains and rivers was being destroyed in the name of economic progress.” Miyazaki is critical of capitalism, globalization, and their impacts on modern life. Commenting on the 1954 Animal Farm animated film, he has said that exploitation is not only found in communism, capitalism is a system just like that. I believe a company is common property of the people that work there. But that is a social idea. Nonetheless, he suggests that adults should not impose theirvision of the world on children.

和爸爸一起搬到乡下的两姐妹,在家旁的一棵 大树下发现了只有好孩子才能看见的 TOTORO (多多洛)。有一天小梅独自在院子玩耍寻找橡 树子的时候,意外的看到了憨憨的小龙猫,小龙 猫慌忙的想甩掉小梅,却把小梅引到了正在睡觉 的大大的龙猫身边,这个秘密让小月和小梅姐妹 兴奋不已,小月也梦想着有一天也能见到龙猫精 灵,这个梦想很快就实现了 , 有一天下雨的傍晚, 小月姐妹等在爸爸下班回来的车站旁时,大龙猫 出现了,小月借给它一把伞,却被它当作非常有 趣的玩具。龙猫把橡果子送给了小月和小梅,这 令小月小梅非常开心。夏天快过去的时候,小月 和小梅收到医院的电报,妈妈身体不舒服,拖延 了回家的时间,姐妹俩非常的担心妈妈的情况,

而小梅又抱怨姐姐不管自己,姐姐怪小梅不懂事, 小梅大哭着喊着姐姐是个笨蛋跑远了,那一天, 小梅失踪了,原 来她想自己走到医院看望妈妈, 可因不知道路而跑到了荒郊野外。小月四处寻找 小梅的时候,村民在河边看到一只和小梅脚差不 多大的一只鞋,小月知道后惊慌失措,她仔细一 看,发现这不是小梅的鞋,松了一口气。就在这时, 小月想到了龙猫,就这样,龙猫唤来了猫巴士车, 终于找到了迷路的小梅,之后,猫巴士车又带着 姐妹俩来到了妈妈的病房窗前,远远的看到一切 平安的妈妈,姐妹俩不知道有多么快乐,小梅抱 着送给妈妈的玉米走失在去看往生病的妈妈的路 上时,一种曾被忘记的温暖回到了身边。把自己 摘的玉米送给了妈妈,希望她早日康复。


龙猫,它的学名南美 洲栗鼠,属于哺乳纲啮齿目豪 猪亚目美洲栗鼠科动物,因其酷似宫 崎骏创作的电影 TOTORO 中的卡通龙猫, 所以后被香港人改名叫“龙猫”。龙猫属于 哺乳类啮齿豪猪亚目南美洲栗鼠科,许多人一 提到鼠就想到老鼠,其实它和老鼠完全不同。 Totoro is Chinchillas, they are crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels, native to the Andes mountains in South America and they are totally different from rats.


My Neighbor Totoro

A father and his two daughters move into an old house. One day, Mei sees two white, rabbit like ears in the grass and follows the ears under the house. She discovers two small magical creatures who lead her through a briar patch and into the hollow of a large camphor tree. She meets and befriends a larger version of the same kind of spirit, which identifies itself by a series of roars that she interprets as “Totoro”. Her father comforts her by telling her that this is the “keeper of the forest,” and that Totoro will reveal himself when he wants to. One rainy night, the girls are waiting for

their father’s bus and grow worried when he does not arrive on the bus they expect him on. A bus-shaped giant cat halts at the stop, and Totoro boards it, taking the umbrella. Shortly after, their father’s bus arrives. The girls find out that a planned visit by Yasuko has to be postponed because of a setback in her treatment. Satsuki, disappointed and worried, angrily yells at Mei and stomps off. Mei decides to walk to the hospitalto bring some fresh corn to her mother. Mei’s disappearance prompts Satsuki andthe neighbors to search f o r h e r. E v e n t u a l l y, S a t s u k i re t u r n s i n desperation to the camphor treeand pleads for Totoro’s help. Delighted to be of assistance, he summons the Catbus, which carries her to where the lost Mei sits. Having rescued her, the Catbus then whisks her and Satsuki over the countryside to see their mother in hospital. In the end credits, Mei and Satsuki’s mother return home, and the sisters play with other children, with Totoro and his friends as unseen observers.


Spirited Away 从小玲那儿知道了小白是凶恶的汤婆婆的弟子。 的小路上不慎进入了神秘的隧道,他们去到了另 这里的法则十分残酷,如果不劳动就会变成为猪。 外一个诡异世界,一个中世纪的小镇。远处飘来 千战战兢兢,不停地拼命工作。有一天,千发现 食物的香味,爸爸妈妈大快朵颐,孰料之后变成 了一条受重伤的白龙,原来它就是救了自己的白。 了猪!这时小镇上渐渐来了许多样子古怪、半透 千得知白是在汤婆婆的死对头钱婆婆那里偷取宝 明的人。千寻仓皇逃出,一个叫小白的人救了他, 物时受的伤,而汤婆婆的儿子和女仆也被变成老 喂了她阻止身体消 失的药,并且告诉她怎样去 鼠和小鸟。一次,千寻发现小白被一群白色飞舞 找锅炉爷爷以及汤婆婆,而且必须获得一分工作 的纸人打伤,为了救受伤的小白,她用河神送给 才能不被魔法变成别的东西。千寻在小白的帮助 她的药丸驱出了小白身体内的封印以及守封印的 下幸运地获得了一份在浴池打杂的工作。由于 小妖精,但小白还是没有醒过来。为了救小白, 有可以治百病的温泉,这里聚集了成群的精灵。 千寻又踏上了她的冒险之旅。这是部反应多主题 远离了人类世界,孤独的千寻为了生存不得不在 的动画片,你可从其中窥探对贪婪自私的讽刺, 魔女汤婆婆的温泉浴室里劳动,她的名字也被汤 你也可从看到独立成长的重要性、甚至是人与自 婆婆改成了千。这里每天都有奇异的事情发生, 然的和谐 ...... 千也认识了许多奇形怪状的“朋友”。渐渐她不 再被那些怪模怪样的人吓倒,并


Chihiro Ogino and her parents are traveling to their new home when her father takes a wrong turn. They unknowingly enter a magical world that Chihiro’s father insists on exploring. While Chihiro’s parents eat at an empty restaurant stall, Chihiro finds an exquisite bathhouse. She meets a young boy, Haku, who warns her to return across the river before sunset. However, Chihiro discovers too late that her parents have turned into pigs and she is unable to cross the flooded river, becoming trapped in the spirit world. After finding Chihiro, Haku has her ask for a job from the bathhouse’s boiler-man, Kamaji, a spider yokai commanding the susuwatari. Kamaji and the worker Lin send Chihiro to the witch Yubaba, who runs the bathhouse. Yubaba gives Chihiro a job but renames her Sen.

While visiting her parents’ pigpen, Sen finds a goodbye card addressed to Chihiro and realizes that she has already forgotten her name. Haku warns her that Yubaba controls people by taking their names and that if she forgets hers like he has forgotten his, she will not be able to leave the spirit world. While working, Sen invites a silent masked creature named NoFace inside, believing him to be a customer. A ‘putrid spirit’ arrives and is Sen’s first customer. She discovers he is the spirit of a polluted river. In gratitude for cleaning him, he gives Sen a magic emetic dumpling. Meanwhile No-Face tempts a worker with gold, then swallows him. He demands food and begins tipping extensively. As the workers swarm him hoping to be tipped, he swallows yet another two greedy workers...



奸诈狡猾的光头强是一个伐木队的小老板,他带 着李老板的重托来到风景优美的东北黑龙江省哈 尔滨市原始森林里采伐原木,却不料平静的森林中 原来隐藏着两个可怕的对手,森林的主人熊兄弟! 熊大和熊二 ! 熊大聪明才智,对付光头强可是他的 拿手绝活。打败光头强经常借用的都是他的主意才 行得通 ! 熊二好吃懒做,但有时还是可以打败光头 强。他凭着自己的蛮力,经常向光头强咆哮才把他 吓跑。他有时也听取熊大妙计来对付光头强。看着 森林被毁,熊兄弟决定要保护森林,保护家园,驱 逐所有的破坏者!但是奸诈狡猾的光头强可没那 么容易就离开。于是,一场旷日持久的家园保卫战 开始了。古人云:善有善报,恶有恶。做好事就会 被报答,做坏事就会被惩罚。 “Watch Out For The Bear” is an new Chinese three dimensional animation. Qiang is a cunning manager of a small lumber mill. He came to a forest, which located in Hei Long Jiang Province. In addition, there are two bears live in this forest as well. Bear one is clever enough to deal with Qiang. Bear two is very lazy, and the only thing he interested is eating food. When they knew Qiang’s purpose of coming here, bear brothers decided to protect their homeland, the forest. Thus the war between Qiang and bear brothers started. The animation tells us a truth: good and eail must at last have their reward.

中国经典动画推荐 Chinese Animation



The Fatty Girl

《小胖妞》是 一个在广州美术学院 2010 毕业 展亮相的毕业生动漫作品。讲述了与非洲黑人王 子热恋的灰姑娘,因粉肠嘴恶魔突然横刀夺爱抢 走王子,为拯救王子而不得不为爱奔袭、同恶魔 作战、敢爱敢斗的故事。灰姑娘与王子两情相悦, 在追赶挟持王子的恶魔时受恶魔施法,身材会因 奔跑而不断变胖,面临恶魔的种种威胁,灰姑娘 跨过厨房、越过餐桌、跳过搓衣板、躲过刀叉钥 匙做成的暗器而变成了小胖妞。即便直面由象棋、 收音机、手表组成的强大机器人依然临危不惧, 在牙签的枪林弹雨中勇斗机器人,并最终凭借麻 将盒打败恶魔,救回王子。

“Little Fatty Girl” is a student’s final project in GuangZhou College of Arts in 2010. This animation discribes a girl has fall in love with an African prince, but a devil robbed the prince. The girl wants to rescue her price, and she caught up with the devil as soon as possible. Nevertheless, the faster she ran, the fatter she became, because the devil gave sorcery to her. Finally, the gallant girl saved her prince, but the African prince left her, because he does not like a fat girl.


“Legentd of Qin” is the first Chinese historical three demensional animation and it was premiered on Spring Festival in 2007. This Chinese style animation tells the story of Chinese history. Qin Shi Huang inherited the throne at the age of thirteen. when he was thirtynine he reunified China, established Qin dynasty, and said emperor who was the first emperor in China. In the reign he continuously developed territory, and made China be the world largest empire. However, in order to control the people and strengthen the autocratic rule, Qin shihuang took many brutal ways . 中国第一部大型武侠电脑三维动画动漫连续剧,启发来源于温世仁原 著小说。于 2007 年春节期间在全国各地首映。时代背景从秦始皇兼并六 国,建立中国第一个帝国开始,到咸阳被楚军攻陷结束 , 讲述一个体内流 淌英雄之血的少年,最终成长为盖世英雄,凭一己之力改变历史进程的 热血励志故事。该剧融武侠、奇幻、历史于一体,引领观众亲历两千年 前风起云涌、瑰丽多姿的古中国世界,在浓郁的中国风中注入鲜明的时 代感 ......


Legend of Qin


McDull Kung Fu

The story begins as archaeologists discover a cr udely made ar tifact while doing an archaeological study before the entire area was to be flooded following the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. The archaeologists identify it as being made by Mak-zi (also known as “McFat”), an ancient Chinese philosopher who had invented many things, but were arguably ahead of its time, for example, a myriad of electronic devices before the discovery of electricity. However, the crudeness of the artifact has led to the artifact being rejected for every museum in China and abroad, and thus, unwilling to destroy it, the artifact was set on a barge, continuously moving along the Yangtze River. The story continues on to Makzi’s descendant 18 generations later, McDull (Kwok Kwan Yin), a kindergartener living in Hong Kong. Due to mounting debts from failed ventures and economic hardships, McDull’s mother, Mrs. Mak, decides to leave their home in Tai Kok Tsui to find fortune in the mainland. Arriving in Wuhan, Mrs. Mak, knowing that she cannot continue to take care of McDull while trying to make a living, decides to enroll McDull in the Spring Flowers Gate, a boarding Taoist martial arts academy in the Wudang Mountains, while she continues to ply her trade in Wuhan, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou. McDull finds it hard to fit in, being ostracized by his peers at the academy due to being a Hong Konger. However, a mysterious Brother Panda (Anthony Wong) encourages him to get closer and make new friends with his peers...

整个故事围绕着麦兜的习武经历展开。世界幼 儿园武术大赛即将举行,“太乙春花门”小朋友 软手软脚,看来只有挨揍的份儿。同时,道长发 现祖传炼丹炉竟有方便面碎,震怒之下,重罚麦 兜。小同学四散,麦兜也偷偷下山打电话,希望 麦太把他接走。山下,麦兜无意间得知道长的一 段往事 , 年轻时道长曾跟国际武术巨星李小麟相 约罗湖大战!决战后,道长闭关苦思,终于明白 要把太极拳革新的重要,同时把这一重任寄托在 新生的一代。原来一直鼓励着麦兜的熊宝弟弟, 竟是道长扮的!麦兜知道之后,大为感动,决定 回到山上,好好跟道长学习推手。世界幼儿园武 术大赛,麦兜迎战各地好打小朋友。这时,麦子 名兜字仲肥的巨物突然当当当的响起。原来是一 个一年等于一秒,每三千六百年才报一次时的大 钟。大成若缺,大器晚成。麦兜忽然悟出太极拳, 以至自己生命的道理。 作为麦兜系列动画电影的第四部,依旧秉承着 其一贯的温情、无厘头的搞笑风格,快乐中带着 淡淡的忧伤。暑假,当小朋友都到新西兰滑雪、 到北京大学学普通话、到剑桥学英文的时候,家 境贫寒的麦兜因为妈妈北上武汉做食肆生意,只 好被送上武当山学习太极拳。武当山上没有电视、 没有空调,在孤单的夜晚里,麦兜忍不住寂寞, 常常独自落泪。但他仍然坚持勤学苦练,终于以 一套又闷又慢的太极拳参加“打遍天下无敌手世 界幼儿园武术大赛”与李小龙、袁和平等人的弟 子对擂 ...... 该片较前三部影片,融入了更多纯正 的港式幽默,慢性子的麦兜耍功夫,更是令人值 得期待 ......




Draw Cartoon Characters

Let’s do i


请同学们根据教程,按照说明一步一步来画。 请选择好你们想画的卡通人物,看好每下一步要 画些什么。好啦,我们不要浪费时间啦,让我们 准备好铅笔和纸张享受绘图的乐趣吧! To follow your how to draw Dora tutorial, follow each step by step illustration. You will notice the complete drawing, followed below by individual illustrations, each of which will show you the next stroke to make on your paper. So let’s not waste any more time and let’s get our pencils and papers ready for some serious drawing fun.




Comic Strips

漫画连载 Car toon T





未完待续 ......

To Be Continued...


Little Lotus (小荷)杂志内容上着力为 8-13 岁的 孩子提供基本生活常识、创造力培养、推理能力锻炼, 提倡关爱他人,让孩子树立崇高理想,追求积极的 人生价值。分享阅读,传递快乐!

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