Greensboro Country Club

(336) 275-8506
I am excited to share that Greensboro Country Club once again has been honored with the Platinum Clubs of America award for the fourth time in a row for 2023 –2024. The voting body that elects the Platinum Clubs of America are General Managers, Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officers, Presidents, and owners across the nation. Platinum Clubs of America represent the top five percent of Private Clubs nationwide, providing Members a great sense of pride There are seven selection criteria, which include Universal Recognition, Excellence in Amenities and Facilities, Caliber of Staff and Professional Service Levels, Engagement and Commitment of Membership, Governance and Prudent Fiscal Management, Adapting to Changing Times, and the Overall Experience� There are only 150 Country Clubs that are Platinum Clubs of America.
Committed Members understand and accept the responsibilities of Membership. Collectively they are the custodians and the foundation of the most respected and successful Clubs� Members who represent the best quality are those that reflect the values and culture of their Club. They celebrate their heritage and faithfully observe timehonored traditions. These Members are educated to preserve the Club’s legacy by perpetuating the institution to provide for the next generation of Members. Engaged Members endeavor to attract prospective new Members who share the same values, integrity, and commitment� Should you like to learn more about the Platinum Clubs of America, please feel free to contact me�
In addition, Greensboro Country Club has also been awarded the designation of Distinguished Club from Boardroom Magazine for the eighth year in a row� To be a Distinguished Club is to be one of only a few, highly selected private clubs that are recognized as providing a Member experience at a level attained by only the finest clubs in the world. There are only 100 Country Clubs nationwide listed in this category.
We celebrate these awards and distinctions, and we hope you are proud to be a member at a club with such high accolades Please let us not forget that such accolades also come with a responsibility to continuously strive for excellence and continuous improvements.
The renovation project is finally coming to an end, and we are working our way through a very long punch list, which will take some time to complete. We are also very happy that Members can enjoy all the new spaces at the Club� We have received may comments on how much our Membership enjoys the 1909, the Family Grill and Sunset Dining Room� As the spring approaches we will also open the Donald Ross Terrace - as soon as temperatures permits us to do so Please also visit the Farm and join us for our Thursday Night Buffet, Sunday Brunch, or simply for lunch or dinner to experience some new additions to our menus.
Do you have a comment, praise or suggestion? We want to hear from you! Please feel free to send me an email at f eder@greensborocc org and I will make sure to get back with you�
Yours truly,
Friedrich Eder, CCM, CCE Chief Operating Officer/General Manager2023 is off to an incredible start! Thank you for your continued support of GCC Membership! Please welcome the newest additions to the GCC family and be sure to check the Membership page on the website for our current prospective New Member postings!
Full Membership
John & Mary Margaret Sampson
Marty Perrell & Joe Aiello
Benjamin Pearce
James & Rebecca Doran
Thierry & Yvonne Bosson
Robert Donovan & Ann Fitzpatrick
Alan & Gina Julian
Robert & Stacey Kinter
John Morrisette
Pearce & Claire Veazey
Farm Membership
Mary Ann & Bob Johnson
Jeff & Lisa Kies
Also, please join me in congratulating our 2022 Just One Sponsoring Members who celebrated an evening of 80s Music Trivia Night. 2022 Just One Sponsoring Members won selected Racquet, Fitness and Golf Raffle Prizes and five trivia prizes. A special shout out Chip Stamey for winning the Grand Prize Culinary Experience for sponsoring multiple new Members in 2022!
• The process starts with an invitation to join by you, the Sponsoring Member
• A Sponsoring Member should help the Prospective Member in securing three Member endorsement letters which will be submitted with the application.
• The completed application should be submitted to the Membership Department with the application fee
• The Sponsoring Member will attend the New Member Interview with the Prospective New Member.
Sponsors receive $100 credit to their account, dinner for four and a bottle of wine (total value up to $250) and choice of GCC logo item (tumbler, blanket or golf umbrella). Sponsor more than one new Member and be entered into the drawing for our special Culinary Event We will celebrate 2023 Sponsors with a party in early 2024!
The 1909 Club celebrates those Members whose Membership tenure and age total at least 100 years� We are planning our next gathering for Friday, April 14th� Watch the mail for your invitation with all of the details. It is a great time for everyone!
Saturday, April 8 8:00 - 10:00 a�m� | Irving Park Hunt kicks off at 8:45 a.m.
Let's hunt for Easter Eggs and have your photo taken with the Easter Bunny! Enjoy a fantastic Easter Egg Brunch Buffet.
Adults $20 | Children Ages 4-12 $12 |Children Under 4 $5 Reservations are required. Please sign up on the website or mobile app. 72-hour cancellation policy is in effect.
Enjoy Easter Brunch at Irving Park or the Farm!
Seating times at 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m.
Cold Food
Seasonal Fruit Display with Honey Yogurt
Mixed Green Salad Display
House-made Dressings
Blackberry Salad
Cantaloupe, Agave Granola, Goat Cheese, Arugula, ThymeBlackberry Vinaigrette
Caesar Salad Deviled Eggs
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail, Garlic & Wine Marinated
Mussels and Cocktail Snow Crab Claws
Applewood Bacon and Neese’s Sausage
Belgium Waffles
Chocolate Chips, Whip Cream, Strawberries and Toasted
Cinnamon & Vanilla Infused Maple Syrup
Garlic Home Fries
Lamb Bacon and Curry Ketchup
Carolina Style Benedicts
Thick Cut Country Ham, Poached Egg, Buttermilk Biscuit and Texas Pete Hollandaise
Whipped Yukon Gold Potatoes and House-made Gravy
Sautéed Haricots Verts with Lemon Olive Oil
Sherry-Wild Mushroom Risotto
Southern Fried Chicken
Carved Honey Glazed Pit Ham
Pretzel-Crusted Lamb Chops with Dijon Jus
Additional Kids' Buffet
Buttered Broccoli
Macaroni and Cheese
Smiley Fries
Southern Fried Chicken Strips
Cake and Pie Station
Coconut Cake, Vanilla Bean Cheese Cake, Butter Gooey Cake, Mille-feuille, Key Lime Pie, Chocolate Chess Pie and Pecan Pie
Hot Station
Peach Cobbler and Vanilla Ice Cream
Petite Desserts
Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies, Passion Fruit Curd Tarts, Fruit Tarts and Chocolate Cream Puffs
Adults $36 | Children 4-12 $16
Kids Under 4 our Guests
Cocktails by Member Signature
72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect. Reservations are required. Please call the receptionist at (336) 275-8506 for reservations at Irving Park, and call the Farm at (336) 288-3415 for reservations.
Friday, March 3 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. | Ballroom
Mothers, you and your son will have a magical evening together at this special event! There will be a dinner buffet, music from DJ Randy and portraits will be provided by Aesthetic Images.
$32 per Adult | $16 per Son | $15 per Portrait Cocktails by Member Signature | Jacket & Tie Required
Reservations are required. Please sign up on the website or mobile app. 72-hour cancellation policy is in effect.
Friday, April 21 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. | Farm
Celebrate Spring at a Fun-Filled Carnival at the Farm! There will be lots of family-friendly activities including: Carnival Buffet, Inflatables, Carnival Rides, DJ & Many More Surprises!
Adults $25 | Children (4-12) $15 Children (Ages 3 and Under) $5
Cocktails by Member Signature
Please sign up on the website or mobile app 72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect
The Wine Society is offered to all Full Members and provides a social outlet for sharing the love of wine. It offers both fun and educational events in addition to many exclusive perks� Membership includes:
* Monthly complimentary wine tastings
* Complimentary corkage fee in all GCC restaurants
* Social networking with other Society Members
* Exclusive wine dinners only available to Society Members
* Special offers on numerous wines - some not available to the general public
* Opportunities to meet winemakers and importers
* The ability to purchase wine at below-retail prices
* Entry into a lottery each year for one of 32 GCC wine lockers
Enjoy socializing with other Wine Society members each month at a complimentary wine tasting event.
Wednesday, March 15
Friday, April 7
Wednesday, May 17
Wednesday, June 14
Wednesday, July 19
Friday, August 11
Wednesday, September 20
Wednesday, October 18
Wednesday, November 8
Wednesday, December 6
More information will be available to Wine Society members as we approach the dates of the dinners�
March 9 - Burgundy Albert Bichot
April 19 - Hartford Court
May 4 - Treasure Hunter
September 14 - Belle Glos
October 12 - Caymus
November 9 - Italy
December - TBD
The annual fee for Wine Society Membership is $300 You may choose to be entered into an annual lottery for one of 32 GCC wine lockers. The annual fee for a wine locker is $500.
Please see the website for more information. You may sign up online (on the Dining & Social page) or email Aaron Aadland at a aadland@greensborocc org
Hello! My name is Tyler Coker and I will be the Head Coach for the GCC Blue Dolphins Swim Team. I am a graduate of Page High School and a current student at UNC. I swam for the Blue Dolphins for 12 seasons, was a Junior Coach for two seasons, and an Assistant Coach for three seasons Over the years, the GCC Swim Team has provided me with endless amounts of joy, friendships and memories I look forward to seeing our current Blue Dolphins swimmers have the same experiences I had - a fun, challenging and sportsmanship-anchored environment�
I can’t wait to see old faces and meet new as we begin the 2023 season� Please feel free to reach out to me at coachtylercoker@ regarding Swim Team questions.
Summer is approaching and soon enough, the Blue Dolphins Swim Team season will begin! Our Blue Dolphins swim team is a competitive swim program open to members 5 to 18 years of age, from beginner swimmers to very competitive swimmers. The Blue Dolphins make up one of 23 swim teams in the Greensboro Community Swim Association (CSA). Our swimmers compete in six age groups, male and female, and race in five dual meets beginning at the end of May and culminating with the annual City Meet Swimming Championship July 6th-8th at the Greensboro Aquatic Center (GAC). Our team is all about creating friendships and lifelong memories with “Big Splashes” such as our end-of-season banquet, home meet after parties, friendly intra-team competitions and more. We welcome all eligible GCC children to join our team for a memorable season of competitive swimming as we set our goals and race to win!
Greensboro Aquatics Center (GAC)
These clinics are available to current Blue Dolphins swimmers as well as potential “new” swimmers who may want to try out for the team� Pre-season clinics are a great opportunity for swimmers to interact with some of the swim team coaches as well as practice strokes needed throughout the season. Kick the season off early with a little practice and team unity!
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. | Swimmers (Ages 5 - 8)
$15 per Swimmer per Clinic
Sunday, March 5
Sunday, March 26
Sunday, May 7
Sunday, May 21
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Swimmers (9 & Older)
$15 per Swimmer per Clinic
Sunday, March 5
Sunday, March 26
Sunday, May 7
Sunday, May 21
Please sign up on the website or the mobile app. If you have any questions email Shannon O'York, Director of Youth and Aquatics at s�oyork@greensborocc�org�
IP (336) 272-4364 | FARM (336) 288-4461
The winter Operation 36 semester came to a close on a high note! Congratulations to Emory Kate Kern and Linc Salmon for passing their respective divisions on the last Operation 36 Social of the semester!
Gentlemen’s Season-Long Four-Ball Match Play Registration Deadline - Sunday, March 19
Ladies Season-Long Four-Ball Match Play Registration Deadline - Sunday, March 19
Mixed Season-Long Four-Ball Match Play Registration Deadline - Sunday, March 19
Gentlemen’s Breakfast Tournament | Farm - Saturday, March 25
Ladies Breakfast Tournament | Farm - Tuesday, March 28
Gentlemen’s Triple Crown Tournament | IP - Saturday, April 1
"The Azalea" One-Day Member-Guest | IP - Friday, April 7
Tough Day | IP - Saturday, April 8
Mixed Twilight Golf | Farm - Thursday, April 13
Gentlemen’s Captain’s Cup Draft | IP - Tuesday, April 18
Gentlemen’s Match Play Championship | IP – Saturday, April 29 - Sunday, April 30th
February 18, 2023
The Eskimo Open is the first event of the Golf Season each year. Taking place in February, the tournament name is very fitting, as players are always faced with Eskimo-like temperatures! Players pair up with one other player to compete in a two-man Better Ball format with both a Gross and Net contest. We would like to congratulate Chris Winter and Adam Gagnon on the Net victory and Scott and Andrew Baker on their Gross victory!
(336) 691-5825
Jane Nickles has been training with Zack and Jamie since the summer. We asked her a few questions to get her perspective on different aspects of staying healthy and fit.
A lot of people struggle with staying consistent, so what are some tips you would share that have helped you stick to a routine?
Signing up for personal training creates that consistency, because you set training sessions and then you don’t want to miss those sessions!
How has your approach, or mentality, to working out shifted over the years, if at all?
My approach has not changed over the years, but I enjoy a variety of exercises including Personal Training, running, yoga, aerobic dance, and pickleball. The variety of exercises always keeps me interested.
When you are out of town or traveling, how do you like to stay active?
When I’m on vacation, I enjoy exploring the area, and walking and biking for exercise.
Get ready for the GCC Fitness Dry Triathlon in March! A dry triathlon is an endurance event that challenges participants to complete a set distance using three different cardio machines. A traditional triathlon consists of swimming, cycling and running. Instead of swimming, Members will use the rowing machine. Participants will row 4,000 meters, cycle eight miles, and walk or run three miles. These exercises may be completed on different days. Prizes will be offered for the best total time in Members' age groups. Register online, on the mobile app or stop by the Fitness, Health & Wellness Center�
On Saturday, March 18 from 10:00 to 11:00a�m�, we will host a complimentary Irish Dance Pop-up class� Indoor cycle instructor, Miranda DellaVecchio, was a competitive Irish Dancer for 12 years. For our pop-up class, she will be teaching the basics of Irish Dance� Some beginner movements include the "one, two, three," "skip," "leap" and "jig"! All you need are your tennis shoes and to wear something green!
Bingo is coming to GCC Fitness in April! With many different bingo squares, there will be lots of ways to win! Try a new class, join our coffee hour, or book a massage are just a few ways to fill your Bingo square. Stay tuned for more info on GCC Fitness, Health & Wellness Bingo!
The Fitness, Health and Wellness world is filled with so much information that is can be easily accessed on the Internet, or seen on television, but it is so difficult to tell the good from the bad, the right from the wrong. The GCC Fitness, Health and Wellness Signature Series is designed to help provide you with credible information and practices across a variety of Fitness, Health and Wellness topics. This series spans over six months, with one event per month. Each event covers a unique topic - no two will ever be the same.
Friday, March 17
12:00 a.m. | Ballroom
With all of the “diets” that exist today, all of the creative packaging, all of the ingredients with more letters than the alphabet, it is so hard to determine what is “actually” good for us and what is not. Join the GCC Chefs and the GCC Fitness, Health & Wellness staff for this exciting myth-busting nutrition seminar to learn about what is actually healthy for you Lunch will be served during the event Please contact Cheyanne Clouse at c clouse@ greensborocc org with any dietary restrictions. $15 per person
Thursday, April 13
11:00 a.m. | Ballroom
Do you ever come into the Fitness, Health & Wellness Center and waste time trying to decide what you are going to do for your workout that day? Or maybe you don’t have a lot of time to fit your workout in, but you still want to do something and you aren’t sure how to adjust your normal routine to fit into your limited time frame? Join us for this Maximizing Your Workouts event to learn how to get the most out of your fitness routine. Complimentary
Please sign up on the website or mobile app. You may also call the Fitness, Health & Wellness Center at (336) 691-5825 for more information.
Additional events in this series include: “Relax, Recover & Rejuvenate: Taking Care of Your Mind, Body and Soul” and a special guest speaker! Watch for more information!
IP (336) 275-8162 | Farm (336) 288-7801
Spring: April 3 - May 28
(No Classes April 10 - 16)
These classes will stress the FUN-damentals while teaching the BEST way to play tennis. Smaller courts/ nets and slower bouncing tennis balls will allow the kids to play tennis sooner� The name of the class refers to the type of ball that is used�
Red (Ages 4 - 5) $124
Monday 3:45 - 4:30 p m or Wednesday 3:45 - 4:30 p m
Monday 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. or Wednesday 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. ($99)
Orange (Ages 6 - 8) $174
Monday 4:30 - 5:30 p�m� or Wednesday 4:30 - 5:30 p�m�
Green (Ages 8 - 10) $174
Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00 p m or Thursday 4:00 - 5:00 p m
Middle School (6, 7 & 8 Grades) $174
Tuesday 5:00 - 6:00 p m or Thursday 5:00 - 6:00 p m
All fees listed are for one day per week for a sevenweek session� Fee includes a 30-minute private lesson with one of our certified Tennis Professionals.
Tuesdays | 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. ($199) or Thursdays | 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. ($199)
This class is typically teenage kids preparing for their high school seasons and for USTA Tournaments. It is the highest level class at GCC and is for kids who have the desire to do the work that it takes to become the best tennis player that they can be� This class is not appropriate for beginning players If you are unsure if this class is for you, please contact one of our tennis professionals and we will help evaluate you�
Fee includes a 30-minute private lesson with one of our certified Tennis Professionals.
To sign up for Racquet Sports events, please visit the website at www�greensborocc�org, the mobile app or call the Racquet Sports Professional Shop at (336) 275-8162, unless otherwise indicated per event�
Our NEW Junior Singles Ladders are an exciting new opportunity for GCC Juniors to gain valuable match-play experience. Register for a ladder and we'll put you on the ladder list. Each player will get a copy of this list (complete with phone numbers) and then the juniors contact each other to schedule matches and reserve courts. The match gets played, scores are reported to the Professional Shop, recorded and the standings will updated and posted. All players can challenge as far "down" as they like, but cannot challenge more than five people ahead. At the end of the session (eight weeks), prizes will be awarded for various things such as most matches played, most tie-breakers won, best sportsmanship, champion of the ladder, biggest upset, etc. Winning on the "scoreboard" is not the only thing that will be acknowledged!
The fee for each league is $40 per player. This includes the listing, balls for each match and the season-ending awards party! Opening day of the Ladder League will be the first day that the outdoor courts open for play. Matches will be recorded until the end of the day on May 21. Please register by March 13 by emailing us at gccracquetsports@ You can also stop by either of the Farm or Irving Park Professional Shops.
Wednesday, April 12 - Wednesday, May 24 (7 weeks) | Irving Park
We only run this league in the spring and fall so don’t miss out on the fun! Each night you’ll play an eight-game “Pro” set with the other three players on your court� Winners and losers will move up or down each week depending on their scores. Prizes will be awarded to the top three point-getters at the end of the seven-week league at the season-ending beer and sandwich party! After you register, you’ll be put onto the extremely exclusive and prestigious “list.” This list will receive an e-mail each week asking who can play. The first 24 to respond will play at 6:30. If we have 28 or more, we will add a round at 7:30
$45 per Player (Includes all the tennis and the beer and sandwich party)
Please sign up on the website or on the mobile app
The NEW Adult Tennis Singles Ladders are an exciting new opportunity for GCC adults to gain valuable match-play experience and to satisfy their competitive juices! Rules are simple: Register for a ladder and we will put you on the ladder list� Each player will get a copy of this list (complete with phone numbers) and the participants contact each other to schedule matches and reserve courts� The match gets played, scores are reported to the Professional Shop, recorded and the standings will be updated and posted All players can challenge as far "down" as they like but cannot challenge more than five people ahead.
This exciting new system of ladders will also help in the placement of players into classes and possibly seedings for events like Club Championships At the end of the session (eight weeks), prizes will be awarded for various things such as: most matches played, most tie-breakers won, champion of the ladder, biggest upset, etc� Winning on the "score-board" is not the only thing that will be acknowledged! We will have two “Open” flights. One for ladies and one for men� All levels are compiled into the same list�
The fee for each league is $40 per player� This includes the listing, balls for each match, and the season-ending awards party! Opening day of the Ladder League will be the first day that the outdoor courts open for play� Matches will be recorded until the end of the day on May 21. Please register by March 13 by emailing gccracquetsports@greensborocc org You can also stop by either the Farm or Irving Park Professional Shops
Tuesdays & Thursdays
March 16, 21, 23 & 28; April 6, 11, 18*, 20 & 25
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. | Irving Park
Pickleball 101 Clinics are perfect for those players who have little or no experience or who are just wanting to brush up on scoring, rules, and fundamentals of technique We recommend that most new players take at least two 101 clinics� *April 18 is ADULT & CHILD ONLY CLINIC* This class is limited to parents and their children age 10 & up. Each child must be accompanied by an adult family member. If you are participating in the “Parent/Child Pickleball Party” at 6:45 p.m., this is a perfect class to help you warm-up and brushup on the rules of pickleball!
$23 per Player per 90-Minute Session
$18 per Player for 60-Minute Session
Sign up on the website or mobile app�
Wednesdays, March 15 & 29; April 5, 12, 19 & 26
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. | Irving Park
“Practice & Play” clinics are designed for players who have completed Pickleball 101 and are Beginner to Advanced Beginner level. Each group will have 30 to 40 minutes of drilling and then coached match-play from GCC’s Certified Pickleball Professionals� High percentage strategies will be taught along with technical tips.
$23 per Player per Session
Sign up on the website or mobile app�
IP (336) 275-8162 | Farm (336) 288-7801
Tuesday, March 28
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. This event is so big that we’re running two of them! Join us for a fun night of co-ed pickleball as we celebrate the opening of our new pickleball patio at Irving Park!
No partner needed to sign up.
$20 per player
Tuesday, April 4 6:45 - 8:15 p.m.
We’ll be ripping forehands & sipping wine afterwards at this fun event We’ll spend about 30 minutes running you through fun games & then we’ll finish up with an hour of round-robin social doubles & heavy hors d’oeuvres� No partner needed to sign up.
$20 per player
Tuesday April 18 6:45 - 8:15 p.m.
The minimum age for this event is 10-years-old and teams must consist of one child and one parent or grandparent� It will be a laid-back, fun evening of round-robin pickleball play with heavy hors d’oeuvres afterwards.
$35 per team
Friday, April 21
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Celebrate spring by bringing a guest to enjoy the newly renovated Irving Park Tennis Facility! We’ll play round-robin doubles and have lunch together afterwards� Please register early, as this event is limited to 16 teams. All registrations must be done through the Racquet Sports Professional Shop or emailing
gccracquetsports@greensborocc org
$60 per team
Thursday April 27
6:45 - 8:15 p.m.
ALL players in this unique event must play with a wood tennis racquet! While not required, we encourage each participant to wear their best throwback outfit. “Too short” old-school shorts, tube socks and all the pleats you can muster will ‘cause you to fit right in at this party!
Heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine included� $20 per player
To sign up for all Racquet Sports events, please visit the website at www greensborocc org, the mobile app or call the Racquet Sports Professional Shop at (336) 275-8162 - unless otherwise indicated.
(336) 288-3415
Sunday Brunch Buffet
11:00 a m - 2:00 p m | Farm
Join us every Sunday of the month for our Sunday Brunch. Our chefs have designed a delicious menu encompassing both lunch and breakfast for an incredible brunch experience
Adults $20 | Children 12 & Under $12
Children Under Four Are Our Guests
New! Mimosa and Bloody Mary Specials on Sunday!
Sunday, April 9 | Farm
Seating times at 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m.
Please see the Easter Brunch Buffet Menu on page 5. Call the receptionist at (336) 288-3415 for reservations.
Weekly Thursday Night Buffet
5:30 - 9:00 p�m� | Farm
Join us every Thursday night as the Farm chefs create a wonderful dinner with a new menu each week that mixes the best of new and creative dishes inspired by local seasonal ingredients with our existing Club favorites�
Adults $22 | Children 12 & Under $12
Children Under Four Are Our Guests
Friday, April 21
4:00 - 8:00 p.m. | Farm
Adults $25 | Children (4-12) $15 Children (Ages 3 and Under) $5 Cocktails by Member Signature
Please see page 7 for more details You may make reservations on the website, mobile app or call the Irving Park receptionist at (336) 275-8506.
Prime Rib Buffet
Thursday, March 30 & Thursday, April 27
5:30 - 9:00 p�m� | Farm
Enjoy our Prime Rib Dinner featuring prime rib, southern fried chicken and house-made desserts
Adults $30 | Children 12 & Under $15
Children Under Four Are Our Guests
Summer is approaching and soon enough, the Blue Dolphins Swim Team season will begin! Watch your email for more information regarding our new Coach, Tyler Coker, PreSeason Clinics, Swim Suit Orders and Swim Team Registration. You may also see page 9 for more information.
President Matthew Rankin
Inside Vice President Will DuBose
Outside Vice President Elizabeth Payonk
Treasurer Ralph Allen
Assistant Treasurer Scott Faircloth
Secretary Marc Isaacson
Assistant Secretary Louise Bristol
Membership Julia Armbruster
Immediate Past President Mark Davidson
Past President David Egerton
Director Tara Burgio-Wheelihan
Director Mike Cornwell
Director Carter Davenport
Director John Campbell Hall IV
Director Rick Ramsey
Department Email
Friedrich Eder, CCM, CCE - General Manager/COO f eder@greensborocc org
Cheyanne Clouse - Director of Fitness, Health & Wellness c clouse@greensborocc org
Mark Ficks, USPTA, PPTA, APTA - Director of Racquet Sports
Lori Frasier - Membership Director l frasier@greensborocc org
Tyler Gosselin - Director of Golf t�gosselin@greensborocc�org
Jason Hinson - Director of Facilities
Maria Lemboris - Executive Administrative Assistant
Doug Lowe, CGCS - Director of Golf Course Maintenance d lowe@greensborocc org
Nikki Ludwig - Director of Communications
Michelle Lunney - CFO m�lunney@greensborocc�org
Shannon O'York - Director of Aquatics & Youth Activities
Shayne Taylor, CEC, CCA - Executive Chef
Beth Wilkerson, PHR, SHRM-CP -
Director of Human Resources
Reservations are required for dinner.
Irving Park - Family Grill & 1909
Monday: Closed
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday:
Lunch: 11:30 a�m� - 2:00 p�m�
Dinner: 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Friday & Saturday:
Breakfast: 7:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Dinner: 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Lunch/Brunch: 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Dinner: 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
1909 Bar
Tuesday - Sunday: 11:00 a�m� - 10:30 p�m�
Donald Ross Terrace (Weather Permitting)
Tuesday - Sunday: 11:00 a�m� - 10:30 p�m�
Irving Park - Sunset Dining Room
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Bar: 6:00 - 10:30 p.m.
Dinner: 6:00 - 9:30 p�m�
Irving Park Halfway House
Monday - Sunday: 10:00 a�m� - 6:00 p�m�
Farm Grill
Beverage Service: Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday Closed
Tuesday Lunch: 11:00 a�m� - 2:30 p�m�
Wednesday Lunch: 11:00 a m - 2:30 p m
Dinner: 5:30 - 9:00 p�m�
Thursday Lunch: 11:00 a m - 2:30 p m
Dinner (Buffet): 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Friday Lunch: 11:00 a m - 2:30 p m
Saturday Lunch: 11:00 a�m� - 2:30 p�m�
Dinner: 5:30 - 9:00 p m
Sunday Brunch Buffet: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Farm Halfway House
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 a m - 5:00 p m