Explore 2022

Page 28

Family Camp

Girl Scouts and their families are invited to a two- family of up to 4 members. Additional family day, one night family camping adventure! Spend members can be added for $10 per member. quality time together and enjoy general camp For each session, check in will begin at 9:00 activities like canoeing, art a.m. on Saturday and check projects, archery, fishing, out will be at 11:00 a.m. Don’t miss out on a weekend of cooking over a fire, and on Sunday. Dinner will be fun, adventure, and competition more! We will even have provided Saturday and with the whole family. some friendly competition breakfast will be provided among families. on Sunday. Participants will need to bring a sack lunch for Saturday. Please These family opportunities have family style note—activities will be best suited for ages 5 and pricing! The $95 registration fee includes up but children as young as 3 are welcome to facilitated activities, supplies, and food for a attend. Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland


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Explore 2022 by Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland - Issuu