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Fishing and art: Annie Margarita
Annie Margarita
Margarita ha cominciato la sua carriera artistica molto presto dipingendo scenografie alla scuola media e raffinati dipinti artistici alle superiori. Dopo il diploma, temendo di diventare un’“artista morta di fame”, si è arruolata nei Marines, lavorando dapprima come meccanico di auto e poi come analista di immagini. E’ appassionata di viaggi e di altre culture e forme artistiche. Dopo aver lasciato i Marines ha operato a livello internazionale come artista di murali e come artista industriale in 3D per parchi a tema, zoo e acquari, partecipando anche a competizioni ed esposizioni. Da 14 anni è titolare di- Annie Margarita Studios- e dipinge murali, intonaci decorativi e trompe l'oeil
Margarita started her art career very early by painting scenic backdrops in middle school and then selling fine art paintings in high school. Upon graduation, with the fear of becoming a “starving artist”, she enlisted in the Marines, working as a diesel mechanic then as an imagery analyst. She became passionate about travelling and learning about other cultures and art forms. After leaving the service she worked internationally as a scenic artist in murals and as a 3D industrial artist creating features for theme parks, zoos and aquariums, as well as competing and showing her fine art paintings. She has owned Annie Margarita Studios for 14 years, painting murals and decorative plasters and faux in private homes and businesses. Her experiences, along with a degree in Interior Design, give her creations emotional impact, originality, and she maintains the highest quality in her works. She has also earned a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Oregon, College of Design, 2019. Annie is an avid fly fisher and journeyed throughout the United States fishing many famous trout streams before falling in love with the McKenzie River, where she has made her permanent home in Nimrod, Oregon. Recently, a victim of the Holiday Farm Fire, her entire inventory, tools, supplies, workshop and home have been lost. With a new perspective, she has slowed down to make the best art of her life. Her self- taught knowledge of leather craft, making patterns and personal designs, helps her create fly fishing cases and other accessories with a bold painting style that is unique and fascinating. She is well known for her wildlife and drift boat paintings, fly fishing cases, and accessories that have been winning awards, along with being purchased for royal and private collections worldwide.
in abitazioni private e locali commerciali. Le sue esperienze, unite a un diploma in Interior Design, conferiscono alle sue creazioni un grande impatto emotivo e originalità insieme ad un’altissima qualità. Ha conseguito anche una laurea in Scienze all’Università dell’Oregon, College of Design, nel 2019. Annie è un’appassionata pescatrice a mosca e ha viaggiato attraverso gli Stati Uniti per pescare in molti fiumi prima di innamorarsi del McKenzie e stabilirsi così a Nimrod, nell’Oregon. Recentemente il suo magazzino, compresi strumenti, provviste, workshop e casa, è andato distrutto in seguito ad un incendio. Ha imparato da autodidatta a lavorare il cuoio e crea scatole per la pesca a mosca e altri accessori con uno stile ardito unico e affascinante. È nota sia per i suoi dipinti di animali selvatici e barche alla deriva, sia per le scatole da pesca a mosca e accessori, ricercati da clienti e collezionisti di tutto il mondo.
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