Artikel auf Deutsch:
Which Hemp Oil to Use:
Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, PCR oil, or Isolate? von Dr. Jokūbas Žiburkus, PhD | MediTaurus, CEO and Co-Founder of
In the fast-changing global hemp market, new ingredients, products, and definitions are developing at such fast speed that this industry often becomes overwhelming for a lay person, a patient, a regulator, or a hemp-based start-up. Indeed, when one looks at a variety of products online or in hemp or cannabis retail shops, the sheer number of products and brands can be overwhelming. Furthermore, when faced with a variety of hemp products at the retail locations, it is rare
to find a well-educated sales person that can confidently explain the difference in the multitude of products. A good sales person should be able to explain some basic concepts about hemp, phytoactive elements, including phytocannabinoids, explain the differences in the products at hand, and to not overstate hemp’s medicinal value. While the level of consumer and seller education is evolving, more and more products will enter the market, concur-
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