Hartselle Living April 2014

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Day of Dragon Annual Dragon Boat Races attract teams from all over

Inside this edition: Local K-9 officer makes impact on local drug war Getting ready for Cinco de Mayo Vol. 4, Issue 4

A Division of Decatur ENT

2 • Hartselle Living

4 • Hartselle Living

table of contents

FEB 2014

GET TO KNOW 14. Vaughan and Filas


Emily Miller shows off her new figure after losing more than 185 pounds over the last two years.

Police officer Vaughn Lambert and Filas are trying to keep the streets of Morgan County free from drugs. The two are on patrol around Falkville. They also help assists with random drug sweeps of schools and other assignments.


President and Publisher Randy Garrison Editor Brent Maze Advertising Pam Gray Ann Kirby Contributors Clif Knight Richard Hollingsworth Office Staff April Thompson Katie Sparkman


Hartselle Newspapers, LLC 407 Chestnut St. NW P.O. Box 929 Hartselle, AL 35640 256-773-6566 Fax: 256-773-1953 info@hartselleliving.com Hartselle Living is published monthly by Hartselle Newspapers, LLC. A one-year subscription to the Hartselle Enquirer and Hartselle Living is $39 in county or $78 out of county. Single copies are available at select locations throughout the Hartselle area. To advertise or to get more FREE copies, call 773-6566. www.hartselleliving.com Copyright 2014 by Hartselle Newspapers, LLC

Departments 10

18 WELLNESS: For your health, make time away from digital devices.

OUR WAY OF LIFE: Local teams compete in the annual Dragon Races.


16 HISTORY: Local residents get a close look at Articles of Association signature page.

FOOD: Enjoy Mexican recipes as Cinco de Mayo celebrations near.

IN EVERY ISSUE: Letters • 6 Calendar • 8 Scene • 19 Hartselle Living • 5


Folks with big hearts L

ast week while working on the Silent Auction for the Hartselle Fine Arts Center, I was reminded once again how generous the folks in Hartselle really are. We hold a silent auction each year in conjunction with our annual dinner. Through the funds raised through both activities, we are able to keep the bills paid and keep the building open for our community. Many business owners donated items for the auction as they have for the past 14 years. When I called or emailed folks about donating, all were supportive and make a donation to our cause. Many folks who make a donation do not have a connection to the facility or have never even been to an event held there. They are still more than willing to support the cause because it is part of their hometown and community. However, our auction is by far not the only cause those most businesses are asked to support. Many churches now have golf tournaments, mission activities, fall festivals and many other activities held Randy Garrison • Letter from the Publisher to raise money for various reasons. Each Heart.” Merchants and businesses, most often will bend over school in our community has fundraising backwards to support most causes, especially those involving events throughout the year for various things they are trying to children, schools, and churches. I am not sure where many of accomplish or to improve their schools in some way. Athletic our local sports teams, Relay for Life, most non- profits, PTO programs from rec leagues to high school sports are always organizations, and church your events would be financially if having some type of fundraiser to buy uniforms or equipment, not for the generous support given by the business men and fund trips or just to enable them to participate in the activities. women of our hometown. I am positive that most of the merchants in town are inunUnfortunately, many do not receive the proper appreciation dated each day of the week with someone looking for a door and acknowledgement that should be given for all they conprize, auction items, and monetary donation or just asking for tribute. In fact many would probably feel most appreciative support of some type for their cause. Over the years I have if those asking for donations we simply shop their business been on the asking end many times and most likely have not been turned down by more than a handful of folks. Even when and support the local folks when purchases are made. Please join me in thanking our local merchants for the ‘Big Heart” I was turned it was not do to the merchant or business owner not wanting to help, some are just not able to do so because of they have in sharing their donations, both in merchandise and monetary no only with our words but with our actions as well. company rules. Think of those who have supported your cause when you need Hartselle is known as the “City of Southern Hospitality” but to make a purchase next time. Hats off to our local businesses. I think a second line could be added as well, “City with a Big

6 • Hartselle Living

Hartselle, the beautiful While I may not necessarily be the biggest advocate for our environment, I still believe it’s important for us to do our part to keep our environment as clean and green as possible. Living in Hartselle, this hasn’t been something that’s been too difficult. Hartselle already does a lot to help the environment. The city has a longstanding recycling program, something other communities I’ve lived in never had. There is a big emphasis on the environment placed in our local education. Local schools have outdoor classrooms for students to learn about their environment and also to learn about cultivating plants. We also have the Water Works facility, which is teaching kids about our environment. It’s kind of interesting

that this was converted into this kind of an environmental education station from the old Hartselle water treatment plant. We also have E.A.R.T.H. Park. The initials stand for Environmental Awareness Reaching Out To Hartselle. It’s a virtual outdoor classroom where local schoolchildren and others can learn and enjoy the environment. It’s not uncommon to see Brent Maze • Letter from the Editor a class out at the park taking We want to help preserve the natural water samples to test to see if beauty around us so that everyone the water is healthy. can continue to enjoy it now and for In general, Hartselle is a very generations to come. environmentally friendly place. We Let’s continue to do our part to keep love to be outside and enjoy the Hartselle the beautiful place that it is. outdoors.

Hartselle Living • 7


National Day of Prayer The Town of Somerville will have a National Day of Prayer event Thur., May 1, at 9 a.m. at the flagpole in the courthouse square. Join us in prayer for our country and community.

May 2

Somerville Celebration The 10th annual Somerville Celebration will be Fri., May 2, at the historic Somerville Courthouse, 24 Courthouse Square. Festivities include a 5k and one-mile fun run, antique cars, inflatables, pony rides, storytelling, vendors of all kinds, delicious food, door prizes, live music and fireworks. For more information, or anyone interested in being a vendor, contact Somerville

Town Hall at 256-778-8282 or online townofsomerville@aol. com.

May 6

HHS Honors Day Hartselle High School’s senior honors day will be May 6 at 1 p.m. in the auditorium. Pinterest Party The next Pinterest Party be May 6 at 6 p.m. at Sparkman Civic Center. The fee including supplies is $15. Registration and payments must be received by May 2. Call 256-773-2581 for more information.

May 9

Mother/Son Date Night Hartselle Parks and Recreation will have a Mother/Son Date Night May 9 from 7-9 p.m. Sons,

The annual DMHF Dragon Boat races will be May 10.

8 • Hartselle Living

bring your mom or grandmother out for a fun evening of dinner and dancing just in time for Mother’s Day. The fee is $10 per person. This amount includes a meal, a night of dancing and two photos of mother and son. Please pay and register by May 6. Morgan-Hartselle Relay for Life The Morgan-Hartselle area Relay for Life will be May 9 from 6 p.m. to midnight at Sparkman Civic Center.

May 10

DMHF Dragon Boat Races The Decatur Morgan Hospital Foundation will host its third annual Dragon Boat Race & Festival May 10 at Point Mallard EVENTS continued on page 9

EVENTS, from 8 Aquatic Center Beach. Teams of 20 paddlers, a drummer and steerer race in authentic, 46-foot-long dragon boats. All ages, skill levels and physiques can paddle, making it the ultimate team building sport, requiring synchronicity and finesse, more than power to win. Proceeds from the event will benefit the foundation. For more information, log on to www.decaturdragonboat.org.

May 12-16

Hartselle citywide cleanup Hartselle’s annual citywide cleanup will be Mon., May 12-16. The $10 charge for the Wednesday’s white goods pickup will be waived for this week.

May 16

Sparkman Park Survivor Mister Henry’s Neighborhood Restaurant Sparkman Park Survivor will be May 16 in Pavilion 4 at Sparkman Park. Elimination games will begin at 7 p.m. and continue throughout the night until 8

a.m. May 17, when the ultimate survivor will be crowned. Participants must be at least 18 years of age. There is no entry fee. The winner will receive a season pass for family of four to Hartselle Aquatic Center, a $250 value. Register at Sparkman Civic Center center no later than May 12.

May 16-17

SoulStock SoulStock, an annual outdoor Christian music and worship event in Decatur, will be May 16-17 at Point Mallard Park in Decatur. Noah Cleveland, J. Forgiven and Lindsay Huggins will be performing May 16 beginning at 6 p.m. May 17’s lineup, which begins at 2 p.m., is headlined by Building 429. Other acts include, Sanctus Real, Noah Cleveland, Love and Outcome, LP, Nine Lashes, My Savior Story and Coley. The Rev. Chette Williams is the guest speaker. For more information, log on to soulstock.com.

May 19

Hartselle High School Graduation

Hartselle City Schools will have graduation May 19 at 7 p.m. at J.P. Cain Stadium.

May 24-25

Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic The 37th annual Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic will be May 24-25 at Point Mallard Park in Decatur. Admission and parking is free. Shuttle service is provided at cost of $1-$2 if parking at a remote lot. The Alabama Jubilee features sixty balloons from around the US. Visitors are encouraged to come out for the day to see these magnificent flying machines in action an are allowed to freely walk amongst the balloons. Saturday morning is the ‘hare & hound’ race and during the evening there is the always popular Balloon Glow that lights up the night sky. Sunday morning balloons fly-into the field in the Lynn Layton Key Grab and during the evening many balloons offer free tethered rides. For more information, log on to alabamajubilee.


Hartselle Living • 9


Digital dilemma A sedentary lifestyle spent in front of computers and video game consoles contributes to poor health conditions


martphones and tablets appear to have staying power. The Pew Research Center confirms that smartphone penetration has surpassed the 50 percent mark among mobile subscribers. Many others are routinely using tablets to access books, television shows, movies, and magazines. In multi-screen homes, televisions are still king. According to a 2012 Nielsen report, the average American over the age of two spends more

10 • Hartselle Living

than 34 hours a week, or more than 4 hours per day, watching live television. Those findings should raise an eyebrow, as health experts warn that excessive screen time can be hazardous to one’s health. A sedentary lifestyle spent in front of computers and video game consoles contributes to poor health. Of the leading industrialized countries, the United DIGITAL continued on page 11

DIGITAL, from 10 States has the highest obesity statistics, and Canada is not far behind. Obesity can impact cholesterol, cardiovascular health, risk for type 2 diabetes, and risk for stroke. Excessive screen time can lead to sleep and eating disorders, interfere with a person’s ability to focus and negatively affect a person’s performance at school or work. Getting a family active and reducing time spent in front of a screen can have profound effects, and reducing screen time doesn’t have to be difficult. • Gradually implement changes. Families immersed in electronic devices can cut down on screen time slowly and over the course of several weeks rather than tuning out cold turkey. Start by reducing time spent watching television or

playing video games by one hour per week, and gradually reduce time spent devoted to such activities in the ensuing weeks. • Hide devices. The mantra, “out of sight, out of mind” can work with respect to digital devices. If tablets or smartphones are tucked away, family members may feel less inclined to reach for them at any given time. Just as you wouldn’t stock your pantry full of fattening foods while trying to lose weight, don’t make digital devices readily available throughout the day. • Keep televisions out of the bedroom. Children who have televisions in their bedrooms tend to watch an additional 90 minutes of programming per day than those who do not have televisions in their room. Keep the television in a shared area of the house so that

time spent watching the TV can be monitored and adjusted. • Establish guidelines. Set firm limits on how much screen time will be allowed per day and stick with it. Adults can lead by example. • Plan more family activities. Boredom can easily give way to time spent fooling around on the Internet or channel surfing. Parents should have a cache of ideas at the ready that promote active family time. Neighborhood walks or tossing around a baseball in the yard are enjoyable activities that cut back on time spent being sedentary. Encourage indoor activities, such as puzzles or board games, if the weather is not cooperating. • Be steadfast. Do not throw in the towel too soon. Families should stand their ground when attempting to decrease their screen time in favor of healthier activities.

Hartselle Living • 11


Vaughn and Filas Falkville K-9 team are local frontline enforcers in the war against drugs STORY AND PHOTOS BY CLIF KNIGHT

Falkville Police Department’s K-9 officer Vaughn Lambert and Filas, a European shepherd that specializes in sniffing out narcotics.

12 • Hartselle Living


ord is out among illegal drug dealers and users that you don’t want to be stopped in Falkville when police officer Vaughn Lambert and his narcotics-sniffing dog Filas are on duty. The K-9 unit has been on the front line as enforcers in the war against illegal drugs for 15 months. Here’s what happens when officer Lambert, acting with probable cause, stops a vehicle for something as simple as having only one headlight burning or as dangerous as weaving from one lane to the other. The driver is asked to produce identification and if, in the process, officer Lambert suspects the presence of narcotics, he calls on Filas for assistance. On command, Filas sniff, the entire exterior the vehicle from top to bottom, slowly and carefully. He has the ability to discern the scent of narcotics or their derivatives no matter what other scents are present. He stops his search immediately if he detects the smell of drugs. With his partner’s task completed, officer Lambert reassumes command and initiates a physical search of the driver and any passengers as well as the interior of the vehicle. “If my dog indicates the presence of narcotics, I believe him and I won’t leave any stone unturned until I’ve found what he smells,” Lambert said. “Sometimes, if the guilty party doesn’t cooperate, a search can take a long time. “ I may have to use the tools I carry to remove seats, door panels or open the dashboard.”

Falkville K-9 officer Vaughn Lambert puts Filas through a training exercise.

The K-9 unit not only goes after narcotics in motor vehicles but also is equally effective in searching schools, prisons and assisting other law enforcement agencies. A native of Cullman, Lambert has served with the Falkville Police Department for three years. He received his law enforcement training at Jacksonville State University and has 15 years of police officer experience. “I had a strong interest in becoming a dog handler when we began discussing the possibility of adding a police dog to our staff a couple of years ago,” Lambert pointed out. “I was happy to be chosen as K-9 officer when it was decided by our chief, Chris Free, that t a canine would be an asset to the department and community.” Lambert and Filas spent several week training together after Filas was acquired from a kennel in Little Rock, Ark.

”He’s a single purpose dog, trained as a narcotics detector,’ Lambert stated. “ After

I picked him up, we spent the night together in a motel room. “We bonded immediately and that bond has only gotten stronger over time.” Even though Lambert has a wife and two kids at home, Filas is not treated as a pet. He is kept in a kennel, fed high protein dog food and is only allowed inside during inclement weather. “He likes to fetch balls and we spend some off-duty time doing that,” Lambert stated. “He also enjoys training with other police dogs, which occurs four to six hours every two weeks.” Filas is a two-year-old European shepherd who weighs approximately 70 pounds. He has an European passport and is nationally certified a narcotics detection dog.

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Hartselle Living • 13

Misty Fox touches a signature on the Articles of Association as Aaron Clark looks on.


Piece of our history Important document in U.S. history makes a stop in Hartselle recently


ne of the first documents signed by the United States’ founding fathers was on display in

Hartselle The Sons of the American Revolution brought the original signature 14 • Hartselle Living


page of the Articles of Association as approved by the 1st Continental Congress in 1774 to Daystar Church. Bill Stone, a historian and member of the Sons of the American Revolution, said the now 239-year-old page was found “neatly folded” a first

edition copy of “Lee and His Lieutenants” published in 1867. “It was sold unknowingly to an individual from an antique book store just off of the campus of the University of Tennessee,” Stone said. CRASH continued on page 15

CRASH, from 14 “The other pages have never surfaced.” Stone said the only other copy of the document is owned by the British monarchy. However, the document has never been released. Stone said the document was signed as a response to the Intolerable Acts. He pointed out three of the “forgotten” founding fathers, including Peyton Randolf, Henry Middleton and Roger Sherman. Randolf was the original president of the First and Second Continental Congresses. He was a mentor to George Washington. Middleton as president over the Continental Congress for just four days. Sherman was a member

from Connecticut that is the only person to sign the Articles of the Association, Declaration of Independence, Articles of the Confederacy and the U.S. Constitution. Circuit Judge Glenn Thompson said he was excited to see the document because it featured the original signatures of 53 of our Founding Fathers. “What’s unique about this isn’t necessarily the importance of the document, but it’s who signed the document,” Thompson said. “The signature page included original signatures of George Washington, John Adams and other founding fathers. And it’s going to be here in Hartselle, not at the national archives or some other place.” The articles were also presented to all classes at Hartselle High School.

Richard Richie touches a signature on the Articles of Confederation

Hartselle Living • 15


Get ready for Cinco de Mayo You can spice up your spring meals with these Mexican dishes and entrees


inco de Mayo is, officially, a holiday celebrating Mexico’s victory over France in the 1862 Battle of Puebla. In the U.S., where it is actually celebrated with more gusto than in its native country, the holiday has become a celebration of Mexican heritage and culture. The holiday also provides a great excuse to make irresist­ible Mexicaninspired recipes for entertaining and, of course, a big batch of margaritas to wash it all down. Fresh sweet corn is an essential component of many Mexi-

16 • Hartselle Living

can dishes and a cultural staple. Luckily, Cinco de Mayo falls right in the middle of Florida’s Sunshine Sweet Corn season, meaning that the sweetest corn, available all year, arrives just in time to be a part of your Cinco de Mayo celebration. These naturally-bred varieties are grown by a group of family farmers who are committed to producing the finest sweet corn. Get the fiesta started with this Fire Roasted Corn and Chorizo Dip and a big bowl of tortilla chips. Crunchy, spicy, sweet and creamy, this addictive dip will have your guests asking for

more. Next, be sure to serve Mexican Style Corn, a truly authentic and delicious Mexican street food. Crunchy ears of fresh sweet corn are charred to perfection then slathered with a mixture of cheese and mayo, sprinkled with chili powder and squirted with lime for simple flavor perfection. Finally, no Cinco de Mayo celebration is complete without tacos. For a healthful twist on your typical taco, try this recipe for Charred Corn Tacos with Radish Zucchini Slaw that will CINCO DE MAYO continued on page 17

CINCO DE MAYO, from 16 have both vegetarians and meat eaters clamoring for seconds. Incorporating more healthful whole foods and veggies into your Cinco de Mayo celebration this year makes it easier to justify one more margarita. No matter what you serve at your Cinco de Mayo celebration, make sure to incorporate the sweet and wholesome flavor of fresh spring sweet corn. Discover more mouth-watering recipes for Cinco de Mayo and every time of year at www.sunshinesweetcorn. com.

Mexican Style Corn Serves: 4

1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced 2 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon maple syrup 1 cup radishes, cut into matchsticks 1 small zucchini, cut into matchsticks 1 jalapeno, seeded and thinly sliced 1/2 cup (2 1/2 ounces) crumbled Cotija or feta cheese 10 to 12 small (6-inch) soft corn tortillas Brush corn with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Over hot grill or open gas stove flame, char ears of corn until well blackened but not completely burnt. Remove from heat; cool. With large knife, shave off kernels into bowl. Add cilantro, parsley and mint; reserve. In small bowl, combine onion and lime juice; let stand 10 minutes. Stir in maple syrup, radishes, zucchini, jalapeno and 2 tablespoons of oil. Season with salt and pepper; set aside. Heat your tortillas one of two ways: Wrap whole stack in foil and place in warm 250°F oven for 15 min­utes, or coat cast-iron skillet with thin layer of oil and heat over high heat; warm each tortilla 30 seconds to 1 minute each side, until lightly blistered. To make tacos, fill each tortilla with 1/4 cup corn. Top with cheese and radish-zucchini slaw. Serve with lime wedges, if desired.

4 ears fresh Sunshine Sweet Corn, husked 1/4 cup mayonnaise 4 ounces Cotija or feta cheese 1 teaspoon chili powder 4 lime slices Preheat grill or broiler. Grill or broil corn, turning occasionally until hot and some kernels turn golden brown, about 5 minutes. Using knife, coat each ear of corn with about 1 tablespoon of mayon­naise. Crumble cheese on one side of each corn ear. Sprinkle with chili powder, dividing evenly. Broil until cheese starts to melt, approxi­mately 1 to 2 minutes. Serve with lime.

Fire Roasted Corn and Chorizo Dip

Serves: 8 to 12 3 to 4 ears Sunshine Sweet Corn 1 small onion, peeled and sliced into rings 1 small red bell pepper 1 cup cooked chorizo 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened 1/2 pound spicy pepper cheese, like pepper-jack or habanero cheddar 1/4 cup chopped green onions Preheat oven to 400°F and preheat grill to high heat. Remove cornhusks and corn silk, and place fresh Florida Sweet Corn, onion slices and red bell pepper on grill. Grill corn and bell pepper for 8 to 10 minutes, turning every 2 minutes until all sides are slightly charred. Grill onion slices for approximately 3 minutes per side. When veggies are cool enough to handle, cut corn off cob. Then chop onions and pepper, removing pepper seeds. In 8-by-8inch baking dish or one-quart souffle dish, mix all ingredients together until well combined. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until edges are bubbly. Serve warm with tortilla chips.

Charred Corn Tacos with Radish Zucchini Slaw Serves: 4 4 ears Sunshine Sweet Corn Extra virgin olive oil, as needed Salt and freshly ground pepper, as needed 1/2 cup torn cilantro, parsley and mint leaves

Six Global Spreads for Sweet Corn

1. North America: Maple Bourbon Butter — Combine one stick butter, 4 teaspoons bourbon, 2 teaspoons maple syrup and pinch of salt. 2. South America: Lime-Avocado Crema — In a blender, combine one avocado, 1/4 cup lime juice, one garlic clove, 1/2 bunch cilantro, 1/2 cup sour cream and pinch of salt. Blend until smooth. Add water if necessary. 3. Europe: Combine 2 ounces goat cheese, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 table­ spoon fresh thyme, and pinch of salt and pepper. Stir until smooth. 4. Asia: Sriracha Butter — Combine 1/3 cup butter with 3 tablespoons Sriracha. 5. Africa: Harissa-Yogurt Spread — Whisk together 1 cup Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 table­ spoons Harissa sauce, one crushed garlic clove and pinch of salt. 6. Australia: Honey-Ginger BBQ Sauce — In saucepan combine 1 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup ketchup, 1 1/2 table­spoons hot sauce, 4 minced garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons minced ginger and 1 teaspoon salt. Simmer, stirring occasionally until thickened and reduced to about 1 1/4 cup, 20 to 25 minutes.

Hartselle Living • 17


Dragons of the beach Teams from Hartselle, Morgan County and region participate in DMHF benefit race


ragon boats will be taking over Morgan County in a few days, as the Decatur Morgan Hospital Foundation’s third annual Dragon Boat Race sets sail from Point Mallard Aquatic Center Beach May 10. This type of racing is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. This growth has stemmed from participation by various groups, corporations and organizations using it as a fun team building opportunity while promoting exercise. Team captains and/or co-captains 18 • Hartselle Living

lead the team effort and communicate to team members. Teams race with 20 paddlers and a drummer. Teams may have 4 alternates, for a total of 25 team members, or can race with minimum of 16. Must have at least 8 female paddlers. Minimum age for adult teams is 15, with parental signature. Each team gets at least one practice the week prior to the event. Sign up for practice day and time will begin in May. Each team races Sat., May 10, two times, with the top teams advancing to

the Finals Round. Other non-racing awards include: team spirit, best dressed drummer and best team name. Awards & Medals for Gold, Silver & Bronze winners, and for divisional winners. Division include: Banks/Financial; Hospitals/Medical; Media/Communications; Manufacturing; Civic/Government; Engineering/Architecture; Church, College/University; & Community Team. For more information, log on to the event website at http://www.decaturdragonboat.org/.


KIWANIS EASTER EGG HUNT: The Hartselle Kiwanis Club recently held its annual Easter Egg Hunt in Sparkman Park. The Easter Bunny also took time to visit with kids and their families during the event, along with being available for photos. Egg hunters were looking for numerous prize eggs. Daystar Church provided refreshments and inflatables for the kids.

Hartselle Living • 19

20 • Hartselle Living

THE LAST TWO PAGES: The Hartselle Fine Arts Center recently held its Annual Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction. The event raised money to help the center operate through the year.

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Hartselle Living • 21

Classifieds To place an ad in Hartselle Living, call 256.773-6566

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22 • Hartselle Living

East, located .5 miles South from Hwy 43. All ground floor, All appliances, ceramic tile, ceiling fans, Individual Alarm Systems & more. Temporary phone 256-275-0427 Looking for a great home? Call Davidson Realty 811 Village Wood Drive Russellville, AL 256-332-5236 Looking for a home? Need help with financing? Call your neighbors down the street at Davis Realty. We can help you get a great rate! Call Willodean 256-762-5671 Davis Realty & Assoc. Inc. 115 N. Jackson Ave., Russellville, AL 256-332-9920 DEPENDABLE DOZER & DIRT 256-332-4854 6,000 sq. ft, STORAGE BUILDING for your boat, toys or what have you, Russellville, elect. water, sewer, Natural gas on acre, For Rent, Lease, or Sale, Call 941-474-4520 F/T Family Practice CRNP position available. Please fax resumes to 256-331-2096. CAREER OPPORTUNITY! I am looking for a particular type of person to work locally. One who will take personal interest in my business. If you are willing to work, follow instructions and can live on $3,000 a month until your skills improve. I will train you and train you well, pay you and pay you well, and provide advancement limited only by your ability. Call Monday only 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ask for Will Black. 256-458-9900 DRIVERS WANTED! Falkville to Birmingham Shuttle Drivers. Req: 21+ yo, Class A CDL, 1 yr exp, pass DOT physical/drug screen. www.flashtrucking.com Call 920-294-0430 Wanted Junk Cars & Trucks call 205-275-4213 Gann’s Discount Siding and Roofing Inc. 26 Gauge Snaplock Panel Made On Site Standard And Architectural Roofing Member BBB (256) 446-9767 All New Happy Jack Kennel Dip II: kills fleas, ticks, & MANGE mites without steroids. Do NOT use on

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