The Healing Springs Journal #107 Spring '20

Page 10

Skin Care for Spring by Deb Dittner s you prepare for the warmer temperatures of spring and the sun shining down upon your face, you must also prepare for skin care challenges. With temperature change and the increased sunlight, skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, and eczema can flare due to an increase in oil production and sweat.


And then you also have seasonal allergies which can occur when plants begin to grow causing allergens and the release of pollen into the air. This can trigger a histamine reaction showing itself as rosacea, rashes, and generalized irritation. During winter months when hibernation occurs for animals, our oil production decreases, hair and nail growth decreases only to be awakened come spring.


Healing Springs I #107 I Spring ‘20

So how do you make variations in your skin care routine to help alleviate these problems? A variety of small and simple changes in your diet and skin care procedures will help. One of the most important strategies is proper hydration. Pure filtered water helps to hydrate from the inside out. Changing your moisturizer from the heavy winter types to a lighter, calming moisturizer will hydrate the skin and provide a layer of protection from irritants and pollution. Spring time also brings an increase in much needed sun exposure. Protection in the form of sunscreen is important but must be chosen wisely void of chemicals that can cause irritation and other damage. Mineral Sunscreen Lotion

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