HealthSpectra Magazine May 2020

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MAY 2020





Research On Different




HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note We are extremely elated to bring you yet another edition of the HealthSpectra magazine. In a world where everyone is in a constant state of distress over the Covid-19 pandemic, we wanted to bring some important health related news and insights that can help keep you informed and at the same time, help keep you engaged. For this month’s edition, we have shared the different insights about the aging patterns that you likely didn’t know about for the cover story. Aside from that, get to know about the influence of ayurveda in the treatment of Covid-19 and the health tips to keep the balanced levels of your happy hormone, or dopamine. Not just that, we have also shared some fun tips and tricks that you likely didn’t know about when it comes to taming your habit of oversleeping. Also, learn about the impacts of obesity on breast cancer and some of the health benefits of drinking barley water.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.




Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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he lthspectra


10 Natural Tips To Improve Dopamine Levels In Your Brain


12 BEAUTY 5 Skin Care Ingredients You Must Never Mix!



Obesity in women can enhance risks of breast cancer


How To Lose Weight With Jaggery?

26 COVER STORY Research On Different Aging Patterns

30 DIABETES Risks of Covid-19 death is 4x higher in diabetics




Exercises You Must Correct To Stay Fit


Health Benefits Of Drinking Barley Water


10 Secrets To Deal With Criticism – Smile And Fight It!








Could ayurvedic treatments cure Covid-19?


Residing In High Altitude Regions Decreases Risk Of Chronic Diseases, Study Says



Importance Of Giving Space In A Relationship - How To Do It?


Could prostate cancer be treated with Olaparib?


Red Kidney Bean Snack



Pavanamuktasana – Benefits, Steps, Variations, And Precautions!


72 HOME & FAMILY Children of parents suffering with mental illness are more prone to injury

76 HEALTHY LIVING 10 Ways To Beat Sleepiness And Stay Healthy – No More Oversleeping!

80 DISEASE The Rare Kawasaki Syndrome 5



10 Natural Tips To Improve Dopamine Levels In Your Brain



This dopamine is present in the substantia nigra. In other words, this is at the center portion of your brain. There are cells in the Nigra Substantia that helps produce dopamine. The dopamine has an impact on how we move, see, absorb, learn, feel, and understand. If enough dopamine is not produced, you won’t feel good from the inside out. On the other hand, when sufficient dopamine is produced, it makes you happy and you won’t experience a shift or unstable moods. For the most part, the dopamine levels are taken care of by the nervous system. Additionally, you can rely on natural ways to boost dopamine levels.

Facts About Dopamine To feel happy, motivated, and have stable emotions it is quintessential for your brain to feel it. The brain feels it when one of its chemical messengers known as the dopamine is produced. Dopamine does the task of transferring every kind of message (good or bad) to the rest of your body. 7

1. As we age, dopamine

levels come down and this results in a lack of pleasure and happiness.

2. Between the age

group of 20 to 80, there is a decrease in the dopamine levels.

3. According to one of

the researchers from the University of Texas, every 10 years, the dopamine receptors that are related to pleasure tend to decrease by 7%.


Factors such as cognition, mood, behavior, and sleep are highly influenced by the level of dopamine in your brain.


Unfortunately, if receptors in the brain don’t respond well to dopamine, complications such as ADHD, Impulsive behavior, and Schizophrenia can arise.

Natural Tips To Boost The Dopamine Levels In Your Brain It often happens that we end up feeling tired, low, and demotivated for no good reason. However, the ‘no good reason’ is nothing but a decrease in the dopamine levels. Having said, it is possible to follow natural ways of boosting the dopamine levels. Follow a few tips that are listed below and work on boosting the dopamine levels in your brain.

TIP 1 – Boost Your Protein Intake

A combination of all the amino acids makes up for the protein in your body. Among these amino acids, an acid named tyrosine plays a vital role in boosting the dopamine. Additionally, this acid is even produced by another acid named


HEALTH phenylalanine to strengthen your body and at the same time improve dopamine levels. Sufficient proteins boost memory and better your thinking. If you don’t eat enough protein, there will be a decrease in dopamine.

What to do? Here is a list of foods you should eat


TIP 2 – Expose

Yourself To Sunlight Sunlight spreads positive energy. It is good for your skin and body. Psychologically, if you sit in a dark room, you would feel gloomy, isn’t it? Besides, when you are not exposed to enough sunlight during winter, you are at risk of experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder.


It is one kind of depression and sadness because of the weather. It has even been studied that the more you expose yourself to sunlight, the better it is for your mood and happiness remains. There was an an experiment conducted on adults and it was found that people who got exposed to enough sunlight had a better ability to respond to the dopamine receptors. Undoubtedly, sunlight is Vitamin D and it does good for your mood, but if you are going to stay in sunlight for long, apply sunscreen and moisturizer before you step out.

TIP 3 – Sleep Well Are you catching up on enough sleep? If you’ve been sleeping well, then you are doing it right for the dopamine levels. If you are not sleeping well, then its time to get a hold of this situation and sleep well at night. If you are not a morning person, practice turning into one. It has been proved that the dopamine levels are high in the morning and it tends to reduce at night. This experiment was tested on animals.


So, if you don’t sleep well at night, it is sure to affect your brain and disturb the dopamine cycle. This would further affect your ability to concentrate and productivity the next day.

What to do?

Finally, you don’t have to meditate in perfection. Do it to an extent you can.

What to do

1. Practice 10 minutes of meditation every day.

1. Get enough sleep if you 2. want the dopamine levels to stay balanced. Most importantly, get your night sleep, don’t catch up on sleep during the day.

2. Sleep for 7-9 hours. 3. Maintain a sleep

pattern. If you sleep at 11 and wake up at 6. Stay consistent with that.

TIP 4 – Practice Meditation

Meditation is an act of improving your mental health. It need not necessarily mean that you need to lie down or sit and meditate. You can even do it while moving around.

in your brain. Apart from this, it is even good for increasing endorphin. What else would you want for a good mood? In the recent past, there was a study conducted on rats to see if their dopamine receptors get active or not after exercising.

TIP 5 – Exercise

What they found was that after rats ran on a treadmill, there was an improvement in their dopamine levels. Nevertheless, this didn’t last long. It was necessary to exercise consistently.

To enhance your mood and feel fit, it is essential to indulge in some physical workout as exercising boosts the dopamine levels

It means, it won’t be enough if you run for 30 minutes once or twice a week. You will need to follow this pattern consistently. This has been studied and they


Once you get into the groove of meditating, thoughts wouldn’t disturb your mind much. Your mind would get more alert and aware of how to filter negativity. Studies have proved that meditating for a few minutes or an hour helps with improving the dopamine levels in your brain. However, it is still being researched if there is an increase in dopamine levels for the people who are beginners to meditation. 9



found that consistency paid better. Pick up any a workout that you like the best. Besides, exercising is even good for people who have Parkinson’s. It controls their motor. Thus, do good to the dopamine levels in your brain by regularly exercising.

TIP 6 – Listening To Music Helps

All the dopamine receptors in your brain get active after you listen to some good music. The pleasure area of your brain feels good. According to one of the studies, there is about a 9% increase in the dopamine levels in your brain after listening to instrumental music. Besides, this has been proven good for people suffering from Parkinson’s. To be specific, music is the reason for an increase in dopamine, not the lyrics. However, it still needs to be studied if lyrics have the same effects on the brain as music has. Listen to some good instrumental music every day.


TIP 7 – Consume Less Saturated Fats The dopamine levels reduce if you eat too many saturated fats. Consuming excessive butter or oil is bad for your health. There was a a study conducted on how dopamine signals work on rats and they found that these signals to get weaker after these rats consumed 50% of their calories from saturated fats.

TIP 8 – Consume Velvet Beans

There have been many studies conducted over the effectiveness of eating beans. It was found that beans are good for improving dopamine because of the presence of

L-dopa. This is an essential nutrient to boost dopamine. It will be good if you eat a little of these beans every day. It is good for people suffering from Parkinson’s. However, see to it that you don’t eat too many beans. It can spoil your health.

TIP 9 - Take Probiotics

Probiotics are known to improve gut and brain health. If you want to see an improvement in the dopamine levels, you must take probiotics, they are quite healthy. It is the presence of healthy bacteria in these probiotics that helps with boosting your mood. It eliminates all your anxious and depressing thoughts. 10

TIP 10 – Rely On Supplements To form dopamine your body needs nutrients such as folate, vitamins, niacin, and iron. By chance, if your body doesn’t get enough of these nutrients, the dopamine levels won’t get any better in your body. If you are not getting these nutrients from your diet, you can consume supplements to boost the dopamine levels in your body.

Conclusion The brain needs sufficient dopamine. If you don’t exercise, consume healthy food, and sleep well it is going to affect the dopamine levels in your brain.






When it comes to doing things for our skin, we are all ready and want to give it our best shot. Often, with greed to have the best skin, we end up making blunders and this all the more spoils our beautiful skin. Wondering as to what are some of those skincare ingredients?





BEAUTY You must have never even paid attention to these ingredients but they make a difference on the skin and you are going to be surprised to know a pair of ingredients you must never mix. Here is something informative that you must read!

WHY IS IT BAD TO MIX A FEW SKIN CARE INGREDIENTS? Most of us are either not aware or we take it for leisure that a certain skincare ingredient doesn’t do anything good to the skin after being mixed. You might live with an assumption that it would soften your skin. However, in reality, it does the opposite. It might cause skin irritation and to avoid this from happening always research about the properties of a skincare product before you buy one. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

While most of us don’t have the patience and time to go deep and research, once in a while, when time permits, it is good to look up for minor details of all the skincare ingredients that we generally use. 6 Skin Care Ingredients You Must Never Mix In Your Skin Care Products All this while you’ve been hearing it loud

that one must avoid mixing a few ingredients in products. It is time to have a look at a list of those ingredients and reasons why they are bad for your skin. Take a look!

NO 1 – Never Use

Two Products Having The Same Active Ingredients Psychologically, you might be in an impression that using 14

active ingredients. Ensure to make use of them at a different time during the day. One product can be used in the morning and the other one at night. This specifically applies to products having retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, and beta hydroxy acids.

NO 2 – Never Mix

Salicylic Acid And Retinoids two different products having the same benefits would be the most effective, isn’t it? In reality, that’s not the case. If you use two products having the same active ingredients at the same time to benefit from it, you might not get what you are looking for and it doesn’t prove to be effective at all.

WHY? Every skin product 15

has Ph levels. Two products with the same ingredients would have the same Ph levels and won’t make any difference on your skin. The only Ph level of one product will show results and the other one will not show any positive results on the skin. It might not suit your skin in rare cases. Therefore, if you want to use two different products with the same

You must never do the mistake of mixing salicylic acid with retinoids. It might cause skin rashes and irritation.

WHY? There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the nature of salicylic acid is as such that if it is mixed with retinoids, it can have a bad reaction on your skin. Secondly, salicylic acid gets absorbed into the lipids


BEAUTY of your skin. Further, these lipids bring all the dead skin cells together and form the outer layer of your skin eliminating all the excess oil causing blackheads and whiteheads.

NO 3 - Never

Mix Vitamin C And Retinoids Retinoids and Vitamin C won’t do any good for your skin. The basic task of Vitamin C is to eliminate all the pigmentation marks from your skin and a combination of Vitamin C and retinoids causes a severe burning sensation.

boosts collagen, blocks tyrosinase, frees your skin from free radicals and eliminates all the toxins.

Otherwise, also Vitamin C is known to do good to your skin and treat all the skin damage.

Now things have changed and retinol like retinyl esgters is being mixed with Vitamin C.

WHY? Vitamins are known to improve the turnover of your skin cells, it unclogs dead cells, WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

NO 4 – Never Mix

Retinoids And Alpha Hydroxy Acids

When you mix retinoids with alpha-hydroxy acids, it ends up causing skin irritation, rashes, dermatitis, or even scars. Both these ingredients together can make your skin thin.

WHY? Try and understand the specialty of the two and what do these ingredients have in


common. AHA is known for boosting the collagen in your skin and effectively clears all the dead skin cells. What’s common between the two is the ability to improve collagen. This is still a complimenting factor. The problem arises when both these ingredients work on improving the turnover of skin cells at the same time. This isn’t a good combination at all. Avoid using products that get these ingredients together.

The basic function of retinoids is to clear dead skin cells, improve the turnover of skin cells, and unclogs pores. What benzoyl peroxide does is it reduces the oil production on your skin. Mixing the two of them will never be an apt option.


If you mix retinoids and benzoyl peroxide, these two ingredients will cause extreme dryness and bother your skin instead of doing the task of unclogging pores or working on improving the turnover of skin cells. The pH levels of both these ingredients are against each other.

If you want to use both of these ingredients on your skin, ensure to use it every alternate day. At any cost, avoid using it every day at the same time.

NO 5 – Never

Mix Retinoids And Benzoyl Peroxide 17


Obesity in women

Can Enhance Risks of

Breast cancer WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


A study conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Louisville found that the higher concentration of fats in the body is likely to increase the risks of breast cancer in women. Not just that, it also contributes to heightened risks of a few other types of cancers as well. According to the study, the researchers have found a new type of protein secreted by the fat cells that contributes to the development of breast cancer. Bing Li, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and UofL Health -- James Graham Brown Cancer Center at the University of Louisville is the ones who led this study along with his colleagues.

According to the statistics, it is said that at least 1 in 8 women in the United States suffer from breast cancer. This is one of the highest rates of cancer in women. But, finding a possible cause or trigger behind this has been a question that researchers have been trying to find answers to for a long time. While they have not been successful finding the exact cause, it is believed that obesity could be one of the risk triggering causes. 19

Li has been working under the grants from the National Cancer Institute for the last 5 years which has made him draw connections between a protein that is expressed in the fatty tissues and is associated for enhanced risks of breast cancer development in women. According to this study, Li theorises that the adipose fatty acid binding protein which is expressed in the fatty tissues in the body is the protein responsible for propagating further risks of breast cancer development.


WOMEN HEALTH Li expressed saying that obesity is the root cause of a number of cancers and not just breast cancer. He talked about 13 different types of cancers that are caused because of these lifestyleinduced impacts on the body. He believed that the list is likely going to increase once more and more data are available.

are present inside the cells in the body of a healthy individual, they are outside in case of the women who are obese.

In this research, Li and his colleagues found that a specific type of fatty acid binding protein, especially the FABP4 is the one responsible for causing breast cancer in women. This is what causes the alterations in the molecular mechanism that later contributes to the development of the obesity-induced breast cancer risks in the women.

In the first theory, it is believed that the FABP4 increases in some of the tumor associated macrophages which contribute to further accumulation over time and then end up causing a tumor. Li has found that the obstruction to the FABP4 has reduced the tumor growth significantly in the body.

Li has theorised two significant ways that could further contribute to the propagation and growth of the breast cancer in women.

The production of FABP4 in the adipose tissues in the body is done in the fat cells. This is where it processes, distributes these water insoluble long chain fatty acids. A significant amount of FABP4 is found in the bloodstream under normal circumstances. However, when the level of fat tissues in the body is high, the same contributes to secretion of more FABP4 into the mainstream blood circulation. Li stated that women who are obese experience a high influx and secretion of this protein into their blood stream in comparison to the normal circumstances. While these molecules WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


According to the second theory, Li believes that when the FABP4 circulate outside the fat cells in the body, these proteins cells interact with the breast cancer cells directly, thereby promoting their propagation and growth. He confirmed it in an animal model where the tumor development and the growth were significantly controlled when the FABP4 functions were inhibited. Aside from that, the researchers have also found that FABP4 in the bloodstream works in multiple mechanisms to promote the tumor cell interactions with the fat cells. This can further contribute to the development of the cancer.

Li and his group has also worked on publishing further findings that show that the consumption of highfat diets have various impacts on the tumor development in the body. The consumption of high fat diets containing cocoa butter or fish oil has been found to contribute to the risks of obesity. The cocoa butter diet was the one that contributed to the increased mammary tumor growth while the fish oil diet does not do the same. This specific study confirms the impacts of the FABP4 and its contribution to the obesity associated cancer but it also confirms that not all types of obesity will lead to cancer development. With better understanding of the correlation and mechanism of the FABP4 and the breast cancer development, it further provides with better scopes of development of the therapeutic drugs for better and faster treatment of the condition in women. Li said that he and his team are not working on developing an antibody for this protein. This is believed to be quite effective in therapy strategy for the obesity related cancer, especially breast cancer in women.




How To Lose Weight With Jaggery?

Isn’t it healthy to have a natural sweetener in your drinks or add this in your food instead of sugar to live a healthy lifestyle? If you are conscious about your health, you will certainly agree. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Besides being a natural sweetener, jaggery has potent health benefits and consuming directly or indirectly can help. Mostly, we all consume it indirectly. This ingredient is commonly consumed by the Indians. After crushing date palms and sugar cane, jaggery is produced. This sweetener has molasses. Molasses is pure and good for health.

Nutrients In Jaggery Here is a list of the best nutrients present in jaggery. Look through them!

Besides tasting sweet and not causing any harm to the body like sugar, jaggery is good for your body in the following ways. Take a look!

No 1 – If you’ve eaten a

heavy meal and want it to digest quick or in case of digestion problems, have a piece of jaggery or mix it in your drink. It is known to promote better digestion.

No 2 - To build better

strength and fight against any health problem that attacks your body, you need a good immune system. Quickly consuming a piece of jaggery helps in building your immune system.

No 3 – Our blood

nutrient helps with saving your body from free radical damage. It is the selenium antioxidant and zinc nutrient that contribute to protecting your body.

needs purification every now and then. From our end, we can take measures to accelerate the blood purification process by eating suitable foods that’s specifically meant for purifying blood and jaggery is one of the best foods that does so.

No 2 - Indirectly jaggery

No 4 – Women must

No 1 – Antioxidants - This


Why Is Jaggery Good?

helps with getting rid of the toxins in our body through urination. How? Jaggery is a natural diuretic and this aspect helps with passing urine without any hassles. The more you can effectively pass urine, the better it is for the body as all the toxins come out.

consider eating jaggery during periods, it is known to enhance the blood flow as well as reduces cramps that causes pain in the stomach. Besides, whoever is anemic should eat jaggery, it has enough Iron.

Its other essential nutrients are, fructose, calories, sucrose, fructose, protein, fat, Iron, Magnesium and Manganese.

your kidneys. This natural remedy can be used to take care of renal damage.

No 5 – Jaggery is good for WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


No 6 - It has detoxifying properties to cleanse the toxins in your liver. It is good to do this for staying healthy.

What Is The Role of Jaggery In Weight Loss? As you are already aware that jaggery is a natural sweetener and is packed with essential nutrients providing amazing health benefits. Isn’t it? Now, let’s go through crucial points on the role of jaggery with regards to weight loss. Let’s see bit by bit how it will help you lose those excess fats and stay fit. Let’s go!

No 1 – Drives Out All Toxins From Your Body

When your body gets jaggery, the digestive enzymes that are responsible for getting important nutrients from the body are enhanced and it performs better. If you don’t consume important foods that boost digestion, you won’t see a positive difference in your health.

When all the toxins ae chased out of your body, there won’t be space for unwanted fats to be in there. Having said, consuming jaggery helps with eliminating all the unwanted toxins and it makes your body feel light.

That being said, jaggery like a food can help you digest food and take all the necessary nutrients from your body to strengthen your metabolism. If your metabolism gets better, you can even lose weight.

Jaggery cleanses every organ effectively. Starting from the lungs, moving on to the respiratory tract and then the stomach. Finally, with jaggery juice, not toxin will have space in your body to make you obese anymore.

No 2 – Fastens Metabolism Metabolism is your body’s ability to break down fats and convert it into energy and the way you digest food. If your metabolism is upside down and you want to see it improve, either pick a glass of jaggery juice or eat a dish that has jaggery. Do it regularly and notice the change in your metabolism. It gets all better. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

No 3 – Fiber in Jaggery Is Helpful As you are aware that jaggery is good for boosting digestion, do you know which nutrient contributes to effective digestion in jaggery? It is the presence of fiber that aids better digestion and this in turn goes back to the same circle of supporting your body with eliminating toxins and controlling body weight. Additionally, if you are putting on weight in an unhealthy manner, this fiber content present in jaggery will clean your digestive tract. 24

Having a glass of pomegranate juice with jaggery is an incredible idea to lose weight. Why? Pomegranate juice has properties such as flavonoids, polyphenols and tannin to cut down excess fats in your body. Mixing jaggery in this juice will help you lose weight faster.

What You Need > ½ A pomegranate > 2 Tsp jaggery > 3/4th Glass water How To Make It On the other hand, jaggery has a small amount of potassium that monitors the amount of water retention in your body and reduces it. So, lesser the water in your body, better will be your ability to sustain weight.

Follow these simple steps

Note: Avoid eating more than two spoons jaggery. If you overeat jaggery, instead of losing weight you will put on weight given the fact that it has some amount of sweetness in it. Having said, overeating jaggery is not a safe option for diabetic patients.

juice is too thick.

How To Use Jaggery For Weight Loss

1.Put the pomegranate seeds in a blender,

add the necessary jaggery and close the jar.

2.Grind these seeds well. Add water if the 3.Sieve the juice. Add water and a little more jaggery if needed. Stir it well and get ready to gulp it down.

No 2 - Lemon and Jaggery Juice

Jaggery can be added in your drinks and the food you eat. Listed below are ways to use jaggery for weight loss.

No 1 - Pomegranate and Jaggery Juice You can make lemon and jaggery juice for weight loss. Lemon comprises of pectin fibers. This nutrient keeps the food cravings at bay. Given the fact that lemon and jaggery are effective drinks for weight loss. Mixing the two is a good option. 25



What You Need > A glass of water > 1 tbsp jaggery > 1 tsp lemon juice How To Make It Follow these simple steps

1.Put 1 tsp lemon juice in a glass. 2.Add 1 tsp jaggery to the juice. Mix the two. 3. Add Luke warm water according to your quantity.

How To Make It

4. Take a spoon and stir this mixture well.

Follow these simple steps

No 3 - Tea and Jaggery

1. Boil a glass of water in a pan. 2. Add tea leaves. 3. Brew it for a few minutes. 4. Strain it and then add the required

amount of jaggery. Stir this mixture well and sip this hot cup of tea.

No 4 – Beetroot, Carrot and Jaggery Juice Tea has antioxidants that aid weight loss. Mixing jaggery instead of sugar is one of the best ways to sip on some hot tea.

What You Need > 2 tsp jaggery > 1 tsp tea (green tea leaves or normal >

tea leaves) 1 glass water



No 5 – Other Things And Jaggery As we know how this soft substance can be pounded or grated in food. Having looked at how to use jaggery in drinks, here are ways to use jaggery in food. Take a look! In most of the Indian States, jaggery is used in deserts. Example small sweets or milk sweets. It is added as one of the key ingredients when dye fabric is made. Jaggery is used in cakes, coffee and tea instead of sugar. You will get to see this in most of the Western countries.

What You Need > ½ beetroot > ½ carrot > 2 tsp jaggery

Take Away Jaggery is a powerful food packed with essential nutrients. To make use of it, add it in your food or drinks instead of sugar to encourage better digestion, strengthen immunity, beat anemia and to finally eliminate all the harmful toxins from your body.

How To Make It Follow these simple steps

1.Grate the beetroot and carrot. Cut them

into medium pieces. Add water and grind it into a fine paste.

2.Sieve this juice and add a little water if you think the consistency is too thick.

3.Add the required amount of jaggery and stir this juice well.




Research On Different



A few people look grown up at an early age. While the others look young even when they get old. Chronologically, all of us must look younger or older depending on our age. But why is it different in everyone’s case? Is it always skincare and genes that play a significant role? It is not the case always. Although these factors could make you look young, what matters is dependent on your cellular health and how healthy you are. Let’s read through what our scientists have to say about this process. They even refer to it as ageotypes.

Why Do People Get Old Differently? Did you know that all of us age differently? Every tried to understand how does this same countdown shows up differently on everybody? 29

Ageotypes is a process of finding out how there is a difference in how people get old based on how their body functions. Scientists have found 4 ways to explain it. Aging is reality yet tough to digest. If you have joint pains at 40, not necessary that your partner will have

the same issue. He might be experiencing digestion problems. Besides, you cannot be sure that if it happens to you at 40, it will happen to your partner also at that age. This process of aging varies from person to person. It is an intriguing subject for discussion and the researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine in California have started to found out more about this subject.

Discussion Before The Study The plan was to understand and gauge the molecular biology markers 5 times in two years.

1. What are biology markers? It is a clinical and experimental means of finding out information about medicine, pharmacy, and fundamental biology. Besides, their markers play a role in learning about pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and they monitor how effectively can the treatment happen. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


2. Planning the research

from the Journal Nature Medicine. It states that there are 4 types of aging.

highlight after the analysis?

To take this ahead, the researchers got 43 people willing to be a part of this research. They are all between 34 and 68 years.

They even feel that understanding each type of aging can help us find ways to extend or bring closer that particular form of aging.

They analyzed details on the body’s metabolic rate, immunity, liver and kidney functioning.

The researchers adopted to a way to study every aging profile in detail. They considered different parameters of aging and made aging profiles that could be mapped with different individuals.

On a whole, there is an argument over what factors to consider while finding out about different types of aging.

3. Points Taken Into Consideration According to Health News, a senior author Prof. Michael Synder says that there are many nice molecular and clinical markers to find information about the old population. An example of this is cholesterol. Apart from cholesterol, they are in thoughts of exploring more ways to understand how people age differently. They are planning on considering factors such as population averages and the changes that take place in the body after aging, Besides, Synder has found ways to understand aging WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

Details Of The Study To know how aging happens, it is necessary to take samples over the years and study the molecules. When checking on how aging happens on a molecular level, they are not able to find out much and there is a considerable difference.

What else did they take samples of?

They understood that people whose body is inclined to metabolic aging are at risk of suffering from diabetes as they grow old. This condition is commonly seen with people living in developing countries. As these individuals grow old, their hemoglobin levels shoot up. Apart from this, these people are even prone to suffering from other health problems along with aging. Also, the rate of aging differed from person to person, and studies say that people can get better control of their living. It is essential to what form of aging our body is inclined to.

Periodically, they collected blood and stool samples from all the participants in the hope that they would get information about the changes in microbes, telltale molecules, proteins, metabolites, and lipids (fats).

Amazingly, we can plan a strategy to keep away from health problems and bring down the aging process. As of now, they are trying to research and see how aging patterns change with behavior and this can happen only with a greater number of participants and measurements to find out.

What did they

Are There 30

Chances To Slow Down Aging? Researchers looked at factors that are related to aging in different ways. Here is what they did! No 1 – They made a comparison between insulin sensitive and insulinresistant participants based on their aging profiles. Further, they tried to understand as to whose sugar levels weren’t getting processed well. Earlier no one ever took this factor of the difference in the process of aging between insulin resistant and insulinsensitive individuals. Now they started doing this and found a 10-molecule difference in insulin-sensitive and insulin resistant people as they grew older. A few of these molecules had their role in the way your immune system functioned.

other words, a healthy lifestyle leads to slow aging. Contrarily, even though a few people changed their lifestyles, their aging process didn’t slow down. No 4 – Creatine and hemoglobin levels were looked at in the case of some individuals. Two of these things are associated with the functioning of your kidney and all age-related changes slowed down. Apart from this, for a few individuals, there was a decrease in the creatine because they were suffering from a problem in their kidneys. They were being treated with statins.

Facts About Aging Take a look at these sensible facts around aging. No 1 - You must be under an impression that aging is linked to wrinkles and sagging skin. However, the

true fact is that aging not just forms wrinkles but causes hyperpigmentation, dip in the elasticity, less volume in the skin, disturbed skin texture, fat cells shrink and there is a dip in collagen. All in all, this research on aging has just begun and it is yet to go a long way given that there is a difference in how everyone ages. Either key molecules showed an aging difference in diabetic patients or lifestyle changes helped a few individuals with decreasing their aging process. The main professor who has been researching about the aging process has taken a few samples of his own and started lifting weights to check after a year or two if a change in lifestyle could lower his aging process or not. All the researchers are looking forward to more information after a few years.

No 2 – According to what the researchers found over two years among the participants, there wasn’t any change in the ageotype markers No 3 – The individuals who changed their lifestyle and diet were aging slowly because their ageotype markers decreased. In 31



Risks of Covid-19

death is 4x higher in Diabetics



It is not unknown that people with chronic and autoimmune diseases are at a higher risk of threat against the Covid-19. While studies are being conducted consistently to find better solutions, a new study reported that diabetics have four times higher risks of dying because of covid-19 than anyone else.

According to the new research, the impacts of diabetes and poor mismanagement of the glucose levels could be a contributing factor behind the hospitalisation and death due to the impacts of covid-19. According to the findings of the study, it entails that

the in-hospital death rates along with longer hospital stay is likely four times more in a diabetes patient in comparison to the ones who don’t. The study has been peer reviewed and the claims of the study have also been backed by insulin management software company Glytec was later published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. For the research, 1,122 hospitalised covid-19 patients were looked into in between the dates of March 1 to April 06. All the data that comprised of 88 hospitals spread across 11 states in the United States. Every single data was then forwarded to the database of Glytec. All of the subjects in the study were tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Out of them all 40% of the patients were hyperglycemic and a higher level of the A1C reading on the time of the hospital admission. According to the results published by the researchers, it found that 29% of the in-hospital



DIABETES death rate was of the diabetic patients. It was 6% in case of the patients who didn’t have any of the conditions, be it diabetes or mismanagement of the glucose levels in the body. Another startling figure that the researchers noticed was the fact that the 42% of the individuals who were admitted to the hospital and were diabetics had developed the condition of hyperglycemia during the time in the hospital and later died. Dr. Bruce Bode, FACE, diabetes specialist at Atlanta Diabetes Associates and adjunct associate professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine, who was the lead author of the study stated that while the condition of diabetes and hyperglycemia were known to be risk factors for covid-19, see a 42% death rate because of the same was quite alarming. “That’s nearly seven times higher than the mortality rate for patients with no hyperglycemia and no diabetes,” said Bode. Dr. Utpal Pajvani, an assistant professor of WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

clinical medicine in the division of endocrinology at Columbia University also reported saying that the study suggests that people with diabetes are automatically at a higher risk for the complications that are associated with the condition of Covid-19. The same was also clarified from the data that was presented by the China hospital. Pajvani reports this study was important and timely observations but says that there are a few specific limitations to the same as well.

Pajvani explained that when it comes to any form of infectious disease, a poorly managed diabetes can pose a high risk for the patient suffering. But, on the other side, if a diabetes patient follows a well managed regime, it is likely not going to impose further risks. But, when it came around to suggesting or highlighting the precautionary steps that the diabetics need to take, Pajvani said to stay sensible during this time. It

One of the most common limitations that Pajvani reported about was the fact that the data wasn’t able to distinguish whether the patients were affected by Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The same doesn’t pinpoint which type of diabetes is likely more fatal in this case and might end up causing the risks of insulin resistance in the body. Another limitation that Pajvani pointed out was the fact that these data is not unable to distinguish the covid-19 complications in a well controlled or a poorly management diabetes patient. 34

is extremely important to stay indoors and practice the necessary steps of social distancing to keep yourself safe during this time of crisis. Apart from these basic steps, Pajvani also reported that one should maintain their blood sugar levels in the well controlled range that is safe and healthy for them. This is the key when it comes to averting the complications of the disease. An A1C level less

than 7 percent is considered a healthy range. When it comes to the insights that general people should take away from the conclusion of the research, Bode said that the study didn’t identify simply living with diabetes as a possible risk factor for covid-19. It means that just because you have diabetes doesn’t mean you’ll contract covid-19. Bode further added saying that since the hospitals that are overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients are unable to take care of the glycemic levels of the infected patients, the formation of diabetic ketoacidosis, which is life threatening for diabetes patients is likely a possible reason behind the heightened risks of death in the individuals. Bode stressed saying that it is extremely important for the patients to have access to insulin and the necessary medication and supplies, in case the same is needed. The diabetes patients also need to actively manage their glucose levels at home, ensuring to keep it within the normal healthy range.

for the individuals fighting covid-19. While glycemic management is not a priority in the hospitals at the moment, it is necessary that they have the necessary support therapies to keep everything aligned. Pajvani said that when a patient is admitted to the hospital because of covid-19, the diabetes management during that time shifts to the healthcare workers. While the same is done on a multiple basis in normal times, it is likely not going to be on the top of priority for them during that time. All of these findings suggest that it is extremely important for the diabetes patients to be extra careful with their life and precautions. It is important for them to take the necessary precautions and ensure that they don’t expose themselves to the outside much during this time. Additionally, proper management of the glucose levels matter as well.

Until more is known on it, it is likely that poorly managed diabetes and glucose levels could be a potential threat 35



Exercises You Must Correct To Stay Fit



Fitness is not a need of the hour or a temporary course. It has to be a part of your routine pretty much like brushing your teeth, taking a bath, and having your meals. The more you involve yourself in activities that can keep you fit, the more refreshed and boosted it keeps your mind and body.

When you start a fitness regime without an instructor’s guidance on every step of the workout, you are likely to make mistakes and not know the pros and cons of a particular exercise. Although you have tutorials, videos, articles, and books to look into and accordingly choose workouts and learn them all by yourself, you will still not be sure about whether the workout is suiting you or not. Need not necessarily mean that only an injury is a sign that an exercise is not good for your body. However, a few exercises might come with its share of disadvantages because of straining the wrong spot on your body. Do you know a list of those exercises? To stay fit the healthy way, read this article to study the exercises you must strictly avoid and alternate exercises to correct those wrong exercises. This would help you save time from the wrong exercises and save your body from the risk of injuries or severe pain. 37



Here is what you need to know!

No 1 - Avoid Pulling Down The Lats Behind Your Head

Steps to do it!

Step 1:

Lean behind.

Step 2: To the shoulder level, bring

the bars down in front of your body.

Step 3: Bring the bar close to your chest and bring your shoulder blades together.

Step 4: Stabilize your body and

contract the abdominal muscles.

Step 5: Use your energy to take the bar up and bring it down.

No 2- Avoid Military Press If you want to do a lats workout and save your body from an injury, do it the right way. Often some beginners pull the lats down behind their neck without realizing that their shoulders are still delicate and it needs enough strength to hold the weight of the bar.

Behind The Wall Similar to lat pulldown behind the head, military press behind the wall is injurious for your muscles. In this workout, you will have to pull the weight down and push it up. All the pressure would go on your neck and shoulders. You are even prone to have a bad injury.

Never do lats behind your neck if you are a beginner and don’t have enough strength in your arms. Even if you are sure of being strong enough to do it, it is always good to seek advice from an instructor and only then go for it.

What is the right way to do? What you should do is a lat pull down. This workout is good for your upper and lower back muscles.



What is the right way to do it? You need to do the military press by placing the barbell in front of you. Here are the steps to do it!

Step 1: Place the bar right in front of

way you do it matters and upright row is known to damage your joints, spoil the connective tissue health and affects the nerves in your shoulders, why take a risk of this kind?

your head.

What is the right way to do it?

Step 2: Keep your upper body

Don’t give up on the exercise as you have a better alternative to do it right. All you need to do is replace an upright row with a lateral shoulder raise. It will give you the same benefits you are looking for from an upright row. Take a look at these steps


Step 3: Hold the weight close to your collarbone.

Step 4:

If you don’t want to stand, sit in a comfortable position with your back resting on the wall with enough support.

Step 5: Adjust your back in such a

way that it forms a small curve and your upper back is against the wall.

No 3-Avoid Upright Row

Step 1: Either sit or stand in a

comfortable position with your legs comfortable apart.

Step 2: Look straight, hold two

dumbbells and slowly bring your hands up to the side as much as the width of your shoulders.

Step 3: From the side, bring both

your dumbbells in the front of each other and take them back to the side.

No 4- Avoid Leg Press if You Have Pain in Your Legs

While you might feel that an upright row is perfect for strengthening your shoulders and back. However, the


There are no strict rules on the leg press. You can do it without any restrictions. It is a great workout to strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. You’d be all energetic after the workout.


FITNESS The only rule here is that you are not supposed to apply pressure on your knees or thighs the moment you get tired or experience cramps in your knees, feet, or thighs.

What is the right way to do it? It is always recommended to pick leg movements that are easier and safe. Here are steps on how to do leg press differently.

Step 1: Lie down on the machine,

give your butt enough rest. See to it that your legs are in a slanted position and not placed opposite to your chest. This won’t allow you to move your legs comfortably.

Step 2: Comfortably place your legs

on the footrest and slowly push your legs forward as much as possible. Don’t overexert yourself.

Step 3 : The minute it starts hurting your legs or knees. Pause it right there and resume after you are comfortable.

What is the right way to do it? There is always the right way of doing this workout and that doesn’t have a method. All you need to do is get rid of the weights and take all the support from your body. This will even help you learn how to balance your body better. You don’t need to take that strain on your body.

No 5 : Avoid Squatting With A No 6- Avoid Leaning On Your Bar Machine On Your Shoulders

Treadmill While Walking

Squatting is an amazing form of keeping yourself fit and healthy. The best part about squatting is that you only control the weight of your body. Strangely, some people have started to squat with a bar on the machine. This is in no way good for your body. You are at risk of having a bad muscle pull or even worse.

Body language plays an important role and defines our posture while working out and even after that. So, it better to be perfect. While walking on the treadmill or cycling, avoid making a mistake of leaning or hunching, as this could turn permanently change your posture and you will ultimately forget how to control or correct your posture. This is not good for your shoulder and spine.



What is the right way to do it?

What is the right way to do it? Do every exercise in bits. Go for cardio, resistance training, lift weights, eat a healthy diet, and avoid eating junk.


Know a few of these tips to keep your posture right on a treadmill. Don’t set high targets with regards to the speed on your machine Avoid over exercising, it can exhaust you to an extent that you might feel like hunching

Understanding the concept of staying fit is not one-day learning, it is an ongoing process that has several variations. You don’t need to do every exercise to keep up with the trend. What is necessary is you exercise as much as you can but following the right set of rules so that your body is not targeted. Follow these tips and avoid making some of the workout mistakes to keep up with efficiency in your workouts.

Don’t hold on to the machine, keep moving your hand back and forth while walking or jogging Religiously follow these tips and your posture will never be targeted.

No 7- Avoid Exercising With A Goal Of Losing Weight On One Spot Of Your Body Often, people who are particular about losing weight on only one spot, fail to understand that focusing on just one aspect is not effective. It is necessary to exercise on the other parts of the body as well. So that your entire body is proportional and aligned. 41



Health Benefits Of Drinking Barley Water Since times immemorial, barley water is being consumed to keep the body cool. Among all the health beverages, barley water is considered healthy. It is packed with essential nutrients that make it a fantastic rejuvenating drink. Several cultures and even Ayurveda has recognized barley water is one of the excellent drink to eliminate heat in the body. Read through the benefits, side effects and methods to make this hydrating healthy drink! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020





Benefit No 1

Benefit No 2

It is a health drink made out of barley grains. These grains are boiled and after water is thoroughly strained out of these grains, it is known as barley water.

If you have thoughts on having a detox drink. Choose barley water. It is known to get into your intestines and flushes out all the toxins in the form of urine.

A good immunity is an integral requirement of the body to avoid falling sick.

You can either drink this water with seeds or remove the seeds and mix it with another ingredient to enhances its taste.

Whenever you feel that your body is overheated and needs to cool down, sip on a glass of barley water. You will quickly feel better.

As you read further, you will learn about different ways to drink barley water.

Along with cooling your body down, it makes you feel fresh and hydrated.

Benefits Of Drinking Barley Water

In India, this drink is seen as a medicine to treat urine infection and one of the best remedies for kidney stones or cysts.

What Is Barley Water?

I always wondered what is potential about this health drink and I read that barley water has important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and manganese.

Removes Toxins

Invigorates Your Immune System

Barley water isn’t only about getting you rid of the toxins from your body, it helps boost your immune system as well.

How? Vitamins is one of the nutrients in barley water. This nutrient has antioxidants that act as a wall to protect your body from free radical damage and gets the body rid of oxidative stress. Moreover, barley water can be had in different ways. One way of having it is by adding a few drops of lemon juice. This way you are adding a few

Apart from this, barley water has powerful phytochemicals and antioxidants to keep you physically strong. One after the other let’s read through the benefits of barley water. Take a look!



more vitamin nutrients in your health drink.

Benefit No 3

Improves Digestion

From Ayurveda’s point of view barley water is seen as one of the best drinks to treat any kind of indigestion. Having said, in the ayurvedic language it is known to treat women who have low ‘Agni’. The one contributing nutrient that makes it effective for digestion is fiber. This fiber makes the bowel movement easy. Additionally, having this drink when the body is infected helps with balancing the electrolytes inside. Thus, you should have this unstrained barley water to deal with stomach problems and as mentioned earlier, all the toxins from your body will disappear as well.

Copper is a useful nutrient that strengthens the body by improving the hemoglobin levels and boosts the red blood cells count.

Benefit No 5 May

Protect You From Cancer

It is constantly being told to us that living a healthy lifestyle and consuming a good diet can save us from the risk of cancer. Barley water is known to reduce the risk of cancer as it has a powerful antioxidant ferulic acid. It prevents the growth of tumors in the colon.

Benefit No 6

Aids Weight Loss

Benefit No 4

If you want to lose weight and stay fit, you must drink barley water. It has fiber and this nutrient helps with keeping your weight in check.

Feeling anemic is bad as it completely drains the body and once you get weak, carrying on with your regular activities gets difficult.

Two good things happen with fiber in your body.

Treats Anemia

Thankfully, drinking barley water will help your body fight against this issue. 45

the fiber nutrient will keep you full for long.

No 2 – It is good for

digestion and improves the metabolism in your body Therefore, don’t miss out on the benefits of barley water. Sip one glass every alternate day and you will notice a change in your body.

Benefit No 7

Keeps Blood Sugar Levels In Control When the blood sugar levels go up, you end up feeling tired, weak and your vision gets blur. Moreover, an increase in your blood sugar levels is bad for health and it can put you through many other health problems. For example – you may suffer from heart problems. For the most part, the blood sugar levels get unstable if you take your health for granted by taking too much stress. It was found that barley water is effective to keep the sugar levels in control and takes care of diabetes with its chemical named tocols.

No 1 – Majorly, you won’t

feel like eating junk because WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Take care of your condition if you have diabetes. All this is possible only because it has antiinflammatory properties and powerful antioxidants to stop the blood sugar levels from increasing.

Benefit No 8

Takes Care Of Atherosclerosis As mentioned earlier that barley water can indirectly save us from heart diseases by keeping a check on the blood sugar levels. Besides, barley water has niacin, a Vitamin B complex, to protect the artery walls from getting thick. If these walls can remain the way they are, you can save yourself from having a stroke or heart disease.

Benefit No 9

Keeps Yeast Infections Away During Pregnancy Given that there is a fetus growing inside the womb, it is natural for pregnant women to fall ill or suffer from health problems like constipation, hemorrhoids or gestational diabetes. To overcome these problems and avoid morning sickness, pregnant women should drink a glass of barley water to control the blood sugar levels. Benefit No 10 – Makes Your Skin Shine WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

If you wish to boost the glow on your skin, you can drink barley water.

What does it do? The presence of selenium in barley seeds helps with enhancing the glow on your skin, keeps it away from free radical damage and keeps your skin wrinkle-free.

Side Effects Of Drinking Barley Water Drinking barley water can put you in trouble if you add too many artificial sweeteners. If you can prefer drinking it without any extra sweeteners, it will help your body. Besides, avoid drinking too much barley water for two reasons. The amount of fiber it has is equal to eating an entire meal, so you can keep away from junk. If barley water is consumed excessively, it can cause constipation or loose stools. The bottom line is that you should take care of your health and have one glass three times a week and not more. 46

Who should completely avoid it? If gluten doesn’t suit your body or if you have celiac disease, you must avoid drinking barley water.

How To Make Barley Water? This cooling drink keeps the body hydrated and it is extremely good for babies. However, it is always good to take your doctor’s opinion. As a detox drink, it is either made with rock salt or lemon juice. Barley seeds have phytic acid and this blocks the effectiveness of all the other nutrients.

Step 3

On a medium flame, cook these barley seeds either in a pot or pressure cooker.

Step 4

Strain the water in another vessel. Add salt and lemon juice. Stir this mixture well. Add all the cooked barley grains and enjoy your drink. Step 5 – If you don’t want barley water and just the seeds, you can eat it with salads or mix it in a bowl of curds.

Conclusion Barley water is packed with vitamins and minerals that are sufficient for improving digestion, keeping the blood sugar levels in control, enhancing the glow on your skin and a few other benefits. Avoid over-drinking barley water. You can have one glass every two days.

Therefore, these seeds should be well soaked before you consume it. Hulled or pearl barley are two of the best barley seeds to have. Take a look at interesting ways to make barley water and enjoy its taste.

You will need 1/4th cup barley, 1 tsp rock salt, 2 tsp lemon juice, and 3 cups water Step 1

Wash the barley seeds and then soak it for 8 hours before you make the drink.

Step 2

Drain the soaked water and transfer the grains into a cooker or pot. Add two cups of water. 47



10 Secrets

To Deal With Criticism – Smile And Fight It! Our mind is an open pathway to stressful and happy thoughts. What we let in is what affects us the most. Has criticism ever entered your mind? If yes, what is your way of dealing with it? A bunch of smart people who let criticism in their minds, smoothly allow criticism to pass through. While the rest of us let it in and get affected. Today if you are unhappy with criticism and regret letting it affect you, its time to change your perspective. You have to either chase it out or change the way you look at it. From here these are your only two options, the faster you feed this in your mind, the better for you. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Ways To Deal With Criticism Following these ways can help you build an exit path to these disappointing and bogging down comments that make all your positive energies banish. Don’t let it happen. Quickly follow useful ways to deal with criticism. Here you go!


No 1 – Relax After all, criticism is not going to rate you, it is only a comment based on an opinion. Opinions don’t speak much. How much of it is true, you know it deep down. Secondly, the criticism must have been biased. Thirdly, if you think it makes sense, all you have to do is work on yourself and shine better. Isn’t it?

Why let it make you feel low and disturb your mind? It only requires you to be your own critic and recognize what has to be done to change yourself. As you receive a criticism, at that moment, relax and stay calm. Breathe in and out. Wait for a few minutes before reacting.



No 2 – Accept What Is Logical, Ignore The Rest You can defeat criticism only if you know how to do two things. Ignore and accept. Hear the person out even if you feel like bursting out. Take a while and think about what the person said his/ her intention and will the criticism help you improve? After thinking it out, if you think that the opposite person didn’t have a positive purpose to pass that remark, immediately ignore the comment. On the other hand, if the comment was made with the right intention, even if it is hard and bitter, learn to accept it and ultimately only do what you think is right for you. Ultimately all that matters is how much of any criticism is going to help and what needs to be filtered out.

No 3 – Take Accountability If Needed Many a times, it is hard to agree with criticism while it is easier to criticize someone. Isn’t it? It is human tendency WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

except for all the saintly people who always live on fair terms. If you think the criticism you received is because of a mistake of yours or it was the responsibility that you failed to finish, then that’s a clear sign that its time to be accountable for your mistake. Accepting your flaws won’t put you down ever. It only makes you bold to be responsible the next time.

No 4 – Answer To Respond Not React A few of us cannot digest hearing wrong about ourselves and at that point of time, we think it is justified to immediately react to the criticism. We fail to hold on and show maturity because we get furious. Here lies the real test. Do you want to waste energy and be illogical or do you want to hold on for a few minutes, get it right and respond?

What of the two is meaningful is for you to decide. However, if you want the outcome to be meaningful, keep aside all the pain and anger. Answer when your turn comes and until then gather yourself.

No 5 - Step Out If You Need Space

When there is a discussion happening and you are pointed out on the wrong day when you are not in the right frame of mind to listen or understand and if it is just pulling you down, take a deep breath and excuse yourself from that place. However, promise to go back and complete the discussion when you are ready to listen and everything seems sorted out.


Speak up for yourself when you think its high-time. Before putting your point across, remind the person that the two of you are here to have a discussion and that doesn’t give them the right to insult you. Additionally, clearly state that you won’t stay even for a minute if you are not respected. A sensible person will calm down and someone who is looking at insulting you will simply find reasons to put you down instead of criticizing you healthily. When you know that the opposite person is up to messing with you, cut it then and there by giving them a choice to be kind. If not, walk away. This can save your energy and help with cutting out on unnecessary discussions that would be the worst time for having that discussion.

No 6 – Speak Your Side Of The Story It is equally important for you to speak your side of the story, you don’t have to be the only one listening. You always have the right to put your points across so that ever the person criticizing you is aware of what’s in your mind and your reaction to a situation. The catch here is that you 51

must do it tactfully. Avoid being rude but stay firm on what you want to say. Always look for the right time to speak.

No 8 – An

Better late than never. Avoid speaking then and there if you feel you will only be heard and not understood. Be kind and say everything you want to without any hesitation.

It is a challenge to digest criticism whether you are right or wrong. You are always going to feel sad or turn negative to hear an unexpected comment.

No 7 – Don’t Let The

Having said, you are being tested and approaching this negative feeling in a positive manner is the best choice you have.

Criticizer Insult You Criticism has a boundary. If a person crosses his/her boundary and goes way beyond criticizing you, don’t allow them to take your silence for granted.

Optimistic Approach Helps

The right way to do it is by feeding it in your mind that this criticism is common for people who are doing well in WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

LIVE LIVEHAPPY HAPPY life. Therefore, only view it as a part and parcel of the journey, it is not necessary to accept every criticism. Think of it as an area of opportunity to do better or perhaps the criticizer is envying your success.

No 9 – Never Take Criticism Personally Do you think, one comment or a couple of comments talks about you or your work? It clearly talks about the criticizer’s approach. If he/she wanted, they could have given you constructive feedback instead of criticism. So, avoid taking their negativity personally and you know how much their approach talks about them. Look at it from the critic’s point of view, perhaps the person is struggling through problems in their own life.

Give this a thought. On the other hand, it is in the nature of a few people to criticize. They do it with everyone. If this is their nature, you cannot change it unless the person wants to. Therefore, don’t take it personally. Smile to it or immediately think of a pleasant moment and give deaf ears to what the person is saying instead of letting it get to you.

No 10 – Finish It Then And There Are you going to carry the burden of criticism all way long? This will affect your present and future. If the criticism was genuinely for you to improve or it was your fault, then instead of beating yourself up, think of how you want to improve.

If the criticism was to spread toxic vibes, then you got to be smart and not invest your energy. If it is none of the above and just in the nature of the person to criticize, then you know that it is about them not you. Therefore, analyze it all before you leave that place, finish it then and there by finding yourself a solution. Don’t string it along and bother yourself.

Conclusion The only take away secrets to dealing with criticism is to listen to it with a smile, ignore it if it not going to benefit you positively, if you are being envied and criticized then take pride in doing well and finally, improve if you think it was a genuine feedback. Isn’t it simple? Follow these secrets to deal with every kind of criticism. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020










Approach To Mitigate The Effects Of Corona Virus WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Read this article to know what to do to stay healthy!

Is It Possible For Ayurvedic Medicines To Treat Corona? As of now, many people are not understanding the true essence of Ayurvedic treatment for this virus. According to Ayush Ministry, this infection cannot be cured, measures such as Unani, Siddha, and Ayurveda can be taken to stop the virus from entering into your body. First off, get it right that coronavirus cannot be treated by Ayurvedic Medicines. These medicines can make us strong and prepare us to keep ourselves away from the virus by following tips and depending on natural remedies.

What Are Ayurvedic Doctor’s Saying? Dr. Thanikasalam Veni tried to check and see if herbal medicines can help fight corona infection. However, his statement doesn’t yet prove that his herbal medicine can work. All over the world, the situation right now is safe unless we don’t step out of our houses. The chances for suffering from coronavirus are lesser when compared to what it was before lockdown. Each one of us is following social distancing and there are barely people moving around. If people are moving around, they are all in masks. Staying home we need to take care of our health, stay positive and follow precautions to boost the immune system. It is important that we stay fit and gear up before the lockdown releases. That being said, let’s look at how Ayurvedic tips can help mitigate the effects of coronavirus and save us from being affected. Ayurvedic approach is always powerful given the fact that it derives all its solutions from natural home remedies. 55

To sincerely help, this doctor tried using the herbal medicine that he had used to treat patients with acute renal failure, liver organ failure, and dengue to treat the virus. He was even confident about trying his formula in Wuhan. He voluntary decided to go there. But due to lack of evidence, we cannot state that Ayurvedic medicines can treat the virus as of now.

Is There A Treatment To Corona Virus? We all know that building immunity should be our primary focus. Similarly, according to the statement given by Ayush Advisory, this alternative medicine can be a great support to keep this virus away and not treat it yet. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE All the Ayurveda doctors had a meeting at a panel and even they have analyzed that low immunity can spread the infection within and spoil it for us. Therefore,mentioned below are compiled ways of preventing coronavirus through Ayurveda.

> >

Pay attention immunity.

to building

> Fight the virus by staying fit. >

> >

Keep acute renal failure away by boosting your immunity.

Ayurvedic Measures To Keep The Virus Away Here are the measures you must take to keep the virus away from you. These measures are a combination of safety tips and remedies. Follow them both. Here you go!

the water you have at home, ensure to boil the water you drink. Ayurveda suggests you buy a medicine known as Shadanga Paniya Kwatha churna from any Ayurvedic medicine stores. Before you drink this water, add 5g of the churna to the amount of water you have filled in your pot or water can. Wait for a few minutes and allow it to cool down. Once it is mixed in water and cool, you are good to go to drink it. This water is even known as “Shadanga Paniyam”

No 4 – Don’t ignore personal

hygiene at any cost. In case you are stepping out to buy something, ensure to wear masks. Especially be careful when you are on busy streets where there is a big crowd. If you feel someone is unwell, keep at least 4 ft distance from that person.

No 5 –

In India, it is

summertime and everyone needs to turn on the AC. Having said, drink any hot tea if you are sitting in the AC all the time. You have to be careful because your respiratory organs shouldn’t be affected. Any form of tea has medicinal properties to keep your immunity boosted at all times.

No 6 – Drink one kind of tea

every single day. What to drink? Lemon tea, ginger tea, honey tea, and mint tea. Lemon tea is known for treating infection and sore throat. If you have respiratory problems and a bad headache, ginger tea will help. If you have a bad cold and you have a continuous running nose, you need to sip on some green tea.

No 7 –

You can eat this interesting, nutritious, and immunity-boosting salad of beetroot, radish, cabbage, and broccoli. To enhance its

No 1 – use a sanitizer or

soap and water to keep your hands clean. Don’t miss out on this step.

No 2 – Avoid breaking

rules made to keep away from the virus. If you are infected, keep yourself quarantined. This virus is likely to spread in your neighborhood. Strictly keep away from the virus.

No 3 – Regardless of WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


taste, mix a little salt and pepper in this salad.

No 8 – In all your meals, add

a little turmeric powder. Apart from meals, you can add a little powder in milk too.

No 9 –

Make a medicinal drink, in warm water, add tulsi, pepper, turmeric, and ginger. Stir this mixture well and gulp it down.

No 10 – every day.

Drink hot rasam

Useful Ayurvedic Recipes To Prevent Corona No 1 - Kashaya Mix You need to mix three home remedies. Each of them has healthy properties. Here is how you can make this drink. Take a look! In 1 tbsp honey, add the following

> >

5-6 basil leaves

> 1 tsp Guduchi >

> 1 tsp ginger >

As you wake up in the morning, have this mixture on empty stomach. Tulsi has anti-viral properties, Guduchi is good for boosting your immunity and ginger takes care of your respiratory organs and treats fever.

No 2 – Neem Mix 57

To make neem mix, you need to add the following


3-4 neem leaves


1 tsp turmeric


1 tsp pepper


1 long pepper


½ ginger






Make a paste of these home remedies, add it in 1 tsp honey, and eat it on an empty stomach every morning. A mixture of these ingredients boosts your immunity, improves digestion, and takes good care of the respiratory organs.

No 3 – Medicinal Decoction To make this mixture add

the following ingredients










Neem Shunthi









Add a a mixture of these ingredients in a glass of warm water. Stir them well and drink this water two times a day.

Conclusion Ayurvedic Treatment won’t help in fighting coronavirus. It only helps with providing remedies to help prevent the virus. Therefore, follow these measures and have all the remedies for the betterment of your health. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Could Ayurvedic Treatments Cure Covid-19?

Covid-19 or the Coronavirus disease 2019, which is caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus has been a topic of discussion since the beginning of 2020. The condition has been declared a pandemic, and it is surprising at all the scientists are looking for every possible treatment and vaccines for the virus. Amidst them all, an ayurvedic medicine has been approved for clinical trials on the patients in India because of its effective results. This specific ayurveda medication was developed by one of the leading Ayurvedic centres in Kerala, the Pankajakasthuri Herbal Research Foundation. The clinical trials for this treatment option have been approved by the CTRI which is the Clinical trials Registry of India. It works under ICMR for approval of clinical trials. “This drug, which is effective against Respiratory infections, Viral Fever, Acute Viral Bronchitis has now been found to be effective against WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

the Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza virus in the scientific studies conducted,” the company said. The in-vitro experiments with the drug have been conducted at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology which has found that the drug doesn’t impose any kind of side effects on the body of the humans. With the positive results, the drug was then further approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee for further clinical trials. The centres have provided the drug

to be conducted with the randomised single blinded placebo controlled clinical trial through various medical colleges in the country.

Will it be effective? The efficacy of the Ayurvedic treatments does come off as a farce to some people, thinking that it doesn’t have any possible impacts in the long run. With the kind of positive results that this drug has showcased, it is possible that this could be the deal breaker that every person has been waiting for 58

the Covid-19 treatment at this point. Further studies need to be conducted and it is likely that things might not be as simple as they seem after the clinical trials, which is why the further results and observation from this will provide with a concrete understanding of things.

What kind of ayurvedic remedies work well for optimising immunity? Once important factor that people fail to realise is that the impacts of Ayurveda is directly on the immune system, more than on the disease itself. This means that it helps optimise the immune system to help fight against the virus. But, it is also common for people to form misconceptions. To help you figure things out, we are going to be sharing some of the ayurvedic treatments which likely have amazing impacts in helping boost your immune system to prevent the Covid-19 or recovery faster.

Turmeric This universal herb does more than what one could even imagine. If you have been struggling to keep your immune health in check, this is possibly the best way to optimise it. The active compound 59

in Turmeric, Curcumin has been found to have amazing impacts in helping improve the overall immune response of the body because of the presence of antiinflammatory properties in it. It is also enriched with antioxidants, which further stacks on to the list of benefits.

Lemon You might not know or realise this but lemon has a lot of amazing benefits on your health. It helps improve your overall health by optimising your immune response. The antioxidative properties of lemons help keep the risks of free radical damage in check, which is one of the main reasons why drinking lemon water every morning is touted amazing for your health.

Ginger Yet another one of the amazing ayurvedic treatment options that you can look into is Ginger. Not many realise this but ginger has a combination of effective impacts in reducing inflammation and promoting better health. In case you have been worried about your immune system not living up to the expectations, this is one of the best ways to help cope with the same. If you have been skeptical whether or not ayurvedic treatments could help with Covid-19, you have an answer right here. This is one of the best examples for it and in case you have been skeptical about the efficacy of its impacts, we hope this clarifies the doubts you have. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Residing In High Altitude Regions Decreases Risk Of Chronic Diseases, Study Says An interesting new study states that when a person is used to living in high altitude regions for years, their body gets accustomed to scrapping through with less oxygen unlike people living in low-altitude regions. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


how cool this is,’ when high-altitude adaptations have effects beyond [being just] high-altitude adaptations, which we weren’t expecting.” “Human biological variation matters for our chronic disease risk. And studying that intersection of genetic adaptations and chronic disease risk is pretty important for people generally, not just for the Mosuo.”

Deep Study

American Journal of Physical Anthropology published a journal with regards to this study. They researched the Mosuo people of the Tibetan population.

Isn’t it amazing that this place surrounded by beauty comes with the benefit of giving their bodies the ability to breathe better?

While researching, they found out that people who live close to the mountains of Southwest China were less likely to get affected with hypertension, diabetes, and anemia.

The Tibetan Plateau is even known as ‘The Roof of the World”. It is incredible to see how living at a place that’s 8,530 feet high and a different lifestyle could ease the risk of hypertension and anemia

As mentioned earlier, this is perhaps possible because they were genetically used to hypoxia. What is hypoxia? It is a condition wherein the body tissues adapt to the condition of less oxygen supply. 61

According to one of the coauthor Katherine Wander, assistant professor of anthropology at Binghamton University in New York state. “The key message is ‘look

Over ten thousand years now, people are used to living in high altitudes 17,700 feet higher than the ground level. According to one of the reporters, their body is as such that they can reduce hypoxic stress. On the other hand, if you go to see, all the travelers who travel high altitudes lose out on 10-20 percent oxygen that is needed the most by the body when there is so much activity. Having said, on staying up there, there is no difference in the Tibetans body. They don’t lose out on oxygen.



How does biology explain this? Scenario 1 – Talking of the Tibetans, their body is accustomed to a scenario known as vasodilation where the blood vessels get dilated to provide for less oxygen in the body. Further, this process improves the blood supply and reduces blood pressure for enough oxygen to be there in the arteries. These characteristics in their bodies help with keeping away from hypertension. Additionally, one of the studies says, a person is at risk of suffering from hypertension when the process of vasodilation gets disturbed. The arteries get thick and this even disturbs the blood flow. Scenario 2 – The Tibetans are used to another process known as blunted red blood cell production to be able to reduce the risk of suffering a chronic disease.

How? Generally, when your the body feels hypoxic stress, the kidney gets a signal to enable excessive red blood cells to provide enough oxygen to all the tissues and thickens the blood. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

In this case, people suffering from diabetes are at a risk given that their kidneys don’t function well and they are sensitive to hypoxia. This prevents the body from correcting anemia(fewer blood cells). Having said, the way Mosuos body functions are different and they get to save themselves from this complication. According to one of the studies in the past, the Mosuo communities are working on their diet, physical activity, and social structure to be able to keep up with this health condition to be able to do well when tourism takes place. In addition to this, it was even found that their amount of physical activity had reduced and a change in their diets like including sweet beverages and processed foods could have been the reason for people suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. For the most part, when compared to hypertension and diabetes in chronic diseases, the cases of diabetes are more and they thought of researching over the high-altitude adaptation the second time to see if the risk of suffering from a chronic disease was less.

Scenario 3 – Collaborating

the information from Yunnan province, a small group from rural Hunan and China Health and Nutrition Survey for the Han comparison groups, they tried to check if there is a link between adaptations and the chronic disease. Han is a little lower in altitude. Therefore, the researchers compared the risk of Hypertension in Mosuo and Han in terms of their diet. 62

Coming to finding out about diabetes-related anemia they compared three groups of anemia. The only part that was common in the three was hypertension. However, relatively less in Mosuo when compared to Han. Diabetes was common in Han but it was more in Mosuo because of an increase in tourism and the changes in their food and lifestyle. 63

According to researchers, When it came to diabetesassociated anemia, it wasn’t there in Mosuo because they were good with the blunted red blood cell production adaptation. Therefore, high-altitude adaptations affecting blood and circulation come to use and rescue the body from the risk of chronic diseases. Finally, how we adapt to

different environments impacts our health. For example, checking on local genetic adaptations might help in knowing how much of a risk is present in suffering from chronic diseases.



Importance Of Giving Space In A Relationship How To Do It?

How To Do It? In a relationship, whether it is a man or woman, both need equal space and there is no discrimination on it. Space is not gender-based. It is a need for both the man and woman to stay happy within and with each other. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


If you want to be happy with your partner effortlessly, then the two of you need to respect and understand each other’s privacy. When you love a person, everything around becomes all about them. Ever asked yourself as to why you end up giving so much importance to a relationship that you forget your personal space? You might just have one reason and that is for the sake of ‘love’. Nevertheless, you should know that even for the sake of love, you need not give up on your freedom or wish to live life the way you want. If you are facing difficulties with your partner not understanding how important personal space is for you, immediately let your partner know and deal with this together. The basic idea is to be happy with each other, grow together, be each other’s friend instead of quarreling and going apart while arguing for personal space.

Why is It Important? While talking of giving space to each other might sound like a big problem in the relationship, in reality, it is not the case. It sounds too sensitive but if the problem is not addressed, it can become big and be a reason for a couple to part ways too. 65

According to one of the hypnotherapists, taking time out for ourselves might sound extremely selfish. However, being alone gives us a different perspective, introduces us to new energies, and makes us feel much better to bring happiness in the relationship. If you think that taking space and giving space is like almost ‘The End’ of your relationship, then you are wrong because it is a new beginning to a more peaceful, mature, and happy relationship. However, this is in the hands of the two of you. You have to be positive, understand why is your partner asking for space, and let them be. To understand the true value of each other, giving personal space is necessary. When the two of you step into your world for a while, you will enjoy the peace and get to know yourself better. However, after a while, if you miss your partner, it means that you are learning how to value each other and this wouldn’t ever happen if the two of you were always together. Thus, space can do wonders even if you think of it to be a sad affair. It is only after you give your partner the necessary breathing space will he/she

be able to bring up a new topic and have a discussion. On the other hand, if the two of you were together all the time, how would you find something different to talk about? It makes sense, isn’t it? The importance of giving space to your partner allows you to express the respect you have for him or her. Instead of being upset or taking it personally that he or she is not spending time with you if you can respect the need for space, your relationship gets stronger. For example, he might want to be along due to work stress, he/she might want to talk to friends in person and it could be that they are discussing a secret. Right? So, opening your mind and understanding your partner build respect between the two of you even stronger. In hard times, whenever your partner wants to approach you, he/she will do it without hesitation because he would have experienced your love and respect in many instances. The partner has that confidence that he can trust in you and surrender his issues to you. This helps him feel better. If you never opened up and gave him space, he would have never been able to approach you with confidence. What’s the use of being in a relationship when you can’t WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

LOVE & SEX share problems or be yourself with your partner? At one point or the other, the two of you might drift apart. If you don’t want that to happen, understand that your partner must get breathing space. Be a little patient if you think giving too much breathing space is not your cup of tea. Over time, this will be the biggest reason for your relationship to grow positively.

Ways To Give Personal Space To Each Other? Until now if the two of you haven’t given enough space to each other and when you’ve finally decided to do it, you are going to be proud, happy, and feel positive about making this change. Getting space is one of the best things that can happen to you in a relationship. Here, you get to be who you want to be and don’t have to be what the other person wants you to be, and what can be better than that? The advantage of getting space is that you get to know about your flaws, things that make you happy, things that make you sad, and what you need the most. After knowing what you want, you learn about how to be sufficient for yourself and spread the same happiness in your relationship too. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

Quickly take a look at simple ways of giving space to your partner

No 1 – Give Space Without Seeking Too Much Attention Giving each other time and attention is a great way to build your bond and stay close. In a relationship, it is beautiful to give and receive attention. But what if the attention is expected too much out of you or you expect too much? It can be unhealthy for a relationship. Example – Your partner mentions to you that he needs personal space to talk to his friend and if you want that time for the two of you without understanding his needs at that moment, it can make him uncomfortable. Similarly, if he wants the same attention from you, it can make you uncomfortable too?

your partner. It is a healthier relationship when the two of you make the most in the time you have for each other. It is all about adjusting with each other.

No 2 – Be A Good Listener Giving them space doesn’t mean you forget an integral part of being a good listener to your partner. Only when you listen, you get to know their feelings in depth. Probably you can even relate to what he or she says. Always listen but don’t question as to why didn’t he/she choose to tell you first. Give them that space

In the long run, this can get unhealthy and the two of you will end up being unhappy. So, you understand how important it is to have your own space to do what makes you happy. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you have to dedicate every minute for 66

to speak out and share their issues or reasons to be happy at their pace.

your points instead of instructing your partner to do a particular thing.

The way you deal with challenges in a relationship is totally on you. You always have a choice to deal with it peacefully.

For example – If your partner is doubtful about taking a decision and discusses the problem with you. You must give him/her the best solution that is in your mind instead of giving instructions on what to do and not. It wouldn’t be appreciated.

No 3 – Give Your Bit Of Advice, Don’t Instruct Bits of Advice are more appreciated than instructions. Everyone has a right to choose despite being told about what is right and wrong. Giving space in a relationship even means putting across

If things go in this manner, your partner gets the space to share things with you and ultimately make his/her choice. Giving someone that space is highly essential.

No 4 – Set Boundaries You might have the best partner or be in a rocking relationship but it is equally important to have a life of your own and set boundaries in that relationship too. In other words, you must have a happy life of your own too. The same logic to happiness applies here too and that is only if you are happy can you keep your partner happy. A relationship should not be such that it demands all your time and attention when there are boundaries, there is better respect for each other.

No 5 – Accept Disagreements 67

Even the best of couples have disagreements and what’s wrong with it as long as you respect each other’s point of view and give your partner their breathing space. In a relationship, never make it about you all the time. Give your partner the freedom to agree or disagree. Wining in an argument is not the point. The point is how open are you to let your partner disagree as there is no hard and fast rule that your partner has to follow what you say. Isn’t it? Therefore, give your partner the space to stand up for what he/she feels.

Conclusion We have always heard of a happy beginning and the end is sometimes sad or turns out happy. Who talks about what’s in between? We forget to see that giving enough space to each other is what takes care of what’s in between. If you want to grow the seeds of joy in your relationship, respect each other’s time, interests, disinterests, and goals. At the same time, don’t bring in so much space that the relationship ceases to exist. Give space where it is required and make up for space when you think it is ruining your relationship. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Could prostate cancer be treated with




Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that results in deaths in men. With the lack of proper early testing and even effective treatment options, researchers are working day in and out to find suitable and effective treatment options for the disease. As per the reports, a drug that is used for breast cancer treatment has been touted effective for prostate cancer as well.

been programmed to target the cancer cells with the DNA faulty repair genes and helped in blocking the prostate cancer growth a lot more effectively in comparison to the hormone therapy that is done generally. The study was conducted in collaboration with researchers from The

This precision drug packs in a form of treatment known as PARK inhibitor that has 69

Furthermore, the men who had altered BRCA1, BRCA2 or ATM also benefitted from this drug. It took the disease around 7.4 months before it progressed. Without the drug, the disease progressed in a matter of 3-4 months. Aside from that, men who had any kind of alterations in the 12 pre-selected DNA repair genes also benefitted from receiving this drug.

A study conducted by the researchers from the Institute of Cancer Research have found that a drug that has been licensed for the treatment of breast cancer in women has more effective results for prostate cancer than the hormone therapy. The pill, termed as Olaparib doesn’t impose the side effects of chemotherapy and can effectively target the Achilles heel in treating the prostate cancer in men.

The researchers found that the administration of the Olaparib in these patients helped slow down the progression of the disease in them.

Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust along with Northwestern University in Chicago. It studies 387 men who are suffering from advanced stages of prostate cancer. They have had experienced one or more of the 15 DNA repair genes.

For any men suffering from prostate cancer, the administration of the drug was found to be quite effective in helping slow down the progression of the disease better than what the hormonal treatment did. With this new finding, the researchers are pretty excited at the prospect of olaparib being even more effective for treating prostate cancer in comparison to abiraterone. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

MEN HEALTH The researchers also found that the total survival rate in the men with BRCA1, BRCA2 or ATM genes was 19 months with oliparid which was 15 months with abiraterone. Despite the fact that majority of the men with the cancer that 80% of the men with prostate cancer showed how the cancer spread and attacked the bodies. The researchers believe that further follow up is required to get a better idea of the survival rate. Some of the adverse impacts that one is likely to experience is anemia and nausea. But, overall, the treatment has been a success for the men who have struggled with the issues of prostate cancer. PROFound is the first trial show that is being conducted to further get an idea of genomic testing in the prostate cancer


patients. It is important to identify the patient groups based off of the genetics and then tailor the treatment in accordance to that. Researchers are hoping that the drug will be made available in NHS for the treatment of prostate cancer and for the faulty DNA repair in the coming two years. Further research needs to be conducted in the field to be able to get a better clarity. It is likely that things could change, in case there are further developments to the treatment and the overall procedure. Since prostate cancer is one of the hardest forms of cancers to detect, it is likely taking a lot more time than usual to come up with a viable form of treatment that doesn’t leave negative impacts.


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Red Kidney Bean Snack Excite your taste buds with this tangy and healthy red kidney bean snack. This mixture is nutritious and yummy. It is a mixture of vegetables and boiled red kidney bean mixed with green chilies, salt, masala, and lime. You can have it for breakfast or as an evening snack. It is quite filling. Take a look at this recipe and get to know about the health benefits of this snack.

Ingredients > The quantity will depend on the number of people you are making it for. > Boil ½ a bowl rajma > Wash a few coriander leaves > Chop 2 green chilies into small pieces > 2 tsp lime > Pepper > Salt > Red chili powder – 1 tsp > Coriander powder – 2tsp > Chaat masala -1 tsp > Turmeric powder – 1 tsp > 1 tomato > 1 cucumber

How to make? No 1 – Chop tomato, cucumber, and onion into small pieces. Mix it in the boiled rajma. No 2 – Add lime, salt, turmeric, coriander powder, chili powder, pepper, green chilies and chaat masala. No 3 – Stir this entire salad well. Check the taste of this salad, add the necessary masalas if required. Try this easy and tasty red kidney bean snack. You will love this dish.



Health Benefits Listed below are the health benefits of red kidney bean salad. Take a look! No 1 – Kidney beans boost the amount of protein in your body. Protein is essential for the bones and muscles. No 2 – The the magnesium content in your body increases with kidney beans. This nutrient is necessary to take care of your nerves, muscles, monitor the immune system, and stabilizes your heartbeat. No 3 – Intensifies the fiber content in your body. All the toxins and debris in your body get eliminated if you have enough fiber. 73

No 4 – This food strengthens and provides sufficient energy to your body. No 5 - If you want to beat anemia, you must consume red kidney bean. It is a good source of Iron. No 6 – It improves your ability to remember things. No 7 – Eating kidney beans will help you keep a check on the cholesterol levels in your body. No 8 – Red kidney bean has effective antiaging properties. Having said, if you don’t want to look old soon, you must eat red kidney beans once in a while. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Dry Fruits Milkshake Dry fruits are healthy and tasty. When you want to give a break to all the other milkshakes and enjoy a new taste, you can sip on some yummy dry fruit milkshake. Its method of preparation is simple. Here is a recipe on how to prepare this dry fruit milkshake. Take a look! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

Ingredients > > > > > > > > > >

2 tsp honey 1 cup milk 3 almonds 3 cashews 3 dates 3 walnuts 3 raisins Ice cubes - not mandatory Cardamom – a small tsp 2 ice cubes 74

Health Benefits Dry fruits are packed with fiber, potassium, vitamins, and minerals. Apart from this, these dry fruits have effective plant compounds. Here are some of the health benefits of eating dry fruits.

1. It saves you from getting obese. 2. It saves you from many health problems.

3. It eliminates all the toxins from your body.

4. It makes you feel full for long. 5. Keeps cholesterol levels in check and reduces inflammatory

How to make? Follow this method! The quantity will vary depending on the number of people. No 1 – Wash all the dry fruits. No 2 - Put the almonds, cashews, walnuts, dates, and raisins in a blender. Blend it for a few seconds. Now, add 2 tsp honey and blend it another time. No 3 - Add ice cubes and milk to the blended dry fruits and honey. Blend this entire mixture another time. No 4 – Check the taste, if it is not sweet as per your requirement, add another spoon of honey and stir it well. 75


6. Keeps your sugar levels in control.

7. Saves your body from high blood pressure.

8. Dry fruits are good for pregnant women as it helps withstand labor pain.

Note: Keep in mind not to eat

too many dry fruits as they contain natural sugars and if these sugars are consumed in excess, it can affect your health. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020



Benefits, Steps, Variations, And Precautions!


Pavanamuktasana is even known as the wind-relieving pose. This word is derived from the Sanskrit words “Pavan” wind and “Mukt” free. This originated in the 20th century and was a part of Bikram Yoga.



This asana is categorized into three parts. In the first part, you bend your knee, bring it close to your chest and press the abdomen. In the second part, you repeat the same with the other leg and in the third part, you do this with both your legs and move sideways or back and forth. This posture will free the gas in your stomach. You can find a solution to all digestive problems and a few others. This asana is similar to bhujangasana, dhanurasana, and chakrasana. You will feel good on your stomach and back.

Benefits Of Pavanmuktasana We know how this wind-relieving pose is an effective one and it does good many organs in the body.

Here are the benefits of this asana. Take a look! BENEFIT NO 1 – This asana is

soothing for your abdomen and digestive organs. It reduces or maybe helps constipation problems disappear.

BENEFIT NO 2 – Treats acidity, bloating, and flatulence problems.

BENEFIT NO 3 – This asana helps with strengthening the muscles in your lower back.

BENEFIT NO 4 – Anyone suffering

with disc problems can find a solution to this problem as it strengthens and makes the vertebrae flexible.

BENEFIT NO 5 – If there are fats

accumulated around your belly, you can try this asana as it aids weight loss and strengthens all your abdominal muscles.

BENEFIT NO 6 – Women must

practice this asana as it is invigorating for all the reproductive organs and keeps menstrual cramps at bay.




BENEFIT NO 7 - It is a good stretching exercise for your neck and back.

BENEFIT NO 8 – In this asana, all the

internal organs are stimulated and enough blood circulates through the body. This happens because of the pressure applied to the abdominal and other organs.

BENEFIT NO 9 – It treats impotency. BENEFITS NO 10 – Melts the fats around your thighs and buttocks.

BENEFIT NO 11 - It betters the bowel movements.

Steps To Do Pavanmuktasana Follow these steps to effectively complete Pavanmuktasana. Here you go!

Part I STEP 1

Roll a mat on the floor and lie down on your back. Join your legs and keep your palms on the floor.

STEP 2 – Relax in this posture and get

STEP 6 – Stay there for 15 seconds. STEP 7 – Let the other leg rest straight on the

floor while you are completing the asana on one leg.

STEP 8 - Repeat the same steps with the other leg as well.

Do this three times for each leg.

Part II

ready to lift your legs. Inhale and slowly lift your right leg and place it in the 90-degree angle.

STEP 9 – Go back to the same posture from

STEP 3 – Fold your knee in a way that the

STEP 10 – Lift both your legs up at a 90

ankle touches your buttocks.

STEP 4 – Clasp both your hands on the

folded knee and bring it close to your chest pressing the abdomen.

STEP 5 – Now gently exhale and bend

your head down trying to touch your knees. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

where you started. Stretch your legs and lie down flat.

degrees angle.

STEP 11 - Fold both your knees in a way that the heels touch your buttocks.

STEP 12 – On the knees, clasp the fingers of both your hands and lift it.


D) Don’t strain your neck or body while stretching in this asana.

Variations In Pavanmuktasana


While doing this asana, here are a few important points to be careful about. Take a look!


Don’t stay in the posture for more than a minute. Practice staying in this posture for 15 seconds.

3. STEP 13- Exhale, bend your head forward and try placing your head in between both your knees.

Part III STEP 14 – Stay in the same position with your knees together, clasped in between your fingers and the head bent down.

STEP 15 -

Roll left and right 5 times on

either sides.

STEP 16 – Rollback and forth with your head close to the knees. Points to keep in mind


First, try to place your chin on the knees so that it is easy to place your head.


Always keep your legs together when you have to use both your legs.


Stay relaxed and breathe normally while doing this asana. 79

Avoid this asana if you are going to undergo a hernia operation or suffering from piles.

4. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.

5. If you have undergone abdominal

surgery, strictly avoid doing this asana.


If you have pain or injury near your head, shoulder, or neck, avoid doing this asana.

7. This asana is a big no for people suffering from heart diseases and high blood pressure.

8. Don’t practice this asana if you have a slipped disc or sciatica problem.

CONCLUSION Pavanmuktasana is the best to overcome digestive problems. This is invigorating for your neck, thighs, legs, and internal organs. Practice this asana three times a week and benefit from it. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


Children of Parents Suffering With

Mental Illness are More Prone to Injury



Kids fall and hurt themselves. That is how it is and how them grow and learn but did you ever think of other factors that could be contributing to this phenomenon? Possibly not, right? Well, there has been a study conducted that has found correlation between the risks of mental illness in the parents with heightened impacts or injury in the kids. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Karolinska Institutet has found that the kids whose parents suffer from mental illnesses are at higher risks of injury in comparison to the ones who don’t. The risks of the same are elevated till 17 years of age and the peak is witnessed during the first year of birth. The main objective of these findings is to promote and tell the parents suffering from mental illnesses to seek extra help to keep their child safe and take care of them better. It also promotes the better understanding of the expecting parents to take early preventive measures to 81


HOME & FAMILY keep their child safe from constant injuries. According to the statistics from Sweden, 7-11% of children in the country have parents with mental disabilities and struggles. The same has been deduced from the researcher’s estimates. The previous measures taken by the authorities have predominantly focused on preventing neglect and maltreatment of the children and to a lesser degree working on preventing the accidents and the further risks of injuries. But, this new study has found that it is possible to prevent the risks of injuries in children by advocating better treatments for the parents with mental illnesses. This advocates the parents to take up preventive measures in their homes and outside too to keep their child safe from the risks of injury and further mishaps. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

Alicia Nevriana, PhD student at the Department of Global Public Health, who is also the corresponding author of the study has found that there is an increased need of mental support and treatment for the parents in order to prevent further risks of during the first few years of the lives of the children. There are already a few existing recommendations and guidelines for the new parents to ensure maximum safety for the children but the researchers do believe that there need to be further updates in these recommendations and strategies accounting the parents’ mental health. The researchers found that children within the age of 0-1 had a 30% higher risks of injuries if their parents struggle with some form of mental health illness. The risk somewhat

declined with age but did propagate till 17 years of age. The researchers also found that the risks of injury are somewhat higher in parents struggling with depression, anxiety and stress related issues. This was a lot less in the conditions of parents suffering from schizophrenia, and some of the other psychotic illnesses. The risks of the same were higher in maternal side in comparison to the paternal side, suggesting that women need more care and attention in such cases. The risks of the injuries in the kids was also found to be higher in some of the uncommon types of injuries like the interpersonal violence in comparison to the more common injuries like the falls and the normal scratches that children experiencing while playing. 82

The researchers also suggest that any form of violence related injury is a lot less in such households with a parent struggling with mental illness. The study was conducted with collaboration with the researchers at the University of Manchester. It looked through the lives of 1.5 million children in Sweden from the years of 1996 to 2011. Out of them, 330,000 had at least one parent diagnosed with some form of mental illness during that year of birth or between a five years gap later.

adequately or fail to baby proof their homes. This is what the researchers believe is a plausible explanation at this point. Nevriana explained saying that mental illnesses are often associated with worse signs of socio-economic conditions. This might make some of the families live in a less safe and outdoor environment with lack of proper security measures. These attributes can further

contribute to the risks of child injury but nothing can be said for sure yet. She believes that it is likely that the socioeconomic factor plays a very crucial role behind the objective of their study but they are still not sure whether there are some certain medications that could also be playing a role in this. The ones associated with alertness and attention is the ones that the researchers are primarily focused on.

Although the correlation has been established, the study fails to suggest why children with parents struggling with mental illness have higher risks of injuries. One of the most common explanations that the researchers have concluded is that the parents with mental illness are unable to supervise their child 83



10 Ways To Beat Sleepiness And Stay Healthy– No More Oversleeping! It is not a healthy or active space to be in when you are sleepy all day. If that happens once in a while, you would still understand and cope up by compensating for lost sleep the next day. Sadly, if that’s not the case then tiredness and drowsiness will become a part of your life. Don’t think it is doing any good. It is directly taking a toll on your mood, productivity, and health. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

Excessive sleepiness is causing trouble to around 18 percent of people in the world. This condition of wanting to sleep even while being productive during the day is known as hypersomnia. In some cases, you are experiencing sleepiness because you are sleepdeprived, you have got yourself used to bad sleeping habits or you might be suffering from sleep apnea. Follow a few healthy tips to fight sleepiness. If you have tried it all and you still experience problems, get yourself checked by a doctor as you could be suffering from a disorder. 84

Ensure to sleep for not more than 8 hours and you will never experience sleepiness. If it is not a disorder and you are sleepy all day, it is a clear sign that you didn’t get a good night’s sleep.

Tip 2 – Plan A Sleep Routine Forming a habit or making it a routine to sleep on time should help and save you from unnecessary the trouble with your health. Sleeping well at night for two days and then going back to the same old story will not serve the purpose. You need to set a perfect sleep routine. As it takes a while for your body to get used to and stick to a pattern, it is essential that you make a convenient sleep routine for yourself.

Here is a few tips that will help you defeat sleepiness to stay healthy and happy thereafter. You won’t have issues at work and it would impact your relationships.

Tip 1 – Sleep Well At Night

This way you can stop yourself from sleeping too much because your body will sleep and wake up at a particular time. Along with convenience, make it a point to go to bed early, and 10 minutes before you want to fall asleep. This effective plan will help.

Night sleep is the best and having a sound sleep is important. If you are taking it for leisure and staying awake almost all nights, it is going to affect your energy levels the next day. Therefore, be cautious about your health.

Tip 3 – Stick To A Bedtime

It is obvious and you know the importance of sleeping well at night yet you don’t follow a healthy sleep pattern. If you don’t want your body to experience inflammation and intend to keep your cells healthy, sleep well at night.

Sticking to your bedtime will make you disciplined and keep you prepared in prior that you quickly have to wind up your household chores, office work or chilling on the phone and go to sleep.


Once you are used to sleeping around 10 in the night, you can take a step further and set a strict bedtime for yourself.


HEALTHY LIVING Setting an an alarm is another way to remind yourself that you have to crash for the day. Follow your bedtime strictly so that you have enough time to sleep well at night.

Tip 4 – Shut

Your Mind From Distractions Have your things sorted and done a few minutes before you go to sleep. Avoid being upset or distracted before crashing for the day. At least an an hour prior, keep your phone, laptop, music player, book, and a heated conversation away. The more you make an effort to sleep with a blank mind, the better it will do to your health and keep all the sleepiness away.

Tip 5 – Set A

Time To Wakeup If you are dealing with too much sleepiness, you need to manage your sleep time well. Just like how you set a bedtime, you need to even set wake-up time. An important point you will take care of is that of maintaining consistency even if it is not a working or study day. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

The circadian rhythm is tuned well when you wake up at the right time. This will help set right your problem of falling asleep at night as well. Follow this practice for months and only then you will get used to not sleeping too much during the day.

Tip 6 – Eat

Timely And Healthy Meals Every habit of yours is connected to the other. Having said, only when you eat healthily and at the right time, you will be able to sleep well and in time. Besides, it keeps the circadian rhythm in place. Eat healthy things at the right time. Don’t eat junk when it’s time to have a meal. If you want to avoid sleepiness, avoid eating a heavy meal during the day when you have an important task to complete. Most importantly, avoid eating food right before you go to bed. Finish your dinner at least one and a half-hour in prior.

Tip 7 – Do A

Physical Workout

Tiring your body will make you fit and help you sleep well. Whether you have problems with sleepiness or sleeplessness, a good workout will keep you active al day. Apart from helping you fall asleep, exercising during the day will help you stay alert and energetic. If you want to resort to healthy exercising, ensure to do your workout outdoors, and in the morning. You get sufficient Vitamin D as well as find a way to put an end to all the sleepiness.

Tip 8 – Avoid

Taking Long Naps In The Day Napping for twenty minutes is good. However, overdoing it is like poison and you get lazy. Besides, all the sleepiness gets bad. The cycle of disturbed sleep begins and won’t come to an end. Instead, do your best to sleep well in the night. You won’t feel like napping. If you like napping, don’t overdo it. Sleep for a few minutes only. 86

Tip 9 – Set

Right Your Sleep Environment To sleep without getting disturbed, you must set right your environment. When you prepare yourself to fall asleep ensure to keep your room lights off. Don’t strain your eyes with bright lights. A hormone known as melatonin begins to get secreted when the environment is peaceful and the lights are off. This is your sleep hormone. This is produced at the right time when its time to shut from everything and rest, you won’t experience sleepiness the next day.

during the day. One, you will get busy. Two, you will be able to sleep well at night. This discipline will help you effectively manage your activities and prioritize all your tasks in a way that it is either done by night or you keep aside unimportant tasks for the weekend. Being disciplined will even teach you how to effectively manage time.

Conclusion If you want to avoid sleepiness or get rid of oversleeping. Be disciplined during the day and complete all your tasks, eat healthy meals on time, exercise to feel tired and sleep well at night, keep distractions aside, avoid napping in the day and set a bedtime routine so that your body gets accustomed to it and you get the right amount of sleep that you were not able to catch up on or you were oversleeping.

Do this right, when you go to sleep, shut off all the lights and rest. On the other hand, as you wake up in the morning expose yourself to the natural light. Remember, you have to sleep and wake up on time to avoid sleepiness.

Tip 10 – Maintain Discipline In Your Schedule

When you maintain discipline in your schedule, there is no chance you will feel sleepy 87



The Rare

Kawasaki Syndrome

This is a rare disease that occurs in children below 5 years. They experience rashes on their skin and according to Kawasaki Disease Foundation, in the US there are around 4,200 children suffering from this disease every year. More boy children are victims of this syndrome. Usually, this the problem can be treated in a few days if proper attention is given. If parents or caretakers don’t attend the child, he or she can have heart diseases or the problem can reoccur. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


About Kawasaki Disease

mentioned earlier, it affects children below 5.

It is an inflammation in the arteries, veins, and capillaries. Besides, it makes skin rashes visible.

with children in Asian countries.

Mostly, this problem occurs in infants or children less than 5 years.

Causes of Kawasaki It doesn’t spread from one person to another. It could be occurring from an infectious agent. The scientist tried working on this and they haven’t got any evidence on the causes yet. They assume that it could be related to genes, viruses, bacteria, and a few other things that the child is surrounded by. For instance, chemicals and other pollutants. Yet, there is no clarity on how contagious is this disease. It usually affects a group in the community. Usually happens in winter or spring. The other risks involved with Kawasaki are as follows

(i) 89

The age factor - as


It is prone to happen


The sex factor - as mentioned earlier, it affects 1.5 times more than girls.

Symptoms Of Kawasaki The symptoms of Kawasaki are usually seen in the

irritability Lymph nodes in the neck swell up Eyes, lips, throat and tongue get red Swelling in the hands and legs Sometimes skin on the hands and fingers get peeled At times rashes get formed in the entire body If the problem gets worse and goes to stage 2, here is a list of symptoms the child experiences. Take a look!

No 2 – Severe

pain in the joints.

No 3 – Pain in the belly.

No 4 – Diarrhea and vomiting. nose, mouth, and throat. This syndrome is one of the biggest reasons children suffer from heart diseases.

No 1 - The child gets high fever. The following things happen.

The fever stays for more than 5 days The child experiences

No 5 – Heart

problem for 10 days to 2 weeks after experiencing symptoms of this disease.

No 6 – There could be an enlargement of the gallbladder.

No 7 – Problem with hearing for a while.

For the most part, symptoms disappear in the third week WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

DISEASE or it might last for 8 weeks. Thereon, if it lasts then you need to call your doctor and let him/her know about the problems. Why wait till the last minute? In between, make it a habit to stay in touch with your doctor and update him/ her about how the child is feeling. Usually the patient has high fever. It exceeds 103 F. Having said, it is always better to take action when the child starts experiencing symptoms.

Kawasaki Diagnosis As the details of Kawasaki are still being studied, there isn’t a specific test that can clearly say that the child has Kawasaki. This is what the pediatrician looks at and keeps away the illness with similar symptoms. Take a look!

following tests to monitor the heart. The tests done are

No 1 - Echocardiograph: Pictures of the heart and arteries will be taken and this will be a painless procedure. The test will clearly show if Kawasaki has affected the heart or not.

No 2 - Blood tests:

Blood tests may be ordered to rule out other illnesses. In KD, there may be an elevated white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, and inflammation.

No 3 - Signs of heart

failure and inflammation will be checked so that the situation doesn’t get

worse. Having said, a chest X-ray will be taken. There will be black and white images of the heart and lungs that will be created.

No 4 – Electrocardiogram

or ECG will be taken to understand the irregularities of the heart by looking through the record of all electrical activity in the heart. If the doctor sees irregularities in the ECG, it might mean that the heart is affected by KD. Therefore, we can get clarity that the child is suffering from Kawasaki disease if he/ she is showing these major symptoms or when the child is having fever for more than 5 days.

No 1 – Bacterial infection is

the reason for the fever, chills, and a sore throat. Also known as scarlet fever.

No 2 – A disease that

gives joint pains and causes inflammation. Also known as Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

No 3 - The other problems

could be a medical reaction, toxic shock syndrome, idiopathic juvenile arthritis, juvenile mercury poisoning, measles, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever Further, if there is no clarity, the pediatrician will do the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


can consult your doctor if you want to give it to your child.

No 3 - The faster you take your child for treatment, the better. What does another study say? Before the fifth day of the fever if a higher rate of resistance is given, nothing like it. Around 10 to 25 percent of children will have good resistance to KD.

In case there is a blocked artery or heart attack, a few children might take a while more to deal with it and get treated. If this is the case, the following things happen. You will need to give the child an antiplatelet aspirin until the doses until the echocardiograph is normal. On a whole, it will take at least six to eight weeks for any abnormalities to get normal.

How To Treat Kawasaki? The best advice is that you don’t take this illness for granted. If you see all the symptoms, immediately get your child treated. If treatment is not given, it can directly affect the heart. Therefore, look at the ways to treat Kawasaki! Here you go!

No 1 - There is a chance for blood clots to form. To 91

avoid it. Do the following things Within ten days of the fever, infuse antibodies for 12 hours, and aspirin dosage for the next 4 days. Besides, the child will need to take small doses of aspirin for 6 to 8 weeks continuously after the fever goes away.

No 2 - There is another

method of treating this disease. However, it is still being researched. According to a study, adding prednisolone reduces heart damage drastically. So, you

What are the complications associated with Kawasaki? Take a look at the complications related to Kawasaki! About 25 percent of children suffer from heart problems and mostly untreated KD is the reason a child might have a heart attack. KD causes other problems such as inflammation in the heart muscles, an abnormal WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020


half of these concerns are reducing every year.

No 3 – A long term

treatment is needed as the child experiences long-term heart problems.

No 4 – It is rare but there are chances that KD might re-occur To be on a safe side, it is always good if the child is taken for an ECG once in a year to ensure no heart problems.

Final Word

heart rhythm or swelling and weakness in the artery wall. To treat KD at this stage, the child needs to take aspirin dosage for a long time. Apart from this, the child might need blood thinners, go through coronary angioplasty, coronary artery stenting, or coronary artery bypass. Unfortunately, if a child is suffering from coronary artery problems, parents must take care of their lifestyle habits carefully. One mistake or disturbance can make them suffer from WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | MAY 2020

a heart attack, obesity, or cholesterol too.

What Happens After A Child Suffers From KD? Take a look at few things that happen to a child after he or she suffers from KD.

KD is a rare and difficult disease to deal with unless you get your child treated at the right time. Inflammation happens in the blood vessels and lymph nodes. For the most part, it affects infants and kids below the age of 5. However, it can be contracted by anyone. In the beginning, problems such as fever, swollen hands, and strawberry tongue show up. If it moves on to stage 2, then problems such as joint pains, skin peeling, and abdominal pain occur.

No 1 – If diagnosed and

It is essential to let your doctor know and start treatment before it takes a toll on your child’s heart.

No 2 – The child might

The more attentively this disease is being treated, the faster it makes your child feel better.

treated on time, the child escapes heart problems and recovers. suffer from coronary artery problems. Nevertheless,


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