7 minute read
Why your 'Why' is the best Motivation by Jenni P.
Now you have all heard about motivation. We’re very familiar with this as a success tool but I want to share a shocking little secret about motivation and about why it does not help your goals.
You cannot have motivation if you don’t have a motive.
What is a motive anyway? It’s a reason, a ‘why’ for doing something. That may sound simple but most of the planet doesn’t know why they are doing what they are doing. We are so programmed by our upbringing and the way that society has moulded us that, over and above the reason of bringing in money to live, we don’t question the status quo, and so we live our entire lives without ever asking ‘why’?
We live in one huge continent called busy land in an online universe called the infoverse.
Our modern life consists mainly of a matrix of industrialism, commerce, technology and recreation, but mostly busyness made of people living in the sleeping zone much like the world depicted in the film Matrix.
In this modern matrix of busyness, the mass of humanity has become unplugged from any contemplation about their existence and plugged into all the distractions that keep them sleeping. This is called convention.
It takes courageous people to break out of their status quo. It takes rebels and mavericks, free-thinkers and adventurers, visionaries and pioneers, and guts. Convention and the status quo are a death sentence for dreams and fulfilment.
Let me de-mystify the meaning of life for you..
Your ‘why’, your motive is your life journey, the core of your adventure plus what is in it and how. The power of your ‘why’ is vital for your happiness and triumphs.
How you get there, will not lead you to your destiny but REVEAL your destiny. Destiny is not the future, your destiny is your power, your potency. It is your fate, your fortune, your circumstances. How things turn out is not the future, it’s turning out all the time... it’s a constant, ever-evolving experience, a chain of events (or necklace)
We don’t create your destiny by force, struggle, or determination. This is the biggest myth that tradition has taught us. We revive our destiny by remembering our ‘why’, our motive, and our vocation.
We live our destiny by practising it daily. Modern scientists like Dr Joe Dispenza point us to the truth that we are no longer in a ‘cause and effect universe’ but a ‘causing effect’ universe.
In other words, we are creating our destiny daily.
Think about a day as a bead or button, threaded onto the necklace of time.
Is this bead a shining pearl of a day? Or is it a heavy bead that rubs you uncomfortably – are you making an annoying necklace you twist and ring daily, Or a shining string of pearls?
You must know your motive to remember your destiny. If we don’t know why we’re doing a particular thing, it’ll feel weird somewhere in the mind. If we don’t know why we feel weird in the mind, it’ll feel weird in the body. If you don’t know your ‘why’, it’ll feel weird somewhere in your life.
Do you know what weird feels like? It feels like when your mind, body and soul are not in agreement.
It feels like any regular negative emotion of any scale (mild or intense) that has a mild or intense sensation or symptom in your body.
Mostly it’ll feel like the difference between unextinguishable energy joie de vivre, or regular lethargy, fatigue or exhaustion.
Our bodies are brilliant gages that our three elements of mind, body and soul, are in agreement or out of alignment.
I expect you’ve heard the expression “emotions are energy in motion”.
When we feel emotions, we are literally moving with our emotions in the world So are they emotions of being fully alive and being on the path to our highest life?
Happiness and pleasure are fleeting. But the power that is unleashed when we align our three elements is ferocious. Having our three elements of mind, body and soul gives us, the power to move mountains, to change our biological functioning in order to change our fate. To go from impotent to potent to omnipotent.
Instead of creating our reality (the one we don’t really want) with our personality (the one that isn’t really us), we use the gifts we have been given to not just create a life but to create an adventure of being fully alive!
Let’s look at the relationship between these three gifts: Free will – the ability to focus or re-focus our choices on our heart’s desires is determined by first the acknowledgement that we have and make choices all the time. Then to evaluate how we make them, through what we’re paying attention to. repeat
Personality is made up of the coherence of our thoughts, words and actions and how true they are to our motive. That means our thoughts words and actions have to be in alignment with our ‘why’.
That means we have to create a lifestyle that daily reflects that agreement! Or else we get sick or depressed or broke! Destiny is hidden in the unfolding adventure of growth that is common to all humans, whether they are aware of it or not.
Each destiny is completely unique. All destinies are meant to allow their adventurer to experience anything on that vast range of possibilities that he or she desires to experience. In other words, if you are aware of your destiny, you can fully play in that adventure!
You can play all of those human games; love, money, travel, saving the planet, creating art, dancing, loving the planet, and helping people. But more specifically, you will be able to craft a lifestyle that day by day, checks all your boxes. It will sort out those nagging, flagging, challenges and it will help you to flay any obstacles aside It will keep you fully alive So how do you become aware of your destiny? By remembering it.
Because, you were made in passion, wired for greatness and coded to remember your destiny
The Greatness Codes™and what they can do for your life and business
Do you ever wonder what your greatness is and how to express it? Do you know deep down that you have a ''magnum opus' to bring to the world, a fabulous signature program, marvellous creative project or mesmerising movement but have no idea how to make it a lucrative and thrilling lifestyle?
We are all coded for greatness and as you know, called to move humanity forward in our own unique and genius way, having the most fun possible. When we align our mission, message and presence, lifestyle and commit to Preeminence, abundance is the natural result.
What distinguishes my work is that together, we use the natural quantum patterns in the universe to attain that alignment. The incredible Trinity Code™ is a simple but profound tool based on universal principle which connects you to your ‘I Am’ truth, and then reveals what you are called to do with that.
Once you have it, you have it forever. You will never have to wonder again how you should put yourself out there and what it looks like. With this process, we ‘reverse engineer’ your message to begin from that truth, then build a ‘why’ or mission from it. Then, we explore the best model of expression that really allows you to work in your genius zone, in flow and in the highest vibration. We also build in every part of your life which is ‘ideal’ for you - including health, love, relationships, material gain, environment etc. I call these the 'keys to the kingdom' of your highest life! All of it comes into the process! This is quantum work. I invite you to come and have a 30 minute Highest Life Exploration Call so that I can give you some clarity and activate that next level desire in you. Book here for one of my rare sessions! No sales or pressure, just the delight of pouring some light into your next step to Greatness. I can't wait to meet you!