15 minute read
The Law of You - A New Vision for You and Your Money by Karen Baines
Maybe we will never know just how many universal laws there are working in the cosmos. They're probably as infinite as the universe. And they are as surely as infinite as the infinite being you are and the infinite gifts that you have.
When all is said, done and theorised about, there is much scientific evidence, not to mention a ton of ancient scriptures from all over the world to support the fact that many of the laws can be influenced by yourself! (Ok, I know gravity is a tricky one, but even then, humans managed to overcome it in space!) So let’s dive into the juicy topic of the universal laws, you and your money!
There are three universal laws that I work with my clients on a daily basis, They are the good old law of attraction, that's the first one, the law of circulation, and the law of polarity. These are the three laws that I work with the most, that I'm always aware of because I know that I'm always engaging with them in one way or another.
Let’s take that misnomer the law of attraction. I actually think it's really unfortunate that it's been given that name.
The law of attraction has this connotation about it, that you are you, and you are separate from everything else, and that you have to attract everything to you.
You hear people talking all the time about, “Oh, I attracted this”, or “I attracted my ideal client”, or “I want to attract my ideal clients”, or “Why do I keep attracting this?” It’s so common for people to talk about attracting as if they are in one place and they're pulling everything to them from another; absolute rot.
This is really quite a disempowering place to be because as everybody knows, everything is energy and everything is interconnected. So how can you possibly be on your own? How can you be an infinite being who isn't engaging with everybody and everything else energetically, and the universe all the darned time? It's absolutely ridiculous, but a lot of people can’t see that truth!
You are not standing in one place having to ‘attract everything from outside of you, because you are it. You are the universe, you are everything, you are everyone.
Everything that you want and desire is available to you, and everything that you can't even yet imagine is available to you, but it’s all at different vibrations. You don't need to attract anything to you, because you're an infinite energetic being.
What is required to master this law, is to actually vibrate at a different frequency so that you become a vibrational match for what you desire and what you want, and which is already available to you.
If you can imagine, in this moment this is where you are vibrating, this frequency over here, right now and what it looks and feels like. However, what you want is vibrating at a higher frequency somewhere else. You don't attract it to you. You become it.
What is referred to as the law of attraction does indeed governs us and we are interacting with it constantly. I like to refer to it as the universe says “Yes“. My clients seem to love that interpretation. That's the law of attraction, and you are engaging with it every minute of every single day, with every choice that you make. There isn't one single choice that you make that does not have you co-creating with the universe, not one single choice.
And those choices are either aligned to money or they’re not.
The Law Of Circulation
Let’s take this second law - the good old law of circulation. The law of circulation is thus - you can't give what you don't have. You can't keep what you don't give, and you can't sustain what you don't receive. That is the law of circulation. Let me repeat those again. You can't give what you don't have, you can't keep what you don't give, and you can't sustain what you don't receive.
Let's break this down a little bit.
You can't give what you don't have.
If you don't have something to give, if you don't have the energy or resources to give, you can't give it. Unfortunately, so many heart-centred entrepreneurs end up in this perpetual place of burnout. My entrepreneurs tend to be over-givers because they're very heart-centred. Our default setting, when we are highly governed by our heart chakra, is naturally to over-give. We don't even know we are doing it until we are exhausted. And so, we have to be really aware of that danger.
If I haven't got any chocolate, and I want to share chocolate with you, I can't give it to you because I haven't got any. Energy really needs to be treated the same way. If you don't have any energy to give, don't give it. If you do give it, you end up overdrawn in your energy account, and that will be directly reflected in your bank account.
If you are constantly popping in and out of your overdraft, or you're living in your overdraft, if you examine your boundaries, and you look at your obligation and your sacrifice, I bet you, you're an over-giver. If you don't have the energy to give, you've got to stop giving it. The way to readdress the balance is to stop giving it away. Give to yourself instead and fill your cup up energetically that way. Give to yourself first. Start doing self-love as an absolutely minute-by-minute practice. You cannot give what you don't have. It leads to depletion and burnout. Is it selfish? Yes and no… Being selfish is not a bad thing at all when you simply ‘put your own oxygen mask on first’ in every situation!
You can't keep what you don't give.
Once you start to build up your resources, if then you don't do anything for anybody and you hold onto everything, because you haven't got any to spare, or because ‘there isn't enough to go around’, can you feel the contraction around that? We're assuming that there's something out there that we are separate from and that we need to get from someone. Then once we get it, we are taking it from them, or once we get it, if we give it away, there's not going to be enough for everybody. That's not how this law works.
Once you start to fill up your energy cup again, once you start to give back to yourself, you can then start to give out to others, because if you don't give what you have, you shut everything down. You contract. You are buying into a lie that there isn't enough to go around. Abundance is infinite and universal, and that is what we are here to create.
You can't sustain what you don't receive.
This is often the one that affects my entrepreneurs the most. They don't realize what's going on until we break all this down. You can't sustain what you don't receive. I find that this shows up as a receive-surrenderallow type of process because when we are in the process of giving what we have and giving to ourselves, and all of that, when we're engaging with the law of circulation, we're engaging with the natural flow, we must allow ourselves to receive and be supported, especially when we're service providers. We absolutely must allow ourselves to be supported. We can't do it alone. Human beings aren't designed to be or do things alone. We don't live on desert islands for a reason!
Take all that chaos that was created in the last couple of years with so many human beings being isolated and alone. It isn’t natural for humans, nor entrepreneurs! We must trust in the boundless possibilities to be supported. We've got to stop hustling and trying to make things happen. We must willingly receive support from other people, and receive support from the universe because the universe is always supporting us too!
Bringing it back to money and business for a minute, if you are a human being designed to be an entrepreneur and add value to the lives of other people through your gifts, if that is what you are designed for, what you are actually doing is offering other people support in exchange for money.
You can't operate in the world and declare to the universe, "I value the energy of support enough to receive money from it, but I don't value the energy of support enough to receive support for myself."
If you shut down the receiving of support, you are not going to make money through the giving of it; remember it's the law of circulation, it goes 'round, and 'round, and 'round. We need to be able to receive support from others, receive support from the universe, and then everything becomes sustainable because everything keeps going round and round. It all circles back, and it all happens in a really fluid way. It all goes full circle, that’s a law.
When you open yourself to receiving, and you make sure that you are giving from a place of having, when you do that, you are engaging with universal flow. You're engaging with the law of circulation, and you won't get stuck; you won't get burned out, which will take you right back to the first part, which is, that you can't give what you don't have.
That takes it back to the premise of ‘you can't give away chocolate if you haven't got any’. Stop giving away your chocolate. This principle is really fluid. It's like breathing in and out, inhale-exhale, receive-give, that's what it's all about.
The Law of Polarity
Now, this is quite a simple one, but it's so important. The law of polarity, in its simplest form, states that everything has its opposite. It's like two sides of a coin. Can't have one side without the other side. I've got a coin here. One side heads, the other side of the coin, tails. You cannot have one without the other. It's like a battery that has a positive and a negative, and you need both ends to put in the torch to be able to turn on the light.
Positive and negative, you can't have one without the other. Now, whether it be fortunate or unfortunate for human beings, when it comes to positive and negative, human beings get quite caught up in it all. We see the positive as something good, and the negative as something bad. That's the general consensus. If it's positive, it's good. If it's negative, it's bad.
The universe doesn't see it that way. The universe just reads the frequency, says ‘yes’ and gives you more. It's got no perspective in the way that human beings have. It has no perception of positive or negative. You can't have light without the dark. You can't have the good without the bad. You can't have abundance without lack, because you can't experience one without the other.
We humans make so many decisions and choices based on comparison, without even realizing it. You're constantly comparing every minute of the day. I like this, I don't like that. I want this, I don't want that. I like what they've got, I don't like what I've got. It's always comparison, comparison, comparison. Not in a comparison-itis way, it's just how we get feedback so that we know what we need to do.
But you just cannot experience one thing without experiencing its opposite. If you don't know what lack feels like, you will not be able to experience abundance. If you live in abundance constantly, you won't know you are in abundance, because you don't know what lack feels like.
Many of my clients are fascinated by metaphysics - all things manifesting, the law of attraction, and high vibrational living. But, they don't allow themselves to feel the negative possibilities. They resist what they perceive and label as wrong. They don't allow themselves to go through an experience of what they perceive as negative because then they think they're going to manifest something bad! But, what we resist persists - that's probably another universal law. Human beings are designed to live a full range of life experiences That's why we're governed by the law of polarity because we are here to experience the whole spectrum of possibility!
This is what your soul wanted when it decided it was going to incarnate as a human being. It came here to enjoy the full experience of being human, the negative and the positive. If you resist the negative, it leaks out inappropriately anyway, so give yourself permission to live the full human experience. When you allow the socalled negative feelings that invariably show up, that's how we gain self-knowledge. When you allow them to move through you without judgement and without making it wrong about yourself, you'll acquire self-knowledge so much quicker, and you'll be free to experience the next juicy thing that will invariably have a positive and a negative spectrum too because we're governed by the law of polarity.
When you refuse the ‘got tos’, ‘have tos’, ‘should do’, and ‘must dos’, younaturally realign, and the sacrifice and resentment fall away as abyproduct.
That's not going to happen overnight. If your experience is currently full of obligation, sacrifice, guilt and resentment, otherwise known in in my world as the not-so-fab four, it may well take you a good couple of vibrational shifts to clear them out completely. They're still going to come back because you are human. Again, don't judge it, experience it, and let it move through you, just be a witness, keep an eye on what’s happening for you and get it out of your experience as soon as you are aware of it so that it can’t affect your money!
Remember the law of polarity, everything has its opposite. Sacrifice is allthe 'I can'ts' you may have in your life. I can't do this because I've got todo that; it's the disempowered energy.
If you’re choosing something that is actually you behaving in sacrifice energy, you must stop choosing that way of being and doing! Instead, choose empowerment - the opposite of the disempowered energy, and the I can't. You can't create anything powerful from there; instead, you want to do something that's going to feel like empowerment. If you're in sacrifice and you need to do something new, choose something that's empowering, ideally, in a way that matches your target energy - the underlying quality that resonates with your preferred situation. You can only create what you desire from the vibration that is resonant with the gorgeous outcome you want to experience!
Again, resentment is a very contracted energy, it sucks the life force out of you. When you feel contracted, because you're in resentment, that's exactly what you are creating. You're contracting all of your channels to receive. Remember the law of circulation. If you are in resentment, you can't receive because you've contracted all your channels down, including the channel that money comes through. The energy that you want to choose instead of resentment, is expansion.
It's expansive. That's the opposite end of that spectrum. Resentment is contracting. You need to choose something that's expansive instead. You can literally feel it. You can just feel it. Ideally you want to go and do something that matches your target energy that will feel expansive to you. That's how you bring it all together. Pretty cool. I think it's pretty cool.
You want to break through to the next level of income, you can feel it, you can taste it, you know it is right there. It’s within touching distance but you can’t seem to get your hands on it, no matter what you do.
You’re spending a lot of time doing things that warrant little return and don’t create actual results. It feels like 200 steps forward and 300 steps back. That tipping point continues to illude you, somehow.
And I know you’re doing all of the things that you’ve been told to do in your business, the proven steps you need to take to build your business. But let me ask you, how is that working out for you so far?
Perhaps you know that something is missing, but you can’t put your finger on it. You know you want to make an impact in the world – a global impact. You know you want financial freedom and not just a bank account that looks like a mobile phone number, but money you can actually use because you have the time freedom to use it!